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Jonah's baking edition.

QOTT: Can you bake?

Bonus Question: Do you like cooking generally?


OLD bread:
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>QOTT: Can you bake?
picrel, some pecan/pumpkin spice cookies I made
>Bonus Question: Do you like cooking generally?
only if it's for my bf, otherwise it's a chore
these look so fucking good holy shit
it's mind blowing to me how you guys always say the dumbest shit without taking 3 seconds to think of whether it actually makes sense or not
I don't bake and I don't enjoy eating baked goods but I do cook experimental stuff sometimes. Half the time it turns out very good, the other half inedible. Such is life.
What do you cook anon? I am a sucker for boiling things, I know it reduces flavour....
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you have 8.2/10 eyes, these are not the problem, complain about something else
had a dream about him. wet my boxers.
was mostly a tongue in cheek shitpost, i should've really made it more obvious. in general im quite happy about my eyes but thank you anon, that is very kind of you
This PXLschizo levels of bad cooking
Why don't you quote some examples bitch? That's what I thought
This anon pees his bed
This tripfag likes tounge in his cheek
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I want to bake jonah's ass with my dick and add love via hugging and kissing.
i wouldn't be complaining that's for sure
there's just something so pure and so perfect about 2 men in erotic love
maybe we can just bake cookies instead anon and maybe be adventurous and make brookie bars
Ehm, romantic love.
I mean ya we can make some cookies buuuut at
minimum your getting kissed for being a qt baker. If only you didn't live in britland le sigh.
>not a virgin
>br*tish on top of that
sex and romance are synonymous and inseperable, or at least they should be
that i'd definitely enjoy. i'm never moving away from britfag land though just because the nature here is glorious, especially the scottish highlands
I wonder if he browses these threads smoking his carts
don't call me bitch, bud
Then don't act like a bitch?
finally unlocked my first post-loop crown!!!!! golden wrench carried me all the way to the crib where i grabbed a lightning hammer and ultra shovel.
editing this dumb video takes FOREVER! im so fed up with it... wish it was done already
Is that actually a picture of jonah in the OP or is that someone else?
whoever it is seems cool but nope! not me, sorry anon.
i liked it when you played with humble mee;
it's rather lonely in the verserie.
>QOTT: Can you bake?
Not really. Although I'm in college and don't have an oven, just a stove, so I can't bake even if I wanted to.
>Bonus Question: Do you like cooking generally?
I do but I rarely cook because I hate having to clean up afterwards. I could cook something and I'd enjoy it but I'd have to clean the dishes, the knives, the cutting board, etc, and I'm too lazy for that, so I mostly live on sandwiches and canned tuna.
Was just wondering cause OP's pic is crossdressing and I don't remember the boy jonah ever talking about crossdressing
smd fag
yeah it's not for me really. respect people who do it, just not something i find enjoyable honestly.
those look chewy and tasty. i get the sense youve never cooked anything, possibly never even lived with anyone who cooked, and thus you think something has to look like an instagram photo to taste good.
put a lil vaseline on the inside. feels weird but stops it quick. if id known this trick in school i couldve avoided quite a lot of annoyance.
you put it in while its bleeding?
making a custom music mod for nuclear throne. feel free to give suggestions (all the custom music has to be from a video game)
i have a lot of suggestions
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my friend just had a meltdown over loot worth 2 silver because the party loot was set to ffa
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i'm all ears
i replaced lil hunter's theme with the noise's boss theme cus he's a lil fucker
oh yeah all the 10x songs are secret level themes. they're all from pizza tower lole. b themes play when you're on low hp/ammo/xp. afaik 1b only plays on loops (and hard mode with melting)
Can I request 3ds to play a song on his ocarina?
Why do you respect trannies?
Do you think there exist a human that never seen a cooked meal irl?
yeah. just get a little vaseline on your finger and stick it up there like youre picking your nose. feels weird as i said but stops the bleeding in a minute or so for me, plus protects the inside from drying out and lets it heal. i used to get a big bleeder every few weeks in school and i only learned this trick last year.
crossdressing is NOT the same thing as cutting your dick off, retard. and yeah apparently you have never seen someone make cookies in person.
yes but it has to be from a video game and an easy scale for ocarina
i could also transpose it but that's a bit harder
who is jonah?
A boyish boy boy?
ogey. ive always been told to use a little vaseline but never to stop a bleeding in progress
Have sex with your sister's bf in a threesome
no, i want them to leave. also theyre yucky and old(no offense to old people theyre just the busted kind of old)
who said i respect trannies? i don't like trannies, but crossdressing isn't pumping yourself up with hormones, cutting off your dick and acting like an absolute retard in public. majority of the time it's behind closed doors and should stay that way unless in strictly adult spaces.
idk hes some weird faggot on here
men can dress however they like pig!!! of course one should tuck if wearing a skirt or a dress. but its not some dirty thing. making it one only empowers trooners.
is 1/3 captchas breaking for anyone else? what did they do
The tranny assassination of femboys and twinks needs to stop
Trannies are cuter than both
I never said men can't dress how they want? I just think Trannies are gross and crossdressing, even though not wrong should be kept behind closed doors considering it is mostly a sexual thing as to why men do it? You sound like a retard
Delusional porn rotted brain
so are you going to request the song
wearing clothes is sexual for me regardless of who theyre "supposed" to be for. thats part of the whole "original sin" thing if you werent aware. hiding the genitals is fundamentally a sexual act.
this poster wants to rape kids
I've made cookies a couple of times but it never felt worth the effort. Cakes are different but I guess a big difference is that supermarket cakes are shit whereas supermarket cookies are pretty acceptable.

