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The End of Happenings Edition.

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, haddenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging et al. belong in >>>/trash/happenings+thread

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/79446129/
Filters test:
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Just let it go bruh... it's over
Did we say something that shouldn't be mentioned? Why'd they delete both the /r9k/ and /trash/ threads?
Mods added Bibanon's link about the staff to the spam filters. Both /r9k/ and /trash/ threads had that link in the OP.
The weird thing is that /qa/'s threads didn't have that link but still got deleted.
Look at this garbage... this is what "people" consume. And then they try to call others normies.
the staff page got filtered because someone edited dox into it. that edit got reverted at the exact time the happenings threads got deleted. check the revision history.
>/qa/ barren
>mandate of heaven lost
you guys fucked up this time...
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If you think threads are "content" to be "consumed", maybe you're the cattle.
Mods deleted thread Happenings Thread?

thread happening is kill?
Just checked the page history. The edit was made by sharty niggers.
shvrtyy fvkingg wonn
>the staff page got filtered because someone edited dox into it
>The edit was made by sharty

seriously where did you find this before edit raid dox?
i don't know what happened
not all happenings are good happenings....
careful what you wish for
mods doxxed incident #34221: certified not happening, /hap/ deletion more notable than actual cause of deletion, accidental removal of /qa/hap/ more notable than cause of deletion
she did the process of elimination
then checked the page

shrimple as that
powermod filterchad shit list

it's so over \hap\sisters
what? woman mods?

has seen screenshot?
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I called the link being a problem.

Should have listenedd! :)
Can we get back to posting happenings now?
Depends. Will we cuddle afterwards?
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What if there were more gimmics you could spend money on? Why isn't hiro innovating in the 4chan shitposting marketplace?
Threads? Holy fuck... how did you became that retarded?
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Who would've even known the dox was there? It was removed in an hour and nobody was even talking about the staff here.
Is this some kind of collective punishment? Was the IP of the wiki vandal posting in here?
>they doxxed MVB
for what purpose? He doesn't even moderate, he's the dev.

high chances perifag spammed the link or something akin to that. maybe check desuarchive?
My first thought was the last thread got deleted for gr15.
I wasn't following the /trash/ thread.
>for what purpose?
You don't understand. To these people, shitposting on the internet as hard as they can is their entire life.
There is no purpose. Whether this is from a lack of intellect, a severe mental illness or a traumatic childhood is still up for debate.
ah, sharty shit
huh. i funny. i actually recognize him from the ancient 4chan panel pics. what a weird memory to remember
notice how fake lee can't even keep pace any more

he's been crippled by the filter

Well it didn't seem to be spammed on desu or moe, and the vandal still hasn't been banned nor has the revision been hidden so it might be mods just jumping the gun not coordinating properly.
pepe if pony pone pony pone ponee horse pepo jpg
if it's the sharty mods likely keep tabs on them to stop things like this

even then here's a 2 week gap between the dox being put on bibanon and the spamfilter.
forgot to mention but this was a fun thread, what was the occasion for the tunes? do mods do this often for chao garden threads? if so i might have to start checking them out
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>It was removed in an hour
Nevermind lol, I misread the wiki history >>79491230 you're right it's been up for weeks. What the fuck? Now I'm even more confused.
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>need a werging normal OB on a red borde for habbenig offis imag update
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Happening: After 3 years, the final thread on /qa/ has been deleted.
>The weird thing is that /qa/'s threads didn't have that link but still got deleted.
the last thing remaining of /qa/...
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damn 3 years since lgbt won, i can't believe this..
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>3 years since lgbt won, i can't believe this..
"influencing 4chan"
4stats.io anon here.
733K posts/day.

It probably won't last for long, considering the outage and the /ftl/ threads are still going strong. I feel we're close to hitting an asymptote in terms of the level of activity.
oh my gaaaawd we're literally dying we only have ova seven hundred thousand posts a dayyyy
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elon musk buying 4chan and turning it into Xchan
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thus is the curse of the chan
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Anyone else been banned with this gem yet? We're reaching Twitch levels of the 'chan.

/qa/hap: dead
/vip/hap: inactive
/trash/haq: dying
/r9k/hap: alive
>mad at being banned for /pol/shit outisde of /pol/
Read it again. I wouldn't have posted it if it was that.

