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surgery based, medicine cringe edition

Previous: >>16207752

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
>it now costs US$5k+ to be published in most reputable journals
Medicine is not science, unless you’re involved in research

Otherwise it’s just remembering a bunch of stuff that other people already figured out (much of which is pretty tenuous at best, if not altogether wrong).
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medical workup/diagnosis IS the scientific method
>collect data in history and exam
>generate hypothesis about diagnosis
>order tests to falsify other diagnoses
>treat working diagnosis (treatment is also a way of falsifying your hypothesis)
By the same argument you could say that being a car mechanic is science, it’s not
>eww yucky working class cannot even be capital S SCIENCE
Define science cretin.
I love how there is always aruging about the dumbest, most unimportant shit in these threads.
tbf that guy got owned
i wonder what the stats are now since women have (nearly) taken over medicine.
Is it good?
you forgot the gays
How could anyone ever trust doctors again after they revealed themselves to be the biggest shills of the utterly unnecessary and potentially deadly “vaccine”? Whatever happened to individualised healthcare?
I fear for the future of medicine.
Doesn't that just reflect the income by speciality?
I miss the struggle in med school. I miss having to spend all day studying. How do I relive this feeling?
How do you even deal with pathological liar patients? Like, patients telling those understandable "I don't eat junkfood every day, I swear doc" lies, but rather patients who bullshit like pic related and tell made-up stories.
why are IDs so gay?
Hi fellow medical doctors, I am thinking of taking up either Public Health or Pharmacology for residency. What are your opinions on this? And how is the career scope looking for these 2?

My reasoning is I am not particularly interested in clinical practice and after Covid the value of public health administration has shot up. Plus pharma is always gonna stay as long as allopathy exists and I may transition into a managerial role later if I feel like pursuing that.

Send them to the nearest mental hospital
Because they all have HIV and Herpes from their faggot past of sucking their professors’ cocks for a 4.0 and letter of recommendation
by going to a doctor that didnt push it.
i internally roll my eyes and go on with the exam. depending on the patient, i may internally chuckle as well.
>By the same argument you could say that being a car mechanic is science
Self-aware wolf is self-aware. You have not provided an argument against that statement. To amplify that statement: any human being is by default a scientist because a brain is a modeling / hypotheses generating and testing feedback mechanism. What are your differentiating criteria? Rigor? Then define rigor.

Funny how the top professions work with patients who don't talk back (except some scripted intake/follow-up conversation) while professions towards the bottom require way more empathic social skills (except pathology).
I'm surprised you didn't posted an asian bean jak because that's about the limit of your vocabulary and ability to reason.
I don't fear the future of my dating life. 25 Y/O virile Brazilian male, 6'2" 210lbs just accepted into med school. I'm liking the odds of finding my medfu.
Favela monkey.
>uses Self-aware wolf unironically
Begone reddit fag
Seethe pre-med. Stacy from dermatology goes to me.
>Stacy from dermatology goes to me.
You need a psychiatrist.
I’ve heard derm is attracting all the femboy actual fag docs, can anyone confirm
Idk if this an insult or actual dating advice.
imagine being brainwashed enough to pay to publish
>I miss the struggle in med school.
Why do you want to struggle? Just live your life and enjoy your hobbies.
>Implying that doctors can have lives besides being a doctor.
Kek. While the boomers are holding on to their parttime 9-5 family medicine practices in beautiful rural towns with lovely people who really appreciate their effort you on the other hand are doomed to work night shifts the rest of your live with people who are aggressive, drug addicted, obese, unwillingly pregnant, infectious and so on. No retirement and forever paying student loans because competition is pierce and since you're a doctor they will consider you overqualified for anything else. The joy of pursuing high status and ideals.
Nice projection, bro.
Nothing is stopping you from moving out of the crack-infested ghetto after residency lol. And they’ll pay a ton for you to move out to buttfuck-middle-of-nowhere Montana or Wyoming. Beautiful places
no no friendo
even prestigious profs have to pay $7000 to get published in lancet
Do a PhD while working

>you will be a resident your entire life
okay retard
>study a couple hours everyday
>month goes by
>remember nearly nothing
i remember more when i cram for an exam. it sucks being retarded.
sounds like a skill issue. in other fields like cs, engineering, math you dont have to pay to publish, you dont even have to publish. if your work is good enough it speaks for itself
How much of seeing a doctor is based on their perception of the patient's expectation?
Invariably every visit seeing a Doctor involves a 15 minute process of briefly describing some symptoms, them giving you a quick ook over ( if that ) and then given a prescription for some drugs, which half the time do nothing or have such a marginal effect as to be useless.
Is it just because the doctor believes you have an expectation of treatment and so gives out drugs so you think something is being done, even if they dont really think there will be much effect and really have no idea what is wrong with you? Is it part of the high pressure time scheduling where Doctors just dont have time to investigate various life style history and conditions, or have grown so cynical about their advice being ignored, that they just want you hustled out the door? "Give 'em some pills so they are happy."
Honestly I have given up seeing any doctor now, very visit has been a colossal waste of time and expense. For last ten years if anything is going wrong my first go to is research on the internet, especially with respect to things like how to deal with stress, better diet, and other environmental factors and life style habits that might be impacting my health. It seems to work far better in the long term. The only exception would be to get a prescription to treat a serious infection, burn or cut.

