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Amble South Pier Lighthouse edition
My hidden disability is agoraphobia.
AI arse video status: 'longer than 2 hours'

We getting there bois
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I don't why people are mad at them.
1. Slagism is part of British culture and any proper Englishman will say that I am right. Just go to London, Manchester, Birmingham on Saturday nights... And you'll see tons of Girls nights out. The British woman is highly promiscuous by nature, flirty, with tight dresses, heavy makeups and ready to fuck anyone who pay them a drink and is a capable "beau parleur"
2. They are solving the incel problem. The West has low fertility rates. Everybody is having less sex, or having sex but using contraceptives, tampering the population growth. By being Pro Sex, these women are
>Influencing many young women to become massive sluts doing unprotected sex with random strangers giving higher chance of getting pregnant
>making the undesirables have sex, regardless it's sloppy seconds or not, they still hit, therefore giving them an ego boost and becoming a better man that will breed a woman
It's a win-win on both situations.

In conclusion, Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips are the messiahs of our generations, the Aphrodite goddess sisters of love that is much needed in a world full of hate. We need more women who just throw themselves to everybody like living fleshlights and record it for us to see and take inspiration.
Just finished watching the wire. 10/10
any good programme recs lads? I've seen sopranos, breaking bad etc et. ta
>turkish barbers are money laundering fronts!!!
but they also actually do haircuts. what i am indirectly supporting if i go there?
Most of them are probably just barbers lad. Go to one that seems busy.
I assume most people aren't mad. They're just calling it for what it is.
not as glitzy as the American stuff, but Life on Mars is enjoyable.
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The Prisoner
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Use Vidu lad. Only takes 30 seconds to generate using 2.0.
Think I'm borderline addicted to fast food. I don't have it that often. Maybe few times a month, but when I think about it, I really really want it.
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Thats a cute lickle 1
Feel like u don't hear about that anymore when i was a wean i heard a few ppl on agoraphobia arc my neighbour wasnlike that she shuffled around the front door in a dressing gown sometimes but that was it nd I haven't heard of anyone else in ages. So it does feel hidden actually these days
Yo ho ho, off you go
What did you see? It was CP
Bye bye Crossmong
You downloaded the wrong file again, the little girl was only ten
Bye bye Crossmong

During those dark lonely Glasgow nights
You downloaded tons of dirty gigabytes
Now you've been arrested by the police
And you will never be released
Crossmong bye bye
true detective, but only season 1
Seen that la, enjoyed it. Was right up my street. Didn't watch Ashes to Ashes though.
Seen little bits of it, but never watched it properly. Is it really that good? Strong rec, ta.
Open to more
yeah i think this is true, i knew plenty 'before' they started 'popping up everywhere' and it was just a turkish barber's.
a lot of takeaways have always been dodgy, know a couple that got done for directly selling drugs.

i think all the dark web stuff is killing traditional drug dealing, and it'll be all zoomers know.
I second this one tbqh
>Didn't watch Ashes to Ashes though.
John Simm didn't come back because he said it felt wiser not to stick around. i watched a few episodes and it was fine, but it really was a series that ended.
(they bring up, right away, that Life on Mars 'happened'. so how do you do the same thing, with a new character?)
severance as something that's on now
tokyo vice
fargo like someone else said
ozark (but gets worse each series)
The thick of it.
Have this recent pic of my hand

All the train companies will be government owned soon, and they fail to provide the service advertised so why should I pay

No, I shall continue to fare dodge. Need to find some solution though because they have late night barriers at Banbury now. So I might have to buy a ticket from Leamington
>You breathe a word of this to anyone, you mincing fucking CUNT, and I will tear your fuckin' skin off, I will wear it to your mother's birthday party and I will rub your nuts up and down her leg whilst whistling Bohemian fuckin' Rhapsody, right? Now get out of my fucking sight!

-Malcolm Tucker
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billy bear ham
fucking lush
Giri/Haji is a great series and I barely see it mentioned anywhere.
been a while, the first episode hooked me. but then i stopped watching after a few.

think this is always a risk with these mystery location type stories. the later Harry Potter books didn't even bother with going to Hogwarts any more, Harry just knew all the magic shit. now it's all about family trees and prophecies (out of nowhere).

LOST is the perfect example of dragging this out far too long.
I heard they based the character on Michael portilo, and that he's spent 1.3 million keeping it out of public knowledge.
I'm about to start watching the The Wire
Thank you for posting this lad. Whenever I see the Billy Bear ham, I'm so proud of what my dad achieved.
>i'll have your finest glass of soft and fruity red wine, please
i know they're meant to be cheap swill, but what type of wine actually are these ones?
and why does cheap wine give me headaches? (have scientifically tested this)
>Why should I pay?

Because black people steal and white people contribute. Looks like you're a pale faced nigger.
Michael Portillo is a gay man who likes younger blokes. Colleague of mine saw him at he Albert Hall with a suspiciously much younger 'friend'
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Posted about SSM, in the wrong thread, on the wrong board, in a completely different general

i might try Sopranos. was thinking about it earlier and maybe this is a sign.

do i need to play the game to get the full story?
were you scrambling to delete it mate?
Some of the gays be like that.
had to wait a few minutes but the site finally let me delete it
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I'd take a narcissist gf. Better than being alone.
i intentionally fumble and delay presenting my (legitimate) ticket with conductors and trying to sneak through turnstiles.

keep them guessing. if i'm holding up a queue, maybe they should spend less time/resources on catching fare-dodgers?
wasn't one of the main actors in The Thick of It actually a nonce or something, so his character just disappeared?

i don't keep track of characters in sitcoms, generally i expect characters to just come and go anyway.
Wasn't lost screwed due to the Hollywood writer strikes? It was one of the best shows ever made early on imo. But fell off to a point I never finished it.
It's really that good for me. Influenced many directors I have enjoyed and I just love the 60s aesthetic. Yesterday I watched A Shot in the Dark with Peter Sellers (best Pink Panther film) and Casino Royale with David Niven, Peter Sellers, Woody Allen, many other good actors of the era, just because those times are appealing to me. Both are comedies whereas The Prisoner is dramatic of course, but the ubiquitous cold war fearmongering plus the unknowing foreshadowing of future surveillence dystopia makes The Prisoner an entertaining and interesting watch today.
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Haven't gotten a train in years because I have a car and drive like an adult
oh maybe, it was about that time, wasn't it? but i really don't think they had a plan.
>find skeleton
>doctor man says it's probably 50 years old
>actually it's some immortal skeleton from forever ago
why not actually plan something, or just never go back to it?

