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Previous thread: >>33221833
What games are you looking to play with folks then, anon?
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I've been talking with someone everyday for over a month now. For the past few days we've been calling at night and falling asleep together.
I guess things can always go south, but I've deleted my duo profile few days ago.
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I had a call with a really nice girl, I hope I don’t mess this up, please let me have this.
Hoping for the best for you!
I woke up from a dream that contained a guy I neglected and skipped on Duolicious. Thinking it was maybe a sign, I scrolled through my archives eyes half closed. I found it and briefly ran through the chat history, but came to the conclusion that it was only just a random dream.
Good luck anons! Starting the thread with some positivity is always a plus :)
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I've seen a couple into either Guilty Gear or Tekken. Very rare, though. I'm surprised none of them play Monster Hunter. Always seemed like a popular game amongst the women in my FC in FFXIV.
Really needs to be an education set with HS Diploma, BS, etc

Along with filters for those. I can 100% say it'll cut down on ghosting and incompatible matching if we just add that. lol Maybe even a wagie retail, neet for a job category?

I ain't talking to any loser who works retail in their 20s without schooling lol

Also if you're not interested in black people, you can exclude them y'know. no need for racist messages if im not your type
>I ain't talking to any loser..

Then why are you on a 4chan dating app.
Are you stupid?
She wants to talk to someone above her grade, it's hoenomics 101 - you're already supposed to know it by this point
i've been talking to this guy and really thought we had some sort of connection. after our conversation had ended we both didn't message each other for a few days. after 3 days I send a message again, no response. have been ghosted since then. why do people keep ghosting on this appl, did i just wait too long and make it seem as if i wasn't interested anymore?
Likely started talking to another girl. It's time to move on.

A person who likes you will make time for you.
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My education is basically negative but I'm retired in my 30s.

Also I'm not racist I just really, really, really hate the French (and germans, spanish, italians infact anyone from Europe).

I sent a reminder to this girl via Duo about my Discord friend request yesterday

Then I checked Duo today, no reply. Instead, she answered a ton of questions and now we have a 99% match somehow

But still no reply

It's fucking over, right?

The only new girl in my area is myself with that fake account
No one is messaging me anymore :(
I'll be real, I am this close to start inviting all the guys in my area to play board games together

I'm a guy, idiots. You can be on a 4chan dating app and not be a loser.
I like the idea but in reality it would be very awkward and uncomfortable
>but in reality it would be very awkward and uncomfortable
I'd rather have awkwardness than loneliness.
so romantic…
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Tell us then, why aren't you on hinge or bumble instead of a site that's main success is marketing itself like this?
>Guy sends me an intro
>"Oh he's kind of cute"
>Has "doesn't want kids" in bio

Why do men who don't want kids continue to message me? If you read my bio it says I WANT kids... No "shooting your shot" does nothing it literally just wastes not only YOUR time but MY time as well. It also just makes you come off as a desperate weirdo.
A good chunk of people don't actually read anything in your bio from my experience.
Yeah and it's quite off putting.
I'm curious, do you also mind it if a guy has "maybe wants kids" in his bio?
Because sure I want kids someday, but not right now.
Just put that you want kids in your bio. I don't know how putting "wants kids" in your bio means you want them *right now*? It just gives mixed signals.
I don't want to have to feel like I have to "sway" someone into wanting to have kids. I am too old for mind games.
To be fair, the whole idea of kids is pretty far off for most people and they're not even thinking about that right now whether they want them or not. So some people just don't put a lot of stock into that part of the bio.
Having kids is far off for me but I still put that I want them one day in my bio. Maybe I am too straightforward and to the point because I don't want to waste anyone's time.
>I don't know how putting "wants kids" in your bio means you want them *right now*?
I was kinda getting that vibe from some of those "are you looking for a partner to have kids with" questions.
That, and what >>33236445 said. I am in no position to actually raise kids at the moment and that's gonna take at least a couple of years to rectify.
Thanks for your perspective, anon! I think I'll change it to "wants kids".
Oh friendly fire friendly fire!!! Mb mane
But like the other anon pointed out, there are other platforms more suited to normal people, being a woman is the only leverage some of these ladies have

You know you could sort men by wether they want kids and then just a fire a message to someone who appeases you, right? I bet it'll make their day and they won't ghost you easily
These people message ME. Also, I am a femanon so we can probably guess who does the ghosting.

Luckily I am upfront and tell them when I reject them.
>have "maybe wants kids" on my profile
Shit like this makes me wish you could un-answer stuff in the Basics section. The truth is I am not all that for or against it at the moment, but the fact that this is a major decision factor for basic interaction from a lot of people means this must be doing me more harm than good.
how do I speak to w*man, they all stop responding to me
it is so fucking over
now post a screenshot of all 100 flirty intros
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): I am so sorry anon. I get these messages.
Have you tried losing weight?
yes lol! i’m currently losing weight :,) i’m nowhere near where i want to be, but i’m 15 lbs down
You could put all of your weight in my face when you sit on it btw jsyk
Oh, wasn't expecting that. Good job, anon!
You should honestly add that to your bio if you haven't already.
another favorite,,, chubby girls are down 10000 points right now
I'm kinda curious how chubby you actually are.
These messages make it seem like you're extremely obese.
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Good job, I believe in you!
picture off of my account LOL. i realize i gotta lose weight but i’m not trying to starve myself to lose it fastly.
I mean your thigh is wider than my waist. Is this the american "chubby"? In europe it's called obese.
that's the neat part, you don't

the meme is over. I think this app is still alive in the first world, but not here anymore

I hope the discord girl accepts my friend request out of boredom or whatever so I can have an opportunity to grow her interest, since she ignored my reminder on duo

I would talk to other girls from other areas, but I'm not interested in long distance relationships

recommend the best rope to kill myself
Not to be rude, but how old are you anon? These clubs say 19 yo e girl but I am confused.
Okay yeah, that looks kinda obese. Not that it validates the messages you've been getting.
It also seems to me like you've chosen a really unflattering angle for that pic. You should try taking some photos while you're standing, since that will distribute your fat more evenly and thus making you seem less chubby.
YES. Me and my girlfriend met on duo about half a year ago, and have been in a loving and committed relationship since. We were both extremely shocked to find someone we matched with on so many levels, so despite the distance we decided to give it a shot anyways.

We talk a ridiculous amount every day and share everything in life together, have videocalls multiple times a week, have met IRL by now (and IRL it was absolutely fireworks too, we both agreed those 2 weeks were the best of our lives) and have more trips in the pipeline.

We have the serious ambition to close the distance and are currently researching how to do so, close to the end of the year that will be set in motion.

I love her so much bros. She's an amazing woman and every day I am shocked that she's actually real and that someone like her exists.

Before this I was a late twenties KHHV with literally 0 dating/romantic experience whatsoever (and allegedly autistic). I am 100% serious when I say that if I can find someone, everyone can. You just need to find that special person who you match with and give it your all. Don't think of brain-damage like "double-texting" or other sociopathic things. Find the right person (not a vapid e-thot with 30 orbiters who just emotionally milks them in turn for her own pleasure) and build a genuine connection with them.

God speed anon-tachi, I pray for your success.
yeahhhh i should put better pictures on my account, i just hardly take pics anymore because lack of confidence. but i feel like i need to have atleast one picture showing how fat i am, so people understand what theyre getting into lolololol. i’m not trying to catfish anyone
how far is your LDR? Are you both in US or is one of you in EU for example? I skipped everyone who wasnt in EU (which is most people) due to timezones and stuff
How far are you from each other anon? Just for reference
The fat pic is a nice thought, but you should really leave it (next to) last so you don't scare off the non-chubby chasers.
Also, I'd like to repeat what >>33236503 said earlier:
>You should honestly add that to your bio if you haven't already.
Men (or at least I) love seeing their woman be into fitness and get into shape.
>half a year ago
>before the normalfags
Lucky ass motherfucker...
One of us is in the US and the other in the EU. Our awake hours mostly overlap due to our respective jobs.

See above

I was there in time (but believe me there was plenty of competition back then too). My girlfriend was flooded with messages within a day while I messaged many people without ever getting a response.
Damn, good on you both for making a cross-continental relationship work.
This zesty ass thinking he finna land a girl on this app that is in a higher profile career.
This is in fact the loser app, for both men and woman.
You're not going to find a well-adjusted girl on here brotha, more-so hoping to land some girl who understands she has to become infatuated with me and please my needs, or continue to be a NEET. I have money I work a six figure job. What I want is a girl whose going to be a loyal ass slut for me.
But most girls I've talked to on this app so far have been massive Ls.
Where the col calm reserved woman at who know if she don't find a man with the bag she's going to continue to bring down her parents/government with gibsmedat. Honestly an hero at that point.
how tf am I already blocked by you lol
I hate to be rude, but I feel like not only the angle is unflattering, but also your bio gives off "BPDemon E girl" vibes which tends to make men not take you as seriously.

I strongly suggest trying to fix that if you are looking for men to take you seriously.
You have "seeing someone" ain't no way people are going to even take you remotely seriously. If you're cheating on your man, behind his back with this app.


Unless, I'm wrong and you put that down as a "meme" but you're already setting yourself up to be pumped and dumped as no real man will consider dating you long-term if the former is true.
i’m not sure, i don’t really block/skip people
i was diagnosed with BPD right before my 19th bday. lmao i guess it rlly is over for me.
i don’t think i’m going to get rid of the unflattering angle picture, just because i feel it screams “im fat just a warning before messaging me” but i’ll make it one of the last pictures like that anon suggested.
LOOOONG story about this. doesn’t really make me look any better as i’m staying/stayed with him. my boyfriend cheated on me 3 times within the first year of our relationship and ended up giving me chlamydia and lied to me about where he got it. he grabs my arms and yells in my face when he gets really angry at me. i know i should leave because the relationship is deteriorating my mental health, but i can’t get myself to do it. the relationship isn’t all bad, there are good times and it’s what’s making me stay :/
The plot thickens lmfao...

Why are you still with your boyfriend if you are trying to find another person? Do you understand how pathetic you look?
Maybe instead of trying to find another man to monkey branch to maybe you should delete your account and seek therapy.
t. fellow femanon
So not just BPD, but Stockholm syndrome as well, huh? Sounds rough.
I hope you get better/wake up soon.
theres NO way this poster is real, this is a fucking troll. what the fuck am I reading lmfao
Dark and Darker, L4Dlikes, Helldivers, Terraria, or anything else that isn't a MOBA. archaic roleplaying games too but i get those aren't for everyone. But it's like holy shit, all these fucking girls do is play league. It's a mind-virus
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>Caught chlamydia
>Gets gaslight on the daily
>But because he ticks the bad boy archetype
>And I'm having fun in the MOMENT
>I can't leave

First off, getting a STI is fucking gross, and it is only a matter of time before he catches something more serious, and passes it to YOU.
Second, time isn't infinite it is finite. The more time you waste the less desirable you become, as you will be accumulating more emotional baggage that YOU WILL eventually unload on the next dude, making his life a living hell.

>all these anons just now learning what true mental illness looks like
youre right about this lol. im probably going to delete my account by the end of the day and set up an appt with my doc about getting back on mood stabilizers
thanks anon, lmfao the stockholm syndrome is kicking my ass
man i WISH i was trolling about this
You are indeed obese, exercise and calorie deficit.. there’s no starving no magic trick just those 2 things
For what it's worth, you sound cute and the fact that you're trying to better yourself is a big plus.
I don't think you're going to have a hard time finding someone who you deserve in the future.
Should read the financial reports Riot publishes.
They literally hyper-advertise to woman because it makes them the most money. More companies are following suite because who doesnt want guaranteed money
I am going to be upfront with you from femanon to femanon.
You are pathetic and I'd argue selfish for wanting to drag another person into your dumpster fire of a relationship. People like you who are too codependent and selfish to work on themselves are part of the problem. Work on YOURSELF before doing this.

