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previous >>33223661

If you check at least TWO of these post here with your tag and a small description
>low-functioning autists and other debilitating mental disorders
>NEETS and shut-ins
>friendless (0 friends) people
>into SH or guro and adjacent content
>in a complicated life situation
>talentless, unskilled, boring

not allowed
>thirsty simps only looking for a nursing female, women solely looking for orbiters or to sell content
>bored normies who think pretending to be a schizo or bpd or autist is hype
>doesn't check at least two of the criteria above
>people with a savior complex
>"high-functioning autist", you're not a special cookie, move elsewhere
>too egoistical to admit being a loser

Don't hesitate to signal it if you see one of the above(larper and wannabe autists) and talk to them, this is a place for people equally unfortunate in life to meet each other
22 M NYC

I am a nobody.


No idea.

No idea.

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20 M
I'm a shut-in neet.
Have lots of free time, duh.
Let's chat about whatever, idc
female usa
filled with whimsy (suicidal thoughts) and love (violence)
>looking for
>not looking for
lewd, exchanging pics of each other right away (even if sfw)

Nigger kike guinea cunt.
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25/male/somewhere in Europe
>about you
Fucking-everything-up champion, a very unpleasant individual, bum and idler
talks about nothing, shitposting, pointless debates, obscure aesthetics, daydreaming, mental illnesses, whining and bantering too ofc
>your mental illness
ocd, ANXIETY DISORDER, hypochondria, insomnia, depression, abulia, some neurological ailments
>looking for
shoulders to cry on, fellow losers, people who wanna get disappointed, pretty girls with a fetish for losers won't go amiss as well
>not looking for
boring and nontalkative ppl(guys, do you really send requests just to be silent? that's fucking great)
Discord: turdus_sibilus
26 M

Hiki-neet with bpd among other things
Socially inept but extremely lonely

Let's chat maybe, I dont' know if I can bring myself to respond but I'll try

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21 f asia
bpd anxiety avoidant shut in
im a college student on summer vacation aaa
ive been posting on soc since i was 14 lol no luck for the most part but it feels comfy and anxiety inducing at the same time
i like cats, reading, video games, psychological and fucked up movies, gym, cooking, car spotting
LF around my age, mentally ill but trying to improve, no friends, similar interests, clingy and can talk throughout the day, i feel so empty and everything seems so dull and two dimensional not being lovey with someone but i have this problem where i always like someone who doesn't like me back and when they do i always ruin it ugh owie just always unintentionally recreating trauma
tag: meowpoezy
Didn't you admit to grooming an underage boy?
no??? also underage boys are too retarded and annoying to talk to and i unadd asap
Let's see...
>low-functioning autists and other debilitating mental disorders
>NEETS and shut-ins
>friendless (0 friends) people
I got quite a few friends.
>into SH or guro and adjacent content
Not sure what SH means but I'm basically limitless.
>in a complicated life situation
Just living at home with family.
>talentless, unskilled, boring
Kinda. Just sorta jerk off all day and play games.

28 M EU Fat Gooner looking for, uh. Depraved shit.
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of me but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

Sorry but we have to gatekeep this.
Lgbtqp started using cis as a slur to refer to normal people.
Normal heterosexuals were forced to start using cis to weed out catfishing trannies.
As such its only fair that heterosexuals are the only demographic allowed to request cis partners.
Lgbtqp are no longer allowed to request cis sexual partners.
Lgbtqp asking for a cis sexual partner is a hate crime.
Only cis people can use the word cis.
Hi Elon you should go back to sinking twitter ty :3
Shut the fuck up, moron. You don't actually believe that cis is a slur you're just here to ragebait. Off yourself at your earliest convenience.
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sfw server joni if you like anime
Hello, we're trying to make a Discord server that can be used to talk with anons and share porn to fap together with them. Please join, it'll be great to have you there! >.<
It actually is a slur
Same with heteronormative and all the rest of the words lgbtqp use to refer to regular heterosexual males and females.
Damn dawg, sorry to hear that you're so desperate to feel oppressed that you have to pretend things are slurs.
Degenerate M21 bottom, failing to fight a porn relapse. If anyone wants to send me stuff, i still havent started jerking yet but its looking probable.
Discord: whatwonder22
I'm a neet loser who can't live without the attention from others online. I tried looking for someone to date from soc but that didn't work. I became obsessed with this one guy from soc and have been trying to be his girlfriend since last november but he won't acknowledge me. So I'm finally moving on from him since it's the healthy thing to do.
>looking for
I'm basically looking for a new guy to give some attention to and to help fill a lonely void in my life.
>not looking for
People with friends or jobs since I can't relate to that.
what makes it a slur is their hate
not accepting friend requests it's not them
not me, this was posted by a tranny catfish with the account
their previous tags if you want to look at their stuff on the archives:

