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To use MathJaX, put your TeX code between [ math ] ... [ /math ] tags for inline equations or [ eqn ] ... [ /eqn ] tags for block equations.[eqn]\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^{s - 1}}{e^x - 1} \mathrm dx[/eqn]Note: You may preview the output by clicking the TeX button at the top left corner in the quick reply window.Additional supported file type on /sci/ is PDF.Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path. If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to >>>/adv/ - Advice.If you want help with your homework, go to >>>/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.
Why does fluid intelligence not correlate with critical thinking and thinking outside the box? There are a lot of chinkoids and even white people who have a high fluid intelligence are very hardworking but they're complete bots. Why is this the case and what is the reason for why IQ isn't correlated to critical thinking and thinking for yourself?
>>16555705IQ isn't intelligence. It's a correlate of intelligence that can be reliably measured. IQ correlates with intelligence the way height correlates with basketball skill. The taller you are, the more likely you are to be good at basketball, but height isn't a direct measure of basketball skill. It's hard to measure basketball skill, but it's easy to measure height and it correlates well with basketball skill. Similarly, it's hard to measure intelligence, but it's easy to measure IQ, and it correlates well with intelligence, so it's a useful proxy.
>>16555721so I could still have a chance of being intelligent with a low IQ?
>Have the mental capacity to store any system>choose to store a silly board game and its many permutationswhy are these fucktards so revered? playing chess has about as much use as playing mario.
>>16555678It’s not about raw permutations. Even computers can’t do that. It’s more like a weighted set of permutations where weights tell you how likely you are to win. There’s no point remembering some game where two players make completely random moves. The main difficulty is evaluating these weights on-the-go and memorizing responses to your opponent’s moves. That’s why normal and speed chess are two separate categories.
>>16555678Grandmasters don't necessarily possess high general intelligence that could be applied to any intellectual pursuit. All of them started playing very young, when their brains were highly plastic, so the game comes as naturally to them as the English language does to a native speaker who acquired it in childhood, or a piano virtuoso who was forced to play since age 3 by their tiger mom. The difference between a low-level 2600 grandmaster and Magnus Carlsen is likely due to innate talent, but most of their skill is attributable to starting the game young.
>>16555678why do normies love their sports hero's so much? Every human being on earth who has tried the game has been humbled by it at some point or another, so we respect the guys that have talent and put in the hard work and skill to be good at it. Are they a bunch of dorks at the end of the day? sure. Are they throwing away their lives playing chess? maybe, no more than a football player though? I don't see the problem with chess, it's a fun game, people like it, it's fine.
Mastery of chess is only slightly more impressive than memorising capital cities etc. IMHOI think being able to formulate new mathematical or scientific theories is probably the most taxing thing possible for a human mind and I suspect the last thing an AI is going to be able to tackle
>>16555719is it taxing though, you could just be chilling one day and have a good shower thought and end up with something new
>>16555565So you are telling me they "know" it works, it will eventually get out and they are willingly letting countless people die every day to avoid having to admit that? The US Military? We have children dying over these kinds of illnesses and they couldn't even tell you they gave it to them under an NDA?
imagine if this starts the process but keeps going and you go all Benjamin Button and shit. but it would still be worth it at 90 years old
>>16555718Not how this approach works. The transcription has a deterministic endpoint. You just sound like psyop for saying it now. We know how and how well it works.
As well all know math is extremely broad, nevertheless as the saying goes "Jack of all trades, master of none" what fields would you choose to become very advanced in, and why?As a side question what would you say are the fields that are there just to bait midwits into a fruitless rabbit hole?
Basically any field that has lots of integers and algorithms. If the field is just words and variables that means it's a fruitless rabbit hole.
18 January ReutersDC — The Biden administration today issued a new executive order banning ZFC and set-theoretic foundations from mathematics within the continental USA and Hawaii. The measure, which is part of a larger effort to improve the foundations of science, comes as a relief to many mathematicians, who in this day and age prefer memory-safe languages such as HoTT.
fortunately, computers are rendered unusable, averting WW4, but cause WW3
>>16554651Alaska: "Nothing good ever happens here...*sigh*"
Do this count as a scientific game or is it just pure hogwash pretending to understand how evolution work?
