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Welcome to the Shut-In Contact Thread

>Old thread >>32831794
>What do I do in the threads?
Talk to people, make conversation. Don't try to get into anyone's pants. It is a social thread on /soc/, for actually being social, without nudity!
>Wait, is this some super-secret cool kids' club where you can only be some sort of shut-in freak to participate in?
No, we are moderately tolerant of normalfags here. Feel free to participate, just don't be a dick.
>I DON'T LIKE ___________
Discuss it with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults because you don't like something, chances are, it is not going to change and you will be blown off as some anally pained droll. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.

>Can I put in contact info?
Sure, you may use this template or any of your own.

>Contact info
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?

Please note that this is a thread for ALL forms of shut-ins. NEETs, introverts, agoraphobics, people with social anxiety, et cetera!

>Still reading?
Feel free to join our discord The Shut-In Network to meet, interact, and make friends with fellow shut-ins and NEETs alike. Hope to see you there!

shut-in network:
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27 mtf az (usa only please)
>Favorite Music
pop and rock
neet looking for job
>What are you looking for?
frens, people to vc with
>Who do you want to add you?
americans, nice people
>Who don't you want to add you?
non americans, mean people

uh everyone else doesnt put anything so
>Contact info
kkuirroai on disc
Southeast Asia
>Favorite Book
aw man i havent read a book without pictures in years
>Favorite Movie
i'm thinking of ending things (this is not a cry for help, i've been fine recently)
>Favorite Music
rock, rnb, vgm but i do like to listen to new things every now and then
>What are you looking for?
friends i suppose, maybe more? but then again you all live so far away
>Who do you want to add you?
people into art, music, games... shit my tastes are pretty generic
>Who don't you want to add you?
porn bots mostly haha
Are these threads alright for meeting people or is it mostly a handful of usual suspects and server shit? Not judging, I just can't get into servers and cliques. Meeting one person at a time is daunting enough.
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, beliefs, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed where you live
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>Contact info
Tag bachokiro12345
The superior one
>Favorite Book
Can't decide...
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Really introverted and asocial
>What are you looking for?
Someone fun to chat and get frisky with~
Would prefer girls but not much choice there...
>Who do you want to add you?
My fellow perverted nerds with wide interests and an even wider meme folder
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who ghost or are to clingy.
>Contact info
discord: animeprofulepic
Sacramento CA
>Favorite Book
The Road
>Favorite Movie
Eight Legged Freaks (its bad but it's fun)
>Favorite Music
When You Die - MGMT
https://youtu .be/tmozGmGoJuw?si=uIbUwSBtOiLtt8Or
introvert, I don't really have any friends
>What are you looking for?
anyone who would want to talk and do stuff, really.
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone that's cool
>Who don't you want to add you?
if you're just gonna give one word replies and not try to carry a conversation
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
The Catcher and The Rye
>Favorite Movie
My big fat greek wedding
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
Friends Or More
>Who do you want to add you?
Nice Guys Gentlemen
>Who don't you want to add you?
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>about you
i pretty much just go gym, play vidya and tinker with stuff. im a neet, mainly focused on self improvement atm, i don't take things too seriously and if you do we likely wont get along
vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff), weeb shit, music(mainly grunge & numetal atm),travel, lifting, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles
>looking for
friends to vc, play games, watch anime or movies etc.
>not looking for
Severe mental illness (little bit is fine just pls don’t expect me to be ur therapist), doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw
drawing, anime & manga, videogames ( fighting games, pokemon, nintendo, jrpgs, rpgmaker,monster hunter, sonic, vocaloid,yugioh) internet culture, otomads & ytpmvs, old internet, tokusatsu, /m/ and mechas , weeb shit, /x/ , I also speak spanish
>looking for
girls, similar artist friends from anywhere, who are asocial,loners and-or perverted, voicechats
>not looking for
ghosting, normalfags, trannies,woke shit, not messaging often
where the 30s eurogirls at who just want to play vidya, cuddle, cook together and watch some shitty movies or tv shows? bonus if you like to grow plants :))
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>Contact info
Ask for Discord
Early 20s
>Favorite Book
Not sure. Too many to pick.
>Favorite Movies
Not sure. Too many to pick.
>Favorite Music
Not sure. Too many to pick.
NEET + introvert + shut-in
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
Intelligent women.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Stupid and annoying women. Males.
21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask of you pwease :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
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>Contact info
east coast
>Favorite Book
political books, manga such as one piece, and jjk, and more
>Favorite Movie
dune 2, marvel, goodfellas, godfather, classic western,
>Favorite Music
tyler the creator, kayne
introvert, semi shutin but forced to work to survive,
>What are you looking for?
friend, weebs, neets, female,male, losers, gamers, Maybe a relationship but idk
>Who do you want to add you?
people that wanna be friends, femalels, femboy, male.
>Who don't you want to add you?
dry ass people, fucking people that don't listen or dont wanna talk
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>Contact info
kiwi1096 on dc
18, F, EU
>Favorite Book
books like band of brothers, the brutal art, the stranger etc etc:x
>Favorite Movie
can’t pick on the spot, but i like crime/thrillers
>Favorite Music
mostly old pop such as elton john, michael jackson— alongside rock/metal classics. guns n’ roses for example
shy introvert lmao
>What are you looking for?
anons i can lend an ear to (+ vice versa) & play vidya with
>Who do you want to add you?
people that won’t judge me for my crappy gaming skills :p but really, not that picky.
no general crowd
r there even any other femanons on here?
>Who don't you want to add you?
anons looking for lewd stuff & ones that can’t hold properconversations
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It's a discord server advertisement masked as a meet up thread.
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
>Favorite Movie
blade runner
>Favorite Music
we will always love you, the avalanches
i have a great remote job and zero social life (partially by choice, partially agoraphobia)
>What are you looking for?
chemistry and intimate connections with weird, kinky women
>Who do you want to add you?
american women ideally in a similar situation but NEETs are cool too.
>Who don't you want to add you?
anyone else
I’m not sure if any of these threads are worth it to be honest. I mean I’ve only been on here for a few weeks and gotten dozens of adds and at least 10 full on conversations, including some with girls and those never go anywhere. Every single person ghosts within a few days without fail. It’s so weird but I can’t add people myself so all I can do is keep posting I guess.
Arise, thread.
Mega Ultra thread
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Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
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I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
The Ultimate Sniper by John Plaster
>Favorite Movie
Spaceballs, Baby Driver
>Favorite Music
Punk/rock, Gezebelle Gaburgably is my current obsession
Wargaming, painting, music, firearms, vehicles
Shut-in introvert working to survive
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
People who wanna be frens
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who don't wanna be frens, horny anons
>Contact info
Nisshie on Discord
>Favorite Book
Not a book but a poem called 'I have a special plan for this world', also coin locker babies
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Johnnascus, comfort girl and a lot more i generally cant fit in here
>What are you looking for?
Friends who share my interests, or a potential dating partner.
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you
People primarily looking only for sex (Coomer addicts)
>Some extra
I enjoy reading and writing alot, as well as I like cutesy and niche things alot. I can be a very emotional person so if that can turn you off i understand.
>Contact info
canonera on discord
>Favorite Book
I can talk about books forever, but I don't read anything high quality
>Favorite Movie
Great Gatsby
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
Someone kind to talk to, I only post when I'm kinda lonely
>Who do you want to add you?
Someone potentially introverted but likes online conversation, someone curious, engaging, intelligent
>Who don't you want to add you?
Honestly, just no mega weirdos, racists, or people who don't have the time to chat
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
20 f usa


I tend to feel abandoned and left-out whenever my friends leave me to hang out with other people. Or when I'm in a friend group and I slowly fade out of it, being left behind in the proverbial dust while my "friends" happily go on, not noticing I was gone; or even there in the first place. So I get all depressed and angry at them for "abandoning" me and then I get depressed and angry at myself because I reason that they left me behind because I was either unneeded or unwanted in the first place. Or both.

Being unneeded or unwanted is bad enough, but being both unneeded AND unwanted is the worst. Being unwanted means your presence actively burdens the group. They actively lose with you there. Being unneeded means you're unnecessary; just dead weight that doesn't have any value to the group. So being both unneeded and unwanted is the worst, because that means you don't benefit the group at all and your presence isn't wanted anyways so they actively benefit from you not being there.

People are terrible.

Your tag may or may not be working.
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>Contact info
MtF (transwoman)
Southeast US
>Favorite Book
just started getting into reading, cant say yet
>Favorite Movie
Bladerunner, old boy, master and commander:far side of the world
>Favorite Music
Genrewise: shoegaze, electronic russian music, anything that sounds ethereal and melancholy, 2000s electronic, jungle
Artists:Life on Venus, Wild Nothing, Jenny Rom, Crystal Castles
Introvert, semi NEET(only get 4 hours of work a week), autistic
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
Ppl who will play games like tarkov, and RTS games. Ppl who i can share similar music w and vice versa. Other artists of any kind to share art with
>Who don't you want to add you?
Manchildren, narcissits, people who are indifferent or cruel to animals and people, BPDemons, people who just want a quick fap or will pretend to be my feiend for a quick fap.
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
Under 26
Hairy men
it this still sam shut or did the splinters fall again? It's so boring when there's not a critical mass of schizophrenics
gg/shutin is the mainline shut invite and has been for some years

if it has that invite, it is not a splinter

i dont think any of the splinters have over 2,000 users in them either -- usually 500 or less, so if its smaller like that, its a splinter
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28/m/arg half jap.
Pic related its me
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
Alice through the looking glass
>Favorite Movie
Pauline at the beach/ Hired a contract killer
>Favorite Music
I like some kpop songs
>What are you looking for?
Someone interesting to talk
>Who do you want to add you?
Nice people
Optional: People who play vidyias
>Who don't you want to add you?
rude people
>I can’t add people myself
Yes you can.
posted earlier but it's been a few days.
25/M/California (209)

I love video games, definitely add me if youre looking for someone to game with on PC! I like normie stuff, I'm kind of a passive user of 4chan. Mostly here to find friends since my job has me be alone most of the day.
Definitely add me if you're in my area and down to do some innawoods stuff!
>Looking for
Anyone who's cool

