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ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!

Previous thread: >>33258406
Ladies, what is your opinion on cannibalism (the lethal kind, where the entire person gets processed into food)?

Would you commit it if it became legal?

Just for survival?

A big nope in any kind of situation?
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How do I break up with an overly attached gf of 3 years?
She's finally getting help with her mentals (TMS, Lexapro), and I've given her all the time, love, and care I can, but aside from a sense of self-guilt, I really think I want out but have no way. I just wanted to make her happy, and I'm very low-self esteem myself, so I don't even care up to a certain point what happens to me, and I can just keep living for her, but I know deep down I won't be happy. I'm not strong enough to just do it.

It's affecting my ability and motivation, it's gotten so bad internally over such a long time. I love her, care for her, but I don't want to be with her, but she also lives with me and I have 2 cats.
I've really messed my life up, but she doesn't deserve the sad truth.

I trust her, and she's a good person, but I can't bring myself to it. It will destroy her. She's told me before that no matter one I'll always be her "one" and she'll always love or jump back in with me
I feel trapped desu, and I did this to myself too. Feels like a nightmare sometimes.
If she's finally getting help, and you still love her, why don't you ride it out and see if things improve? What about being with her is preventing you from being happy? You sound burnt out, which I understand - but if she is genuinely repairing her health, she'll be more able to be there for you and the relationship, and knowing you have each other's backs in hard times is irreplaceable.
femanons, does sim racing as a hobby give you the ick?
I will be going on my first date tomorrow evening and i wanted to ask for some advice from the ladies. Anything i can do besides bring some flowers, pay for dinner, talk about my self and ask about her? Is casual attire good enough? Should i ask for a kiss at the end of the date?
Do weeb women with big tits exist?
Where are they?
Will you date me?

This is my best attempt.
honestly bro, i don't know if i would get her flowers for a first date. Where is the restaurant at? It would be cuter if after the date you guys take a stroll or a drive, If you pass by an ice cream shop offer to get her something. Or window shop. Don't bombard with her with gifts because it'll come off as trying too hard. Talk about yourself but ask questions about her and actually listen and pay attention. If you hit it off, remember those small details she mentioned and hold onto it.

Also pay attention to what she's wearing and how she presents herself, but ESPECIALLY the small details. As a woman, when a man compliments my hair, its nice, but a basic compliment. But if he complimented something smaller, like my style of eyeliner or my nails or even a piece of jewelry, I would definitely remember that. Men have a reputation for being a bit aloof, and girls don't really like that. All you have to do is pay attention.
Personally my boyfriend is an artist so he's really good about catching onto the small details, it's one of my favorite things about him.

As for attire, research the restaurant you're going to. Google maps will literally tell you. It'll say "casual laid-back" or "swanky, hip vibe" or something like that. Don't go overly casual and don't go overly dressy.

I wouldn't necessarily ask for a kiss, but my advice would be to feel out the vibe first before you make a move like that. Good luck!
There's no easy, good, and painless way to break someone's heart. Like, there's no magic way to leave somebody who lives with you and thinks her whole life is about you, where she'll be like, "oh that's a great point, let's be friends."

She'll probably get over it and end up happy with someone else thinking she was crazy for ever liking you that much, but yeah, it'll destroy her because that's how it goes.
I could give you advice, but honestly like 50/50 it ends up being bad. Like, it depends on how much she likes you, definitely on where you're going, what the relationship is, probably even how old you are.

Like if you're picking her up at her place, and she's not just going to meet you at the door and walk out immediately, then bringing flowers is okay and might even be really sweet. But if she didn't want to invite you in, then it's kind of weird, because is she supposed to throw them on a table by the door, or hold flowers the whole date, or leave them in the car or what?

I'd say you could bring one flower, because I could definitely see thinking that was cute and really sweet, but if it wasn't a guy that I really liked, or I just wasn't sure about the date, then it could be weird. But I mean, don't plan for failure I guess.
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well she's morbidly obese now for one, and she was always a bit fatter, but I've gained considerably more weight due to a lapse in self care, and I have no idea how I could fix it again with her, and not sure I want to.
I'm much less attracted and don't care for the sex too.
I've never been one for needing it anyway, but meh.

