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Booster 12 return edition

Previous - >>16435718
what are they going to do with it?
will it go on display?
they will dissasemble it for study
New Casey kino
Kilometer wide space telescope
i hope they reassemble it sans itar pieces and give it to a museum or something. the first rocket to be caught is a historic piece
send it to the FAA, but don't pay the full fee
park it in front of blue origin's factory as a form of psychological warfare.
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Continued on tiles

They might need a new megabay that is solely for tile replacement. If they can stop the burn through and have all tiles replaced in a few days (eventually) than it would still be rapidly reusable. This would require more starships than boosters though. One big problem is that nobody knows how aggressive the return profile was. If they reach orbit, that might be even more aggressive than their current suborbital test trajectories.
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>$10bn for a 1km mirror made up of 20,000 pieces, each 8m in diameter
Holy based
>5k mirror chads zoom in on 1 meter resolution exoplanets

This is why we have Mexicans
tungsten-plated starships
>random post from some redditor without even a name visible
>random claims of ablation on ceramic heat shield tiles
uh huh.
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Imagine imaging clouds on an exoplanet. Imagine identifying coastlines of ocean-bearing worlds. Imagine seeing patches of unmistakable green covering the continents.
How about you imagine getting a girlfriend?
>I don't think they can get more than three reentries
What is it about doomerism that low-IQ people find so arousing?
Instead of the steel on only the tile-side, this might work desu
my mind's eye is every strong so i can simulate a relationship in a seperate dimension in my mind with little kisses, whispers and flirting and everything.
why would i ever bother with a real woman? i think i'll just wait until robutts replace women before i bother with a relationship in this realm.
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Ermmm… why doesnt Elon use hydrazine?
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Casey, you're great but this chart is cancer.
even if this fags claims are true they'll just iterative design their way out of the problem, not awkwardly try to compensate for such a glaring fundamental flaw.

retards who want to look smart mistaking cynicism for realism
Exoplanets are more exciting than women.
So we'll row, like two little crufts terriers
He must have been trying to make the worst chart possible.
Not going to read this but I assume he ignores quantum interferometry and just wants a classical ginormous telescope
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because chudIon fusk is an lMBEClLE
Control systems and systems modelling bro's. Does anyone of you have papers/any other information on the feedback control used for the Falcon 9/Super Heavy boosters?
People are sleeping on this hard. I put my money on quantum interferometer vs HWO any day. The latter will likely nevee happen
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Wrong, and Im phonefagging so cant inspect element
We'll get a combo of quantum interferometry and large (100m) space telescope networks which will be STEERABLE unlike Handmers monstrosity
just an unoriginal poster then, carry on.
>that might be even more aggressive than their current suborbital test trajectories
There was roughly a 1000km/h underspeed between the test flight and a nominal LEO orbit so not much difference and why anyone claiming it technically hasn't achieved orbit yet should be dismissed as it was a matter of relighting the engines for a few seconds.
gradually starvirgin morphs into the chaddle
i like it how he makes fun of elon for looking retarded and like he has special needs. high brow entetainment.
that is a lot bro... considering heating goes up as the cube of velocity...
>If they reach orbit, that might be even more aggressive than their current suborbital test trajectories
They already go at orbital velocity retard
>be at a velocity there you're in a stable orbit
>somehow believe this is the same velocity it will reenter at
/sfg/ moment
penile cyst oozing :(
you would not do a 1000m/s burn to deorbit from leo retard
you know what i mean bud, dont go all reddit spelling error on me and rememeber to dilate.
>using completely wrong metric, thus invalidating your argument
>spelling error
WE did it REDDIT!
It's 350m/s and a heating difference of 11.7% taking your claim of velocity cubed at face value.
Threadly reminder that Titan, having NO metals, will never be colonized
You're allowed to not respond and remain anonymous for your next conversation, niggerfaggot.
>taking your claim of velocity cubed at face value
hilarious how you walgreens casheers on here don't even know the basic popsci facts about what you profess to be interested in.
SadIy, this is lrrefutabIe.
So you were just trolling then, carry on.
how does an object form with no metals?
do a quick internet explorer search or maybe thats beyond your research skills
pity (you)
So did CASC fix the CZ-6A upper stage problem? I haven't yet seen anyone claim that the latest one disintegrated.
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but we need that money for blowing each other up
Did you all hear the government might arrest Elon Musk for loving Trump too much? Now we can't have Star Fleet because humanity's one true giga genius is being persecuted for his thought crimes. He's basically Jesus.
You fucking retard, the deorbit burn would give Starship the same, if not even lower velocity, than the suborbital trajectories it has done the last three flights.
‘s all ice.
Metals arent the only important material. How do you respond to liquid methane existing hm?
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How do they resolve the chine problem?
thicker aluminum foil
>Metals arent the only important material
They're crucial, can't build a colony without them.
best chine no chine
it's over for faglon husk. Chine reliability chads.. WE WON.
If you can colonize Titan you can get your metals from the bazillion other objects that orbit Saturn.
>I don't think they can get more than three reentries
if so (but not likely) then for its fourth launch it becomes expendable, lots of uses for expendable starships too
You can literally just import them from Mars, or deconstruct an asteroid from the belt in orbit, or just mine one of the other hundred nearby moons. Its not that hard.
they'll iterate
it's that easy in rocketry
>lots of uses for expendable starships too
name just one. there is not a single use for an expendable rocket
sex with female androids.
tungsten is too dense and brittle
you want niobium
it's only 10% denser than steel, but can handle ~2500°C
he's trolling anon don't even bother.
They're going to integrate them into the rocket itself and remove the outside parts entirely.
tell the Mexicans to plug in the arc welding machine next time
Spin module, like how Nautilus-X should have been already years ago
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>Now we can't have Star Fleet
Elon needs to buy some land in the Fort Baker area NE of the Golden Gate Bridge if he really wants to get the trek nerds on his side. If he bought some land there and did a ribbon cutting ceremony saying he was going to build Starfleet Academy in real life he'd instantly have an army of uber-nerds ready to swear eternal fealty to him (way more than he currently has)
You leave the upper stage in orbit to convert into a space station or fuel depot (perhaps attaching it to other expended upper stages). That said, I fully expect SpaceX to be able to steadily improve their heat shield design until the desired reusability goals are obtained.
might be bullshit but I've heard some anons say that without starship on top of it and maybe an aerodynamic nose cone superheavy could SSTO. would make one hell of a depot.
Too many risks.
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Nothing will be kept from you. You won't be cornered off either. It's just not touched upon. At the end of the day, it's for heaven and a good day. It's actually done this way. You can go that far, but I'm letting you earn that your own way rather than spreading it like a virus. Then, you can be managed separately.
We will never hit image limit again until OFT6
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I can change that if you'd like
Everything else in the Saturn system is metal poor too
Then people will colonize Mars and the Belt which have both volatiles AND metals and ignore Titan except for scientific study
can u post the ones of the girl with her bush showinh?
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The Blue Balls Benzo cuck fears the expendable starship Chad.
It has a bazillion captured asteroids. Just pick one that is metal rich
Link me the metal rich ones anon
I suppose. Perhaps I haven't collected that properly. Knowledge is fine all around. But key things like some skill in knowledge is preferred kept ordered when developing schools rather than aiming for multiclassing minds.
Even espionage? So all our people are capable spies?
8 more Falcon 9s booked.
About 10% of all the asteroids in our solar system are metal rich, so around that number of asteroids captured by Saturn can be expected.
there is no law of nature that says it has to ablate and the burn through is already going to be solved with the movement of the flaps
this is a complete nothingburger
a 1km mirror is tiny when you think about it
there are so many low hanging fruit through making mass to space cheap
Between 6-14 people per universe depending on how round you want the table.
Why aren't there flights to the far side of the moon to install a giant kilometer wide mirror for an optical/infrared telescope along with a giant radio telescope in some of the craters? Why can't you have four telescopes in four craters doing similtaneous science accross the em spectrum? Has this not been envisioned already? Why are we worrying about Mars flights when we have better things to play with on the moon first?
astronomerfags get the airlock, they had their chance