>Not looking for
I don't mind who adds me as long as you're 18+

Discord: AnimeProfilePic
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
Reservoir Dogs
>Favorite Music
Daft punk, System of a down
>What are you looking for?
gooners, maybe erpers, someone to chat and have fun with, read hentai and share porn, etc. I'm shy so would appreciate if you can initiate convo. I also like vidya and manga so we can chat about it too if you want.
>Who do you want to add you?
femboys, mtf trans, females
>Who don't you want to add you?
straight men or if you are rude
>Contact info
Discord: nowea1273
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>Contact info
Disc is girlflopp69
M (MtF)
>Favorite Book
Schoolgirl by Osamu Dazai
>Favorite Movie
Perfect Days, After Yang
>Favorite Music
Fusion Funk, Rock, Jazz, Nu Metal
>What are you looking for?
Silly friends to chat with or play games with :3
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone really as long as youre respectful
>Who don't you want to add you?
weirdos, creeps, uhh chasers
21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
Do any of the women have really sweaty feet right now? Would they be ok describing the aroma in DMs? Sell me on joining your server.
dashthrough on discord
>favourite book
The Metamorphosis
>Favourite series
Not movie because series better, Altered Carbon
>Favourite music
Gutter Moon by VOLA
>looking for?
Women friends but you don't really have much of a choice on here
>not looking for?
Anyone else I guess
>who don't you want to add you?
good night sweaties
>10+ women in chat
would be a whole lot less creepy if they were 18+
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>about me
applied psychology student
aiming for counselling psychology or clinical psychology eventually
i want to be a therapist
i like reading about esoteric stuff, currently reading about psychoanalysis (lacan) although i'm pretty skeptical
philosophy of gender, moral philosophy, theology
dissociatives and infrequently psychedelics
i'm curious about music production & drawing
i play league of legends and valorant
>looking for
female friend with a lot of free time and not many friends, preferably from europe (timezones) & interested in some of the things i've listed
blogging to each other about what we're currently interested in
maybe read or watch things together
Underaged male soliciting money with a terrible voice changer
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>Contact info
splurter on discord
>Favorite Book
I can’t read like that
>Favorite Movie
Spirited away probably
>Favorite Music
Whatever my brain chooses to get obsessed with ig I like a lot
>What are you looking for?
Anything that involves interacting w other people
>Who do you want to add you?
Idk anyone, people who like retards
ooga booga booga
how do i make friends when i'm a snail with male pattern baldness
easy to make friends while you're bald, no one sees you as a threat. Just approach someone you think you'd share common interests with and start talking bro.
NOW THIS....this is grindset mentality, he will get the bag by all means
midday bump
Am I allowed to get naked on cam because if so I'm down
I'm 23 dw
Arise, thread.
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>>Contact info
ville167 on discord
>>Favorite Book
used to be Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human but dunno
>>Favorite Movie
too many, I like all type of films, so I'll say three: memories of murders, love exposure, The Cow and I
>>Favorite Music
I mostly listen to electronic music these days, singles (aren't albums pretty much dead?), but I've like every and all music honestly
>>What are you looking for?
I don't know, can you plan realationships? I can't plan even my expectations
>>Who do you want to add you?
if you're cool you're cool
>>Who don't you want to add you?
seriously mental ill, a little bit is fine

I'm currently reading horror manga so here's a picture related to that
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
what happened to your job at the powerplant bud?

NYC - but travel occasionally.

>What are you looking for?

Born in Russia, immigrated with my family to NY when I was 6.

I work as a programmer, remotely from home.
I also have my own small company that I started 4 years ago, making video games

So I do okay financially. But I live a pretty frugal lifestyle. I'm introverted so I mostly just stay at home, watch Youtube or play games. Walk my dog.
Sometimes I like to travel, bounce around different countries, spending a few weeks or a few months in each.

Recently I visited Dubai, India, and Vietnam.

It doesn't matter what country you are from, I would be interested in getting to know you and talking to you. Girls only please, no gays or trans.
I keep mostly traditional values.

Not looking for sexual or explicit convos.
I like science, history, animals, youtube, true crime, philosophy.


Also, the following applies to anyone: if you are interested in programming, video editing and vlogging, social media, entrepreneurship - reach out to me. I'm looking to collab with people and possibly fund a business.
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21 femboy sissy looking for anyone (preferably fem:3) pervs to goon with all night while i play hentai games! i have absolute tons of hentai n pics and i’m into almost anything, will send list if we talk ;) ill show off my clothes n toys to you even if we get along…, so please hmu, i’d love to serve n be slutty :3 !
kik: SubSissyBoy_
discord: subsissyboy
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hikki neet since i finished high school. got a lot of free time and no people to fill it up with. hobbies are nice but i prefer having personal, intimate conversations with people, preferably girls because i have an easier time getting invested that way. i'm also a masturbation addict so if that's a dealbreaker, DO NOT approach.
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
Arise thread
Ganglion thread
>Contact info
Brooklyn, NY
>Favorite Book
Flowers For Algernon, I guess? I haven't read a proper book since middle school
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Arrist and Album: Kanye West - Late Registration
Genre: Eurodance
Era: 70s and 00s
Introvert and Shut-In. Once I'm back home from work, I do fuck all
>What are you looking for?
Mutual obsession relationships with constant reassurance and open communication
>Who do you want to add you?
Local short, chubby women, preferably
>Who don't you want to add you?
Ghosters. Cold conversationalists
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask paeaseee :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
Chilled White
>Contact info
atallglassofchilledwhite on Discord
West Coast, USA
>Favorite Book
Industrial Society and Its Future
>Favorite Movie
Mad Max: Fury Road
>Favorite Music
Old school metal
>What are you looking for?
someone to stream really old games for me (I find this is therapeutic)
someone to watch history/conspiracy documentaries with
financial advice/small business owners/content creators/mentors/artists
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone interested
>Who don't you want to add you?
malicious people
>really old games
how old are we talking here, like early 2000s or even older?
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Would anyone want to play Lotro or Gw1 with me? In my 20s and only want to talk to others in their 20s or older. I don't really want to post my contact details unless someone shows interest. Don't really want to use Discord to chat if possible.
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It's over anon
I would be interested in picking up GW1 again for some fun. But I'm probably quite a bit older than you and not wanting to use discord is a turn-off
Just add me
Gm bump
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>Contact info
femto3214 on discord
>Favorite Book
Uhhhh... I have a few. I can go into detail if you ask. I read a lot of scifi.
>Favorite Movie
Don't watch a lot of movies.
>Favorite Music
Anime and video game OSTs
Former NEET. Just an introvert now.
>What are you looking for?
Girls to talk to. I've never had a girlfriend before and Im studying in a male dominated field so I rarely have the chance to meet women.
>Who do you want to add you?
Women. Preferably in Australia so we can date and meetup if we get along on discord.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Never played guild wars
But I am into strategy games and voxel games
If not discord then where?
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Rather not say
21M (eng)
>Favorite book
Haven't found yet
>Favorite music
Anything by takanaka
Nah don't watch any
>Looking for?
People who are interested in gardening and shit
>Not looking for
Malicious dudes
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>Contact Info
>Favourite Book
Haven't read a book in forever, used to like Murakami though
>Favourite Movie
The Man Who Stole the Sun, Repo Man, Revue Starlight
>Favourite Music
Pavement, Aphex Twin, Clouddead
Introvert and Shut-In aside from work
>What are you looking for?
Someone to talk to and maybe game with
>Who do/don't you want to add you?
Anyone aside from people just looking for e-sex shit
Arise thread!
you forgot to spellcheck your ai art
I'm sloughing
File deleted.
>Contact info
333emily on discord
early 20s
>Favorite Book
eileen or catch 22
>Favorite Movie
there will be blood
>Favorite Music
bedroom pop / shoegaze / slowcore / oldies (Bobby Darin, sinatra)
introvert / shut in with normie job
>What are you looking for?
friends / people who won’t be upset if I don’t immediately reply I’m extremely avoidant and socially awkward
>Who don't you want to add you?
troons, sex pests
Cool person, randomly blocked me, wish we could have kept talking
>>Contact info
Discord: Goodairquality
>>Favorite Book
Blood Meridian
>>Favorite Movie
Pulp Fiction
>>Favorite Music
Shoegaze/Jazz/minimal techno/Mid-west emo/prog rock/experimental
>>What are you looking for?
Friends mainly, or introverted women that I could shower with love
>>Who do you want to add you?
Anyones welcome really
>>Who don't you want to add you?
Honestly dont give a shit, if you're an insane freak ill send you to the shadow realm
21 femboy looking for friends to chat with, hopefully long term plz :3
i’ll trade, send, or slut out for anyone jsut hmu
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
I would have added you, but i saw the archive. You dont like men who watch anime. You should have included it here. I dont even watch that many lolicon adjacent shows but i know itd be a dealbreaker. Its a shame i could have been good friends with you otherwise. You lost a great deal today and you will never realize it.
don't add this guy
he will literally shit and piss himself at any interaction because of his inferiority complex. Sad! He knows no one will add him because his interests are so specific.
goodnight australians
rainy day slumper
Good night America,

Good morning Russia.
gooood morninnnng bein gay
Goodnight Bump
Okay sorry, won’t I mean. There’s like a mental block that prevents me from doing it. We can’t all live life on easy mode like most of the people here.
minor do not add
minor dni...
Hello I'm looking for some nudeshops with maybe some editing/outpaint

wrong thread gtfo
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
I can't pick one
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
I can't pick one, I like too many different music
>What are you looking for?
Nothing specific comes to mind, but if you're interested in computers, drawing, chess, books, games or the topics around these things, then I guess you have a plus
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone interested
>Who don't you want to add you?
Rude people or ghosters
I'm willing to bet none of you have extra teeth
gm shut
>Contact info
paddy907 on disc
Alaska, USA
>Favorite Book
Roadside Picnic
>Favorite Movie
End of Evangelion
>Favorite Music
metal and new wave
introverted, no friends
>What are you looking for?
friends, people to talk or play games with
>Who do you want to add you?
people mentioned above, those who want to chat or play games
>Who don't you want to add you?
idk, mean people I suppose
micethrice on discord
terminally online shut-in girl, i want to find people that like the same music as i do (screamo, nintendo punk, dream pop), talk 2 me about mice or insects && crafty things
>dont add me
creeps, people who have nothing in common with me, gooners
updated tag

wabbit season
Copypasted from the gaming thread

Male, in my 20
I'm into retro games, arcade games, indie games, and some co-op games
I like shmup, platformers, rhythm games, leaderboard/scoring games and more in between
I've played more than 5000 video games, and watched more than 2000 anime
>looking for
I'm looking for someone to either talk about upcoming new games with, talk about old games with, speedrun a game together, or to watch anime/movies with
>not looking for
Anons searching for women here
Anons who aren't into anime
Self hating anons
Anons calling themselves mentally ill in any capacity
AAA/Gacha/FFXIV/JRPG players
Dallas here
1. You're all gay
2. Don't forget to buy Godzilla x Kong on June 11 (even if the movie sucked cock)
seethe harder
boom boom shaka boom
gooning to the backstreet boys
Good day bump
These are all the same guy. He has like 20 different accounts and changes his ID to hide that. In the other thread he didn't change his I'd and you can see at least 8 of his accounts under the same I'd.
dont worry its just dallas
gn shute
awoo x 2
Dallas sallaD
god GOD god GOd
Good afternoon bump
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>Contact info
discord: ssjriven
>Favorite Book
The Stranger by albert Camus
>Favorite Movie
the girl who leapt through time
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
other people looking for friends
>Who don't you want to add you?
is the server mostly trannies ?
page 8? Not on my watch
page 7? Not on my clock radio
anon i play guildwars i run a sptiteful spirit putrid explosion build im
pee pee poo poo
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask you listen to please :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
Butt frenzy :>
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask pleaseee :3
discord: subsissyboy
snap: subsissy_22
Whatever happened to cultbaus? Was he one of the guys that died? Please lemme know if someone can get ahold of him if not
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joe mama
>Contact info
west coast
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
Paris, Texas or Taxi Driver
>Favorite Music
favorite album is The Glow pt. 2 by The Microphones
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
cool people(wouldn't hurt if you're rich and feel like giving me a million dollars)
>Who don't you want to add you?
extremists of any kind i suppose
I'm eatin cheetos



A tree grows in Brooklyn

The princess bride



>looking for
Friends, people to talk religion, history nerds, cool people, I have lots of ideas on religion. I like artists but I have no real ability personally.

>not looking for
Perverts, children, mean people
Please no politics because it makes me very upset and paranoid.
I do not want to date anyone from here. It’s difficult for me to form romantic feelings. I still do but it’s rare. I am not a “high quality woman” anyways so it’s a waste.