Also I made a stirfry a couple of days ago with that asian thing where they coat beef in cornstarch amongst other things. That was pretty good.
maybe you missed where i called for swift death to groomers and pill pushers. sex-based stereotypes and restrictions create the window through which trooners enter.
No you're just shit at cooking I'm afraid. Maybe that's why you got haxord
>it's not me who wants to rape kids it's the evil trannies! please look at them and ignore me. yes i know we sound the same but it's because they've twisted my kid raping ideas. just let me rape those kids okay? i'm the good kind
>wearing clothes is sexual for me
>hiding the genitals is fundamentally a sexual act
nice bait nonny. i giggled
im not sure where you got this rape thing from. trooners have literally made it part of *accepted medical practice* in the united states of america to castrate children for nonconformity with sex-based stereotypes. i'm sorry if men in dresses make you uncomfortable but its not in the same universe.
factually true on both counts. have you not read the book of genesis?
men in dresses is funny tho
if wearing clothes is sexual why come taking off clothes is when you get the boner
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there was a deep sale on salted butter at the grocery store, which is obviously a sign that i should bake something. what would you like?
if the clothes didnt exist then you wouldnt feel anything about someone being naked. duh?
then how did people have sex before clothes
Oh, he's religious, no wonder he's so deranged.
where are you getting that lol? obviously there was some point at which clothes were invented, considering animals dont wear them. before that people went naked. obviously if everyone is naked then being naked doesnt mean anything. its the act of covering nakedness some of the time that makes nakedness mean anything.
This would be KINO
leave me alone, interacting with you is gross and unpleasant
there are people where when you talk to them it builds you up (good people)
you are a shitposting troll, so that's not you
replying thus is something you doth choose:
if i am shit, you like to touch the doo-doo.
stop telling me what I like and don't like
I know you're an arrogant jackass who thinks they know everything but that's presumptive
in the same vein I have no idea who you actually are or what you're like so I don't know if you're "shit" but you sure are acting like you are
nta but I do think you're a shitty person
yeah? based off what? fuck you
Your dead mom
sorry someone had to say it, and I'm honestly really glad the other anon for whatever reason decided to be the first one to break it to you so I can come in and back him up with a second voice just because I know you're the kind of dickhead to think "yeah that's just one guy I'm not actually a dickhead" hopefully there being two seperate complaints might make you sit down and think about your behavior and attitude towards people
i but infer you liketh what you do:
or do you think i am compelling you?
Storyanon please start a chicken farm with me. We can sell chicken and shit. Don't be a chicken shit. Et unum plez.
behavior and attitude towards people? here? are you fucking joking? yeah, you are
this is the same tired rhetoric from you
this is a troll thread full of troll fucks like you
I don't interact with people... behavior and attitude towards who? you? you're a shitposting fuck who gets off on being inflammatory. doesn't really qualify as a person
what about your behavior? sitting there and lecturing me like anything you say is valuable in any way, like you think it is, because you're so god damn full of yourself
bitch you don't know shit, fuck you
god shut up
you're so much more moronic than you think you are
>Tfw no bf to start a balcony chicken farm with
my bad I was trying to give shit to the other faggot but the two of you faggots type so similarly sometimes it's a pain in the ass to differentiate
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What's the best baked good? My choice is apple pie with a slightly salted crust
i have explained my silly little game:
and yet you keep on playing all the same.
Chickens are assholes but they deserve better than that
It's a joke, newfriend.
no, you don't have a silly little game
there are people here who have done what you're trying to do to me, but for real
you're amateur, you don't come anywhere near that
and the fact that you want to is concerning, because it takes a special type of sociopath to do that (a quality that won't get you far in real life)
it's not something to look up to
and beating up on someone who you know has an ingrained neurological, psychological, developmental, whatever, defect that makes them tard rage whenever you poke them, especially in the rare moments when they're really trying not to do that, doesn't reflect well on you
you're like your poetry, all style no substance. and in this case, that's a good thing, for you, so don't be upset about it.
the silly little game is that he's a bored neet desperate for drama to spice up his life, moreso his lack of a life
i dont know, but it has maple and pecan
So many worthless ants itt
i'm practicing my verse for free - and please,
you're not retarded, but the same as mee.
colony of ants and you don't seem to belong with us !
I am once again asking for a r9gay gf with XXL breasts
Whose the queen ant?
no, sorry
You have never asked this before, dishonest liar!
there's no queen nor order in a colony of bitter loners
bitter because they're lonely and lonely because they're bitter
I'm not bitter, I'm flavorless. Like a big bag of plain popcorn.
at least popcorn provides mediocre entertainment for an extended period of time, robots are more akin to emotional blackholes
this summarized it well
>lonely because they are bitter
>bitter because they are lonely
We're breaching new ground on the island of arcane knowledge here.
oh, i was having fun already: luck
indeed, to play without a ball or puck.
>Can you bake?
No that's why I'll die alone, no good traits or skills.
Plain popcorn (unsalted & unsweetened) isn't entertaining in any way though
double thumbs up emoji
it's meant to keep your hands and mouth busy (and stimulated) with a little boost of dopamine while you watch something, like videogames requiring technically unnecessary inputs just to keep up you from zoning out and getting bored
Learning stuff is mostly just time investment. If you stick a huge amount of time into it you'll eventually learn. Every failure can be a lesson learnt.
Do you actually eat plain popcorn? I thought everyone at least gave it some kind of flavor.
I seriously can't movies that take hours to get going. Stop wasting my time retard.
I want an emotional blackhole bf to heal with
too many pitfalls to navigate for it to be realistic but it would be nice to come out the other side as different people
I don't really eat popcorn at all but it's only natural due to my superhuman taste in films and movies in which I never feel understimulated as my mind is constantly racing and thinking and theorizing about the plot
That's good anon. I am proud to be in the company a genius too smart for popcorn.
born with having no patience, ffs im a genetic monstrosity
He had 3 jobs at the same time, they call him the jersey devil
alas, that even here, blessedly
ascii, you have to speak pictorially.
there is no healing nor dating a blackhole, these people tend to live NEET lives completely free from any possible struggle while consuming infinite internet entertainment all day, there is nothing you can provide to entertain them or incite any other reaction

the constant unending consumption has devolved their emotional state into a complete vegetative state, nothing hurts nor pleases nor excites these people, whatever comes in is simply absorbed and nothing ever gets back out
yes you already know I'm incredibly easy to provoke and I can't let go of conflict
that's also why you shouldn't be particularly proud of it when you do provoke me because it's incredibly easy and takes 0 skill
I shit and I fart
In doing so I create art
This thread
I didn't know there were other people like that
Why do you think you're the only one asshole? You start shit here not the other way around. So everytime I respond it's because of you. Fuck you! Retarded tranny. Die man hater!
I had the misfortune of trying to interact with one of them for a while and it was by far not pleasant, whenever I was being nice he'd immediately treat it as if it's for granted and boring yet whenever I was being mean he'd be defensive and try to "get back on the good side"
sounds based and snuggly
my ideal partner is someone I can lie in bed and sleep all day with
I must've had a different idea of a blackhole
BPD whore BPD whore BPD tranny whore haha
okay sorry anon I promise to change and be nice
there, happy?
Actually now that I think about it I was already pretty boring before isolating myself, so the causality's flipped there
define boring give me a qrd of your life up until this exact day
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oh, who's assuming now? i am not proud;
just bored, 'cause i ain't got a bit of loud.
not my problem, piss off
i called the psych guy. he said i should try opening up to other people. he definitely sees me as nothing more than a client.
i don't think i'll go there anymore unless i have a real emergency.
It was worth a shot though, and if he let you down nicely you didn't really lose anything other than hope.
>tfw no furry femboy fox bf
When jonah will get blacked?
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My crush with that one guy didn't work out he got a bf confirmed it now after being silent for a few weeks. We were flirting daily too. It's so over
he said i can come whenever but i still have to go through all the mental health screenings. i hate doing that. i'm not going to go through that just to talk to a guy who only talks to me because that's his job.

he said he "has a life" outside work which i can only imagine to mean he has real friends (and maybe even a partner) and there isn't any space left for someone like me.
it's no one's problem but my own, of course,
and yet you make yourself my hobby-horse.
shut up
oh I know how you'll reply to that
that's funny, and it's gonna say more about you than you think
best i could do
Yeah he's definitely just nice and not actually interested. Chances of finding a boyfriend in the wild is pretty slim.
>Chances of finding a boyfriend in the wild is pretty slim.
can't go outside cus it's hurricane seasons and there are 0 indoor places with air conditioning where i can just hang out for free