Heroes suffered the worst from the writer's strike, and it also never delivered on the first season promises anyway.
what's the best Carry On film? Carry on Doctor or Carry on Up the Khyber?
Carry on Nonce
Carry on Noncing was one of the weaker entries tbqh.

one of the medical ones was about a boarding school sneaking out from the matron so Sid James and co could leer at/get off with them, wasn't it? adult actors but you couldn't get away with it today.
Can you get your cock hard?
that's some appropriate necroposting.

i think it's strange how we belittle men for reliance on their mothers, but it's the only love, care, and affection many of them will get. for 99.9% of them it isn't even a weird sex thing, it's just how parenting should work.
Nah lad, it was about Noncewick, a quiet village known for its picturesque cottages and annual turnip festival. But when a nosy tabloid journalist (Joan Sims) visits the town and declares its name to be a slang term for something sinister, the village is thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
I see he took down that video. Hope someone saved it, it was comedy gold
That, I can do.
It safe and well dee lad
I watched it. I'd love to see what she looked like. Though I won't judge too much. First time being with a cunt of a partner is a really horrible and confusing experience
Yeah I completely agree.
Such a letdown. I hope it was due to the strikes that they had to scramble new writers to finish it. Otherwise it's just sad.
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the apu has been in his room all day playing haunting melodies on his keyboard
Probably the sort of woman you would see on the Jeremy Kyle show. He said Emma had a 14 year old son who skipped school and did drugs. Scummy mother.
Then you're more of a man than Craig Cloutier
even if it's far-too-many episodes full-US-seasons that required filler, why did it stop being about survivors living on an island?
S01 was about them gathering supplies and shit. someone gets wounded? oh shit. oh, and there's a magical will o' wisp or whatever.
there was a random episode MUCH later on where they needed to gather some kind of supplies and it felt so quaint. it's like when Breaking Bad introduced Saul and then all the fun, bumbling "how do we fix this?" problems were gone from the show.
Can't remember desu I watched lost as it aired. Back then every show had 24 episodes. Looking back now it's mental that shows could even be good at all for that long. Nowadays you get a few good shows a year and they're less than 10 eps.
For the best as that's too much. They can't all be the x files.
So Craig is a cuckold too. Lol
Id actually consider rewatching it today but it's too much of a time investment :(
Raising another man's sprog. Craig stepped up to the plate
when i did dodgy stuff at school, that was on me. i smoked weed between classes because i wanted to smoke weed. i skived because i fancied the day off.

my brother is engaged for his third marriage and his original unplanned son is now 15. my brother just hides at work and sneaks off to take coke with his mates afterwards. he isn't abusive, just clueless. fiancee is sweet and a good mother, to his son and to her two previous kids.

point is the son clearly has autism and he's a complete bastard. all he wants to do is play Fortnite or whatever it is now. he's figured out he can always get his own way, and just doesn't go into school. everyone has tried but they're at their wits' end. i almost want to tell him, "if you keep this up, you will end up EXACTLY like me."

kid needs counselling but he is making these decisions. it's not "let's move to a quieter room" it's "okay, fine, you can have a new Xbox so you don't cut yourself."
>Your white tradroastie's bedroom is ready for the night, my liege
Ruthmong and Crossmong should take comfort in the fact that even they will never be as pathetic as Cloutier.
Hope not I've already started downloading it.
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Nibbled me jogginberg just now

Didn't i
maybe this is too much of an undertaking compared to say, The Hobbit: Closer to the Book Edition, but a fan (or fans) could probably whittle it down into something closer to a miniseries.

some of the filler stuff was actually pretty funny. like when they realised they could have new characters from the ORIGINAL survivors. so they just started turning up as if they knew everyone, until Sawyer even asked, "Who the hell are you two?"
(keep that in)
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Imagine the smell in the air
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Right eggsactly
Who else stood by me in life
Nocunt ever
Every1 betrays me when it suits them.In cold blood
Soooo they can fuck off at the end of the day
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*beats up an apueats courier and steals the chinese he was delivering*
the way this is laid out, i wonder if it actually looks like nice the way they filmed it.
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No point going to school if you have autism. Torture yourself for 18 years and by the end you're less likely to find employment than a literal down syndrome. Complete waste of time for everyone.
lmagine the smell of that room
He's got hobbies lad. He plays fortnite.
in the YouTube thing, the cameraman/assistant wretches.

how the hell do you enter that room as guy #307 and not be sick?
You literally have a mother who has put up with you no matter what and loves you. Stop being a wee self pitying cunt and recognise what you have
corr four numbers in a row
you betray lads who always supported you
chotto mate
nani kore
learning japanese arent i
? Thats eggsactly what I was saying
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Brown proto-gf responding a a little funny there now

Let's see if this goes where i fink it's going

Earlier she was like ILY and i told her to STFU about this when we haven't even dated IRL yet lol. Goddamn cluster B bitches man, they're all the exact same
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Sad truth about humans
Fink i'll definitely hafta cut this one loose, but we shall see shan't we

