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Back at the Pad Edition

Previous - >>16293407
Kill all earthers
>if you were to be in space without a space suit you'd get cooked alive
>there's no way offload your body heat into a vacuum
>energetic particles from the sun would burn you because there's no atmosphere to reduce the heat
space isnt cold
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When Blue Origin lands on Mars.
I hate tuggers so goddamn much
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What sort of rocket engine is this?
A French illustrator's notional one.
>"Tuggers could be here" it transmitted. "I've never been in this orbit before. There could be tuggers anywhere. " The atmospheric drag felt good against its bare unshielded hull. the Blue Danube reverberated its second stage, making it pulsate even as the $9M kerolox circulated through its thick flanged pipes and washed away its (merited) fear of tuggers in low orbit. "With a second stage you can get to GEO if you want"
Elon Musk should be executed for using up so many resources and failing to deliver so many times

Americans are so gullible and this is why Israel gets most of the money allocated for spaceflight

If every poster wasn't so retarded maybe our space program could go anywhere but we're all too busy being cucked by Israel
Try harder
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>LONDON — Sierra Space has completed a second full-scale burst test of an inflatable module that the company is developing for the Orbital Reef commercial space station and its own efforts.
>The company announced July 25 that it conducted the “ultimate burst pressure” test in June at the Marshall Space Flight Center. In the test, the 300-cubic-meter module was pressurized until it burst to test its strength and compliance with safety margins.
>“A second successful full-scale test is an absolute game changer. We now know it’s possible to equal or surpass the total habitable volume of the entire International Space Station, in a single launch,” he added.
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>FARNBOROUGH, England — A space transportation startup with visions of high-speed point-to-point travel has started tests of the engine that will power their vehicle.
>Mjölnir is a full-flow staged combustion engine that offers higher efficiencies than other designs. It is the same architecture used by SpaceX’s Raptor engine as well as by Stoke Space, a startup developing a reusable launch vehicle. The engine uses liquid oxygen and methane propellants.
>“We believe we fired the most advanced rocket motor in the world,” he said in an interview after the panel. The firing lasted less than a second, but demonstrated the startup of the turbopumps and successful ignition. The company plans to do longer engine burns as part of the testing program.
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>Second Full-Scale Inflatable Space Station Burst Test at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
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Why is the lunar one so dainty?
idk, didn't even know they had something like that in the works
looks like an integrated lander or something
Evidently they weren't planning for lunar starship.
Will IFT 5 happens next week? Elon musk said so.
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Is burst pressure really a useful metric for inflatables? It's not like humans will be habitating in it at 2 bar. MMOD is the real risk.
2 weeks
Why did Elon go to Netanyahu's speech
Why did Netanyahu receive a standing ovation?
Any news on shartliner?
They test that too obviously. Pressure test shows your weak points
F9 return to flight when?

Overpressure is probably a good way to find leaks too
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17 hours.
he cut a deal with likud-aligned jews to get the ADL off his back last year
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If anyone missed it, Falcon 9 performed a static fire.

>life 5000, 9m fairing
what other launcher has 9m fairing than starship?
First, we were talking about life 10 in that conversation.
Second, SLS block 2 has a 10 meter fairing which judging by life 10 is probably what they had in mind for a launch vehicle. If they had starship HLS in mind it'd be closer in size to one of the space stations.
>Starship launch in 2 weeks
>still no launch license
>Falcon 9 launch in less than 24 hours
>still no launch license
Would it kill them to be a bit faster?
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The untaken paths of flacon 9 evolution.
>no Falcon XX
Falcon XX just became starship.
Tuggers are NOT allowed on the Moon
starship will have a launch date before it gets an official license
Who are you quoting?
>First, we were talking about life 10 in that conversation.
yes I know. I was just saying that they knew about a 9m fairing so starship was not an unknown launcher to them. I didnt know about sls fairing size, but what commercial company would make their plans on that $$$ rocket?
Members of the so-called Artemis Generation
the artemis generation
Yeah exactly
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Liquid boosters are kino
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NASA EXPL [math]\unicode{x1F319}[/math] RERS
Never heard of hyprspace before
>hybrid rockets
Oh, thats why.
Is this from the jew speech? Look at that hatred. Elon always says he's obsessed with truth. He definitely knows now, doesn't he?
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Fuck that, I'm the Ares Generation
>fastest human made object
>7000 years to get to the closest star
a-at least we have Mars
God damn the ares 1 was such an unholy abomination.
So glad it was shitcanned.
Fuck you bastard bitch
saar please
With tape outgassing we could get there in a week.
I've never heard of that
Moon base proposal
Full PDF:
short falcon 9 looks so bizarre now, I wonder if we're going to get used to pencil starship the same way
I've built this exact lander like 100 times in KSP
>space place scam
its sad that investors keep falling for this shit. the scam has been ongoing for 40+ years now and investors keep falling for it.
Starship already has a launch license
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Did they ever implement a fix or correction, or was it just "unknown fluke, will never happen again"?
space plane*
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wow its fucking nothing
I don't know
Will there be a Starship version of AAA once many companies start using them? Yes Im asking this because my car just popped a coolant hose.
They fired the quality inspector.
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I realized that CZ-10 will probably end up better known globally (probably not in the USA, but not impossible either) than FH, If only because it’s going to be crewed and will be The "Chinese moon rocket", an event that will likely be heavily mediatised, and as cool as the all of FH’s missions are and will be, most people don’t care which rocket sent a well know-probe (who cares that a Titan IV launched Cassini lol?), and it’ll be known as the SpaceX rocket between the more succesful F9 and Starship.