But, for argument's sake, this is directly related to the loss of funding for vtubers on Twtch.
>loss of funding for vtubers on Twtch.
They were being funded?
>/qa/hap: dead
Cryogenically frozen.
>/vip/hap: inactive
In vacuo. The hinterlands.
>/trash/haq: dying
Ragtag skeleton crew.
>/r9k/hap: alive
Up-and-coming haughty greenhorn.
This image is definitely a reference to something (besides just unimpressed gasmask man from that one Japanese cartoon) and I ain't getting it.
It's Zakan Dies, pretty sure it aired this year. Did you not see or hear any of the threads?
The final goodbye, huh? Just need to delete the board now and finally put it in the grave.
>Did you not see or hear any of the threads?
Clearly not, as that name isn't helping me either.
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Zakan Dies nuts lmfao gottem
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/nah/ but the cat i rescued began screaming and shitting blood
have sex with it
they do say that a cat is fine too.
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3 years and 16 days ;_;
Speaks the same message as Tyson's defeat. Father Time spares no one. Don't delude yourself. Nothing lasts forever. Cherish today.
happening: mp4 support?
>Error: Corrupted file or unsupported file type.
Doesn't work yet, at least for this board
what the?
this is huge
>4chan datamining leaks
kek based
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Been a while since I've seen an ad for a general. I'm also getting tons of ads for Duolicious merch, last time I looked at it they were begging for money and close to shutting down.
Tried a few times and couldn't get it to work, either. I guess they added mp4 support in the frontend but didn't enable it in the board configs yet.
>fake trash /hap
it's so over for them
>if 4chan_gold mp4=true
hiro did it again
hiro hasn't been here in years
since 2021 never work 4chan
I hope they know they're opening the floodgates to low quality content.
People actually put in effort converting things into webm, until this point.

The worst normshit is available in mp4. And all crappy phone downloader tools will work with 4chan now.

Might as well integrate garbage dumps like giphy 1st party.
never going to happen IIRC, because of how easy it is to embed shit in mp4. quality bait if true though.
Does mp4 really have fees?
This was the main reason Google pushed for WebP and VP8. It allowed them to steer clear of MPEG-LA suing them or charging royalties for distributing H264 videos on YouTube.
wow, cancer, thanks for the QRD
fuck corporate
/vip/hap has fallen...
Man, I feel bad for anyone that naively expected to talk about STALKER 2 on 4chan. For those that don't know, it's a game famously developed by Ukrainians so you already know what every thread is like. What a shame.
based spitemod
they should snuff these threads out for good
i want to be free
It wasn't using the link? lol
Maybe they incorrectly identify these threads with the wojak teens, unaware that THEY were the ones that birthed and fostered their growth on /qa/ while the /qa/ remnants were confined to one last thread (the happenings thread).
If the mods want to weaken the reach of the wojak army then they need to resign as mods to prevent further damage as a result of their ineptitude.
what did he type?
<em> test </em>
<i> example </i>
or maybe it's like <span class="muh secret text"> or something
oh it's very simple, you just write [i something in here] and there you have it!
Also, get 4chanx
[i thanks my brother]

i'm not installing a botnet
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>chedda luck next time, /hap/pers
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Posting a cuh-lassic.
>half of all posts deleted
>still some bait posts up
Why are the mods so helpless?
Rare flag, actually genuine native.
Wait a moment, 30 posts deleted, 16 posts left. So 2/3rd of the thread deleted.
today i will save this thread
Tyson was going strong in the first 2 rounds then remembered the fight was supposed to be rigged
Sure, anon. The fight was totally rigged and Tyson's age didn't have anything to do with his disastrous performance.
>4stats.io anon here
Why that wording?
Makes it sound like you'd be me
Only on /wsg/? Fucking lame.
It's not called work safe webm either THOUGH
I agree. I hope it just remains on /wsg/

Also imagine if this was supported during the tiktok zoomer general flood
>zoomers bad because... umm... I'm mindbroken.
Zoomers bad because they're technologically illiterate.
Hey little zoom, how's it going?
>.t cant even use a smartphone
I wasn't saying zoomers were bad, I was saying "Tiktok zoomer" threads were bad. As in, the threads about underage girls doing suggestive dances. Notably Bonbibonkers. It didn't help her into adulthood that's for sure.
Why are you pretending to stupid?
why are you pretending you know how to use a smartphone old man
No seriously, why are you pretending to be stupid?
no seriously, why are you pretending to know how to use a smartphone?
That flood still has me surprised tik tok generals weren't blanket banned as jailbait sneak threads. I was an underageb& at the time and even I felt like those girls were too young.
>/wsg/ gets mp4
>/gif/ gets cut in half
seems a little unfair no?
coomers lost
You're right, /gif/ should've been removed entirely.
Be glad they kept /gif/. /pol/ is anti-porn and /pol/ is all of 4chan.
delete /gif/
create /mp4/
According to /g/:
hevc on mp4=no
av1 on mp4=no
h264 on mp4=yes
vp9 on mp4=yes
half the board, double the file size

screencap this

/gif/ WILL win
I still have no idea what /qa/ was all about, completely missed that period
/gif/ has less file size than /wsg/
It's not fucking happening.
Sit down, coomer. You lost.
The goal is to turn this site into Reddit. They want normalfags to come here and post their shitty discord and instagram memes and use this place like social media. The writing has been smeared all over the fucking like shit for a while. Be prepared for when they force you to register an account to post next year.
/gif/ will get mp4 support. inshallah.
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Will that mean the official 4chan app will become a reality?
only you can save us. you are the most important guy on the site. please do something soon to fix it. i'm just not....strong enough.....
Hiroshimoot is delusional and no one on the mod team dares saying just that to his face.
there is so much slop being posted already
when are we getting .apng support
i've seen raw tiktok, instagram, twitter, reddit, and imgur files already
let's go boys
>i've seen raw...

