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Hermetic pathology edition

Previous: >>16351484

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
Medical history lore

The seven causes of disease according to Hermetic philosophers:
>1. Evil spirits
>2. Disjunction between spiritual and material natures of an individual
>3. Unhealthy or abnormal mental attitudes
>4. The Law of Compensation AKA Karma
>5. Motion and aspects of the heavenly bodies
>6. Misuse of a faculty or organ
>7. Presence of foreign substances in the body as well as obstruction
The Hermetic philosophers also had seven forms of therapy:
>1. Exorcism of evil spirits
>2. Healing by vibration (music and colour)
>3. Channelling of the planets in talismans of different metals
>4. Channelling of the planets in herbs for consumption
>5. Prayer
>6. Regulation of diet and daily habits
>7. Practical medicine such as bleeding

i fucking hate Gaylen. he fucked ober medicine for millenia.
Radbros, any advice on making a program list? It's hard to know which places are reaches vs targets these days since residency explorer decided to fuck everyone and just not show us the relevant data anymore.
which is the most jewish specialty of all?
In terms of money, what's better?
Derm or plastic surgery?
Well, considering they had no microscopes and the germ theory of disease was non-existent, it's pretty fucking shit anyways. Back then, religion was a big thing and sometimes mystical stuff was perceived better than actual rational thoughts. Some of them are common sense tho, like "Unhealthy and abnormal mental attitudes" and "Presence of foreign substances in the body as well as obstruction", the latter being a bit vague because food can also be considered foreign substance but that's stretching it. Therapy wise, besides "Regulation of diet and daily habits" such as fasting or dieting are still used today in modern medicine, and number 7: "Practical medicine such as bleeding" is still used today by small groups that use leeches I guess. Honestly, I'm impressed even by the very few they got absolutely right.
In terms of money only and considering the work-life balance? Plastics.
Is that Paracelsus? The foremost medical physician of his day? The father of medicinal minerals? The same person who thought masturbating into chicken eggs would create a slave creation, that of the homunculus?

Why are so many historical geniuses just proto mad scientists? Wizards.
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Irrefutable. I might even go so far as to say outright undeniable.
Now we just inject newborns with mercury. The tree of Diana is formed as it prunes down their synapses till a golem state is achieved.
I am doing horribly mentally. This is one of the worst mental states I’ve ever been in. I don’t know how I will be able to help others when I can’t even help myself.
Goodc news, doctors don't help people anyway. You just so happen to have a soul, sad to say. Your soul is telling you that you're on the wrong path. Jumping into the open maw.
Why is medicine not a part of stem career general?
MDs are golem. It's best that they are confined to their own thread.
>Naltrexone in critical supply after COVID lockdowns
>have to call in to 6 different pharmacies to get a 90 day prescription filled.
Nice bait but what I like about Adenovirus, is that it's extremely easy to treat. I'm a peds resident, most of the kids in the summer have some kind of gastroenteritis with either norovirus, rotavirus or adenovirus. Besides some dehydration and explosive shits for like 3 days, it's ez to treat and you can see results very fast.
I'm in the same boat, I feel anxious and depressed, have constant air hunger, visited pulm, cardio and GI, everything is fine with me so psych is the next stop.
It's not bait. I'm thinking of its use in gene insertion or gene modulation. Either acting as an endemic commonly circulating agent, or as a vector acting as a binary weapon with some other factor. I'm also not getting too fixated on adenoviruses and traditional plasmids... would be kind of missing the forest for the trees. I'm still narrowing in on what it all means.

>blah blah blah it means nothing schizo
Whatever buddy.
well shit, I can't argue with those digits.
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fucking kek, I admire your autistic determination.
None of that math adds up?
It does. You're also not doing math anyway, you're doing hypersymbolic processing using numerical logic as a medium. It's the language of symbols encoded through numbers.

8x8=64. Take the digits 6 and 4.
The 6th prime is 13.
The 4th prime is 7.
137 is the 33rd prime.

4 squared just leaves two symbols present, 4 and 2. 42.
man, just stop and put your efforts into something more productive, you'd definitely go a long way.
There are some threads made by a schizophrenic mid-psychotic episode on /g/ right now
This is what happens when you stare at computers too much, all the more reason to retvrn to paper charts
I've seen it, yeah, it's pretty fucking bad.
Link to them.
and there is a cont that you'll find on your own.
Okay, he's hearing a global infrasound system. Search vocoder. It's just commodore-64 era pulse modulation speech synth, ancient 1930's tech. This is playing globally, all the time. He got sensitized for whatever reason.

