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I'm hurrying to make the new thread before the old one dies EDITION previous >>79123671
>tfw day 139 without feeling bunnymutts warm pee pee flowing onto your face
before we continue posting tonight i think some apologies should be said. you may begin, anon:
I'm sorry for none of the things I've said, I'm sorry for the things I haven't said enough
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Uhh... Uhh.... I'm sorry to my hypothetical future boyfriend for gooning so much? and I'm sorry to hollywood for pirating so many movies
im sorry for being a flagging braggart
I'm sorry for trusting and adding other people off of r9gay because I should've known better and known that they were all lying manipulative whores.
we can play nuclear throne mobile
i saw two (2) cute guys in sweaters today. one couldve been a teen so i shouldnt talk about his cream fisherman sweater and earring. the other looked about my age, shy 5'5" grad student type in an oversized oatmeal colored zip collar sweater. would love to get him on the couch. he had that sits with his legs under him energy. saw him right by my building so i can wonder if he lives nearby.
oh yeah like how you played deep rock galactic with geeze?
Nobody wants to play mobile games get an actual pc or at least a console

broke ass nigga...
if you're gonna try turning people into nuclear throne farming simps then at least be honest about it so you can maybe attract the few people that get a kick out of being simps
im already a simp for a vrchat girl sorry
nigga anon please stop saying nigga. youre reminding me of my hapa friend from high school who said nigga a lot. he was really tall and fat, linebacker sized but unathletic. his brother was cute though. i walked in on him fugging a girl once.
i would only play throne with 3ds if he had a computer which he will never have because he is poor and retarded
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>vrchat in the year of the lord 2024
i would play throne with 3ds but only really just act like im gonna do it but then dip the last moment and make fun of him
He's constantly complaining about being poor and having no job but why isn't he getting welfare or some other government cheque?
huh? i dont understand this
is disgusting
then why did you show it to us
is an expression of my visceral reaction to the imagination of someone playing the outdated unfunny "game" vrchat in the year of the lord 2024, which is what was disgusting and hence I posted a gif of an "anime" dude gagging
why do you keep saying i need to farm like i'm not already decent at the game
it wasnt my choice. my gf is autistic
this is america, we dont have that unless youre missing a leg
But niggers get ebt and food stamps all the time and 3ds is brown
that only works in places where whites are the majority
because it's never enough with lying manipulative whores? isn't that why your kind gathers dozens of orbiters and simps, because nothing ever fills the void that is your insecurity? more simps, more farming, more attention, more people being lead on, more nuclear, more throne etc
those only buy you food, and he probably lives with his mom who claims him as a dependent. you get ebt as a household not an individual.
im an exclusive simp
I'm gonna watch the woman in black in a minute to accompany my post workout dinner but just fyi you'll be in trouble if I don't like it
It's not bad but not terrific either
I'll be the judge of that in an hour and thirty five minutes buddy, await my return
>post workout dinner
post the slop hog
im sorry if that seemed aggressive. i mean it with envy. i cant eat big beefy bowls or i fart.
What attitude should you take if a bottom farts on your dick?
this question is missing too many details to answer
it's just one big loaf of nasty bread with chicken breast filled into every cube inch into it, then ketchup and mayo squirted all over the surface because my mom never gets the thing cooked decently and it's either always too spicy or too little, so I have to mask the taste
You fuckin a boy an he fart on yo dick or you layin in bed wit a boy cuddlin bein the big spoon an he fart
though on a sidenote don't let my half assed meals trick you, with 32 BMI of muscle mass I pack a statistically rare amount
what the actual fuck are you fucking talking about
i actually got denied ebt
Did they give a reason when you got denied?
told me i had to be white to receive govt aid
wow i was absolutely right in my intuition. thats fucking fetid. crime against chicken for which you will suffer torment.
if you dont even cook your own food and then you have the gall not just to complain but to *complain and eat it anyway* you literally suck so much.
eating such a horrid meal twice a day on top of 6k other calories is torment enough
mom doesnt know how to cook rice
i cook my own food but i still have a right to complain because the grocery keeps running out of ingredients. damn it i didnt realize i was living in the ussr!!
dozen times I told her to not cook it if she's gonna do a half assed effort at it, dozen times she said OKAY FINE, but no matter what, around 7 pm every single day she gets bored and completely unoccupied, still never cooks it right how I showed her nor does she really even care which spices go in there, just slop it onto the pan, grab whichever spices we have the most abundant at the time, squirt those over the chicken, then get bored again and zone off into her phone and cook it till it's soggy and almost medium rare in it's texture

I absolutely DO have a right to complain about it, but I don't really care that much about it anymore
small twinks with big cocks
Lying manipulative whores
I think the earlier portions of the film did a great job specifically up until the 45-50th minutes, everything aside from the townies acting up and blocking the road was really good at setting the tone and the environment and a good amount of suspense and unsettlement, but then the jumpscares kept happening over and over and the house became over exposed it lost it's punch, I think the film would've been much better with a total runtime of 75, maybe 85 minutes and with an amount of scenes either removed or just rewritten but overall it was a pretty good film

the 1880s felt really cool to enter, the scenes (early on) didn't linger in one place for too long and even then it was always dim lit or foggy or dark or rainy, the lack of electricity and the difficulty of getting from one place to the other was nice but again was undone by the overusage of the car, I could go on rambling but overall I think there was a better film in there, just also that there's too much film there
shut up you nasty ass pig
what is actually your problem dude
I think his problem is Lying manipulative whores
>Lying manipulative whores
Aka any gay bottom
you don't have to specify gay if you're saying bottom dude, bottom means "dude that takes it up the ass" which is by definition already gay, people that use bottom/top in regards to heterosexual relationships are just dumb retarded idiots who refuse to say sub/dom because it's not new cool hip slang, zoomer retards just come up with new slang for old terms twice a year for no reason
Seething homo getting mad over definitions and posting wall of text
ate dinner really early tonight. going to need a tea and cookies before it gets too close to snack time
skipped the tea because i heard someone walking towards the kitchen
kick her out of the house so she stops wasting food and cook for yourself
fat pig relies on his mom to cook, clean, pay for the house, probably do his laundry too, and then has the indecency to complain about how she does it. what a disgusting fucking baby.
doesnt even eat dinner with her like a decent human being. does his "workout" then wolfs the food she cooked in front of a screen by himself. i literally do not know how parents tolerate children like this. vile.
nothing at all wrong with living at home as long as you act like a basic fucking human being.
maybe his mom wanted to watch tv too
its not for no reason. in this case, its to typify and de-emotionalize sex, so that they can have sex with a woman without being called a "simp" by the maletuber voices in their heads.