Surely I cant be the only one who takes a "last resort" approach, but on those times I have visited a health center the place is absolutely fucking packed. Seems like a shit load of people always there. Is there really so much bad shit happening to people all the time or are many of them just going in for trivial concerns that really dont require anything more than some common sense?
Is residency actually that bad? Starting orientation next week and kinda scared
no unless youre a giant sissy.
It's over bros...
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Funny but dentists aren't /med/. OMFSs are welcome, however.
You're blowing such a huge load of assumptions that will take so much time to thoroughly address that you're discouraging a counterargument which makes it seem as if you're totally right. Few examples:
>which half the time do nothing or have such a marginal effect as to be useless
The nature of any medical intervention is a bell curve distribution with non-responders and hyper-responders at the extremes.
>quick ook over ( if that )
There are many cases requiring at least a blood test to verify/falsify the hypothesis.
>based on their perception of the patient's expectation
On the contrary: it's a bureaucracy instead of a market because for each particular case there are piles of standardized guidelines a doctor needs to follow even though a doctor makes it seem like they are doing their own quick little research.
We all know the real reason that Psychiatrists are democrats: they're pro assisted suicide (murder)
>they're pro assisted suicide
>implying that's a bad thing
Have fun rotting in the retirement home with Alzheimer's.
Psychiatry isn't real medicine lol. Still don't know why they're associated at all with regular MDs. They should've broken off a long time ago and stayed in their own lane like podiatrists and and dentists
>Friend has blind spots for last 2 years
>Says they didnt appear for several months and then today he got them
>Tried inverting himself upside down like he usually does, doesnt work
>Got really mad
>Started beating the side of his temples with his palms
>Blind spots go away instantly
Is this a blood related issue? What the fuck is this? PAMM?
assisted suicide is based
>assisted suicide is based
I see too many people with Dementia, too many quadriplegics, etc to ever be against assisted suicide.
>33% of surgeons are only doing sex change operations now
Is there a single thing you medfags can actually fix?
Medicine is overrated. It's modern superstition. The body does all the fixing despite your efforts in making things worse.
viagra works pretty well
Yeah my grandpa had dementia and was in the hospital. One day he was extremely lucid and basically said he wanted to die because he wasn't living anymore of course they wouldn't do it because he isn't of "sound mind"
good on you for being friends with a tard. probably just migraine aura without headache or ocular migraine.
>hear that its easy to get jobs in healthcare
>apply to numerous IT and software jobs
im being lied to
for healthcare professionals retard
now go make spaghetti python code monkey
>who have a party registration
Has anyone here officially registered to either party?
go be an epic monkey
not American but yes
>throw dart at "symptoms" dart board
>do some trial and error bullshit
>issue eventually goes away for unrelated reasons or the patient dies due to complications of the "treatment"
Another day, another finding my attending finds that I missed completely. Please, God, kill me.
I have intense pain in my hip leg joint from laying in the bed for the past 30 hours, would advil or tylenol be better for this
take paracetamol and ibuprofen together
> Dick not working
>Try Tadalafil
> Works wonders but gives me terrible heartburn and flu-like symptoms
> Literal worst days of my year, had sex though

Good thing I managed to get rid of ED by going off porn and starting healthy life habits. But I wonder if, when I get older (>45) and my dick starts asking for help, I'll need to simply accept these terrible collateral symptoms.

Does any Urofag know if the other PDE5i have less collateral effects? Or if there's some new drug coming in the next years. Such a shame, Tadalafil made me rock hard for days with just the 5mg pill, and has that possible benefit in cardiovascular health.
hey medfags, do you think pepper spray would be less effective on dehydrated individuals?
probably not?
capsaicin interacts with a receptor to cause owchies and it's already dissolved in fluid when it is sprayed at you
I like the odds of you being expelled from the country. You don't belong in the United States and you have caused a white male medical student to lose their deserved placement. You're nothing but an interloper who does not belong here. Your arrogance, faggot body building and obsession over status and sex tells me you'll never be a real doctor. You're a fraud and a subhuman. Legal immigration ruins this country worse than illegal immigration. I don't even care about illegals with idiots like you going around and ruining social mobility and careers for the rest of us. Disgusting animal.
What's the real difference between Osteopathic medical schools and regular medical schools?
Retard question but are medical physicists considered midlevel like PA, pharmacists etc?
>NBME question writers trying not to give every patient a II/VI midsystolic murmur at the left upper sternal border [Challenge] (impossible)
I knew a female medical student who considered medical physicists as wannabe doctors even when I asked her to consider that a physics degree requires more intelligence. I guess that's the power of perceived status.
I don't know how med students deal with inflated egos like that, seems like hell to work with those types of people
$$$$$$$$$$ and chances of getting into very competitive specialties.
Wow lithium used to be used for gout
So I was on the right path. I wonder if it could be used to treat kidney stones then
Good find Anon but cringe image.
Get a waterbed. 30 hour sleeps and laying there all day doesn't produce any discomfort at all because your weight is distributed perfectly and the heat allow the muscles to expand and relax. When I had one I would basically spend all week in it apart from eating. My apartment bans them now.
Don't make fun of his avatar. He's insecure enough already to use one.
holy fuck nursoids really are fucking braindead
>be x-ray/ct tech
>doing routine contrast abdomen scan
>nursoid didnt connect contrast line properly
>patient gets 20mils out of 75 top while the rest sprays everywhere
>contrast phase is fucked and everything is covered with what is basically liquid glue
>bonus: it was scan planned for yesterday that nobody bothered to make until 11AM today
Nursoids are subhumans like the Brazilian in this thread.
the problem with "assisted suicide" and dementia is that most of demented pationts are in no shape to decide
and their families would rather just keep them on life support forever
those people should just be put down when it's obvious they're gone
>those people should just be put down when it's obvious they're gone
It's so sad to see the same recurring patients with dementia or patients with TBIs in the ER or hospital.
Nobody has a choice to decide anything. I cant decide to suddenly have a good life and eat as I please and live where I want. Sick of this cope, muh choice muh consent. It's only designed to make people feel like they have control when clearly they don't.
nice way to not say anything retard
He was perfectly cogent. He's just 10 years old.
The whole "muh dementia patients can't consent" is a nonargument. They never consented to getting dementia in the first place. It's just a barrier imposed by preachers and intellectuals to muddy the discussion. Both types benefit tremendously by having these people continue to suffer.

Bodily autonomy and self choice is denied for other health decisions. If a patient wanted a prescription for morphine 30mg TID, for no reason other than they wanted it, the same ethicists would say NOOOOOOO. Secular preachers further deny this concept for imagined greater goods and impose penalties for those who fail to comply as in the case of mandatory vaccinations.