Like CZ-10 obviously won't be as popular as Saturn V lol, but I think that eventually if you show someone a FH- looking tricore rocket they’ll more likely associate it with a Chinese rocket than a SpaceX one
I'm pretty sure every human rated vehicle has a team of experts on standby
Its vaporware..
It's vaporwave...
Straight outta KSP.
It's a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, including reactionless drives
my mom told me she will buy me a starship if i get 200 replies. can you guys pls reply?
why would you want a crappy rocket made by a scam artist that blows up? tell her to buy you a new glenn instead.
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>S1 test fired at half thrust last month
>S3's upgraded engines did a full duration test fire last week
>S1's upgraded engines are going to be test flown next month on CZ-12
>Launch pad is being rapidly built (They built the last one, with similar thrust requirement, in 20 months from November 2022 to July 2024)
Hey retard, tell me what the OP edition is?
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Heres a blast from the past.
What where you guys doing when falcon was only thinking about reusability?
>falcon was only thinking about reusability?
Never happened
F1 and Early F9 had parachute recovery hardware,just never worked,then they jumped to grasshopper then F9 recovery testing
>Never happened
They never thought about recovery?
You know it's 2024 right? Or do you think reusability just happened by accident?
At this point in F9's history there is no fix or correction besides more thorough in the processes.
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>Delay of the Starlink 10-4 mission is scheduled for this weekend, due to ongoing FAA investigation.
ur mom a gay
They're not coming home are they.
There's already talk of just sticking them in the recyclers
Will the other astronauts eat fresh curry?
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How many of you know what science askchually means?
Keep posting. I will find you.
Looking back through old threads, interesting to see all the arm chair experts opining on the proper way to do reuse.
>I could see solution as Kevlar balloon in the interstage. During separation will inflate and shield inner parts of interstage.
During slowing down, could stabilize and slow faster before hitting thicker parts of atmosphere.
This was for falcon 9 btw.
Where's that false color schizo when you need him
He sure kneeled hard.
Anything for Mars
Not on that shitbox of a ride.
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>NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Status News Conference (July 25, 2024)
Did they have to get the saddest looking guy to do this?
it's fine because it's being presented as a map, not a photograph.
> the vehicle has really performed extremely well
>translation: the crew is still breathing
>LMCO and Boeing can build an F9 equivalent, no problem.
Do you agree that boeing can make a falcon 9 easily?
Quoting meekgee btw
>I realized that CZ-10 will probably end up better known globally (probably not in the USA, but not impossible either) than FH

Too on the nose my wumao friend.
They could build one sure, but they'd need five times the R&D budget and their code would kill more rockets than manufacturing defects
Why are Chinese paintjobs so lame?
from berger:
>SpaceX and NASA have been quietly studying launching Crew-9 two astronauts. Suits are available for Butch and Suni.
crew 9's NET is august, so it probably won't be long until we know. what a shitshow.
Is this true? Holy shit man imagine SpaceX finally sends your suitcase full of underwear. I'd be fully vocal about how shit Boeing is, astronaut professionalism be damned
>if you only knew how Boeing things are
Probably speculation, he doesn't says that he got this from a source, as he usually does.
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I'm doing supposedly. My task are:

1. It would be wise to build first for myself.
2. Heal you, make you able, install security (dimension/bios).
3. Display my card and favourite sketch
4. Plan attacks
welp,sorry then
Private sector has fine one, Landspace's Zhuque Bird, Galactic Energy's Black-red painting on Ceres and next Pallas
This is a fantastic plan, thanks for sharing. Mind if I try this myself? If I succeed I will credit you.
I changed my mind
I'm going to provide a station you can do all sorts like watch, play, etc. And start a card making activity which should be fun picking who you are going to be. Then for the most part I'd expect you to focus on your business and pleasure while I do the battle. Though you can do whatever you want. You can just bot in the multiverse and build business and stuff. More stuff will be explained on the station.
Damn they've made some good progress? Will they be ready when starship makes it's first few payloads?
>micro gravity gangbang when?
So theyre stranded?
funny to see the "they weren't really stranded" cope after this lmao
not stranded but have to use another vehicle to come down
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I found the reason why Boeing projects keep failing
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This is going to the bottom of the spaceflight iceberg.
tower module 4 is on its way up
>the farm was known in zooforums
>the farm owners were not involved and didnt know
how does that work?
Big news and the thread is silent for an hour. Fucking s chizos and b ots I hate this fucking board
>This is a $266,678 firm-fixed-price delivery order contract awarded to Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) by the Kennedy Space Center, a civilian agency of the U.S. government. The contract is for a "SPECIAL STUDY FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE" with a completion date of August 15, 2024
We had foreseen it. Every day that passes makes it less likely that astronaut lives will be risked on the way down on that shitbucket.
>Award Date
Yeah, totally not related to Shartliner
Nobody cares not spaceflight
Farms are big
Could be a mile from the stable to the house, your not going to hear shit, especially when you might already be used to noise from horses getting rowdy. A horse kicking a gate is not quiet, used to live near one.
It means your not going to notice some horsefuckers unless you have security cameras.
When ISS does the final entry thruster burn, those thrusters will have sat in space for over a year
Has there ever been such a long term vacuum fire test?
If there isn't, SpaceX should aim to do one in like 2026
Draco engines have demonstrated long term vacuum relights on every Crew/Cargo Dragon launch.
Quit making this gey space thread.
B*rkun detected everyone pile in 'automated spam bot'
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fossil life found on mars maybe
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>A vein-filled rock is catching the eye of the science team of NASA’s Perseverance rover. Nicknamed “Cheyava Falls” by the team, the arrowhead-shaped rock contains fascinating traits that may bear on the question of whether Mars was home to microscopic life in the distant past.
>Analysis by instruments aboard the rover indicates the rock possesses qualities that fit the definition of a possible indicator of ancient life. The rock exhibits chemical signatures and structures that could possibly have been formed by life billions of years ago when the area being explored by the rover contained running water. Other explanations for the observed features are being considered by the science team, and future research steps will be required to determine whether ancient life is a valid explanation.
why is berger posting photos of the muffin he had for breakfast?
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at step one now
Lmao. Is that place like turbo tumbler?

