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my professed love for anon ( >>79097647
) edition
previous >>79072295
Taking this gay ass thread's virginity as a str8 huwhite man.
that's cute, he doesn't know yet.
Why does r9gay hate me, I try to post once every thread and never get any (You) what am I doing wrong no other thread is like this

What's cute is the fact that I just popped your thread's cherry, fruitcake.
interactive post: bring up easy entrance subject matter and intrigue people to share their opinions on it one way or the other

uninteractive post: female esque blabbering about mundane shit that happened to you throughout the day

bonus: female esque blabbering about mundane shit that happened to you throughout the day but the syntax is cutesy faggoty enough that people feel obliged to give you attention for it
File deleted.
zoom......and you're off the blacklist that spot was meant for a different Mr. Anon. it was a clerical error, sorry for the inconvenience.
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I don't blogpost but I will keep this in mind next time
Thank you for your service
I need a boy who will conquer the world with me
I go back to my beauty sleep now
Only if I get to be the advisor and you are the face of the movement
something i helped make got added into tf2 but i wont get any credit i just think its cool
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I have shot the one who is responsible because he was also responsible for the mistake in the "meme" he had attached to this >>79097755
again sorry for the inconvenience.
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I miss my partner
I wish we were cuddling rn
Ldrs are hard
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even in a thread about love anon wastes no opportunity to steer the discussion towards hate...
I know how you feel mine is so sleepy too he sleeps like 10-12 hours every day and has work.

It would be really cute if I could see him,,,, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Reee i wanna try more sex together im so bored
of course, you can be my number 2 cutie
Stinky twinks
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>tfw no smelly emo bf....
>tfw no smelly emo bf to force me to listen to shitty screamo with him in his messy room...
gay robot bedroom smell
That is kinda cool. Was it a cosmetic or a map?
I had this happen with a gay friend not bf tho black veil brides fucking SUCKS
Would you date a boy who plays with children's toys
only if by children's toys you mean vidya and 40k minis
I still play with my thomas tracks idgaf its fun you can make cpol stations
try to go into the boyfriend store with an open mind if you try to plan ahead the one you want might not be in stock. never let the salesman know how much you have or he'll try to upsell you on one of the brand name bfs that look good on the surface but really just aren't worth the price they go for.
I meant transformers
I probably wouldn't care I man I am a children's card game nerd this is only like one step up from toys.

I'd be more worried about like embarrassing myself or messing them up because whenever I am idle I tend to pick up random objects near me and just fiddle with them, when my niece and nephew leave toys around I will pick them up and just fuck with them passively while watching tv or whatever
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Falling asleep while watching movies is my new least favorite thing
Yeah, I'm not sure why anyone expects (you)s for blogposting especially since it's done in such a mundane way. I guess narcissism or something.
Didn't the (faggot that made the thread) started acting hostile for no reason previously in last one? Almost as if this place is full of bpdwhores
yea, but he said sorry. everything was going to be okay with a fresh start in our new thread...
>you're a vampire Michael wait till mom finds out about it
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I gotta go to the emergency room right now lol
I hope you're ok anon be safe :c
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Da lost Bois was ehhhhhh not very good but silly in a good way so I still enjoyed. Next up: speak no evil '22
Hello boys!

Didn't go to the ER but I am on a bunch of painkillas

How are ya?
>Didn't the (faggot that made the thread) started acting hostile for no reason previously in last one? Almost as if this place is full of bpdwhores
I'm on 800mg test and 800mg tren dude I think you guys can handle a little bit of unsolicited shit talking while I bulk
would you date a mexican twink with comically large megamind head?
i'd date a comically tall comically racist mexican twink with comically big feet and a comically big cock
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I don't got a big head.
hell yeah as a straight guy myself throw it uop in a heterosexual way
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Most people have their ugly points and it's difficult to say if you're even truly ugly or just inconfident and overfocusing on one thing based on only what you've said
I genuinely thought that my attraction to twinks was just a fantasy derived from being exhausted from straight porn so I decided to act on it and went to a gay bar.
Oh boy, I was really wrong.
>my porn induced fetish isn't a porn induced fetish because I actually get turned on by said thing in real life
wow you're retarded!
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The whole thread has only ever been filled with either bi men or chemically castrated zoomers who desire companionship but don't actually lust for or love men. It's just a circlejerk. There's nothing 'gay' about it.
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If you scroll up a little bit there's the gay porn you were looking for
One, it's censored and tame. Two, that's not my point. I'm not saying 'people need to post gay porn,' I'm saying 'no one here is authentically homosexual.'
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>I'm saying 'no one here is authentically homosexual.'
You're here?
people on this website are as inauthentic and disingenuous as a human being can get, there is no point in exhausting my own (nor your) emotions trying to bond with brainrotten ghouls who suffer from being chronic low effort self pity wallowers
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ask yourself this

"when was the last time I did something that takes time, effort and investment for someone other than myself?"

and that means actual effort, you actually fucking sit down and spend time producing absolutely anything that bears emotional investment and meaning, not just some fuck off "oh hey I spent 3 minutes and 20 bucks buying this gift"

if you can't even recall or if it's been simply far too long since you last did anything as such, YOU are a part of the brainrotten low effort bottom of the barrel SCUM of the earth ghouls, I don't care how depressed how incel how disabled how this and that you are, YOU are a part of the problem
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Based, r9gay is straight now.
>he doesn't know yet.
W-What? Is the "gay" on this general just a getekeeper?
I painted a portrait of my dad for his birthday, though that was months ago already. Otherwise I don't have very many people that I could do something for.
family members don't count
But then you're required to have at least a bit of a social circle to be able to be a decent person by your standards, and I don't have that.
>"when was the last time I did something that takes time, effort and investment for someone other than myself?"
Why should I care about other people? I cant really help anyone in my position anyway.
well, people pleasing has only gotten me used. The second i show someone compassion and genuine effort it becomes a game for them to see just how much they can gain from me this isnt neurotic self centeredness this is just my experience with shitty friends because im too nice to say no usually. so now its gotta work the other way im sure others were made this way too or maybe i just have no self respect
should i admit myself to psych just to see the cute nurse even though i'm perfectly fine
any claris fans
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because effort and investment are the two most virtuous measurements of someone's character

effort, first off, goes to show someone's willingness to take appropriate actions in regards to what they believe in and what they desire, and therefore effort without guaranteed results IS investment, emotional investment

and why is being willing to get emotionally invested a measurement of someone's character? because we live in an age where the majority of people are actual fucking pussies, people don't take up the hobbies they're interested in because they're scared of trying and failing, people lean more towards parasocial activities and just parasitical behavior because they're lazy and scared of exposing their own emotions to getting hurt, everyone wants no effort cheap interactions with guaranteed returns yet the very meaning of the act of socialization is lost in this process of cheapening

genuine bonding is meant to be mutual effort and exposure, to get to know the goods and the bads and the weaknesses and the strengths of one another, trust isn't meant to be a "guaranteed safety" but rather to BE at risk whilst trusting your counterpart to not be malicious

rant OVER
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To be honest with you I genuinely don't trust people in this thread. There's probably some good people but I'm not good at telling those apart from people just making the appearance of being decent.
just steer clear of self proclaimed depressed etc bumfuck losers, the only people that deserve genuine support are the ones that are actually doing their best to pull through on their own, sympathy baiting, appearing weak and constantly crying out for help is for manipuative lazy parasites that'll drain your care and emotions
can we play nuclear throne mobile though
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Have you guys ever watched a good anime with bad sound design?
who do you think got quints it better be a good post
this is good advice (coming from a lazy manipulative parasite) or just someone with low self esteem
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Ok, two questions. One: Why should I put myself in that position when I could potentially hurt them?
Not interacting with others seems like a net positive (I wont get hurt and they wont get hurt). Why put myself in that position? two: Relationshits are inherently transactional. Investing in someone so you can eventually profit is not noble, in fact people usually end up hurting eachother and using eachother for entertainment.
The best action is unironically to isolate yourself, especially if you already tend towards being a loner.
im always amazed at how much my bf has improved since i met him.
>Why should I put myself in that position when I could potentially hurt them?
BECAUSE it's a situation that's risky on both ends, BECAUSE you should be able to trust yourself not to hurt people and BECAUSE being in a position able to get hurt and able to hurt is the ONLY meaningful way of bonding

>Relationshits are inherently transactional. Investing in someone so you can eventually profit is not noble, in fact people usually end up hurting eachother and using eachother for entertainment.
your statement is extremely self conflicting, if people usually end up hurting each other then my point stands as to why it*'s THE genuine way of bonding and if it's just "investing in someone so you can eventually profit" then everyone should already be in relationships if they're so risk-free