It's convenient.
This update is going to hit /v/ like crack hit low income neighborhoods in the 80's.
This would've been a very welcome change back during the Nine Sols threads where everyone was showing their attempts at beating the final boss.
You robbed them of an announcement. Are dataminers the bad guys?
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> It didn't help her into adulthood that's for sure.
QRD / catchup? I know she was /wsg/'s pet /cgl/ retard a few years back, but you seem to imply something's *happened* (get it) since.
I'm assuming Nvidia, AMD and now Steam's gameplay capture software uses .mp4
This update would be a boon for /v/
if they enable sound outside the video boards.
Dunno about Nvidia or AMD, but Steam does, yes.
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you got that one from the HRT parable didn't you
i know what you are.
It's cute that you think people will use this to post video games.
We're (or at least, I'm) talking about the few actual video game threads that pop up after a good game gets released, like Outer Wilds, ASLIBRA, Signalis and Nine Sols.
No, I'm just a black guy and that has been an expression used by my mom and other people I know for all my life. Trannies and gays steal and reappropriate our vernacular so much that I that understand the confusion.

It doesn't help that I used the censored, whitewashed version as well as force of habit. The saying really goes "X will hit Y like crack hit BLACK neighborhoods in the 80's" but if you say that then wannabe victim honkeys will be like
>nuh uh the CIA made white people smoke crack too
I don't usually want to get into the debate so I keep non-racial. I just wanted to clear up the fact that I am not a trans or a faggot.
>>nuh uh the CIA made white people smoke crack too
Nigga, the CIA made EVERYONE smoke crack back in the day. Just ask the Chinese.
At its best it was high quality silly-posting with a little meta and testing threads.
Meta posting, primarily.
People had hope that this time we had an admin who would actually listen to them.
Little did they know about his true intentions.
Then some mentally ill third-worlders came along and spammed the board to death.
Good. Reddit is better than 4cucks.
It was a meta board that got turned into /trash/ 2.0 when the retarded jannies decided to move every shitty thread over there for a while. They used the high amount of shitty threads they put there as an excuse to just close the board.

Now there is really no place for meta discussion. This thread fucking sucks and is more about discord clique drama than anything actually happening on the site. The ONE meta thread per board that Hiro allowed is always deleted quickly whenever it pops up.
one-off board for an AMA that got turned into the complaint central of the site. Several microcommunities themed around meta made it their home (board-tan drawfags, hap, internet enthusiasts, imageboard historians, frogposters, spin offers, the leebot) but they started infighting to claim the board as theirs until one exploded in popularity far beyond /qa/'s usual activity and drew the ire of the mods.
what's the point of mp4 support when length, sound and size limits still apply? Aren't mp4 even worse compression wise than webms?
became a dropout and got into porn to pay bills
the signs were always there, she was always a least effort fag that couldn't lipsync for shit
They're going to remove all that later. Today is just the test to see if it works without breaking the site.
Most other web sites support mp4. Many videos are now compatible without doing anything other than downloading them.
If nothing else, it's convenient.
>They're going to remove all that later.
but muh JIF traditions. Would someone please think about the 5 second loops!?