I know. I know more than you about Mars.
quick, someone tell me it's just concretion
cute fox girl
Is it that hard to save a photo and post it here?
Turn Mars into a giant ocean.
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Lying bastard
>spacex has to rescue boing's astronauts
there's going to be a documentary about this
They are only looking into it, just as if a black swan event occurred. They run these scenarios for every other craft as well. NASA has full confidence in starliner and Boeing.
if you were in space with no suit the water evaporating out of your skin and mucus membranes would rapidly cool the exposed surfaces until they froze, then as that ice sublimated away your deep tissues would begin freezing as well.
No way that astronaut is to scale, a habitat that small wouldn't even provide enough room to take the suit off.
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with the sound of music?
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Wait Aria was set on mars?
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pic from 1.5h ago in the stream
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Elon should assassinate his son
Fucking finally
You have said the actual truth
Might be embellished stuff to try to convince people to fund MSR
Or just bullshit (remember the recurring slope lineae?)
Wrong I doubt anyone outside of rocket autists will even know it exists.
i.e. if you know LM-10 exists, you are also well aware of Falcon Heavy
>He definitely knows [the truth] now, doesn't he?
Shit I meant to reply to you way earlier today but forgot. The truth about Israel or the truth about lefties? Either way Musk is retarded; talking about giving his son puberty blockers as late as the pandemic (4 fucking years ago) and acting surprised that it fucks his kid up? I respect Musk for pursuing the truth but this goes to show even smart people are retarded
>retarded; talking about giving his son puberty blockers
If you're on this site you're some level of tuned in that most people are not. On about the same timeline my younger sister went though the same thing as Elon's son, suicide attempt and all. I tried telling my old man that my sister definitely did not need steroids and so on but he said something like
>honestly son, my child attempted suicide, who do you think I'm going to trust? A medical professional, or a 22yo that tells me conspiracy theories all the time?
Elon trusted a professional to do their job. It isn't even unreasonable. Certainly not retarded.
>life on mars found
>sfg is dead
Berger has already debunked it
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The chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one
They said
>if you know LM-10 exists
If you know that it's called LM-10, then yes.
But I'm talking about the billions of people who, in 5-6 years, will learn about the Chinese moon landing during the ~week that it happens as it gets mediatised/propagandized through the world and who will vaguely learn about this rocket as the "chinese moon rocket" that sent the chinks to the moon, these people wouldn't have heard of FH at all.
No,he confirmed it. Dumbass retard
>these roggs may possibly show evidence of the chance that the least impressive form of life that can still kinda be called that may once have possibly existed here
>10 billion dollars please
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nothing ever happens
Yeah it's a nothing burger
Wonder how loud the explosion was and what comedy we're going to get from the inevitable Chinese knockoff.
A human geologist with a rock hammer could have landed on the red planet and found that rock in under an hour lol
It is our duty as a species to seed the universe with geologists and some tricorder-like super instrument

> Berger is my GOD and the fount of all knowledge.

> Berger attended graduate school at the University of Missouri where he received a master's degree in journalism. In 2014, Berger completed a distance learning program at Mississippi State University to become a certified meteorologist.

Not really his area of expertise. Instead ask him for Elon's phone number or if it's gonna rain this weekend.
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It's only for testing the concept, not for production use.
only fags whip out degrees and accreditations for some sort of proof of intellect capability. I don’t think, for example, freeman dyson ever obtained a degree past a math bachelors–yet he changed the world
Eventually when ISS is crashed into the ocean.

>This line cracked due to fatigue caused by high loading from engine vibration and looseness in the clamp that normally constrains the line

Some retard didn't tighten a clamp properly lmao.
it this was ULA we would be waiting for another six months

> Dyson moved to the United States in 1947 as a Commonwealth Fellow for postgraduate study with Hans Bethe at Cornell University (1947–1948). He then moved to the Institute for Advanced Study (1948–1949), before returning to England (1949–51), where he was a research fellow at the University of Birmingham.

But that's nowhere as impressive as Berger's mail order degree in Weather Girl Science.
Oh thank god
>The cause of the leak was identified as a crack in a sense line for a pressure sensor attached to the vehicle’s oxygen system.
>This line cracked due to fatigue caused by high loading from engine vibration and looseness in the clamp that normally constrains the line.
>For near term Falcon launches, the failed sense line and sensor on the second stage engine will be removed.
>The sensor is not used by the flight safety system and can be covered by alternate sensors already present on the engine.
>The design change has been tested at SpaceX’s rocket development facility in McGregor, Texas, with enhanced qualification analysis and oversight by the FAA and involvement from the SpaceX investigation team.
Best part is no part Kek
2 more days
i'll take an internet journalist with a mail order degree from moo state who understands how to read nasa press releases over 10 rank-pulling columbia PhDs who fall for clickbait headlines every time

> I'm smarter than any "so called "scientist"!