>Mood stabilizers
A pill won't fix everything. You need to seek therapy and break up with your boyfriend. Again, it's not fair to drag other people into your mess.
>Stockholm syndrome kicking my ass
You're a 21 year old woman. Grow up.
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i know! i’ve changed my diet + i’m trying to do cardio daily and it’s already helping me lose some weight :) i’m slowly cutting out alcohol and i’m hoping that helps me lose even more. i’m tired of being an obese alcoholic w 0 self control
>For what it's worth, you sound cute and the fact that you're trying to better yourself is a big plus.
>I don't think you're going to have a hard time finding someone who you deserve in the future.
why are you just sperging lies like that? If someone read what we all just did he'd be gone in a split second. There's no way.

What she needs to do is starve herself and lose like 80kg. Stop taking mind numbing meds, which probably made her stay with that guy. Cut all ties with the man, hit the gym to get mental health in check. (funny coming from me since im a DYEL).
Because right now she's gonna most likely die alone, or murdered by the guy shes seeing.
Oh my god. Friendly fire! FRIENDLY FIRE!
She's right though.
That does not mean they need to fall for it. Not every woman has an infantile mind you can trick by jingling keys, right?
basado con pastillas rojas
It's the nice guy archetype.
I agree just not use to seeing woman spit hard facts to another woman. Usually, it's the opposite; woman enable woman in this horrible behavior.
(You) Agreed.
Keywords being "in the future", anon. As in, in about five to ten years.
Everyone is capable of bettering themselves, even the most BPD-affected, zero self-control-having, two-timing jackass has the power to change themselves into something that someone else would desire.
That anon is no different. Use the carrot, not the stick. No use in kicking someone when they're down.
Someone needs to be upfront with this woman. The coddling shit does nothing but ENABLE people like this.

You are pathetic. Your relationship is pathetic. You give me second hand embarassment. Your "uwu woe is me i am fat alcoholic who caught an STI and is cheating on my aboosive bf that I am too broken to leave" spiel is pathetic.

Seek help and quit dragging other people into your pathetic life.

Forgot to reply lol. I am currently WFHing right now.
>in about five to ten years.
shes going to be 31, with an STI, with kilos of lose skin (if she manages to lose weight). Doubt.
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Weight loss is 80% diet, 15% knowledge and like 5% exercise.
Realistically, there is little point in just changing your diet for the sake of it. You first need to know what you were eating before, and then figure out what you should eat to lose weight. You should at least for a few weeks to a month keep a diary of everything you eat (including calorie content) so you have some concept of what you need to eat to lose weight.

Also, if it were me I'd lift weights. Cardio is fine and all, but lifting weights will make you lose just as much weight, but you'll also put on a bit of muscle which will make you look lean and mean instead of skinny.
Try to find free Psychology classes online from universities. You'll be surprised, these companies hire people to create solutions to make them the most money, and this is one of those solutions.
Not every female is like that BUT a good majority are. Also study up on manufacturing consent which plagues a lot of the younger kids now-a-days. Material possessions are their god.

Nobody wants to be with a 21 yo woman who has caught an STI, is overweight, suffers from alcoholism (and god knows whatever other substance) and has their aBoOsIvE boyfriend in the background.
Even if someone DOES decide to be with her give them 1 - 3 years and then eventually they will get fed up with her shit after one too many BPD melties uwu, engage in reactive abuse (ie; get fed up with her toxic cycle) and then dump her. Then she will crawl back either to her aboosive ex boyfriend, or to any poor sap that gives her a chance out of guilt.
People like her are redeemable but it's a matter of putting the WORK into wanting to redeem themselve and not surrounding themselves with people who will enable their behavior and give them asspats.

Oh yeah, also it doesn't help that you play into the fortnight gooner loser gf UWU shit. You're 21 and all that does is normalize your pathetic behavior and lifestyle subconsciously in your head.
Respectfully, fix your pathetic life, get off the internet and HEAL (not just scarf down psych pills btw) before you either get MURDERED by a man or alone on the side of the road.

xoxox with love from a fellow femanon
She's going to be 31, be on meds that stabilize her moods, have a healthy bmi and be in a loving relationship with an anon that actually loves her.
I wonder why this exclamation angers you so.
>before you either get MURDERED by a man or alone on the side of the road
Hey now, maybe that's her thing? You shouldn't kinkshame, anon.
>I wonder why this exclamation angers you so.
because its a plain lie. You clearly havent been around people like that.
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Damn I think I just witnessed a murder. Calling the cops right now.
There are plenty of women out there who play other stuff, you've just been unlucky at finding them. I like RDO, valheim, sea of thieves, baldurs gate co-op, v rising and similar stuff and play them with a mix of friends of both genders.

Hiiii sorry for bumping in on the conversation but I just wanted to wish you luck on getting to a better place mentally. Your boyfriend does not deserve you in any capacity but I can understand how it'd be hard to break up when you're in a fragile spot mentally+you have low self-esteem. But from the tidbit you shared I genuinely encourage you to end it with him because someone who cheats and gives you an STD is not worth your time.

As others said having a duo account when you haven't officially broken up isn't a good idea for any party involved. BUT. At the end of the day you're only 21. Focus on betterment, learn from this situation.

Mood stabilizers will most definitely help a person with BPD as they make the highs and lows easier to handle. Is it a fix-it-all? Of course not. Better mental health won't happen unless the person puts in the work.
i REALLY needed this toughlove. thank you femanon. i’m going to look into finding a therapist that specializes in working with BPD. being chronically online isn’t helping my case either lmao. i dont wanna be murdered n i know the way ive been behaving recently will probably get me either murdered or taken advantage of :/ ngl i am definitely a pathetic POS at the moment and i thought there was no point in changing as i’ve been like this for a while. im realizing that i need to do a complete 180 with my life. i wanna be able to settle down and have kids but i wont be able to do that when i’m codependent like this.
You really shouldn't apply your personal experiences to every stranger you see.
Most people can get better. And encouraging them to be better instead of insulting them while they're trying to be better will bring on better results.
If you keep telling someone they're going to fail, they will eventually fail.
When you mean plenty I think you mean 4% and 3% of that are already in relationships.
Hmm, no I think that's a bit too low of a %. I'm basing it on my own friendcircle and the amount of gals I see online who talk about the kinds of games I like on social media and the like. They are harder to find unless you get lucky, admittedly.
she’s not going to do it. she can’t commit to change. not when it comes to being healthier, appearing healthier, leaving relationships that are no good for her, she’d rather scarf down some pills and “get it over with” instead of suffering (AKA exercising/dieting) and dealing with the consequences of her own shitty actions. she’s still going to be with her std boyfriend in a year from now because being in any sort of hardship is too much for her. doesn’t matter if she’s 21 or not. i’ve seen plenty of 40+ year olds just like her. there’s still time for her. 21 is just fine. for now.
Awesome, let's game together. You can introduce me.
>she’d rather scarf down some pills
You do realize that some mentally ill people absolutely need meds to function, right?
women might not be that bad after all
>no response
Lmao, swerved on.
If you need meds to function, you should kindly do Humanity a solid, and not have kids. You can still find love, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't have kids.
But I guess it wasn't in the cards.
i said earlier that i changed my diet and started doing more cardio (im planning on starting to lift weights after ive lost 50 lbs). i’m currently 15lbs down, and i’m weighing myself twice a week.

i definitely need to get my mental health under control and i need to change other lifestyle aspects but i’m actually trying to be serious about losing weight. :/
I hate most everything about this app and all the whores on it but I like the Q&A and personality breakdown so I'm going to convince the girl I'm getting involved with now to take it so we can autistically examine the results
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I keep telling myself that it'll be the last week I bother with this site but at the same time its the only thing giving me any hope in meeting people, even if nobody responds to me.
I either need another surge of 'fuck it we ball' to send out more shitty intros or to just give up. I suck at this, I hate it.
thank you for the kind words anon!! this thread was a wake up call for me to get my life together lololololol
>As others said having a duo account when you haven't officially broken up isn't a good idea for any party involved.
i just deleted my duo account. flirting with guys while i’m “emotionally fragile” isn’t good for me or for the person i’m talk with ngl
I just want a non-normalfag/autistic gf that hasn't completely gone over the edge whom I can give lots of hugs and kisses to.
Surely there's someone like that on this app.
No, no I'd never unleash a 4channer on them lmao you seem nice but like... You know?
Excuse you I wandered off to do hot babe stuff.
Lmao yeah I can imagine! I believe in you, you're already working on losing weight so improving your mental health is the natural next step.
gl on your journey anon, wish you a complete recovery and happiness
Let me unleash on you then bb, I've never actually played BG3 yet... Or atleast let me look at your duo account
I just want someone to experience things with. I've been shut in too long, too depressed to continue or start things. This is definitely the furthest I've made it out of this bubble in a while...
I'm just too fucking socially retarded or anxious to approach girls.

Or anyone really, I can barely even fucking talk to people in MMOs unless they pick a topic or something first.
No no, I don't date so you'd be barking up the wrong proverbial tree. I only allow extremely beautiful online men into my online sphere to keep them around as decorative statement pieces and trusted confidants.
Like a nice vase except he's also my friend.
You gotta man, women don't approach guys, it's just the state of the world. You need to throw yourself out there at their mercy. If they reject you? Oh well, it's just another bitchy fish in the sea.
I got a friend deficit right now so I'm just looking for anything. Recently moved to a condo all by myself so my roommates are gone, no pets. It's real lonely.
Are you autistic by any chance?
I ask, because I am (very, very high-functioning Asperger's) and I can say with certainty that the best way to force yourself to learn how to interact socially is though constant exposure to face-to face interactions.
Getting a job where you have lots of coworkers is unironically great for this, because you'll have no other choice that to learn how to deal with people.
>>33236839 is right, but you're not getting a gf before you start getting comfortable with at least talking to strangers.
because you're female, men don't actually look at profiles
>men don't actually look at profiles
most men*
No idea if I'm actually autistic, but I work with people perfectly fine. It's just day to day conversations are so dry, and most of the time my interests aren't sportsball, so I don't have much to chat about. Also with being (probably) depressed I've really just been shooting myself in the foot and don't really spend time on trying new things.

I just really, REALLY suck at forming trust/bonds for some reason.
I've only just started to open up more about some of my own issues with a couple of my online friends of 10+ years.

When did I say mood stabilizers will fix them, mr Armchair Psychologist? BPD and other complex psychiatric disorders require medication **AND** therapy (especially DBT aka Dialectical Behavioral Therapy). If you knew a lick about BPD you would know that BPD requires a combo. Not pills. The problem with a lot of people with psychiatric disorders i that they think deep throating their lamotrigine, Wellbutrin or whatever shit they take will fix everything.

