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Receiving the gift of pozzed loads edition
paki cock
Mad how acceptable HIV is nowadays. Even got roasties with Aids complaining people won't shag them.
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Paki tits, however
not so sure about this edish desu
Is that Jameela Jamil? Thought she was all about body positivity? Why's she using all those filters?
Stupid cunt should get her tits out.
Bed I suppose
Too much on my mind these days
Miss being carefree desu wa

Hey that's my wife's bull's name!
HIV riddled arsehole under a skirt
Pebbledash house
Abdullah thought he'd caught a war bride. He caught the clap.
can't wait to ride my mt09 tomorrow
Arbroathy pulling down his knickers was a form of 'Shock and Awe'
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A deep sadness 2day
>He was subjected to daily verbal abuse and humiliation - not allowed to use the toilet in the house or shower without Rigby's permission.

What makes men so weak like this? Why would you let a girl not allow you to shower?

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Breaking out the highland cathedral just like I did on night of 18 September 2014 in better spirits b4 the next day
10 years of betrayal
comfiest petrol station in the country?
in awe at the faith of this lad. absolute god
Your mum's arse I reckon, lad.
no need for that lad, you are no longer my fren
here in germany it's aral
I get all the fuel I need from your mum's red diesel arse, lad.
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>here in germany
Big, big deliveryberg coming in the morning.
I'm a proto saxon cunt show me some respects
Chain or specific one? Chain would be Shell without a doubt. Generally clean and the toilets work more than others
no lad, looking for a specific one
A lot of the cheaper petrol stations have dirty as fuck lines and fuel that'll fuck up your car.
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Saw some passable troons in Liverpool earlier. Had to rub one out at maccies not long after.
Might cancel the PS5 pro desu
700 for some meme light effects wowow pointless what on earth was I thinking preordering this thing
Trannies always dress like anime girls or some sort of mental fetishisation of what they think women dress like.
Bit of a dumb move that one, lad. It's not worth the upgrade at all.
Don't believe anyone, even you, would be stupid enough to preorder one of those things. Here's your (you) I suppose
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In my feelings
They just want to ensure you are aware of their mental illness by dressing like retarded anime characters.
I stop at this one quite a lot


This one is quite comfy as it's built of stone and overlooks a lake

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My entomologist Apu saw an ad on craigslist for a bug chasing session in the woods up by the Feel Street council skips and after coming back now the poor lid won't even speak to me. He keeps staring off into space and won't even touch his snickers covered popcorn clusters. Can't afford to lose another frog to apathy this year or SPACCA will be right on my case.
Very true. Almost like the whole thing is some mental attention seeking LARP.
Yeah kinda got carried away and got impulsive. Got the Edge controller and Portal too, 30th anniversary versions. Kinda not sure what to do with these. Likely not worth it either but they are limited editions so hesitant to cancel. Fug
Fuck me this is a dark one, lad.
Always enjoyed this one too

just uprade your pc at this point. you're just getting ripped off with this console shit
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Want 2 cuddle up w this hag
Shagging Laura's 23yo tuppence with with my 34yo chubber.
Lmao. Good post.
Yeahhh it's a waste of money I will 99% chance cancel it. Got too much other rubbish to buy. Maybe need to just accept that I don't have as much time to play games anymore too.
i vote for the BP at the end of sunbank lane near manchester airport, to be fair i have very good memories there

>sat in the car outside that petrol station in the middle of the night facing the control tower with the (then) QT girlfriend next to me
>eating and drinking junk food we just bought from the shop
>specifically remember listening to kings of leon - closer one night there
>holding hands and doing other such normie, romantic things

times used to be good
Rubbing my rancid willy walloper all over Ruths greasy face and oozing my decrepit smelly jizzem all down her forehead.
Why? She looks cold and mean
Fuck off lad. She's 19.
Even better. I'll shoot a rotting cock sneeze up her nostril too.
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Got a big attraction to middle class, bookworm nerdy lass types.
i could not think those things with her. only nice romantic things like the christmas market.
Haven't been to that one, didn't even know there was a BP there. Just had a look on street view and there isn't a jet wash there so probably won't ever use it
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What did she mean by this?

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I refuse to work if I'm never getting a girlfriend. Suck it up wagies. You will be back to work soon and I'll be beating the backlog of vidya.
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She give me funny feelings in my tummy
I thought she only had four toes.
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>You will be back to work soon
>I'll be beating the backlog of vidya
Wow sounds like a great life
Not to mention that he regularly talks about how he is too depressed to play games anymore and doesn't enjoy them.
I've been off sick all last week. Still yet to decide if I'll go back in tomorrow or not
Is it NEETs v wagies hour already?
He needs to work. He has a gf called Helen.

Better than spending 8 hours a day in a low pay job I'll hate and coming home to no gf. Go earn my bennies.
It's Sunday night, this is the best time for NEETs to strike as the Wagies are coming to the end of their 2 days off
Just entering ruthmong hours, someone clang the bell
Not been much SSM updates in here as of late. Are his biggest fans even bored?
wagies fucking absolutely malding in bed right now pure tossing and turning
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Honestly wouldn't surprise me if HHL was playing 4D Chess
I don't think it is anon. Work would give some structure to your life, give you an opportunity to be independent and improve your situation. Maybe eventually get a gf

Instead you sit at home depressed and play video games all day
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4get it's Sunday kek
Sunday scaries as they say
Me? Few more beers,sleep when I want
no woman gonna date someone working minimum wage boring job in his 30s. fuck working.
Howling that wagies get "scaries"
Waawaa it Sunday night
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>someone working minimum wage boring job in his 30s
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>waiting for my notice period to end
>then 2 weeks off until my new job starts
Just counting down the days. Can't be fucked to work this job anymore
Giving him false hope there m8. Having a job doesn't mean you'll get a gf
>t. 40k/year office wagecuck project manager who hasn't had a gf in 10 years
Makes me sad to think that ruthmong doesn't want to make any friends
Are you me? I currently have 3 weeks notice period left. Absolutely cannot be arsed. I sit at my desk for 8 hours a day browsing Reddit (4chan is banned). The day absolutely drags.
Sometimes wish I lived in a windowless soundproof room cut off from the rest of the world apart from monthly food deliveries and internet access of course. Just hate people that much.
You're right lad, no one working minimum wage in his 30s has a gf. It's literally impossible.

