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Would it be a good idea to have an autism thread? We're looking for different things than most people.

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History - mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics - ideologically left-wing but I hate identity politics
Programming - very interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games - particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge
>Looking For
Any women interested in chatting.
>Not Looking For
LGBT (including transwomen), I’m heterosexual
I thought of making a greentext thing like that but it seemed like it would take too long. I was thinking of including more autism-related stuff like diagnosis, stims, what do you need help with, what are some potential problems, etc.
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
>We're looking for different things than most people.
You're really not though and if this thread took off for every 10 retards who post my guess is only one of those retards will have the tism and all of them will have posted in every other generic relationship thread with a slight change.
I don't know. I'm looking for someone who can make up for some of what I lack and help me with money ideally. Preferably a woman but a tranny would work too. I have a hard time staying on top of basic shit like eating and cleaning and should instead be focused on things I'm good at and like doing.
so you want a mom gf who does all the hard work and pays for everything and cooks you meals while you jack off and play video games?

yeah okay its more likely that a solar flare will impact in the next 5 seconds.

fuckin loser
No I just want some help.
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>Main Interests & Hobbies
animals, currently interested in arthropods and reptiles
vintage toys and dolls, i love monchhichi!
usarusan, a cartoon from 2009
mary oliver poems, i'm not a big poem person but these make me very emotional

>Other Interests & Hobbies
subsistence farming, i don't do it but i want to
drawing, i'm new but i want to try children's book illustration some day
gaming, i just started ffxiv and botw
i want to start reading more, so give me book recommendations (especially ones that give a feeling of whimsy)

>Looking For
email penpals!

>Not Looking For
emails that are just "hi hru," please tell me about yourself and why you emailed me!

Not like you have anything to offer either. Quit projecting.
Where can I find an autist bf as a fag?
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . de
A fag boyfriend might be good.
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I dont really have interests anymore aside from rotting and cooming and playing games, ohwell
you (persom reading this) could add me and we'll see if the convo is alright or otherwise we'll just unadd eachother
Cord: cunnilicious
>drawing, i'm new but i want to try children's book illustration some day

You understand, you are a real mf.

19, f, ireland

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History - I like folklore, myths and biblical history. I also like american history to a healthy degree, both north and south american (except canada. i dont particulary care about it), i am fond of revolutionary movements, france, russia and others. I also like medievalisms and many specific times and places that are too many to mention each.
Politics - I dont get into stupid things, i consider internet politics a mindwank and debating a futile activity that only idiots who dont know how to actually debate partake into. Over all, although i am influenced by my country's religious cultural values, i belive in free love, among other things. I belive those who seek to pursue their ruin should be free to do so, and do it happily and without remorse (drugs, sex and alchol).
I think informal jobs are something a society should try to have, and that the abundance of regularities and legal worthless burocracies slows things down and are a pigsty, i dont like any goverment with too much power, but im a bit eager to watch the present history unfold, so i permit it. Im eager for Texas to try and independisize or something, itd be cool.

Programming - I can read some code for an obscure program called BYOND, yet i cant code.

Videogames -- Currently i can only play League of legends, among a couple games i pirated. My computer cant run 3D games.

>Other Interests & Hobbies
downloading images off the internet
watching tv
going to the cinema

I like south american music as of late, Cumbias and mexican rock, also cuban hymns, they are nice.
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I also like obscure literature, and literature from foregin countries, currently i have been reading a lot of south American stuff, i am also a huge Don Quixote and Tiger of Tabascus (captain tempesta) fan.