>Only 21
They are old enough to go to war, legally buy alcohol, and legally vote. The sooner they fix themselves the better. You coddling them is part of the problem.
Look into DBT. Thats the gold standard for BPD treatment. If you struggle with BPD you likely struggle with some form of PTSD as well which means look into ASMR or some sort of trauma informed therapist as well. If you can afford it, I strongly recommend finding a treatment center that specializes in people with complex psychiatric disorders or trauma. IOP aka Intensive Outpatiet is an option as well. If money is an issue it doesn't hurt to look into your local community for resources as a lot of places offer SOME SORT of free help.
>and most of the time my interests aren't sportsball, so I don't have much to chat about
Oh yeah, no, that's not you. Normalfags are incapable of complex thoughts. That's just how they're programmed.
Why do you think I'm here instead of Tinder or Bumble? Most of the women here might be mentally ill, but at least they're not normal.
Oh yeah also get a job. Jobs help with maintaining a routine and help you develop your own autonomy.
You honestly sound like you're projecting HARD.
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Google is free, anon.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying you're projecting.
>there are other platforms more suited to normal people
but what if i search femanons with higher education that are not normal? i highly doubt a normal extrovert woman would find herself comfortable with a skinny autistic infodumper like me
Join some gaming discords my guy!
I was agreeing with you while saying that medication can be important.
why would I get a job when the govt. gives me "gibsmedat" I literally dont have to work lmao. wagies pay my wage
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>I just really, REALLY suck at forming trust/bonds for some reason.
>I've only just started to open up more about some of my own issues with a couple of my online friends of 10+ years
I'm broken in the same way. I've forced myself outside and became acquainted with people that are normal but I'm struggling to make any kind of positive impact on my dating life. I feel like I've finally sorted out a lot of shit that fucked me up a lot worse than I thought it did at least.
Nah. I am just passionate about this topic.
You scoundrel. This is soc! We are supposed to socialize!

Being gatekept from a gf right now, crazy.
Men and women owe me friendship!
i’m already diagnosed with PTSD, i was in therapy for a year after i got diagnosed with it, but i moved states to live with my boyfriend and haven’t been in therapy since. since moving states i’ve been diagnosed with adhd and autism, and in the evaluation report he wrote down that DBT is highly suggested. i’m planning on finding a therapist that specializes in DBT (and takes my insurance)
>Moved in with abusive boyfriend.
Oh boy.
some people need a reality check, if you keep patting them on their back they will never change. I guess its just different experiences weve had
Whoa, suddenly things happening in here!
I don't think that's true, but there's just so much men that you still get more than enough hilarious intros a la "girl do you shit with that ass", even though the majority does read your profile.
lmao i know you meant EMDR but this made me laugh
To be fair, listening to ASMR can be very good at putting you in a relaxed state of mind.
Actual ASMR, at least. None of that GFE bullshit.
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Oooh so that's where the messages I get when I forget this site exists go
Even if you're not very confident, it would be a good idea to take regular pictures to document your weight loss.
Say, every two weeks. If you keep it up, you'll be able to compare the before and after and have something to boost your confidence later on. Think of it as an investment: Cringe now for later returns.
you are probably right. however, his account was disabled, so i feel as if he thought i wasn't putting enough effort in or wasn't interested enough, after which he deactivated his account and maybe thought something like 'fuck this app'. i feel like it could be a possibility, since he told me he couldn't find any woman on the app that matched up with him in certain ways/key points (but i did). or maybe i'm just stupid.
It's okay, anon. You'll find someone else.
I'm a bit miffed at how many women seem to be making an account, answering about 50-100 questions, and then stop.
It ends up cluttering things with dozens of 50-55% matches for me. Anyone else see the same thing?
the q&a is garbage unless you are specifically using it to weed out a couple of answers. the percentage is inaccurate because it doesn't take into account that you can be ok with a different answer of your own (e.g. "would you ever kiss someone on a first date?" i don't really care what the other person chooses here, but if their answer doesn't match mine, the system rates us lower even though we're no less compatible)
For questions that are unimportant to me, I just leave them blank.
That was his point. The guys who message you aren't paying mind to your desires so why don't you be the proactive one who goes out and approaches men with overlapping preferences after sorting for said preferences.

You can just expect to get more of the same if you let the guys message you first. Most are horny and want anything so your rejection is more than they would expect. (Don't leave options open that let them contact you first.)

Did you reject them after seeing their bios or after a little talk? I like that instead of ghosting, without knowing what I did wrong, especially when it seems we share some interests (I'm not one of those gooners, I literally just want the opportunity to talk)
She's a woman, anon. How dare you expect her do anything other than sit with her thumb up her arse and wait for a golden knight to literally swoop in through her bedroom window and whisk her off to his castle estate?
Glad i made an account on here, doing suprisingly well compared to tinder/other apps.

Got a couple dates setup with some girls in my area 50km ~ radius lets see how this pans out.

I have something other in my bio then the games i play and i dont only use anime/manga pictures maybe try that
>every single girl is some postironic zoomer egirl whose profile is nothing but cringelord memes and passive-aggressive threats
Why? Why can't they just write a few sentences about themselves, who they are and what they're after? Why is it always like pulling teeth to extract any sort of conversation? Just talk like a human being for god's sake
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I didn't respond cause I wanted her to find it out by herself in her 30s lol
Kudos to you anon

There's a lot of women who use the app for ego boost, imagine tiktok but it's constant self validation. The more men, the better, the more attractive the males simping, the better. Maybe you aren't attractive enough or wasn't entertaining her in the way she liked the most. Also keep in mind that, if you succeed, you're getting picrel as your prize in the best scenario

There's someone trolling here and in the past threads reporting outstanding success, ignore him
>Girl called me ugly and said I should kms
>Told her to kill me herself
Fucking coward
any good advice when it comes to puctires on dating apps like tinder and bumble, how to be more presentable? i'm a male looking to up my chances
>account deleted
>must've been the messages I sent
It wasnt racist but they were unhinged like "I'm going to smell your butthole after you shit" type shit.
sad I was talking to a girl but she never responded to me after my last question, but she actually gave me paragraph responses. Do I message her again on my new account?
Giga Shill, I can see your hooked nose from here.
smile, take in good lighting, don't obscure your face or make stupid faces while doing it.
Love this app love you guys thanks for a shit ton of memes
skill issue
based retard
be an attractive chad who already has a lot of photos of himself due to being an extroverted attractive chad
Get /fit/, post body. If you have a bad hairline, cueball. Bad jaw, beard. Both? Don't post face.
LMFAO this is me and I skipped you after I sent it im crying
I'm the same dude that had the picture up a few duo threads ago of the girl saying I made her too upset
>be female
>set gender filter only to female
>get tons of intros from trannies
>half the people i send intros to who have no pics of themselves end up being trannies

seriously, why do you people insist on using the female gender when you already have your own gender option? i tried all the normie woke apps and this was one of the reasons i stopped due to all the "transbians". can you crossdressing weirdos stop lying about your gender?
I didn't use any pic of myself on my profile. Maybe I should upload one as the last one, but I don't know if it will work at this point. It's a ghost town here except for her

I read some anons saying they exchange photos after moving from Duo to Discord, so I didn't bother to do it
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What do I do now? Try normie apps? Not really interested in long-distance, not moving any time soon and would feel bad pressuring someone to move for me if things did work out.
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>>33237597 this me fr fr I got proof
Fuck it nigga I ball, why are no hunnies
5'8+ 120 pounds best one was the girl in the elden ring cosplay but she is insane
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>probably from europe

The west has fallen
>Also keep in mind that, if you succeed, you're getting picrel as your prize in the best scenario
you’re not looking in the right place you dumb bitch. go back to twitter
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Don't take them in bathrooms, if you take them indoors make sure that your surroundings are presentable, don't smile too aggressively, don't look like a hobo, don't put the camera too close to your face, if you're going to show your face make sure that it doesn't look flat from being completely in the shadow or the light, something opposite to what i tried to draw at my lowest abilities. Also don't show faces of other people you know there, friends or not.
For some of them their mental illness literally compels them to do it.
[spoiler] Now, if you were to get rid of the misandrism, you'd not only have a lot of options, but also no one would lie about being male :3333 [/spoiler]
>make sure that it doesn't look flat from being completely in the shadow or the light
elaborate further or post a better example of this? i’m retarded
Does anyone even use this app or am I that repugnant?
women's rights are over, sorry anon, men are the real women now
Have you tried putting "I support transgender genocide" in your bio?
Then again, that might just attract even worse people
Depends, are you a guy? You're outnumbered 200 to 1, so your only bet is to contact every single person you see.
Are you a girl? Post your bio so we can point out all your red flags for you.
Careful, you're not allowed to say bad things
Oh, right. I keep forgetting the dev sold out and made duo normalfag friendly.
Lmfao I guess I'll keep trying various cold opens to all women in 100mi radius
is there any hope for american flyoverfags? I’ve checked this thing out periodically since October and I don’t think any women in my city have ever seen the duo ads. And when the duoleaks became public, I found out there were ZERO women in my town. The only female accounts I found there were all.. uh... “female” (xy). I wish I were joking.
Anon, you are currently living through the largest scarcity period known to man.
You either move to where women are, get into a LDR, or you will die with your robot wife at your side who will be repurposed into someone else's not!wife shortly after your funeral because you were only able to afford leasing her.
There are some funny and stupid ones in there
>i dont like rape
>israeli defense force
>man hater
>nonconsensual hand holding
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See how the face looks bland when it's full of shadow or the light fills it from the front? I wanted to use PS2 models but those are more heavily painted on to make up for the graphics so i hope this can help even if it's not that basic yet.
I haven't used blender in years and couldn't make additional lights work for the third but that's kind of what i mean, mixing those two accentuates your features and makes you look closer to real life since someone is most likely to see you in a mixed amount of light and shadow.
This won't happen to you but if you overdo it, it could look like AI because most of them are sourced by professional stuff that makes heavy use of lighting, but yeah just make sure to avoid darkness.

I'm a femanon from a desolate european zone so if you see me doing this and you as an american don't have any girls at all that's kind of worrying.
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I appreciate the slightly autistic effort that went into your explanation
From illinois I see maybe one new account every couple of days, but I've got my range spanning across the US so it's pretty fucked.
illinois doesn't count since it has the third largest city in the US in it
Where are the slightly educated women who want LTR and children.

Set my location to max and put LTR + children and there's like..8 matches. rip
america is much larger than europe and sparser in the middle as well. that said i live in a major metro area and if i lower my location range there's like... 10 women, all of whom seem to be spastic teenagers. where's the late 20s femcels i actually want?
I know it's not a dating site but Tumblr has a lot of TERF or fourth-wave women on it. I'm a straight female but have many lesbian mutuals who'd want a likeminded gf.
I've been on duolicious since shortly after it started and I still haven't seen a single woman within 120 miles of me. It never even began.
Woke up to 8 msgs.
I think I can objectively say, I'm attractive.
Thanks for the confidence boost duo dev
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The amount of no-effort msgs i receive is only going up.

like what is the point of shit like this? are you guys 12?
There's no point in putting effort in talking to women when they're going to ghost even if you do everything right, are attractive enough, have a nice profile, have a good conversation, treat them well (etc)
is this real
even if you're honest and open with them?
Most men are like him, yeah.
They've been burned so many times that they just can't bring themselves to care anymore.
can i just go to a professional photographer and ask them for a session that i'll prepare with a nice outfit and presentable look?
I've talked to 30+ women on this cesspool of a platform and all of them are the same, even the ones who respond well and make you think they won't be like that. I've had a woman say I was more attractive then more than half of the other men she's talked to, and can't even imagine how it is for the other guys.

I'm saying all that while still tring to talk with ladies I find interesting because I know there's luck involved - but the other anon needs to know how the experience is and that his chances are extremely low. Unless he's 6' Joe Sixpack with a 10 figure salary, that is.
There's way too many profiles on this app of people shamelessly asking for money straight up.
how low/no effort?
because if the intros Ive actually trying to ask about similar interests are just getting flooded out by "hey wanna smash"x150 Im just going to kill myself
>Schizo post to random women online
>None of them respond
>Go to sleep happy cuz I had a little chuckle
>slow convo, day gaps between responses most of the time
>probably because of timezones
>double post to try getting an answer to a simple question
>skipped within the hour
I didn't expect much but alright
i think there’s at least a few guys here enabling their behavior. they get money from extremely desperate anons and then expect the fucking world from everyone else. the female ego knows no bounds.
Facts, talking with woman today is so mentally draining sometimes.
Example, talking with the boys always puts me in a good mood. Especially when we talk about our love for our hobbies. I try to do the same thing with girls, as you know "treat us like you treat the bros," "stop treating us differently~~" but always get cold responses. While the boys even if disinterested show a level of respect to show that you're being heard.

