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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Heyoo everybody
Good evenin
>How are you doing today?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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and here are some useful links for anyone who might need them:

>a long list of self harm alternatives (thank you muddy):

> frst aid post cuting:

> wound care guide:

> bpd workbook:

> dbt (dialectical behavioral therapy)
workbook is intended for BPD but can work for anyone:
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usefull stuff when you need to calm down
how do you guys actually do it?
like i have times when i'm incredibly sad and stuff and i truly want nothing more than to destroy myself just to feel something other than emptiness and horror but like
i can never overcome that part of the lizard brain that stops you from hurting yourself.
im not asking for guides on how to do it because that would be incredibly fucking lame im just
wondering how you all overcome that.
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it usually starts small and gets worse
>would be incredibly fucking lame
good, don't hurt yourself anon it's not a good idea
> im just wondering how you all overcome that.
desu i dont want to traumadump here cuz i feel like its kinda rude, but if you want i can tell you how i kinda fell in this shit
>it usually starts small and gets worse
i guess that makes sense.
im not really in a mental place to overcome even the most minor of anxiety barriers of adding some1 on discord or something right now. thank you for offering though.
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hello cat
hope you are alright, also hello to anyone coming to the thread

also i found picrel, which might interest some people here
>lizard brain that stops you
im not very good at listening to my brain either way so that doesnt really stop me

>Okay I wish you sweet dreams then.
thanks gator, i did have a nice sleep
>Did you?
i really dislike body hair so im looking forward to getting it removed one way or another someday eventually
if you meant something different then nah lol, the same loop happened all over again, i just managed to have enough energy to go to the gym (yesterday) today i did nothing of note except trying to clean up the mess my room is a bit
> i'd like to hear that story
my dad was a university student in the UK in the mid 70s i believe, def after 1974
apparently at the time there were a lot of exchange students in the UK and specifically greeks(i guess because they were in the EU at the time)
greek students quickly made themselves notorious for being basically nuisances to the native brits
out of the plethora of stories he told me, some of my favourite include students (including him, but he claims he didnt partake in it) returning to their appartments late at night and passing by houses that had left out money and empty milk bottles for the milk man, they would steal the money (they didnt need it) and piss in the bottles, or if they went back later in the night, would poke holes in the plastic seal of the bottles the milkman left
or other times in the night would go to specific bins that were for recycling or something i guess and pruposfully mix shit up, like putting glass in the paper bin and stuff, in those trashcans they would also throw the glass bottles hard so that they would hit the metal back and make a loud sound, also breaking the bottles in the proccess
others are fine like tricking payphones into thinking they had payed and then would make countless calls
he said he used the payphone trick to listen to a football game on the radio happening here in greece
he told me it got so bad that he avoided telling people he was greek, instead saying he was italian, he said he did so because one day he was at a pub and the people he was there with asked him where he was from, he replied truthfully, and they straight up left there and there
dont remember many other stories unfortunately :(
they can be summarized as stupid kids doing stupid shit but still, that was the mindset they went there with
>if that's ok
i was already asleep by then lol
>favorite version
it indeed is quite a nice version of it
>always fun
and interesting!
no no i didnt ment it like this, i completly understand why you wouldnt want to add someone new from this site on dis.
i ment it i type out here what i should have noticed etc.
ohhhhh mb
well if u would be uncomfortable dumping it here i dont want to make you.
nah i dont plan on goin to details, just that it was really addictive for me atleast, cuz it just clears me of the negative cloud of bad emotions, atleast a little.
and i dont really know when i "statred" but i was sh-ing even before cutting, but i never considered it like im actually self harming...
just like punching, burning myself. intentionally, but not like acknowledging it. i later started cutting for pure convenience, and its easier to hide. scars and the sharp objects.
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I wasn't gonna be on today, but I woke up early. I just feel bad, and like a bad person, for wanting to go to a normal school. like I hear horror stories and stuff about people going to normal school and hating it, and Idk i feel evil and like a bad person for wanting to go to a real school

Hey cat :) how are you?

> i did have a nice sleep
I'm happy to hear.
>i really dislike body hair
Same, I kinda hate it.
>so im looking forward to getting it removed one way or another someday
Okay that's really good then. Will definitely be good to get it removed one day.
>i just managed to have enough energy to go to the gym
Very good job! That can be hard to do.
>nothing of note except trying to clean up the mess my room is a bit
Okay that's still pretty productive, you doing something important so good job.
I see. thanks.
I actually did SH a little when i was like 15 or something (nearly a decade ago) but it was just by like very quickly and forcefully dragging a compass (as in picrel) across my skin, not true cutting - cos like i said my lizard brain has always stopped me from that.
I don't know why it didn't progress to anything more than that as ppl seem to imply is normally the case.
I think partially because i was really embarrassed when people at school saw them.
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How's it going today?

Hello ali :D
there's nothing wrong with wanting to be like most people
homeschool does put your at an disadvantage
>how are you?

I'm doing fine, uni went okay and my I'm in bed thinking about eating some popcorn
oh also I ate pizza today :D
It smells like femboybussy in here.
>I actually did SH a little when i was like 15 or something
oh, sorry to hear that.
good to hear that you stopped
>I think partially because i was really embarrassed when people at school saw them.
yea i always thought ahead so its easier to hide
>i didnt think of it in spoken form at all, i was thinking it as in literature and stuff
i see, i see. it makes a lot more sense that way and coulf be a very interesting stylistic device.

>in literature maybe some things are better left unsaid, with the reader interpreting their own meaning
both has it's time and it's place. the tricky part is figuring it out whether it is. ^^

>not with english that words are ocmpletely random and even if you did know the root youd be unable to make sense
that what you get when normans, anglo-saxons, danes and britons mix. (^_^;) interesting that greek as a languague is more of a closed system. i wonder if keeping your own alphabet has something to do with it as well.

>makes me feel like a poser though, yknow
i get you, but if you're not planing to make a career of it, there's no shame in staying at layman-level. also nothing stopping you from delving deeper into it at a later point. maybe you can file that away under "m" for midlife crisis. way safer than motorcycles or skate boards.

>spoken language will eventually degrade overtime
it changes and evolves. just how it is. you can't force it to stagnate or to change the way you want it to. people will always fight you if you try. as they should.

>ive always thought of it as weird, they fought germans twice in two world wars and then put millions into them
they just fortified the border with the soviet union that way. and the genocidal crime that keeps a capitalist away from a good investment opportunity has yet to be commited. there were different ideas and philosophies if what to do, but in the end, pragmatism won.

>everyone becomes the same (impossible)
i don't think it is. or that it would even be an undesirable outcome. in the end, it's the only way we can only live together if we keep our stupid, made up shit that nobody else cares about to ourselves. like in this thread. there's stuff we don't really discuss here much and that's exactly why it works.
>good to hear that you stopped
yeah i guess. i just wish the reasons i did it stopped instead of getting consistently worse.
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>way of life is really different, we make fun of germans for being workaholics and wearing sandals with socks and other things
we make fun of those things here as well. and of the weird things people from other places do. it's just what people do and completely fine. it just becomes and issue if people look for stuff to be offended about.

>they should have been more strict to how long they are allowed to stay, or something like that
where's the profit in that?

hey carbro! thanks for the fresh thread. :> how's it going? hope getting up early wasn't too bad.

>they can be summarized as stupid kids doing stupid shit but still, that was the mindset they went there with
what i was going to say. ^^ young people with to much time and booze do stupid shit. say whaaaat? sometimes i do wonder, though: does the rest of the world really want 19th and early 20th century mindset whites back that badly? feels like we're heading there. :/ anyway, still a good story to tell years down the road. ^^

hey gator!