The good of the yeshma cut you heard
>no manned missions
>no sample return missions
>no telescope missions
>no orbiter missions
>no lander missions
The solar system should have been mostly explored by this point.
Buoy cam footage of Starship landing
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Ship landing burn
Holy shit
Anyone else feel bad for Bezos bros? He just wanted to make a rocket and a TV series to enjoy
Yes, and now we're finally doing it. Except it turned the ones who should have been supporting this all along actually ended up being the ones crying about muh PPO and muh starlink sats too shiny
Boots and shovels not screens and roovers ok
can you work out how far the splashdown was from the buoy?
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>Starship flip maneuver and landing burn on its fifth flight test. Vehicle improvements ensured flaps were protected from high heating, resulting in a controlled entry and high accuracy splashdown at the targeted area in the Indian Ocean
The dude bangs supermodels on the regular in his megayacht, there's nothing to feel sorry about
Yes, you can probably get a decent estimate by referencing the altitude on stream to how many pixels tall the ship is
I'm more worried about the leak we saw through the hinge
Idk what went wrong, he was a literal student of Gerard O'neill at Princeton. Poor sweet Jeff, oldspace managers he thought would make the company 'real' many years ago have just fucked it over. Musk had the same problem at the same time, in Liftoff he argued a lot with another manager who's name escapes me that wanted them to hire big aerospace engineers back when F1 was being developed, Musk said no, let him go instead, and kept it all in startup mentality
hiring oldspace boomers is like hiring celebrities for voice acting roles. they will half ass it while taking huge pay
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its over for the CCC
nothing went wrong these things take time 2028 new glenn will look like 2022-23 falcon 9
madlad just can't stop steamrolling bureaucrats petty demands, true will to power
No, those are main belt asteroids. The planetoids of the outer system are ices and tholins and those are what Saturn captures.
>CCC gets axed over this
>Development gets turbocharged in CA over this
>Elon saves California despite not even living there anymore
All bending the knee. What part of the government is he going to demolish next?
someone have >> of the old mod post where the godlike mod says we can only stage on page 10?
my bad
He used to be the richest man in the world
kinda quiet in /sfg/ today, where is everybody?
big bright beautiful moon out tonight
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All I see outside here in Europe is fog.
No, M-type asteroids are believed to be from the cores of destroyed proto planets. They exist all over the solar system.
not even a cloud over here, pure skies
t. bongland
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enjoy this serene image
Are you in the far east of the country because only there there are no clouds currently

looking at this whilst listening to the 'Deliver us the Moon' soundtrack is ethereal. Want to see it for real so badly bros
I don't mind if he assfucks the FAA twice, you can put it on there a third time too
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she cute
Stupidly big and bright moon makes the comet barely visible with naked eye here.
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Asteroid melt during entry
>S.E. Robinson, Jr.
literally who
Newsom's palms have been greased
newsposters from xitter
a musk fellatio expert
forget the meteorite, those gypsum cracks are proof of flowing water
Rather than tiles, they need some sort of spray-on foam, something like the spray-on insulation we have for housing. Any holes or cracks are no problem, just spray on a new patch over the top. We could even make it usable in space, to fix any gaps before reentry.
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>"If you had to buy a new plane every time you flew somewhere, it would be incredibly expensive"
Yet we still use expendable tires. Just accept that you will have to replace some parts as they wear out.
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This shit out there
Why do you think all those tires are failing?
Look at this metal poor nigga and laugh
>Along with the starlight that passes each moment through our corneas onto our retinas, its brother and sister photons splash uselessly onto the skin of our face, the ground around our feet, and the rest of the entire planet.
How can you tell a girl photon from a boy photon
Human heart rate during deep space EVA to dismantle Gateway once it’s cancelled
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Considering Elon's long history in California I'm not surprised he could pressure Newsom
but JWST was 6meter and already cost $10B?
>falling for the autistic origami meme
never again
How did he pressure him?
now it's 10 000 mirrors floating in synchrony meme
>no law of nature
Removing several Km/s to return to Earth seems to disagree with you. There is no better way until nuclear propulsion. They will have to replace the tiles somewhat frequently. Which is why they should get faster at checking and replacing them.
he could say that none of his companies are going to expand or invest in California any longer
but I doubt it was pressure from Elon, sounds more like an attempt at appeasment from Newsom in a situation where the CCC clearly overstepped in a retarded way
seems to me that they are going to lose in court pretty clearly, so this is an easy way to get some goodwill from musk and musks supporters
Completely resolved with Starship V2
why would that disagree with me? as long as the tiles don't heat up enough to ablate away, then there is no reason to think ablation has to happen
the point of these tiles is to be non-ablative
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Use VP9 anon
All tiles under those conditions are ablating, simple as.
is this some e*rther thing I'm to hydrogenpilled to understand?
It can't be that hard to build a smallsat right? some aluminum channel extrusions, a solar panel, a camera with antenna, and UHMW sheets stuck with kapton tape?
So he's cool with it so long as they aren't taking the mask off
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you base this on what exactly?
which will solve the leakage problem by moving the hinge behind the cylinder?
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Can't find information on this other than this one NASA article, but apparently this docking was sketchy. Look at Discovery twisting while docked to the Station because of gravity. This is the affects we might be dealing with in terms of SS-Gateway
they are making democrats look retarded, thats the problem, not the political persecution itself
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irrelevant with the redesigned forward flap on V2 Ships
>colonize Titan
>has all the water and hydrocarbons one could wish for
>an actual atmosphere, literally just need a oxygen mask and some thick clothes to to survive. Can fucking fly if you want.
>all the metals you could want in the surrounding asteroids captured by Saturn
Titanbros just can't stop winning
Honestly I'm surprised someone didn't take a smartphone attach a solar panel through the usb charger and called that a smallsat.
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When is Bezos going to stop putting around on his yacht and do something with Blorigin?
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B11 Aft dome
>They can't keep getting away with it
Without the ablation, the tile will fail. Reentry heating is greater than any melting point. To remove the heat long enough requires some material to leave the craft.
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yes and makes the hinge transition less abrupt
Can't wait for that reentry effect remastering mod
Only issue will be energy but a nuclear reactor will solve this problem
>immediately melts through the ice
Love his musculature
looks barely different to me am I reatrded
>you want niobium
>"The reactivity of niobium with oxygen requires it to be worked in a vacuum or inert atmosphere, which significantly increases the cost and difficulty of production. "
Yeah, no way Musk is going to go for that.
Could literally just shut the engines down like 50m up. The terminal velocity is only 35km/h kek.
Methano-electric damns to generate power
Probably some of the check boxes SpaceX required before their HLS system was approved
nosecone parachutes
>To remove the heat long enough requires some material to leave the craft.
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who you calling brittle bitch
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Whats the angle Newsom is playing here? A good chance court loss will make him the target? A good chance Trump win will put Newsom at odds against Musk so he's trying to repair some bridge?
do you think I could buy a rideshare seat on f9 if i made my own reentry vehicle? I heared they use ceramics and I have enough spare plates to cover my back.
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It’s so bullish to decide, affirmatively, early on in your program, that an LES just isn’t happening.
Pushes your workers to make sure the rocket is as safe and reliable as possible; hence you get outcomes like a tower catch first try
>he could say that none of his companies are going to expand or invest in California any longer
Musk already said that. Also >>16438688
There have been aluminum second stages that have survived reentry virtually unharmed. Ceramic is overkill imo.
skill issue
but all satellites go east.
How about a MOOSE style foam headshield that just gets sprayed on new every flight
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Originally they were going to use paintable ablative, how bout dat?
Musk doesn't hold his positions dogmatically and is willing to change based on new data
if California stops being insane, Musk might start investing there again
GOES-16 doesn't go anywhere, it just hangs out above Colombia
Most of Saturns mass is metallic hydrogen.
Checkmate atheist.
>all the metals you could want in the surrounding asteroids captured by Saturn
Maaaybe. But probably not.
Newsom is a massive faggot but he does understand something that many seem to have forgotten, which is that California in its current state can only function, barely, because it has a nigh-infinite amount of tax dollars rolling in. But there is a limit to how openly hostile you can be towards people before they decide that good weather isn't worth the constant shit you're putting them through, and everything collapses The small time politicians on the CCC drank too much of their own self-righteous kool aid and forgot that fact.
you are either delusional or trolling.
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So is this rubber? Like what you find on the edges of boats?
you are a moron that doesn't understand how ceramic heat tiles work.
i think i would get quitehot wearing aluminium. if i wear enough plates the heat shouldnt reach me
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it was squishy whatever it was
someone ask musk
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California is a superior megastate and is the envy of the other states. It has the best economy, the best companies, the best cities. The best and most diverse landscapes. The tallest tree in the world, the biggest tree in the world (volume, mass) and the oldest tree in the world. If it was a country it would be one of the most powerful countries in the world. It's the tech and entertainment center of the world. SpaceX can't move their HQ from there because CA is where all the talented people are
Can anyone explain why those bars lower a second after the booster has landed
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No. He fears the Depot Ascended One (in honor of Shelby).
The only negative thing about California is Californians, completely depopulate the state and it is indeed a paradise.
One currently wasted on Californians.
and where is columbia going?
Surely you can run your solar scam without abasing yourself like this Mr. Handmer?
there's a thin (likely aluminum) plate overtop and likely something squishy like rubber beneath.
he looked a lot thinner during the trump thing, you sure he's still bloatmaxxing?
Why no Hawaii spaceport?

