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Hyde Park Winter WonderIand edition
Wizza in the oven, oh aye.
Cor i been there
no you haven't you lying mong
Me? I've been to Disneyland Paris circa 2002.
Have so
Bin there too but 2006
Nice, get in there. Think I stayed in the Mexican of Western hotel I can't remember. I still have my autograph book. Got Mickey Mouse and Goofy autograph, don't I? If I recall I brought my Game Boy Colour with me and played a lot of Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt and Monsters Inc.
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Necking that wepsi wax me. It lushingtons x
Woke Wero for me, lad. I prefer Wepsi Wax Werry though.
For me its wr.wepper.
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Shall be going on an all out unrelenting assault after new years on Sean's scam.
Been making some really awful meals lately. Dry filled pasta with equally dry pre-cooked sausage stuck on it last week. Then crumbled, broken, undercooked fishcakes with slimy, over-cooked green beans from a can tonight.

Might as well stick with Dominos going forwards.
I have a feeling something very fucked on a global scale is going to happen in 2025. America is heading for a civil war I think.
Think Musk is going to try and invade Europe and declare himself Emperor.
Might just buy expensive cancerous yank slop instead of being a fucking adult and cooking properly for myself
They appear to be quite neutral, do they not
The Dutch were neutral during WW2 and still got cucked by the Germans.
I'm going to agitate my benis until gloop appears, then I'm going to get into my fleece lined bed and go to sleep.
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Might order a webab in tomorrow night since it Friday. Oh aye.
May I suggest wanking to Molly Little? Even better if she isn't fully shaved.
Ckin ell lads just put a cotton bud in me ear and this black blob came out. I thought fuckin ell! Black as the ace of spades it was.
I like to go retro (in the digital age), phonewank using imagefap, and do enjoy a GILF. But I will have a look, check out the craic as the Irish say.
Fucking Hell, lad! What's up with that then do you reckon? You been on the London Underground lately?
Dunno lad. Might have to inform PIP about a new condition. Grim as fuck it was. Never seen anything like it before. London? No where near it. Thankfully. Northerner here.
The time I was in London and used the tube I was blowing out black snot later that evening. Fucking filthy.
Last time I went to London was around 2006. I was too young to appreciate it. Heard its a right hellhole now. Decapitations, theft running rampant. Just not right.
>disneyland paris
>hyde park
just working class things
The whole world is in chaos now, lad. 2025 is going to be very bad I can feel it in my arthritic knees. Best to hunker down in our box rooms and stay as womfy as possible.
I agree lad. Going to be bad for those on bennies thats for sure.
To be fair my mum saved to take me and we got the ferry and a bus, not a plane or anything. Special memory for me.
A bit young to have arthritis in your knees lad. How old are you?
I hope not. I'll be miserable without my government pittance.
me? I spent my working class youth holidaying in north italy
Late 20s. I'm a turbo manlet (5 ft 2) and have pretty bad arthritis in my hands, feet, legs and knees. Sometimes do my back in when I sneeze as well. Think it's genetic as I'm not fat and my mum and dad are short arses too.
For me, it's Flamingo Land.
What exactly is Flamingo Land, lad? Something like Butlins?
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Been there too a few times
Feel like i been everywhere now
It simulation

It's better than Wutlins de lid. Very womfy 90s era dreamcore vibes.


Sames. Might go again next year.
Wouldnt mind living in a caravan full time desu wonder if u get housing bennies for that
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Ckin ell lad. Sorry to hear that my friend. I hope one day you will no longer be in pain. Hope you have a good Christmas lad.
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As much as this place is shite at times, I'm still glad it's active. If there's one group of people I can consider "my people", this place comes close, as sad and depressing as that sounds.
If your mum knew you had strong memories of that event, she'd be very happy. That's the entire reason parents do it, in the hopes it stays with them forever. I'll sometimes remind my mum of things she did for me as a child.
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Really if u got waravan,stuck in a CRT monitor playstation laptop u got dreamcore vibes on tap. ASMR from rain hitting the roof.
Some things are better off keeping as a fantasy. Like dreamcore, wandering through Paris, or getting a girl to fart in your mouth
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Just the other day i was saying 2 my mammy about when she decorated my room in old place cus she has ADHD or something nd constantly did that nd it was my fav room i ever had it was small almost actual box room but that suited me being 14 nd the walls were silver like this metallic type of paint nd I put blue fairy lights everywhere that reflected off nd dark blue carpet nd basically it felt like living in a space ship or smth. I just happened 2 bring it up vis a vis something else nd shes like that really? U liked that am glad u liked it i didn't know if I was putting that effort in nd you didn't even notice she was glowing a bit
But u know the other side of that in the past cus am quiet to begin with a lot of times if I didnt say anything specific she would simply assume that I didn't notice something nd take the huff with me when I didnt even know why nd silently being in a mood w/o admitting she was nd refusing to elaborate shes mellowed out in that regard now though
Sadly that kind of estrogenic behaviour I've found myself using on people myself throughout life due 2 single mother guidance
Whats wrong, nothing
Are u sure yes
Theres something wrong FORGET IT
Ok fine I won't bother you WAIT
What? Nevermind........
Aye I've been guilty in the past
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As long as i get 2 sleep within nxt hour or 2 the forces of Satan will be off my back for another day
Its stuffblike how mam got that FUCKING vaccine last month nd then nxt thing st*pdad got her a new phone for her bday that's 5G its wee things like that that makes me personally go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but if shes happy enough then i guess its alright
Nd when we got back from church 2022 nd he goes "u know that's all nonsense though?" Nd am like hmmmmmmmmmm and what's his game exactly in this whole set up in the 1st place Whether he meant that in a bigger picture or sectarian way however am not sure possibly both where does he get off putting ideas like that in her head though? I thought "where'd u get off putting ideas like that in her head?" But regardless, am being charitable now, I stay mindful over this week or 2 but am not trying to catch any1 out just not letting anything slip past me either. I tend to still feel if i got the wrong impression then alls forgiven i fink he is a good guy deep down but certain fings made me go like that over the years hmmmmmmm.So thx
I thought who even are U exactly just like I thought whos **** xactly what if you knew someone for years bhut they're somebody else? Something else. Well am not even worrying about it though its w/e.
Din-din o'clockington it is, then
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Fink ill get sonic colours on switch 2 pass the time before 25th
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Going to town tomorrow with mummy. Going to be a good day. Up early though. Good night lads. Sleep well. And hopefully tomorrow is a good day for you also.
mutated muties
he's got a right to his own opinion. What's it to you?
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Few wakewell slices with a wuppa. Oh aye.
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>Oh my science, gadzooks! Is that the umpteenth capeshit reboot by the acclaimed director Mordechai Schnozzleberg? Sign me the fuck up! Take all my money!
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Wary Wane Watson