Alternatively he's bgeing irradiated and it's causing his brain's filtering machinery to shut down.
yeah, that's what everyone was thinking but we didn't forget to take our meds unlike you.
long time no see boys, how is /med/ doing? where's the clamper, the emergency med anon, the mexibro?
define productive
Pretty shit. All the cool people left.
I've been on this general for 4 years during my medical schooling. I will admit I have contributed to its downfall.
get a fucking job in the field, idk, public health, research stuff, etc. the amount of effort you put into your autistic posts, although detailed, they're useless in here.
:( I'm romanon and wanted to see how is everyone else doing. I miss my bros and /med/ apus.
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I remember you. Welcome back.
great apu, thanks anon. I know I sperged out back in the day with family med but I picked peds in the end. How did it go for you? What did you pick?

Sci-hub doesn't have it. Anybody got the paper?
I'm an aussie cuck
so I won't be getting onto specialty training for like 4-5 years after I grad from med school this year
anaesthesia probably
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Alright, which one of you arrogant incompetent fucks did this?
I already know everything you'll say. Why even reply.
That's a very impressive mistake. Usually, the spleen is mistaken for the kidney.
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Is aripiprazole the least harmful antipsychotic? A notable feature of aripiprazole is that it doesn't increase prolactin, while most other antipsychotics do.

What do you think?
Im working all week. This adult shit ain’t bussin.
>jews are evil
Back to >>>/pol/
Nice pick anon, anesthesia seems pretty chill considering you have a decent work-life balance.
work work work, I'm on my genetics rotation and you can probably see that we don't do much shit here since I'm posting on /sci/.
How many hours have you stared at epic today anon
Literally just gyno max anon, haven't you always wanted a massive chest? People literally inject synthol to get a big chest while you get it for free while saving yourself from schizophrenia or BD
Why are you such a freak?
>>16389068 #
love paper charts. my dad still uses them and refuses to become a gay EHR user.
>All the cool people left.
Bitch, I'm still here.
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>anon comes in with bad planetary aspect
>give him lethal dose of morphine
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Made up, possibly.
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Black sun.
Med student here, I want to dedicate my life to giving racism some academic support. What keywords or whatever should I be looking for if I want to study human races on an actually scientific basis without too much pseudoscience? Feels like when researching this you either get Redditors deboonking it or stormfront level posting.
"Scientific" racism got deboonked for a reason. Best way to do research to examine difference between races is look at healthcare outcome differentials between races or genetic risk factors for certain illness (so in your path of becoming more racist you'd be actually helping those you hate)
What is it about the Judeo Christian values that has medical doctors in America look away when it comes to male circumcision?
Okay but you could also use that knowledge to harm them tho South Africa secret service style
>"Scientific" racism got deboonked
The current scientific consensus is akin to covering your ears and yelling "lah lah lah".
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>there are 8 holes in the human body
is the navel considered a hole? some people have an innie navel.
I'm surprised that a sizeable amount of my classmates are married. I've actually started to lie about being married with kids to dodge any responsibilities.

pee hole
similar in optometry. 90% of my classmates were married or in multiyear relationships.
No, it's just that if anyone asks me if I can do extra work I just lie and say I have to look after my kids.
nursoids will be more likely to fuck you if you wear a wedding ring too. they can't resist homewrecking.
>nursoids will be more likely to fuck you if you wear a wedding ring too
I don't want to have sex. I'm a virgin and I want to reach Wizardhood.
What happens when med prom rolls around and you go alone you loser
hire escort or don't go
simple as
Either option is pathetic
You will never reproduce at this rate
>med prom
I didn't know this was a thing.
too late.
already have
Is psychiatry a scam?
People are using the doximity rankings to determine competitiveness, which is probably a good place to start. You can also augment that with desirability of the surrounding area.

So there are some good programs that are in dogshit locations like MIR, CCF, etc.