Truth is women wouldn't date you even if you made 100k because you have an awful personality
Well you can't win can you? You do the right thing and be laughed at by women.
U shall serve the modern aristocracy. Your betters. "Work" is beneath us.
Love it when the woman expert logs on
What friends? It's all immigrants now in a lot of jobs.
Plenty of minimum wage lads out there with minimum wage girls. They're not retarded though.
HHL has a better life than all of his detractors
Hate ruthmong's routines, hate the (you)s they get, hate the impact they have on the thread in general
There's a girl on big brother that has worked in a chinese takeaway for many years. Apparently she loves it.
HHL is jobless and he has mates. There's no excuse not to have mates
Leave "work" 2 the simpletons. We pursue higher callings.
Corrrr can cancel about 1100 pound worth of goods so get in there cheeky pre-emptive cash injection coming on strong.

Straight into the savings account. Saving for... I don't know. Nothing.
He has drug addict smackhead mates.
People across the North East will be slaving away at awful jobs tomorrow, and their packpacket will be deducted to finance HHLs Lavish lifestyle
Still better than no mates
>he can't make friends with someone from a different country
What a sad little man you are
Getting a job means requiring references. I don't have any. You can't win if you haven't worked for over ten years.
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I want 2 order the biggest highest pixel rate OLED screen possible so I can zoom in on these pics nd larp that am being squashed under a giantess. V taken by this hag.
Based. I wfh so I can take the piss even more
I am not a druggie or alcoholic. Not many people want that sort of friend.
Oh I wish I was on benefits so I could eat kebabs daily and drink alcohol which makes me miserable and then repeat the same mistake again and again with no end until I die alone.

Oh wait actually I don't KEK.
>Based. I wfh so I can take the piss even more
Why are you sick of it if you WFH mate?
Weird new waifu you've got there Crossy, not my cup of tea but you do you big lad.
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Cheers lad am sure there will be another 1 when the cycle re-starts bt for now she's for me
I was fuming xus I remembered I did sell Sonic frontiers into cex. Its weird cus I already completed the game before i feel like am ripping myself off buying it again. Bt I wanted 2 play it again anyway knowing I'd already completed it. Its complicated. Think I just threw any old shit in my bag that day going down cex. So many other games i couldve sold instead if I put any thought into it.
Mummy said how do they make money like that? About cex giving tramps cash for random shit. I actually didn't have an answer. Its a weird business when u think about it. Possible pizzagate thing.
I guess we've all just decided to forget cex CEO was on Epstein flight logs
punch a wagie in the throat
They are with nasty, trashy and disrespectful women. I don't want some psycho bitch in my life.
I was getting a massage on epstein island when it dawned on me those decrepit hands were attached 2 Theresa may
*starts rubbing my willy on your face* UUUGH RUTHMONG UUGH UUGH UUUUGH *my hands slipping through your slimy hair*
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wops in hospital waiting room right now. not good.
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Continued rape nd ruin of my home is what it means
Next question
Punch a Chinaman
I see old Jock boy is on the juice again and going to start kicking off against his masters
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Bit degen this edish is it not
I'm living my best life. Powerful and authentic.
They got no business in Aberdeen. Kick them cunts in the North sea.
Who's the guy on the left supposed to be?
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Ebin isn't looking too good nowadays, lads...
Woah is that frfr no cap?
Hope he's ok.
Saw that on reddit earlier and kek'd. Anorexia is funny.
Whats happened? Did she slip and fall on a Xbox 360 disk?
Very very obscure reference but its from a pilot that Seth McFarlane pitched to Cartoon Network before family guy aired. I cant find the source but Ive seen it in the past.
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Think she broke her leg playing footie. Very clumsy girl.
Here it is.
I remember september 2014 v v well. Felt like things could change. A new future. Stabbed in the back. Entire establishment against us. It was nice 2 dream. Stabbed in the tfucking back.
Cannot fucking stand funko pops. Id throw them all into an incinerator if it was up to me.
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Looking forward to playing the Tomb Raider IV-VI remaster on my Xbox One X next year.
Rolling out decrepit celebrities on TV 2 make those pro union statements. Don't think I forgot. David Bowie nd the rest of them. Nice payday for u nd now you're burning in hell so good job. The entire world against us. It was nice 2 dream. I still think about that dream.
It's a very stressful job with a massive workload. You can't get away with doing nothing, I'm just doing less now because I don't care about being fired
They even got some game based on them now. Wonder if she knows about it. I do agree though...they are ridiculous things to collect.
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You had your chance lad. I wish you had taken it. Shame the English didn't get a referendum on keeping you around, if we had, you'd have been gone long ago.
nigga morphin into monkey d luffy
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Film the 24 hour gym on night walks. Not my problem they put clear windows and bright lights inside so I can see everything.
film only the women too lmao
They give me the dirty look. Rozzers have turned up once before but arrested for filming paki takeaway instead.
>nightwalk larps
My favourite time of the evening
any accidentally cum in your own face lads in
I live in the northwest. How do I go on about going on a date with wops? I have a larger video game collection than her I think she would be impressed.
everytime i go for a nightwalk i think i look cool and mysterious in my hoodie but i probably just look like another sad lonely twat
She is probably more into girls to be honest. You would have to contact her as she didn't like some random lad approaching her at McDonald's.
I usually do them when I'm at my lowest. The day some lad across the street said "you ok mate" and his bird was like "why is he so miserable" got me even sadder. They'll never understand the loneliness.
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Id offer a dowry to date her. Do you think she would accept? Should I contact her on YouTube or instagram.
How does Ruthmong go on nightwalks if he has no shoes?
my lowest is every day. these days I try to do my walks in the day because I live in London and don't want to get mugged and raped by a forun
When I drink 2 many beers I dream about a huge wall in Carlisle. I think about highland fusiliers kicking Labour MPs into the North Sea. Nd my Highlands aren't used as a retirement home for the English anymore. We build entire cities in the Highlands. Stuff like that. What could be. Rip 2 the big man.
She isn't into ancient stuff like SNES. She also finds anyone over 30 ancient when asked that on a live.
Why, that's the trick! He doesn't!
Wear multiple layers of socks? Tape squashed drinks cans to your soles? Get creative lad.
Gutted. Heartbroken and distraught I am.
>ruthmong on a nightwalk
>stopped by cops asking him why he has no shoes
>a cheeky look crosses his face
>"who needs shoes when you have hands?"
>ruthmong proceeds to do a backflip onto his hands and walks upside down whilst giving the pigs the middle toe
Funny lad but get my name right.
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Amazes me how the average wagie has no control over their anger and committing a crime on camera.
U actually wouldn't cus the 1 thing every English political party agrees on left right anything is pro-union. U think no beer keir would let you give away Aberdeen oil lol. They would spastically interfere 2 prevent that as they did 10 years ago. Makes u think.
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>Down to five items
He doesn't but night walk lad does. Not as much these days but he has got some recorded night walks.
Whatever you say little fella, have fun
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Only banter tho am not into politics. Might as well have another jar. Cheers lads
The man what don't dream. He's psycho! He's coocoo!
Are u ibtrovert or extrovert
Hmmmmm i never thought about it
Your daddy is Satan. What the fuxking fuck.
I was thinking about this guy yesterday. I think whenever he has a meeting with the DWP/UC/PIP and as hes about to leave his flat he smothers his entire body with a smoked haddock or two from Aldi or something. Theres no way he has this bullshit smell disability. Do you think the DWP know about his YouTube channel?
Get behind me demonic faggot
Never thought about it
Don't make me laff
Ever think about if space is real? Fucking retard
That time again where I get sad as the new week begins and have missed out on life experiences, am a neet incel and still no idea what to do for a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself.
Cheers lad.
*quaffs his last beer*
Pro queer keir next 2 wee eck
No comparison
Joke country
Who's your shadow secretary
Let me guess
Abood alluah akbar mamajalabad the 3rd(CBE)
Fuckinf faggot lol
SSM has created an entire economy based on items.
I learned this from college friend who went into psychology and now has a thriving practice in an affluent area... The number of men of all ages who admit to their psychiatrists that they find teenagers attractive is disturbingly high. As my friend put it, it's almost a given that at least one of your teenage daughter's friend's fathers have had at least one sexual fantasy about your daughter.