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love a good almond based treat me
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Nice bait laddy *pat u on the head*
Lord Fauci has blessed us
Wasnt going to have tendies but am having them after all
I remember that scene of her outside in the rain with her nips showing, corr
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Back when capeshit was kino.
She gets her tits out in a film called Melancholia. Very nice they are too. She was my crush since Bring It On.
Crossy, you love some late night tendies fuck me. You'll turn into a cluckin chicken at this rate!
Gonna take a shidd now i fink
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That's the Wortnite OG battle pass finished. Get in there.
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Did u know chickens can walk backwards. Probably all kind of tricks they do we don't know about.
lad imagine all the dumb shit you've done in the last two years that your stepdad could hold grudges against you for. Lucky for you most people aren't that petty
Mate I used to have chickens in my back garden they are thick as pig shit. One died as my dog thrashed it when it stole his treat. Another died when it fell upside down under the shed. They shit everywhere as well and their arses aren't very nice to look at. The free eggs are nice though.
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My pozzy vibes immune 2 d*moncord attack
*Fortify restoration*
Bet they're plotting to fly out of their chicken coops
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However i must go on my spiritual journey nxt year or i wont grow. Crying about stuff all day i wont grow.
Turkeys can fly too that shouldn't be allowed. Was in a farm once and the turkeys were up on the rafters like owls. Mental.
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Got them wuppas on tap tonight. Oh aye x
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Proper fresh start and doing NNJ in January. Garn get me shit together. Cheers x
Turkey? Not a fan, me.
You said all that last year de lid. Genuinely hope you have a better go at it this time
Fook me its cold tonight
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Feeling more positive about 2025 though. NNJ will set the standard for the rest of the year. I think I knew deep down I was gonna losermaxx this year. Relapsed on wokey within the first 48 hours of the year lmao ffs.

Not a single straight white man featured in this trailer. Not a single white european civilization being featured.

Woke DEI trannyslop.
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Few more games then garn have that Wustlerz. Proper NEET power hours rn.
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For me it's watching Highlander TV series
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Pray fir 2025 positive vibes
Nd my mothers health nd my sisters and my wee cats health nd my uncle what has a heart thing now
Nothing else that i need
Xcept if i could be greedy i hope my ADP review isnt too annoying nd all types of bureaucrats stop bullying me in general
Just read up on the Sharif case for the first time, of course the mother was a polack whore lmfao. They sure love their darkies don't they
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Big shout out to all of the cats and the neets that look after them, a little kiss on the forehead to all of you, alexa play don't wanna miss a thing
Wish this world was less evil there's ppl with the means nd the intelligence to fix everything yet they choose not to. Everyone could be on bennies....we could have bennies w/o putting wagies in tax debt slavery......what if they spent the same money giving ppl a right to dignity in life security housing instead of missiles and vaccines...they feel more incentive to fund death nd pain nd human sacrifice over improving life....messed up
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Shall be necking these wustlerz now then off to beddingtons. Garn shops in the morning so don't want to be up too late.
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Cats are loved more by females than us neets.
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It not right de lid. The richest 1% have as much capital between them as the rest of the 99% combined. It's insane how people casually accept it as normal. One day there will be a great reckoning and the evil doers of this world will pay a heavy price.
>us neets
Speak for yourself ruthlad, lots of neets have cherished moggies
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Tendies hit the spot i dnt know why sometimes they leave me bloated nd then sometimes they just hit the spot perfectly

Look at this dumb fucking instatok NPC roastie getting knocked off the train whilst posting for a selfie

Quite bemusing indeed
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They should adopt a nice bully xl. Harmless things when treated right. They only want something 'cute'.
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All they have to do is stop working but materialism and gender wars are a powerful drug supplied by the 1%.
What's the point working? No woman is going to care about you in a minimum wage job. You are worthless to them.
Xi won.
Chyna won.

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The wustlerz wausage wuffin has been necked. I go beddingtons now. Oh aye.
The future is now, is it not


... Only in Chyna though, here in the west you may only have trannies and ngubus rather than technological progress
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Same desulad night night
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Night lid. It ASMR time now x
I will die in 2025.
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I am of the firm belief that women destroy the skin of their faces with all the skincare products and makeup they beat into the skin every single day (disrupting the naturally occurring skin oils). Many women had great skin before all these cosmetic products.

I don't do anything special and have no breakouts. I barely wash my face and don't spend thousands of pounds on makeup and skincare every year like most sane men. Men are confident in their natural faces, women are not.
Look at these dickhead pigs expecting him to speak. That's how you deal with scum who arrest you for doing legal activities.

Ruthmong your parents think you smell bad
No I don't really smell that much to be fair.
off to work now me, its a hard life but someone has to do it
christ come back just to see what britfeel loke with at it and ruthmong still doing same utter dogshit posts

really boggles the mind to kafkaesque extents
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Me and Ruthmong in an opium daze watching the sunset on a small fishing boat on the mekong river
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Looks like she studied a meme degree like so many females. What does she expect thinking archaeology and history would be a good idea for a career? Too many females treat university as a place to have fun. Learning is secondary - many females will never work a real career. The dumbest ones rely on men and whoring themselves out. Others rely on their looks and pretend to give a crap about men that give them money online.

It scares them that some people (mostly men) have to do actual (boring) work to keep society in order. Females just expect a nice comfy, fun job for going to uni. They know there's always going to be some desperate sucker man ready to take on conditional love if they can't support themselves.

