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Any other black anons here? Post in this thread!
What's going on man?
Nothing. Just waiting for the big booty black femcels to show up.
Ass is avg but my thighs are huge, hi
Haha got them birthing hips ;]
Words mean nothing, pics can change the world
If you got a discord, hmu haha

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How do we start a sex cult like Nature Boy?
and my cock is massive
That nigga is in PRISON
Yeah but imagine if he wasn't all rapey and psychotic. It was actually a solid idea, just led by the wrong guy.
You are a black man, don’t say cock!!
Lmao, got added, but now I feel I need to clarify. I am just a white guy who likes dark girls
You're welcome to the party, larry bryd.
I'm always torn between skinny, dark skinned otaku boys and thick, light skinned resting bitch face girls
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Fuck light skin girls
I feel like the trick is to find a girl with natural hair
I just want a girl who won't wear a bonnet 16 hours a day.
add me black queens
Haha thanks anon
Fucking love these pics
i like reading, cooking and playing video games. i'm a pretty boring person. sorry.
>looking for
black anons to be friends with, males and females, i don't have a preference.
>not looking for
non black anons and coomers.

white muscly english guy here looking for a cute black gf

snap: potchuck
why do these threads always get infiltrated by the (very cleary and definitely not) racist white dudes

race fetishism is weird
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Evening, blackanons.
Yeah, not gonna put my tag unless there's interest. Last time I had multiple adds from racist russian dudes.

If anyone is looking for friends: 27, Male. USA located. Nigerian-American. Can drop my discorrd if anyone's interested.

Not looking for weird raceplay stuff
Am I the only black dicklet here?

Which tribe?
I'm Black, 30, and from Virginia. I look forward to Assassin's creed shadows, bros. Stay strong, and don't internalize any of the idiotic racism you against us you see on the internet.

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21 m tx
Kinda lonely, looking for a chick to get high and have deep conversations with (or b horny)
Can be a quickie if u want, discord is blackyangenergy
What’s your discord
r u a girl (vagina)?
homies over hoes
Fellow dicklet here I'm the same size as the big aniki himself
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All I want in this life is to find a cute black girl to marry, is so rare to see blacks in my city period, and I don't know any in my inner social circle, everyone around me is white including me, but God cursed me to be into Chocolate, I simped so long for this weeb black girl back in highschool and I even went to some dates with her, but her family clearly hated me so much due to my whiteness and social retardation.
So is every brown skin cartoon character black to you?
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Black girls hmu
Discord: jadedindividual
Hah ur brown
do any black femanons here want a slav bf? im dead serious. just dont be fat.
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I am once again asking if any qt black girls would like a /fit/ slav bf

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Added (I assume that's discord?)
Black-Brit, 22 UK.
Any black [spoiler]trans[/spoiler]girls online?
>Niganon thread

Anyone in the northeast? would prefer a girl but just want a buddy to go to conventions with
Would it be a faux pas for a white man to come here in search of a black wife?
Nope. Looking for a white husband. add my discord montreal.badgyal98
from your past posts i'm not what you're looking for anon, but i wish you luck finding your future husband <3
this is such a great thread i would love to talk to other black ppl or just white ppl into black femanons ig

kik: strwbryspit
murdoch_industries on dc im accepting everyone
server: /WHBFhyew
>non black anons
Holup das racist! (jk)
Why would the russian dudes be interested in you? Sounds strange.
Don't do that, Vadim, bitches are temporary, the bloodline is eternal. We don't want another Pushkin, do we?
Black Chicago anon here recently lost my virginity to a white girl
Hey alice, you lurking? Hope you broke up with your bf
literally check your discord
>Town is filled with other blacks, whites, and asians
>Asians stick to their own community and hate darker skinned people
>White girls call me ugly and don't want me because I don't act like a stereotype even though they're all mostly overweight or have attitude problems
>Black women want tyrones, but the ones with actual sense only want white men
>Most became single moms by early 20s limiting my dating pool further
>Was a Virgin until I was 31 and only because someone took pity on me
>Halfway through being 32 with issues approaching relationships

Tired man. Didn't really have anywhere else to type this but to all my other brothers and sisters out there I hope you find someone nice
Yoruba lol

Idk mate, let's use some critical thinking here. They're obv there to troll me around lol
Look like a typical muttley to me, yep ur black :)
aww you're cute, and yes you are black enough.
can we date?
YESSSS IM A BLACK ANON!!! Discord is landminebunny_ would love to speak to a fellow brother/ sister of color
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Discord: fentanylcore

I’ve learned how to emulate the quirked up whiteboy sexual style, hmu for the method real yakub shit g
White guy who loves black girls.

Any cuties in UK?

Discord: btb2690
The light skinned/dark skinned discourse is cringe. People will find anything to cause division.
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Anyone in Baltimore wanna go out or something?
Ugh gimme a cute black girl that is funny and I can talk to (not carly). Also I'm black with two black parents that are still together.

I don't cheat and I am tired of white women talking about how they like wearing ugg boots and unfixed dog dicks.

I'm attractive and funny and just ssk you not be a loser hikki neet lainpilled goblinmode rottmaxxing buzzword buzzword buzzword femcel.

All the black people I have seen in my city are in front of the courthouse and are old men that just greet me with "All right now!""

I would like someone from the southeast (not carly).

Be older than 21 so I can make you kool aid hennessey pops with lemon pepper wet jerk wings fried hard.

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Black woman here. AMA.
>they like wearing ugg boots and unfixed dog dick
what in the goddamn
How do you deal with colorism, either from external sources or internal sources?
How do you beat back prejudice you didn't know you learned?

>kool aid hennessey pops with lemon pepper wet jerk wings fried hard
you know... black people...
Can I get a booty pic with your panties on and one without them on? Can I also get 3 different pics of your boobs any position. Also, can i get just a normal pic or your pussy from the front and one where it's spread a bit open. Can i get a picture of you fingering yourself? Can i get a pic of your pussy and ass from behind in one shot? Can i also get a pic your full front body in just your bra and panties? And can I get a pic of your ass while your panties are all up? Can I also get a pic of your boobs while you're in the shower? For the rest of the pics can you just send whatever sexy things you want? For the videos can i get a video of you twerking in just really short shorts? And one of you fingering yourself? One of you actually cumming? Also, can i get one of you playing with your tits while not wearing a shirt? If you have a dildo can you send my a
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I need a black girl to do my hair.
whats your kik
I'm like 40% black and there is no /mixed/ general on /soc/ ever.
Are there any mixed/lightskin chicks here?
I wish mixed dudes and mixed chicks would date each other more often but that's not really a thing in America. I don't know what to tell you, anon. Try going to Brazil or Cape Verde or something or moving to Louisiana and just talk to women.
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Hi y do ppl keep saying I look Indian lol
because you do
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ditzy midget chick who fidgets about most of the time and won’t stop talking once there’s something she’s interested in.
i’m into:
anime + manga (mecha • mahou shoujo)

>looking for
someone who she could talk to when she’s not busy, and those who have the same interests as she does-! she will not be able to get to anyone, disabling friend reqs when this happens.

>not looking for
horndogs lol

discord: kimagurefascinate
How short we talking?
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Ayo what we watching?
25 f eu
>About you
i mostly just make music
music (shoegaze, breakcore, indie etc), anime, vidya, chess, philosophy, history
>Looking for
nice people to talk to and maybe vc
>Not looking for
You look Sudanese, Somalian, Eritrean or Ethiopian. Not Indian.
Yup I'm East African lol
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》about me
I'm very proud about the fact that I entered the 6 figure club finally. I'm black and not in programming too!

I don't know what else to do with myself, honestly.

I try to volunteer my time to people or cook and give my food away to people that don't know how to cook. Videogames are fun sometimes. I don't play as much these days. I'm into politics somewhat, but not really because I don't do any activism. I like teaching as well but it doesn't pay. Turtles that have high pitched voices do too. I'm very adhd brained and ramble a lot if we vc. A bunch of other stuff too. Black girls think I'm weird for the most part. White and Asian girls think I'm cute and funny though. Also before you roll your eyes, my hairline is immaculate so shut up, I take care of my image.

I am a coomer if I have to be honest. I'm very horndog and I have to stop myself often.