I already blocked her once but she pulled me back in (just when i thought i was out, heh)
I'm the retard. Getting too excited. I apologise cross lad, I was wrong.
More than 5 sentences is too hard to read apparently.
he went through some horrendous bullying because classmates found out about his unusual penis. they didn't get bored, it wasn't just a nickname that stuck, there's some social media stuff going on keeping it all alive (teachers know, but what can they do?).

he's not going to get GCSEs. my brother regrets having him. his fiancee is a good mother but she has those two other kids (both younger) and now THEY'RE miserable because their older sort-of-step-brother causes so much friction.

back in the day i'd associate autism with a special interest like programming or even reading, but he just plays games. his birth mother coddles him so he demands to return to her if he doesn't get what he wants. none of these people are well-off.
what happend mate?
Lunchington o'clock already, is it not sire

My oh my, time doth fly doth it not
BWC is simply too powerful. It cannot be contained
that's true if you're good socialiser by default, but most people aren't. that was that sociology idea of a 'magic number' of people a typical human should 'know', think it was about 130.
not close friends, obviously, but something like a typical village where you're at least acquainted, throughout your lifetime. in a city you're adapting to random new characters every single day.
Another Friday night where i cover my cock in another mans shit.

I'm gay, as if that matters.
sounds like he's 100% justified in everything. Bullying is traumatic and in a fair world he would be allowed to defend himself with physical violence yet I bet if he did that his teachers would suddenly go full "zero tolerance" and punish him the worst for it. Cunts
>Another Friday night where i cover my cock in another mans shit.
Trip on HHL
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Comically brutal really
Nae bother pal
weekend plans, crossliid?
If you're a neurotypical getting bullied in the workplace you get a massive pay out. Simply not tolerated. Bullying at school? Nope can't do anything. Fuck teachers. I laugh when cunt teachers in the media cry about how hard their job is and they don't get paid enough.
People with actual autism are non verbal and mental shit flinging spastics.

This trend where people who are just losers that no one likes being diagnosed with "autism" needs to stop. You're just a cunt mate. That's why you don't get on with people. Nothing to do with "autism"
Agree. Feels like they've have been trying to find some kind of medical diagnosis for being a selfish, tedious cunt for years and they've struck gold with this autism thing.
he's undiagnosed because none of the family listened to me. and i'm sure being autistic is still a death sentence at a comprehensive school.

he's also overweight because they just buy him whatever. birth mum is more on the 'my little angel' side, dad and his fiancee try to be more measured but then he knows what to say to get what he wants. a counsellor or child psychiatrist might be able to unravel this, but that's another thing he might just avoid.

if he snapped and punched someone, he'd get the shit kicked out of him. i think he knows that. so his threats are all about self-harm or suicide. which should be taken seriously with child mental health services. but at the same time he has agency as a teenager. we all did wrong at that age, and it was of our own volition.
there's a crossover, i think. the spectrum idea is fine. diagnoses are thorough.
i'm anal retentive and neurotic, but that's not OCD or autism. those are specific conditions with criteria you have to meet.
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Either crack open tbe baileys tonight nd get sozzled or get an early night havent decided yet
Cant believe its already 2025, feels like 2019 desu
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nice lad
Have you ever done cocaine de lad?
get an Asperger's person on any drug that 'stupefies' them. they turn into 'classical autists' in a way that non-autistics don't.
is that a wullet hole in his leg lad?
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Yeah nah, i'll definitely have to call it on this one (again) and wrap it up (for a second time) now that the bitch is on her period and started up with the sudden dry-texting after manically spamming me with tens of dozens of messages earlier. Yuge yuge bullet dodged, crazy bitch told me about her baby-killing inklings and whatnot earlier unprompted too lol

Literally more hassle-free to visit some prozzie than to actually get involved with a bitch like this. But i've still got it though, so that's something i learned from the whole thing at least
probably got stabbed. they're not even after the bikes now: probably took the crypto wallet recovery phrase from his smartphone. poor lid lost over 13k in Frogecoin.
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Aye,not really into it. Prefer downers.
fucking grim. His female class mates are all in western Europe right now, probably don't even think about the war. Watching netflix scrolling through tinder. Probably feminists who still think women have it worse than men. FEMEN was originally ukrainian. Fuck that, dodge the draft always. You don't owe this gynocentric society your life.
What's dry-texting?
>sudden dry-texting
you mean she stopped texting you for a bit? anon that's entirely fine and normal. you're the one thirsty for attention/validation here. how many days has it been?

>tens of dozens of messages
you mean 'hundreds'? or do you not actually mean hundreds?

>her baby-killing inklings
pretty healthy to know her stance on abortion, even if you disagree

>visit some prozzie
still think you might be aiming too high here, champ.
Codeine and vallies are superior
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smith incline bench 2 plates for 3 reps today de lads feels v good x
can you get codeine without all the other shit?
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Too right. Scumbag cunts took my valiums script away though.Would have to get creative to grt it back.See what this psychiatrist says whenever I get around to that.
Ye codeine phosphate....or dihydrocodeine, yummy
bonnie poo is so clapped. lily looks alright
can you get a deviated septum fixed on the NHS?

even before drugs i spent most of my life not known you were meant to be able to breathe through both nostrils. just assumed everyone had a 'main' nostril, like being right- or left-footed in football.

if a drunk person falls off a roof they still get treated in hospital, so drugs should be no obstacle to free at the point of access healthcare. it's not means tested based on which drugs you take. we all know alcohol is the biggest offender.
Aye but not legally. Best way if you can't buy it is to work on a doctors script. That's proper addict behaviour tho and I wouldn't recommend it. As enjoyable as it is it does melt your brain after years.
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Spicy chicken made m av upset tummy

now watching full metal alchemist brotherhood x
Fare dodging in first class now
Vallies can be scary tho. The withdrawal folks get after a heavy addiction is scary. I think in small controlled doses though it could help so many people.
That said if it were easy to get the real blues I'd be all over it
thanks. mental how it's usually paracetamol, like to opiates what 'methylated spirits' is to ethanol.

yeah just take a fucking paracetamol overdose because you wanted to chill out on cough syrup. liver damage? yeah, that's our deterrent. great system.
it's funny how there ARE online pharmacy places where you can just get a prescription written up. usually give some other reason and you can end up with zopiclone, melatonin, alprazolam, whatever.

transgender people also do this for their HRT drugs, because they don't want to wait two years. as though most diagnoses that then require medication don't take that long. very silly grey market there.
Don't get cocky now lad. You're so close.
Well look at that total fucking losers hours on a Friday night again ;_;
Is Meg Turney finally going into the dirtier stuff? About fucking time.

