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You want to date somebody? (Good luck…but hey u never know). Post your desperate plea for love below

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
>What you look for in romantic partner
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for cool stuff.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
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>ASL - 26 f anaheim Cali
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc) - bbw autist weeb into j-pop and anime, and vtubers.

>What you look for in romantic partner - just someone who likes me for me, a fellow weeb like me, talkative, extroverted and prone to random tangents
>Not looking for - internet trolls
>Discord Tag - chickenclaw3
21/M/Gulf Coast United States
>Open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes but would like to meet sooner than later
>About me
I'm 6'2 have light brown hair and blue eyes, kinda of a reserved person
Geography, Exploration, Hiking, Adventure, Stories, Lore, Researching, Fiction
>Songs you like
I usually listen to generic pop music or rock
>Movies and tv you like
I like watching anthology type shows but also enjoy real world documentary type stuff, anything I find interesting
>Religious beliefs
Christian in general
>Dating experience
None, never been on a date
>Looking for
Someone I am compatible with and has similar interests, is lovable
>Not looking for
Ghost's, Dudes, Seller's
>Contact me
Discord: codzombie5675
Email: GenericAnon2976@proton.me
Not many desperate pleas so far
It’s 4Chan…what do u expect -_-
We're just desperate by default
True true
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
like pottery, the 3 biggest retards on this shithole of a site. who's next? that pedophile looking for a loli gf?
28/M/Ontario Canada
>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
Yes - Canada/USA
>Physical description
6' 180lbs average build. Brown eyes/hair, been told a baby face when I don't shave idk
Mostly all types of gaming. I really love horror/thriller and all types of sci fi movies and shows! I run to stay in decent shape along with work being sorta demanding physically. Also currently trying to save to move out.
>Current Occupation
Full time construction worker. (potentially changing but still within the trades)
>Life goals
Moving is basically number 1. Looking towards maybe heading to Alberta since its a bit cheaper but open to most places including the states. Most of my life goals revolve around being a good partner and finding the 1 person I want to be with, I also want a cat...
>Looking for
Personality is key for me, looks are not a factor rly, being able to talk/text for hours about everything and anything is so fun, I'm pretty obsessive and fall for ppl easily, so someone like that seems like a fun dynamic. Ideally you share some of the same hobbies. F/mtf pref.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
friend hoarders, scammers, ghosters, men
Discord - Dumatix
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Big fan of anime and manga, typical weeb, trying to get into warhammer and mtg but it's hard to do alone, big history nerd, pathfinder player and I guess D&D. I'm 5'10, 155lb average looking guy, swarthy and mediterranean looking with brown hair/eyes and a beard. Somewhat of a loser. This is a desperate plea for help.

>What you look for in romantic partner
Preferably a woman. Someone who's willing to be patient with me. Long distance is fine.

>Discord Tag
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>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Thank you
>What you look for in romantic partner
Cute bio Girl who wants to do cute things like cuddle and watch movies
>Not looking for
Men, Trannies, Blacks
>Discord Tag
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Have you guys tried online dating there so many women
They're all so vapid though. Like yeah a lot of them are funcationally attreactive but half the girls on there pretty much just have no bio and hobbie and the half that do put some combo of bar hopping, travel, music festivals and wine. Boring normie crap.
18, m, USA

>Random bullshit
I've been rejected pretty much every time I've tried being with a girl, either that or they were already in a relationship. I can honestly be kinda jealous or clingy but I try me best not to be. I just want to experience something at least resembling love at some point.

As for hobbies I enjoy vidya in the form of rpgs and strategy games. Musically I like alt/indie or hard rock, weeb things like anime and manga, history ranging from the 15th to early 20th century, linguistics, weight-lifting, writing (mostly fiction) and reading classics.

>What you look for in a romantic partner
A woman with her own hobbies which may or may not entirely overlap with my own. Physically, so long as a girl's not obese I don't really care about body, I like most of them. If she has mental health problems I don't mind, nor if she's "used goods" or "broken". I don't mind FtM either.

>not looking
Men or MtF

I only use tinder when I travel and want to fuck. It is completely useless otherwise. I hate normies
>18m, US, Hispanic
I lift weights, train muay thai, shoot guns, jog, sometimes I read or write, gardening, my favorite vidya game is hotline miami 2
I reply fast and will get clingy overtime as long you show the same interest in me. A bit autistic like many anons here
>looking for
I'm looking for someone in my age, preferably latina, just someone who can I hold a nice conversation with daily, loyal, clingy, and caring.
>not looking for
Randoms wanting to have a one night stand, gays, other men, trannies, non latinas, maybe other browns are an exception, etc
Discord tag: PersecutedCasual
Ive added probably 20 people over the last week from here. 1/3 of thode were content sellers. 1/3 never responded. The last 1/3 typed a couple sentences and then disappeared.

Dont know how to deal w this shit. No one talks.
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Mostly into reading (novels, poetry) and writing. I work full time and fuck around with a typewriter and a beer late at night.

Life isn't what I thought it'd be. I don't know what I thought it would be but it wasn't this. I haven't dated seriously since my girl died a few years ago, and we had been together on and off since highschool. Never found someone I could make any serious connection to on the apps; I live in a small town since.

I don't really know what the fuck I want, maybe to not be alone so much. All my real life friends, the ones who weren't druggos, are married and so on. The others have all gone somewhere or other. I find I talk to the geckos that find their way into my room mostly.

I cannot myself begin to imagine what I'd even want out of a person. Certainly not a rerun of the past: I'm sick and tired of remembering. Something new and something good for me.

I just wanted to get that out there somewhere. I've been here on and off long enough to know there isn't a shot at hell, no point in putting a name on this unless something would likely come of it yeah...
you're never going to find anyone, your standards are too high and you're not all that likable to begin with.
They not high at all
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Online dating is EZ yall
What part of Florida

I’ll talk to you brother

I’m like a natural empath and just like talking to people
M 26 Midwest
>Random Bullshit
Weeb, Gamer, probably autistic
5'11 (6'0 if you squint and tilt your head)
Big fucking nerd, I will sperg about my hyperfixation depending on what it is at the time
Dirty blonde/brown hair
Blue eyes
Lots of trust issues
Slightly overweight, but going to the gym to address that
Enjoy talking about various topics, small talk is not my strong suit but I try my best.

>What I Look for
Bio Female
Goth/Alt prefered but not required
Skinny or slightly chubby is ok, just dont be a landwhale.
Open and honest about needs/wants
Liking cosplay/anime/games/cons would be cool, but not required.
Not going to cheat/ghost
>Not looking for
Male, mtf

I just want a girlfriend in general, compliance with all of the above list is not required. I just want a gf its been so long ;-;
I want a gf too…
Never give up anon. Theres hope for us both to secure a gf.
22 f
>Random bullshit that describes you
you will never know
>What you look for in romantic partner
target of my embarrassing affections, is happy for me when i do what i want to do, does not want anything from me, online only and has a pfp my my husbando smiling
>Not looking for
too bad would be nice to slap you around irl and then leave you smiling
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Honestly, all I want is a clingy girlfriend who is as obsessed with me as I am with her. I'd want us to spend every second of every day together, whether through texting or VC (we could even fall asleep together on VC) I'd want to stream games and shows to her all the time and then we could talk about them. I could teach her my hobbies and she could teach me hers. I'd show her how to play YGO and mahjong and we could play together.

I had something similar to this with a female friend when I was a teen, and at this point I'm convinced I'm never gonna find someone like that again because most people are so cold, distant and closed off. I don't wanna be a side character in someone's life, I want us to be the main characters in each other's lives. Sorry for the schizo ramble, I just needed to get this off my chest.
eight months in and she's going to lose interest because that's what bpdwhores like you describe do
Source: two bpd ex's from here
Same, I literally daydream about a gf like that
I feel like if i had a girl that was obssesed with me i would be just as obssesed with her. Id probably be a extremely clingy bf to any regular girl
Trust me brother: BPD is ONLY for sex. Do not date it and expect love. I promise you, I have more experience with BPD women than I'd like to admit. Do not invest into women like this.
I didn't mention BPD a single time in my post though. I understand those are common characteristics found in people with BPD but I literally just want someone to spend all my time with.
>Id probably be a extremely clingy bf to any regular girl
That's my issue. I'm extremely clingy and girls are either freaked out or they can't match my energy and it never works out. I need intense, mutual clinginess...
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>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
long brown hair, blue eyes, enjoy tv/movies/games, enjoy aviation, enjoy history/religion/culture
>What you look for in romantic partner
someone gentle, calm, compassionate, empathetic, understanding
>Not looking for
skids/addicts/egirls et al
>Discord Tag
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>Long Distance ?
Only if its not too far

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height

Hiking, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, travelling, crafting, learning languages

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, Femboys, Trannies

>Looking for
biological woman

>ideal preferrences
short and not obese

hieronymus21 (discord)
26, Male, Chicago area
>Interested in
Straight women who I can do things with, have fun, lean on for emotional support, and hopefully eventually have kids with & start a family.
>About me
I'm Hispanic, 6'0", skinny, wear glasses, but contacts when I go somewhere nice.
I usually wear dark, logoless clothes, mainly t shirts & jeans; hoodies when it gets cold, stylish sneakers, and geeky stuff when I go to a con or something.
I'm spiritual but not religious. Grew up catholic, don't really focus too much on religion, but I'm not opposed to it.
I live alone in my own place close to o'hare, I work in construction, which pays great, and also a realtor.
>Like to do
Watch anime, movies, funny shows, or random videos on yt. I like to go out to eat, check out new places, go to concerts (Hard rock, edm, some hip hop; open to pop or Latino too) or just drive or take walks in parks.
But I also cook & enjoy being mostly at home. Visiting family is important for me too.
>Looking for
A 19-28 y/o girl who I can go out with, talk, get comfortable with, have fun, eat, travel to new places, meet each other's family, go home & snuggle, be affectionate & loving. Caring about each other's well-being, and also pushing each other to do better in life.
>Not looking for
Plus sized women (Under 220lbs, you're good; Athletic/tall girls under 260 are good)
Long distance (beyond 2h drive)
Women who aren't serious about starting a true friendship/bond
Poor hygiene (as long as you shower, teethbrush, & wipe yourself well, you're good)
Lazy fashion; no pjs/sweatpants, hairbuns, socks & sandals etc when we're going out. Come on! I wanna see you cute when we go out!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you reach out, queens.
I think I'm feeling boba tea for our first date ;)
holy shit nobody wants your rotten axe wound, stop posting
if you didn't mutilate yourself your caches of finding a gf would have been much higher, but now they practically non existent, no woman wants a fucking eunuch
29M, Chicago
>describe yourself
I usually shitpost on dating apps until I get banned or I find someone compatible with my bullshit. Unemphatic and insensitive until I'm not, very affectionate, and have no idea how romantic relationships work because I've never been in one, I fuck really good though and I'm handsome. I'd rather betray the world than have the world betray me. Boxing, vidya,
>looking for
Females into bantz, guns, not afraid to physically fight me and talk shit, affection, rough sex with biting and ass slaps, letting me in cum in them. Self-aware based meme lords
>not looking for
Dudes, getting pegged, trannies, hearing your sob story before sex, kids, you being obese (I like meat on the bone)
>contact info
Discord: comboy112
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>Physical description
5’11, Dad Bodied but stocky broad shoulders, currently going to the gym (3months on going) so that can (pic rel, ideal build) change, curly hair, Kempt and practices good hygiene unlike alot of people on this board, trying to get primarily into goth fashion once money is gotten, I don’t have a southern accent or atleast a thick one

PC games, Talking to people, Gym/lifting, Listening to music, educational videos and podcasts, true crime, and sending memes (hopefully to each other) currently in college

>Looking for in romantic partner

Girls, sort of trying to date but wanna be friends first for a while before anything like that. Particularly of similar interests. Not against ldr, if not from the locale, someone to send memes to and get into each others hobbies with one another. If we don’t click dating wise we can still be friends. Want someone who knows internet culture yet not consumed by it. Someone who’ll call and watch me play games or watch things together. Or play with preferably.

>Not looking for

Men, Trannies, Left leaning extremists (more toward center is okay), vehement anti-Christian’s, the suicidal (no point of getting attached if you’re just gonna break my heart), BPDemons, anyone who doesn’t enjoy educational content, anyone who doesn’t wanna improve themselves and become their best version together.

discord: gask
They're literally non-existant and contradict one another lmao. You don't want annoying leftists even though they're the only ones who would go for you poterntially but you also don't want right wing religious types with standards, you don't want "the opposite sex" or even someone in your own situation, you don't want a girl who is taller than you, you don't want the half the population who owns guns, you don't want many races and ethnic groups, you judge people for havign a small bit of body hair, you judge them for being fat, etc.
You want a unicorn essentially but you seemingly bring nothing of value to the table yourself outside of being incredibly judgemental with no self awareness of your own faults, mentally ill, liking old movies and having tattoos. Those people in the diaper threads have more of a personality and they shit themselves all day, get a grip dude.
I’m not mentally ill lol
Nothin wrong with liking classic movies over modern shit they put out these days
those are all like 3s bro thats nothing to gloat about lmao
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
>im not mentally ill
Says the man who cut is dick off
what if i make a chatbot that just replies with "good jawb :)" to anything you send it
Listen nigga, you know what ypur problem is? You're a tranny that thinks he can be picky with what he gets, lol. You aren't even a bottom of the barrel pick.. you're like 50 miles under the barrel. If you truly want to find love, someone who will accept you for the retarded man that you are, you are going to have to be open to literally anyone (above legal age, you fucking freak), because chances are theres maybe 1 or 2 people desperate enough out there to give some absolute delusional retard like you a shot, and if you don't take them, you'll have to get used to being alone.
>im not mentally ill lol
Lmfao, you cut your dick and balls off and gave yourself a permanent axe wound because you think you're a woman (when you're a man btw). That's the definition of mentally ill.
Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
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I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
I’m not mentally ill. I am a woman, not a male. Not a freak or delusional. Not retarded.
Not a man.
Based AF actually. Likes women so much you made yourself into a mockery of nature's perfection, just for 24/7 access to tiddies! I mean, I enjoy my penis too much to ever consider it. But chopping it off for your own satisfaction and STILL wanting a 3.14 goth cutie that wants to be with you in spite of lacking the one part of a man that will satisfy her...