People fundamentally lack agency and choice. Scenarios where it should exist it is discarded. Imagined hypotheticals for totally non healthy persons it is conferred. Basically anyone who resorts to consent without further elaboration is a total brainlet mostly barking it as a cope to pretend life is perfect or could be whenever it isn't.
It seems like you're suggesting a universal rule of some sorts. Why not let all parties involved with making a decision argue among themselves what is best on a case-by-case basis? So the universal rule for decision-making is that there should not be a universal rule but debate instead. When ethicists, lawyers, judges and politicians get involved suddenly the struggle between worldviews becomes an uneven playing field and it's evil in life/death situations to let fate be decided by the most dominant ideology of the times.
Starting radiology residency in the US next week bros. How do I study?
You sound like those baby murders who say women didn't consent to babies. Who exactly is an alzheimers patient not consenting to?
Don't use loaded terms.
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this particular crotch muscle (red) intrigues me, but I can't tell if it's adductor longus, gracilis or both with one of them being on top of the other. also the name of the "dent" that is made (purple circle) between that muscle and the gluteus maximus (?). as such it would be epic if there are actual medfags in here that could help me out and perhaps provide sauces for sites/books where I can find pics that show this area nicely dissected (I tried abraham and it looks like shit) and/or drawings with transparent skin in order to show muscles. ultimately even if my pics are awful the muscle in questions reveals itself when legs are in "abduction position" to further clarify things. also jannies need not apply.
go on zillow and start studying all the houses you want when you get out
You're so lucky, dude. I live in a tattered tent near a bypass...
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i should've done ortho bros
what did you choose and why do you regret it?
i fell for the podiatry meme
i like foot and ankle, but i did an ortho rotation and i found myself really enjoying ortho trauma cases
>fell for the podiatry meme
you mean you didn't cut it for med school
I'm a poorfag with no doctors in my family or among my family's friends
how necessary is shadowing experience?

I've thought about cold emailing doctors at my local hospital, but idk why they would bother letting some rando follow them around
some schools have a minimum amount of shadowing required and others dont, but it's always good to have a decent amount so they know you're serious. do you have a doctor you go to or your parents/other family/friends go to? have them ask if you can shadow their doctors.
cold email/call as a last resort.
hey i was accepted into a few :(
why did you choose podiatry instead of medschool then?
shadowed a peds intensivist, general surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, and podiatrist. the peds guy was cool, but the general surgeon and orthopedic surgeon acted like they hated their lives. even their residents seemed miserable. the general surgeon told me if he could do it again he'd go to nursing school and the orthopedic surgeon told me that work is his life and his family is his hobby. the podiatrist actually enjoyed his career choice and he was pretty encouraging about the field. when it came time to decide it seemed like podiatry would let me do cool surgeries and keep my sanity too. i don't hate podiatry, i think i just wish i didn't shadow such a fucking dweeb when i was with ortho.
What are some causes of primary anorgasmia (lifelong, never had an orgasm) with ejaculation? I’ve tried a bit of web searching and learned that it is very rare and most of the results I find are for other sexual dysfunctions or non-primary anorgasmia.
>I decided the rest of my career on a sample of 3 people.
Clearly, you weren't intelligent enough for medicine.
>told me that work is his life and his family is his hobby
This is bleak, /med/icine is just a job.
>recommend nursing
whats the scope of practice like for podiatry? i hear it's pretty different between the different states.
Can't prescribe opiates. Stupid profession. Useless. Pain relief is the key component of medicine. Mostly everything else is elaborate guess work and cope. Pain is one of the few things that makes a huge difference in quality of life if treated. Can't treat that you can't do shit.
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>pea sized lump on lower left abdomen
>pea sized lump on left forearm
>swollen lymph node on left side of neck
>sharp and somewhat persistent pain on upper left side of abdomen
>take a deep breath one day and receive a sharp pain that travels slowly towards the lymph node causing my left ear to start aching
I have cancer don't I bros? Just when life was starting to look somewhat good, and to think it had to effect my left side when I'm left handed.
Hypochondria. You should see a psychiatrist for HPD and OCD and seek treatment for mental illness.
Why are med fags such gaslighters? This is why no one has any faith in the medical system.
from what I understand it's at least foot and ankle just about everywhere now, but some states let you do more. There's a lot of limb salvage on the east coast where DPMs practice up to the knee. Florida even lets you do soft tissue past the knee to the hip. in some states you can technically practice hands too, but nobody actually does that.
DPMs can prescribe controlled substances and regularly do.
>I have cancer don't I bros?
just see a physician
>finger joints slightly hurt when closing hand for a couple of months
I'm in my mid-20s so this is weird. I wouldn't expect bone problems at my age. Should I be worried?
>just see a doctor bro
I live in Canada
stop sleeping on your hands and eat your vegetables
sorry if this is a dumb question but if an opioid is taken buccally or by nose does alcohol still enhance its effect? how does that work if its got nothing to do with the liver?
What about third party registrations? Where is the green party representation?
It's just a box to check. They care more about hands-on patient experience, even if it's something simple like taking vitals at a clinic somewhere.
>extremly unspecific symptoms

parenetral application doesn't just skip completely skip hepatic metabolisation, only the first pass metabolism
Gastroenterology - "The only cure for your disease is surgery"
Surgery - "If you're not bleeding right now, fuck off"
Ophthalmology - "That will be half of your lifetime savings"
Radiology - "That will be half of my lifetime"
Dermatology - "Diagnosis: Dermatitis/Cancer."
Family Medicine - "We don't know what you have and we don't know how to cure you"
Internal Medicine - "We know what you have but we don't know how to cure you"
Neurology - "I am most likely an incel"
Cardiology - "Yeah you're fucked beyond hope unless you go to the heart surgeon"
Heart Surgery - "Yeah you're fucked"
how true is this?
>Neurology - "I am most likely an incel"
I know an Asian guy who went into neurology, he was never successful with the ladies unfortunately, maybe there's some truth to this.
what would optometry's be?
family medicine - "you feel like shit because you are 100 lbs overweight"
anaesthesia - you catch sight of the Nintendo Switch on the drug trolley as he gives you the propofol bolus
Pretty true, physicians are much more like engineers than they are like scientists. We have a good idea of what works through empiricism. Our models of physiology are rudimentary but work well enough to take care of most acute issues.

Joint replacements work pretty darn well.

In the United States; DO schools tend to be less competitive to get in than US MD schools. There are still some lingering stigma at certain academic programs/specialties against DO's when it comes to the MATCH (residency application process). Otherwise they're pretty similar. The general consensus is, try and get into US MD if possible, if not US DO is fine.

AAMC and AACOMAS post their matriculation stats for GPA and MCAT every year, so you can compare those numbers to see which you'd most likely get accepted into if you're applying.

CORE Radiology is decent back bone. If you hate yourself Brant and Helms works fine too.

Radiopaedia and Radiology assistant are good resource for certain topics.
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It's the tendon of gracilis. The dent is not important, some gluteal crease. Wikipedia says it's called "gluteal sulcus".

I take it you're a drawfag. The best medical anatomy book is Netter's Atlas of anatomy. Get a regional anatomy edition. These anatomy books do not provide dynamic views and lateral, specially medial views are scarce.

