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waiting for snow and taking it easy
Gib snow
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not taking it easy today but trying

>it's just low metabolism i think
never heard of that, maybe? idk
>I mean just do something and not sit on ur butt all day. I know it feels nice, but it's not healthy!
makes sense, i get it
>working at my uni together with my fren would be nise
that's cool, i hope it happens and that you're happy
>baka wants to get that future trunks aesthetic
>niggas gonna call me the drink
so baka is smol? lmao
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>not taking it easy today but trying
wut r u gonna do 2day?
>makes sense, i get it
>that's cool, i hope it happens and that you're happy
thank u, anon!
>so baka is smol? lmao
i'm like 176cm tall (5'9 i think)
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smart people celebrate christmas all season long. Imagine how much comfier you could be
>wut r u gonna do 2day?
try going to college and not feel like shit all day
and you?
>thank u, anon!
you're welcome
>i'm like 176cm tall (5'9 i think)
is that smol? then i'm fucked cause i'm 5'8" lmao, it's so jover
also snow it's nice, where i live it's gonna take a few more weeks to come
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>try going to college and not feel like shit all day
>and you?
i'll go 2 college in a bit as well. Got another test 2day
hopefully i'll pass that
>is that smol? then i'm fucked cause i'm 5'8" lmao, it's so jover
it's kinda short here. Not sure how it measures up in America
yeah same here probably. Back in the day we used to have snow already by this time. Global warming is a bitch...
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heating up some leftover curry for breakfast.. ended up sleeping very early last night and had lots more dreams. of having something on my eyelids, of playing video games, of seeing my fren.

>My floor space amounts to a double bed and there's a 10 story drop if I open the window. Cats want to go outside too...
cats can be content living indoors forever, even in small spaces like that. japanese homes in small apartments have cats and rabbits and the like. just need a good auto-cleaning litterbox.

>It just doesn't seem like it's in the cards for me
being in a new environment is a good excuse to try radical new things, no? to really push yourself well past your realms of comfort. but even then, you can take small steps like trying to involve more with local community events..

>I'm sorry for sadposting so much this last week. I'll take a break until I cheer up again.
you're always welcome to open up your heart and we'll listen to you. it's okay.

ahh, i used to do some similar automation work in the same vein many many moons ago. my background is in ops as well, it's a fun world to live in imo.

<cont.. a bit later>
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It's snowing at home but I don't think it's snowed here in about 50 years

>cats can be content living indoors forever,
I think I'd need to hide it from the cleaning lady too. Today she banged on my door because I've not let her in for a few weeks. She seemed very displeased with me... I'd better get her a Christmas present.
>to really push yourself well past your realms of comfort
I try to but I just feel uncomfortable and insincere doing it most of the time. I'm not sure it's a matter of exposure either because I don't get any less uncomfortable doing stuff. I still dread going to classes every week and the few interactions in them feel so forced and uncomfortable.
I've signed up to do extra stuff with my faculty but I'd rather just stay home.
When I was rowing at my last university I was attending stuff out of obligation and because I was genuinely needed. If I didn't show up outings had to be cancelled and everyone would be mad. When I picked it up again at a local club I went for about a month before stopping. I gave it a sincere try but I just wasn't getting anything out of it and they weren't getting anything out of me being there. That's the feeling I get almost every time I leave the house.
>you're always welcome to open up your heart and we'll listen to you. it's okay.
I feel like I'm putting a burden on the thread because you're the only people I interact with
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>it was 14c today
Taking it HARD.
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>hopefully i'll pass that
>it's kinda short here. Not sure how it measures up in America
Really? I think you're kind of tall, in cm i'm 174 or 173 i'm not sure xd. also you're 5'9" but 1 cm more tall which is good! cm is more accurate ngl
>Global warming is a bitch...
It is, i love my snow!

Also idk why but i got warned wtf? 4chan is getting worse by the second
>Also idk why but i got warned wtf? 4chan is getting worse by the second
Random anons passing by and likely reporting the thread, unless it's from another board. In that case I can't really guess.
>I feel like I'm putting a burden on the thread because you're the only people I interact with
As much as "take it easy" is the motto, the thread is also an alright place to unburden yourself since there aren't many places like this around here.
>I feel like I'm putting a burden on the thread because you're the only people I interact with
I feel like shouldn't worry anon, desu it depends if you want to share or not more i feel no?