>Idk i feel evil and like a bad person for wanting to go to a real school
you aren't. it normal to want something that's being denied to you. some people have a good time at school, some don't. it's random and depends on a lot of factors.

ready for some stretches? :D

also: hi everyone!
>and like a bad person, for wanting to go to a normal school
you are quite literally the opposite
while its true that regulars schools can be really, uhhhh, wild, lets say, they can also be a really nice experience
if you exclude 11th grade all my years of highschool were great, mostly
i cant blame you for wanting to see how a regular school is
hello cat
nothing much, just fucking around and rotting as always
>very interesting stylistic device
probably a bit annoying for the average reader but def would be something really unique and cool
>figuring it out
i guess you are right, i over complicated it
>is more of a closed system
we are way too proud of what once was and try to cling onto it with all we have
we have a long history of instead of adopting foreign stuff, exporting our own culture. nowdays the only way we have kept this is in language. katharevousa (purist greek) was a language that was developed exclusively to purify greek from any foreign loan words in the 19th and 20th century, unfortunately it was abandoned along with the polytonic system in the 70s
but we still continue translating words or creating our own instead of just adopting the foreign ones in many cases
>keeping your own alphabet
i dont think so, russians use the cyrillic alphabet yet have a comical ammount of foreign words in their lexicon, im constantly talking with my teacher about how i find it incredibly weird they just take the words and she finds it weird that we dont and instead make our own
in the 18th and 19th centuries the high nobility spoke german and french (and even greek) and was largely made up of germans ever since catherine the great so i guess that has somethingto do with it
still interesting topic though
>no shame in staying at layman-level
yeah youre right i know its irrational i just cant seem to overcome it
>can't force it to stagnate or to change
yeah it would be quite hard but could be possible with a lot of effort

>they just fortified the border with the soviet union that way
i mean yeah, but there is also france, and the nordic countries
it feels really weird to me that they chose to get their enemy back on his feet so shortly after being done with him
but w/e it doesnt matter
>or that it would even be an undesirable outcome
i think that in most cases the outcome would be undesireable, mainly culturally
cultures would be forced to die out eventually in sacrifice to adapting well with the others
many cultures dont work together, like having a vegeterian and a meat eater together
which isnt a very good analogy but i hope you get what im trying to say
here i see children of immigrants either not know their language at all or being unable to read it, an albanian friend of mine only knows how to speak the language and cant read or write in it
his kids most likely wont learn albanian
thus the language will be gone, and slowly everything else will follow
but its a long discussion

>we make fun of those things here as well
oh thats nice, self humour is always good to have
do you happen to have a joke about greeks or nah we are too irrelevant
>where's the profit in that?
>does the rest of the world really want 19th and early 20th century mindset whites back that badly?
>what i was going to say
still says something about the culture that raised them
but anyway
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>there's nothing wrong with wanting to be like most people
Yeah I guess that's true. I guess I'm just scared most people would think I have a better life and I stupid or something idk.
>homeschool does put your at an disadvantage
I guess it does.
>uni went okay
I'm glad it did.
>I'm in bed thinking about eating some popcorn
Okay that's very nice. Popcorn is perfect in bed.
>oh also I ate pizza today :D
Ooo pizza is wonderful! What was in the pizza?

>hey gator!
Hey yuanon!
>it normal to want something that's being denied to you.
Yeah I guess that's fair. It is weird.
>some people have a good time at school, some don't.
Yeah that's true. Does suck that its random tho.
>it's random and depends on a lot of factors.
That makes sense, would be good if everyone had a good experience.
>ready for some stretches? :D
They were good, and I'm glad to be back.

>while its true that regulars schools can be really, uhhhh, wild
Yeah that's what I heard, and idk I feel most people would think me doing nothing all day would be better cause it's at least not wild, but idk.
>they can also be a really nice experience
That is good then. I do think I'll always be sad that I never got the chance to go to real school.
>exclude 11th grade all my years of highschool were great, mostly
That's really good then! I'm happy you did.
>i cant blame you for wanting to see how a regular school is
Yeah I wish I could have.
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I just can't cope with life. I'm tired.
Mental heath workers are all bastards. Every single one

They only care about whats good for them or their company.
They don't give a shit about actually helping you

All they ever do is parrot the same fucking coping mechanism lectures instead of anything that can actually make a significant difference

One time I stayed in an inpatient facility and the fucking kike counselors kept trying to convince me that my homicidal ideation will go away if I get a shitty job at a shitty factory owned by the same organization

Its all about money
I just want to get better but all of these cunts just want to play games and give out fake smiles

I hate them all

I've started cutting again
i mean of course. pretty much their function within society is to turn people into productive capitalist subjects.
>a bit annoying for the average reader but def would be something really unique and cool
it's probably not something the average reader should concern themself with. ^^

>i over complicated it
we all do it to a degree. sometimes we get hung up on choosing a side even if there's no reason to.

>we have a long history of instead of adopting foreign stuff, exporting our own culture.
had some gyros with tzatziki for dinner, so can confirm.

>we still continue translating words or creating our own instead of just adopting the foreign ones in many cases
if most people agree that it's the way to go, it's the way to go. every few years there's a push to remove current english loan words from the language to have proper german again, ignoring all the french loan words that have been in the language for centuries now, of course. these discussions are usually ignored by the general population, who just speak as they please anyway.

>in the 18th and 19th centuries the high nobility spoke german and french
i think this is the big reason for it in most languages that adapt a lot of words. at least back in the day. now it's mostly media, i'd say.

>i know its irrational i just cant seem to overcome it
probably no need to, either. maybe it'll motivate you to learn it at some point.

>could be possible with a lot of effort
that usually goes along with suppressing the language in question and the people who speak it. the french tried with the bretons and their language. didn't work in the end and caused a lot of bad blood.

>but there is also france, and the nordic countries
yes, but it's nice to have a designated battlefield already. even better if you already have a lot of equipment there. the divided berlin always was seen as a possible trigger for a war as well. just a lot of things going on here.
sorry /cut/ i'm back to 0 days without cutting
is it normal for cat scratches to sting as much as deeper cuts
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Oi Yuanon :3
>how's it going? hope getting up early wasn't too bad.
I survived :DD
I had a alright day and I ate pizza and worked on the map a little bit
How are you?

>just fucking around and rotting as always
well what can you do :/
at least try to get comfy so you can at least relax while roting
I'm alright, it was chill and I ate pizzer ^^

>people would think I have a better life a
that's definitely not true
I think most people that homeschooling is bad
>glad it did.
thank you
>Popcorn is perfect in bed.
I ate it :D
Die you eat something cool today?
>What was in the pizza?
just cheese ham and souce

are you able to turn off for a bit and not ro anything?

>started cutting again
hope you at least didn't do a lot ot damage and you patched yourself up a bit

Hey anon
it's okay that's how life goes sometimes ^^
how many clean days did you have?
>sting as much as deeper cuts
depends on the blade
if it's not sharp or jagged it'll hurt and sting more
>how many clean days did you have?
11 days
>depends on the blade
i was at my desk so i used a pair of scissors
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>i mean of course. pretty much their function within society is to turn people into productive capitalist subjects.
Exactly. All they ever do is breed us into cattle

The modern economic system causes the majority of mental disorders but they do fuck all to change anything to actually benefit the stability of the common man
i wish there was some motherfuckin escape from it all.
for years i've had a fear of mental health workers and doctors to the point that i've done my best to avoid them
kinda sucks if i'm actually kind of right
>it feels really weird to me that they chose to get their enemy back on his feet so shortly after being done with him
no past enemy is as bad as your current one, it seems.

>mainly culturally
i just don't believe that culture is something inherently good or valuable. it's usually excluding more people than it includes.

>either not know their language
their language is the language of the country they were born and raised in. it's nice to have the possibility to be raised up bilingual, but the main lanuage of the country you live in should always be more important.

>but its a long discussion
true. let's leave it for another day. it'll come up again.

>do you happen to have a joke about greeks or nah we are too irrelevant
just the usual "oh, those lazy mediterraneans!" and that greeks can't be trusted with money, mostly stemming from the 2008 economic crisis. nothing in particular comes to mind, though. at the moment it's just trump here, trump there. not much room for culturally insensitive humor, i'm afraid. ^^'

we're trying very hard not to be evil, but as soon as we do that, people mistake it for weakness and act accordingly. that european politics are shifting right is a sign that people are fed up.