Girls to talk to, I'll try not to be sexual if you don't want that. I won't ghost you either or make you feel bad either. But I will be honest and tell you if I will continue talking to you or not.

Hopefully we like each other.

Also you can be any race but it would be nice to be with a black girl for once. We're just more culturally compatible.


I'm not looking to pay for anyone. Girls that say "Spoil me" are huge turnoffs. Hookups. I'm horny but don't care for one night stands. Don't be too far from me. EST. Also if you're bad at talking and put no effort into conversations.

I think these are all reasonable.


I dont smoke. I do like the smell of cigarettes, though. They smell like my aunt who I miss.
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Afrobros, I think we need a mandatory afro check
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tfw hispanic male that likes black women but they usually go the usual secret racist white guy route who fetishize them.

Let me love you
cute for a dude meh for a chick but whats up?
>meh for a chick
why? i think she looks cute
Why do all 4chan black girls prefer white men?
21 male black anon from Boston
I'm down to chat with some brothers and sisters on downtimes
discord: whyyouromeo
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Hey 21F, anybody wanna chat on discord
nice pp anon, I'd suck it
Nigga wtf did I do to you?
you blocked me after I alluded to having sex irl, fucking loser.

You are in your 30s and have been trying to get autistic pussy from soc for the last decade.

Bitches beware
Are you male or female?
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as a half black half east asian tranny that that hasn't been clocked in over a decade and usually passes as tanned east asian/thai/filopina, i've found most black people especially the women lol, to be the hardest to talk to. the women get really jealous and the men are a bit macho (makes sense, black cultures worldwide are macho like latin). the colorism is worse than how women treat men's height with heightism. i dont tell people im trans but jfc the shit that comes out of these peoples mouth is insane. doesn't help that most are baptist or hardcore religious.

the few that've been cool have been gay black men or black people with an engineering/STEM background. i know this is very aggressive but, ive been trying to make friends but the culture differences seem to be a bit too much. i never really had any upper middle class black people living near me and the few that did were eventually evicted in 2008 crisis lol.

sorry again if this comes off as rude with lots of generalization, i just dont know how to cultivate and keep a relationship without crazy shit coming out of some person's mouth. im not even super left or right politically.
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Would you guys watch me stream incel talk?
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What do you think
I'd be down to chat, my discord is ewewewrawr
forgot to tag post, sorry
You still didn't post ur tag lol
why are you doing this :(
where do the eccentric or non conventional Black women hang out?
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Here. I only like white guys though. You may find one who likes non white men.
dc: solidgravy
Can you post more about you?
please i need you desperately (i am white)
are you european?
Being black online is so weird, have to develop a thick skin so quickly
Are you mixed or just lightskin?
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>>33199870 cuz why not
>>33204419 im just light skin
What’s your tag?
Damn. You're kinda cute.
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Yep I’m a black guy. However, I’m not an incel sadly
Can you timestamp?
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based same here. only dated white or half white/half asian guys.
What is it like to be "fully Black," anon? I am curious. I grew up in the hood and still don't know. Is it easier? Harder?
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What would you like to know? I want to be a stay at home wife for a white guy who will provide for me. I’ve been called self hating but I don’t care cause I love being black. I just don’t want to date a man who isn’t fully white (sorry Argentinians and half whites.) No Jews either sorry.

How come other races get to have preferences but black women can’t without being called “self hating”? Besides, White male black female marriages have significantly lower divorce rates.

No I’m in America lol.
>No I’m in America lol.
>What is it like to be "fully Black," anon? I am curious. I grew up in the hood and still don't know. Is it easier? Harder?
I mean it depends on the person I guess. I personally had an upper middle class upbringing, so I didn't really have any true struggles as far as I'm concerned. I would only get banter for being Nigerian, but nothing really more than that desu
Looking good that's what I think lol
I'd give u oral just for have the exia
Wait I thought this thread was just a black anon thread, not a international dating thread? Give it a rest.
Would you move to Canada?
Simping and attention whoring by desperate people is common on this board unfortunately. Nice afro by the way
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I thought so too? I’m a black fem anon who’s being honest.

I hear you can meet lots of black people in africa, why not move there?

ive met alot of illegals in europe when i was living there for almost a decade. half were good people but all of them had reprehensible beliefs. think southern usa but on steroids and lower IQ and world knowledge.

yucky yucky rubber ducky, dont mess with that fucky fucky
Wish I could date someone like you, unfortunately I'm a white skinned hispanic
>yucky yucky rubber ducky
hey now, leave duckies out of this >:(
Hey anon, m 28 white USA (South). If you have a discord anon, I'd like to see if we mesh. Gandalfthe_trey
Thats just life anon. I have no problem talking to women. I just wasn't an option in their minds until tney became single mothers, and I wouldn't want that for obvious reasons. I'm going to thailand, but that probably won't fill the hole of pining for what you never had. I just hope that other anons don't share my fate
I understand, anon. I just wish our women were not so shortsighted. I think the One Drop Rule is part of it because in every other place without it, there is a culture and mixed men date mixed women and vice versa. Only in America do you see that. You should know that Asians don't really like Blasians so I know they don't like Mulattos either. I think you would like Brazil or Guyana or Barbados better than Thailand. Either way, my brother, best of luck to you. Hope you find your dream girl.
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Hello Anons, I am not black but brown. I am your average MENA twink. I am looking for someone I can support emotionally and listen to. I love to care and listen for other Anons and hear their problems or they vent to me. Pic is my tummy but I am not looking for a partner.

>Discord: vexwillhex
I'm a loser. I'm not working or in school.
I love anime, gaming, and talking to people.
i just want friends to vc or text.
(not judgemental or religious)
>Discord: zacharydaiquiri
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5 ft 2 trans black guy here that grew up as "the black friend", AMA
wanna play mario kart double dash with me?
You like bwc?
yes to both :)
No idea. /soc/ is full of dicks, troons, BWC posts, etc. 4chan is a Japanese style site itself too so it attracts those who like Japanese culture more likely than not. Hikikomoris, weebs, otakus, autists, NEETs, AGP troons, wignats, etc are more likely to post on 4chan. A lot of those people happen to be White men and White women, Asian men and women, Hapa men and women, nerdy Black girls who may or may not be divestor/swirler types and Black men into White women or Asian culture.

So, the end result is the Black women who come here are more likely to want White men and/or be into anime + Japanese culture than not and the Black men who come here are more likely to be into White women or Asian women and Asian culture. This also kinda explains the racism and anti-black sentiments on boards like /soc/ with the Whites-only discord servers, /s/ and /gif/ where the OPs demand "no blacks" because of both this aspect and the board culture from boards like /b/ and /pol/, which are more influential and permeate the other boards, including the blue boards.
Tips to lose weight? My bf is tall and buff and I would like to slim down
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Kik: drunk4drinks
Subby male looking to jerk off for clack cocks.
I know this is a larping white dude trying to stir the pot. Funny how it didn’t work though.
>I know this is a larping white dude
what makes you so sure of that?
Thread explicitly for blacks, black girl comes in here just to beg for white dick when there are plenty of bwc threads on soc.
>Being excited for ubisoft slop
Have some self respect. The fact that they have fucking rap beat play while yasuke fights should turn you off from the entire game.
Also its hilarious how half the thread is some slavic niggers shitting up the thread with their jungle fever.
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You have to remember women internalize the shit they see and hear alot more then men, so any woman that spends lots of time around people who, quite literally, start frothing at the mouth whenever black people are mentioned or seen and attribute any negative human traits to the "niggers", probably has a low view of us and wants a white dude because of internalized biases.
Also like another anon said, black girls into nerd shit are just generally more into white/asian dudes, shit sucks but what can you do.
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posting again, new name tho
im down bad, so i guess i'll post here
21 m texas
my favorite game is fortnite, my favorite show is GOT. i like to browse /co/ and talk about the fall of the western animation industry. i also do music, write, and like to sketch in the mean time. i'm also into history (mainly black, european, and chinese history). ask me about the liezi or dao de jing
>looking for
an e-girl to that's around my age group who loves to talk about meaningful and interesting topics. dont mind horny, but let's get to know each other first? let's distract each other for a bit and say nice things to each other.
>not looking for
dudes or girls with dicks
i doubt i will get any adds but you miss every shot you don't take.
White guy 21M that loves black/brown/sandy girls, just talk or RP would be fun
Snap: billboater221
Why is everyone on this board fucking mentally ill? Even the other blackanons? Ffs I need to leave this site lol
White cock and anime has destroyed their minds. This board is worse than fucking /pol/ with the racism and schizophrenia, like how the fuck is that possible? I never imagined it was possible to surpass /pol/.
>White cock
It's nerdy black girls that use 4chan. If the majority are like me, then it means they were probably bullied through school by black dudes. Not to generalize but it's real put me off of wanting to be with a black male
Damn, I’m a minority within a minority then. I have nerdy tendencies too, but I don’t make it my personality. The black people (and frankly the majority of people) on this site are pathetic. They are either mentally ill, have an inferiority complex, are socially inept to the point where it’s crippling or don’t really have any notable accomplishments in life.
I’m really jaded if you couldn’t tell.
>be me
>imagine black men as 6ft masculine brutes from da hood who love sports and hustlin'
>add a few black men from soc
>most of them are manlet weeb nerds who start crying when you bring up race and just wish they were white