Maybe this is why any nation that rose to reputable power became full of homos, because woman became more insufferable with decadence.
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>Only but one woman that is 254km from me
I don't mind a deadbeat gf as long as she shares my interests and isn't outright retarded (social retardation doesn't count).
>t. somone that's able to get matches on all other dating apps as well
>no need for racist messages if im not your type
I was always curious, do racist or "racist" messages actually get to you people? or are u so used to the Internet that it doesnt bother u?
For instance im short, and my whole life its been the biggest thing (paradox) that people used to pick on me, it happened so much that it doesnt bother me anymore, wondering if its the same with u.
Looking to house someone in the uk. Message me if you're interested we can get to know each other
Add me my discord is brandonn2888. (The fullstop is included)
Is this like an euphemism for something or are you just looking for a sex slave?
Because if it's the latter, we have threads for those. Search for the /aan/ thread.
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I work in the courts and see the abuse. You can get help, it does get better, the cycle of "happy times, angry times, sad times, happy times again" does NOT stop, and only leads to worse angry times and shorter happy times.
The one thing you must do is leave, otherwise the vortex will continue to suck you in deeper and deeper. There are others who will treat you far better.
The beginning of a great journey
bot post
>kill irish "people"
got a kek out of me
Do you use a pic of yourself or something else? Have you had better luck with one or the other?
My profile consists of
>main pic: anime
>next two: memes
>next two: selfies
Nah, I want someone atleast slightly educated. No point in dating a high school drop out.

Comes and goes. Times where I can just ignore it (it's 4chan and/or autismo ofc), but there's times like now where all I want is a relationship or romance. To get called a slur or shat on cause of something I'm born with just puts me down lmao.

Looking for love like everyone else, color shouldn't matter.
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Do any of you send intros to people with less than 80% match? here's some gay floor, it represents something
Lightskins only. Sorry big dawg.
Is this shit even safe to use? Everything got leaked from it awhile back right
not quite, basically someone made a bot which collected the publically available data that you would see if you would see of any other person when you click on their profile.
If you've had any kind of presence on social media you're already fucked. I don't know what could be taken from duo that would compound that.
I appreciate your appreciation
That would be odd for something like this, i'm sure you can do it on your own plus it would show that you know how to value yourself, better if it comes off as it's something you can do casually
>Where's the late 20s femcels i actually want?
Most of them are probably continuing their mission, i know there aren't a lot of women anyway but maybe there's something going on with your search results, happens to me as well.
I don't really know how it worked but it didn't even collect public information of every profile that was there (mine wasn't) but aside any risks that come with anything i just don't trust the AI verification, not going to rely on it or put my face in that even if it's said that it should delete the pictures in a certain amount of time.
I imagine that more concerning things would come from there than stuff like tinder, no matter how they try to avoid it
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Also you have some guys getting frustrated with the experience and inactivity that start making female accounts, another thing that wouldn't really happen in the same way on more normie places if you're interested in dating, don't know if the youtube videos are still going, never watched them
………you’re on a 4chan dating app and complaining that the women on here aren’t in college? i think tinder might be more your speed mofugga.

some of yall are dumb af and can't read. starting to understand what the women talk about on duo.
does the q&a ever end?
2005 questions.
At this point, idk if women are just so in demand that intros are never replied, they got fed-up with the hordes of retards or whatever.. man I still cant believe I fucked up my one good chance because I thought it was over prematurely and posted about it on 4chan like a retard..
The one intro I've had a reply to was someone literally RPing as a sandwich. I'm not even a bad looking guy and that's on my account
Has anyone talked to Bia from Texas?

I need her.
she was in the last few threads, I think
So I missed out on her? Is she still around? I need my delicious brown waifu
too late bro. we're already having wild pokemon sex every night. tonight she was vaporeon and I was dudunsparce

in all seriousness, shoot your shot and hope for the best
I am a firm believer that all of western society's problems is the result of white men. White men are the ones who had the power and then voluntarily gave it to bad actors. White men know what women, Jews, and homosexuals are like. They have nobody but themselves to blame when women do women things, Jews do Jew things, and homosexuals do homosexual things. Prime example of the farmer and the rattlesnake.

>represents something
Tranny leaking out of a bonus hole?
I messaged her a few hours ago and I haven’t heard back.

Bros help.. she is my dream girl.
>No Bia bleachbunny GF who will show me her pokemon cards
The search function needs to be better. I only see 40 results with my filters yet I’ve been messaged by people who fit the criteria but have never showed up in my searches.
Yeah its strange.

My matches end abruptly at people with 80% match. Swear to god i used to see people around 51%+ at lowest before.
You've been messaged by people?
Our soulmates are waiting for us to message them but we can't :(

Am female
you and 43000 other men on the app

there is a limit to how many matches it shows. if it stops at 80%, it means you need to clear out some people. start skipping people you definitively aren't interested in and hide people you've messaged/skipped
>be eurofag
>primarily want to date within europe, preferably actually close to me
>try different apps including duo
>only have good convos with girls from like.. SEA or northern Africa or some shit. Like they're actually interesting people and speak English well.
Is this my fate now? I've gone on Tinder dates with good looking girls before and they had the personality of stale bread
Everytime you feel nervous talking to someone, read their chats while takin a shid. The fear leaves you after that. Don't believe me? Try it.
It's also best to take your shirt off, go full relax mode while shitting. Let the words flow out of you.
>Thinly veiled miscegenation shilling
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
I'm sure my ancestors in the afterlife will forgive me if I pretend that I was colonizing, but accidentally forgot to colonize more than one woman.
Actually, your ancestors read all your 4chan posts
If that's the case then I sure hope there's a way to kill myself after I've died
I'm in EU and I'm super interesting+cool and humble. Look harder!
>having a great convo and clicking with a femanon

>she gets banned or deletes account

Anyone seen the girl named "Kevin spaceys granddaughter"? Maybe her name was too edgy and duo deleted?
When someone skips you after you've chatted for a bit, does it move the chat to your archive or will they just stop responding?
If they skipped you, they'll be in your archives. If they're in your inbox, they're ignoring you or didn't get to it.
I thought so. Will it show up as "unavailable person" just like an inactive or deleted account?
When they skip you, their chats will go into the archive and their account will be shown as unavailable. If they don't answer you in a week but don't skip you, it means they're getting off of having you on their simp list, in that case, do yourself a favor and skip them.
Where would one look to see if their profile was posted here to be lol'd at? R9k or soc?
Can I find a friend to play games with on this app ? Not interested in anything else
You're not that interesting.
Only ones that have 'Man' in their filters. So only gay/bisexual guys.
any of my melb bros having any luck
Don't care about that. How do I find people who want a friend ?
has anyone archived the leak into a torrent or smt?
anons is it fine if i lie in the sign up process? i dont want to fill in my personal info on this
of course i wouldn't catfish, i would just perturb my info slightly
Yes, everyone including the wamen do this
pro tip: if you lie on your profile be upfront about it once you start talking with someone.
You should put down real age if you're not going to hide it. Keep the location general but near. It's better to write a random thing for your name than a fake name.

I would not recommend lying for the rest like smoking/drugs/drinking and religion since people do care about those. I would even say for astrology as well since some people are into that. Keep it unanswered instead of lying.
that's a good idea
yea won't lie on everything, and i wouldn't probably lie about my birth year

btw is it possible to just lurk on it without being matched to anyone? so i can see who the anons on it are

Respectfully, make a profile or don't lmao. some of yall taking this too seriously in the wrong ways.

you either want to find someone or you don't.
I meant to reply to this person.

But everyone says 4channers are tragically online. You're not gonna find enough info on someone from an age, nickname (shortened) and a location unless you just blast your shit everywhere lol.
There's an option in the settings to make your profile private. Not sure how many people use it.
Hell, I've been busier baiting thirsty men and leaving them on read with my fake account than using my actual one

Every day my feed is more empty, with no more than 10 people who are actually from other countries, and the discord girl is still there without replying to me on duo or discord

I've been zombie-refreshing my feed and nothing new appears
I need my Bia bleach bunny cosplay GF bros.. anyone talking to her right now?
Yeah bro, and we can't stop laughing at you
joke's on you both we're scissoring and laughing at all men together
Anyone in England wants a rent free room? No creepy shit just help me out with household tasks and cook
Add me on discord brandonn2888.
dude fuck off with this shameless ad, youve posted it twice in this very thread already
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She runs rent free in my head I need her so bad…
>a nigger
active userbase keeps shrinking
we were at 70K and now only 30K
how the mighty have fallen
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I usually am not into black girls but I’d let her steal my white genes
>that nose
bruh please, do not
My Yakubian ape genes will balance it out.
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why are women like this
Who is going to tell him?
She’s verified so she’s not a catfish.
You’re just mad she didn’t get mad
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What do I say now? Bia finally got back to me.
Pretty sure she's just an e-girl looking for simps bro.
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She declined my offer. What do I say now?

I saw her and thought she war cuter than most of the females on the platform, but her profile gives me the suspicious vibes that she might sell picture packs of her open pussy in the downlow
I sincerely hope all you channer women die old, alone and crazy. I prefer my chances with the normies.
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I’m super vanilla about romance and shit so messaging multiple girls on apps like these feels weird to me.
think of it like speed dating: you spend time with a few people to get a feel for them before deciding who you want to move forward with
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Same, but because I've gotten so few responses, I only ever have spoken to one at a time :)
bro stop being openly desperate, crazy and simping, at least hide it and pretend to be cool and chill like the rest of us
May I ask what other apps are you using anon? Thanks in advance
Oh nvm, your post isn't clear on whether you use other apps besides Duo, sorry. Also don't bother with that because they aren't messaging you back, and when they do, won't keep talking to you for more than a week in general.

Understandable, anon.
I have some misgivings in that regard, but think of it less like asking fifty girls if they'll marry you, or even just on a date, and rather that it's just the equivalent of running into eachother at some hobby place you share an interest for.

But once you do have one or a few conversations going, you shouldn't look for many more imo.
And if you've gone on date 2 with one and making plans for a third, it's probably time to stop exploring other options altogether.
Don’t most women do at this point? I’m just tryna have her sit on my face anon.

She works with retarded people so I’m sure she’ll be patient about my sperging. I’m in love with Bia.
If I got messaged by women as often as the bots catfish me Duo would be amazing, kek
Yeah those are some good points thanks fellow anon. Hopefully I’ll find that person soon.
Does anybody even look at ideal gf/bf templates and go “that’s me” instead of being completely turned off on the fact they have a very specific type?
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>send nice and detailed messages to girls, complimenting them and asking them about something on their profile
>no responses
>get frustrated and send a more aggressive message to a lower % match just to vent a little

Girls are really just biologically hard-wired to desire abuse, huh? All I want is someone I can call an equal and hold hands, give hugs, and have kids with. Is that really so much to ask?
Also first time posting on /soc/ so rollin' my ID
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They probably weren't interested in you and maybe you got a reply just because she felt like defending herself or thinks you don't take it seriously either
Anon learns how to banter, color me surprise.
Never have. Those rigid type women are their own problem. If they had a 100 point list for a man they wanted they would curve a guy that met 99/100 just because
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Maybe I'm autistic and don't want to banter with someone I'm trying to pick up and be nice to them instead so they'll like me and be nice to me back. You ever think of that?
Join our dating server

I feel the same. I just want to be nice to people and for them to be nice to me back. Too bad that makes me boring apparently.