>It is weird.
are, how do you say, between a rock and a hard place?

>Does suck that its random tho.
yeah. it depends way to much on your teachers and classmates.

>would be good if everyone had a good experience.
it's definitely something we should strive for.

>They were good, and I'm glad to be back.
and really necessary. ^^ btw, how are you today?

hey bib. can't say i disagree with your assessment. it's all about getting that faulty cog back into the machine, so the grind can continue. a job does help a bit, but yeah, don't take it just because it was offered.

>I've started cutting again
go easy on yourself, friend. take care.
oi catbro!

>I survived :DD
glad that you did. i wouldn't know what to do without you. D:

>I had a alright day and I ate pizza and worked on the map a little bit
nice. i really want to get a good again pizza, too. just don't know which place or when. maybe i should make one myself? decisions, decisions. what did you work on?

>How are you?
i'm ok. a bit tired, but that's not usual this time a day, i feel. ^^ had a good stretch, though. all in all just a very ordinary day. now i'm watching my stream until it's time for bed.
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Hey. Sorry to hear that. I hope you can get some time to relax and chill.

Don't be sorry it's okay, we all understand. Just as long as your clean and safe now.
>is it normal for cat scratches to sting as much as deeper cuts
It can sometimes.

>I think most people that homeschooling is bad
Idk maybe, people just never really talk about it so idk.
>I ate it :D
That's great :).
>Die you eat something cool today?
I haven't ate anything yet. I may get some cereal.
>just cheese ham and souce
Ooo that sounds pretty good.

>between a rock and a hard place?
Yeah I guess I am.
>it depends way to much on your teachers and classmates.
Yeah that's just terrible. School's don't care enough then.
>it's definitely something we should strive for.
Yeah definitely, it should be one of the most important things for a country.
>and really necessary. ^^
Very true :3
>how are you today?
Idk, I'm fine. How are you?
>Don't be sorry it's okay, we all understand
>Just as long as your clean and safe now
yeah the cuts are already kind of going away i think
i think i just cut as a substitute for getting high because it feels nice and on one hand i'm glad i'm not doing drugs but idk if this shit is any better
i really would not say its any better personally.
now im become sleepy, sleeper of beds
>would think me doing nothing all day would be better
they are just tired from doing stuff and want a break, its not that it is better necesarily
>I never got the chance to go to real school
cant you go to one now?
its a bit late but better late than never

>gyros with tzatziki for dinner
i hope you enjoyed it, how much does it cost there? here we bitch and whine every time the price goes up by 10 cents, currently common to be at 3.50 euro
>there's a push to remove current english loan words
thats interesting i never knew that
seems like you guys really like those english words lol
>now it's mostly media
and the ease of talking to people across the world
>suppressing the language in question
eh yeah it has to be done right, which it wont be,under any circumstances
>nice to have a designated battlefield already
true true, if anything happened their former enemies would be the first to get the bad side of things
havent had pizza in a while, kinda missing its taste but i dont want it much atthe same time
weird feeling
its alright anon you will get to your old streak again
>i just don't believe that culture is something inherently good or valuable
why not?
culture on large part is what defines humans
>the main lanuage of the country you live in should always be more important
well yeah but its sad for your parent's language to be lost over time, it also creates a divide between the family back "home"
>greeks can't be trusted with money
i can see why lol, idk about it on a personal level though, i tend to not trust anyonewith money so i cant really tell
>just trump here, trump there
same for us too but trump is a bit funny, he has a really unique way of talking
>european politics are shifting right
the pendullum swings forward, eventually, it is due to swing back too
not too sure if its something bad as it would happen either way, and in the future we will go back again
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>yeah the cuts are already kind of going away i think
That's a really good sign. Very good.

>now im become sleepy, sleeper of beds
Well sleep well sissyheimer
>they are just tired from doing stuff and want a break
Yeah real school must be exhausting, understandable why there tired.
>its not that it is better necesarily
Yeah I guess that's true. But idk if it's even worse.
>cant you go to one now?
I guess, I'd only have like 1 or 2 years, and I already missed all of elementary and middle school and most of highschool :/. I have been thinking about asking my parents to let me but idk.
>its a bit late.
It's extremely late.
>but better late than never
I guess, but I already missed Soo much, and that's impossible to get back.
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>11 days
relapses happen
you'll probably be able to repeat your streak anon :D
>desk so i used a pair of scissors
that explains why it stings

>without you. D:
I'd be sad too ded of too little sleepy
>maybe i should make one myself?
yes that's a good idea! remember the most important part is souce
>what did you work on?
making the outside so bushes and foliage
it's a little annoyed to make it look well
Also I'm not very good at making nature and terrians
>i'm ok. a bit tired
get some tood sleep!
>watching my stream until it's time for bed.
very comfy glad you're chilling
I'm a little sleepy too

>never really talk about it so idk.
I'm not sure many people know homeschooling is still done
>may get some cereal.
sounds good
what kind??
>sounds pretty good
yes yes it was nice

>idk if this shit is any better
well hard to say
cutting causes lots if cosmetic damage but it's nothing major unless you go deep
who drugs cause more damage that's not immediately seen and can mess you uo completely

>become sleepy, sleeper of beds
all the beds fear him
>its taste but i dont want it much atthe
if only you could just get a slice and no more
just a little taste
:c the cat fell and died
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had a small relapse today
upset with myself for not being able to go deeper
today's the 10 year anniversary of my first suicide attempt
things are better but it still doesn't feel worth it to keep living
thanksgivings suck even when we don't celebrate it bc of memories of a family friend being very creepy and making me do uncomfy stuff
have to visit my dad this weekend and that always makes me feel horrible even when it goes well bc he's a narcissist and probably molested me when i was very young
no friends to talk to
living with my mother at 31
in love with a guy i haven't talked to in almost five years but i still think about him daily almost constantly
things have gotten better from 10 years ago but they haven't gotten good
the only thing i have to live for other than my mother is a stupid fucking visual novel of all things im working on
how pathetic is that
i feel just fucking horrible
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noo but he was okay I prommy
no kittins were harmed in the making of this video

Hi anon
>small relapse today
It happens don't worry and don't give up !! ^^
just make sure to patch yourself up well okay?
>how pathetic is that
I don't think it's pathetic
it's not good
but you were delt a pretty crappy hand and at least you're still around :>
that's a win if you ask me especially after what happened to you
I hope something good happens to you anon
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>I'm not sure many people know homeschooling is still done
Yeah that's probably true. And some counties even bad at.
>sounds good
It was :).
>what kind??
It was some s'mores kind, it was okay.
>yes yes it was nice
I'm happy it was.

Hey anon.
>today's the 10 year anniversary of my first suicide attempt
That's a while, even though we've never talked I am happy your still here.
>things are better but it still doesn't feel worth it to keep living
That's good that it's better. I hope it gets even better then.
>friend being very creepy and making me do uncomfy stuff
Oh that's terrible then. That's horrible that they did that.
thanks desu
will patch up
>that's a win if you ask me especially after what happened to you
thanks but it doesn't feel like one
>I hope something good happens to you anon
that's very kind ty cat

thanks you're really nice too
it sucks what they did (family friend, dad, ex boyfriends, etc) but honestly i feel numb to most of it, and gotten to the point where i feel like it says more about them and nothing about me that they would do that
still sucks but not as bad
>School's don't care enough then.
schools. politicians. society at large. hard to find a single cause or institution to blame it on. there's just this general inertia when it comes to changes to school, it seems.

>it should be one of the most important things for a country.

>Idk, I'm fine.
beats feeling bad every time. :>

>How are you?
i'm good. just went to bed and are under some blankets now. nights gonna be cold.

good night and sleep tight!

>i hope you enjoyed it, how much does it cost there?
hard to tell. i got a bunch of pre-seasoned meat from the butcher and made a big pot of tzatziki myself, so i can't say how much a single portion would have been. ^^' here it's the same with doener, though. people go crazy when the prices go up. i'd gladly pay more if they'd start to use higher quality ingredients, though.

