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Studying for over a decade so you can end up poor and angry edition

Previous Thread: >>16441427

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of some of the previous editions of /scg/:
We REALY need some more upbeat images for these threads.
How high of an IQ should you have for various branches of STEM?
ex: electrical engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, and how does this vary by subfield? for instance, one who focuses on topology vs number theory for instance
I would like to know what the lowest and highest IQ engineers are, I only ever see that one chart where it's all lumped into "engineer"
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Would I be a tit for /goingback/ for a chemistry degree at 30? Please respond.
you guys actually like science and shiet. i just want to program for a check.
I'm le going back for an EE (assosiactes) degree, but only because work is paying for it. If you have a goal in sight go for for it friendo
I did engineering purely for the money. I get a kick out of all these upper middle class dweebs who are anxious to get a PhD so they can fulfill their status striving.
My mom cut hair for a living. I still remember nights where she could only give a plain slice of bread to my sisters and I for dinner and she sat with her face in her hands crying at the kitchen table. I am legit retarded and put myself through an engineering program fueled by nothing but repressed rage. My only motivation was money. Never let these retards tell you it isn't about the money or meme you about "passion." They grew up bored in million dollar McMansions on daddy's money and are confused about what their life is supposed to be.
Assosiactes - the mythological hero of ancient Greece who was slain by the vicious Bashelor of Deerge
>upper middle class
You don't need to be upper middle class to be able to afford food
>confused about what their life is supposed to be
About making money? Kek
For electrical enginering it varies a lot by subfield.
Usually for embedded software design and digital circuit design: 70 IQ
For power engineering, analog circuit design, control systems, information theory and signal processing: 120 IQ
For RF engineering and solid-state physics: 130 IQ
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>over 100 applicants for a senior vice president level position
Are there really this many qualified people out there? No wonder I can't compete. Everyone is qualified as fuck.
nah 90% are Indians and the other 9% are just dudes testing their luck
No, just steamroll em'
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I officially got my bs in physics last year and I'm making $16/hr.
You really think the chemistry side of things is more complicated than statistical signal processing or stochastic optimization? I only know my part of the field (information theoretic signal detection) but most of the RF and chemistry/materials EE people I know specifically went into it because the "math was easier" than the systems track (which is basically just doing an applied math degree focusing on applications of analysis to engineering problems).
Damn bro. Walmart starts at $14 an hour to put boxes of Captain Crunch on a shelf.
Should I just apply to a bunch of places and see if I can land one that pays 20+?
You should probably grind it out at a job that utilizes your degree even if it's low paying at first.
You might have a similar floor to a Walmart worker right now but the degree gives you a higher ceiling (unless said Walmart worker becomes general manager)
Don't you know a PhD is the new BSc?
It makes sense considering the ease of access to the information compared to older times without computer.
The hardware design side of RF is simpler, that's true. But the electromagnetics side is not at all. In my experience there was more advanced mathematics in computational electromagnetics and EMI/EMC lectures than in signals and systems related stuff. You have to be good at numerics, vector calculus and complex analysis at a bare minimum and then there are the new things like differential geometry, functional and variational analysis and stochastic fields that I have never encountered in any other subfield's lectures.
Semiconductors, renewable energy, automobile, pharma.

Which sector should I pick?
Lors IQ, Bernd?
I'm studying electrical engineering and don't know which specialization to pick:
Automation / mechatronics (is both in the same specialization) or electronics / communication engineering

Give me some advice pls
I'm in Germany btw and there are lots of semiconductor companies near my city

110 IQ and struggling with depression (especially tfw no gf) btw
> physics professor
> paid poorly
> homeless
start flipping burgers boomer
If someone is "smart" enough to get a big, fancy STEM degree, they really should be smart enough to figure out how to pay their rent, shouldn't they?

Pro Tip: if nobody is paying you good money for your "research", you aren't doing good research.