Also same, i just talk to you guys lmao

-ui anon btw
How is it even possible to snow at 14c?
Oh I didn't mean it snowed, I'm just saying I'm not gonna get any. The >snow line was a quote. Sorry I type like an ape.
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Test was ez
I probably passed
I will respond 2 everynyan once im home
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wut vidya games did u play in ur dreams?
>It's snowing at home but I don't think it's snowed here in about 50 years
maybe u'll get lucky
>I feel like I'm putting a burden on the thread because you're the only people I interact with
u're not a burden!
Please talk whatever u feel comfortable talking about!
14c is nise and gomfy
I wish it weren't cold here
i did it!
>Really? I think you're kind of tall, in cm i'm 174 or 173 i'm not sure xd. also you're 5'9" but 1 cm more tall which is good! cm is more accurate ngl
average here is like 180...
>It is, i love my snow!
i miss the snow a little bit, but not too much
I prefer it when it's warm personally
listening to rain and scp backgrounds and taking it easy
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Everyone in this thread is taller than me and so are most the people I see when I venture outside...

>maybe u'll get lucky
Unless the weather's really messed up this year it probably won't. The last time it snowed it was only a little bit at the top of the highest mountain here. It would be nice if my presence brought a Christmas miracle that covered the whole city in snow.
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r u listening 2 scp lore?
>Everyone in this thread is taller than me and so are most the people I see when I venture outside...
If it makes u feel any better, most ppl irl are taller than me as well...
>Unless the weather's really messed up this year it probably won't. The last time it snowed it was only a little bit at the top of the highest mountain here. It would be nice if my presence brought a Christmas miracle that covered the whole city in snow.
that's be kewl.
But hey, on the bright side, if it doesn't snow, att least u won't get all wet
and cold
wut r ur plans 4 2day?
>wut r ur plans 4 2day?
I woke up very late again and it's 3am now. I've not done anything yet so I should try and write more of the summary my supervisor wants.
Update: There is actual snow now, after being 14c earlier.

>14c is nise and gomfy
I like the cold better, it's like a nice, manageable little challenge to overcome. You go out a little bit, get cold, come home and get war, and it's great.
>r u listening 2 scp lore?
no, i'm listening to a background noise based on scp, not a scp lore video
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r u done with ur christmas cards?
wow u got snow b4 us
that's weird
>I like the cold better, it's like a nice, manageable little challenge to overcome. You go out a little bit, get cold, come home and get war, and it's great.
i am like a lizard
i prefer staying in the heat
i see
the screenzen app was been working and is helping me control youtube addiction, and i also made progress in cave story, not only i saved curly, but beat the annoying mushroom and give to her to restore her memories, i feel like i'm close of beating the game, but i know for a fact there is even a brutally hard stage with a brutally hard true final boss waiting for me

but i still am taking it easy
>r u done with ur christmas cards?
I've still got two left. I wish I could make them faster because they need to be posted at the end of the month.
having sleep issues and burning in hate (including self), as well as fighting it off
can't take it easy still
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it started snowing when i was driving back home :)
>Random anons passing by and likely reporting the thread, unless it's from another board. In that case I can't really guess.
Just 4chan schizoing like always maybe idk what the fuck
>i did it!
Well done baka!
>average here is like 180
Here too, 5'10"-5'11". I'm just a schizo sub5 chud with flawed swarthy genetics lmao. Nah but seriously i'm just tinny, it's my nature, if i could change it maybe i would but i can't so.. lmao
>Everyone in this thread is taller than me and so are most the people I see when I venture outside...
Also forgor the reply to this
>amusement park rides r scary 2 me
so many things could go wrong...
Yeah.. i like the carnival ones more, those are always the right amount of scary, i hope the government has huge regulations on those one because if they don't... scared
I seriously wish I could be as comfy at those lil fuckers, they look so comfy, what the fuck man
they stole $300k from me
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get some blankets, put on a fun movie, and you too can be comfy :)
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you can finish them on the weekend!
Hello Junas, what's up?
where were u driving from?
>Here too, 5'10"-5'11". I'm just a schizo sub5 chud with flawed swarthy genetics lmao. Nah but seriously i'm just tinny, it's my nature, if i could change it maybe i would but i can't so.. lmao
yeah same...
>Yeah.. i like the carnival ones more, those are always the right amount of scary, i hope the government has huge regulations on those one because if they don't... scared
i haven't been on a carnival ride b4
wut r they like?
who did it?
nothing much, just my misanthropic side flaring up and me desperately fighting it off
i can't help but feel an intense disgust towards everyone though, especially myself