what was even the original argument against length & sound limits? something about going against the spirit of the site, but i don't even remember what that spirit was supposed to be.
She also got fat. Visibly fat.
his health issues were definitely a factor, but you can tell he still has it in him from the training
Why are pedos so low iq?
likely just old rules that made sense when implemented
>Aren't mp4 even worse compression wise than webms?
Don't talk about shit your tiny, tiny brain cannot understand.
>but you can tell he still has it in him from the training
Ah yes, the training montages that repeatedly shows him punching several times after which the footage cuts to another shot of him punching.
I'm not sure how to bring this to you, anon, but you've been fooled. Hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Kajoinked, even.
Tyson never had the stamina to last more than a few rounds.
i'm saying that it shows he, both intentionally and unintentionally, held back
No, anon. It does not.
We've seen him throw a few punches exactly like we saw in his training montages.
Unless you have access to footage that shows him training for more than seconds at a time, I'd say it's time to re-evaluate your beliefs.
Brain damage does that to you.
dunning kruger redditor
>can't distinguish codecs and container formats
>calls others dunning kruger
OK shit for brains.
sticky >>>/sci/16482701
space rocket launches haven't been interesting in over 60 years
You've been missing out.
You're not excited to pay 250 dollars to have your own satellite in space?
>he missed the catastrophic musk rocket explosions
>a rocket with nobody on it exploded over the water
Who gives a fuck?
We'll put you on it next time.
>musk cocksuckers in this thread too
They're inescapable.
Are you just shitposting ironically or are you one of those mentally ill people that think that Musk is the literal antichrist?
if i keep sucking off a billionaire, maybe he'll finally recognize my greantess
are you also this angry at bill gates?
you're in the wrong place for him to see you
for making windows? yes.
No I don't really give a fuck about him or any billionaire but I automatically like him more because he isn't an obnoxious manchild like Musk. I don't have to see Gates on the news telling everybody how he wants to move to Mars. I don't have to see a thousand threads full of Jeets shilling Bill Gates' dog memecoin on /biz/. I don't have to see Bill Gates' ugly electric cars everywhere I go.
So it's jealousy?
Maybe pride. I'm not sure.
It's called contempt.
Contempt has a cause.
Being an annoying retard causes contempt.
"I dislike it because it sucks" doesn't mean anything, anon.
Where does your contempt stem from?
It will only get worse, with /pol/shitters thinking the richest man of the world is the personification of the anti-establishment and will do good for the american worker, fucking kek.
>and will do good for the american worker
not American, didn't Musk do shady things to workers in some plant? maybe that was Bezos. Too many billionaire dickheads.
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I have triabetes I am a triabetic
>and will do good for the american worker
Better than the democrats, at least.
I'd rather die of hunger than thirst.
Musk is what /pol/ would normally call a jew.
I'm not sure about large scale, but I've met a good number of people who interacted with him at Tesla and they all agree that he's a massive tool. The best example was from a security guard.
>guy is watching the manufacturing floor
>elon musk walks in
>guy tells elon musk that he needs to be wearing a hard hat and reflective vest, because his job is mostly to say that to people
>elon musk asks the security guard if he's aware that musk is the CEO of Tesla
>guard says yes, and expresses that it's his job at Tesla to make sure everyone's wearing PPE
>musk tells him he's fired and to piss off immediately
No wonder /pol/tards fucking love him.
>Don't talk about shit your tiny, tiny brain cannot understand.
mp4 is a lossy compression format and I'm talking "fit 2 minutes in 2 digits mbs size" under h264 encoding so it does apply retard.
Ohh holy shit that was my post, cool.
mp4 is not a compression format. Stop embarrassing yourself, holy shit.
gone full retard
It's a fact. You just know nothing about media formats. mp4 can use lossless codecs including lossless h264, fucking moron.
shut the fuck up nerds
shut up and fuck nerds
Cool story, bro
I'm sure it's real
the distinction between codecs and containers is pretty cool
>MPEG-4 Part 14, or MP4, is a digital multimedia container format most commonly used to store video and audio
key word container
if you don't know the technical nitty gritty you assume mp4s are videos
but technically they're a container

mp4s can contain video tracks audio tracks subtitles and so on
the tracks themselves can be encoded in different formats (some containers don't support certain formats)
you can extract those tracks from an mp4 and put them in an mkv because mp4 and mkv are just containers
My uncle works at Nintendo
>if you don't know the technical nitty gritty you assume mp4s are videos
It's even worse. m4a are not some audio format similar to mp4, but it's exactly the same format, just with a different filename and a different convention of use.
Let me give you a qrd so your undeveloped autistic brain understands:

Codecs are encoder-decoder pairs.
Decoders read the (.xxx) format and apply predetermined algorithms.
All mp4 encoders can only output lossy video because that what compression algorithm is what the decoder was built to decompress.

Even the 60gbs nat 2160p stream rip encoded in h265 mp4 will have pixelatation in the blacks if you pay close attention

The reason WEBM was implemented instead of MP4 was because for the same quality and duration MP4 weights 5 times more than WEBM.

And webm already gets royally fucked for a 1080p vid non-/gif/ on 4chan posting limitations, I can't imagine what shitheap mp4 would produce for a normal board.
what the fuck
i didn't know that
>.mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .m4b, .m4r and .m4v
>Decoders read the (.xxx) format
>All mp4 encoders
They're called muxers and demuxers.
>The reason WEBM was implemented instead of MP4 was because for the same quality and duration MP4 weights 5 times more than WEBM.
I don't know the exact history of webm, but the main reason Google invented webm (which is actually mkv+vp8+vorbis, which Google didn't invent) is because of patent issues.
Your claim that webms are smaller than mp4 (if they mix exactly the same compressed audio and video data streams) seems to be pure bullshit. I just remuxed a mkv to mp4 for a test, and the mp4 was SMALLER. Container overhead doesn't matter that much in general.
5 times more? Nope, you're full of shit. You're trying to bullshit your way out. Which is funny as fuck.
>The reason WEBM was implemented instead of MP4 was because for the same quality and duration MP4 weights 5 times more than WEBM.
WEBM is a container, tard. VP8 and VP9 are the codecs. Although it is not common, you can technically put a VP9 video into an MP4 container.
>All mp4 encoders can only output lossy video
The vast majority of video codecs are lossy, including VP8 and VP9. I don't think you understand what lossy means.
>It's even worse. m4a are not some audio format similar to mp4, but it's exactly the same format, just with a different filename and a different convention of use.
What the actual fuck.
So are there protocols within it that make it hard to extract tracks from iTunes? If m4a is just mp4 with a different name slapped on it, I wouldn't think that would be that hard.
That's probably DRM, which means the data is encrypted.
Seeing the amount of hype around the recent Bowser v Eggman Death Battle reminds me just how absurd /dbs/'s influence over the powerscaling community is. Even on their actual forums, YouTube channels and twitter communities it's impossible to not see how many /dbs/ memes and gags are thrown around, what the fuck? Powerscaling isn't even an obscure interest or anything.
Ah, that figures.
Which are still a form of encoding (purely technically speaking). One that's basic enough that no custom program is needed since any retard can reverse engineer and place on their program with like 3 lines of code.