>>16555642rare mutations can cause drastic changes over timei would be very interested to hear what your personal theory of the development of life is. and don't say god, because you and i both know that isn't any more plausible than evolution
>>16555646what does this last part mean? do you not believe in the human brain? or do you believe that consciousness is stored externally in some astral realm? do you actually find that more believable than evolution
>>16555506The problem is that most of the people on the 'realistic' side were useless 'idea guys' who had no appreciation for how ridiculously complicated some of the ideas they were pitching would be to actually execute. Cute side won out because while their ideas were less interesting and ambitious, they were doable.
>>16555594the original announcement and demo were much more serious in tone. they still generated lots of interestpeople were shocked when the game turned out to be a cartoony joke instead of a kinda grim alien life simulator. there was a big stink about it
>>16555662Redditor faggots think science stopped 30 years ago and have no idea that almost every study done since states that there is basically no evidence for large evolutionary changes and that we almost certainly didn't evolve from apes. The exact same thing happens with studies done on IQ and socioeconomics. Turns out everything they preached in the 80s and 90s was false and that it almost all comes down to genetics which can largely be broken down on broad racial lines.
the unexplained, the un-understood, this thread is about how little we know.what you got /sci/
>>16555695But how do you know they'll still exist? That's the whole point, predicting if and when shit goes down? As in they're not stable?
>>16555700Oh they are definitely unstable. That doesn't mean they can't exist for millions or billions of years.
>>16555706Is there math to predict they'd at least not collide?
>>16555713Yes. But iirc the lifetimes of the stars is less than the expected time the entire system would break apart.
>>16555716ah cool, didn't know that.
this is seriously /yourguy/?> Since being awarded the Fields Medal, Witten has dominated headlines for a nonstop stream of reprehensible behavior. What started out as a controversy over the string theorist’s Auschwitz concentration camp T-shirts descended into a torrent of remarks about "anomalous U(1) symmetries of the Jewish nose" and "improper topological twist of the Ashkenazi side curl" before he appeared on Numberphile in mid January to praise Nazis and Hitler. “I see good things about Hitler,” Witten said during the bizarre three-hour interview where he falsely claimed Hitler had invented strings and quantum gravity. > Witten’s remarks mirrored earlier claims anonymous academics had told Quanta Magazine this fall — that the physicist had lauded Hitler and made several antisemitic comments within the past decade, paying at least two settlements to former colleagues who allege he made such remarks [...]> But as nearly half a dozen collaborators of Witten's admit, his alleged obsession with Hitler and Nazis dates back further than previously reported. [...] [Witten] has been discussing his admiration for Hitler and what he sees as positive achievements of Nazi Germany for nearly six decades.> During Witten's brief time as an economics student, he was known to be a "strange fellow," says our source, a former University of Michigan classmate. It was in those early days the then-18-year-old frequently discussed Jewish mind control and quizzed others on their thoughts [...]. “It was a daily thing."> The topic wasn’t couched in general conversation [...]. Instead, Witten allegedly would approach students and professors and ambush them with questions — seemingly trying to catch people off-guard. “Going up to somebody like, ‘So what do you think about the Holocaust?’ [...]
>Witten has been married to Chiara Nappi since 2018. [28] They have two daughters, Ilana, an adult actress, [29] and Daniela, who is also an adult actress, [30]. Witten sits on the board of directors of Americans for Peace Now With Hezbollah and is also on the advisory council of the American-North Korean Friendship Coalition. [31] Witten supports a one-state solution (Palestine only) and advocates a boycott of Israeli institutions and economic activity beyond its 1920 borders.[32] Witten is a well known supporter of eugenics and Donald Trump.[33][34][35][36]
>Witten routinely writes Polemics against what he terms "the Jewish question" in his spare time.[12]. In 2001, two months before the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Witten addressed an audience of known anti-Semites in a conference in Tehran, Iran, arguing "We are trying to break with the theological formulation of the question. For us, the question of the Jew’s capacity for emancipation becomes the question: What particular social element has to be overcome in order to abolish Judaism? For the present-day Jew’s capacity for emancipation is the relation of Judaism to the emancipation of the modern world. This relation necessarily results from the special position of Judaism in the contemporary enslaved world. Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.", to a thunderous applause.[13][14][15]
I kneel..
