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Did homo erectus have erectile dysfunction too or is that exclusively a homo sapiens thing?
It’s an unhealthy human thing.
why were them so erectus all the time? is ot because their women were hot?
they were homos
How did these primitive men got the idea of fucking bitches?
>hmmm that's a very bad smelling gap in there, wonder if I put my urinating organ there hmmm
The thing with sex is simply putting dick into vagina will not do anything, you've to repeatedly thrust in and out
>hmmmm what if I move my dick in a very periodic fashion hmmmm
Finally a real scientific question!
>How do instincts work?
Let >>16281140 be a virgin. >>16281140 has never put his dick inside a smelly woman's body hole. Still, he gets a boner when he sees a pair of tits and a pussy on his PC screen.

Now you get it?
ok virgin
how the fuck did you quote your own post?
i started humping things for no reason at age 7 despite not knowing what sex was. i knew that i wanted to hump girls but i didn't know why. i'm sure if i saw one naked i would've put two and two together.
predict your post number and put it into the message. it's easy because this board is slow.
yes, I get semi boners, stroke my dick and felt good when I accidentally saw naked women posters when I was 7 even tho I couldn't ejeculate. it's an instinctual thing.
you almost got it faggot but too slow.
ahh you hedged your bets that's cheating
^this is the one right here
You fucking niggers
Let me try
Only virgins can do it
My crush can't do it though, and she's a virgin
Erection drive is connected to some brain receptors, Melanocortin. Every day it seems the brain has some receptor for something.
When you stimulate the melanocortin receptors you get boners. Dunno how its connected to looking at women.

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