except maybe libraries. but i can't play ocarina in the library.
as easily i could, as you could too:
how is it that you curse what you too do?
and it's not open on sunday
and i can't ride my bike there cus then i get all sweaty and i can't afford a raincoat or the bus
literally every single one of my problem could be solved overnight if i had money
i could make friends easily and they'd like me and i wouldn't hate myself anymore
I just told you I can't let go of conflict
speaking of horses, you're beating a dead one
now butter, sugar, salt, mixeth i mee,
til it is fluffed well and thickly creamed.
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That's called an boyfriend. Where's my boyfriend?
horse piss, dorse piss, i care not, gorgeous one,
i'll haply talk until the talking's done.
same, I could move out, buy drugs, and nuke my brain back into that state it needs to be in to be happy
has nothing to do with making friends though, people only complicate things
This inane bullshit going on in the background reminds me of that one Adult Swim show with the birdbeaked guy
same desu x
true i tend to hate most people but there are very few i actually like being around but they don't seem to like me back.
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you have a really nice voice ocarina boy >.<
then get a job dumbass
then I will say, aggressively, "prithee,
why then wast thou so fricking mad at mee?"
shit bait
>but I still got you to post durr
yeah do we have to go over this again
people are okay at a distance to me but yeah
I've never had that match up either
I don't really even know how to interact with most people, honestly
weed schnersey anon i didn't mean to ghost you but didn't know what to talk to you about since all we know is you like smoggen da devils lettuce.
i was looking for a clip from the evil bong movie to share with you but it has been a while since i've seen it so didn't know a particular funny scene to look for and this is the best one i've found.
maybe i'll rewatch it this spooky season so i can watch the sequel on 4/20.
you're close enough that i could visit but still too far for me to do so on a whim i'd have to know that we at least have some things in common but i understand if you'd rather focus on talking to someone willing to come see you sooner. but what are interested in besides smoggen? do you have a favorite movie? and if your favorite isn't a horror do you like any horror movies? what about anime?
as tango taketh two, so this takes you
and mee, to butt our heads so goatishly.
okay I'm running out of steam there's a high chance you'll get the last word
ok but this actually is one of the many many things i hate about the garden of eden story. i get it's supposed to be symbolic nudity is innocence needing to cover up shows they've lost their innocence and now feel shame. but taken literally it implies nudity is sinful despite the fact they were doing it in the garden meaning they were sinning in the garden they just didn't know they were.
what do you think i'm trying to do
i almost cried during that phone call earlier lol. talking to people is hard.
erm what the sigma
>what do you think i'm trying to do
but you're not handsome you're cute
never. ever. ever
i'll keep looking for him and hope that we find him
he is very cute, what movie/show is he from is it any good?
humblebragging nigger >.>
You're built to be a bottom and everyone recognizes it
What if a girl offered to take your virginity because she fetishizes gay men? Would you accept? What would you say?
going on a date in 20 minutes. what do i need to know?
I would say no, duh.
depends on the girll
brutal, i figured it would be rejection but didn't think he'd let you down that hard but it was a spur of the moment thing so not much time for tact. still sux and i know it doesn't mean much from a stranger on the internet but still i hope you don't let it get you down.
>tfw horny but know I would regret fapping
no, gross and i would stop being friends with her unless i was certain it was just a joke.
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>tfw day 136 without feeling the warm embrace of bunnymutts pee pee
i hope it does get him down and then we get to read the same posts about it over and over for another year
i wonder what bunnymutt thinks of his simp from (shota) heaven i don't remember him ever pee posting but he may have once definitly not enough to warrant 136 days of yearning tho. i don't know if he even thinks of us at all he's probably to busy kissing and hugging cute boys up there.
>tfw bunnymutt will never pee on you because you're not a shota
I hope it doesn't cause he's still young and doesn't recognize his own value and he needs to be lifted up so he can
and then in turn when he's older he can be someone who lifts up others too
nope. he will have to try again next life
you're just salty because you didn't have the courage to try to ask out at least three boys this year (that i remember). he is an inspiration. i don't have the courage yet either (tho i live in the middle of nowhere and irl boys are annoying) but one day i hope to.
he's on his date now, i can't wait to hear about it even though no one gave him advice unless someone managed to telepathically
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smoking a Cig on my windowsil. Listening to bright eyes.. Life is Peaceful. i shall go to sleep soon after a nice successful semi disconnected weekend from the Net and be ready for the week at uni ahead of me
(I was Barely online Friday-Saturday)
Why does /britfeel/ have more fag stuff getting posted there than here? They constantly have posts about trannies and BBC
that just indicates pornulators.
dropped for mentioning ghosting. exhausting

kidding. my favorite movie is uhh idk, maybe spartacus from the 60s. i like kirk douglas in it a lot anyway. my favorite movies i watched this year are white heat and barry lyndon. a movie that i like that everyone ive ever known has hated is national lampoon's the stoned age. i also used to say that about alexander (3004) (blu-ray) but i saw an anon here say he liked it a week or so ago kek. other than that i reads books and ive also started watching the jets because aaron rodgers is funny. i also like taking photographs with film cameras but i'm rather behind on getting anything developed.
it's gay!
and european!
it's gay!
and european!
and european!
I hope not
Advice from here would turn him into 3ds
>trannies and bbc
>white boys craving BBC and turning themselves into sissy trans girls built for BBC
>not gay
guy + girl
where is the gay?
sissy white boy + getting his asshole gaped by a fat hairy musky veiny succulent BBC
where is it not gay?
shoot the groomer
that's porn
BBC isnt hairy
biked to park i haven't been to today. saw a really handsome guy fishing by himself. i played my ocarina within earshot of him but he didn't say anything. hoping i'll see him again next sunday, or some other day. really proud of how many songs i know. i need to practice unexpectancy 3 more.
too be fair he's much older than me and doesn't have much free time for leisure and isn't much of a gamer either. i hate that word.
gee thanks
and how would you know that it's not hairy?
ive seen thousands of them
WHAT? wait are you the same NT anon that has been posting here for years? how the fuck did it take you that long to get a loop crown? how are you that bad at the game?
i started playing last month
do you want to play with me. i play the mobile version and it's free and you can use a gamepad.
so even /r9gay/ has sissy white boys lusting over the BBC?
Oh, understandable
We had a "Nuclear Throne anon" here around 2 years ago, I though you were him, sorry
not really
i just had a phase in 2017
how many black men did you have sex with in 2017?
i was underage in 2017
i know this one hispanic twink got blacked 30 some odd times in a gay nightclub in miami
so you're saying you looked at thousands of black dicks in 2017 when you were a minor?
Dressing as White Obama this halloween
do you really want to know? it went okay i think
i flour it, and add my raisins in:
as i'm reducing, baking this is sin.
>cincinnati bingles
what would you guys say is the general color of your wardrobes? do you tend to wear darker colors or prefer to wear lighter, more vibrant colors, maybe a mix. i like wearing earthy tones a lot
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burnt what i was baking, but i got these from the store because i still wanted a snack. how pathetic is that? at this rate i'm going to be a straight up fatty by next year. maybe if i put them in a bowl, anons who don't read paragraphs will think i made them.
those look nice. did you buy them yourself?
Do you want me to bake for you?
I only wear black
not really on purpose, it's just what I do
makes finding particular pieces of clothing pretty difficult, lol
i just buy whatever is cheapest and looks cute on me
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oh fuck...skull cookie...this is bad...

i did actually bake these https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/butter-cookies-with-raisins-5316 haahaha i tricked you all
That's cool. We should bake together sometime.
Would you be interested if I posted food pictures too?
i dont want to run your life, maaan...if its not organic then its like, wack.
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I made this burger
i want to stick my cock in this burger and ejaculate into it and watch you eat it. maybe or maybe not in that particular order.
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I made this curry
Do you want to be my boyfriend then?
looks tasty if a little rustic.
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I made this smoothie
That looks like a shit I took earlier but I'd still eat it
why does me saying that make you want to ask me that
erm why is your poop white go see a doctor
looks tasty, but...why is it in a mug? also, why does that mug say cola? both cola and smoothies typically merit clear containers.
i will put any fluid in any container and you can't FUCKING tell me what to do
Because I use mug
if you get caught with a boner in public, try hiding it inside a twink
no cap, I don't think I've ever gotten a boner in public
I have to intentionally arouse myself to get hard
do people really pop one when they see someone who's hot or something?
is this a parody of how zoomers all seem to have broken dicks? ive fapped pretty hard for nearly two decades, and if i'm just sitting somewhere i get hard.
is anyone ready to join me in the parallel universe yet?
hell no
I've been to mine and it sucks ass
if yours is good maintain that shit
I think it's more important than is usually known
Are we friends now?
no, I'm being serious and I'm a boomer
maybe being outside is usually so overwhelming it makes me shrink or something? idk
I get them randomly in the house and when I wake up in the morning but not anywhere else
we were friends before we were born. like thomas traherne says, "as weightless particles in void swirled wee, / unmet, unsphered, til birth took me from thee."
Do you want to cook with me?
well anyone whos feeling disturbed is welcome to try mine. the quantum jump procedure is really easy, you just spike your phone like a football and howl like a woken ghoul.
i barely have enough stomach space to cook as much as id like for myself. so sure, but youll have to eat for one and two thirds.
I really wish I could do that, but I need my phone to get into my school login
An extension of that is that I want to do the same to my computer too
But same thing, plus more
I'm tempted though not gonna lie
i mean i dont get them while walking very often. the blood is busy elsewhere. but if im sitting in my car or something, i get them plenty. used to get them a lot sitting in class. in my mind i spent about half of college rigid but that probably isnt true. you dont really have situations where youre sitting in public bored post college. well i bet if i had a desk job i would get them.
Ok I will think about you
god thank god i finished school before they started gatekeeping it all behind shit like that.