I unironically hope you get her, anon. Because you putting this out there made me realize how achievable it should be for me to find what I'm looking for. Hope isn't easy to come by for me.
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This is a feels versus reals matter... You FEEL like you are a woman, and some people FEEL like this is enough. The reality is that your ideology is not biologically sustainable. Unless you can spread a psychosis to increase the population of people who feel the same feels as you... The entire concept dies out in a single generation.

The reality is that the trans phenomena has been a symptom of a society on the edge of collapse for as long as history can recall. Its not new, its not special, it doesn't gain traction in a healthy society, and it doesn't survive a collapse.

You need to understand how other people feel BEFORE you can expect them to agree with your feelings.

And if you ever think someone elses feeling are "wrong", you should have to confront the reality that EITHER noone's feelings count, or that yours may be wrong... You can FEEL like 1+1=5 as much as you want, but its objectively wrong and dysfunctional (even if you have amazing support groups that all band together to agree with you).
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Not just mentally unwell, but delusional too.
Every time.
Not delusional
I like rap and anime
I like bold confidence
I dont like impatient boys
Snap bichno2019
Cutting your dick off doesnt magically make you female lil bro. You can't change your gender. No matter what you do to your body, you will ALWAYS be a male. Do you know why? Your chromosomes. There's nothing you can do to get rid of that pesky little y chromosome. You're stuck as a male, but now you're just a male without a dick and balls. That DOES make you a freak, that DOES make you delusional, and that definitely makes you a retard.. since only a delusional retard freak would think he can magically swap genders, lmao. Stay small, lil bro. You're never going to find love if you're this fucking lost in life. You might as well become another % in the sissy suicide statistic.
you're not a woman either lmao
That’s all you managed to get out of that? I mean Chris Chan should be a perfect example of the type of person who never moved on from being a manchild and obsessing over stuff from their childhood. You could pit more emphasis on your hobbies, interests, how successful you are but putting that in there outside of a chart thread when you could be talking more about your actual character just shows that you don’t much of a personality. You can’t even respond with more than a few words to any replies, I can hear you thinking from here just reading this. In one ear out the other. I’m not even hating on you for being single or anything at your age, that’s not that rare but your own lack of willingness to even look in the mirror says it all. You’re not going to have any success on here unless it’s with someone on your same level at best. Might as well go service a glory hole at a gay bar, at least you’d be getting some. You people say you have “female brains” but almost all of you claim to be lesbians, despite them making up around 1% of the female population. It’s a fetish dude, I hope you didn’t actually get the surgery because there’s no reversing that. You will have to deal with an open repeatedly infected wound for the rest of your life is so and if you didn’t get it reverse course as soon as possible, you’re almost 30. Your time to have kids and get into an established relationship in your relative youth will run out before you know it. Just being straight with you man.
That's just not how sex works, anon. Look, yeah that chick is kinda annoying and has been plastering the same ad non-stop on /soc/ every single time I see every and any thread. But you genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. There's a lot more than just two expressions of human sex chromosomes. Your belief in a two sex dichotomy has zero biological basis. It simply doesn't exist as part of human genetics or anatomy. So go ahead and be kinda shitty to other anons all you want, I guess. But you've gotta go educate yourself just a tiny little bit, if you want to spout off on the internet. There are at-least 10 human sex chromosome expressions. There are intersex conditions that can have someone with XX chromosomes be born with a penis and no vagina, and others that can have someone with XY chromosomes be born with a vagina and no penis. There are other conditions that can result in one person having multiple different chromosomes. Your belief in a biological strict dichotomy between human sexes isn't based on science, biology or reality in any way. It's just something you've learned and been so thoroughly conditioned to believe that you genuinely can't accept some pretty uncomplicated facts.

So pick something else to be shitty to her about. Because you just look like a retard when you spout off this kinda nonsense.
kill yourself
Males have penises, balls, and sperm. Females have pussy, eggs, and a womb. It's that simple. Any other convoluted nuances you would like to pretend matter past that do not. Discussion over.
>Males have penises, balls, and sperm. Females have pussy, eggs, and a womb.
It genuinely isn't that simple. You are factually incorrect on a very basic level.

Which isn't really the point. The point is that human sex is more complicated than you think, and you only think it's simple because you're willfully ignorant. And that's ok, but you really look like a dipshit when you try to lecture other people about things that you're factually wrong about.
>There are other conditions that can result in one person having multiple different chromosomes. Your belief in a biological strict dichotomy between human sexes isn't based on science
Bad troll
Factually accurate statements about human biology and genetics aren't trolling, anon. You can learn this stuff from literally any scientific textbook on the subject.
I don't care what you have to say and you produce no counterargument contrary to the "two sex dichotomy". You're tangentially ranting about chromosomes when that's obviously what no one is talking or cares about. Begone, pseud
Nah, not even the most egregious leftists would claim that intersex people are real life futas or some other mythical third sexual pairing. Separating gender from sex is a new thing but not a single one of these left wing tards are actually saying there is kore than two sexes, they just make up new genders and try to equate the two.
What I'm explaining to you is that your belief in a two-sex strict dichotomy is not based on genetics. It is factually the case that humans have more than those two expressions. Which should cause you to realize that, therefore: no, your definitions are not based solely on biological facts about genetics. Because your definitions do not cover all the biological facts about genetics. So from there, you should try actually learning about the topic and you'll discover that your belief that "sex is biology" was actually always baseless.

>Nah, not even the most egregious leftists would claim that intersex people are real life futas or some other mythical third sexual pairing.
It's called chimerism. It exists. People have it. And it demonstrates that your belief that "there are only men and women and it's decided by chromosomes" simply isn't sufficient to cover the sexes of humans that are walking around. So no: that's not what your definitions are referring to.
no one cares for your delusions, troon
These are basic facts about human genetics. I'm a CIS male and calling me names really isn't gonna change basic facts, anon.
I didn't read any of this post just for context, but I'll completely shut down your argumentation.

Your points are all irrelevant and moot.

For the continued existence of the human race, we need people with semen (males) and people with eggs (females). This is simply all that matters. Any further distinctions are completely irrelevant and exist for no other purpose than to placate the emotions of inherently illogical people -- regardless of how logical you would like to pretend you are.
You're ignorant and want to remain that way: I get it.

But your claim that human sex is based on chromosomes is biologically false. That is not how you define them. If you believe that there are just men and just women, you cannot justify that belief based on human chromosomes. So you're defining sex as something else. And you should put some thought into what that is.
As expected, you completely ignore what I said and the central point to tangentially rant about chromosomes -- which aren't relevant at all to what I said nor something I brought up.

I accept your concession. You've collectively lowered the intelligence of the thread and succeeded in confirming everyone's biases against trannies and tranny defenders. Goodnight.
So hold on, you're pretending that you think sex is based on biology, but not chromosomes? That's fine. We can use genitals to make the exact same point. Someone can be born with a penis and no testicles. They can be born with testicles and a vagina. They can be born with a vagina but no uterus. Just like the people who claim "sex is based on chromosomes," your claim that "sex is based on genitals" does not account for the different types of genitals that different people have. So no: your definitions are not sufficient to categorize everyone as either male or female. And yet you do categorize everyone as male or female. So your definition still isn't based on biology.
It seems nice on paper and in your fantasies, but what happens when she infringes on your freedoms? When she makes you feel like you're suffocating? You think you want clingy, but you what you actually want is just normal love and affection that's healthy. The same applies vice-versa to the opposite sex.
You are describing abnormalities, genetic disorders that have various and severe pathological implications. Educate yourself:

And mind you, these diseases aren’t really that common in the population.

That dude you’re defending is definitely a healthy xy individual.

Did you know that there are also epigenetic regulations based on sex chromosomes, meaning every single cell in your body is either male or female.
Honestly, I wouldn't really care if she infringes on my freedom. I'm lonely and have nothing to do with my time anyway, so I could dedicate myself to another person 100% without compromise
>is a tranny and wants a goth girl whos not woke and doesnt smoke.
This is hilarious nigga. The tranny part is the funniest because even if a ftm posted something like this they'd actually succeed since their pussy is real
I can work with that
discord: cringe_shyvana
21M Bi Melbourne
>About me
I Want frens to play board games/vidya with. A few autism points away from non verbal (please do remember this lmao I’m not dry I just don’t understand conversations and small talk too well) but I warm up to similar people who share similar interests. I love playing CS (bring back cobblestone) factorio, rust, skyrim and lego star wars. I love star wars and dune and could yap about either for hours. Right know I'm obsessed with Grand Moff Tarkin in Star wars and the Spacing Guild and their origins in Dune PLEASE watch Dune 1984 with me. The modern one was just a bit disappointing Re the ending. Paul loves chani AND NEVER SHOWS IT, it's like it was made for teenage girls. I also enjoy tech bullshit, mushroom picking, camping, driving on rural roads and home networking/computer hardware.
>Looking for
Frens to game with. Not picky but I’d hope we share some interests :3. I’m bi but I don’t like masc dudes. Cute soft and cuddly people are awesome we can play vidya all day in bed and cuddle so we don’t freeze our asses off this winter…
>Not looking for
People who don’t share any my interests. I don't mind if you talk to me with romantic interest in mind but good Lord I want some frens and people to talk with and hopefully touch. I miss hugs.
Yes as in the cat, big poo
blah blah blah not reading your schizo tranny cope. you can't change your gender no matter how hard you try faggot
Yes u can
My pussy is real too
Fuck you
Yes i am
I am not delusional nor a retard. Yes a person can change.
It is possible to change genders
>claims to have a real pussy
>gatekeeps peoples' choice of controls of SF6 on 4chan
Bro your testosterone is STILL on full blast
I don’t have any fuckin testosterone in my entire body
30 m usa est

I want a girl who wants to write and play music with me.. preferably lofi, acoustic,folk punk, sad music. Maybe some lofi bedroom pop styles. Maybe we fall in love.. or maybe just I do. I have music to share if you wanted to.

gender isnt real and you cant change sexes faggot
It is real and yes you can
go ahead get pregnant
this is patently untrue because even in healthy biological females testosterone is still produced in some amounts.. it is biologically necessary for human beings of any persuasion of gender
Medically impossible. Everyone produces testosterone, women, men. In fact testosterone is responsible for people's sex drive, regardless of gender. So if you had zero testosterone, you would have multiple medical issues caused by a lack of testosterone, some kind of illness would have to be CAUSING you to lack testosterone, and lastly you would be incapable of having any sort of ability to orgasm, or ability to be aroused

You have to be baiting at this point. Here's a last (you) for ya bud

Either you have testosterone, or youre claiming to be the WORST potential sexual partner on this whole board
No pp sooooo no testosterone
There are women who can’t get preggo. Also I don’t want anything with being a parent or responsible for hell spawns.
I no longer make any t since 2021
This, exactly. You can surely grasp the difference between a woman who can't bear a child and a man who can't impregnate a woman... You made yourself a unic, the rest is just larping.

You are clearly able to perform alot of mental gymnastics, but you had to point to an exception among authentic woman to claim kinship. Your logic is as damaged as your genitals.
And just like a eunuch: medically incapable of arousal or orgasm, reduced muscle mass, and very likely to die due to cardiovascular issues (on account that the heart is a muscle)
Not larpin
Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Snapchat:Telegram: ladybabes69
19/Male/Mid West
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Mmm average looking short white guy, i have long brown hair (for now), i love animeeee and online games. I workout and play sports too!
>What you look for in romantic partner
Cute girl who is weird and will do cringe couple things with me :3
>Not looking for
Obese girls T-T
>Discord Tag
Get real. Not even you want MtF. That should tell you how undesirable they are. You are a trancel. You are biologically male, right down to your personality. Even the things you seek from a woman or a relationship reek of your own predatory and dominant intent, two very masculine traits.

You have a gaping wound where a penis should be. The only thing that is even remotely female about you is the fact that you're seeking a high-value partner when you have no value yourself. You chopped off the one thing an unfortunate creature such as yourself could ever hope to offer a woman. If a real woman has little to no value, she is for the streets. You? You are for the noose, mister tranny. Your existence brings little to this world, and I would hazard a guess that you are more of a liability to it than an asset.