"Just be yourself" my ass.
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You're thinking too hard about it. It's just that your intro this time was interesting, clever, and pretty funny instead of just a generic nice hello and compliment.
Was it me?
>make an account in California
>everyone is fucking gay and or trans

Dude I thought all of the California shit was just an overblown joke, I maybe only know two trans people personally and outside I never see gay people so where the fuck are they all coming from?
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Apparently being "boring" nowadays means being nice, supportive, not fat, well-educated, and chaste.
I swear, I would have more luck with modern women if I was a fat, belligerent retard who hit them.
>instead of generic nice and hello
Bitch, I know what app I'm using. I know the meta is to act as unhinged as possible to attract initial attention. I just thought the other half of that was being likeable. I guess not.
You're talking like your message in the post earlier was mean or abusive, it wasn't. It rode that fine line of being banter while not being cruel or unhinged. So I think it would just do you some good to let loose more often. It doesn't mean you have to be an asshole.
Just don't take things too seriously at the start, being nice is fine but it shouldn't be what you rely on, also it's odd that despite that you go on saying something about how "girls are really just biologically hard-wired to desire abuse", even if maybe you were joking.
Do you think that a girl would find something interesting about you by what you have shared in your profile? It's okay to comment on something on their side, it's not like you have to start sounding sarcastic or aggressive all the time now.
>also it's odd that despite that you go on saying something about how "girls are really just biologically hard-wired to desire abuse", even if maybe you were joking.
I'm mostly just venting after exhaustive failure, but a part of me sometimes does wonder if I'm just not romantically viable to today's women's standards. It's a genuine fear of mine.
Also not sure what you're saying in the other half of your post. Are you saying to try commenting on something on their profile, because that's what I have been doing, while still trying to sound somewhat humorous. If you're instead suggesting mentioning something from my own profile, isn't that kind of narcissistic? I'm imagining being a girl and having some guy message me "HEY DDI YOU KNOW THE YUGIOH CREATOR DIED SCUBA DIVING, WANNA DUEL ME IN HIS HONR?"
The thing is that you're on a not very conventional dating site, not everyone is there to date (and not everyone is filling that information) or used to socialize and even the ones that want to date are probably not going to take it that seriously.
Your ideal is to find someone you can be affectionate with and have kids, but that takes time and instead of focusing on that you have to focus on the other person first. Can't know how things went with most of the guys here or what they were like, but it's pretty difficult to start new friendships with girls too even as a girl, a lot of them end up ghosting each others, and so many almost disappear once they found a partner, it's difficult to keep being positive after some time.

>Also not sure what you're saying in the other half of your post
You can approach girls in your own way, it's fine, but what is your profile like? Do you have something that you think would interest them? Most of them wouldn't want to talk to someone just because they're showing kindness, and you shouldn't expect serious things out of someone that is talking to you just because you're giving them attention either.
If a girl finds you interesting she will keep talking to you, even if she's not used to show it and the conversation may be dry sometimes, it just depends, not all of them are the same. Also it takes one month for inactive profiles to be deleted.
Does anyone elses filters not work sometimes?

Sometimes i'll get black, bi, etc. people messaging me when i have them filtered out of my search.
Only the gender, location and age filters are two-way
I’m not sure, but what I do know is that if you live in Cali and you filter that shit out, you might as well not be on the app at all. It’s a ghost town that way.
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The first half of your post is a nice reality check. I'll screencap it to remind myself of what I'm dealing with whenever I get discouraged.
>You can approach girls in your own way, it's fine, but what is your profile like?
This is probably a bad idea, but fuck it, I'm open to constructive criticism.
Don't care you think it's cringe, it's not your life.
I avoided saying that i don't mean that you should post it, but i'll respect your decision kek.
I think that the first line is a bit too silly, but i'm not going to ask your age.
It's alright, the last line is fine but it may look offputting to girls who are looking to socialize more or were reclused because of bad experiences, it's nice that you're inviting in that way but probably better to mention that it's how you like being yourself and not something you specifically look in others, eventually if there are likeminded girls that like you they will appreciate it.
Photos seem ok, but a face can change a lot, i hope you're taking care of it BUT don't ask me alright?

And yeah, just remember that there are already not a lot of girls, and the ones there are probably not ready to jump into something serious from the start even if they might like you, it's just very difficult to find a girl like that, especially when you approach others, but girls rarely do it so just keep doing your best and i hope you can find someone.
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The first line is a reference to this meme, which I'm assuming every femcel has seen at this point considering Lovecraft was like the original incel.
My pictures show my face, I just purposefully cut it off for privacy (not like someone could just find me in-app and post it anyways lol)
>i hope you can find someone.
Thanks anon, you too. Sorry about your location, or else I'd ask you out. You're very sweet.
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Don't worry i thought it was a reference to something silly but i haven't used social media in some time, probably it's more popular than i thought so np!
And it's alright, i'm the type that is not looking to date and can't be around for long, but i would ask you about the games.
I've gotten basically no responses on the app yet, I assume it's because my profile is mostly blank aside from q&a and a small description. I just have like zero idea what to put beyond the likes and dislikes so I haven't really done much with it.
You actually messaged me. I thought it was a pretty good opener since it seemed like you were genuine while also being silly. I would say keep at it. Your intros are good, but people assess compatibility through profiles too. It doesn't mean there is something wrong with you, it's just a matter of personality differences or what people are seeking.

If you want to take the negging/jestermax route, by all means go for it. But be wary of the people you attract.
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Aww, thanks anon. I'm happy my genuine interest is coming through.
By no means do I want to neg people to attract them, that just seems like asking for trouble. I have no problem dishing out teases and burns if that's what makes a girl happy, but some people are sensitive, and I love them just as much, you know?
I just wanna make people happy and have the opportunity to do so. picrel
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Oh hey this is you too. Yeah, I don't look at those and get discouraged by all the lines that don't apply to me, I look for lines that DO apply to me and then giggle like a dummy. Honestly I compare it to reading astrology descriptions. Fun, but they don't really have any weight.
If the consensus is that it hurts my chances, though, I guess I could remove it.
It was a coincidence. I think I received your message after that.
I don’t think it’s wrong to state what you want. Maybe condense it though and leave the ones that really matter to you or something that gives them the general idea of what you’re looking for. I would definitely leave the height and MBTI out. It’s giving “I can’t get over my ex.”
>Maybe condense it though and leave the ones that really matter to you
Well like I said I don't really see it as a "you must meet these expectations or I won't give you the time of day" but more of a "these are some traits I like, you don't have to have any of them, they're just there to show my broad taste"
Though I guess I can remove the weird height and Briggs stuff out. It's funny, my ex was actually taller than me and not anywhere CLOSE to that personality type
It's because it's a dying app.
your profile is fine for the most part, but you come across as a massive normalfag, which is fine but I'm sure you can imagine a lot of people on this site aren't really looking for that.
Yeah that too probably
Troons have trouble dating, troons are a small number irl but dating apps, where the socially maladjusted and desperate congregate will have a higher portion of troons as a result. California also has a larger number of troons than most states so you're seeing one of the larger nests, probably.
I'm giving up on this app. I already kind of slowly stopped feeling the urge to check it, all my matches went nowhere, the girls I added on discord ghosted me or just straight up haven't been online in months since our last conversation(so the same as ghosting), and even the more sexual accounts unmatched me. I fumbled the california asian dommy mommy man. I think it's time I gave up on this and just accepted I am just meant to be alone, maybe the next con I go to, I'll somehow get lucky and meet a girl who might hang out with me, but I think it's time to admit it's over for me. I liked the few girls I did get to actually chat with, it was nice getting to talk to people who actually liked the same things as me even for a little bit, but it all amounted to nothing.
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The girl on discord didn't respond to me after our call, but I realise that I only responded after more than a week at some point, so it's not like I can blame her.
But it still occupies me. Did I creep her out because I don't use social media? Did she vc with 3 other, more interesting guys? Something else entirely? Who knows?
Don't feel too bad, anon. Most men today will die alone.
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Czy profile polek na tej aplikacji są jeszcze aktywne?
Twój przyszły chłopak czeka na odpowiedź
In that case make sure to spike their drinks with viagra and aphrodisiacs
p0lki chca tylko czarne kutasy, jestesmy zgubieni
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Gadałem z australiczką i nazwała mnie chłopakiem z marzeń a chłopów z australii beznadziejnymi.
Kobiety chcą czego nie mogą mieć, albo ich brak znajomości zagranicznych chłopów sprawia że ich wyobraźnie szaleją i widzą cudzoziemców jako idealnych.
Trzeba po prostu mieć nadzieje że kiedyś się obudzą i nauczą się doceniać to co mają
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I think these people are having a stroke! Someone should help them!
I'm not looking to fuck them, anon.
3D guys are ugly.
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>Bia the Delicious bleachbunny still hasn’t responded

What do I do /duo/ bros? Should I message her again?

>No special needs caretaker black GF to give me my retard pills and remind me to brush my teeth.
jesus christ, just leave her alone
She hasn’t skipped me yet so there’s a chance right…?

Do you think she’s just asleep?
>My education is basically negative
pretty sure you have a master's degree in simping, cripple

Witajcie bracia Polscy Wybacz mój zepsuty polski, używam tłumacza Google.

Pochodzę z Ameryki Południowej i dla zabawy postanowiłem poeksperymentować z rozmowami z Polkami. Nie jestem biały, ale nie czarny, też nieźle wyglądam i mam więcej odpowiedzi niż przeskoków w tej chwili.

Zaczęłam rozmawiać z 19-latką, która stwierdziła, że lubi być wykorzystywana, była nudna i przerwała rozmowę. Próbowałem rozmawiać z inną osobą, która interesowała się gamedevem, ale natychmiast zostałem pominięty (prawdopodobnie dlatego, że w biografii zapisano moją narodowość).

Chodzi o to, żeby powiedzieć, że to jeszcze nie koniec dla was, wyjdźcie z Duolicious i wypróbujcie inne aplikacje randkowe. Życzę Ci szczęscia!

Seek help and leave Bia alone.

How come I don't see any more people in my search tab, yet others can find me? On my end, I keep seeing the same people no matter how much I refresh.
you have to clear them out. they're in a set order based on tags in common then match percentage. there's a limit to how many people you're shown. change the setting so it doesn't show you anyone you've skipped or messaged, skip the ones you aren't interested in, and message the ones you are. you'll see new people then
So I have to skip every single person in my search tab. correct?
>other dating apps
bruh the girls on other dating apps are like
"tee hee, I like travel and sushi and going out"
They are so far apart from me in the way of personality they might as well be from a diffent county beacuse there is no way in hell we are ever going to come to an understanding.
Not that the girls on duo are better pepole, I just feel like the most important thing to them won't be my car (so I tell myself)
Stop being a retard, the women from Duolicious are worse then normies in every way and will treat you way worse unless you're a gigachad.

Heed my advice friend, take some good pictures of yourself and make a normie friendly but still true to yourself profile on any normie dating app (if you can't pass for a normie maybe work on that because you'll have to look functional anyways to deal with society). We're in a time where being a nerd isn't too looked down upon and you're bound to find a girl who at least shares some of your interests like gaming or manga, etc. You can build a relationship from there.