Universities are a scam and are incredibly biased towards women and rich immigrants. Fuck them corrupt bastards. Fuck feminists thinking men have it better. Men need more power in this world.
I can't get a passport as no countersignatues. I will never leave this shit country. It's all fucking rigged against me. I will not contribute to it at least. They won't be getting anything of value from me.
Yes go work your shit low paid job incel while women get comfy easy jobs and get boyfriends easily thanks to tinder.
>They won't be getting anything of value from me
you dont have anything of value to offer anyway
Ruthmong's parents should just stop feeding him, problem solved.
Something big going down in yankee land lads, Biden and Kamala both rushed to White House

trip on sean you tiny mong
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She'll probably get some comfy girljob anyway. HR departments are all women and discriminate in favour of other women. You see it all the time on the UK subreddits when someone makes a post about regretting their choice of degree, women will chime in about how they studied shit degrees but managed to make an easy career move to an unrelated field and get a good job out of it
I will shag in 2025.
Some sort of emergency meeting happening

Yeah of course she will. You can tell she doesn't do any real meaningful work with her nails being so long. Probably just works in a quiet shop looking at her phone all day.

HR cunts should be 50:50 genders.
Ruthmong should get a job in HR
Need a meme degree and vagina for that.
Right cunt aren't you lad? Taking it out on us for no reason, not our fault you've gotten yourself in a foul mood again
Starting Points
1. Addressing Depression: If you're not already receiving help, consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor. Many community organizations offer free or low-cost mental health services. Feeling supported mentally can make it easier to start thinking about work.

2. No Shoes? No Problem:
- Many jobs don't require formal footwear initially, especially remote or online roles.
- Some organizations or charities may offer support with clothing or footwear for job seekers.

3. Begin with Accessible Roles:
- Remote Work: If you have internet access, jobs like data entry, customer support, or freelance writing could be a good start.
- Community Jobs: Look for roles that are close to home, such as working at a local library, coffee shop, or helping neighbors with odd jobs.
- Training Programs: Some governments or nonprofits offer job training programs and may provide assistance with essentials like work clothing.

4. Focus on Your Interests:
- Think about activities you enjoy or skills you already have. Even hobbies like crafting, writing, or cooking can open doors to jobs or freelance opportunities.
- If you're not sure, volunteering can be a low-pressure way to explore what you like and build confidence.

5. Small Steps:
- Start with part-time or flexible roles to ease into the routine of work.
- Look for jobs that prioritize understanding and supporting employees with unique challenges.
>If you're not already receiving help, consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor
if you live in this shit country you already failed at step one. Too many women who already have social circles, boyfriends and functional lives clogging up mental health services for meme issues
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When your meme animation degree doesn't bring the money in just become a prostitute and post your tits on OF...yay feminism. I'm surprised she has time for asmr still. Trashy. Father must be proud if he's even around.
No way you'd get remote work at the beginning. Load of shite that.
That's true. Women mental health isn't anything near as bad a men's. They just create problems for themselves. They have boyfriends.
I'm not. Just fed up of women thinking they have issues.
Fuck off with this incel drivel you dumb mong, can't wait for your parents to finally kick you out.
He has just as much a right to post here as you do.
Remember this cunts: a man with no purpose is unpredictable. Women should continue to fear men.
A man with no shoes is predictable. He won't leave his boxroom any time soon. Women should not fear this man.
I love women. I can meet their demands (money and attractiveness) and get my pussy reward.
You can walk without shoes. Man has free will which is what women fear.
I hate women. I can't meet their demands (money and attractiveness) and don't get my pussy reward.
>free will
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Women deny you see because you can't meet their needs. They all want money and someone giga attractive. You've got no chance if you're on a low wage. They have tinder in their pockets. 24/7 access to wealthy men. These men get to fuck a lot of women. You will never get sex, are expected to stay sane and just be a pussy denied wageslave.
I could literally walk outside now and go to a girl waiting at the bus stop. It's still dark.
if this is true how come someone like ssm can get a gf?
Why should I respect the female when the female does not respect me? I don't get sex. I don't think that's fair. Sex is a very important need for men. You'd be pissed off being only able to eat bread all the time.
>I could
you couldnt
There are anomalies. Most men need to be attractive and earn more money than the female. If you can't provide, the love is gone. Females are materialistic. They are basic adult children that want to be treated well (dining out regularly, taken on holidays, gifted expensive stuff).

I overheard it last Christmas. My foid cousin bf basically was joking how he had to spend all his wages on her every week. Sad fucking world.
Give me one reason to respect women in 2025 when it won't get me sex.
Shall be doing the chore real quick now
Wonder what Laura would think about these posts.
She wouldn't give a shit about me or any random male online. Simps are delusional. I guarantee she's a real snob irl and is quick to judge someone. Don't be fooled by the pretty face.
Anyone can be on BBC News within 24 hours if you think about this thing called "free will". Blows my mind.
The chore hath been done in an exsneedingly efficient manner
I fink
Love taking large shits in the morning
how many years do you think the saddo behind the ruthmong larp will run it for?
just ate a pear
New intern is so fit but very young, feel like a nonce ngl
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Morning morning morning all good lads. 5 more days until Christmas. I hope you are all well, happy and looking forward to Christmas.
Lollers what is your opinion on ruthmong?
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He is a gimmick and even if he wasn't it's a him problem.
at work but in a terrible mood might shan't be doing fuck all today nobody will notice anyway
actually might just say im meeting a client across town and go home, bossman is on holiday anyway so nobody will question it
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I've just brought myself up to speed on seasideMARK's morning uploaf

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This guy (IMO), is the epitome of cool, desu.

Bonjourno lollers lad. I think on christmas day it will feel more christmasy (if that makes sense) for the anon clan.
awful sofa placement
Brekkie soon i fink
fed up
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Gutted I didn't save the OG big image.
*kicks himself*
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Foookin choon time tae fook pals. I just listen to the same shit, daily, LOVE IT.

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*saunters round the thread inna cool way*
What's up fren, working, sat bored after just waking, waiting for a bus/train?
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It would be good to go through life with no issues, but would it? Surely the hard times make us stronger? Character building. What doesn't kill me makes muh dong longer, and what have you.

And there's people in the world that have nobody at all, yet we have each other. It's not much to most people, but it is something.
Now we getting chill, oh yeah.

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Saved, nice one mate. Woah, you're on a mad for the tunes this morning mate.
Going to get thermal paste for my PS4, I hope to give it a good clean and put it back together again. If it doesn't work out, may I borrow your axe haha.
What's the plan for today then mate?
>Taylor Swift - Christmas Tree Farm (Lyric Video)

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I love listening to music when I wake up (and any time I can really). And variety be the spice o life, so I like all sorts of crap.