I like cooking and baking bread

I have a lot of knowledge stored in my head, which is good but i cant pull it out willingly, it comes back on its own, i also have developed a very bad memory from tricking my brain into forgetting things too much
I also like etymology and slangs, and aminism, and pagan religions, biology and ecosystems, also natural sciences in general, i do belive in global warming

>Physical Appearance
blonde, glasses
>Looking For
friends, id rather not get sent cock pictures, i mentioned my sex in order to be honest, not to seduce
>Not Looking For
I mentioned it already, oops


I am also currently trying to learn maths, accounting and tax-doing, although i dont earn enough to pay taxes
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i am lowkey insane because i went undiagnosed until i was 25. i thought i just had bpd or some other unsavory flavor of trauma induced mental illness. it would've honestly been more of a relief compared to being diagnosed asd, since you can fix bpd with therapy and medicate things like bipolar. i still feel like i'm being mindfucked.
if anyone has any tips on like... unmasking... or learning how to accept this, pls hit me up. i still can't wrap my head around it and trying to figure this stuff out is legit too overwhelming for me.

interests: music, counterculture history, vietnam war, musician/band lore, psychology, philosophy, aesthetics, vintage streetwear, color theory, makeup, chess + chess history, formula one, art, art history, medicine, pubmed research binges, nutrition, twin peaks, symbolism, astrology, and religion

disc: warholsux
Post your tag I’m right here
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
18/M/Netherlands (not dutch though)

History, particularly 1500s-1700s European history (30 years war in particular), modern African history (albeit, im still reading up on this!), economic history, et-cetera. Any part of history interests me.

Foreign cultures, however this interest is more-so intertwined with history, linguistics, and cuisine, not so much the actual cultural practices.

Cooking, i'm a good cook.

Gaming. Particularly shit that needs you to use your brain, so strategy, factorio, that sort of shit.

>Secondary hobbies/interests.

I'm big into Space-station 13/14, one of my favourite games. Same with Balatro.
I like reading a lot of non-fiction, it interests me. Big fan of manuscripts, historical texts, etc.

Trying to get into boats, very interested in wooden racing boats in particular. especially wooden Runabouts.

Also been reading about getting into C#, but i am completely illiterate when it comes to coding, as of right now.

>Looking for.

Someone to chat with about any of the previously mentioned hobbies or interests I have, or any of their interests. I just like talking about topics in-depth.

M38 - Not a therapist, Atypical Analysis of why we like what we like, and some of what I've learned

Hello fellow 'tism readers,
Some of you may recognize the teeth.
I’ve been at this for a while, and its been interesting. About 10 years of trawling the bottom of the internet for weirdos. Still at it an 4chan has been a reliable supply :-D

Still looking for more, but now I have a Q&A to try to filter people better:

“What kinda things do people tell you”-

Most common + If you are here, I probably would be very bored talking to you, don't message me:

- I get a lot of replies from people into cheating and cucking. L this is generally not an interesting conversation for analysis/discussion unless you have something particularly unique about it.
-"Can you rate/analyze my IRLs" - not much to actually analyze here. your IRLs are important to you and less so for others, particularly when its just 1 way parasocial crushes.
-"Why do I have a foot fetish?/What is up with my foot obsession" - It is the most common best understood kink. It's a brain wiring thing... its kinda surprising how many people are unaware of this.

Semi Common:
-"I have obscure kink/fetish/interest/backstory and still actively engage in it." - These are people with experiences and stories .

Ya'll a fun. Message me more about your weird stuff and I'll happily chat about mine.
My Equivalent story on this level is the fact that I'm married to my stepsister and poly

Pretty rare:
-People with virtually entirely secretly lives :-O

If interested:

Open up with something you are particularly proud of, or something you want to understand better about yourself.

Do not give 1 word introductions hi/hey, or ask if it’s okay to talk about XYZ, just start,or I’ll ignore you for a while.

Preferred contact:

Telegram: @Dreaded_lurgy


Optional Session:

I can't fill all of this out. Just talk to me if you want, I guess.
I wouldn't mind that...
Yeah, that's a turn on. Wife material
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
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>physical description
179cm, thin, skinny, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white
>About you
Currently doing exams, "planning" for university, I'm a pseudo-NEET and have asperger's, I'm a deadbeat when it comes to talking to strangers
Technology, gaming, military shit, vehicles
>religious beliefs
I'm not religious but I do find myself drawn towards to Christianity
>political beliefs
Sympathetic to communism, fascism and anything autocratic
>looking for
F under 25, friendship/dating
>not looking for
trannies, blacks, fags
hektor234 on shitcord
I can tell by your post that you don't have autism. You just have BPD. You love telling people that you have autism because it makes you feel more special and it makes you look harmless, which makes it easier for you to exploit people for resources or your own amusement.