aside from that, i just finished dicing up some aromatic peppers in a small processor i have to use in my cooking
gonna make chicken hearts later using mom's recipe
Why do you feel disgust? Did something happen?
>you can finish them on the weekend!
That's the plan. For now I'm going to sleep because I've got a headache coming on. It feels like I've barely been awake today. Hopefully I don't end up sleeping for 10 hours.
>yeah same...
>i haven't been on a carnival ride b4
>wut r they like?
fun, there is so many games (balloon darts, duck pond, bottle toss, etc.) and food (french fries, popcorn, corn dogs ahhhhh so fucking good), and the roller coasters are more tamed since they're portable (somehow) and i love riding in those, the last one i went to had small loopty loop and some elevated part that was so fucking fun, idk it's really nice i recommend. 2 years ago there was one that was a mouse and that was fun too, it seemed small but it was fun regardless idk i like those rides, i'm not man enough to enjoy the ones that spin you around for like 10 minutes straight even tho still fun
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OP, OP, I got the shiny Latios, I finally got it. It is beautifull.
Good night, Eiki-anon!
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I haven't posted in a while in those thread but always have them pinned for easy access, hope you've been taking it easy

I was thinking about running tonight as well, but maybe I should take it easy instead, is just that vidya haven't been giving me much satisfaction lately, so I was wondering if you had any suggestions

here's a song I found some months ago: https://youtu.be/4RdhiK4q3eE
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oh no!
Don't get sick, eiki anon!
I hope u sleep well
what's causing u 2 feel so misanthropic?
koishi anon was also quite misanthropic...
>fun, there is so many games (balloon darts, duck pond, bottle toss, etc.) and food (french fries, popcorn, corn dogs ahhhhh so fucking good), and the roller coasters are more tamed since they're portable (somehow) and i love riding in those, the last one i went to had small loopty loop and some elevated part that was so fucking fun, idk it's really nice i recommend. 2 years ago there was one that was a mouse and that was fun too, it seemed small but it was fun regardless idk i like those rides, i'm not man enough to enjoy the ones that spin you around for like 10 minutes straight even tho still fun
i feel like carnivals are an American only thing
i don't think there's been one here
how wus ur day?
good job!
wut r u gonna catch next?
wut sort of vidya have u been playing? Maybe u should try something new?
good women need to fuck off back to faggit and twatter
dunno, in the past months I played RE2R, RE4, RE5, Amnesia the dark descent. all of them were very fun, although I didn't particularly like RE5 controls. But as soon as I finish them I get bored at the idea of starting a new one.

dead by daylight used to be my comfort game, but it don't feel the same. i don't think I'm down to reopen the 2weeks long minecraft/terraria phase that happens yearly. I have Va-11 Hall-A on standby for months but can't seem to get into it desu

you know I might as well post my library of ready to go games

and also here's a YT video I got in the bg rn https://youtu.be/gVXFXbJUcIg
>Italian text
Are you by any chance...?
Probably not, but if I'm right I hope you are doing alright.
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Italian? yes.
But definetely not someone you'd recognize from threads, you got me mistaken for someone else, sorry. I don't namefag/avatarfag, nor post enough to be recognizable to people here unless I know them through discord

more song https://youtu.be/Dyq9zlYMw9g
just the realization that everyone is shit that's hitting me in the face again
i do things to help others and they bitch about it, or they try to exploit me because most kind people are fools
i normally don't expect anything good coming from the people i help but when i get something bad in return for helping, it really makes me feel disgusted

greed and pride are two of the most annoying of the deadly sins
i'm frankly quite tired of this bullshit
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I'm not the OP but,Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Yomawari 1 and 2 are classic horror games that everyone should play.

Other interesting ones with horror elements are Harvester, that's not my neighbor, KinitoPET.