im really surprised that no one has started claiming "screenphobia" just to cause problems. like, its a real thing too, but im surprised it isnt even used by bullshitters. seems like a really obvious way to throw wrenches in things. theyd probably just give you As rather than bother making paper assignments for you.
aaack i can feel it! your brain is really powerful. please be gentle in my dreams.
if any of you looks like kirk douglas or adam west, please contact me urgently. i need to feel your chest.
I look like the stepmother from snow white in her bad form
based, i love apples and naps.
I really love naps but apples are just okay
if I had a poison fruit it'd be like, a pineapple
because I think it'd be funny
are you sure you've actually had an apple? if it's not a Fuji apple, it's not technically an apple. in MY book ,anyway.
yeah my mom gets these weird mutant apples from a local farm somewhere
unwaxed, not spherical
they're very good, way better than commercial apples, but they're not my favorite thing
although that's an incorrectly inverted perspective, the spherical ones are the mutants I guess, maybe
highly doubt it. Fuji apples are so far superior to every other apple, there isn't even a contest. maybe a farm-fresh Fuji beats a grocery-store Fuji, but a grocery-store Fuji beats everything else, and yes, i've picked my own of all the other kinds. i would be curious to try a russet apple, the most popular kind in victorian times, but they hardly exist in the present day.
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It makes me feel a bit old at times, but there really is no better feeling than money in the bank. You just watch it grow day by day and sip your coffee. It actually gets even sweeter once you have enough to retire on, because all working is voluntary at that point. Ahh.
handme-downs all of it shoes shirts pants jackets everything...
very relatable but you mean a wad of cash? a shit ton? an ass ton? a fuck ton? how much tonnage? or are we going by imperial loads? a shit load? an ass load? a fuck load?
rip you will recover in time
would not summer be far worse for you? what makes autumn so special?
this works wondees
anyone else feel like a fish in a bowl when going out in public? all eyes bearing down on you and your imperfections? or wonder if they look at you and perceive you as some kind of homo retard?
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>fuji apples are superior to any other apple
not even close
i dont know why summer doesnt do so much, but im pretty sure its the switch from hot to cold in autumn that does this to me. i dont get them too often outside of autumn. i still get them year round though
i am related to a bleeder. he had constantly a bunch of tissue paper in his nose. maybe you need a humidifier? and also that anon who said something about the vaseline was correct, if that anon was you then i apologize. if you live in cold/hot dry climate try looking into those neat little humidifiers and maybe that will help.
that wasnt me :D i will look into a humidifier, but im not sure how much i need it. okay, waiting for my next nose bleed to try the vaseline
Good luck anon! try investigating first before spending on a device. the only reasons i figure that might be it is because i used to have a wet brick in my face when working outside. apparently the hot brick when wet makes humidity when you inhale through it. weird life hack when working outside.
of course i would not randomly shove a wet brick in my face. i had to have a nose bleed before.
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the best apple is honeycrisp. they taste just like apple juice but as an actual apple you can bite into, what more could you want?
thanks. i think i my brother has one ill try to steal it from him for a test week
i wasnt sure if you mean a building brick or if that was something else before this part. it is a building brick, right?
oh come on that's not enough! what did you wear, what did he wear? what did you do? did your hand brush against his?
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strangelove, that's how my love goes
uggh think i scratched the corner of my eye somehow
>tfw no British bf
>tfw no pale British bf with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes
goodnight bump of survival
Actually 2spoopy4me.
>tfw ywn be a NEET househusband
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Why is Kai a
asakura getting a title shot in his first ufc fight AND at a weightclass he doesn't usually compete in? What a joke. It's not like they were much more accomplished champions from other organizations that had to work their way up. Might as well give Artem Vakhitov a title shot as well since they can actually market his fight with Pereira and it would be close and fun. They already let rountree fight for the title not like they care about meritocracy anymore it seems . It was never this bad...
>ywn rub the tired soles of your wagie bf after a long day of work
Maybe, depends on the girl and relationship/friendship, as in if it was a random girl who I didn't really know then nah.
I probably will die a virgin and never experience sex, so rejecting that when I have the opportunity feels sort of wrong.
Plus I am curious what straight sex is like and how it feels, even if I am not that interested in having it.
>bf's been at his sister's since Friday (for Thanksgiving)
>I've had to work the whole time
>he's not getting back until late today
I know I have abandonment issues but holy fuck it feels like I haven't seen him in forever :( I just wanna bury my head in his chest and snuggle...
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I have a bunch of colours like white, black, green, blue, orange, red, pink... Etc.
Although for pants I mostly wear grey or black ones.
I mean I used to get random boners in high school occasionally, but that was many many moons ago and I don't remember last time I got a boner in public since then.
Yeah every time I go outside I feel stared and looked at but I know it's not really happening but my brain does not listen to logic.
What is the average age of robots on /r9gay/?
can't speak for anyone else but I'm 31
>inb4 bro you're old lol
let's be honest - where else would I go?
I see, do you have any oldfag wisdoms/tales?
unironically just bee urself
even if your life goes to shit (or never took off in the first place), at least you'll be able to live with yourself
Run over any biscum you'll come across on your journey.
dudes will literally approach psych ward workers after suicide attempts and then complain about how it's hard to find a boyfriend

like yeah if I was a guy working at a psych ward I'd definitely be interested in dating one of the loonies
okay but last time I was in the psych ward I did hook up with one of the security guys
A nigger wanted to make me suck his dick and was constantly flirting with me in the ward. Fuck him he was midget. Told him to fuck right off.
yeah I mean you can always find someone willing to stoop low enough if you're that fucking desperate, how about you get your shit together instead and maybe you'll date someone that's not a predatory scumbag who's actually interested in you
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Wait you niggas actually tried killing yourselves without any cool artistic intent? Ngmi.
"tried" being the keyword
like damn if you've had multiple suicide "attempts" followed by being admitted to a psych ward maybe it's about time you sit down for a minute and be honest with yourself about what the fuck you're even trying to do and devise some logical plans no? clearly you're not actually interested in killing yourself and "attempting" suicide clearly doesn't seem to be granting you the free results that you thought a cry for help would

what are you gonna do exactly? keep "attempting" until some magical fairy shows up and fixes your life and spawns you a free boyfriend??
>why doesn't the mentally ill gay man who's been to the psych ward multiple times simply get his life together?
be for real
well maybe you should just end it for real then instead of wasting people's time and resources with your cheap attention grabbing suicide "attempts"

it's just pathetic to make "being a depressed lazy faggot" your entire personality, no one and absolutely NO ONE other than yourself is capable of fixing your shit
>Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps bro
Kek, always the people talking about how ""good"" they are that are the most unempathetic and aggressive
>it's just pathetic to make "being a depressed lazy faggot" your entire personality
do...do you think people just wake up one day and decide to no longer have any zest for life or living? you think the people having mental breakdowns over the mildest shit, alone in their rooms, are attention-seeking?
c'mon man, some people are just broken - and most don't have the resources (or energy, money, etc) to do anything about it
>He cant comprehend someone doing something for themselves other than attention
This nigga for real. I only got it together after a few years my man.
oh fuck off

grown ass adult men shouldn't be "attempting suicide" like they're 15 year old teenagers who don't actually understand what life is

you're a grown ass man dude nigga, you're over the age of 18 bitch, you take a fucking seat over there in your room and be like "okay what exactly is the problem here" and take a moment to fucking idk, "how do I fix that?"