>seems like you guys really like those english words lol
yes, but only if we can use them completely wrong. like for some reason we call mobile/smartphones "handys". we have this weird habit of making up english words and phrases for domestic use, only to make ourselves look like utter buffoons when we use them when talking in english.

>and the ease of talking to people across the world
true. makes it a lot easier. ^^

>why not? culture on large part is what defines humans
i'd argue that humans let culture/religion/ideology define them, even though it's just a coat of paint for behaviors that stemmed from necessity. the behaviors will stay, even if the paint is long gone. i just don't see the reason in clinging to something that allows people to be turned against each other so easily or why i should value it. or one above the other, for that matter. that's just me, though.

>its sad for your parent's language to be lost over time
why doesn't one parent just use their native language and the other speaks the language of the place where you live while the kids are growing up? best of both worlds.
I'm going to sleep
gnite all
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>you're really nice too
Thank you very much.
>it sucks what they did
Yeah, it is evil what they did.
>the point where i feel like it says more about them and nothing about me
That's good you got to that point and yeah it says nothing about you, and everything about them.

>schools. politicians. society at large.
Yeah that's true, no one cares as much as they should, it's sad.
>hard to find a single cause or institution to blame it on
That's true, you can't really just change everything sadly.
Yeah. To much counties care about not important stuff.
>beats feeling bad every time. :>
That's true :]
>just went to bed and are under some blankets now.
That's very nice and cozy then. I hope your comfy and everything.
>nights gonna be cold.
That's pretty annoying.

Goodnight cat, sleep tight
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>i can see why lol
i think it's just to cope with the loss of a lot of money during the crisis.

>he has a really unique way of talking
haven't listened to him before, during or after his presidency. sure as hell not starting now.

>and in the future we will go back again
without any improvements either way, of course.

>ded of too little sleepy
a fate worse than death! D: wait...

>making the outside so bushes and foliage it's a little annoyed to make it look well
i know that from basing my miniatures as well. for some reasons it's really hard to make fake nature loom random enough for it to be natural. ^^'

>get some tood sleep!
on my way! o7

>Also I'm not very good at making nature and terrians
then it's good practice. :>

good night and sleep tight! i'll do the same. it's getting late.

>you can't really just change everything sadly.
not without huge effort from everyone around.

>I hope your comfy and everything
not gonna lie: it's pretty good. :>

>That's pretty annoying.
i'm in my warm bed, so i don't care. ^^

i'm off to bed. good night, everyone!
>not without huge effort from everyone around.
Exactly, and it sucks that that's very difficult to do.
>not gonna lie: it's pretty good. :>
I'm happy it is :)
>i'm in my warm bed, so i don't care. ^^
Okay that's amazing then!
>i'm off to bed. good night, everyone!
Goodnight, sleep tight
There's no way to properly give them cunts what they deserve without going to jail.
Pipe bombs? Illegal. Abduction? Illegal. Post their info online on shady websites? Illegal. Psychological manipulation? Illegal.
What should I fucking do then? I don't wanna live the rest of my life knowing that I'm not severely fucking with other people's lives. Why is it so much to ask for everyone to just drop dead? Breaking the law is not an option, so I guess the best I can do is chain-smoke in crowded places and make sure the smoke reaches as much people as possible.
Or just become a recluse idk.
Hey saka always amazing to see you.
>There's no way to properly give them cunts what they deserve without going to jail.
Yeah I guess that's fair. Maybe you can just ignore them as best you can.
>rest of my life knowing that I'm not severely fucking with other people's lives.
Well that's hard then, their life's don't matter tho, don't worry about them to much.
>Or just become a recluse idk.
I think just do what makes you happy, don't worry about them. They don't matter, all that matters is you.
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is this shit fine or infected? asking for friends
Doesn't look like it on the surface to me
does it feel much hotter than the surrounding skin? if so it could be possibly but
from looks at least i would say no
Hey qnon. Those are some pretty deep cuts :/. As the other anon said they don't look bad, just check it has the symptoms of a infection. Spoiler the pic if you can next time btw
just a bump
to svae thread
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im on lockdown in my own house but they forgot.to take out this plastic cutter from my mattress delivery
honestly i dont think i want to ever stop. im already disfigured. who.cares?
its a really share blade though so it'll heal fast
>even worse than i imagined
it's weird how I used to wonder what "psychos" seemed like, then right after working at a big corp for a bit became relatively easy to spot them.
>maybe midwest (if that is even the correct term)
midwest is a funny region that it expands quite a bit of land that's mostly empty and there seems to be disputes about what belongs in this category.
> how i cant with the cold yet id like to be in the PNW
might be a little chilly, but agree it looks really nice despite never making it there. The forests and towns outside cities all just have a feel to them unlike anywhere else. I think parts of New England have a similar feel, but with some differences

>. i can also recommend potato dumplings.
had these homemade before with sour beef, but never made myself but would be interested in trying
>that'll come the more you get used to it.
already thinking of all the places i'm going to skate, so maybe need to calm down xD
>show based on league of legends.
this doesn't sound appealing to me described like this, but i'll take your word lol
>even worse of they try to adapt anime-humor into live action.
this is something you don't even really think about but you are right. I often find myself saying "this is stupid, but it's anime" which doesn't work live action...
>maybe that's a bit hypocritical coming from me, but i don't care.
it's okay, I'm skateboarding at 30 while occasionally telling other people to grow up lol

>The modern economic system causes the majority of mental disorders but they do fuck all to change anything to actually benefit the stability of the common man
100% agreed and fuck the suburbs
hey saka
>Psychological manipulation?
is it? While unethical, most people manipulate others to a certain extent. Just not sure what you meant.
Either way, step back and try to take life easy a bit. Do shit you want to.

hey gator, how are you?
I didn't back to you last thread, but I'm good. Just busy with work. Dreading the fast approach of holiday season chaos...
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good morning everyone
yesterday i predicted my dog would wake me up at roughly 5 am
and guess what
he DID wake me up at roughly 5 am

i did sleep well, hbu?
>must be exhausting
well you have to go to the same building for 7 hours a day 5 days a week for most of the year for 12 years
at some point you either get used to it or get completely fed up with it
>I have been thinking about asking my parents to let me
why not ask them? what is there to lose?
it might be impossible to get back but at least you will have the experience of going to a regular school

>if only you could just get a slice and no more
if only
unfortunately for me i cant just buy a single slice so it will have to wait a long time

sounds like a shitty situation you have to be in to go to your dads
gl with it though
>living with my mother at 31
thats really common in southern europe and the balkans
also apparently more than half the people in the US do the same
thanks you useless site for thinking im spam for the millionth time

>made a big pot of tzatziki myself
thats even cooler, ii thought you got it from a store
i rarely see foreigners make stuff like tzatziki on their own
>we call mobile/smartphones "handys"
thats even funnier lmao
i thought germans were supposed to know english like really well
>the behaviors will stay, even if the paint is long gone
>best of both worlds
but it never happens like that

>sure as hell not starting now
nothing special, just kind of funny the way he says stuff "we are going to win so much you may even get tired of winning"
my friend hates him because he "says stupid shit" while i like him for exactly that reason lol
other than that you arent missing much desu
>without any improvements
nothing new under the sun
some imrpovements will be made and then ignored and then made worse as it has always happened

why go through all that trouble when you can just send them stupid shit to their door
mail them fucking i dont know pictures of dicks or whatever