Why are 4chan blacks so buck broken?
Low self esteem like the majority of people on this site
As a mixed man, I haven't done shit to you lmao. People probably harass us more than they do you.
Yeah, a lot of these black (and by extent mixed race) women here have internalized issues, due to way this place is by merit of board culture. Like I said, /pol/ and /b/ influence the entire site. Also these women have had bad interactions with black dudes in the past and so they have this contempt for everything black, even themselves subconsciously and this is why they are a BWC pick me. It would be easier for them and more "stress free" to just go for the WMBF relationship. That's their prerogative, desu. Because I'm only into mixed chicks like I said but I can also see the same characteristics in both mixed women and black women on here. It's also the other reasons I stated in >>33212770, the anime, nerd, autist, otaku, weeb types post here and the other normie/SJW types post on Reddit and other places.

/soc/ is the "worship white cock, hapa girl/asian girl/white cosplayer girl pussy and japanese culture OC porn/meetup" board and has characteristics of both /soc/ and /gif/, as well as /b/, /bant/ and /pol/. Notice when BMBF or BMWF or BMAF is posted on /gif/, all the wignats from /pol/ who simp for Asian women are mad they have to see blacks. Notice that when women are posted on /s/, if you post anything close to Black, the posters get mad or racist. It's mostly the board culture of these porn boards, that most of the people there are White autists/weebs or they are pro-White/pro-Japan in some way. Not to keep harping on it, but, with the mixed chicks like that in particular, it's some fucked up combination of them internalizing the lightskin man/lightskin woman stereotypes, some form of divestor ideology that is common in darkskinned black female circles and some bad experiences they had with black men they wanted to accept them that gave them low self esteem or some form of baggage. That in tandem with the internalization of the "if you're half black, you're just black" American worldview is why they will typically go from black men to white men.
If you're looking for a relationship with a chill nerdy black girl, you will not find it on /soc/ lmao or even 4chan of all places for the reasons others and I have stated. You should look for those types of chicks on Reddit or normie spaces. /soc/ is just some place where mentally ill White basement dwelling autists from /pol/, /lgbt/ and /r9k/ suck themselves off for being White and the low-self esteem nonwhite people who stan Whites, discord servers or Japan go to be accepted and embraced by White BPD/aspie NEETs like some kind of pet. It's quite hilarious to see how cringe some of the wignats who post here are as someone who posts on /pol/ often and how insecure some of these black, mixed, hispanic and asian posters are that they just prostrate to these people and submit to the mistreatment. It's like some massa fetish. It's definitely a place for validation, attention seeking and clout chasing, manipulation, etc. Even without the racial drama, look at all the catfishing, ghosting, discord server drama, toxicity and asshole spreading on the board. I wouldn't want a girlfriend from a place like that, to be honest.

Best of luck to you tho, anon. Hope you find a beautiful girl or at the least some cool gamer/otaku black friends on here.
>spend all your time around people who openly hate your race
>"why are so many of these people mentally ill?"
Lifes just inherently easier if you're white over something else. Remember when we were growing up 20 years ago? All of this shit in culture now like marvel was nerdy and got you bullied, and even harder if you were black. Now its just completely normal to like it. So I'm not surprised if some people are resentful and want different
Happy juneteenth, my niggaz.
Fuck that bullshit
And yet I still have to go to work... what a holiday.
happy juneteenth :)
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Looking for poc cuz I’m getting tired of generic 4chan racism.

Discord: ghastlyghst
>no fun allowed
Damn you spirit bomb ethered the entire thread
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How do you get over all the women you like having a bazillion niggas in their dms?
kill the rest of the niggas so she only has you left, dumbass

So you're okay with the white adult bullies on this shit shitting on you because a few black kids made fun of you?

get a load of this one lmfao
Wait anon, you're Nigerian American too? Sick. I'm Igbo. You'd probably be able to tell from my appearance desu.
No lies were spoken here. Spending an extended period of time in this echo chamber full of mentally ill schizos and racists will do a number on you, whether you're white, black or whatever, especially if you're easily impressionable, lack critical thinking, have low self worth or are just a social outcast. It's embarrassing desu.
There's no way in hell I'd look for a relationship on this site or even reddit, especially given what the majority of the posters on here are like. I'd just stick to real life.
>white cock destroys black women's minds
Hot. You're only reinforcing my fetish for black femanons.
White guys on this site have never bullied me, bc I talk to actual sane ones. I'm gen-z talking to other gen-z who generally don't care about my race. But, even now, you're black and making fun of me, so that just tells me that I won't be compatible with a dude who's black.
Are there ANY black Americans in this thread?
If you believe these things why are you even in a blackanon thread? There's dozens of white majority threads on this board where you can meet them.
I was just answering this anon's >>33217756 question. I'm well aware of the other threads lol. I actually have a bf from soc.
I'm actually african-american too lol
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Coincidentally enough, a sizable portion of my African ancestry is Nigerian. Since my father was not fully White nor fully Asian but a Eurasian, my phenotype looks more African than not but I am lighter.

I'm Black, but I'm not making fun of you. I'm calling out the hypocrisy.

Like what you like, but don't blame it on black dudes bullying you. that's weak lmao

Anyway this is a Blackanon thread, but as usual it's turned into WMBF crap. If anyone is interested in chatting hit up my tag: itadoribooty
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There are black anons here, anon. It's not all trolls, BNWO troons and WMBF raceplay shit. Under all normal circumstances, I wouldn't post here or on even on /soc/ though. I got bored of the /pol/ shit for a minute.
But there is no hypocrisy because I haven't been bullied on this site, you literally just assumed that :|
I'm sure that if I was bullied by white people I would date blacks, but I just didn't. ngl a lot of you black male anons sound like those salty people who comment racist stuff underneath a interracial relationship post.

This is 4chan, the few black people here are going to want to date outside of there race. Look at any other normie site to find black people wanting to date other blacks.

Lmao im starting to see why you got bullied ngl.

this site is just full of pick mes.
you aren't helping your case here
You don’t HAVE to be on this site you know that, right? There’s plenty of spaces online that aren’t full of people like this.
On an unrelated note, I was bullied by both blacks & whites which is why I only really wanted to be around others like myself. It's a defense mechanism. I don't have a dog in this fight because I don't even date Black women nor have I wanted to. I dated all White women because Mixed women in America are unbearable, despite being interested in them & hoping to find one at some point. I never really wanted to date a Latina, an Asian, an Arab, etc. So it was always White women for me.

I was never enthusiastic to be with a White girl though. I didn't feel like I won the snowbunny lottery. It seemed like something out of convenience. I like how the mixed chicks in South America, South Africa and the Carribbean have their own Mixed identity/culture and they date among their own. Here, they reject Mixedness and fully dissociate from us, believing in every negative mixed/lightskin male stereotype in the book and they go for full blown hood dudes or the white boy summer type, ivy league white boys once they get heartbroken from the hood dudes using them as ATMs and fleshlights, re-assimilating into either Black or White, which is why I would rather date a foreign mixed woman over an American one or just settle for White women.