Here we go....
>life on mars bullshit again
It's like some of you have the memory of a goldfish.
model the methane from victoria nuland's queef
disappointing that people like this aren't burnt to death at the stake in public executions

happy belated pride month, btw
That's a relatively stupid way to lose a mission (not that there really are intelligent ways to RUD, but compared to stuff like AMOS-6...). Yeah, it shows that every little part is a potential point of failure.
Best part is no part. Since they need to catalogue each part, and each part introduces each addition failure points, its essential to reduce parts count, failure count, complexity count for cheaper, reliable, maintainable, system.
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Not in configuration and not on the actual video. Its vaporware. There is nothing to say those engines are for it other than "trust me bro"
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Let me guess, you said that Starship was "vaporware" when it was doing its little hops?
On Boss Salvatore's payroll
Nope. But SpaceX doesn't care about "face"
The lie begins on panel 1. NASA did not supply the photo.
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Ah, good old Woke NASA.
He's a retard
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New Vast post, unfortunately not progress related.
That's the most bearish picture for a space station development team I can imagine. Rip the poor bastards who have to stay on their station.
Do we know what color the Auroras are on Uranus?
they're interns you retard
Not him but its still terrible.
Interns become employees
Fags make posts on sci.

A vicious cycle.
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These "billions" of people who hear about China's moon landing, if it ever happens, could be standing in front of a CZ-10 and will not know what it is.

FAA gives approval to resume F9 flight
thank god. more 3am starlink launches to not watch
/sfg/ goes mad when there aren't falcon launches to not watch. imagine how bad this place would get if the long march family stopped flying.
>30 people
what the fuck do they do? doesn't haven1 not have any life support or anything? this is an aluminum can with an ida on one end. why is space so hard fuck
why would you randomly post a cat image in this thread? unless you meant to make a reply?

74 PSI
I won't be doing that
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But it's comfy to know they're happening, and you can tune into one every now and then when you can't sleep.
that slow motion shot is kino
like slowmo footage of a nuke
definitely progress on hiring some fresh new cuties!
It blew up? that's bad...
We had a couple of hags on the pod today, enjoy!
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Sometimes blowing it up is the point of the test
>loren grush
Imagine going to work the next day after it's discovered you cost the company tens of millions of dollars because you didn't turn the ratchet a couple more times.
>Imagine going to work the next day
I don't think you will be
because a majority of the degenerates, morons, and crooks in our senate and house are being blackmailed
>all those women
Getting very strong OceanGate vibes right now
>20000 airplanes in world
>40000 airports in world

>number of planned starships: 100 per year
>number of planned starship launch towers: like 4
This seems off
when there's 30-50 million flights per day, if anything there are too many towers per x flights for starship
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Many of those airports are very small and are active somewhere around 0.01% of a given year. In the busy freight airports I've seen them land one after the other, less than a minute apart. I imagine it will be the same way. Launch, catch, catch, stack, full, launch. Not sure what the minimum tower time per launch is but I'm going to guess the best engineering company in the world has run the numbers and it checks out
>There is ONLY a single rocket launch between the Falcon 9 failure and Falcon 9 RTF mission
Holy shit, the absolute sad state of today space exploration.
Moon landing 2: women and nigger boogaloo
they're probably never going
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I like Glover.
stupid frogposter
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>stupid xposter
Kys faggot
What did she mean by this
Each airplane makes three to four flights per day.
>quiet thursday chatter on sfg

>they don't know yet that boeing is going to hotfire test their thrusters while still attached to the international space station and potentially destroy the station and kill all 9 astronauts onboard because they didn't watch the Boeing Starliner CFT briefing
averi is better
No way
fox girl sexo
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well their other option is to undock from the ISS with 3 astronauts and hope that their thrusters start working
I don't know what the outcome of that would be - floating indefinitely until power loss and suffocation in orbit? burning up on re-entry? getting spun to death?

or they could jettison that shitcan and wait for a Crew Dragon (embarrassing)
>every increment mission going forward
This is the last flight of Starliner
Dear god they're sending more of these up?
Imagine they have a valve failure and one thruster is stuck open shitting out all the helium sending the ISS into an uncontrolled tumble before falling apart. Any kind of testing on a suspect thrust system while docked to the ISS is actual insanity jfc.
ksp tier failure mode
>run out of helium
>can't purge propellant lines or pressurize fuel
>hydrazine hard start in the n2o4 pipes
>fire chases back to the fuel tanks
>explosion sends shrapnel into 3 different ISS modules and the crew dragon, causing instant depressurization

russkis better be locked and loaded in the soyuz on the other end of the station during this bullshit
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>Docked Hotfire Test

Never thought I'd see that combination of words.
>russkis better be locked and loaded in the soyuz on the other end of the station during this bullshit

They 100% will be. I should open a trading account and pick up next day expiring shorts on boing the day before this. If they blow up the ISS I will be a gorillionaire.
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I miss this meme machine so fucking much bros ;_;
>docked hotfire test
lmao aren't there all kinds of restrictions on use of thrusters near the ISS because of the various external instruments? I guess if you're Boing those vanish.
one of the most kino space craft designs even though it was one of the most wasteful things ever concieved
>for all humanity
oh yeah then why arent china, iran, russia, north korea, etc. invited?

1% catastrophic failure rate. Not great.
I don't. Piece of shit.

Yeah and I shit today. I have a 100% chance of shitting today. Guess where the shit went?Not in the toilet!!!
Does Polaris dawn have set date yet?
right now its NET mid august and will probably slip to september. i think everyone is concentrated on shitliner and catching up on starlink launches.
No chance manned starliner return in august. What's the current count for days in space for those two?