*it being a relationship in which both parties are capable of hurting each other

>The best action is unironically to isolate yourself, especially if you already tend towards being a loner
that's just a low effort consumer copout
>The best action is unironically to isolate yourself, especially if you already tend towards being a loner.
As one guy with undiagnosed mental illness to another guy with undiagnosed mental illness: Although I do this shit myself it's probably never the best thing to do.
Mandatory biscum work shift in chinese factories.
>BECAUSE it's a situation that's risky on both ends
What stupid reasoning.
>your statement is extremely self conflicting, if people usually end up hurting each other then my point stands as to why it*'s THE genuine way of bonding and if it's just "investing in someone so you can eventually profit" then everyone should already be in relationships if they're so risk-free
Lmao this is such a masochistic stance, admit it you just want to use other people and your ""emotional investment"" is so you can eventually profit from the relationship. There is no such thing as "genuine bonding", its just using eachother as emotioanl support dummies at best and simple entertainment at worst.
>then everyone should already be in relationships if they're so risk-free
My point is that they arent and in the pursuit of using one another people usually get hurt which is why its best to avoid them.
"Pain makes it REAL bro" sounds masochistic as fuck and really only reinforces my point.
>that's just a low effort consumer copout
How so?
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guys can you give me your honest thoughts on this

i've been thinking about seeing this crisis center l worker guy for weeks now but haven't spoken to him during that time and haven't given him my number and i'm thinking about calling him at work just to talk to him because i don't like feeling like a "patient" just to see him. should i call his job? is that weird and creepy? should i just go there even though i'm not in crisis? is that a misuse of resources?
trust is more about someone being able to make the wrong decisions but knowing not to do them, mutual trust can only exist between two parties in an equal power scale because if either party simply isn't even able to make the wrong decisions then you won't really know if they're going to make the right decision when the time comes

this is why traditional marriages (husband stronger than wife) often results in a random stupid divorce 30 years down the line at the exact moment the husband starts going through tough times, up until that point the wife had little to no chances to make such decisions and only really got to show her true colors much much later into the relationship

the rest of your post seems too bitchy and stupid and therefore I don't really feel like responding
To be honest I've got no idea what the best course of action is, but it is weird to show up to a crisis center to hit on one of the employees or just awkwardly chat with him. You could try going there to thank him for the help I guess. That's a guise that makes some amount of sense. Probably wouldn't work if he's just a random guy working there and he wasn't deeply involved in your case.
plus fucking hell dude two people trying to create a relationship where both sides love and care about each other is not "turning a profit" get some fucking mental help you schizoid faggot
Because you both want love and not having it is not net positive.
Not everyone is a normalfag who needs other people to regulate their emotions, there is no such thing as "true love", just using eachother for emotional gratification.

if youre thinking about literally any of the above or about "fairness" you dont really like the person.
it's not USING if both participants benefit from the interaction my fucking GOD please kill yourself
Yes it is if you go in on the premise that you "love them unconditionally", dumbass faggot.
nah I do genuinely think you're the kind of person that leans more on the manipulative snakey side of the things though so it makes sense you don't want people to care about fairness
>Yes it is if you go in on the premise that you "love them unconditionally
this was never a part of my argument nor a part of any of my points though? this is just some parasitic bullshit ugly femcels spit out when they're trying to gaslight dudes into becoming simps because "love and care should be unconditional and it's wrong if you want me to love you back"

no it fucking shouldn't, love and care IS conditional and no one's gonna love your bitter sour faggot ass if you don't give them anything back for it you fucking parasite
Honestly sure but I still have to download it if you wanna play
Also I'd be real bad.
>no it fucking shouldn't, love and care IS conditional and no one's gonna love your bitter sour faggot ass if you don't give them anything back for it you fucking parasite
Lmao so why should I put in the effort to get ""love"" from someone if they dont even love me, just what I provide to them. It makes no sense and also I dont see how you're a bad person for not wanting to play this retarded game.
>Lmao so why should I put in the effort to get ""love"" from someone if they dont even love me
and that's exactly what I've been saying this ENTIRE fucking time dude are you fucking retarded?

the very entry point to my argument is that love should be BOTH parties OPENING UP and BEING VULNERABLE to EACH OTHER, and after that TRUSTING once again EACH OTHER to not be malicious and after that loving and caring about EACH OTHER

exactly what I've been saying this ENTIRE FUCKING TIME, did you just get rejected and decide to strawman me into whoever the fuck just so you can seethe your emotions out or something you schizo faggot
>just what I provide to them
since when are our actions a seperate entity and not an extension of ourselves?

that's like saying "I didn't kill this person I just stabbed them and they died but my stabbing this person and therefore causing their death is not an extension nor an expression of myself but a seperate entity that has nothing to do with me"
Fine, be cynical all you want.
>the very entry point to my argument is that love should be BOTH parties OPENING UP and BEING VULNERABLE to EACH OTHER, and after that TRUSTING once again EACH OTHER to not be malicious and after that loving and caring about EACH OTHER
You dont love each other though, you love what that person is giving you which is why it seems like a pain in the ass and pointless to even bother with someone who doesnt even care about me. You're saying I should be investing time and effort into people who basically see me as an emotional support dog, and that if I dont that makes me a bad person.
Just seems like genuinely flawed reasoning when I stand to lose a lot more by opening myself up like that compared to being alone.
>tfw no bf to cuddle n kiss to stay warm during these cool mornings
Good morning gay nonnys. Can we all just nicepost for the rest of the thread? Also somone come be my bf :3
Finally, a good and agreeable post!
Good morning, Anon.
only the old version has multiplayer. both have controller support but the older one doesn't have working button remaps.
i genuinely think you seem really boring and are likely to have a hair trigger about perceived unfairness
>you love what that person is giving you which is why it seems like a pain in the ass and pointless to even bother with someone who doesnt even care about me
you seem to have an extremely warped understanding of social dynamics

first off, you're not an "emotional support dog" if the other person is providing you the exact same benefits, stop trying to portray an equal trade as if you were the victim

second off, our actions ARE our personalities, I'm sure the internet or your insecurities must've convinced you that your personality is just the superficial aspects of yourself like your taste in music, what films you're into, how you view the world etc. but that's simply untrue

real life is not made up of abstractions and functionality is what defines things and it's straight up just narcissistic for you to expect people to "love you for ""who you really are""" without loving them back
The person you present to others is never going to actually be YOU. They are different. The fact that they could never accept me for who I really am and that the love is based on what I do FOR them is exactly why I am turned off of the idea of relationships and would prefer to avoid them, and I dont see how this makes me a bad person as I cant really hurt anyone and they cant hurt me, which seems like a net positive.
you don't know me on any levels at all and yeah I am being pretty hostile for you with given reason, like I said before it was never my intention to be your personal entertainment source
This is literally the first game I've downloaded on my phone and I bought it maybe five years ago, so I don't actually have any USB-C gamepads. Also gotta play the tutorial first before I can do co-op
I can't play fast games on a touch screen... Sorry anon but I'm *too* bad.
you can use bluetooth gamepads
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i made it to the throne with touch controls. skill issue.
Sorry but I don't have any. I only really play games with keyboard & mouse.

I wasn't saying it wasn't a skill issue.
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Good morning Anon-kun. Glad you agree with my warm boi post and hope your morning is going well. I am under my blankie sittin in ma chair just vibing.
that's just so retarded to call it a "hair trigger" when you were the person to act retarded, idk what kind of brain damage people like you have that makes you decide to be insufferable off of square one and then act all surprised when people give you shit for it go drink cyanide you dense faggot
Numbers game is my least fav part of 4chan culture and I hope you suffer for posting it
>stop trying to portray an equal trade as if you were the victim
Im not, but the fact that we are basically just using eachother does make it seem very vain and superficial, as I know if I ended up in a coma and could no longer stroke their ego they would most likely leave me.
>second off, our actions ARE our personalities
Not really. For example if an asexual person had sex to please their partner that is not a reflection of their true self but a compromise they made for the relationship. You dont love them as they are, you love them on the condition that they fulfill certain needs.
>real life is not made up of abstractions and functionality is what defines things and it's straight up just narcissistic for you to expect people to "love you for ""who you really are""" without loving them back
My point is that the underlying motivations behind the actions you take are inherently selfish.
"I scratch your back you scratch mine", you dont love the person whos scratching your back, you like the fact that they are stratching your back.
the trump boomers ruined it. before it was just to mark the passage of time, like "wow can you believe we reached this number of posts".

