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Peanut butter edition

Previous Thread: >>16420159
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of some of the previous editions of /scg/:
Does the STEM job market in the US have any chance of recovery soon?
I know it's ovER for IT and CS and basically any computer-related degree overall, but what about engineering? The life/physical sciences?
My STEM career is pathetic.
My entire life is a sick joke.
Seen some other guy shill it, is the gervais principle actually reflective of adult life in academia?
Academia is just another organization and there's plenty of parallels/overlap between academic and industrial groups in a given field, especially for smaller and early stage companies (both in terms of how they function and often in the actual people involved). If the Gervais principle were applicable to companies regardless of size and industry, it should also be applicable to academia.

I wouldn't read too much into it, even if some statements are more or less obviously true. People that look out for their own interests over others' tend to get ahead. In a workplace setting loyalty is often just dressed up laziness and will get exploited. Despite all this there's a number of non-psycho people who will not appreciate you going all john nash beautiful mind game theory on every interaction 100% of the time.
I went to a T3 mechanical engineering school and my starting salary was 3000 pounds.
Engineering is a shit field for money and you are lucky to earn 100k in America
>Engineering is a shit field for money
Well, that was in the UK; right?
How do you actually make peanut butter?
Is it even butter? Butter is an emulsion of solid fats, is peanut butter even fat?
The nu-shit they sell that is easy to scoop is basically trans-fat by the spoon.
There are oils in the peanut, sometimes oils are added.
in the usa its also a shit field, but you can still earn 80k if you do well in yours 30s
>How do you actually make peanut butter?
put peanuts in a cuisinart and turn it on.
What does sci think about all those STEM degrees that have an integrated economics component like Industrial Engineering, Econophysics, Business Chemistry and Information Systems?
that would not make butter, butter is basically fat and water. Peanuts have oils, do they have solid fats too?
mashed peanuts cannot be butter
>What does sci think about all those STEM degrees that have an integrated economics component like Industrial Engineering
It makes sense in any engineering that has to deal with the realities of making decisions based om economics and not just on what is technically optimal. You need to teach people that prices are just another indicator and not bad/good.
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Can you stop shitting up the thread with your mental diarrhea you fucking spastic retard?
Here's the ingredients label for a jar of peanut butter. Please direct further questions to google.com. Thanks.
>Filling grad school applications
>The form asks you to list relevant courses you've taken (as well as your grade) in a giant text box
>While also asking for a transcript in pdf format
For what purpose? Is it not redundant?
The giant text box is fed to an AI that acres about keywords but not so much the formatting.
The PDF is for the humans in HR.
>Can you stop shitting up the thread with your mental diarrhea you fucking spastic
Im not shitting up the thread.
Blending a bunch of peanuts would not make peanut butter. That would make peanut puree.
Butter is made of fat, and to a point it doesnt matter the source of the fat, so something like lard can be considered a type of butter. Germans could make fatty acids from coal and make a type of butter, they even added butter smell chemically.
Is this not the smarty board? You people like to mock george washington carver but i dont see you being any better than him if you dont know how to make peanut butter.
And no, it isnt "peanut puree".
You never watched how it's made growing up?
Recently landed my dream phd position on an incredible biomedical project, the best in my region. I am so happy. Wish all of you anons the best. I struggled so much to get to where I am but it was so worth it. God bless.
I hate this shit so much it's unreal. Why the fuck do I submit a resume if you are just gonna make me transcribe the entire fucking thing through some shitty workday app
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Another day, another rejection. No feedback, no details, just a canned email from HR. I guess I should be grateful they didn't ghost me completely, but fuck it's frustrating not getting any kind of feedback at all.
>Sorry, but we just don't think your research is a good fit.
>We're really looking for someone with more service experience.
>We want someone with more experience teaching these kinds of courses.
Something, anything that would give me some indication on how to strengthen future applications.
Who's gonna tell him?
>dream phd position
lol lmao even
Lol, I graduated from cs this year and just got a job
No you didn't.
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Cope. I'm not paying for it and will sign a job contract. I WILL BE HAPPY
I did just the same, good luck
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Thank you anon. Best of luck to you too.
What field are you in?
Experimental/computational physics
Gl bud
Barge into the HR office and slam your hat on the floor and inform them they have insulted you and that you demand satisfaction.
Can you get a job with an MS in physics?
Really wish it worked that way.
Yes, you can contemplate the physics of how the hot oil transfers heat to the fries at work.
About motivation...
>Computer Modern is the family of typefaces developed by Donald Knuth for TeX. It's so good-looking that some scientists do research just so they can write it up in Computer Modern.