SpaceX contractors using Cybertruck lmao
Richard C. Shelby Memorial Depot.

Booster shockwave clearly visible on this slowmo cap
They're extra vertical crumple/compression for the booster on touchdown, but you don't need to keep them up once it's secure
Jello babies and anything relating to fertility and pregnancy. Being able to reproduce in space and low-g is one of the most important things for actually colonizing space
armchair engineer here, maybe its timed to sync up with the fluid sloshing in the tanks
Where can I get that icing bag tip?
it is imperative that we develop slimegirls for the safe colonization of space.
Probably something similar to how airliners settle onto their landing gear. They wait for enough weight to trigger a load cell, then lower
politics, infrastructure and a vulnerability to attack
Vacuumorphs are the end-game for SpaceX employees
muh sacred land
>gets diabetes
Funny how Musk knows about Handmers wok yet never helps him out or namedrops him
elon's autistic manner of speaking has always made him feel kind of uncanny, in a g-man sort of way.
are we really sure he's human and not some interdimensional politician?
sorry anon he's just an autist
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Bezos already has dibs.
very hard to get to, same reason why islands in general are usually not popular launch sites.
>Can anyone explain why those bars lower a second after the booster has landed

It lengthens the time of the impulse so that the arms aren't getting hit with a spike of force from 300+ tons of rocket.

This is similar to how military vehicles use a V shaped belly to protect soldiers spines from the shock of underbelly bombs and IED explosions.
Even Tanegashima is a bitch
They have to crane entire rocket stages off of cargo ships in the harbor
Is the full depot exactly 200t?
there's omelek island in the marshall islands where SpaceX launched falcon 1 but it's pretty small and not a very popular site
Slime girls would be terrible in zero-g, their slime would float all over the cabin.
>Reentry heating is greater than any melting point.
When will he stop winning?
Is there even gonna be a market for BO?
surface tension would keep them in one piece anon.
if one blob does break off it can always rejoin with the rest.
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>if one blob does break off it can always rejoin with the rest.
How would it move itself around in zero-g?
Not a thing
but /sfg/ has been telling me about jello babies for years, were they really lying this whole time?
she'll move by sticking to and locomoting along surfaces, obviously.
and my dick
i mean this 100% without irony. new glenn will have superior reusability to falcon. theyve tested all the parts for going on a decade by this point. not the slapdash rapid iteration of falcon 1.0 to 1.5 or of starship.
I never realized how insane his chin was
How much more reusable can you get than Falcon 9?
there's a retard in this thread right now insisting that silica ceramic tiles ablate after every re-entry.
So how does it feel to know you will all be burger flippers for the rest of your lives and never go to Mars?
This picture smells bad.
falcon defnitely goes through refurbishment and spacex never share the details. fastest turnaround is 21 days despite it being the goal from the start for rapid reusability. considering that spacex is by no means a sluggish company, the long turnaround is due to intense refurbishment. one problem theyve spoken on before is the engines getting filled with soot due to the kerosene. I have no idea how they clean them but it must be an involved process.
Its about something bigger than our short lives - taking life to the lifeless worlds
>yes but you'll never VISIT japan so why watch their animations?
the ol' name game never ends
>I have no idea
so many words when only four is needed
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>maniacal laughing intensifies
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Halfway there already haha.
10 more years, skipper
Read this yesterday but it's worth celebrating twice.
awww did nobody respond to some bait of yours so now you're lashing out? Poor baby.
Back to >>>/k/
I wonder when an upper limit will be defined on Class E airspace
Three people responded actually so Im quite happy
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but I am a single-issue Mars voter
The biggest hurdle to F9 launch cadence is production of the second stage.
Do any of your submariner buttfucker friends know about this? I hear anal is all the rage with fags in the navy
kill yourself nigger, i just laid it out
>Even this hag is going against the FAA
Well you're halfway right because I'm going to the Moon
>why haven't we done X yet?
For the same reason we haven't gone back to the moon or reached mars: nobody cares. Our species would rather spend hundreds of billions in wars, mindless entertainment, sex toys, fast food, or sport betting, than to put a cent into space. Politicians only care about power, and the general population can't see beyond their own asses even if their lives were on the line, instant gratification like sex and drugs is all that matters. Be glad we have a multibillionaire turbo-autist with ADHD at the helm, otherwise this timeline would be grim.
>Raptor searchlight effect on relight
There's no maybe. One must be genuinely retarded to believe that out of hundreds of captured asteroids not a single one is metal rich.
Duh, she wants Elon's seed
>Alternatively, a JWST-style folding process could extend the mirror up to 15 m, though it would definitely be cheaper simply to engineer a 16 m one-off Starship fairing and, once again, launch it as a monolithic instrument.

actual lol
even if that were true, it would already be obsoleted by Starship at that point and to my knowledge BO hasn't begun any serious work on a Starship competitor.
Listening to Lori Garver twist into knots about how Kamala would be pro space and hasnt been absent from the NSC
Casey Dreier is such a fag too. God I cant stand this fucking pod anymore
>she will definetly be pro space eventho her admin is currently blatantly hostile to spacex and all other companies via overregulation
>trump is actually bad for space 8v&oe he repeatedly stated he wants america to be in space, obviously sides with elon, republicans are passing bills to remove the faa from the cst, and added in the space force
Unless and until those mini-moons are sampled by probes its a maybe. What is known is that the Centaurs who are most likely to be captured by Saturn look like they're made of tholins and ice and very little silicates and metals
One thing I will say about Blumpf is that if anything is to happen in his presidency related to space its the separation of the CST and the FAA. As for why, see the Space Force separating from the Air Force
You don't understand, finally an instrument with the power to directly image your micropenis
Don't fuck the guy who could be the most powerful man of the 21st century
It's "it's a bad look to do things that are blatantly unlawful for the government to do." There are no bigger spaceflight implications.
Could just be he has a legitimate line that shouldnt be crossed when it comes to explicit weaponization of regulations, he had no need to publicly speak out on it but did. Otherwise, hes trying to stay out of the direct crosshairs of a Trump presidency with Elon as part of it since it seems to get more and more likely by the day. He can pull the
>but I helped you with this
and probably get away with managing Cali like a pos as usual. You scratch my back I scratch yours type deal. I find the first option more realistic though.
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more starlink
wonder which flight starship will start doing it
>watching incelflightnow instead of NASASigmaflight
he got away with it again
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I was out yesterday photographing the recent comet with my telescope and a massive trail of these things went overhead, it was like something out of a movie. I think they were the ones launched on the 15th
Newsom's line is the same as the Russian line on embezzlement and corruption: You can do whatever you like so long as you don't make the boss look bad. These people were the perfect embodiment of karenist bureaucracy that Newsom's worked so hard to cultivate.

