Anglish edition!We bir sicker the being of our mothertongue and a towardness for unwemmed Englekin.
Motability is just a scam at this point, through and through.
>>80185847The lad beneath me secretly has crabs
i think you were just keen to make this particular edish.
>>80185861How is it a scam?
>>80185861It's more that SSM is scamming it mate. He gets it because he says he can't take public transport because he'll stink the thing out.
Jealous trolls scratch up motability cars
Wish i had a car desu.need 2 try test again. Am unsafe driver however.
Got a shout out on the company staff meeting. Whaey
>>80185861Kek. What if I told you that the majority of the UK car industry is propped up by the PIP mobility scheme. Its all a house of cards.
>>80185869The vast majority of people on it are just abusing the system and have no legitimate grounds for it. What's more, motability actually made up nearly 50% of car "sales" in the UK last year. The UK car industry is only half as big as it naturally would be without the government simply footing the bill for millions of people lmao.Such a clowncountry.
>>80185872But he has a free bus pass too. He don't need a car.
>>80185882Yep, I know lad, see here>>80185883Everything is so fucking fucked most people have no clue lol. Fake economy. Fake country. Fake laws. Fake police. Fake government.
>>80185883Sounds good though. Keeps loads of people employed and a steady stream of second hand cars going into the market. Cars would be way more expensive without it.
>>80185876Cant even take lessons because of all the anxiety meds am on
how many people actually 'need' a car?it's genuinely got to be less than 10% of chronic motorists, right?
>>80185876I dont trust myself to drive. Not like I go out anyway. Id probably have a melty on the motorway. Are autistic people allowed to drive?
>>80185887He can't get the bus mate, he'll cause a huge stench and it will create crippling anxiety for him.
>>80185889Better yet, why doesn't the government just pay people to walk around town smashing windows? It would cost next to nothing and would stimulate an internal domestic window repair industry the likes of which we have never seen!
>>80185899But regularly gets the open-top bus to Swanage during the summer. He is a liar
Thing is if u stumble into an incident outside as a pedestrian u can always just run away cartoon style but if you just put a little dent in someone else's car u have to sit there doing all thr insurance stuff taking up the whole road getting shouted at off some mong. I can't handle being on the road over dtuff like that. But when its nice nd quiet I enjoyed driving
>>80185906Ahh someone has read Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt! (Or has been listening to someone who read it)
>>80185889>Cars would be way more expensive without it.Cars would be far, far cheaper without it (and without all the masses of bullshit regulation around cars that otherwise exists too). When the government basically guarantees that a certain percentage of the population must have access to cars and uses taxpayer money to enter the bidding market for them this drives prices sky high because the sellers know they're selling to someone who can't say no and has functionally infinite money.
>>80185918I did actually read that years ago lol and he's not wrong, but this isn't just a meme lesson from a decent primer on economics, it's basic common sense.
>>80185909Its all bollocks mate. When he was playing snooker with those lads in the pub none of them could smell anything bad. Do you really think a woman would put up with somebody that permanently smells like shit? All fake. I bet he deliberately shits his pants when he goes for PIP and WCA assessments. Grim as fuck and completely degenerate.
Yeah I don't think anyone genuinely believes that he has TMAU. It's all just made up to scam bennies.
>>80185923The argument in the book is good, but the comparison is idiotic. You can't compare creation with destruction.
>>80185913you can drive off and go to the police instead. you however should not be given control of a car
>>80185931Is he not on standard Universal Credit though? He gets less than 400 quid a month
The economically inactive libertarian free marketeers are out again
>>80185939He gets around 400 a fortnight I believe
>>80185932Okay, but the fundamental idea of 'why doesn't the government just give people jobs doing x/y/z' is relevant. If there's no genuine market demand for any of it then it just distorts all other economic activity happening around it which isn't good for anyone because it means that the markets cannot properly respond to actual supply and demand pressures which makes them inefficient.>>80185941I consider myself to be a rational egoist. Free markets are the demonstrably correct system for the vast majority of all human activity. I do not inherently think government is bad or that it has no place - on the contrary I think a properly run government of proper size and scope is the best way to run a country. But the idea that it should be interfering with the markets in anywhere near the degree it does currently is bad bad bad.
>>80185955was isst denn der die dass=!?Das Ding>mit Bockwurst
>>80185956If you're so economically enlightened, why aren't you rich?
money has become meaningless. what's the most valuable substance known to man? diamonds.well guess what, you can literally make them in a lab now. in fact the only way they can tell they're 'not real' is because they're TOO perfect.
>>80185969Certain radioactive materials are far more valuable.
socially constructed ideas we need to unravel/abolish:- fashion- gender- binary sex system in humans- money- attractiveness- tipping- decimal system
>>80185965I have a normal job and I make a normal living. I have never tried to start my own business or attempted any other avenues of 'getting rich'. Most economics isn't difficult, and can generally be summarised as 'let markets do their own thing'. It leads to the best outcomes in the majority of situations.
>>80185989>let markets do their own thingpleb detected
der die das vs thefinal showdown=]
>>80185897Finishing a project I started for once It would feel nice 2 take mum places after my lifetime being driven about to this day. That would feel really nice for me Driving somewhere with tunes on js comfy Dont NEED a car at all me but those are some reasons I want one anyway Also in thr event u absolutely need to go somewhere I fink privacy of a car is less anxiety fuel than public transport w strangrrs nd noise constantly That can go either way but car is more predictable
das = theder die deine mudda
>>80185989It wouldn't make any difference to you. You'd still be poor. Sorry, "normal".
pull die benis
>>80185896Probly wouldve passed my test if I was on diazepam at the time. Am aff all that now
>>80185897I'm currently learning to drive. On quiet roads it's fun, but it's a hellish experience and I mostly intensely dislike it. Can't think why so many people are obsessed with driving to go places public transport serves excellently (in London)
>>80186018Of course it would. The economy affects us all and a rising tide lifts all boats. Of course the majority of people would not be the equivalent of billionaires, but that's axiomatic. It's not the relative poverty that's bad for people it's the absolute levels of it. In a better economy everyone's pounds would go further and retain value for longer, perhaps even gain in value over time - most people literally cannot even fathom this because inflationary fiat currency is just considered the norm now even though it's a relatively new and very cancerous form of monetary policy.
>>80186044Nah you'd still be skint. You're a mediocrity.
Some interesting Anglish words to consider, written as [English] -> [Anglish]:>peace -> frith>victory -> sye>question -> frain>beautiful -> sheen>catch -> fang>animal -> deor>enemy -> fiend>city -> steadand of course the most important one:>people -> leed
going back on the drink and (select) drugs would probably actually get me a gf.there's this well-meaning gaslighting tech they do where they trick you into thinking you're NOT a more likeable person under the influence. of course a lot of people are though.see also: depressed people who have thoughts like "i'm a disappointment" or "people would be better off without me".that's just never been true, ever? or it's never true for depressed people, specifically?
>>80186073>people -> leedMy leed
>>80185939Kek. He will be on universal credit 400 a month. LCWRA extra 410 a month. Housing benefit whatever his rent costs. And probably PIP. Hes probably gets about 1200 spending money a month.
>please refrain posting in Anglish>Que?>i said please refrain>Que?
nvidia crashing in real time
>>80186103Fuck I put all of my inheritance into NVIDIA!!
>>80186081If alcohol was banned tomoro most marriages nd friendships in tbe UK would die
Was spaffing to tranny porn before. Beautiful little mtf with a nice little cock and balls and a perfect flat chest and tummy. my mum came home asking me to bring in some bags. Had to come downstairs with a chub on and help. Thankfully the panic made the boner go away. Still want to crank one out though, will do later.
Put the sugar back in Dr Pepper. Tastes like piss now. Cant have fuck all in starmers Britain.