Face it. You are almost 30, you're an autistic man, and you have no penis. You're not far off from being Chris-Chan. Stay cooped up in your parents basement, where society does not need to be blighted by the knowledge of your existence. You will never find what you're looking for. Even a desperate person with zero standards would turn you down. It explains why you're still single at almost 30, and why you will remain single until your doubtless self-inflicted removal from existence.
I could poke a stick into a watermelon. That would be just as "real" as the horrific mangled scar you call a pussy
not a woman
I am not a man or another “Chris Chan”. Do you have anything better to do than to be cruel to people on the internet?
Am a woman
Do you have anything better to do than post to /soc/ threads desperately trying to find a biological woman interested in your managed male body?
I don’t have a male body and it’s not mangled. Also no…I do not have anything else better to do other than live in your head rent free just to spite you
Yeah you are, you are just really comitted to the bit.
Not without medical intervention and mental gymnastics on your end, or at all to literally everyone else.
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19m USA Maryland
I play video games, 155lbs, did competitive swimming. Also poor as fuck lmao. Most played game are Minecraft/lol/terraria, I also love fishing but haven't done it in years. Also I'm fairly retarded in my own way i think.
>What I'm looking for
Female, that's it, idc if you think you're ugly. just play video games with me
>Not looking for
idk desu, just be you, im not gonna judge you at all. If you have something to say just say it idm.
>Discord Tag
You were born a male and will always be a male no matter what you do to your body. You will never be a woman no matter how much you wish you were, or how much you yell and scream that you are one in your posts. The only thing you are going to be is another % in the tranny retard suicide rates. Might as well speed run that since you're never going to find anyone or be happy.
22 M US
I like playing souls games, working out, and staying home
>about me
6'2, white , kind of fit, long dark hair and a boyish face.I'm kind of spergy and awkward but once I get to know you i pry won't shut up.
>looking for
cute femcel gf, biological women, someone to shoot the shit with and get to know, i'm totally cool with a long distance thing and possibly even meeting up one day
>not looking for
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
20/M/Western Canada
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6'2, 180 pounds, south east asian with a lil east asian mixed in, pretty fit.
>life situation
in compsci, to graduate next year. I have a car and enough money to go on dates.
Music (almost listened to 3000 albums), geography, vidya, anime, chess, longboarding, fashion
>3 songs you like
Crystal Mountain - Death
Resolution - John Coltrane
Protect Ya Neck - Wu-Tang Clan
>3 movies you like
Yi Yi
Oceans 11
>religious beliefs
atheist with a catholic background. I dont care about your religion as long as it doesnt get in the way
>political beliefs
left leaning but i am not passionate about it at all
>dating experience
3 relationships, longest being just over a year
>looking for
Someone who lives at most a 40 minute drive, someone i can call or text throughout the day, my type is southeast/east asian that is taller than 5'4 but im not overly picky. Preferably F or MTF but open to whatever. I have a medium to high sex drive and i am a switch, but mostly dom. Skinny to chubby is much preferred.
>not looking for
Ace/aro people, people who are way older than me, people who cant hold a conversation, people who don't have a life at all, overweight people.
discord: changdynasty
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22 m USA
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
190 5'11 asian. chubby but am working on it (down 10 pounds with lifting and cardio)
i am very shy.
into basic stuff - video games, movies, anime, manga, working out. getting into fashion.
>What you look for
within age range of 19-25.
i am straight so no men, ftm, etc. i want you to be passionate about your interests and tell me about them. we can watch stuff together, play games together. we can vent to each other too. in essence i just want to have a deep connection with someone. it can be long distance, if timezones are far apart i will try my best to have time to chat with u. dont feel pressured if you think that's an issue. im flexible with stuff as long as u explain it to me.
>Not looking for
weirdos, racists, incels. tired of humoring these types of conversations. pref no nsfw either. yes jokes and whatnot are fine. just dont want to deal with people who's personalities revolve around these topics.
>Discord Tag
Not born male. My birth certificate and legal doccuments say so
But it also says right here >>33137039 that you started male, and THEN you had surgery.

Can we stop this yet? You know damn well there is a difference, and you know damn well that everyone knows.

The only one you are trying to convince is yourself and you already know the truth. Every single shot you fire back and every single time you further this argument, you prove yourself to be inherently masculine through the aggression and attempt to assert yourself above truth.

Only a man would act like this, and only a genuinely submissive and empathetic person -a woman- would indulge you about it in spite of the fact that these delusions have already led to self harm. I officially retract my thinking your based and love women so much you got your own tiddies to play with... Now I just see you as an invader of spaces you shouldn't be in, and the worst kind of attention seeker.

You know what you are, and so do others.
Best i can offer is my fat hairy 30 year old cock to bust in your asshole. Nothing gets my balls brewing like a zoomer boy that thinks its straight
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>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
i like fashion alot so i often dress very strangely. im very excited and talk alot and motion with my hands to emphasise my speech. i will send u a picture of me if you're nice to me. i like bugs and music and stuff, and i also like listening to others and taking care of others.
>What you look for in romantic partner
a girl who will love me for 1000000 years. someone to kiss and fawn over and make gifts and stuff for.
>Not looking for
anyone who is mean or bigoted.
>Discord Tag
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
Under 26
Hairy men
I dont have any delusions. I am a woman
I could go for that desu
24M Fat Submissive Gay Slave - looking to be owned, abused, and turned into your personal object! Extremely submissive and affectionate, grad student, wants to be the best submissive possible. Open to IRL play and more. Please prefer long-term and serious. Bonus if you write well.

Kik - SlaveOfAlpha00

Discord - YourDeepRest

Hope to hear from you!

>Personal description
5'9", 138.4 lbs, reddish brown skin, medium-long black curly hair that I prefer to style into a hanging pompadour. INTP 4w5 last time I checked.

Nature walks, camping, and hiking.
Antique, thrift, and pawn shop visits are nice.
Inline skating, both normal and aggressive.
Watching anime and niche/creature horror movies/tv shows.
Watching nature and dinosaur documentaries.
Listening to cryptid/monster creepypastas.
Board games.
Video games, mostly shooters.
Home chef level cook and the food comes out good or great most of the time, but the kitchen will get messy.

>Looking for
Dating with the intent to marry with a chick who isn't anorexic or overweight that shares most of, if not all, of my interests and beliefs or at least accepts them.
Wants or is open to the idea of kids at some point.
Someone who's fine with me being agnostic (I was raised Protestant and I still have a Christian moral framework).
I don't really care about height, but being of comparable height is preferable.
Being a /k/ user would be a huge plus but is not required.
Being into arts and crafts is nice but not required.
Knowing how to sew or mend clothes is nice but not required.

>Not looking for
Leftists, commies, socialists, men, trans, misanthropes, and moral nihilists.
I'm not that interested in black women, especially ones that are ethnically urban american black.

Discord: diaphoros
26m NorCal
White 6’0 190 receding hairline
I’m a virgin and never been in a relationship. I’m kind of antisocial and have problems with social anxiety but I’m trying to fix that. I’m really laid back and nonchalant with a wholesome vibe. Just looking for a nice girl to connect with
Kik pillowfortking
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42/M/New England Area


>Open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes would want this because I'd like to get to know the person and if there is a vibe.

>About me
I am 5' 11' bluish/grey eyes, bald, chubby guy

Hiking,Gaming,Gardening,Herbalism(Ethno Bontany),Movies,Music,atm trying to make soap

>Songs you like
I am all over the place, I even listen to some 1920s music.

>Movies and tv you like
This one is hard, again all over the place, but I like to get mad and find the social engineering in movies but can also enjoy em.

>Religious beliefs
Was raised with the Christian stuff, but not really into it. More into finding out wtf is out there in regards to what was hidden or destroyed for spiritual practices. Mostly agnostic/spiritual

>Dating experience
Have dated, have done long distance, have had a past relationship.

>Looking for
Trying to find a soulmate, and if it clicks it clicks.

>Not looking for
Trannies,Guys,Ghost people,People who pm once and never respond back, I will get back to ya.

>Contact me
Discord: Grimpickle#6464
More info in picture
I want a wife please. No older than 22, likes dogs and nature, not ran through, not fat. That's all I require :)
mr.brisby is my discord I'm 30 m canada
Oral, mutual masturbation, titjobs, footjobs, thighjobs, femdom, role reversal, dark skin, business suits, cycling shorts, tracksuits, martial arts outfits
>Looking For
Video call lewd with masculine women {tomboys, muscular, amazon, fit, athletic, sporty, androgynous, etc.} (cis, trans, or nb) [any hair length or breast size]
>Not Looking For
Men (cis, trans, or nb)
Feminine women (cis, trans, or nb)
Under 26 years old
Roleplay or voice chat
Sellers or paywalls
Any other fetishes
Forgot to mention that I'd prefer someone within 3 years of my age, 4 would be pushing it.
20y/o asian femboy
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
extremely perverted tiny sub/bottom who loves to rp
>What you look for in romantic partner
equally or more perverted bigger and older daddy who also loves to rp
>Not looking for
live pics/video calls
>Discord Tag
>cannot myself begin to imagine what I'd even want out of a person. Certainly not a rerun of the past: I'm sick and tired of remembering.
Felt like a knife in the heart anon, i feel your pain. I would definitely chat and have a coffee with ya.
24 f Cali

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Retro Vidya, exotic animals, vivariums, bird watching, poetry, classical art, drag, clowning, ur mum.
I'm a thicc short stack bbw cavelady clown with buddy holly glasses.

>What you look for in romantic partner
I like shy inexperienced short guys. I like it when a guy likes the same retro games as me and I like when they're as smart as me too and introspective.

>Not looking for
Tall men, dom.men, weebs, cat owners, boring people, peons.

>Discord Tag

Might pass out drunk soon but I'm tryina stay up so my hangovers not as bad.
Based but a big whore, think deeply when adding this one.
Lol I'm christian and monogamous, you incel freak. I'm single and an adult woman who likes her body. You literally jerk off to porn and have never seen a woman naked in real life. You get angry when you see a pair of tits on discord. Get your shit together and suck a dick already, faggot. Maybe then you can stop obsessing over women who will never want you.
>and i like my body
Thank u for corroborating my claim that u are a whore, miss. Its very clear what u meant by this. Also I did not tell people to avoid, but they should know what theyre getting into. You should be more honest with people. Have a blessed night.
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>Random stuff that describes you (interests, physical description, etc)
I think normans might label me an alt or goth weirdo (not that I have dark hair), which would be fair but based on some of the stories that have been shared with me by other soc enthusiasts I'd say I'm reasonably sane and laid-back overall. Admittedly, I have been able to see myself in wikipedia's description of what someone with bipolar disorder is like (and to some degree also with histrionic personality disorder, and to only a minor degree a couple other personality disorders), but maybe that's more so me being very self-critical and a tad self-deprecating even. I'd like to think I'm a multi-faceted person although that could only be found out through a lengthier correspondence/relationship. As far as some interests go, I'm into a lot of different rock, metal, synth-pop, Philip Glass, "intelligent dance music", horror, fantasy, RPGs, the outdoors, and doing amateur photography.
>What you look for in a romantic partner
If you think we may at the very least have a decent correspondence for a while based on what you know of me so far, we can find out what we're compatible for through conversation
>Not looking for
Desperation, actually. I'm posting in this thread in the hope that "desperation" may mean to some "passionate about pursuing an intimate relationship"
Larping catfish, gone by many names before. Whole point of the conversation is to get a man to describe how they would use them anally, because they are also a man.
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You get an award for fastest delivered and weirdly specific reply to one of my posts
Hahahaha I refuse to believe this can be right
>Looking for
A friendly guy who's really into me
I want to bully him then turn on a dime and be lovey if I want without him saying I need mental help
Someone who's around all day and makes conversation with me all day
I will judge anyone who adds me from such a shity ad but also I really want a bf, please be special?
>Not looking for
Younger people unless you really, really want someone like me
Absolutely no trannies, no genderspecials
RPing or sexting or whatever
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Can confirm what >>33154238 said. LARP, catfish. Steers the conversation towards sex and basically asks "what would you do to me", then refuses to verify who they are after. Strange person.
19m uk
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
175cm , working on my physique I go gym, I work as a bartender , I like playing souls games and similar games.
>What you look for in romantic partner
Idk someone that's nice and that I geyt along with
>Discord Tag
Oh come on, I make one little joke and you freak out so easily? My next vocaroo was going to be the best one yet. You're not laid-back at all
really struck a nerve there huh

>Might pass out drunk soon
>I'm christian
Left wing woke white 27 year old trans girl from the uk, into masc, far right guys who hate everything "woke", politically correct etc.

I'm looking for someone who wants a relationship. I want something serious and meaningful and I'm open to relocating for the right person:l.