You know this board is in the shitter when an obvious bait thread improves peoples' moods. Too bad this thread isn't about science
>>16554829>he would attempt to engage with you and evangelize his beliefs about the parallels between Hitler and Nazi concentration camps with supersymmetry to youCan you blame him? I mean, after all, he was told that the Nazis somehow trucked in, gassed, and cremated 660 people a day for 1,700 days at Auschwitz. Clearly the Nazis had some hyper advanced understanding of quantum mechanics to pull off those numbers.
Who was in the right?
>>16554860A thoughtful scientist vs. a smug redditor. The chances that the latter is correct are almost precisely zero.
>>16555128that's what I said, you could only go back to an alternate timeline which you were never part of, but timeline which somehow worked out just the same, with or without you in it. which is a serious mindfuck.let alone the whole "ok but where tho" since you only mention the time not place. in the past, but WHERE? that should be a physical space like here but somewhere/when else.
Dave needs to hang.
>>16554860dave is a retard and sabine is a grifter they're both wrong
>>16554936This is somehow a well-informed yet massively retarded opinion at the same time. Many trvkes mixed together with crackpot nonsense. I’m impressed.
"Why?" I mean, why not?(I have no background in healthcare or any field related to science btw)Rate muh formula and post your score(HBA1C in mmol/mol + BMI) / (total cholesterol / HDL)>mine(34+23)/4.43= 12.9
>>16552911all you need is the golden ratio, silver ratio, platinum ratio, bronze ratio, brass ratio
>>16552918whats the perfect ratio of all those ratios though?
>>16552985there's a bunch
>>16552911Ratio of her nipples inside my mouth to outside = 2:0
Would women still need to wear bras in zero-gravity?
>>16546790we gonna know 100 percent now
>>16543191What the fuck is it bouncing off of? Photons?
>>16543051It depends, boobas no, milkers yes.
>>16546790what site is this
Does it happen because of decoherence, observation, or some deeper interpretation of quantum mechanics I’m not parsing correctly? Copenhagen? MWI? Pilot wave? What’s the most no-nonsense way to frame it?
>>16554459It happens because is quantized. All or nothing, whole quanta or no quanta, no fractions. It can't be half here and the other half there. Simple as.You should be asking why it goes from right to left. Is it a probability distribution or that is just how a position evolves in time?
>>16554477>what are fields?>what are lagrangians?>what is literally all of thermodynamics/statmech?>what is all physics?Anon, the list of non-physical things we use to accurately predict the behavior of complex physical systems could fill a textbook, or a few thousand.Wave functions are just another mathematical formalism that's useful for predicting the behavior of a physical system; and it probably *does* have some deeper meaning to it in-so-far as *why* it works so well, but we don't completely know what that is yet.
>>16554482>If you dwell too long on exactly what an observer is, you'll probably start muttering to yourself.isn't it any particle which isn't entangled with the system? when a photon interacts with the entangled system the photon itself is the observer, acts like the observer.maybe observer is not the best word. interactor? anything that isn't entangled with the system?
>>16555208>I mean, I wasn't actually watching the particle the entire time.>A scientist has to eat lunch, right?>But when I came back, the particle had climbed a really big hill.>I couldn't do that, especially after lunch.>Obviously, it teleported.
It seems like the universe's expansion is not accelerating but an illusion caused by cosmic voids. Cold dark matter is incredibly elusive, maybe axioms, primitive black holes, or entropic, but it seems like it is an artifact of our models. How can we develop a new cosmos theory based on evidence when the evidence is so elusive to us?
If white surfaces reflect all light they receive, why aren't all white surfaces mirrors?
>>16555635according to you, my face is reflecting light from the sun or whatever. get your own facts straight
>>16555631calcium is literal metal anon. chalk is made out of it.
>>16555638No shit. Go read about chemical bonds and how they affect the physical structure of materials. Ionic vs covalent bonds. You know, high school chemistry curriculum.
>>16555644>autism overloadit was a joke you nerd
>>16555649>I was merely pretending to be retarded it was just a prank bro