I know the happy road is never easy, but Idk if I can fix myself and her at this stage. I was self sufficient enough to get /fit, and yes communication is everything, but I just don't think I can drop my overwhelming health concerns easily. She doesn't pick up much slack, the only thing I ask she do is laundry and dishes, that's it, I clean, vaccum, take care of cats, etc., but the dishes and laundry have been sitting for month(s) and I het it's been a hard time but I haven't done anything with or for myself in a year+
I basically have been riding it out, but I always want to give her a bit more and it's not hard, I just let it, but nothing's changing and I know I'm looking darkly at myself.

it's all mindset, I can turn it around and kick her in tbe ass probably sure... I have been trying subtley, but I just don't know if I want to. fuck its hard
ik in the end im a pussy no matter what, I wish it was easy to do right by others.

ty for the reply
Throwing this out here in hopes of getting some sort of guidance since it looks like some of you would know

I'm F 19 but I've never dated in my life, looking for a boyfriend now. What would be a recommended website for me to find someone that's not a cringe normie or a politically obsessed incel? Should I try in this godforsaken site and try to pull for the anons that aren't polcels or would it be best to try somewhere else? Hopefully it's also where people are more open to LDRs because I'd rather saw my toes off than date a man from the country I live in.
I think hanging with friends who might be a potential date for you would be a nice first step. Then again if you have issues socializing that's just gonna be the greatest challenge to bear/overcome.
It really will depend and vary (I guess) on the type of personality you bring to the table and what you are usually comfortable with.
What country is your first issue

second is join this server https://discord.gg/Y7EbR6pb
Online dating is a blighted hellscape. You will not get a functional relationship this way.
Posted this in the last thread, but it was archived before I could get my questions fully answered. This is for both sexes.
Guys: What does it feel like to cum in a woman’s pussy? What’s the sensation? Do you ever get emotional?
Gals: What’s it feel like to be cum inside of your vag? Do you feel the sperm release? Is it warm?
I’ve only sexually been with an ex-fiancé, and he would never cum in me because he didn’t want to risk pregnancy (we just rawdogged it most of the time). Current bf is wanting to wait till marriage, which I completely respect. I’m kinda the horny one in the relationship, and I’ve been curious about how being cum inside of feels. Both of us really wanna have kids, and we’ve been talking about marriage, so I know it’ll happen eventually, but it’s hard waiting, especially because I love him so much.
Anyways, thanks for reading my blog and thanks ahead for the answers.

P.S. He and I met on this board, actual success story. WAGMI.
Guys, good looking ones in particular;
would you ever be willing to take a 30 year old woman on a date in exchange for payment if it was agreed beforehand that she'd never try to contact you after the date? Just to add context she wouldn't be overweight or disfigured just slightly below average in looks but socially stunted so you'd go into it knowing you'd have to carry the conversation.

But just to add on because I'm curious, would you ever agree to a sexual encounter with a woman in exchange for money? If so, under what circumstances?
>agreed beforehand that she'd never try to contact you after the date?
personally i would not agree to this, because i don't want a pump & dump. inwant a girlfriend with long term potential. are you the same girl who posted lat thread?

i was your final reply last thread but thought i would also add here:
the orgasm itself has never been for me, but sex overall if i truly love her is a transcendent experience that maintains and strengthens the emotional bond.
There's no intimacy involved in the date.
Keep the flower for the second or third date anon
It's better to regret the wrong choice than to regret half-assing. Damned if you do, even more damned if you do not. Sunk cost fallacy kind of thing, here, too!
Either pretend to be a man online, join a community and participate in it for a long time before going to an IRL meet-up and doing a gender reveal surprise, possibly ruining the community in the process (if it's small), or just go looking for fish IRL directly, through hobbies and such.
The sensation is good. The pleasure is so strong that you're actively aware of it, in every part of the body, as opposed to just the penis. Might dissipate with age.
The men you will hook up by this method are the same men that will fuck you or take you on a date free of charge. This method may have the intended effect in a work of fiction.
>Hopefully it's also where people are more open to LDRs because I'd rather saw my toes off than date a man from the country I live in
I am not so opposed to dating in my area. However, I do think it'd be ideal to date someone from abroad. I don't really like the local culture as much and want to move outside of the country in the future.
I also kinda feel like the internet opens up the ability to meet someone I otherwise would have never met. Which makes it a little bit more romantic, imo.
It is very difficult, though. Lack of physical touch is something that has and will definitely be a hard problem to deal with, at least for me.
In this scenario the woman (me) isn't the type who'd ever get asked out on a date in a natural setting. It's not about hooking up just y'know... Wanting to experience a date which most other people my age are already familiar with but me being an absolute weirdo keeps me from knowing what it's like. It being a professional sort of transaction with some information already outlined so the guy would know what to expect+me knowing he's getting compensated for having to spend time with me would make me feel better about the whole thing lmao
I'm not completely socially inept, the main problem is I'm too autistic for a lot of normies so they end up being not interested in me as a friend, which means I don't really have many friends. Also I'd really rather not try to date guys where I'm from for several reasons, main one being how most of them are brought up in this culture. Now, not all of them are such losers like the average guy I'd find on the street, but it's extremely difficult to find a guy that's not like that that it's probably not worth it.
Is it really that bad? I mean, I know the success stories aren't the majority, but I think I'm a little more inclined to give an LDR a try because my mom pretty much made it work and the lucky bastard has the blonde husband she's always wanted, they live in a really nice relationship and it's the reason I have a sister.
There's nothing special about a date besides the emotional attachment you have to another person. I'm unsure whether you can substitute it with cold hard cash. But I guess it might be like sex. It's good if you're a virgin, whether you pay for it or not. You can try this date prostitution, but don't spend too much on it.
that would be a nope from me. i like attachments and feelings. but there are lots of guys who would prefer not to have strings attached.
It'd be special to someone who barely has any life experience and is starved to see what mundane stuff is like.