"no we weren't making love, ew, im not a simp, i was just coldly topping her without a trace of emotion."
this is so stupid i honestly dont know what to think
i suggest you read more and learn more words. it helps with thinking.
what why would that have an effect on thinking
grug not have many word. grug find hard to talk about abstract concept. thus, when grug feel thing wrong, grug often lack words to say just what is basis of grug wrong-feeling. grug thus frustrated in efforts to convey grug wrong-feeling to others.
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top and bottom aren't new slang either though in fact I'm sure I've seen it in shows as a kid where
kid asks someone if they're a bottom or top adults look on horrified turns out kid was talking about bunk beds. I elect that insted of top and bottom zoomers have to say rizzler and rizzled.
poindexter, in alterus manus, is able to convey his disagreements in terms both precise & accurate, impressing upon the audience his rectitude and intelligence simultaneously!
stay on topic grug
if grug is make mad, topic now grug fat stick.
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I hate being a pretty shell without any substance, I'm too boring to attract a boy who I like. I'm terrible at making conversation, I just never have anything to say, there's really no way for me to have a conversation unless the other person is leading it.
anonk check and grug stick only average, slightly under average maybe anonk think.
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Buddy Holly was really cute, thats why they killed him in that plane crash. Too cute for the 60s.
>this was the hottest guy your grandmas ever seen
He is right about this place
You have a really shitty taste in men. He is barely passable. Gross nerd ass looking jew.
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You just can't handle anything that isn't 2d.
i dont think i like these glasses
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>tfw no bf to listen to me complain about pillars of eternity
Well its over now, emulating the sopranos ps2 game next
They are charming. Thick plastic glasses being replaced by thin wirey frames was one of the biggest tragedies of the 21st century.
maybe true, but i dont like the shape very much
I've been on steroids for almost 3 full years now and have been lifting since I was 15, I've fucked more pussy and ass than you could ever imagine and I suggest you kill yourself
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Starting a rome total war campaign. Easily one of the best games in the series and leagues ahead of the sequel
he is hot in a conventional way
>tfw no hot mma philippino bf with tattoos all over his upper body and thighs
kiwi is back at it...
I'm sorry for being so smart and so funny and so adorable and so hilarious and so likeable and so empathic and so comical and so handsome and so righteous and so wise and so thoughtful and so kind and
>getting a medal from vedal
>Tfw no cynical incel loser bf to turn into a hopepilled bloommaxxer.
I had a dream where I had a blue mustang (car) and it was stolen. The pure panic and fear I felt in the dreamverse was enough to make me wake up with the same feelings. If only I had a bf to wake up to whom I could hold tight and make all the negative emotions from said dream go away. Happy start of the weekend to me am I rite gays?
I would be happy if I saw Matthew Patel have hot sex with his bottom Scott
Scott is not a bottom and he would only sleep with trannies which makes him unbased
Scott is a switch who would never have sex with trannies. What version of Scott Pilgrim did you cumsume?
Woke up feeling kinda cute today and that feels like progress after months long slump.
>what version
I thought there was only one I guess if you mean the movie Scott pilgrim vs the world or the graphic. I only saw the movie and scanned the comic.
>tfw just realized kiwi is called kiwi because he's from new zed land
boys belong to boys. it just makes sense.
>tfw no bf to make gay little coffees for
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dubs cursed me from not posting pic
I think Anon deserves a big kiss after making a cute little coffee for his bf!
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Do you have a discord id for bf applications anon?
i think i know why the discord thing never works out. the vibes are cringe and bad. maybe exchange AIMs instead.
i don't have any accounts anywhere
Then how are we going to become bfs and have sex?
can you reliably travel to south florida
Nope sorry but maybe in a few months from now
going to the beach today. haven't been in a while.
The movie is a very abridged version of the comic
so you can call them 2 different versions with the
same plot structure. Then you have the anime
that is an alt universe but expands on some concepts that not even the comics covered like
the exes. Neither of which displayed any hints
of tranieism. There is not even a trans character.
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Anybody else fantasize about beijg friends with their boyfriend's dad? Nothing weird I just wanna impressive their father's.

What is your dad like, if you have one?
>Anybody else fantasize about being friends with their boyfriend's dad?
can i just fantasize about the boyfriend part first and worry about the dad stuff later? i'd like to get to know his whole family, not just his dad. though i would like to impress the dad with how masculine i can be even though i'm 5'4 and sound like a girl at times. maybe if he's homophobic i can make him respect his son more because his son isn't "the woman in the relationship"
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I'll make you sound like a girl all the time niggaaaaa
Are you saying that as a top or a bottom? Cause depending on which it's a pretty different thing.
brad fuck me
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Me enacting a day of love against r9gay posters
>I just wanna impressive their father's.
>impressive their father's
okay so you're either an ESL pajeet saar or an inbred american posting from a fucking trailer
>tfw fatherless mexican wants wants his bfs dad to adopt him
>tfw another fatherless mexican wants his penis
legit anyone over the age of 19 that still can't get the fuck over their parents needs to be locked up into a labor camp where they're worked until they die with bare minimum food and water

unironic burden to society manchildren ass losers that couldn't develop a personality so they obsessed over their parents instead
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A grown man made a typo, he couldn't edit it. End of story.
a grown man made two "typos" in the same sentence (not even a typo when you fuck it up that bad just bad english)
not the kinda man I'd introduce to my dad honestly
I just woke up give me a break please
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lol yeah right buddy
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A typo? Smite me down oh mighty smiter!

I tried to delete it too
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that's really cute but unnecessary
my dad is the same as me, but he grew up in the late 70s-80s and is a normalfag with a succesful career who likes traveling and other stupid stuff, and he is evil... we do look almost exactly the same at the appropriate ages though :)
I usually have pretty good grammar so I feel embarrased

am hungry

gonna eat pancakes
enjoy ur pancakes goober
i'd eat pancakes with brad's cum on them
also i dont care about my imaginary bfs father
i think its funny that mexican2 is so unnerving even mexican1 hides from him
ngltbh making friends and having to talk to them on a daily basis makes me feel forced to actually do productive shit as to not get crushed by the feelings of anxiety
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I do not get along well with my parents, makes me unable to really imagine what having a loving/family is like so I moreso think about fucking it up rather than impressing my imaginary fbfs parents.
I kinda hope my imaginary fbf doesn't wanna meet my parents (even if that is a bit of a red flag) since they're both kinda shitty people.
mom would love to meet my bf
youre gonna get me playing m2tw again and thats the last thing i need right now.
did no one tell you? you simply drop the friends, then you dont have to do anything.
why would I do that instead of actually just being productive with my time
i dont like feeling forced to do anything. if i did like feeling forced to do things i would have a job. guess we're different.
work gets you paid though
how does that give you anxiety
the fuck I'm gonna talk about if they ask me how my day was?
why are they asking how your day was wtf why are you answering in detail wtf wtf
>"hi [bf dad's name] im the guy who has been plowing your son, how is your day.
>walks off
because I'm a functional cool interesting human being that does interesting things throughout the DAY and I talk about them in a funny WAY (rhymed right there)

why the fuck else would someone specifically want to be my friend if I didn't offer anything cool and unique and special
well i guess thats why theyre your friends. i have literally never asked someone how their day went
what do you say when your fbf asks how your day went
unless im doing something specific i dont know why he would. if something happened that i wanted to talk about i would just start talking
niggas really be so attention depraved the idea of someone asking about their day is not only alien to them but they don't even realize that it's a nice cutesy thing to do
no, i have that part, enough to get by anyway. i said job, not work. theyre different.
another day of playing semantics with an r9faggot who feels the need to redefine the entire dictionary to his own liking
its not my fault that you have such terminal employee brain that you think you need a job to work.
if something gets you paid then it's a job dude it doesn't matter if you're sucking dick at the red light district or drawing porn on patreon, just because you don't have an employer it doesn't mean that your "work" is "not a job"
who is redefining the dictionary now? work doesnt even have to earn money to be work. making oc on 4chan is work and earns no money. is that a job?
the discussion topic started with saying that you didn't have a job because you didn't enjoy feeling forced, to which I responded work gets you paid, to which you responded "but I do work" implying you do an activity that gets you paid enough to get by

