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Duolicious is an online dating app, but based and true love-pilled.

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Previous thread: >>33235770
What are the chances of finding my future wife and mother of my children on this app if I'm functioning sperg from eastern europe? How much normie flooded has it become? After like around 20 years on 4chan I barely can communicate with regular people in a way other than professional at work. I just want simple, normal relationship, but in imageboards flavor where you don't have to walk on eggshells because muh social correctness because you're both disillusioned, bitter and grew thick skin due to all shitflinging that happens on chans, where you send memes and reaction images instead of cringy heart emotes, where you watch anime season instead newest hollyflix slop, where you would rather spend time together home or doing local trips to forests/mountains and do /out/ and /diy/ things instead of blowing fortune on expensive hotels in tourist places all over world made of the same fucking concrete you have at home and killing your eardrumms on crowded concerts or shitty clubs full of tattoo'd degens, not to confuse with respectable /d/egens.
>What are the chances of finding my future wife and mother of my children on this app


I consider myself physically above-average and several girls hace complimented my pictures. I've been looking for a long-term relationship for 2 months now, and it's just been a giant waste of time. I've probably sent over 100 intros at this point, from which I've got around 15 discord contacts, 10 of which have eventually ghosted me and the rest are good conversation partners but they are not interested in anything other than platonic friendship.

My conclusion is that the percentage of girls genuinely looking for a serious relationship here is not meaningful to be worth the time if that's what you want. And you're competing with hundreds of other men for them. Look elsewhere.
especially bad for you since you're in eastern europe, from what I've been reading
i believe in you, slovakia-kun
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Dude, the ration of men to "women" on this thing is so fucked lmao.
Trust the stats and don't even try.
Only works for fags
I've messaged at least a dozen girls and yet after about 2 or so weeks, nothing. I know I'm no casanova but I didn't know I was THAT unappealing
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>I've been looking for a long-term relationship for 2 months now, and it's just been a giant waste of time. I've probably sent over 100 intros at this point, from which I've got around 15 discord contacts, 10 of which have eventually ghosted me and the rest are good conversation partners but they are not interested in anything other than platonic friendship.
That's general state of dating on the internet. If I knew how people meet each other normally I wouldn't be on apps. I guess they meet either through friends or in social gatherings like clubs/parties, but the latter is disgusting and I lack friends as for first 20 years of my life I was pathetic, shy waste of air and only around age of 20-21 I started to work on myself because I realized that with how I was I wouldn't even get hired, would remain virgin and would achieve nothing in life. But then I moved, then again due to university so whatever few contacts with childhood friends I had I lost. Average age at my work is like 50 and both girls around my age are already married, not to mention I'm not sure if it's even good idea to seek such things at work because it might backfire in case of failure.

Few profiles from this region or simply general stereotypes about EE?

Not Slovakia. Further to the north.

It's everywhere like that. I have no idea where women reside when they have faces glued to phone screens. Is it all instagram, tiktok and mass swiping left on tinder?
Yeah, pretty much. All bitches are on insta,tiktok and tinder. They don't even need any of those. IRL attention would be enough for them as they get flooded with it everywhere.
They can pick chad and treat you like a subhuman all they want. Sad shit. Chemical Castration is the way fellas.
Anyone here actually get intros from girls? I got a lot of replies to my intros but they never take the initiative. Maybe im just boring
a couple, but they're very few and far in between. is there anything in your profile worth having a conversation about that may catch their eye?
does this app have the tinder trick to only show people who matched you
any tips on what to put?
im guessing i can put some interesting shit about my interests, so that whoever understands them could be interested?
i could also put some math memes, is it a good idea
if you have any interesting collections, IRL stuff is a better thing to add
no, it just shows you people based off compatibility (via the Q&A) and your filters, though it won't show anyone that wouldn't show up with their respective filters.
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My experience is basically the total opposite of this.

It's the bunnies man. Don't underestimate them.
Have you got a girlfriend through the app? Not to mention you're a millionaire and people lurking here know it.
Worked for me, for a small amount of ghosting.
>Have you got a girlfriend through the app?
The guy whose entire personality is rabbits and humblebragging definitely has a girlfriend. He just comes in to every Duo thread to provide helpful advice to us peons out of the goodness of his heart.
I kinda don't want to start with the Q&A again. Right now my search tab has all the women and answering questions would only filter some out!
You can't see all the women though. The list stops at a certain point for everyone.
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Straight up honestly couldn't tell you at this point in time.