Now, STFU and go get my Latte along with the rest of the "very smart" Ph.D's working at Starbucks.
Not at all. Just make sure you have a job waiting and you'll probably have to do at least a Masters, so it will take some time, but no one will care much about your age, really.
I'm also studying EE in Germany. You should just pick what's more fun to you. I think you won't have trouble getting a job either way. I personally decided to go for automation, partially because of the versatile applicability. You can work for BASF and design control loops for chemical processes, but also work in robotics or in the automotive industry etc.
You should try out one or two lectures of each specialization if you can. Or at least take a look at the lecture notes for them to get a first impression. In my university you can still switch your specialization later on. I definitely wouldn't commit too early but instead try to get as much information as possible to see if you actually like the specialization. I originally picked something with electronics but then switched to automation later on.
Autistic people are terrible at finances, and it doesn't even occur to them to apply for other jobs, so they just scream at people until they get what they want instead.
What will put food on the table and shelter above my head, either in academia or industry, pure or applied math? Whatever it is it will have to do with analysis, my brain wrenches only that way
>embedded software design and digital circuit design: 70 IQ
I find that really hard to believe, especially as embedded software often requries assembly programming with very limited debug means.

t.Physicist who used to do embedded assembly programming
>I officially got my bs in physics last year
A congratulations! is in order.
> and I'm making $16/hr.
You are worth more than that.

Sadly, this is more or less the truth and a PhD is recommended in Physics in the FAQ.
What does this even mean?
You have a job offer from each of those?
What would the best graduate degree for a BSc in CS be, if I want to pursue one in math/natural sciences? For instance, what could I do with a masters, or even PhD in applied maths? Assume an IQ of ~115
No one writes assembly anymore, it's mostly C. And a 70 IQ retard can easily write 10 lines of barely-functioning C code in a day as long as you have a few overworked 120 IQs on the team "reviewing" it (i.e. writing it for them).
Limited debugging just means we have a ridiculously long turnaround for finding and fixing bugs. The solution is more overworked 120 IQs running integration testing 7 days a week and "helping" the monkeys "fix" "their" code (i.e. rewriting it for them).
t. embedded software engineer
murrica wants more inhouse chip making. Having the skills to run a semiconductor plant could work out quite well imo
>dropped out of CS program because maths got too hard
>changed to brainlet business major with minor in management information systems
>graduated more than 2 years ago
>still unemployed
From what I've seen you probably had even worse chances of jobs with the CS degree.
If I want a research role in the AI/Machine learning industry in the future, what do I need to do in my Undergraduate/Masters? Do I need to have lots of research papers published? Can I do without a PhD?
>PI wants me to do a complex, time consuming, expensive, pain in the ass experiment that will need a fuckload of optimisation and that I'm certain will show nothing of interest anyway near the end of my PhD
>do a quick, cheap, easy experiment that measures that exact same thing instead, shows nothing of interest as expected
>PI says there's probably no point doing the pain in the ass experiment now
I'm amazed by my genius and laziness.
There's a saying that a great programmer is lazy, impatient, and prideful. Always searching for the lowest-effort solution, preferring immediate results, and wanting the computer to do as much of the work as possible. I suspect this is true everywhere.
I got my BS in EE about a year ago, is it worth it to get a MS in EE as well?
You will likely need at least a masters, papers help which is why PhDs are useful. If you want a cheatcode there is a 2nd year undergraduate attached to my research group who has more papers than me because he is attached to the ai interpretability community, which anyone can get involved in by joining their discord and showing interest. On the bad side you will also need to be in a polycule and start using the word "epistemic" too much
Take the quant pill(I havent even get my BsC yet but I'll autism maxx on statistical mech/stochastic calc just to get them sweet quantbux)
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I have decided to REJECT the postdoc. Bye bye faggots!
Why is every civil engineering job post only about qs/cost estimation or CAD drafting? who the fuck actually designs these projects?
*CAD work, my bad
Unironically what is the point of a PhD? I seriously considered doing one because I was doing great research, but the entirety of your PhD revolves around printing papers, even more so when youre in a great school or under a famous advisor. 90% of the time, you'll be working in an overcrowded field so most of your contributions will amount to nothing, if you do work in a field where you can make real advances, it's usually underfunded. Meanwhile, the dumbest motherfuckers in your class are on their way to make 150k+ a year by job hopping, and by the end of your PhD, they visited countries, had 3 professional experiences, work in a FAANG/Big Pharma all with less effort and pain.

Even if you znd up discovering something insane, chances are some kid out of school will get rich off of your idea by building a startup around it, while you're designing your next conference poster that nobody will read.