you're being a retard and trying to call your hobby work, which it isn't if you're not getting paid to do it because then it's just a hobby, and if it does get you paid then it's by extension a job
i mean it can be cutsey depending on what the full thing is, but unless something happened im just going to move past that question. you know, like everyone else from planet earth...
weird shit like this is why you have no friends and no one likes you, you get all pompous and egoistic over the idea of someone hypothethically showing you the decency of asking about your day
i work when and as much as i want. "job" implies some externally defined set of responsibilities. i dont have that. i just work. if i want. i feel like youre mad about something but i cant quite tell what.
demanding everyone act "normal" is why your "friendships" are unfulfilling and flat which in turn is why you're here.
false and loaded, I love my friends and I love shitposting when I'm not talking to them

you're not unique or something dude it's literally a very basic question of "hey how was your day what've you been up to?" you just got in over your head because despite being mundane enough that some days you have nothing to talk about, you also feel like you get to brush the question off as if it had anything to do with the other person or something

legit get a life
>"job" implies some externally defined set of responsibilities
does your "work" not have any expectations of quality nor any sorts of interactions with a paying individual? do you just spawn money out of thin air at will without having the money transferred to you by another willing person? because if you're not spawning the money out of thin air then your work still has responsibilities and a set of standards and expectations

>i feel like youre mad about something but i cant quite tell what
the whole weird unnecessary effort that you faggots exert to seem cool and special over menial things? it's like I can't have a three sentences long conersation in this shithole without one of you trying to rename the concept of a house or your room or the color of your hair or something, yeah you're not a bottom you're a "homosexual gentleman whom prefers to be on the receiving end of the things", way to go you poseur dense faggots
I'm going insane slowly and one of the reasons is I spent way too much time in a discord server where "haha femboys laugh now" irony and now I don't know what sexualitiy I am
like genuinely I have no fucking idea
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why yes I drink dihydrogen monoxide and consume ingestible nutrients and inhale o2, aren't I so special and charming to you anon? aren't I oh so special and different than all the other young male humans that you've met throughout your life my dear? I also listen to super alternative music in which the artist averages 2 listeners a month, aren't thou intrigued yet?
Stop jacking off for a month and if you still wanna have sex with men (yes femboys are men) then you're either bisexual or gay you get to figure that one out.
Also do the Kinsley scale test.
what are you talking about? all ive said is there is no elaboratiom needed in these situations
>how was your day
>meh. *convo continues*
if you have to provide a story, that is weird. if you feel you anxiety over this question..? what is going on with your friends
got first place on a daily :)
yeah no I don't do gay porn
standards people
I dunno man
I promise you I'm mentally stable (this is a lie)
on pc leaderboards i got 33rd place but that's still decent
>*convo continues*
and where does that conversation continue if you cared to explain? do you think people just pause mid conversation and be like "oh yeah man how was your day by the way?" or do you think it's the usual entry question after both person gets done with their day and has the free time to chatter?

almost, ALMOST like I'm talking to a socially oblivious retard and it's ALMOST like that retard doesn't have any friends to the point where he can't even grasp the concept of asking someone about their day, once they're done with their day

do you just not go outside enough to the point where you think friends just talk to each other 24/7? that there's a continous endless ongoing conversation? if your next response is as stupid as this I'm just gonna stop replying and go use my time on something that's not an autistic incel
obviously not. i mean the convo continues you know like you keep talking
those 6th graders wont forget this day anytime soon
this is all true except i just listen to taylor swift on repeat these days
every time someone has asked me that i have dropped them and its been a perfect filter. youre telling people to get a life on 4chan? you have never posted or said a single interesting thing.
oh i get it. you have someone else who's in charge of when and where you work, and youre jealous that i dont. if you dont like the shithole maybe leave?
>friends just talk to each other 24/7? that there's a continous endless ongoing conversation
lmao this is literally exactly what friends do. if you dont get this you have genuinely never had a friend. thats really sad but i wouldnt be your friend wither with the way youre currently acting.
It's super funny. It's hilarious how thirsty he is too.
i assume everything he does and every story he tells is purely for entertainment. nobody could be like this on accident
Isn't this reddit spacing wall of text faggot normie most annoying of tourists regulars we got recently?
i think its fascinating. obviously something isnt satisfying him about his life or he wouldnt be here. its not like hes telling us a bunch of stuff someone wouldnt want to tell their friends. so whats the deal?
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cant post on /r9gay/ in the morning because everyone in the thread is a stupid bitch, cant post on /r9gay/ at night because every- no one is in the thread at all...
you just don't have a life and neither do your friends nigga
i dont remember ask on /soc/
Bro's penis is 4 inches long erect
n-n-nony why does it look like you are jacking of in a ventilation shaft. did you take this picture while stalking your crush at his office building?
is 15 cm 4 inches? idk murica measurement systems
So what's the problem man?
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Honestly the thread has been going downhill recently, maybe everyone got seasonal depression or something?
no I have full time depression
The only time I'm not depressed is when I don't have a bf (24 year long streak btw.)
show us your balls and we will tell you the secret no strings attached hookup sites we gatekeep from all the prison fags
I always forget that blonde people have blonde pubes as well
being gay isnt cool anymore so everyone moved on. we got left behind...
i literally know exactly how every single one of your conversations goes.
at least ill always have my neopets
>tfw wyn be one of anon's neopets nourished by his care and affection
played neopets one time while i visiting a relative 20 years ago. im so sorry neopet(s)... whoever you are...
>tfw no insecurely masculine twink bf
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my last partner liked burying their face into them
Why do you need a separate thread for that?
/lgbt/ is the tranny board.. this IS the fag board
i dont like /r9k/ but i like /r9gay/
for one we talk about, analyze and then make fun of the recent tragic events
last time it was some local girl getting beheaded by her mentally ill satanist boyfriend
Are you a top with a tiny penis or a bottom that gets sucked off by tops?
both :) also u won't convince me 5+ inches is tiny
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Do you prefer fantasy or historical mods? I really feel like doing a few stainless steel campaigns
nta but yeah that cock does not look tiny, nice girth rated 8/10
is tumblr fag also finnish or did i just find meows blog? hwat?
thank you :D hoping to find some cute boy here in europe who will get to use it
i dont really like any mods. they all seem to make the game less fun with "more realistic" mechanics that are just restrictions. broken crescent is cool but idk i wish it just added those factions into the regular grand campaign. the mod ive had the most fun with was one that just added most of the kingdoms factions into the regular grand campaign, as well as enlarging the map scale. however i wish it had actually reduced the map scale so chokepoints and bridges were morr important.

the point i always get bored is where you get past 8-10 regions and none of the ai factions are capable of threatening you, they never send more than one full stack at a time and their army composition gets really wack as the game goes on. i always want to either fight against or play as late period hre but the ai never uses late units right at all and when you play as them the game is long over by then. no matter what im playing i basically rush to the levant at the first called crusade and then just wait to have fun with the mongol/timurid stacks.

if any mods actually keep ai challenging then please do tell me but im gonna need some proof before i put dozens of hours in and end up map painting as usual cause the ai rolls over...
I need a horror movie suggestion, I made better* dinner tonight
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>tfw no bf to watch The Hungry Games: Alaska Big Bear Challenge with me
have you seen all of these?
we just need 4 more for the offical r9gay 13 days of halloween! i didn't put the the thing or the shinning since those are winter movies and i'm not ready for allat yet and i didn't put rosemary's baby because polanski is a pedafile.