>relatively easy to spot them
thats a gift lol
probably the best ability one can ask for
>what belongs in this category
i was wrong
i was thinking the area from idaho to the dakotas
idk what else that would be called but anyway yeah those and maybe alaska too if i ever get thick enough skin to endure the cold (gain weight as i have very little body fat to keep me warm)
>The forests and towns outside cities all just have a feel to them
that is EXACTLY the reason i like it
from few movies ive seen seattle and im not very impressed but the cities in rural washington and even the suburbs look nice
i want to visit the olympics one day
if i get fed up enough i will just take my passport and a bag of clothes and fuck off until i either get bored or run out of money
probably wondering around either the UK or hitchhike across the PNW
Why do my cat scratches take like a month to go away? Is using a dull blade that bad?
>he DID wake me up at roughly 5 am
dog's internal clock is unlike anything else lol
>probably the best ability one can ask for
greater gift would be the ability to make them all disappear, but suppose corporations would coming crashing down if we rid the world of all them
>idk what else that would be called
the regions here are kinda loosely defined. Idaho/Montana are part of the "east" according to US gov for census purposes, but are geographically Rocky Mountain region, whereas Dakotas are great plains even though are Midwest by census (which also includes states like Ohio and Illinois which are no way related...)
>seattle and im not very impressed
heard it's gotten really bad there. Oregon and Washington cities have some big trouble stemming from super lax drug laws shitting things up real bad.
>fuck off until i either get bored or run out of money
this was what I did in asia for a bit. Did some good, but drifting isn't sustainable like you already sorta acknowledged
>is unlike anything else
yeah i know, he wakes me up at around that time quite often but its usually my fault, maybe forgetting to let him out before bed or something
funny how today there was no reason for him to wake me up, i predicted he would, and he did
>corporations would coming crashing down
judging by what they are responsible for, i doubt they are made up of mostly regular people
>the regions here are kinda loosely defined
i noticed
looked at a map of the "midwest" and got a million different results
the name is wrong ig, mid implies its in roughly the middle, west implies it is to the west
well the most common result was exactly the opposite
guess it remained since the times of the original 13 states or something
>from super lax drug laws
yeah ive heard about that too
also some kind of autonomous zone in downtown seattle
i dont understand why instead of helping drug addicts on the street to get better they help them get easier access to drugs
like come on
do you want to kill your own people??
well now that i say this some propaganda posters from the new atomwaffen came to mind calling drugs population control
which as much as those guys suck(and larp 100%, they are the complete opposite of what they say their ideology is) i guess they are right in that, maybe its the end goal
dunno though and dont care right now
>this was what I did in asia for a bit.
sounds cool!
how was it?
im sure you have some interesting stories from your time there
but yeah i know it cantb e done for long periods of time, especially in those countries as they are expensive as shit
>how today there was no reason for him to wake me up
just wanted to give you a gentle nudge you shouldn't sleep too late.
>i doubt they are made up of mostly regular people
the more i deal with higher and higher up people, the more i want to get out of it
>looked at a map of the "midwest" and got a million different results
i think there's dispute as to whether midwest is only the great lake states with the common connection of being rust belt states. It's like the whole "is florida part of the south" question. Country is too big and certain states stand out too much more than others
>guess it remained since the times of the original 13 states or something
it's the middle of west of the original, so that's what i always assumed as well.
>they help them get easier access to drugs
the big thing was de-criminalization. Drug dealing is still illegal, but they didn't want to punish addicts because it sounds inhumane, but the problem is it makes it less risky legally to be a customer, encouraging the behavior and making it easier for the actual criminals as well. Good intentions gone bad is most of the issue with the west coast (though I doubt good intentions more and more these days)
>how was it?
briefly, life changing. changed me completely as a person. I was a timid, adverse to act loser who embodied every bad trait you see manifested on the rest of this board. I spent 2 years hopping around Vietnam, Thailand, and Korea with a few infrequent stops home. Got used to being on the move(maximizing how long I can stay one place a time), got used to being surrounded by people who I couldn't blend in with at all (I swear I was taking pictures with random people literally all the time). Lots of getting targeted by scammers, lots of getting horribly lost, and lots of getting deathly sick, but it was fun and it made get over a lot of hang ups I had.
>expensive as shit
i know. I get shocked traveling in the US how much everything costs when compared to else where
>just wanted to give you a gentle nudge
when i was (and he also was) younger he used to wake me up every morning, jumping around my bed so i wake up (thanks mum) eventually as he got older he just laid in bed with me to sleep a bit more
nowdays he wakes me up by whining if he wants to be let outside
>the more i deal with higher and higher up people
i dread when it will be my time to do so too
>there's dispute as to whether midwest
i dunno man, it is just confusing and likely something that wont be solved and will be kept for historical reasons because >it's the middle of west of the original
>they didn't want to punish addicts because it sounds inhumane
i mean, it is, sort of, instead of punishing them they should be helping them to get better, any way that is
first all those that want to change but cant because, they are addicted, and then slowly the rest
>maximizing how long I can stay one place a time
im guessing you lived in hotels or inns or w/e they are called there
>getting deathly sick
sounds shit
how did u deal with that?
sounds like an interesting experience though
i personally dont have much of an interest in the french indochina region but still sounds interesting
my mum spent like 3 months in india when she was younger
guess i will continue it in one way or another lol
gotta find a way to stay under a roof and have somewhere to sleep for cheap though
Looks like Israel-creeps scared most of the true website away.

Anyways, reminder to cut runes.
Make a tattoo, not merely a line.
It helps.
Even just some vague geometry.
Cuts are wards.
>nowdays he wakes me up by whining if he wants to be let outside
Had 2 dogs growing up, but my family was big so never really came to me that much as others, but always heard young pups are chaotic and chill with age. more experience with cats going from cute to a pain in the ass
> when it will be my time to do so too
not always necessary to do so. If you want to career climb, yes. But not everyone wants in on that rat race and you can't live a good life even not doing it
>something that wont be solved
not that the dakotas are ever gonna draw large amounts of international tourists anyway
>sort of, instead of punishing them they should be helping them to get better, any way that is
problem is, that's hard to do. And policy makers don't want hard, that want quick with results that can produce manipulatable statistics for success metrics. No one wants to do the hard things, since that's more difficult to get elected on.
>lived in hotels or inns
i had a gf in korea i crashed with for a bit too, but most of the time yeah. Easy to get places cheap, especially in SEA. I was booking fancy hotel rooms (I still worked remote while doing this all) in some places that I can't believe I paid what i did
>how did u deal with that?
spilled my guts for hours and passed out in a cheap hotel bathroom. Felt like I was gonna die more than a few times
>interest in the french indochina region
not into SEA in general, but Vietnam is closer related to east asia despite the location. The French buildings with chinese style surrounding, and tropical trees everywhere is pretty interesting look
>3 months in india
one place i doubt I'll ever stop.. I might die from the air, already struggled with a few places I went
> have somewhere to sleep for cheap though
there are options anywhere, just what you're comfortable with. Need to think about safety too when abroad anywhere
hello. apologies i have been absent, i have had no motivation to reach out to anyone lately.

today i had my first nightmare in years. in this nightmare, i woke up to my right leg openly lacerated down to muscle, from the back of my knee to my crotch and i was bleeding out. i could see every layer of skin with lots of deepest hypodermis and muscle and bone mostly all rotting, somehow necrotic, with veins, tendons and arteries still intact. there was so much blood and i felt it dry on my skin and solidify my now maroon white tshirt. i could feel my limbs going numb, i could feel my heartrate slow and vision fade, and i was crying so much. i really thought i was going to die there.

in this nightmare, my mother burst into my room to find me in this state and began verbally attacking me, blaming me for it all when i had literally just woken to find the nightmare cut there. i didn't do it. then suddenly, i was in my living room, with my right leg completely wrapped in black fabric lacking almost all flesh and muscle that was there previously, clearly cut off because of the necrosis from earlier.

usually my dreams are predictions; harbingers, but this one was horrific repeatedly and i am glad i am awake. i fucking hate sleep.
Yeah, it's illegal where I live.
Thanks to all the feminists who pushed forward laws claiming that since woman are victims of psychological manipulations, they should be illegal or some bullshit like that.
Well thank you kind whores, now I gotta sit still while everyone treats me like shit. Every single fucking way that I could give them retribution will end up putting me behind bars.
Society is shit, people are shit, everything is fucking shit.
That'd be fun. But that's it.
And it'd cost me money.
oh my name didn't save. it's me.