>>80186103it all deepseeks fault
>>80186130Kek. He does look like Winnie the Pooh a little bit.
You could put it down to 200 a month, even maybe 150 a month and almost everyone on UC would still simply refuse to get jobs. It's not that UC is better for them to be living on, it's not. They live in squalor, they're unhealthy, they're cold and sick, they have no friends, the mental health effects are genuinely crushing. They don't care. They just don't want to work. That's it. It's not an issue of class or economics or whatever, they're just fucking lazy losers.
>>80186141>They just don't want to work
>>80186141Not wrong. I've done two tours of the Job Centre. Fucking depressing places. I remember a sign up for employees not to talk each other. Should have taken a picture of it.
>>80186115i respect it, i honestly do. it serves a valuable purpose as a social lubricant. but it's also a right how we have shisha places i wish we could have opium dens and they were a little bit fancy (but not posh/expensive, more of an aesthetic thing). and we'd just have the same standards as with anything that people need to work out moderation/toleration for themselves.we've casually discussed fast food and (basically) gambling ITT, those are "normal" because society has decided so. even though they're addictive and a pretty quick way to ruin your life.
>>80186111there was a streamer called reckful who traded tesla options and made millions. Of course you know it must happen all the time but it's still mad when you see it yourself. Set for life because he bought some hyped stock and it went up way beyond what any rational person could have expected. Why bother trying to make it in normal life it's all just a big waste of time. You either strike gold or you don't.
>>80186141if you gave me one billion pounds right now i'd be happy for a short while then become miserable after a few weeks, couple months at most. it's called the hedonic get shelter, food, etc sorted, then what "makes you happy"? sex? drugs? unfettered access to the best of those would make most anons here become terrible people (if we aren't terrible people already).
Added that bit at the end so u still get updoots Fink am daft
i know i got into Gaia for five minutes at some point last year, but i really hate those weird customisable Reddit avatars. the design just really bothers they do the same thing where you can buy hats and stuff with Reddit Coins? doesn't even seem like that would fit the 'culture' of the site, why not just let people set avatars or something.
Raises the question doesn't it. If the entire world is being scammed or undercut by scab workers in their rubbish-dump of a country, seemingly to no particular benefit to themselves (their country is still disgusting and they're still living in filth), why would we just shrug our shoulders and say 'ah well watcha gonna do?' instead of, I don't know, destroying that country with nuclear weapons. It would literally be better off for the entire world.
All this talk of money.All I want is an affordable rented place.
dunno if the Linux leeds are still around, but remember when LibreOffice ran a mascot competition and some furry artist created a genuinely good mascot, it won, and they rejected it?ruffles my feathers especially considering that there is official GIMP splash screen art of the GIMP dog as a gimp.
Wagies will literally jump out the car nd have a full on mike tysons punch-out!! style fist fight over road ragie in the middle of the road Boggles
>>80186197you might be interested in this: while ago this was one of those sites, silly internet conspiracy/weirdo types. now i think they actually make a good case.the Gaia hypothesis is more of a philosophy than something you could 'test', i think, but it's a fascinating way of looking at the world. yet i think people who talk about "harming our planet" are always speaking poetically, they'd never willingly give up human life. in fact their whole concern with environmentalism is THAT it's an "existential threat" (to humans).
Seen it on youtube shorts
>Track my amazon parcel>At the end of the road>9 stops awaywe're all consoomeroid spastics aren't we
Living horizontal life atm
>>80186245Royal Mail will do some clever spin on how the universal service guarantee still exists but it isn't a UNIVERSAL service guarantee, or a universal SERVICE guarantee, or a universal service GUARANTEE. but it still exists. and to that end, they're working with Amazon.and then ten years later you won't be able to send post with the same stamp price to every address in the UK any more.
Thing to remember about narcissists is that their narrative is the reality. They literally believe what comes out of their own mouth and if you disagree or make a counterpoint it's essentially calling them a liar in their own mind, so they get very enraged.
>>80186295this is NOT true about us, shut the heck up
>>80186295>They literally believe what comes out of their own mouth and if you disagree or make a counterpoint it's essentially calling them a liar in their own mind, so they get very enraged.sounds like crossmong
had the difficult talk with my mum about her freeloading alcoholic bf. He has to start paying rent or there's gonna be a fucking problem. Not gonna let him exploit her any more and the freeloading stops now. Guess who didn't go to work this morning because he "wasn't feeling good" but is well enough to drive to the supermarket and start day drinking?
genuinely though, >They literally believe what comes out of their own mouthfor whom is this not true?"people actually BELIEVE their own opinions!"yeah man it's mental.
>>80186314I am eternally grateful my parents have a strong relationship.Sorry you're in this situation lad
Tried rhat sheppys cider 1 night last year thought it must be nice if ssm likes it but it was pretty poor desu. I don't fink it was even just average it acrually tasted bad which I can't think of many ciders even frosty jacks at least gets you wrecked but sheppys was just kinda unpleasant nd I was left wondering why I bothered. I hate all those amber coloured ales he drinks too I like beer that's either golden or pure black the in between stuff make me gag. >>80186314Daryl needs to learn his place kick his head in man
ckin ellGonna lie down again in short ordah i fink
>>80186332it got a little heated and I had to raise my voice a lot because she doesn't fucking listen. she got a couple of cruises so it's ok he earns 15-20 bong an hour and doesn't contribute a single thing other than making the house stink of stale fags. I don't wanna know him. I don't wanna talk to him. I don't want to be cordial to him whatsoever. He's a stranger who's lived his whole life off the generosity of other people while he spaffs his wages on drink and gambling. I sent her half of the rent I usually give her in a month as a gesture of good faith but if he hasn't sent her anything when he gets paid this friday I'm gonna take the internet away from their phones and the pirate sky glass. No sports. No films. They can fuck off.
>>80186352>couple of cruisesWhat does this mean lad?
>>80186318No it applies to cases of rhetoric rather than fact. So for example facts are, by definition, things that you are convinced are the reality of things e.g. 2+2=4 that's a fact that you're convinced of. For most people though rhetoric is more to do with *how* you phrase something rather than the content of that phrase. So I could say something like "you know me, I'm a great guy!"; now, I might not mean that in the strictest, most literal sense of things - everyone has flaws, I'm not perfect, I've been shitty in this way or that etc. but for the clinical narcissist when they make a somewhat vague rhetorical statement like "you know me, I'm a great guy!" they literally believe it. They think they are a great guy in the purest sense of the term - they're unimpeachable, trustworthy, virtuous, good looking etc. etc. and if you provide a counterfactual like "well hold on now, weren't you rather rude to that person just now?" or something like that they respond to that as if you're questioning a fact of reality and respond in anger.
>>80186370he won some money on horse racing so he paid for 2 2-week cruises for him and my mum. Yeah nice or whatever. But they're luxuries and rent still has to be paid.
>>80185847Just had to had Ms Doggington put down.13.5 years old.She were a good dog.>tfwIf you got one, hug your pet for me Anon.
>>80186398rest well doggersis
Me? I'm living Seaside Positive via the Seaside Creed.I woke up at six, had some porridge with proper honey and that is lush. Tummy liner that is.Out by six thirty, off to litter picking with my local Litter Buddies facebook group; we keep community clean.Back by eight. Tea and biscuit times. Leave some special RSPB food out for the local passerines. They love it. It's lushDown to local bakery at ten for some absolutely WOW breakfast. Bacon, sausages, egg all in a baguette for a fiver. That is absolutely fucking lush isn't it?Shower at eleven to keep my confidence. Toilet paper doesn't clean my bum properly.Lush 4 little sulphite free ciders at 1pm. It a lush lunch isn't it?Not going to lie; life has improved since I've taken up the Seaside Creed.