The only explainable reason for the amount of PhDs in the US has to be euros, indians and chineses using grad studies to immigrate, there is no other way.
It will be a miracle if I am allowed into grad school. I feel humiliated just attaching my transcript. Whoever evaluates this piece of shit is going to be cringing so hard.
Personally I gave up on phd when I realized the only reason I was an incel was the severe lack of women in my field. I had one gap year working as an engie making 110k, and I would spend time in hobbyist/otaku/gaming communities in my spare time where most people are neets or losers, and me having my life somewhat figured out made it extremely easy to get into dating within these communities, I couldn't believe there were women out there that would even consider me as an option but here I was dating multiple girls.
I came back to academia and the incel lifestyle came back, I was making no money, had no time for friends, was overworked and had zero female presence in my life. I dropped out, fuck this shit.
wagmi frendo
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I got a masters and make 14.88 dollars an hour and no i am not joking
It shows that I'd have a lot of respect for my good heart and what could have been if it wasn't for your cheating shit. Beyond that, I get a lot of respect from the generosity of mankind anyhow. That will one day be thrown at you, and witness what is to be considered existences one great painer. One in existence.
I thought I wanted to be a scientist.
Every day I am reminded of my failures.
Why is engineering so fucking boring? I thought they would let me build stuff but it is literally lawyers with AutoCAD.
>No one writes assembly anymore, it's mostly C.
I did both.
>And a 70 IQ retard can easily write 10 lines of barely-functioning C code in a day
Sure, but the topic was assembly code.
>as long as you have a few overworked 120 IQs on the team "reviewing" it (i.e. writing it for them).
Why would you emply such people??
>Limited debugging just means we have a ridiculously long turnaround for finding and fixing bugs. The solution is more overworked 120 IQs running integration testing 7 days a week and "helping" the monkeys "fix" "their" code (i.e. rewriting it for them).
Hot take: employ competent people.
>t. embedded software engineer
And what do you estimate your IQ to be?
I want a really clean looking resume to impress the HR sluts like Patrick Bateman. Do I really need to write a lot of words on there?
College was a mistake I shouldve done trade school and join an electrician Union lol
>the only reason I was an incel was the severe lack of women in my field
This will be my cope from now on. Thank you anon
>I was making no money,[...] and had zero female presence in my life
Just how heartfelt is it really when postdoc income is a killer for relationships? I was credit checked once by women at work (shortly after I quit academia and the postdoc lifestyle), and they deemed my financial moxie to be far too insufficient for their needs. My reputation was well and truly shot.
In my first semester of a PhD. Is it normal to be so depressed you basically can't get out of bed for days?
A masters in what?
lol, imagine not having a SPhD
>got rejection letter from Washington State's physics PhD program tonight
>I submitted the application over a year ago
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>his future
Very typical Anglo career trajectory.
Get a job with a company that wants to pay you to get an ms. You'll have money *and* direction.
what does an MSEE even do
what you wanted was to be an engineering technician, bucko.
>control systems
I got an IQ of 105, and here I thought I was gonna be fine working in control systems just cus I got a hang of most of my Modern Control Engineering textbook. At what point does it actually start to get hard?
When you start doing proper problems and not academic easy-problems.
The whipping will continue until morale improves:
>The rehabilitation of KPMG
>At a parliamentary committee hearing in 2018, Labour MP Peter Kyle told the firm’s then head of audit, Michelle Hinchliffe, and Peter Meehan, the lead auditor on Carillion, that he “wouldn’t hire KPMG to audit the contents of my fridge”.

The big accounting firms, also doing management consulting and KPMG is one of them, are not where you want to go to work the next 10 years.
Where do you find this discord
Am a CS major.
>Shit undergrad in every way
>Online Masters while working
Not sure why I'm doing it to be honest, I have no future in academics. Should I just drop the program now or finish it? Finished the first year with a 4.0.
>Bachelors in AI (EU)
>top of class, cum laude w honours
>No job
>Back to grad school
you guys lied to me, nobody wants AI engineers
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>have to be on the road for 200 days out of the year
>full per diem and expenses covered when I’m traveling but I’d still be paying for an apartment I’d never live in as a home base
>expected to completely relocate every 2 years or so
>job has me out in the field, on my feet 10-12 hours a day

Would you guys take it?
The guy who’s stamping the design package. You are literally a peon till you get your PE/SE license.

>he cranks out some calcs in excel, makes a table or two
>does some mark ups on a reference package
>transfers all this shit over to you to integrate into the deliverables
>does some QC
>kicks it back for changes
>seals and delivers after you do all the heavy lifting
Knowledge economy is dead.
We went from requiring a BSc, to requiring a MSc for most high-paid highly qualified professions, now we are practically asking for a PhD in most entry level positions of any company worth its salt.
The abundance of information and the accessibility to AI makes these degrees worthless.