The divestor shit seems like a meme. No offense. I think a lot of Black women were hurt by a handful of Black men and got burnt out so they said to themselves that Black masculinity is the issue & abandoned their male compatriots for other races. It reminds me of black men that want to be with White women because they have subconscious self-hatred against themselves & black females. But, you are correct. 4chan black people will be way more likely to date outside their race and anyone here looking for a Black woman into Black men or maybe even Black men into Black women is naive at best and delusional at worst because of preferences, also the culture that puts White dick/pussy on a pedestal here that makes them the minority here.
This. As I have stated, there are so many online communities for Black men and Black women who like each other. Why look in the "muh BWC, muh chastity cage clitty, muhfugga!!" website that shits on everything remotely Black to find a Black woman into Black men? LMAO.
This guy gets it. I also look at how black men, on average, treat black women online and even IRL, and go from there. I don’t go out of my way to “””worship”””” white cock. In fact, I’m not even straight and have dated a lot of black women despite only being with white men. It’s the toxic masculinity in black culture and the like that’s the problem. You’re just mad because I don’t want to be with a black man, even though I have ZERO issues with being with a black woman (heck, even a black trans girl is attractive in my books).
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Dope anon. I've noticed that a lot of Black Americans have some Nigerian ancestry, but that makes sense given US history. What exactly is your father's ancestry?
I date any race desu. My last gf was black, but my current gf is white, but only because my city is majorly white size that was probably a given for someone who doesn't exclude dating prospects based on race. Honestly, as long as a woman is attractive and is good to me, I'd have no issue dating her.

That being said, I don't act stereotypically black so that tends to attract the "unorthodox" black woman, foreign black women (who I prefer desu), or just non black women. I don't have a chip on my shoulder about this, it's just what it is.
>100%, with 98.5% Igbo
Based. My father is Spanish/Portuguese and Japanese. My mother was a divestor who was into Asian culture. Also, despite the stereotype, I have only seen my father like three times in my life and my father's family never liked my mother at all, nor ever really interacted with me. So, there's that. I sometimes wonder of all the people she could have gotten with, why some crazy ass WMAF hapa dude.

And I see. I got burnt out by dealing with American white women. They could never understand me and I felt like a living sex object for some of the women I dated and they had all these assumptions of me that they figured I would be like/should be like, based on stereotypes. Maybe it was just the individuals I were dating. It just left a bad taste in my mouth. I would never date an Asian because I saw how that went for my mother and I would have to seriously hate myself and possible future kids to want to subject them to that. Other groups, I don't see any connection to so I wouldn't even want to date their women. I always attracted these weird goth white women or the bleach blonde virtue signaling types.
Gay handsex with gay black men?
Black men going after non blacks on this website either get ghosted or have the entire thread regardless of races squad up like the avengers to shame and get them the fuck outta there. I've only really seen black men look for friends or BW on this board but I don't browse soc that often. Its not really comparable because of the stereotypes placed on BM.

This is literally a Black anon thread, a "space" that turned into WMBW shit lmao.
Also, why not get a Caribbean latina, like an afro-rican or dominican? Most of them have a lot of black and white DNA with some native.
I have also seen this. Hell, I'm even affected by it. I would come here to make friends more than anything but not to look for some broad. I see how the psychology is here.

That's the plan, bro. I'm currently looking for a job so I can get my passport and I'm also learning Spanish in my free time. I want to either get a Dominican chick or a Brazilian chick. I'm also going to avoid /pol/ going forward in the future and try to make something of myself and grow.
Honestly /soc/ needs more /blackanon/ threads even if it turns into another one of these.

>on average, treat black women online and even IRL
That's the thing though, the average black anon is the complete opposite to normal irl black guys(niggas) it seems kinda disingenuous to base this belief on anons who don't practice it.
The stereotype issue with 4chan and blacks is alot of anons assume the black anon they ran into is some kind of hyper arch ghetto being when it's just some nerdy black person. The real question you should ask yourself is, how long have you been living with this mentality in your head? I wouldn't be able to go to work or college if I had that type of mentality.
just seeing this but i am 148 cm (4’10)
igbo people are great! black american but i’ve been doing a lot of dna shit and found out my ancestors are from igboland, talked to a lot of folks from naija via the web and they’ve been so helpful.

igbo amaka.. i guess? lol
my ancestors are from anambra as well
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ditzy midget chick who fidgets about most of the time and won’t stop talking once there’s something she’s interested in.
i’m into:
anime + manga (mecha • mahou shoujo)

>looking for
someone who she could talk to when she’s not busy, and those who have the same interests as she does-! she will not be able to get to anyone, disabling friend reqs when this happens.

>not looking for
horndogs lol

discord: kimagurefascinate
made another thread for the black anons who want to make friends without the bullshit ;-;

>White cock and anime has destroyed their minds.
That's the thing, I don't think some of them could see that. Obviously, it would be ridiculous to generalize so I say some, not all. Not trying to shame someone for liking what they like but the truth should be said. Some gangsta hood dude who makes fun of nerdy black girls that like Bauhaus instead of rap or anime instead of BET isn't going to post on 4chan lmao. Those types of black dudes don't even know about 4chan because they're involved in the streets. All the black dudes who post here are normal ass, decent, chill anime watching wallflower type dudes, just like these black women who post here. The men who post here would be seen as equally as weird or eccentric like some of the divestor women who post here, by black normies. I think these types of black women who got into WMBF that totally swore off black men see any form of black masculinity as a turn off to them because of past experiences and things they disagree with. Like I said, it's a defense mechanism. These women have lost trust or faith in Black men and so they avoid Black men. Their sentiments against these otaku 4chan black dudes are unfounded, paranoid & predicated on the same stereotypes that wignats here promote. That would be like the black nerd dudes here saying nerdy 4chan black women are all ghetto or ratchet. That's a broad generalization and broadly dismissive. There is also the cultural racism here. Black men are seen as contemptible here. Black women too. But wignats & their acolytes with bleaching fetishes, massa fetishes, etc - tolerate black women & black femboys because they like black femininity as long as it is subordinate to White masculinity. The wignats here don't really want Black anons here and their attitude towards the presence of Black posters shows that. The heterosexual Black posters here who like other Blacks romantically are a minority. My advice, anon, is to accept you can't win them over and find someone who likes you for you.
There's quite literally no point in wasting this amount of energy on black women that worship white men that unironically see them as nigger cattle but is pretending to be nice for pussy. Bed wenches are just dumb hoes who let one or two bad experience color their outlook on certain people and/or just conforming to what society deems most attractive.
>There's quite literally no point in wasting this amount of energy
Agreed, although I wouldn't have said it like that. But not all black women who post here are like that. There is a black femanon ITT who just made another /blackanon/ thread and she seems cool. You should also lurk there, anon. You might find a black girl there into black men. There are also normie spaces where you can find black women into black men and they are full of nerdy chill black women. Go where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated bro and don't let it the bullshit get to you. If you have to convince someone to give you a chance then odds are you don't need them anyway.
hi! that’s me, i’m probably going to get shit on for this but i read a bit and i dont care about who dates who, thats their business, i just want us to stop fighting. ;-;

p.s i did post here twice if anyone wants to chat
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>If you have to convince someone to give you a chance then odds are you don't need them anyway.
Oh I'm far from that phase anon, stopped doing that shit when I was like 16-17, I'm 28 now. I've had tons of bad experiences with black women treating me like shit, looking at me sideways for just having a plutonic conversation with a asian/white girl. Then I would find them dating some mediocre white dude a week or two later. Its all a clown fiesta at the end of the day.
>Go where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated bro and don't let it the bullshit get to you.
That's what more black dudes need to do, but unfortunately there are very few spaces like that, ESPECIALLY with black women. I've unironically had way more success with nerdy asian girls. I would love for spaces to exist that where masculine black dudes are at the bare minimum, appreciated without having to capitulate to lgbt and blm bullshit but those quite literally don't exist. Being a black dude with testosterone in current year that's not into sports or modern rap feels real fucking cringe sometimes.
I think it's a good idea and I respect it. I don't really like /soc/ desu. I'd like to make some friends here because I'm not against that and not all the current people I interact with daily are conducive for personal growth so I'd like to meet some new people.