Might go nightcore next, who knows, see where teh mood takes me, go wiv the flow, it's all we can do in life.
Too much anime being posted atm for my liking
Forgot to say what I was doing today, kek.
Shopping, need some supplies for when my mum goes abroad with my sister. Off for 5 days in the sun I'm genuinely terrified for what could happen, this has been a challenging year.

Moar choon time, and I know this is an AI gurl, but I fucking would, if you know what I mean.
>Forgot to say what I was doing today, kek.
>Shopping, need some supplies for when my mum goes abroad with my sister. Off for 5 days in the sun I'm genuinely terrified for what could happen, this has been a challenging year.
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>Might go nightcore next, who knows, see where teh mood takes me, go wiv the flow, it's all we can do in life.
>Nightcore - GODs
Nightcore helped me dominate the world, of micromachine world series the game, I was number 1 in the world for quite a while, probably only out of 50-100k people though. Started with a great tune, that got deleted, and I forgot what it was called as it was ~8 years ago.

That last one is a version of a ye olde choon, 55 years old. Wew lad.
Found these years ago, after searching for a gimmick somebody posted, and misspelled the name, and these came up. Noice find, desu.

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Somebody say big thick black arse?
So you're really going to force this thing, eh lad?

the older i get the more i become like ruthmong
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That break could be just what they need mate, I hope it helps them.
Shut up shit bastid, it's interesting to me.
Moar nightcore
>Nightcore pump it
@lollers how do deal with intrusive thoughts? my brain thinks its funny to think of something inappropriate every time i do a certain activity
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I saw something on a dayz server I play on, and looked it up, and found these quotes.

A seed cannot grow in stone. Compassion is the fertile soil where life grows.

Every great tragedy forms a fertile soil in which a great recovery can take root and blossom...but only if you plant the seeds.

Fuck it, another legible space is needed.
I love life, mate, and it's taken tragedy for me to realise it. It's mental.
I was struggling to find an appropriate image, then saw this, and thought yep. Kek.
Playing with my balls, looking at pictures of Laura.
You think Laura gets sexually aroused by men shitting in her mouth and making her chomp down their mushy turds?
>just start a business bro
*pic related*
It's not even worth it at this point, lad. Most of the economy is simply fake and serves only as an extraction mechanism for the state to give to their clients. 99% of "successful" businesses are built by:
>trust fund babies with small allowances/loans of gorillions of quid letting them buy their way past regulations/carve out sinecures politically
>grifters who manage to rope in some mongoloids to invest in their slop
>people who are willing to lie, cheat, steal and screw over everyone else to turn even a mild profit
and then the remainder of the 'real' economy i.e. the stuff that keeps the lights on:
>working 100 hour weeks barely breaking even, essentially living paycheck to paycheck and are only sticking it out for the "muh own boss" cope

It's just not worth it. We need a massive reset and realignment of some sort to occur. Until then don't bother.
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Why do shut-in dole dossers give out advice about relationships and careers as if they have any experience whatsoever in these fields?
Because you don't have to have experience in those things if you're just making a common sense observation?

>Hmm, that bullet wound looks serious, should probably go to a doctor.
That's what you sound like, twat.
Bit angry there, lad. Did I strike a nerve?
Struck nerve
Wonder what's caused it. Did he go to a Christmas market and get depressed seeing all the happy couples around him?
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>If you're not already receiving help, consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor
Truke. I can proudly say that, whatever else in my life hasn't gone as well as I've hoped, I can say that I have NEVER been to any kind of therapist and I will always be able to be happy about that.
Might pop a valium and just mong out this weekend
I hope my friend over in britpol sees this message x
Just been in town. What a fuckin mess it was. If I had a billion pounds in my pocket I wouldnt have bought anything. Went in CEX and saw the Xbox 360 and thought of wops. In my head I said challenge 360 and chuckled out loud. Hope nobody saw. Anyway after that I went McDonalds for a cheeseburger and coke. Took fuckin ages for it to come. I think the guy behind the counter was gay. He kept looking at me.
See any white people in town, lad?
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It Jackie Chan Friday. x
thumbnail looks like porn dvd covers
Not really lad. Same all over now. Boat people everywhere. Just something we are going to have to live with. Not bothered anymore. Nothing I can do about it.
Saw the sopranos dvd box set in town today. Should have picked it up it was 17 quid but I was a few bob short. Fuckin 30 pound on eBay.
The DVD set always goes on sale on Amazon. I picked up the Blu-ray sets of that and The Wire a few months ago as they're two of my favourites.
Get yersen back to town lad.
mumberg shouting at me because im in my boxroom again
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If you're interested in Frens the Feel Street Helper Shelter is selling Apus at about eighty pence a go. I just bought four of them; you'd be mad to fucking miss it and I think this Fren Sale is only on for eight hours. They be great for QMEE farms or cooking over Christmas and New Years. Get on it de lads!!!
What does she expect exactly? If that's your room where else are you gonna be?
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Spot of lunchingtons is it not?
out going for a lovely walk around the endless streets of houses probably
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Fucking hate that retarded normie meme shit. Outside it's fucking awful.
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walking is shit lads, get a bicycle
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get some fresh air lad it's good for yer mental elf
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Just go for a lovely little stroll through the quaint high street
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>people trust politicians
have you lads considered not living in shitholes
can't, don't have a passport
You realise we live in England, right? Please point to somewhere on the map that you consider to be not a shithole...
>"anon why do you sit in your boxroom all day come watch telly with us"
>everyone sat staring at their phones while ITV slop plays
it bloody horrible lads
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*raises fist*
Location doesn't matter. Until politics changes there will be no improvement in the life of an Englishman.
This. The rot and shittiness has spread literally everywhere. Even billionaires living in penthouses in the capital are leaving in large numbers because it's so shitty.
government buildings and migrant hotels are fully heated. All the lights on 24/7. There's clearly no energy crisis.
Oh your mum does this too? Thought it was just mine. She often says to me whats happening in the show because she on facebook or temu. And then I have to explain whats been happening
I don't. She's mid the more you look at her. She grew up with the piss easy woke nu-Lara. Real fans know the originals and first reboot are much better games.