A lot of BPD women are in on this stolen valor fake autism trend, so ironically this makes you not very special at all. Not that you really care. Probably you're delusional enough to fake it and actually believe it, at least on some days. I suspect you have a lot of ups and downs. I pity whatever guys get caught up in your horrible wake. It has to be a fucking nightmare to know you.
I don't think you're wrong in the sense that plenty of women do that, but I do want to point out you can have both bpd and autism. bpd is a personality disorder usually due to trauma and autism is neurological/developmental.
You are totally right about that, but I don't think that's what's going on here. The whole "oh I thought I had bpd but I totally don't teehee" is what we call "getting in front of the issue."

She is here to find victims. I suspect she regularly preys on dudes on the spectrum, so this is like the perfect hunting ground for her. A lot of women with bpd seek out guys with these kinds of issues for this reason, and an actual autist or semi-autist is like a goldmine for them. Dollars to donuts this bitch is a grotesque-souled emotional vampire, I can just tell. Run, do not walk.
Fellow potato eater here. Got anything other than shitcord?
My "indoor" interests: video game modding, painting, cooking, finding obscure information on Internet archive and wiki
My outdoor interests: climbing, bicycle, camping.
I'm the kind of autistic person that likes to be in a group of talkative people with the social acceptance to be quiet. As such I usually gravitate towards a 'wordy friend' who talks for me n I'm sure a lot of you have been in this situation lol. Although I am a lot more talkative online I'm still very anxious about talking extensively as I get overwhelmed by the expectations.
Looking for: people who like the aforementioned topics, who enjoy discussing illustration, or Minecraft, or natural history, or maybe other stuff. Down for a relationship if it happens I guess. I'm cute >~<
discord: keratinmonarch
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
are you fine with 5'7" twinks who share the same interests, but are weabs?
i made a discord recently, if you want to add its sharkwifey :)
Are you alright with talking with artists who are into making anime-ish comics?
of course!! i'm okay with talking to anyone and everyone
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Aspergers funny moments
>Stuff I'm interested in
model building, 3d modeling and printing, painting, things related to paranormal

Have always wanted to be an artist for a voxel/blockbench style rts game that I have a bunch of assets for but can't figure out how to program for the life of me (caveman brain)

Just looking for people to talk to in general or about the related interest
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will you be my hello kitty girl

disc: itwasfunwhileitlasted
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd
no you can't have BPD and Autism. BPD is a hyperfeminine pattern of thinking for the brain and Autism is hypermasculinity. Autists for one, aren't very emotional like BPD where rapid emotional changes occur frequently and don't get into unstable relationships filled with gaslighting (which you need to be socially competent to do so). Autists also have trouble with social cues, hyperfixations, prefer to keep to themselves.

BPDemons just say they have autism because its le heckin new trend
Oh word, haven't read your study on this yet, where is it published? And where did you do your PhD?
Retard. Autism, same as BPD, is actually an extremely large spectrum. Like, extremely large. Lol.
>BPDemons just say they have autism because its le heckin new trend

Yup. It makes them feel special and unique, which is very important to them. That, and it makes it easier for them to take advantage of people. Unlike male autists, female autists are universally viewed as quirky, vulnerable, and in need of protection.

Beware of women who badly want you to believe that they have some kind of condition that makes them more helpless than most. It's not always bullshit, but when it is - oh boy. She's punching you a ticket for Mr. Bones Wild Ride.

Nice gay snide remark. Unfortunately you seem lost -- snarky social-brained feminine faggots do not belong in a thread for autistic people. Please leave.

That particular chick still doesn't have ASD. I have never seen a more obvious case of a faker looking for fresh victims.
Oh word? Guess I am gay and social-brained, sorry. So you're telling me you know more about this than people who study this for years because you're a turbo sperg who hates women? Right
>you know more about this than people who study this for years

Probably. Most psych bullshit is fake and gay. If these were cavemen days those "experts" would either be banished from the tribe due to uselessness or they'd be faking seizures and pretending to talk to spirits.