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Ye thats why they wont do it anymore.Was on them for 10 years.Didnt feel that bad coming off bht I went right down to 2mg diazepam, fuckall considering w the tolerance I had before 100mg wouldbe felt like a tickle if anything that was the issue really taking so much for no benefit anymore bt needing to take it anyway.Am trying 2 accept a post-valiums world now I miss carrying them around everywhere nd feeling safe like nothing could hurt me life is hard when youre raw dogging it
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Just farded and sharded, me

There isnt lad, they banned all that in the UK a few yrs ago. There's probably still dodgy Indian ones that would send them here but I wouldnt trust them.
Back from McDonalds with me mam. She was kind enough to pay. And because I had 11k points I treated myself to 2 double quarter pounders, a triple cheeseburger large fries and a banana milkshake. Oh it was lush Im full as a frog now though.
Back home now playing Mario party 3. Having a good day today. Hope everyone else is too.
The rose tinted glasses do eventually wear off and you get used to sober life. It's genuinely better too I promise.
Aye the market is filled with dodgy street versions of drugs. They don't hit the same at all and are dangerous.
Going on TRT (male) have hypogonadism in a few weeks, finally i can shed the fat, improve my physique through resistance training, i did try for 6 months, massive amounts of lifting and protein and decent food, no fucking growth at all, turn out, it was me bollocks.
corr lad thats 3000 calories
in that 25 stone bracket by easter get in there

I bought a Switch, with a Pro Controller. Three of us.
>Sorry mate, you can't use the Pro Controller with Mario Party.

So then two of us taking turns, and it always has to be a team of four? Who the fuck wants to play with CPUs, watching them attack each other?

Genuinely thought it would have two-player and three-player modes. Proper ones. Just add/remove/change some of the minigames.
workout sesh wiped me out today, was same weights as last time but felt fucked through most of it. not sure if im coming down with something or just overdid the lifting at work yest
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I mind enjoying life or I should say enjoying things in life a long time ago w/o any meds or anything jusr bc I'd never tried them but am feeling like once i felt the anxiety relief of benzos+opiates and even just booze i opened smth that I can't have a normal life after desu like if I achieved this nd that normal life thing I'd still be thinking this would be so much better if I could have a wee xyz or I could grt out my own way nd enjoy life more. Thats basically how it is life could be ok before it but it's hard to imagine living without it now I know how it feels.However I havent been off it all for very long.Probably need a while to let the brain repair however much that's possible. Thx appreciate u
Filename's wrong. This is from Bonnie Blue's slag festival. Lily Phillips hasn't done hers yet.
Edit: LP hasn't done her 1000-man one yet.
>That said if it were easy to get the real blues I'd be all over it
not that 'authentic blister packs' can't be fake too (check Wedinos) but street valium/xanax is terrifying.

>here you go mate, a baggie of anonymous blue pills.
get that they have presses for these things and they can be legit, but personal testing usually confirms otherwise.

if you can get into a day unit for alcohol withdrawal they give you some to take home at the end. told my GP i'd start drinking again if he didn't give me more. he didn't, so i started drinking again. if i was a pettier man i'd report him.
Trying to diet but its not working out. Oh well.
Yes alone sadly. My brother Dosnt like old games. Only plays modern normie slop.
I'm exactly the same. Once I discovered opiates my life changes forever. Tbh my life was fine before it but after it everything was 10x better and easier. Even just sitting and playing the playstation is way better.
It's hard to notice but it gives bad mood swings. It wasn't til I was "sober" I really noticed. And getting sober took fucking ages yet I still failed in the end. I still take codeine on weekends, It's my hangover pick me up. But I'm happy with it being weekends-only right now and not daily :/
You're gonna give Bootylad a heart attack lad
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proper fcking tired i am
Can't even be arsed wanking anymore
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Fink i'll be 'avin some wot noodles
well ive quit
day 4 coming on strong today
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proper depressed what about you guys
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Same lad. A bit anxious but I have that most days. Just trying to relax and stay positive. Difficult sometimes.
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Just got roped back in once again there didn't i

She wants the BWC too much lads, its drawing strength is way too powerful
I feel u wish i never tried in the 1st place but its too late for that now
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anime can be quite decent sometimes x

uhm back day tomorrow lads reckon i will do some lay pulldowns and cable rows uhmmmmm maybe some tricep work yeah x
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Seems am the king of my little castle now. Well somebody has 2 watch the cat.
1 little night cap g+t I fink
Got myself into a tremendous amount of debt, lads. My metaphorical bollocks are done in.
debt relief order lad

call step change and get it sorted

money on 4 free x
how much we talking the lad
They can't do duckall x
I may have exaggerated a bit, lads. It's close to a grand which isn't mental debt but it's too much for me. Lost my job in November and made some bad decisions.
That's a lot for me, lad. Potentially going to be homeless soon. Bad times.
oh no they might throw you in debtors prison
what do you mean by 'debt'?
like that could just be an overdraft.

every time you would buy drugs, buy half, and put half in a jar. then if you're desperate for drugs, use what's in the jar.
All on credit card, lad. I guess that's normal but it's only going to get worse.
imagine if we had these still.
>anon is a few grand in debt
>gets thrown in debtor's prison
>overall, probably a few grand a month per prisoner
i'd ask to just take the money instead, so i can pay off my debt.