It hurts and its not fair, anon. I understand. The black female anon I replied to above you isn't like that though. She is cool.
>I would love for spaces to exist that where masculine black dudes are at the bare minimum, appreciated without having to capitulate to lgbt and blm bullshit but those quite literally don't exist. Being a black dude with testosterone in current year that's not into sports or modern rap feels real fucking cringe sometimes.
I understand this too. A lot of people will expect you to be a certain type of way and when they see you aren't into sports or gangbanging or rapping, they find you to be abnormal, like there is something wrong or amiss. But those people are dumbasses pushing a stereotype. A group of people are not a monolith, nor are they a hivemind. They won't all be like some stereotypical expectation. I wish more nonblack people would see this.
> I've unironically had way more success with nerdy asian girls.
That's really interesting on an unrelated because I am of a partial Asian background and I swear single interaction I have had with them was always negative. Even when I was trying to become friends with Asian dudes, it was always hostile and I could never understand why. Not even my interactions with White people were that bad at times. I gave up on trying to understand it a long time ago. It is what it is.
every single**
>They won't all be like some stereotypical expectation. I wish more nonblack people would see this.
It is what it is. I've excepted that mostly every other race nationality is usually seen as an individual while black people are seen as a monolith. Nothing we can do besides be ourselves and not give a shit.
>That's really interesting on an unrelated because I am of a partial Asian background and I swear single interaction I have had with them was always negative
Lots of asian people, ESPECIALLY east asian people are low key racist to other asian ethnic groups. My korean homie almost starts frothing at the mouth whenever a chinese person looks at him funny. He explained that apparently asians, at least non americanized ones, will look each other up and down, figure out what kind of flavor they are and act accordingly. I don't know how asian you look, but I'd assume they think your a south east asian and treat you like shit because of that assumption. Racism is very alive and well in certain places lmao.
Anyway I really do appreciate the kind words anon. You don't find nice people on this god forsaken site all that often.
to be honest, i won’t lie, i shared the same sentiments as some of the black women y’all are talking about, snapped out of it though. i’ve had bad experiences with both black women and men, but so have i with white folks (hispanics too <.<). at the time i tried so hard to fit in with them, but i realized that no matter what, i’m still a ‘nigger’ in their eyes.

so i don’t care anymore

and as for the whole black men and women thing, yeah, i’ve had bad experiences, but my parents are fully black lol

they are lovely

so i thought that if i have them, there must be others out there and while i haven’t found a lot, i’ve found my current irl friends and some online too and they’re so nice. ;;
forgot to update, i just turned 20 today
Agreed. Fuck what everyone else thinks. Thank you and likewise. I don't look of Asian descent at all, to be honest. It is really weird, especially with my genetics >>33222448. I have a Blasian friend who looks Asian kinda but he's like 50% Asian. I have Black/White mixed friends who look like a composite of Black and White. I neither look like them or Asian looking at all. One guy I knew was 60% African but by looking at him, you'd swear it was 30% or something, also Black/White. I've heard everything from Hispanic to just generic lightskin, in terms of how I look.

I see. It is good that you snapped out of it and I'm glad you made friends, anon.
Happy birthday.
thank you anon!
i know exactly what you’re talking about with the asian thing, koreans lose their shit with japanese folks as well, it’s interesting to see as an outsider but i guess i understand it given their history??
Koreans and Chinese especially don't like the Japanese because of their imperial era conquests. All the East Asians look down on the South Asians because they are more dark-skinned and look different, it's a whole thing. One thing is for certain, they stan Wasians/Hapas and have contempt for Blasians who literally didn't do anything to them.
yeah, the dark skinned folks who go to these countries are very brave, i’ve been wanting to go to japan for a while now, but hearing horror stories from the people who have is discouraging, at the same time i’m conflicted as i’ve seen japanese folks speak highly of black culture, but you can like the culture and not the people.
Well if you do go, definitely go to have fun and enjoy yourself but be vigilant and don't be shocked by how some of them could be. Know what to expect but don't let it hold you back from having a good time over there. All I can say but the most part. If you stick to major tourist areas like Tokyo when you visit, I think you should be good.
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Kik drunk4drinks
Not black. Just white bitch looking to stroke and spread hole for top black men
sorry, i was out - understood, i won’t be able to right now because i’m a broke bitch but when i get a better job than i have now, i’ll practically be everywhere if not for japan. xD
Is anyone online right now?
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black woman (20/f/us) looking to befriend a black man (specifically american black men / i’m on the est timezone)

i don’t live in a town where there are many black folks so i feel a lil lonely at times. eventually i’d also be looking with the intention to date. we can discuss serious topics or even silly ones like funny videos we’ve watched lately and embarrassing things that have happened in our lives.

email: kimagureburner@proton.me
happy birthday!
I see. I can't wait to get my passport, desu. I would love to travel. I want to go to South America and Africa at some point. Maybe Japan too, eventually.
Lol at black ppl in this thread wanting to go to Japan. As someone who is jap/chink/black/white and grew up in Japan, everyone hates foreigners but more-so, they hate black people almost the most. Make sure you don't understand the language because people will be whispering and talking about you, right in front of you. How do I know this? Well my mom is the asian american and never wanted to learn Japanese. I wanted to, so I did as a kid. People will assume you don't speak, and oh boy, they're fucking racist as shit. Imagine a bunch of white people in America calling you a monkey and nigger right to your face but in a different language, while smiling to you. Keep yourself ignorant. Remember, being tactfully polite is part of Japanese culture, but they will always hate you, just as much as they hate other Asians, but actually worse since you're black.
You're Afro-Eurasian too? Cool, so am I. And yes, I knew this about Japan already. The polite racism. Sorry for what you to had to hear and go through, anon. I can only imagine. My Asian/Hapa family put my Black mom through hell. They had no involvement in my upbringing and I have only seen my father a few times. It's a highly fucked up dynamic. Japan doesn't even like the Half White/Half Asian people which is shocking to me because everyone hates us and Blasians but loves them, especially in China. But no, Japan hates everyone that isn't 100% Japanese. And the system is on their side 100% because Japan has a 99% conviction rate and Japanese police favor Japanese people, even when they are the subject of some kind of harassment or bullying complaint by a non-pure Japanese person or foreigner. I would say the racism there is worse than the racism under Whites. At least in the West, Blacks and Whites have shared history and centuries of being around each other. In Asia, that isn't really the case. And also, I find that White people were more individualistic, more altruist, empathic. Asia is more conformist, collectivist, uncaring. I'm glad I grew up in North America and not Asia.
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Japanese culture is simple: You are only japanese if you are from two japanese parents, born in japan, and raised in japan. Everyone else, including hapas or full blooded japanese born in america/brazil/etc. are not japanese. Its very simple. It's why when that hapa won miss Japan, it was such as upset a few years back.

>Blasians but loves them, especially in China

I highly doubt this, but I have never been to china nor do I speak cantonese/mandarian. I'm pretty sure its similar but not nearly as bad. However with CCP and culture depending on where you go, it can be a coinflip. If you don't speak the language you can't assume people being "nice to you" as acceptance. That sort of acceptance you'll only get in the west.

>99% conviction rate

There are sociological reasons for this, they really only prosecute unless they have an air tight 100% case. There are reasons why lots of crime goes unreported and petty crime (with lots of cameras around these days, like bike theft, #1 crime iirc) is prosecuted. It's actually pretty bad there especially if you're a woman. Anyone who's spent time in Japan knows that Japanese culture = don't rock the boat. If a woman is raped, good luck getting anything done, unless you have an airtight case, this isn't a joke.

Of course, if we're talking about just visiting for a few weeks and you don't speak the language, then that's fine. But if you speak, you will know immediately that people want you out especially if you're not spending money.

Sorry, I get pissed at these topics IRL and online because if I told my parents what was going on, what the neighborhood was saying about us growing up, it would break their hearts and destroy all the good memories. I really could only confide in my half white/japanese friends on base, since they went through similar stuff, but not as bad as me (being brown, you stick out).
China loves Eurasians more than Blasians. Countries like Japan and Korea are ethnostates so they hate all, including half Korean/half Japanese Asians.

As for Japan, it gets a lot worse anon.
>But if you speak, you will know immediately that people want you out especially if you're not spending money.
Sadly, this is the case everywhere. Especially in highly ethno-nationalistic societies. They are happy to get your money as a foreigner.