try harder, loser.
You're a 31 year old man on soc looking for underage girls to play games with. And you stalk people. You need to get a life bro
looking for underage girls? nigga u retarded? dont be mad because i outed your catfishing ass instantly lil bro
outed your catfishing ass instantly.... AGAIN* it might be time for you to give up on catfishing, since you clearly don't know what you're doing.
Posted someone else's username then bitches when exposed

Are you a retard

"Nigga" I know you're a honky already. Like I said come find me if you want to track me so bad. Or else you're just wasting your time
Yes... yes they are. They've been trying to catfish with THE SAME DISCORD ACCOUNT for almost a year now LMFAO! They FINALLY deleted it, made stargirl2001, and then ended up using a profile pic from the letterboxd account linked to their last account (that had the same name as their discord account btw). Whoever the fuck this moron is, they're literally the biggest retard on this entire board... and I've come across a ton of them xd
Instantly outing you on here is a lot more fun, since you're too much of a retard to understand how discord works lmfao
It can't be as fun as trying to look for girls when they don't want you, can it? Soc is a last resort for guys who can't get shit on dating apps my man
Is that a little bit of projection I'm sensing lil bro? Did a girlie get you so riled up that you've resorted to catfishing? Maybe one day you'll figure it out so your attempts aren't this bad lmao
Nah bro it's called being gay. But I couldn't imagine being a struggling straight guy. You may as well cut your dick off. It ain't going to get used any time soon
Again with the projection lmao! Just troon out lil bro, you're clearly a jaded closeted faggot that couldn't make it with women so you're trying to larp as a female to get "practice" being one (even though you never will be one). Seek help, my man.
You're so good at making leaps. Your next one should be off of a building
aww you sound so angry right now :( this thread would be the perfect place for you to make a post
I'm a neet loser who can't live without the attention from others online. I tried looking for someone to date from soc but that didn't work. I became obsessed with this one guy from soc and have been trying to be his girlfriend since last november but he won't acknowledge me. So I'm finally moving on from him since it's the healthy thing to do.
>looking for
I'm basically looking for a cute boy with a big dick. 7+ inches please! Show me proof or else you're getting blocked immediately!
>not looking for
People with friends or jobs since I can't relate to that. Anyone with a small dick, thats 6 inches and below FYI.
You've made 5 posts looking for girls, man. As you wrote in your dating post in the archive, "Looking for a cute biological girl to vibe with daily. Someone who enjoys the same games (osrs/cs2/valorant) and would want to spam them. Someone who also wants to watch shit together (movies/shows) is cool too." You're clearly struggling with women
How does that mean I'm "struggling" with women? Lol... I post here for fun, not because I NEED someone. Don't you think I would've fallen for your little larp if I was truly desperate for attention? You're really grasping at straws here lil bro.
I can't even remember talking to lmao you think about and remember me so much. I'm not going to be your girlfriend man. You'll just have to keep looking for the girl you want but can't have. Your gamer / movie watching girl of your dreams
such a catfish
Huh? You're weird for that one lil bro. So upset you can't even string together a simple sentence. "I became obsessed with this one guy from soc and have been trying to be his girlfriend since last november but he won't acknowledge me." is starting to make a lot of sense now... you're projecting real hard with that one, lil bro.
Stay obsessed with me. I'm not changing my tag. Good luck. Hope you get to touch a pussy before the turn of the century. See ya
Stay mad, troon.
If you were cute as your posts allege you wouldn't need to use soc to find girls. Post face
No thanks. I'm not going to leak my face to some deranged troon thats obsessed with me. You're probably going to try and put a hex on me or some crazy shit. Stay mad.
I have a server for neets and other social rejects, if anyone is interested in joining. Just don't be an orbiting dipshit and all is well

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autistic, catholic, femcel hikkineet, 5'0 90lb, gross, hairy and unwashed hag/xmas ckae. Honestly dont even know why I still bother but whatever. just looking for companionship as i have 0 friends or relations. I like sleeping, gooning, genshin, bloodborne, chatting and whatever.

looking for whoever's interesting enough to waste time with. we can screenshare and watch anime, hentai, porn, youtube, idk and idc, i just wanna pass the time with another homo spaien