>>80186380Are you your mum's landlord or something?
>>80186398Sorry to hear lad. Our dog was put down in Jan '23. He was 13. Miss him but feel happy when I see pics of him, not sad. RIP Boon.
>>80186398F for your fren, I had to put my cat down last year.
>>80186380lad that's like 5 grand right there
Lidocaineham has fully worn off nowNice afterglow, that
Two little halves of a trifle
Crossmong w*nking to THAT.
>>80186141>the mental health effects are genuinely crushing. You should see the mental health impact on the vast majority of people who are forced into working full time for mediocre pay in their insignificant jobs. No wonder they're all borderline alcies>Hey doc, you can suck a cock!LMFAOApparently jootube nuked this one on the main channel too
>>80186435no I just live here but how is it fair on her to be exploited by a guy who makes nearly 20 fucking quid an hour and get to live here for free. How is it fair on me that I pay rent while on bennies and he gets to live here for free? I just know the kind of guy he is. Someone who's happy to live off the generosity of others while not lifting a finger or contributing in any way as long as he can just drink, gamble and watch footy. She's not stable enough to see it because she gets a crumb of attention and thinks she's in love while she waits hand and foot on this fucking thick cunt. Drinks 8+ carlings a day to the point his hands shake from withdrawal pretty much constantly. my gf doesn't like stopping over when he's here because he reminds her of her alcoholic abusive grandad who acted the same way. >>80186457honestly don't care even if it did cost that much. That means he can FUCKING AFFORD TO PAY RENT.
>>80186508drinks carling so he can spend 5 grand booking his girlfriend two nice cruises a year. Sounds like a great guy to me one's pretty feckin good too actually, heh. Actual sovl
Was a bit dissapointed to learn he apparently does the lyrics all by himself, with suno doing the rest. Still pretty kino thoughevermore, just the way it combines together innit the kind of musical/kinemathique this would play in lol
>>80186508I would just move out. If your on bennies you will be able to get a council flat if your condition is classed as a disability. Fuck that Id be out of there like a shot. Your stupid shit for brains mother prioritising her boyfriend over her own son. You need to say look. This has to come to an end. Im not paying rent if that cunt Dosnt pay a penny. Your an adult lay the groundwork and put your foot down. Start beating him if you have to. Fuck it. What have you got to loose? Id have a field day in that house of yours.
>>80186571>this is where the road ends. I WILL bring down the wrath. Pay rent or leave. Your degeneracy ends here. Id put the fear of God into the cunt. How dare he enter MY home and take advantage of my family.
Anyone got any tips on how to quell the urge to cook in specialised CookApus? My lad has been churning out scotch pancakes for hours now and I can't get him to stop. I've begged him and tried to pull him away from his station but he's determined to make more and more. He's one of the newer breeds and you can't just factory reset them like you can with the legacy frens. Worried if he runs out of flour, eggs and sugar. Just in tears.
>>80186571oh I already stopped paying her rent back in november the last time we had a big argument over this cunt. She didn't even notice or bring it up. I didn't want to blow the issue up in december and ruin everyones christmas. Sent her rent last thursday in good faith that she'd have a grown up talk with him. Will she though? I'm hopeful. Don't really care about being the "priority" she can date who she wants. But she's bipolar as fuck and constantly gets exploited by strings of terrible men she thinks she's in love with and doesn't even realise she's getting used for one thing. Christmas day '23 she was crying on the phone to her boyfriend about how she "wishes she was there with him" The guy she said she was going to run away and get married to after 'dating' him for 2 weeks. Its in her best interest she dumps him and never dates again but hey she's free to make her own bad decisions im just trying to look out for her as a son. So she doesn't waste the rest of her fucking life looking after an alcohlic manchild who hasn't lifted a fucking finger around the house for her.
What did mum used to pack in your lunchbox?What kind of lunchbox did you have?What did you get in your lunchbox?For me, it was sardine paste in brown bread with cucumber or ham, lettuce, tomato and cheese. Sometimes I'd get corned beef and mustard. It was lush. Sometimes I'd get chocolate fingera and always had a little carton of apple juice. Was it lush for you?
Spurting my man milk in a fanny
I just moved back into my mum's and she's saying we're not even allowed to use drilling/screws to put up curtains or floating shelves etc. Is she bullshitting or not? It's a housing association apartment (Peabody)
>>80186508You're also exploiting her you idiot.
>>80186673lad you sound incredibly selfish
Ate too much codeine and now i cant shit
>>80186722how do you reckon that one chief
>>80186729Are you new to opiates? Take a laxative approx 30 min before dosing
Just went full autistic mode and started my own database for Marvel and DC comics to maximise reading flow for different series and characters with the ability to filter in crossover events.
reckon my mum should just spend the rest of her entire life alone because I don't want to share my rent free house with the kind of guy who would settle for an emotionally unstable post-menopausal woman who has a manchild stuck in her house
Lads, what's the best?
>>80186682Action man lunchbox. Penguin bars, fruit winders, bnbns, walkers, can't remember the sarnies, caprisun. Sometimes those oldschool lunchables like the hotdog ones. Those were banging.
>>80186812Lad did we have the same mothers? My action man lunch box was bright orange with a sticker on it with action man fighting mr X. Had the exact same snacks in there too.
Got my stellas. I deserve it cus I did a good job cleaning the house nd plus I deserve it bc I say so. Waiting on mum getting home
>>80186829fuck off mate you're about as welcome as an unwanted fart in a communion.
Felt rly dizzy nd just fucked though nd I remember I didnt eat since bacon buppy yday morning. Ill stick smth in the oven
>>80186832Fucking hell thats harsh as fuck mate. No need for that at all. State of you.
>>80186812Corr me mum used to pack a viscount biscuit.that was mega green penguin lush.Can't remember the sarnies? They're integral to the lunchbox experience.
>>80186829You are on PIP lad. You deserve it. After all why not?
>>80186785Spaffing in a vagina unprotected
When I lived in Spain our lunchbox was mortadella, serrano ham or jamon york with lots of pickles , olive oil, sea salt and fresh herbs all encased in a baguette that lasted about 24 hours before it crumbled to pieces. Those were the lush days.
>>80186785unprotected anal sex with a passable tranny
>>80186823Was big into action man, even had the wallpaper. Also dairylea dunkers, babybel, wotsits, monster munch, those sticks in the pot with the chocolate dip.>>80186841Hmmm, trying to remember. Sometimes heinz sandwich spread, probably ham sarnies with some salad cream. I remember me mate always had crab paste sarnies the madlad.
>>80186877Why did you live in Spain?
Paki shop selling fake elf bars to school weans. Not right
>>80186889 Corr your post evokes fond memories. Those spreads and stuff were palate defining. I remember the dunkers with the sour cream flavoured tubes and those crispy milkybars or whatever they was.>>80186893Mum took me there. Didn't get a choice, was thrown into a region where they speak two fucking languages - Normal Spanish and a dialect of it similar to Catalan originating in Valencia. I miss it; it's a NEET's paradise if you could wrangle up the 1k pounds a month it takes to live there comfortably.
>>80186404>>80186436>>80186443I know it's just words on the internet, but means a lot lads. Thanks.
>>80186845Small fings make life worth while. Cheers
>>80186832Nice patter lad very liminal
Corr. They used to make fritters out of summer squash paste, flour, sugar and a raising agent to make sweet, sweet bunyols to dip in jam, cream or cinnamon sugar.
>>80186928These? I think they got discontinued a year or so ago. I was still eating them up until then, loved them.