But I'm talking about the actual video encoders and their quality as such.
My point is that lossy performance varies per encoder and H264/H265 fucking SUCKS and is a pointless thing to put on 4chan unless mods plan to remove video limitations and increase filesize by at least half an order of magnitude (that is to say, 30mbs).

You can play a "VP9 in MP4" video because your video player does a codec-by-codec search after using it's handcoded demuxer to open the fail.

>The vast majority of video codecs are lossy, including VP8 and VP9.
Yes. And they all use different compression algorithms. Read above.


Streaming likely doesn't use m4a or uses a partitioned variant of it like most streaming that uses Transport Stream and nobody has reverse engineered it.

You can do it like in music: You pinpoint the bitstream itself and re-encode it yourself losslessly. However in video this just not an option if you want the source quality (plus lossless video encoding is ridiculous big).
>My point is that lossy performance varies per encoder and H264/H265 fucking SUCKS
x264 is really good. I'm not even sure whether VP9 and all the newer codecs strictly beat it yet. Technically, the codecs after h264 are all better, but the tricky part is to use them properly. VP8 was an absolutely shirt codec that permanently shat the bed compared to h264, but it was the only video codec supported by webm in the beginning. Its only advantage was that it was free of patents, the one thing Google (which created webm) really cared about.
>Streaming likely doesn't use m4a or uses a partitioned variant of it like most streaming that uses Transport Stream and nobody has reverse engineered it.
Retard here. I thought Transport Stream was an open format? Why would it need to be reverse engineered?
>I'm not even sure whether VP9 and all the newer codecs strictly beat it yet.
in their intended purpose (more efficient size vs. quality ratio), they fuck it in the ass, standing.

this is due to more intelligently designed compression algorithms, both in encoding and encrypting (aka lossless compression).
Mind that intelligently designed does not mean "losses less data" but actually "looks better to the human eye".
I do think webm losses less data at the best settings but their highest compression level are downright eye rape as they are not designed for such extreme settings.

got it backwards, whatever m4a is partitioned into hasn't been reverse engineered (and i'm speculating that it's partitioned at all, i haven't checked, the other anon prolly knows). It's so easy to download and rejoin .ts source streams that scene groups don't even manually pirate nowadays, just use bots that day 1 rip everything.
libvp9 sucked ass shit when I checked it years ago, but maybe it got better, if you're right.
Again, better codecs doesn't mean better results if the encoders aren't good.

Consider an XYZ axis where
X: relative quality
Y: filesize
Z: resolution

VP8 was basically spec-designed to offer high relative quality at low filesizes on the 480-720p ranges. In this specific range it beats mp4 pretty well. Some argue it's good in 1080 but I'm not sure. Past that, the intelligent design begins to fail, which is why you see cinema scene rips still encoded in h264 as a selling point.

It is a tool that has a specific purpose, and for 4chan's needs, it's not a good tool (6mb is too much even for webm) but it's better than MP4.
>VP8 was basically spec-designed to offer high relative quality at low filesizes on the 480-720p ranges. In this specific range it beats mp4 pretty well.
You're making that mistake again. If you mean h264, mp4 doesn't even have a firm association with that format. mp4 originates from mov, the format for QuickTime, if that rings any bells. h264 wasn't even invented yet.
>You can play a "VP9 in MP4" video because your video player does a codec-by-codec search after using it's handcoded demuxer to open the fail.
What the hell are you talking about LMAO. You've never heard of fourcc types? There are even official ones for VP8 and VP9: https://www.webmproject.org/vp9/mp4/
>You can play a "VP9 in MP4" video because your video player does a codec-by-codec search after using it's handcoded demuxer to open the fail.
You mean it actually tries to decode the video if it doesn't know the codec specified in the header? No player does that.
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source of a lot of /dbs/ shitposting today
Why are mods so lazy to ban schizos? Really, you'd think it'd be easy to code trigger words to alert them for easy banning.
Le old /qa/ post.
Fuck, I remember that pasta. Too bad the Mega link is long dead, but IIRC it didn't have all that many pics anyway.
I loved that post. Also the original gigachad thread who introduced soidueling. It was genuinely fun early on. And /qa/ was not yet in the site consciousness so you'd have /a/ blaming /v/ for the raids. It was a laugh.
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Are there any originalfag tripfags still active?
You don't want tripfags to come back. You think you, but you don't.
They're just called avatars now that it isn't bannable. Go to any "general" and you will have the functional equivalent of trips, often ERPing
>hevc on mp4=no
I fucking hate this site.
>av1 on mp4=no
Fucking kill me.
extremely hesitant to use wordfilters or set up alarms for them, though i can also buy that it's because there's so goddamned many of them that trying to sort the insane out from normal posters is like picking fly shit out of pepper depending on board