Interested in men who like being controlling and want someone who is obsessive and will fall in love with them quickly.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
It wasn't just "one joke" suddenly at the end. You sent a bunch of fake vocaroos, which you've conveniently deleted now. Pass it off as whatever you would like, but you'll need to make another new account if you want to trick people now.
Nuh uh, those were personal vocaroos that I had made for you. What's really odd is you having neurotically deleted every message you had sent me before that
18 mtf Chicago
>Sexual interests
Ageplay, petplay, t4t, pissplay, bdsm, frotting
>Looking for
Someone to own me and make me their slave
I want a wife please. Western Canada, younger than me (30). Likes nature
28/M/East Coast US
>>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I like writing, video games, computers, alt rock music, some anime, horror, and traveling. Chronically depressed. Existence is pain life is work I simply live. Half Chinese/Caucasian. Sorta tall at 5'10". Dad bod cause I'm lethargic but don't have full Amerifat genes.
>>What you look for in a friend, companion, buddy, romantic partner
Female, non-normie, non-leftist, non-attached, monogamous, willing to bear my children, tomboy (not required but very welcome).
>>Not looking for
Single moms.
>>Discord Tag
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>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Psychology, cooking, history, lost media, unsolved mysteries, spirituality/religions (particularly eastern stuff), philosophy, storytelling, journaling, meditation, biking, cultures, nature, animation, music (been craving shoegaze lately), architecture (esp art deco/classical styles)/aesthetics. I like politics, but I tend to keep my ideals to myself aside from some basic stuff, seems how politics is so divisive. Just know I'm a bit of a mixture; conservative but economically leftist.
>physical description
White, medium length strawberry blonde hair, 5'7, average build, wears glasses, small beard
>What you look for in romantic partner
This'll be more of an ideal, not what I absolutely require in a lover:
Quiet, romantic, reserved, but bubbly for those that she allows in her personal life. Has a rich inner world and yearns to be truly understood. Creative, kind, and knows herself well. Wants nothing more than true love and a simple life. Has similar values and interests to me. Perhaps a neet, or something along those lines so that we can help each other get out and blossom
>Not looking for
Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Men, trans, adulterers/amoral folk, ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never be around to talk, just don't friend me at all.
>Discord Tag
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18, male, eastern canada
bisexual, more comfortable talking with guys but i like women too. bottom.
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
somewhere between 5'9 and 5'10 in height, white, pale, blue eyes, eyebags, long curly brown hair, and slightly chubby but nowhere near obese.
>life situation
still in school. live with my mother. autistic and bipolar, unmedicated.
i play the guitar, write, produce music, draw (badly), somewhat interested in history but im not autistic about it, anime, vidya, cartoons, music in general, animation, and other things.
>3 songs you like
its really hard to pick three songs, but some of my favorite albums are: hi, how are you by daniel johnston, drainland by michael gira, fabulous muscles by xiu xiu, sunfish holy breakfast by guided by voices, the power of pussy by bongwater, it's only right and natural by the frogs, 20 jazz funk greats by throbbing gristle, etc.
>3 movies you like
once again, i wanna list more than 3 so i will. the texas chainsaw, taxi driver, kill bill, hellraiser, the end of evangelion, forrest gump, night of the living dead, tokyo gore police, rambo (first blood), the shining, the saw franchise, the evil dead, hostel, etc
nge, made in abyss, love chuunibyo and other delusions, umaru-chan, oyasumi punpun, anything junji ito, elfen lied, perfect blue, jojos, watamote, death note, etc.
>religious beliefs
non-denominational christian
>political beliefs
left, i guess, but i don't really follow politics.
>dating experience
4 relationships, 1 irl, 3 online..
>looking for
guys or girls. preferably dominant and willing to degrade me (with good aftercare). people with similar interests. im very okay with erp and horny stuff, but im not sending you pictures unless ive known for at least a few months.
>not looking for
anyone over the age of 22, mean people, political extremists
20 f uk
>random bullshit
ummm i play games I guess
>what i look for
I like big boys and kinda ugly boys...
>not looking for
anything else pls
>discord tag
Kill yourself
added me then immediately unfriended me. Avoid.
I like to pity fuck others
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>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description etc)
books, movies, photos, cubing, fight sports, art, amusement parks, journaling, 6'2, 220, athletic
>What you look for in romantic partner
female, autistic
>Discord Tag
The only people who are going to put up with your shit or other trannies. Yeah, you explicitly don’t want to date others like you. Good luck I guess
18 f eu
hewlo i graduated from school and now i have a lot of time - i am bored and im looking for people that will keep me entertained!!!
I wish I could just go back in time when women weren't completely un-approachable. Too many of them have a pay wall in front of them now, and use swipe apps to tighten their selection. You're lucky if OnlyFans sluts will groom you as one of their contributors now.
Anon, Sad to hear youre so miserable, you fantasize about an old times when nothing you enjoy rn exists.
Hope you can find a friend that will help you understand the ways in which the way you present yourself make women be on guard! Iam sorry for whatever happened in your life that made you end up with this a-scientific worldview to cope. i wish you the best!
Don't be a fag, it's easy to tell what he means. If you use dating apps there's more women looking to fish money out of guys than form a genuine connection, you have to be on guard as a man to manipulation 24/7 if you're trying to interact with women. There is a shit ton of women who will pray on a lonely guy to squeeze money out of him and ghost as soon as he obliges. Women are far more predatory on dating apps than people seem to discuss.

He misses a time where you could approach women irl because it's where men have the upper hand, less women are willing to take that risk to manipulate a man for money in person because of being intimidated physically. It's clear this is what he's talking about when he mentions paywalls, like what every dating app has you faggot.

You could throw in some metoo shit for why he doesn't approach them irl, but his post is too vague to do that. It could just be about everybody being glued to their phones now.
You got any sources for that, or did you just make a monolithic judgement based on episodic data?
There are scammers out there =/= the other group should have the upper hand tf?
Are you seriously retarded? What the fuck did you not get about MY post either???
>there are scammers out there =/= the other group should have the upper hand
What are you doing why are you so fucking dumb holy fuck I was telling you why he posted what he did. Where are you even getting the word "should" you brainwormed fuck? Men having to watch for scammers has nothing to do with you thinking I said men should have the upper hand. It's reasonable to want to have the upper hand in a dating situation, not having control is why most people don't make a move in the first place.

Again, NOTHING is wrong with lamenting being in a situation where you're more at risk and wanting the opposite. You're just dumb.
You got any sources for what you deem as the fact that men are more at risk?

Or are your sources just typing dumb over and over again because you cant handle someone trying to hold u accountable?

>NOTHING is wrong with lamenting being in a situation where you're more at risk and wanting the opposite
Well... if it was the he wanted equality in power...that would be different... wanting to be the one with the upper hand however just shows that you like the system...you just mislike getting the boot. So...I'd say there's plenty of wrong with that. But that does maybe require a few more seconds of thought than calling people dumb because they dont belive your a-scientific views <3
Maybe I need to elaborate a little further?
1. Knowing the situation you're in and accepting it is important. Muddying it up like what you were doing trying to guilt him and misconstrue what he was saying is stupid and useless.
2. Only by accepting the situation you're in can you make progress in working around it. Finding a solution. Example:
>Where can I approach women that isn't off of tinder/duo/whatever?
Then you can try places where people in his desired age range still meet up. Yeah, it can be weird to approach a stranger, and it requires charisma. But it is the solution to not wanting paywalls or girls scamming you for money. Otherwise, it's really just deal with the cards you're dealt and keep trying girls off these apps. Learn clues to weed out the ones fucking with you quicker.
Women are not more at risk on dating apps, women do not get scammed out of money on nearly the same level as men. Women do not get ghosted on dating apps at the same level as men. These aren't points you can argue to begin with. There is no data anywhere that would suggest otherwise.
>well if he wanted - useless shit redacted
The thing is, neither of us knows what he wanted. You decided to preemptively assume a bunch of nothing about him in the worst way possible. I presented an alternative. Most likely, he does miss a time where he would have the advantage in the situation, as he was focused on dating apps. What is wrong with that? System or not, he wants a situation where he feels less disadvantaged. You're a presumptuous retarded sow for even replying to him in the first place. I can only assume you responded to him because you felt attacked by the allusion that paywhores are bad.
>muddying and guilting
I agree! Thats why i specifically said " whatever happened in your life that made you end up with this a-scientific worldview to cope"
I do not believe it is his fault that he ended there, therefore i do not believe he is guilty.
I do however believe he has the responsibility to do something about it. And that is what iam talking about.

Responsibility doesnt come from guilt, it comes from power. And he and everyone here has the power to quit pushing responsibility on others, and change the habits and views that are making people react by putting up their shields(figurative).
You and i want the same thing for the guy, to stop making up what if scenarios for how things could have turned out better, and focus on what he can do to turn them better.
Only difference is that youre okay with him pushing the responsibility onto others. Because you dont want the guy to feel guilty, even though it shouldnt have anything to do with guilt.
Just as you have to accept your situation, you have to accept the power you have to change it, to change anything.

Hope this helps!
If there is data to suggest that that is the case, I'd love to see it! Because if there isnt, then you don really have a leg to stand on, do you?

>System or not, he wants a situation where he feels less disadvantaged
that is the opposite of what you said. You said he wants a situation where the other party is disadvantaged. If his focus was on him being less disadvantaged, he would seek a situation where no party has advantage over the other. The way you describe it, he just wants a situation where he has the advantage.
You do understand that a situation where the power is equal is a possibility, right? Or do you see the world in black and white?
I'm not telling him to push the responsibility onto others, I'm telling him he's right to feel the way he does, and to find a solution to it. You're an ESL who can't seem to read or understand anything in front of her. It isn't a what if scenario, if it can be observed that women are doing everything he listed on dating apps. It's an objective fact. The solution is to work around it, not deny reality and delude yourself like you seem to want him to do. He should NOT be attempting to make himself more palatable to paywhores that he doesn't seem to want to begin with.

His only responsibility is to himself. He can either waste time on fruitless endeavors with the girls you think are of a quality to work towards, or he can learn the game, learn the clues they leave so you know what you're dealing with, drop it, and find a better girl. OR, search in places that don't have paywalls or predatory figures for people like him.

Your advice is for him to delude himself, mine is for him to adapt and grow.
No, I didn't say he wanted the girls to be disadvantaged. Like his post, you make the most negative interpretation possible from what's in front of you, perhaps because of personal reasons? But it's a destructive way to view things. When women take steps to protect themselves from rapists, should it be viewed as disadvantaging men? No, you fucking retard. What I'm advising him of is ways to keep himself safe from the kind of predators HE as a man has to deal with online. Both sexes have their vulnerabilities and people looking to prey on them.

Like I said in a previous post, he COULD want the advantage, he COULD want a fair shake, either conclusion could be made from the vague single post we both read. YOU made the most negative interpretation possible of his words from the very beginning.

From what I've gathered from your posts thus far your experiences may have warped you and your views on men, and you are the last person to give advice to someone like him. You'll only convince him not to try further, if someone like you was the end goal.
Iam a man...sorry you find me attractive?

Some women are doing that, yes...are you saying that there are no man on this planet that are extorting women for money? because...thats an objective fact as well...

>The solution is
not once, have i said you should try asking those women who are after money out more, or give them more money. This can't be serious, you have to be rage baiting here.

>His only responsibility is to himself
Yes....thats what i said.... da fuq?

Listen buddy...idk if English is not your first language, or if you have trouble with understanding how context affects the meaning of words, but i feel like youre not talking to me, but past me. So....have fun with that? I guess?
>I didn't say he wanted the girls to be disadvantaged.
Yet you did say:
"misses a time where you could approach women irl because it's where men have the upper hand" curious.... ok buddy, you got me in your little rage bait. have good one, i hope you find a better hobby!

also not once have you used the word could....
Your flamboyant means of texting >>33169474
here came off fem coded, apologies for not realizing I was talking to a homosexual.

>some women are doing that, yes
Good you're starting to get it. Yes, some women do this. Some men do things too. As a presumably straight man, the woman is in the position to take advantage of him.

>pointless shit, submission
Thank you, try not to fuck with other people's natural progress in the future
> I was talking to a homosexual.
what you mean by that?

>try not to fuck with other people's natural progress
oh i will...when it entails male supremacist rhetoric, and there aint one thing you can do about that mister C:
read a book
>yet you did say
Yes, I did say that. I made an error opposite of your own. I made one interpretation of his, while you made another. I quickly learned from this and pointed out what we both did here >>33169480
>the thing is, neither of us knows what he wanted
While you seemed to maintain your most negative view of his post. You said you were done, I'll wrap this up for you and stop responding to your low quality posts from here on out. You have nothing of value to offer anyone in this thread, including yourself.
> pointed out what we both did here
idk i dont really see any admission of fault on your side. Unless your attempt at that was "neither of us".Have you said something in the tune of "i understand because i too made assumptions about his intentions" you might not have to get your heart rate up so much.

Damn...that last one must've made you feel so strong! Dont get your panties in a bunch.
well im not desperate but im here to look a determined guy that willing to undergo into long term D/s relationship with me.