>Sorry, I get pissed at these topics IRL and online because if I told
Sorry to hear that but I still think you should have said something back then. It's probably for the best they don't know about it though, I suppose. If my kids told me some shit like that, I would pack everything and fucking leave. I wouldn't even want to stay in a place like that.

On an unrelated note, here are my genetics. I would probably be way less welcome there but then again, I do not see myself as an Asian person, partially or wholly. I see myself as a Mixed person. As one entity, not a composite of multiple different things and therefore, I have no Asian identity. Also, I have no Asian phenotype. I have been mistaken for a Mulatto or Afro-Hispanic or lightskin Black but never Blasian or Asian. Therefore, I see the 20% Asian DNA unremarkable to my overall ancestry and I couldn't care less what those people think about me because I'm not White, Asian or Hapa. If you look at South America and the Caribbean, all those triracials could be considered a Black/White/Asian variant, though their Asian admixtures are Indigenous American based and not East Asian/SEA based. I would see myself as a North American equivalent of a Brazilian Pardo or South Africa's Cape Coloured before I saw myself as Asian. It would make more sense for me to go there as a tourist than Japan.
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i want to marry a qt black girl and cook her mexican food every day. The Aztec and Egyptian KANG combination would go wild.
haha, thanks!
i hope you’re able to travel to all of these places!
Sorry for the excess replies but I had to say it: It's extremely ironic and funny how Japan has a birthrate crisis. Their hikikomori and workaholic culture is why they can't create new generations of their highly prized "jun japa." If they can't breed, then eventually they will have to convince both diaspora full blood Japanese to move there and embrace the mixed Japanese people and incentivize them to breed and assimilate into the pure Japanese or eventually just invite migrants in the end anyways and incentivize them to breed with the Japanese men and women.

And despite all that, those racist motherfuckers still can not see reason and change and stop treating the mixed people, especially the Blasians there like shit and try to make some attempt to integrate them and get their birthrates up. It's so pathetic, anon. All I can say is I'm sorry for what you had to go through. I hope it didn't make you bitter. But if it did, I hope you can still make the best of it.
not exactly related to the ongoing conversation, but i’ve been looking on the dating threads on here and i’ve gotta ask..

are we as black folks fucked?
• is black love actually dead?

not gonna lie, i’ve dated out myself but that doesn’t mean i have anything against black men, i just haven’t the opportunity to date any. i’ve went with white men because they seemed to be the group of men who approached me the most but i just don’t see it working out in the long run, and it was a friend of mine who made me realize it. he admitted himself that, yeah, he might mess around with a woman of another race but white women will always be his first choice, and he is a white man himself so that’s only fair. i’m young, but someday i would like to get married, but with my current dating roadblock and the fact that i am in an area where there are no minorities how can i link up with black men when there is so much animosity tossed between both black women and men..? 4chan might not be the best place for me to look haha, but i am here cus i have issues and there could be someone here who knows how to deal with them. xD
notes: when i mentioned the animosity, i’m referring to the feuds with black men and women on the internet, divestor movement, etc.

• “no minorities” there are some in my state but very little, i am where i am at for job opportunities and it’s just safer compared to big cities. [i’m in the states] lol

• looking to date online but can travel if need be, i don’t necessarily use dating apps as they are cringeworthy to me.
What's wrong with divestors anyway? Every time I hear someone complain about it it's like they got an obligation to hang around their race.

I'm all for more BW having sex with WM, so it works out.
>are we as black folks fucked?
I can't say, I'm not sure. Depends on who you ask and the context.

>is black love actually dead?
No. 4chan is just more pro-White/anti-Black than not, as are many spaces online. Most normie spaces are not like this. There are a lot more Black men and Black women who love each other than Black men who like nonblack women and Black women who divest. That's mostly on the internet.

>how can i link up with black men when there is so much animosity tossed between both black women and men
Long term online relationship with intent to meet up or alternatively, you can look for places with a higher black population and find someone there/relocate there.
well, i’m not just in it for the sex. so that’s unfortunate.

but going back to the conversation i’ve had with a friend of mine, he said it’s like we’re killing both our identities. i hadn’t seen it that way before but i’m inclined to agree.

i’m a product of two loving black parents and i want that for myself as well, if you have no problem with the movement that’s fine but it’s just not for me.
> correction: both of our
ahh, i see, that’s going to be tough - and i don’t think i’ll be relocating but i’ll see what else i can do haha. i was thinking a lot about what my friend said and while it stung, i’d be stupid not to agree, interracial relationships can work, but if whoever decides to go forward with their relationships and decide to have children.. they’ll have to deal with their child getting bullied and etc.. that’s not to say that these things won’t happen to a fully black child but as a black woman i’ll know what to do to better access the situation, given that these are experiences i’ve gone through myself. maybe i’m overthinking but sometimes it’s good.
I see. Whatever your decision, I hope it works out.
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Sorry, I haven't checked the thread in a while. I am a dude, however. I've been alright. I've had better days.
I'm a he, but I do like to look more feminine. I also like to crossdress on occasion.
Here's a recent drawing I did I guess
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28 M Paris
>About you
not a regular poster. I have a busy schedule and only come here to unwind. interested in cinematography and arts. might draw you
>looking for?
genuine connection, women to rave with
>not looking for?
racists, whores, mentally ill
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My birthday cake, custom made out of little Debbie cakes.
Does that make it a big debbie
Happy birthday Chad Marco
Probably your lips, a lot of Indians look pretty African but their smaller lips is usually the giveaway
To all the black femanons, don’t wear weaves, you look so much better with curly hair or braids

also dont be fat
you know why black femanons wear weave, right? much rather that than heat damage
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Where the FUCK are all of the plump nerdy girls at?
sup blacknons, just bailed on a gc cause i found out they were neo-nazis and didn't know i was black... how's yalls weekend been

when you find em, lemme know!
drop discord my black king
We are meant to be <3
oml you're a qt
Got nothing to lose.

28/M/East coast US

Light skinned latino with glasses looking for a girl 25+ that's into Sonic (like die hard fan because I love sonic like you wouldn't believe it's my favorite video game series of all time and I could go on for days about it....) I'm into anime (Shonen and slice of life) and music. (my taste varies but my favorite genres would be Funk and fusion jazz. My favorite artist is Micheal Jackson and band Yellow Magic Orchestra.

contact: arisu95
there is only one race: the human race. Bigoted freak.
Wtf?? Post more of yourself goofy!
what kinda selfie is this

are living on the end of chile or something
and do what
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For those who are familiar with Nigerians, I look like a stereotypical Igbo lol. Pic related
I’m also sorry about what your mother had to go through that anon. You do seem like a great son though. At least your father didn’t go the route of Elliot Rodgers.
> And I see. I got burnt out by dealing with American white women. They could never understand me and I felt like a living sex object for some of the women I dated and they had all these assumptions of me that they figured I would be like/should be like, based on stereotypes.
My dude I feel that and I honestly detest that. Being objectified and not being seen as a human being, but rather as a living dildo. I’m honestly turned off by whites or any non black race who is EXCLUSIVELY attracted to men because 9 out of 10 times, it seems like a fetish, and I’m not about that. I have hooked up with women who had this fetish, but I would never talk to them again after, even after reaching out to me.
That is incorrect. Seethe.
You don't have to apologize, anon. Not your fault. Glad someone else can relate to my position.
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You're so handsome! Our parents would be so happy if we married kek. You seem normal and well adjusted, why are you here? For me, I'm pretty normal on the outside too but I've had trouble connecting with people. I have a touch of the tism but not enough for it to be obvious but also not enough to be super talented in anything
>living dildo meme
At least you got to fuck women from different backgrounds. Nonblk women just treated me like shit or acted like Karens around me
For sure. Btw, if you want to find mixed women, Cape Verde and the DR would be the spot for you.
Thank you. I mainly browse boards like /out/, /tr/, /fit/, /int/, although the last two boards tend to be full of race obsessed schizos especially within the past few years, so I don't go on them as much. I initially started coming on this site because I was a socially awkward high schooler in the early 10s who was also relatively normal on the outside. Kinda similar to your story too. Thankfully that was a phase, and now at 28, I'd like to think that I have my shit together now. I don't come here as much anymore, but sometimes you'll find legitimately good threads on the boards I mentioned prior, as well as other blue boards I haven't mentioned.
Go where you're loved anon.
I mostly browse /pol/. But I'm so tired of it, to be completely candid. It never changes. The same racebait, porn spam, twitter screenshots, etc, day in, day out. You could take a screenshot of the /pol/ catalog and a month later go back to /pol/ and it would be the exact same thing as the catalog a month prior. There is no room for growth because they are a bunch of losers trying to dictate standards that they feel the world should follow. And all they do is seethe about Blacks, Mexicans, jews, Indians, interracial, LGBT, etc. Whoever they don't like in that moment. It reeks of weakness and inferiority complexes because these people are not CEOs and captains of industry themselves either, just motherfucking losers. I feel like a mediocre person. Like I failed because I am in a place like that daily. But then, I reflect on my accomplishments and I realize that even if that was true, at least its not so bad as most of that board.