Since you like Celeste, maybe you would like Supert meat boy, VVVVVVV and I wanna be the guy.

One excellent dark souls like game is Nioh, the best one.

Tornadus, it has a shitty shiny but I need it.
You seem kind here and others are kind to you here as well. Not everyone is bad.
I see...
It's alright, I'm Italian too and got my hopes up by myself. And to be honest, even unfairly so since we didn't talk much, but I was hoping to hear he's been taking care of himself these months. I don't even know why I'm thinking like this it's not like I'm owed (or how it is written) to know. Sorry.
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lots of Italians in my threads...
have u ever played map games?
d-do you by any chance miss him?
not everyone is that awful, anon
most ppl r neutral i'd say
r u getting it in ORAS?
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thanks, I was looking into playing silent hill since they say it's the goal. I think I saw some pics on /vg/ that explains how to play it on emulator for best experience. checked the other horrors you recommended, seems nice, I think I already heard about Fatal frame

concerning the other platformers, I'm sorry but genuinely I have super meat boy and I fucking hate it. Celeste treated me to the perfect platformer physics a human can create, and super meat boy now feels like having a 100 ms lag on everything + it's extremely slippery. It's something that I had noticed even while playing Hollow Knight

thanks :)

tell me bout them, only other italian I remember about is the lesbian namefag, but maybe it rings a bell I forgot about

sorry for being from the pizza pasta country mate, also nay, never played map games... I'm assuming you're referring to civilization/ age of empire games? or the other ones I don't know the name of the genre, but I've played Red Alert 2 a bit as a kid.
>You seem kind here
not always, i can be a pretty annoying cunt as well

>others are kind to you here as well.
question is, how long until they stop
as well as whether or not they'll stop themselves if i stopped being nice for one reason or another

>most ppl r neutral i'd say
they're all shit, in one way or another
me for instance, i'm an annoying and overly negative faggot more often than i'd like to be, as well as too judgmental, as proven in this post
my relatives, one is a proud and confrontational cunt who is also unreasonable, the other has a temper much worse than mine, so much it feel like walking through a minefield when simply being around that one

but it's not so much what these people are, more so what they do
i miss being oblivious already, sometimes i start actually paying attention to the shit around me and this happens
>r u getting it in ORAS?

in ultra sun

hmm, do you only like celeste, no other platformer? Like is Mario, Spyro, Crash, Gex, Ty,Banjo Kazooie, Ratchet and Clanck all bad for you?

Celeste is excelent, i never beated the dlc, but some day I will play it. Have you gotten all the golden strawberries?
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I also see that u've been playing elden ring
have u tried out the DLC yet?
they're shit, yes, but they can also be awesome 2. Everyone has flaws as well as strengths
the way u care about Reimu 4 example is commendable
u're still not done with that game? I guess it takes a while 2 collect all the pokemans...
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I love how tight the controls are, mario is fine, for what I remember playing on the DS, but haven't played it in a long time. I know all those by name but never played them, but if banjo kazooie is as I think it's the same problem with the "floatyness"

I devoured the DLC as soon as it came out. easily put 60+ hours in the week following the release and got platinum on it. fucking amazing 10/10 experience :)
just got done eating and brushing my teeth and now i'm taking it easy

should i continue cave story? yes i should
just because i care about someone other than myself doesn't make me any better or worse a person
that just means i'm not a narcissistic piece of shit

>but they can also be awesome 2.
then why'd they choose to be shit? what's their excuse?
i choose to be shit because i'm fucking tired of people's bullshit, here's hoping for once that my curse of charisma doesn't get in the way and they leave me the fuck alone already

i swear to fucking god once i move out, i'm choosing to not let anyone into my house for any extended period of time
i'll allow mom at most, for a few days, but that's it
fuck everyone
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>I guess it takes a while 2 collect all the pokemans...

Nah, I am just playing other games too. I am playing Downwell and Rogue Legacy 2. I shiny hunt for like, 2 hours per day, so it takes one week to get a single shiny and I need many of them, so it takes months when I could get all this solved in a week if I played 12-14 hours per day like I am used to.