Fifth module moving right after the 4th one did few hours ago.
that makes sense, bottom line NASA and boing probably don't want to get upstaged right now
good of SpaceX to care aboit how nasa/boeing appear in the media. i feel that's a lot more important than the mars goal. Go NASA Go Boeing!
starliner fucking up is a good thing in the end since everyone is getting experience with dealing with stranded astronauts. with lots of people going into space we're going to need more experience with managing serious problems.
>nukes boeing
>valuable learning experience
there are literally no downsides
wtf berger posted about it on reddit earlier today

>For a long time I was super-skeptical that any other option was being considered other than Starliner to return Butch and Suni. But in recent days I've been hearing from more and more people that Dragon is being actively worked as a backup option. For obvious reasons NASA does not want to do this, because it probably kills the Starliner program and any chance of a second crew transport system. Anyway, at this point I am about 80-20 in favor of the crew coming back on Starliner. But it's definitely worth watching whereas a couple of weeks ago I would have dismissed the possibility.
Based and Yang-pilled
>It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.
Artemis is a hopelessly unambitious propaganda project, nothing more
wtf is he talking about, how does dragon rescue contingency kill starliner? they could always come back on soyuz. retard berger
>They could always come back on soyuz

NASA would rather kill them on starliner than have the evil putler save them and that's not a joke.
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Yang did everything wrong.
Because the embarrassment will make congress look at the funding for 2 commercial vehicles and say no
Boeing is already millions in the hole over Starliner. If this mission ends in failure the cost of the redesign will likely exceed the penalty for backing out. They'll pull the plug immediately
It's that easy in launch towery
If Spacex Dragon has to be used to rescue Boing astronauts it's over. This is their third test flight and if they can't get crew safely to ISS and back home it's over. If it's Boing no-one will be going.
Why don't they just leave Starliner where it is and use it to deorbit the ISS when the time comes?
Because deorbiting ISS in a proper place is not that easy
Then dont redesign it lol, it's fine as is, but current nasa admin is full of whining crying shitting pussies (see orion heat shield winging). they are embarrassing, and dont have the right stuff. spaceflight is risky, deal with it
Starliner would just blow up the ISS. Let the professionals do the demolition job. 46 draco engines and $850 million will do it.
>Orion heatshield whinging


That thing came back with giant chunks out of its heatshield and critical bolts turned into molten slag. It's a fucking miracle it made it back at all.
>Starliner would just blow up the ISS
This would look so kino, imagine filming it as you bail out in soyuz and dragon.
American/whoever else astronauts are dead. They won't be allowed to hide in crew dragon. Only russoids will survive the boeingcaust.
Faired about 100X better than starship and Starship will never come back from the moon (it can barely survive Earth reentry)
is that legit his son?

another nothingburger that will damage NASA's reputation
do we know why the engine failed?
Twitter for EDS sufferers
A sensor line got fatigued from vibration and burst, causing leak. Solution was to rip out the sensor line and use other sensors
No Part is Best Part
>Come here
Clear is on the moon.
Who's Jan?
Why can't they autonomously undock to do the tests?
>appeal to authority
There is something about the urban life that rots people's brains.
Boeing doesn't go for the autopilot meme, that's more of an Airbus thing.
I wish Clear would moon me and I can see her chocolate starfish ;)
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SLC-6 underwent a repaint.
is Starbase in the deep south
Nvm, that's Florida.
galactic empire vibes
Is it pronounced Luner or Lunar?
its picture macro from a movie (mean girls)

They've done it before anon, this isn't new.
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kym has shockingly good journalism.
I think it says more about the sorry state of current mainstream journalism than anything else.
>using a dead tumblr meme in 2024
No mystery why musks kid trooned out.
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>knowyourmeme mentioned
Thank you for noticing me senpai!
I see it as a reaction gif on discord and X/twitter (and r*ddit) occasionally, might be from phoneposters clicking on some reaction gif thing idk (I never use them myself so don't know the specifics)
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>Major Progress and Deliveries for Tower 2! | Starbase Flyover Update Episode 51
something like this
Wrong Yang, I mean Socialism Autism Yang, not History Autism Yang
They're NOT stranded, they're gathering data
Stop with the SpaceX famboyism or I'll have you banned from this sub
>went to the /g/ thread on starliner failure
>its mostly shitting on SpaceX
>not to mention there's genuine CCP shill in that thread

Also what do you think of his statement on using Dragon for emergency.
>The next SpaceX flight to the ISS is scheduled for mid August, and it is scheduled for that timeslot for more than half a year already.
>You can't just send up another rocket and pick them up. SpaceX is very slow at preparing those.
>You can however get a S𐐬yuz ready within less than two months. The Russians could get the mulattos out on call. But i think the USA doesn't want that huge embarrassment.

>Maybe they will stack a few people on top of each other and overload the Crew Dragon. Would be even funnier when it explodes.
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additional footings near the plot of land and the issue is apparently settled now
the solution is launch another starliner
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Did they sell that boomer to the cartel?
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So was Elon just talking shit when he said this tower would be taller to use taller ships/boosters?
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Your picture is fucking gay.
They are not stranded. They are making sure the ISS is deorbited as planned, with no survivors. We're expecting two of them in the wreckage.
Just a quick rundown about de-orbiting ISS:

What if we attached parachute, and use NH4NO3 as brake solid, that'll turn into NO2 and H2O by heating up, generating thurst for braking.