I am on the psychosis spectrum but I’m not stupid. Thanks.
Crap! It’s 4ngellz. My mistake
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>Contact info
Discord: dunkaclayton
>Favorite Book
I like manga and comics a lot
Gash Bell, Thor, Dredd, Hulk, Superman, Shazam
>Favorite Movie
Godzilla (1954) and Blue Spring (2001)
>Favorite Music
Alice in Chains, Grunge stuff, hiphop new and old
Introvert Shut-In
>What are you looking for?
Friends idk
>Who do you want to add you?
People who like Tokusatsu, Film, Comics, Manga, Music, I'm also LGBT friendly
>Who don't you want to add you?
Edgelords, racists, weirdos
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask you listen to :3
discord: subsissyboy
snap: femboy_noelle
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m, early 20s, west coast
I play mostly single player vidya, old and new. 90% of my time on my computer's spent on an emulator now. would love to share competencies with someone
I also like gym and marksmanship stuff n would like a person to compare stats with. I'm very friendly but I try to be pretty stern if I don't like something.
>looking for
Briefly described above, but someone with a bit of energy and mildly talkative. Don't get frustrated if I can't respond right away, I also just like to give room to people and listen. Thank you.
>not looking for
Attention issues

You seem really cool, I'd enjoy talking to you about everything you posted.
page nine uh huhe
>>About Me

A little about myself! I am a 23 year old male college student! I am studying engineering and very interested in technology, gaming, and computers! Also big into anime!

>>What I am looking For!

I have a crippling addiction to big booty girls, and I also have a small 4 inch dick. So naturally I love stroking with guys that are much bigger than me! In addition to the typical horny talk, I also just want a friend that I have a genuine connection with online. That is the biggest challenge when it comes to find a gooner pal and I am hoping I can find that 'click' here! Some of my criteria which is pretty loose, preferably someone older than me, and with a bigger cock than me! Someone that can feed porn, ideally big booty porn heh my addiction! And someone comfortable with controlling when I stroke my cock and comfortable with me calling them daddy!

>>Not looking for

I would prefer not to get ghosted, blocked, or any of that, also not looking for findom or that stuff. I also don't typically send pictures of myself right away or jump into a VC without getting to know someone first!

If this interested you please reach out!

slay gf
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>Contact info
disc: leyphae
>Favorite Book
heart of darkness
>Favorite Movie
i cant pick, too many
>Favorite Music
i cant pick, too broad a spectrum
you betcha
>What are you looking for?
someone to talk to
>Who do you want to add you?
someone kind, empathetic, caring, patient, compassionate. female.
>Who don't you want to add you?
sickos/skids and the like
bump patrol

>Describe yourself
obsessive weirdo with no friends

>Looking for
people with personality disorders, weirdos (not in a sexual way), shut-ins, people with no friends

>Not looking for

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Hey, fren. New server. If the invite expires reply to this post and I'll send a new one.
25/M/NA/bi (m leaning)
im not looking for romance, im just looking in general.

im on hrt. (7 years) i only want to be male. i dont mind being non binary (as im literally not binary.) but i do not use they/them or see myself as anything not male.
i do not believe in transgenderism. if i did i would still not want to be a woman........ i support fully people doing whatever they want to their worthless bodies.
I have no interest in debate. fuck off.

I prefer to talk about myself person to person naturally, so id rather not say much, or do some fun fact list.

I do not have social media, or am in any discord servers. I do not have any political alignments, i do not know anybody in person and i walk my 8 block by 8 block town for roughly 3 hours a day listening to music.

im very passionate about my different art endeavors and other workings in my life, but as theyre personal i am a bit hesitant and loathe anything being done publicly. i already hate that im posting on here

another guy on hrt is desired, bisexual or non binary in a genuine way. anything else is fine though too.

ideally, i would like to meet somebody on here who also only lurks, does not use social media basically, or is political.
but its the modern age. its hard to meet others anywhere offline, but there isnt many places to look online either sadly.
its a big plus if u also dont really like "channer" culture.

basically "online" influenced personality, but desires more of an offline life is ideal. be yourself.
:im very mentally ill. i got BPD too. i do over do it to seem "so deranged" or post anime girls doing LSD and glitter gore .gif.

im an internally manic outwardly blanked man who breaks at "his" own internal monologue and makes pained sounds over his own sentience. and i have a lot of hate and trauma stored. also only half of my head is probably mine at this point. i wish it were less.
i self harm
ideally id like other mentally ill people, but if ur mentally ill in the drama compulsive liar way, dont bother.

i can talk, do phone calls for others, i even leave the city/country on my own as often as possible to do vaguely planned trips. i just do all of it while feeling like i come off as trying to act human.

also i can not spell for the life of me and im probably a bit rough and nonsensical to talk with.
if you dont feel talking with me fits you, i would not be offended over ghosting.

too much to mention.
i dont mean this in a romantically, but anybody who wants kids. breeders are fucking weird.
i dont like bladee and symetary and any of that hyper twitter slop, its boring. i dont want to be shown .gif of an anime girl saying haunted mound.

my only musts:
NA only. English fluent. born > 2004. be more left-hand path natured or understand that there exists deeper than a surface level human life. being nocturnal is a big plus. be ok with drugs.

you also can disregard all ive said and add me regardless, chaos is not only welcomed but desired. im accept the existence of all hate and all love. even if i oppose it. or it opposes me.

DISCORD: b.616

also this website can fuck itself for having a 2k character limit. kill yourself if youre mad that i used two slots to make this post that will go nowhere.
if I ended up college but I was unable to find a job, does that makes me a NEET?
Are you no longer in education or employment? Yes you're a neet
No gooning please
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: femboy_noelle
Bump patrol
Page 8
>Contact info
>What are you looking for?
just friends to talk to, I like video games and anime, mostly gacha games and borderlands.
>Who do you want to add you?
mtf/lgbt ppl ig
>Who don't you want to add you?
lefties, chasers, people who want sex
>Contact info
vyusso on dc
north america
>Favorite Book
dont have one
>Favorite Movie
stay 2005
>Favorite Music
midwest, ambient, or jerk rap
>What are you looking for?
someone with minecraft
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
porn bots
good night shust ins
good morning shust ins
Captcha: PP NAH
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good morning sirs
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Got banned from both servers for calling the mods fags
gaba gool
seeing LOTRO being mentioned perked me up, but seeing the date of the post i have low hopes to actually play it lel
sleep time
Is the server actually worth joining? I know /soc/ discord in general aren't exactly top tier but I've yet to hear a single good thing about this server in particular.
if you don't have much else to do and might be interested, may as well hop in and see
how do you guys make friends in a server i joined but i feel so shy..... do i just start replying to random people in the general chat room wtf....

help.... i am a very shy girl but i WANT FRIENDS
that's what i do basically
talk to people until someone feels okay to go back and forth with. But I am a shy guy so going further isn't always so ez
honestly don't bother with servers, they're almost always going to be established cliques that are next to impossible to fit into unless you already know people there. make friends 1-on-1 first and then join servers through the people you've gotten to know (if they're in any)
Youre me lol too bad we cant overtly socialize one on one easier without it being such a strange interaction (at least here)

do you guys wanna be friends i'm serious
Post tag if you're not a minor
sure, i'd never turn down an opportunity to make a new friend. my id is common_or_garden_goblin
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>Contact info
reioken on discord
>Favorite Book
does berserk count as a book
>Favorite Movie
not much of a movie person but anime wise i like monster, samurai champloo, higurashi, lain, hxh, one piece, madoka, baki, dorehodoro, azumanga daioh
>Favorite Music
atmospheric jungle and breakcore, rap, metal, anything that tingles my brain rly
introvert shut-in, only go outside for work but im quitting that job atm
>What are you looking for?
im kinda autismo so anyone whos also like this and would enjoy listening to my ramblings and maybe play videogames/watch me play random stuff like horror games or something. i might be a bit insane as well so would be cool if you were.
>Who do you want to add you?
girls preferably also from europe
>Who don't you want to add you?
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This innocent angel didnt do nothing wrong
Stop trying to discover my personal info


22 f USA


>looking for
Friends and cool people

>not looking for
Degens and cruelty

>about me
I know I didn’t follow the format.
I am schizophrenic and I am out of medication for a few days now. Still mostly sane I suppose. I am lonely and have no friends locally. Looking for long term friendships not just one off conversations. Thank you!
Discord? I'm free to vc right now
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>Favorite Book
blade runner, blood Meridian
>Favorite Movie
the shining, spirited away, big daddy
>Favorite Music
Porter Robinson
>favorite game
spyro trilogy
all the above, semi shut in, agrophobic
video games, reading, writing, programming, electronics , tv & movies, cartoons, anime, visual novels, fitness, 3d art, pixel art
>What are you looking for?
looking for friends to talk to about video games and movies or whatever other common interests we may have. I like learning about new things so I'm open to discussing anything interesting. Honestly just looking for someone to keep me company. Maybe we could play a coop game like stardew Valley or factorio. Or watch videos together. chatting is fine too!
>Who do you want to add you?
people who are looking to chat and chill out. Maybe someone who doesn't have many friends like me. Willing to get to know me as much as I want to get to know others
>Who don't you want to add you?
no server invites, edaters, people looking for one off chats, people who want to vc
It could be nice but If i end up not responting too often much I hope you don't take it personally. I have divided attention and also zone out doing other stuff at times.

I'm about to go to bed but if you don't wanna join the server in the OP post, I can drop my user name in here tomorrow
Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/ edit clothes

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We can be friends
I'm on discord as aloerosie
send me a message if you're from this post and asl, I talk to a lot of weirdos on here and I'm trying to do so less often since I can't seem to get enough of you guys.
I want to find people to chat with though that aren't content being overwhelmed and enjoy actually socializing one-on-one or in small groups getting to know each other and not running from parts of ourselves.
Discord servers are impossible for me, as someone that really values interpersonal connection and individual attention.
if you want to play some factorio (you) me. I'd add you but honestly i just want to see how you build shit in there and couldn't guarantee it wouldn't be a one time thing.
join vc
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21 femboy looking to show off my outfits stolen from my moms panties n bras >:3 i have toys n love showing off, so come goon all night while i play n goon to some hentai games! (fems n trans preferred plz!)
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: subsissyboy
Anyone can nudify/edit pics?

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long time shut-in neet, tired of life, low energy. mostly just coast through each day doing the bare minimum trying to stay entertained.

>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
post hardcore (DGD, Bilmuri), indie rock (All Get Out, Sticky Fingers)
SOL shoujo-ai (Hidamari Sketch, Yuyushiki, Kinmosa etc)

>What are you looking for?
Chatting with equally low energy people who still think they can make a genuine connection coming to places like this only to realise shortly after you were better off not trying (but you will repeat the mistake in a few months anyways)
>Who do you want to add you?
Polite people yearning for decency
>Who don't you want to add you?
Debaters, masturbators, people with high-energy or want to voice chat or game.

discord: luckbilkins
Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/ edit clothes

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>19, m
>depression, anxiety disorder, bpd, autism (not that bad), narcissistic, adhd
>decent lookswise. ask me ill send you my face, id say im 7-8/10. not fat or anything.
>into anime vidya all the 4chan retard stuff
>looking for cute retarded girl or a cute retarded guy that will make me want to live :3 just be nice polite and interesting. Looking for something real please. I will do so much for you if i like you
disc: saint010111

im retarded too but if youre a super gooner or very socially inept leave me alone. doesnt apply as much if youre hot tho. also fats and really ugly people dni
Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/ edit clothes

Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes.

Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes

Please hmu on sess

Or disc
Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes

Hmu on sess

Or disc
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too much text for me

Fairly average bloke. Wide range of interests that include film, chemistry, vidya and history etc.
>looking for
Casual chats, friendship and the like; open to (you)r schizo ramblings
>not looking for
I'm not particularly picky, feel free to test the waters
Discord: diyenes
Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes


At what point does this become spam?
gweehee goo
>24,m,east coast
>silly billy
>other silly billies
>cocks, people who take themselves too seriously
>discord- n0n0nsensener0
Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes


Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes


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>splurter discord
Socially inept involuntary neet I dropped out of school not even halfway through 9th grade because I am a clinical retard. I’m in love with my hot older sister. There is much more to me I just can’t think of anything rn. Big on nutting. Desperate for friends but idk how to interact with people. I like drugs. Chainsaw man
You aint wrong dog, i aint mad about nothing. God bless
why are the mods so willing to ban people for a meme but then spambots are ignored for days lmao. I know it's unpaid labor but this is pretty clearcut
of fucking course this thread is entirely men. i don't know why i expected anything different.
is there something wrong with that????
what are you saying....
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>>Contact info
Discord: uncle_salty1
>>Favorite Book
>>Favorite Movie
The Lord of the Rings
>>Favorite Music
I can find something to like in most genres, but death metal and it's ilk first and foremost.
Bit of an extroverted introvert if that makes sense. Not really all that anxious, I just don't like anybody lol.
>>What are you looking for?
The person hiding behind memes, irony, and insecurity.
>>Who do you want to add you?
People with character, integrity.
>>Who don't you want to add you?
Well, the worlds a rich tapestry as they say. Doesn't mean I agree but feel free to try anyway.
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>>Contact info
Discord: queer.com
Florida (moving soon!)
>>Favorite Book
More of a comics guy desu. All Star Superman is great.
>>Favorite Music
Stuff ranging from Linkin Park to Kanye and the Smiths. Love finding new sounds, too!
I'm pretty outgoing but it's hard to find my kind of people irl. I get along better with people in spaces like this one.
>>What are you looking for?
Just a nice chat, to start
>>Who do you want to add you?
anyone, come as you are
sora is fine as a nickname for now
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
No Longer Human
>Favorite Movie
Howl's Moving Castle
>Favorite Music
J-pop, video game soundtracks
big big big introvert
>What are you looking for?
people who lovebomb me and listen to my dumb silly rambles
>Who do you want to add you?
nerdy losers who are just as much of a nerdy loser as I am while still letting me being able to put up my composed persona
>Who don't you want to add you?
errrrr creeps and people who do not let me ramble
guys it's bumpin time.
Hi I'm looking for someone who can nudify/bimbofy/edit clothes


Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint


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for people that are by all accounts the bottom barrel of society, you all have a weird sense of self worth.
What do you need that for and why do you look for that here?
I did something similar to that by photoshopping anime girls into gyaru versions for fun, and can do something similar using AI now, but I'm curious why you need it.
that's a bot.
I hope
otherwise he's an even bigger loser than he appears
shut in weeb 19f Chile (spanish better) discord: blachexqt
I am either retarded or slightly autistic, probably both it's not an either/or. I am a nerd for old movies and obscure genres of music. I’m obviously new to this but it seems like a fun concept that turns me on so if anyone would want to develop :)

Please don’t ask for my nudes right away. I can send regular pictures of myself but I would expect you to do the same!
Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint


Disc redshinato
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>Southeast Asia
Checks out
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21 biologically male UK
Hello, I'm Iop. I like philosophy. I'm a bit autistic. I want to be a wholesome friend or a partner and hopefully we can help each other. I enjoy walks, talking about life, and the books/games/films/music we have in common.
>long distance
>looking for
Partner or friendship. Any gender.
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>Contact info
Discord Katattack_ (don’t forget the underscore)
Love craft stories collection
>Favorite Movie
The void or alien or saw
>Favorite Music
Idk I like a good spread, recently got into chaphop steampunk. I really like songs that are a story
I have a job but other than that I’m a shut in
>What are you looking for?
Idk whatever comes my way
>Who do you want to add you?
I don’t know
>Who don't you want to add you?
Old men my fathers age
Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint


>Contact info
>Favorite Book
the wager
Recently, baking. I want more hobbies.
>Favorite Movie
There Will Be Blood
>Favorite Music
kind of everything. Not much country or punk tho.
yes. I havent had a job in like a year or two.I Went to trade school. I live off a relative in the meantime.
>What are you looking for?
talkers/chatters. Am lonley, would like to feel like Ive gotten to know someone. VC probably never.
>Who do you want to add you?
people who want to chat. especially if u have nobody else to talk to you, like me.
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who want something monitarily from me. pedohpiles and schizophrenics. People who want to see my dick. people with lots of friends.

Just message me pls.
Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint


Holy fuck LMAO
Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint



18+ server with verification for incels,femcels,neets,hikkis,shut ins and just social outcasts and rejects in general who are living in the UK.

Come here to talk about your life situation with people with a similar experience as well as other topics such as politics,music,games,films among other different types of hobbies and interests.

While this server welcomes people with different political beliefs and different backgrounds people with leftist or anti-incel beliefs are not allowed as to avoid people with hostile attitudes to the people this server is for.

While you are allowed to talk about controversial topics and be edgy etc. please keep it civil and avoid doing anything that violates discord tos or the law.

If you are a general social reject from the UK you should join this server.
Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint


shiver me gimbers
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21 femboy desperately looking for anyone longterm who wants to see me show off my slutty panties n bras and goon to any sorta porn/hentai we want! i’ll be horny all night, so plz hmu~ (prefer fem and trans) ;) discord: subsissyboy
kik: femboy_noelle
snap: femboi_noelle
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>Contact info
Disc: larmlovesyou
WV Panhandle
>Favorite Book
Any Lovecraft story
>Favorite Movie
Lars and the Real Girl
>Favorite Music
Nuestra Canción Monsieur
None. Extrovert
>What are you looking for?
Introverts to talk to
>Who do you want to add you?
I am friend to all
>Who don't you want to add you?
Except Pedophiles and old people
I'm attractive if that helps
bumpin before it dies
What’s so funny anon? Why are you laughing at me :(
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join sfw server

Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint


Bump patrol
you are a retarded lazy nigger, please understand this
Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint



Can you shut the fuck up?
in the time youve spent looking for someone to do this shit, you definitely could have just learned how to do it yourself and not have to cry and beg for others to do it for you.
Hello I'm looking for someone who can nudify/edit clothes/outpaint



Goosing it up
goosing it down
He's perfect! Hopefully I made a BFF!
Page nine save!
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20 m eu
>Looking for
looking for friends to talk about porn/edits together. im a bit schizo but currently im a NEET so i have plenty of time since i graduated and im looking for people to talk with! it would be so nice if we talk about porn together.. PREFER GIRLS but men are okay too! im lonely and i dont have anyone to talk to so im really desperate
>Not looking for
old guys, ghosters ):
I am looking for a woman that will help me explore my feminine and submissive side:3 i want to be abused by you and im willing to obey your orders !
24 m, northeast USA
>tall, not-so dark, handsome, deep voice, long hair
>looking for Fun simply no complications
>not into tr00ns, phagS, people who take themselves too seriously, BPD type mental “illness” havers
>discord is n0n0nsensener0
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>About me
Currently in a state of suspected avolition. I used to have interests I suppose, but they don't fulfill me anymore. I do nothing every day. I'm probably very boring to chat with, but I still seem to require some form of social interaction even if I can't bring myself to be an interesting person.
>Looking for
Preferably friendless people like myself, but not a requirement. I want to get to know someone and chat regularly to form some kind of connection. Not sure if it's possible though at the moment. I value kindness.
lookin pretty cute back here on page nine.... aha don't go killin urself babe...
Arise thread.
big fat tubby wubby y'all
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21/m/eastern europe
>Favorite Music
most kinds of metal with a preference for black metal, though i don't mind listening to any kind of metal, really. fan of 80s-90s music like genesis, the misfits and oingo boingo as well. honestly i can listen to anything as long as its not rap, breakcore or most pop
mostly JRPGs, bought witch spring R recently so im looking to tackle that. also pokemon moon because i've never played gen. 7. avid blue archive enjoyer. some anime is okay too. drinking is fun, going on political/philosophical rants whle drunk is fun too
>What are you looking for?
frens with similar interests, i try to be open-minded though i am somewhat judgmental. i'd also be down to vc and/or play 100% orange juice, overwatch 2 or risk of rain 2 while we're drinking
>Who don't you want to add you?
mostly normies, overly sensitive and/or emotional people
19F, currently in GA but moving to TX at the end of this month

>about me:
white, trad, hates niggers.. i don’t mind the other races though. i have a kind personality and am eager to talk to someone once i get to know them and start liking them. i recently got married, was a femcel NEET before marriage, now I'm a stay-at-home wife, which is still being NEET i guess. i enjoy the stereotypical trad things like baking bread, sewing, cooking, but outside of that i do have my own hobbies. i'm really into collecting sanrio stuff and other kawaii pink stuff, and my room really reflects that. i also like anime and video games, reading, drawing, writing, a lot of creative stuff. i like writing funny parodies about niggers and drawing meme-style art of online lolcows(usually from IRC). My most recent project is a parody of Boyz in The Hood called “Niggin’ in My Neighborhood.”

>looking for:
a NEET female best friend! and when i say “best friend” i mean best friend! someone i can be really close with. i do not care if your lifestyle aligns to mine or not, in fact, if you are more deviant it would probably be better since it would give us more to talk about. i also couldn’t care less about distance, online friends are perfectly fine. I have a lot of free time due to the amount of time my husband works, so it would be nice to have someone to talk to while he’s gone.

>not looking for:
MALES, blacks, severe schizos, suicidal people, “i dont need no man” archetypes who make rude passive remarks about how i submit to my husband.

>contact me:
email: yanfei@cock.li
discord: fourteen.words
IRC: tomoko on Rizon
Hi anyone can nudify?