Again, it isn't a hook-up situation or romantic. Think of it as a paid dinner with extra payment to endure the company of someone who isn't used to interacting with other people.
be honest: does chauvinism make you wet?
Back in the 90s and 00s online dating was legit. Now it's gamified so the companies that run the apps and sites can keep you on there and make money from the ads. The only real way to do it at this point is to find an online community to join, but this rarely works if you ever want to meet irl and even then you're likely to run into creeps, weirdos, and groomers.
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so, you basicaly want a ''rent-a-boyfriend'' experience ? you know the point of date are to get to know each other so see if you vibe or not, just wanting a date for the sake of '' i've already been on a date with flowers, movie dinner and everything like they showed me in pop culture'' is pretty pointless imho
Vain and vapid. It will scratch your itch, but irritate even more.
Pretty much, yeah. It's something I'm never going to experience naturally and while I wouldn't expect flowers or any of that stuff, it'd be nice to just... Spend some time with a man which is something I've never done. The paid situation would let me feel less guilty for him having a bad time with me due to how weird I am.
Tbh, I am starved of attention and company as well.
If I disregard the initial temptation of the offer, I think I would feel very guilty if I took your money for doing something like that.
I don't feel like it's right.
I empathize with the sentiment and the issue of loneliness, but I wouldn't do it for money.

I have no doubt that there's people out there who would do it. However, I regard them as trash.
Ik my reply isn't very useful. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry you are in a position like that.
I hope you are able to find someone one day. Someone good.
Best wishes, anon.
Fuck no, I want to be worshipped. Any chauvinist I meet makes my cooch shrivel up because I can smell the male insecurity from a mile away.
>I want to be worshipped.
It is. Think about all the ancient cultures and civilizations that worshipped and prayed to statues of female bodies. The female form and fertility in general is fucking hot, your brain is wired that way. Enjoy your day and go worship a sexy goddess, anon <3
>Enjoy your day and go worship a sexy goddess, anon <3
but I gotta find one first...
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if you are really convinced that you are too much of a weirdo ( trust me, you are not, but thing is, you are convinced you are, there is nothing tougher than self loathing and it ain't my job to change your mind ) to go on a date with a guy, i would recommend you to search for male escort in your country, some might agree on the boyfriend experience thing ( because if they really are escort, they must have an '' escort' option, if not, they are just male hookers )

a lot of guys are terribly inconfortable if you wanna split the bill ( and depending on the nationality they might feel insulted if you do ) you are talking about paying them, that would make them feel very weird and all the reply you got here are telling me than even on 4chan, not the place for the most irl social people, anons aren't okay with your idea
>It is very difficult, though. Lack of physical touch is something that has and will definitely be a hard problem to deal with, at least for me.
Heard that lots whenever LDRs are brought up, but fuck if I don't wanna still try regardless of that even as someone that yearns for the physical aspect.
>Back in the 90s and 00s online dating was legit. Now it's gamified so the companies that run the apps and sites can keep you on there and make money from the ads.
Makes sense, fuck this world.
>The only real way to do it at this point is to find an online community to join, but this rarely works if you ever want to meet irl
Still wanna try like a retard even if I'd have to buy the plane tickets to see my hypothetical partner for a little while.
>and even then you're likely to run into creeps, weirdos, and groomers.
I know, but can't be as bad as going to any public social event in here and finding even more creeps, weirdos and groomers and possibly even getting raped and killed lol. Most of my social interactions come from communities online so I think I'm decently good at handling my way against all those unwanted fucks.
>Heard that lots whenever LDRs are brought up, but fuck if I don't wanna still try regardless of that even as someone that yearns for the physical aspect.
Based. Good luck with that.
>bf is wanting to wait till marriage
Does he know you're not a virgin?
Seems kinda weird for a guy to wait for marriage when his gf isn't a virgin
You know how to break up with her. The real question you're asking is "how do I break up with her and not feel bad about it" and the answer is, you don't.

Sometimes shit sucks.
Doesn't exist. Go be social irl.
Yeah no, the thing is, that sort of thing can come with stuff that is actually attractive, but the attitude doesn't do it for me. It's like a little bit of arrogance when it's someone who is powerful, successful, attractive, like who has reasons to be arrogant, can sort of work.

But even then, better off not. Even if you're amazing enough that you can more than get away with being an arrogant chauvinist, it'd still be better if you weren't. And if you aren't amazing enough to justify it, it's going to make you seem pathetic and gross and be a complete ick.
Doesn't exist.
The fucking men in here suck, I would be social irl if they didn't.
The women suck too
>worship a sexy goddess
you're fat, aren't you
Pshh, I sure hope so!