Also "actual medfags", there's nothing but students in this shit thread.
>Our models of physiology are rudimentary
how far from the upper limit of our understanding do you think we are?
>there's nothing but students in this shit thread
There are a few physicians, but I always wonder why they find themselves in this thread
My guess is they posted on this website in their youth and hold some kind of attachment to it
Well I personally come and help whatever easy or interesting thing some ill anon brings, or to rant on how I wasted my life studying this shit. But premeds and the future grifters preparing for USMLE always get mad their talk about which jewery to engage in is interrupted.

We could be discussing about how each manages the esoteric shit nobody teaches like fluoroquinolone tendinopathy or whether steroids do harm and when to stop them, but here we are, telling idiots to become radiologists or anesthesiologists because its the least effort shit that pays well (in the US)
>Also "actual medfags", there's nothing but students in this shit thread.
There is a 1:3:3:9 ratio of physicians, medical students, prem*ds, and psych patients in these threads.
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judging from all the pictures it is indeed gracilis as longus is too far up and lateral.
>I take it you're a drawfag. The best medical anatomy book is Netter's Atlas of anatomy.
trying to learn 3D modeling and netter truly is beautiful, thanks!
I can say naughty things about medicine without retribution.
I also like shitting on randos after a long day.
pretty sure your medical licence is instantly revoked for risk of public harm if you join greens
I recently learned that i'm probably a little allergic towards peaches. Not a lot, but a bit.
If i consume a little of them either way, is it possible for me to develop a tolerance, and basically not be allergic anymore?
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26yo, is this frank's sign
what's up, frank?
>surgery based, medicine cringe edition
>in burgerland, surgeons can be called physicians
explain yourself
The "chad" doctor later got fired lol.
>in burgerland, surgeons shit and piss when they're called physicians
explain yourself
wikipedia tells me about the wicked jewland
I choose to deny reality and substitute it with my own
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how common is this type of medical "mistake"?
>4 cute girls in intern class
>all 4 are married
my dual high income dreams bros... it's over................................
which specialties are the most/least overpaid relative to the value they create?
internal medicine
Imo peds hem/onc is one of the most underpaid specialties. Overpaid probably derm
Infectious disease has the worst compensation relative to time investment and return. Neurosurgeon is a close runner up for underpaid if you break their compensation down to hourly amounts.

Dermatology is overpaid.
Has residency increased your dating prospects? I ask as a 29 year old virgin
put a picture of you in a white coat on your profile
That shit is going to just attract gold-diggers. I don't think that's what he wants.
How are you almost a wizard?
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they get snatched up quick. every cute girl in my optometry class have been married or in a long term relationship for several years. maybe during my rotations i'll find a cutie haha...... relevant captcha.
Brother it's not that hard to get your dick wet unless you are obese
I'm severely introverted. I just struggle connection with people in general. And too average looking for girls to make first move
>I'm severely introverted. I just struggle connection with people in general
Do you have any friends?
I have a friend who has to travel often and gets an inflammation in the cochlea nerve, wanted to know if they have any medicine for something like that, (i guess in the US, though right now he is staying in Japan).
yeah there is
>derm overpaid
Derm needs to be pruned from the tree of medicine. Biggest sellouts other than the older docs who rolled out red carpets for private equity.
you're literally me fr fr (except I never was ambitious enough for med school)
man I hope he scheduled followup with surgon who did it and murdered him before his t levels dropped too low
i believe it is more likely to increase your alergy if you repeat exposure
never, because it would require a surgeon going out of their way to perform a surgery
Depends on the subject. I think in terms of acute ICU setting our understanding of cardiopulmonary physiology is really fucking good. At least equivalent to newtonian physics model.

Then there's immunology/rheumatology where I think our understanding is really fucking weak. We have solid empirical evidence that certain treatments work, but we're not entirely sure why or how.

Then at the far end of the lack of understanding, would probably be psychology.
do you need a cover letter when applying to these entry level hospital jobs that dont require experience like monitor tech?
So, it happened AGAIN.
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>get thrown in with a patient in the middle of a complex exam with minimal info
>finish the exam
>start another exam from start
>get pulled from new exam to get an ass ripping that between the transfer we forgot to do something
>go back to current exam
>keep thinking about the exam i just got assripped on
>slightly fuck up current exam
>get another ass ripping
just remember your ABCs brother
always be cool
this is what my hospital does?
1 attending per theatre supervising resident?
How uncommon are doctors with two specialties? I wanted to look up some examples for the sake of curiosity and can't seem to find anything relevant. For example, let's say someone who specialized in both nephrology and cardiology. I know what you'll say, why would someone do that, it's not feasible, etc., but there must be someone out there who did it and I'm wondering what they're like.
Dude, what am I gonna do about this prostatitis.

Went to the urologist and I'm taking 40days of Fosfomycin, which I started after 10 days of Cipro that began to give me paresthesia in both hands and gave me tendon pain all over for a week. The prostate symptoms had pretty much died down, I was masturbating once a day. 2 days ago I felt way hornier and tried twice in a row, and the shit dick prostate inflammation came back. Masturbated today after 24 hours ebbing to somewhat bothersome and it's back to incomplete voiding.

Wasn't masturbating supposed to help the inflammation die down? What else can I do, besides warm water seats and NSAIDs? Do the NSAIDs even really help? This is once again once of those widespread problems in medicine with shaky knowledge. Honestly never heard of prostatitis once when I was at school, I even did a short urology rotation.
Well doing that is pointless. Firstmost what you're talking about are subspecialties of internal medicine. Someone who wants to know a wide range of things will stay at internal medicine, or he may choose to pursue Endocrinology which is the most generalized subset of internal medicine, that kind of guy has all the heart and kidney he wants. What Cardios and Nephros do in their specialties is get radiology skills and they get their fair share of patients to cover. They have their hands full so there's no reason to do it.