I'm sure she doesn't but she's probably only into chads anyway. Not some weirdos with fucked up fantasies online.
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Didn't know footspackerchad was a fellow kinosseur
No you don't understand, lad, WE the taxpayers are paying for that, haha silly mistake to make!
All there is to do in this shit country is buy crap. That's the only reason to go outside.
LMAO. My mum is entirely the same. Watches entire films and shows on Netflix whilst glued to Vinted on her phone. Insists she knows exactly what's happening. People are brainrotting in real time.
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Fear plays a big part in all of this. Due to years of media attacks on anybody being proud to be English, flag flying etc, of being labelled a racist, the nation is kowtowed. Fearful of making a stand. And the politicians are fearless, due to corporate backing and protection afforded to them by capitalists and their limitless funds.
It surely can't be by design r-right? A nefarious group trying to hold the people of the world down?

A world of dumb slaves?

Used for what purpose?
Can confirm my entire family does this too. Does my fucking head in.
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If you want to avoid the upcoming draft, then just be extremely racist irl. Normie mongs and zogbots can't comprehend open racism and would have no idea what to do with you.
So infuriating. Sometimes I just say I dont know just because I cant be bothered explaining.
Got an official autism diagnosis. As if they would give a fully automatic machine gun to a spacker like me.
Just have them as drone pilots and have AI make all targets BAMEs.
You can go in supplies, count some bullets and shit, you guys would love it.
Be the best organiser you can be? We lad. And you get badges.
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seasideMARK been to Greggs 2 chocolate eclairs and 2 donuts it's lush experience Dee lads

That was Ruth last night
Id love to be drafted. Then I will be able to shoot myself in the head instead of jumping off a bridge when Im in my 40s. Cant wait to die me. Ive made a promise with God. If he grants my mother a long life I said to God I wont kill myself when my mother dies.
20st coming on strong, oh aye
Any more of you draft dodgers got any bright ideas, huh?
I'm home for Christmas in Edinburgh and it's LUSH
might go for a wee lunch walk through the beautiful Georgian New Town
walking alone or with your wife?
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>walk into friends house
>hear this wall of noise from living room
>3 people sitting watching tik toks with that dead behind the eyes look on their face
>No one can hear their own slop so the volume is at stupid levels
>TV paused
>Just the endless cycle of wog lauging tracks and adverts
>"HAHAH ANON look at this", and it some NPC prank farting video (which they nearly fall over laughing at btw)
>head goes straight back into phone

All while yawning loud as fuck, making noises like a child, hopping about in their chair and generally just being degusting pigs , THEN if one of the dogs even makes a noise its "SHUT THE FUCK UP REEEEEEEEEEEE" at ear piercing volume

I really dont know why i even bother with trying to keep friends when i read it back tbqfh
I tend to just wander off to check in on the doggos and roll a joint for some peace and quiet
I remember reading a story somewhere a guy during the Vietnam war shit his pants during the draft and they sent him home.
They've finally charged the Manchester Airport pakis then
alone and it will be lush x
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This sounds like my house. So glad I managed to move out of there desu
I made a deal when I was younger, and as I grew older and things became bad, I realised god wouldn't make those kind of deals. Need to be really wary about this kind of thing.
>only eat these on a special occasion
Best way de lad. No annoying wife to interrupt your walk
my mammy is a massive karen always shouting at the wagies on the phone
feel bad for the poor lads
No it wasn't. Fuck off she isn't a whore.
>Rot in childhood box room/grim council flat until you die, have everyone at your funeral talk shit like "oh he was a quiet lad"


>get blown to bits in a ditch somewhere in russia and be remembered forever as a war hero
Why do people consider paedophilia to be the worst crime imaginable?
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>Sneeze into tissue just now
>Sprayed ovah with bloodington

Well that can't be good

It's still the same nostril i got swabbed on during the plandemic too, nanonibbas made themselves cozy and set up shop in there despite the horse paste and so on
Fink i need to use a targeted EMF to fry these nanonibbas

Maybe some sort of EMF stick i can put up there
The thought of these nanites violating me bodily autonomy sickens me, to be frank. I did not consent to any of this, not directly at least. They are in violation of the non-aggression principle and shall be cleansed from said bodily orifice at once
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It was a cotton bud lad, and it was almost 6 years ago at this point, calm down
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Fink the swab nanites are different from the clotshot's nanites thoeverbeit

The latter actually form circuitry and crystal-like antennae lattices within the body whereas the swab nanites seem to just tear up shit for the sake of it

The swabs aren't kept at minus 80 either so whatever was/is actually in them can't be as dangerous as the clotshot's contents

I fink
My mum literally never remembers the name of any show or film she is watching or has watched. She just blind picks on Netflix like an NPC and lets it finish before picking another pile of slop. All while barely paying attention. Almost everyone I know does this now. What the fuck is going on?
>she isn't a whore

Or "in-the-nose" in this case rather, heh
Proud to say I invented the 'gay sex [town]' gimmick and have never had my town gay sex'd.
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They'd find somewhere for you now.
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>go friends house in 2000s (single mum has lots of kids and never works)
>it reeks of cat piss as soon as he opens the front door (she makes tax free money by breeding cats on top of full benefits for all the kids)
>it's noisy all the time, dogs barking, cats everywhere
>sky tv on all the time with full entertainment package
>youngest kids just lay around laying on the carpet near the tv in nappies
>the oldest one just walks around topless even when you're there, literal breasts because she's fat
>always some new bloke coming round every few months (usually builder types)
>she's always pregnant
>upstairs there's not even carpets (just bare floorboards) and torn off wallpaper
>outside his bedroom window you can see other dossers arguing and smoke fumes from weed and cigs sometimes comes through
>his tiny overgrown garden is full of old kids bikes and other junk, you couldn't walk through it because there's dog shit everywhere

amazes me how poor people live like that.
Me? I'll just shit my pantalons and shout about calling everyone racial slurs.
People don't realise when you have dogs and let them in the garden to shit you have to be picking that shit up with a shovel every few days or it's everywhere. The amount of mongs who let their dogs out in the sun without water or shelter is ridiculous too.
Watch later playlist is up to 135 videos. Will try and make a dent in it now.
I don't think a 19yo middle class girl focusing on education will be raised with the mentality of a whore.
Mine is like 500 videos. Videos on there on topics I no longer have interest about.
Yeah was like that for me a few months ago, did a big clear out.
What are your resolutions lads? Mines to quit drinking and fast food, reckon ill cave halfway in january
According to Ruthmong all females are whores so surely Ruth isnt an exception
There are bitter wagie women in this country that like calling social services on their dosser single mum neighbours to create drama.
My New Year's Resolution is to bully Helperlad into doing as many baggingtons as possible.
It winds me up when you fully watch a video that it still stays in the watch later. I get confused sometimes if I've properly watched a video.
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>you couldn't walk through it because there's dog shit everywhere

