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obstetrics edition
prev: >>16451314
Used bolt cutters to cut apart a cadavers scapula today to expose the muscles underneath. That was fun.
long day of nearly no patients. it's nice, but also sucks.
Is it possible for a bacterium that typically causes acute fever and vomiting and then passes like yersinia to become endemic to the intestine and ultimately exist in some kind of balance with typical gut flora producing symptoms proportional to it's total colonization of the GI tract ?
Give me more reasons why I shouldn't do emergency
>shitty lifestyle, shift work with night shifts
>no continuity of care
>shit pay (though this apparently isn't always true, been getting conflicting information)
>dealing with drunk retards
I'm fine with these
>all other specialties think you're a retard
>not that much room for problem solving/highly algorithmic based/refer when anything gets too complicated
>psych patients
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i thought platelet count was 10,000-to the power of 14
or maybe its 19 now that i doubt it. but no its -14
maybe its red blood cells (14m) but im pretty sure its platelets
100,000 *
common haemotology values (non-pregnant) is to the power of 9: 150-400 x 10(to the power of 9)/L
litre versus micro litre
Medical Niggers
I think this is a very silly question.
i thought that you said "virus" here, and in the context it would be the decrease white blood cells when there is a bacterial infection, and increase in lymphocytes in viral infection
so is this some kind of abortion thing of classifications for what level of danger either are in??
maybe this is a silly question because its actually two questions and the second half might not have anything to do with the first, and/or is a different mechanism
you can make e. coli do basically anything and thats the most known bacteria i mean thats why i knew it
Has there ever been any research on the effects of artificially increasing a woman's testosterone levels while she's pregnant? I know it might even cause termination but I still wonder if it's ever been actually done. And supposing the child survives would it just result in exaggerated masculine qualities or a husk from a destroyed hormone balance?
Are there cliques at your guys' schools? There are at my school but I'm not included :(
what is TSH
i mean the other one to FSH
and the placenta secretes estrogen
i havent eaten all day and had 250mL of energy drinks a few minutes before a walk, and then eating (with my body in keto) some bread, makes it taste like jam (fruity) !!
its nice too, that the bread all bundles up in my mouth like a ball if i chew on it all properly

even though it is just the body in keto for me i know - why does the diabetics breath smell fruity (in hyperglycaemia or in that without diabetes)? what IS the fruity smell (is it insulin?)
99% of specialists are useless outside of the 3 patient types they treat. Congratulations, specialists have some of the easiest jobs on the planet. Hyper-specialization is a meme job and it's shameful.
Aromatase hypothesis

Captcha TAR HPV
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Become a physicist instead
>omfg my patient has a neurological symptom wtffff ct scan is normal wtffff do I dooooo
it's grunt work
also there's no reason it should be its own specialty desu
>ct scan is normal wtffff do I dooooo
Try an MRI scan
My nipples sometimes ache. I am male, 42. I tried to press them and felt a tiny lump (in both of them) that aches as fuck. Should I be concerned about cancer?
>be any other specialist
>on a plane
>someone loses consciousness
>spaghetti spills out of pockets, too specialized to resuscitate, not my field
>stay quiet
>emergency saves the day
I had a lady have a heat-stroke related seizure on a spirit airlines flight because the fucking airplane AC was doing jackshit
And this nerdy ahh neurologist stands up to "localize the lesion"
By the time he actually gets there the ictal period is over and the lady is just sitting there blinking at him in post ictal brain fog
So he just asks her if she has water to drink and sits back down until EMS escorts her off

What a joke man
>being a physician prevents you from doing BLS
What else was he supposed to do?
god damn. did she have nice tits?
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Just finished my last exam of medical school.
>hot new nurse fresh out of school
How to approach this as a med student on rotations? Don't want to fuck with my grade in the slightest, is it worth trying to hit on her? How do you even do that in a hospital context
we have a mormon clique
as a white catholic that's also single, i feel left out

we also have a clique of people who did the pay2win masters program, and a clique of EDM asians that all snort coke
>What else was he supposed to do?

file paperwork to the DMV if he lives in a "physicians must report" state, lol
>we have a mormon clique
There's one at my school too.
>pay2win masters program
Explain more. Are the SMP students more prepared for school?
>clique of EDM asians that all snort coke
>>being a physician prevents you from doing BLS
In theory no, in practice the average specialist will either be capable of half-assed BLS or none at all. If you got into a car accident and suffered from femoral arterial bleeding, blood is spraying out of your leg as if someone was squeezing a water bottle, would you trust a nearby random psychiatrist to stop it, or would you rather have the nearby emergency grunt/retard/whatever give it a go?
I recognize this.
>"Halp halp, is there a doctor on the plane"
>"Hi mr Patient, I'm anonymous, a radiologist, I hope you've got a life insurance"
come on guys you all know CPR and would do it as if it is 2nd nature if you did it
you have no equipment???
the best someone could do is fashion a tourniquet from a belt or something (assuming femoral artery hasn't gone bye-bye into pelvis - you're fucked then even if you're EM)
a psychiatrist could easily do that
the rest is just bls and waiting for help
it's not as complicated as you're making it out lol
>Are the SMP students more prepared for school?