Why the fuck would anybody do that, you tell me. If they want to become autistic fucks they would become researchers, and even then they could only focus on the one thing that gets them financing.
Surgery rotation is so fucking stupid. >you’re here to learn
>please scrub into five cases today so you can hold this retractor
Real retard hours here, my bad
>surg sucks
it'll pass. just try and learn the flow of the OR and answer questions with confidence even if wrong.
>5 sets of retractor holding
sounds about right for surg. forearms are gonna be insane bro. post before and after pics.
Well the point of having a surgery rotation is to know at what point somebody needs a surgery and you must know how far to go to prevent getting there. Holding the retractor is a niggers' job, so is doing the actual surgery, unless you're one of those psycho types who just want to cut people up.
If a doctor is directly employed by a hospital (not a contractor), who handles what insurances they take? I'm dealing with a pre-authorization denial on the grounds that my surgeon is "out-of-network" although Mayo Clinic Phoenix is "in-network", and a rep from Mayo claiming that all their doctors are direct employees, meaning that all doctors at Mayo should be considered "in-network" if Mayo itself is.
Bro this is the medicine thread, not the usury thread. Ask /pol/ or reddit.
You will hold the retractor and you will do it wrong constantly, the hospital will also take every chance NOT to hire retractor holders even though their pay is absolutley negligible
my lips have been badly chapped for the past 2.5 years and refuse to heal, despite trying many different lip balms
is this something I should see a dermatologist for, or are my lips just permafucked?
Got depressed in undergrad and got "IF" grades in like 3 classes, one of the professors has been ghosting me for over a year even though I made up the work, GPA is like a 3.0
I'm so fucked I ruined my career I'm never going to be able to get into medical school I might as well KMS
just be a midlevel or nursoid lmao
>It's le career advice thread over again
just go DO. there's so many schools now they have to let in any retard with a nelnet account

t. DO
Are you a conservative doctor?
Can you critically assess the evidence?
What are you doing to reverse the medicalization of daily life?
>just started residency
>have already mentioned anime 3 separate times
>every time I do there's an awkward 10 second silence
Bros... My autism...........
how the fuck could a july pgy1 get any more fucking stupid and its not even july yet
From the way they do things, I am not even sure you learn anything as an undergrad, possibly even as a masters student.
The academic standards of this country has plummeted. I mean taking an absolute nose dive.
Even if you gave medical advice its not like someon can sue you
They're not gonna be able to get into PA with those grades and incomplete on their transcript.
stop posting your stupid fucking medical questions in this thread where no one can examine you or run any labs, see an actual physician
kind of rude to feel entitled to another person's time/expertise
I post questions here sometimes, sometimes a doc checks this thread after their nightly goon session and gives me an answer
>Stop posting medical questions
>In the medicine thread

Dude, really? Then what the fuck is this thread for?
>t. DO
Are you proud of yourself?
My prostate hurts anons. I feel suprapubic burning. It's more noticeable when I'm resting. How does this kind of pain happen? Why is it so hard for prostate inflammation to recede? Why are there no drugs for this?
how well do you guys know insurence?
or the actual business side of things in the medical setting.
the only thing i really know are certain programs like avatar caminar epic and carelogic to write progress notes on treatment plans. which are important for billing insurence.
my tooth had two root canals and it broke. would you reccomend an implant or just get it extracted.
whats the trick to letting the dentist believe me when i want gold crowns or a gold implant?
i dont work full time so i dont have dental.
im thinking about getting this dental insurence thats good for major care like implants and dentures.
for residents to shitpost in the call room.
the OP literally says no medical advice/solicitation
Thoughts on Aquintology? I heard it was bullshit but my colleagues are telling me this is the biggest breakthrough since chemotherapy
it will probably make current gene therapy techniques obsolete, my two cents
What is aquintology
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I have a problem: namely I find Britney of the late 90s/2000s the most beautiful,feminine, caring and elegant woman in the world and the thing is that it's making me apathetic towards the girls my age right now, since they just can't compare at all to her. Like this video https://youtu.be/109hD2L7uFU , she's so bubbly and cute and literally 0.1% of women today are maybe as cute as her, but the rest just can't compare and she set the standard so high that I can't even think of being with some bogstandard instathot or someone who's not attractive as her, how do I get rid of this predicament?
Some good music for your troubles: https://youtu.be/t0bPrt69rag
The OP says discuss research, nobody discuss any research. When research questions are brought up nobody elaborates and it always ends up in the same career advice bullshit.

>Guise should I become a rad or an optometrist?
>Brehs, my GDP is shit, what school should I go to?
>Man, studying for the MCAT is so hard (<-- not even in medical school yet)
>Anybody knows how business administration for hospitals work?
>Let me tell you why vaxx is le bad
>Does this happen in your hospital? (tabloid article on lawsuit over everyday occurrence)
Zero medicine related questions, all the fucking time. Only medicine in this shit thread is the people asking you to see the pimples on their groin.
want to see my cock? its been missing a large triangle of skin on it for as long as i remember.
What's your best resource for mastering EKG interpretation?
Learn the physiology. I learned with a detailed booklet some spaniard made. The key things to know is that the graph goes up when it goes towards the reading electrode. The precordials are supposedly calibrated to read from the center of the chest towards their respective positions, and thus will read this and that wall in the heart. Then according to the direction the graph deviates for each curve that tells you there's scarring, short circuiting or whatever. The rest is a matter of repetition to make identification work-ready.
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This country needs a massive overhaul in expectations around conduct and maturity (seriousness) for students. Not a joke.
I suppose I just need to read my Dubin book over and over again. It's not the concepts that get me, it's pathologies. Like my prof gave us a dextrocardia case today on the sly that just looked like RVH to me. Ffs.
All they have to do is throw students into hospitals and make them do the slave work to make them get their shit together, just like they do in third world shitholes. All the "premed" bullshit is not medicine. Nothing stops you from learning medicine out of highschool, or DURING highschool even. I will teach my kids medicine when they are 12 years old just so they don't end up making the same mistake of wasting their time choosing this fucking useless degree.

Dubin is shit, don't read that crap. I told you already, use your head to analyze the shit. Couldn't you tell the derivations were mixed up?
I guess I don't really look at things that way. I don't care that I'm a DO at all though. I have a cool job and nobody gives a fuck that you're not an MD out working. I think it's really only a thing people care about as premeds unfamiliar of how things really work. That being said I am critical of DO schools and find them predatory. But you can still use them to meet your goals
I only had one polyp! Woo! But I think the doctor didn't like me. He told me to use this suppository later.
I just need more practice, I think. Normal vs path, normal vs path, normal vs path.
I love a woman who is depraved and would tear out my throat at any given moment
is lithium actually THAT nephrotoxic/dangerous compared to other anticonvulsants or is it a pharma lie because it’s an old and cheap drug
People still prescribe lithium, just try not to give it in an geriatric pt or someone already taking some potentially nephrotoxic medications (most obviously chronic NSAID use)
Nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic meds aren't some instadeath machines, they just have higher risk of potentially causing those toxic effects especially in the NP-run polypharmacy-ridden world we live in
>tfw need a useless undergrad degree before going into med unlike in other countries
kinda gay.
From 2020 to late 2021 I experienced hand tremors of varying degrees of severity
I'd say the worst moment was when I was trying to measure out salt or flour and put it into another bowl because my hand would tremble so much that I'd spill it, also my hand would shake violently lifting up mugs but it wasn't consistently bad
I was just watching a video on Coeliac disease and the guy was talking about hand tremors and I just remembered that I had that problem
It's been so long that I had completely forgot about it and yet at the time it was quite scary and stressful
Any ideas?
One thing I found was that it became particularly bad after physical exercise or after lifting a lot of weight, for example after I moved about 80 bricks my hands were shaking and I couldn't really do much
Not useless, the point is to make you good at something other than just being a doctor. Residencies like to see you continuing to use your undergrad degree material in med school EC's.
Also the point is to weed people out in a more equal environment than very uneven high school grading environments - if you can't even get to med school from college, how will you survive being straight up bullied by your burnt out attendings on clinicals or in residency?
>Make you good at something other than being a doctor
Like what? To prepare you for unemployement?