>>80186928Do you speak spanish? De lad
a lot of fat fucks ITT
>>8018698822st 4 at the moment. Used to be 23 stone before Christmas. Must be doing something right.
im quitting r9k and britfeel for goodits not ealfybye x
>>80186971That's the one de lid.Corr they were special, aye they were mostly vegetable oil, sugar, milk powder, flour and flavourings but they were our special mystery-meal treat all enwrapped in that wafer shell. They don't make snacks like that anymore.>>80186976Conversationally I'm a B1 with both Catalan + Castillano (Super similar) and English It's worth fuck all mate, I can't get any job as a translator and at most it's only useful to listen in to Spaniards who think nobody can understand them. There's a surprising amount of them in London and the east of England.
>>80187001You will be back. Dont forget you are hear forever.
Was mental for these as a kid too. They got discontinued and then years later supposedly came back but never seen them anywhere.
>>80187015 I remember the television adverts that ran solidly for months about those. They were pretty good. I'm not sure why they fell off. Prefer a Werther's Original. all a little Campino in life x
>>80186645did he work in a kitchen beforehand? i've got one that used to work at a wittle chef who regularly dosed himself with wocaine and wonster to keep up with the demand for the olympic breakfasts. after he while he adapted to the more genteel demands of being a house helper and calmed down but there were tears along the way
Oven wizza for dinner today. Still feel like shit.
>>80187037Im on a diet so its a chicken walad for me. Grim. Want McDonalds again.
>>80187001Am posting tbe euro millions numbers here next week. Big rollover. My uncle works for camelot. Farewell tho anon
>>80187036He's pretty old so I wouldn't be surprised if he's destroyed himself on the wocaine in his youth. It's really difficult to reprogram a fren once they're locked in.
>>80187061My dad works for Nintendo. I too will be posting details about the Nintendo switch 2 in 2 weeks.
Waking up depressed in my dark, cold boxroom.
I dont keep up with politics, are my neetbux actually being taken away? >t. autistic who has been on PIP since I was 16 and UC since 20 and never had any reviews
>>80187097Just woke up lad? Heavy night out on the tiles or something?
>>80187025Wonder why they randomly discontinue shit like that. Can't be expensive to make and surely enough people buy it over other random snacks.
>>80187001You will never leave crossy lad
>>80187117He leave on Chinese new year (29th Jan).
>>80187092Those details are already known in my circles. Byt u might want to know my step brother that works for nokia but he's got a mate at Nintendo who's a CEO actually sent me a pdf of the switch 3 specs from R&D nd lets just say I'll be buying Microsoft stocks on the 2nd of October 2031. Sorry I cant elaborate.
>>80187102Nah it's a load of shit. They are just using disabled/unemployed people as a scapegoat again just like they did in the early 2010s under the Tories. Anything to deflect the blame away from the failures of the political class.
>>80187102They wont do fuckall. They just put stuff in the news to freak you out. Ur fine.
>>80187102Hello. Fellow autist. Welcome. Mummy reeves is making a speech this Wednesday about the state of the economy in that speech she will outline what will happen with the benefit reforms. My theory is 1. that they will do away with self diagnosing mongs who are making up mental illnesses for themselves. If you have the papers and diagnoses you have nothing to fear. 2. Focusing on young 18-25 year old NEETs who are just claiming basic universal credit who dont have any skills and are just rotting away on bennies. This has already been announced in October of last year. 3 . Major clampdown on benefit fraud with AI automated bank account checks to make sure money isnt being siphoned off into foreign accounts and other dodgy dealings. Allegedly benefit fraud is around 9 billion a year. Which is absolutely fucking ridiculous. 4. Maybe making the WCA or PIP assessments harder to win. But this might not happen because just recently it went to court and the UK high court decided that it was inhumane to cut benefits for the disabled. Probably wont pass because it will have to go through the high courts for it to be passed into law. 5. Helping the disabled and sick back into work. There are some who are sick who cant get back into work due to long waiting times in the NHS awaiting surgery or some sort of appointment. Not everybody wants to benniemaxx. Just a few things that may or may not be announced. Nothing to worry about lad.
>>80187102We need more money for Ukraine and browns, bud. Time to pull your socks up.
>>80187103No this is just how some neets live.
Doing a few HR courses like managing stress. Hate that you can't speed thru them. Grr
>>80187170Loved satania. Saved loads of hentai of her about a decade ago. All gone now sadly. Had a huge crush on her and her voice actor when Gabriel dropout aired.
i miss nubs ngl
>>80187180>Doing a few HR coursesProof?
>>80187067yeah sometimes its best to put them in a frental hospital so they can live out their days watching wik wok
Scotland is the NEET capital of the world
>>80187217I agree. The Bennie system up there is much more lax. Scottish government dont give a shite about Westminster lol.
If they want to steal energy from Aberdeen they can pay my bennies. That's only fair
So the social contract under Labour is you will work and you will still be called a racist bigot for being anti-immigration and you still can't afford a house.How about a nice cup of fuck off.
>>80187179Oh I would know lad. Been NEETing now for 13 years. Lush and I mean Lush.
He's not a decent human being. He's an auditor. Showing their true colours. Just filming females and fat shaming them now. Wonder what his criminal record is like.
>>80187232Can any1 here beat 13 years? Am neet 9 years, class of 2016
Going 2 ring my mammy nd see whats the fucking script. Brb
>>80187256I haven't worked since 2011. I'm now in my mid thirties. Soon as I hit 30, it was like completely over to me. No point bothering now. I won't get anything out of life.
>>80187204what ye need that for lad?
Why would I even want to work? I'll never have love or do anything interesting. Life will be working some shit job and knowing my designated role is at the bottom. No thanks. Rather be NEET and miserable.
>>80186742Can you afford to live on your own? No? Well then.
Me nd wxkyld often collab ITT, telepathically though. Straw dogs lad
He w*nk to THAT x
>>80187287I feel like I've read this sentiment on /britfeel/ before many times. Maybe I'm just going mental though. I mean why would someone post what is essentially the same thing over and over again.
>>80187287I have a comfy hybrid job. In the office Tuesdays and Thursdays. I bang out everything I need to do on my office days and just chill/do very light work on the others. Basically work 2 day weeks
Crossmong have you ever seen THAT video that HHL used to watch? And if so, do you think the kid was gay and liked it, like HHL thought?
Ive offered to go London nstead nd she said "you wouldn't be happy there would you?" Aye obviously but that's besides the point. Idk. I'll not think about it too much for now.
>>80187398The internet speed is very fast down there lad and I'm sure you can still use Tor
>>80187353I still pay rent and have done for years?
>>80187287Working is preferable to being homeless
>>80187430It's obviously at a steep discount on what you'd be paying in your own flat, otherwise you'd be there.
>>80187438I'll kill myself at that point.
>>80187438Ruthmong will never agree with you on this, because he's worked before but he's never been homeless. He's medically incapable of imagining himself in a situation he's never been in, but he can remember how shit working was. Therefore working is worse.
>>80187447>medically incapableWhat does that mean?
>>80187461He has a neurological impairment that prevents him from imagining situations he's never been in.
>>80187260Hope your mam has brought you back a fridge magnet. Cant have a holiday without one.
>>80187468>He has a neurological impairmentProof?
Hello britfeelchat group lads
>>80187445If my bennies was taken away Id kill shelf in a jobcenter plus. Straight for the jugular. Bleed out like a pig and say choke on it. Like that scene out of day of the dead. Classic kino death.
>>80187509You haven't read any of his posts lad?
>>80187519Hello dampe the gravekeeper . Found the hookshot yet?
>>80187520>Kill shelf. Kek. Take an ikea bookcase to a jobcenter and smash it with a hammer. What i meant to say is to kill myself. Apologies.
Some adults (probably Gen Z) think this is a "boiler".