it's just embarrassing to hear about suicide "attempts" like oh yeah, you "overdosed" on ibuprofen while letting everyone around you know that you're "about to die"? lol, YOU get real nigga, you stupid ass bumfuck faggot, like how do you wake up from such an act of mental retardation knowing you stirred up all that stupid drama still knowing it wouldn't even kill you?

do you not have the slightest bit of self consciousness? doesn't your mind go like "well I kinda knew that wouldn't kill me and it surely didn't fix my life, maybe I should try something more logical next time instead of emotionally shitting myself in front of everyone"
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>be depressed, suicidal loser with no friends, lover, or prospects
>have a breakdown and attempt suicide alone at 2am, now you're hospitalized then admitted to the psych ward
>only tell strangers on 4chan (which you're still embarrassed about doing)
>genuinely see no hope for the future, no light at the end of the tunnel, can't imagine a world where you're in it
>tired physically and mentally, no supports, nowhere to turn to
>"yOu'Re aTtEnTiOn-SeEkInG!"
Once again your talking about pulling up your bootstraps like everything is in your control.
Just accept some thing are out of your control, some people are born into objectively shit circumstances they have no chance of escaping except suicide.
And if youre a normalfag with good life circumstance why are you here?
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>leddit spacing
>"dude", "my nigga"
>incapable of empathizing with others feelings of hopelessness, grief, and sorrow
>on /r9k/
Your attempts to anger me are futile, for I know what you are.
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>attempt suicide alone at 2 am
>the lord emits a signal to 911 so they can admit you to a psych ward
>no one believes you when you say you weren't seeking attention
>Once again your talking about pulling up your bootstraps like everything is in your control.
no honestly not at all I'm just saying if you're gonna do a flip then do a fucking flip instead of wallowing in cringeworthy shoeside attempts, or just stop being a pathetic little bitch milking people's attention and sympathy and man the fuck up and go do some shit that's actually gonna help get your shit together

only on r9gag of all fucking places would people justify stupid retarded actions done with the intent of getting attention, you morons would 100% groom a self harmer and be like "yeah I'm helping him"
>Be suicidal
>Cant tell anyone about it or get gaslit and hospitalized
>The only options available to you are brutal ones, chose the least brutal one
Lmao, go fuck yourself faggot.
everyone involved in this conversation fucking sucks and now that I've involved myself I fucking suck too, look at what you've done to me
woah dude you spent x amount of days locked up in a facility where people care for all your basic needs and make sure you don't """attempt""" suicide again, god how fucking brutal poor you

you faggots are so fucking bitchmade holy shit, 90% of r9gay must be bottom sissies or subtops or something
Arguing with the lowercase redditspacing cynic is a pure waste of time.
yeah I think you should kill yourself as well if you think it's more efficient to write multi sentence replies without spacing them for the sake of easier reading

muh speshul snowfuck 4chin faggot
>Getting locked up with insane people because you cant cope with existence is the same as a paid vacation
Also, you can be forcibly admitted and then fined a ridiculous amount, its nothing like a "free" vacation, just shut the fuck up faggot, you dont know what your talking about.
oh no, I'm gonna
I'm gonna
multispace without reddit spacing oh GUAAHHH
Its going to turn out like the last thread.
>you can be forcibly admitted and then fined a ridiculous amount, its nothing like a "free" vacation
absolutely fucking deserved faggot, they should put a collar on you "suicidal" faggots and drag you on hot burning 110* asphalt every single time you "attempt" and maybe that physical pain will force your dog brain to come up with logical solutions next time
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looking for a reason to live?
how about bbq night~
And why you care what people decide to do for themselves? You seem incredibly retarded.
because it's fucking pathetic and embarrassing to witness, the only people that "empathize" with you are just the 1% other fellow "suicidal" faggots like the retarded bunch here, no one in their right mind hears about a suicide "attempt" and thinks "wow poor guy I hope someone starts dating him so he can fix his life" people just straight up assume that you're either mentally ill, or an attention whore, or a mentally ill attention whore
can you actually eat all that in one sitting?
>people just straight up assume that you're either mentally ill...
and they would be correct in that assumption lmao
>one (1) corn
>one (1) potato
how anorexic do you have to be to think that's a lot of food??
>because it's fucking pathetic and embarrassing to witness
Most dont tell anyone what their going through because of normalfaggots such as yourself who will try to get them hospitalized for not thinking this game is worth it, you just want other people to suffer with you in this wagieslave existence and drag them down with you.
Whether or not someone wants to off themselves is none of your business, get over it you pathetic faggot.
Yummy <3

Cute legs you got there anon, can I see some more? ^_^

He probably can't I can do tripple that in one sitting.
where's the MEAT
yeah I'm the one dragging people down by telling him to get real and fix his shit or just actually straight up kill himself

you? you guys are the really helpful ones feeding into his low effort attention whoring that won't fix anything ever
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oh it's there, don't you worry
Youre not helping anyone, your flailing your arms like an autistic faggot. Literally NO ONE was even talking about it, please leave the thread you eyesore.
I'm nearly 200 pounds and eat like 6-8k cals a day it just looks like way too much for a skinny ass twink to eat in a single meal
nah I suggest you start taking HRT instead tho you buncha failed "men"
it is a red brick, used for building yes. mybad bro had to do something.
Nice tattoo can we (I) see the whole thing
i hate sweetness i hate all apples except for granny smith apples because every apple except that one for me has a horrid texture in the mouth when you bite into them that make me grit my teeth and a green apple does not do that for me. they are sour and taste even better with salt or peanut butter. this all comes down to a matter of preference/ opinion so fuji and honeycrisp apples can very well be the best in terms of popularity. try a granny smith with some peanut butter or salt if you do not like it then you might need it candied to enjoy it as for me one plain is fine.
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>Nice tattoo
lmao even
>Excluding trans
>bi solidarity
>pride flag
>tattoo to show solidarity
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sympathy for me but no sympathy for thee!
sexual degenerate type A doesn't get to judge sexual degenerate type B, double cringe for having a sexual political symbol permanently tattooed into your body as if it bears any significance for you as a person

on par with having a fucking MAGA tattoo, rated hawk tuah/10
fuck trannies but also fuck lesbians and biniggers
i wish i can sick a horrible cryptid beast after them
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y'all dumb asf it's obv some witch shit
hows a dude gonna be like "yeah I hate women I'm gonna fuck boys" but then get mad at women resorting to fucking each other AFTER he's admittedly decided to deprive them of his dick?
Oh my gooooooood not only a normalfag but a gay ass faggot too, damn.
Lesbians want relationshits unlike gays/bishits
my behavior is intentionally unstable because I don't like the idea of people being able to have expectations and predictions of me because then I feel vulnerable to being manipulated and used
Not a good reason, BPDemon
bitches are unstable fr
you call me a bpdemon but then you motherfuckers are the same ones that get bored in two days when I act stable and not abusive
that's obviously not the same tattoo
he's got a horned god or triple goddess thing going
the double crescent isn't typically done back-to-back like that
maybe it is a series of bad luck and choices with people you talk to? maybe you have not spoken to the right person yet to snap you out of your immature bullshit?
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mental illness?
>tfw single
>snap you out of your immature bullshit?
it's not that hard to snap out of it it's just that people don't know what the fuck they want

you LOVE the instability but you "don't love" the bad parts of the instability, though in reality the bad parts are specifically why you enjoy the good parts as much as you do