All a doctor needs to do is to identify shit and remember the solution, and to do this well.

>Le filter
Filter them through the test, not wasting their time. And if you have already filtered them, why do you keep tormenting them with attendings? Ah, that's right, because that's a niche those fuckers dug out for themselves in heavy nepotism.

Isn't it about time students in the US get their shit together and start protesting? Specially since what you say about "residencies like to see you use..." is bullshit. It's always 1st: Have a green card, 2nd: Be my friend's friend.
>use your undergrad degree
i got a BSc in meme shit, so i wont be using it. like >>16257520 says it'd be nice if they just used a hard test instead especially with how universities are going down the shitter.
suppose someone ingested 24g of metamizole, if hypothetically agranulocytosis were to appear, would it appear in the same day or would it take some time?
asking for a friend, of course.
I never learned all the muscles in the forearm. Does anybody have a system for it?
Every once in a while I wonder how much of this thread are true MDs and how much are just larping premeds
Most of this thread is psych patients.
Like 1 to 10. Maybe less.
I'm a natty lifter (I know people lie about this a lot but a stg it's true), yet I get mild bacne around my shoulder and upper back. Is it the bar scraping my skin during squats, or something in my diet or what? Less occasionally I'll get one or two on my chest. My face is pretty clear, though gets a few here and there. I'm late thirties and this has occurred to me even when I was younger
>Hi doctor, let me tell you I don't have a problem, what do you think?
My prostate hurts. My testicle hurts, I feel constant urge to shit without having anything to come out. Pain flared up after masturbating twice in a row 6 days ago. Masturbating daily isn't helping. Ibuprofen makes no noticeable change. How is there such a big gap of knowledge about prostate stuff.
What should I tell my doctor to get him to prescribe something (anything) to me? The "illness" he is prescribing for must be very mundane.
Context: I am trying to join my country's military, and they are asking for my prescription history. The problem is that I haven't had to take any medicine in probably 10+ years and since all the pharmacies I have been to have no records of me, they refuse to give me anything, not even a blank piece of paper that says "this guy hasn't taken medications ever". But the recruiters refuse to take that as an answer, they want some kind of history. So I figure that if I can get a prescription for something really minor that the military probably won't care about (acne, maybe? idk), they'll at least give me the fucking piece of paper and it'll show that prescription for something minor.
I am in bureaucratic hell.
>I am in bureaucratic hell
And do we look like bureaucrats to you? Fuck off, you don't have problems. Go to the social worker thread and whine there.
Kill yourself retard, you didn't answer my very /med/ related question
>24g metamziol
That's lethal dose territory, but if that someone survived for roughly week after ingestion they might get to experience agranulocytosis

Tell him you're having high risk sexual intercourse with a large variety of gay men and get on PREP, you might want to use the words "bug chasing" and "chemsex" if your physician doesn't believe you immediatly
Is there a disorder similar to bulimia, but instead "overeat then vomit" it's rather "overeat till you have explosive diarrhea"? Asking for a friend.
Where do med students fall on this spectrum?
Binge eating disorder if you just eat compulsively and cry like a bitch afterwards
Otherwise, just fat fuck syndrome
it's not med related. If you want him to help you with a bureaucratic problem tell him so, but he has all the right to tell you to fuck off because his job is not to sell you shit.

Bulimia is not about vomiting, it's about overeating and purging, so diarrhea covers it as well. Irrelevant question.
>Surgery - "If you're not bleeding right now, fuck off"
Kek from what I've seen you could say that about GI consults as well
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yo mama has a peptic ucler. Is there any type of nanomaterial to cover this yet?

Your thoughts on this article?
Hey prostate anon, did you get cultives done? Would be nice if you posted the results to see the bacteria and its drug resistence/sensibility
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Yes. It's E.coli resistant to cipro. I had been taking 9 days of cipro to that point, the shit gave me paresthesia on both hands, and the week after suspending it I got mild tendinitis pains in ankles, wrists and forearms. I took one IM dose of ceftriax but I got rash so I finally went to the urologist and he's giving me fosfomycin, which I don't think it's doing shit. Then again, i believe this is some sort of smooth muscle injury rather than infection, but there's zero research on this shit.
Did you check PSA?
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Nah its gonna be elevated anyways. Here's my sperm, kinda inflamed in the worst days. Gonna take a new one after 40 days of fosfomycin.
By the way what do you guys do when theres no other antibiotic but the guy is allergic to it? High dose corticosteroids?
40 days of fosfomycin is way too much don't you think? That sounds extreme even for azithromycin
Should have just thrown nifty cefti at it
Well that's what uros do with prostate stuff, they double the treatment because of low penetration. The thing is I doubt fosfo even reaches the prostate at all, and I take it every 5 days. Even for nitrofurantoin it seems it's not recommended but some urologists use it. To be honest I'm rather relieved I'm not taking cipro, that shit is fucking poison, never gonna recommend it to anyone ever again.
Even for complicated UTIs like yours the docs I know would have probably pushed ceftriaxone or another cephalosporin or gone to something more broad spectrum to just nuke it