How was the Malenia fight btw? Did you consider it the hardest fight in all Soulsborne franchise? I think I got fucked by that secret boss from Dark Souls 3 more, that giant dragon that was extremelly well hidden
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malenia fight was goated, loved fighting her on first time, and the way the fight works makes you learn it so well that even now I can probably consistently get to second phase. Figuring out how to get past that waterfowl dance move was such a fun experience once it clicked
I personally believe that out of everything I had played till then it is on par with nameless king, who was for me the hardest boss in DS3 (for some reason I beat Gael in two tries, and the dragon in less than 10). the final boss of the DLC tho... I even have a recording of me beating it, after something like 8 hours+ straight, so frustrating but beating it for the first genuinely felt like heaven for a while, couldn't stop grinning from the excitement. Definetely the hardest boss in the series, although now it's gotten nerfed so it isn't nearly as bullshit as it was before, plus it's really susceptible to parries so on replays you can almost cheese him with a parry shield.

Note that so far I 100% the bosses of DS3, Sekiro and Elden Ring, so I can't speak for demon, DS1, DS2 and bloodborne. Is the emulator port of Bloodborne finally in working conditions btw? maybe I could finally play that.

also nice seeing >>79515426 futaba anon still around, I once thought I knew you but it was just another person that used her as a pfp

I think I'm going to bed, I'll see ya tomorrow if the thread is still up, or maybe I'll try to post moar on next threads :)
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>i feel like carnivals are an American only thing
maybe.. something good that we have for once!
>i don't think there's been one here
that's kind of sad, it's so much fun baka, i wish you could experience it you know? eat slop and shit
>how wus ur day?
boring mostly, i've been feeling under the weather lately, i've been trying to play some vidya but i can't, i don't feel sad tho, i feel nothing, i know that the way to fix this kind of feeling is to just hug a pillow to sleep, breath, and i've found that talking to an ai helps too, idk we'll see we'll see.
what about you? how was Mr.baka's day?
I have already seen the first snowfall!!
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>I devoured the DLC as soon as it came out. easily put 60+ hours in the week following the release and got platinum on it. fucking amazing 10/10 experience :)
can't wait to try it
i heard nice things about it
also i'm sick of losing to dlc weapons in pvp
is everyone you encountered so shit? Is there not a single decent person?
>that's kind of sad, it's so much fun baka, i wish you could experience it you know? eat slop and shit
ye they sound like a lot of fun
>i've been feeling under the weather lately,
what's causing this?
that's nice!
How was it? Did u build a snowman?
just curious op, what do you consider the opposite of "taking it easy"
Are you limerent over a girlfriend or are you the girlfriend someone is limerent over?
IT FUCKING SNOWED HERE TODAY and it sucked cause I had to drive back on shitty roads and it was very slow but thankfully I'm home now
eating mom's recipe and getting reminded of her and when i was younger, the world might not be so bad after all
starting to being able to take it easy

everyone is shit to an extent, so yes, everyone i encountered was shit, obviously it includes myself
as for not there being a single decent person, maybe anon's words are sinking in
i can't say there are no decent people, but they're awfully rare
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bit exhausted from running around a lot today so haven't had energy to reply to older posts.. the week is halfway over..

>Today she banged on my door because I've not let her in for a few weeks. She seemed very displeased with me... I'd better get her a Christmas present.
is it mandatory for them to be let in? what a strange arrangement.

>I try to but I just feel uncomfortable and insincere doing it most of the time. I'm not sure it's a matter of exposure either because I don't get any less uncomfortable doing stuff. I still dread going to classes every week and the few interactions in them feel so forced and uncomfortable.
have you always had issues dealing with anxiety and dread like this your whole life? have there been times where going outside of your bubble a bit was enjoyable?