yep. it basically puts you on auto-pilot mode for 1st year, and our admin is absolutely obsessed with class rank so if your GPA is high you look better to the admin.

however, we also have had a few cocky SMP students drop out. but the majority of them are at or near top of the class.

our SMP is generous, they take a good chunk of the students into our DO program. they also have a 500 mcat requirement but have secretly accepted students with like a 498
>yep. it basically puts you on auto-pilot mode for 1st year,
Does your school reuse exams? I would have forgotten shit.
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>Your new boss
read it and weep MDcels, 4 years of undergrad + 4 years of med + 4 or more years residency is fucking nothing compared to Mr. Cantankerous. Drink up your seed oil while you still can
they re-use practice questions from powerpoints. im not sure about old exams. its identical content though

we aren't allowed to review exams but we do get a question/learning objective breakdown.
but im an ODcel
>the bitch optometrist is still in this general
all of the cliques at mine are solidly down the racial lines. The indians only speak to each other, the asains stick to themselves, the white bitches clump together. For all the diversity and inclusion essays I had to write to get admitted, it is ironically more de facto segregated here than undergrad was
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peds surg be like
Why don't they make an if/else function to automatically notify the doctor?
>Whygena jpg
It's odd, does med school have that many people who idealize simplified versions of reality? Are there a lot of those "Hello Kitty girls?" I should have known when I took orgo lol
>fruity smell source?
acetone I think, as the cells fail to utilize sugars and produce ketone bodies for fuel

I recommend beef jerky for keto
>nipples ache
>in both of them
odds of lumps in both are unlikely if it were breast cancer, check your hormones.

Hormone problems could however be indicative of cancer somewhere else, perhaps the brain? IDK
How would you recommend Eastern European medical schools for a US citizen at a T40 uni?
Isn't this similar to SIBO?
why do you think I'm from Eastern Europe?
hello :)
Thank you for response. (Confession: recently I got a bit fat and apparently fat cells secrete estrogen.)
probs just gyno
lose some weight and they'll go away
Would not recommend, the school treats english language students solely as money source (they pay more in most countries, in my country they are the only students who pay at all) and doesn't give a shit about actually educating them, you are not learning anything here if you study in English and probably getting kicked out after several years (no refunds). Also there's a lot of pajeets, and retarded brown people from Germany and Austria who are to dumb to be accepted in schools there.
guys I just inhaled a load of paint fumes and now Im coughing up a lot of mucus what to do
>the best someone could do is fashion a tourniquet from a belt or something
See this is the exact point I'm making. Belts are notoriously crap for making TQs, they will almost surely not help at all and are even likely to make shit worse, especially in case of bleeding as severe as that from a femoral artery, it doesn't really get much worse than that.

Most belts are too narrow to effectively stop the blood flow, they will just bite deep into tissue. Even if the belt is wid enough (at least 5 cm/2" wide) you also need to construct a windlass for it to be tight enough and leather is too hard and bulky for that to work. You MAY have a chance if it's a tacticool nylon belt and it's not too thick, but typically t-shirts are the garment of choice for making improv TQs out of. And it actualy takes skill and a lot of practice to make them effective, while also making and applying asap under stress.
>a psychiatrist could easily do that
Yeah, I can see that. They would attempt their shitty belt TQ, manage to block only the venous return (now blood can only exit through the wound) and speed the blood loss even more. Great job.
>it's not as complicated as you're making it out lol
the ironing
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>rads applicant
>sent out some IM prelim apps in addition to a bunch of TYs just in case
>now have to actually do IM prelim interviews
fug. I'm going to have to start putting booze instead of coffee in my thermos if I'm going to have to sit through another five hours of a program talking about how they're totally not a carbon copy of every other prelim/TY in the country.
>emergency fumbles because no right tool for right job
>rural FM enters the scene
>*kicks you while wearing a tweed suit and pocket watch*
> move aside...townie.
>uses buck knife to decompress pneumonia
>drinks piss and diagnoses diabetes
>spits piss on emerg
>HAHA I bet you're used to that one, eh Mr House?
>sits back down and smokes comically large tobacco pipe
>nobody says anything out of respect
Yeah... The true speciality is rural FM.
If I ever see a doc using an AED on automatic mode I'll send him back to elementary school
Don't. Fuck. The. Wildlife (nursoids).
Just hang out at a TLM church, anon.
>decompress pneumonia
Why not? She's not bogged like the older ones, fresh out of college and her scrubs hug her ass well
>The true speciality is rural FM.