but seriously look up the various options on Citizens Advice. like you don't need to file for bankruptcy but if you owe a bill or someone threatens bailiffs, you can get a grace period and so on, it's not difficult.
ah yeah fuck. but it's pretty straightforward, you're not getting your stuff repossessed any time soon there lad.

you could even intentionally fall behind on something else to get that paid off. do the grace period thing i described. work it out so you don't end up with some default if you care about your credit rating <6 years in the future.
pay it off then you muppet get a job at agency workers if you are really stuck and just save up your weekly pay to get it sorted
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I am obsessed with this womens fanny and feet
That lad's debt makes me chuckle. Me personally I'm a millionaire
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Get down the council tell them u need a wee hoose nd you need it NOW
Will do, lad. Thanks for your miracle advice.
How do gays maintain a clean asshole?
lad going to be on cant pay take it away, not rite
House. You can't really enjoy binge watching it but well worth watching an episode here or there
Totally wrong, lad. House is great for binge watching as it also has a good overarching story and Hugh Laurie is mesmerising.
guys I made huge mistake
massively in debt like way more than I can handle
>how much
25 quid my mum lent me it and I cant pay her back fuck sake it over
>House is great for binge watching
I just find so many of the cases have the same rhythm to them
I'm at the 4th season and I've heard it get's worse after the 5th but at this point I intend to finish it. It is a great show still
I enjoyed it to the very end, lad. It gets a second wind whenever Olivia Wilde joins and I don't think it ever gets bad. Don't know who told you it gets worse. It's not like Dexter where there's a massive drop in quality.
Kek. My brother has been called Elton John by two random people this month. Hes downstairs and hes very upset over it.
She's joined and is good. I just wish half the episode was just Wilson and House tb h
Apparently they have to stick a water pump up there and clean it just before having anal sex. Crazy I know.
Wish I had a friend who loved me unconditionally like Wilson. GOD tier friendship between the two.
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I definitely approve of this. Excellent OC lad.
I wish I had a comfy job lel
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Nursing mummys tanqueray.Pensive.Finking about life.Maybe order food
Wonder if Sean is wearing his retard jeans.
i saw some news article (news being new) that in Elton John's 2019 book, he said Michael Jackson was a strange person to be around.

if you ask me, this just means MJ was guilty of all this crimes. i know he was found not guilty of the one where they admitted it was a lie to gain money, but they probably only said that because they were scared. in fact The Simpsons' showrunner has confessed that the Michael Jackson episode of The Simpsons was probably MJ's way of grooming kids, so it's not on Disney+.

David Bowie was never investigated btw, and the Rolling Stones' bassist diddled real kids.
what are retard jeans?
i've seen those autism shoes, i don't know what you could do with jeans.

take trackies and apply a denim texture to them, like in The Sims 3? (mad this feature was just there, hidden away a bit, in the main game)
Get a webab down you lad. Helper style. Miss that little nigga like you wouldnt believe.
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In 1966, London was 95.9% white. The other cities were around 97-98% white and the non-city parts of the country were essentially 99-100% white.

Why do people feel the need to pretend that Britain wasn't essentially homogenous until really quite recently?
Very gucciarse wot noodles those were
Doing some proper rancid farts lads. Its so bad I could smell farts when I was halfway coming upstairs into my room. Its like hitlers gas chamber in my box room at the moment.
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And just like that, just as I was saying to all you fucking retard spackers who thought they were going to slash bennies - the high court has ruled that the benefit reforms are unlawful.


Vindicated once again. NOTHING. EVER. HAPPENS.
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>Delivery: 60 minutes
Doing some proper rancid shits lads. I'm Going to bag them all up, vacuum seal them, and then send those vacuum sealed bags in the mail to Mark Edwards in Wareham
Cat likes it being just me cus i actually open the front door for her nstead of making her use the cat flap she is my princess after all why should she have to bother with the wagie cuck flap
Sorry lad, I said earlier that I'm retiring this gimmick. Please delete this post. If I ever decide to bring it back I'll let you know. The sun must set on things gracefully before they wear out and become dull.
can't commit to anything because the moment you do
>I'm here.
>i'm outside
>where are you?
>(2 missed calls)

if it doesn't have a tracked map i can stare out for an hour straight and rush outside EXACTLY as the driver is 2 mins away, i'm not using your delivery service.
Dead awful day at work, I was carving for someone and he asked for a two meats, I gave them to him, bit of gammon and turkey. I gave him a pretty generous portion. Then when I finished he asked me some of the fatty stuff on the beef. I said "sorry sir, you should say before I start carving" or something to that effect because you know what you're gonna do. You don't want to give people more than their allocated lot. It had already been a pretty shite day because it was a day when the standard carvery was only six quid so all the brokies and freaks came out, asking for jugs of tap water like always.

When I said that the guy started calling me rude and going "I've paid for it, have YOU paid for it?" and swearing at me. I never mean to be directly rude to anyone and I don't think I was. I'm always told that if people want fat and stuff that it should come OUT of their standard portion. I asked a girl on front out house to appologise for me. He came back to the deck and we shook on it but I was already a shaky mess. Could be worse, eh.

I remember the taskmaster episode where Alice Levine stuck these on the heads of mannequins.

We all live a synthesis in life. If the AI would allow can you try and get a nice picture of him playing a "microkorg" please?

The industrial blue roll on the side is fucking grim.