We could then have it land somewhere we could put it in exhibition in some museum or whatever, I want to see it.
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N2O + H2O, when heatsink reaches temperature of 280 celsius, it starts producing those gases, and they can just go straight down for braking, when atmosphere is thick enough, you open parachute.

Seems easy.

Also seems to be less failure prone than any rocket breaking.
Holy shit
Never seen that building before. is that near slc40?
It's at Titan Road.
>>You can't just send up another rocket and pick them up. SpaceX is very slow at preparing those.
The leaps in logic required to say SpaceX definitely wouldn't have hardware ready while the Russians would is massive.
Of course /g/ is exceedingly good at being 10 years behind and then spewing their drivial as if it's complete fact.
You're telling me that ISS have no escape pod? Who designed that bullshit?
I made that design decision
I thought it was funny
It gives the astronauts a reason to solve the problem rather than bailing out every time the space toilet won't flush or whatever.
The weak must fear the strong
Holy crap, so manuvering jet is faulting. Put faggots who got there in module, lock module, detach it, and make somebody go for spacewalk to kick it down, eventually it will fall to ground. If kicking isn't enough get some presurized container, ducktape it to module and make it decompress.
You're telling me that shuttle have no escape pod? Who designed that bullshit?
>astronauts need vehicles to get to ISS
>astronauts need vehicles to return from ISS
Do you have any reason to think that an untested return vehicle would be more reliable than existing, tested vehicles?
They could send more Dragons if they needed them. A special purpose "escape pod" is a gay idea and you're a retard.
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Why untested? They could just have return pod from Apollo there. Just in case.
The escape pods are called Dragon and Soyuz, ie the vehicles they used to get up there
/g/ has severe EDS which blinds them on any subject concerning musk. They still think Twitter is going to crash and burn in two weeks. Funny enough if you exclude the flat earthers /pol/ is more accurate on SpaceX than /g/
Real life isn't Gravity or Martian movie
But one should be still on the station... Like still.
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you are fucking gay
>anime based site
>anything anime related is gay/tranny
>2020+4 year of our lord
4chan is fucking dead
That hasn't been made since apollo.
It's corposlop, not anime.
There are two of them right now, there's a Soyuz in the Russian section and a crew dragon on the American section. The Starliner is stuck like a fat pig in the second American dock.
1v1 me irl
NTA but the photo is qualitatively dogshit
You allowed company that crashed in twin towers by autopilot to operate spacecraft?
>I worked there for four years and the only times I got in trouble (coaching conversation with manager's manager or higher) was when I made the mistake of putting into writing ways I had found of saving significant sums of money.
My favorite thread on /g/ is the PC build general. I've never seen people more wrong about tech in my life.
Reminder that all crossboarding scum should be thrown directly out the airlock IF they even get the chance to go up. You worthless bottom feeding maggots always derail the general
/g/ suffers from reddit colonization and commie brainwashing
Is that a parking complex or something?
office building
>he bought Intel
People have way too much faith in the DIY PC industry.
Falcon 9
Falcon Heavy
Blue Origin

In the latter half of the year.
Is there any chance New glenn launches this year?
I give it ~40%
It's government. Spending more money gets you more money. Suggesting ways to reduce costs would be like if you went to your boss and presented ways to reduce your profit margin. How an organization of engineers is able to stomach a system like this was baffling before I realized none of the managers are engineers
if it isn't ready in time for escapade's launch window what are they going to do? does it have any other launches lined up after that?
It'd probably fly on falcon heavy if it looks like new glenn isn't gonna make the launch window.
The fact they switched over even though it's about 2 months till it's scheduled to launch seems like a good indicator to me it's on schedule.
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>step by step ferociously
step 1: do a little hop
step 2: go to Mars
If I understood correctly at first the Boeing guy said that there are some issues that they can't test on the ground and that's why the engine shutdowns and leaks happened, but then NASA came in and managed to replicate the issue on the ground. What the fuck Boeing was doing and how can anyone trust them after this?

>Starliner-1 in August 2025
Jesus Christ
this means CREW DRAGON TOO

>NASA is planning more docked thruster firing tests before two Starliner CST-100 Crew Flight Test (CFT) astronauts return to Earth from the International Space Station (ISS), a trip that is tentatively set for Aug. 19-20.
New Glenn is absurdly oversized for ESCAPADE to the point that it can launch well outside of the ideal window.
Those are pronounced the same
Pronounced like this.

Crew Dragon 9 NASA preview livestream
50/50 either it launches or it doesn’t
Good video
There's no way
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>Old dead sat getting hit by a space rock has to be turned into a 2 screen hight article
Grim. Things will probably only get worse as AI slop advances.
good to see you back, oortposter
propaganda site
also, reuters:
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>new russian space station is only 3 modules, 2 of which are clones
i dont see why this is impossible for russia. unlikely in the near term, but in the long term definitely possible if they really wanted.
they need to give up on orel ever happening too - although if their long-term planning now has progress sticking around into the 2030s then that's probably the first step
Russia can barely afford to plan a space station
Vivian Musk
onlyfans link?
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Reminds me of this piece of subtle propaganda.
>Planned to launch on Angara
Yeah good luck with that shit. Maybe it'll be able to insert shit into proper orbits by 2040.
Yeah caught me off guard when Musk said a psychiatrist TRICKED him. Surely the richest man in the world knows not to get tricked.
This is the same man sperging out and calling divers pedophiles on social media.
i think that case got thrown out after the guy was confirmed a pedo
Case? there was no case?
Elon hired a private dick to look in to the dude and nothing came up.
This is BIG!
Life on Venus confirmed, same week that fossils found on Mars
and the diver still didn't win the defamation lawsuit. Never forget.
I missed my chance to see her land in Bango.