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26 M (TWINK 16 BMI) EU
>Favorite Music
MOSTLY METAL(black, death, deathcore, metalcore)
some rap, some weeb songs, some pop songs
video games(both single player and competitive multiplayer games, i've probably played most games you can think of, im good at FPS games and at League, I ALSO LIKE FFXIV AND SOME GACHAS)
video editing
reading books sometimes

>What are you looking for?
>Who don't you want to add you?
for friends: lolicons, gay men unless you keep it to yourself, boring people with nothing in common you know who you are, ghosters
for gf: fat/ugly girls/boring normie personality, you probably get the picture
>nlf: blacks
Bad experience with black peeps?
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
The odyssey
>Favorite Movie
Kikaider 01 the animation
>Favorite Music
Osts, catholic hymns
Shut in
>What are you looking for?
People who love me for what I was born with, with whom I can overcome the human condition
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone, even transgenders. Bring your gloom and edginess
>Who don't you want to add you?
The wise and learned
Any shut-ins fine with lewd meetups?
We can also just talk about books, anime, tv shows, or movies together. Just to hang out for the weekend.
growls hungrily
>Contact info
discord: nastymatty
>Favorite Book
battle royale
>Favorite Movie
oh man... ask me cuz i have a few!
>Favorite Music
punk, jazz, country
unemployed for 8 months ^^;
>What are you looking for?
friends, anyone to chat with in the after hours - and gaming!
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone, we dont have to align politically. im good with most people
>Who don't you want to add you?
hmm.. idk. lets find out together?
Are there any actual shut in/hikki communities on 4chan anymore? Everything on here is just people trying to hookup.
shut-ins trying to hook up? isn't the goal/desire of them not to be shutins any more?
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>About me
I make and sell abstract art. I have a pretty broad taste in music, movies, and TV. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of It's Always Sunny, and Seinfeld. Nowadays, I listen to a lot of Aphex Twin, Machine Girl, a handful of oldies, and the one hit wonders recommended by Spotify and friends. I'm always online and really hard to offend.
>Looking for
Someone to chat, VC, or hang with RL.
>Not looking for
I don't know, I'm pretty tolerant..
>Discord tag
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>Contact info
>Favorite Books
Nihilism by Seraphim Rose
Kolyma Tales by Varlam Shalamov
Babi Yar by Anatoly Kuznetsov
>Favorite Movie
Lilya 4-Ever
>Favorite Music
Mostly underground hip hop, but i appreciate different genres of punk and metal, everything new and experimental
introverted and social anxiety
>What are you looking for?
im open for everyone
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
i dont care
Hi anyone can nudify?


It's the weekend
Hi looking for a nudify wiz
hi tamagotchis
you didn't message me back, kitten
19m england I'm looking for one girl to take in and take care of, because I'd like some company.
I'm moving to work as a bartender in Leicestershire , I'm moving hours away from my family and I'm worried I'll get lonely, so you'll mainly be company but also some help when needed, it'll be free or quite cheap
Discord: brandonn2585
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Rate please

>Contact info
30/M/SE Europe
>Favorite Book
Brothers Karamazov or House of Leaves
>Favorite Movie
2001 a space odyssey
>Favorite Music
Have a nice life and Kendrick Lamar
>What are you looking for?
Nothing, just lurking
I used to play GW1 a lot, sounds fun, but I can't atm, maybe in a month if you're still interested
I have a feeling you studied phys/chem
added you on discord
Hi looking for nudify wiz (would like also some clothes editing or lingerie)


>Contact info
>Favorite Book
I love The lLies of Millow Bly
>Favorite Movie
OG scream or OG Texas Chinese massacre
>Favorite Music
I love Grindcore, 2000s rap, extreme genres of metal
>What are you looking for?
Friends or more
>Who do you want to add you?
Lonely people, mentally ill/insane girls, people with a good music taste, stuff like that
>Who don't you want to add you?
Gays, that’s about it
26M, Sherbrooke, Canada
>Contact Info
seraphluci on Discord
>Favorite Movie
The Big Lebowski
>Favorite Music
Introvert, borderline Shut-In.
>What are you looking for?
Friends in the area, maybe more if it clicks.
>Who do you want to add you?
Fellow weebs, nerds, and kinky folk.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Dry folk that won't put in any effort to talking with me.
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Idk if this is the right thread but I'm giving this a shot.

>Contact info
Leave yours please.

24, male (femboy/enby), Northern France

>Fav "book"
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni, to an almost religious degree.

>Fav game
Probably Outer Wilds

NEET (can't work because I don't have to financially and the idea is repulsive), quasi shut-in. Not mentally ill, just don't like going out much. I have a bit of ADHD I think, but that's about it.

>What are you looking for?
I'm looking for someone I can love and who will love me back. I'm not "normal": I never wanted to fit the mold, and I want someone like me to share my life with. I'm not a dangerous person or anything, but I have outlooks on life and relationships that are different from most people, I feel, and that makes dating "normies" impossible.
I need someone who is like me, someone who just wants to enjoy life without fitting society's mold, shut in our rooms, smoking weed, playing games, jerking off, watching movies, forever. We need to be compatible, emotionally and sexually (I have a few socially unacceptable fetishes). I'm not interested in being played around, I really just want to meet someone who will make me happy and I can make happy too.
Full disclaimer, I'm here because I thought I had found that person but it's really starting to look like it might not work out and I'm in a lot of pain, so I'm trying to find a way to go on. I'm serious about this though, meeting them has shown me that this is what I want in my life, even if it's not with them specifically.
Failing that, some new friends might be okay to take my mind off my current situation.

>Who do you want to add you?
People who might fit that criteria, or are interested in talking to me, I guess.

>Who don't you want to add you?
Very mentally ill/emotionally unstable people. It won't work out between us and I can smell it from a mile away. Sorry if you're suffering but I can't make it my problem.
if I join the server can I literally just post pictures of my feet lmao
month anniversary of this post. bump
21 sub femboy looking for a femdom to break me and make me her bitch:3 im super loyal and will be at your beck and call, and will send anything you ask ;)
will share list of kinks n limits upon request!
discord: subsissyboy
kik: femboy_noelle
Hi looking for nudify wiz (would like also some clothes editing or lingerie)


in the trash yeah i guess
might get banned though
would be cool to see you get banned
recruit987 on discord
Bump patrol.
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I am looking for a woman that will help me explore my feminine and submissive side:3 i want to be abused by you and im willing to obey your orders!!!!
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
Thus Spoke Zarathrustra/Goodnight Punpun
>Favorite Movie
Interstellar/Fight Club/2001: A Space Odd./Eva Rebuild Series
>Favorite Music
Newly NEET'd looking for job.
>What are you looking for?
Someone to kill time with. I have an unprecedented amount of free time now that I'm unemployed. We could end up being frens or more.
>Who do you want to add you?
People who can hold a convo/actually reply
>Who don't you want to add you?
People who add just to grow their friends list.
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>Contact info
Discord: _koitan_
>Favorite Movie
Tokyo gore police
>Favorite Music
J-Metal, electronic, 90s
Autistic neet & shut in
>What are you looking for?
Friends, female or male is fine, around the same age so 23+
>Who do you want to add you?
Sonic fans, horror movie fans, weebs, femcels
>Who don't you want to add you?
Coomers, incels, people with retarded edgy takes
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hey man, shut ints come hang out we're all gonna make it
>Favorite Book
Don Quixote
>Favorite Movie
12 angry men
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
A loving girlfriend
my discord is
the fuck r u yappin about
soundin kinda delirious
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t. numbers
Multiple unrelated individuals will attest to numbers being a pedophile. I haven't even been in shut in over a year and heard other people confirm what I already knew.
right. because people never make shit up
I haven't even heard about this claim until now and i wouldn't be shocked at all if nothing came of it if I decided to dig into it.
That other numbers, the Pennsylvania 40 year old, is also a pedophile, which just goes on to show that anyone who goes by that name is fucked in the head
thats a lie. All these threads get archived. I can look up the last time I told you and you did the exact same thing denying it. I know I'm not lying because I joined a server with you in it and left pretty much immediately after the entire general was just numbers flirting with some 15 year old girl. I know the others aren't lying. You're the liar.
inb4 numbers claims its someone else pretending to be him deny
Ok buddy
my post sent early by accident disregard the "deny" at the end
I'd feel bad for the fact you got molested but you're a pedo and it would be a much better world if you were dead
I'm talking about numbers with that gay rainbow dog pfp if he still has it
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Friendly server for all people! Looking for friends and a place to what you want, join!
>Jesus Christ is the Son of God & promises you eternal life if you simply believe Him.*
>*He promised to also heal your body. (Just ask Him)*
t. that crippled 30 something year old christian lady in shut
I'm not number and I have never heard of what you're talking about which is saying something considerign there's so many people who hate him and yet I've never seen them going on about it in le splinter

anyway i don't want to continue this public conversation with them not even being around. awkward shit
im assuming "le splinter" is the other server and that people made a new server because hes a pedophile and dont want to be in his server. i dont think theres 24/7 flow of chats talking about how hes a pedo. yes i know youre not numbers i made that clear in my reply when i referred to you as the cripped christian lady
i thought u were the same person
You and numbers aren't making Christians look good especially after that whole child molestation scandal with the Catholic Church
Hi any nudify wiz online?

Hmu at redshinato
27, Male, Germany, Bi
> Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
I'm 180 cm and around 83 kg. I love playing video games with people preferably anything co-op. I recently started developing my own game. Pretty ainlessly going through life rigth now. Working IT. I feel like i have not found my personality yet. I can be a bit of a degenerate and am really open minded.
>What are you looking for in a partner
A fellow gamer. Someone who enjoys spending time with me. Someone who i can openly talk to.
>Not looking for
Permanent online / long distance relationships.
>Discord Tag
the only crippled lady i know hardly speaks in shut
unless there's another...
this conversation is really unhinged so I don't know how to respond anymore so I won't after this sorry m8
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>Contact info
Discord: iamtrollingyou
North America
>Favorite Book
Idk I don’t read books
>Favorite Movie
Zero Day
>Favorite Music
ATM my fav song is aaa ooo covered by hardchrist
All of the above
>What are you looking for?
Frens who don’t sperg out over conspiracy theories or other stuff I say
>Who do you want to add you?
Pretty much anyone who would want to
>Who don't you want to add you?
Brown people, perverts or gooners.

I’m a bit of a “”conspiracy theorist”” or what ever they call it so be warned about that I guess
>Contact info
Discord: mvff
>Favorite Movie
Alien, In Bruges
>Favorite Music
Heavy metal and stuff like dance with the dead
Definitely a shutin. Pretty introverted but trying really hard to talk to people
>What are you looking for?
Younger girls to chat with. Can be anything. I am just lonely.
>Who do you want to add you?
Girls that want a friend or more
>Who don't you want to add you?
Men, trans, fakes, liars
>>Contact info
discord wait4what1
>>Favorite Book
>>Favorite Movie
Blade, Beetlejuice, Matrix, Phantom of the Paradise
>>Favorite Music
Industrial, gothic, triphop
>>What are you looking for?
Just a little conversation
>>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who wants to talk about art, spirituality, physical/mental health issues. Also into mostly retro gaming, virtual reality, food&nutrition/vegetarian, occasionally going to the gym.
>>Who don't you want to add you?
Pushy people.
"not owned by groomers"
>Contact info
doom_rider_ on discord
Poland, europe in general i suppose, I can travel if needed
>Favorite Book
Blindsight by Peter Watts, The Culture Series, Ringworld series
>Favorite Movie
can't decide, probably some older sci fi
>Favorite Music
Alkaloid, Mastodon, Allegaeon, generally anything metal-ish, though I also like ambient music
I work, unfortunately, but other than going to the office and gym I don't interact with anyone or anything, so shut-in i suppose
>What are you looking for?
Please just talk to me.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who can keep up a conversation and not leave me on read for weeks on end
>Who don't you want to add you?
Gooners, anyone trying to recruit me into their 1000000+ people discord
Just for this post playa, tonight you get to go one on one with the federal bureau of investigation
.༻:°.𖤐† l 𝖊 v i 𝖆 t h 𝖆 n †.𖤐 °:༺.