>These are friends of mine that said that. These are good commissioners
>You just can’t bring up that explicit level of politics

They're very much not "good commissioners," but they are close friends of his and them showing off just how bad they are doing their job and how willing they are to use their office like a weapon makes Newsom look bad on the national stage. It's okay that you hold those biases and misuse your political position but you've got to be quiet and a bit subtle about it, because if you break decorum and take your mask off it make it a lot harder for the other corrupt people to play their game.
Neat, didn't know you could still see the trains like that
Far be it from Gavin to stand in the way of Skynet.
2=all of 2
*=all of squared and so on
I usually blow my nut to feet but I can tell that hers STINK too bad and it puts me off.
I=all of where i am located
usually =all of function wiht in my memetic sink who average.
my = all of function item or lvl from which i believe they are save to use.
Elon is LIVE from Pennsylvania, only on X
to = vector between 2 or more words
They are very obvious around sunset/sunrise. They only form trails just after launch and are even brighter because they haven't turned vertically yet to reduce drag while they raise their orbits.
I got the comet too btw
elon =human which is classifyed as unique by name.
is=output of
live=of in present happend
from=where the unit or function is located
pennsylvania =place of being unique by name
only=of unique access of
on=activated or presentet
you are very clever.
they =group of function item or live of which cannot be classifyed completelly
thank you gpt-san
Enjoy my friend. And make sure to vote! We are counting on you!!
/sfg/ poster just asked musk a question
cut the strings!
haha put the throw the poop on mark cuban lOOOL holy fFUCK that was funny gorilla poopy !!!! aHAHAHA
was that guy autistic or just jewish?
it almost felt like a troll question. verging on IAC 2016 question. could be autistic jew
Thats a really cool setup anon, how did the comet photos turn out?
He come to town
>another unironic autist asking for a job
this is rough
What tf is this guy saying
this chink question is a good one.
I think everyone up there has asked for a job, even the martial arts / ex-journo milf
no one is asking questions, just shilling and political signalling.
every single one of the people should die
Why is there always one dumbass asking if Musk wants his business card
she wanted to fuck elon so bad. it must be nuts being him, almost any woman throws themself at you.
Sign my book!
kek it's like that tesla shareholder meeting "supergenius"
good business plan, easy few thousand dollars.
yup her eyes were going dreamy af at the end
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I got it, its a bit light polluted so I had to do a lot of correction so there are a few artifacts. Im just glad I got a pic of it before it disappears for the next 80,000 years
>"i have the uttermost respect for you"
opinion discarded
>tell the guy sure
>he's happy, leaves
>dont sign the book
put the chines on the inside of the rings
KEK, i didnt realise!
Where do you shit?
In the future you won't have to.
buoy oh buoy
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this is fake as shit. clearly a blender render.
Actual good Newsom call? Cant believe he didnt side with the alarmists and use it to grab up as much power as possible like he does with muh climate change
Anywhere. The replicator dematerializes it.
Why do you always ask gotcha questions?
>nuclear reform
Holy based, nuclear regulatory commission next
nuclear is critical for mars and even the moon. im surprised musk never made a nuclear company.
>Elon talking about low birth-rate killing civilizations
dangerously based, people will say hes like a nazi or something
nuclear is not an engineering problem. it's a political problem which is what twitter is for.
>nuclearfags starting to crop up again
solarchads btfod you idiots years ago, not a viable martian power source.
Gavin is in his "pretend to be reasonable" arc because he's preparing to run for POTUS in four years.
>DEI is a cancer
Another commission gone oof
Alright, here we go
hobo rant
But how old are they?
just tuned into the stream, is this guy like a homeless vet or something
yeah lmfao
terry a davis energy
like 4 billion years plus
unless you are talking about "if the rocks are that old wouldnt they have evolved into animals by now?" or something, in which case about 6000 years
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yeah? one glance at jezero crater and you can tell there used to be water there
Can we just change the general name to /emg/ at this point? Fuck sake
musk needs to stop doing unscripted public speech events, his stuttering makes him look too autistic
god yes
Shut the fuck up you retard
kill yourself this is /emg/ now
gtfo EDS nigger
wipe my ass with your hair bitch.
The questions are worse
>how do you fix homelessness, elon
niggers tongue my anus
violent drug zombies
>psychopathic business mogul lecturing people on empathy
teach homeless people to weld, pay them in crack, and put them to work building starships and launch towers. they can be housed in company towns while they work on furthering space exploration
sounds like >>16438971
Has he been asked a single spaceflight question at these events?
Not a bad idea. Spaceflight is fairly boring anyway, and I haven't seen a big gemini post in months
Can we not be india please?
1. he isnt a psychopath
2. hes not a business mogul
3. its not anything like a lecture
4. they arent "people"
5. its not "on" anything but "about"
6. its not "empathy" but "sympathy"
have them work the lunar mines
there was a space force one where he said space force was lame and has too low ambition
I heard him mention space around 11mins in, somehow retards always get mic time. Reminds me of the burning man poop question from years ago
no, its a reflection of normie priorities.
Ask dumb questions get dumb answers
>/v/ takes the mic
gamergate vibes
Oh my god here he is. THE /sfg/ poster
yo, this could actually be a space question?
>reverse John Carmack timeline
>Not even answering the question
I don't use twitter and have no clue what you anons are watching.
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Total oldspace death.
Elon didn't even try to answer that guys question. WTF. At least give a fake answer like "oh sure, 10 years or whatever lol"
I like the little car analogy
fuck you.
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does /sfg/ think Europa Clipper will find evidence of biological signs on Europa?
I dont either, its on x though if you look up Elon
wasted trips
I agree with Elon in that I hate timeline questions. When can I fuck lolis on Phobos? Ballpark it.
0% chance
the engines were still running carrying some of the weight
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what did elon do to this jeet?
When will Elon go on X and start trashing Tony, like Tony was about the NSSL Phase 2 awards?
its not looking for life itself but bio indicators. it was it would have a lander to drill several km under the surface
so 0%
Wtf an Elon hacking event just occurred over the Blue Origin Amazon data storage center
Elon always comes out with bullshit timelines. Why not make one more for the poor guy?
source: dude trust me
It's not even trying to. All it is doing is seeing
>durr is there carbon'
and in 20 years they will answer with'
and all the scientists and faggots and academic experts got paid. and you got played
NASA will do anything and everything short of actually identifying life elsewhere in the solar system. it's as simple as sending a powerful microscope. but their goal is not to find life, but keep the gravy train running
Big brain take: it was never supposed to actually be launched, like orange rocket
that dude was fat and retarded
The whole solar system has been destroyed
they have a powerful microscope on mars, but the life would be fossilised if there is any. its not so simple. if there is life on mars its only in some isolated spot. under evropa its miles deep and we dont have the tech to drill that far on another world
So is Elon
Still think Cert-2 is a success, Tory?
Who are you voting for? Space Victory or the death of civilization?
people are really tired of sanitized teleprompter shit
Kek, so if he was a lean chad mogging everyone Elon would have got to his knees giving him a timeline?
Im voting tRump I just dont want to hear about it here
yuros destroyed
NASA Planetary protection office explicitly forced the avoidance of landing in locations on Mars with a high likelihood of liquid water in shallow pools below the surface.
But Im still alive?
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be the change you want to be and post more about spaceflight
Well, that is not out of the question dont you think?
its the right decision. why desicrate the pristine pools so we can never know if life existed?
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look at this phat ass
Um sweetie, when Elon is talking you listen
life is a plague on the universe that must be wiped out
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Ok. How would you decorate the interior of this thing? With how much wood and white there is I feel like it could use some potted plants but not 100% on how dirt physics works in 0G. Does it stick together with the roots or does it just float off and fuck up the air systems?
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Pretty subtle propaganda
they're just big bars on springs dude, look at them
When people are living on other worlds they will have to refer to Earth (the planet) and the Moon (the moon orbiting Earth (the planet)) as Terra and Luna because earth could also refer to the ground and the moon could refer to one of the moons orbiting the other world. Same thing with the Sol (the sun). When someone in the Alpha Centauri system says "the sun", will they be talking about Sol or Alpha Centauri?
I will never call a handful of Martian dirt "earth".
It's not, it's mars.
me on neptune picking up a shovelful of neptune
insane gaslighting
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I would go for the McDonald's playhouse look myself
me on your dad riding like a whore
>implying Neptune has a solid core
do you get confused and go to the airport when your mom tells you to bring her a hanger?
Propaganda for whom? The Roman Empire?
hydroponics duh, the surface tension doesn't need gravity
>little kid asks when can kids go to space
When I was a kid this was my chief question too
Back to spaceflight for a second
All gas/ice giants have to have a solid core, right? that or molten if they're hot enough. I can't imagine a giant planet forming without some rocky asteroid falling into it at some point and becoming the defacto core
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Ceres a cute!
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yourdad fell on my cock once and became the defacto fleshlight
Callisto is cooler
The solar system is basically sorted by atomic weight. There's not much in the way of rock or metal out beyond Saturn.
I think Elon answered this question once before, and that it will take some time for Mars to develop before it will be safe for children. But I honestly dont think it should take more than a decade after the first arrival
that was just a future /sfg/ poster
C*llisto is a dirty whore who is in Jupiter's orbit, Ceres is a pure waifu
not a single prediction doesnt include some kind of solid core. at those pressures it would have to be solid.
>Can't win a single launch
>Nobody is even willing to pay enough to purchase it
Holy shit are we going to see ULA get liquidated? What's your bet on how soon it happens?
Imagine the auctions.
>gamyemede is bigger than our own moon, complete with magnetosphere
>has even lower surface gravity
why are they like this
tidal heating is one hell of a drug
Quiet layoffs via severance pay most likely
OK how long before we have observational constellations around every body in the solar system? Who will build it?
I think blorp will eventually bring them in house, and blorp will be acquired by Amazon, just so Bezos can launch his own kuipersats.
I wonder what will happen first, the first child sent to Mars via Starship, or the first unplanned pregnancy brought to term on Mars?
Some hoe will escape the pre flight checks and decide to keep it for the whole 8 month 0g
latter if mars gravity is enough for that to happen, which we don't know