01. Hellraiser (1987)
02. The Crazies (1983)
03. Pulse/Kairo (2001)
04. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
05. Martyrs (2008)
06. Ringu (1999)
07. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
08. 28 Days Later (2002)
09. The Evil Dead (1981)
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I have only seen the last 3 ofumz sir, I'll be chop chop off to watch hellraiser as we speak and report back once I'm done watching it, thank you for the suggestions and taking the time to respond
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You're probably best just sticking to vanilla plus, the AI will never stop being stupid and reliant on cheats. The Oblivion mod manages to be a little challenging at the end by throwing hordes of demons at you but even that isn't much trouble to deal with.
I put up with Stainless Steel's tedium because of how immersive it is but it isn't for everyone.

28 days Later, The Woman in Black 1989 or Onibaba
haven't seen onibaba but between 28 days later and the woman in black I'd say the woman in black
I like 28 days later more personally but I think it's just a successful film that happens to be categorized as a horror film, it's not really scary moreso just a depressing post apocalypse
i want to share an onahole with future bf i want both our cocks sliding in together
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>it's not really scary moreso just a depressing post apocalypse
Completely agree, it makes me jump a few times but its more unsettling than outright scary. Still would rather live in 28 Days London than the regular place
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So what is the best fleshlight? Ive only ever tried one and I enjoy it a lot, but curious what else is out there
Also genuinely curious what anal feels like, any fleshlight that replicates it? Ive only ever had sex with vajayjay
>So what is the best fleshlight?
i just am so desperate in my soul for a m2tw where the ai factions actually expand aggressively and then assemble multi-stack armies against you, of reasonably sensible composition. is that so much to dream...paradox games usually stay challenging at least through the middle years because the ai will blob up pretty well and throw everything it has at you when you end up at war. m2tw is so good but always feels basically over after the first 20-50 turns.

like at the bare bare minimum the ai should max out the garrisons of cities that are crusade targets. it could set up a tough, realistic situation where you can't do a long siege because your guys are deserting, forcing you to actually try and take a city at a numerical disadvantage unless you bring allies or multiple stacks. but no, cairo has 3 spear militia, a ballista, and the crown prince. :/
Big talk champ, prove it then.
>Ive only ever had sex with vajayjay
you should find somewhere else to go and talk abt this sorry
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>tfw no bf who thinks about Julius Caesar as often as I do
I just want to know what Ive been missing out on
Im also curious what the best way is the try the forbidden fruit, im very reluctant to install grindr
But then for the people in threads like this, dating apps and actually meeting people is completely out of the question anyway
Last time i got drunk i watched a video clip about julius caesar and started crying
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Was the clip about the assassination, Bibulus or something else? Emperor Maurice's deposition is a bit of Roman history I find painful to remember
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bi1PvXCbr8 this one which is pretty corny
dude really had to pick a historical figure to idolize like it's an anime character instead of just watching a couple documentaries about his life and maybe taking notes and calling it a day

truly I did not know I could get the ick from someone I didn't even have an interest in in the first place
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That video must have appeared in my recommendations a dozen times, if you haven't seen it you should also watch the 1953 adaptation. Marlon Brando gives a really good performance as Mark Anthony
3rd season of true detective was good. West didn't get enough screen time/development but he wasn't really that interesting so whatever. The case is probably the most tragic so far and creepy so it fits with spooky month. It's also quite dumb and human I guess. Something you could see happening and something that probably happened.
Anyway, I enjoyed it.
Showering these days is mostly about regaining body heat and not feeling cold
So really no comments on this?
No one here has fleshlight recommendations?
It is really funny to look up reviewers for those though, the peak of the coomers
eat more, youll feel warmer. Ever since I started working out and bulking up im never cold. Im literally a spaceheater. If there is ever a day where I cant eat my schedule immediately im cold
my self respect would never allow me to spend money on anything related to masturbation
>natty bulk
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Does anybody else feel like life isn't worth living if you don't have a bf?
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To me it felt most like the first season than any of the others and is the one I see the least conversations about. 3 was eerie at times in a way that 4 completely failed to capture and managed to have a satisfying if slightly downer ending
i feel like it is not worth living even if i had one. real shitty shit storm of shit rn fr.
here is your (You) Mr.Ed
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Having a bf would be a great improvement but life seems worth putting up with as even a lone person can find things worth doing
anon i regret to inform you that you dont understand caesar like i do
I'll keep that in mind for later and i've also been meaning to rewatch I'claudius for a while
hi everyone, this is my first post so please be nice to me, I've lived my whole life being told being gay is bad but recently I've made a special friend and now I can't go a day without thinking about taking his dick, it just feels like I belong to him. I've been feeling really strange about it because I can't tell any of my friends or family about it, I feel so pathetic because I'm a coward. My friend got me to put in a cage but I was already small anyway, I hope I can learn to accept myself someday. Thank you for reading my blogpost.
Why didn't anyone inform the blondfag that we already have enough attention whores here and that no one likes retards who cum into a thread they don't know, take off their cloths and start masturbating all over the place. Get a personality coombrain.
If he got you to put on a cage he is into you no though? So that is positive?
fuck off you bitter jealous faggot, I think he had a nice cock and I sure did appreciate the post
More like why isn't brad caught simping for this blonde whore?
w-w-whats happening??
I do have things I enjoy, but sometimes I get very lonely.
>tfw no smol bf to lie on top so he cant escape while i pry open his lips with my tongue
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Not proud of it but I've been watching big brother, I hope my fbf can forgive me for being seduced by live television and artificial conflicts between contestants
you guys are probably so into twinks only because youre fat faggots yourself
>he isn't a twink
can we watch trash tv together
i bench 100kg ya daft cunt
Only if we agree to never make eye contact while its on and feign obliviousness to its existence afterwards
wow you're as strong as any normal dude that's been hitting the gym for 3 months props to you! stop bragging about your inaccomplishments till you at least hit 3pl8 faggot
i'm only into weirdos, not necessarily twinks. i would honestly prefer a skinnyfat sperg bf
that being said, i would generally prefer death to being subjected to people. i should be killed.
>go to the beach
>step on dog shit with my bare foot
look at this dyel tosspot with nothing to brag about, sad!
goodluck anon, just go wherever fate takes you.
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okay fine but can we cuddle and turn the volume to 20?
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At least you could wash it off in the sea
that is hot desu forcing your tongue between lips to pry mouth open... until you are finally in wet velvet orifice...
making out is hotter than just fucking desu
but alas dicks need to cum
making out is hot desu but there has to be burning passionate tantric mind body and soul synchronicity
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20 would be fine but I reserve the right to mute the show when annoying people are speaking
every person knows volume level 12 is good enough
>quiet enough that it will not be heard in the next room
>loud enough to be heard in the same room
>get harder when imagine kissing rather than just fucking
its over/its begun/?????
its only over if you cum otherwise it has never begun
never be game over (i have delayed ejaculation or whatever) (i take 2+hours to splooge and often give up mid wanking)
>tfw ywn edge anon for 2 hours with your feet
>Are you saying that as a top or a bottom?
>all those spelling mistakes, borderline illiterate
thats a bottom desu
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Sir yes sir.