I take it back by the way: you aren't a faggot. The way you type indicates that you are an actual woman, probably the same BPD one that is the topic of this discussion (but with a new ID). I don't hate all women, sweetheart, just BPD women like you. You only represent women in the same way somebody like Dahmer represents men.

Praise be to God that most women are not like you. Now quick, come up with another snarky sarcastic comment instead of saying anything interesting.
You're fake and gay, not reading all that
Yes you are :)
>>cavemen days
Lmao I lied I read a little more, go smoke another blow pal
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im stealing the first guy's thing, sorry

>Main Interests & Hobbies
- firearms (not any particular niche. i like ARs, 1911s, your grandpa's Savage pump-action, 10/22s, etc.)
- computers (gnu/linux, windows LTSC, thinkpads/latitudes, smartphone hardware, buckling spring keyboards)
- aviation
- pigs/wild boars (hunting)
>Physical Appearance
white, 5'11/180cm, bmi of 17.4, fluffy brown hair
>Looking For
friends and people to just talk to every so often
>Not Looking For
relationships and BPD
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
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its just common sense, really. they are both on opposite sides of the spectrum and people say they are autistic although it is most likely just being socially awkward and social anxiety. the BPDemons however cant have Autism at the same time.

read the article lil bro
>ASD presents differently among high-functioning females, often with fewer social and communication difficulties, and this may lead to many of them remaining undiagnosed, getting diagnosed later, or getting an incorrect diagnosis.
>It is even more difficult to diagnose comorbid ASD and BPD.
>Findings of most studies support that ASD in high-functioning adults is associated with a distinct personality profile even if variability exists. Cluster A and cluster C personality disorders (PD) are the most frequent co-occurring PD in ASD
Cluster B (PDemons) bros... ?
BPD meltdowns “almost always” are triggered by attachment problems, while with autism it could be a change of routine disruption or sensory issues.
BPD is relationship stress and Autism is environmental stress, there are countless stories of BPD relationship abuse like slitting throats/branding/etc. If autists are incapable of even socializing, they cannot be in a relationship with someone.
>and this may lead to many of them remaining undiagnosed, getting diagnosed later, or getting an incorrect diagnosis.

This is part of why BPD women love to larp as ASD. It makes them feel more special, and it lets them wallow in being a long-suffering victim of fate. Oh woe is me, why is my life so difficult, it's not my fault boo hoo hoo etc etc. The goal is to get others to shower affection and praise on them. Gay retard martyr complex. These people are just so useless - they'll never do anything useful or interesting, but they will successfully bamboozle a lot of guys (victims) into thinking that they are the most interesting and unjustly maligned girl in the universe.

>It is even more difficult to diagnose comorbid ASD and BPD.

The funniest thing about "getting diagnosed ASD" is that BPD women regularly achieve it by taking an online test or talking to some e-doctor rent-a-quack. Actually going to a physical brick and mortar doctor's office makes it a little harder to get the diagnosis that they've set out to get. I guess they have the skills to do that too, it's just more work. BPDemons are usually lazy. And why wouldn't they be lazy? They've lived their whole lives manipulating people with ease and getting everything they want that way. Nightmare people... best avoided if you can teach yourself how to identify them.
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18, male, canada
bi. autistic and bipolar. 5 foot 10, long curly brown hair, pale, blue eyes. chubby, but not obese. socially awkward.
music (michael gira, daniel johnston, and jamie stewart are some of my favorite musicians), horror, gory or violent media, drawing, cartoons, and some anime. i play the guitar, and also like to write. i like games too.
more on the left i suppose, but i don't really care.
non-denominational christian
>looking for
girls or guys, don't care, though do have a slight preference for women. friendship, lewd stuff, and hopefully romance if things go well. preferably more dominant. people who align with my interests.
>not looking for
pushy people, political extremists, people looking for nudes right away, people looking to call right away. anti-theists. people who don't align with any of my interests. people who don't respect consent or boundaries.
stophurtingm3 on discord
Can u post a clean version of this? actually considering using.
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>You're really not though
Why talk shit about something you don't understand?
tfw no yokoi (female) gf to tolerate me
i think we should do an NSFW autism thread and an SFW one
just because autistics tend to have more bizarre sexual fixations but it's also common to find a lot of asexual autistics/autistics with no interest in sex and it may be helpful to give both types a space to look for people
>not uncommon
deceiving wording, it's very uncommon if it's just 4%, unless your definition of common vs uncommon is skewed.