now it's literally a fucking ancient egyptian sky daddy beaming schizotruths directly into your brain in the form of repeating numbers on a post made by a fatass in basement.
youre extremely dumb and also extremely bitter I suggest you get topped asap
How am I dumb tho, everyone makes compromises in relationships which is effectively hiding who you really are.
because people aren't fucking lego pieces that are meant to perfectly fit together, willingness to compromise on both ends will be what makes a relationship last long and stay strong, they're not "hiding who you really are" they're an expression of how much one person cares about the other

your brain has rotten so fucking bad from being a lazy bumfuck faggot you've warped the idea of a relationship into "person revolves around me and I do nothing for them, I just stay the exact same person that I already am"
>because people aren't fucking lego pieces that are meant to perfectly fit together, willingness to compromise on both ends will be what makes a relationship last long and stay strong, they're not "hiding who you really are" they're an expression of how much one person cares about the other
Ok so just admit that you love them based on actions they take that are not reflective of who they are or what they really want, but a compromise to keep you around so you can do the same thing for them.
>you've warped the idea of a relationship into "person revolves around me and I do nothing for them
Ive already told you what I thought of relationships, I dont want a transactional relationship (which every relationship is) where I have to compromise and put in effort to keep a person around who does not really actually care about me, but what I do for them. And I keep asking you how this makes me a bad person when by being alone I actually do less damage to other people and myself.
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you'd get a bf if you trusted people more. all i'm sayin'
like literally you just have impossible expectations, think about fucking scientific experimentations

person A + person B = Relationship

if we want to control the result (Relationship) we must then constantly readjust person A and person B in order to acquire the desired results

if we want to control person A or person B and have them stay in a very static state with no changes, we will then have unpredictable results from the other person and the Relationship itself simply due to the nature of an equation

it's nearly impossible for you to stay completely static while achieving a pitch perfect result relationship lest you can hand create the other person to be an exact match who will revolve around you at the perfect tone to match your own personal changes and desires in order to maintain a relationship

you're either just completely retarded and don't understand how life works or just a narcissist, in either case I just suggest you keep fucking your palm for the rest of your life

this isn't even sociology or anything else, it's just basic deduction and logic,
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>make a cynical assumption
>wow everything is bad how could this be happening to me?
Anytime I open up to people they attack me (because they are animals) and I cant attract one in the first place because Im not considered physically attractive.
>like literally you just have impossible expectations
I dont, in fact I stay alone because I understand the superficial nature of relationships.
When did I ever say that I actually want one where I dont have to compromise or alter myself in some way? I understand its unrealistic, which is why I dont pursue them at all.
>you're either just completely retarded and don't understand how life works or just a narcissist, in either case I just suggest you keep fucking your palm for the rest of your life
Literally my point from the start, everyone should avoid relationships because their more trouble than their worth 99% of the time.
>I understand its unrealistic
okay so why did you start this conversation at all then? the subject matter was the importance of mutual trust compromise love and care and you just barged in to argue against the concept just so you can conclude saying "well um it's just my preferences actually, and also I don't even want to be in a relationship"

like okay? good for you I literally did not ask about your personal brainrot, way to fucking drag a conversation around yourself for literally no fucking reason

>everyone should avoid relationships because their more trouble than their worth 99% of the time
that's only due to the existence of retards like yourself, all for thee but none for me

enough with this stupid shit I'm done replying to your retarded ass
why not use gaygen in lgbt baka
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>When did I ever say that I actually want one where I dont have to compromise or alter myself in some way? I understand its unrealistic, which is why I dont pursue them at all.
you don't strike me as the type of person who likes himself very much
0% of gaygen posters are virgins
r9gag users be like

umm life wasn't served to me on a silver plate (I never even approached or asked anyone out) I'm also an incel and life is so unfair, much chad so stacy tyrone jamal le blackpill etc.
>okay so why did you start this conversation at all then?
Because you said to think back to the last time I spent time and effort on someone when I dont really think its worth it at all, and then you said Im a bad person if I didnt.
When by being alone I cannot by definition be a bad person because Im not hurting anyone. Maybe its selfish, but everyone is.
>that's only due to the existence of retards like yourself, all for thee but none for me
Lmao, look at the average relationship. Normies LITERALLY cannot interact with eachother without eating eachother alive.
Its better to be alone.
i'm going to ask out the crisis center worker at his job over the phone
Out of here with this gay ass shit.
Kek, just a reminder that bothering with retards is never worth it.
Thoughts on twunks?
The most stupid argument of the thread good job.
i hide and ignore all posts with porn
romantic stuff don't workey over the phone nor text
you run the risk of mistranslation and you can easily project your true feelings with a combination of your words, tone, facial expressions, and even movement.
>paints you as bad person for not bothering with relationships
Please kill yourself, retard.
don't "this" my posts
Ever wondered how nier automata would play if it was 2d pixel art game? Poetry of Blood: Eclipse is the answer

Spiral is a game about old men with dementia. I liked the idea as my memory is getting worse so I wanted to try it but controlling an old man is as fun as you could've guessed. Ugh.
but if i see him person i have to go through screening and wear grippy socks and eat prepackaged children's snacks and i feel like a test subject every time i go there and i want to be his friend, not his patient.
>i want to be his friend
yes you have to be friends with someone first before deciding you like like them
that's just unnecessary social etiquette people say to avoid dealing with the whole "how do you like someone if you barely even know them" shmegma

not buying it
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THIS dumb bitch
fine go on ahead rip off that bandaid over the phone.
watching a BL film called "call me by your name". it's 2 hours long. halfway through and really liking it so far. it's about a italian professor's american student(?) visiting hia family and getting to know the professor's sun. it takes place in 1983. it's directed and produced by a men, based off a book written by a man.

there's also a lot of scenes with bare feet if you're into that.
it's just softcore porn with a plot sprinkled over it
I've looked it up some time ago and it looked unwholesome.
isn't that literally every romance movie ever though
does anyone here have an elfbar and if so what flavor. im bored and out of vices. i think if we haev the same flavor we will psychically link.
yeah but why bother watching meaningless slop
yeah last time i saw him in person i made it super obvious that i was into him. playing with my hair, smiling, lots of eye contact, accentuating my gayvoice, resting my elbows on the table and holding my cheeks in my hands, just trying really hard to be cute. after the mental health talk he asked me about non-work-related stuff. i just don't feel sexy wearing hospital socks.
i play brainrotting video games all day like nuclear throne. i can't honestly gauge what makes a movie "good" or not. just something to give my brain a break and pass some time.
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every action must have a logical expected outcome which is beneficial for oneself in the long run
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immediately after writing that blurb both boys go out with girls and forget each other. bis really are scum.
>Says controversial thing
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I'm going to become like Elliot Rodger but with twinks instead of girls
my life actually was handed to me on a silver plate
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i spit on u
>i spit on u
Retard needs to write an essay on how to get laid
Not Jamie. Jamie has tons of (sex)
You literally want to suck dick >:[
jamie seems to have esex with virtual pixels on his ipad
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"huurrr what's next? minerals? haha lol xd!" this motherfucker
i woke up, but what happened to my best friend
Do you have a discord so we can be friends?
a what? a chaos? i suppose.
You chased them away obviously.
You type familiarly I might have talked to you before
to one of my clones perhaps. what else would the government be doing with my fingernails?
trying to get people to use the groomer app should earn you poo in the face
hi. i do, but youll have to give me one moment
sorry i had to do some stuff and i dont have discord on my phone
name: stayuntil
I'd groom the tumblrfag I aint ngl desu desu famalamamadingdong
they tried but it went like voldemort heheh
ok alternatively I'd let you groom me instead if it ends up going that way
Yeah even though I asked for your discord I've decided not to add you because you're a lying whore
anyone want to just be gay and talk about how much we hate women all day? Asking this unironically.
what when did i ever do anything
You're a liar and a whore and inherently untrustworthy so I can't add you sorry
Sorry but I don't hate women at all, maybe someone else.
idgaf about you. I will murder simps like you and your brods and ur children once shtf. It's only fair.