I lost one of my null rays for Thundercracker and I have to look all across the fucking room now.
soft feet must be nice on your pickle
t. ruined feet from stading up 10hrs a day
I could edge to feet for two hours but any physical contact and its game over man, game over
assuming i had a bf (i dont), how would i get him to accept/understand/whatever that i have been listening to the same handful songs and albums for nearly a decade and that i dont intend on stopping any time soon?
i tend to rush to the climax dragging things out is too time cumsooming for me.
I'm gonna rip this pc apart and stick my cock into that PSU fan if it starts fucking screaming again
>ywn climax anon over and over and over again before your first cum
>be pinned while anon will pry open your lips with his tongue
>ywn taste anons spit
>ywn hold him tight and close and kiss him all over
i want to die
^ughhhhh i have to wake up 8hrs from now and im drunk and tired
good night fagbros
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>one of the bears in the documentary is named BigBoi
Silly names are part of animal shows but a 'y' would have been much appreciated
>tfw no bf to cuddle after celebrating your bday
Time to watch Mob Psycho 100 to make the depression better~!
I want to die too but hopefully you find that guy to be what makes you whole
drink lots of water youll be alright
I don't deserve a blue eyed boy but man are they pretty
he probably senses that you're a shy and is just encouraging you to talk more about yourself
yeah obviously but in the most boring and turgid possible way
>tfw ywn get your crushes gf pregnant to be closer to him
I don't understand why this hypothethical situation is so fucking hard for you retards to understand my fucking god

>be you
>chat with your friend late at night before you both go off to bed
>both wake up early in the morning
>go about your day's usual errands up until it's near 5-6 pm and you've dealt with so many things during the day you forgot your friends even existed
>get home and run more errands like cooking eating taking a shower
>check your phone and decide to shoot a "how was your day?"
that's literally it, it's not that complicated or deep, yeah sure sometimes people are shy, maybe they're busy or just don't feel like starting the conversation or maybe they just had a bad day that they wouldn't want to dump unsolicitedly, so sometimes you send the first message without turning it into some mentally ill game of keeping track of who texted first how many times and it just goes back and forth
>maybe they just had a bad day that they wouldn't want to dump unsolicitedly
thats basically what I just said though, friends dont mind it if friends vent unsolicited to them, don't be shy about it
if you actually genuinely care about the person then why does it bother you to go an extra inch to ask someone how their day was?

a lot of the times I randomly ask my friends how their day was or just straight up how they're feeling, and more often than not they share something that they otherwise wouldn't share, and then I comfort them.
oh thats why anon sperged out he is the asker
>go about your day's usual errands up until it's near 5-6 pm and you've dealt with so many things during the day you forgot your friends even existed
why is it so hard for you to understand that we dont do this. we dont have jobs here sir. and if we do, we spend our hours thinking constantly about getting home to talk to our one friend, and about things we will tell him unsolicitedly. you literally dont know what a friend is if you dont do this. how old are you?
it's always me "sperging out" because you faggots always drop a five word sentence that baits out a five sentence explanation
and no I just find it annoying how self absorbed your response is, you take an act of kindness and treat it like it's people being cheap when the reality is just that NORMAL people, the majority of the world population, appreciates that

YOU on the other hand don't, because you're a mentally ill chronically online retard with a gorillion random people available at your disposal, you don't even go outside or even have a bad moment throughout your most days for you to even feel the need someone to vent to, literal actual brainrot consumer, never feel bad always feel good, entertain me you're all my personal clowns
normal people, the kind that doesn't have six billion e-friends or really anyone that would care to listen to their issues without judging them, not bpd e-princesses
Day (I lost track) of wishing him the worst in life and nothing good happening to him until he acknowledges what a piece of shit he is
all i said is its never required to answer that question in detail. just say 'my day was fine'. there no more anxiety
if you like normal things literally why are you here
no one and I genuinely mean it no one on this earth likes people like you, no one will ever love you for who you are, you are the faggot equivalent of those mentally ill white whores with daddy issues that straight up seek out abusive relationships and even abusive people don't like you, the only kind of person that you feel interest in is the kind of person that explicitly dislikes you, your brain has a very unique taste of rot to it that makes it so that the moment anything is granted to you it loses it's value, you are an ungrateful dog that deserves nothing more than a carrot on a stick and I have no doubt that one day you'll end up dating someone that just hospitalizes you for being the kind of ratnoid human filth you are
wtf i want a bf too this isnt fair im also a ratnoid
who are you talking about? i literally just make posts.
YOU are the kind of person that'll get bored and start sabotaging a relationship the moment it begins, you don't want a relationship nor companionship, you're just a directionless narcissist that finds a thrill in "conquering" people and earning their admiration but then instantly start treating people as if they were granted, once you ruin a relationship and the other person actually moves on you then feel a disgusting desire to claw back out and "earn them back again", only because it hurts YOUR pride to know that they're enjoying the company of someone that's not you