>>80187581Looks dangerous desu
If us britfeelers were a NPC from ocarina of time we would be the master craftsmans son. When the father talks about his son he says >Even my own son doesnt have a job, and he just wanders around all day!
>>80187581Does it boil water?
>>80187581>>80187587>>80187587>>80187607its david bowie
>>80187587Pressurised and full of scalding hot water. Perfectly safe contraption.>>80187607It has heating elements inside. If your gas is out, you can use electricity.
>>80187637So it's a boiler then. Though mostly known as an immersion heater.
Every time the theme parks reopen I get sad. You can't just go there as a friendless loser.
Crossy triggered the fuck out of me yesterday when he called pokemon G/S/C Pokemon 2. Never in my life have I heard anyone all it that. >Oh Pokemon sword and shield? You mean Pokemon 8?
>>80187649You can go to the shop as a friendless loser though. But you don't.
>>80187651Weren't you slightly more triggered by his drunken admission that he wanks to CP?
>>80187372kek that's my exact schedule and life too lad. it womfy for sure.
>>80187658That isn't interesting to me.
>>80187649ill go with you x
>>80187666What is your favourite fantasy to wank to of personalities abusing kids?
>>80187707Sorry lad I have no idea what you're asking me.
>>80187703Sadly couldn't trust anyone here.
>>80187710You like to post about personalities noncing kids, your favourite subject one might say. So in these fantasies you have of paedophilia, which is your favourite to wank to?
>>80187581U vill live in xe stairs wagie
>>80187726Thanks for clarifying lad. I think there's a bit of mistaken identity here. I'm not the poster who hysterically accuses personalities of being "nonces". I'm not prone to that at all. I'm talking specifically about a shocking post I read from Crossmong.
>>80187735Grim...and this isn't even London.
>>80187519Hello dlycl lad
>>80187745But you do wank to the thoughts of other posters abusing kids. Ok, I get it now.
got korean asmr on again
>>80187666Ooh. Demon trips. No he on werent watching CP. common now.
>>80187793Fucks sake. iPad wablet is really messing up the auto correct today. No he obviously was not watching it.
>>80187784who? is it sexual?
Dolitas fav pokemon
>>80187784I bet those cats feel like touching your balls on a hot summers day. Very strange. Apparently they are very high maintenance and you have to clean them constantly to avoid skin rashes and infections.
>>80187806pobee and not really
>>80185876>>80185898am autistic and I'm on like 26 hours, had a really big issue with stalling the car at lights because for some reason it just makes me anxious as fuck waiting for it to go to amber and its so fast and I take off slower because I cant really feel the biting point but then it lead into a negative feedback loop of being anxious about stalling so I'd stall. I'll set it whilst waiting, not feel anything, not set enough gas or even have the point then stall.Thankfully didn't do it at all last lesson as I'm hoping my spasticated brain is over this, wasn't too regular of an occurrence either but it'd happen once every lesson, one time I was in a quiet side road and there was someone behind me, crept out, stalled the fucking thing and then had a melty because I wasn't even pressing the fucking accelerator. I hate petrol cars I should have had my loicense but covid happened and my test got cancelled years ago, diesel was a lot more forgiving. Can't tell if my instructors car is a bit of a shitbox either, small car, kinda old. Everything else driving is fine though, maneuvers are fine, fast speeds whatever, roundabouts are fine but this fucking clutch. I am a fucking retard though but I'm determined to have it purely so I can say I can drive and on occasion go into the countryside.
>>80187808>240 pound game. Bloody ell.
>>80187840You could have just posted "I'm a poorfag" lad. It would have been quicker.
My Nvidia stocks are doing well
Mammy is so clever. Playing her hand nd am playing my part. Well well well. What a twist.
Dont feel well de lads reckon i got the flu
>>80187831I couldnt describe what a parallel parking is but I can do them OK. But that gave me some problems. I seriously doubt most mongs on the road even know what it is. I hate shit like that. Am avrually one of the best drivers in the country but a few ppl had it out for me on the day. Good luck
Uneventful in the end. That's a good thing tho but I was finking fuck knows what else could happen. Its all good now tho.
>check the apu apustaja's history on youtube>he's only ever watched "snoop dogg c-walk compilation 18 hours" on repeat
>>80188075u going to London, lad?
>>80187831Why not just drive an automatic?
>>80188187Hopefully not but maybe. I rather get train nstead of flying if so much more womfy
Dont tell the bride x
HHL won
Last 2 digits is how many days until the red telephone rings
We all /britfeel/ in Iife
Even Crosslad has suspended his drivel
Not a single post in 18 minutes? What>captcha: DWP
>>80188700Everyone is a single poster who has nodded off
Got a wet arsehole AGAIN! Just wiping and wiping. Its not shit. Just wet colourless damp feeling on my arsehole. Anybody else have this issue? Fucks sake getting me right down. every time I go down there for a good scratch and sniff its always sopping fuckin wet through! Whats happening lads.
Baby goats
ADHD is really fucking with me recently. I cannot enjoy games like I used to. The most I can play for is like 40 mins. Thats it. Just completely loose interest. Fucking grim hate it so much lads. And I cant take ADHD meds because it gives me paranoia and makes my heart rate skyrocket. Fucks sake.
Waby woats
>>80188768sometimes have this. tend to find it when I've been drinking and am hungover. haven't been drinking much recently and it seems to have stopped.
Britfeel benefit bhoys x
>>80188942Crossy you never answered me question yesterday. You a Celtic lad or a rangers lad?
My mammy a nurse on her feet all day back from holiday work nxt day 10 hour shifts nd all sorts for fuckall money am finking it's only right the state pays me to live cause its given fucking fuckall back making her take judaism blood clot vaccines nd all sorts am sick of kt. So I dont take wageslaves serious when they're grown men working in offices like pussy cats w their claws cut off sitting @ desk all day like ur playing world of warcraft thars a fucking state u should be fucking ashamed to work an office job as a man I WAS ashamed it was embarrassing. Nd all those old boomer men that been there for decades the fhcking state of them emasculated freaks. So thars basically how I feel so am on the bennjes for now
>>80189002you're at your nastiest when you speak like this
>>80188258eh, kinda gay, which is retarded because I bet its so much fucking easier but I do like shifting through gears
>>80188983No politics please x
quarter to ten in the eveningpeople quieting down, getting ready for bedzimmy's black wife slinks into some sexy lingerie to surprise him when he pulls the duvet open
>>80189023Limmy reference is it not? Fair enough lad. I hear its a very heated discussion and fights often break out at Celtic and rangers games.
crossy needs a manly job
crossy hates zimmy
>>80189044Lumberjack. X
>>80189044Or a security guard.
No office jobs for crossy. Too manly for that
>>80189067Yep, for him it's gigolo or nothing
Thought I was left on read but it was a 2 days later reply type od thing. That's alright. Shant be making a cunt of myself again just take it on the chin
Lads, I need some input here. I'm working on a new personality to shit up the thread with and I want to know which one sounds the best:>A merchant navy deckhand who always seems to be on leave (he's lying about being in the merchant navy)>A man with a black wife and a kid (zimmy really pissed off arbs and I hate trannies so want to duplicate the seethe)>A man on benefits but with a very bad speech impediment>WomanThoughtsl
>>80189085Email the council again and tell them to get to fuck.
>>80189094Bring back Big Tex.
Guys Im too shy to go on Grindr and hook up with a cute mtf tranny. Im also a 32 year old virgin. How do I overcome my shyness and get out there in the big wide world? Do trannys like big 6ft 4 men?
>>80189094how would the speech impediment work over text?
>>80189094Just find a YouTuber to spam the thread with make up stories about them and keep repeating them every thread
>>80189037All my family is celtic apart from 1 cousin that adopted rangers for his own reasons. But my st*pdad is a hardcore bluenose. Its kinda funny. I got him a wee rangers coffee cup at christmas. I dnt take it that serious. Just banter.