I'm attaching a template infograph with a different color scheme that makes much more sense for me.
The literal point is that autism and BPD can co-exist at the same time in one person, because it is two completely different things - one is trauma induced that develops overtime due to extreme trauma (genetic BPD is also possible, though) and the other is neurological that you already are born with. It’s not possible to develop autism randomly out of nowhere or due to your environment. Lol.
yeah they can coexist but still, 4% is uncommon.
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going to point out that attachment problems (bpd or otherwise) are not restricted to romantic relationships. any type of perceived rejection by a person is triggering for those folks. Autists also can have rejection sensitivity dysphoria depending on the type of autism, due to pattern recognition and sensitivity due to trauma. boiling it down to "autists can't socialize/have relationships" is retarded. plenty of aspies can socialize or even form relationships. it is possible to have bpd and autism at the same time, even if it's uncommon/unlikely. I'm autistic and so is my mother and she had bpd from trauma due to a horrendous childhood. they are separately formed, as others have mentioned, one is a personality disorder and the other is neurological and even genetic. Also difficult to diagnose does not mean it's uncommon. For female autists it's particularly hard because they often have certain manifestations of social behaviors and melt downs so it's not uncommon for shit mental health folk to slap a bpd label without asking WHY the melt downs and behaviors are happening. It's also not uncommon for them to just assume irrational when it's a female and thus it must be an emotional issue. manifestations depending on type of autism can be similar, so diagnosing either is already difficult, let alone when it happens both at the same time.
Less psychiatry and more autistic girls with fat heaving breasts, wide asses and a soft spot for anal please
Male 30 netherlands. Im betting big on a frugal/tiny house lifestyle. Escaping the rat race. Making the best of each and every day I have in this life while I still have my youthful energy and interest in the world. Working up to some very big things now. If you like this stuff too lets talk and escape this rat race
you lost me at anal
You got the first two? We can compromise, where are you?
please be my barefooted forever wife and watch me speedrun games and make basedjaks
i hate putting on a mask to cringe coworkers and just want someone to confide all my weird interests with when i rot inside all day
Every thread that seems moderately interested to post in is already ruined by that 36 year old pedo fag and his million alts literally shits up the whole thread
Tell more about that side of you!
Relationships is part of your environment stupid. I have meltdowns when I cant escape my moms nagging and thats entirely environmental even if its a relationship
Holy fuck I thought that was my imagination, they're all the same guy?

What the fuck is wrong with people like that?
samefagging "1 post by this id" schizo accusing others of samefagging, fuckin weird ass cringe
watching some guy play video games for the rest of my life sounds like hell or something close to it, sorry
So what do i have to do to meet those fat heaving breasts and wide ass?
Flat chest, no ass, rotten mouth, never speak to me
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only diagnosed with ADHD, though a psychologist's report from when i was 10 stated i was likely on the spectrum


Medieval History - Specifically England, fucking love the Wars of the Roses.
Shooters - I probably spend an unhealthy amount of time just absorbing information about spree shooters. As of late I've been digging into Adam Lanza. If it means anything, I'm also a firm believer in gun rights.
Language - Currently learning Old English.

>Looking For
Just a friend. Race, religion, gender, politics don't mean shit to me. If you're cool you're cool.

>Not Looking For

>Physical Appearance
I'm gonna sound like a larp, but fuck it.
White, 6'3, long blonde hair I haven't cut in two years, and exclusively wearing Kmart brand black t-shirts and pants.