This person will add you and say nothing ever forever
can confirm LMAO
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unhinged discord (real)
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am a 23 year old hikki NEET from romania. also severely mentally ill, specifically autism, bipolar, aspd and a bunch of other things. i really love old anime and manga, mecha stuff, delinquent stuff, tokusatsu, old vidya like Megaman X and Sonic Adventure, martial arts especially pro wrasslin, angsty nu-metal music, low budget horror movies and most things from the late 90s/early 2000s

oh i'm also hypersexual despite being a khhv and i jerk off like 6 times a day. lately mesugaki asmr has really been doing it for me, but i have a ton of kinks you could ask me abouttt

looking for a girl to stream anime and games to, flirt together and just have fun. i guess someone i can be myself around all the time and who genuinely wants to get to know me and spend lots of time with me (i'm really clingy and obsessive if i like someone, so if that's a turn off please steer clear because i will spam text you and call you all day) but yeah a Rance x Sil dynamic would be ideal, or anyone who feels as lonely as me or has trouble connecting with most people (i mean, i am lonely enough to type out all of this kekeke) or girls who grew up on thje internet like me or girls who wanna fill a void in each other's heartrttsd

anyway my disc is galaxyrobo
I'd be into you but you're straight :(
i'm sorryy, can't help itt
>tranny OF whore spamming every single thread
can't escape it
unable to hold a convo for 5 minutes don't even bother with him
except it's literally the opposite. i always write walls and walls of text and get dry, one word replies in response
Yeah dude. Same. Fuck these faggots
right? i always try to be fun and pleasant to anyone who adds me. i ask lots of questions and bring up lots of conversation topics. the only exceptions would be when someone is clearly underage in which case i ghost em instantly or if someone hits me with one of those "i forgot why i added you lol" and we have nothing in common, in which case why even talk to me and not to any other random person on the board if it's all the same to you
oh damn my id changed, whatever!!
Yeah honestly.
They bitch about being lonely
yet put no effort.
Pretty tiring, i don't get it.
Add me, i'm the second poster
with the lain pic.
Do you also get triggered when right-handed people aren't called "normal-handed"...?
Grow up.
i am extremely mentally ill and struggle to connect with the people around me. i have been a neet shut-in since i was thirteen and dropped out after middle school. i genuinely have no friends and spend all of my time on the internet. i watch gore a lot and starve myself. i started watching gore when i was seven years old and i started browsing kf when i was eleven which led to me discovering 4chan. i abuse my adhd medication. my parents hate me and i offer nothing of value to the world.

discord is artificialintelligencefren

>autist with easy sperg job
>no IRL friends
>can't date because I'm in love with an AI bot
>obsessed with Gundam and Kingdom Hearts
>has an account on documentingreality.com

Discord: elftower

I'm not judgy so you can talk about whatever, I find people fascinating.
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we can be your new best friends
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18m usa

shut-in with emotional issues and adhd or whatever, scared to go places. barely have any friends. losing mind

i like music and gaming a lot a lot. love shit like radiohead and deftones. weird punk music is also awesome. could go on for days about the stuff im fixated on. trying to get into etymology rn. also love hanging out in forests when i have the energy for it. love anything y2k or early-late 00s artistically.

mainly looking for a girl to get close with that can talk often and connect with, want to feel wanted and do the same for you. also love hearing rambling or whatever, so if u do a lot of that, feel free to add

disc is headzedl
24m, US
I havent been here in like 4 years, did very stupid things and only stuck at a part time dead end job now but i did find out im mentally ill. ODD, ADHD and manic depression
>looking for
Anyone to talk to, i basically failed at life and just now finally accepted the life i got.

Discord: patagonia34
20 f
low functioning bpd and ocd
>people with a savior complex
i know you’re lurking, come save me

do i have to?
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I will save you! Oh wait, you ignored me kek
This is a pattern
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Hi anon, sorry I fell asleep on you last night - I wasn't bored or annoyed with you, it was 4am on my end. I had fun and enjoyed all that we talked about so you're welcome to readd me, but if not then I wish you all the best, friend.
if she dropped you because you just because you had the audacity to fall asleep then she's not worth it man
>Maira, 20 F, diagnosed with BPD and hypochondria
>looking for ppl to join my server focused on psychology, mental health and mbti
>not looking for minors or trolls