Kik : Princesstiffany20
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>Random bullshit that describes you
i am short, long hair, white. i love degen internet culture, anime, manga, 2000s, dolls
>What you look for in romantic partner
younger than me, white, average/chubby
>Not looking for
old men, troonies, we wuz kangs, obesity
>Discord Tag
Cus o' that, lad. Also, she's a 25 year old cougar.
22 M Aus
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I like music, video games, people. I am depressed and lonely and want someone to talk to/get close to. Im average physically but getting fitter. Will love you with all my heart if you reciprocate.
>What you look for in romantic partner
someone nice to talk to, someone who can deal with my occassional lack of motivation to talk/social awkwardness but will still stick by me. Only girls.
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
Looking ONLY for overly obsessive girlfriend
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22 land of the free moid
>about me
damned pseudo-sissy cursed with eternal youth and banished to the plaguelands (rural east tn)
brunette sam hyde-esque hair w/ a slight curl complete with a beanie; i wear spectacles, 5'11 and thin within reason
i have a budding interest in vehicles and local wildlife, if you're into these and would care to bestow some wisdom, feel free
wannabe game developer/artist/writer working on an h-game
pursuing maybe some singing on the side as a treat
diversifying my g*mer portfolio to increase my reddit social credit score, playing warband rn but my heart is forever a 1x1 stud (robloxian until i die)
the last heterosexual convention attendee
wage slave attenborough
enjoy animanga, music, vidya, defecating and breathing in that order
>looking for
xx-chromosomed individual that has common interests within a state or two to court perchance
>younger than me
it's over.
your discord username isn't working
19/M/Northern Europe
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Asian/european, 172cm, dark brown hair and brown eyes, I like anime, visual novels and vidya. I sometimes dabble in music, gardening and fishing :D
>What you look for in romantic partner
Cute girl who is nice to talk to
>Not looking for
Men, trans, gooners and meanies >:c
>Discord Tag
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m, 27, poland
>describe yourself
lonely, kind, caring, manic/depressive & autistic tendencies, jealous, lowkey nerdy, absurdist/saying the dumbest shit as a humor, avoidant, caring too much about other ppl when they dont care about me. chubby with muscles, curly shoulder length hair, green eyes. tend to be dominant sexually, submissive outside.
weightlifting, martial arts, gaming, literature, religion, some philosophy, programming
>looking for
internet brainrot, someone to spend evenings with playing vidya/watching something, meet up irl at some point, bit obsessed
>not looking for
trans, men
late 20s M west europe

looking for a friendly awkward fembot who can be a great gf to have a comfy life together. i play games a lot and
like nerdy stuff so please be someone that wants to share in that.
i'll accept you no matter how weird you might be, all i ask is that you are devoted and loyal and maybe obsessive.
be able to be forward with what you want and communicate well, i'm not gonna jestermaxx for u
also dont talk to other guys wtf
i'd like to see my gf happy and share lots of experiences together
i like making jokes a lot and doing everything together, sometimes i rage at games but itd be fun if you did too
i can also be socially awkward and autistic and i can get a bit neurotic and opinionated on stuff. I am a bit emotionally retarded but i would do my best to support you when you're sad
i think i'm very easy to get along if you have a certain energy and forwardness and are
self aware enough to make and take jokes and talk about things

i don't like ldrs too much, i'm too old for that stuff now. we should meet and live together pretty quickly or it won't work.
don't be stuck in some far away country studying or whatever, it won't work.
please no normies, friend collectors or whores

discord pistorios
I'm desperate for what I specifically want and NOT desperate to settle for less, in fact entirely unwilling to.
26/M/Northeast US
>about me
mildly short very skeletal paranoid obsessive autist shutin neet with blue eyes. pale skin, long light brown hair, and thick mid length beard
History, Videogames, non-math sciences, computers
Marry me immediately if you fit the below and play map game
>about (you)(non-negotiable this is my baseline standard)
virgin(all sex acts count to nullify this) adult(18+) female with no y chromosome (NO TROONS), no cluster b disorders (no bpd, npd, aspd, etc), no bipolar, no schizophrenia. looking to marry for life, as the goal anyways.
>Not looking for friends or men that use this board
I am going to default to not trusting you at first since I cannot to a certainty know any motives beyond my own. I am not looking for rapid attachment, but for long term potential.
>but you don't deserve what you want!
idgaf no one necessarily deserves anything
>disc (inc the period)
32/M/Arizona, US

I’m tall, fairly fit, can be kind of ugly depending on the day. I have a good job and make good money. I just want someone to love me and live with me and make me lunches. I don’t know why it’s so hard to find people to even give me a chance. Everyone else i know in life is royally fucking it up and i seem to be doing pretty good.

I’d like a girl who can have fun doing kinky roleplay. Chubby is fine, fat is not. I’d prefer her to not be a pill popping psychopath or to have serious health problems.

Tele @ottopot
Discord is kellisai
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>Contacts (Discord)
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22, M, USA
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
5'7", fit, fuck it, we're face-doxxing
I like writing, working out, video games, anime, history, books, listening to music, and fencing
>What you look for in romantic partner
Must be Orthodox Christian or willing to convert
Must be virgin (or a good liar ig)
Must be kind and feminine
Preferences: redhead, freckles, glasses, nerds, fit and athletic, ages 18-20
>Not looking for
Any tattoos/piercings
Single moms
Older than 24
>Discord Tag
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
hi :)
dammit, my id changed
rip potential clingy gee eff
26 M(TWINK 16bmi) EU
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
brown hair/eyes 168cm 45kg, cute face
I like visual novels, video games(ow2 league valo rpgs gacha etc), books, video editing, video essays idk stuff
>What you look for in romantic partner
being similar to me, if you dont match my vibe/ like SOME of the stuff i do at least i likely wont be interested
>Not looking for
men, fat girls
>Discord Tag
23 M London, England
>Physical appearance
6'2 Caucasian, Brown eyes, 77 kg, dark blonde hair, slim
>Why I'm here
Lonely autistic incel (they call me fakecel cause i had a night one stand drunk) looking for love preferably local to me but anywhere around the globe, I will seamaxx for a GF
>Don't hit me up if you're
a man, tranny, fat girl and limited racemixing (asian waifus are accepted)
>What I want in a GF
clingy, autistic, based, trad, sexy and watches lolcows with me, if you meet this criteria you get a free pass at being my GF
>my life goals
get off my porn addiction by securing a GF, travel (vanlife, world etc.), get away from london and move to a nicer part of england, do fun activities and own some land

discord tag: @niggerman420
i will tty, my discord is ccha14
added ya
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Interests: Cars, Fighting games, laying down and being a potato, doodling, being up at night.
Physical Description: Asian, long hair, dweeb, either really chinky-looking or very sleepy. Depends on the time of day people see me. Bad dresser.
Other: I spend my time working, daydreaming, getting lost in the youtube vortex and watching cartoons I've already watched during my time existing.
>What you look for in romantic partner
Someone I can go to the shrines/temples with. Wholesome with a bad/dark sense of humor. Play bad games together, watch stupid movies or laugh about dumb things that don't make sense to others. Play with my pig plushes since they are my only friends atm. Speaks eng, jp and/or laos. Eat out with too I guess.
>Not looking for
I'm not sure. I'm just feeling down most days, so any kind of company or conversation is a blessing. I guess i just don't want to be burned in my sleep.
>Discord Tag
34/M/Georgia, USA
white, fairly athletic, software engineering job, WFH, work out, play piano, video games, anime, traveling while on vacation, like to go hiking in nature if I have a free weekend, willing to send a picture over discord on request
>looking for
in the long run somebody who wants to just hang out together and go out and do things together on the weekend, right now seeing if I can find someone who wants to go to the Georgia aquarium on Saturday
>not looking for
I am completely heterosexual, so not really looking for a male partner, not looking to buy into someone's onlyfans, I'd also greatly prefer meeting up with someone IRL this weekend
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boy looking for a gf age dosent really matter so idc if ur “old” or something, I'm extremely clingy so if you dont like that ig im not ur thing.
my timezone is GMT+12 so I guess thatds important we can get to know each other better in dms cuz i dont wanna put too much info online

discord: e3458.
21 M Asian

Mostly Gaming when at home, tell me what you like and I might learn to like it too

Can't handle being lonely too long, English is not my first language so bare with me

Might be bi if you look girl enough

discord: rima_chi
ASL: NA, female, 18

looking for: gamer (preferably fortnite, minecraft, roblox), male

not looking for: im open to anything

tag: all.mara
Hello, I am
>looking for a girl who is 18+, below 100 lbs, quirky, edgy, awkward is fine but confidence is needed, who can do clown make up for a music video, filmed remotely from your own phone or webcam with my direction
>The music video will have a well known celebrity in the video as well and your footage will be spliced by the editors throughout the video
>If you are interested in doing it for free (preferable) or for payment (paypal only) let me know, I am keen to discuss it!
>It would need to be done ASAP.


18, F, midwest usa

>Random bullshit
i like video games, anime, watching movies, and music

>What you look for in romantic partner
Male, loyal, kind person, will play games with me, will lead a conversation because i am a very quiet and nervous person, dependable

>Not looking for
overly needy people, someone who only wants sexual things from me, people who r not serious about me

>Discord Tag
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21 biologically male UK
Hello, I'm Iop. I like philosophy. I'm a bit autistic. I want to be a wholesome friend or a partner and hopefully we can help each other. I enjoy walks, talking about life, and the books/games/films/music we have in common.
>long distance
>looking for
Partner or friendship. Any gender.
22M North London
>about me
White, 5'6, straight, virgin. I don't really have any friends and am online alot, I am quite shy with abit of tism but i just try to be cool with everyone, I occasionally use drugs, I am banned from driving but am unbanned in October, I am currently unemployed but actively looking for work
I like video games; been playing paper mario the thousand year door recently, anime; I am currently watching yugioh, cars, motorbikes, and gym. It would be cool to find new interests too, ive recently been getting into cooking, raves look pretty fun to go to.
>looking for
friends or a girlfriend
>not looking for
ghosts, sellers, lgbtq obsessed, timewasters
discord: witheredconsciousness
Alyssa is kind of hot
19 female wants to play breath of the wild on switch

I'll do anything
kik: playoffslut69
Damn dude, This is unironically lowkey sad. I hope you find a good girlfriend but i guess this is the worst place to find a girl in.
I also had a girl who commited suicide but it doesn't matter anyways, Just know that Love is just a social construct and that it's not necessary, There are better alternatives for life but i know you know that but still hope you find a good girl bro.
they're all whores
maybe 1% are looking for a real relationship and even then they either wont settle for someone in their league or they just ghost you after 2 messages
>ASL - reposted from Wholesome
27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>wholesome fantasies
I want to spoil and be spoiled. Really want someone I can share my thoughts, interests, and concerns with. I'm big into doing activities together. Date nights, game nights, book nights. Whatver nights as long as they're together.

>about yourself
I am black. Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector in a really stable field. Planning on going back to school later in the year as well to further myself. WFH as-well with a house in a good, quiet part of the state.

Other: I think everyone says they're chill and laid-back, so I'm not gonna put it lmao. I'm excitable about alot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I've spent time researching subjects just to push conversation with someone on my previous train commute. Outside of work some of the things I'm big into are pickleball, litrpg, card games (Yugioh currently). Currently have one dog and a cat.

Does anyone like Reverend Insanity or Lord of the Mysteries?

I own a good-sized house with an actual hilly backyard. I like plants and love to plant.

>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids, bio or not. If I adopt, I'd love to adopt with someone and give a kid or two a home.

>looking for
I would love someone who has ambitions. They do not have to be professional, but I want to support you. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
I am not interested in anyone under 22 and no one over 30. No men, racists. If you're not really serious, please don't lol.

discord: kennytoe
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>physical description
179cm, thin, skinny, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white
>About you
Currently doing exams, "planning" for university, I'm a pseudo-NEET and have asperger's, I'm a deadbeat when it comes to talking to strangers
Technology, gaming, military shit, vehicles
>religious beliefs
I'm not religious but I do find myself drawn towards to Christianity
>political beliefs
Sympathetic to communism, fascism and anything autocratic
>looking for
F under 25, friendship/dating
>not looking for
trannies, blacks, fags
hektor234 on shitcord
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Hey there ! my name is Chanell tiffany but you can call me Miss Chanell, Based in Enfield London. Im here to seek a determined submissive kinky guy that willing to undergo into long term ownership basis online or IRL.willing to try to things and explore my limits as long as i found the right guy for me. if you're interested, feel free to message me thru KIk at ExclusiveChanell or snap at itschnll
30 M 574
>Physical Description
5'4", buff, brown hair/eyes, white
>About you
Home owner, metal fabricator, casual bodybuilder, brony(yes, really)
All kinds of thinks from technology to engineering to hiking/nature
Not many things I can't get into
Somewhere between conservative and libertarian I guess. This is not an important issue to me
Reformed Baptist
>Looking for
F 20-40 for dating and eventual wifing. Not especially picky as long as you're not batshit crazy, morbidly obese, or a single mom
>not looking for
casual sex, meaningless fooling around, men, former men

no picrel because work PC, but will share on request later
why'd u unadd me bro?
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>Contacts (Discord)
Long list of requirements for someone with presumably little to offer
The plight of this failed normie is nothing when compared to that of an incel. Catfish and doxx this nigger immediately.
27/m/midwest usa
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Not really but I understand it's unlikely we live near each other. Fine with starting that way but eventually meeting irl
>physical description
White, 5'9", dark curly hair and beard, average build
>life situation
Moved to the midwest for my degree and intend to move out once Im done by end of year (potentially to you if we click).
Standard media consumption (tv/music/vidya), guns, gym, concerts.
>dating experience
One relationship for 5 years.
>looking for
A longterm companion with a sense of humor. Independent and can hold a real conversation. Open to kids and 21+.
>not looking for
Men, troons, obese (chub is fine), or boring. Fair warning that I'll ask for a timestamped pic early on and will provide my own so neither of us are wasting our time.
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>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I'm a straight edge, 5'10", 150 lbs white guy. Brown hair, green eyes. I tread a trapeze wire of full-time work, prepping to go back to school, and a small social circle. I absolutely despise most people due to working in customer service. I do not speak with people unless I think they're worth my time. After I clock out of work, I spend my time playing video games and talking shit to my online friends I've known for almost two decades now.
>What you look for in romantic partner
A gal that I can hang out with and it doesn't matter what we're doing, as long as we're close to each other, we're happy. A lady that I can video call with every night and smile a dumb, goofy smile at her gorgeous face until we both fall asleep after talking about the future together.
>Not looking for
Dudes. Easily offended people.
>ASL 19/f/OH
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc) I am Chinese, I have shoulder length hair and I am 5'6 105~ pounds