i'd guess that much is obvious.
hey objekt! good to see you and no worries. All take some time sometimes
>today i had my first nightmare in years.
sounds dreadful. Sorry. I don't have nightmares often myself either, but when I do can be quite graphic to the point I wake up in horror that it was real. Hope you're doing okay now
>usually my dreams are predictions
i've often felt this way as well, but this one is so horrificly gorey you should be able to discount it

> it's illegal where I live.
sounds like a pandora's box for very trumped up accusations.
>they should be illegal or some bullshit like that.
i'm sure the other side doesn't get fairly represented when I find men getting psychologically manipulated seems much more prevalent.
>Society is shit, people are shit, everything is fucking shit.
i hear you. Just keep your head up any way you can. People acting like shit want to pull you down, so i know it's cliche, but try not to let them drag you down.
The junkyard truck cunts just stopped below my window blasting their fucking disgusting noise.
I threw a few cigarette butts at their direction. Hey, I was just disposing of my cigarette butts and those pieces of shit just so happen to be below my window.
"Hey Saka that's crossing the line, that's not cool" I fucking know. And I could've done worse. There are some items here that could seriously injure someone when thrown out my window. But I'm not a criminal. I'm an asshole, just like them.
It's socially acceptable to manipulate and ridicule man. But to even point that out puts us in the wrong. It makes me fucking sick.
>People acting like shit want to pull you down, so i know it's cliche, but try not to let them drag you down.
They've already dragged me down. Best I can do is try and drag them down while I'm here and then get myself up. Fuck them.
>reminder to cut runes
any specific ones you have in mind anon?

>so never really came to me that much as others
im the exact opposite lol, only child so i and my dog basically are inseperable now
>not always necessary to do so
probably will be but ill see in the near future
>And policy makers don't want hard
yeah true
guess we have to wait for someone that has balls enough to do the hard thing that will get actual results
>had a gf in korea i crashed with for a bit
best case scenario lol, being able to stay with someone for virtually free
if i manage to be able to work remotely then i see no reason why i wouldnt try something similar, otherwise i need massive savings and then quit whatever job i have
>passed out in a cheap hotel bathroom
sounds shit but thats illness lol
do you happen to know the cause of it?
>The French buildings with chinese style surrounding
yeah the contrast between the colonial buildings still left around that area or india and stuff and the surroundings is quite the sigt to see i assume
>one place i doubt I'll ever stop..
yeah i dont think i will visit india either
>Need to think about safety too
thats why id like to be able to live with someone i know in the US but i dont happen to know many such people

god damn thats much more brutal than any nightmare ive ever had
stop smoking cigarettes to finance sending dick pics to people you dont like
g'day folks
How are ya doing today??
hope you're well
Wednesdays are always annoying I just got home and it's time to eat dinner and chill for a bit
Will try to respond to you all soon
>I don't have nightmares often myself either
i rarely dream at all, so to have a dream horrifying enough for me to consider it a nightmare is a pretty big deal to me.
>when I do can be quite graphic to the point I wake up in horror that it was real
likewise. sometimes i wake up from a dream about mutilation, terrified it was all real and that its only minutes until i get arrested. then of course i realize it was a dream and i just go play elden ring or something.
>Hope you're doing okay now
seemingly, i am now. thank you.

>god damn thats much more brutal than any nightmare ive ever had
i actually got up in a complete panic, it felt so real. i could feel the cold air from the open window breeze through the wound, i hope to god i never have that kind of nightmare again. whenever i dream, they're always violent but this one was particularly anomalous.
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> blasting their fucking disgusting noise.
hate these people more than anyone in the world. Used to have neighbors who didn't respect that other people don't want their noise and regret not being able to get back at them
>I fucking know. And I could've done worse.
just do what you need to, but be careful not to really cross the line. Don't want you in real trouble
>socially acceptable to manipulate and ridicule man.
same thing here. Just because it's not everyone doesn't mean it still doesn't get a pass. the realization my sisters and mother all did this still horrifies me and i blame for issues i had originally
>Best I can do is try and drag them down while I'm here and then get myself up.
understand, but don't forget to try to pull yourself up as much you can all the same

> basically are inseperable now
that's a special bond and def nice to have
> but ill see in the near future
easiest way to beat them is not be after the same things as them. My best advice with this. Competing with them is a losing game, rewards of being at the top is something only they and narcists appreciate anyway
> someone that has balls enough to do the hard thing
yep, just have to be willing to sacrifice personal ambition, but few in politics are willing for that
> virtually free
could of done the same in vietnam but the secret commie police require everyone be registers with local committee and that's a minefield to deal with and didn't feel like getting not knock raided in a communist country
>do you happen to know the cause of it?
food poisoning is common a lot places. Usually get it more from dine in restaurants than street food strangely enough. kind old ladies with a cart are just worthy i guess
>colonial buildings still left
ancient pic and i'm shit with photos(why do i only have the upper half the building?), but this is one i remember well in HCMC. That and the churches all being perfectly maintained still
>dont happen to know many such people
and at least one of them lives in a horrible place you wouldn't want to visit lol

heya cat sorry your day was annoying, but hope it's getting better

>pretty big deal to me.
i see. Sorry to hear that, just try to push away all that. In the end, just a dream
>then of course i realize it was a dream
always good when you realize it's not real
> i am now. thank you.
glad to hear. How's your day going otherwise?
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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been studying my ass of for a CS test. If I get an A, then I'll be able to transfer to a better school with a really good GPA. How is everyone doing though? I hope you guys are well.
>How's your day going otherwise?
done nothing. playing videogames, what about you?

it's a shame i rarely have anything to speak about.

captcha: ASSS80 lolz ass
hey irkador
>studying my ass of for a CS test
as you probably should be since it isn't easy, especially exam time
> transfer to a better school with a really good GPA
not happy where you are?
>How is everyone doing though?
can't complain, but will feel better after today is done

> playing videogames
that's something, what are you playing?
>what about you?
just work. It's a little busy but in a slow "I have to wait hours for someone to reply" kind of way. Don't mind slow days, but not ones that should be busy but others aren't working ones
> rarely have anything to speak about.
it's okay. Not everyone here is doing exciting stuff all the time anyway. I'm mostly just mentioning being busy or random hobby stuff i decided to do one day. Gotta make of it what you will sometimes
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sorry fellas but tomorrow was tiring and I'm already feelin sleepy probably gonna sleep very soon

>but hope it's getting better
tomorrow is a day off yay :3
hopefully today wasn't annoying to you too
>but tomorrow
it's okay. hope you enjoy your night and day off tomorrow
>hopefully today wasn't annoying to you too
annoying, but not too annoying in the end xD
Hey sup guys. Im not doing too well but hope you are all doing good! Ive js been on a slow but steady decline i feel like
hey officeanon! what's up?
>never made myself but would be interested in trying
i can give you a recipe. it's from the back of a pack of potato starch, but it's pretty good: 600g cooked and mashed potatoes (would be best to press them through a fine sieve), 100g potato starch, 1 egg, 1tsp salt. mix everything together, form dumplings and put them in nearly boiling, salted water and let them simmer for about 10 minutes until they start floating to the top. the recipe is supposed to make about 12 dumplings.

>already thinking of all the places i'm going to skate, so maybe need to calm down xD
being excited about it is the best part besides actually doing it. maybe you should get one of those skateboarding dogs as well. ^^

>this doesn't sound appealing to me described like this
i wasn't thrilles by the idea or the designs at first, but after watching the trailer i knew i had to give it a chance despite myself and i wasn't disappointed. still, i can only fully recommend the first season. don't think you'd miss out if you stopped after watching it, though.

>I often find myself saying "this is stupid, but it's anime" which doesn't work live action...
exactly. like, they tried giving alita these bubbly, over-excited mannerisms you see in anime and seeing an actual person doing those is just cringey to me. changing something that just doesn't translate from one medium to another doesn't equal being ashamed of or disrespectful to the source material.

>I'm skateboarding at 30 while occasionally telling other people to grow up lol
i'm sure they deserve it. ^^
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Hey everyone. I need to fix my sleep schedule.