you have no type, you don't like any kind of person, the only thing that's attractive to you is the admiration of the other people, you just want to be worshipped as if you were some god yet you bear no such unique characteristics nor the kind of moral compass to be entrusted with that kind of position, you're just a directionless rat running around in a maze doing whatever entertains that underfunctioning brain of yours
wait thats not like me at all. i guess im not a ratoid nevermind...
i mean ratnoid
i feel like youre still trying to talk about me, but i cant tell cause youre replying without replying like a total weenie.
you know you fit the exact profile faggot
a night rat some might say
People will just make shit up if the topic at hand is something they don't know anything about.
then why wouldnt you just reply to me? its this kind of normie social game thats perfectly exhausting. this is why no one here will add you. or whatever.
i went on a walk at the lake earlier. it really felt like autumn with the cloudy sky and cold wind blowing colorful leaves all over. waow autumn is so beautiful
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because I need to act all angry about it as to not break character but in reality I also find it really attractive
>ywn make a suicide pact with anon and die happy
i told you so. look
how would you rate your current /r9gay/ experience?
more thought posting
who thought we were posting?
me, i did. we are posting
uhh we are still posting AND rating...
5.5/10 no complementary bf or even cute pics i will find some other thread to frequent if these issues are not resolved.
i can be your complementary bf(no quality assurance) but i cant promise cute pics without knowing your tastes
okay... no bfs, but maybe pics are on the table
deadlock bf when
i dont know what deadlock is :c
>tfw no bf to rewatch breaking bad with
talking to a sub switch but I'm also a sub switch and we spend two hours talking about sucking each other's dick
Would you rather have a bf with big balls but a small 4 inch dick that cums like a liter of thick creamy jizz or......a bf with a huge 8 inch dick but he cums just air?
above 6 is just genuinely uncomfortable to actually interact with, I sucked this one dude's dick twice and I'm pretty sure he was something like 8 x 6 or something and I just felt like I was constantly choking on it, he'd make me gag every single time he hit my throat and I was unintentionally crying during the entire thing just from how painful it was, felt like he was gonna dislocate my jaw
bf with big balls but a small 4 inch dick
and they need so long to cum, I am fine to just cum in 5minutes
I'm not gay but wanted to pop in and say hello fellas!
Hi dude! really sweet of you, have a great day beautiful.
I don't mind sucking dick for 40 minutes as long as it's not hurting my jaw
But there wont be any outcome he would be just like "Oh i came" and a drop, a tear of jizz lands on your tongue
that's how it went the second time I sucked the dude's dick, I was just going at a consistent pace and swallowing excess saliva and didn't notice when he came and accidentally just swallowed it along
damn you swallowed that mans dick nearly
I am the joker when you mix him with the devil
mix like mixed race?
Yes am black
I refuse to believe that there's a black anon on r9gay
yeah nigga you are just like the joker because you got RAPED
i am not mixed raced but i am the joker when you mix him with the devil
I am the joker and you are like the penguin because everyone here is like 5'2
do you think he enjoyed it
I love how everyone be like "I AM AGSUALLY 6'4 and i got a problem finding a boyfriend"
I'm 5'7 and have no problems finding a boyfriend so that's a skill issue
i am 6'2 and 150lbs and im looking for a lover of the same stats
I am agsually a mountain giant from like the darkest deepest niggerpit of latveia or somesnow and yeah I cant be gay because Ill be shot to death if anyone knows that about me in my village
I heard there are plents of trees in the forest, maybe someone is single there
I have a boyfriend who is 5'0"
ask me anything
do you call him pocket bussy
if im a tree then im waiting for my single bf :|
Sometimes when horny. But he tops me more than I do. The cutest thing that we are shopping clothes for him in the kids clothes section
that sounds really cute
I always tease him for it and say that I am his caretaker and gets mad, its really cute
why are anons making up easily researched stories in my general
can't you just be happy for other people
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what are fhe best ways to make my cum thicker?
no, i am the general :|
i want my bf :( my first bf
I dont make it up
anyone want to bludeon me before we meet...
>cold outside
>still sweat when going out for a walk cause you're going fast so you can get home faster
>don't like doing what I'm told
I think so but he's been getting me into cucking and he already has another sub and I'm trying to not be jealous but it's really hard, I think he deserves as many boys to pleasure him as he wants but it's hard to not wish I were his favorite. I kind of wish he'd steal my money and passport and make me completely dependent on him, I'm obsessed.
thanks man.
I had the most vivid dream about cuddling him again and now that I'm awake I want to fucking die. The moral of the story is don't get a bf unless your ready to lose the most amazing feeling in the world and live without it. Its like opening pandoras box.
I hate how heartbreak is something you can't get used to either; it always makes you want to die no matter how many times you've experienced it
Yep no matter what anyone tells you about how
you will just get over it and move on a better
person ready to make your next relationship
better but its all some bullshit. You can put the
emotion in the back of your mind but one dream
brings it to the forefront and your all back in the
feels missing the relationship and love you
once had no matter how good or bad it was to
get out of said relationship. I want to die yet I
want to live for love. The duality of man is soul
boo hoo nigga, go cry to gaygen
why is it always the motherfuckers who are happier than you who expect you to be happy for them as well
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>dad bought me a shirt
>it fits perfectly
>look at tag on inside of shirt
>"ages 13-14"
gee thanks dad
what's he supposed to do, get you a shirt that doesn't fit as if that would spare your feelings? stupid fucking bitch
I wish I was tiny like that
Tell me about your vice(s)
I drink occasionally and masturbate far too much
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I loved listening to them back in the day, you wouldn't get it. It was a different time.
bfe asmr and sweets
I don't have any, I think.
Vices are for evil people
2/10, only here cause it's a habbit. Everyone that was cool left and culture changed. I hate you schizos. None of you are funny or fun.
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'Wireless radiation not only fries the immune system and the nervous system, it interferes with the metabolic pathways associated with biological "energy production." When you eat something it eventually turns into biological energy known as "ATP." This is the energy "currency" cells use to perform their functions. EMF disrupts that process and can cause an extreme form of fatigue that is torturous in nature. Since these biological effects happen progressively and are inducedby a process that is invisible to the eyes, the effects look unrelated to the untrained mind. This disruption of biological processes becomes a major problem for most people above the age of 30 and leads to the progressive decline of overall health.'
I forgot I used to listen and like some of their songs. Thanks I guess.
I used to come here a few times a week, now its like twice a month when I remember it exists
>open thread
>same retards talking about piss or pokemon or whatever
>close thread within 10 seconds of opening
You niggers dont even tfwnobf post much anymore
It's not that tho, it's people coming to where not happy people are to rub their happiness in their face. If I see a happy couple outside I'm happy for them or don't care but if I see someone on r9k talking about how great his life is it's different and they know what they're doing.
my mom never gets me anything smaller than medium even though im xs...
that feel when no small bf who is excited to wear my normal shirt that is way too large for him
I only lurk. There are already too many replies to these generals, which is why generals are a bad idea.
Can't decide if I want to watch true detective season 4 (not enjoying it nearly as much as previous 3), game while listening to YouTube or go for a walk because I stayed inside all day except 5 minute walk to the store.

Did I ever mention how indecisive I am?
Walk --> game --> watch show until sleepy
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>tfw no bf to get me to go on a walk and plan my day out for me
I am gonna masturbate and watch anime allllll day and thats it. Maybe go outside just to get some food items and sodi pop.
how can you post anime boys and then not act like one at all. at least broodingly drink your soda pop alone by an abandoned building.
had a dream last night where i met a friendly squirrel with tiger stripes. i let it climb onto my shoulder, and then it turned into a grey and black spotted mouse, but it was still friendly.
You mean a cute anime boy? There are many different kinds of anime boys so who is to say we are not all acting like anime characters? Anime is real life yo get with the times Jiiiiiiiii-chan. Also not going to an abandoned building. I don't even live in some niggerville city with monkeys to have creepy abandoned crack houses near me.
there are lots more abandoned buildings in the country lol. where land isnt that fought over, people just build things and leave them. you could be an anime character, just not a cute one.
eat --> sleep --> rape --> repeat
>be wizard
>porn addiction led to deviate from straight porn by the day
>eventually feel like sucking dick and getting fucked
>go to a gay bar
>score on the very first day
wtf why no one told me this was easy mode?
your wizard powers..?
i miss hearing these on the radio
They are still intact, only whores can drain them from you.
I'm cute on the inside and emotionally. .
you arent going to trick me that easily
today I was taking a shower and my butthole seemed sensitive to the touch for some reason, felt pretty nice to touch and I never had that happen ever before in my entire life
no, thats literally where youre not cute. fat fucks can be cute, grizzled old bruisers can be cute, youre not.
dont listen to him anon youre super cute
Why do some bottoms have huge cocks?
why do some bottoms have brown hair?
Why does anyone cae about cock size? Seems masturbatory desu
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me. decided to game because... honestly I don't know why but I did. Making decisions is hard.
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Awww thanks nonny that means super a lot to me.
I just want to be cute and cuddly in life frfr :3
im not an alcoholic because i only drink maybe once every few months, but i have really awful self control. i cant just enjoy 1 drink
i've been to gay bars in miami beach and didn't get approached lol
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perhaps in a better life I might have gone to a gay bar tonight
alas, this is not that life, instead I will drink alone while lurking /r9gay/
well that should be easy since youre already there
scollace poster is 30 btw
why do some bottoms have brown skin?
still young enough to squeeze without breaking anything
Nigga's gonna be 60 and still posting uwu cutesy shit on 4chan
hahahaha what an old fuck
>t. 27
I don't know who scollace is nor do I care how old the poster is.
since when do you need a reason to game? this world is falling apart man
one time this old guy(older than 30) was hitting on me in the palm springs airport
niggas gonna be current age and still saying nigga on 4chan every damn post like its middle school
30 is not really that old. Not like anyone grows up or matures more after about 25 or so. After that you are stuck in who you are unless your bpd
yourself into being mature or whatnot.
i have never said the nword before not even the ga one
that's alright, I've said it enough for five people
why? did you know thats mean
what country is this where clothes are by age instead of xs s m l xl ?
sometimes you've got to be mean to be kind
i dont understand please explain thoroughly
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i just woke up but i still don't feel like doing anything but cuddling in bed with bf(you). maybe i can be coaxed out of bed if it's to go on a nice walk together.