Added. Depression's been hitting me hard, sorry for the delay.
>Contact info
southeast US
>Favorite Book
les infantes terribles
>Favorite Movie
arabian nights pasolini
>Favorite Music
drum & bass, jungle
>What are you looking for?
mutual obsession, a family
>Who do you want to add you?
i’m not picky
>Who don't you want to add you?
anorexia fetishists, just got out of treatment
How do you post, I just see rules and 6 events
>joins a discord server
>asks how to do anything
>doenst know multiple servers join together to form a bot net
>joins discord server
>doesn't follow instructions in the passport channel
>Contact info
discord: catboykitten
Oxford, UK
>Favorite Book
Wuthering Heights
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
I listen to random songs
>What are you looking for?
A loving girlfriend who's into anime and reading
Hi looking for nudify wiz




Hang in there
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
Red rising
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Metal (the old stuff is better)
More of a provider
>What are you looking for?
Cute neet gf to spoil and take care off
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Males, blacks, ppl that are allergic to dogs
>doenst know multiple servers join together to form a bot net
Phone and r9k posted detected
But also I have not used discord in 4 years.
>Contact info
Slaaneshe on kik, not willing to immediately give out other platforms
South UK
>Favorite Book
I think the only fiction I've read as an adult is Dracula, I keep meaning to pick up the hobby again but i just don't...
>Favorite Movie
Hot Fuzz for comedy, Interstellar for visuals and soundtrack, overall probably 28 Days Later
>Favorite Music
cop-out answer, i dont have a favourite genre, i just like what i like
Shut-in? I got to work and then i come home from work, my only irl friend has lived in another country for around 6 years so my link to the outside has been severed
>What are you looking for?
probably to chat. I'm friendly enough but I have a habit of missing messages or getting into my own head and ghosting sorry :(
>Who do you want to add you?
human beings age 25 and up!
>Who don't you want to add you?
insect people and lizard people and shadow people

fucking failed the captcha twice because im a bot
You have to go type unlock passport in the papers please channel.
Literature, cooking, coffee,video games, honkai star rail and gunpla
>looking for
A friend to talk to about common interests.
>not looking for
Niggers, libtards, normies, people who don't want to talk after a day
>Favorite Book
Confessions of a mask by mishima
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
I like a lil bit of everything, hip hop, shibuya kei, alternative rock, shoegaze, post rock, emo (all types from post hardcore to Midwest emo), jazz, idm, ambient, u name it
>What are you looking for?
Mutual obsession
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who’s not any of the below listed ^^
I don’t mind distance, beliefs or race
>Who don't you want to add you??
Woman, trans, fat, only wants nudes, normies (I kinda like crazy guys)

My disc is sarcoustica
Not found, add me reecardo619

>Contact info
disc animeprofilepic
California (209,916 area)
>Favorite Book
The Road
>Favorite Movie
Eight Legged Freaks
>Favorite Music
i like everything to some extent
>What are you looking for?
someone near me who would want to be friends and play vidya with, but anyone who is nice and willing to talk
>Who do you want to add you?
anyone who wants to play video games and try to socialize
>Who don't you want to add you?
friend collectors, people who add you and then start the conversation aggressive
page nine??????
>Contact info
discord: iacton404


amab enby

east coast us

>Favorite Book
horus rising by dan abnett (im not a huge warhammer nerd but holy fuck these books are good)

>Favorite Movie
brazil (1985). i have some kind of autistic obsession with this movie and im not sure exactly why.

>Favorite TV
generation kill

>Favorite Music
my favorite artist is king krule, with live from the moon being my favorite album

close second favorite goes to MF Doom

honestly not really, i have a decent amount of friends but im separated at times and want frenz at all hours

>What are you looking for?
people to talk to about anything. yapping is my specialty. i like talking one on one to people about their interests. my interests are in military history. im on a huge crimean war fixation right now. ive also spent most of my life sitting behind a screen playing vidya and ive been no-lifing my like 3rd playthrough of fallout 4

>Who do you want to add you?
people who want to yap and people who are okay being yapped to

>Who don't you want to add you?
no retards, horny people, or horny retards.

the only image on this computer running windows 7. this thing runs like shit.
Okay who made poopoo
(it was me)
22 f USA
4ngellz on kik
Neet looking for friends please no weirdos
Why are there are even mimic servers in the first place?

>shut-in network:
I'm considering joining, but I'm a shy loser.
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Chuck Sneed
>Contact info
Disc: vvaevs
23/M/US New Mexico
>Favorite Book
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Warren Zevon, King Crimson, Mastadon, Susumu Hirasawa, King Gizzard and The Wizard Lizard, Sewerslvt, Weezer, John Maus
Introvert. NEET.
>What are you looking for?
New Frens to study topics with. Girls to date. Preferably one who is submissive. Crazy girls who want me to dominate them.
>Who do you want to add you?
Girls. Smart Men.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Frens who aren't that passionate/knowledgeable about at least 1 cool thing. Girls who have no intention of meeting irl at some point.
Im looking for someone who can edit pics (nudify)


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>Contact info
31 M England
>Favorite Book
I didn't learn to red so idk
>Favorite Movie
Jingle All The Way
>Favorite Music
idk metal I guess
>What are you looking for? Who do you want to add you?
idk w/e :yawn:
>Who don't you want to add you?

I gym, and goom, and wait to die. I am making a RPG game by myself mostly except art.
good night bump
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>Contact info
discord is mtfk_0


im a dude

US West Coast

>Favorite Book
The Road or the Old man and the sea

>Favorite Movie
cant choose between a few and I wanna gatekeep my fav movies unless you deserve to know

>Favorite Music
vaporwave, some eurobeat, some rap, some classical idk i listen to alot of random shit

A mix of all of those rn sadly lmao

>What are you looking for?
really anyone who just wants to help me kill time and be less lonely lol, preferably someone who wants to play some FPS games on PC like CS or val i dont give a shit just not fun playing games alone, would be sick if i got a few people to play on a minecraft realm or stardew idfk. not super picky just wanting people to talk to.

>Who do you want to add you?
Like i said not super picky just been lonely since me and my ex broke up shits been kinda bad lol

>Who don't you want to add you?
Dry texters, people who are solely interested in sexual stuff. idrk im not picky just add me im cool as fuck i promise
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>Contact info


>Favorite Movie
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children

>Favorite Music
Soundtracks, orchestrated, power rock, jazz

Government hostage

>What are you looking for?
21+ People who like to talk alot and maybe play some games or watch something. I like learning about new things

>Who don't you want to add you?
21- People who are looking for romantic relationships and who like anime/manga/furry. Also people who use 4chan too much. I came here as a last resort
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let me be your hikikimori girlfriend :3
discord: eskitten
But you don't actually want to be my girlfriend, you just want me to sign up to your onlyfans and send you money. I see through your lies.
>Contact info
disc; vrnon
18, f, uk
introvert, just finished school so technically kind of a neet? kind of a shut in
>What are you looking for?
someone to talk to :3
>Who do you want to add you?
i dont really mind, as long as youre not an asshole i guess
also someone who wont make me speak out loud lol :'3
I hope you hate jews too. They're much worse than the blacks.
valerie or val
>Contact info
europe (eastern)
introvert really
i love music, i love vocaloid, i love basically anything if im in the mood for it? i actually have started playing the guitar again which is nice, i love games, those from paradox are nice but im not so good, i kinda like playing osu and other stuff like project sekai but only casually, on the topic of gachas i do play a lot of them, like blue archive, azur lane, nikke, genshin and hsr, i like geopolitics and politics in general, we could talk about that maybe? history too is nice, i love learning languages (both alive ones and dead ones), i love conlangs, worldbuilding, talking and discussing religions, i love learning more and more about them, feel free to add and we can see where it goes!
>What are you looking for?
long term friends, i want to find genuine people who will stick by my side, not toxicity, not sadness, no more of that, i want to find a great friendgroup and settle down
>Who do you want to add you?
white girls, brown girls, femboys, men (maybe) who know how to control their libido and dont act like animals, going back to their base functions when they see anything resembling a female
>Who don't you want to add you?
men who do that, psychos, terrorists, schizos (nothing wrong i get it its just most of the time it never even ends up working), bpdemons (never fucking add idgaf), idk just overly sucky people, i want good friends since i want to improve myself not someone who will drag me down to hell again
only anime pfps pls
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>23 M EST
Hello, I am currently looking for a longterm jerk buddy to play with! I am looking for someone ideally older, and with a bigger cock than my 4 incher. This person ideally would enjoy feeding big booty women and other porn. I would love to be your little perverted pawg addict! I love mic but sadly I cannot because I don't live alone.

Gaming, reading, hiking, the outdoors, cooking, any technology,

>Sexual Desires
Joi, SPH, BBC, Big booty women, twerking, tight pants, big butt cheeks, I really want you to own my little baby dicky and make me cum whenever you and your big daddy cock say so

>Favorite Women
Alexis Texas, Abella Danger, Siri Dahl, Crystal Lust, Jada Ramsey, Mandy Muse, Sophie Dee


Thanks for reading! Im looking forward to meeting you!
bump patrol
She said really old so probably 1980s lol
Super Mario Bros
first time
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I am looking for a woman that will help me explore my feminine and submissive side:3 i want to be abused by you and im willing to obey your orders!!!!
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Joe Mama
>Contact info
West Coast
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
Paris, Texas
>Favorite Music
Alt/indie stuff mostly
>What are you looking for
People to chat with. If you had bad parents who left you unsupervised and watched too much adult swim growing up because of it we'll probably get along. I also wouldn't mind having people who feel just as lost as me to talk to. Or just chill people to shoot the shit with I guess
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone who fits the description above
>Who don't you want to add you?
24M, Europe (Poland)
Huge music and movies lover. I'm addicted to listening to music, collecting CDs, vinyls and cassettes, goint to concerts, I have nice IMDb ratings list so I can get you some recommendations. Beside that I work remotely as backend developer and make money by doing what I love - learning new things and improving myself. I'm also into history (learning about jewish tricks and lies), economy and traditional shaving (bald head here).
Dark humor, sarcasm, wordplays
>looking for
Critically thinking persons who are less or more like me. Ideally it'd be hot 20-something girl also working in IT but I wouldn't mind other people
>not looking for
Faggots, troons, communists
discord: realbaldman
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
i cant read :(
>Favorite Movie
don't watch movies
>Favorite Music
always looking for new stuff. i like groove armada, deftones, pinback, blues traveler
none of the above I'm just bored
>What are you looking for?
looking for people who want to talk, preferably VC and also if you have invites to servers with active vc's i enjoy talking that smack
>Who do you want to add you?
cool people who are funny and have valuable things to say.
>Who don't you want to add you?
people who get offended at everything, people who are afraid of VCs
You'll find out eventually
>Contact info
broliuscaesar on discord, kik, snapchat and other places
The Netherlands
>Favorite Movie
Tropic Thunder
>Favorite Music
Mostly metal. But 90s and 00s hits are pretty fun too.
>What are you looking for?
Finding someone to hang out with, possibly build a relation.
>Who do you want to add you?
Feminine folk that share the same mentality.
rainin today
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>Contact info
midwest US
>Favorite Book
i guess metamorphosis and roadside picnic
>Favorite Movie
princess mononoke
>Favorite Music
radiohead, alex g, unwound, tons of others
introvert and shut-in rn
>What are you looking for?
people to connect with that love music and gaming as much as me, or just art in general
>Who do you want to add you?
preferably girls, although if you think we'd click you can still add me. would like it if you were talkative, makes conversation more fun
>Who don't you want to add you?
idk, man
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>Looking for
I want women to give me back my weeb powers they stole from me.
>do I hate women?
>will I ever forgive them?
Not until those evil succubi return all my weeb powers they stole from me. I'll accept a hand written apology or voice message saying how sorry they are to have made me this way.
sladly gladly
blumply bladyl
What's your end game?
thank you for helping
Tried the discord but I couldn't vibe. Been too much of a shut in to even talk to you fucks
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Keep in mind my status will always be invisible because timezones or I could be asleep/busy just don't expect me to reply every 2 seconds, I have my own at times like depression or lack of energy to talk, I don't intend to ignore