unique pincode:spinnydazy
nobody has anything i want, which is why what happened happened with voldemort. id like to be proved wrong, but i doubt it will happen.
qrd on this person to avoid?
Why did this turn in to a schizo mumbling thread?
They are from /r9gay/ and is probably a gay bottom so they are a liar and a whore
theyre looking for nice friends to hang out with and stuff. theyre pretty cool and not any of that stuff, i was just joking around. if youre nice and want to be best friends you should add them
>All the gays in this thread are emotionally damaged and have been sexually abused
What a surprise!
I just constantly daydream about being sexually abused
I really don't have the spare time to be your friend but you can be my bitch if you want
sorry, i dont know what that is
HAIL FRENS, How are you all? I shat myself need to go on da pampas
basically you get free attention, affection, care, someone to vent to, precious life advice and the hottest dude to step foot on this board as your boyfriend
is that the other guy or someone new
ungrateful dog
it doesnt matter. im not looking for friends ever again. dont bother adding me, i just changed all of my emails and passwords to random gibberish
Lying deceitful whore
lol he's acting all victimized
shut the f**k up. i just lost my carefully cultivated youtube algorithm. its all gone.....
Kind of a hell week coming up at work for me. I have to finalize a bunch of tax stuff, and then there's an inter-company meeting with our biggest client that everyone is going out of their heads about. To top it all off, I find basically nothing entertaining enough to distract me.
me me I'd entertain you I'm like a puppy
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>tfw no puppy boy bf to hug you from behind when you come home from work
mom and sister have been gone all day and they didnt say they were going anywhere. im getting hungry but i dont want to eat if theyre coming home soon
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nevermind theyre almost home
thats really adorable
If I'd known what was going to happen I would've just become a park ranger. I worked so hard to land a position where I could travel, but since covid they just make us do zoom calls from the fucking office. When my car is paid off in three years or so, I will be sorely tempted to just fucking disappear.
never had a job before. why is all of that bad? wouldnt you have the same amount of work days as before covid so the same opportunity to travel
>family members don't count
than on top of >>79099889
you're a normalnig and and need to go back, also being creative on command isn't easy I quite like my poetry I would post some but I'm afraid it will get stolen. but I can't just sit down and write one for someone else I need the inspiration and expecting creative frens to shit out something for you to consume any time you want it is selfish and shows you don't understand or appreciate art or the artist.
have you considered traveling amd doing zoom calls from where you've traveled to? I don't see a reason why you would have to go into the office if everything you need to do can be done over the net?
you're watching cmbyn in october? I still haven't seen it but I did jork to clips of that scene back when it came out
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the twink is supposed to be 17 but they show him nude more than once
never watching your gay movie stop the shill
The position that I have used to involve a lot of travelling FOR work, as in the company paid for it, and you got to meet a lot of different people in an official, professional capacity. I can't really explain it, but this is way more satisfying to me than picking somewhere random to go for "fun."

For one thing, when you meet a bunch of people who live in the place, you get to know about a lot of things you wouldn't as a tourist, and you get invited to social events at people's houses and their country clubs and things like that, which you would never get to go to as a tourist who doesn't know anyone there.

I killed myself in college to get this position, and I got to do it for like a year and a half before covid happened. That year was fun, but fuck me. It's really only settling in now that they're probably never going to spring for flights and hotels again when they can just make us do endless zoom calls.
isn't the actor for the boy actually a few years older than armie hammer who plays the older man(i remember his name because it's funny) must be vampire or something maybe this is a good halloween movie afterall lol, idk I'd still rather wait until the summer again but this the second year in a row I'd planned to watch it but not gotten around to it.
i'm sorry i lied and said "lol" it was only a smirk.
can we get someone in here who is positive and loves life? how much sad do you think i have?
thsts so me. i am always positive :D
but i dont know how sad you have
You're literally just larping as a schizo because you're that bored of your life. You need to get a new schtick. The constant Taylor Swift references are really unoriginal. You wish you were actually crazy because then at least you wouldn't be so fucking boring.
i think that would be fun if you got to meet actual interesting people, people who go to country clubs are all the same and they're all insufferable. they probably all live in identical suburbs and drive the same cars too so you can barely tell you've traveled if you're stuck in that part of town.
no, timothe is 10 years younger than armie
this teacake tastes very good
i didn't think i was being unpositive i was just talking to a boy about movies what do (You) want to talk about?
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there used to be trees here
just ocarina
Maybe I would have gotten bored of it eventually, but it sure was better than being stuck in the literal same place with the literal same people. For example, I thought I liked golf, but it's not that fun when all I can do is play the same few local courses over and over. I liked being in different people's houses, too. They might seem the same on the surface, but they are all bizarre in different ways inside. And they will tell you a lot of surprising things when they know you will be gone the next day.
maybe they were comparing his age to someone else who looks older than him i definitely remember there being a thing about him looking younger than his age tho.
anyone whos not brown needs to get more sun. paste is not a natural color.
there's just being tanned and then there's being peanut butter color.
i didnt mean you i meant the guy whining about his job. and in general the negative people. yes the world is shittier in some ways but get over it. anyway...if i knew what i wanted to talk about i would already be talking about it!!!
he was 22 when he did cmbyn regardless.
im pale white and i go outside sometimes
reading the rare post like this is so incredibly reassuring
thank you for being my friend, anon
i am obsessed with peanut butter especially when theyre also tan too. hard already thinking about it especially when they wear white ankle socks. youre gonna make me fap. dont...noo...
that guys post was the best one in hours
that's doesn't make sex scenes with a supposed 17 year old not weird
i wear black knee socks though sorry
noo my jerb doesnt pay for me to fly around and go to parties anymore noo my life sucks...like seriously? then quit or whatever. no one is making you. what the fuck would any of us know about it anyway. seemed like a humblebrag des.
nigga you have to be able to interact with people to do that
le normie meme about being le selfish
turns out people DON'T like unsolicited interference from strangers in their lives. especially the ones who are just doing it for the good boy points
how do you even know if what you're doing is "nice"? different people appreciate wildly different things
>bro ur supposed to be able to intuit it
sorry I'm not fucking psychic
I help people by being as small and unobtrusive around them as possible so they have room to do their own thing because I also like doing my own thing
sorry for what? i am stiff as a screwdriver. what people really do is even hotter.
Reading uncapitalized posts is always a mistake.
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Falling in love with a boy, kissing my boy, cuddling my boy, cherishing my boy, always wanting to be with my boy, always hugging my boy
The vast majority of people never put significant effort into anything. They go to school, they do their assignments, they go to work, they do the work they're given. That anon is correct, but also, he's describing the vast majority of people. I have done about two things in my life that took effort and weren't assigned by some authority.
i dont understand anything you people are complaining about today
why is everyone such a self-righteous douchebag
wish i hadnt sworn not to smoke weed until i had a guy to smoke with. now im bored and no closer to my goals. oh well, sworn is sworn. he doesnt have to like guys but it would be nice if he did.
3rd reply from same anon so sorry if I'm being annoying but 10 years is the same age difference as the director and his bf so very cute how art imitates life it apparently came out in november despite being set in summer so I guess watching it out of season is alright maybe I'll watch it then read the book in summer but probably wait until december. I just don't watch enough movies to watch a summer movie in oct and i'm afraid it would interfere with nnn if i watched it in nov.
cool. glad to hear it!
what coast you living on word-keepingnon? i've never smoked personally and think weed smells like ass, i'll try anything twice tho. but you probably live too far away.
Thinking about my r9gay gf again
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>tfw no stoner bf
(also this post informed me that I got a warning for posting "nsfw" content on /cm/ which is complete bullshit. A 2d dude's abs is not "nsfw" its completely safe for work. Fuck you jannies)
dying of hypothermia together with a boy
when are you going to realize no girls post here? we're too smelly and haven't flirted/roleplayed enough to entertain the fujoshis in ages anyway...that gives me an idea do you wanna maybe (>-<=) hold hands strictly to entertain theoretical w*men that could be lurking of course
I'd rather be caught looking at full on porn at work than /cm/ tbdesu
Do you seriously think there are no fujoshits/pooners in this thread?
so this is just the npc meme but repackaged
nice, not an oversimplified take on human behavior at all
Why? 2D boys are beautiful. God made this earth for humans to draw them.
I've talked to 2 people that post on /cm/ and they both turned out to be mtf trannies that love pedophilia and especially shota so I'm highly biased against anyone that likes /cm/
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awesome video nonny! are those boys from a movie? also i agree /cm/ has always allowed shirtless boys i don't see the problem but maybe you could ah post it so we can judge for ourselves...
i prefer anime girls
yes there are but if you want to date one you have to atleast pretend you see "him" as a guy even if you don't. and in any case I still think we might have a better a chance at attracting more if we did some gay stuff chicks really dig that trust me bro *offers hand again*
B-But we're both boys, anon...
Yes do my bidding faggots
But if you need somebody to love
Think of me
Anything better than accidentally revealing to your ex about your freak offs?
I tries my best
it will be fine, i've attracted many girls doing this i promise *rubs your chin while just taking your hand since you're being too much of baby to let lead*
should a bi but hetero leaning boy date a bi but gay leaning boy
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Damn nothing has given me more of a tfw no stoner bf then this. Cute/10
Why are two gay guys erping about girls?
yes, bisexowos should only date eachother and leave homos alone. if the gay leaning boy has any attraction to w*men at all he'll understand when the str8 leaning boy leaves him for a wombhaver
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If you're bi you shouldn't try dating a gay bottom because they will just leave you for another guy because they only want chad
i figured if an ostensibly str8 boy is going to keep coming and talking about girls then he deserves some teasing and maybe i get some fun erp out of it since noone wants to rp these days, not sure it's going to work tho.
I made a new friend today! They followed me home and started making a racket outside my window. I opened the door, and they just stood there, chirping and squawking. So I grabbed my trusty shotgun and went after 'em.
why leave when youre on the first step to building a harem
Yeah it won't work because I'm not the guy you were erping with. You were just talking to a plain homo
Have you ever been so sad that you just couldn't stop smiling? I think that's called being an AI.
no problem. im a bi chad
i live in new schnersey
true, captcha bot, true.
What are you talking about? It's the opposite. That's the game and they're playing it. It's the people who make things for no reason that aren't playing.
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imagine being in ancient athens and seeing this walking around without underwear at night
frow up ong
this guy has me blocked on discord
Thanks for really reminding me I'm not gay
production isn't the only measure you can use to value someone capitalist pig
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ok you've left me no choice, you're getting it now! *wraps arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek*
There isn't any objective measure you can use to value anyone, or anything. How old are you that you don't know that?
then why are you agreeing with anon that someone who doesn't make things is less valuable than someone who does?
dude bro nothing's really real tho isn't an argument
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Nice filename nonny. Are you more of a Wallace or Scott?
I wasn't agreeing with anyone. I said that people who engage in self-directed productivity are extremely rare. I didn't put a value judgment on either thing.
>That anon is correct, but also, he's describing the vast majority of people.
anon was making a value statement, so by agreeing with him so were you
invite him to my symposium for dialogue with olives, figs and roasted quails