I like Drain Gang I play video games, I'm in college as a freshman and I'm looking towards being a Engineer. I'm clingy and I don't like using voice-chat much or taking photos of myself but I'll speak if you want me to initially, I like cute things and being outside. I really want to just feel loved
>What you look for in romantic partner I want a cute loving girl I prefer feminine, religious (I'm catholic) Not obese, I want to hear your voice at least once, 18-22
>Not looking for Obese, trans, drug addicts, hardcore NEET's
>Discord Tag: 4l03g4r73n
how can you be gay and catholic?
Blame Pope Francis
I'm interested in a fake internet gf for the summer
But be like, a real girl, and we're good
Sorry but we have to gatekeep this
Cis heterosexuals are the only demographic allowed to request cis partners.
Lgbtqp are no longer allowed to request cis sexual partners.
Lgbtqp asking for a cis sexual partner is a hate crime.
it is against Catholic teaching to be homosexual
all homosexual are living in sin according to catholic teaching

Pope Francis, was merely stating that governments
should not have laws criminalizing homosexual relationships
especially in reference to those countries that punish homosexuals with the death penalty
Francis has stressed a more merciful approach to applying church doctrine,
to accompany people rather than judge them.

yeah, the plight of someone who has actually lived and suffered through varied experiences is nothing compared to a cookie cutter 20 year old who couldn't manage to get laid in highschool and still lives with their mother. that's rich.
"here's my chance to find a 20 year old woman that lives 10 minutes away from me and also is red pilled and based!!!" 90% of you niggas. cringe as fuck and kill yourself. trannies get a pass since they'll do it sooner or later. after you post in this thread look yourself in the mirror for 1 minute straight and tell me you're proud of yourself. i dare you
So on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you hate yourself? I thinking you're a 7 based on much you hate everything that's not you.
not accepting
y'all speds seem pretty picky if your in a thread about being desperate
18, F, southern state

>I stay inside alot.. i like games, hello kitty, rick and morty, i read manga n watch anime

>What you look for in romantic partner
i want someone who will be nice to me and do things with me, bio male, preferably likes the same things as me, someone to take care of me, good at conversing

>Not looking for
weirdos, someone who only wants something sexual

>Discord Tag
i closed it for a second, but i am still accepting
Well don't be a hypocrite. Let us discard any manner of standard or qualifying factor and become a couple- you and I.
24 M southeast PA near Philly
>open to long distance
Heck no
>about me
Depressed guy who just works and needs adventure and companionship in life.
I like art, history and culture, video games, cinema, learning new things, the macabre, or just whatever weird thing seems interesting to me today,
>what are you looking for
Girls (cis or trans) around 20-25 near the Philly/NJ/Wilmington area to go out and do fun things with, or just appreciate each other's company.
>not looking for
32/m/east azn
>Random bullshit that describes you
overweight, not good looking
optimistic about life in general but especially to someone else, pessimistic about myself
a sprinkle of autism and adhd or maybe just an awful social upbringing since i was raised on the internet
asks a lot of questions if the vibe is cool, i try to return the same kind of energy i get
passive person
if i like you i will put u on high prio
i like manga, videogames and videogame music, talking about emotions and things, twitter scrolling (save me PLEASE)
boyfailure without a ton of passion outside of u probably
i like food too and uhh i duno i like being silly and dumb
very anxiety ridden, but im open about talking about a lot of things like emotions and stuff like that and i really like hearing about emotions and thoughts too and discussing them
>What you look for in romantic partner
would like gf that is patient, says a lot word, weird, says nice things, will hug me, talk often, mutual high prio, open minded, kink (i am into specific thing that encapsulates a lot of my being), open to discussing feelings in a healthy manner
>Not looking for
meth addicts, extremely overwhelming negativity that borders on constant suicidal because i cannot handle that anymore
>Discord Tag
white, 5'10", moderate build (imposing to some, but not all), very into playing/making music
music (jazz, classical, electronic), linguistics, theology, film, folklore (interested in all varieties and the analysis of folk tales)
>looking for
woman, 20-38, for conversation both casual (on topics above and otherwise) and overtly sexual (some kinks, but none essential). Would like to develop something long-term, but am open to just chatting. Open to long-distance, prefer close (NY). Would like it feel playful, light, devoid of harshness.
discord: luceexnihil
19 Male Brazil
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
im 6ft tall, i have a dad bod with some muscle on it, buzz cut
>What you look for in romantic partner
posessive girl, someone clingy, dominant, and funny, that dont care about my broken english, and that wants to talk with me more than 2 days, i dont care about age, you just have to be 18, other than that, i cont care if youre 30 or 40 years old woman :)
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
yes you are. you are not and will never be a woman. you cannot just change the meaning of words to suit your delusions. words have meaning, and a woman is an adult human female. you only fit 2/3 of those terms, arguably only 1/3 judging from your behavior on this thread
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I like anime, art, philosophy, psychology, gaming, bdsm
>What you look for in romantic partner
Someone to talk to online and on VC a lot who's interesting
>Not looking for
Rude boring normies
>Discord Tag
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22/mtf/Mexico. Bi

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Physical: Pic related

I used to be really outgoing in college but everything went to shit as soon as I graduated and got a remote job, I moved out of my parents and live alone. Literally not talk to anyone else but my dog most days, almost all my old friends are out of town and don’t really contact me outside the rare call. Since my job is remote I would go wherever you are, given we hit it off of course (Yes I’m that desperate. Yes I got a visa). I want to stop living alone. I enjoy anime, reading, coding and taking care of plants.

>What you look for in romantic partner
A confident person, with wishes to improve their situation and share good experiences with me. You don’t have to have your shit together, but at least have some desire to stop feeling depressed if you are. I like people that keep moving forward

>Not looking for
Overly lewd people. But I’ll take anything at this point

>Discord Tag
>30 m mids uk
>Video games/I travel a lot and have a few friends in different countries .possible slightly autist. Easily gets attached to people and likes do do anything they want to make them like me lol
Brown slightly longish hair blue eye...not really sure what else to say.
>What you look for in romantic partner
Anything anyone. Maybe the ruder more disrespectful type of a guy
Anything if a girl.
Really hoping for someone close by but anyone is welcome.
> Don't really have much limits so nothing really. Not really into blood or beast

KIK me: opentoallandeveryone
What a retarded list tranny no wonder you're alone fag
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>Even in the Desperation thread everyone is miles ahead of me
Holy fuck

30m, Portugal, Willing to travel
No prior relationship experience. 175, thin. I enjoy reading, I like music a lot and I am fairly emotional and intense, but I try my best not to externalize these things at all. Possibly autistic. I am trying to learn an instrument but it isn't going well. I enjoy sitting down and thinking. I live (sort of) alone, but there's a lot of stuff I'm struggling with in my day to day. I don't make much money, feel free to ask exact values if you're curious. I do not watch anime, sorry. I do like japanese phonetics, and I enjoy japanese music. I play video games sometimes but I'm trying to quit entirely.
>Looking for
F, someone to talk to. Maybe in the future date / meet up or something of the sort.
>Not looking for
Unemployed people.
Discord: voidwarranties

nigga I haven't even posted here or know who tf you are

Male 24 Texas

>>interests, physical description,etc

I like Physical media such as dvds , blu-ray , vhs and laser-discs. I collect antiques , like action movies , very finicky with alot of things , don't own a phone for various reasons.

I'm Cuban American very pale , abit chubby from so many years taking meds for depression and family genetics.

>what I'm looking for

someone who is kind , caring , understanding , who will coddle me , but understand I'd like my own personal space. whose fine with my anti pc personality

>discord tag

- 29/M/EU
- I'm kinda slim, I have a bit of stomach here and there. I'm 1,75 79kg give or take. I like video games and movies and TV series. And cats.
I just want a woman that is patient and kind. Watch the sunset together by the beach, holding hands. Watch a movie all snuggled up. Eventually start a family you know
- A woman loving and caring that wants a man to spend her rest of her life with
- Liars. People that are not willing to risk it all no matter how much time it takes.
- panpan2755
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24 Male New England
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
5'7" , Tan, dark brown hair/eyes, slight spark of tism, one o' a kind
I do amateur drawing/music producing, i like manga, art, history, vidya, camping/hiking
>What you look for in romantic partner
Girl who is of the Catholic faith or girl willing to convert who is kind, genuine, likes to talk about whatever whenever forever, want something long term but just going with the flow for now and seeing where things go.
Preferences: ages 20-29, tism is okay, im a sucker for the Irish :D, fit, etc
>Not looking for
mental issues
one sided convos
>Discord Tag
Another one of these? HAHAHA.

>about me
I'm tall (201cm) which is always a kicker but other than that, I am a student who studies Software Engineering, I took a gap year so I'm starting my second year in September, and I also am currently learning Japanese again, as I got too rusty and I'm doing it from the ground up. I'm also getting diagnosed with Autism and ADHD (Got diagnosed with the second recently) so I am a bit goofy maybe, but I try not to be obnoxious about it and make it my whole personality or whatever. I also work at KFC but the job is super boring whenever I do anything other than cleaning lol
I LOVE Fallout 4, and its currently the game I'm obsessed with, but it changes from time to time, I also do enjoy learning languages, and I play guitar too, which I always love to do, but I need to keep doing it more often.
>looking for
Just a nice woman around my age who its fun to talk to and is ok with me being a bit dumb lol, I guess the goal for me is a relationship though. I guess I care a lot about hygiene too.
>not looking for
Men, people who ghost almost instantly, people who just want to trade nudes, and that kind of thing
Discord: Halvor
34/M/US (FL)
>>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Tall, normal weight, long reddish hair/beard, blue eyes, pale, a bit lanky, scars on face from injury.

Into retro gaming and VR, making all kinds of art, spirituality, vegetarian/love animals, gothic/industrial music, gym.

Have CPTSD and was sick for a long time but things have recently improved.
>>What you look for in romantic partner
The main things that matter to me would probably be her being kind to animals, a little spiritual, cares a bit about her physical health, probably dealing with trauma and illness too, and wants to make art.
>>Not looking for
>>Discord Tag
>How do I look
Tall but not very tall, brown hair and eyes, typical Mediterranean look I guess, I'm just a normal dude, a bit buff, going to the gym.
I like the typical, games, music, reading, going for walks and talking with a good friend, I also like politics.
>What you are looking for
Someone from my country
Someone who isn't a freak. Someone normal. Someone who isn't a NPC normie that doesn't think and that spouts shit that doesn't even know about, just because she heard it on tv.
But I don't want a rude person on the other side I don't want trannies, I don't want freaks that build their personality around mental illness.

I just want a normal person, someone that is a human and not a bunch of built artificial traits.
>Not looking for
Trannies, gays, people taking pleasure picking on others, a normie...
I just want a mentally normal person, even if it has some problems (we all do) but please, someone out of the clown world. Someone to love and that loves me back.

Everyone wants to be loved but no one wants to give.
I just want a human
If someone is interested give me a go in this temp mail fehavoj464@fna6.com
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19/M/Northern Ireland
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I'm kind of skinnyfat and average looking. I have Asperger's and my main interests are the Pokémon franchise, Valve games, HOI4, reading, OneyPlays and lurking 4chan.
>What you look for in romantic partner
A female aged 18-24 that would eventually want to live with me. I'm not that picky.
>Not looking for
Sudden ghosters?
>Discord Tag
>24, m, northeast USA
>tall, not-so dark, handsome, lives alone, self-employed, been told I have a nice voice and I like to Voice chat
>if you don’t take yourself too seriously and like having a buddy in your pocket you’ll probably like me just don’t be gross
>im not looking for dicks or tr00ns
27/mtf/socal. straightish
I've been told I tend to stand off and observe things before I participate and I'd say that's true. I'd say i'm thoughtful perhaps, so that comes with good and bad such as being really sweet which people have said, but also neurotic. I am not a big risk-taker, I can be self-sacrificing at times and cold at others, I've been described as artistic. I think I take the high road a lot, and I overthink. I've been assigned "freak" at birth, not to be cringey but just don't fit in much, and sometimes I think that's not really my goal anyway because I value my own liberty but at the same time I don't? It's impossible to fit in if you're born trans anyway, people notice there's something different about you at the start.

shopping, cute clothes, hiking, nature, water, cold weather, stuffed animals, sewing, airsoft, military stuff, prepper stuff, DIY, offgrid stuff, music, investing stuff, business, technology

>looking for
I've been trying to reduce my amount of picky behavior to increase the wealth of relationships in my life, but I guess I'll break my own rules..
I'm looking for a straight man who likes to have fun and can provide for me, who will not judge me but will love me and cherish me as I give everything of myself to him. A man who is responsible but fun and silly like me, ((can drive)) and understands the importance of not relying on society for everything and can rescue me from my unsafe situation, isnt selfish and puts me first.. A man who listens. And cares too. An active listener. A man who is strong and has the strength to listen to me.

my dream is to own a cute little danish house and some land somewhere safe and secluded, live off grid with all my favorite modern things and retire young, but it's getting hard to stay hopeful about my dreams as we approach social collapse and I am also disabled (PTSD) so playing catch up while everyone else is playing keep up is really hard.

