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To use MathJaX, put your TeX code between [ math ] ... [ /math ] tags for inline equations or [ eqn ] ... [ /eqn ] tags for block equations.[eqn]\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^{\infty} \frac{x^{s - 1}}{e^x - 1} \mathrm dx[/eqn]Note: You may preview the output by clicking the TeX button at the top left corner in the quick reply window.Additional supported file type on /sci/ is PDF.Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path. If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to >>>/adv/ - Advice.If you want help with your homework, go to >>>/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.
What are the worst writing conventions in mathematics?
a fine mess
>>16609267>There's only one base that makes it trueNot if the picture is the problem "find the d that makes the equation true" and not "the following theorem is true for d"
>>16603913>That along with inverse function notationYou clearly don't understand. Inverse notation agrees with his nested interpretation.
>>16603929>in real math, that is, physicsThey are important everywhere.Look at quadratic, cubic, and quartic formulas. If you "pretend" the coefficients have units (so that each monomial in the polynomial is the same unit), you can almost cook up the formulas by guessing since you know which things can be added and which cannot and what the unit for the solutions is.The units in physics are a kind of type system. Math and CS have gone beyond the simple stuff in physics.Don't DK yourself
>>16605219>3. Parenthesis to enclose arguments of a function AND enclose parts of an expression.This is easily the worst convention. There's not much real reason to not just have function application use square brackets like f[] or just *something* different from parens so that there's some basic difference and multiplication cannot be confused with applying a function in situation where there's any potential ambiguity.
What is it really like to have an extremely high IQ? (160+)
>>16608292Deliver the trip-report.I saw it once, but that guy was on pills also.A great lifehack from Tikhal is to ask the person who overdosed on weed to tell how many centimetres is between your fingers (in the book he held the table deck with his fingers, but just showing an inch gap between fingers to a person who acts weirdly makes him or her refocus and to calm down.
>>16604700im the smartest person on this board and im 110 FSIQ
>>16591126>I'm 125IQ with an SD of 15Standard deviation doesn't apply to individual scores, it only describes the degree of variation of population scores.
>>16608416Lost my connection with reality for a month. Took about 2 years to fully recover.
>>16588884That must be so nice. I remember really having to work hard in my graduate level mathematics classes, but my classmates seemed to get stuff faster and wondered why I didn't take a heavier course load. I'm pretty dumb but I can eventually understand things if given a long time to think.
ok but seriously why does anyone even give a crap about having people on the moon or mars or whatever like yeah its cool but how does it affect me personally
>>16608486>me personallyOP, stop being a selfish little fuck.
It's a con OP. Most of this civilization is a con. It's just some rich persons pass time who doesn't care about the other people on the planet.>>16608486
>>16608551>I don't use satellite internet, and none of those communications satellites are around the moon or marsA lunar lander in the last few days successfully tested Earth-based 4G communication, which will enable high quality video within CIS-lunar space. So yeah, Internet in space.To answer your original question: The next step, beyond sending scientific probes, is building infrastructure. It will be analogous to the trans-continental railway replacing the wagon train, transforming an arduous and dangerous journey of months into a couple of days (with continuous boost at 1g thanks to a fusion drive, and even more: an orbital ring slingshot at either end, that not such a stretched analogy). It will affect you because it will mean living in an open-ended universe instead the gravitational bottle of ZOG.
>>16608486bruh you got raped in the ass twice and shit out cum twice. and you liked it.
What is your opinion on ramadan fasting and it's effects on human health?
>just don't eat all day and eat a massive meal at night>this is "fasting" according to MuslimsWhat a fucking joke, fasting means you don't eat for days, not just eat a fuckhuge meal at night
>>16608846>starve all day>eat quadruple at nightBit of a farce.
>>16608906>dry fastingYeah, fuck those kidneys! Clog that shit right the fuck up!
>>16608851The nights you dream are the only nights where you get good sleep because dreams indicate a REM cycle.I agree with the eating less aspect though. 3 meals is too much.
Remember>Do NOT give advice>Do NOT feed the nursoids >Do NOT engage with premedsAnd most importantly>Do NOT respond to psych patients
OD/MD practices are fun to learn in. one of my favorite rotations so far.
>>16611063oh? what rotation? Family?
let me guess, you *need* more
I need less. Sin and cos are enough. You could do only with another only but it would be tiresome to contnously use pi/2-x as argument.
>>16603440>Tangent>Touches circle at more than one pointInto the trash it goes
>>16603440now tell me all of their derivatives, antiderivatives, and do the same for their inverse functions. Also all the square relations between them.
>>16608105Wikipedia got the most of what you request...
It's beautiful...
>>16610737immediate future
>>16610692Fireworks from over the Gulf of America.
>>16610966what could go wrong?
>>16611006Surprisingly little
Does anyone have experience using pic related? How was your experience with it?
Complex and PDEs were my favorite classes
>>16608081>>16608081It was released in the year 2019, and I think only cambridge uses it. But yes if you can examine it then please do and come back with your opinion.