serve him wine in the archimedes trick cup so be gets wine all over his stola

offer him my only spare clothes to change into (even shorter stola)
I can say that someone is correct without agreeing with them. I guess the subtleties of logic aren't your thing.
oh so it's my fault that you said something but oh no not really that way and I was supposed to magically know that
anon asserted that people who don't produce for others are less valuable than people who do
when you say "anon is correct", I'm going to assume that that's the assertion you agree is correct, because otherwise, you're not talking about what anon is talking about
fuck you, you're a jerk
Scott since Wallace is a bit of slut in the animated series (in a way that is still comical and likable I'm not hating) but of course am the gay and relate to Wallace in other ways just not as cynical. Also I definitely don't have my life together and would be bumming off my friends if I had to move out which suck because I don't think I have anyone that would take me in.
I don't have time to educate you about this. Take a basic course in deconstructive logic and you'll see that whatever I said was correct.
Lol and you're fucking full of yourself too
No wonder you can't admit to making a mistake
Choose your words more carefully next time, retard, if you don't want to misrepresent yourself like you're pretending you did
nta but i get you. sometimes trying to formulate the perfect argument and having to spend as much time on what you aren't saying as what you are burries the lead and invites the dreaded arguing about arguing (happens anyway no matter what you do sometimes) which is the most pointless for of conversation. it can be hard to know how much you have to say to get someone to listen to what you said while not overloading them so they fixate on the wrong thing.
You want me to admit to being right? Try making sense. You keep mistaking parts for wholes and wholes for parts. I don't know how you operate on such a loosely syllogistic framework. Why not just say anything you want? Buzz off.
You don't get me at all. Nothing I'm saying makes any sense. I'm just saying it really confidently. Reflect on whether you judge by substance or veneer. As if it matters.
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Sit and spin, cunt
I don't think there's any hope of getting through to you. You're too blinded by recrimination and the desire to "win" an internet argument that you can't see the trees for the forest. Do you think Socrates asked anything but rhetorical questions?
Why did you even reply to my post if what you meant by your reply so was so entirely unrelated anyway? Socrates was a dick and so are you.
People always go "ooo french food is the best zomg french food" but realistically who is actually eating French food besides French people? I have never seen a French food restaurant in my life. Is everyone just lying to seem more cultured than people who like Americanized Italian food?
french food is just normal food
Go read Crito. Even if you don't learn anything in a logical sense, you'll sound a bit smarter when you're done.
No, piss off. And you're gross for using academia as an excuse to engage dishonestly.
>Nothing I'm saying makes any sense. I'm just saying it really confidently.
that's what the person you replied to was doing and what every anon does anyway. what you said made more sense than what he said at least. I was mostly relating to getting bogged down by having to refute what you never said rather than people engaging with what you did say while also acknowledging that it is a balancing act because people will always fill in gaps if part of your argument isn't clear but at that same time will be lost and miss the main point if you elaborate every detail to try to make everything clear.
Thanks for playing. Here's your prize. And guess what? We just proved that original anon wrong, because here we are doing something for no reason and no reward, aside from entertaining the original anon while proving him wrong to boot. I hope he enjoys what we made for him. And maybe he'll realize that being given a gift that someone worked hard on is not always a pleasant experience. I didn't ask for this, yet here you are. Am I supposed to thank you?
Isn't it annoying when people are half right? I can't stand it, personally. Sometimes it feels like people know one or two things and then just fill in the rest with bluster that sounds right. I don't know why they have to waste everyone's time like that. It's disrespectful in the extreme.
Quick question who the fuck is Chad and why the fuck does everyone keep talking about him? Faggots this is an anonymous board.
me, im chad. how are ya
the Socratic method is widely misunderstood imho. nowadays a rhetorical question is treated as synonymous with an emphasis question* (newly coined term I think) meaning people see rhetorical questions as simply "questions you're not supposed to answer" when in fact the rhetorical questions asked by Socrates were meant to be answered but rather than the answer being for the asker it was meant to ignite thought in the asked to help the asked think critically about the topic and introspect on himself.

*I have looked it up and Wikipedia provides the definition of a rhetorical question as "a question asked for a purpose other than to obtain information" which is broad enough to include questions that are only meant for emphasis and questions that are meant to invite further introspection I am proposing that we split the two types up as while the empasis type has its place I still think too many people think emphasis is the only point of a rhetorical question.
You did, because you replied to my post while also completely ignoring what my post was actually about (inaccessibility of people to be nice to in a way that requires effort) so you could jack yourself off with this horseshit
Oh yeah some people do things and some people don't unless they're forced to? And the majority of people don't (I disagree)? And the ones who don't are bad (redacted, by you)? Great, irrelevant. Fuck you. Missing the forest for the trees my ass. Larping like it was some meta play ooo you sure fooled me fuck you.
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>tfw no bf to share a park home with
They look so cosy and are rather cheap
Don't you think we can just consider it a question asked for a rhetorical purpose? The word rhetoric has a meaning.

Sometimes I play a game where I keep replying as long as the other person keeps replying. In any case, you keep misrepresenting (or perhaps just misremembering) the things I say. I said you were missing the trees for the forest.
Still no attempt at directly addressing what you were supposed to be originally addressing when you quoted me
You're a fucking troll
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I would say I am the same but maybe more of a 50/50 split for me. If you had to move out I would be the Wallace to ur Scott and let you stay with me in my crummy lil place
What's a park home?
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picrel is a good example, people usually have them for holidays or weekend breaks but you can live in them depending on the place
Looks like a trailer home
Where does matthew patel fit into the wallace and scott relationship?
Let's untangle that. What is trolling? It's putting in effort to stimulate other people without expectation of a reward. So even if someone was trolling you, you should thank them for the gift of their time and attention. And if trolls really exist, they prove the original anon wrong. I'm not, but I realized pretty quickly that there wasn't any point in trying to have a serious discussion with you, so I started to have a little fun. If that seems sick and twisted, it's probably all the pills I'm on, and you should talk to my psychiatrist instead of me, because I didn't used to be loke this.
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I think they're the same thing except that these or similar things are mostly built by the sea on nice plots of land
i live in a basement bigger than my old apartment. pretty epiiiiic
As a pile of change in the middle of the Rockit.
Hey so all the insults I used on you were true. Awesome. Maybe if you want to have a serious discussion, you should try first. But you didn't, so you didn't. And now you can't blame me for hoping you commit suicide because you decided to amuse yourself at my expense, and I have no reason to believe there's anything about you that makes up for that.
This is how you fucking people end up alone, you dipshit. Probably why you see a psychiatrist.
That was pretty obviously a joke, dipstick. And, expense? What did I cost you? To quote Taylor Swift, "Are you not entertained?" I'm trying to engage in a creative pursuit and as far as I can see you're just a dead weight who couldn't have fun if it sucked his dick.
Oh wow the classic bully who tries to make it about how you can't take a joke how you're no fun. That's a fucking trope.
Are you fucking 12? Didn't you outgrow that in grade school? You would think someone who reads so much philosophy would
If you actually believed I've read shit worth of philosophy, you should read some yourself, so you aren't so easily tricked. Someone who wanted worse things than a little conversation could really take advantage of you.
Who's not getting the joke now? If you don't think it was funny, neither was yours.
A little conversation, lol. Fuck you.
should i just go on grindr and get done with it
not sure whats worse, being a virgin homo or a nonvirign homo...
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A grindr hookup is one of the poorer ways to lose your virginity, try finding a guy irl or on a less hookup oriented app who'll buy you a nice lobster dinner first
What's worse is being a gay bottom which are all liars and manipulative whores
irl is out of question but idk tinder? what else is there
not a bottom though
Are you niggas retarded? Losing your virginity has value because you are losing it to someone you love even if its dumb puppy love. Its a social milestone for that reason. There is a reason why no one is proud to lose their virginity to a hooker or something.