The residency explorer also allows you to filter by # of spots you can have. Smaller programs tend to be less desirable due to call burden, and it often means they don't have the case load/complexity to support more residents.
Absolutely. It's an industry like everything else
Why the fuck are mushrooms still illegal and not treated as a legitimate drug? I honestly don’t like the high from micro dosing but the next 4-5 days I feel great. Better than Prozac or Zoloft or any of the other bullshit I’ve taken.
meeting a lot of women suffering from functional neurological disorder
i never knew that they can be this fucking delusional
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i'm 28 and i've got this thing now where sometimes its hard to open my hand, or it cramps up sometimes?
like if i were to try lever up the thing on the top of a soda can, there are times where my finger would almost lock up and it would take "more effort than normal" to straighten it out. i dunno what the deal is. the internet says i might have arthritis or something, but i'm 28.
i sit at a desk all day. some sort of tendonitis starting?
my then gf got fat after she started taking it
Maybe ulnar nerve compression or carpal tunnel

Go talk to your doctor or if you can, see a hand surgeon
If you can't afford that, get one of those ergonomic setups for your office desk
I got trigger fingers after hours of pipetting in the lab, best thing to do is just take a break from whatever is causing it if you can afford to.
we had a patient with a language barrier that came in with "stroke symptoms" that were obviously functional, so she got psych consult

however, she neglected to mention till later she had a horrible headache prior to being admitted. turned out she had an episode of RCVS...so we gave her migraine prophylaxis lmao
>september starts
>0 (zero) patients today
Is this...the calm before the storm bros?
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what are the names for the three aortic arches valves which come off it? i have looked it up a bit but i am confused because its giving me two answers for two different things (i will learn both)
need to know for writing int down in my notebook
it's been september for 23 days bro. it didn't just start.
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>aortic arch
Do you mean brachiocephalic, left common carotid and left subclavian arteries? There are no valves in the arch.
Valsalva sinuses?
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Rewatching house s1 right now
I feel like half of these cases would be easily solved with a more thorough physical exam or just taking routine labs

Also the onset of some of these diseases is just strange - s1e6 is what I just watched.
38yo F has a DVT become a PE, collapses instantly in total respiratory arrest clutching her chest like it's a heart attack
ED doesn't do a basic neuro exam for a lady who is clearly altered mental status after stabilizing her, doesn't even look at her eyes - maybe this is realistic if they're rushed
But then house's team never does an admitting history beyond her kid's scribblings (not even a hint of an admitting physical or med rec once she's on the floor)
Somehow it plays out throughout the entire episode with them experiencing a bunch of sx but never doing a BMP/chem 10 until it's time for the big reveal and all of a sudden the telltale KF ring shows up on exam
Interesting case from 10 years later on a similar presentation
I think that's what he means but it's the pockets behind each of the aortic valve flaps in ascending aorta, not the aortic arch
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Say you hypothetically have to do a short course of NSAIDs for mild tendonitis.

Is it safer to use the same NSAID, or to rotate them? (e.g. one aspirin, then one ibuprofen, one naproxen, one acetaminophen, etc...). Say you've tried them all for a few doses and have no allergies.
just chug aspirin to reduce your stroke chance
If you take one dose and it helps your symptoms, imagine what 10 doses at a time could do
Don't forget to also take aspirin like the other guy said, your cocks enzyme group is decreasing your test by making you gay
problem is u might starting growing a vagina in ur stomach if u do 2 many.