(I'm sorry)
They don't suck in that way though, just the not fun way.
Used to be, but not anymore.
i would worship you anon
He won't be seeing you in heaven, that's for sure.
The implication is that your faith wasn't as strong as his.
The idea that all sins will be forgiven and you will go to heaven regardless is a bit of a cop-out. I guess that repenting for it is what makes it "okay". But have you REALLY repented?

If you become husband and wife, faith can't really a private and individual issue. You are now one and the same. You can't arbitrarily exclude rules when convenient.
Nah, that's fair enough.
I am just off my meds.

I just like to go off them from time to time to make sure I still need them.
Question, did your ex make you cum?
Have you seen your bf's dick? How does it compare?
When you 2 do fuck, and if he isn't as good as your ex, will you be disappointed?

Have you do done other sexual stuff besides PIV?
>Guys: What does it feel like to cum in a woman’s pussy? What’s the sensation? Do you ever get emotional?
It varies, I also last a really long time so I actually haven't finished inside THAT many times. The best time ever was when we both finished at the same time. It's good enough to make me shudder a bit but it's still pretty dependent on the mental side of things, it's not just the physical sensation. Like if I'm not mentally aroused I probably won't be able to finish. I don't get emotional in the tearing up type sense though
No problem, best of luck to you and your bf
yes, comic con, they will probably lead you on then ghost you like all women now days but if you don't try, you don't get.
Yes but there's literally hundreds of men who would take you on a date, for free, and put up with all that shit, right here, and on every dating app or website.
Why haven't you just chosen one?
>but me being an absolute weirdo
you think the people here aren't? you are among your fellow weirdos.
I'm in my 30's too and literally just sitting here sad and lonely wanting a date, a fuck would be good too but I could get that from a whore, but that's not what I want really, I want more than that.
I hail from /out/, over 6 foot, pic is me, can't get a date. tbdesu i don't try very hard but I have tried and no one will give me a chance. UK.
Femanons, does a guy crying in front of you actually give you "the ick" or is that just a meme?
I've gotten a little teary-eyed when holding women in the past and I want to know if this is something I should hold back.
speculation from a male who has been broken up with because i cried, and was told that was the reason directly to my face by her best friend. it's not the crying itself. it's the context surrounding it. if it's "too soon" to have "too strong" of an emotional attachment, you are "too weak" and they will get sketched out and bounce.
No, not for me personally. But my dad is a very emotional person so I grew up with him crying in front of me sometimes. I had other male figures in my life who have also cried in front of me, so it’s normal for me.

I kind of like when guys cry because I’m attracted to vulnerability and the trust it requires.

I think what you’re referring to is when guys get angry and start crying and throwing temper tantrums. Like when they get caught cheating. THAT gives me the ick.
Fuck that's rough. You cried once and that was it?
like i said, i suspect it was the context surrounding it. but yes, cried once and she ghosted me.
it's a meme, and '' the ick'' is an online thing, just like the '' hello'' '' ewwww get away from me CREEP'' ( except if you really are doing something creepy of course, and most girls would just find a way to escape and not directly insult you because, you know, men are moslty bigger and stronger than females, never a good thing to get a random guy angry )

if you were to cry in front of me i would me more concerned if i did anything wrong to you or if something is going on in your life, is everything okay anon ?
That's sweet thanks for the hope.
I was talking more about stories like >>33297687
I see, I mean I wasn’t personally there, but I could see myself being a little put-off if I was in a new relationship and a dude was like trauma dumping to me on the regular, but again IDK if that’s what happened. But I don’t know if I would necessarily break up with you because of it, unless it was a regular thing.

YW, I really don’t think that getting a little teary-eyed in intimate situations is abnormal. And to add, it’s fairly common for crying in front of a partner to lead to sex. I think it’s because the vulnerability of both acts is similar.
it wasn't a trauma dump, or at least not an intentional overt one that i was aware of. the relationship lasted about a month. this happened over 10 years ago so you'll have to forgive the lack of detail. we were together long enough to have had sex a few times and to have gone out on dates in public. we had reached a point where we called and texted regularly throughout the day on a daily basis. i was attached. perhaps more than i should have been at that point, but attached nonetheless. one day without having told me in advance, she had a "girl's day" and either did not take her cellphone, turned it off, or just ignored it. going from relatively constant contact to nothing, the worry wort in me started spiraling, wondering if she was ok, what was wrong, if she was still alive, etc. sometime that evening, she finally responded and i asked if i could come by. stopped by her apartment, was immediately relieved to see her whole and well, and cried while i hugged her. i went home. that was it. she never spoke to me again after that.
yeah dude idk that sounds like you might've been too clingy. It might've not just been the crying but the fact that you were texting her so much while she was out with friends.
Hope you find better. Ghosting afterwards is cruel.
Okay that's a relief lol. I'm alright though just a little oversentimental and naive when it comes to this sort of thing.
That makes sense
>too clingy
this has always been and will always be. i've had very successful relationships despite this
>It might've not just been the crying but the fact that you...
as i said initially, context >>33297687
I didn't see this earlier but I can see how that kind of experience would shake her up enough to want to leave abruptly.
>"the ick"
is the biggest load of shit ever. it's women giving in to total narcissism and making mountains out of mole hills, not looking past their immediate emotional impulses at the bigger picture.
>I want to know if this is something I should hold back.
you shouldn't have to hold back anything with a decent woman.
when i cried in front of my ex they were just like "awwwww anon!" and gave me a big hug. it was a bonding experience. fuck the ick.
Is it only fags that like hairy chubby men, or do any women also like it?
Nope. Literally all women only like one kind of man. That's why there's only one standard of attractiveness for men, whereas women of all shapes, sizes, and ages all have fanbases talking about how hot they are all the time.

