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return to flight - edition
previous >>16295707

Livestream for tonight's F9 - Starlink.
SFN stream, T-50:00
So maybe Bridenstack will happen after all to test Orion heat shield since NASA doesnt want to waste an SLS
theres already a thread >>16291209
No one is using that thread
They’d sooner use New Glenn
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Bridenstack will never happen. Getting Falcon Heavy to work with a standard upper stage was a big enough headache and NASA has never seen spending $4B on a single rocket as any kind of waste.
such a beautiful and sleek rocket
proper link https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1MnxnDBloRmGO
fuck off
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Music playing now
prolly cuzzatha delay
f9 is b ack
that was boring
It's good to know they let the engine rats stay even after they caused the last failure
ah fuck I actually watched this late night f9
how is china going to do its megaconstellation with non-reusable rockets? thats going to get expensive fast.
he's back to getting away with it.
we're back
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good launch, looking forward to august
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also looks like they took the opportunity of 2 weeks with no launches to do some work on the drone ship.
>laminated wood flooring
quite the choice...
did they repaint the circle so the booster can see it more clearly for landing?
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None of the rockets China has currently can handle the job, but the CZ-8A production line is designed to produce something like 40 vehicles per year. It's not the best solution but the economy of scale should keep expenses from becoming unmanageable. It's a reasonable stopgap until the Zhuque-3 and Tianlong-3 can start hitting their stride around 2027.
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Gentlemen, it's been a long couple weeks at work. So glad that we have MECO and SECO. Godspeed, and good luck to the relight.
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A classic pic
>american/chinese moon base has lights on it
would people be able to see it with their amateur telescopes?
The first moon base will have a whopping 85% of its power production dedicated to a bright ass laser aimed at earth which perpetually blinks out obscenities in morse code.
>Zero US launch between Falcon 9 failure mission and Falcon 9 return mission.
This is insane https://youtu.be/xV0ClII8tMg
Thats insane
aint no life on mars but definitely life on one of those jupiter or saturn moons
that's crazy
You know what they say, don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want
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it looks cool when they offset the logo like that, rather than having it in the middle
Looks good for being 40
I wrote up a long answer to this but frankly I'm sure my math is off somewhere, but I would estimate that you would need a base hundreds of meters across, consuming tens of kilowatts of power on artificial lighting alone, just to be able to see it with a 12" telescope during its lunar night. It would be need to appear more well lit from the base itself than Manhattan does at night
Also this is only to see the light itself - there would be no way any features could be made out by any instrument not in LLO
It was a bad time with no falcon launches. Also earliest possible manned starliner return is supposedly second half august lol (no way). They'll be up there till september at least
They will keep starliner there as long as possible to learn about all the boeing fuck ups as it seems that boeing is incapable of doing testing by themselves
That's if it doesn't delete the ISS during their testing. Imagine the headline.

>Boeing destroys International Space Station!
>Elon Musk somehow to blame!
why not?
If it did would spacex need to refund all those ISS contracts?
It's fake and gay
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spaceguy5 is absolutely fucking seething at Falcon flying again so soon, accusing the FAA of corruption
>lands propulsively
>>Boeing destroys International Space Station!
>>Elon Musk somehow to blame!
If Musk had only understood that you aren't actually supposed to deliver on NASA contracts, Boing would have been able to stall comfortably instead of needing to launch and none of this would have happened.
are you the same one that plays "angry obnoxious nazi" in every /tv/ thread too?
go back to /pol/, kike
Is there a screencap where this guy isn't bikeshedding like his life depended on it
>Can't even into formatting
They must have cut the pysop budget to end up with literal retards like you.
I hope you make it to space and die in a pisslock accident on your first day.
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underage nu/pol/ tourist go back home pls, you don't belong on this website let alone this board.
EDS retard. I can't believe how much info in his videos is wrong. I don't think he actually researches for them
Can you recommend any articles or studies explaining why exactly are we returning to the Moon and what can be done there?
It's fucking awesome. The end.
(Mars would be better, but still)
Has the spaceflight community ever banded together to do something big? Like fundraising to pull some engines out of the sea or something.
What 'cord
What a basketcase haha
Yup here you go
You can hit golf balls a really long way
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Who is the patron saint for spaceflight? Who do I pray to so that my rocket doesn't blow up?
Von Braun
Saint Joseph of Cupertino; patronage includes aviation, astronauts, test taking.
Saint Barbara; patronage includes artillerymen/firework makers, architects, miners, chemical engineers.
ready for f9 to be boring again?
No, do your homework yourself or ask chatgpt like everyone else
Would you rather live in a country that regularly sends stuff to the moon, or a country that can't
>patron saint of aviation and pilots, astronauts, mental handicaps, examinations, and students.
>mental handicaps
perfect for Boeing and design failures in general

and he's only the saint for aviators/astronauts because he had ecstatic fits that caused him to leap into the air, misreported as levitation.
He actually levitated
En no gyouja
I already live in a country that can but chooses not to
given how falcon's grounding and return to flight went, how many launches do we think it's going to get this year?
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>Americans need to sign a petition just so their rover can make it to the moon
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Are we positive tharsis isn't a mile thick glacier covered in dust?
130-140 is my guess
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Shartliner status?
Can't wait for it to be sent back to a watery grave with no crew.
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Send the anime poster there too.
It's aiming for White Sands, so either it burns up like Columbia and leaves a trail of debris across the southwest or it leave a new crater in New Mexico.
It would be aiming for White Sands if it actually carried crew back.
That turd is getting flushed.
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>Earlier this year, Blue Origin applied for a patent describing a method of securing New Glenn's first stage to a landing platform using "energetic welding". The system built into one or more landing legs would allow for quick and safe securing of the vehicle at sea.
Too dangerous to relight engines. There'll be a dedicated Dragon capsule sent up to dock and deorbit it.
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Blue Origin are so desperate to avoid getting to orbit they're welding their vehicles to the ground
>You are hyper biased towards SpaceX and anti-everyone else
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>move to mars from earth on a work visa
>first night on mars you go to a local bar to get a drink
>inside this martian woman approaches you and tells you 1G earther wellfare babies are not welcome on mars while slapping your ass.
What do you do?
slap her ass and ask if she wants to wrestle (I'd win)
rip her bones in half like the paper mache they are
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Seethe faggot
I imagine this is what bobbie drapper of the expanse really looked like when you read her book description.
Shortstack nepotism ruins everything.
>She is a little over two meters tall and a muscular hundred kilos. She is of Polynesian ancestry.


Expanse martians get a shitload of drugs&supplements when growing up to make them strong enough and keep the bone density high enough that they can handle 1G.
Something humans will probably will have to do in real life too if children born on mars ever want to visit earth.
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>not sleeping in a gravitron every night
This drawing is quite bad.

t. anime schizo
unfortunately the Starship Gravitron is roughly 50 feet by 50 feet, so we'll need to wait for 18m Starship before we get an operational Starship Gravitron on Starship en route to Mars
Boss, it's a child...
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Why not use a roomba with clamps
ha ha
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They fold up in a trailer you know
Source? Don't care, I have plausible deniability
The National Academy's Decadal Survey remains the biggest influence the community has.

Viper has the unfortunate situation of being done but having zero reserves to be integrated with its lander. Any delay is a delay of a year due to the lighting conditions at its landing site. Any delay moves the entire CLPS schedule to the right probably due to communications limitations and funding shortfalls, just like Psyche
What the hell is this, just a thermite mixture on the bottom of each landing leg that is contact triggered to tack weld itself to their shitty steel barge deck?
I guess it should work, but thats kinda tacky.
Suicide nets installed.

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