According to my friend, whenever she has a new client, and that client has a teenage daughter, she knows it's only a matter of time before that man will confess that he finds his daughter's friends attractive.
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The R&R shall now be copped

Downers kicking in too
i, for one, dont mind going back to work on mondays, i like my job mostly, only start in the afternoons and it keeps me busy, maybe if i wasnt such a boring cunt and had hobbies to do at home id be dreading it a bit more though
Just want an android fuck slave.
Ruthmong in a parallel earth shagging Ruth's tuppence
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As long as he doesn't go below 5 items he doing well in life.
Sounds like wagie cope. I've always hated working. Probably never working again. Life is beyond fucked anyway. I'll kill myself when the time is right.
I see more than 5. Does his TV count as an item?
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Cheers haleylad
To better days ahead
Sucks I'll never have anyone's tuppence in this universe.
Phwoar imagine licking her pussy while she pours vodka on ya cockle.
why cant i just wank all the time? its not fair
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>android fuck slave
What would it look like? Mine would look like r Nora I think
Why are women like this? Makes me want to beat the shit out of her.
For looking nice and doing a little dance?
I'm in last penny mode, bennies day in 10 sleeps. Hoping to get some rum before then, desu.
Might get some cheap lidl beer during the week, as a treat.
Yeah she knows exactly what she's doing. She's a stupid fucking manipulative bitch and deserves her head caved in and full of spunk.
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I think one of the consequences of spending so much time in isolation is that you can develop a weird sense of superiority and inflated self-importance, even if you don't have very high self-esteem or much confidence in yourself. The more time you spend in your own little world away from other people, the less important other people seem and the less weight you can attach to their ideas and opinions. It's related to the same reason why so many people complain that dating is harder or people are meaner than they used to be - humans spend more time interacting with others through the internet, people on the internet are just words on a screen and don't matter as much compared to when they're in front of you.
>knows exactly what she's doing
Yeah looking nice and doing a little dance
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Legit 10/10 soles to me
Gives me that kind of stiffy where it doesnt elongate so much as shrivels up nd turns around nd burrows into ur stomach
U know that hard on you feel from ur prostate into your intestines? Not to be crude
Really not 2 be crude,,I reallt feel like I want 2, u know.
F****x her
No she is being a whore. She needs her skirt lifted and a potato shoved up her arse until she shits vodka.
I agree lad.
How many pricks on here have ever been in a proper fight for example?
A proper punch to the head would humble you down 10 levels
Think you just partially proved exactly what he meant de lid
Not him but I've been in loads of fights as a teenager. Stupid to fight as an adult when you can go to prison for it.
Ive lost many fights de lad
Probably some cunt out there who has read every issue of 2000 AD since it began.
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Reminds me a certain some1. Those were good days. Life is so grey nd drab now. Where are those ppl now. I have a dream. I don't do drivel. I do visions, premonitions,,,,nm,predictions,revelations. Where did it all go so wrong. I remember the before times. The sun was yellow.
>Stupid to fight as an adult
I live just off a city centre and see fights relatively often and the vast majority of them are usually lads who know each other being drunk and overemotional, having a big hysterical argument and a shit scrap where they swing wildly and scream at each other. The actual fights between lads who know how to do it are over in seconds and end with the police and an ambulance turning up. It's absolute chimp behaviour that ruins lives.
Dracula 92, Purple Rain, Mein Kampf. Figure it out. Aye aye aye alright then
Watching Aussie lass show off her cute princessy outfit.
When my big sisters pals came over it was like a meme shed tell them I was a fan of elton john which I didn't even know who he was. She'd be like that "I got u elton tickets for your Christmas" nd they'd all be creased. The joke was I'm a homo. Stuff like that was considered PC humour in late 90s. It's actually not right she did that now i think about it. Bt we're cool now.
The joke was they were calling me as a child a homosdxual. Nd that was amusing to them. It was a different time.
I am going to retire to bed,luckily for me, the bed is also sometimes the masturbation zone, I shall do this before I go to sleep.
>sister's mates told you you like Elton John
Scraping the childhood trauma barrel a bit there no?
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Tattoos are such an impulsive thing for girls. Really don't like them on any girl.
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>the bed is also sometimes the masturbation zone
Good lad, doctor's orders that
I love them honestly
always find them rough and ready in bed
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>abloo bloo bloo she got a tattoo she doesn't look 13 anymore
When my sister had her friend staying for a few days when her parents were away I stole her dirty tights and underwear from the laundry basket, wore them and had a wank in them. Put them back afterwards. Bet she never knew. She was FIT. For context I was around 14.
I know its 1 of those things that sounds insignificant bt it actually had a bit of an effect. Even if I wanted to get into elton john now as an adult I can't because it just reminds me of that. U know
>Bet she never knew.
you don't think she would have noticed the crusty yellow stain all over them?
Well I don't. It's not about the sex appeal. It's about making yourself look presentable. Tattoos detract from that.