Correct! The peons need all the help they can get!!
>If I knew how people meet each other normally I wouldn't be on apps. I guess they meet either through friends or in social gatherings like clubs/parties, but the latter is disgusting

I've had three relationships thus far.
Two I met through being involved in my community and parish, and one I yoinked off Tinder.
Get involved in whatever wholesome thing you can enjoy irl. Parish, boardgame groups, book clubs, archery clubs, whatever appeals to you and is available to you.
The first point is important; You should go there for that activities' sake, not to find a gf. People pick up on that.
Especially if its a sports club, it'll grow into a point of confidence for you, I'm sure.
Even if you don't find a waifu directly, you may just end up making male friendships and find someone that way.

Also, consider arranged dating. It worked for a friend of mine, and my mother's aquaintance from the dog park aggressively offered me his daughter. I declined because of vaxx reasons, though.

Best of luck anon! If nothing else works, learn german and serve me in the Freikorps!
I have plans to hookup with an emo BBW after she’s back from vacation. Thanks Duo lmao
Don't do it anon, make her lose weight first.
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>Get involved in whatever wholesome thing you can enjoy
I don't think many girls are interested in sport shooting and maybe activism in one right wing party because fuck the biggest choices we have here, anon. Even MMORPGs are dead these days and I don't blame them seeing how you don't have time to grind for hours and warm Prontera tiles with your butt while chatting with others because of irl job.

>Also, consider arranged dating
That requires social circle I don't have. It's not in our culture and my family is broken so I don't have the best contact with them. Only friendships I have are online from old /vg/ guilds.

>learn german and serve me in the Freikorps!
I'd rather get blown up by artillery on belarussian border. I'm not leaving my country for corruption and poverty of the east or faggots and imported barbarians of the west, especially that my grandparents have piece of land I could build house on and live comfy countryside life right next to river and forests.
You might not be aware of it, but you socialize because you've evolved to do it because it increases your chances of survival, including finding a mate, even if socializing is otherwise pointless. For someone that has experienced rejection from their wanted opposite sex their entire life who has no confidence left any more, socializing has zero benefit because in and of itself it's pointless if he thinks it won't get him a mate. The only reason to keep doing it is that maybe, just by luck or chance, he'll meet someone that will like him enough to be his partner and give him children. Otherwise it's just search for hedonistic pleasures and ignoring your basic purpose for existing which is to procreate, and that goes against all instincts that I personally have and want to be in life, so I won't do things just for the hedonism of it if I am utterly failing and a failure at achieving my primary purpose for living. I'll rather sit in my room wallowing in depression until I eventually off myself or die. Doesn't mean that I won't go socialize here and there and try to flirt with some women and get a gf, but I don't think I have any chance of getting one soon, just from my experiences from trying to get one for my entire adult life (I'm in my 30s), have been nothing but rejection, failure and cheating. MAYBE women will value me more over time as I get older and have more stuff to give them and am wiser and more robust, but it's really hard to get over that worthless feeling from decades of rejection. And I've learned that socializing is otherwise useless except if it will maybe lead me to some women, and all the things and hobbies I otherwise enjoy doing are utterly DEVOID of women as they are manly interests.
Where’s the fun in that?
Women on this app are genuinely worthless & you're better off looking on Tinder or following the other anon's advice. You could also try dating servers on discord, there was an anon on a past thread who did that and was successful.

Femcels should die alone.
genuinely fuck off

you have been a blight on these threads. you're a avatarfagging reddit-spacing attention whore who can't help but bring up his gimp leg or his millions every chance he can get, who is most likely being catfished by someone pretending to be an uwu japanese girl who lets you spew your lower than N5 level of garbage at her
Tinder is dogshit, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone here.
why are there so many sus female accounts from Denmark? pretty sure some nigga just sits and makes fake accounts all day. ive seen 4 now around the Zealand area with very similar bios, barely any q&a answers and and extremely similar clubs theyre in. they all look like your typical normie instathots too.

Frida 20, Line 23, Julie 22, and Amalie 23. can anyone confirm these bitches are real people? cuz they glow so fucking hard. didnt wanna message em and test it myself cuz im scared, so if anyones already talked to any of em lmk

Idiot, I'm actually N4 and part of the way to N3 Japanese. But my kanji is N1 and vocab is probably more like N3 and a bit.
If I’ve been talking to someone for over a month and don’t feel any chemistry, should I still keep going? They’re fine and seem to be an ok person, but is it worth it to wait for someone to beee themselves a bit more? I feel like I can only feel chemistry if they act like their “true” selves.
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Regular dating app I tried did not bring any success either. Only matches I got maybe besides one were from single mothers and women weighting more than me. Also lets say that besides, like most men, not being into obese girls I'm fond of looks normally tegarded as weird. My last (and only) love interest had quite big forhead and big, hooked, stereotypically jewish looking nose. Another I found attractive had thin, fox or mouse-like face. If the reason for being outcast is looks, there is a chance it will be something I like. Plus what I've posted above about imageboards culture.