That's ... impressive. And it doesn't end there.
>Computer Modern
>The most credible font
>If you ever need to look like you know what you are talking about, use this font. It also helps if the text you are typesetting is also written in a formal tone.

Clearly a must have for any ma in the arena.
Need details, plox.
humiliation ritual
oh no no no
Depressing that this goes through HR, you'd expect at least some faculty to look at faculty applications
Yes but not in physics unless you specialized in a very applied area like optical devices or medical radiation physics (semiconductor companies want PhDs). You can retrain to get a comfy software job in less than year though.
t. MS physics who jumped on the AI hype train
> It's so good-looking that some scientists do research just so they can write it up in Computer Modern.
Literally me, although I also cum buckets whenever I use BibTeX, it's so much better than whatever medicine/law/humanities fags use for citation management
>Literally me, although I also cum buckets whenever I use BibTeX, it's so much better than whatever medicine/law/humanities fags use for citation management
Lyx 2.4.2 was just released, hopefully more people will see the light.
fuck off I'll keep writing everything in Word and citw with EndNote no matter what. Tired of these faggots that want to implement muh coding in fucking everything, soon third graders will be taught advanced C++, fuck this bullshit, we humans are not meant to code, we are meant to hunt boars, have fun with the boys and cum deep inside a pussy, not code your shit ass paper on latex
>using endnote
I actually just switched from Mendeley cause my uni has free subscription. Cry about it. I need less.
integrated photonics company support is crumbling
"lab on a chip" meant "lab with a chip"
t. knows
Would love to spent some time and have experience in China but I can't commit a whole semester to that. Many reputable Chinese universities offer research internships starting from 3rd year undergraduates to international students that are fully funded or only cost a small alibi fee. Anyone here who has ever done this?
What's worse for you, an instant automated e-mail rejection or 3 rounds of interviews and then a rejection?
Getting the job and having to work for a living
Not China but I went to Taiwan.
I will tell you, it isn't 2002 anymore and real life isn't anime. Being white in Asia aint what it used to be. Western prestige has fallen quite a lot.
Automated rejections or ghosting - getting to the interview stage and being rejected is frustrating, especially after putting in a lot of time and effort, but at least you get to talk face to face to some real human beings and even though you don't get the job you at least get some good feedback and may make connections with people you end up working with in the future (one of my closest research colleagues now is a professor who was on a search committee that ultimately rejected me for a position), or leave a really positive impression with the interviewers that they'll remember if the applicant they end up picking doesn't work out, or if another position is posted there in the future that you apply for.

With automated rejections or ghosting you get jack shit - you get no feedback, no indication of what you did right or wrong, whether your application materials are weak and need improvement, whether you had a strong application and just didn't quite make the final cut or seem like a good fit, etc. You're just left wondering what the fuck went wrong, what the reason you got rejected was, or whether the next 30 jobs you apply to are going to reject you for the same reason.
Doesn't science and innovation have to deal with economics as well though? Isn't that what this grant shit is about?
>Western prestige has fallen quite a lot.

Exactly and that's why I want to do an internship at a C9 Chinese university, dude.
I've given up on applying for engineering roles what finance roles can I apply for with a Chemical Engineering degree?
I want to publish a paper using Arabic script to name variables and doing some downright evil things with them to fuck with the reviewers
Have you tried looking into consulting roles in the energy/materials/chem area?
Tried everything man. The place i interned at twicd interviewed me twice and still no offer. Its not even like im applying at exxon and shit
I djinn.
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I WILL redeem my miserable fucking childhood that was ruined by the countries governments vendetta against swagged out sensitive young white boys and girl bullies! I will get a machine learning research or quant internship! I will attain the upper middle class townhouse lifestyle I so richly deserve!
The point is why would they want you?
Any neuroscientist or biologist here? have few questions :3
No idea, why do they want me and offer loads of summer schools and scholarship programs at the university-level, provincial level and national level, as well as through cultural Institutes such as the confucius Institute to foreign students all over the globe including Western ones? You gotta ask the Chinese ministry of education that. Btw, did you just conflate and project your waning romantic success with foreign women due to you becoming a washed-up middle-aged white guy onto the educational policy of an entire nation for some reason? This is a whole new level of psychopathology. And yeah, Taiwan is part of China.
>And yeah, Taiwan is part of China.
The Republic of China
Peer review doesn't really work like that. If the reviewers get annoyed or can't figure out what you're trying to do they will just reject your paper. Most of the time the reviewers are mouthbreathing retards who won't even read the paper and will reject it for a reason which may or may not have any legitimacy. Giving the legitimate reviewers reasons to hate you is just screwing yourself over.
Did Industrial Engineering for my bachelor degree and I can highly recommend it. Most well paying jobs require having a little more people skills than other degrees though.
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Should I go to med school at age 36? It is free and I have money for living expenses. No commitments. I am unemployed living with my parents. I already tried and failed at career/jobs in academia, school teaching, defense industry engineering and software developer in startups. I have been watching a lot of House MD lately and feel some interest in medicine.
> I already tried and failed at career/jobs in academia, school teaching, defense industry engineering and software developer in startups.
And you think med school would be somehow easier? Guess again.
I feel pretty confident I can get through med school. I don't know if I can make a career/stay employed in medicine tho. As I discovered previously in my STEM career attempts, getting the degree is just the beginning. Everybody got "the degree".
instead of med school, go to interview-passing school
No offence bro but you sound kind of delusion. I suggest aiming for a much, much simpler career.
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Is med school really harder than a STEM PhD?
At least where I am there's such a shortage of doctors that anyone with a pulse and an MD gets hired. Maybe there's competition for the best jobs but medical doctors have to try to end up unemployed.