That's totally not what it's about. There are great adult girls without any tattoos like Scottish lass.
Is Bangbabes still a thing? They were like Babestation but would slip the odd pussy in.
That's the lion king ruined for 1 thing
Fuck up u actual cuckold tattoos are disgusting
I didn't cum in them I just wore them having a wank. Got off on wearing her clothes and sniffing them and that.
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Think it was 1 of my sis pals babysitting me 1 night thst gave me a foot fetish. I was years too young to even know what sex was bt I knew I wanted that. I know its fucked up bt true. It was either her or some1 else that would be even more fucked up. It's all good though.
I knew I liked feet whenever at lecture hall in University a lass put her bare feet out of sandals up on the chair in front and I got an erection.
I also have a fetish for girls with really long hair and ponytails.
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Cor those are the memories that get u through the dark nights
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Definitely getting middle class vibes from her.
Never learnt to ride a bike. Can't drive. Would be pathetic now to get a bicycle with those support wheel things.
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What the fuck does she see in this fella? Must be making some bank.
I haven't rode a bike since I was like 12. I know how to ride a bike but I haven't done it in so long I'd probably overthink it, fly over the handlebars and with any luck, break my neck and kill myself.
Gonna be a streetneet one day.
nigga has the hair of a newborn
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Where helper lad
Neway might just finish off these cans
Got fuckall else 2 do
Are Helper enjoying some R&R rn I reckon. Keeping it private. That wizza last night done 'em in.
Mad that most of the nation asleep rn for wagie activities 2moro
Me? BIG lie in
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Where arbroath poster lass
I have my suspicions you and Arb are one in the same but that's my conspiracy brain talking. Maybe she enjoying cuddles with her BF or playing some Dark Souls.
He probably has an 8 inch penis.
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Oh fair enough
Wish i had cuddles don't u?
fucking hell i miss smoking so much
yeah but unfortunately I will never know a loving human contact with anyone other than my mother unless I pay for it
autism has done a number on me and I'm not even mad, just dealt a shit hand, nobody's fault
when me good old mum dies I envision myself having a breakdown and doing myself in
They dint look like that anymore de lad. Just grim black packaging like every other cig. Marlboro reds my fav too.
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1 more time 1 more chance
gonna make some toast, any of you cunts want any toast?
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State of it
you want some toast?
can you be trusted with big boy cancer sticks sunflower mong?
No thanks lad. I've just had some corn flakes followed up by some ice cream. Getting ready for bed.
make you some anyway case you change your mind
gonna cut two big slices of farmhouse bread one butter one jam
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Aye if ur offering. Thx
even chain smokers have whiter teeth than mine
anyone else flick through those religious tv channels and have a good laugh at grown adults believing in this nonsense?
>anyone else flick through those religious tv channels
do we have them? thought it was just an american thing
Yeah there's like a few dozen show up on satellite tv. Mostly islamic ones where they're all sitting down on cushions.
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***** doesn't ever think about me. I will remember 2 the day I die.
Even w mum now when I mentjon ***** I feel like her vibe is like "that's nice bt that was a long time ago" like am talking about my Nintendo 64 from 1997. Bt 2 me it's still raw like its yesterday. I guess every1 moved on except me. What a cold world. I might die from sadness.
Unfortunately I remember everything
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Real neet loser hours right now.
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I don't do drivel. I do visions, premonitions, intuitions, fortunes.....I see where its going....its all bad......
toast is on if anyone fancies any, 5bong per slice butter and jam are extra aswell
What a fate. Separated from my twin flame. Alienated from my species. I a long aways aways from home. It would be best if I crawled in a corner nd died. Bt my work isn't done.
The goonshire sessh hath concluded

Thought i'd cop some R&R but instead i only just went and engaged in self-pleasurement instead, didn't i

Yessir, indeed i did
Good pheno this, probably even without the fakeup caked on

Chad only though of course, as per usual
Women over 30 aren't attractive to me. Are other men just in denial?
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>5bong per slice
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She does enjoy meeting up with the sunflower lads from time to time.
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>***** is married
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>***** has 2 sprogs
I miss her so much. Do I really have to go see her and apologise? I don't want to do that.
***** has moved on forever
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Forever ever
been awake 50 minutes already eaten 1200 calories
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Women are breeding utilities. There's no point in investing any emotions into them.
Brekkie soon i do reckon
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I heard about sth that happened nearby recently that gave me shivers when I think about it 2 much. Stabbing which isn't unusual bt the circumstances are so demonic nd evil around it that it really makes u wonder about what this species even is. I don't want to share a species that can do stuff like that. Neway the guy got caught bt I was just thinking. Its absolutely Satanic what goes on. It makes me reconsider even living. To even be part of this world feels tainted sometimes.
Men are wallets. Women are wombs.
I have 2 think, any1 even reading these words is part of the same species that does stuff like that, nd therefore fully capable of doing the same. This cosmic prison is something else. Now u see why am purifying my soul. 2 get to heaven? Well yeah. But as well. 2 get the fuck away from YOU kek. No offense but really.
I don't trust none of these cunts. Never have never will. Am not here 2 make friends.
2 corinthians 4:4 lad. The god of this world is satan and we're living in a hell
ever wonder why the elite, who have hidden occult knowledge and are satan worshippers always seem to have the universe in their favour. Really makes you think

just a silly little performance isn't it
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I hate pornography I hate "sex guys" I hate "drug guys" I hate "alcohol guys" I hate ppl with bad tempers affer certain incidents in my life what I hate the most is when U think some1 is 1 way bt when they're exposed 2 some stimuli they turn into2 some1 else altogether that U don't recognise. I hate how ppl turn into different ppl just because they're horny. Fucking grow up. Its scary. It makes me think who even ARE you then. If THATS all it takes 2 turn u into dr. Jekyll then who were you in the 1st place. Ppl drink a wee bit nd turn into devils. Guys get an erection nd lose consciousness. So are we even anything more than an animal. I hate when ppl "turn" I hate ppl having another "side" I hate when u present as 1 thing nd you're actually something else. I've never changed. Nd ppl shame me for that. Like I neber "matured". From my pov u all turned into freaks nd I stayed sane. Nd am a hypocrite for drinking. Its the demon drink. I feel demon possession. I know. Am trying 2 fight it. Bt intrusted ***** was just some1 nice in my life back then nd then she got some booze in nd turned into a demon. I learned sex. It was OK bt I came 2 hatenhow ppl change like that. Don't tell me you're 1 thing for years nd that's all it takes to make u actnlike that. Am yearning for heaven. I want far far far far away from this fallen world forever. Am done here in this place. Its so frustrating I can't explain this 2 any1 at all. I'm alone. It makes my head feel like a lead balloon i need 2 pop it w kitchen knife. V tired of all this. Bt I persist.
Phwaooorrrr can't really be arsed right now

Afterglow from today's run and the gooning sessh still running too strong
normgroids hate nothing more than someone who has only one face. You don't completely change who are depending on social context? must be something wrong with you. How can you bond with someone if you won't gossip and shit talk a mutual friend the moment their back is turned
it's like how psychopath elites form pedo rings and film each other for blackmail purposes. How can I trust you if I don't have dirt on you being a two face?
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Good shout lad. That's our world.
>Sleep thru for 7+ hours earlier
>Wonder why there's no urgent requirement for procuring R&R after all