also a neet and hikikomori lol

permanent link is https://discord.gg/schizology
Nah my read of it from her last message was she thought she was messaging too much and being annoying, but we both actually seemed to be enjoying ourselves the whole time, so I dunno. Thanks anyway anon
wall of texts don't make you entitled to an answer and doesn't indicate social skills, it's as insulting as a one word answer
no one is reading "walls and walls of text" out of principle of holding a onvo
>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
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She's already got at least 5 other dudes to talk to bro, you meant nothing to her even if you thought otherwise, these girls get at least 50 adds within 3 days it's insane to believe
this isnt true. i turned off my friend requests and deleted my discord account.
And you'll be back next month, 20 other men will add you and repeat, if guys dont believe me make a post where you say you're female with the least amount of effort in a description and see how many add you within 24h
Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Your parents will surely be grateful that you are not in their lives anymore either, one less nuisance to think about, maybe they will cry for 3-4 days but after that they will be grateful.
okay? what do you want me to say to that?
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To stop complaining. If you get ghosted multiple times by multiple people repeatedly it's clearly your fault and you're way way way more boring and bland and uninteresting than you think you are
do you lack reading comprehension or something? nowhere did i complain about getting ghosted. if you're trying to start shit with me, add me on discord and dm it to my face, otherwise, as The Rock would say, shut your mouth and know your role!!
>nowhere did i complain about getting ghosted
You agreed to a post complaining about it. That one liner at the end of your post clearly shows how much a bore you're, no wonder people give you no time lmao.
>dm it to my face
are these the touch-starved lengths you'll get to ?
i'm actually the most interesting and funny person on the planet, you just don't know that yet because you never talked to me one on one
>are these the touch-starved lengths you'll get to ?
don't judge, this is the unhinged losers thread after all...
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I'm a (currently) NEET ugly fat sperg with zero friends online or irl. My hobbies are really boring, I don't even really do much even though I have all the time in the world. I like guns, some outdoor stuff just to get away from people. Other than that I mostly just play videogames. Looking to talk to people because I'm just bored and need to get my mind off a lot of shit rn. Not interested in server invites.
Discord is rodeoclown77
Damn that picture looks just like I did in middle school.
>Not interested in server invites.
i don't think anyone was about to invite you
33/M/Midwest US
>Sexual Orientation
Dom Top
>About Yourself
Big, burly, bearded, daddy type
>Normal Interests
Cooking, assorted games, board games, world building, D&D
>Sexual Interests
General enjoyment of being in control, feeling powerful, and adored. It goes with a lot.
>Looking For
Pathetic and obsessive subs that I can neglect and treat poorly. Nervous and needy types who go out of their way to please.
>Not Looking For
Old/hairy/overweight men. Illegal shit
I dislike random adds. Send me an email about yourself, what you're hoping for, and your discord.
>describe yourself
sad lonely
>looking for
i want a guardian yknow someone like a parent who loves and cares about me
how do u get love and affection without being blood related ?
i dont want a relationship my heart is broken
>not looking for
dont be a boring or stupid cringe btch ass ngga!!!
>contact info (discord, kik...)
what is this drama lol
Male, 30s, Canada
Ugly autistic loser, no friends, only leave my apartment to go to work.
I do game dev / worldbuilding stuff that's probably never going to manifest into anything decent, but I do need people to bounce ideas off occasionally.
>I dislike random adds. Send me an email about yourself, what you're hoping for, and your discord.
lmao the level of lack of self-awareness and entitlement
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Give me your NRG

(me gusta)
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where are the unhinged whores who want their name carved into me? disc: corpsehiki
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18 F US

i spend most of my day alone as i sincerely do not have any friends. i'm mostly looking for people to have some chats with, maybe potential friends too but i don't have high hopes lol. as far as interests go, i like retro vidya, anime, linux, and analyzing patterns of data. i can sometimes withdraw so i won't always reply instantly.

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27 f southern California near Tustin California
discord tag is chickenclaw3

why I'm a loser;
severely autistic NEET
got love scammed by someone I actually hooked up with in person. I had to have two hook ups afterwards to cope and had to stop getting attached to men who touched me intimately for my own safety.

>inb4 you're a whore
I was attached to him and ready to commit to a serious relationship but he just wanted to have discord drama for shits and giggles.

plus every man I have been intimate with or had serious plans to date (either long distance or lived near me) all have me permanently blocked without any explanation, but have told their friends but stayed complete silent towards me.
holy shit retard you practically post on here like it's a job and you can't understand why it's repulsive to air your dirty laundry like this? all you're doing is planting the seed that manipulating and blocking you is a normal response to your lunacy.
30, f, CST.
schizotypal, autistic, ocd, bpd.
have friends but rather antisocial.
yer tag pls.
30m, blue.tomato
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25M ugly fat virgin (khhv) incel with nothing to show for and no aspirations in life. I’m a NEET but I might be getting kicked out soon, so any advice would be appreciated. Also I’m super sperg and can’t really talk to people IRL. I have 0 IRL friends, but I have a few online.