Those retards don't even realize they are the joke of this website, that they bring the quality of the whole site down. I question why I wasted so many years on /pol/. It speaks volumes about my character. I have to be missing something or be attention starved or something that I keep going back for more. It's like an addiction. I won't lie, when I first found /pol/ back in 2016, I felt like I found a place I could vent because I had just gotten withdrawn from school in order to study for my GED and for other reasons like shit constantly happening in class and so I was at home with nothing to do for all that time. Spent most of my time on /b/ and then got into repeated arguments with people on /b/ coming from /pol/, went on /pol/ and argued there often, assimilated to /pol/ and stopped going to /b/. There is a lot I agree with and a lot about it that I never could.
I like Cape Verde and the Dominican Republic, South America too. I would like to get my passport if that is even still possible anymore for me and go there to find a nice woman. I feel Mixed women here in the States do not even like us. We don't have a Mixed culture here either, which disgusts me about America. In Brazil, South Africa, Venezuela, Colombia, Cape Verde, Madagascar, etc, anywhere else with a Mixed population, they have their own culture, they get with each other, they have their own terms for their group, in some cases, their own dialects. They are a united front. That was stripped from us long ago and what wasn't stripped away, the One Drop Rule constrained - not to get on that whole trip. I feel like the closest we had to that here were the Louisiana Creoles, who spoke French Creole. I feel Mixed women here in the States do not even like Mixed men. I can't remember the last time I saw a Mixed man and Mixed woman in a couple in America. If it does happen, I imagine it is rare or new. All the "lightskin men are feminine, lightskin men are weak, lightskin men are this, lightskin men are that" stereotypes that get put on us in America does not help our position either because any population of women will value masculinity and strength. It makes it harder for a Mixed man to get a Mixed woman, let alone a lightskin man with a lightskin woman. I don't want to settle for some fat White woman or someone who isn't my preference and I don't want to passport bro but when I look at it on the merits, I don't really see any other options. It's either settle for Latinas, settle for White women who want some Black guy as a pet but not too Black, other groups of women here or give up, go overseas and learn Spanish or Portuguese, subsume into some culture that isn't mine, emigrate and elope overseas with a foreign Mixed woman who has a people and a culture of her own.
I'd rather keep my dignity and my soul. Nowadays, I don't even think about relationships. I have too much on my plate. But it does get lonely sometimes, I won't deny it. I sometimes wonder if I had a nice job and a gf how much more "happy" I could be. Now that I think of it, it wouldn't really change shit to have some gf but the sex and the income would be nice. It was nice to have a different type of conversation on 4chan for a change. Felt like a whole different person here in a different board but I can tell this /soc/ shit is not really for me. It, like /pol/, hasn't really changed since the last time I came here which was a year ago.

It's the same seething, "BWC!!!! BWC!!!!!," "no blacks allowed!!!," "Asian pussy best pussy!!!," troon spam, ghosting, catfishing, discord server mental illness bullshit. I was hoping I could find others like myself at least but I see that we are few and far between here. In any event, thanks for the pleasant conversation, anon. One good thing about not posting on /pol/ is I get to see how pathetic, hypocritical and irrational these wignats are on other boards when they're seething.
>pic related
Damn. I'm 27, skinnyfat and really just starting my career. How do I become a Tyrone like you? Like what was your process leaving the shit parts of lurking 4chan, nerd shit etc behind and deciding to travel and shit?
Cosplay of course
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19/Trans Boy (Basically a hefab)/East Coast (NJ boy), USA
Hyper autistic blackanon, I'm all over the place and cheerful all the time and I wanna put a big ol smile on your face, I'll basically be an Emu Otori type, I don't exactly like sharing pics of my face because I feel like I'm ugly even though I've been called cute, adorable, beautiful and the like
>relationship status
In a loving online relationship with a white man who I'll meet IRL one day
>looking for
Friends of any gender, fellow autistic trans people, willing to try out sexual stuff online with men, but won't wanna do it all the time
>not looking for
Horndogs, creepy people who want to push my boundaries, people who will mock me maliciously for my autism and hyperactivity, people who will try and push me to send photos of myself, transphobes (People who are going to be dickheads to me for being trans, y'all with detrans and misgender kinks can stay), NO MEETUPS
Snapchat is stupidstarbabe (PLEASE MESSAGE ME THERE, I'M ON THERE MORE THAN ANYWHERE ELSE), trashyalien is my discord (I don't use Discord as much), and I might make a Kik account one day
>What does my voice sound like
https://voca.ro/1h3X0LZPoTd7 (I was singing)
>Where the FUCK are all of the plump nerdy girls at?
Dating white and asian men.
A bit of a retard but I'm nice and sweet. I'm black and white. Like zendaya. Or halle berry
>looking for
Anons to be friends with. I don't care if you're black or not
>not looking for
Predators and racists
33 white male 6'1 Georgia near Atlanta.

People have told me I look like Heath Ledger, Lestat from Interview with a Vampire, some people say vampire, some say wizard, some say viking.

I adore dark black melanin women, thick wild curly african hair, and the body types associated with them.

Not into raceplay but I don't mind emphasizing our contrasts.
Don't be ghetto, ratchet, or owned by jews.

interested in making friends and other possibilities anywhere in the full spectrum of shallow to deep.
Kik: kelsiphenix
email: fenixkelsi@gmail.com
true. that’s what i’m doing.
One thing I am curious about is why the fuck can't people from here maintain a conversation for more than a day. I've added like twenty people from /soc/ and every single one either ghosts after couple days or doesn't respond. It's so weird. Not sure if it's me or just a thing here.
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How do you do fellow blacks?
28 white m USA(Alabama)

Need cute black gf, but also any japanese pen pals would be welcome I need to study more. Also if any anons wanna play tekken/street fighter/guilty gear I'm down.
Forgot my fuckin discord cause I'm a retard: rnsam349
Meant for this post obviously
any girls here who look like this PLZ hmu PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Greetings, from NYC. Heard this is a thread for Anonymous Blacks. Anybody up to chat?
I like that ski, ngl. That shit goes hard.
Why do black women refuse to take the bonnet off?
Might be hair related like if they got it done and don't want to fuck it up.
Thank you :)

If anybody is up to chat:
Discord- anonymousblack.exe690
26/ M/ XNTP / Aquarius

I'm not sheltered, I'm too self-cautious or too much of a pussy to put myself out there comfortably when socializing. It's way easier internet wise, but I'm growing bored of lurking constantly. Been told consistently that I'm appealing to look at, funny to talk to because I say wild shit. Smart enough to know not to fake oneself to fit in. Troubled by not fitting in/ size of my social circle. Hiiii :)
Bump, looking for frens and whores that like milk chocolate black cock
Still looking?
Looking for a legit black king BBC (8 inches or more) to share my mom's old tolpless pics with. She's puerto rican caramel skinned 5 foot with 36g cups. Message your bbc (in app kik live pic) and I will give you all my mom's nudes.
Can you stop with the we wuz shit, people be laughing about that shit already and we been ridiculed be so many dumbasses on social media
you care too much what ppl on the internet think
discord: PirloCampari
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f18 pale girl
add me if you like pale nerdy white girls
discord: proxyminuta
Let's breed

discord: PirloCampari
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Enter my mating chambers.
wow anon your room is so cool.
you live in a cupboard?
Honestly, I accepted that I'll die alone a loooong time ago as a blackcel. Just some advice for the guys here, there's no point stressing about things outside of your control. Who dates who and everything in between are futile discussions. Thankfully, I'm Ethiopian so we still have that family/community aspect so I don't feel particularly alone or lonely but yes, romantically... the bar for "black" guys is reaaallllyy high now more than ever. People here insist that there are normie places where black guys are appreciated romantically by black girls but I don't buy that. Black girls and brown girls are more than likely white guys and black/brown guys are at the bottom of the barrel.