It dazzles the comprehension
Does phillip schofield even have a dick? Can I prove these ppl arent deep fakes in the 1st place? Get the fuck off my telly nd get out of my wavelength. Nobody need this shit in their life. Does Dave grohl Keanu reeves even have a dick? This world is psychological abuse
If i eat sommet now, guaranteed i'll hafta lie down like half an hour or so later at the max

Fink that's what i shall be doing now, in fact
I'd be shocked if he even has a dick
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Funny how Michelle "Big Mike" Obama has confirmed 9 incher bt its conspiracyb2 acknowledge this bt from watching a poofter cretin like Philip scofield prance about with tight little khaki jeans on were meant 2 just assume he has a dick. Upside down world.
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You can provide me with pussy, then i will work.

If you do not provide me with said pussy, i shan't be working.

It's that shrimple.
Just woke up, work in 50. Slept okayish, big week at work, need to step it up big time
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Corinthians 13
Ganbatte king
might rub one out quickly before bed
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Faith is good, hope is worth FUCKALL, love is the greatest of these. Faith hope love. Love is the greatest of these. Do u know Corinthians 13?
Women don't want to shag smelly NEETs though.
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We walked through Blackpool we kicked in doors knock knock "who's there" "a murderer" "a murderer who" "LETS KILL ALL OUR ENEMIES" I said what caused this state of things,? "U wot?" I hit him w pistol heil helper lad bang bang we don't have time for this. Blackpool illuminations lit a frog sign in the sky. I was eating a dairy milk on the pier. Thinking about our new world. I was wondering what my aunty *** would have wanted for this world. I just want 2 get to heaven. Bt I compromised by building this helper world on earth. We lynched the traitors nd their intestines spread across the pylons lit a new path forward for our ancient race. Sorry we were letting off steam. That night we secured blackpool as the true last stand. We were vindicated nd we set the coordinates for a new simulation that lasts 1000 years. I was feeling sleepy after all this nd I just sat there thinking like I felt like when I was a wean in the back of the car nd mummy was driving us up mountains in Oban I'd fallen asleep nd when I woke up it was all snow nd fog I woke up nd said "are we in heaven" I thought I was dead
Youre such a boring low IQ mong
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Don't want 2 be here. I want 2 be THERE https://youtu.be/7hwaLaBkjtQ
Millport is a sacred place of *****core. Bt that was a long time ago. I have 2 wonder if ***** remembers that time in Millport. My curse in life is remembering everything.
Sometime I feel like that night in Millport w ***** is still happening now. Know what I mean? It was actually in 2008. Bt it feels like more real than anything that's happening now. Am pretty sure it's still happening right now. I might be in Millport right now. Nd so what if I was.
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Acruallt I'm pretty sure God was on our side on Millport nd maybe we died there nd it's still happening now. Bc this whole world since then has been the devil. For all I know right now am on Millport with ***** nd it's 2008 right this minute. Allegedly 14th October 05.45am. Y I believe that? Bc the calendar says so? Are u fucking mental? Kek
I really feel like am there. I just close my eyes nd am there. Its more real than this simulation hell world anyway. If time can go forward it can go back. T-symmetry. So it can go in the middle too. Am there right now nd alls well. Every1s there. Mental. I actually feel it. This world is a joke.
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Maybe the bus crashed. I want 2 be there. How come everything after those days feels so fake? Bc we all died. I sleepy. Bt I cracked the code. If u wanted 2 know.................this wholenlife was lights refracting on a prism that took me 2 Millport with ***** which was a phantom vibration I knew as ***** nd I accepted as such. I didn't learn anything I only remembered what I already knew. Nd I remember f*xcing ***** through her summer dress in long grass. V crude. We got suspended in time. None of thisnis real. Just so u know. I time traveled from then to remind myself it's nonsense. Now I feel peaceful. I remembered why I thought this "Love hope faith" nd the greatest of these is Love. Bt I had a v loveless life until ***** which was an angel too nd a gangstalker. Bt we were jsut God's puppets. So what happened? We were suspended in time as God's puppets. We're dollys God plays with. Nd when I accepted the moment ofntruth I started crying nd felt so peaceful. I wasn't in pain anymore nd I was in Millport w my love forever.
Bc I wrote in 2008 that Love is the greatest of those which transmitted through different planes. Am completely out of this world now. Faith hope nd love. Love is the greatest of these. I deny history nd gravity now. Am sitting by the sea with my love. I so happy 2 be done with that nightmare. Its finished.
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There was a guy walking his dog when I f*lfkjed ***** through her dress walked past us nd she pulled it up quickly. Walked past us like that. I was thinking lol . I remembered everything bc the RAM was updating in real time. Ever since I shed the false memories I felt better than ever. I was sitting on a bench in Largs w my love faith hope love "love is the greatest of these" damn right it js. Bc it saves us from this place. I felt the same. Well good night I guess. Bt I cried a lot too. This life was so painful. I can't believe how painful it was.
Bc I felt the deepest pain in this life I accessed the greatest pleasure. No1 suffered like me so I got 2 those other places too. It all made sense now. "Faith hope and love" "the greatest of these is love" corinthians 13. I had faith nd hope. After all my pain I started laughing. What a life. Everything makes sense now. Cheers
gonna have me coffee now, snus and possibly a massive shite and then get on the old yamaha and dab on some cagies me thinks
Mong on a bike
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Work in 5 hours, cba desu my lads
it keeps smirking at me
Nut on it
Fook it, going back to bed. Cant deal with this rn
Spaffed again, did i not