>- firearms
>try to input on firearms discussion
>remember i'm australian

>I'm the kind of autistic person that likes to be in a group of talkative people with the social acceptance to be quiet.
Being able to just chime in with anything that feels noteworthy is just fucking mint. Being forced to talk makes it all feel more forced, whereas I can actually speak my mind when I want to say something
have a personality trait other than superficial sex pest
What's your favourite animal?
19(almost 20)/F/florida

i like baking, crochet, and i do ballet

i also like mitski, if you like listening 2 awkward people
yap about their special interests and i recip feel free to add

oh I guess you are not autistic then, oh well
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>just because autistics tend to have more bizarre sexual fixations
Coming to the realisation recently that the fantasy scenario that combines my core sexual fixations together could be reduced down to 'i don't have to mask and someone thinks it's cute + i can do mean shit to norms' is a strange feeling
Had someone that accepted it too but I hesitated cause of fear from past exes and she had one of those 'im not gonna tell you im mad for months' moments about it.
yeah check every thread on this and even other boards full with his deranged posting you can see if you archive search him lel he used to always go by Verlan before people found out how much he shits up threads even the gaytranny board post about him , if you ever get random people adding you cause of a fake post for no reason somewhere on here big chance its that fag too.
lel hi Verlan trying to pull a schizo reverse only makes you look more schizo u need help or jump before you enter the chrischan2.0 lifestyle.

language learning-currently focusing on Japanese but I plan to learn Polish as well
games-play a wide range from war thunder to guilty gear

>looking for
other autsitic women to be friends with

>not looking for
men or trans

discord: Angry_Pirate_Asuka
DaMn I feeel you dawg
Should we list sexual fixations?
I like underwear, but mostly specific kinds of underwear. I don't really like lingerie, I like it when when women have a functional, or boyish style. I really like sports bras, and shorts, and I like ones that have fun patterns or designs. I like the kind that has the thick band which is a different colour to the rest of the thing.

I like ENF, and ENM where I can self-insert. I get something out of the power dynamic of a person taking another person's clothes.
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
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>Should we list sexual fixations?
I don't think it's too important, for an already niche dating thread. Anon was saying he wants a separate thread anyway.
Not that it matters for me anyway I'd have no luck their either my fixations are transformation, vore and petplay lol.
31 M Sweden
Looking to lose my virginity not gay
there's an entire autism board
no there isn't
Okay question. I was told the autistic community accepts self diagnosis. Is that true. I'm an old fag now. We didn't know about autism and adults dont get diagnosis now. But now that Iv meet a variety of diagnosed autistic people I'm like.... shit it's starting to make sense. So help please
What would you like help with?
Mostly know if it's true that self diagnosis is acceptable. I don't wanna be that cringe guy that's like I'm autistic and then get that hate for not having a diagnosis
self diagnosis is fine as long as you've actually done research. it's not fine when an awkward person (esp retarded zoomies) uses "omg guyz I have autism stahp" as a way to avoid self awareness. it feels like since you've met other autistic people and relate, as well as are older... I feel like that's valid. I only got my diagnosis at 26 so I feel you.
Okay thanks. I definitely have research to do. But thanks good to know. Alot of what gives me like zero doubts is I both recognize alot of behaviors from them and can Identify on some levels with all of it. Close to a parent of an autistic non verbal autistic child and even they're the one informing me on alot and telling me I likely am and told me the community is accepting of self diagnosis. Mostly didn't just want to take one person's word for it and not confirm.
Autistic high school and then college drop out. Hispanic. Upbeat personality and generally jump a lot from topic to topic. Also got diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder but I don't know how accurate that is because I'm heavily medicated.
Fiction writing, can't quite pinpoint a genre for some stories, they're psychological/sci-fi but not quite yknow? Psychology in general too, gender stuff and blanchardianism. I used to make a bit of music online too but didn't get very far.
>Looking For
Mostly other autistic people who share interests or are chronically online.
>Not Looking For
Hostility, sexual talk, relationships, vc off the bat, overly political people
the asterisk after the 19/F is because I'm sex dysphoric but the last time I tried saying I was a man a lot of people told me it was obvious I was a tranny/larping female. pic is my two dogs Molly and Tammy. Also I'm not 4'11 and obese, someone reposted my tag once and it got archived.
yes, I understand what you're saying. I strongly recommend looking into resources made by autistic people because I know for me and many others we took things by professionals such as diagnostics literally. like I thought "oh I relate to these but don't experience it this strongly or in this way so I must not have it". but when my now husband told me "hey you probably got the tism like me" and I started doing research especially about things like high masking autism, autistic experiences, etc. etc. did I think "oh shit I'm probably autistic these things aren't as normal as I thought"
I hope that all makes sense. good luck.
Avoid; unadded me just for saying "Hello!" and didn't explain why
26/M/Northeast US
>Trusperg status
Diagnosed when I was 5 with Aspergers (which in modern terms means level 1 ASD). NEET and still a virgin as well, not ashamed over either fact.
History, Philosophy, PC gaming, Biology, /int/ernational cultures and relations
>Other mental traits
OCD, ADHD, a tad melancholic
White, Blue eyed, Slightly short, VERY thin, defined facial features, long light brown hair, thick light brown beard, blonde moustache and soul patch. Thick round glasses.
>Looking for
Compatible Virgin Adult Woman to chat with, find out if we're soulmates, and marry if so.
>Not looking for
the underaged
Cluster B disorders
People who have harmed small animals for no reason
>disc (inc the period)
>girls ghost/mock almost every guy who adds them
>one guy manages to turn the tables and girl immediately cries about him in the thread
26/M/Southeast USA