Unplanned pregnancies are definitely going to happen assuming there are fertile women colonists. People will inevitably fuck on Mars either due to natural human bonding or because fucking will be one of the few things they can do for entertainment that far away from Earth
the first jello baby...
Jupiter and Saturn have solid hydrogen cores with naturally-occurring and self-replicating compute cells coating their surfaces. Both planets are intelligent and subtly influence life on Earth via EM signals.
Jupiter used its radiation field as a weapon and sterilized Mars after the Martians angered it.
The more I am stuck with women, the more I want to avoid them
There wont be constellations around other bodies except for communication if there are humans living on it. why would you need an observation constellation on an unchanging static world? there is no need for day-to-day feedback like with spy satellites. a single satellite in a polar orbit will see the entire planet over the course of several orbits.
we are even pretty far of from having an orbiter around the planets. wont happen in our life time.
The rape train is getting up to speed.
based /x/ poster. thank you for your wisdom
On Mars you could just use the traditional masculine methods of making women less unbearable to be around (physical violence and rape), I doubt they'll do anything to punish you if you're an integral part of the colony, and settler colonies in Earth's history tended to be ultra-conservative anyways because that's how you maintain order with a shortage of resources in a tight-knit community.
No, they'll call it either Earth or some demeaning euphemism. Anyone who utters the word luna with a straight face is a humongous pederast
You know what they say, don't ever be alone in a hab or capsule with one, it will ruin you
fuck you.
These particular launches were all to LEO, and Vulcan's not very cost competitive to LEO.
They weren't able to agree on a price, and ULA becomes a worse deal every single day. Blorigin can poach the employees they actually want, and engineering talent is pretty much the only thing worth a shit in the company. Most of the hardware is likely not worth finding a use for, and the various production facilities and land holdings and pad leases can probably be acquired at auction for cheaper upon liquidation than through a corporate purchase.
The systems operators are very good too, they've wrangled a lot of stuff into working just fine with no actual vendor support (Russian engines).
I'm (mostly) joking but the idea was fun enough that I'm writing a Clarke-esque pseudo spy thriller about it
More like I would ruin her.
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Vulcan is a HIGH ENERGY launch system, SpaceX chuds just don't get it
Well sure, yes, I glossed over non-engineers. My bad.
Still remains that personnel are the most critical part of ULA, and with good recruiters you can get what you want without taking on the burden of the rest of the company.
The woman either ruins you, or you ruin the woman.
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Fun concept. Maybe Jupiter's gravity making it the defacto hoover of the solar system has fucked it up. All those rocks crashing through it's computronium layer has made it a bit schizo.
Male-only colonies with children born via artificially implanted bioengineered wo- I mean external artificial mechanical wombs.
Gas giant brains are the dominant form of life in the universe but they have to rely on smaller species to do their bidding. Jupiter fumbled initial contact with the Martians and had to quell the rebellion with planetary genocide.
Plot twist is that they think Saturn is a good guy but it's actually controlled opposition that was lobotomized by Jupiter.
1st Upgraded Zhuque 2 launch is plannd for "this winter" according to the official weibo account.
Zhuque 3 still planned for june-july 2025, although using the current ZQ-12A engines, so likely underfilled or shortened.
So what's the endgame for (most of) the gas giants? Surely the know they're locked to a star, which I assume powers them. Solar death has to be an existential crisis for them, what can they do about it?
Become rogue worlds, but then how to hold onto enough energy to last a drift between star systems?
image this happening to Boeing's commercial aircraft division
can't believe the first kuipers are going up on rockets other than new Glenn. I don't know how bezos copes.
>really fucking old
not very interesting then, we already know Mars had flowing water in the ancient past. There's ample geological evidence of that.
Radioactive decay might be able to support them on the long journey between stars with the planet in a sort of hibernation state, but stretching that to tens (or hundreds!) of millions of years for the journey would be tough. Not to mention the stripping their outer atmospheres would receive from the death throws of the parent star.
Hopefully Elon knows better than to gloat like this. Americans don't like it when the strong beat up the weak.
lol no
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Hello friends
making some webms
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All those poor poor endangered animals.
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starship is such a cool machine bros I love it so much
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Depend on if EC catch Europa's plumes or not.
How would a knowing gas giant GTFO before things got rough in their home systems? What biological mechanism would they use to accelerate to an escape trajectory?
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Maybe the tower should release a celebratory deluge of water over Superheavy when it gets caught, to put out residual fire
I finished listening to Lori's book last night. The final 2 or 3 chapters were almost exclusively dedicated to muh oppressed black and brown fox, even the chapter about the launch and return of demo-2 which was her crowning achievement was more focused on how she felt sad and angry because George Floyd couldn't sneed just days before liftoff
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maybe superheavy shouldn't spew fire from the bits that aren't designed to spew fire
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will there ever be starship heavy?
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You try telling Superheavy not to do that, I'm scared to
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Maybe it's like an extension of influencing life like >>16439085 said.
The giants are playing the Long-Long-LOOONG game and the ones who survive are those who can cultivate some stupid fucking monkey people into a Kardashev-2 civilization.
At that point it has two options, trick the biologicals into somehow saving it from their shared star's inevitable death (i.e. uplift enough mass from the star that a supernova is no longer a threat, or something similar) or just reveal itself as a fellow creature stuck in a fucked situation.
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we need to kill jupiter before it enslaves humanity
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Embrace it.
You won't do shit.
it's a good idea but how?
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Direct their client species into moving the star toward younger stars which they then relocate to
>symbiotic K2/K3 civilization/Sentient gas giant sailing across interstellar space towards a new star to yoke themselves to
JWST has been IDing a bunch of rogue worlds lately, hasn't it? How many places are there drifting between the stars? Are any of them drifting with intent?
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here it looks like sheet metal getting shot out downwards
maybe part of the shielding around the engines
siphon its hydrogen for our own fusion projects and sling lots of ballistics into its consciousness layer
look at that flapping chine
Holy shit look at the raceway cover wobble, crazy to see steel acting like a tablecloth.
if you want more tonnage just do more launches/refueling
if you REALLY need to launch an omega payload all at once, you can make an expendable version
No, and Elon explicitly stated so
What a show of force. These early flights where shit is melting, burning and falling off are such a spectacle. I'll be sad when they dial it in and it flies like falcon.
Do you have the section where you can briefly see the booster shockwave as its returning?
is it >>16439186 ?
or give me the timestamp from the video
Oh yes, it's that. Can you post it at full speed please?
wait how does elon plan to be launching rockets successively if the time window for launches is so small? there's a reason why they don't launch things at normal hours in the day
one/day is still a crazy amount
just build more towers
It will be sad
All these are great spectacles of American engineering.
We seem to have a habit of making shit that always breaks and fucks up in some way, but still holds out.
>trick the biologicals into somehow saving it from their shared star's inevitable death
This was sort of the backstory of the Necrons in 40k
>Vast, ancient intelligences live inside certain stars
>Organic lifeforms develop on a planet of one of these stars, living short, shitty lives
>Somehow the star-gods and the shitty organics get in contact
>Star-gods offer to uplift the organics into a greater form
>But it's a trick, they get turned into robots who act as vessels for the star-gods
>SpaceX wins all 8 Phase 3 Lane 1 launches
It's actually over for ULA isn't it? They used to always split these contracts
Lets see what they're doing for Lane 2 first.
Some of it could be that the space force hasn't greenlit Vulcan for any launches yet. FAA said that the booster failure on Cert-2 wasn't an issue, but the USSF has been very vocal in saying a whole lot of nothing about it. Vulcan was supposed to launch at least two natsec launches before the end of the year and Tory's had zero to say about getting those set up. ULA might need to run a third certification flight before they get the payloads they've already been assigned, let alone any new ones.
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Reminder that spinning in a low G well is the best option for future humans living/working on small moons
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testing some newfangled stabilization
>Could just be he has a legitimate line that shouldnt be crossed when it comes to explicit weaponization of regulations
Strong doubt.
The AI bill was meant to put regulate big giant corporates. The reason he veto'd the bill was because he wants a bill to regulate open source models as well.
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Or at least the normal speed of the video. this one is choppy >>16439186 and this one is sped up >>16439251
>sped up
It's the footage from 18:45
can you use from 27:28?
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Would you consider SpaceX part of the tech industry like Tesla is?
Starlink, yes
SpaceX is having a good time living life as a young defense contractor able to take risks
>spacex is nothing more than a defense contractor
are you retarded or just pretending to be?
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Makes me wonder if the top engine in that center ring had a leaky methane valve
they're all burning eventually except for the one immediately left of it in that image
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Why does the moon look like this. In person the ring looked like a rainbow too.
you're on a nasa soundstage anon. those are studio lights.
8/10 bait, but you should know some anons (me) dont follow conspiracy theories so I dont know what a soundstage is
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Can some of you fags talk already? God damn. How about this, would you rather live in the Martian ice caps or the lunar lava tubes OR the Titan dunes?
god bless
Lunar lava tubes sound pretty comfy and (this is gonna get me expelled from /sfg/) I would like to be able to return to Earth every so often and living on the moon is the only one of those that isn't a one-way trip.
Subhuman earther scum
It means you need to get ur eyes checkec
i could really go for a smoke
Blue Origins rocket naming scheme sucks
like the rocket is named New Glenn
compared to FALCON
it can't compete, a crusty old boomer vs a FALCON
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yeah but New Armstrong will be a kino name
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I do not know how to spell Shepherd. Shephard? Shepphard????