But I'm guessing this is a thirdie country where the government "pays for healthcare"
No, I went to a private urologist and Im paying my fosfomycin which is rather expensive. The concern is the cephalosporin allergy, but I guess it will end up coming to that.
You didn't mention cephalosporin allergy, what symptoms? Have you done testing with rheum? iirc a lot of pt's with abx allergy misreport regular expected adverse effects as allergies
Also if you're paying oop, idk why he wouldn't just give you the far cheaper azithromycin
>prepare you for unemployement?
Yes unironically in case you burn out and quit you won't be starving. Also the system was started by our research universities who want well-rounded people (because they're mostly traditionally liberal arts unis turned into research behemoths). Undergrads who do research demonstrate that they can do research in med school and then do research in residency and publish lots of papers to make the school alumni network look prestigious. A test can't showcase that.
>green card
go away europoor, our system isn't perfect but at least we aren't working for poverty wages in the end
>BSc in meme shit
That's on you, even then I know plenty of people at my school who did creative writing clubs and leveraged it into manuscript writing projects first year to get a foot in
I got rash in hands and chest, it itched. I would have kept using it but not without expert opinion.
Dunno why they didn't test for it on the culture honestly.
what about moxidesitin for prostate anon?
someone graduates at the bottom
You’re still larping until you match. I like to microwave caterpillars and watch them explode
is the money worth it?
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>get ill with a bad cold
>feel bad for 3 days
>then you feel normal
>but the throat is sore
>and the cough keeps going for a couple of weeks
When does the virus die and you are not contagious anymore?
Is it dead the day you feel fine with the cough as a side effect of the infection?
depends on just how much you hate the job and how many hours youre working to get it. become an ophthalmologistand youll be loving every laugh
after that 3 day period the virus is dead and you're not contagious
Integrated plastics or vascular? Both get paid around the same, but vascular has so much interesting pathology while plastics never really pushes into body cavities. OTOH, it's not considered weird for plastics to go into chill 40 hr aesthetics practices while vascular surgeons seem to have a disdain for grads who finish residency and go into outpatient varicose veins or general chill lifestyles.
I find both really interesting and I think I'm somewhat competitive for plastics and have the time to improve my app
I've always considered first 2 or 3 days after the sore throat is gone still infectious. The cough is your shitty body overreacting.

study math, 100k starting.

How about you go ask the specialist directly and make up your mind on your own?
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I'm starting med school soon and went to visit the school I'll be going to, they said there will be a lot of studying, the issue is I want to pursue other goals like business, fitness, and creating a family (near the end) while I'm there is this feasible ? Also how true is pic related
i wont respond to bait. i wont respond to bait. i wont respond to bait.....
How does one deworm if the worms are ingrained in the muscle and brain of an individual? As in if this individual were to go on deworming medication, what other steps should be taken to ensure an increased chance of worm removal from the hard to reach places.
>the issue is I want to pursue other goals
Anon, are you stupid? Medicine is something you study 168 hours a week. Forget about other activities. Forget about sleeping. Get an atlas of human anatomy and start learning it.
Hey, I feel attacked by that statement. Maybe I come here because everywhere else is worse.
Stop smoking meth and the worms will go away
I had daily diarrhea, an extreme lack of energy, and an inability to think for over a year. Then I took some ivermectin and got solid poops for the first time in a while. Then when the symptoms started coming back, I boofed a couple grams of rso and then the diarrhea mostly went away. I had a pop at the base of my brain in which it felt like my brain was filling up and then I could recall a bunch of previously blocked memories but felt even more braindead than before. Since then the ability to think and energy levels have slowly started coming back, but the weakness still lingers. I have not smoked meth before.
Stop being a method addict and your life will improve. Alternatively, please take a large dose of fentanyl without any tolerance. Just stop annoying medical people with your vullshit
Drop out. You have no idea what medicine is about. You don't go to the "school" to have a taste of it, you go to the hospital, you see what the people at the ER do for a living. See if that's what you want, and the only thing you want in your life.

Don't think i'm discouraging you, I'm giving you a cold truth advice. You must not think failure is unacceptable, you must not think you must finish what you started. Drop out now and pursue your dreams instead of this shit.

Praziquantel. Your problem is not worms though, go to a GP and force him to listen to your bullshit, he will sort it out.
I have an upcoming gp appointment. Recent labs showed a high level of calprotectin and CRP with every thing else excluding heart function in the normal ranges.
Bros, what do you do when someone comes with hyperglycemia say, 500mg/dL, no ketoacidosis signs and you don't have drips or the resources to check that shit every 15 minutes. You only have some "ultra rapid" Aspart syringes the sales rep brought. How much do you start with?
kek, a lot of people were speaking about 5-6 hours study a day. Only did that during exam seasons.
I went to the med school as they were giving out information about it. I've been in the OR, ward rounds, and spoken to a few doctors/med students. They told me about the realities of the field, and everywhere I ask they talk about how brutal it is. I still want to work on side things though, I'll have to be very strategic with my time. They mentioned Ali Abdaal in the last thread, I think he started his business while in med school.
Ok if you got your things figured out why don't you post that on your facebook and fuck off?
Any docs here study math as a hobby ? Just finished medschool (not in US) and now I feel stupid - all this memorization doesn’t feel so good. I wanna really use my brain, or at least get away from the “reading something ten times until I vaguely remember it” - can anyone recommend some math books for people with overcrowded brains ? I enjoyed some books for kids, but I think I can do better
Because I'd rather post it here, and wanted to know how MDs here found med school and if they found time to pursue these activities.
if youre smart enough, you can dedicate minimal time to pass classes, but then it'll bite you in the ass when it comes to long term memorization for clinic/boards.
I studied again Stewards' Precalculus, did all the exercises and verified the answers backwards. This helped me do mental arithmetics to calculate pediatric doses. Left the program because of absolute dogshit working conditions (didn't learn a lick of pediatrics outside of the daily grind either)
Is a constant clicking sound in one ear that occurs every 20-30 seconds a sign of a muscle disorder in the middle ear or a problem with the TMJ?
I don't have any unusual jaw pain, I can open my mouth quite wide without any pain but when I move my jaw I hear crunching/crackling sound, but the clicking happens even when I don't move my jaw. It's coming from the stupid ear, right, and there's no solution for it except cutting the tendons, damn it?
It's the eustachian tube. You got a cold.
preclin years was just studying (takes up most time imo)
clin years I just coasted on my previous knowledge. only studied for exams. was able to do research, committee trash (why the fuck did I do this), pick up my hobbies again, date (though I did have 2 gfs in preclin, one was a med student so made studying examinations fun) etc.
I reckon I could have done more during preclin but I was too busy getting drunk.
How do I stop getting tired after just 1hour of studying? No matter how much I sleep, I become tired quickly.
also quality > quantity
If you're tired go to sleep. It's clear you dont give a shit about the content and you're forcing something you will end up forgetting. I could read a biology book for hours but couldn't give a shit about medicine crap (as a student at least).