>I feel like I'm putting a burden on the thread because you're the only people I interact with
not at all! life is a matter of ups and downs. when we go up we soar, and when we go down -- that's what friends are for.

was playing Tarkov.. and now playing STALKER 2 today.

there are some good people and there are some good things out there in the world. anger will always cloud your vision and you'll see things in people that aren't really there, and you'll be easier agitated by many things that shouldn't normally bother you. the way is in taking it easy..

congratulations on getting your new shiny!

yes, and go for the true ending! and share some rice and sausages with us too, next time

it's only natural for our heart to call out to those we miss and those we remember. those who are and were important to us. those who matter. my heart does a bit of that, too.
i've been trying real hard to suppress this side of me again, anon
as proof i'm still here rather than simply fucking off and going play my games or study or do whatever the fuck it is i do when i'm on my own

i won't disagree with what you're saying, but i still can't help it, i suppose
baseless hatred still lingers in me, i grew up with it so it's hard to let go of it completely
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no good comes from being angry or holding onto hatred, anon. not for yourself, or others.
i know, as i said i'm trying, anon
i can feel myself calming down though, i think i'll be able to take it easy by tomorrow
thanks for trying to pacify me as well, lol
no problem, anon. when i get worked up, a kind word from someone close helps me a lot too.
same usually, but this is one of the few times when that doesn't work
times like these it's best for me to either take a breather and calm down naturally, or keep exposing myself to others despite the disgust (ir somehow works)
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Thank you, anons. I overslept again but I probably needed it.

>is it mandatory for them to be let in? what a strange arrangement.
I'm supposed to let her in twice a week. I guess she got sick of not doing work.
>have you always had issues dealing with anxiety and dread like this your whole life?
I don't know if anxiety is the right word but I've always been something of a loner. One of my earliest memories is not being in a group and just doing my own thing. I used to go to a drama club as a kid but I stopped going because I wasn't enjoying it that much and couldn't deal with being around everyone. It was less bad in school but I'd still go home every day and not interact with anyone outside of it. These feeling definitely got more pronounced after I finished my bachelors and wasn't spending several hours with the same people every day.
>have there been times where going outside of your bubble a bit was enjoyable?
Taking up rowing is probably the closest thing to that. It was one of the few times in my life that I felt appreciated. One of my crews got me a card and I brought it with me.
To a lesser extent, playing games with the same people and being recognised after a while or even posting here every day.
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taking it hard??
yeah snow does tend 2 cause problems...
i h8 shovelling it...
that's nice. Just focus on the good stuff!
>i can't say there are no decent people, but they're awfully rare
maybe there are more decent ppl than u think!
>was playing Tarkov.. and now playing STALKER 2 today.
how is it?
try 2 not overlseep 2 much...
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Bloodborne has a tough final boss in the DLC, child keos or something like that. I didn't think it was that big of a deal but it is one of the hardest in Soulsborne story, behind only Malenia and that giant hidden dragon.

I don't know if the ps4 emulator is any good, I have a ps4.

oh, btw, you should play resident evil 1,2,3,0,7 and code veronica, they are different from 4,5 and 6 which are more action packed and less horror, I was scared even while playing the original resident evil 1 with the shitty graphics, the atmosphere and music was perfect. But I recommend playing the resident evil 1 remake, it has more stuff. I don't know how the remake of 2 and 3 are.

Good morning, OP
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oh, I already played RE1, and was thinking of trying the original RE2 and RE3. also got RE7 installed ready to be tried.

also good morning, new day
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I already got the shiny Tornadus btw, going for Xerneas now.

I have never played RE8 but from the looks of it, it seems similar to RE7, so it is also good.
RE0 is different from everyone else, you control 2 characters and there are some gameplay changes but it is a very good horror game. It also has the character I had a crush on, Rebecca Chambers, she is very cute.

good morning for you too, just saying again in case you missed the first time, the Nioh series is a great soulslike game, you should definitely play it. Salt and sanctuary is a 2d soulslike and pretty great too, the best 2d one I have seen. I prefer Hollow Knight, but Hollow Knight is more of a metroidvania and not very soulslike.
Another quiz bites the dust!
Good day!
How have ur days been
good morning fellas, i just had a nice sleep and woke up drinking a nice coffee
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thanks for the good morning to you and everyone else. I got nioh in my wish list now, and am finally chilling with Va-11 Hall-A, will see how far I get in it before getting bored

days have beeen good so far... going through NNN and instead of jerking off sometimes I go for a nightly run. Have never run before in my life so surviving just 4km was something nice to do... I'll try to keep at it and be as regular as possible with it, but now it's so cold outside that it gets really hard to find the motivation for it
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Can't wait for thanksgiving break. I'm going to sit in my room all day every day
wow you've really been banging through these quizzes and tests and stuff lately.. nice job
i just took a quiz too
might make myself coffee too

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