If there are too many normies, ignore them and make a beeline for weird women. I found two girlfriends on Tinder in past and am about to install the app again to prove Duolicious is utter dogshit. I might post results here if you guys want it.
Go for it chief, give me the reason to give up here
I mostly tried duo because I was hoping that the 'funny femcel' app would be a bit more lenient to social awkwardness
But nah, the only real conversation I've had was with AoB but even then it was short lived
>talk to a "girl"
>ask if shes got any strong political views
>she says shes left leaning
>its fine, I enjoy political debates
>say im right leaning, ask what are her main views
>free healthcare and abortion
>tell her that im against abortion because its a human being and its better to give it out to adoption instead
>white people need to stop killing babies otherwise well be replaced in 50 years

welp, I guess I found a coalburner
Jfc Anon. I am not that left leaning if at all and I would've skipped you too. IMO I don't like it when guys jump straight to talking about politics with me.
why not skip me as I ask the question?
Also if your bio is literally 3 words then theres not much to start with. I could ask "what kinda games do you play" but thats going to be 30th message today for her prolly.
Also I suck at small talk so I usually try to say that and start with a deeper question
Personally, I'd have skipped you mid question but I am basing this off of how this other girl responded to you and not me.

There are better ways to ask "deeper" questions that don't revolve around potentially starting a conflict.

Ex; "If you had all the resources, time and land available to build whatever you want (a house, a park, a monument...), what would you build?"
You have to understand that this is a bruh moment
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Idiot! Talking about politics that soon is just a recipe for disaster.
I wasnt being confrontational, are people nowadays unable to have discussions regarding politics or world views without throwing a tantrum? How am I supposed to get to know that person without asking those questions? I dont want to invest my time in a person who has opposite views to me.

Maybe we should have political views filter. Right/Center/Left or smth like that, so I dont waste peoples time.
You know there's more to a person than their political beliefs, right?

Anon, all she did was skip you because you chimped out on her. If anything, you are throwing a "tantrum" by posting about it here. I have secondhand embarassment for you. Get a grip.
Sure, but as I said, I dont want to invest time into someone who has opposite views to mine. Its a time waste for both of us.
If "chimping out" is explaining why I disagree with a statement in a polite way, then I don't think youve been here for long.
You can usually figure out someone's political views if you can read a person (along with the room.)

Anon you literally went from 0 to 100. That is chimping out IMO.

>its fine, I enjoy political debates
You could've skipped her the minute she said left leaning, you know that right?
>lacks social awareness
> it’s her fault not mine!
Sometimes u can, sometimes you cant.
What did I say that's a "100"? I posted a greentext after being surprised by an answer that Ive gotten? Jesus christ people nowadays.
>You could've skipped her the minute she said left leaning, you know that right?
Why would I if I said I enjoy it? At that point I'm not talking to her as a potential partner. I enjoy seeing other peoples perspective on life and its aspects, but I suppose that's a bit above your paygrade.
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Anon this makes you sound like a desperate rapist kek
How can you use something like this as an opener, we are going to become extinct because of men like you.

Also you know it wasn't going to be a debate if you talk about something like that with a "girl", maybe try next time you're born as a woman.
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>At that point I'm not talking to her as a potential partner.
You know there's a time and place for everything, right? You said you were looking to *debate* with her. Being a Debatelord is cringey.

> but I suppose that's a bit above your paygrade.
I don't like embarassing myself by trying to debate about abortion and the existence of white people with someone less than 3 lines into a conversation with them, yes. Please look in a mirror.
It wasn't an opener, where did you get that from?
Right I forgot w*men can't have civil discussions, thanks for reminding me.

debate and discussion arent the same thing, she brought up the abortion and explained her pov, then I explained mine. The fact is that USA will be <50% white in 19 years if things don't change, Im just looking out for you since Im thankful not to be an amerifat.
pol is this way, Anon. >>>/pol/472544997
Also, you guys are acting like talking about politics is such taboo that it shouldnt even be mentioned. Ive had around 10 very good and deep conversations with women (I think) on either side of the spectrum. So it's very much possible and quite frankly enjoyable.
Thanks but it's already in my second tab
tf does "looking for short-term dating" mean? Like I can expect to be broken up with in [x] months?
Dating without necessarily looking for marriage. Yes, its a whore pretending to be morally superior.
I assumed it meant you're just looking for a quick date and hookup.
I love the bunny pics anon. They really lift up my spirits whenever I check up on this depressing thread
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Honestly, I am pretty normalfaggish. I just have some VERY deep power levels in a few topics/stats.
I want to give off the image of "person who hates interacting with society, but can manage to do so when needed" but I don't want to remove too many IRL photos since I like being upfront as much as possible.
Man, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
Wasn't there an option to show/hide people you've skipped in your match list? I'm not finding that now.
bottom of search filters
I don't mean the actual first message, you said yourself that you' were pretty early in the conversation and were testing things out, but i wouldn't know where to start, guess we can't debate anon, sorry.
All i can say is that if a woman wants your kids she wouldn't have to worry about abortion, and the fate of humanity is not what encourages her to have them either, and again it's different to say something like that as a man so early on.

>I enjoy political debates
>Dont want to invest my time in a person who has opposite views to me.
>I enjoy seeing other peoples perspective on life and its aspects
Kind of confusing, but since you have those opinions i hope you don't fall for the bleach memery just to have your kids because that's probably the most likely outcome.
His profile is fine, I have a somewhat similar profile and have no problem getting responses from women who don't have empty meme profiles or are openly whores (I don't message those). You're better off on a normie dating app though.
I'm using this and OkCupid, which is funny because there seems to be a lot of crossover on what kinds of girls populate them considering they're supposed be on the literal opposite sides of the political spectrum, lol.
either widen your search parameters or accept that's it. the app is dead, dropping users by the day

>it's a human being
american christianity is hilarious
Once I'm a passable and pretty tranny I will make an account.... just maybe......
this is why you're gonna die alone kek
having similar world views is important in any relationship that you want to last.
You can enjoy political discussions with people you don't want to be romantically involved with, even on a site like duo. And yes, I do like reading and understanding what and why other people have opposite views, its not that deep.
Im not american.
Id rather die alone than play pretend, argue about stupid things a few months into the relationship and be miserable.
The platform won't exist anymore by then I'm afraid anon. Yesterday it was @ 35+k active users, today it's @ 34k. We just need more 30 days.
surprising, i thought only american /pol/tards worried about the erasure of the precious white race
So, never? An artist will never be satisfied with their work, anon.
euchads arent retarded
yuros are the most retarded on the planet and half of you aren't even white
where did you see a california asian dommy mommy? you have to pass the torch to me
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You're a european who wants to debate abortion rights with (probably european) women online, that's not very chadlike of you...
Continue letting the american boomers rot your brain, why do you even worry about how white US will be in years???

>having similar world views is important in any relationship that you want to last
Surely you have other opinions too? For that just find a woman that wants kids with you, i promise that if you can do that you will stop thinking about how we need to have Johan and Nina replicas out of every woman.
Dunno if you're looking at the thread, but I was the one talking to you about stardew valley, went to reply to you and chat was archived for some reason.
This app has convinced me that most gurofags and vorefags are women.
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There's no way she can resist this. No fucking way
>simps so desperate for pussy they'll defend a woman euthanising his progeny because it mildly inconveniences her
Lel, spiritually vasectimised
>dedicating 18+ years of your life to raising another human being
>MiLdLy iNcOnViEnCeS
This but unironically
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I'm a woman that is simply not against abortion because there are situations and situations kek. If you start mentioning something like that to someone you just met and you are not a doctor that has to take care of those things it sounds like your main worry is that you have no way of having kids unless abortion was illegal, incredibly attractive.

If you are a man and your main goal right now is to have kids you should just avoid women who don't want them, not a big deal, they're usually pretty clear about it and there's no purpose of trying to insist unless you want a woman that hates being a mother, and it was funny how anon was including race in it.
Desirable people don't struggle that much with finding someone that wants to have kids with them at a certain age, (and if one wants but can't have them due to other reasons that's another topic).

Speaking of, there was someone i was talking to months ago but they disappeared, picrel is what i wanted to show you since i can't find it online anymore.
>and there's no purpose of trying to insist unless you want a woman that hates being a mother
Wait, I thought girls have this thing in their brain that if you knock them up they just go mother-mode anyways.
Well shit, there goes my strategy with all the "don't want kids" girls on this app. Fuck.
lmao i hope this is a joke post
Mostly, though I do genuinely think most girls that say "I don't want kids" just haven't had their clocks start ticking (screaming) at them yet.
Also I was trying to reference Hot Fuzz with "I heard there's a thing in a man's head, that if you shoot it, it blows up."
met a very nice girl who is 30f looking for marriage

she was smart and qt, just thought I'd say so
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Not sure to congratulate or console
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Eh, i think it can truly work only in rare occasions, most of them end up being abusive mothers or ones that resent their life, so instead of thinking about how to lock a woman that way think about what is best for your kids and how to attract the right people.
I know of girls that changed their opinion after finding a man they really love and feel safe with, which to me seems natural, you love someone so you want to have kids if the situation allows, but there are girls who prefer to not do it for tons of serious reasons too and are very adamant on it, not that they go around having sex with multiple men and go on an abortion strike anyway.

>I was trying to reference-
I'm going to start referencing your mom anon...
>I'm going to start referencing your mom anon...
Good luck, she's never said a worthwhile thing in her whole damn life.
Other than getting me to stop being such an edgy atheist and see the value in other peoples' faith.
>make account
>All girls that message me are fat, trans, or looking for money
>finally talk to a cute asian girl, that’s into retro games
>talk for days
>soon drops a bombshell that she a recovering heroin attic, and had over 4 abortions
>currently living with her drug dealer and wanted me to be part of a poly relationship with 3 other guys she with

Fuck my life, I hate Florida so much. Why are women all trash here.
i'm 34 and have never had a single desire to have children. you can also feel a biological urge to have kids and still not want them on a practical level or recognize they won't fit in your life
Fair, but I reserve the right to call you a pussy
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>i'm 34 and have never had a single desire to have children
I’m 35 and my first relationship my ex had an abortion, to leave me for her boss when we were both 23.
Since then I lost any desire to have a family or even take relationships seriously.
I only use this app to get 18 year old pussy. It’s not hard at all, already on my 5th hook up.
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Don't know that much about you anon but i tried.
As opposed to dedicating 40+ years of your life to enriching your employer?
>raising kids sucks
It's the most fulfilling thing a person can do. You have been psyopped into thinking otherwise by antinatalists who hate you and want to see your bloodline die out. Stop drinking the flavor aid.
>the only reason you'd oppose abortion is if you're an incel
Or, maybe they just oppose the murder of children? Not everyone is a godless heathen who doesn't value human life.
Am I supposed to pretend Shirley isn't prime? Nice meaty chest and legs, and just LOOK AT THAT BUTT
Her outfit is cuter, too
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Goddamn, that's pretty spot-fucking-on.
Did you use my profile images as a reference? Seriously wtf
I guess I could storytime the whole incident as a thanks
>be me
>be typical, late teen, edgelord, dumbass kid
>listen to a lot of standup since I think it's the peak of comedy
>mostly Louis CK, Ricky Gervais, and George Carlin
>"heh, religious people are retarded!"
>bother my mother constantly by making mean-spirited jokes towards her Christian faith
>every time she either calmly ignores me or removes herself from the situation
>eventually grow tired I'm not getting a rise out of her anymore and just decide to ask her directly
>"why do you even believe in a god that doesn't exist?"
>this time is different, this time she just turns around to look at me, her eyes shing in dampness (but never crying)
>"why is taking away my faith so important to you?"
>genuinely don't know how to respond, just kinda shuffle away
>her words live rent free in my head for the next two weeks or so
>nothing I used to watch is funny
>nothing I read makes it better
>eventually, look into faith and religion as a concept out of curiosity
>realize how absurdly powerful faith can be, almost rivaling love
>respect the shit out of my mom and her beliefs for the rest of my life
Still, that's the only nugget of wisdom she ever got me
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been about ~3 months I think? and I have not got a single message or interest, Even in a place supposedly for people like me, I am not welcomed.
she's fat and I'm an asshole
hard to say who's at fault
Getting some mixed signals here
turn the lights out anon
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Didn't say that, anyway girls who are not mentally ill or immature and weren't raped and want to have sex with men who don't want to have kids with usually use precautions, which is pretty different from killing children.
Even if you are in your ideal relationship it's pretty rare that the both of you are okay with having unprotected sex for the rest of your life and end up raising 9 kids if your libido holds up in a world that is getting pricier if anything.