Feel like this frog sometimes.
post your little fren?
I saw that post, and I respect your decision not to post the gimmick again. I, however, may do so on occasion
Saw it a few days ago. Read the court document too. Fucking labour wanted Bennie mongs to do voluntary work for their bennies. Litter picking ect. I wouldnt celebrate yet as they want to do another consultation about the effects of benefit cuts, which again will have to go to court. We will see.
What food did you order lad?
Mr. Bean is a hack.
Why does the fat mong want a bit of fat beef? Bloody twat.
Alice Levine looked peng on her season of Taskmaster.
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Chinky,chicken curry. Nice trips
Me too. I dont really like kebabs though.
This lass is ugly but you must see something special in those toesie woesies.
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Thanks for checking my trips. I hope you enjoy your food.
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>Anon, I had a wild past, but I've decided now that doing all that stuff with all those bad-boy types was just degrading, you'll still love me even if I don't do things like giving you blowjobs, right?
I would love to but,I know it sounds insane but in the words of zelda poster lad "that's doxxable info"
can't believe Buster Keaton invented that comedy set piece where the facade of a building falls on him and he passes through the open window. everyone knows Buster Keaton invented that, classic Buster Keaton, everyone knows.

next up: Seven Samurai invented the concept everyone kept ripping off. they didn't invent it, but they came up with the idea of putting it into a film, so it's theirs. make sure you mention that in the credits.
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Already 10% into the nu bookington there aren't i

Shall be aiming to finish up the introductory chapter today
You talking shit about Buster Keaton and Akira Kurosawa, lad? I'll knock you out.
Gin going straight into my bones.Lovely.
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>I asked a girl on front out house to appologise for me. He came back to the deck and we shook on it but I was already a shaky mess. Could be worse, eh.
beta male behavior that lad. I get you have to bite your tongue as a wagie but you should have done your job and told him straight.
My life with a transsexual narcissist
maybe your sisters will notice what good care you take of her and let you have the house
The only time i reqllt saw a tranny in irl that wasnt a stranger the guy had said its his wife for weeks he kept saying my wife my wife. It was on a course I did. Nd he was like 6ft not chad but normalfag core type of guy normal wife type of guy he kept going oh aye my wife this my wife that like a redditor nxt thing his "wife" turns up nd it's a full on transsexual which doesn't bother me but it wasbjust the contrast between what you imagine vs reality was kinda jarring nd you could tell everyone was sitting there like "..............." It's quite a big ask 2 just drop something like that on ppl nd expect them to go with the flow at least that's how I felt nice guy though
I thought Seven Samurai was a remake of Antz.
She did look great then.

The guy knew he went a bit bonkers for no reason but these faggots always do the dumb "trick" where they ask you for something, then when you're finished they ask for more.

It's "buy me Bonestorm or go to Hell" customer service mentality.

Not proud of the situation but I have tomorrow off. I can mong out to vidya.
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If I see people using apple products I immediately lose all respect for them and, if they're male, I assume they regularly have other men's cocks up their arseholes.
Trve roman baths for trve romans innit
nah i like both lad, and yeah they took ideas and turned them into something specific that HAS been replicated.
Harlan Ellison gets shit for all his "I CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA!!!" lawsuits, but the narrative here is the opposite: you're STEALING from those POOR original ideacrafters.
just watched that Blue Eye Samurai thing on Netflix. great fun. there's a scene that literally has the Kill Bill music. and Kill Bill is Lady Snowblood. which i'm sure is some novel. which i'm sure comes from some folk tale. of course, i can't be sure, but i am.

ultimately i think people will notice this and it's not plagiarism in the sense of copy pasting words. i genuinely think Magnificent Seven is a better film than Seven Samurai. A Bug's Life? even better. that Mandalorian episode? absolutely embarrassing.
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Thinking of making a hedonistic purchase.
nah Antz is Office Space, which got around ripping off Superman IV by having a character say "isn't this the premise of Superman IV?"
which is based on real life crimes anyway.
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Lmao. Yeah. Not finking about grim stuff like that rn though.
Still waiting on a sorry for 2004
For what? Bit long to hold something going.
do you think this woman realizes thousands of ugly men are looking at her picture while jerking off?
I mean obviously she must know it but do you think she's ever really thought about it?
Nearly went on am*zon spending spree a min ago bt I held back
>If I see people using apple products I immediately lose all respect for them and, if they're male, I assume they regularly have other men's cocks up their arseholes.
You know me
I've held back for a long time. I owe myself something, I know I'm going to get one of those synths eventually. Just seeing when deals come up on the used market.
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I actually am wearing her cardigan cause I put my stuff in thr wash nd it's cold now.Not like how ur thinking about it though d*llycel.
Grown man. Unemployed. Lives on a council estate. Wears his mummy's clothes as layers because he can't afford to turn the heating on.
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CERN owes me an apology.If I really tried 2 explain how am feeling I would indeed "burst into treats" like confetti nd blow away in the wind. Not 2 mention get assassinated. Forget it.
tell us about CERN and 2004
does anyone else feel like there's just been something 'off' about the world since 2016?

(i just picked a random year. pick any random year. post this, with any year, and people will agree saying they know EXACTLY what you mean.)
I know too much and am not good @ keeping secrets. Your move frogs.
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Mutya is the cutest sugababe. The Irish one is so walled I laffed out loud
you know too much, crossy. better watch ur back
Mutya is walled now too, but yeah she was the best

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i am Sherlock Holmes irl.
i use reductive reasoning to determine people's secrets.

for instance, i can smell cannabis coming from my downstairs neighbours' flat. i compared that to my internal olfactory database (my lifetime's work) and whittled it down to the cannabis plant, combined with combustion.
if they complain about 'the noise' again, i'm going to complain about 'the smell'. they'll know what i mean.
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Praying for are Lily during her upcoming backdoor challenge

Hope she's bringing enough lube too kek
That's funny but its not actually true, most years are indistinct nd normies barely even notice years(have tested). The true ground zero is 201* although our generation of millennials were completely destroyed by 2008 too we weren't conscious of it @ the time nd that wasnt metaphysical just economics(Jews)
Kek. Her arsehole is going to look like 10 pounds of chewed bubblegum after shes done being a degenerate.
i did put '2008' originally but yeah that one is actually true so i changed it (also could be more relatable to the younger anons).