>hey gator, how are you?
Hey officeanon. I'm fine, just sleepy. How about you?
>but I'm good
I'm happy your good
>Dreading the fast approach of holiday season chaos...
Oh yeah that does seem like it's gonna suck

>good morning everyone
Good morning Sisyphus!
>he DID wake me up at roughly 5 am
Aww that's cute.
>i did sleep well
That's great then.
> hbu?
I slept to long.
>7 hours a day 5 days a week for most of the year for 12 years
Oh yeah that does sound pretty annoying, and stuff.
>why not ask them?
I'm just really scared. And I feel it's to late already :(.
>what is there to lose?
Not much I guess.
>it might be impossible to get back
Yeah and it sucks it's impossible.
>but at least you will have the experience of going to a regular school
Yeah going to a regular highschool does sound nice And being able to experience it, does sound amazing. I've never studied or anything in my life tho :(

>g'day folks
Hey cat
>How are ya doing today??
I'm doing fine
>hope you're well
Your very nice, I hope you are as well.
>Wednesdays are always annoying
That's true, it is very annoying and in the middle of everything
>just got home and it's time to eat dinner and chill for a bit
I hope dinner was good

>Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been studying my ass of for a CS test
Don't worry about posting I'm really happy your studying, good job!
>If I get an A, then I'll be able to transfer to a better school with a really good GPA
That sounds really good then! I hope you get a A then, definitely make sure you study :)
>How is everyone doing though?
I'm ok. What are you up to?
>I hope you guys are well.
Thank you. You to

>gonna sleep very soon
Sleep well cat

>Im not doing too well
That's not to good. It will get better one day tho
>Ive js been on a slow but steady decline i feel like
That's the worst feeling to have, it just becomes harder and harder to feel good
>i thought you got it from a store
i rarely see foreigners make stuff like tzatziki on their own
you have to if you want good stuff. what they sell as tzatziki here in 90 of stores is just sugary mayonnaise with cucumbers and garlic. completely inedible, if you ask me. my father has been making it himself for ages now.

>i thought germans were supposed to know english like really well
we kinda do, but we always have to double check if we're not using one of our stupid fake words or phrases. what we also do is adding stupid english tag lines to movie names. it's a whole thing, though we've gotten better by now.

>it never happens like that
sadly it doesn't.

>nothing special, just kind of funny the way he says stuff
i get it, but i don't get anything out of it personally, so i don't bother.

>some imrpovements will be made and then ignored and then made worse as it has always happened
they only thing that still surprises me about it is that there's people who still are surprised by shit staying exactly the same as before.

hey! sorry to hear you had to deal with a dream like that. sounds really intense. hope you feel better by now.

hey catbro! how's it going?

hey irky!

>I've been studying my ass of for a CS test.
good job and best of luck with that test. rooting for you!

>How is everyone doing though? I hope you guys are well.
i'm ok. just tired from work and not motivated enough to do anything besides lying on my couch, watching some stream and talking to people here. what about you?

that's ok. off to yout comfy bed with you! enjoy your evening! (^-^)

hi chev!

>Im not doing too well but hope you are all doing good! Ive js been on a slow but steady decline i feel like
sorry to hear that, friend. sometimes all you can do is hunker down, wait and let these episode pass. hope it'll get better for you soon.
hi gator! how's it going?

>I need to fix my sleep schedule.
always a good idea, but also way harder than it should be, i feel.
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hey chev. Just give it time. Sounds like you're just waiting now so not a lot you can do in there other than that. try to focus on others things best you can, not the fact you're stuck there for a bit

hey yuanon! how are you?
>what's up?
work was up and down from slow and annoying at the worst, to genuinely stressful and high pressured later at the end. But it's over. Need to schedule a call with someone other side of the world for something soon and trying to figure out what night i want to have to get up in the middle of
>i can give you a recipe
thanks! Will screenshot and save for next time I cook something like this and tell you how it goes
>skateboarding dogs as well.
pic related. Though for real didn't know this was a thing, so strange lol
> but after watching the trailer i knew i had to give it a chance despite myself
i'll take a look at this if it's really that good
> bubbly, over-excited mannerisms you see in anime and seeing an actual person doing those is just cringey to me.
honestly known some women do these irl in public but it was in asia and interacting with me a foreigner, but do feel acting over the top cute is somewhat okay there for attractive women at least
>doesn't equal being ashamed of or disrespectful to the source material.
agreed. Adaption is a tricky thing in general though I suppose. lots of fans of stuff want literal 1 to 1 recreations

> need to fix my sleep schedule.
doesn't sound like it's completely on you though, so might be difficult if you have to stay up late sometimes
> How about you?
little sleepy too lol just tired after work. Looking forward to the weekend, but a lot to do still.
>Oh yeah that does seem like it's gonna suck
a few on going family fights happening so not really looking forward to seeing anyone but also feel like i have to..
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>hi gator!
Hey yuanon :D
>how's it going?
It's going alright. I'm very awake after the stretches. How's it going with you?
>always a good idea
Yeah it definitely is, and I want to wake up earlier mainly so I can talk to people more.
>but also way harder than it should be, i feel.
Yeah it is so hard, and it's pretty hard to avoid getting a bad one sometimes.

>doesn't sound like it's completely on you though
It is a decent amount on me though, there's no reason I should be sleeping at 7 am.
>so might be difficult if you have to stay up late sometimes
I rarely have to stay up, but I do like night much more, cause I don't have to deal with my parents or anything.
>little sleepy too lol just tired after work
It's hard not to be a bit sleepy after working and stuff.
>Looking forward to the weekend
Weekend is always the best.
>but a lot to do still.
I hope you do it easily and it's not to much trouble.
>a few on going family fights happening
Oh that's the worst then.
>but also feel like i have to..
That's annoying, it does suck feeling like you have to talk and interact with people you don't want to, or would rather not be around.
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hello i love u all guys i hope you have a nice day or night im still feeling sick :')
>what are you playing?
warframe on the ps5. almost done building my new desktop.
>busy but in a slow "I have to wait hours for someone to reply" kind of way
yeah, i've had those. still have those days, mostly had them when i was in high school. monday timetables were so boring, when they should be energetic and shit.
>Not everyone here is doing exciting stuff all the time anyway
even then i just sorta feel bad for not replying to everyone, but i guess going at one's own pace is pretty valuable
>Gotta make of it what you will sometimes
i guess so

>sounds really intense
too intense. it was like a horrible acid trip or something. weird.
>hope you feel better by now.
yeah, significantly. still spooked about it though, i have caught myself thinking about it here and there of course.
>how are you?
i'm good. a bit tired from work, but that's about it. christmas business is a bit slower than expected, but maybe people are saving for black friday and that'll be when all hell breaks loose. we'll see. now i'm just lazy and watching some stream.

>work was up and down from slow and annoying at the worst, to genuinely stressful and high pressured later at the end. But it's over.
jeez... sounds like you had it all today. :/ you made it, though. good job! :>

>trying to figure out what night i want to have to get up in the middle of
globalization has it's perks. that's not one of them. :[

>thanks! Will screenshot and save for next time I cook something like this and tell you how it goes
two more tips: if you beat the egg really frothy before mixing it in, more air will get trapped inside, making the dumplings fluffier and you should only mix it enough until everything is well combined but still kinda loose. don't know how else to describe it. does that make sense?

>pic related.
now that's a sick dog! :0

>Though for real didn't know this was a thing, so strange lol
i think our stupidity is starting to rub off on them...

>i'll take a look at this if it's really that good
i do think so. in the end it always comes down to taste, but it had everything going against it and convinced me anyway.

>some women do these irl in public but it was in asia and interacting with me a foreigner
maybe it's less cringey if it's directed at you and you're not just witnessing it. ^^

i think that's the key word here.

>I'm very awake after the stretches. How's it going with you?
glad it helps you start the day on a good note. i'm ok. a bit tired and cold, but it's bedtime soon anyway.