my conspiracy theory is that a lot of it also has to do with the mods being disdainful of generals and that "thread schizos" primarily impact long-standing communities or subcommunities as dedicated trolls, therefore they see schizos as either part-and-parcel with generals (which they don't like) or they don't feel schizos are a big enough problem to deal with if they stick to one thread primarily or exclusively and the mods don't care about what's going on in that thread
>av1 on mp4=no
this must have been done on purpose, right?
don't know if it was already posted here but the original /g/ wiki is back up apparently
Victory to Palestine and true 4chan
Fuck yes, mp4 works on /a/ now.
Oh no. This is very bad.
Without audio, right?
is this really for all boards?
what is next, webPENIS?
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Well I'll be damned, just rencoded one and it went through

Yeah, no audio
* meant to linkn >>>/a/273311777
>This is very bad.
No. Finally I can stop reencoding mp4 to webm.
ooooohhhh, i think i get why no audio
you can encode images in audio
No. m00t's justification was that people would post screamers. It was a fucking retarded reason and still is.
yeah, but that was moot
nowadays the mod team is in charge of such decisions
And we all know that the mods cling to such old decisions and rules, without understanding why or with which intentions they were made.
why add mp4 NOW after all these years of making us fuck with webm?
Because Hiro gave the mod team three years.
They're scrambling to make this place profitable, otherwise they'll lose their special mod status.
Please understand, the mods are very slow. Wait another 10 years and we get audio webms/mp4s on all boards.
Unlike webm, mp4 is supported on the iPhone's Photos app. That makes it easier to edit them down.
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Is that it? Full mp4 rollout.
What's the next step in their master plan?
We need .webp to counterbalance it.
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tenor support
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3.91 MB WEBM
huge quality of life improvement ;-)
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>doesn't even have a basic adblock
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I wrote a userscript that only displays the self-serve ads.
It's actually advanced adblock, only against the real garbage.
I fucking hate the people behind this place.
>force the mods to make a workout for webm support on ios
>make them add mp4 support so they can more easily post videos
itoddler chads run this site
Down another 1K posts.

732K posts/day, with the caveat that the brief outage from Monday skewed the statistics a bit.

is this real? wtf
This is like the emoji April Fool's where I think it'd be a decent addition for general purpose and everybody opposed would get the fuck over it in due time
I wonder if works choose file button in mp4 normally or not?
feet image dump thread up for 10 hours on /v/
So Israel basically declared war on Arabia and lost.

Israel is replaced by a non-religious tiny matriarchy the size of Gaza.
The south is also welcoming huge amounts of Philistina and Lebanese refugees.
Like bizarre amounts.
Enough to make you wonder.
The IraqiBabylon army is very strong now.
Vive Viva
Naturally the economy is doing better. Peace!
Reminder that Egypts navy is ultra high~tech.
Quality community is what the world wants!
The future is good!!!
>people still think naval supremacy and missile meme boats can be thing in the age of the of the drone and the supersonic ballistic missile
Do NOT reply to ranting schizos filling the thread with nonsense like grandpa at a family reunion
I was actually thinking that it would be pretty cool to have that thing that 2ch has(/had?) where some posts are blocked from being crawled by bots. I know there was a board that was specifically excluded from being crawled, but I think you could also put something in the email field to prevent it too.
Something like that for 4chan [i except it being used for excluding your posts from external archives] would be pretty cool imo.
Are you going to shoot a missile at Dubai?
Are you going to shoot a missile at Ohio?

Is your egotrip of being a pest all you are? Scumbag.
This is a world of idealists. People with lives and stories and lovers.
We are not your toys.

Suffice to say the world sees what yall are.
This is the end of nonsense.