You study according to what your brain thinks it's necessary. If it thinks "I must read how to treat ketoacidosis or my mother will die tonight" then you will learn ketoacidosis. If you study "Adverse effects of X drug for USMLE" You will be asleep in 5 minutes. If you think "How the fuck did cipro poison my tendons and spine?" You will remember it forever. Admit you can't learn all of medicine, we have reference booklets for that.
I like the idea of triage/dealing with actual emergent conditions, but EM docs talk like they hate their lives and mostly deal with people who can't afford a PCP or a psychiatrist to treat their health anxiety
>Maybe I come here because everywhere else is worse
relatable, even with how much cancer there is here
On primary care most of the consultations are bullshit like that, the more urgent things are fever or trauma. I guess I did enjoy clearing things up for people because i felt I actually helped them and gave them relief, but most hate doing that, specially because it takes time and in a busy ER shit can get out of hands very quickly and at any moment. Hated micromanaging 4 people at the same time.
once the worms die your body needs to expell them. if they die and rot could just lead to infection or something.
im not in medicine btw.
i think its white blood cells that digest foreign bodies?
i dunno. im not a meddy.
I never learned how to analyze articles to detect bullshit in a straightforward way. Anybody has a short guide on it or something? I'm not reading a boring statistics book for it.
>but EM docs talk like they hate their lives and mostly deal with people who can't afford a PCP or a psychiatrist to treat their health anxiety
This is true. The absolute shit (sometimes literally) EM docs face is staggering. One reason why I'm avoiding it.
>is the claim incredibly unrealistic or world changing
>are the authors mainly chinese
>are the authors mainly pajeet
>is it a sample size of 3
>who is it funded by
Now that you blurted the /pol/ shit, explain how to make a serious analysis.
ah, the real way to detect bullshit articles is if you contributed to them, of course!
>mainly chinese
>mainly pajeet
He was asking for signs that the paper is bad, not good
White people can't into the scientific method
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>Factorio expansion coming out just in time for M4
>chill schedule with a shitload of ezpz longitudinal courses
Lithium is nephrotoxic nigger
Juvenile Parkinson's
Essential tremor
See a neurologist if you really wanna know
>Any docs here study math as a hobby
nah that is gay homo nerd shit
>nephrotoxic lithium
>causes arteriolar hyalinosis and gross fibrosis and atrophy
>squeezes the kidney stones into breaking up
Now the only question is how to pass them once you're in esrd and haven't pissed naturally for a month
Meant to reply to >>16261205
i could start drinking more caffeine. i was using a small amount before and it didn't seem to help much. the quality doesn't seem great since i dont remember much, so i hope to make it up in quantity.
the biggest motivational problem i have is that for a lot of these rarer diseases, i won't be managing them at all. i'll see findings that are incredibly odd and refer them elsewhere for a consult/treatment. just something i have to grind through.
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Is medicine for me if I don't want to work with woman? Almost 50% of physicians today even in top specialties like surgery are woman and they pretty much dominate all other healthcare roles. Seems like a hellhole of a field to be quite honest
I have Montgomery glands but I’m male.
So don't study them. Who gives a fuck. They're not gonna be your problem you say, that's not my problem either

>Is medicine for me

>Doc, I don't have any problems at all, please have a look.
Get the fuck out.
intern chads how we feeling about tomorrow?
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Nothing ever changes.

It'll be interesting fs. Wat specialty
The neurosurgeon I work with calls medicine an art. He also does research and insists that diagnostic medicine does not follow the scientific method at all.
Simple. Wait for replication. Unreplicated findings are irrelevant unless you are a researcher who wants to try to replicate them.
Rote learning anatomy is truly the worst part of Medicine. Give me complex biochemical pathways, diagnostic dilemmas, crazy bpd patients with chronic pelvic pain. But wading though another half dozen muscles in a compartment, memorising each aspect, just so I can vomit it up without thought in the acem viva? Fucking kill me bros.
>Rote learning anatomy
Stupid retard. Anatomy is studied by region and by function. The challenge of anatomy is the large amount of new content you receive each day for one year, same with histology and physiology. Indeed the entire medicine curriculum should be condensed into one year of study and 1 year of practice.
surgeons don't practice medicine
if i have to listen to another obese fucking retard ask about seed oils one more time im gonna fucking lose it

no cletus drinking 54 dr peppers a day and then using coconut oil will not keep the diabetic neuropathy away
If that was true, surgery interns would be sitting and twiddling their thumbs all day. Medicine just plays babysitter while surgery has to figure their HPI and PMH into supporting them through actual physical interventions
surgical intern:
>press on stomach
>eh I'll just get a CT
medicine intern:
>hi I think my sto-
>tylenol 3 prn, turf to surg

sorry dude I'm saving lives here I ain't about to do the fucking hokey pokey when I get every last fucking stomache in the tristate area without some starting imaging
butthurt of a surgeon and you're not even graduated yet lol
>on 4chinz
My excuse is sitting on call. What's yours, boomer
surgeons are the only ones who practice medicine
Help me Anons, according to genetic testing I have a Marfan syndrome. What tests should I undergo to check if my heart and aorta are all right?
>inb4 just fucking go see your doctor
I've got an appointment. In October.
None. You live knowing the risk. Even if the doctors would find out your aorta and valves are fucked, do you think you can pay the replacements? Do you think open heart surgery will go well and you won't die or get an artificial valve infection?

If you feel symptoms you to to the doctor. If you don't feel anything unusual, you chill the fuck out.

>Doctor, I have no problems, please notice me!
Why does 95% of the people in this thread come with this chief complaint?
>None. You live knowing the risk. Even if the doctors would find out your aorta and valves are fucked, do you think you can pay the replacements?
I have 128 bitcoins. Is eight million dollars enough?
>Doctor, I have no problems, please notice me!
Are you retarded? In case you haven't noticed I don't know if I have problems.
>Why does 95% of the people in this thread come with this chief complaint?
With such attitude, better become an Uranium miner than MD.
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>I don't know if I have problems!
And what do you want me to do? Plug your brain into mine to see if I feel what you're not feeling?

If you're that concerned, pay a cardiologist and ask him yourself. Just don't expect him to think you're not wasting his time.
according to genetic testing?
you didnt think there was anything wrong with you being built like a gay slenderman?

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