Litre of baileys courtesy of the British taxpayer I like the finer things in life like my mammy said before "you like your expensive brands don't you" aye I do I do I can't deny it am a welfare queen
>>80189270Oh are you on bennies lad?
>>80189270Treat yourself. Why not. Thats what its there for.
I cherish dropping waste at work.
new st*pdad lore just dropped. makes sense he's a hun
>>80189317Grim. Is he a cross-dresser?
Nearly glassed myself sneezing on my wee ale
New 900 timer just dropped. Fuck sake
>>80189005Am passionate about things that matter. Scunnered by this world,injustice.Lrt me ask u where did being nice get me? Exactly.
>>80189387what fings do you enjoy in life, crosslid?
waaa waaai'm always the victimwaaaaaa
Kendra Sunderland dropped her first anal scene, lads. It's on Tushy but ofc she's it's a BBC scene the little minx cooorrrr she loves a nice black cock she does.
>>80189410He enjoys playing super princess peach on the Nintendo DS. He owns 17 copies.
Get tore in x
Triple the post cool down timer
Every day we get closer to the goongularity
>>80189523It really sucks that they patched the cross trick and I got banned as a result of that, nothing compares to Kling
The heavy shiteness of a picture of clydebank shopping centre a rrally low resolution pic attached w the words "liminal thread" boldly stated as if everyone is just meant to go oh aye that's deffo liminal actually I waa rolling on my bed laughing but I had been awake for 20 hours by that point. There's brown Indians nd mad South american dragon ball Z autists on r9k these days that had to see that thread nd at least subconsciously try to make sense of it stuff like that makes me.laff more than anything. I've made some really good editions DESU but that's my magnum opus
>>80189523This will be a feature in my next wank
Only reason i was drinking last week was to get over the codeine rattle bc i was completely sick of being in bed 20 hours a day shivering. I dont understand how it lingered for like 2 weeks it felt more like the subutex rattle of last summer which was about a month but chemically this shouldnt even make sense. Am still sneezing now but i feel alright mostly. Every time i did this it got harder nd harder time nd experience counts for nothing it actually got worse. Reason am drinnking now is bc I want to die every second am awake I fucking want to x
alcohol induced all night melty incoming
waaaa waaaaI feel sorry for myself waaaa
Need to coach wncylt on how to talk to the council. Take no shit from these wage mongs to how think, how when i was a child, i thought this was 'attractive'. child-me should have been put on some kind of list.
>>80189620Charmed ting x
another all night spam sesh is it you tripcunt faggot?
When you remove Trump's name from his policies the British public would consistently vote in favour of them two to one across the board.The lugenpresse are just vermin.
>>80189638Scotland is trump country x
>>80189533>oh aye that's deffo liminal actuallyi was proper reaching with that one, had no idea what you were on about with that other picture/picturesbut also genuinely yeah i could see what i was banging on about, similar to how i doubt a lot of The Shining stuff where "it's! somehow!" was 100% on purpose. there's every possibility they just fucked up some set design. still...i totally understand the original post about that O.G. 'backrooms' picture but then you go to the old web page from just some guy talking about renovating a building, and it's simply pictures of some rooms that need a bit of work doing lol.glad i could make you laugh anyway mate, have a good one x
Just fucked guy in the arse.Now my cock smells of bad shit smells, it's disgusting.Why do es this happen to me?I'm gay, as if that matter s.
>2 weeks job course with 17 jobs for 20 people, decent paying government shit>3 people wont get it, find out on fridaywhat do I do if I dont get it, thats 2 weeks 9-6 down the drain unpaid, ngl I might seethe like fuck, although I'm one of the most qualified people there but still
Timesplitters 2 on>>80189674Xx
L i m i n a l
>>80189674Lmao that's not what I was on about specificslly but u reminded me of ur posts tbe other night nd I cracked up again
Theres folk in that pic that don't even know theyre liminal
you watch that new Dr Who, Billie Piper's mum (in London) goes to this shopping centre (in London). you know it's in London because next to that entrance is a London Underground sign. maybe you go inside and there's stairs down (?!?! it's in London)see film sets use these psychological tricks. you'd half expect Derren Brown to pop out of the shadows, revealing his wily ways.
>honest hard working man comes home from a long day>qt demure japanese waifu has big smile and immediately skips over to him to give him a big hug>his nagging chain smoking tatted up post-wall roastie whore wife just stands there expecting him to come to her>realises she fucked up on camera with two other women showing her husband affection and not her>gives him a shitty back pat and makes him kiss her ashy mouth awkwardly before storming off (you know she's pissed at herself and is going to make it his problem all evening)White women unironically fucking disgusting.
shidding and pissing
Anal Fuck Machine Pounding T-Girl Bussy
Spent all day making custom database for comic books today. Made some great progress in terms of The Avengers and a few events (House of M and Civil War). Essentially creating one big reading order in Notion with a multitude of filters.
>>80189728if you don't want to RUIN this film for yourself, don't do what i did and pause it then mirror these shots to see if they're perfectly symmetrical. they aren't.Kubrick definitely has this mad eye for detail: watch the behind-the-scenes footage and he's more like an engineer than a director of actors. i can fully believe he was snappy to Shelley Duvall (RIP) but in a George Lucas way, not any kind of actively horrible/abusive way.the lil behind-the-scenes documentary thing is by his daughter when she was a teenager. it's also fun seeing the British crew set up the snow machines and all that, Americans complain whenever they film here because British crews take tea breaks and are like construction site workers instead of "golly gee whizz Mr Director, one latte right away sir!!!" and that.fascinating stuff. i love this film so much, bros.
>>80189810You been on that Blondelashes19grind my leeeed?
>>80189838Ive been on the groobygirls grind lad. Some of the best tranny porn there.
>>80189826you on that Calibre grind?i read Batman: Year One on a screen and enjoyed it so much i ended up buying The Long Halloween in paperback. haven't read it yet (meant to read it FOR Halloween but i've been busy).mental how there are just 'good comics'. i thought only Alan Moore and that other one did 'good comics'.
My favourite Kubrick film is Eyes Wide Shut. I unironically think it's his Magnum Opus. I love everything about it; the camerawork, the acting, the music, the conspiracy vibes, the sex appeal. It's just LUSH.
>>80189863No, lad, just using the Marvel Unlimited app. They basically have everything that's been printed in TPBs on it and more so it's really convenient to be honest. I have a big tablet I already have for reading my mango so the comics look great.
>>80189868i need to see more Kubrick. i've only seen Spartacus, Lolita, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, and then The i am genuinely just behind on Kubrick. it's like, do you "watch Kurosawa"? or do you watch the ones that inspired superior, Western films, and also Rashomon, and call it a night?
>>80189897I don't understand your comment about Kurosawa.You should watch Full Metal Jacket, Dr. Strangelove, Barry Lyndon (my second favourite) and Eyes Wide Shut.
>>80189868Cruise is too young for that role. Supposed to be a middle aged man
fuck all that i just watch porn
fun lil game to play when someone claims to be both a Beatles fan and prefer their earlier stuff, they're just more into traditional rock n roll, less about the psychedelic/experimental stuff, y'know?"okay mate, then what are your favourite THREE unreleased demo tracks from either the Anthology or Past Masters albums? i appreciate that's a pretty mainstream question, but you're a Beatles FAN, haha."they'll say something about how you're weird mate and talk to someone else. but they're living in a society where their version of 'Across the Universe' isn't the Take 2 or Wildlife version (if you've only ever heard the album version - listen to these, now, your heart will thank you)
Ironically microsoft was probly closest to dreamcast vibes that gen i mean aesthetically the white 360 but xbox had an arcade vibe nd there was a lot of random shmups + jrpgs on 360 too third party sega is kino overall. Its sad about dc but theyre more kino as third party imo. Am just finking when bayonetta was announced nd it was like this cant really be about a lassie getting her tits out from her hair thats too far but ppl back then meant too far like "this is a stupid premise" not like an actual sexual rape whereas now they just wouldnt even make it in the 1st place. Nd thats why the answer to how much fanservice is too much? Is this. THERES NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH. Stop letting them plant stupid fucking questions in ur head. Go with your gut. Cheers. But timesplitters is stll class
All dutiful wives do anal.