Oh wait, that's totally backwards, my bad.
i can feel the seething jaded resentment. but if you want to know what men find attractive look at porn categories. milf is a thing, bbw is a thing.
for men it is harder and women don't actually give a shit about appearance, they say they do but then sleep with the ugliest men who talk the most.
I was obviously joking, though my joke was basically true.
>be late 20s
>meet girl in online chatroom game
>says she has a boring job similar to HR
>assume like early 20s
>get along and have similar taste in movies/music
>chat for a couple days
>find out she’s actually 18 and fresh out of high school
>don’t think much of it but eventually try to cordially end things because unusual gap for me
>she was upset for weeks
>I return and we pick up taking again
>we send pics and get more personal
>every once in a while I remember the age diff and know this isn’t sustainable in the long run
>need to get out of this situation so that we can both get the most out of life with appropriate partners
how can I go about this? we aren’t exactly dating but it is well beyond friendship (we’re “talking”)
this has all been within the past month or so, I met her in June.
>how can I go about this?
get out of your own head. your perception is the only hurdle. if you like the girl, then go for it.
It’s not so simple. She’s set for college next year, lives in EU (I’m US) and I’m pretty much the worst type of neet (practically have not moved in life since 18)
Unless you want to go the cold turkey and cut all ties route, message her less and less often.
you should have included that in your op. >>33302129
you're going to have people comment about the age gap because it was the only issue you raised. at first.
Yeah, at least there’s ID for context.

Well, I don’t see this lasting if I’m being realistic and I know she’s also questioned the long-term so there may be wiggle room but right now she’s very clingy. I’m hoping nothing goes beyond this stage and I don’t try to get anything out of it - I should’ve kept to the first time I left.
Why do these threads drive women away? Maybe we should be more inviting
Online dating and dating apps have made me kind of dislike women in general.

How do I combat this?
Ladies. How often do you think about cheating on your man? Like at any time of day when you're out, are you like yeah I would fuck this guy if he asked me to?
yes if youre not ugly
if you are then i wouldnt do it unless i really needed money
how much would you pay for all this?
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this age gap is nothing, fucking kill yourself. you don't deserve a nice 18 y/o gf.
how about you send her my way instead, i'm older than you but not a fucking moron with stupid ideas about age.
>I’m pretty much the worst type of nee
you are. because this amazing opportunity has come your way and you are letting it slide, do you think you will ever have another opportunity like this again? (spoiler: you won't)
take a flight to america, meet her, see what she's like in person and how you two get on, live together as a trad couple for the extent of your stay, no sex till marriage. then if you really like her see her again and bang the shit out of her.
How do you not be boring and rational all the time?
Never spend money on the first date, it implies that you are trying to prove your own status. It sends the signal that you are trying to macho up. It is often not a good thing and comes of as showy. You should furthermore learn from old age advice from frad boys, learning about the progression of skin ship and other tips.
I don't know, if a guy doesn't pay for the FIRST date, it makes me wonder how often he's going on first dates that he needs to start pinching pennies. Like, it's supposed to be rare and special, or does he not actually care at all?
I accidentally burnt my finger once and put it in my mouth because it hurt and i was surprisingly tasty, so yes, I guess. But only cooked properly.

Tell her "I want to break up" and then block her.

I don't know what that is but I don't think I could respect it if I did.

Hope it went well.

They have autism

>Online dating is a blighted hellscape
Maybe for you!

What? No, not caring at all about women or what they think is what women like.

It seems like you don't want to get out of the situation.

>Why do these threads drive women away?
You're confused, soc is just dead.

>How often do you think about cheating on your man?
Whenever he irritates me.
Which is often.

On paying on the first date.
I think what I would like the most is if he paid for the first date and told me, when I protest, "dw, you can get the next one". Teehee that's slick. Anyway, women should only let a man pay for them if they are interested in the man. If not, they should split it.
I've had a few situations where it's crossed my mind and even a few where I had the chance to and had to stop it, but it doesn't happen at all to me on a daily basis like that. I caught my dad cheating on my mom and it's stuck with me, for better and worse.
are you rich and will you give me money if i date you?
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im otaku woman and i have big tits but im fat..........
im losing weight though! hopefully my tits stick around but it's unlikely
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have you tried encouraging her to lose weight?
once i started receiving weight loss encouragement from loved ones i tried it and its had the biggest improvement on my self care and hygiene.
Losing weight made me wanna start taking better care of myself again, in all areas.