>literally the most normie male hobbies and dreams
What's the fucking point, nigga?
i also like sewing and stuffed animals and cute clothes and shopping....
if you dont like military stuff, diy stuff, then you don't have to add me.... i like these things because they give me a sense of security. you can't rely on others for very much so I like to think about and spend time on being completely offgrid, not so I can be manly, but so I can be safe and girly

if you think it makes me more manly that I like these things then you sound like you're just not the kind of strong man i'm looking for and you probably call the police when you're in danger and you also live in a city, none of which are bad but you don't get the point because you're not the person I need
Nigga, just be a dude. It's healthier for you and I promise you'll be happier

i can't be a dude because god did not design me as a dude, even when i forced into detransition and i put myself in a psychiatric ward to get help for PTSD, i was threatened with rape by the men i was housed with so you telling me to be a dude is irresponsible because i was not designed to be one and anybody who looks at me can see that and you put me at risk when you try to pretend i am supposed to be one and if i ever meet you during the apocalypse i'm blowing your fkn brains out at 600m for everyone's protection
20 m norway
>small bio
i smoke, play games, i make games, workout, yoga and skate.
someone that etleast lives in norway or close
femboys, twinks or woman
God made you a man because you're a man, man. Don't even try it, faggot
you're just a hateful person you weren't planning on accepting me anyway so im not gonna try to be anything you want me to be, my job in life isn't to make you happy it's to make me happy so im gonna keep being a girl and you can cry and bitch in a corner like a faggot
>keep being a girl
Lie to yourself all you want, pal. I just hope you snap out of it before you do some real damage to yourself.
Nah, you're just a dick wanting attention.
If you’re twinkish it’s tough out there. Truth be told it doesn’t matter if you present as a dude or a girl, the worst types of men will always try to prey on you.
Imagine simping for a man infested with demons
>If you’re twinkish it’s tough out there
Just start lifting heavy things, nigga. It's not that hard and instills a real love for life after the first few times.
> threatens to murder people
> hasn't been banned because LGBTQP
admins need to do their job
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black metal, /dsbm, industrial metal, knifes, fallout, stalker, jrpgs, long walks, film, acting, creepypasta, those iceberg chart videos, columbine, writing (i'm a shit poet)
short and small, i'm like 5'4" with shoes on. really light long hair, blue eyes. very fair skin.
>>What you look for in romantic partner
i don't have much in mind, ideally someone who's just genuinely cool to talk to and let's me be a complete autist bc i'm kind of a girlloser or whatever you guys say idk. please don't be super horny, at least up front. personally i like tall thin guys but i'm not too picky as long as you're not fat or horrendously ugly (you're not that bad, anon)
>>Not looking for
fat, older than 29, black, trans, demanding
>>Discord Tag
Are you a grown man? Act the part. Stop seeking attention the wrong way.
I don't fuck with the devil, bitch. Nigga got his ass infested with demons and don't even know it.
>I don't fuck with the devil, bitch
Sure you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. You would be at church. Something is unmistakenly wrong with your way of life if you are here. You might be a walking mistaking yourself wanting to drag everyone else down.
>You would be at church
At 11 at night? That's not generally how churches work, but okay

Also, did you have a stroke at the end there? Or are you just phoneplebing.
23 M Brazil
>Random bullshit that describes you
Im a chill, gentle, respectful person,
i like anime, manga, games, studying and talking random topics
I never dated, im kinda lonely and silly, but i'm not a weirdo, i promise
>What you look for in romantic partner
Someone to show my love, affection, someone to talk and support, someone to emotionally connect
>Not looking for
A mean person, someone to play with my heart or to cheat
>Discord Tag
me too bro
describing a situation one of my best friends had. he turned into a faggot after meeting her.
24 m, northeast USA
>tall, not-so dark, handsome, deep voice, long hair
>looking for Fun simply no complications
>not into tr00ns, phagS, people who take themselves too seriously, BPD type mental “illness” havers
>discord is n0n0nsensener0
:3 thank u for sticking up for me
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26/M/Southeast USA
>Random bullshit that describes you
6'5", white, very relaxed and introverted. I enjoy making people happy and taking care of them, ask me for more and get to know me!

I love music, gaming, physics and astronomy, anime/manga, cooking, and working out :3
>What you look for in romantic partner
kindness, honesty, empathy, and loyalty, I'd like to be attracted to you obviously but other than that I'm not very picky, I tend to gravitate towards alt women who are terminally online shut ins.
>Not looking for
dudes, flakes, dry texters, people who don't know what they want
>Discord Tag
22M North London
>about me
White, 5'6, straight, virgin. I don't really have any friends and am online alot, I am quite shy with abit of tism but i just try to be cool with everyone, I occasionally use drugs, I am banned from driving but am unbanned in October, I am currently unemployed but actively looking for work
I like video games; been playing paper mario the thousand year door recently, anime; I am currently watching yugioh, cars, motorbikes, and gym. It would be cool to find new interests too, ive recently been getting into cooking, raves look pretty fun to go to.
>looking for
friends or a girlfriend
>not looking for
ghosts, sellers, lgbtq obsessed, timewasters
discord: noddingoffinmychair
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>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Don't really know how to start this. Feeling kind of lonely and Just looking for someone to talk to.
I like reading, gaming (playing mass effect 1 rn), zoology, paleontology, history, geography and alot more. Ask me anything or tell me anything about yourself, I'm in the mood to talk and I like to listen.
When it comes to music, I like folk, hard rock and patriotic music
Lookswise, I'm average build and lookswise. 5'11, brown hair and white.
>What you look for in romantic partner
I'm mainly looking for a woman or mtf lady. I just want someone who isn't a jerk. I don't care that much about looks.
>Not looking for
Not looking for guys, sorry. Don't want any jerks or degens. I'm not looking for anything sexual.
>Discord Tag
Sorry about the new account. I haven't used discord in ages
Thanks for reading
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

Sorry but we have to gatekeep this.
Lgbtqp started using cis as a slur to refer to normal people.
Normal heterosexuals were forced to start using cis to weed out catfishing trannies.
As such its only fair that heterosexuals are the only demographic allowed to request cis partners.
Lgbtqp are no longer allowed to request cis sexual partners.
Lgbtqp asking for a cis sexual partner is a hate crime.
Trannies are only allowed to date other trannies
Only cis people can use the word cis.
23/M/South East Asia
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Kind of Autistic, taking small steps to be extroverted and be a better version of myself, Standard guy that loves vidya and anime (mostly vidya), I do love watching long form videos on Youtube as long as it's an interesting topic. Working on my degree and it's related certificates. A bit obsessive. I love learning and working with computers. Getting back into exercising slowly
>open to long distance?
Open to long distance relationship but i hope down the line we meet
>looking for
Women with same interest and also working on herself to be better (lets do it together?)
>not looking for
Bruh you have an entire laundry list, youre delusional. Do YOU pass your own standards? You seem like the type who would 100% get rejected by yourself if you approached yourself romantically in some paradox.
ASL female 2006 canada
>Random bullshit that describes you
(interests, physical description,etc)
i’m a white hispanic girl and i don’t know how to speak spanish or any language other than english, i enjoy playing dead by daylight a lot, i’m sort of a awkward but sweet girl and i can be needy at times i’m incredibly lonely so i’m on here just looking for someone to connect with and more.
i like listening to elliott smith, lana del rey, the beatles, mac demarco, danger incorporated.

>What you look for in romantic partner i look to find someone who is a virgin, doesn’t have very much experience a lot of exes, needy and someone who likes me as much as i like them. i like someone who has a lot of free times on their hand and is willing to spend their time with me etc

>Not looking for fat men, men who are overly sexual, guys with super weird kinks

>Discord Tag abbyabbya
I think I've unofficially entered some sort of LDR with a woman here but I'm a sperg so I don't know.

When she puts heart emojis after your name that means you're in right?
at the very least it looks like flirting
18 M USA
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I like gardening for others, fixing stuff, electrical engineering, i love goddamn Breaking Bad, im also a pretty talkative person in general, im pretty short and i have a sorta? "cute" face i guess
>What you look for in romantic partner
I want someone who i can obsess about and can obsess about me, preferably someone with life experience and lonely that i can bathe in affection and attention
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
maybe she's an aspie? it's something, keep it going amd see if it goes further
Am I desperate?
No, I doubt it. Everyone here just disappoints me.

Tag: g.h.e.i.s.t
Shi don't even work you are disapoint
Okay hopefully I don't mom's spaghetti
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Think you dropped something, fren

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
I like to watch anime and read manga, I play games, guilty gear, minecraft, etc, in school for CS and I am learning to speak Japanese, I like to just drive around a lot and enjoy the scenery.

>What you look for in romantic partner
be a girl, preferably in driving distance and preferably introverted like me but besides that I am not really looking for anything crazy

>Not looking for
Men or trans

>Discord Tag
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19m uk, leeds
>random bullshit
uhh into working out, history, map games, racist humour, 6'3", 7 inches
>looking for in a romantic partner
Older women that are *preferably* into history and mappies
>not looking for
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
hi :3 im chubby and I like programming and Linux and music and video games. I think I've gotten addicted to just adding people and talking for a day then ignoring, so if you're willing to work with me that would be really cool o.o (basically message me everyday if you're still interested and eventually I'll initiate more)
>What you look for in romantic partner
any country any gender and at least within a few years of my age.

good morning texts, messages about our day, and listening/comfort/praise would all be really cool
>Not looking for
vc instantly, boring uppercase talk
>Discord Tag
looking for a gf m20 tall skinny browning curly hair green eyes
Hell yeah baybee, go get her tiger.

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
depression, anxiety, suicidal, self harms, alcohol/weed addict, daddy issues

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also chubby (144lbs, trying to lose weight but constantly going between omad and binging) with body hair. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic but i dress masculine. intp. i am not a good person. i like cute things and plushies.

Reading, painting, warhammer, black metal, programming, mlp, gaming (silent hill, resident evil, darkest dungeon, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters), being loudly racist in public

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, grooming, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi, chastity, incest, age gaps, edging

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably a guy) to act like my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger. i don’t think i’ll ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone because of my need for an age gap and my drug use, it makes me feel tainted and ruined.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i’d prefer someone older.

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age, we just don’t get along for some reason. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

i’m open to cutting/starving/burning/hurting myself for you. just please be nice to me and don’t stop giving me attention.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not serious about this dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, one word replies, “i forgot what your post said”

disc: postaldude77
ur mad
they always drag intersex into this when they see fit
my irl vagina bro disagrees with your deranged statements
return to your discord containment or at least lurk moar trolls used to me more sophisticated back then
>Mental Illness
High functioning depression
Music,anime,running,recently tried climbing,games
>About yourself
Physically active, will get emotionally attached after 5 minutes. Non judgemental. Will gladly listen to you talk about anything. Available most of the day. I do not ghost
>What you look for in romantic partner
Looking for F/MtF/M if you look at least a bit feminine
I want to build an intimate relation where we care about each other.I can work with any mental illness . Would be perfect if you were from poland i would eventually like to meet up but im okay with ldr too
>Not Looking For
Minors,ghosters,people only interested in lewds
God i always forget my contact

die in a fire you picky brony cunt
Got anything other than discord?
Im sorry? Did i do something to you? Whats wrong
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>Random bullshit
It's hard to describe myself because I am a really strange person.
I can write 10 different descriptions of myself which all would be real and true but they couldn't capture the full magnitude of the reality that is "me". They would merely frame a fascet of myself that I would then be forced to present as "real" in fornt of whatever person wanted to date me.
This my thought that runs through my mind when I am writing this is probably the best and most honest description of who I really am deep down as a person.
I never look away and continue looking until the fabric of reality itself yields to me and "truth" is created out of nothing. And yet this truth is, surprisingly, the actual absolute truth.
I am more afraid then anything to end up in a realsionship which is conditional on myself playing a role which in time will lose its appeal.
I am a truly free because all of the roles of life are just roles which I play. However I am actually very kind and nice person deep down, which is why just wearing different masks and playing them like the games that people play does not cause disaster.
Instead I am truly free to do what is good, and right and pretty and nice.
The drawback of course is that because I see, I see so many evil horrible things in the world.
>What you look for in romantic partner
I am looking for long term relationship and marriage, I don't care for one night stands or anything naughty before marriage. I want someone genuine who will be honest and who wants a truly deep relationship. I am a highly sensitive person, I can read you like a book. And I will know you. And I do not want to see a tangeled up darkness that is going to doom you if you ever learned of it. I want to see a beautiful person that needs a little push, I want a curious girl who wants to go to the deepest depths of the abyss that is this life.
Discord: seekandyouwillfind77_56072
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29 m cali
>Random bullshit
I enjoy anime and vidya, usually busy with work to focus on those. so I just lay in bed or exercise to distract the feelings away. I'm 5'10 and got a dad bod build, I've got tats and like to dress for hot weather. I'm latino with a beard and long hair if that means anything.
>What you look for in romantic partner
someone fun to hang with and nerd out with. just trying to move on from my ex and we'd go nuts over anime and shit. Pro-tip: Sanrio girls are crazy but worth it. Looking for another degenerate like me that enjoys brainrot and binging shows whenever possible.
>Not looking for
Sanrio girls, jk jk. Not looking for trans, men, or furries
>Discord Tag
dont worry i just owned him
28/f/Eastern Europe

>describe yourself
I’m in 167 cm in height and 72 kgs in weight, currently working on losing extra fat and building more lean physique.
I’m quite pale and burn easily, have freckles and lots of birth marks. My hair is light brunette in color, straight and waist long.