I'm really not picky about pictures so long it's a cute boy you can tell is boy (doesn't look too much like a girl even if slightly femmy) and not a fub (muscle men are welcome but i don't like really extreme bara).
Get ready to be let down by season 4.
Actually it wasn't *that* bad, I enjoyed it bt but def the "worst" season.
Can we go on a walk on a cold fall day connected
by a scarf, find a bench to sit on to hold eachother
while looking at nature and then go home to warm
tea and cuddling in bed to some anime?
isnt it crazy how someone can just break your heart and change your entire mindset to the point where you read stuff like cute would-be future bf stories and just look upon it with disgust? blackpilling isn't a meme, i guess.
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Sweets and porn.
But I've been cutting down on both recently, I am just not sure I can do it for good.
Real nigga hours aight
Tfw no 5g schizo bf
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of course! that sounds like the perfect day I have some pumpkin spice tea I'm trying to use up but it has a subtle flavor so you have to add cinnamon and vanilla to really bring it out. what anime are we watching? I'm currently watching Dan a Dan and Zom100 (because I didn't finish it last year).
What's wrong with brown hair?
; _ ;
nothing brown hair is the best. the answer is just the same
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Watching Pokemon nuzlockes in a sunday evening what a nice day to be an autistic faggot.
i actually dont have any pictures like that. sorry
It is a very perfect boy day during the best season
of the year. I like pumpkin spice stuff to so I'm sure
I would love it in tea form. Also have never heard
of the anime you listed but rn I am watching Mob
Psycho 100 since I love Bones (anime studio)
and somehow never got around to watching it.
I relate a lot to the struggle Mob goes threw as
far as just being led to do things by other people and having a rough time making choices
for themselfs. I'm rooting for Mob every ep now.
all brown haired boys should be perfect obedient servants to their blond masters. brown haired boys were made to be cocksleeves to superior aryan men
I didn't really like the characters nor the plot of hellraiser, larry was too much of a pushover for me to root for but at the same time I didn't really like julia either, it doesn't make sense why she'd marry that kind of a man if she didn't like him and kirsty didn't really feel like a protagonist

frank dying and being brought back to life through sacrifice felt boring but I'm sure the plot was original for it's time, just felt cliche to watch in this day and age

the box and the cenobites were really cool but I think the way they tried to kill kirsty even after she delivered frank to them ruined it for me, I think it would've been a much cooler ending if they just nabbed frank and held their end of the bargain and let kirsty go, then simply disappear into thin air and be this "mysterious unexplained force of nature" instead of just bad bad guys trying to kill everyone they can mindlessly

might watch the 2022 remake later today because I accidentally watched two minutes of that one last night before I noticed I was watching the wrong film
whiteboys with zero real accomplishments try not to act like they're superior to everyone for two minutes challenge level impossible
Yeah I agree so where is my superior blonde hair boyfriend master hello
but white bois can have brown hair too? what does this have to do with race?
hitler said in mein kampf that white boys with blonde hair and blue eyes were the aryan race above all else and he had one of those fuck his wife on the regular as he watched cuz he had brown hair himself

source: my dad owns the holocaust
what if my hair is '"dirty blonde"'
>he had one of those fuck his wife on the regular as he watched cuz he had brown hair himself
should have had one fuck him if he really believed what he preached, false messiah and led the people away from god and got punished accordingly.
legend has it he cleaned the wife up with his mouth once the aryan bull was done with her
depends. if your mother had blonde hair you will be welcomed as a member of the blond elite but if she had brown hair it's off to the sex dungeon with you ;)
can I go to the sex dungeon voluntarily?
should have cleaned the bvll up instead. now can we stop talking about straight sex in the gay general, you're making me want to vomit.
mom is also '"dirty blonde'" but she has green eyes
then look at her mom and if she's "dirty" too your bloodline is too tainted off to the dungeon
grandma has grey hair
I don't. I needed to pick between few activities and it's hard. Ultimately since my stomach isn't feeling best I went with gaming, as it allows me to listen to YouTube too, which is nice.
Despite being a neet days are too short to do all the things I wanna do
What else is there to do as a NEET but play video games, watch anime and jack off?
walk to the park
lift, paint, learn a new language, read non-fictional books, lots of other things
really you don't need all that much variety though, something as simple as painting is easily capable of eating up all your free time for days on end
Literally who has ever denied having gay sex is easy. Try having a gay monogamous relationship you coombrain troll
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Mob Psycho has some really cute boys in it! I haven't seen it yet either maybe when I finish Zom100 I'll start it!
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>read non-fictional books
I specified non-fiction because I get homicidal when people read novels and get all pretentious about it like they're doing something more intelligent than watching a film
>I'm proud to be tourist newfag
I wouldn't let my kids celebrate their birthdays until they prove themselves as real men, they'd also have beta testing names that get changed up with cooler stuff once they've proven themselves
it entirely depends on what novel they're reading nonny. and it depends what movie they're watching too for that matter. you can't tell me you don't see a difference between Citzen Kane and Capeshit #69 Bussy Battle: This Time They Didn't Dush! , a difference between Ulysses and whatever "booktok" is currently into?
everything on this list is boring. might as well just get a job
there is absolutely no difference between reading one kind of fiction or the other, doesn't matter how nuanced or well written the book/film is, if you're reading fiction then it's just not contributing anything of worth to your development and is not an act of intelligence above consuming lower quality fiction
this is based. especially the beta names. i like the normalization of having different names throughout your life rather than being stuck with the one you were given at birth.
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Maybe you are zapping your energy too quickly, try avoiding eating right as soon as you wake up or drinking coffee, and settle on one thing to do until you get bored of it,
being a NEET is fun when you make yourself do things
Couldn't agree more anon
Couldn't agree more anon
I couldn't agree more anon
I could not agree more anonymous
breed the agreenon
I agree anon but my problem is I simply have too many things I want to do and there isn't enough time
It sure does have a lot of qts and the animation for
said cute bois is top tier as per usual for Bones.
After I am done watching it I'll have to check out
Zom100. Funny how we both are watching anime
with 100 at the end. Could it be coincidence or fate?!?!
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>tfw no boyfeet in my face right now
objectively wrong. and non-fiction isn't inherently superior either there's a difference between obsessing over the lives of celebrities and politicians, and reading about and learning from history and the great thinkers that come from it. and don't say celebrity gossip counts as fiction because the extent to which it's made up isn't that different from the extent to which history is written by the victors a good thoughtful work of fiction can include more truth than many history textbooks even. and if you're a stem is the only worthwhile topic to engage in fag then don't even bother replying.
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Same, for me it helps to devote certain days to reading, painting minis, vidya or other hobbies but I still wish I had more time and energy to do things.
Still its much more time than most people have so I'm glad for what I have
I should've just specified academic books but that doesn't necessarily cover everything that's informative, some non-fictional books are more about thought experiments which don't necessarily fall under fiction nor academy but they still help someone improve