Also, true war is only fought by VOLUNTEERS. And I see so many volunteers standing for EVERYTHING.
Whereas you are just butthurt.
I guarantee you have made real enemies and they can out~play you with nothing.
happening!! reddit is down!
Good. Let's hope it stays that way.
>not 4cucks
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After almost two years of silence, the 4chanX extension has received several updates in a row.
last update before everyone switches to 4chan-xt
I'd rather see a new implementation rather than a fork.
What are all the boards that allow audio in MP4s? Is It just /gif/ and /wsg/? Let me know if there are any others.
/qa/ should return
An economy is an energy.
So generate the energies of the best economies!
Fun fact: Twitter saves gifs as soundless .mp4 files that are perfectly compatible with 4chan. Expect even more outrage threads in all major boards.
Pet ownership is illegal.
That is important for the worlds future.

Regards to cloned~meat
Any outrage MP4s cause will be quickly forgotten if WEBPs start being allowed on 4chan.
/qa/ is literally more dead now than it ever has been in the past
Power to decentralization of administration
>jannies decided to move every shitty thread over there for a while
It was funny the few times they moved meta threads from /mlp/ to /qa/ and then banned posters for violating GR15.
Thank you Goose, very cool!
What's the post per day count looking like rn?
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Don't want to take over 4stats-anon's job, but here you are.
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Pharmaceutical happening that may affect someone you know.
>Ozempic, known medically as semaglutide, was originally designed to help adult patients with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar. However, this drug -- and a host of others in this class of medication -- are also being touted for their effectiveness as an anti-obesity medication.

>Using mice for the study, the researchers found that heart muscle also decreased in both obese and lean mice. The systemic effect observed in mice was then confirmed in cultured human heart cells.

>Dyck's study comes on the heels of a commentary published in the November issue of The Lancet by an international team of researchers from the U of A, McMaster and Louisiana State University who examined emerging research showing that up to 40 per cent of the weight lost by people using weight-loss drugs is actually muscle.

>up to 40 per cent of the weight lost by people using weight-loss drugs is actually muscle.
>up to 40 per cent of the weight lost by people using weight-loss drugs is actually muscle.
>up to 40 per cent of the weight lost by people using weight-loss drugs is actually muscle.
I think most obese people are still fine with that tradeoff.
Let me know when that research is peer-reviewed.
This thread needs some nostalgia.
Doesn't that also happen with normal weight loss?
NTA, but muscle loss during caloric restriction is usually around 25%.
i assume that also depends on shit like exercise regiment and nutritional profile like doing resistance training and consuming sufficient protein, maybe 25% would be without exercise? idk
Nice, so that drug is significantly worse.
>i assume that also depends on shit like exercise regiment and nutritional profile like doing resistance training and consuming sufficient protein
Absolutely. Intermittent fasting while eating enough protein can lead to next to no muscle loss, for example.
"Worse" is a very loaded term. I get that you'd like to think that "modern medicine = bad", but please don't descend into hysteria because of a single preprint.
I'm just going to laugh of all these assholes who use it for lifestyle reasons get their health destroyed.
is it every board yet? >>>/co/146447241
You do realize that it could turn out that obesity carries a higher risk of heart disease than the effects of Ozempic, right?
And another thing: if the research data turns out to be valid, then I am very confident that eating more protein while taking Ozempic would reduce the amount of muscle loss significantly.
so how long have you been on ozempic for and how badly has it damaged your heart
>if he ain't with me, he must be against me!
Spoken like a true schizo.
Do you have any actual counter-arguments or are you going to continue seething now that you can't defend your worldview?
Bro, you're on 4chan. Everything is either irony poisoned or /pol/ poisoned.
On the topic of irony, what stage of irony would you say the internet is in? Because it doesn't feel ironic anymore.
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And by god do I wish that weren't the case.
I freely confess how susceptible I am to confirmation bias on this one, so I'm still gonna hold back on the "I told you so"s for now. But I can think of several prior "miracle" drugs that then turned out to have terrible side effects and produced massive tort litigation. Wouldn't surprise me if we'll see the same thing for Ozempic and its ilk before too long.
what a flop
i can't believe one of the biggest changes in years, and it's like nothing happened
/sci/ anon...
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Shitsu mon ni atte wa, kotae rarenai kata ga yoi kamo shirenyaa.

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One warning; last warning.

"Do not play with things you do not understand; there are fates worse than Death."
Did this actually happen? From what I remember they'd either leave the images alone (and even allow more pony pics to be posted) or just delete the images
so why not do their jobs, and ban FUCKING GENERALS
they can't. generals exist as a byproduct of the catalog, it is simply not possible to keep subcommunities springing up in revolving-door manner, the worst they can do is witch-hunt them and try to make them a maligned part of site-culture
Very cute picture. Let me hug you
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is the trashhap asylum down or something? why do we have a pol schizo posting?
Holy fuck steroid chads we won
I don't know what you've done to attract unwanted posters but I'll try to help
Please come to /trash/hap/ >>>/trash/70937480
Your posts are welcome and tolerated there
They are not wanted here
Plus one more poster means that there's less of a dead thread over there
Please stop posting this here and instead come to /trash/hap/
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0 images even though images are required to make a thread >>79518335
>file deleted
You first furry cock vore poster.
If you want to see tripfags, go to /lgbt/. That board is unironically 40% tripfags who are largely Twitter users or something because everyone seems to know the most personal details of their lives. It's actually so big of an issue I used the feedback from and suggested forced anon on it similar to /soc/ because it's really that bad
But I'm already there
Plus when did I post furry cock vore? I only posted an image of glaceon.
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Hello again my friend, I have been summoned once more by you, and some other forces who wish to bring form unto me once more.