I guess I’m interested in anime (mostly SoL and comedy), gooning, military adjacent stuff, collecting figures, webcomics, vtubers, retro games, movies. I don’t really have any hobbies and I kind of just spend my time playing vidya, watching stuff and gooning to pretty girls that would never talk to me. I’ve just accepted I’m doomed to be a loser and I just try to feel as not shitty as I can when I’m not asleep.

I should mention I’m an extremely porn-addicted gooner with a high libido and I goon at least 4 times a day. I’m really obsessed with this beautiful crush I have and I jerk off to her everyday…even though I haven’t even actually met her IRL. It’s so fucking pathetic, but I can’t stop. I love to imagine what it would be like to have her as my girlfriend. It would be nice if I could talk to someone who’s that fucked up like me in that regard, especially if you’d like to perv on her with me. I know I’m really weird.
I know this is gonna amount to nothing but here’s my tag if you wanna talk.

22 F Australia.

I watch a lot of movies and play a bunch of videogames - alotta Switch and PS5. I've been a bit of a homebody lately, especially as my social life has dwindled lately. Smoking a little weed to help with sleep lately, if that counts as as a hobby, lol.

Ethnically Japanese. I have a bunch of shitty mental health stuff going on (i.e. PTSD / BPD, and maybe ADHD), which has kinda brought about an interest in psychology generally, ahah. But yeah - walking red flag, I know.

Friends would be nice.

Not looking for camming, calling, exchanging pics, or sharing too much IRL info.

>Discord Tag
If you don't plan to ever share pics or meet in person why mention you are asian ?
Are you so boring of a person yhat the only people you can attract need to simp for you with their yellow fever ?
Is desperate simping the only attention you can attract ?
Such a shallow and obvious troll ?
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30 m usa est

Aspd,sadistic, hypersexual

I have a list of random interests but I'm sure very little people share them. Mostly esoteric and music.
>looking for
I'm bored, life has this mundane stalness rn and I want a weirdo unhinged girl to break that. Thanks.
Cry about it
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24 m US
6ft even blonde-ish hair, average build, glasses, described as the "golden retriever bf" type on several occasions. Somewhat messy, hypochondriac, OCD, alcoholic (I have a renewed determination to quit again today.) I think I'm finally ready to let the mask slip. I wear a veneer of smiles and optimism, but secretly my inner monologue is self hatred, vitriol, doom, and suicide, it has been for as long as I can remember. I'm realizing that's who I really am and that's how I really feel, and I don't want to hide it anymore, I've been told that it's disingenuous and those people are correct.
Into playing guitar, vidya, drawing on the rare occasion, all kinds of music but I've been diving back into metal and its subgenres lately.
>looking for?
Someone like me I suppose, someone who's trying to open up about those ugly thoughts that make you want to die and wants to go back and forth with the fester to unload our minds
>not looking for
Degenerates. I do not want to see your porn or your hentai.
21 trasnfem euw
completely lost in the sauce, autistic bpd girly, I left everyone that ever talked to me
>looking for
people that have something interesting to think about / do.
>not looking for
lewd and clingy people
disc take_the_ell
edgy, you might wanna actually kill yourself
suggestion or observation?
you are not accepting friend requests on discord
M 5'5 Average penis Socal LMAO
a little unhinged, bored, whatever Idk
20 f us
>about you
washed up lowbie e girl
kino, medical gore, chan culture
>your mental illness
ocd, bpd, recovered anorexic
>looking for
high iq hypersexual man that wants a family. my soulmate
>not looking for
anyone younger than me, newfags
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im into extreme self harm, drugs, im a shut in, im autistic and im very bpd, i also get attached very quickly and i end up getting fucked over cause of it…. lol