You are putting the carriage before the horse here.
why does everyone here have to be such an ass stain all the time
you can be a virgin, but don't be dateless
Why do bottoms have to be such lying deceitful whores all the time?
what happened anon? :C
i don't understand why there are gay threads on this board, how are you not having success gay dating? how can you be a gaycel? your ass is like 2 mins aware from finding a man in it at anytime, what are you doing wrong?
Your options will depend on where you live, just try a few out and see what isn't dead or instantly fills your phone with cock pics
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>what are you doing wrong
I'm simply too based for this gay earth.
Not everyone is born a chad and can just magically find relationships whenever they want
You don't understand me at all. I push the envelope. When someone tickles me, I start pretending to be their clone. You wouldn't believe how often I get accused of being ChatGPT. I'm not even sure if it's true or not at this point. There's a colossal stick in my ass and for some reason I never get the joke until it's explained. People don't like it when I play pretend, but they like it even less when I'm honest. Since it doesn't seem to matter anyway, I just let things fall out however they will. Why don't you stop replying if you hate me so much?
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Halfway through Black Death and I think its one of the better 21st century medieval movies. Looks drab as fuck but that lends itself well to the tone
That movie is pure kino and the ending is especially good just saying
im a volcel gaycel because having sex is disgusting. being that gay is a little nasty too
Yeah I know what you do. It's incredibly self-involved and you can't help but spread it everywhere. Pretending like you're fooling people but everyone can see it. No one benefits from it, in fact I think you're harmful on purpose, and I'm not sure how you benefit from it either. Makes me think you just think you're better than everyone else, and they're beneath considering with even basic honesty. If you were full of anything other than bloated ego you'd be doing something real instead of thinking of new ways to come off like a huge asshole while launching your semi-opaque criticisms of others and lies about yourself.
You're a bully and the rest is fluff.
>who, me?
this nigga thinks catfishing niggas on discord is a wholesome act lmao
did someone delete a post? what are you talking about
what? who?
anons... i am so confused...
uhm he deserved it?
i almost met someone from this thread
anon stop being a passive aggressive little bitch
vagueposts? layers of subtext beneath incomprehensible schizo rambles? BITCH MADE. be a MAN. be direct. and gtfo with your schizo bullshit
you're lookin pretty swole *proceeds to gape u*
*blushblush* nuuu~~~ >///<
which anon are you talking to
someone's talking about "niggas" and "catfishing"
like, what? I'm sorry, what does that have to do with the thread topic (being gay and doing gay things)?
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I bullied high elves today
um is that gay or does it have to do with doing gay things?
nope thats a female character
people are 200x more helpful when you have a female character in this bitch of a world
okay so why did you post it here?????? this is the gay thread, /r9gay/?? are you lost? do you need someone to help you?
especially on tranny wow
people usually ignore those posts this is the most attention hes had, and its your fault
you're welcome for being allowed to post on my personal blogspot, now stop acting like an illegal alien that come into this beautiful country just to complain about the local citizens
>this is the most attention hes had, and its your fault
okay so now we have faggots out to gauge the amount of attention I get?? seems pretty possessive
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went to the crisis center. cute guy wasn't there but his coworker left a message for him from me. she said my hair was cute.

many times have i been called "cute" or "pretty" or "beautiful" but very rarely do i ever get called handsome.

i got my socks wet for a company number.
this guy really just keeps telling the same story
no you didn't
that would mean there's someone to meet
yeah people here are crazy they analyze every thing from other posters
apparently they can tell who other people are from posting style and words choice bcus they have no lives and are mentally ill lol
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It's getting too cold to keep the windows open so I bought six air-fresheners for my room. They don't really smell like the ocean but its better than nothing
yes, i did. i felt pretty bad about not doing it even though it wasnt planned
excuse me, what does this have to do with being gay?
He's talking about his room smelling bad and fags are notoriously known for smelling bad so it's relevant
never met a gay in real life what do they smell like
Farts and dried semen
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Well without getting into the inclement negative implications about fags you made my post was more about maintaining a nice smelling room
do you believe your mom actually had sex?
do you ever pretend you're talking about yourself but really you're talking about someone else? I think it's fun because if they realize that that's what I'm doing, it's a great way to criticize someone in a way that they can't refute, and if they don't get it I can laugh to myself about how dumb they are
and then if they reply I can tell myself that they're replying to the caricature of them that I made, even if they're replying to me, the person behind it, because I'm delightfully devilish seymour
hmm... no, i have not
Nope mine says she won me at a raffle and couldn't swap me for a better prize
I wish I had you as my bf
no? you've never taken your conception of someone else and disguised it as your own personality? I suppose it is a little masturbatory, congratulating myself in my head like that, but I can't help it.
nope. ironically i dont think i care enough about anyone to get that idea
freshly rained-on dirt and moderately priced cologne and sport deodorant
Oh, I'm a bully? I'm a bully? I'm a bully? Oh, I'm a bully? There are people pushing drugs on children for fun and even profit, and I'm a bully? Get over yourself, then flip yourself over and get over yourself again. I was going to get so drunk that I cried tonight but you've made me waste it on this. Now I have to go to bed sober and feel excellent tomorrow. I hope you're happy, creep.
Am I still an incel virgin if I have gay sex
I don't really care either. People are objects I insert into the long running jokes I keep in my head. Sometimes I'll say something to someone, and they'll get confused, they'll say "what?" and look at me like I'm crazy. But I'm not, because them saying "what?" played right into my joke, and then I laugh to myself and call them stupid. Because if they weren't stupid they would get the joke, even though it's only going on in my head. God I'm brilliant, it makes my dick hard.
yeah like im one hundred percent positive and good so if you ever thought i was doing something negative and bad, you were mistaken or i was just joking. everyone i know in real life understands this so im not sure what the difficulty is. i would really like a hot coffee and a slice of pizza right now but it wouldnt be healthy to have that at this hour so i wont. do you see how good i am?
I don't mind the portions that most food comes in at the grocery but they need to stop using those rubber bands to bundle 10 leeks or 30 carrots together because I am not buying that many.
Just watched The Crow (1994), pretty good. I'd submit it to that guy's movie list from that thread. A lot of parallels with my life, too. Hopefully I don't die like the actor actually did.
I have 4,5 or 6 bundles of green onions like that sitting in my freezer, yep
I'm tired of my bread getting moldy so the next time I'm going to buy 3 loaves and I'm going to test putting them in the fridge and freezer to see if they'll stay better for longer.
omg twins
I just take a single one out of the bundle now. It's sold by weight anyways and it doesn't say anywhere that you're not supposed to do that.
Also they should sell drinks in a concentrate form. Like better than bouillon but for orange juice and v8. That way it's lighter to carry and I can just reconstitute them when I get home.
how many of you would buy large sacks of coffee beans and leave them lying around just so you could have the smell of coffee in your place all the time?
Bread stays good for a long time in the freezer but the texture of defrosted bread isn't as good.
not me. i dont like coffee
I dont drink coffee