and I'm not really saying stem is the only worthwhile topic to engage in, I just wanted to make a list of productive activities to do with your free time, though fiction or entertainment aren't really *worthwhile*, doesn't necessarily make them an all bad thing to be avoided completely but doesn't change the fact that they don't add anything to you as a person
personally I try to avoid entertainment that focuses on fictional interpersonal relationships, it's just gonna be a fictional circumstance with fictional outcomes, and the moral of those lessons are naturally fictional as well, so you're basically going into a world controlled by the author, with characters whose actions are controlled by the author and results that are controlled by the author, I just think I'd be tainting my own mind if I consumed these kinds of products because I'd inevitably be drawing false conclusions from works of fiction wherein things just would work out differently had those situations happened in the real world
Gay whore slut bitch
thank you! i really needed some proof im a real person too
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>tfw still no boofie boyfeet in my face
I took a warm shower because I was col again. Ok, I also thought I needed to get clean before going to bed tho I wasn't sweaty or dirty I think. I want to finish 4th season of true detective tonight but that seems impossible timewise.
I also want to game some more. Today the long awaited Halloween + ash vs evil dead arcade game came out and also want to check a platformer that allegedly plays like dk country that I may enjoy too. Good platformers, or platformers in general, are rare these days.
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I'd slap my feet across a blond boys face.
agree to disagree. I do think setting time for academic reading is good for exercising your brain and giving you a broader scope of general knowledge and perspectives but I disagree that quality fiction can't improve and develop you as a person if anything it falls along the same lines as the thought experiments you mentioned, how would the world be different if this fictional scenerio were true? what insights can we bring into our world when we encounter similar situations? but it goes beyond even just using fiction to explore hypothetical scenerios to prepare for real world stuff because fiction is one the best things for inner development it helps you conceptualize abstractions in our world that simply can't be put in mere rational terms because of imperfections and delusions.
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The feet are nice and the sleeves being a little too long makes it better
What is the name of this foot whore?
>controlled by the author
any author that thinks he's in control is an utter failure at his craft.
what a coincidence, I'm blond
Nigga do you think non fictional books are unbiased and accurate? That's the whole reason I avoid them!!!! If I wanted to learn about a topic I would fucking read Wikipedia or some shit. Insane.
You would kill him because your feet are massive and stinky
it's not what the author thinks it's just the reality of it
like when you go talk to someone everything is real and you can take a moral lesson from the outcome of that interaction, you can't do that with a book though. a book is just a work of someone's imagination, yet the more you consume them the more they'll just naturally affect your mind and the way you see things over time
Very telling how negatively /pol/ users are reacting to the new anti-bot measures. Almost as if...
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>he reads Wikipedia instead of relying on information provided in dreams
You have good taste in feet and I agree with the sleeves point as well. It's a very esthetically pleasing pic in general. Now you're obligated to post one of your finds.
No idea, saw it on /hm/
because wikipedia is written by infallible anonymous gods and is much more trustworthy than books that are written by people that actually specialize in the subjects they talk about?
Notice how I said "or some shit" which implies multiple, often contradictory, sources and accounts. Checkmate retard. And yes Wikipedia is generally good basicsource of information on a lot of topics sure. A starting point if you will.
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Painted nails yes or no? Which color do you like?
what exactly are you even arguing against? wikipedia is good but also bad, but also I read multiple contradictory sources to make sure I get all sides' account on a topic, but also "book le bad because, I decided I want to argue with you but I also can't so I just halfway agree with you while also not really saying anything that hostile"

do you just wanted attention??
big if true blondie
nigga feet built like a fifth grader trying to draw toes
I don't wanna taste that shit
>when you go talk to someone everything is real
those people you're talking to are also the product of the things they've consumed and the experience they've had just as the story of an author is the product of what he's experienced and what he knows and has learned. and anything someone tells you is going to be biased either intentionally to make themselves look better or because of faulty memory or misconceptions. nothing is real even the conclusions you come to on your own are biased and misinformed. you can carry on this delusion of a real/not real dichotomy if you'd like but you're missing out on a lot if you do and you're going to be influenced by media anyway through other people while not counteracting it with influences of things that you like and resonate with you.
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This is the perfect boifeet pic. Got damn I need those in my life. . . . . . . .
Looks like troon feet to me
you're going unnecessary lengths to defend your manga reading as if it were something meaningful

you don't learn sociology through what people say nor is it relevant whether their personality stems from the media they've consumed, present data is all that matters for the analysis of occuring events and that's really all you analyze to learn more about the nature of different kinds of people

you meet someone, you make an assessment of who they are and take notes of their actions and reactions, rinse repeat x lifetime and you develop an understanding of how different people function in their ways, over time this cumulates to the point where you can "read" and predict people by making an appropriate assesment of their character and due to having knowledge about how those kinds of people function
Let's build EMF shielding armor together!
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He has cute toes, most people have ugly toes
If you read more books you would know it's actually "did you just want attention" or "do you just want attention"
Glad we agree
>tfw everyone wants boyfeet but no one wants to have their boyfeet worshiped
>tfw 3ds is fapping to brad's large feet as we speak
Ignore lowercase posters
Only like twink feet not tranny feet
>you don't learn sociology through what people say nor is it relevant whether their personality stems from the media they've consumed,
yet if your fear is that consuming fictional media is going to taint your precious reality as you said in: >>79167719
>a book is just a work of someone's imagination, yet the more you consume them the more they'll just naturally affect your mind and the way you see things over time
then I stand by the relevance of the fact that you interact with people that have been influenced by media as well as the everyday fictions that stem from misconceptions, faulty memory, and intentional falsehoods (both to ourselves and others) your reality is already tainted boyo.

> present data is all that matters for the analysis of occuring events and that's really all you analyze to learn more about the nature of different kinds of people
and you don't think a good author has spent a lot of time interacting with people collecting "data" with which to write believable characters that mirror the same kind of people you're trying to "read" on a daily basis, since when is every interaction about trying to figure someone out anyway? I can't help doing it subconsciously and at times recognizing the why of someone's behavior helps with preventing conflict because I won't get mad if if I understand where they're coming from in addition to what they actually did or said but if you put your "data" and analysis above the actual content of the interaction then you're just creating your own fictions of the people you interact with, which we all do to some extent, but you have to be open minded and accept new information, listen to what people are actually saying, to recognize when you're doing it. in my opinion though this topic of how to get an accurate understanding of other people, interesting as it is, is somewhat different from the topic of whether engaging in fiction can help your development or if it's just a waste of time.
Alas I have ruined my feet from working on them
all the time and dropped a 6 pack of larger cans
of beans on my right bigtoe which made the nail
fall off and grow back deformed ;____;
you should do that again so the nail regrows but perfect
How do you ruin your feet by working on them?

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