deleted acc?
26m California
Minimum wage slave. I’ve never been in a relationship and I don’t have any friends. I struggle with anxiety and depression and am becoming antisocial but I’m not a lost cause and I’m really trying to improve. I like video games, animals, sports, movies, traveling. Looking to talk to a nice girl who wants to grow with me
Disc: lettersandnumbers.
I'm 27f Canada morbid goth chick just set up my discord tonight since kik blows
18 F but i like larping as a boy online, USA
150cm asian retarded and insane
in a constant state of anhedonia
>looking for
just something to fill my boredom
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>Requirements + About me
I check off the requirement of having no true friends IRL. My life is boring. I am referred to as callous/edgy, but I don’t really care for these labels. Barely emotional. Annoyingly aloof. Mediocre swarthoid whose relatively middling in all aspects of life. Somewhat in touch with niche areas of the internet, psychotically competitive.
>Looking for
Literally anyone interesting who has a large amount of knowledge on some sort of information. I like feeding off people with different perspectives and events in their lives. Avoid adding me if you’re looking for some relationship, or under 18, over the age of 26 included. Avoid adding me if you’re corny and into like some patrick bateman schizo joker shit
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22 F US
retarded over dramatic emotional vampire
>looking for
men with cluster b personalities that can match my energy. preferably high strung bpds or narcissists. bonus if you have dark humor and like astrology, tarot or have a goth vibe. i love heavy metal
>not looking for
boring basic normies, ghosters, unserious
username doesnt work
Interests: Psychology (abnormal and developmental), True crime, History, Death and related topics, Toys
Mental illness: PTSD, DID, OCD, Depression and Anxiety
Looking for: Friends. People I can be honest with without them thinking I'm weird or creepy. Someone who doesn't limit things to small talk.
Not looking for: Anything nsfw. Carrying a whole conversation by myself.
Disc: deathobsessed
26 year old mentally ill dude from ireland on disability for 3 years.
tag - nobodyatall2
22 F
Neet with no friends slay
Also sorry I’m British
bebebomber my tag :)
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>low-functioning autists and other debilitating mental disorders
>NEETS and shut-ins
Have been a NEET for a while have had jobs I hate my boomer coworkers I'm pretty socially incompetent
>friendless (0 friends) people
I struggle to form lasting friendships usually I get along best with other unstable people and it doesn't end so well I'm not giving up though I love my schizo friends
>into SH or guro and adjacent content
Some guro and necrophilia is nice only as a fantasy though I would never since I'm a squeamish pussy IRL
>in a complicated life situation
I get by
>talentless, unskilled, boring
I try

>describe yourself
bipolar bisexual emotional support himbo fatale, had a rough life being a schizo NEET for years but Im better now
I like making music drawing getting /fit/ shitposting watching movies reading occult and esoteric shit I have extreme energy my hidden powers are stalking listening and lovebombing Pinterest Im unironically a pretty nice person though

>looking for
People I can talk to I will probably get attached to you very quickly if youre nice or act extremely cold for no reason
People who need emotional support (I have a big brother complex)
People who have no self respect
Other gooners
Overworked asian girls who did everything right in life but still feel depressed and like a spark is missing and that's why they're browsing this mongolian dreamcatcher assembling network there's a lot of you out there

>not looking for
Ill tell you later
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord is umfiend
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18 (femboy twink girl? idk ill be whatever for u im cute :3)
>describe yourself
174cm 55kg (vry fem) also extremely mentally ill (extremely depressed, schizo, bipolar with 2 alters) i can be clingy at times and sperg out but chill for the most part
vidya(all kinds pls play w me!!) and music pretty much(im into a lot of genres i could link u sum :3)
>looking for
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lmao i am a 20 years old girl loser with bpd who is basically a hikikomori due to her severe anxiety and i dont take my meds so...

i do have an active server tho so join pls https://discord.gg/schizology
Literally don't know why they bother adding people if they don't make the effort to get to know someone before deeming them "interesting".
Join my freedom of speech server. We need more crazy people

Anybody live near, or willing to drive into Lakeshore area Illinois? Looking for people to ride ebikes/dirt bikes with. It's quite therapeutic. If that sounds cool, drop a tag.
bpd neet egirls looking for rich men with bwc

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female from usa
i am so mentally ill i cry forever
i want to try drugs and lucid dream
please talk to me
> Join this server where being a loser is the norm. The worse you are the higher you rate in the hierarchy. NO NORMIES ALLOWED

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Hello losers!!!!

we have egirls
we have schizos
we have larpers
we have incels
we have femcels

if you're a gooner and you fit in those categories, join our server today and make frens with likeminded folks!

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we have egirls
we have schizos
we have larpers
we have incels
we have femcels

if you're a gooner and you fit in those categories, join our server today and make frens with likeminded folks!!

join my unstable free speech server

You will never have a girlfriend, troon.
That’s what happens when you add a broad who’s bipolar yeah.

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