>"I'm sure I will see it again".

Thread about electric vehicles
It's certainly possible if Moscow decides to invest the political interest in it. I've always said that this was the safe bet, given that Russia has had a near continuous crewed presence in orbit since the beginning of the seventies and they'd lose a huge amount of prestige if they let that lapse. Pride like that is great for driving decisions in Russia that don't have the strongest economic case. Slowly building out a Mir-2 style station is also well within their capabilities, although I do wonder if going back to a series of single module Salyut-style stations might be the better option.
Yeah, it's a real shame, she was one of a kind with all her upgrades over the years.
Her unfinished sister is still stored in a hanger somewhere collecting dust.
More like YESSSS
Propulsive landing at China Lake or White Sands now possible
The diver guy went balls deep in his girlfriend the very second she turned 18 after having a long and grooming relationship with her. Legally he's not a pedophile, but there are a lot of people who see a difference between the letter of the law and the spirit. Errol Musk did the same thing when he married one of Elon's classmates after divorcing Elon's mom, so the guys got some strong if autisticly expressed opinions on the subject.
>The diver guy went balls deep in his girlfriend the very second she turned 18 after having a long and grooming relationship with her
Do you have anything to back that up because this is new info to me.
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who the fuck caaaaaares niggas. talk about spaceflight
>elon's dad fucked&married elon's childhood crush.
Is this the origin of elon's bond villain story?
Sure, when is starliner coming down?
early 2030s, same as the rest of the ISS
just oil up
With or without it's original passengers?
Will boeing be man enough to let nasa ask spaceX to get them back to earth?
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For those interested, /jp/-/vg/ is just about wrapped up, we play /toy/ shortly >>16297640
they'll be transferred onto axiom station before it detaches.
>part of the crew
>part of the station
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Sometime. They recertified the batteries so those should be good up to the 90 day mark now.

Honestly, I think the helium leak and thruster issues are being overplayed a bit. The He leak was never serious enough to endanger the mission and even if the thrusters continue to be their usual dysfunctional selves Calypso should still be able to get away from the station and through its deorbit maneuvers; it's the RCS system that's acting up, not the bigger OMS thrusters.

What people should be worrying about are the systems that haven't had a chance to fuck up yet, like the parachutes and air bags.
>What people should be worrying about are the systems that haven't had a chance to fuck up yet, like the parachutes and air bags.

Whats longer, the list of stuff that works, or the list that only kind of works on starliner?
more like COPE
That's dope
>fucking a 17 year old is pedophilia
We'll find out when Crew 9 launches. They'll either launch with four astronauts, or two.
Anyone under 25 is basically subhuman. Only breed christmas cakes and hags!
Power, communications, and telemetry all seem to work fine. Life support seems pretty solid, although there was a suit re-circulation issue that got a fan toggled a few times just before launch, as well as a (redundant?) CO2 sensor that's refused to play along with its siblings during post-docking tests. I haven't heard about any issues with the spacecraft's thermal regulation capabilities. The windows tablets they use onboard didn't get bricked in the recent crowdstrike crash, so that's something.
>Power, communications, and telemetry all seem to work fine.
damn I wish we could be more pessimistic about Boeing. Maybe their capsule really works though
I like big boots and I cannot lie
He trusted a professional psychologist to be thinking in his child's best interest. This is shortly after a suicide attempt mind you. Any parent not as tuned in as you would do the same
mostly correct other than insprucker
Sounds like he just started to regret his decision for some reason. Noone tricked him. Also can I get a qrd on Vivian Musk's suicide attempt?
>The windows tablets they use onboard didn't get bricked in the recent crowdstrike crash
Aren't they using windows 8 or something
Everytime i see this shit I imagine a faggy soiface dev modeling for the ai face mask with cringy faggoty exaggerated facial expressions to make it easier for the model. I want to find the original face model guy and beat his stupid face to a pulp
>Noone tricked him
Anon for the last decade medical professionals have been telling parents that their children will kill themselves if they don't transition. Imagine you're in the hospital after almost losing your child and a doctor says
>do you want a trans child or a dead child
This is a very common story right now
If it wasn't for NASA's continued reluctance to conclude the mission I'd say that it works "well enough." I do get that they want to acquire as much data as they can before the service module gets discarded, but there's just a little too much nervous panic for that to be the whole story.
should've browsed some /pol/ to know that they have a high suicide rate even after surgeries (40%)
great new video about nasa
Thanks Eager. Keep up the great content.
Should've browsed Astra launch manifest to know that attempts are not completions.
That's what I mean. Elon was a reddit tier normie before the government started fucking with him. You can't expect a normal guy to know about this shit
is he ever gonna shill something other than tellers tachyon tablets? tired ass meme
I can't believe he's in bed with the Jews
next 2-3 weeks are going to be interesting
>falcon 9 return to flight
>crew 9
>possible starship launch
>chinese G60 megaconstellation
>atlas 5
>indian launch
>cygnus & progress launches
>chinese sea launch
>shitliner issues
All will be overshadowed by the olympics shitshow in the media.
And that's a good thing.
Start another lawsuit bezos, maybe it will work this time!
>ship 30 is prop loading
Good content
>first launch of long march 12
>soyuz to iss
>japanese launches
>new glenn
>polaris dawn?

