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Richard C. Shelby Memorial Depot edition

Previous - >>16438211
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>you know what really grinds my gears
>newfag stages
why was he so terrified of depots?
no space related structure should be named after shelby. his family name should be damnatio memoriae.
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happens after every IFT at this point DESU
expect things to get worse in 20 years when more normalfags get access to spaceflight and it becomes more undeniable to retards the role it plays in their daily lives.
sfg wont exist in 20 years, we'll all be on marsnet
this is specifically meant to mock him for all eternity.
when it is decomissioned it will be raised to a graveyard orbit and the tanks inside will be refit into a museum purely dedicated to spitting on his corruption and attempts to stifle the true birth of spaceflight in the cradle.
children 20 generations from now will be spitting on his grave.
ah shit you're right.
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>whats the deal with space station food?
Who were the most prominent anti-space congresspeople during Apollo 50-60 years ago? It's high time their exploits are held up next to this pedophile's.
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I wanna live here
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he's a politician, any notoriety including mockery is music to his ears.
no, the only way of punishing these people is removing their wealth and fame, and you do the latter by erasing his name, not his deed, from the history book.
No its not. Most politicians want to have a good reputation to mask their corruption. Having mostly hatred on you means youre looked at under a microscope for these corruptions. There is no benefit to having negative attention as a politician.
>clearly designed around a "down"
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we need more balloons in orbit. ideally wrapping every space station and eventually every colony.
cringe frame of reference station
needs 8 sided symmetry interior.
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This does literally nothing and rips at a piece of sand flying by
OH NO! the exact same thing that would have happened if you stuck the aluminum pressure vessel but this time it's the superfluous outer balloon! how will the people hanging out in the space station in the space station ever recover?
I am in favor of inflatable space stations
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>hhhuuurhhh *smacks lips* ehhrm guysh, i think we should *coughs from exhaustion* hhuuurhhhh alll buy some teshlash *braps*
well, there's nobody inside the space station TO recover.
they were having a nice hour of sunbathing outside the station's interior, and when the bubble got punctured their blood started boiling and they all died.

good job, anon.
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what a terrible, ugly drawing.
truly soulless and hideous.
I don't think I could give up living out in the country to live on Mars.
Sorry bro. Maybe once it's comfy under the giant mattress covered red wood forests of Mars will I come.
I'm sure low gravity will be a nice place to retire to.
I am just too enamored with this image right now, idk why
Not with your android dogshit but with >>16440170 which is why I posted it again
>still thinks Mexicans work at SpaceX.
All their low skill labour has been replaced by robots.
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>t. burger flipper
nah, only losers are enamoured by that image
and calling nandroids dogshit is tantamount to branding yourself a subhuman.
fleshbag loving demon.
are you a seething mexican?
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How far ahead do you think SX is thinking about the actual hardware and stuff for inhabiting Mars? Is that even a concern right now, or are they just going one step at a time with the rocket? Maybe it's not even that important, since a Starship is already a big living space and they also have a big drill to drill things with
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What a lovely hamster. Heres mine
>is that even a concern right now
and this is the same answer for anything else that's not the immediate next step to getting starship to work.
A, then B, then C, then D. not B and D at the same time.
I recently spoke to someone at a fortune 500 glass company that was approached by SpaceX to make something related to Starlink (the company fucked it up and was too slow). But SpaceX did get samples, and they tested them by launching them into space. That's probably how Mars dev will go. Instead of spending 50 years writing papers on it like NASA, they're just going to overwhelm the red planet with hardware and they'll know more every window. It's the SpaceX approach.
im goimg to fik the bunni
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Makes sense, one issue I was thinking of just now that is there even good data on how the soil affects different materials? So it wouldn't make much sense to try designing living spaces, until they actually get stuff there and see how hard and fast the sand eats through stuff
oh yeah good point! I saw in the reddit movie the dust can be pretty dangerous!! :o
It'll be nowhere near as bad as moon dust
How much have people looked at that? During Apollo, didn't it end up being a bit of a surprise how sharp and sticky the lunar soil is
moon rabbitgirls will be raped.
Mars has an atmosphere
A very thin one thoughever
Doesn't matter for the moon dust issue
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>vote for trump for SpaceX to go to ma- ACK!!!!
back to the sharty subhumanoid
Sorry anon, I'm a slave to my genes. Can't wean myself off that flesh.
reddit trannies really trying to take the tranny-ack meme lmao
You young uns don't remember William Proxmire but he was every space nerds enemy back in the day
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What's Bloombergs angle really? That whole article is sus even if it appears on the surface to be praising SpaceX.