You're not going to change anyone's life with these attempts, just focus on your life and avoid trying to generalize, women who don't want kids because they don't think they can be good mothers or is not in their interest value the life of children just as much as ones who want them, which is why they avoid getting in that situation. It's really not that hard to show that you can be a good father to someone who desires it from you, that's just what i think.

Kek alright thanks for the lore, i just assumed and stayed generic, no one around me was really religious but i always thought that Jesus and Mary are cool, didn't draw fanart of them yet but i made my handmade rosary bracelet years ago.
who asked

i didn't say raising kids sucks, so it's funny you'd project that onto me. i said i have no interest in doing it. very different

are you planning on giving up your career and staying home to raise your kids?
no one actually believes fetuses are children and it's stupid that we let anyone pretend they do. if you could save a fridge of 1000 fertilized embryos or a single month old baby from a burning building, every person on earth would choose the baby
Anon didn't you know that men kill tons of children too when they masturbate instead of having sex with a woman? Imagine how many kids we could have if they could carry them as well.
Man, that anon is clearly wrong, but you're kind of a cunt
>you're not gonna change your life with these attempts
I covertly poke holes in all the condoms I use when I fuck prostitutes. Leave em all with a life-changing surprise ;)
>would you give up your career for your kids
Traditionally the man would be the one maintaining a career so the wife can stay home without having to slave away for an income. If the option was on the table I would take it without a second thought. Money is just a means to an end, and the true end is happiness and love. If I can attain them without money, then hell yeah.

>no one actually believes foetii are children
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. There's a reason why killing a pregnant woman counts as double homicide. Notice how you had to reduce it to embryos, rather than a foetus in say the second trimester.
> no one actually believes fetuses are children
God has abandoned this Hell bound cunt.
yes i'm a woman on here who says things men don't like, i'm used to being called a cunt

okay you can stay home and your wife can work then

also murdering a pregnant woman doesn't count as a double homicide universally lol it doesn't in my country

god isn't real and i miss the days where suggesting there is one would get you laughed off of here
are there any girl or even anyone in the uk on this thing?
>you can stay home and the wife can work
1. I don't think women should be in the workforce regardless
2. My understanding of the question was that it was implying neither me nor she would work.

>it doesn't count as double homicide where I live
What an absolute shithole you must live in, probably some backwater in eastern europe. Legacy of socialist rule, no doubt. Same people that has government tribunals to decide if someone is worth giving life-saving healthcare to based on whether they will contribute enough in taxes afterwards or not, and would sentence someone to death for being late to work because it's "counterrevolutionary activity and treason against the Workers", makes sense you wouldn't value human life.
> god isn't real and i miss the days where suggesting there is one would get you laughed off of here
Vapid hylic and major newfag
>1. I don't think women should be in the workforce regardless
lmao i was waiting for this typical response

also it's canada btw but i'm sure you're about to say that's a socialist country too

been here since 2006 and if you don't think the rise of christianity as anything but a meme isn't something from the last 10 years then that's funny
not yet, soon tho
There's no way you haven't seen her if you're in the Southern California area, she's one of the accounts I always saw in my search for the past 5 months I had the account. If she really did somehow delete her account, I guess I'd feel less bad, but it'd be way too convenient that she somehow deleted her account only a few days after I messaged her again
what the hell
>Canada actually
Even worse. Government will put you to death if you sprain your ankle, literally lower than a workhorse. Won't be long before they start shipping you off go organ farms, considering your government is a puppet for the Chinese
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If you're the same anon i already told you that i'm not surprised that this is your only option... but i hope you're not going with literal prostitutes, if that's a family tradition i'll respect it.

>There's a reason why killing a pregnant woman counts as double homicide
Because there's a possibility that the kid would be born, and because aside from accidents there are men who consciously murdered or harmed their pregnant wives with the intention of not bringing them to life. Women or any medic involved don't go to jail if something wrong happens during birthing like that. What do you risk when you couldn't have a kid as a man? You can just try again, it's not the same.
Consensual reproduction is still possible if you look around instead of getting louder with no use, rape was still legal around the 90's and again i doubt any of you can really have reproductive-only sex and sustain a family with 9 kids so i guess that you're going to become accomplices.
That's probably all from virgin n.7 who often forgets about the existence of birth control pills, i miss my wife.

Let's go back talking about how the site is dying, how could women allow this???
>you're just an incel, prostitutes are your only option, she won't ever love you blah blah
All women are prostitutes. Case in point: you would never ever date a man who was unemployed and made you pay for everything, would you? No. Because you think a man should pay the way for women. ergo, prostitute.

>you wouldn't charge a doctor if a kid died during childbirth
1. Murder hinges on intent, same reason you won't go to prison if someone jumps in front of your car when you're driving down the highway.
2. If a doctor fucked up in such a way he directly killed the kid, he absolutely would be held liable for at least a negligent homicide charge.

>consensual reproduction
Who said anything about consent?
it was fun for a bit but now it's just as soulcrushing as when i tried tinder two years ago. demoralizing, maddening that as a terminally online socially inept shutin, my odds of finding a girl to interact with let alone date let alone gf seem better irl than on a platform specifically designed for my kind
She deleted her account anon. Either that or cleared people out.
i guess that makes me feel less bad assuming it is the former, but I also feel like that's less likely because the timing is just too convenient for me to think it
Paying for sex and providing for your family are two different things. I'm not someone who looks for money in a man in any way, i have bigger things to worry about and i like to be able to help the ones close to me as much as possible and more, it's my fetish.
Just saying that i would be depressed if i was a man and the only offspring i could get was from being sneaky with a prostitute or some clueless easy girl, can you go lower than that? Instead of going on a good path you want your child to come from a situation like that? Why do you even want kids? I'm not taking it seriously.

>you wouldn't charge a doctor if a kid died during childbirth
I didn't mention that the fault was on the doctors, of course that's concerning, i'm saying that losing a child can happen naturally too.

>Who said anything about consent?
Just rambling, if abortion was illegal that would affect other casual things which some seem to forget.
It's just prostitution with extra steps. You're still paying her in exchange for sex.
>I'm not someone who looks for money in a man
And how many unemployed bums have you dated? How many of your boyfriends made more than you?

>I'm just saying I'd be depressed as a man if my only offspring came from sneaking them into clueless women
Less depressed than having none at all. I procreated, and didn't have to spend a fortune for it. My genes carry on, yours didn't because you wastes your ovaries away with birth control. Sounds like a win for me

>if abortion was illegal it would affect other casual things
Oh noes, casual meaningless sex becomes a taboo again, how awful! I know being a whore is such an important part of a woman's character, but trust me, you'll learn to cope.
>Why do you even want kids?
I haven't been following the discussion you're having, but surely you can't be this clueless about why men rape women.
I'm not sure how old you are, but when you become a certain age your brain chemistry modifies itself, giving you an extremely strong need to procreate.
And unless there is something seriously wrong with you (genetic deviancy, trauma, extreme body modification, etc.) you cannot escape this urge.

As a consequence, men without the means to procreate in a socially accepted way and without the mental fortitude to stop themselves will turn to whatever method they can to ensure they can procreate.
This includes rape, stealthing and sabotaging condoms. That's how strong this urge is.

Oh and
>I'm not someone who looks for money in a man in any way,
You don't, 99% of other women do.
Are you the balkan anon from previous threads? You sound way too confident while spouting things that are only true in your head.

Instead of arguing endlessly and derailing the thread, why not just look elsewhere for women that share your mindset?
I am not that anon. Nice try deflecting, though.
If you disagree or are confused with anything I've said, why don't you ask me for further information or form an actual counter argument instead of just namecalling?
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Sorry i'm exhausted, i was mostly messing around with the rape, but i just think that one should worry more about the future of their children rather than their own accomplishment of simply placing a child in a woman, i need to leave now because i have 10 men paying me to have sex with them and abort their children, might make a discount.
>one should worry more about the future of their children rather than their own accomplishment of simply placing a child in a woman
Oh yeah, I 100% agree. And luckily, most other men do too.
Have fun destroying what is left of your pair bonding ability!
Did you even read my posts? She brought it up.
>/duo/ - Abortion General
Yeah, but i don't want to go over how weirdly you've handled it and how i doubt it will get better like that again, if i can find you maybe i'll bother you privately but that's unlikely

By the way, i'm not one that doesn't want kids, so it's pointless to discuss it with me kek
Sorry but I'm 80% convinced that this is either a fag or woman larping as a man.
>My genes carry on because I impregnaet prostitutes
No you don't.
As far as I know prostitutes have these hormonal implants. Are you really so naive as to think they don't know the risks of their profession? This alone exposes your posts as mere fantasy.
And for what? Just for causing discord?
I don't think that anon was talking about high-class prostitutes, anon.
Is it even worth it to use this site?
These implants are not expensive here (300€, 3 years effect duration), in fact less expensive than pills. In the UK they're free and in the US of A you can often get them for free or a much reduced price according to planned parenthood. You'd be retarded not to use them or comparable contraception methods when your job is having sex with multiple men every day.
>You'd be retarded not to use them or comparable contraception methods when your job is having sex with multiple men every day.
Yes, I agree.
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What the heck is this...

I will however just say this. I do not think I've ever heard of a single case of a prostitute anywhere in the world, whether the cheapest or most expensive high class one that would allow the men paying them to get them pregnant and then actually give birth to a kid.

Did you read that in one of your hentais or something? Because I am pretty certain this never happens.