>main interests n hobbies
literature, philosophy, physics, gaming, anime/manga, japanese culture (lived there for years), weightlifting, cooking, astronomy, cats

>physical appearance
6'5" white with curly brown hair, chubby but muscular build, I've been called an 8/10 before

>looking for
female friends, semi-open to the idea of a relationship but I'd have to really like you to change my mind. I'll have a job working in isolation on the sea and I will need people to talk to.

>not looking for
men, I don't get along with most other males in general. nsfw immediately, I'm demisexual

How many funko pops?
>23 M EST
Hello, I am currently looking for a longterm jerk buddy to play with! I am looking for someone ideally older, and with a bigger cock than my 4 incher. This person ideally would enjoy feeding big booty women and other porn. I would love to be your little perverted pawg addict! I love mic but sadly I cannot because I don't live alone.

Gaming, reading, hiking, the outdoors, cooking, any technology,

>Sexual Desires
Joi, SPH, BBC, Big booty women, twerking, tight pants, big butt cheeks, I really want you to own my little baby dicky and make me cum whenever you and your big daddy cock say so

>Favorite Women
Alexis Texas, Abella Danger, Siri Dahl, Crystal Lust, Jada Ramsey, Mandy Muse, Sophie Dee


Thanks for reading! Im looking forward to meeting you!
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Gaming and youtube. would be a neet but i gotta pay rent. online all the time either gaming or watching yt
>Looking For
girl to play games with and just talk. has similar interests/sense of humor. doesnt mind me being a little clingy if things go well
>Not Looking For
men or trannies, blacks
Sounds like you just want financial advice and tits.
Jesus Christ, bottom part just giving me a headache with all those colours.
>i love monchhichi!
hell yeah... i love these little dudes
Any auster Fs want to talk to a regular, non-judgmental guy about relationships or sex hmu on discord briefingmoto
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The autistic are welcome but not if you're weird
International community server of terminally online 4chud users.
18+ ONLY
Whites ONLY
Same person
Report his posts for spamming wherever you see them.
Short stack doesnt know what spam is lol
How the fuck is it not spam at this point
M25 bi, Surrey UK

Interests- boardgames, cosplaying, retro games, space, b movies, horror and sci-fi, kink, genshin impact, minesweeper, Tetris, hiking, urban exploration, star trek, etc.,

Looking for

Someone who lives near me- friends fwbs, hookups

Not looking for-

Idk? LTR? Or racists? (I'm not white)

Discord ara.ara.13
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Idk there’s no format so I copy the one from shut in
>Contact info
Discord Katattack_ (don’t forget the underscore)
Love craft stories collection
>Favorite Movie
The void or alien or saw
>Favorite Music
Idk I like a good spread, recently got into chaphop steampunk. I really like songs that are a story
>level of tism
I have a job but other than that I’m a shut in who doesn’t do good in social situations
>What are you looking for?
Idk whatever comes my way
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26/M/USA with Autism and ADHD. Pansexual Hypersexual