cycle of abuse gaslight gatekeep manspeak

I go take a nap now
What's the point of taking prescription drugs if you don't have a bf anyway.
kys before the nap
Don't know, bishits are crazy entitled
>unlike bishits
the pink triangle could be such a cool faggot symbol if it wasnt used by the lamest retards on twitter.
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wait isn't the bi tattoo just a triangle? since when are there crescents?
need abusive loving bf to torment me and kiss me later and tell me how much he loves me but reminding me how bad I am and hug me but also threathen me with divorce
women should shut the fuck up
Since they found a way make themselves "quirky" and get even more attention.
Why fags seethe so much at bishits? Why are you surprised that the guys who "act straight" are actually just straight?
>be me, bi
>also a bottom
I make everyone mad
Because they try to sell themselves as "not" straight to get gibs, invade and ruin everything L, G and even T related, cry the most about anything insignificant and act mad entitled
"bi" inevitably just means "will settle for a guy while I wait to be able to secure an acceptable woman"
what if i'd settle for a girl while I wait to be able to secure an acceptable man?
kill yourself
Yea but usually they are sought after because they "act straight" and then people are surprised when they leave them for a girl.
Why not just date a gay leaning bi guy?
>bi guy dating a man
>"aha, I knew he wasn't bi - he's been gay all along!"
>bi guy dating a woman
>"aha, I knew he wasn't bi - he's been straight all along!"
Look, I'm sorry your bi bf rejected you for someone of the opposite gender (since they...y'know...date both...and there's way more straight women than gay men), but c'mon.
im a bicel
Only in your "what if" realm. Your nature is known. Stop spinning your lies.
Holy brown delusion!!!! Your personality has always been trash and you always blame other things for your failings and are a spoiled brat. No one likes that.
actually crazy that people go around telling others what they are and aren't on this board
like sure daddy wanna dress me up too next?
>hooked up with more men than women
>bottom for both
>love eating pussy as much as I like sucking dick
>some guy on a mongolian basket-weaving forum thinks I'm "faking it"
waow you sure showed me that I'm wrong about what turns me on, very insightful
Normies dont care about persoinality, the only requirement is being usable
>bi guy dating a man
>he's been straight all along!
Its always the feminine fags who are disgusted by their own who date straight leaning bi guys and then seethe when they leave them for a woman
The only kind of trucel
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Two bi dude are banging each other;
Which one is faking being bi more?
No? Like, why would you have sex with a person you don't know or care about? Oh wait you guys are pathetic whores my bad
Top. It's always top.
>Saying this in a thread full of KHHV shut ins
>usually they are sought after
They aren't.
>Why not just date a gay leaning bi guy?
They don't exist/the outcome is the same. Will leave once they start feeling "missing out on" and "their cycle switching" and "craving something unusual". Don't know why are you so hung up on your straight-acting fetish, just date a gay guy.
He has sex with his asian shota bf these days. Ask meow about it.
>Two bi dude are banging each other
doesn't exist, even bishits avoid each other
>They aren't.
Thats what the ""straight"" guys on Grindr actually are
>They don't exist
Thats the only way to be truly gay, if you dont have at least some attraction to women you are broken/possible rape victim
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>being bi is when bottom
>being straight is when top
So, about those "gay" tops...
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For a bunch of virgins lack-of-bf-havers and social outcasts this general has a lot of opinions on sex and relationships.
Arent you the fag who constantly comes in here to start shit because you think you have "more experience"? Kill yourself.
What if they're both bottoms using a double sided dildo?
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No, that's not me anon.
>the only way to be truly gay, if you dont have at least some attraction to women...
Sorry, I thought you had some sliver of sentience, won't make the same mistake again.
Brown stuff is really gross. Just why?
kill biniggers
ignore biniggers
filter biniggers
don't engage with binigger trolls
don't be naive around biniggers
don't put your trust in biniggers
Its the gayest thing possible to reject women to get fucked by a man despite liking them.
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Will literally never understand what confuses people about bis.
I like to fuck - and be fucked by - my bf. And when I've dated women, I liked to fuck - and be pegged by - them. Sucking dick is great, and so is eating pussy.
While I'm out with my bf I can see a man or a woman and think horny shit about both of them.
It's really not that complicated.
This whole "discussion" is like watching a straight guy trying to figure out how gay guys work, justifying it with "I guess they just didn't have luck with the ladies haha", as though you ever think about women like that.
Any hole's a goal (including my own) - that's all it is.
>Judges his food based on colours
are you afraid of apples and tomatoes cos they are the color of blood?
brown food
brown drink
I'm also sorry you were made to be that delusional. Do you know what "bi" means and why that won't work out, as in having a shitton of a gas in a tank will lead to a big explosion?
when will you get in a mood and tell him how great puss is and how much you miss it and also bring it up that you're ready to settle down and trade him for a willing gf tho
If you are truly gay you can resist feminine temptation, real gay men CHOOSE to be with men. If you didnt youre just a faggot.
Actually, I want to marry him, but he's the one who's "not ready for something that serious".
I wouldn't put much stock into memes you see on reddit or /tttt/ talking about "the bi cycle" - they're just horny weirdos incapable of actual human connection; they're just looking for excuses to justify their cheating (like any cheater).
If your gay bf leaves you for another man, why is that so much easier to swallow than if your bi bf leaves you for another man (or - gasp - a woman)?
I'm sorry that the bi guy you like wound up with a woman, but that doesn't really have anything to do with...any other bi guy.
Early 20s based on my research and years spent trapped here
Will you just fuck off and leave us alone?
Ok whatever makes you feel better, broken bishit.
Why is it this fucking important for normalnigger scumbag pieces of shit to prove /r9gay/ wrong about bisexuality, who fucking cares?
>getting mad about bis
>surprised when bis start posting about being bi
lmao, even
yeah it's a larp, straight men don't marry guys
im sorry you're blinded by your projection and don't understand that gay men leaving each other is a competitive move, whether the biniggers (the ones' cheating behavior you try to justify) is a the same horny scumbags that can't do better and give in to their true, heterosexual, incompatible nature
because it's /r9gay/, not whatever big boob gen you've mistaken this place to be
just leave us alone and go your own way
>ohhhh I absolutely must make sure all the autists know about how loved I am and how much sex I'm having otherwise they might get the wrong idea about being bi
Somebody should fucking kill you
The threads have been so upset lately we need to bring meow and story back to derail all these discussions.
"Bi"s could make their own gen and talk about how special they are there, but they won't. Wonder if it's due to them being the mediocre egotistical parasitical leeches that feel like their kind and tfw no gf discussions belong here, hmm...
I think it's just one dude, honestly
he keeps spamming himself when nobody replies to his obvious bait
bi dudes are in here all the time, same with guys who have bfs
read through the thread and you'll see all the seething about anyone who's not a bitter angry gaycel is written the exact same, and it's always posted in a cluster
Lovely schizopost
there's literally an entire board just for gay shit - gaygen and bigen are regulars there
so why are you even here at all?
because this is a board for losers, first and foremost - even the bi ones who like guys
Oh, and that makes me wrong about the fact that these people have the entire rest of the fucking internet to themselves and shouldn't be here?
Who hurt you? That's mad insecure.
>nooo this is my thread! you can't just post wherever you want! mods! mods! ban his 4chan account and lock the thread! they're not behaving aaahhh!
But that's why he is a whiny bitch, he could easily get what he wants he just wants to whine.
That's why it's so funny. I love watching the bi seethe hehehe. Stupid infertile femboys.my favorite part is when they troon out after getting dumped.
Who would be whores (and some of them had sex and many bfs lmao newfag) if not for their social retardation so they settle for being whores online.
Maybe if you stopped acting like a lispy queer
Then you would have to go on visual and audio ques and see which one seems like he likes it more. But this is far too advanced for most people
Are you awake ?
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You guys sure love arguing.
shut the fuck up about the stupid cat. i hope that faggot kills himself he is such a piece of shit i have no idea why you simps enable him.
do you guys wanna play nuclear throne mobile with me
Competetive move what my nigga XD
>tfw no 4chan masculine twink bottom bf
Anyone wants to play mortal combat 7 with a bi brown bottom? please please please *dirty spic noises*
>tfw no anti bi gay crusader bf
>mortal combat 7
>with a bi
1/4 total, no
Anyone wanna play Europa Universalis IV with a white bi bottom? Pleeease, Daddy?
>make a thread about cooking
>anon starts spamming child porn
Yeah it's out of place and gatekeeping is good.eat shit.
mortal kombat>mortal combat
>being bi is the same as being a pedophile
wow, he must have REALLY broken your heart, huh?
He died doing what he loves the most, fighting zoomer dentists with his homecooked makeshift weapons and chanting latin at them
It's called analogy and it's not about anal uwu
>Europa Universalis IV
2/4, still no, do better
allow me to analyze you
honeycrisp apples are literally just an overgrown Fuji with the flavors watered down. next
Which meow simp is your favorite? For me it's bunnymutt!
the local medicine man is playing his flute again and it is really taking me out of my mind. he is currently doing the bird crowing.
I'd rather be facialized by my bf
>tfw no honeybun bf
that stupid rabbit is as fake and stupid as he is. both should kill themselves.
>tfw no twink bf insecure about his masculinity
Ah ok. Maybe you loved romaniansimp more. He was a real one.
turkish simp was far superior to any you knew
low cost affordable easy maintenance guaranteed or money back bf
>tfw no gay bottom leaning huge bf
>tfw no bf who can't do a proper tfw no bf post
I regret to inform you all that coloradofag died while babysitting. What a dumb way to die!
that feel when
id be yours for 99 easy payments of 199999999
i woke up exactly when you posted this. youre scaring me.
you almost had me there
what if i double your order?
Sorry i dont mean to do that
its okay. i like a thrilll.
define double
Are you doing anything fun today
Aziliya Amanda Benks
Everyone who admits to having sex needs to be banned from /r9gay/
two of me, plus the carrying case, plus this incredible recipe book by professional chef david chiang!
I unironically believe this tho...
i am going to vaguely work all day and then watch the jetsters play football. tempted to get another vape but i would feel stupid just doing that because i'm bored. although i'm not sure what other reason there could be.
Spottd the faggot.
So do i that's why i posted it and said it
Need voicechad to post another vocaroo so I can coom to it
i listened to 3ds vocaroo yesterday and had a wet dream of him last night
wowweee! wait, david chiang? :/ i take it
i will be delivered in 6 to 80 weeks pending credit approval.
Don't do it its not worth the money
i recorded myself jerking off just now
And why did you record yourself jerking off?
to hear what someone else might hear if we were ever in bed together
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>tfw no lewd agro bottom bf
When do we get to hear it?
when i feel like uploading it which is never
*rapes your cock*
Scott belongs to Matthew Patel hnnnnng
Pathetic simp lmao. You know he is just posting that stuff to get retards like you to beg him to post so he can feel better about himself (he won't, he hates his shitty brown life)
Florian himsl????
dropped for not saying anything about horror movies or anime. too normie for me.