No Artemis means no HLS or Gateway logistics money for SpaceX, no people on the moon isn't inspiring either.

>sees Starship succeed and the first thought that immediately comes to mind is how much this can benefit robotic space exploration and we must cancel Artemis and Gateway

Its sus alright. They've been attacking Musk/Tesla for a decade with daily FUDs. A sudden thought about Moon mission from the owner of the company, a huge Biden voter, should ring an alarm bell. Its fake.
NASA was over budget and out of order with nothing to show for it.
Somebody needed to give them a dose of reality and decrease the burden on the taxpayer.
Certain NASA contractors and senators would like the constellation cancel into artemis thing to happen again, since they'd get a huge amount of money and jobs increase again.
Like people said it was a reaction to the successful test, not motivated by personal interest, as Bloomberg does not give a fuck about space or own controlling interest in a space company
If I was being generous I'd say this dude wants to see Americans on the moon while he's still alive
If I'm being cynical he does have a financial interest, it just isn't disclosed
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>this dude wants to see Americans on the moon while he's still alive
He's a "muh robots" fag that wants no humans in space exploration, still thinks Artemis is about picking up rocks instead of ISRU and water-ice, doesn't know shit about Artemis.

At best like I said there is no ulterior motive for that article and he just wants Starship used for robotic space exploration and move that along faster/cheaper, can't know for sure though.

Artemis shouldn't be cancelled but Block 1B and ML-2 and EUS can fuck off
>The gravity gradient (a greater gravitational pull on the parts of objects closest to Earth) can affect the orientation of satellites in space, inexorably pulling them out of alignment.

Wait what that's an actual thing? Damn
Honestly I don't even care about it anymore. Public funding is largely wasted. SpaceX has only received half a NASA budget year over the last two decades. With Starlink it just doesn't matter. SpaceX will colonize Mars regardless of what the government does
i've never heard tidal force to be significant at this level
based and boomer cartoon pilled
buying political favor, without going off-topic
erm its X now sweetie...
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>You are voting for me aren't you anon?
trump doesn't look like this, trump is much uglier than the guy in this picture.
that'll be 100 billion usd, plus tip
His bet if Trump wins?
>dropping a scathing Artemis hitpiece less than a month before NASA makes its decision on the Orion heatshield

oh man, this might do massive PR damage to NASA
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>A celestial irony is that none of this is necessary. A reusable SpaceX Starship will very likely be able to carry people, cargo and robots directly to the moon — no SLS, Orion, Gateway, Block 1B or ML-2 required — at a small fraction of the cost. Its successful landing of the Starship booster was a breakthrough that demonstrated how far beyond NASA it is moving.

Very good point Mr. Bloomberg
but the jobs
I pray that Shelby clings to life long enough to have a depot named after him.
Moreover, more people are waking up that with the current approach, you're basically handing over the Moon to China.
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Miss SpaceX when?
again he doesn't care about that, he'd probably be happy to let Chinese boots hop around the lunar surface if Artemis cancelled means more robotic missions be funded instead

Polaris kino dropped
imagine copulating with that woman
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here we go again...
I've never watched a single second of his content and I never will. same reason I dont go on x to debate flerfs
yeah, i don't watch him either, but it surprised me that he doubled down again.
If you read the book on musk you'd know they've been talking weekly about how to colonize mars since the companies inception
I think they have some ideas and are probably working on some stuff
Just finished Liftoff. Seems like most of the problems with F1 were directly or indirectly caused by that shithole island.
let me guess
>timelines inaccurate
>development costs a lot of money
>refurbishment will be expensive and slow (evidence: the shuttle referbishment was expensive and slow)
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>What's Bloombergs angle really?

He outright states that we should not be sending people to the Moon.

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