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File: GgyjKIJWAAAzzmG[1].jpg (1.92 MB, 4096x2304)
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v2 launch on 13th january
previous >>16537041
JPL will burn, rejoice!
THE OLD ONE IS STILL ON PAGE 9 REEeeeeeeeee!!!!one!
Page 9ine
brilliant pebbles
this is all because Jack Parsons consorted with devils.
why hexagons
why not triangles
>another delay for dragonfly
Please, God no.
Rocket Lab will build a better Dragonfly
>Rocket Lab being allowed near an RTG in the next decade
lol no
They will get COTS RTG.
JPL isnt building Dragonfly
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is 4chan breaking? for some reason this sfg, the main comment is the thread title in the catalog and in my browser tab name
oh lol the silly OP made their NAME the title
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go back there, faggot
Too pointy
Hexagons are just 6 triangles
no, 6 sides
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Someone failed geometry
the real reason is they would be have to be too small to get smooth enough curves, increasing the number of tiles that need to be fitted.
triangle tiles would mean more surface area exposed to the reentry heat reaction, because it dramatically increases the number of seams

the more tiles you use, the more likely one of them will fail
then why not make one big tile?
Maybe. They don't seem to be that concerned about tile failures; Starship is designed to tank individual failures and SpaceX's overall philosophy seems to be "just get good enough at parts so that we're not worried about them failing." My guess would be that triangular tiles would increase the minimum number of attachment points past what they want to put up with.
that would be ideal in a best case scenario, at least for the issues I'm pointing out

however, installation and reuse would be ridiculously hard
to say nothing of the difficulty in actually manufacturing such a massive single plate
why did you post a cube?
another problem with the "single plate" idea is quality control

if there's a structural flaw detected, you'd have to replace the entire thing
whereas if it's just one tile that's not a big deal because you mass produce them
I count 6 sides
someome ripp3d there penis in half
6 triangles
this thread is gay as fuck I'm making a new one
real thread here
don't be a faggot, nigger
awww little penis hurty?
it's 1 hexagon, hexa means 6, gon means sides. 6 sides
nobodys said anything about sides
triangles are a separate kimd of shape. they have 3 angles (tri, angle)
hope this helps
hats are gone

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