>>16608359Why don't you answer the question instead of relating your life experiences?
>>16608516I don't believe many students in mathematics read their textbooks, they only memorize the exams and get it over with.
Sabine has been debunked by Professor Dave.
>>16608839I don't like that he says non-specialists can't understand science at all. I don't like elitists.
>>16608787He's right about Sabine but he's not an actual professor and his knowledge is very surface level. I understand why he dismisses opinions of the uneducated as they're usually worthless but it's ironic when he himself is uneducated in the field he's discussing and really hit the mark when criticizing Sabine.
>>16608944he looks Italian
This was the first time I was working as TA under him and I completely cloned out when I was proctoring the midterms last weekHe is a very smiling person and he just (((sighted))) at meI want to kill myself
>he just (((sighted))) at meyou or your clone?
>>16603216NTA, but i had a hiccup proctoring a computer architecture class exam when i presumed that the class had gone over all common arithmetic flags found in any ALU, particularly the overflow were bewildered, and i panicked in front of 200 kids and called the prof to ask what to do. i can't remember if i reached him.i ended up having to say you can use it if you understand it, or you have to create a circuit to solve whatever problem was at hand.i could have handled it better, but there was no issue when grading came up.evidently i taught myself about computer arch more thoroughly by dicking around and hacking vidya than a top tier CS program teaches its kids
>>16603084You did WHAT to the midterms??
>>16603216Once when I was a TA I accidentally handed everybody the answers instead of the questions, felt like a massive fucking clone
>>16608225In that case the test is trivially finished
The only stream i will be watching tonight kek dumbfuck muskrats
>>16609413Nah, he's just smart enough to realize there's a big market for Elon "debunking".
he won...
>>16610953i thought it landed safely
>>16609349Thunderf00t ain't wrong though, even though he is most likely autistic. But he is still a more capable engineer and scientist than Elmo could ever be
neo-darwinism debunked, Richard Dawkins seething and malding>>New inheritance mechanism unrelated to DNA is discovered by chanceA study originally focusing on cancer has shown that amyloids — proteins typically linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s — influence inherited traits. The discovery could, say the authors, explain part of our ‘missing heritability’>Amyloid proteins can be very different, but they are named after a certain structure they form when they fold. And they have a very peculiar characteristic: they have the potential to multiply by “infecting” other similar proteins with which they come into contact. This “vampirization” is the way prions, which are essentially another type of amyloid protein, spread. Although their reputation is terrifying, their characteristics also allow them to play important roles, such as in the storage of hormones or possibly also in the formation of memory. And, as Harvard University professor Craig P. Hunter writes in a text about the new discovery: “In the same way as DNA, amyloids replicate themselves using themselves as a model, which makes them ideal carriers of acquired, inheritable information.” This, which had been seen in yeast, is now being confirmed for the first time in much more complex animals.
>>16609519Oh cool, I can finally get rid of all this useless DNA I've been carting around
why should it be surprising for any particular component of a cell to effect daughter cells? i feel like if you dig deep enough you'll find everything has some effect
>>16610755*affect* daughter cells FFS can we not get proper English even on sci/?
Darwin has practically nothing to do with modern Biological evolution, calling something "neo darwinism" makes you look like an absolute retard
>>16610755It’s not. Anon just has a raging hate boner for genes and natural selection
>"but FTL travel would cause time paradoxes!!"Not necessarily. Firstly, this would imply that the time dilation effects at exactly lightspeed outright stop time, which is obviously not true. Moreover, the only thing the formulae imply about causality violations is that if speed can keep going up indefinitely, then eventually you will get a paradox. However, what speed is that? Going 1mph faster than the speed of light doesn't cause time paradoxes.We can already observe FTL in our universe: if light can't even escape a black hole, that means the black hole has opposite inertial forces greater than the speed of light.
>>16608442>This is weird but what is the problem with it?the whole 'destiny' part
>>16608532many things are destined to happen if you used the word like i am, entropy is destined to increase for example
>>16608329>I don't understand what the world lines mean and think they invertThe slope changes, not the position. That isn't how this works.
>>16608641The slope can only change if you are going sub c you fucking retard. This is high school level geometry just draw the worldlines to see that! At c you have no slope and don't experience time because there is no light's frame of reference.In relativity you assume c and no light's frame of reference, you can't change it and still use a model based on these assumptions.
>>16610991>at c you have no slope>the speed of light is now infinite according to anonOw.
cure aging you fucking retarded bots...
>>16607477It depends, does the past exist? if everything stopped existing forever none of this would matter.
>>16607498> does the past exist? as memories and other records only> if everything stopped existing forever none of this would matter.Only to those who'd've stopped existing with it.
>>16604152there is no cure for aging just wait a month dammit
>>16607544there are many "treatments" though.I very much doubt this test is absolutely precise such that leaderboard people should all live to 200, but the results demonstrate some effective shit is going on at least to some degree: Johnson isn't even on that much cutting-edge shit, and might be about to die from methylene blue overdose-diet interaction complications.
>>16604285Good video on regenerating the thymus