only reddit says this crap
and the argument is moot because midlevels have the same autonomy in the rural areas
>midlevels have autonomy
Lmao lol
Can trannies be explained as widespread autogynephilia or what is the cause?
Emergency was originally meant to be a subspec of family. I guess it makes sense.
Could comments like this be explained as widespread TDS or what is the cause? Moreover, why are people cis? Is it because they sublimated a bizarre homoerotic fetish?
at the start it was originally pushed by fetishists who intended to live out their AGP without judgment, but at this point it's been massively overcrowded with easily impressionable adolescents who need a sense of counter-culture community. Add on politically-encouraged identity politics and you have the tranny soup we see today.
>Moreover, why are people cis?
Because at the end of the day, in the real world, sex = gender.
Good kids are dying because of this shit. And dying not before making fools of themselves. I man I love now thinks he's a woman and it's driving me insane. But besides that I am really itching to understand why to attack the root of the problem
reddit moment
I am embarrassed by my ignorance.
Godspeed EM anon.
They’re secretaries.
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Holy based.. i kneel... us city slickers could never even stand a chance against
rural CHVDs...
What the shit? I was just making an appointment for some unrelated shot, and they first phrased it that I "need to get a covid and influenza vaxx", but after checking back with the doctors this was haggled down just to "strong recommendation".
I live in a country where Covid vaxxes weren't pushed very hard (Switzerland), which makes it very suspicious.
I guess when I get the actual unrelated shot, the probability they will stealthily give me one of these vaxxes is near 0, right? I would say it's logistically highly improbable. But it still makes me paranoid they were asking for that in 2024 for a young man.
It's so strange seeing doctors make posts like these.
It's hard to believe but we are people too.
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Does everything look normal in the chest X-ray, or is there any issue that could explain the slight chest pain and breathing problems I’m experiencing?
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Good morning lads.
I'm thinking about becoming certified to do DOT physicals. Anybody have any experience with that? And advice/pitfalls?
>But it still makes me paranoid they were asking for that in 2024 for a young man

why are you such a pussy? scared of a needle?
>muh microchip
they already do that in sweden. it would go in your muscle in your hand. your phone tracks you everywhere you go anyway
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>only a matter of time until an Ai model can pilot this better than you
Television and attention seeking.
I'll play devil's advocate. Why are you scared of a benign disease that has been historically used as a mild stressor in research? I'd personally rather chad my way through diseases rather than get poked by diversity-hire developed medicines.
yeah I don't know why surgeons use it
literally giving the company their hard-earned skill as data
There is a white dwarf star trapped behind your clavicle anon \(^_^)/
which type of hep b vaccine is best in your opinion? which one did you get? which has least complications?
As usual, surgeon gets cucked. I'll worry the day a machine can intubate and place cvcs.
no machine will replace ANY doctor during our life time
God I fucking hate my school's HR. This new they/them obese HR dyke wrote me up for a professionalism warning last week because I addressed her as "ma'am" in an email. I have one more goddamn semester until I'm out of here with my degree and we're still being pushed around by the mentally ill. Istg I did not enter this school as redpilled as I am by now
just think to the future that you'll be making 3x her lifetime net worth per year, and by then she will have either an hero'd because heckin' transphobia or have a heart attack from daily McDonalds seed oil
Tell her she looks like zero rizz in human form.
>did not enter this school as redpilled as I am by now
Just wait until you start questioning vaccine dogma
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>professionalism warning
Why would you be professional? Studying isn't a profession. You're at school, not at work.
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You should get that checked out if you feel constant aches and little bumps. It could be cancer or it could be some probably benign growths under your nipple tissue.
That's terrifying, yikes. I've heard that apparently introducing ice or cold water through someone's rectum can actually lower their body temperature. Is that real or is that just some insane idea?
Congratulations bro!
don't fuck the nurses, they're all whores by default
what's to stop big pharma from shilling for AI medicine? They already shill NP's
as long as the profits grow and the number of prescriptions grow they could care less if a human signs the order or a machine - outcomes be damned lol
>what's to stop big pharma from shilling for AI medicine?
Liability. When a doctors fucks up and harms/kills the patient, you blame and punish the doctor. Who do you blame and punish when AI fucks up and harms/kills the patient? The developer? They are not going to take that risk. Easier to sell their AI shit to hospitals instead and make doctors using it take the responsibility for any mistakes.
hey doctorbros
i bought some multivitamins and the label says
>consult your doctor before using if you have a history of non-melanoma skin cancer
do you guys know why that's on the label? I googled and saw some articles about a potential link between increased vitamin D and some forms skin cancer, is that why?
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Wanna start watching a medical drama series. Narrowed it down to ER and House. Which is better?
when kids start talking about bluey, gyatt, etc, i feel like an old man with a foot already in the grave.

watch Scrubs instead

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