Let's see your issue.

Ah. You have a problem user.
Very well.
"Archives of Infinity"

Your problem user is a pagan accelerationist from Canada that believes themselves to be a "Chaos Druid" and is a part of an accelerationist Telegram.



He is mentally ill, a druggie, a snake vore poster, a phone poster, practices horrendous image OPsec, an old /qa/ poster, and the most damning sin, he is Canadian.

You are free to look through his posts and scry further into his mind, he's quite the sick little puppy who wandered into the wrong den, just like you were my adorable little pet.

How goes you by the way? Are you learning to flex your power well? Did you finally defeat your "foes?" Were you surprised at their growth?

It's always nice to see my students again, and catch up with them.

Tell me, have you finally navigated the forest of mirrors that were set up for you, or are you still lost? Or have you realized "It doesn't really matter?"

I'm curious. Come come, I have come all this way to speak to you, don't leave your old friend waiting. :3
I'm doing well
My muscles deteriorate from lack of use though
To begin fighting them I just first fight myself. Currently I'm losing that battle.
No everything went as expected, that didn't mean that things didn't get worse just that they were expected to.

It's nice to see you too friend

I'm doing fine in the woods.
It never really mattered in the first place
i fucking hate this board.

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Oh? I've made a mistake.
He's from Finland utilizing a VPN, or at least understands Finnish.

The VPN should be ban worth of itself, but hey. Not an admin of this site so :shrug: can't do anything about that huh?

His earliest posts go back to

September 23rd 2024, celebrating the issues going on between Israel and the rest of the world.

This is most likely an Iphone user male around the age of 15-23 who is a "liberal" muslim who comes from a muslim background but wishes to be free of muslim traditions so embraces western degeneracies as "Paganism" which makes sense for a refugee living in Finland (or Canada).

Fellow likes having his cake and eating it; and being their own individual who fancies themselves in a place of power, because they have been victims of powerlessness.

Which is sad, your problem user should go to the Imam and confess his sins, and talk about his issues with powerlessness and resisting the urges of western degeneracies that will continue to rend his soul asunder into a path that he will be blind to, summoning forces he cannot even possibly begin to image into his life.

Yes, hello? I am one of the creatures Jaddi spoke of. A Jinn. We very much exist, and you're currently stuck in one of our snares. Cut yourself loose from the net or you will be fed to the flame of the one you are ensnared in. Stop playing near the fire pit boy, citing words and sigils you've no concept over thinking you have power. You've none whatsoever, and in your suffering, you are being lead to the oven to be consumed. Turn away. Seek Allah. Ahamdullah.

We are the both marble and artisan; it is simply that battle friend. Nice to see that you've shrugged off the woods call in lieu of a snipe hunt and just accepted the woods for what they are however. Maybe one day you'll be let free of them. Hahaha!
Also if I'm being completely honest with you here?
I have no idea who you are.
Are you lummie? Weren't you dead? Are you that person who was going to fight in McDonald's in Florida (archive kun)? Are you Danny or one of those other posters from /trash/nah/?

I only responded nice and friendly because you were nice and friendly, not because I actually know who you are.
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Fascinating. It seems you have forgotten, I'd be insulted a little bit, but I'm not. I'm just happy to talk to one of my old students, and it's best that you don't know or remember, lest you get lost in the woods again.

It's also fascinating that you spoke of a long forgotten echo, very curious. It makes me wonder of your journey before you got tossed into your woods, following shadows and names and forms that made no sense. I know everything there is to know about you since you've entered, but tell me a little bit about yourself before you were ensnared by the threads. I'm curious.

Just how far do you go back and why is that forgotten echo something you wished to recall after it has been long forgotten by most, if any?
Go back to trash and stop shitting up this thread
>one person replies to the /pol/ schizo
>Then the furfag replies to that post
>Then others reply to the furfag
>And now the thread is full of this shit
This is why you do not reply to schizos. You give them an inch and they take a mile.
I'll say it again
Do not reply to the schizo.
i'm going to filter these threads for a month and then come back.
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Vgh fine I can tell when I'm not wanted
We can continue our conversation here kyubey poster >>>/trash/70988679
Don't wait
I swear I was just in the middle of leaving.
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>I swear I was just in the middle of leaving.
genuinely, thank you.

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