Why do you think they are worthless? I've been lurking these threads for past week contemplating whether to make acc or not and some of supposed girls who posted read like okay people.
I'm handsome and fit and get a lot of attention on other apps (Tinder etc). I live in a very dense area in socal. How realistic is it for me to find new girls to fuck from this app?
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how small?

It's been 12 days. I'm trying to change my profile pic on Duo and Discord to get her attention, but nothing

Thanks to 3 big mutual servers, I can see her online almost all day without her accepting my request. Even on mobile, she's more active on Discord than I thought

btw the other girl I was talking to doesn't even have Discord lol, doesn't even play videogames, just yaoi stuff. But I like her interest in asking me things like what my job is and stuff. Feels nice, the most normal girl I've talked to on Duo, maybe too normal for my taste. I'm feeling like I need to restrict myself or I might scare her
>Why do you think they are worthless?
Women on Duolicious are generally of a lower quality than what you'd find on other dating apps. We're talking obese, insane, abusive, dumb, ugly, etc. All of those are characteristics that lower their attractiveness and in turn how many men seek them.

However, the gender rate in Duolicious is severely imbalanced, at a certain point there was 15 men for each women. Besides that, we have the fact that Duofaggy built the platform in such a way that lets you find and be found from people all around the world - and what does that result in?

So all those factors result in a platform where your big brained hooked nose beauty has hundreds of simps going after her attention and she doesn't choose to stay with any of them because receiving that much attention feels way better. You're going to need to practically beg for an ugly/insane woman to give you the time of day and in the end it's only going to delay when she'll ghost you.
See the posts of anons asking if it's ok to bump their chats or ping women who already have ignored them. Hell, even I did something similar recently.

You're better off on one of those more long term dating websites. If you're ugly, work on getting fit and having a decent job, also it helps if you're a cool guy overall (which it seems you are).

Oh I forgot to tell you that you won't find a woman who talks like a normal human being because they're like 1/100 of the platform and chances are they're not even going to reply to your intro.
what kind of description interests guys most? i'm kind of a sperg and i don't know what guys like... i'm also not good at talking about myself!! any pointers?
I'd like any girl that doesn't have deranged psycho killer interests or fetishes and that pays attention me
what if i have a mild interest in true crime? is that too "deranged psycho killer" of me D:
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Depends on what does man seek. Personally I like to know reason for being on app/search interest. And since I'm seeking actual relationship , key things like stance on having kids etc is important to me. Basically anything that allows to skip people I have no interest in talking to. If someone looked for hookups, he'd be looking for info if you're open to such stuff and relevant things like kinks I guess. Nothing worse than shit like "dunno what I do here" or finding out convo was waste of time when you have completely different goals. Above that it all comes to getting to know each other which is done through actual chatting and spending time, but some interests or similar activities might be good starting point since it might turn out you share some interests.
But yeah, I think goal and key things fir such goal are most important.

Eh, I'm still not convinced. Most of those who collect attention in threads like /sma/ etc look fine. Character-wise I wouldn't know, but as I've posted, their post seemed okay here, maybe with exception of typical gender war ones which competed in self-pity and who has it worse.
>at a certain point there was 15 men for each women
But that's standard on any dating place. As I've said, I have no idea what women do on the internetv it's like they look at the screen but either never post anything and only lurk, or most if them disappear in some secret digital den you have no idea about.
So far you made it look just like any other dating app, not anything worse.
>if you're a cool guy overall (which it seems you are).
Not really, I'm just average, boring guy.