I stopped helping with the garden because of this,(work on a golf course so a tiny garden is not even work anymore) tired to be as kind as possible about it saying i dont want to get the mower/myself or their house covered in dog shit
Just got the usual lazy dosser response of "Ugh just mow over it anon the mower lifts it anyway"

In reality it does not, it just flattens it out into a nice pie shaped dog shit

>"Well just lower the fucking mower then anon!"
Its going to scalp the grass, it will all die off over the winter if its too low
>"Noo it wont anon i used to cut gardens 20 years ago, just cut the fucking grass"

1/4 of the garden is a muddy dog shit filled mess and its not even half way through winter

There is something strange about dossers, having unlimited free time yet they try to speed run every fucking mundane task and complain the entire time , if its getting off your trolley on drink/drugs they are the first ones at the door, but cut the grass? empty the bins? Nah, better act like a cunt about it so everyone knows how below me this is

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>shamed across the entire world
>even people generally on her side can't find positives to what she did/her reaction
>obviously fucking traumatised
>became infamous instead of famous
>can never have a normal romantic relationship
>can never have a normal parental relationship (with her parents or potential future children)
>future children fucked at school, sons are GIGAFUCKED

All for what, a few tens of thousands of pounds on OF? That'll be gone in a year or two. But at the same time nobody will care about her any more. She's not hot enough or slutty enough to make it long term in the porn business. Will fade into irrelevancy. At best she'll flounder around the lower-tier of instagram escorts taking trips to Macau to let Saudis poo on her face in hotel rooms. At worst, she won't be around to see her 25th birthday.

She literally just torpedoed her own life in one day.
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i have no idea who this is lad, can you give us non NPC slop follwong anons a QRD?
Used to go out on night walk, ring police from payphone and say I'm suicidal. They try to keep you talking but I just walk away after a minute to give myself time to evade them.

They did get me a few times though and had to go to custody and treated like a criminal. Apparently for wasting police time but you can be suicidal daily and call the police can't you? Never liked them since for criminalising mental health.
Yeah but you forgot about
Woo, yeah, gurl power, wooo, go kween.
lad these women make millions. She'll never have to work again in her life
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its a quality robot friendly job anon
I've never said that. It does feel like that sometimes though.
>be a 4.5/10 nobody roastie
>start an OF
>nobody gets it because you're a 4.5/10 nobody roastie
>hype yourself up online by staging an event where you shag 100 blokes in a day
>come out the other end obviously traumatised, barely coherent, on verge of tears during post-event interview
>ruin life as per >>79807784
>double down and say you're going to do 1000 guys in a day next year
You wouldn't even be allowed to fuck her as the last guy because you're not chad enough. Well at least you won't have some fucked up sexual disease.
No. SOME women make millions. She's not one of them. She's barely going to crack 100,000 imo. Nobody's actually paying for that shit, she's just not attractive enough.
Should've seen the state of some of the guys. One guy they interviewed before was literally shaking with anxiety. It was honestly very weird.
>She's barely going to crack 100,000 imo
Not him but, that's the amount of men in the next video.
Ruthmong are you going to bed soon?
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I have had pigs point taser at me on night walk because CCTV lied I had a knife. People literally get away with making up accusations for their own entertainment. That's what bored CCTV clowns do at 2 am in their minimum wage job.
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you did it lad
nice one
Do you have to cum? I couldn't imagine him feeling confident enough to pump and cum within a few minutes.
Can't go to bed without shoes. My bed is in part of the house that isn't connected to the main house, so you have to walk round a little path out the back kitchen door. I normally just sleep on a futon in the spare room upstairs.
amazon flex been cancelled
I've just woke up lad.
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>bored dossers out at 2am acting as suspicious as possible then act surprised when the police start harassing them

Special kind of stupid lad
I imagine it is if you're mowing middle class big homes. Must do you back in though and all that UV in the summer.
I'm not breaking the law though. They've arrested me thinking I earlier smashed up some windows too. If someone got stabbed that night or a woman was assaulted they'd probably arrest me also.
I can't work because no further actions show up on DBS checks. Innocent people like me would have a mark and someone else would be a safer choice in the very competitive jobs market.
I ran over a pebble when mowing a garden once. I explicitly stated I do NOT mow gardens with pebbles. They ensured me, NO pebbles. They're Downs Syndrome daughter got a pebble through the brain as she was licking a Magnum. I'll never forget the blood on the windows of the sensory room.
They probably would lad, its not exactly a normal thing to just be out wandering about in the middle of the night, especially when you get all defensive towards them
The bit at the top is nice, rest is a dump
It's legal to walk outside in the dead of the night and not have to explain your reasons to any police.
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Rly bad day anxiety wise trade mong 1st then delivery mong some time later 2x intruders in my gaff am not letting it get to me thouhg
>its not exactly a normal thing to just be out wandering about in the middle of the night
why not? not everyone keeps to normal sleeping hours. You've got a right to go out for a walk if you want.
A reminder that it is literally not illegal to eat nothing but indian slop for three days, collect all the resultant faeces, vacuum seal them in plastic bags and then mail those sealed bags of faeces to mark edwards in wareham.