The hard part is getting in. And I guess it usually lasts for a pretty long time, which at 36 may or may not be a relevant thing to consider. But to be honest a STEM PhD, once you're in, is also pretty difficult to outright fail. The thing is if you're a shit PhD you become unemployed, if you're a shit MD you'll probably be hired anyway.

To be honest if you did get a STEM PhD you should be able to do something like school teaching or industry work after a bit of adjustment. So maybe the question to answer for whether you'll be able to function as a doctor is what made you unable to function in your previous careers?
What do you do for work?
Saturday morning is the perfect time to have a murderous fantasy about your supervisor
>he thing is if you're a shit PhD you become unemployed, if you're a shit MD you'll probably be hired anyway.
ok, this is exactly what i needed to hear.
I should have gone to a higher tier school
>can't submit an application without a mandatory cover letter and long written answers
>all this effort for a non-zero chance the AI they feed my application into will reject me instantly
One day I'm expecting to be asked to drag my nuts through miles of broken glass just for the chance of a job interview, I think I have higher chances of winning the lottery at this point
>Please include with your application, the following:
>Cover Letter
>Curriculum Vitae
>Teaching Statement
>Research Statement
>Copies of the last three journal publications with an impact factor of 10 or better
>Diversity Statement
>Personal Beliefs Statement
>An unredacted copy of your internet search history
>Official Graduate Transcripts
>Official Undergraduate Transcripts
>Official High School Transcripts
>A photo of that crafts project you did with the hand turkey in the first grade
>Contact information and letters of recommendation (at least 5000 words) from five professional references who you've known for at least ten years each
>From: no-reply.hr@fu.edu
>Congratulations your application has been received!
>From: no-reply.hr@fu.edu
>Thank you for your interest in the Part-Time Adjunct position at Farnsworth University, unfortunately at this time we are rejecting your application from further consideration.
I have a Master's in chem and I am working for the research lab of a large manufacturing company that is paid really well. Is there even a point in getting a PhD if I will end up outside of academia working anyway?
the shit they ask you for is ridiculous, especially knowing there's a 99% chance you don't even make it through the first round. >>16450915 isn't nearly as far from reality as it should be.

no, there's no benefit to it if you're not going into academic research.
If you don't need a PhD, don't get a PhD. In any kind of biological science, you need a PhD, which is the only reason why I'm doing mine. I have no intention of staying in academia, but all pharma/biotech companies insist that everyone have a PhD. In the UK at least.
The only unrealistic part of this post is actually getting a response to your application instead of just being ghosted with zero feedback
In my country 80% of chem grads will do a PhD. I am kinda scared that I will hit a ceiling at one point and regret it.
>neil degrasse peanutbutter
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Sounds like you should do a PhD then. Ain't no such things as halfway scientists.
Is it possible to get into a STEM PhD with a humanities degree by taking prerequisite courses at community college?

A few years ago I graduated with a humanities degree but want to get into science.
lol, what's your degree in?
Why would you want to do that
is your iq even high enough


screams avg iq prob 100-105 max
I pursued a career in stem and in doing so wasted my life
My supervisor shows a clear preference to his students which have the privilege of being on this doctoral training programme ahead of me. They also get to socialise with one another and I am left out in the cold as so often has been the case in my life.

How can I get revenge on society for making me a twisted up outcast, scientifically speaking?

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