What is even true crime? Watching old FBI files episodes on YT and reading mass shooter manifestos? That seems rather normal considering those shows were popular like 10 years ago and variations still air in TV, and people are serious creatures so obviously they'd look for manifestos etc. People hoard all kinfs of data, myself included.
> 23
> has remote job
> doesnt go out
> no pics, no social media (because of above)
> only hobby is the job and time wasters
> lost all friendships after going through a rough phase
> rotten social skills
> talks to (not so good) senpai and (not so close) friends
> started gym :D
just here to unrotten myself
what should one do?
solo clubbing?
solo travelling?
kms? (not really)
not sempai, **family
yeah, the only way to do that is by getting out of the house and probably picking up a hobby that requires you to leave your house.
If you stay in the same handful of places all the time any negative habits or feelings you developed in those locations can ruin any progress you might make.
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Personally, as long as theres some interests, even if theyre vague. As long as theres something shared, thats enough for me.
... However I really only ask about interests off the bat to relate and delve further because I dont know what the fuck people actually talk about
Over/under 4 months til Duolicious is kill?
problem is that will just go somewhere and talk to no one
way under, probably closer to 4 weeks
Duodaddy predicted the user count would hover around 20k or something like that, and the server status link in OP says there's 33k active right now (unless activity info is actually found somewhere else, idk). No server donations yet for this month, though I imagine the rabbit guy could/will singlehandedly prop that up for a while. All in all it's too early for me to say.
distance set 200m from Chicago and maybe 1 new girl pops up every other week. how am I supposed to find my wife if nobody is signing up? what other apps should I try
> sends intros
> gets replies
> gets some convo going
> convo dies
> after a week gets a message
> i ask discord
> skipped
should one just not ask for dc?
>distance set 200m from Chicago and maybe 1 new girl pops up every other week.
Hello, local male competitor. That figure is honestly better than what I was expecting.
>what other apps should I try
Hard to say. I've heard that the "normie" apps all just try to extort money from you. Grim, I know.
What the fuck are you on about you spastic? You go do stuff with like minded people because its fun. Because it builds group. Hell, you might even have a tiny drip of dopamine not released because of whatever slop you usually consume.

Go touch grass you retard, I can't believe you've overthought it to this degree.
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...you sound like my ideal partner anon. If only we lived in the same country.
The trick is to go to places with plenty of people all doing the same thing. Most sport activities will net you some form of interaction, even solo stuff like skating. Travel groups are a thing too.
Literally me, im from eastern europe too
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Link to that post or discord? Would be interested looking into that
i thought this site was hacked or something? people still use it?
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How come nobody ever asks the core questions like, if majority of dating apps are men and nearly 50% of population on Earth are women then where are the women and how they find dates and the anwser Im guessing is well established social networks. And considering most of 4chan population doesn't even have a friend yet alone a network of people they know then realistically most of 4chan fags won't meet any women worth meeting.
Forming and unfortunately maintaining social connections for longer than month and more deep than saying hey at work everyday is near impossible.
I think the sooner you get off of Duo and somewhere else the better. You shouldn't ask right off the bat, but if you've gotten to know the person at least a bit it should be fine to move to Discord, anything else is just kinda wasting time.

I've met some of my best friends either directly or indirectly through 4chan though. The oldest I met in 2012, and more since then. Me and some of them are even off to Japan together probably next year.
i feel that scrolling 4chan just makes me more rotten inside
I've never met one person through this basket weaving forum and I don't think it'll start with duolicious....
leave it for a bit, most boards are just advertisers anyways.
>Not Slovakia-kun
Screw you, i like him and his rocks!

But i still wish you luck and that land you got from your grandparents sounds super cool, so lucky, i know it's very hard to find someone decent and suitable to date when you have lived in a more reclused setting and the people around you tend to just be old or taken. Wish i could say something to help you overall but i don't think i can, aside what was mentioned before.

>it's like they look at the screen but either never post anything and only lurk, or most of them disappear in some secret digital den you have no idea about.
I've graduated from lurker but i'm not going to point at the secret digital dens, they're important for our survival. Funnily enough i seemed to attract girls that came from the same caves around online, i don't know why.
i had better luck jestermaxxing and being a general nuisance to everyone until they skipped me. some girls actually enjoyed texting me but were never too nice since they assumed i’m ugly as fuck.
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I've been active on here for like 2 months and I've never gotten a single reply but that's consistent with pretty much everything else I've ever tried so that might just be me being worthless.
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Almost similar, these days I've been getting more responses with flirting messages to far away girls. No creepy or horny ones