vs Starship. Very easy to say
this is space flight, not speculative fiction
ELS. Its pronounced like "Sheep herd"
please don't gaslight the poor ESL anon
yes, the word "shepherd" comes from "sheep herd(er)", but it's pronounced exactly like you would expect, "shep" rhymes with "yep" and "herd" rhymes with "word"
I'll be in the white picket fence cushy small martian town
Is that at the ice caps?
Most of the time it means rain is coming, it's an old farmer's tell that's usually accurate as it is caused by atmospheric moisture.
holy kino
no, but there might be a successor vehicle (might not be called starship) that is 18m diameter
chine getting fucked >>16438438
Only fanboys here and no nerds?
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>New Shepard: penis rocket
>New Armstrong: rocket named after a penis cannon
What's the deal with BO and penis?
You can see the other engines on the ring gradually starting up in this shot
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halo effect, somewhat uncommon, but I have seen it a few times in my life. not sure the cause
one of the people developing that was doing a phd about stochastic optimal control I think before going to work with SpaceX for F9 landings
its been a while I looked at it and even then just glanced a bit
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Lars Blackmore

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total oldspace death
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Total Prime Death
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6min clip from the All-In podcast
oh oh, my time to shine again.
It's basically pronounced /ˈʃɛpəɹd/, same as shepherd. Or, if you're Br*tish and you fancy some Received Pronunciation, then /ˈʃepəd/. Nothing too complicated, you just start with a voiceless postalveolar fricative (the "sh" sound), then an open-mid front unrounded vowel (like an "e" in "bed"), the /p/ sound, a schwa, your typical English r, and a /d/. Hope 4chan doesn't fuck up the unicode characters.
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>hes not a business mogul
Sounds like he is, though.
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>Post-Launch Flyover + Block 2 Updates! Starbase Flyover Update Episode 61
everything that musk does is not necessarily spaceflight related.
but it is

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quick disconnect arm seems unharmed
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some cable trays got fucked by the launch again
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tower 2
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flame trench closer
best part is no part
Bloomberg is based ngl. Im a single issue voter and him outright saying fuck oldspace give all the money to SpaceX, even lookin his disagreements with Musk, is very cool to see.
>inb4 cameltoe is literally killing ‘murica
Idgaf. I vote on who gets us to space faster so it was already going to trump. Bloomberg is directly supporting spaceflight though so hes alright in my books.
This stuff about gas giant intelligences reminded me of The Ophiuchi Hotline which you could do worse than reading
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chudlon morsk is FINISHED
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this kills the muskrat
All that fire behind the nozzles cannot be good for the engines. This will probably be a bigger test for reusability than the tiles falling off.
that shit will give me nightmares
>The Ophiuchi Hotline
thanks anon, that's going right into my to-read list.
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doesn't look like there is much damage at all
>light scratches
not much that could damage them, maybe if booster was landing at higher speed
>commercial space is gonna fail.
>falcon 1 won't work.
>falcon 9 won't fly.
>SpaceX won't re-use the first stage of falcon 9.
>Dragon won't make it to the iss.
>Crew Dragon won't beat Starliner.
>Falcon Heavy is severely delayed, it won't fly or it will underperform.
>those ain't ITS articles, those are just water towers.
>You can't just build a rocket out of steel.
>Raptor won't work.
>Starship won't be selected by NASA.
>IFT is just blowing through cash
<------- YOU ARE HERE ----------->
>Raptors won't be reliable enough.
>Starship won't make it to orbit.
>Starship won't carry cargo.
>Starship will not be able to refuel in orbit.
>Fuel depots won't be a thing.
>Starship won't carry people.
>HLS Starship won't land on the moon.
>Mars Starship won't make it.

With the booster catch, haters are now laser focused on attacking the dry mass and raptor design flaws
Keep in mind that Newson is basically a part of a dynasty ruling California, so he wants to stay in power.
Does any actually think it won't make it to orbit, only reason it's not in orbit is because they got no license for it
nobody said any of this
>Well, it's 2050 and there's only 20k people on Mars, far off from 1 million, told you he was snake-oil salesman
there's a 100% chance we are going to see this one in the future lol
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The narrative has already shifted. It's now: it will obviously work but only for LEO operations.
>mars? nasa had already landed there in the 70s, nothing new
>spacex to ceres? not happening
My shit tonight was jet black in color. Why is that?
It could be because you ate weird food or it could be a sign of blood in your feces or the waste product of blood (I forgot what it's caused), possibly just hemorrhoids but could be liver damage.
its over
you need to stop eating charcoal
Guinness consumption
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Hai mangiato spaghetti al nero di seppia di recente?
Anon, that wasn't fruit punch...
dark matter...
apparently its less toxic than regular kerosene because they filter out the aromatics.
That is so dangerous to even suggest. If he actually drank that, he should wash it down with this.
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it always just looks so refreshing, bros
they unironically look so appetizing, would
just drink some water, it's mostly oxygen by mass so it's basically the same thing
Its the weekend, and you got drunk on red wine, didn't you?
Drink a bottle or 2 of red wine, and your shit will be blacker than the south side of Chicago. This is first-hand confirmed, every time.
Pepto Bismo medicine will also make your shit blacker than Nigeria at night.
>iron-rich anons
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>Anon, what's your favorite type of tea?
it's complicated...
He has more iron in him than the whole of Titan
Drinking enough heavy water will kill you. Still H2O
Ok i did take a new antacid, but not bismuth
Please assist: I need a monopropellant that ignites on contact with stomach acid
I don't think there are any (stable) chemicals that are hypergolic with HCl, it would need to be an oxidizer (since HCl isn't) that reacts exothermically.

are there any good lectures or detailed mission overview of europa clipper?
sweaty, we call that D2O
Surely it can be arranged with fluorine.
HCl + F is a fun reaction, it produces hydrofluoric acid and chlorine gas on top of being highly exothermic.
very nice, thank you
>chopsticks, each a hundred tons of steel, just slam into and bounce off the booster
>no evident damage to the booster, not even a dent
>everything just works
Rocketry is so easy, why is everybody else bad at it?
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If youre not gooning by shoving a Starship replica 12 inches up your ass youre simply not doing it right
what compelled you to make this post? why are you so gay?
*sweety. also literally no k e calls it that. Im sorry where is D on the periodic table? Thought soasmuch
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Notice the frog, anon. Must I use a cat now to also indicate the purpose of the post?
Sweaty, I can smell you across the internet.
In the year of 2024 and still some anons dont recognize the use of frogs automatically as shitpost indicators
>l was mereIy pretending to be a faggot
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doing what right?
Glad to see we still have some patricians around. Deuterated water is the /sci/ murder weapon of choice

musk starts the speech talking about a moonbase alpha and starfleet and going to mars
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Yourself, anon.
Yes. Problem?
You are pretending to be me right now, does that make you any less smelly, ugly and hairy than you usually are? Still no
Elon seems to be enjoying a supportive audience, so he keeps talking SpaceX and the Moon and Mars, instead of endorsing Trump. Its more about what he thinks is right, free speech, close the border, deregulate, and then off-topic technology trend discussion. Most of the audience were SpaceX fans.
>we had our rocket sit on the pad for two months waiting for paperwork
>Elon seems to be enjoying a supportive audience, so he keeps talking SpaceX and the Moon and Mars, instead of endorsing Trump
The whole point of him endorsing Trump is to have a POTUS who doesn't weaponize regulatory agencies to obstruct his goals in space development.
>moonbase alpha
I KNEW he was a Gerry Anderson nigga. Respect.
fucking kino
i've said that word a dozen times lately but i expect to be saying it many times more
holy shit, spacex just keeps fucking winning.