Gooned, even
Good morning sunshines! Just slapped open that lappytop for 8 hours of wfh chadding while you lot do the same for zero pay xD
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>Women are breeding utilities
Morning, lads. Big delivery soon. Very big. The biggest, I've been told.
Just saw this thing on BBC Breakfast. Kinell innit.
I remember him years ago in Under the Skin with ScarJo.
wonder what SSM is doing right now probably shitting
fuckin 'ell his eye looks like an arsehole
Probably in CEX.
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>this is what eastern afghans look like
Been looking at a lot of assholes lately?
What do YOU look like then lad?
Look up Yamnaya, lad. You're in for a wild ride.
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Little government survey getting a bit too real for me
QMEE is better tbqh. YouGov is BOLLOCKS!
they dont, stop posting content from ladbible here, mong boy
except that is an afghan and he does look like that
is that still a thing?
Deleted Tinder. The past week or so I've been on it, there's been few women in my area at all even though I live in a built up town in the Southeast. Maybe up to 10 swipes a day before I just run out of women in 10 mile radius. Most of them were normie slags and the few that weren't were morbidly obese.
lad newgrounds is still a thing
red hot chilli peppers are still a thing
israel is still a thing
This is one I got in the post about how grim private renting is, got a 5 quid asos voucher for doing it
Most Pashayi people don't look anything like that though.
Yeah that 5 quid ASOS voucher will get you far.
you being a virgin is still a thing
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>israel is still a thing
Baruch ata hashem adonai melech haolam!
Dirty Jews do my nut in. Always a victim complex nowadays.
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I've had 2 surveys forced on me. Not doing either.
They want me to do 1 about renting, and one abut how I'm treated as a person with limited work capability.
I've had letters, text messages and phone calls.
How can you have a survey forced on you de lid?
Letters sent that say DO THIS NOW.
Stop lying you fucking mentalist.
0-not at all
Shut it govt lacky #64526473635274586
Why would the government send a physical letter forcing you to do a survey? They have enough mong volunteers on the YouGov app.
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Morning men, what's got you all upset today?
Exactly! It also aroused my suspicions.
Forcing back towards the cage, "perfectly normal govt survey" appears, "perfectly normal ministry of housing survey" appears.
Some tomfoolery happening this morning in the thread I reckon.
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Commuting and sitting at my wagie job all day lets me think about things alone. Looking at other people, other couples, I see every guy's gf/wife making an effort to look nice for him. Maybe it's one little thing, or maybe they go full on and make every part of themselves look nice and upkept. Hair, nails, makeup, lip gloss, jewelry, clothing, cardio and yoga three times a week and of course in conversation the guys I've spoken to have talked about stuff in private like lingerie and things like that.

In contrast my wife has never made an effort to look nice. She's not fat, not ugly, not a mess and isn't unhygienic, but she's never actually put in the effort to really make herself look nice. She's 'too busy' or says there's no point because it all comes off at the end of the day when you go to sleep anyway. She wears odd, un-matching, unflattering clothes that she's had for years. Hair gets a couple brushes and that's it. No makeup. No jewelry. She's not fat but is content to stay just sort of midway between slim and frumpy.

Why doesn't she want to put in effort to make me happy and desire her more?
You married her retard.
*informs the apus that big lenny has died*
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Sad boys not in a relationship
Sad boys in a relationship
>room thermostat says 13.5
>feels as cold as when the same thermostat says 18/19
Big Lenny dead but Boogie and GRRM still alive. It not right.
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Putting on a jumper to warm up won't get him a gf
True, but it will get him warmer.
is this a lost chapter of ulysses?
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But then he won't be able to whinge about being cold. Oh what is a man to do.
I know, and at the time it was a good decision. We were young and in love and were naturally good looking because of our youth and the fact that we were always out and about and doing things. We were building our lives together and were happy. But I suppose I never really considered how she compared to other women and how they acted for their guy. I personally put in a lot of effort to make myself look nice, I always thought it was just a natural thing to do. But she's just not interested in doing so. We've slowed down slightly with our lives settling which is normal, but it's just made the rough edges more prominent. Thing is, she isn't using the more free time we have to keep herself looking good. Something as simple as putting on a pair of earrings is just beyond her apparently. I'm not even 100% sure she actually owns any jewelry. If I offer to buy her some that I think look nice she just glances at them and goes 'naahh'.
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Just got the call that I failed a job interview.
Had really high hopes for this one, but at least they called early on a Monday so I didn't waste my week waiting.
Why is the job economy so shit right now?
If I had a wife, I would never complain about her to an internet forum full of weirdos like myself. I would love and respect her always, even in private, and in my own thoughts. My love.
You keep reading about there being millions of vacancies.. well where are they?
Not him but, they might be doing tricks like taking all the job listings on sites in the country, but not take into consideration some of those could be the same job advertised multiple times?
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Corr new CAPTCHA is it not
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This definitely. Businesses repost jobs across all those sites. Sorting that out would need to be done manually, which they obviously did not do since who the fuck is gonna go through all that?

As well as many of the jobs that do exist being part time, temporary, or zero hour contracts.

Really aren't that many jobs that are full time careers with potential for advancement. Remember a thing years ago saying that every such job in London would get thousands of applicants.
Want to lick a girl's privates
He is a mong but he is our mong.
t. HHL's parents
Can attest to the multiple listings for the same job part. Trying to get noticed feels like suffering for anything with actual value, and I really don't want to fall into the trap of wagie work again
(no offense intended wagers, but I've been there and never again)
A nice heart warming bowl of beans and scrambled eggs for breakfast me thinks.
Will also have a cuppa of heart warming tea.
Yes yes, a most excellent plan indeed.
Change of plan, I'm having 2 melted cheese sandwiches and a cuppa of tea. It should still be heart warming.
I wonder if the week of constant headache, and now the strange tension feeling in muh head is a sign of things to come. My dad died of a stroke in his mid forties, and I am now currently in my mid forties.
Hmm indeed. I have started to take the keys out of the back of the doors, just in case.
Who is this whore? Looks a bit like Caroline Vreeland.
Still no SSM update yet this morning?
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Very big deliveryberg has been attained. A mixture of Japanese, Italian and German films. Lots to dive into here de liiiiids.
Threw away the slipcovers because they are bollocks. Never keep them.
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I like browsing girls clothes online. Don't have a gf and I'm not a tranny. I dunno, something therapeutic about it I guess.
>he's never watched blackadder
Great news, I have been warmed by the process of heating warm food, huzzah.
I shall celebrate my achievement by having a spliff and playing some vidya.
Phimotic knob is a pretty good name for a band I reckon
Peter, Paul and Mary currently spinning. What a great folk outfit.
Just get circumcised jesus christ phimosis is not a problem in 2024, we LITERALLY have a cure for it that works 100% of the time.
given it a go 2-3 times, feel obligated to watch the first series first, 'it gets good at Blackadder 2/3' they all say.

well i AM watching the first series and it just never clicks for me. like the overall setting/concept.
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Went full scale HHL mode last night. Went absolutely off the rails. Keeping off the wooze for a while now, at least I didn't get on the gear.
it's too late for me now. i genuinely think in some medieval psychology way it's the root of a lot of my problems. like imagine wearing a shirt that was too tight, every day at work, you'd end up shooting up the place, presumably.
neuroticism? willy's just a bit taut.
helpers lad does your liver not hurt? it sounds mental to the alcotypicals, but you can FEEL your liver bloating and being damaged you just can
Maybe it's not your thing.
You don't have to force yourself to watch something to try and like it because others do.
t. an anon that never saw the appeal of drive.
>Went full scale HHL mode last night
Having a melty is now known as doing a HHL?