But they were out of pure boredom. I'm not really like this irl. Heck, like I said in the last thread, I don't even speak english (I literally can't speak it, I can't do a vc like that) and I'm not interested in long-distance relationships anyways
I just want that weird girl who is ghosting me rn
or someone interesting like her from my country
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Bia just rejected me bros it’s over.
been waiting for an update. least you tried, kinda. don't an hero
What do I do now? She’s gone.
Time to collect coupons so you can impress ladies at the supermarket
honestly, keep going. you've made it way further than I have while clownposting. I'm probably gonna larp as an unhinged individual if I make a new account after being ignored/skipped by every woman within 3500 miles of me
>got either skipped or she deleted her account after she couldn't continue the conversation
Oh well
Why us everyone 18
>Found someone I went to high school with and immediately deleted my account as the site is now filled with turbo normalfags
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How far is it? I once met girl from US who claimed I'm her ideal type and quickly started to imagine life together. Me being cynical and not believing in LDRs didn't have much hope in success of this. She was in meh life situation at that time, iirc also freshly after break-up so I was also suspicious if it isn't sone temporary emotional storm. We kept talking pretty often for hours and sure enough, she also seemed like great match for me in both character and looks. She still saw us together so I took time to really think about it and decided to go against my LDR bias, telling her that if we manage to meet once or twice within a year, preferably staying together for a week or so to see if living together irl doesn't ruin our perceptions of each other, next year we'll focus our efforts to actually get together in one place. Seemed like good balance between testing if it's viable, not some temporary whim, and practicality/logistics required to meet. She was very happy about it and agreed.
Turns out my initial presumption was right, through couple mobths her life situation improved, she moved, changed jobs and her feelings mellowed out. She started to come online less and less until she completely disappeared. Kind of sad but can't say I didn't expect it. Still miss her a little. At least her life was improving last time I heard from her so hopefully she's doing fine now. That was almost exactly 2 years ago so if it succeeded we'd probably be building home with kid on the way right now.
But yeah, I have little faith in LDRs, not only you don't get to truly get to know someone, but also you need reasonable people with strong enough will to overcone logistical challenges like travel, eventual paperology, language barrier and vision on how to raise kids if there is cultural difference. Not to mention moving often requires one side to abandon most of their life and potentially learn new language. It's a challenge few people are persistent enough to overcome.
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Next time try being a bit less unhinged. You told her you love her, said she is your dream girl, want to be her simp, give her money and called yourself a retard all in that one image.
I'm guessing this is the first time you've spoken to her. There is coming on too strong, then there is whatever you just did.
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I imagine there are bunch of people like this. We're still humans after all and thus ultimately seek similar things, can't be any other way if we share so much even with animals. I'd say people on 4chan simply have higher chance of sharing certain "antisocial" traits that make them stay on the internet, and since this place is quite distinctive, it developed specific culture. It's natural you soak in culture you live in and engage with. But foundation is always natural so there is no running away from natural instincts and tge same base needs and cravings people and animals have in general.

Iirc not hacked but simply scrapped, meaning /g/ ran automatic download script on publicly available profiles. I might be wrong about that. Still, you can do the same with any service as long as you don't trigger bot prevention measures like sending requests too fast or missing captchas. I did too scrap threads worth of pictures from 4chan until I think I got mistook for malicious party when I think I was scrapping while someone else was DDoSing 4chan. Now cloudflare blocks all 4chan subdomains that serve pics, js and css so I have to use fucking phone internet to make site usable. Still not fully sure where lies problem because accessing those subdomains directly works, and headers give me 403 code with cloudflare challenge header and mismatched CORS.
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>sounds super cool
It has its flaws, like being turned to dust by artillery on day 1-2 if war happens, but ideals do not exist. Best you can do in such situation is to save up to get sone flat in other part of country as emergency place. It can serve as passive income from renting and be used by kids when they grow up and want to start family. People wonder how come birth rates are so low but never think how are young people supposed to make families if they can't afford housing. Do they exoect couples to make 3 kids in basement or rented single room apartments? And that's only one of reasons. And that's only one of reasons. Current bloated state of western systems is inherently harmful to its own citizens to a degree higher than sustainable, at least that's what it seems to me.
>Wish i could say something to help you overall but i don't think i can
No need, words are cheap so honesty of not knowing what to say is appreciated more. All-happy bullshit you get fed all the time is really disgusting when you think how disingeneous it is, and how lightly it's thrown around at the same time, like a contempt for unworthy.

>but i'm not going to point at the secret digital dens
Everyone knows about lc and cc, it's not a secret.

desu back when I decided to stop being pathetic shit it took me like a year of trial and error to start writing messages on internet that would get any replies. People who are bad at socializing and spergs have to learn it and as a man you are expected to be strong and resourceful so you have to do it yourself, no one us going to pity and help you. It's just the way life is.

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