I am traditional Christian born and baptized in Orthodox Church, but considering converting to Catholicism. Socially I’m rather conservative.
I enjoy ancient and medieval history, philosophy and arts. In free time right now I am either exercising in the gym/walking in the park or studying for Masters’ entrance exams. Besides mentioned above I like to play strategy games, chess, watch football and hockey, tend to my house plants and learn new languages.

>looking for in a partner
Traditional Catholic or Orthodox biological heterosexual male. Preferably socially outgoing with interests besides video games and anime.

>not looking for
Voice-chat or video-calls from the get-go, chatting 24/7. Anything degenerate.


I get overwhelmed quite easily with social medias, so please don’t be disappointed if I don’t add/answer instantly.

And yes, I do post in those threads from time to time. And I haven’t found anyone yet, so I’ll continue till I find the “one”.
20/M/US Bi

>about me
I just want a cute boy to obsess over and constantly talk with. all i need is a cute butt and pretty face.

I love music of all types and would love to make you a playlist. I love video games and would co-op anything you'd like, maybe we can teach each other new games! im really open to anything I just want to connect with you!!

>looking for
someone very affectionate, very talkative. prefer around my age, between 18 and 23-ish.
>not looking for
ghosters, people above 30.
>tag antsonalogyum

(ill give you my real one later)
22M London
>About me
5'7 58kg. Straight virgin with pretty much no experience with women and kinda autistic. I'm just pretty lonely and just want to find a gf because ive never had one and I love the idea of getting married one day. I like going to the gym, playing video games (cs2 and osu, I know I should play others), watching anime/series/movies (currently watching yugioh, cooking is pretty cool. If you want my music taste I can just send you my playlist. I'm a neet but looking for work. I'm mostly online and don't really go out too much (being banned from driving doesn't help). I use drugs too
>Looking for
A girl who is pretty and kind, doesn't mind me using drugs (it would be even better if you already do them), who doesn't mind someone who can be abit clingy. I prefer irl but I don't mind e-dating and if it works it would be nice to visit each other.
>Not looking for
trans, ghosters, sellers
>Discord Tag
I'm T2OFO4UR on chess.com
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Early 30s, M, South EU
A bit obsesive, devoted to those that I love, a bit gloomy and ambitious
Gym, working out, hiking, programing, dnd, gaming, poetry, literature and studying
>Looking for
Someone that wants to learn about me and chat
>Not looking for
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musician with neuroticism. kinda goofy and spend a lot of time gaming or working on music. walk around forests often too like a forest sprite
>looking for
girls or femboys to connect with
>not looking for
minors or masculine dudes
19 male USA
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
Tall, male, skinny, black hair, I like metal, going to live music, and I’m a loner
>What you look for in romantic partner
Crazy mentally ill girl with long hair, idc about red flags, based, will obsess over me, any age
>Not looking for
Woman older than 23, dudes, lgbtq
>Discord Tag
young ftm boy looking for a manipulative yet loving partner. i am very malleable and i will be obedient if we get along, i have attachment and abandonment issues and am severely mentally ill.
my discord is severedwolf
They are 16

Not interested, but am curious about
> I work in construction, which pays great, and also a realtor

Are you a tradesman first realtor second? Can you really be a realtor as a 'side hustle' or do you just keep a license? Are you a union carpenter?

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need bf that wants slutty egirlfriend
discord: eskitten
>younger than me
my negro this website is 99% people on their mid 20s or older
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No trannies or faggots. Looking for a woman worthy of giving birth to my 7 strong sons.

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
well i like video games, i like cartoons, i like anime, spending time together, reading, writting, and cooking.
>What you look for in romantic partner
someone who likes to spend time together
>Not looking for
people who dont like hanging out or people who dont like having some random chats
>Discord Tag
coding, some RPGs and walking sims, horror movies, old artsy anime, cooking, hiking, camping, swimming
>looking for
a US top with a Cali accent to marry me and have 2-4 kids with :) pref older
>not looking for
mean people
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31/M/South Spain

>Describe yourself

Man that has been working hard to change his life, ambitious that enjoys the gym, hiking, vydia, reading literature, poetry and philosophy.

I'm very tall, I've dark hair and brown eyes
>Looking for

Someone that has the time to talk and wants to learn about me, someone that I can be genuine with and is honest.

I will care about you and daydream about you if you give me attention.

>Not looking for

People who are unable to give you any time or that are collecting friends.


20 f southeast US
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
kino, medical gore, gay internet stuff
>What you look for in romantic partner
mutual obsession, a family
>Not looking for
anorexia fetishists, i just got out of treatment
>Discord Tag
26 m California
6’0 190 white
Fry cook
I’m a pretty nonchalant, shy, gentle guy. I’m into all kinds of sports and outdoor activities, but I also love days of just cuddling and binge watching all day. I’ve never been in a relationship and don’t have many friends, I struggle with anxiety and depression and have become kind of antisocial but I’m trying to improve. I’m looking for a nice girl who wants to grow with me.
Disc: lettersandnumbers
22/Bi, tending towards the gayer side/Poland
>Open to long distance (y/n)?
Yeah, I plan to move out of the country after the next year of college
>About me
I work full time in a small company that makes websites, sadly just on the frontend so i'm a codemonkey, mostly because i'm quite dumb (atleast I think so).
I'm a gym rat, professional, going to the gym daily, but also on a bulk so I ain't got a six pack sorry.
I like to do /tg/ tier worldbuilding and writing in my spare time, I'm supposedly quite good at if some people are belived. I have two 80+page google docs with my rambling, if that's all You are curious about.
Extreme introvert, the reason for why I'm writing here is because I can't stand talking with normies on dating apps, or meeting people in general.
Writing / sci fi / vidya, whenever time allows
>Songs you like
Mastadon, Alkaloid, Alleagon, Avatar, Gojira, Korn, etc, etc, I like those types of metal
>Movies and tv you like
Dune (new and old), Kaiju stuff (new and old), generally sci fi
Currently on an old sci-fi show binge so if you want to talk about farscape, stargate, babylon-5, firefly, X-files, and all that stupid shit, talk to me.
>Religious beliefs
Agnostic I suppose, though I have a rather great interest in ancient religions as a source for writing.
>Dating experience
Had a partner for a few years, the relationship broke off after I said some stupid shit while drunk, other than that terminally alone.
>Looking for
Generally anyone who is as brain rotted / terminally online as me / anyone who will bother to talk, I'm not picky, that much
>Not looking for
Obese people, sorry, not into the ideal American bodytype
Guys more buff than me - I prefer twinks / femboys in males, generally just insecure about my own body so anyone more buff is a mental turnoff.
>Contact me
doom_rider_ on discord
Part 1
Hi OP,
Actual woman here. I decided to type this out for you and may record it on Vocaroo, just to verify I am indeed female. I won’t post tits, I refuse to do so because 1. I have more dignity than that. 2. You don’t deserve any boobs, and that’s not counting the buds of flesh protruding from your chest you claim are “boobs.” 3. I’m tired.
Like everyone says here, your standards are indeed too high. People just call you a fag though, which you are, but I wanted to go into detail as to why you will never find a woman to love you and why you will die utterly alone. My hope is to awaken you from your stupor and delusion, unlikely, but maybe my words will save some other lost soul. I could’ve been gentle, but your stubbornness and utter delusion make that route impossible. So here goes.

I’ll respond if you read, so feel free to message me on here if you so wish.
Part 2
OP, you will never have a woman that loves you or respects you. Ever. Let’s say there even is such a woman who would date a troon and respect your ridiculous pronouns, ruse of being a woman, etc. they don’t believe it, they can’t, it’s not reality. If they do, they’re mentally ill, delusional, and/or in for a long road of hell themselves, but let’s say you find someone. Your hulking figure will always give you away, she will look utterly demure and beautiful compared to your haggard, pained body and hideous features. Sure, maybe she’ll be able to go along with the charades for a while, put up with your insanity. In the end though, she will leave you. Always. Your neediness, constant need for affirmation, your hideous wound in your groin area that reeks of necrotic flesh and full of dripping puss, your uncanny look that exudes “male” and your poor attempt to puppet yourself and pass as “female.” You are a mockery, plain and simple. How could any woman live with someone mocking their existence day in and day out? Not possible.

She could parrot your views, sure, even introduce you to her parents, who would never accept you. Everyone would recoil from your presence, probably already do, except your like-minded fellow troons, still deep in their delusion. She would have to defend you at every turn, listen to the lies pour from her mouth that you’re “really a woman”, and step on eggshells lest your innate male rage comes out to harm her for daring to admit the truth.

She’ll leave you of course, saying something else was the cause. But we all know the truth. The other options are this: wither and eventually kill herself from the stress and toll you take on her, troon out herself, or simply realize you are no woman, but a pale comparison to her, a shell of a man. Or should I say “ma’am”?
Part 3
You are a pariah. You’ve lopped off your manhood, fill your existence with distractions (lest you think of the irreparable damage you have done to your life), you watch porn regularly, and tell yourself you’re beautiful to ease the ache of your soul knowing deep down that you are unwanted. No one believes you are female, the Emperor has no clothing, and everyone is so embarrassed or afraid of you they limp along, paying you lip service but never getting close to you. Which is why you are so lonely.

You are lonely, don’t deny it. Why would you be here otherwise? Your existence is a death sentence, one you are serving slowly. You will always be lonely, and one day that will be too much and you’ll join your brothers in the earth.

Your funeral will be small, pitiful, like your existence. Your parents will show, but they won’t cry much, they’ve already grieved the loss of their son once. Your fellow troons will show of course, say some fine words that will pass as inspirational but in reality are just a balm on the disaster that has been your life. They will bury you, you will be dead, like you are already are within. Your parents will have your grave stone engraved with your birth name, not the utterly hilarious name you came up with so painstakingly for yourself; $5 says it’s something with “Lillith” in it.

Your grave will be visited rarely, possibly by fellow troons, maybe even outraged enough to buy those silly covers with your “real, female” name on it to cover your tombstone, poorly, but eventually it’ll tear off naturally, leaving your real name to be bare to the world. But eventually, even the troon friends will all fade, too engrossed in their lives, cause, or leaving the mental asylum that is transgenderism altogether.
Part 4
OP, you are alone. You will die alone. You are alone. There is no rescue, no saving grace. No ass pats or telling yourself you’re female will make it so. Your DNA, soul, and existence is male.

I am reminded of the film “The Princess Bride” where Wesley confronts the haughty Prince and says “To the pain.” Describing how he will disfigure him slowly. The Prince starts to finish his words, eventually getting to him possibly chopping his ears off, to which Wesley quickly corrects him: “WRONG. Your ears you will keep and I’ll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out ‘Dear God! What is that thing,’ will echo in your perfect ears. That is what ‘to the pain means.’ It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.”

You’d do best to think about that OP, because no outside force will do that to you, for you have already done it to yourself.
Actual Women Everywhere
nobody asked, stfu hole
Lol, okay “dude.”
Top kek
Hit a nerve there?
20 M scandinavian
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
175cm, 60kg, i like to play games and code on my free time, i also love to exercise and go on walks (mostly at night) i listen to music on a daily bases like im life support.
>What you look for in romantic partner
Uh, can game with me and are interested in talking with each other in a almost daily bases, and actually care about each other's interests
>Discord Tag
Also, curious as to why you refer to me as a “hole.” I could give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you meant “asshole” but you’re a tranny, so of course it’s not that.
Actual woman tip: girls don’t refer to each other as “holes”, that’s degrading and gross. But since you aren’t actually a woman and just an angry guy with his dick lopped off, I guess I know where this is coming from.
Funny how you claim to be a “woman” but can’t even pass online as one, like, dude, at least be cutesy, lmao. Your rage is pretty funny, so I’ll be monitoring this thread. Who knows, maybe I’ll add you. ;)
Anyways, get rekt faggot, YWNBAW, and your gaping wound is not a vagina.
You've never heard of "amhole"? Search for that term on Kiwifarms. Troons all see women as lesser than them and call them holes. When they have their dick cut off and an axe wound put in, they call it a "hole", not vagina or pussy.
holy shit please kill yourself, actually wasting the time to type this shit out makes you the biggest faggot in this entire thread

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