Didn't really have a weltdown just got kicked out some shithole dive bar then went warage to get more wooze but crashed out as soon as I got back homes.
suspect it might be good overall, just need that one weekend where i properly power through it.
t. really liked early Hitchhiker's Guide, then they got weird/bad, but then come around to the more melancholic stuff
Haha wahey, what'd you get kicked out for? Just being too drunk?
it's mental that you can be 'too drunk' in a place intended to get you drunk. i remember trying to explain to a bouncer that my mate WAS pissed yeah but come on let him in, he's all right, if i'm all right, why is he not? in the end i got in he didn't.
bit dodgy for a alcohol venue to say, 'oh he's on the alcohol? we don't want their kind in here.'

Can't remember now. Think it was because they said I was too drunk. Remember some lass arguing with the bouncer to get me back in but that's it. She stood for welper's world. Keeping it womfy today though, garn have a wizza for din dins.
I remember the OG from childhood, so there's nostalgic appeal as well. It's not constant laughter, but still good as filler for the day.
>properly power through it
Lad, it shouldn't be a mission to watch it.
Rambling but meh... fallout is a good example, people hated it, but I loved it, marathoned it without thought, just next next next.
Some lovely webms itt cant lie
yeah it just feels like a must-watch kind of thing, y'know? Only Fools & Horses, seen enough of it, it's decent, not the greatest. i actually liked Goodnight Sweetheart a bit more tbqh fun high concept idea done well, lot of laughs.
i am not absorbing enough British popular culture as i should be. it's a non problem, but it's there.
It's taste isn't it, just because somebody says it's must watch, doesn't mean it is for everyone. Have you seen the thick of it? That's good. Try giving that a go instead of blackadder.
NNO Day 14 You jacking off but not cumming?
Blackadder's not on iPlayer but there's Pokemon: Black & White
how do kids, these days, get on with Pokemon? is it some 'ongoing' thing rather then a fad that 'appeared' in the 90s/00s?
like does Timmy, 8, from Somerset, understand how Pokemon: Black & White connects to the Indigo League and all that shite? or is it just colourful shapes and monsters?
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Some Iovely webms itt cant lie
aye you know what, that's one i need to give another go. watching that tonight. cheers anon.
*gun kata's the entire thread*
Blackadder is on youtube.
it's not on, this. it should be on iPlayer, using BRITISH bandwidth.

Not even wanking just womfing around. Probs gonna go the rest of month now. Feels weird because usually by now I'm going mad. Maybe I have low testosterone or something whom knows.
>Maybe I have low testosterone

Alcohol fucks up and lowers your tests

Met a bloke in a pub yesterday who reminded me of SSM. Literally had same mannerisms and everything. Had that cheeky smile.
Pretty sure I have an enlarged prostate. Last time I did NNN I was having problems pissing when I was 14 days in.
Helper you're having too many classic weltdowns lately. Give your liver a break.
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>Met a bloke in a pub yesterday who reminded me of SSM.

True. I'm living like it's 2022 again. Garn keep it womfy now on. Life's better without the wrugs and wooze x
You're probably high or drunk literally right now. Give it a rest mate.
I love you no matter what but just worried for your health. x
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>Who is this whore? Looks a bit like Caroline Vreeland.
Don't know lad just enjoy
Think I'll have a little sleeps now. Feel tired af.

We all a little HHL in life x
this as well, actually worried about you lad. you can be vile at times but ultimately you don't seem a bad sort, want you to get better.
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>Some lovely webms itt cant lie
Point out the lovely webms little lad
it's just like Martin Australius said in his Contemplations:
you can't turn off your feelings, but you can turn off the dial.

there's power in that
Audibly laughing at this picture/advert/subtext combination. Well played GB News.
Sorry you're right, they're just a figment of my imagination like when I point out certain posters that don't exist.
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>Sorry you're right, they're just a figment of my imagination like when I point out certain posters that don't exist.
Very true lad. There is no webm attached to this post either.
not a bad amount of tits in this thread to be fair, the late, great titlod would be pleased but not ecstatic
Damn, that's the kind of petite little body that classic Blacked used to be about.
Chin is too big
It not right what happened to Coinlad. Did they investigate The Royal Mint for foul play?
Not looking good lads.. our days are numbered.

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>Damn, that's the kind of petite little body that classic Blacked used to be about.
>Chin is too big
Mad lads you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus Christ on the cross those are magnificent.
>Not looking good lads.. our days are numbered.
lmao okay lad
they will not take my bennies simple as
they are talking about normie signed off due to mental elf
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>Jesus Christ on the cross those are magnificent.
Fascinating are they not
Such a poorly written article. I genuinely have no clue what it's even saying.
You have to give me a name, lad. You can't do this to me.
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Her tiktok is in this post lad
Imagine a huge, throbbing, black cock inbetween those tits.
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He needs them reward points to pay for his vidya.
New thread for me, on the double!
fuck I'm a retard sorry lad
phwoar i love big titties on skinny girls
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teehee big black willies
I'd absolutely decimate this lass into oblivion... Phwoar! and I mean... COR!
Me? Prefer skinny but small boobs.
holy shit guys
what if there isn't a god
Is autism mental health? I was diagnosed a while ago.
It's a hidden disability like TMAU is.
No it's a developmental disability unless you're one of them faggots who call it a superpower. It's not been a superpower for me.
It's only a superpower for people who have a special talent as a result of it. Most of us are mongy unemployable retards.
yeah it is, and they did good work adding to the PIP form 'how your disability affects your daily life' so you can get the points.
at some threshold you are categorically in some criteria, it is what it is.
Very exciting news

You'll be classified as capable of working and expected to find a job just like everyone else. No special 'mental health' benefits, just plain basic universal credit
Got stopped and molested on my most recent night walk.
No I dont tell people I have it. Im quite insecure about it. I also do not glorify it like normies do.
Tits and arses corr
Yeah. The savant shit in film and TV doesn't help that view people have. Doesn't help all these autism mummies babying their kids either. Either say, I'm FUCKED.
>mongy unemployable retards.
Not him but, that's me without a diagnosis, so I'm just a mongy unemployable weirdo. Don't know if parents weren't too bothered about me. My mum said I'm easy to forget about.
I was awarded PIP a few days ago. Just worried that big Liz is going to take it all away.
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Waiting list for therapy again for a month now. Gonna tell the therapist about my violent thoughts I've been having for a while now. Then get on community mental health team referral when that's done. More medical evidence for me. Also waiting a year and a half on an autism diagnosis. Waiting list is three years.