You might not like it. You might not want it done to you. You might not even want to see it done to others... but it is NOT illegal so you'll just have to deal with it if that's alright with you?
I dont bother with doing gardens( i cant fit a mower, strimmer and leaf blower on my motorbike tbqh), 45+hours cutting grass on the golf course is enough tbqh

Some of the lads i work with cut a few during the summer, its exta money sure but they do nothing but complain about it

Generally on big mowers so the back doesn't suffer 100% of the time, getting sent out to cut tee banks all day with a fly mow does feel like slave labour tbqh

Pic rel
pretty sure that is illegal lad
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>take job with rules
>break rules
>lose job
Yes it IS legal to just walk about aimlessly at 2am but you have to understand if ANYTHING has happened in the last few hours you are their first port of call
Go up to security staff with your ego thinking you're mr big in front of the women . The poor security man was ensuring no security tags were left on the clothes. Why is he like this? He considers himself high iq and above most people. He is cringe sometimes.

just be assertive, confident and chatty
It's not. It's not illegal to mail someone vacuum sealed faeces.
Auditing Falkirk
police love to discriminate against autistic lads who go out for walks at night for anxiety reasons. If they stopped black people just because there was a crime nearby and assumed it was them they would probably get sacked and there would be a large payout
just did a proper good audit of the local premises
alls looking fine for now x
I don't live there.
Desu if u could genuinely learn those skills life would be piece of cake. Only thing that comes close 2 working is drugs aka abusing ur body nd self harming for the benefit of everyone else being comfortable. I doubt there's any learning it tho if you had to learn in the 1st place its already four leaf clover.
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*sends you to the frenitentiary for 10 years*
On what charges? It's not illegal to send someone faeces via the mail.
@ first am like that hi so here's the thing whats going on is xyz nd then anyhing after that my battery go to 0% nd I need them GONE
2025 is the year I begin my solo auditing career.
>check thread at 5am
>ruthmong is doing his routines
>check thread in afternoon
>ruthmong is doing his routines
Ruthmong the Relentless. The Ceaseless Seether. The Larper Without Limits.
i reckon a parody auditing channel would be proper lush and funny
Many lads pretend to be him
Not him but, das rite, not owned by the royals now, can send as much poo as you like.
>@ first am like that hi so here's the thing whats going on is
Why do you type like a disabled boomer on purpose
Imagine how many autistic lads get interrogated by police because they're "acting suspicious". Autistic men have zero rights in this fucking country
it not right mate
Don't forget rozzers harassing you over sending little packets of poo to mark edwards in wareham.
>i'm imagining things and they're HURTING MY FEELINGS
Yeah not a pussy in sight other than mummy.
I like the christmas market in edinburgh desu nd markets in general nd those wee scam games hit the tins over nd shit like that never win them just fun
*mails you a vacuum sealed packet of poo*
I basically just stare at them now and say nothing when approached. Can't be feeding them anything to go on.
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The rozzers stopped me for a chat when I was on an autistic night speed walk.
They were pretty nice once they realised I was just a harmless sperg.
cor matey you look a bit cold x
This never happened. You're lying on the internet for attention.
Ofc theyre late too so i wait for nothing >.< oh well whatevs
will never be as good as the frozen piss disk
bit bored mates
bit of a boredingtons
It did happen THOUGHever, Don't have anything bad to say about those coppers in particular, having a quick chat with people acting strangely to feel out if they're up to no good or just spergs is pretty sensible.
Used to go on walks around industrial estates by myself all the time when I was on night shift, never had a spot of bother from the police even though they'd drive past me all the time and I wasn't in a uniform or owt
She will find some beta provider in a few years time, you really underestimate just how desperate many men are. Actions have no consequences for women. Wouldn't even be surprised if she claims to be a born again Christian in a few years time like that Nala Ray bird in the US did.
You know it is the last day of work before Christmas for most wagies cos they've been stuck in traffic outside my house for the past hour or so, how generous of their masters to let them leave early.
no sorry wagie no going home
it the christmas do tonight wahey x
Normies stuck in traffic driving home for Christmas
Moar like not driving home for christmas.
How come so many work night outs end in wagie on wagie violence. It scary
me too lad just a few weeks ago
So true lad. I remember reading an article about a woman who slept with numerous school boys and is now happily married and in a good job.
Many "love songs", pop songs generally, especially love songs are about Satan desu
Are there any songs about suffering from agoraphobia?
wagie ragie
it expected lad
>open up twitter
>random DM with gif of a black guy fucking a white girl up her arsehole
>"hey yo, you wanna help me out getting off? I'm so horny wbu?"
ah delightful
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Booze let the true feelings out. Scary man
>thread slows to a crawl in school run hours
really makes you think
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The gaff is breached
Nice 1 just knock my dehumidifier over nd spill water everywhere why not
walked to the tesco express, saw a guy covered in tattoos wearing a gold knuckleduster
he had a tattoo under his right eye, it was the letter I with a heart underneath it, like the 'I <3 NY' t-shirts. odd
ripping huge sharts
Hope ruthmong dies painfully
That's just called going to the toilet, lad.
You think hawk tuah girl killed herself? Ten days, no activity anywhere.
better question is who cares
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Just letting complete strangers in ur front door nd youre weird if you dont want to. What a world.
what are you going on about lad
I got trade mong & delivery mong 2 birds stoned at once now nd out of my hair neway so I can relax the whole day now. It lovely
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Uhm that's not the christmas spirit, sweatie
Some1 ITT that sounds xactly like nick Land, i heard this vocaroo nd it was annoying me who he sound like i got it now. Its deleted now just some souf guy rabbiting on something to helper. Not being funny sometimes i hear that extreme souf voice online nd am like yeah I actually forget i technically live in the same country as ppl who sound like that pure BBC news sherlock holmes voice something off the telly its a small world. Its good though
u afraid they might rape u?
quitting wanking and porn in 2025
Nobody has been able to prove that sending poo in the mail is illegal.
im sure its fine if its vacuum sealed
can the smell escape ?
>quitting wanking and porn in 2025
You wont
why not? cant you lads be supportive and positive all the way?
Just being honest mate, you simply won't.
can only try mate x
But you won't will you? You won't even try to stop wanking or watching porn.
My resolution? Have at least two days a week where I don't use the internet
But you won't will you? You won't even try to stop using the internet for at least two days a week.
what makes you think its so difficult? ive quit before for a month lad its not that hard
I will lad, that's why I only went with two days a week. If I was kidding myself I'd say four or five
No you didn't, you're just lying again for no reason on the internet. You didn't quit then and you're not quitting now.
Fink i start doing music again in part of my 2025 rebirth too well bascally i stopped for several years altogether cus i got nerve damage nd my hands shake from med damage U know for a while i thought i must be antichrist bc it seemed like anything in life that could lead to nice stuff piece by piece kept getting targeted by forces outside my control but in reality it was part of the illusion to make me feel that way its a bigger play. I got too many things to do nxt year.
Fuck me he's really had his nerves touched this afternoon, what the fuck happened?
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I dnt want to use the word explicitly but you get it
But you won't will you? You won't even try to start doing music again.
My resolution? Stop buying and eating hamsters from pets at home.
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Watch a film when it dark outside
Wrap a wee prezzy
Eat dindins w/ nice ppl
Oh it cozy time of year
United Shitdom
Don't like it you know where the door is mate
id love to know mate tell me where i can go instead
Thats not even the half of my fresh start. Big fings in motion already. Scary really.
Well that's great but I actually can't leave.
what about getting a job?
Yes you can you fucking gobshite. Off you pop, toodles and don't come back.
>my fresh start
ure too anxious for that, liiiid
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No, I can't. Being ALLOWED to leave and being ABLE to leave are two different things. I would love to leave this shithole, but I have no means to do so.
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Christmas tree tinsel lights, Snowglobe.....christmas card midnight mass choccys, dindins,, eat a big bird. Give ppl smth nice nd they feel happy. Its a lovely wee time.
Tyrants taking money off an immigrant drug dealer and donating it to some random women's charity. Why the fuck should that money go to women when it should go to drug rehabilitation charities? Fucking joke Cambridgeshire Police.