>I want to wake up earlier mainly so I can talk to people more.
hope you'll manage, then. :>

>Yeah it is so hard, and it's pretty hard to avoid getting a bad one sometimes.
very true. maybe you need to burn a bit more energy through the day?
hey chroma! love you, too! (^-^) sorry to hear you're still sick. are you at least a bit better?

>it was like a horrible acid trip or something. weird.
let's just hope you don't have to deal with anything like it again anytime soon. besides this dream, how are you sleeping?

>yeah, significantly. still spooked about it though, i have caught myself thinking about it here and there of course.
glad to hear that. i think i know what you're talking about. sometimes a weird dream leaves me with this strange sense of unease through the day. usually doesn't last longer that, though. i tend to forget dreams really quickly. anyway, i wish you way nicer dreams from here on out. you deserve some good sleep.
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Hey chroma. Always great to see you.
>im still feeling sick :')
That sucks I hope you feel better very soon.

>glad it helps you start the day on a good note.
It always does, I'm happy you brought it up.
>a bit tired and cold,
That's good for relaxing but hard to do other things.
>but it's bedtime soon anyway.
Okay, it is late for you. I hope the temperature is nice for you.
>hope you'll manage, then. :>
Me to. I mainly wanna talk to you guys :)
>maybe you need to burn a bit more energy through the day?
Yeah that could definitely help. Most days I just lay down all day.
>stop smoking cigarettes to finance sending dick pics to people you dont like
lol, would be a fine investment
>just do what you need to, but be careful not to really cross the line. Don't want you in real trouble
Life is unfair enough the way it is, giving the assholes the treatment they deserve would put me behind bars forever.
>the realization my sisters and mother all did this still horrifies me and i blame for issues i had originally
I can't relate to that on a family level, albeit I kinda feel the disgust you're sharing here.
I guess what's left for us to do is to "man up" and get our shit together, ain't it?
Sick and tired of it all. But that's life I guess.
>understand, but don't forget to try to pull yourself up as much you can all the same
Thanks. I need to get my act together.
Hi office!
>should be since it isn't easy, especially exam time
I fucking slaughtered that test, got stuck on one question parsing a massive block of text and getting rid of any sentance that arnt proper, like no capitalization, beginning with words in a certain array. But everything else was smooth sailing. All my code worked too, i parsed it thoroughly
>not happy where you are?
its a good school, but I can go to an even better one, might as well try.
> but will feel better after today is done
hopefully youre felling bettwe now :)
Sup gator!
> What are you up to?
Not much now, done with school for the most part, so im probably just gonna work on creative stuff full time now. I'm also going to be working on my cousins business while hes away on vacation. Hes paying me really well, which is nice. How about you?
>, good job!
Hi yua
>i'm ok. just tired from work and not motivated enough to do anything besides lying on my couch,
real, I hope you feel better soon though
>what about you?
pretty much what i told gator, I'm just gonna chill for the rest of the day. Maybe work on the animation, I finished the line art in full for the first scene. Its a really damn good improvement from what i had at first. Background, actually introducing the charatcter as magical in some way in the first few seconds, not 40% of the way in. I plan on completely changing the scene wheres shes laying on her back though, looks real weird and out of place.
>It always does, I'm happy you brought it up.
my first thought was: "i hope gator doesn't bring it up..." then i was arguing with myself if we should do it tomorrow and then i got over myself brought it up myself. the mental gymastics we do just to avoid doing something positive in our lifes. jeez...

>That's good for relaxing but hard to do other things.
lucky then that relaxing is the only thing i have to do tonight! :D

>Okay, it is late for you. I hope the temperature is nice for you.
it is. i prefer sleeping in colder rooms anyway. i'd fire up the heater if i didn't. ^^ then again, it did snow today. it immediatly thawed, but still.

>I mainly wanna talk to you guys :)
always a pleasure having you with us. :>

>Yeah that could definitely help. Most days I just lay down all day.
i feel you. after i recovered from being sick and started eating normally again i lay awake til 4:00 am. just way to much energy for what i did that day.

hi sakamoto!

>I hope you feel better soon though
some good night's rest should do the trick. :>

>I'm just gonna chill for the rest of the day. Maybe work on the animation
have fun! you deserve it.

>Background, actually introducing the charatcter as magical in some way in the first few seconds, not 40% of the way in. I plan on completely changing the scene wheres shes laying on her back though, looks real weird and out of place.
you're really putting a lot of thought and work into it. really looking forward to the final version. if there'll ever be a final version, that is. you artists can be a bit peculiar in that regard. ;D
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i think i'll head to bed now. good night, everyone!
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>Sup gator!
Hey irkador :)
>done with school for the most part
Good job then! Your very smart.
>so im probably just gonna work on creative stuff full time
That sounds really good then. Creative stuff can be hard but fun!
>I'm also going to be working on my cousins business
Oh that's pretty cool. I hope it's fun for you.
>Hes paying me really well, which is nice.
Oh yeah that's really good! Money is amazing.
>How about you?
I'm doing nothing. And I'll probably do nothing forever.

>my first thought was: "i hope gator doesn't bring it up..."
Oh okay, that's good you motivated yourself. If you ever want to take a break this for any reason just say I understand.
>the mental gymastics we do just to avoid doing something positive in our lifes.
Yeah basically you really got to convince yourself to do it. The mind is very weird. And it is really positive.
>lucky then that relaxing is the only thing i have to do tonight! :D
That's perfect then! It's great being able to do that.
>i prefer sleeping in colder rooms anyway.
That's good then, it can be really nice just being under a warm blanket in the cold.
>i'd fire up the heater if i didn't.
That's fair. Good thing you like it.
>it did snow today
Oh that's very early for it to show. I hope it was beautiful.
>always a pleasure having you with us. :>
I'm happy you think so at least :) you are amazing.
>after i recovered from being sick and started eating normally again i lay awake til 4:00 am
Oh yeah being sick changes everything it's so weird. Makes everything so annoying and exhausting.
>just way to much energy for what i did that day.
Yeah you just do nothing all day so sleeping becomes so hard.

Goodnight sleep well.
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>some good night's rest should do the trick. :>
ohhh yeah, its gonna be great
>you're really putting a lot of thought and work into it.
for the amount of time ive spent on it ill be damned if it doesnt look good
> really looking forward to the final version. if there'll ever be a final version,
>you artists can be a bit peculiar in that regard. ;D
haahha true
>That sounds really good then. Creative stuff can be hard but fun!
yeah, but if i didnt like it, i just wouldnt do it
>?Oh that's pretty cool. I hope it's fun for you.
its pretty menial, buy things, listen them on amazon, pack them up, but its my hours so its all good.
>I'm doing nothing. And I'll probably do nothing forever.
lol real
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just what am i supposed to do? live like this for years as I age in loneliness?? i was made to serve and love yet my standards are so high and tastes so specific. . . no guarantee i will find someone so special, and that they will love me as well
i have been forsaken, no no no! i dont want this nightmare again!!! what the hell do i do
late evening bumpr
I'm sorry.
>but if i didnt like it, i just wouldnt do it
That's good then and smart your willing to stop if you don't like it.
>buy things, listen them on amazon, pack them up,
Okay that sounds pretty annoying, I hope it's not to bad or anything.
>but its my hours so its all good.
That's really good then.
>lol real
Yup, to real.

Hello anon. You'll find someone you like and enjoy being with. Just also make sure your happy rn before they come.

>i dont want this nightmare again!!
That's bad. You can try to stay up, or you can calm yourself down and get yourself comfortable, and you shouldn't get it again.
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>I'm sorry.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come as rude in anyway. Its all good <3
>your willing to stop if you don't like it.
lol prolly not, idk unfinished prjects just urk me
Anyways I'm long over due for bed time. Good night gator!
>Sorry, I didn't mean to come as rude in anyway.
No no no, I'm so sorry. I just took forever to reply.
>lol prolly not, idk unfinished prjects just urk me
That's fair. It's like the sunk cost fallacy
>Anyways I'm long over due for bed time.
Goodnight. Sleep tight.
>Good night gator!

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