>>80189999Who stole my 3 same them^ 'Across the Universe', you've heard this a thousand times^ superior versions, in one way or another
>>80189980This is my fav beatles song I don't mean it's the best one but it's my favourite which by extrapolation means its thr best one. Nd I just got SERIOUS deja vu attack too
withalittle 'elpfrommy frens
>>80190052yeah going on about albums 'as albums' earlier this was one that came to mind. can't say this is a personal favourite or anything desudess, but it's 'part of an album'
got tomorrows wank all lined up x
>>80190085tomorrow never knows
>>80190085special occasion, or just a treat to yourself?
The 1 time I really met the devil in 2013 he goes like that "I've been waiting a long time for you" nd I instantly learned everyone in the world is the same person nd were all condemned. The devil as a human is a white man with dark features black hair black eyes dark eyebrows like that northern irish guy off the adverts that I can't remember his name but you'd know who I mean if u saw him. I realised ive lived this life over nd over. It made me sick. But 10 odd years later I learned Jesus always wins.>>80190105James Nesbitt?
could just go into the street and have a sesh, Tyres from Spaced style
>>80190085Will it be a bit of THAT for you, my good sir?
for me it was plug dj
Me nd wnklyjxd sniffing 4-aco-dmt in celtic park>>80190125Bang on
>>80189317St*pdad isn't just a hun. He's a full on orange bastard.>>80189330Yes. bang on x
Spaffed that Indian fanny again. I'm knackered.
Another half an hour of vidya or so then heading back to beddingtons to watch some more Rick and Morty until I go to sleeps. It's a hard life but someone has to fucking do it.
St*pdad wanking to THAT on his phone in the toilets at Ibrox during half time while Rangers are drawing 1-1 with some shite jobber team like St Johnston
re: devil actorsi would like to an issue a retraction to what i said to 'narcissists' anon. the Brendan Frasier remake of Bedazzled is better than the original.i KNOW i'm incorrect. but i also believe this. you know this makes sense. x
>>80190154Joe, that you pal?
St*pdad dropping his phone on an Orange Walk and shitting himself that someone will guess the pin (which is obviously 1690) and find all the THAT on there
My mum is in her late 50s and has kind of gone through what I guess is the female equivalent of a mid life crisis. A menopause crisis. She's really getting into a lot of new age stuff like sound baths, reflexology, holistic medicine etc. weird to see it happen in real time.
Gen Z want a fascist leader
maybe all women are narcissistsmaybe all men are too
>>80190269Maybe lad. But some men cam get their dicks hard. Not Craig Cloutier though.
Pushing for a shit is hurting my throat. Strange.
>>80190263i got OUT of this and i am worse off. it was all the placebo effect. the placebo EFFECT. i am worse off.hope she can realign her chakras anon, it's never too late.
Underrated Bob Ross moments where he has just finished putting in the sky/background with one or two colours and he looks at the camera and says something like "heck we could leave it like this and call it a modern masterpiece" with a big cheeky grin on his face.
>>80190265this idea keeps doing the rounds. "people would LIKE to have some kind of authority have control over their lives! tell them what to do!"yeah mate there was a whole speech in that Fleabag about it, and tbqh she's spot-on.zoomers are just confusing authority with absolute authoritarianism and boomers are going "ha ha see! they want Nazis! like the ones we (our parents) fought!!!"very, very few people are anarchists because anarchy is fucking stupid. just want someone decent in charge, sensible systems with wise instructions. "follow the Green Cross Code", "uh i think NOT, fascist."
i swear to god if they made voting compulsory, GB News would call it fascism. what if they're running their business on polling day, or fancy a holiday?
>>80190331You can vote by post
>>80190331Yeah why should I vote. I don't respect any party. Shouldn't have to waste my time registering to postal vote just so I can spoil my ballot.
Fucking hell lads a wave of sadness has just come over me thinking about the mistakes of the past. Made me clutch my head and say get out over and over. A true torment having mental illness.
Never voted in my life and can't imagine I ever will. None of the parties appeal to me.
Someone post the soirex pic but instead of the condom it's a voting ballot.
>it's okay for politicians to lie and deceive and do funny lawyer talk during campaigns because most voters are mongs who don't know what's good for them>but also you have to vote because heckin democracy is sacredyeah how about no
Here you go lads
>>80190346by not voting you are omitting a British citizen's input on how the country is run. you are an enemy of democracy. please emigrate.
>>80190447How about we just stop importing millions of foreigners?
Poured one out for erstwhile helper lads x
>>80190447Could just as well argue you're doing the same by giving lying politicians a mandate to shit on us>yes red tie and blue tie have both fucked up the country irreparably but clearly the public support this because every election the turnout continues to be >50%
>Never voted in my life and can't imagine I ever will.
>>80190269Like wxylad already explained theres cuttently an epidemic of humans that see things from their own perspective. Its truly the narcissism generation
>>80190261Lmao>>80190364Am not being funny but that's what alcohol is for. Otherwise I cant sleep from what u said. I think in 2024 I didn't sleep at all.
>get barely 30% of votes>"The public have given us a mandate!"It's so beyond pathetic it's kind of hard to properly describe.
>>80190447> a British citizen's input
Me and Crossy have a good few things in common. We're both from Glasgow. We both post here. We both hate the huns. And we both hate Craig Cloutier. That's all though.
>>80190547Both utter twats. Both dossers. Both better off ending themselves. Two peas in a pod really.
>>80190501i have 'theory of mind' but that INCLUDES being able to see things from others' perspectives and still arrive at your own conclusion, right?i know on the internet people will just have flame wars that's nothing new, but this is (and i see the irony here) one where i genuinely don't understand what alternative yous are suggesting.i believe i'm correct and that the things i say are true, while understanding the difference between objectivity and subjectivity, fact vs opinion. i feel slightly taken aback if someone challenges me. gut reaction. if they're correct, even very straightforwardly so ("you wrote 'discrete' when you meant 'discreet'") there's a split second of defensiveness, then you realise ("oh shit yeah, my bad. sorry/thanks mate")this isn't narcissism this is just being a normal human being, not some kind of automaton.
Am actually shit at this game now. Its something ive noticed. Am just shit at games now. Theres no reason a computer game should be difficult. Crash 1 was the same. I breezed through it as a wean now am fnking how does this even make sense? It makes sense cus its for weans. Lets be real about it.
the only false beliefs i have are about the comedy film Bedazzled and its remake.