How about the fridge? I feel like as long as it's tolerable to eat it's better than having moldy bread.
you can just buy coffee candles
I've thought this as well
it would reduce shipping costs too, right? what's the point of lugging all that water around
although orange juice concentrate is a real thing, but it's still partially hydrated and it has to be kept frozen
but especially with soda, I don't know how soda is made so I could be wrong but isn't the water added afterward anyway?
Whenever I'm in a grocery store that has coffee bean dispensers, I take a handful to eat while I'm walking around. People eat them chocolate-covered, but for some reason people think this is weird.
they already do that too though, now that I think about it
mio and kool aid
crystal light
probably some other stuff
soda is hfcs with flavoring and food coloring and water but i don't know in what order. i don't think the order matters though.
I'm not sure if you know this, but when juice comes out of fruit, it's juice already. They do make and sell about double-concentrated juice, but concentrating it any more than that would require too much energy in boiling it, and would ruin the flavor.
I know at least in the Netherlands they sell ranja, which is some sugary artificial fruit flavoring concentrate.
yeah I figured there was a physical reason for it
You forgot the carbonation, literally the most important part of soda. You can get a SodaStream(tm) for home use, but then you have to buy carbonation cartridges. Just walk into McDonalds with a cup. No one cares.
They sell orange juice "from concentrate".
That's because it's from Florida, and they can just leave it in the sun down there. If you did that in apple country, the opposite would happen, because of rain. All the sun energy is why orange juice wakes you up like coffee.
/r9gay/ is so educational...
I'm not looking for a gay date or a hookup, I'm looking for a husband for the rest of my life. You won't find someone loyal and singularly devoted if you're looking for sex, you can only find those people through friendship first, they don't give it out freely.
I don't mean to be the "internet police" here, but your post appears to be off-topic
this is /r9gay/, the gay thread on /r9k/
please, kindly leave if you're not going to post about homosexuality or its implications
I'm sure there's a juice thread somewhere where you would fit right in
i'm just looking for a guy to smoke weed with and i dont even know where to start. people are scary; many of them are on drugs! there are even doctors now who will prescribe people stuff that you can get high on. what kind of a crazy gotham city arkham asylum collectors edition world do we live in now?
was curious and opened up sniffies and there isn't anyone around younger than late 20's
is it just my area or something in particular
at this rate i'm going to have to make an app for finding people to smoke weed with in order to find someone to smoke weed with.
no you must suffer dopehead
dropped instantly if you:
- use emojis (other than upside down smile, angry noh mask and/or moon)
- talk about a video game i don't like
- talk about music i find boring
- feet bigger than mine
- feet smaller than mine
dropped including for my dick bigger than yours
why do you care so much about feet (and everything else)
i wish. then i could just smoke weed and have a good time. instead i have antipathy about feeling like i'm wasting time and i get bored really easily. nothing worse than smoking weed and then being bored. absolutely nothing in the universe worse than that.
i thought you wanted to get fucked up the butt you weird little faggot. fuck you, gay people disgust me.
every time someone has basic standards on here they get attacked viciously from all sides by your ravening crows. the state of affairs is absolutely ridiculous. my feet are just the right size and it's bizarre when people have feet that are a different size. of course, i mean size proportional to their body of course. if they're shorter they can have smaller feet, or larger if they're taller. but the ratio absolutely must remain constant. absolutely.
By bf has bigger feet and a bigger dick than me but i'm taller
i imagine it maybe once every two years and that's pretty much enough for me. it's a thought for sure, but it's a lot like adopting a cat: you don't think about the poop part until it's too late.
it's not that easy
your unintelligible pothead psychobabble has to be complimentary with your smoking partner's too
otherwise it'll be a mess of hurt feelings and misunderstandings
it's a lot like dating that way
to that I end I propose that if you do make this app, part of each person's profile could be a section where they post sample text of the kinds of retarded nonsense they say while high
perhaps you could have an AI that uses this data to provide potential matches
i don't feel like you've actually smoked weed before. in fact i feel like your words might be farts, meaning they are coming from your butt. the less i understand what someone is talking about, the funnier it is. the only really important thing is that they're not that serious about anything. except the things that are serious.
it would be kind of a parasitic relationship of course because i can't guarantee that i'll be any fun. but reportedly, according to the reports, there are these guys out there who are just smoking weed and playing video games, and i would just like to sit there and be cute. actually its only emotionally parasitic because in terms of material goods i'm great at cooking and baking. this could be a very profitable relationship. i would also like him to be wearing a baja hoodie and a beanie indoors.
yes I know you like making jokes in your head about other people and what they say
it's a fabulously attractive quality
but you know what isn't? dismissing my brilliant idea when I feel you haven't truly considered it yet
this would be an example of psychobabble not matching, if we smoked marijuana together it would be a "bad trip"
you are both exhausting desu feel bad for anyone who accidentally gets in earshot
i'm not really hearing any psychobabble from you;
in fact, you speak much like others do,
which is not, for me, fit proverbial food,
for thought, I mean; in fact, it's crude.
and you think it's my farts you're huffing
I wish it were your smoke I'm puffing,
instead of this stupid conversation about nothing.
maybe you should lay off the grass
when you're on it, you talk like an ass
If I had it, I wouldn't be complaining.
It's because of the lack that I'm pain in.
that's unfortunate, can't imagine how insufferable you must be when you're on it
men younger than late 20s don't use sniffies
I'll roll a sweet and grassy blunt one day,
beside you; then you'll see a finer mee,
whose mind is turnt to grave from happy play,
for fire sings to me mortalitie:
just as the leaf to ash doth burn away,
and fine, so fine, the ash goes floating free,
so spin my wheels the dust up from the clay,
as from the earth my spirit seeks to flee,
and seeks to taste eternal dusky day,
yea, seeks to pierce that veil of mysterie,
which the subtle truth from us doth hide away,
that answer which no living man may see,
til he is planted in the greening ground,
or from the sky rains screaming, flaming, down.
why bother with all that
you could put yourself in the ground right now for real and make all of us happy
that would be sad? lol? we all get there anyway. that would be like wolfing your food. in any case you see why i need someone to smoke with, preferably someone who plays video games and orders xl pizzas so i can have a slice or two.
besides theres demonic groomers out there who need to be wiped from the face of the earth and it pleases me to cheerlead that effort
>he says as he attempts to groom the impressionable into sharing his appreciation for elizabethan metaphysicall verse
it's too bad you're such an egotistical jackoff who'd inevitably make it extremely unpleasant
i like naivetie, or full wisdome,
for he thats in the middle, halfway grown,
i find doth offen frown at poem-tomes,
and filling in his wit doth tax my own.
no I don't like your poetry because you use it to be a self-aggrandizing cunt who looks down on everyone
what is naivetie
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>feeling like shit for months
>self esteem couldn't be lower
>think about cutie that used to sext with me years ago
>masturbate thinking about these tasty looking pecs
>cum but still horny
>do it again and again
>cum 5 times before feeling tired and falling asleep
>wake up in a pool of sweat and feeling tired
>still horny as fuck but too tired to fap
He sent me a message recently, thinking about taking a few pics for him but I am feeling like shit, my self esteem gets a big boost when I post my ass online, I am considering getting a twitter account or even posting my ass on some threads, I am feeling so lost right now.
this is fake story, right? nobody can masturbate that many times, right?
that's so like you though
someone says they do something, they can't really be doing that thing
they say they are something, no they're not
they say they're not, yes they are
all you do is invalidate, distort, and pretend to misunderstand
putdown after putdown after putdown
you're malicious and if you're not motivated by hate, it's just the urge to destroy
you have to be right about everything
and everyone who doesn't agree with everything you think has to be wrong and not only that, mercilessly ridiculed
smoke and mirrors faggot, the demon is you
those posts arent about me... right..?
I am very very drunk and I want a bf at 2:08am EST who will kiss me and cuddle me to sleep. Ooooooo the agony without one. Ohh weellllll drunk me is happy non the less.
With the last 2 orgasms only a few drops came out, I am not young anymore.
>nobody can masturbate that many times
What? your libido must be different because every guy I know could do that, specially if they are in their 20s, horny teenagers going trough puberty can do it all day long.
i dont know, but ive only jerked off 2 times in a day at the max and they werent super close together. now im not sure which of us is normal though
Anon, what da mattah?
why, thinking about how to make it worse? lol
Most men are horny, male libido is strong, men have started wars just because of pussy, sometimes even bussy, gay men are famous for being promiscuous, promiscuity requires high libido.
>im not sure which of us is normal though
My libido is a little bit high for my age but I'm and autist so I don't know how it should be, yours is a little too low so in this case (You) are the weird one buddy, not like it is a bad thing, I hate feeling so horny specially when I am so lonely.
I am so sorry, I could share beer with you...
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oh hey nice
BEGONE VILE WOMAN. This thread is pure thread of milk and honey.
I'm a 31 year old homeless man
Welcome, Are you gay? If yes, you may stay also why is fate so cruel to you if you can read the future nigga?
it's not so much "read the future" as it is "get some insights into how things could maybe go"
you'd find a way to taint that too
sharing anything with you is a pretext for you to weasel your way into fucking the other person over somehow
wouldn't wizard be better term, wanne exchange readings?