Over mid 20's/M/AU

>about myself
I'm a Hikki/NEET that has mental health problems I have supports, see a therapist etc. I enjoy anime/manga/comics/cartoons/vidya, I don't have many friends but not as bleak as an incel mentality, but see valid points in some blackpills. I have interests in politics, conspiracies, I'm more right leaning if America is used as an example. I want to study cyber security, I was an severe alcoholic spewed up blood in and out of hospital, been in psych wards but I'm stable and sober 3yrs from alcohol, been doing well. Been through a shit ton of hardships mental health and non norman issues I can relate and others in me. Even though I don't drink I do occasional drugs, so you might read me write dribbling bullshit because I'm high, I do recreational stims, opioids, benz dissociative etc. Nothing hard like meth or heroin just out of boredom. I isolate a lot I can be quite in depth in societal views, but at the end of the day I just want a friend to chat to occasionally about anything anime, hikki shit current events etc
>main boards
/r9k/, /g/, /news/, /pol/, /adv/ and /wsg/ I check others out on occasion but my main board is /r9k/

>what I'm looking for?
Someone to have talks and debates or just general converse about our lives and interests. At times share articles and opinions on current events.. I just want a friend is all, even if we only talk about anime or normies or forum culture would be nice
>not looking for?
Far leftists, homo shit, normans or porn soam. I'm open minded and an ironic racist and don't conform to gender politics. Basically you can call me a certified shitposter when on the boards.
>user tag
bump patrol
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
Red rising
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
Metal (the old stuff is better)
More of a provider
>What are you looking for?
Cute neet gf to spoil and take care off
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Males, blacks, ppl that are allergic to dogs
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
the collector by john fowles
>Favorite Movie
arabian nights dir. pasolini
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
mutual obsession that leads to marriage and children
>Who do you want to add you?
men with a savior complex
>Who don't you want to add you?
anyone younger than me. anachans since i just got out of treatment
belching fever
Avoid, doesnt talk. Collector
This is correct
>name? You can call me shark
>Contact info
disc: Sharkisonfire
>Favorite Book
Goblin Slayer (LN)
>Favorite Movie
Jurassic Park (and Series)
>Favorite Music
Will listen to anything at least once, some catch my interest more than others.
Social anxiety despite like going out (I don't like when places have too many people)
>What are you looking for?
Relationship or really good friendships, internet pen pals?
>Who do you want to add you?
Females, very fem looking trans is okay too. Dudes can add if they're only looking for friends
>Who don't you want to add you?
Men that want to get sexual, sellers, non-passing trans
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
Crime and Punishment, Don Quixote, the Bible
>Favorite Movie
Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, Full metal Jacket
>Favorite Music
Electronic, Touhou circles
Not a neet, but I hate crowds and loud noises. I can talk well under professional circumstances, or being high
>What are you looking for?
friends, possibly people who are interested in game dev, marriage?
>Who do you want to add you?
I don't mind anyone
>Who don't you want to add you?
I don't mind anyone
Wee woo wee woo
head tranny spends all day bitching in general about their life and bans anyone that dares disagree with them

please for the love of get get a fucking job or end yourself
head twanny spends aww day bitching in genewaw about theiw wife and bans anyone dat dawes disagwee with them

pwease fow the wove of get get a fucking job ow end youwsewf
>75 posts by this id
im so tipsyy sorry for this silly post


Looking for an asocial shutin bf bcuz im so jealous and possessive and i dont want someone social, who always goes out. Bonus points if you never wear slutty male clothes such as shorts.

i dont go out and socialize much (especially during the day) bcuz im scared of the sun
I feel like i will be shitskin if i stay under the sun for 10 mins. And everyone says im pale af. I’m also always cold :balkanroulette
I still have many friends despite all that, and most of them are from my school, cuz they help with my homeworks. I barely do anything.(female privilege) And I don’t believe in online friendships
So add me if you want a perfect gf
>not looking for
Non eu guys
Guys shorter than 180

Discord :
Does he do it for free I wonder?
I don't know if you still read this thread, but here is my discord:
thank you for helping!
dm to find out :>
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
american psycho
>Favorite Movie
american psycho
>Favorite Music
goth rock
and some midwestern emo stuff and scramz
i am a NEET
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
people who are also neets
a a a
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
the collector
>Favorite Movie
arabian nights
>Favorite Music
2 out of 3
>What are you looking for?
high iq man that wants a family
>Who do you want to add you?
my soulmate
>Who don't you want to add you?
anyone younger than me
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>Contact info
discord: e876666
afab female
georgia, usa
>Favorite Book
oyasumi punpun, misery or twilight
>Favorite Movie
childs play 2
>Favorite Music
elliot smith, kekht arakh, pretty much any dsbm!!! deftones sometimes, the smiths, weezer, etc
introvert, i’m still in school and i’m currently trying to get a job again so i can provide for myself, lol..
>What are you looking for?
i just got out of a long term relationship so i’m just getting back onto social media like… today and i just want someone who will dedicate themselves to me and let me dedicate myself to them!!!
>Who do you want to add you?
mostly anyone
>Who don't you want to add you?
people just looking for esex:P
Hoist that thread.
hello, retard here. I've never tried done this online friends thing before but I haven't really had a proper group of friends since high school so I'm giving it a shot.
I'm not a big reader but I like lotr trilogy(basic bitch choice I know)
I like 7 samurai (basic bitch choice I know)
[spoiler]I don't listen to music, like at all[/spoiler]
I guess just an introvert/shut-in
>What are you looking for?
I have no social life so I'm just trying to get in the habit of talking to people.
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone with similar interests willing to put up with my complete lack of social skills
>Who don't you want to add you?
idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Discord is endless_soc
It's an alt I just made because posting my normal account here seems sketchy, hope that's not a problem.
>Contact info
Discord: towardarrow
29/M/USA, NJ
>Favorite Stuff
Most anime and indie stuff, vintage movies
Ask me!
>What are you looking for?
Friend > date > relationship pipeline
>Who do you want to add you?
Anyone looking for the same, people closeby
>Who don't you want to add you?
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18m US

>Favorite Book Series
Series of Unfortunate Events / Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

>Favorite Movie
Save Yourselves!

>Favorite Artists
MF DOOM, Mommy Long Legs, Marcos Valle


>Looking For
Nerds who like rambling about their favorite niche interests, I like listening

>Not Looking For


pic related
Anybody live near, or willing to drive into Lakeshore area Illinois? Looking for people to ride ebikes/dirt bikes with. It's quite therapeutic. If that sounds cool, drop a tag.
Arise, thread.
i'm sleepin atm
Join the true NEET community with no mod abuse, minimalist set up and freedom of speech.

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>Contact info
speedloder (discord)
24 | m | US
NEET and Introvert. Hate the indoors, so kinda like a shut-in but backwards.
>What are you looking for?
Some conversation to pass the time. I’m stuck in the ER and so pissed I can’t sleep.
Fitness and outdoorsy stuff. Nutrition, cooking. I play bass guitar. Into metal, funk and a little rap and EDM
>Who do you want to add you?
Not picky, just be cool and I’ll try to be too. Obv shared interest is a plus.
>Who don't you want to add you?
Evildoers, the horny
update your flatpaks
Kik: NewLifeForYou2

I'm looking for a white man preferably between the ages of 18 and 24 who wants a totally new life. I'll pay all of your expenses, give you a great place to live, and give you a job making serious money. It's basically a personal assistant gig. You do what I say, you get a great life. Hit me up!
21, M, USA
Loser, neet, pariah. I'm quiet, boring, politically incorrect, and struggle to relate to people, despite countless attempts of trying to do so. Still, I'm hoping to find someone like me to chat with about various topics to pass the time. And maybe even make a friend.
>looking for
Friendless outcasts who feel lonely and want someone to talk to. If that doesn't describe you, we probably won't be able to relate to each other.
I prefer listening, so if we find a topic that we both have some interest in, I'd be happy to let you talk at length about it if you'd like.
>not looking for
Females (not gay, just a misogynist)
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21 femboy sissy looking for anyone (preferably fem:3) pervs to goon with all night while i play hentai games! i have absolute tons of hentai n pics and i’m into almost anything, will send list if we talk ;) ill show off my clothes n toys from my moms dresser to you even if we get along…, so please hmu, i’d love to serve n be slutty :3 ! i’m relapsing, so help me go crazy as an attention whore :3
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: subsissyboy
female 2 male
mentally ill shut-in boy
true crime, animatronics, clowns, canines, bad movies, postal, ranfren, resident evil 7, and moar
>looking for
mentally ill men pls
>not looking for
Hey can’t get ur username to work on dc but think we might actually really click also just out of a long term relationship and looking for people to chat to my dc is conor221 if u wanna add me
me again
N. Important
>Contact info
discord: shamking
no (im a dude)
>Favorite Book
too many to count, i dont read as much these days tho. im trying to force a buddy into reading burroughs. last one i started reading is that one book about music by david byrne
>Favorite Movie
not much of a filmbrain, uh twin peaks fire walk with me is a safe option
>Favorite Music
all sorts of shit. mostly 60s and 70s. bit less of 80s. (mostly for goth shit desu, and older bands from previous decades) after that it gets really iffy (still very much above average in knoweldge because of browsing too much mu growing up). im a le musician. grinding at learning songs by ear, did two oingo boingo songs today. i do a lot of recording and might spam you with shit, covers and originals.
i play bass, guitar and computor (and one drum that i ptich shift and eq lol)
i stan andy partridge. but yeah music is most of what i do
salty about queens of the stone age show getting cancelled. hyped to see john maus later this year
NEET sadly, got rejected from everywhere this year fucking rip. Shut in yes, but introvert no. not in traditional sense at least, i love yapping online
>What are you looking for?
chill people
>Who do you want to add you?
chill people
>Who don't you want to add you?
non chill people
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i don't wanna write all the stuff because my head hurts and i'm high as hell. full on NEET here, fellow neets dm me!
this is a man using someone else's pics

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21 femboy desperately looking for anyone longterm who wants to see me show off my slutty panties n bras and goon to any sorta porn/hentai we want! i’m relapsing like crazy, and would love to goon all night with people! i’ll be horny all night, so plz hmu~ (prefer fem and trans) ;)
discord: subsissyboy
kik: femboy_noelle
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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
American Psycho
>Favorite Movie
Drive 2011
>Favorite Music
Vidya ost's
All the above
>What are you looking for?
ppl to talk to about and play games with
>Who do you want to add you?
pc gamers
>Who don't you want to add you?
bleh :#
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>Contact info
Discord: akoaros
East Poland
>Favorite Book
Naked Lunch
>Favorite Movies
On the road, Il conformista
>Favorite Music
Ray Charles, King Crimson, The Alan Parsons Project
pure Chaos, but in new city
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
sb from EU, preferable east EU
>Who don't you want to add you?
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask you listen to :3
discord/snap: femboy_noelle25
kik: femboy_noelle
any girls wanna game and vc together? im 18F
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can't believe you developed a personality after all these years props bro
Join our NEET server. People don't get mod abused here