>t. once cured a traumatic ulcer with a few weeks of pantoprazole
Vagina is the opposite of gay.
Meanwhile anon has active cocks inside him RIGHT NOW
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>getting a BSN and then going to med school
is this schizo? should i just do pre-med? I'm studying for the MCAT as an extracurricular desu
i guess so (it must just be the style choice of every other diagram for the valves/arteries)
at least your diagram has more about the subclavian artery that i didnt get from mine. thanks
Just get Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy from libgen or something
my quick google image is trash
>be me, 26
>just finished university
>on plastic surgery dept
>26 y.o. patient with BRCA1 mutation comes in for a double mastectomy
>have to take pictures of her breasts pre-op for documentation purposes
>even the plastic surgeons say she's got great breasts and that it's a shame to remove them
>post op we have to draw some blood
>she acts weird when nursoids do it, like having a syncope
>nurseoids retreat and put a wet rag on her head
>nurseoids ask me to draw blood
>patient sees my name tag
>"so how's being an intern Anon?" (calls me by my first name)
>"do you already know how to draw blood? Anon?"
>"oops, I hope it's ok I called you by your first name hehe"
>me getting slightly nervous
>struggling to remove the bed rail to get her arm to draw blood
>stick the needle inside her - no problem, fill all the tubes
>"I'm a teacher Anon, but before I worked as a translator"
>"uh huh, great"
>"when I left for the surgery the school kids asked me if I was pregnant thehe but I'm not"
>"uhm ok yeah"
>"oh would you mind removing the wet rag from my head?"
>remove rag
>"there's a second one under my neck, could you get that too?"
>remove second rag
>leave the room
thanks for reading my blog post
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it's somewhat retarded but not the most retarded thing you could do. make sure you get the required prereqs for medschool because i dont think BSN will cover all that's needed but i dont know their curriculum.
>mfw never get hit on by patients
i guess it's good since nearly all the patients i see are 70+ at the VA...
Question. Suppose I have a food allergy. Normally, the symptoms of this allergy are totally cured by taking an OTC allergy pill.
If I know I am going to be served the food which causes the allergy in the near future, could I preemptively take an allergy pill to prevent symptoms? Would that work?
>get experience talking with patients
>know how to get a good history and do a good exam
>learn some practical skills you can use as a doctor
>get a head start on learning A&P
>get an idea of what domain/s you like more than others
>waste money to write the NCLEX when you dont intend to be a practising nurse
>waste time learning about nursing history, research, leadership, how to be a manager, etc.
>have to sit through some pseudoscience that has found its way into and being embraced by some nursing schools
>depending on the nursing school, be surrounded by really stupid people
>depending on the nursing school, you will not cover any pre-reqs for med school
>if you tell anyone you're using the nursing degree as a springboard to medical school, your profs and classmates will spite you
I went the even stupider route of RN-BScN-then MD. But admittedly my background was great in interviews, I know a little bit more about the flow of hospitals more than my classmates.
>t. former ICU nurse now resident in int. med
I feel violated
Workload doesn’t stop me from shitposting or even sleeping in the middle of a case.
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Maybe I’m too dense but I didn’t notice he was being hit on by the patient. She was nervous and needed small tall to distract herself from the pain.
>hey anon why did you order that superfluous scan, don't ya know less is more
>btw you wanna contribute for free to my hyper expensive research on this useless giga mega expensive pharma meme drug that is sure to change everything
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the hehe gives it away, but im not one to talk since i didn't notice a spic secretary was hitting on me until 2-3minutes after i left.
>end of long day
>saw multiple mexican patients that brought their screaming babies with them
>im still all smiles because i found it funny in a sad way
>hey anon, i've never seen you so happy before
>well, it's just funny how ridiculous it is
>i could never examine eyes. they're too gross
>well, it's better than examining butts
>what about female butts
>well, i wouldnt want to see old or fat women butts
>yammering on about something
>you know, i really want to marry a doctor
>yeah, me too. it'd be nice.
>more yammering on
>i can see you want to leave
>well... it's nice to talk to you...
never saw her again after that...
Hermetic what??
Was she hot?
Should I become a general practice veterinarian just because I want to do surgery? I could never survive a human surgical residency, but surgery sounds pretty fun and I would love to be paid to do it for a good portion of my day.
Is medicine just faith?
pure faith? no intelligence?
I mean... if you like repetitive stuff like spraying/castrating, it's fine. there are lots of procedures but these ones are the ones you'll see the most during your practice.
lol based autism keeping away the gold diggers
desu I kinda get into a professional mode and all sexuality leaves my body
Family med resident here, i'd say 80% of my patients are female (all ages but usually younger than 40) but never got hit on. desu i don't understand why i see so little men, i guess my nerd voice and turbo autism doesn't fit their image of a doctor.

There is that one really cute nurse who is always really happy to see me, wish i would ask her out or try to make small talk but i always default into formal talk everytime and just give orders.
Why did you choose FM anon? Just curious because I'm not a gigachad and am seriously considering it so I can have a 9-5 job and relax the rest of the day

What is pay like nowadays?
men dont go see doctors as often as women over pointless things but 80% seems high.
>default into formal talk everytime and just give orders
That's all the nursoid deserves.

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