I understand now why the smartest and brightest all flock to startup incubators, they know that just "knowing" enough about a field is not even the bare minimum requirement to get a job nowadays, you have to provide skills that arent accessible online or replicable by an AI, and those are entrepreneurship, charisma and craftsmanship,

I work a 6 figure jobs at an AI startup, the product is literally designed from the ground up to fully replace a creative sector, at one point we tried to hire humans because we wanted to go for a human-in-the-loop approach and it turns out the humans were the bottleneck and AI components outperformed them on most metrics, now the only job left for humans in the company are error handling, reviews and output quality checks. Fields that are completely detached from reality (finance, arts, music, software) and are not bound by the physical world because almost fully digitized will die, AI understand everything you throw at it, or at least understands enough to do 80/90% of the job faster than youll ever be capable of.

However, remarkably, one thing that stood out to me is AI's incapability with dealing with the real world. There is such a huge gap between what a computer can simulate and what happens in the real world. And even in simulation, agents seriously struggle with spatial representations. I can, at my current job, write an agent that codes and debugs and even make pull request on its own, but I cant make it work on simulation or robotics problems, because it does not have that intuition regarding the world.

I think that if someone wants to be safe for the future, they have to pivot to physical sciences and hardware.
>This field is for high IQs only!!!
Who is the high IQ between the guy who minimizes effort and maximizes reward, makes a million at 30 and retires early, and the guy who forces himself to go through "harder" disciplines only to get fucked over in the job market and complain online that he gets paid 60k a year?
Now you know.
>an AI startup

is it on stock exchange? ticker symbol? want to invest in it
>110 IQ
>electrical engineering
>Realized physics is a dead end during my MSc.
>Speedran C++, became a developer.
Regret nothing.
Nobody wants anybody right now. New grads least of all
Surely you need a bit more than just C++ knowledge to become a software developer, don't you?
The market has collapsed recently but software engineering is a fake job and requires very little skill to get into. When markets used to be good it was essentially free money for STEM burnouts bailing on academia. Tech interview culture is mostly programming puzzles that a math/physics grad can learn in a few months and the actual work is braindead
Well yes, but that was all learned through applying C++ in hobby projects.
Essentially you must be Chad
Obviously the entrepreneur but that's hardly the average business school student lol
Low. I don't have any concrete numbers, but if you can solve an IQ test fully, engineering classes are gonna bore you to death.
>I would like to know what the lowest and highest IQ engineers are
Highest IQ is probably process engineers, specifically me, kek. If the whole "half the time means one sigma more IQ" empirical correlation is valid for the higher ranges (as the guy taking my most recent test claimed) I supposedly have an IQ above 200 on the european scale, which (if the scale is correct) would suggest that there should only around 100 people world wide with higher IQ.

High IQ doesn't translate to high potential though. If you can't get necessary information to apply your intelligence, it can even be a hindrance compared to the retards who'll just guess and end up right 51% of the time.
Truth is, IQ doesn't mean anything. The most intelligent man may not be a trained animal on educations Pavlovian conditioning.
That's why Chris Langan was able to prove God when all the top scientists in the country are atheists. They're indoctrinated.
Large pay cut worth it for much better career trajectory? Talking 180k down to 120k. Lower salary gets me 10 minute commute or bike to work, versus 40 minutes (longer and more dangerous in the winter).
Im not making anything near that, but taking a paycut might not be an optimal move. It might send the wrong signals.
Wrong signals to who? The company hiring me is a different industry, they may not know what my current salary is, nor would I tell them.

Its a traditionally high paying field, and I likely wont get the same salary in this new field.
I can't even do half of the problems on my exams for first year PhD courses. Should I start planning to drop out?
Time to take the code monkey pill
Just do it
It can always help you get a job
>finish physics Ph.D. at 29
>4 papers out
It really is over innit
It's not called 'piled higher and deeper' for nothing. Just a way for colleges to milk their cattle for a few thousands more.
How is the job search?
Same. However, I heard the grades are too important, just pass the class and be done with it.
Currently a postdoc looking for positions that do not exist and if they do, will not hire me, and if they do, it's not in a place I want to live in
based. My advisor dropped me from their program and I unironically feel better now that I got dropped.
you still got 40 years in you of science
>utterly filtered beyond belief by undergrad engineering courses
okay maybe i am a shitter lol
I just got an offer for an engineering job where i need a Q clearance what am i in for?
Trust the plan.

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