My 2 cents is that we (black guys) should all try to focus on befriending each other, maybe build communities for each other online that are male exclusive and aren't all about ooga booga sexual desires and being angry over women. Obviously, most anons around these places drop me as a friend when they find out I'm black but maybe hopefully it would be different with us? You know, we could just chill, play vidya, share our hobbies and hang out because loneliness is hard. Let me know what your thoughts are, I could make a server. I don't really post on 4chan much anymore but I'd love to connect with fellow black robots.
Is this chad marco?
More than likely into white guys.*
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Yeah I'm chilling at the plasma place trying make money for a computer lol.
You post on /soc/ too? Damn, have you met anyone from here?
>the bar for "black" guys is reaaallllyy high now more than ever.
The bar has always been high, it hasn't really moved, in so much it has kept the same place in relation to everyone else bar for romantic success. Shit like finding love is about banging your head against a wall hoping you don't get tetanus from a wayward rusty nail. Its not easy in the slightest especially for introverted dudes, but giving up is tantamount to ego death.
Your not real.
Cringe retards kill yourselves.

African (DRC) guy in Europe here (Netherlands)
About to fuck some little white bitch I found on tinder, taking LIVE pics and maybe vids to share with the boys.

Walking there rn and don't mind sharing other pics of girls I've fucked over the years either, doing my part for the community.

So hit me up if you're interested, my kik is: josephkilongo
Can't speak for others but I think growing up, I'd notice a lot of black couples all around us everywhere. Especially as an Ethiopian American, you notice a lot of millennials shacked up together who were both born to Ethiopian parents. Nowadays, you have the already high bar paired with how it's trendy for ethnic girls to shit on their own kind of men daily and make "save me white boy tiktoks" all day and it's just impossible to not get demoralized or at least realize that the reward is nowhere near worth the effort. I suppose I can only salute any young black guy who is self aware and still doesn't give up on love.
>Nowadays, you have the already high bar paired with how it's trendy for ethnic girls to shit on their own kind of men daily and make "save me white boy tiktoks" all day and it's just impossible to not get demoralized
That's not really exclusive to brown girls, women are encouraged, even rewarded, for shitting on men wholeheartedly nowadays by media, older women and their peers. The "my own demographic of men are dogshit" takes you see online is just the spicy version of man hate. Women are retards that follow trends and just blurt shit out that someone else said without a second thought all the while talking about emotional intelligence, once you realize that the VAST MAJORITY of them are unironic autistic idiots that'll put themselves into dept for cloths, traveling, expensive outings and cosmetic bullshit, it puts alot of things into perspective.
Unfortunately they're the biggest consumer base so companies will pander to them and signal boost their brainrot as hard as possible to ensure they capture as big of a female audience as possible. Gotta resist the demoralization as pervasive as it is.
Is this the afropessimism I hear about?
I have no fucking idea what that is, but knowing that most brown women are opportunistic bed wenches and that most people have a low level of contempt for darkskin men and will only respect them when they go above and beyond is not really pessimism, its understanding reality.
Yeah but arguably, there's hardly any big tech algortihm being operated here and this thread was made and immediately, it turned into black foids yapping about dating white men, hating black men or looking for white men. I mean I get it, I probably sound bitter but it's more just me wishing that all of us men could collectively work towards building our own communities excluding women and work towards our dreams but sadly, all human friend groups always boil down to simping for women which I guess is just male nature. I've lost so many friendships merely because women despise my existence and the "bros" would rather just push me away to keep women in the friend group.
>t turned into black foids yapping about dating white men, hating black men or looking for white men.
I can almost guarantee that those posts are from some retard trolling, wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't the same dude just posting random brown anime girls with a dynamic IP. Think for a second, if some bed wench wanted to scout for white dick, why would she do it in a black anon thread? Even if they're real, who fucking cares what some goofy black bitch that probably hates herself wants anyway?
>all human friend groups always boil down to simping for women
Gotta find a better friend group homie. I've found a couple of dudes that don't make getting pussy their whole personality but I'll admit, that its hard because ironically, if you don't devout tons of time to picking up women, then you'll get little play, so its hard to find dudes that aren't about that life.
> I've lost so many friendships merely because women despise my existence and the "bros" would rather just push me away to keep women in the friend group.
They either weren't really your friends or you where acting extremely autistic. You can not care about women while "not scaring the hoes away". That's what I do.
take the tinfoil hat off man
You seem like a good dude anyway. What's your ethnicity and where are you from, anyway?
>have you met anyone from here?
Fuck no, girls don't like me lol
I'm black and from NY.
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hi guys i can post here
No, go back to endchan and keep meeting white dudes off 4chan
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literally met more nonwhites from here than whites
add twitter ill follow back if its not a coomer account @winteiris
You actually meet people from this board? Damn, you people are brave.
oh wow
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Most of the 18-20yr black girls from this place will meet up with you for dick. Usually if you're white.

Miyoko, Iris, bunfie, Faye, and that one "puppy" girl who lurks more than she posts do it.
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fuck no
i just met some cool people from 4chan at a con
not really from soc but this site in general
Ehhhh lol that's exactly how I imagine things to go around these places
How does it usually go? Is it awkward?
>Most of the 18-20yr black girls from this place will meet up with you for dick. Usually if you're white.
where are the black girls who will meet up to get married and live happily ever after though
Probably Hinge
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he's lying about the first half so why does it matter
nobody wants to hook up with and get pumped and dumped by random white 4channers
it was a little awkward at first (kinda always is for me when meeting new people) but they were really cool and nice , you should try it
BM are so cucked they make up WM for BW to fuck instead of them, lmao.
>why does it matter
because blackwife is my life goal ofc
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I browse sometimes but it’s usually hell finding friends on here bc I’m chubby and black
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i just mean if he would say something so outlandish like that young black girls wanna fuck old white 4channers (outside of a very crazy degen minority) why would you take his advice on finding a wife? if you wanna date and marry a black girl just treat one like you would any other girl
its baffling desu.
but its not really a black men thing. mostly just white worshipping incel black men say this type of stuff. and i don't even really blame em that much, i fell into the everyone hates/isnt attracted to black women mindset for many years. but since im a girl, its easier to have that mindset disproven by just messaging someone who is attracted to me. and for lots of men that is anything remotely feminine. but when its the other way round, even the most attractive demographics of men are getting way less female attention than the amount of male attention that his looksmatch gets. a guy who would be my looksmatch is most definitely incel. but the thing is there are so many stats showing that black women are least desired of all races of women, and so when comparing myself to other women, and not men, i felt like the lowest of the low back then. meanwhile black men still are usually rated second or third highest against other races of men
>why would you take his advice on finding a wife
i wasn't asking for his advice, you're taking what i said too literally
I am surprised this thread is still up.
chad is that you
when are you cleaning that room nephew
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oh ok
my bad
Not lying but sure.
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i have never once met with a white guy from 4chan to sleep with him, so yeah you are
it's ok dw, i'm just bad at articulating myself sometimes!
where are these images from btw
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wait a minute i was right
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its amalia from wakfu! its a good show i like it so far and amalia is so cute
>usually if you're white

first time for everything :3
Is this for discord?
i'll have check that out, it sounds pretty interesting. you could probably pull off a p good cosplay of that character if you haven't already!
The biggest issue isn't the troon spam or the racism or the seething of the mentally ill BWC chasers or wignats, it's the ghosting. No one here can maintain a conversation for more than a fucking week. It's insane that people even give out their contact information and then talk for like a few days and then they clam up. What is even the point of giving out a username at that point? It is impossible to form a friendship or to acquaint with someone under those conditions.
all me an asshole, but I never trusted a black dude who hung out in a group of white kids even back then, namely because they acted like assholes or tried to "out black" a mfer when all I wanted to talk about was wrestling.
this is true of every contact thread sadly :/
Yeah, it's just childish. Why even give your information out at that point?
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i was at a con recently so sure xddd
handsome jack wtf
Holy fuck I don't want to go to work today

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