>Main Interests & Hobbies
I'm an artist and my hyperfixation is visual mediums and storytelling, as well as video games. I dabble in several mediums, mainly editing, drawing, writing, scripting, voice acting, content creation and gaming. Trying to get into books but them shits be boring. Building a career currently (8 years in)

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Love music and always have it on
Shut in cause im on my grind

Physical Appearance
Uh I'm 5ft 8 with long hair and a large frame. It sounds M'lady but its actually M'nigga

>Looking for
I'm somewhere between not taking this serious at all and just looking for peeps into the same stuff im into and looking for a possible partner to grow and be infatuated with. Depends on who I run into

>Not looking for

Vibe killers honestly
My dumbass forgot tags

Discord : TuffPuppy

Kik : NechronomiconEnjoyer

If you use anything else reply with contact if interested
Where can I meet a very very shy/asocial autistic girl? The only thing I can think of is therapy groups for autistic people, but going to something like that is too much socialising for me in of itself, but I might be willing to ask my therapist if there's a good chance I could meet someone like that.
autistic (diagnosed at 4) nudist. always felt uncomfortable wearing anything because of sensory issues. kind of curious if anyone else feels the same.
reading, languages, writing (prose and poetry), games, movies, film. I was heavily into religious studies for awhile. I've been learning programming. I also love animals.
>Looking For
anyone and everyone is fine! I like literate, intelligent conversation.
>Not Looking For
short, terse replies. Too much sexual talk at first.
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>ASL 19/M/France 57% autistic (averaging 2 tests)
Hobby programmer, C, Unix utils.
Trying to pick up video game making but lacking in motivation to complete projects
Studying math and physics
Vidya (Valve games, War Thunder, TES II)
>Other interests/hobbies
I am a judo blue belt, did some competitions and didn't do too badly
XS project/Megadeth
>looking for
Talking with autistic women hoping i can communicate better
>not looking for
e-sex, romantic relationship, irl meeting

Discord: diddlycake (least obvious alt)
Can create a telegram eventually
Would add, but tag don't work
>about me
I'm tall which is always a kicker but other than that, I am a student who studies Software Engineering, I took a gap year so I'm starting my second year in September, and I also am currently learning Japanese again, as I got too rusty and I'm doing it from the ground up. I'm also getting diagnosed with Autism and I'm diagnosed with ADHD so I am a bit goofy maybe, but I try not to be obnoxious. I also work at KFC but the job is super boring whenever I do anything other than cleaning lol
I LOVE Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk, but I'm currently obsessed with Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. It changes from time to time, I also do enjoy learning languages, and I play guitar too, which I always love to do, but I need to keep doing it more often.
>looking for
Just a nice woman around my age who its fun to talk to and is ok with me being a bit dumb lol, I guess the goal for me is a long-term relationship though. Also it would be nice if she has her own interests that she's passionate about.
>not looking for
Men, people who ghost almost instantly, people who just want to trade nudes, and that kind of thing
Discord: Halvor
>1 post
Fuck off you retard
You're retarded
Posting himself 6 times in a thread barely over 100 posts is spam.
I am sick of seeing his posts flooding every thread too. It's immediately obvious when its him too, no one else on this board fucking types like that
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>just finished this
I'm fucked
Im just going to go ahead and take the loss here. I thought you guys were telling people to report me for calling him out. I was drunk and that seems to be my logic for that.
I didnt think you were talking about him because i was the one tagged in the >report him post
25/M/Western Mass

metal, black metal, cooking, manga, anime, guns, camping

for people to talk with male or female or whatever gender doesnt matter, potentially meet up?

>not looking for
gooners I guess? basically if you're just sending porn pictures, I really dont want to talk to you.


Me, its all here.
Join my server tailored towards autists

>Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)

What does that mean?
Just someone being so edgy its a wonder they havent an hero'd themselves yet
Is your comment ironic on purpose?

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