But i feel you man, my sister is the same way the dishes are piled up at her house and its messy with clothes everywhere.

only thing you can really do is talk to her about it... or leave.
i wouldn't blame you for leaving her either.
I'm a fat guy but been hitting the gym and losing weight. Wanna come with?
if this implies a romantic relationship then id have to decline, but if you just wanna be gym buddies im totally down!! :)
They will likely go down a little in size, mine started to and I hated it and stopped working out lol
Sure, add me on discord
>Maybe for you!
No, it's pretty much universal.
says it doesnt work :P
Try ghostvanguard
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>Do weeb women with big tits exist?
Yes, and they're either normies that want to monetize off of it or they're obese shut-ins.

>What would be a recommended website for me to find someone that's not a cringe normie or a politically obsessed incel?
Pretty much just dating apps. You'll notice normie trends. They all say the same things because they lack any sense of identity or originality.

>does chauvinism make you wet?
No, confidence does for most women. Many just can't tell the difference.

>does a guy crying in front of you actually give you "the ick" or is that just a meme?
Depends on the context, frequency, and degree to how much he's crying. Though I do hear those reddit stories on YT of men getting cheated on and crying all night or crying with their cheating wife. That's cringe and "ick"

You're giving me the ick, anon

Some women do, but I feel it's a trend thing. Like dad bods were in for a while, but now we're back to scrawny hairless men that look like a stiff breeze would snap them in two. I, for one, have always like muscular, hairy, manly men.

>How often do you think about cheating on your man?
I have literally never considered cheating on a partner. I've been cheated on, but it's something I would never do because it's so shitty.
I'm pretty rational generally but I don't think I'm boring so it's not the rationality. Do you think deeply and critically about things? Do you know how to articulate those thoughts?
>>Some women do, but I feel it's a trend thing. Like dad bods were in for a while, but now we're back to scrawny hairless men that look like a stiff breeze would snap them in two. I, for one, have always like muscular, hairy, manly men.

Me once I meet my fitness goals
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Dear ladies,

I'm in my late 30s, and have been single for more than a decade, being uninterested in online dating and a shut-in has made me pretty resigned to never finding a lady to date.

The other day while grocery shopping, I noticed a worker whose face instantly attracted me. She was dressed very plainly, duh she was at work, but her face, eyes, hair, skin tone, etc, was everything I needed to know I was attracted.

I thought about it while shopping and resolved myself to just go tell her on my way out that I thought she was pretty/attractive. My brother-in-law and I, both being men, think getting a random compliment like that would be really flattering and would make our day.

But my sister disagrees, saying the grocery girl may get hit on a lot, and that she's just trying to exist, and being hit on at work is the worst. Also the girl looked like she was in her 20s, so maybe 10-14 years younger than me, another thing that my sister said would've made me look creepy.

What do you think? How do I approach strangers without being a creep? I don't go to bars, clubs, or do online dating. I'm the typical -go to work, come home and game- type.
NAG but I side with your sister here. Hitting on strangers outside of social contexts is weird. You shouldn't assume that you liking something means a woman would like it. If you approach someone who's just out doing something, chances are they'll be annoyed, which is not a good way to start.
Do men have emotions? I am genuinely concerned.
No. We're not allowed to.
Yes, but that no-good masculinity tells us that expressing them is bad. Other than anger.
You have to do some form of e-dating, or you have to get into a scenario where it is normal to make a friend and be friends first.

Yes but even when we do share them, the way we express them is different from how women express them on average. For instance, you may have known many men who were 'fixers', they would listen to your problems, offer a solution, and then you may have felt frustrated that they weren't just telling you that "you were heard" or that "they understand". This is them expressing empathy - in your scenario they'd want to come up with a solution so by bothering to share one with you, you're seeing a man be empathetic.
The CEO of I.N.C.E.L. and the CEO of feminism linked up.
Women: need it or keep it?
Yes I'm overly emotional desu
>Other than anger.
Fucking liar, when men express legit and righteous anger they get immediately accused of being mentally unstable and that the threat they are facing does not exist.
>that no-good masculinity
I'll give you a bit of a spoiler here friend, women created toxic masculinity.
Women enjoy shit testing men for fun and see how far they can take it.
Toxic masculinity if anything should be referred to as "men being gullible enough to fall for the tricks of women".
Of course women sane and down to earth are in this world but they're rare and precious, and they're becoming fewer and fewer with feminism indoctrinating women to be as manipulative, dishonest and provocatory as possible to sell the image of a "strong woman" which makes me laugh super hard since the feminist woman is the equivalent of the saying "donald trump is the weak man's idea of a strong man", which is entirely true and I agree 100% on it.
I think I'm safe since I've been asked out by men who know I'm taken, and I always so no because I'm not interested. most men seem desperate to me. But I have gotten a couple crushes on men who are the jaded loner type. but then again, those types wouldn't ask me out obviously, they are the type who don't chase women at all. and maybe this is controversial here, but I don't think getting a small crush means you're likely to cheat.
Do guys from /soc/ ever choose to improve on their own? It feels like most of the ones I meet are mentally unstable and aren't doing anything about it.
>mentally unstable and aren't doing anything about it
That's most of this website desu
And what do you think they should be doing?
You know, a lot of the reason women will "test" men is because men can be dangerous and scary, and it can be a pretty good idea to find out what happens when he gets mad sooner rather than when it's too late.
You don't even believe yourself what you just said.
I sincerely hope for you you are dude larping as a female.
Captcha: HMMMM
Anyway you completely misunderstood what I said.
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Probably be less incel. Whatever that means.