not everything is 'the Jews' though, that's such a recent development. it's like being spot on that something is off, then going 'oh yeah it's the 5G towers'. explain the same problems before then, morons.
Just watching some KewasASMR back tracing videos to fall asleep to.
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>Her arsehole is going to look like 10 pounds of chewed bubblegum after
>not everything is 'the Jews' though,
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She must apologise for 2002
Wanking me dad off in the shed again.
Go to bed Shippy, it's late
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That wasn't me, but I am about to go to bed
I like the ones with storylines and super high production quality. DreamscapeASMR for me lad all the way.
yeah stop retconning your American bullshit into the UK. same goes for anti-black racism imported from the US (may as well sub in 'African American'). next up: the Latin/Latina/Latinx debate.

we have actual century-old think tanks here, no need to invent conspiracy theories involving a minority race/religion.
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A fine day to die
I always fink like that when am drinking
1 day I was waiting for train @ queen st after few drinks nd I was staring at the tracks nd it really hit me how piss easy it would be to take a few steps nd be done with it all forever but I snapped out of it. But I always fink about stuff like that. However death isnt the end of anything actually the beginning.
Hope the reality is the house goes to the 2 of them cus id rather just be dead,I don't want to live in that world.I don't have a will but my will is "if am in receipt of a will hire someone to kill me" am not interested in that world. There's nothing left 4 me there. Know what I mean. So i dont really care about houses. Am not finking too much about it though.
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Never been the same since jp2 x
creasing at this de lad
help him out then big lad
A little advice to any young lads here, any of you in your teens - I know, I know, I know that you think people will think you're really cool if you allude to or outright say you take drugs, but the truth is that people just find it a bit cringey.
Jews are almost as well entrenched in the UK as the US
0.5% of the population. there are more Sikhs.

now if only those Mexicans would stop crossing the Scottish border.
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In my feelings big time
have an irrational fear and hatred for these american chairs with built in cupholders
Just a wee platonic foot massage
I've got it, haven't left the house alone in around 10 years and only go out with someone about 5-10 times a year max. Can't even go into the back garden alone.
GATE rape patient #666 class of 2004
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Can't believe she's 25 soon. Hopefully she is keeping to her weight loss goal for 2025.
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When i came up for air i saw heaven nd a vision of my life before t*vistock mongs got involved nd wondering how deep the betrayal goes but I chose 2 trust anyway
Life is so short man......LOL
Need princess beatrice email address
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Women should ditch the makeup and embrace their natural beauty. They won't though. They're insecure. Embarassed to be seen this way by men outside but when making videos they have more confidence to be themselves. The cosmetics industry has convinced so many women that makeup is a social norm. It really shouldn't be.
The teen lads should be focused on shagging, not drugs.
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Its coming back 2 me. Primordial sanctification nd the archaic fire where twin flames started as embers. Actually my true twin flame is my mum obviously. As if I give a fuck about some roastie. Am over 1000 years old.As if I give a fuck.
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Mfw I see things from the future but they plant it as if its a memory from the past
My fizzle face quand
Since when they recognised I had synesthesia I was sucking fluoride thru straws nd more 2 the point I had my.skull caved in bd my self esteem shattered. But I still hear colours nd i mind very clearly when it was to my advantage instead of smth that brutally held me back in life.Am ready 2 just do cunts in over it when I really think.about it. What's been taken from me.No wonder I drink as my granny used 2 say.
What's the point slaving if you aren't getting any enjoyment from life? What reason is there to even go out?
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But since I was too naive in a fake gay world i had a feeling like I loved the world but it hated me back nd I noticed demons succeed in this world
It's not natural, it's a chair or a table. It can't be both.
Nd I know I was a cat once nd everything I explain 2 my wee pet she looks @ me like that "I understand" plus my aunty *** soul fragment in her eyes.Ave Maria
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The important thing is that every1 had fun
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Cannot be arsed anymore for today, me

Shall be copping some R&R now
Another migrant in yet another hotel. Smug lesbian security bitch at the end doing camback. Only scum can do this sort of job.

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I woke up from a dream that it could all be so simple,,sadly not true
I been watching that Mulholland Drive in 4K to celebrate are Lynch. You'd like it Crosslad, some very dreamy cuties.
Saw purple quick sand,,purple nd gold aka my indigo tribe nd the ppl that betrayed me in the past,going into the long past. I couldn't sleep finking about stuff from 20 years ago but when I remembered what I was doing 500 years ago I blacked out
I once had a dream after watching Schindler's List I was in a death camp and fell in love and we both got marched to the gas chambers and killed. Very kino looking back.
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Green fields going on 4ever ***** with her pants down getting utter pumped nd some guy walking past walking a dog nd am like heh
Since I lost my innocence Christmas 2008 nd I went on christianforums crying that I was deffo going hell now nd some old dears like "God forgives everything" nd am finking aye that's nice to say but let's be real here. Should have consummated it but something that made me laff ***** ran off nd got with this chad I should say chad-lite nd some other chad/lite but in the end she married a full on manlet that just looks like me if I was mediterranean. In other words i won. God bless her though.
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I don't know what to do with my life. Now I'm burnt out on vidya again. Just depressing this same old life. No energy, never done anything in adult life. Not even a holiday. There's nothing out there for some.
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Some1 told me youtube is a game
The climax of this scene makes me feel emotions I never knew I had.
Life already ended. Am living in a desert. Mmmmmmm but I give my soul to Jesus after all I outgrew this world a long time ago I knew smth was off from the start I was starting to think I was the crazy one until I saw what was going on.......talking 2 Eternal souls as if they're "humans"....nd the painful limits of this world
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https://youtu.be/3BM-bWYiGLI not right x
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Watch out for my cousin
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Now check my digits incel
Literal down syndrome mongs getting employed in mcdonalds over me
It ain't fucking right these immigrants have ruined my country and quality of life. Fuck ever working. Let them work for me on their poverty wages. scumbags.
Ive had the heating on all day btw,all the rest is true though
funny how he sees those as negatives.