Hey im also from northern France too :D
Contact is fhtannhauserw@protonmail.com

—no verify
—low moderation
—semi-toxic af
—verified egirls get admin
—giga boosted
—est. july 2024
—dank emojis & stickers
—frequent tv/film/music streams
—we have schizos, goth/alt, egirls, incels, femcels, addicts, stoners, weebs, ravers, insomniacs and perfectly sane people
—game, listen to music, talk in vc to make frens
—leveling system to filter true psychotics
—custom boost perks/VIP access
—free nitro/weed giveaways

(looking for mods)

22 M GA
>Physical description
fairly muscular, 5 8 180 pounds
>Favorite Book
blood meridian, the tanya LN
>Favorite Movie
stalingrad (1993)
>Favorite Music
i kinda jump between genres but recently been listening to demetori and hatsuki yura
in uni but the last 2 semesters i have been stuck doing online school because of circumstances with my degree so im mostly shutin
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
shutin girls
>Who don't you want to add you?
kik: urmom89643
>physical description
kinda fit, idk what else to say. not fat thank god
>favorite book
one flew over the cuckoo's nest
>favorite movie
>favorite music
older music, rock n' roll, nightcore, kpop
introvert. no friends or bf, spend all day gooning or wageslaving
>what are you looking for?
a friend, or something more
>who do you want to add you?
interesting people, shut ins, incels
>who don't you want to add you?
people who send dicks without asking
discord: strawberrycupcakez
Join our discord, we have a palworld server now.
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>Favorite Book
Haven't read for fun much these past few years because I'm constantly reading for grad school, but the last book I enjoyed was Voltaire's Candide. I think novels are a bit antiquated for me personally, but I respect anyone who is an active reader and would love to hear what is good/profound enough to hold your attention in an era of dopamine overload
>Favorite Movie
Not personally a movie-watcher, but I have a soft spot for any spaghetti western. Wouldn't mind watching a movie together if you can sell me on it.
>Favorite Music
Most of my rock taste is informed by scaruffi.com, but I also love classical music, especially baroque era. However, I'm pretty ignorant about composition to fully appreciate what I'm listening to.
Introvert & Shut-In. I live in a beach town so we're constantly swarmed by tourists in the summer. I stay indoors most of the day and play vidya when I'm not doing grad work. Dead by Daylight and Dark and Darker are the two multiplayer games I play, but I also LOVE any kind of puzzle game.
>Other things I wanted to mention
I vape cannabis a few times a week, but I'm not particularly proud of it or center my life around it. If that's also your thing we could talk about our experiences though. I try to offset that habit by working out (running & yoga) and eating healthy.
>What are you looking for?
People to yap with and play games together. Maybe some romance? If you like to vc occasionally that's also a plus.
>Who do you want to add you?
Women > Men, but I'll accept requests from either.
>Who don't you want to add you?
NEETs, coomers, and people that need to sort their mental issues out first.
grenfren (throwaway account, but I'll add you to my real account if the vibes are good)
If I don't message you right away I'm probably busy with school stuff, so feel free to hmu and introduce yourself, no pressure.
Not her. Someone was recently spamming her username around soc to scam people.
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21 femboy desperately looking for anyone longterm who wants to see me show off my slutty panties n bras and goon to any sorta porn/hentai we want! i’m relapsing like crazy, and would love to goon all night with people! i’ll be horny all night, so plz hmu~ (prefer fem and trans) ;)
discord/snap: femboy_noelle25
kik: femboy_noelle
my tummy hurts.
Bump desu
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> info
current struggles involve maintaining healthy relationship with cannabis
but previous struggle was finding reason to create. that is no longer an issue
>add me if
u think im cool fo dat
i;'m replying
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I made this post on a whim because I was starting watching angel's egg and I realized I just don't wanna watch it alone

that's it

Add me if you'd like to watch angel's egg with me
we might watch some other 80's-90s- early 00s anime classics together afterwards if you'd like but I really just kinda didn't wanna watch the thing on my own

25m EU, not sure why I need to specify this but just in case you think I'm a woman
I'm not
I'd have a much easier time if that was the case

discord: repeatnrinse

watch the thingie with me
25m just need someone to feed me while i goon. Will jerk off my 7 inch bwc for you05b6566c654b820faca
sleep time fellas
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If you're looking to get out of your lazy hiatus and stop being a shut-in then I have the perfect discord server for you.
Midwest Campers for all your outdoors needs and possible meetups.
Kik: NewLifeForYou2

30m provider

Looking for young white men preferably 18-24. I run a successful business but hiring regular employees is a real PITA so I prefer this method. You come give me your labor, I pay for all of your expenses. Located in Pennsylvania. It's basically a more involved personal assistant gig. Prefer if you have a drivers license and a car but that isn't necessary
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Hi i'm 19,mtf and from Eu
i'm looking for someone to play worms WMD or BattleBlock theater with while my gf is away c:
please be somewhat close to my age : c
my tag is harrietdubious
i'm sorry if anyone who i unadded sees this..i get easily scared of people..
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
les infantes terribles
>Favorite Movie
arabian nights
>Favorite Music
all the above
>What are you looking for?
mutual obsession that leads to marriage and a family
>Who do you want to add you?
high iq neurotic men
>Who don't you want to add you?
jeets, newfags, anyone younger than me
sleepi teepi

>Contact info
Discord: hanasaysnani




>Favorite Book
Little, Big by John Crowley

>Favorite Movie
In the Mood for Love

>Favorite Music
Carmen Maki

Sometimes, but my lifestyle forces me not to be

>What are you looking for?
Someone who can hold a conversation, male or female, preferably over 22ish.

>Who do you want to add you?
Genuinely interesting people with hobbies they like to talk about

>Who don't you want to add you?
People looking for romantic connections

Looking for someone to form an actual bond with. Someone to confide in.

I enjoy a deep conversation a lot more than small talk.

I have a deep appreciation for artistic expression. I will reluctantly share my shitty art and poetry with you. I don’t play videogames.

No lewd shit. Don’t waste my time. If you’re not serious and if you don't put in an effort to talk to me, don't expect me to stick around.

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>Contact info
Latin America
>Favorite Movie
Watched The Tree of Life recently, don't watch many movies
>Favorite Music
Edweena by The Residents has been playing on my head recently
Sadly unemployed. I hate it.
>What are you looking for?
I can't really say. Most of the times I come to post my handle in /soc/ is to cope with something.
>Who do you want to add you?
I don't see much issue with anyone in general.
>Who don't you want to add you?
If you're 20+ and not MtF, I'm fine.
I'm a bit of an incel type so take that with a grain of salt.
captcha: yytyd
Hiiiii losers. Let’s all join together!!! Newer server. Female owned. Come say hi please
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry for yelling
Join our freedom of speech server which is 4chan themed. We have threads and a minimalist set up

>Contact info
.generationwhy (discord)
Usa east coast
>Favorite Book
I can’t read
>Favorite Movie
Bladerunner 2049 or Your Name
>Favorite Music
Tons of shit desu, ranging from chill house, hip hop, neo prog rock…would love to chat about music and swap recommendations.
Introvert but not a neet or shut in
>What are you looking for?
Specifically I’d like to find a kind neet to become friends with. Most important to me is just being able to text chat semi regularly and have some interesting convos. Could play games and vc at some point too but I’m a little shy with that. I’d also like to kinda spoil a neet with no income and buy them stuff they want if we become friends.
>Who do you want to add you?
Any kind of neet with no income really. At gender is cool.

My first time sending a reply on this site, hopefully I didn’t fuck up the formatting lol
Kik: NewLifeForYou2

30m provider

Looking for young white men preferably 18-24. You come give me your labor, I pay for all of your expenses. Some sex expected. Located in Pennsylvania. It's basically a more involved personal assistant gig. Prefer if you have a drivers license and a car but that isn't necessary
didn't work
sleepy time you freaks
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ironically i got told im human chat gpt with how i can do infodumps about random shit, like i thibk i did some tirade on cardiacs today. human chat gtp trained on a decade of mu brainrot
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to em
Kik: polsk1
server for neets

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>Contact info
>Favorite Book
Storm of Swords
>Favorite Movie
Hard to say since I watch a lot, The Shining or Taxi Driver
>Favorite Music
Mostly shoegaze
Introvert who recently quit shitty job so I'm currently a shut-in
>What are you looking for?
Someone to talk to so I don't feel totally disconnected
goodnight peepol
where in az? got any way I can reach out?
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do
Kik: polsk1
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Anonymous, friends would call me anon if I had any
>Contact info
30/M/Poland, Silesia
>Favorite Book
Moby Dick
>Favorite Movie
Apocalypse Now
>Favorite Music
Tie between black metal and anison
Introvert and I mostly only leave home for the wage cage
>What are you looking for?
Hardcore weebs living nearby, but not the con attending normalfag types. The same sort of shut-ins as me who only ever meet new people through the internet.
>Who do you want to add you?
My future best friend :^)
>Who don't you want to add you?
Normalfags. リア充爆発しろ
broken link
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1
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I'm a 21/M/US schizoid neet and I love post rock and ambient
discord is n.rdy
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Obese lazy NEET looking for worshippers to spend their entire life under me, doing everything I say!
Send me mom/bbw pics or sis/daughter and ill tell you what I'll do to them
Kik: polsk1
32 f us
>about me
I'm not a neet but I am a shut in. If I didn't work I would be homeless. I'm probably autistic but I was never diagnosed. I have a lot of trouble with social interaction... Yeah.
Video games, anime, reading fantasy mostly. I'm very basic. I mostly play FF XIV.
>looking for
I don't know really... People to connect to and discuss things we both like.
>not looking for
Ghosters or friend collectors.
geekyreaderr on kik (I made this for this, I have a discord if things work out)
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i want to be someones misaki

disc is puddingkitty
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online lol.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
>Contact info
Discord: pompomdashite
>Favorite Book
I read for work so I mostly consume manga. I like a lot of old shoujo like Kamisama Kiss etc
>Favorite Music
Shoegaze, vgm, visual kei. My music taste is diverse!
I'm not a NEET, but I'm very introverted
>What are you looking for?
People to pass the time with. Would love a long term friendship with some fem anons :) would be nice to have people to play games with or just chat really!
>Who do you want to add you?
Fem anons, nerds, people with unique interests
>Who don't you want to add you?
Non Europeans, anyone severely mentally ill/edgy, e-daters etc...

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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
uh everyone else doesnt put anything so
>Contact info
kkuirroai on disc
Southeast Asia
>Favorite Book
aw man i havent read a book without pictures in years
>Favorite Movie
i'm thinking of ending things (this is not a cry for help, i've been fine recently)
>Favorite Music
rock, rnb, vgm but i do like to listen to new things every now and then
>What are you looking for?
friends i suppose, maybe more? but then again you all live so far away
>Who do you want to add you?
people into art, music, games... shit my tastes are pretty generic
>Who don't you want to add you?
porn bots mostly haha

also i'm black
cuck thread for cucks?
bumping thread big time like me.

32 f us
>about me
I'm not a neet but I am a shut in. If I didn't work I would be homeless. I'm probably autistic but I was never diagnosed. I have a lot of trouble with social interaction... Yeah.
Video games, anime, reading fantasy mostly. I'm very basic. I mostly play FF XIV.
>looking for
I don't know really... People to connect to and discuss things we both like.
>not looking for
Ghosters or friend collectors.
geekyreaderr on kik (I made this for this, I have a discord if things work out)

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