Won't be taking my bennies.

Anyway all they can really do is tighten up assessments I think. I think that's what it means by people will suddenly lose their benefits. When that stuff is reassessed etc but even then they do not just suddenly kick you off it. They can't do that. Think that guys right about it just being to get the covid bandwagoners off bennies. So it'll just mean you need more points for PIP, and that kind of thing.

Can't just take it away. You've been awarded it. Whatever you've been awarded, and how long for, is staying. When you need to reapply though, it may be tougher.
Fobbing off the ill and old so the governments can show how virtuous and immigrant friendly they are.
Starmer wants you in an Amazon warehouse slaving away for ze stakeholders
They will change how they classify people as a result of the assessments. The beauty of doing it that way is that you don't need to reassess people (expensive and time consuming). Instead you can instantly cut their benefits to the basic level and declare them fit for work
I'd rather smell my arse and shit on my ribs than be fit for work.
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Also what's annoying is it says that this will save three billion pounds ACROSS FOUR YEARS.
We gave Ukraine five billion across four years IIRC. Maybe it was more. We've also given more to other countries for all kinds of pointless shit.
It really is "We need to cut off your bennies for Ukraine."

Look at this pic. It's not much more than what we give away to India.

There's three groups.

Basic rate, limit capability for work, and limited capability for work and work related activity.

First group is fit for work and normal. Gets basic rate. Limited for work are not expected to look for jobs, but do need to do courses or volunteering etc whatever stuff. Third group doesn't need to do anything.

They could change those three groups, but they aren't going to just get rid of the third group, or just throw people out of it into being fit for work. Wouldn't be any point.
I think not getting love and sex is a good enough reason not to work. Why would you work when your mental health is so low?
Having to wash one's arse in the sink.
The third group will be the people who aren't able to work and they'll make the requirements much stricter.

If you're in the third group now, you will be in the first or second in future.

They'll combine that with pushing more warehouse jobs in front of you and expecting you to take them
True lad. Unless you have hobbies you want to fund, the only thing that makes work worthwhile is to provide for a family.
these fucking sluts should put on some clothes is what I'm thinking
They should take their clothes off for me and me alone.
This unironically too.

>Hey incel, you need to work and pay taxes.
>Yeah I know you'll never breed so you have no stake in the country but we need your taxes so you can pay child benefit for the bastard offspring of other men.
>Yeah life is grey and miserable and you are rejected and unwanted by everyone around you, but come on just fucking work!
Actually insane isn't it? Why the fuck should I or anyone like this work?

You're just fearmongering. Doesn't work like that.

If they want to move you into another group, you will need to be reassessed. They can't just arbitrarily move you around.

I was even put into the third group just from the forms and evidence I submitted. Didn't even need an in person or telephone assessment.
not working, simple as
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All your bennies are belong to me.
If they want to push me into work it'll cost them more in the long run as I am very unreliable.
They pushed me before into a mong Poundland job and it didn't go well (not even a real job, Poundland take spakkers and don't pay them because it's free labour).
Hobbies aren't any fun alone for me. Need that love and working simply makes no difference. Mental health is worse when working.
My Poundland has a 6ft tall MILF with a massive arse. Her voice is bad though she sounds like a tranny but she definitely isn't. Bit weird.
I know it's fucking wrong for me to work and pay taxes for normal people to raise their kids. People just say working is the answer. It isn't. I'm still just as alone as I am now. They've just got to accept there are anomalies in the population and sadly I'm one.
They need to means test child benefit. Why do rich people get it? Cut that shite for a start.
I'll work when I feel a part of society. I'll work when I am getting a healthy sex life and relationships. Just doesn't happen work or no work.
If they're handing out a free ride on bennies for genuinely fake bullshit nonsense like "agoraphobia" and "TMAU" then 100% they should be letting adult foreveralone virgin men who have never known love or sex get the same. Being alone physically and mentally is CRIPPLINGLY bad for your mental health in real terms.
They can put you into whatever group they want and can do it overnight without reassessing anyone

Before: X points are needed to be in third group
Now: Y points are needed to be in the third group
That would not be retroactive.
>"agoraphobia" and "TMAU"
they're both real though
Both are hidden disabilities which are misunderstood and unpleasant.
Going to the bennies centre and they ask me "what jobs do you think would be best?" I say honestly nothing really appeals, I've never had any career ambitions. Then just say I'll follow the rules here... that's all that matters. So I'll apply for any job.
Best jobs.
1. Blow job
2. Hand job (self pleasure).
PIP is supposed to provide money for the extra support you need. That's why they'll stop bank payments and instead you'll have tokens to spend on the things you actually need
Yeah, was my experience too. Never been interested in working, never had any work ambitions. Never seen a reasonably accessible career that looked appealing. Just sign me up, I'll pretend to apply and 'give it my best shot' and you'll pretend to have a real job wrangling me. We'll both get our money and that'll be all.
No clear and costed plan for the support you need? No benefits.
It simply won't work because people need different things. It's not cut and dry and I don't believe the government should be telling you what to spend money on.
anyone with an idea of a career path wouldn't even be setting foot in a jobcentre. they are fucking useless. it may as well be called the social benefits centre.
we need more money to supply ukraine with missiles, get to work chud
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we need more dinghy immigrants to protect the jobcentres.
And to fund accommodation for ooga boogas don't forget!
That's why it will be part of the assessment and then either coordinated by the job centre or checked through claimants bringing receipts.
Imagine that cunt securing anything.
Big Liz seems to like adopting Tory benefit reforms. Shes already implemented the bank spying law that will come into place next year, believe it or not the tories proposed it and they cancelled it. Labour adopted it lol.
By the looks of it they are planning on moving approximately 600,000 from sickness benefit and moving them into fit for work status. By changing the work capability assessment and the PIP assessment making it harder to claim. Depression and anxiety mongs will be hit the hardest.
He secures his first cousin's tuppence no doubt
You retards seem to think people on ESA and PIP attend the job centre. They don't. The Job Centre is for people actually not disabled and looking for work or deemed fit for work.
wops only got 2 viewers on her live haha
Ok then when we is ready
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I was one of them. I have alerts on my phone.
I was the other lad. Grim trying to watch someone record a cheap tv without a capture device. Cheap arse emily.
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Wouldn't mind some PIP tokens to spend on an e mobility bike, if you know what I mean.
l watched. l liked.
Just want to snort H and watch TV series
Finally a thread that gets to 500
>Remember some lass arguing with the bouncer to get me back in
Some lads will never have this
>Gonna tell the therapist about my violent thoughts I've been having for a while now.
They'll section you for this
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>you can pay child benefit for the bastard offspring of other men.

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