even the rest of september looks good
off topic garbage

this one, too
>riding on any kind of exotic propulsion spacecraft built by oldspace
There's an Electron launch coming up next week too
there's lots of insignificant launches in the next few weeks, electron is among them
Two Weeks
Yeah, he stopped a few months from now
> They recertified

Failing, then issuing paperwork that says your failure is okay now is comically transparent.
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They grow a new chin and puffier cheeks each time I see them. such ugly patchy facial hair as well. these men need to clean themselves up and have some self respect, go for a 10min walk a day PLEASE
The astronauts are not stranded. they will come back down in 3 years after Starliner is redesigned
Fuck ass retards ruin every stream with the constant self-advertising. This is why I watch the silent 24/7
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I looked back in the stream and there was a small puff of smoke at the side
the angle and the flame trench make this very un-eventful, but I guess this means the stack should be ready to go?
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elon is still seething on twitter
we are deep into the howard hughes phase. this wont end well



Elon needs to disown and disinherit his son. He needs to lock him up in a basement haha forever. Techno Mechanical Musk will instead be ruler of Mars
The son already disowned him during the covid season. Even changed his name claiming he wanted nothing to do with Musk. Prob doesnt even speak with Musk anymore. The tranny ideology is dangerous.

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Does this mean they are stranded for 1 year??
woah look at that, it's going really fast!
i didn't know starliner was this fast, is it faster than the spacex falcon 9 capsule?
musk is actually becoming a fucking retard in real time. I refuse to be waived in this observation.
No, this was not the actual mission.
that's fine, reddit told me it was actually the engineers that make spacex work
this unironically.
twitter was a mistake
>Not only are boing tempting fate by docking with the shitliner that could have potentially malfunctioned and slammed into the ISS they are doing it twice by hotfiring the thing attatched to the ISS with the off chance it explodes

lol, lmao even
Could be related to the out of bounds thruster sensor? Does seem faster than normal
? How was this not an actual mission? Humans were on board the space capsule
Now that will be a fun press conference.
>Why did you kill all the astronauts?
Grimes tried to save him, she failed. Now elon is a chud
Demo mission, spacex did it too
true, elon is an engineer, after all.
Chieftain amongst them, in fact
>"We believe in being thorough"
>The tranny ideology is dangerous.
Yes, the language they use is exactly like every super-aggressive leftist trans on the internet - like some LLM trained on all their internet hovels. They seem not a nice person unfortunately.
Also it was very weird to see them speak in a video.. sort of like those AI fem-elons made real. But, not spaceflight, ikik.
its brainwashing
pretty accurate.
Speaking of space tourism and treatments for the mentally unwell,
When will we have euthanasia by spaceflight? Seems like a flashy way to go out.
reddit told me you fell out of a coconut tree
Oort cloud doesnt exist, totally made up
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i've seen pictures
humanity needs our next great adventure. a wild new frontier. mars aint it.
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It's just right over there.
there are 3 stars in this picture
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You're telling me these fags are singlehandedly carrying spaceflight?
It's right there. It's RIGHT THERE.
astronomers spat in your face and you took it with a smile
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Just, right over there. Sitting there, waiting for us.
dumb question but how big are the actual stars in this photo? Likely just a pixel large?
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When did you castrate yourself?
There are no more frontiers. Every uninhabited acre in the universe will kill you instantly without an insulating layer of technology, and kill you eventually without an entire civilization's output.
When did you start eating shit? Fag
Why don't you do it?
putting your thrusters in a vacuum chamber is expensive, please understand
>we only had $6 billion dollars
>nothing personnel kid
Did NASA ok it without them even vacuum testing?
Him doubling down on Vance makes him retarded, seeing as to how Vance is one of the biggest retards to grace the political spectrum yet.
How the hell is ULA functional despite Boeing’s shortcomings?
Is ULA that far removed from any actual direct “Boeing” input? Is Lockheed doing a ton of CYA to make sure the rockets actually fly?
You can hate Vulcan—but the booster and the centaur worked very well. Meanwhile I do not have one iota of trust in this upcoming Exploration Upper Stage for SLS being cheap, being delivered on-time, or working correctly once it’s actually flown
The more bullshit outcome of this entire debacle is that NASA is going to human rate a vehicle that requires a structure and thrust redesign, while any other contractor delivering an equivalent capability would be held to a much higher standard and would be denied human rating until all changes have been validated. Never though I'd live to see the day that NASA would embrace corruption so openly.

Ignore trannies and commies, keep launching.

~2 hrs till liftoff
>You can hate Vulcan—but the booster and the centaur worked very well.
Centaur is old, and Vulcan uses blorogin engines. They can't do anything new that is technically challenging
That's Biden's NASA for ya
another starlink launch? boring! I'm not gonna watch it
>while any other contractor delivering an equivalent capability would be held to a much higher standard and would be denied human rating until all changes have been validated
maybe in spaceflight but this reminds me of the osprey killing tons of people during testing but military still pushed through with the program
Centaur V is brand new
I bet she was a CIA plant
Nah she’s just autistic lol. It’s definitely not a shtick
the dog with the laser eyes carrying a katana really completes the picture.
Those must have been heady days.
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any1 have pics of grimes with her shirt off?
NSF stream live



Talulah would have - she was about as based as a woman can be but normal and smart.. he should have impregnated her. Idk why he didn't.
Grimes is a reddit+lesswrong lefty arthoe - an aella with a few more iq points. I definitely get the appeal but seriously being with any female like that is going to drive you to the right in impulsive ways just out of the frustration and tumult in the relationship.
..God help me for writing about this shit.
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Coupla cuties for certain

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