Fuck off cunt. I am personally attacked.
>wouldn't wizard be better term
I'm not a d&d character
Men can't big witches don't. English doesn't work like that sorry.
you're a liar and so incredibly deceitful that if there was anything of worth beneath it all, you've nullified its meaning by making it completely inaccessible and unknowable. usually with a compulsive liar there's at least something
why you decided to make a false self that's so awful is beyond me
I hope it's a false self
that's literally how english has always worked
just because feminists want to coopt a word doesn't mean everyone's gotta go along with it
Oh god schizophrenia, My language is deteroiting I am having an episode.... fuck...
It is witcher, you retards
I merely am, I am the void, I am the vastness... I am nothing yet something?
no the reality's much simpler than that, although I can understand why you try to complicate it
you're a jerk
Did I hurt you? Sorry anon, we can always make ammends?
you really are the only one who can judge whether that last interaction was indicative of a potential for a relationship or not. anons said it sounded like he was just being nice/acting like a social worker and telling you personal stuff to make you comfortable you refuted that it was too personal and really seemed like he had an interest. from what you said it really seems 50/50 and no anon in good conscious can really tell you it's going to work out but if you're still hung up on him it's better not regretting right?

imho calling his number (even if it's a work number) is a lot less creepy than having yourself admitted just to see him but you should be upfront and make it clear you want to get to know him outside of an official capacity and he'll either reject you, ask to talk about it later, or be willing to discuss arrangements for a hangout but definitly don't waste his time pretending that you're talking to him in an official capacity only because you'd be using his work number and he might have actual patients to deal with otherwise I'd usually be fine with a little subterfuge if you need an excuse to try to talk to someone but because you'd be bothering him at work I think a bold move like that requires honesty.
I've honestly only ever seen you act like a well-intentioned schizo. I don't know where all the liar accusation stuff comes from but I haven't seen it myself.
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I need somebody to love.
It's the lies,the happy timers spread, its their lies...
>I liked the idea as my memory is getting worse
oh heeelll naw! if i ever catch the damenshia im outtie 5 thouttie dawg!

sorry don't know what came over me there, but my brain going bad on me really is one of my biggest fears.
I've fallen in love with too many of my friends in my life, all unrequited. I always fall for people too quickly and scare them away
Don't we all? Honestly surprised the /r9k/ filter still let that one past though.
Just one hug
every person I've fallen in love with was disgusted with me
unironically, I should've been straight
he didn't say how long it took him could have been over the span of like an hour and half, avg refractory period is 15 minutes so 90/15 is 6 meaning he could have gone one more time if he hadn't fallen asleep.
I wanna fuck cute blond boys yea nigga!
Why not just love boys for who they are?
There's a Dutch book about dementia I think might be the best book of Dutch literature -- Hersenschimmen. Not sure if the English translation is any good though, but I liked the original a lot. Might be worth a look if you're interested in a Dementia-point-of-view story.

If I had dementia I think I would be at peace with it relatively quickly. Frankly I wouldn't even remember that I have it for very long.
>Frankly I wouldn't even remember that I have it for very long.
i suppose that's a good point to remember but it still scares me. to keep living while only being a shell and not actually knowing what's going on, forgetting your family and friends and everything you used to care about. but thanks for the recommendation i'll see if i can find it but for some reason i have difficulty with finding dutch literature in specific i just can never find it in online stores or else they have one copy and its super expensive tho it has been a while so i could try again
You've looked for Dutch literature??? I've read more English than Dutch books myself and I'm natively Dutch. What were you looking for?
I'm sorry anon.. What happened with them? I've been fortunate, in a way, so far that I've only been let down nicely and none of the people I have confessed to betrayed my trust
oh it's okay
I'm actually an extremely bad person in every conceivable way
I didn't think it at the time but every rejection was sane and reasonable
R9gay has fallen...
no it's the same soul draining dumpster fire you always wanted it to be
but you already knew that before you posted! lol!
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Feels like things aren't really ever gonna get good & to be honest I'm kinda resigning myself to that right now.
i wanted to broaden my horizons and had been doing a lot of research on international literature (although i really only read Mishima from the ones i had picked out so far) i read the Wikipedia page on Dutch literature since you really don't hear much from them and thought it would be interesting to check out so just from the descriptions on Wikipedia (i couldn't find English samples of work at the time) i wanted to read works by Louis Couperus, particularly Footsteps of Fate, and was also interested in checking out poetry by the Tachtigers. Gutenberg actually has some of Coupeus' work now so i just downloaded some! as for Hersenschimmen it looks like it's called Out of Mind in English and is by J. Bernlef but the only decent price ($18) is from the U.K. which means shipping is probably double that and just a no go domestically it's between $30 and $50 so i'll have to wait and watch to see of there's a better price. English as in the U.K. or the Anglosphere in general? whose your favorite author? a lot of what we have to read in school while maybe not terrible is made difficult to enjoy by the way it is taught so i mostly only like lesser known authors like Pynchon that haven't been tainted by school when i read stuff from the Anglosphere.
I actually just meant English language stuff, and I agree about books in school. They really force you to read the famous books instead of letting you read them voluntarily, and it takes all the fun out of it and makes it an obligation. I actually revisited some of the books I read in highschool in recent years and I enjoyed them a lot more.

Honestly I should probably read some more Dutch books sometime, the only Couperus novel I've read was De Stille Kracht in highschool, and I wasn't very enthusiastic about having to read it back then. I did look at a poetry book by a Tachtiger once years ago. I should probably dive into poetry a little more at some point though sometimes I feel like the delivery of the poem is largely lost when you're just reading it. Maybe that's just me.

For English authors I think Dickens is the one I've read/listened to the most books of (With the thick accents and language usage I think audiobooks of Dickens are a lot easier to follow than the actual books). Out of all English books I've read I think I liked Madeline Miller's Song of Achilles best though but that's probably just cause it's gay.

I'll definitely look into Pynchon though, I've heard Gravity's Rainbow namedropped but never really looked into it.

And yeah shipping foreign books is steep. One time I wanted to ship some manga from Japan so I could learn Japanese (I wanted to learn some Han-character language). I don't remember how much extra it was but it was something in the ballpark of $50 per shipment. English books are pretty easy to come by in the Netherlands fortunately.
what are they on then just grindr?
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>what are they on then just grindr?
bro just look on the app store istg
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nigga can't even lick his lips no mo or something they want a nigga to put on some chapstick like ahhhhh hell nah!
chapstick be bussin tho, frfr on god
if your actions intentionally or not make the other person feel bad then it really doesn't matter if you were joking, you're now a dickhead, you're especially a dickhead if "it was just a joke bro" and you're also especially a dickhead if "I didn't think you'd feel that way about it"
it's always retards pulling a "just a joke" until you make a "joke" that steps on their sensitivies and only then they realize "wow jokes can make people feel bad sometimes"
Outlaw johnny black is one of the best western movies I seen and one of the very few good ones made in last who know how many years.

Happy death day was fun, the premise is really cool inherently imo.
How was it? Was there any sex/nudity in the film?
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thinking about how better my life would be if i wasnt cursed with t50 shitskin eyes
I wish I could cum in that hair so badly :C
nobody ever will i'm staying celibate until the day i die most men annoy me
>He says an internet forum.
>On the website for social outcasts.
>On the board for mentally ill losers
You look so cozy <3 is it cold over there?
>I will be sorely tempted to just fucking disappear.
I am constantly tempted by a desire to just vanish. For a day, week, or even months. Just maybe leaving a note behind so my family wouldn't worry.
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oh its honestly so so cold, im going to finish making my brookies today. i made the cookie dough last night and then froze it. going to finish off by making the brownie batter today. first time ever making cookies from scratch. came out looking shit but taste nice!
Tfw no bf who makes me go sunbathing with him.
They don't look bad actually, good work! Aren't they suppose to be more square or something doe?
nooo, these were just the chocolate chip cookies i used just to test the cookie dough. haven't started on the brownies yet!
Post your creations in the new thread why won't ya? :P Sorry if its too much glam for you :3

New bread/cookie thread:
No but I have been so angry and upset that I started laughing.
yeah it's better to be honest with him and not live my life regretting that i at least didn't try. the other employees there only ask you basic questions and then go on to do computer work but he wanted to know more about me aside from work and he said to talk to him soon. i really wanted to but i didn't want to seem creepy. was 3 weeks too long? do you think he found someone else during that time?

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