Apologies sir, but yours is a non-question with a generic, disingenuous accusation aimed at nobody, there is no right answer to such question, there is no answer at all in the first place.
You're not even looking for an answer.
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Girls, did you ever do sexual things with boys your age BEFORE you hit puberty and developed sexually? One of my earliest and most cherished sexual memories is with my girl classmate when we were seven. Her parents worked for long shifts and my mom agreed to let her stay with us after school, spending most our time playing Tekken on the original playstation.

One time while playing she noticed that the vibrating controller felt really good pressing against her pubic area and urged me to try as well. Eventually we were both grinding our groins with the same controller (using the other controller to, well, control the shockwibes of the other), using it as a crude, weirdly shaped vibrator.

Few times later while playing she got the idea of ditching the controller and just rub our groins together. I knew for a fact that as a boy humping against soft things felt good but I wasn't sure to do something like that with a girl, she kinda sulked about it and I caved in and agreed to try it. She enjoyed it but my clothes just chafed me too much for me to get anything out of it. As you might guess in the end she made me take of my pants and just rub her pubic mound directly with my penis. I was way too young to ejaculate anything but I specifically remember the soft warmth of her nether regions, how good it felt to just press into her and how me she wanted do it over and over again.

To this day I find outercoarse so much more intimite than actual penetration, probably because rubbing pussylips with my penis or between a woman's buttocks elicits memories of those times. Same with boys (I'm bisexual) frottage gets me going in ways fucking someone in the ass just doesn't.

Sorry for the rant, I guess what I wanted to know if what we did as kids was somehow extremely unusual or do some of you ladies have had similar experiences, with or without the boys.

Emotions are prohibited, 9S.
Wanna go out for coffee or a walk on the beach?
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For those on /adv/ who wanted to see my reptiles, here’s ziggy one of my leopard geckos.
I like him

Ye emotions are pretty cool once you get the hang of em

My wife has expressed interest in me seeing another girl. She says it's because she just can't satisfy me sexually as often as she should but I just think she's being weird and self-victimizing. How do I get her to stop bringing it up? I don't want anyone else
Tell her that you promise you're fine and that you cannot be sexually satisfied by other women because you don't love them, and you'd rather live a life having less sex with the woman you love on her schedule than having more sex that you don't actually enjoy.
Tell her you're with her for a reason, and not these other women - and that hasn't changed.
Sounds like a plan. I really should hammer the point across that sex isn't enjoyable without her. I don't think she believes me when I tell her, I don't know how to make her understand
They need to work on improving themselves without seeking external validation.

Exactly. The real change happens only when they genuinely want it.
It's side with the sister in law, it would be very inappropriate to try to hit on her at here workplace, but sorry but timing and location are way more important than what people would think iin romantic relationships, and not, it's not about how attractive you are and chad mcthundercock don't get a free pass for it
the fact that you descibe you were attracted to her just by looking at her means that, you are not the only guys who throught this and manys probably hit on her a her job and trust me, it's not pleasant

> I guess what I wanted to know if what we did as kids was somehow extremely unusual or do some of you ladies have had similar experiences, with or without the boys.

that's totally normal,
for young parents, there is often an awkward moment when you have to explain your kids they can"t touch themselve in front of people, and while children are mentally and physicaly immature for intercourse they still are sensitive to masturbation and it's fine for them to experiment things, as long as no adult is involved and kids don't molest each other ( yeah, that can happend)
>without seeking external validation.
Then I'm gucci on that.
>Exactly. The real change happens only when they genuinely want it.
Exactly? Exactly what? And change towards what? Are you holding information to be as provoking as possible? And who are these "they"?
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very cool
this is terrible advice, and
this is the simple truth of it. You're not happy, and you want to see what else life has to offer. Be kind, but be firm, and tell her you want out. Remember that this isn't a negotiation, it's a notification, and keep discussion on how to separate cleanly and move on. Figure out who is moving out, who is taking the cats, etc.
>It will destroy her
Maybe, but that's not on you. The sooner you pull off this band-aid, the sooner you can move on with your life.