guys when are we going to get tired of winning?
starship naysayers BTFO
regulatory bullshit BTFO
launch competition BTFO.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission next, you'll see
I watched the speech, indeed he wants Trump to deregulate, but he also used the event to hype up the things he is personally interested and invested in, like xAI, X platform, nuclear power, eliminating wokeness/communism, and most of all, space colonization.
Trump only cares about a few of those things, not all. He spent a lot of time with non-Trump content, which was good to see.
if Google and Amazon are planning to do it, realistically when will SpaceX?
>tfw no sea dragon
seasisters, it keeps on hurting
well that should be good for trump too, expands the voterbase basically
people voting for Trump as a surrogte for voting for Musk and his ideas
a 15 or 18m starship could top sea dragon's payload to LEO
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Is earth’s Moon an outlier in terms of size / density?
if you mean in comparison to it's parent body?
yes absolutely, the moon is by a large margin the biggest moon in relation to it's host planet.
Titan, Callisto and Ganymede are bigger but less dense. Probably because the moon is just a huge chunk of Earth anyway. Sad, many such cases
But then I don't get to deafen every cetacean in 500 miles :(
oil rig
>Probably because the moon is just a huge chunk of Earth anyway.
This was recently deboonked. Theia is make believe lmao
>ywn yacht around the pit ocean in the spin city on the moon
Wrong! Theia is real and based
Always love how pr heavy he is when he talks about other launchers. Makes me wonder what he's planning
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activate the wave machine
farm diesel
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This is the guy I pissed off a couple months ago. He pretty much gives the entire range of Starship cope
jesus christ
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>"Starship Prometheus , experiencing Martian peak heating, landing is expected in 8 minutes. Data link is stable. Raptors chill sequence has started"
>"copy ground, raptors chill start , 1.7 G's, everything is fine inside"
these 'people' should be killed
shouldn't spacex already be preparing to build off shore launch/land(L2) platforms?

given their stated goals for tempo of launches,
even launching once a week from boca chica will gather many protests from people nearby and will just enable the obstructionists more
oops didn't mean toreply
Quite the rant but hard to refute
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The size ratio and angular momentum of the earth/moon system are anomalously high.
Theia got partially whiiiiiiiiirrrrd into the mantle
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>shouldn't spacex already be preparing to build off shore launch/land(L2) platforms?
That idea has been abandoned like 1 or 2 years ago. What SpaceX is planning is my attached pic but spreaded through the Cape, Boca Chica, West Coast, etc. Sea platforms are stupidly expensive, you need fuel boats that require infrastructure to deliver that fuel, and how do you inspect the ship after landing ? do you keep people on-site? you tell them every time a booster lands to take a boat and clear 3-4km away from the pad? One word : Expensive and another word : Complicated
Imagine writing an entire highschool essay in reply to a guy named "meme man"(me)
>le leftist meme
How is everything I dislike so consistent
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If they find life on Europa, do we go their instead of Mars?
NASA explicitly said during Europa Clipper launch they aren't looking for life. It's infuriating and ridiculous that they keep pretending to be retarded.
Planes also are flying coffins and yet people fly them everyday
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If they find evidence of life on Europa they better start building some seriously large aperture telescopes, because life is common enough to evolve in the solar system twice.
Maybe not. In the past few billion years life could've jumped planets, especially if all you need is a fragment of RNA to get things going. You actually can't tell anything at all about life's chances from the solar system alone.
It was never meant to actually be launched, so it won't work
Isn't radiation on Evropa kinda stronk though? I thought that was the reason the Clipper is not orbiting but instead just poking around
If it's here twice, there's very good odds it's elsewhere.
Probably not. The point of Mars is building civilization on another planet. Very difficult to do that if you have nothing but ice cream to work with
If you were on the surface of Europa you would experience the same radiation as if you were right next to the Chernobyl reactor when it exploded.
No, because if abiogenesis is the hard part and self replicating molecules were transported around the solar system by impacts then half the solar system could be popping while the rest of the observable universe is empty
If all you need is a fragment and a few billion years, that is more than plenty of time for stuff to scatter across the stellar neighborhood.
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Europa Report (the movie) still has the best depiction of what would if feel to be on the surface.

Interstellar panspermia is one of those ideas that the future will scratch their heads over as to why it was resisted for so long. Part of the answer is that it puts biogenesis into the "we'll probably never know" which is hard to live with as a scientist.
here's your Mars ship, bro
Do all these space cadet fans get their arguments from the same place, this sounds like an alt for pressure fed
That one engine seems to be leaking fuel and the compressive forces of the atmosphere as the booster came down at the velocity it did, creates the conditions by which all the gas that had collected in the skirt ignited and that's why it turns bright hot. I'm guessing that the Raptor3 engines fixes this flaw, as the Raptor2's seem to suffer from this a lot.
omg that tether is going to cut mars in half!
>super heavy takes off inside a waterfall of mist
That's so fucking cool
I don't care what the haters are saying, Europa Report is a great movie.
Watched that movie years ago, got kinda boring after a while. The ending wasn't great either. The main actress is also in the NatGeo Mars show too though, which is kinda cool
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Not a big fan of this guy to say the least
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I really want Elon to randomly say one day on twitter, "special event at SpaceX in a week"

An then revealing a new Mars artificial gravity space station that he will build thanks to Starship and has been planning for years
could be worse, at least he gives actual good updates on what they upgrade and install on site at starbase frequently, and only once a week. Also talks about other missions going on sometimes.
Most other channels are absolute clickbait grifter cancer at this point
Either way, it's certainly a call to action. Remember that set of articles that triggered the "Milky Way Sweep" meme? That was with a much more conservative estimate than life on Europa would imply.

I think they probably hang out in a place like this but negative
For me its the mist being sucked into the exhaust plume
I would've assumed something like "build it and they will come" where various agencies and individuals would utilize the Starship architecture but SpaceX would only ever make the vehicle. Instead NASA is pretending it doesn't exist and the only guy that both wants to and can afford to build space stations is suing them all the time. Elon probably wouldn't waste time building something like the Hermes. The ships work
Don't forget the union workers
>flames everywhere
may as well have one giant nozzle
I’m hoping we learn a ton about HLS Moonship in 2025. I’m so excited to see it come to fruition
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>not SLS
What did they mean by this?
>SpaceX can't move their HQ from there
They already moved their HQ. You're late to the party.
You're forced to give up any dignity you have when you make a youtube thumbnail
I forgot the answers I've read