I have no idea what the hell is even going on in here anymore but this is stupid.
>What the heck is this...
What do you mean? Was I ESLing too hard? Or did you not know about the implants?
Anon, the implants are to PREVENT pregnancy. Not to induce it.
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No I mean why the heck are you even talking about getting prostitutes pregnant??
Anons are into genetic mutations and destroying, rather than passing, their genes with prostitutes that are 99% infected with various diseases, which means their offsprings won’t continue the lineage, because they will die at an early age, be infertile and various other things. Interesting fetish, indeed. But hey, who am I to judge? Hihihi
>why the heck are you even talking about getting prostitutes pregnant??
Because for some people it is one of the only few ways to ensure their bloodline will continue.
Not saying that it's good in any shape or form, mind you. People like him are scum of the earth and should be hanged.
This was brought up by some other anon in the thread. I just called it out as bs.
>thread theme
Agreed, I dont view fetuses as people. Same reason why I don't view leftists as human either.
You can change your profile's color scheme in the web app now
lmk if it's broken
Not seeing it, daddy pls
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Ill test it once the site loads...
When can we add .mp3 files, gifs, and a hit counter?
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> the girl who gave me her discord still hasn't replied to my message or friend request
> feed empty as hell
> kind of unrelated, but some anon suggested that i should upload a pic of mine
> new girl in my feed, isn't from my country, but whatever, i need to distract myself from the other girl and my area has been dead af, so i sent an intro
> she replies that i'm cute
> wtf
> thank her and she archived her profile 20 minutes after that

thanks for the confidence boost, i don't even care if you were a guy

but now i feel obliged to stay on this app some more time, unless i get something from discord
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Right after I let users embed marquees
I joined about 6 months ago, how come my Q&A is capped at 1000 questions but other people can answer 2,000 questions
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i think it looks good
When pussy gets penetrated, does it take multiple days for it to reset to its regular tightness?
When you poop, does it take multiple days for your butthole to close? No, right? ...Hopefully.
That opening only has muscles by the entrance. A vagina has muscles all the way in. Do the math.
Ive been told that if you get fucked in the ass, you loosen the sphincter so much that your farts become silent (puffff), and that its easier to poop afterwards for a few days.
So the shitting analogy isnt the best here...
It's supposed to be an exit only kind of deal, innit? A moment of silence for all the struggling buttholes out there.
Probably because people who don't want children, especially women, have to listen to the same trite old garbage every fucking time the topic comes up.
>can't change "mutual clubs" color
so close
most of what causes women to loosen during sex is because arousal makes the vagina stretch and lengthen. it has nothing to do with a dick going in them
>find a girl near my age and in my area
>97% match
>get a decent conversation, invite another one
>ghosted, didn't take it up
>at least I wasn't skipped
So, you are saying an unaroused vagina is tighter
and tighter the cunt is, the more intense and pleasurable experience is for the man
The implication being that...
I'd like to see less about women's internals and more love stories ITT. Maybe I should pick up His and Her Circumstances again
>and tighter the cunt is, the more intense and pleasurable experience is for the man
this isn't really that true. there's a reason that women with vaginismus often can't have sex as a man literally can't get inside. also a lack of arousal means a lack of lubrication, so sex won't feel as good because you won't get smooth thrusts. and if she isn't aroused, you'll probably bottom out and not be able to stick your entire dick in her
>you'll probably bottom out and not be able to stick your entire dick in her
what if you fist her first and only then put the dick in
vaginas are designed for childbirth so they should stretch large object is inserted regardless if she is aroused
Are you retarded or underage?
uh if she isn't aroused, you probably aren't gonna be able to fist her

also women literally release a hormone called relaxin during childbirth that helps the vaginal canal stretch, along with above normal levels of estrogen which help with connective tissue being more flexible, and oxytocin causes contractions which help with the pushing motion to get a baby out. it isn't comparable at all, and the body has a process to move a baby through the vagina even when unaroused
I hate that I have to share a board with your ilk.
>uh if she isn't aroused, you probably aren't gonna be able to fist her
if there is a will, there is a way
>women, have to listen to the same trite old garbage every fucking time the topic comes up
Yeah, there's a real easy solution to that to make sure you never hear it again.
Kill everybody who wants children?
Tempting, but maybe a bit too extreme.
I said easy, not rewarding.
Turn that -7,000,000,000 into a +1
You just keep on proving my point that people like you are utterly insufferable.
I truly wish frol the bottom of my heart that you never procreate.
Damn, calm down, it was just a joke.
See, this is why I don't attempt to banter.
Yes just joke about something some people have cleqrly had fucking enough of.
Worked with the holocaust
Let me put a gif as my pfp duodude
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Whatever this thread is, it's not bants. I am saying this as the most English person in here.
Are bants required to be funny?

Bants are usually an exchange of light hearted mocking.

Telling someone they look like they lost a fight with a lawnmower when they get a new haircut is bants.
Telling someone you want to genocide the world because they want kids is not bants or whatever the hell is being said right now. I can barely follow it anymore.
>I can barely follow it anymore.
maybe you should oil up your peg leg
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wait, she actually give me her discord before deactivating

but the truth is that I don't even speak english (she's not from my country like I said), and I don't want to waste her time

I wish the other girl had this interest instead of ghosting me
Pass the torch my brother
I, some random anon that has had no exposure to her, is probably nothing like you, and doesn't even know what this girl is like, will carry on where you left off.
if you can speak english well enough to bitch on here, you can speak enough to talk to her
Yeah honestly, your english is pretty good, only a few spelling/grammar mistakes ("give" instead of "gave" and "this interest" instead of "this kind of interest" although the latter is excusable in modern text)
I would also point out the lack of capitalization and punctuation if I was feeling zesty, but apparently nobody in America even gives a fuck about that anymore, so w/e.
as a man, will using my actual picture help me to attract weird girls. I'm a gigachad btw if that matters
ok you all got me, I'm pretty ugly.......
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It will help with keeping girls who find you normal and with avoiding girls who don't find you attractive
I would advice against putting your face there just for safety but at least when you're a man it's less likely that someone would save it, not every girl is ready to switch to other platforms right at the start anyway. We all have a gigachad inside, don't worry.

I don't agree with this addition because it encourages me to stay... and my colors wouldn't look that good with all the dumb stuff i have there which is very important, this is going to haunt me forever.
Couldn't you lock it behind a paywall like all the evil corporations do... i'm not used to have all this free will.
Idk about attracting weird girls but you’ll probably get a better chance of a response if you look like you brush your hair and wear moisturizer, even if you’re ugly
>It will help with ... avoiding girls
All my mind processed
Alright, well brb gonna delete all my photos
It can't be that bad, >>33247447 is right, did you look at the photos of other men there?
And if you want to date it's always a good thing if you show yourself, you could avoid it but it would be pretty bad if a girl stops talking to you because she doesn't like your looks that much in specific.

Don't know about the technical stuff but wouldn't that get in the way of how the ai verification reacts to photos?
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Too late, already changed it
The first picture is pretty damn good representation of me anyways, and the last picture will be a selfie so that I'm verified, and to reward any person who actually cares enough to read the whole profile.
>it would be pretty bad if a girl stops talking to you because she doesn't like your looks that much in specific
I'd much rather this happen than have literally no contact whatsoever. Nobody has ever called me ugly before.
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And the meme dump cause fuck it
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>conversation actually going somewhere
>wow, maybe I was wrong about all this
>"by the way I'm 15 heehee"
>Duo general: Anon Grooms a Child Edition
Anon, at some point women will see what you look like as you meet them IRL may as well use actual pics same as I do. I can't be the only Anon that has a job and leaves my home regularly am I?!
what colours are you going with, nona?
How to spot catfishes?
What are the red flags
They're good at keeping the conversation running.
Reverse search their photos
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The colors are so vivid, not really my thing, i wanted some gentle greens or browns too but i think i might stay with purples only...very basic

That's why i say that as a man you should be more encouraged, i have a picture just to show that i'm human but nothing that shows too much

I just woke up back there and i thought you were the same anon, i don't want to write too much about it but even if i have a wife here
>I'd much rather this happen than have literally no contact whatsoever
I'd fear to catch feelings for someone that i can't have and it would just bring me down because now i'm stuck on them instead of working on myself and have a possibility to find someone right for me, i understand feeling lonely but it's better to avoid needless pain to me, sorry this was mostly meant for that other person who i know nothing of

To me it's any female profile that writes like they're underaged and acts hypersexual, worst case is that they're actually underaged or not very stable, and profiles who only have photos are weird too, even if you can't find the sources
>I'd fear to catch feelings for someone that i can't have and it would just bring me down because now i'm stuck on them
I will post one of my pictures at the drop of a hat, definitely nowhere near enough time to get attached to anyone who's probably catfishing me anyways.
What'd you think of the profile/colors? I've changed the background to a rosy-red instead of the brown since that image.
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Why does this make women so mad? Am I wrong about this???
Guess I'll have to move on. She was my only real match before my ban though and I wish I had got to know her better.
For my next try I need to be quicker with responses.
Your profile seemed nice before but you decided to mess with the colors and turned into a dogshit angel fire blog. Either revert to vanilla colors or look up some color theory my man.
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> tries banter
how am i doing, anons?
maybe im too old, isnt gooning just edging? why the name change
I think this is just plain bulling, from my experience u should banter only the ones who enjoy it.
they deactivated after that, mb i kinda went overboard but they had some retarded clubs in the profile
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If you're not British you shouldn't even try. That doesn't sound like bants at all. Too mean spirited.
Kys (bantering)

You should also not “bant” someone you don’t have somewhat of a relationship with. When you’re doing it to the opposite sex you don’t know, it’s just called negging. 4chan girls are already used to it and find it annoying more than engaging.
From my experience so far, negging gives like an 80% response rate, while being nice has given me like 15%.
Fuck you I'm going to be nice anyway
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All I want to do is be nice, but girls seriously only want to find schizos or assholes. Even when I get my foot in the door, and then come out with "haha that was fun I guess, but I'm actually a sweetheart, can I start being nice now?" I get dropped like a sack of potatoes.
I mean, it could also be because it makes me seem like a legitimately mentally unwell person, but that would place the blame on me instead of women/society, and my ego is too fragile to handle that so I'm going with my initial reasoning.
Yeah because the people who respond don’t take you seriously. They’re replying for shits and giggles because they think you’re doing it for the shits and giggles.
Regardless, I'm getting responses and my foot in the door. And it's not like I don't enjoy shits and giggles. One read of my profile will show my true intentions of finding love.
If getting in is more important to you than being invited in, don’t blame anyone but yourself when you get kicked out.
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>don’t blame anyone but yourself when you get kicked out
I can and I will
i get the sneaking suspicion a lot of these “minors” are just honeypots set up by bored men that can’t get play themselves so they entertain their lives by doing this instead. why bother?
>but anon its illegal!
no shit. there’s enough types on here wasting time and treating this website like a joke. we don’t need more.
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Change that to Pokemon Crystal and you've got yourself a deal, anon
What happens if I join a banned club?
Anyone get into a short fight with someone off this yet? Had my first one just now with some weirdo trying to psychoanalyze me
Was he right?
it was a girl, and i don't think so, but she went apeshit after i called her a buzzkill lmao. weirdest interaction ive had off that site
sounds like she pegged you good and went for the throat
Nah I won cus she skipped me, I'd show convo if duo didn't scrape it
>I'd fear to catch feelings for someone that i can't have and it would just bring me down because now i'm stuck on them instead of working on myself and have a possibility to find someone right for me, i understand feeling lonely but it's better to avoid needless pain to me

Genuinely thought-provoking.

Those replies read like 30 IQ points lost to Fluoride. Don't feel bad about this one.
this isn't being mean and being like "lol can i be nice now" after you've just said like 4 random things that the other person clearly isn't following is weird
Yeah, I know. Was just lashing out after a lot of failure.
I have a few chats going since then, so I'm getting a better feel for the app now.
Not a fight but a guy made 5-6 different profiles to message me on duo and added me on Discord with 3 diff accounts after I said I wasn’t interested.
Hi Bia
what if I'm not really interested in dating and I just want to eat femcel pussy?
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why are women like this

why don't people go to tinder
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Guys, has anyone been "unghosted" by a girl before?

Maybe I'm trying too hard. I've been playing only games that I know we share an interest in, just to get noticed on Discord (I like the games anyways), since I already reminded her on Duo about my message there. Double texting on both sides is too much I think

I've been talking to a new girl from my country, but we don't share any common interests (also, she's mostly searching for fujoshi friends)
eating a girl out in this day and ages is equivalent to necrophilia. hope you like the taste of dead babies
I've been unghosted by a girl when she wanted to ask for money. Hope that helps!
I would pay with a fake or stolen credit card if that increased the possibilities of getting her attention desu
idk i just work here
Sure, so say I wanted to rub my face all around in it until she squirts like a whore. Is that doable via this app?
Coming to the realization that there is nobody silly like me and I will never have a silly billy love
Fuck my silly chungus life
Nothing to be silly about in my life
I've seen that meme somewhere in someone's profile. Don't give up!
A girl I met off a similar app once ghosted me after I shared a fetish I had with her. Then messaged me like half a year or something later, and I was all like "Oh so we're gonna pretend like that didn't happen? Fuck off."
I'm retarded if you happen to be a girl (○//3//○)
New thread: >>33250770

(Somehow ended up sharing trips with this one)

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