kidding. i wouldn't have expected a stoner to like historical movies so much. and golden era hollywood is kino probably my favorite non-horror movie is breakfast at tiffany's i know it's pretty basic but it really is good i even read the book and asked for a st. christopher's medal one year for christmas that i keep in my car because the narrator gives holly one as a gift in the book (it's a running gag that she tells people she's travelling even though she pretty much just stays in nyc and he's the patron saint of travellers). other old movies i like are things that have been refrenced by morrissey so are british such as a taste of honey. i've seen nl christmas vacation and felt like the humour was too vulgar/mean spirited but someday i might try watching one of their other movies. i have a fujifilm mini instant camera but film is so expensive that it's hard to justify taking pictures with it. I really don't read as much as i would like to and i really need to get back into it. aside from breakfast at tiffany's (the book) other books i like are the temple of the golden pavilion by yukio mishima and old man and the sea what kind of stuff do you read? and do you play any games?
Florian did nothing wrong his views are always objective and factual
Half the people here are attention whores
And half are simps (they overlap, eg. 3ds will simp for brad hard but is a massive attention whore himself). I hope they all die.
with peanut butter is the only way i could eat a granny smith but they are actually my mom's favorite she likes all thing sour thou and has powdered malic acid that she put on things to make more sour.

fujis are second best, i get them if honeycrisp are out or don't look good. fujis aren't as flavorful for me they're more like the default apple.
its like twenty bucks and lasts for months. but it does feel stupid cause its like a thirty second headrush and nothing else. makes me feel dumb, like why dont i just hold my breath til i feel funny. plus id feel retarded for getting some kind of zoomer cancer.
>yeah last time i saw him in person i made it super obvious that i was into him. playing with my hair, smiling, lots of eye contact, accentuating my gayvoice, resting my elbows on the table and holding my cheeks in my hands, just trying really hard to be cute
Why do faggots who hate gay people act the gayest? Because they hate themselves. Hue was right all along.
>Thanksgiving in October
I've got my eyes on you Canadian boyo!you better not let me catch you simpin'!
I will kill every zoomer dentist or die trying. Et vacuum la plum duup do poop.
How about whenever you want to vape you talk to me instead. It's free.
Guys let's not make fun of Canadian simp or (he) will get offended again. (he) Can't help it >.<
How about you end yourself or leave. It's free.
im not really a stoner, i smoke the littlest amounts of weed youve ever seen. i just bar myself from it in order to force myself to do things in order to get it back. i'm currently reading the complete works of shakespeare interspersed with the occasional pulpy novel that i'll pick up from little free libraries, and i'm also slowly expanding my collection of poetical works in which i am extremely demanding and selective. i play world of warcraft every now and then until i become too furious at how everyone uses quest help addons and follows youtube guides to minmax everything. i like strategy games but none that have come out in the last 15 years. i also like pokemon but everything after gen iv is unplayable. instant camera film is a rip. 35mm is only like $5-$7 a roll and $7-$10 to develop, if you can scan it yourself that is. i even have a blog with several hundreds of followers. i swore in this general that i would make a video game finally or post butthole and i hate to break a swearing but maybe i should move things around and deny myself weeds until i make a video game instead.
the exact sound I expect to hear every time I come across a german dude online
Are you guys happy this is now a mostly schizo nonsense thread now? Like, random absurd posts that aren't even cute or funny. How sad. Genuinely this thread has never been worse. And it's not even zoomers that did it, it's old schizos and those who didn't ignore them.
No one wants to see your hairy butthole PXLschizo. Why dont you Livestream yourself looking for story in ohaio instead?
i dont really want to vape, its more like i need an excuse to go for random walks several times a day. i was getting cups of coffee for a while but that's expensive.
total destruction and it's catastrophic results followed by a new community created by those that remember what led to the autocannibalism of the last reiteration

like hegelian dialectics
I didn't ask the schizos in question, just other anons. Preferably thread regulars.
Be the change you want to see. You'll never be one
i move my feet a lot when i play nuclear throne
your threads and posts fucking suck ass and that's exactly why your even own kind can't stop itself from giving more attention to the "schizos" than your own boring ass mundane posts
gagged them a bit
You mean so that your boss will let you go on a smoke break? I think you can just go and if they ask you can say you're clearing your head or going for a walk to try to think of a solution to something work related.
>tfw no bf to complain about schizos with
it was like that over the summer I feel like it's getting better actually, I do wish there was more cute tfw no bf posting but you have to be the change you want to see and everytime I feel like making one I open the reply box for 10 minutes and nothing I can think of is all that funny.
are you going to spam and derail the entire thread again by accusing everyone of being canadian?
thinking about going to the pool today but i don't have $3
>tfw alone for thanksgiving again
oh well, at least I've got liquor...
do you faggots just keep track of every single holiday so you can bitch and moan about how no one celebrated it with you every single time and excuse yourself to get drunk?
I barely postz you seething retard. So butthurt yet so wrong. Couldn't be me!
that doesn't nullify the point I've made but it really doesn't surprise me that r9gag users are too dumb to think

you guys are like those people in the "how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?" test saying "but I did have breakfast this morning, why wouldn't I have breakfast?"