>>80190566I'm not a dosser. The other two are subjective
>>80190547There's probably more than that lad u just don't want to admit it. Thats alright though
>>80190596Maybe there is mate. I don't know enough about you. But I respect your distain for Craggles.
trouble with Crash 1 is again that platformers in 3D are a bit wonky, like you can spend hours in that first level bouncing across that bridge of crates to collect them all. oh did you tap forward for 6 frames instead of 5? well according to the trigonometry of how these cubes are rendered on screen, you did it WRONG.also running TOWARDS the camera in those hog levels is absolute bullshit. again, you need all the information. if it isn't given to you, that's not 'hard' or 'challenging' it's just bullshit. if they programmed Mario so he had a 50/50 chance of dying after jumping on a turtle when the timer is a prime number, you'd say that's random nonsense, not that the player needs to play the game better.
just need to read a few more esoteric books then surely I will have the tools to stop being a slave to impulses and fix my shit life
>>80190566Interesting point but you are bald, bespectacled you have a beard and your mouth is open >>80190605He's a fud
When I got the call lower case seethe mong + perfect punctuation autistic psycho mong is tje same mong I thought id be beaming bt I was just like that "oh right" I was deflated that the truth of the cord is so mundane.nd he's like that "I done you" nd am finking u done yourself actually but think what you want. As far as am concerned you'll pay my bennies either way lmao
My body tells me Im tired so I get in bed and when Im in bed Im no longer tired! Whats the deal with that! World gone mad.
nah Sew-and-Sew has had some pure mad go at me too. think he's just a wind-up merchant.
They really dont fink how I've been 1000 steps ahead from the start. Lmao. I could write your posts for you for the next 5 years. U done me. Lmao. Alright. Cheers
don't let it get to you this time. "it's not worth it" seem trite sometimes but it's more like "there is no point".put on some tunes, if you're in your feelings you can actually turn them around.
A fembot from outer r9k is coming to live with me lads. I am so happy!!
S/o d*llycel my ONLY worthy nemesis. The rest of u are a joke >>80190765Aye ur quite right there
I 100 percented Super Meat Boy once years ago. Not sure how I had the fucking patience looking back. Really fun game though. Some of those dark levels are FUCKED.
>those hog levels They're particularity bad. Idk if it's my imaginative but the remasters make it harder too having updated graphics hitbox feels more sensitive
>>80190790Good to hear anon. I hope you are both happy together.
>>80190790be careful some dodgy sorts about. i put a leaf emoji on my Spare Room profile to suggest i was '420 friendly' but what i REALLY wanted was some kind of defence if my drinking caused problems.
>>80190845wasn't it one where the remake 'feels' right like they were dead keen on getting all the physics/controls stuff the same? really don't care because half the reason you'd be playing Crash Bandicoot on the PlayStation is for all the PlayStation graphics and stuff, right?if they wanted to improve it they could do that thing in Battletoads where the obstacles flash up before they appear. could even make them transparent using PS technology, like "beep beep beep a tree is about to come up".
>>80190898genuinely good laugh, this. i like how on reflection, that Tom Green fella beat 4chan. there's a clear 'W' there.
Starting a mudkip club won't get me a gf
Just ate about 12 cold pigs in blankets from the fridge and a small bowl of black pudding. Luv' me job sometimes. Wonder why I'm not fat to be quite honest desu. Everyone else put on timber a few months after they started there.
>>80190961Nothing worse in a prank call when u blow your load at the start nd run out of patter as it goes on nd you realise they've realised you've ran out too nd they're professional phone answerers nd you're unemployed or literally in school so u just come out with whatever shite comes to mind but u can tell its completely over nd the tide of battle has shifted not in your favour
mad to think if you went to an anime convention today, there wouldn't be some girls in mudkipz hoodies willing to be your gf.there'd be girls in Hazbin Hotel onesies posting on TikTok, and you're now too old ;___;
>>80191096aye even here the hosts played it well.>h-ha B-Bel Air!like come on lad THEY have no context for that, but i still admire the overall dedication. think people were just a bit daft back then.>Tom Green! put these pencils in your mouth and say 'gentlemen'!he just does it. what are you going to do now, Anons? what CAN you do?
Remember getting a hold of my wee primary school pals home landline number nd doing my 1st ever prank phone call which was just ringing them nd shouting random obscenities cus i was young enough that that seemed good enough. But i didnt know about 1471 nd next thing his mammy was at my front door completely dobbing me in. I thought i knew the score.
>>80191123little did she know twenty years later you'd still be a mong
>>80191101Nearly went to a furry convention in newcastle few years ago cus i was up all night doing speed which made me think it was a good idea nd that it wouldve been a good idea to get a train over nd meet my online pal that i didnt even know was a furry until that same night. Next thing it was 10am nd am like that "haha yeah listen ive got a migraine"
Geordies are the english glaswegians i fink. Ive been to newcastle nd i thought it was really not that much different. I know they probably dont want to see it that way but thats the reality. The closest ive been to england most recenntly was Carlisle nd thats basically scotland too. I actually cant remember what its meant to be officially but i know what it is in reality. Special mention to Blackpool which isnt as much geographically Scotland but is absolutely spiritually Scotland and specifically Glasgow.
isn't there that place down south somewhere that's like a Scottish colony (sorry not trying to use this word offensively) since a lot of Scottish miners, or some similar job, moved there for some historical reason? just this random English town but it his a higher proportion of Scottish families.
bit like how Geordies all went to Germany for jobs. not sure if this actually happened or it was just TV characters, but it FEELS ike it happened.
>>80191250Ur thinking of Patagonia mate. Thats Welsh x
>>80191302Am actually talking shite but that just popped in my head sorrh
>>80191250My mammy had a bf from Bournemouth when I was wee I thoigjt that was just a random place in England. I can't stress how much basically everywhere below Manchester sounds like the exact same generic place in my head it's all just "England incorporated" so Bournemouth might as well be Oxford or Birmingham but in my head it was this mad fabled land nd then next thing I learned where it was off Seasidemark. It actually seems nice. That guy was a psycho cunt.tjoigu
Ipswich can't be an actual place. Apparently there's just all these places. Believe it when I see it.
>>80191139She said I would go to jail for computer hacking bc I taught her son to use keyloggers in school she didn't know I'd actually have a mental breakdown nd just stare at the fucking ceiling rotting for 20 years may as well be jail I WISH I still had the spunk for cyber crime nd dare I say joie de vivre I had at 12 at 32
>>80191459there's a watermark on that one
sometimes wish i kept food in the house. but then i'd eat it, wouldn't i?
>>80191489wh...what else would you want to do with it lad?
I need my nightcore completely chipmunk style lo fi shit production shit random anime image uploaded 15 years ago. Stop wasting my time w/ this "sped up" nd its barely 1.25x. I need the hard stuff am chasing the dragon
A few lads in this thread are known to have "subversive wanks". Long story less long, they're subverting the age of consent. Fraid so. Fraid so.
The R&R hath been coppedI fink
>>80191522i mean alcohol is for drinking, if you're tempted by the devil's juice you'd not have it in the cupboards.
Get tore in then x
>>80191558a nice glass of wine is perfectly acceptable in the bubble bath or after a long day, as is a cocktail. perhaps something not too sweet. i prefer a dry red wine myself, always partial to cab, pinot, or shiraz.
Shoot off a few msgs to **** x
I only learned what the word rape means because i said it nd had a "banter stops" moment when my mammy nd her pal in the room acted weird nd they were like that whered you know that word from? I said from coronation street which was the truth what does it mean? "Dont know" which was also true nd they were like that lol dont say that word then. I had a similar experience with my mammy a few yrs later when i first used ""N" word with her but that was from another boy baiting me into saying it nd i also didnt know what it meant then too. Little did she know a few years down the line id be an epic 4chan hacker nd thats all just banter to me now haha rape,black people, haha
>>80191610yeah but some people have problems. i think in western society we've just decided one is meant to eat every day, at least 'breakfast' as a meal is an absolute marketing con, give me are crack addicts just they want sweeties instead of cocaine. if you scanned their brains it would be the same reward mechanism. they have adults to stop them. as adults, we have to stop ourselves.
Youd think i just raped a nigger in front of her the way they were going on
>>80191752>>80191752>>80191752Let's go lads x
>Supposed russian submarine off the UK coast turns out to have been a whalebro passing a massive fartington on sonarO i am laffin