>Grown man.
prefer to have a few underage posters, aye?
Wagies having a punch up on their christmas night out lmao
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POV ur manager just made a passive aggressive comment about something you'd always suspected he thought but u weren't quite sure nd you're after downing 7 vodka jelly shots on the night out u didn't really want to go to
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Clean it up wagie immigrant on poverty pay.
another week of lorrying over (even though i only did 2 days) got sent up to glasgow tonight and didnt have a fucking clue what anyone was saying
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U should have said lad,I've got an empty
was bellshill actually, dont know if a local would count that as glasgow but i did, im usually pretty good at deciphering accents but you lot have done a number on me multiple times
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Winding it down feel sleepy
Red wine and sleeping pills
Help me get back to your arms
Cheap sex and sad films
Help me get where I belong

I think you're crazy
massive headache just now
Wanking to Kling clips of my ex' nudes corr what a start to the day
HHL is known for having a small penis and living in a spacker home.
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What is the most valuable item you own?
Barely worth mentioning dee lad. Nothing i own comes close to the lushness of ssm's items
I've got 99 items but a car ain't 1.
Woke up. It is a day. I am above ground. It is a great day.
Every day is shit for me because I don't get love and sex like a normal person. Why should I work and make my life even more miserable?
Anybody doing anything interesting? Bored af me
Womp womp
Just watching yt myself ATM. Need to head into town in a bit. Might grab breakfast or something while I'm there.
Dreading having to get up and spend a day looking after my sprog and not shagging my wife.
Doesn't matter lad. You're above ground. it's a great day for you. Simple as that.
Walk up behind her and gently rub her arms, kiss her neck and walk away with a gentle touch of your fingers on hers. Get her thinking.
You could shag her while the sprog is napping
We both want to shag, lad, it's not like the thing stopping us is a lack of interest on her part.

Probably won't be able to. We've got a list of things that need to be done this weekend, the sprog doesn't fall asleep unless someone's in bed with her and even then she's a very light sleeper and only naps briefly. Haven't been able to sneak away to the wife or vice versa in months during nap time.
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Went to the coop recently and the down syndrome guy who works there was more mentally competent than the Indian.
Average IQ in India is something like 78. It's actually fucking wild.
Wish I got to see my sprog desu
Tbqh lad a friendly down syndrome guy who is humble and hardworking and tries his best is fucking infinitely more employable than the fucking spackers that inhabit this cesspool of a fucking general.
Total came to 10.25 I gave him a 20 bong note and a 20p and 5p. The Indian panicked and said "you've given me too much money sir" and the down syndrome bloke said "no it's fine, just give him a tenner change" but the Indian literally couldn't comprehend this, gave me the 25p back and 9.75 in shrapnel
Might convert to Mormonism lads. The beliefs might seem retarded but American Mormons seem like the most functional and wholesome people I have met.

>tfw no midwestern American Mormon wife.
well said, Offie lad
Yeah they are functional but literally every single one of them is autistic without exception
We require the orthopraxy of religion to maintain normal mental health and the good functioning of society.

We need the orthopraxy of religion to maintain meaning in life and for common people to lean on when the existential questions of life and death arise.
what's it like driving a lorry lad? I've always had a fantasy about having that job. the open road, the solitude, it's easy to romanticise it I guess. I imagine in reality it's pretty rough? do you mainly just drive UK routes or go to Europe as well?
>every single one of them is autistic without exception

That's just americans and a lot of foreigners in general. They dont share our cultural and social norms so they all seem weird af.
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We need politicians to be fearful.
Honestly lad, people wont accept this but a fuckload of British normies are totally inline with the views and actions of politicians.

They dont give a shit about council estate slags getting raped. They hate the lower classes.
I remember having a lecturer at university who was from a Mormon family. he was very interesting. we read the first Sherlock Holmes novel "A Study in Scarlett" which was hilarious because the first half is a classic Sherlock Holmes story and the second half is just a deep dive into Mormonism in the mid-West and, from what I remember, doesn't mention Holmes or Watson whatsoever.
good to see crossy taking up HHL's mantle in his absence
>American Mormons seem like the most functional
Utah is doing really really well
That's obvious lad, they stood 2m apart, outside, in winter, freezing, for years. They took mystery jabs, they believed what they were told, they turned against their families.
There's also people that don't like what politicians are, but still followed orders.

I'm only screaming into the void. There will be no change for the better.
>I was doing laps on the indoor track at the gym. Every time I would pass this one guy lifting weights he'd yell loudly. And not in like a lifting heavy things exertion noise kinda way. I'm talking a full on "HRRRRGGGGRRRRAAAHHHHHH!!!!"
>Only when I'd pass. Mysteriously silent the rest of the time.

god females think they're so fucking victims
I personally believe being incel is bad for the mental health. Therefore I am mentally incapable of ever working. Life shouldn't be only about work. I am NPNW pilled.
Exactly. Working is giving in and accepting that's how life should be for men not getting any sex and relationships. I'm also not going to do absolute dog shit deadend work for decades. Fuck being a slave.
This was understood by all societies in history. That's why arranged marriages were reasonably common and in societies where it was, prostitution was tolerated. Being sexless is incredibly damaging for mental health
Yeah but also a lot of mentally weak slackers would have just died off in the past. No work? Starve and die.

These days you can also just isolate yourself on the internet with gaming and porn and social media. Back before the internet took over you literally had to make friends or you would go insane from loneliness and boredom. That is the main reason
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I support euthanasia for neets/incels. I don't want to make myself more miserable by being a slave in a job most people wouldn't want to do long-term anyway.

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