What are some reasons you couldn't make the booster out of aluminum after you've mass optimized everything with steel?
>economy is in the shitter
>source: ragebait from xitter
More expensive, strength at cryogenic temperaures, aluminum has a fatigue limit, steel does not.
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The big one was the thermal and mechanical loads during descent. The loads are too great for bare aluminum, and the supersonic shockwaves are pretty intense because they're not sparing any propellant for an entry burn.
They really need to fix that retarded flaming vent
the booster is likely not going to have to bother with any real shielding other than what the engine bay needs for it's own heating if it's made out of steel, it can also avoid needing an entry burn which is fuel not spent helping the 2nd stage or landing, on top of that the specific type of stainless spacex is using has really good structural properties in relation to weight at cryogenic temperatures which are the temps most of the vehicle will be staying at.
all in all, like with starship, it's likely that even after mass optimizing both stages, they'll likely be more mass efficient staying stainless steel than switching back to aluminum, all the extra measures needed to keep that material from either structurally weakening or melting altogether is simply not worth it.
keep in mind that aluminum loses about half of it's tensile strength at just 250 degrees celcius.
The real question is figuring out if it'd be worth it to switch any of it to titanium.
Skirt gas is vented already. This was changed after the pad methane explosion incident.
Titanium would make more sense but there is a cost/complexity tradeoff and SpaceX has certainly done this analysis many times because of Elon's material sci autism.
It vents through the bottom. The gas purge system probably doesn't generate anywhere near enough pressure to flush gas out of the bay during terminal descent at Mach 3+.
it would be if the manufacturing process for titanium parts and welding titanium in any capacity wasn't so horrifically complicated, slow and expensive.
I used to work at ULA, AMA
>skirt gas
when did you leave ULA?
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Is this you?
There is too much boil-off. Starship will fail
Raptors are leaky. The engine bay, enclosed in the engine skirts, ends up getting methane buildup, which resulted in the engine bay fire that doomed Flight 1. The CO2 purge system was added to prevent that, which added 20 tons to the booster. Raptor 3 is designed to not need any kind of thermal protection for its plumbing and avionics, so they can dispense with both the engine skirt mass and the CO2 purge system mass.
>>The Ophiuchi Hotline
>thanks anon, that's going right into my to-read list.
It's been a while since I read it, but I remember that it has a great tweest that /sfg/ays should appreciate.
2022, came to realization that we had a noncompetitive product
I tried out for that role but they picked someone else
Maybe a few pieces where it's application wouldn't cause massive weight gain or where it's permissible due to reusability. The new Marcus house video actually touched on that and mentioned the booster grid fins being made of Ti once it's fully reusable.
Prove it
>Raptors are leaky
it's over
Space Shuttle
that'll buff right out
i already knew all of that, but still
>skirt gas
picture the aroma.
could you tell us what morale was like at the company right before you left? were there others like you that realized vulcan was a deadend rocket with no market?
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been a while since this was posted, i welcome everyone else to post their metal properties vs temperature charts so we can spoonfeed all these younger muskrats.
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>SLS has better ISP
I hate ISPfags. They talk about it like it's a measure of power, when it's only just fuel efficiency. If you only look at ISP, that's like ignoring cargo trucks because little shit cars (ion engines) get the best MPG.
No surprise that Spacegay5 is an ISPfag.
Redundancy, sweaty.
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Starship is safer for astronauts than space shuttle
dunning-kruger retard
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>just jump down bro
It was starting to decline when I left. We were barely launching. A bunch of senior people resigned around the same time as me so the doubts about the future were starting to set in. From what I've heard things hit rock bottom when the centaur blew up on the test stand.
My dream is a thermonuclear upper stage deployed by the starship. unfortunately this requires Lockheed and SpaceX to stop hating on each other.
there's an elevator right there in your picture
That's what the TeslaBot division is for
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does anyone else have more information or research on metallic matrix composite materials like this?

seems to me like a titanium matrix carbon composite would solve a lot of the issues that resin-based matrices have with temperatures above 200-300 degrees.
out of service
just rappel down bro
needs an edit where she's homeless and the infographic just says "WILL LAUNCH FOR FOOD"
hand cranked winch. you'll get down in no more than half an hour
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If you can't do a simple rope climb on the moon of all places then you deserve to be stuck there.
best part is no part
damn if they were researching this back then, how come i haven't heard of anyone using these metal matrix composites at scale anywhere?

maybe the extra manufacturing difficulty isn't worth it for lower temperature applications and it's only now with reusability taking center stage again that people are considering this material.
Phailinsiam: the best planet you’ve never heard of
fuck off
total e celeb death
Why does everything have to be a video?
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woah kino, kinda looks like star-raker
military probably funded research on it as well.
try searching on dtic.mil
kill yourself fag.
>those little bits of debris just getting BLASTED
the future that could have been...
i would if firefox wasn't shitting it's pants and telling me it's a virus.
try https://discover.dtic.mil/
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works, and also bingo, thx anon.

seems like most of the research into these materials is for use in engine parts.
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this is what's inside my gf's breasts.
can I hire you to design my mars house?
Everyone gets their own Starship, one million Starships on Mars
The Issacson book mentions a 50% gain at cryo temps and Elon's apparent discussions with Mexican welders arrived at 4.7mm being the minimum recommended. Was then reduced to 4mm but effectively 6mm. Seems like they are lookin at going thinner than 4mm where they can get away with it.
he's complaining about them going mask off, because going mask off gets his PP slapped
what's going on with crew 8? weather still too bad to bring them back?
Economist - SpaceX is NASA's biggest rival

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Hasn't been 4mm in a while cabron
yeah i remember them experimenting with 3 mm test articles and testing them to failure.
i guess they eventually decided 3,6 is the lowest they can go.
if you're looking for more recent stuff, you can try sifting through SBIRs. There's no full research paper just topics that government want to fund and the companies who won contracts. from there you can try the company's website to see if they've got any spec sheet or white paper
This is the dumbest shit imaginable and I'm still shocked that people are this stupid. NASA cannot land on the moon without SpaceX, they are not rivals, they're working on the same mission together.
>But what if SpaceX upstages NASA!
SpaceX will upstage Boeing, the primary contractor for SLS, and if the people at NASA are smart (I give this approximately a coinflip) they'll replace the shitty expensive contractors with the good cheap ones, and enjoy doing more science for less money. There is no conflict of interest here unless you're a journalist desperate for clicks or have some kind of mental deficiency.
doumo arigatou
>but what if spacex upstages *insert entity here*
it's fucking dumb because spacex ALREADY upstages and overshadows every single other government and commercial player.
NASA will consider themselves fortunate if SpaceX allows them to put their logo on the first Starship that lands humans on Mars.
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what the fuck
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Nice fanfiction bro but Theia is in the bin with Vulcan and Phaeton
You’re conflating:
>The idea of some physical evidence of “Theia” in a slab graveyard (not a certainty)
>Definitive evidence of the Moon being formed by some sort of impact with Earth
Theia doesn’t matter necessarily, it’s more just a name given to some sort of “thing” that hit Earth and caused a lot of definitive evidence to become deposited across this planet and the Moon (its formation) at the exact same time
seethe as much as you want but THEIA is in(side our planet)
Yeah at this point it should be considered in the same way as if a city wants to build a train route or something. They're not going to manufacture their own trains, they'll just get a train manufacturing company to make them some
i am in(side your moms pussy)
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Love this channel, post some more!
That's just CURRENT VC6 wait for the upgrades. If you think FH/Starship is cool, what till you see what they unlock.
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stop samefagging
what kind of obsessive illness does it take to want to be a slight annoyance to a tiny general anon?
Sorry your little When Worlds Collide! pop-Sci meme got outmoded by real research anon but you'll get over it
Deorbit Phobos
what formed the moon then? the darwin centrifugal model? how can anything but an impact explain the moons isotope ratios being the same as earths
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>A more radical alternative hypothesis, published in 1997 by russian scientist Vladimir Anisichkin: "The Moon could have formed as a result of explosion of the Protoearth" proposes that the Moon may have been formed from the nuclear explosion of actinides located on the solid inner core of the Earth. Dutch scientists Rob de Meijer and Wim van Westrenen suggested in 2010 that the Moon may have formed from a nuclear explosion caused by the centrifugal force of an earlier, spinning proto-Earth. The centrifugal force would have concentrated heavy elements such as thorium and uranium on the equatorial plane and at the boundary between the Earth's outer core and mantle. If the concentrations of these radioactive elements were high enough, this could have led to a nuclear chain reaction that became supercritical, causing a nuclear explosion ejecting the Moon into orbit
Already happening fren, we just have to sit back and wait
whats with the boomer cartoon thing at the bottom right?
Still not giving your shit a view. Buy a fucking ad.
But I'm not defending him.
A Tour of the Lunar South Pole
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>how can anything but an impact explain the moons isotope ratios being the same as earths
>Another issue is lunar and Earth isotope comparisons. In 2001, the most precise measurement yet of the isotopic signatures of Moon rocks was published.[4] Surprisingly, the Apollo lunar samples carried an isotopic signature identical to Earth rocks, but different from other Solar System bodies. Because most of the material that went into orbit to form the Moon was thought to come from Theia, this observation was unexpected. In 2007, researchers from Caltech showed that the likelihood of Theia having an identical isotopic signature as the Earth is very small (less than 1 percent chance).[13] Published in 2012, an analysis of titanium isotopes in Apollo lunar samples showed that the Moon has the same composition as Earth,[14] which conflicts with the Moon forming far from Earth's orbit
you've convinced me to click your ad so that I could hit 'don't recommend channel'
Buy a fucking ad.

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