Whos 2 say that isnt part of it
>Tyrants taking money off an immigrant drug dealer
Wagies get a few drinks in them immediately start battering fuck out each other lmao. Its not funny really.
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i dont like christmas me
they should do it every 4 years like the olympics instead
yearly is too often
The money should be spent deporting the fucker to the third world.
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Scrolling through my miscellaneous r9k folder. Cooorrr, got some odd things in here. Can't even remember why I have half of these.
are you into that mate?
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Nah, just got a surprising amount of porn in my r9k folder. I assume it's just from baiting threads and stuff.
Wagies work 40 hour weeks and then spend it all on bills and paying a landlord. Mental how people accept that.
mad innit so the obese fat greedy slob sister who is 24 stone has been doctors and they said she got that hypertension stage 2 which apparently she said isnt to do with her lifestyle or weight.

magically the doctors cant point at anything else which could be causing this person to have high blood pressure so why cant the fat cunt just admit its her rotundness and slob lifestyle and greggs and takeaways. greedy fat cunt I hate fat women and I hate her
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had a call with my younger brother a week ago, said I didn't wanna see anyone for christmas
went down like a lead balloon, started a huge argument with my younger brother and stepdad because he also thinks I blocked him on facebook when I didn't
fuck christmas. who even cares? and why the fuck would I wanna see the pricks when they haven't bothered with me for the rest of the year
You should rename it 'porn folder'
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>i dont like christmas me
Imagine what u as a wean would think of adult U feeling that way
Sad what this world does to ppl
My dad died today. Why am I so angry?
life was different as a wean lad
>My dad died today
I'm sorry to hear that lad. Were you close to him?
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Okay lol I remember this one. Some lad made a webm of bouncing titties. I mean why not save it, right?
Yeah sorry, was a bit rough on his arse last night. Didn't expect his heart to give out though.
it's one of those things that's hardwired into their brain and if you feel differently you're like an alien to them
No not really. I was too busy being a narcissistic, nasty person. I hope he is in peace.
Lol I also saved this one with zero context, no idea who she is
That sucks anon, without knowing anything of you or your dads relationship, I'd say you're angry due to losing him.
She's from one of the millions of baby shark singalong videos on youtube.
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Here's another. Ragebait. You love to see it.
one of my favourite songs as it happens, although it's more in the abstract sense rather than literally about dealing with agoraphobia methinks
comfort me lad
I'll cum for you lad x
home for Christmas and watching The Chase with dadberg
it lush x
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Kung fu me
alright lads, how's it going?
>alright lads, how's it going?
Bit bored, desu.
hungry lad but theres nowt in the fridge
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It nice he must be happy 2 see you
it is crossy x
Had better luck in the charity shops today. Sealed copy of Hook on DVD and a sealed Shirley Temple box set which is pretty rare (I was looking on eBay for it a few weeks ago). Get in, lads. It Christmas. Jackie Chan and Heidi are on the menu.
ordered maccy dees x
Really need some SimsideMark in my life right now
DVDlad after watching one Jackie Chan film.
How long has it been? Feels like months since SeaSideSim.
mum and dad both think Bradders has had a drink before presenting The Chase
Hate seeing his nepo baby son get put in a bunch of projects. Deano cunt.
looking at cars don't know what to get
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Toyota hilux
silly bint took a -4k on the chase. I'd be absolutely fuming
the only people mad about nepotism are poor and ugly people
they hate that successful people can give a good life to their offspring, whom they gave birth to for exactly said reason
good shout but the old ones are expensive and the new ones are ugly
Just had webab and whips helper style. Stuffed though couldnt finish the whips. I could last time. In my bedroom now catching up with everyone. How are we all? Anything good happening tonight lads?
I don't know anything about cars, so not sure what is or is not expensive, but I suppose the budget would also determine whether something is too expensive.
Aye go and lick their boots then you cunt. It's fine of they're talented but usually they aren't.
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Showered, wuppa'd now to get ready and go out for a few jars. It black eye friday x
all you do is drink
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well what's important to you in a car and what sort of level do you want? first car, something sensible or something nicer but expensive?

no oh aye?
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>Just had webab and whips helper style

Phwoaaaaw might get a webab later as well.
>out for a few jars
Can you do your best not to get all upset and spam the thread when you get home please x
Got to have yogurt sauce on the webab. None of that salad muck. Last time I had one I tossed it on the floor! Get that out of me ouse! I said.
know someone that has mint sauce on his kebabs. he said you put mint sauce on lamb so it makes sense
Another year nearly over without cumming inside a vagina.
New thread then gents
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>Another year nearly over without cumming inside a vagina.

Sames. ASMR psyop goddesses win again.
Sounds fucking rank to be honest, lad. House special sauce for me, boss.
Cant imagine this feeling very good for the female
this image feels like ai

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