just genuinely retarded
Summer sucked. It's my fault for not posting much and I do agree but, like, it wasn't needed before. The thread was entertaining without me doing anything. I saw cute and silly posts all the time and it was fun to watch. Regulars were more interesting too. Everyone left. Thread culture changed. Tfw no bf hasn't been a thing in ages. Like these threads used to be full of it. And stop trying to overthink things dummy just do it!
i think if you're getting your work done you should just go, i don't remember if it was a greentext or a social media post (likely thru a youtube video) but i remember seeing something about someone who started to take breaks whenever his coworkers would smoke and his boss was bitchy at first but i think the outcome was favorable. i've never had a job personally but the double standard would really piss me off one segement of the population shouldn't get more breaks than the rest of us just to satisify their vices.
like holy shit I made a comment about low effort people ruining the dating pool and society to a degree yet all it managed to do was somehow offend mouthbreathing retards who were self admittedly not even trying to date, complete lack of contextual awareness
Why did you write "he" in parenthesis?
What does that mean?
is this a thinly-veiled biphobic comment?
>tfw no ambiguously gendered Canadian alcoholic bf who gets offended easy but it's cute because (he) just pouts and hugs (his) stuffies
You're the insane one. As evidenced by your completely unrelated example lol

Your whole post is a dumb pile of shit, which is expected as it is a product of your rotting brain. The schizos barely get any attention other than interacting with themselves and constant spam by the way. It's just that they fill up the thread and scare away actually sane posters.

This reminds me of that one time I got trump elected and had to explain it to your mom.
cringe amerifaggot retard go eat a mcburger you lardass bucktooth yeehawing cracker trailer trash redneck loser
Are you going to say I'm meow again? Stupid whore close your maw. Derail what? A dying schizo thread? Lowercase bitch.
>ambiguously gendered
What? Tranny.
it's a national holiday wtf are you on about? I know when Christmas is too, retard
Wouldn't surprise me. It's hilarious
ambiguously gendered just means "I want an effeminate femboy because I'm prison gay"
oh hey that's me
shame I'm old and bitter now
i suppose, except that my boss can read my thoughts, and also goes with me, on account of my boss is myself.
no. femboy trannys are gross why would i want my bf to cut off his dick or have a crusty boygina
canada simp wasn't an alcoholic

are we talking about another canadian poster?
You should let yourself take breaks then. What kind of self employed work do you do?
>self employed
>thinks he needs to make excuses to himself for taking a break
i could go for a mcburger if i didnt already eat a loaf of bread for breakfast
i post sissy captions on twitter
All femboys either troon out or hit the wall hard comically early. It's funny but that makes them a meme sexual toy for prison gays.
i think you might be onto something
He became one due to constant rejection
canada simp never made a post about drinking or being drunk
I miss WesternCanada's BWC... Is he alive?
that makes it better
not once i add cream and sugar

i was just trying to combine the last several posts plus some i think it was 40% successful now you see why i overthink my posts...
close. i sells goods on several websites. and its not about taking a break so much as cycling between walking around outside until people make me mad and then sitting around inside until people make me mad, myself included. ive been working more than i was for a while but still not enough. im almost a month behind at this point and my boss is going to kill me if he finds out.
>meows gone schizo and spammed the thread for the 2nd time about canadians
meow needs to be stopped
You're a drop shipper?
>tfw no self-employed disassociative identity disorder bf to cheat on with his boss
He posts on gaygen now. It's over.
well in that case I apologize for my crude joke and do wish you the best of luck and a cup of coffee

adequeate sleep, a balanced diet and pomodoro would help you maintaining focus
No he a wood chipper ayyyoo
I got some wood he can chip on
>tfw no bf to ironically tfw no bf post while hugging
I got some chip he can uhh wood on. Death to pxlfiles!
what do you gain from posting lies about other posters who havent posted or been seen online for months?
chubby twink bf
the other night I got nudes from a random twitter femboy after like 20 minutes of talking and it really didn't feel like anything at all
no you fricking fool. thats when you just have listings for things that are actually sold by someone else. like if you made an ebay listing for an item you found on aliexpress & whenever someone bought it from you on ebay you would put through an order for the item on aliexpress to their address. thats basically just another way to be a plastic crap merchant and you don't do anything but sit inside at a computer all day. i sells used goodses, i packses and shipses thems myselfses and at least i get to get off the computer every few days to go and collect more used goods. im kind of like one of those guys who collects bottles and cans except i select only the coolest and hipsterest 1% of the bottles and cans which i sells online to bottle-and-can aficionados for a 10-50x markup.
i would sleep 16 hours a day and eat nothing but arugula leaves if i could. i do make tomato sauced spaghetti a lot and it does help.
i would hit you for posting that shit while having me as a bf, like hello i right here bitch
That's cool. Like old hats? I got an old hat before. What kind of stuff do you sell?
Same thing you gain from posting about bunnypee and defending simp. Curious.
>hello i right here bitch
If you said that I'd cum. And drown you in hugs and kisses. So cute.
>tfw no bf to help me find my virginity
>accusing random people of being pee posters without proof

how bout you take ur meds instead and i wasnt defending canada simp i was calling you a schizo for spaming about someone that doesnt post anymore
>tfw no storyanon bf to play wow with and start a poop selling business
Put your big cannelloni in me until I reach your arugula leaves and drown me in your tomato sauce and let me be the play a food critic uwuw
You get so offended every time anyone mentions Canada in any context. What dirt does he have on you, pee guy?
1 post wasn't spamming and 1 post is all I made until you started crying about it
that is not the reaction i expected nonetheless you get the same reaction from me
We should've listened to this anon
ive done a few hats but people dont really wear hats anymore. at the moment its sweater season.
You would slao me again? Why are you so mean, do you not believe in redemption?
you mention canada every time pee gets posted whats the correlation and why are you obsessed with it?
ive never made canneloni actually. why are there so many kinds of pasta with ricotta in them? canneloni, manicotti, stuffed shells. its all the same! all i have in the cabinet in the moment is spaghetti, although sometimes i have penne, and then i sometimes make baked penne for a feast, which is basically baked rigatoni but with penne.
How do you collect used sweaters?
I took do this but I am not this anon. Or maybe I am? Maybe I am all of you and al of you are me.
i do would you stop tfw no bf posting in front of me at least?
I would stop doing it completely if you wanted it was just a dumb thing we would do together
Yeah it is, they mostly stuff them with different fillings and bake in the oven with some sauce on. Same thing with other kinds.
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from used sweater stores of course? i check a few different ones weekly. also sometimes people die and i rifle through their things.
my secret recipe is....vodka sauce baked penne with lacinato.
How come people don't just buy the sweaters from the store then. Or is it like you find old merch sweaters that aren't available anymore. I got a hat like that, my dad actually was pretty impressed with it when I showed him.
Shut up, troll.
people will pay more for things on the internet than in real life because, idk, they are lazy or something. i dont really understand it but ubereats functions on the same principle. its also that people dont have the attention span to look through 1000 sweaters every week to find one thats excellently nice and just the color that they want. by taking the 10 nicest and putting them on the internet i make them searchable by color, material, and size and also available to the entire world rather than just to whoever walks into a given used sweater store. so it is somewhat of a service.
I played the new transformers game but was so close to not trying it because of all the spam here. Luckily no one was spamming start shit troopers so I'll try that as it's also a game I'm mildly interested in
stop bickering and make the new thread
Star ship troopers extermination is shit they turned it into a buggy broken mess don't play it.
What motivates you to make these posts? Is it just to torment me?
i was just playing i would never hit anyone it is funny you would post that regardless of having a bf or not
That's pretty smart. I always find it cool the different ways smart people come up with to make money.
From the lowest lows come the highest highs.
thats what they say about meth
It's not meant to be funny it's just meant to entertain yourself.
Post away.
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That's what they say about everything bakaMORON.
It's always been like that, lol

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