>Guys, good looking ones in particular
You rang?
>would you ever be willing to take a 30 year old woman on a date in exchange for payment
I mean, I do consultations, but my time is extremely valuable.
>would you ever agree to a sexual encounter with a woman in exchange for money
Absolutely not.

I think you're overthinking this. Get on Hinge or Tinder, set up a profile, wait an hour, take your pic of suitors, and start going on dates. You will get better at socialization through practice, you might even meet someone you vibe with.

I think the female form (and female virtue) is worthy of admiration, but worship is a bit of a stretch.

>Used to be
So under 65 kilos, then?

>is the biggest load of shit ever. it's women giving in to total narcissism and making mountains out of mole hills
This, pretty much. People can't control what they're attracted to, but this trend of women actively looking for the most mundane, obtuse, esoteric shit to disqualify men over is getting old. It's fun flipping it on them, though.

You need to get out of your own way, anon.
>have a lot in common
>vibe well
Remind me again how you're inappropriate as partners? You're not even 30, this "age gap" is nothing, and will only become more nothing with time.
>grocery girl may get hit on a lot, and that she's just trying to exist,
while this is likely true, i can assure you the only good time to hit on a girl is "right now". if you see her again, make your move. i can't count the number of times i missed my chance and never saw her again after that due to my own hesitation. the only difference between her accepting your advance and being annoyed by it are if she finds you attractive. it is directly in line with the chad vs creep analysis.
I agree with this, girls like compliments.
In fact, we all wish we got more.

Daily reminder to please compliment a pretty girl.

There's nothing to worry if you will never see her again anyways. It just would make her smile.
o you actually regret it if you choose not to have kids? Me (25m) and my gf (24f) are both on the same page when it comes to staying child free.

But I see so many people saying we will regret it later on (mostly online). Is this true? Should I be worried? Or is it just cope from miserable parents?
>But only cooked properly.
What would be the proper way to cook a person?
Some people realize they want kids towards their late 20's / early 30's. Some people never want them. No need to worry about it really, just stick with what you believe, and if you change your mind someday you can deal with it then.
Are you poly? Is your relationship drug-related? Serious question. If yes, this explains your decision to a lesser extent and should be met with therapy.
Childless people always end up being "dog moms" or having "fur babies" and they treat their pets like actual children.
They even put their dogs in strollers
It's unhealthy
You don't want to be one of those people
>What would be the proper way to cook a person?
Golden brown
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Is it possible for a 46 year old man to impregnate a 19 year old girl?
Damn, I wouldn't mind getting cooked like that. Wonder how many days it would take for you to eat me.
You should talk to her. Worst case scenario is you crash and burn and have to get your produce somewhere else for awhile. Trying to hit on a girl where she works isn't ideal, but ultimately how she feels about it comes down to whether she finds you attractive or not, same as anywhere else. The other anon brought up the "chad vs creep" concept, and in case you're not familiar, it's essentially the idea/concept/fact that any time a guy asks "will I come off as creepy if I do X?" the answer is "only if she finds you unattractive." So yeah, make your move, and it should take her body language no more than thirty seconds to tell you everything you need to know; if she's into you, great, if not, take the L like a gentleman and move on.
>so maybe 10-14 years younger than me, another thing that my sister said would've made me look creepy
Sounds like your sister has some anti-male bias going on, you'd think she'd be more supportive of her brother's efforts to not die alone. Being interested in young, attractive women isn't creepy, it's your biological imperative. I have a theory that women who have aged out of their 20s get really uncomfortable when they get reminded that they have aged out of their peak attractiveness, hence the attempts to shame men for acting according to our nature.
>saying the grocery girl may get hit on a lot
So she acknowledges, and possibly envies the girl for being attractive.
>and that she's just trying to exist
She doesn't know what the girl is thinking, and neither do you, until you ask.

Exhib I'm curious, when is the last time you put that magnificent dick of yours inside a woman?

Yes, but we aren't as open with ours because 1. we're expected to be in control of them, and 2. nobody really gives a shit about our pain to begin with, to the point where on an individual and societal level we're often shamed for sharing it.
Well said. The other reason so many men (myself included) are "fixers" is because we're not really used to anyone caring about how we feel, and we're more focused on, well, fixing problems rather than how we feel about problems. If you can remove the problem, how you feel about it inherently becomes far less relevant. This is also why traditional therapy tends to be so hit or miss for men, our brains work like this
>I am sad/upset/afraid because of X thing
>I talk with my therapist about X thing and how it makes me feel
>I go home, X still exists, therefore I am still sad/upset/afraid
No amount of talk, not one of many, many pills I tried helped with my anxiety or depression. Losing over fifty pounds of fat, gaining over twenty pounds of muscle, and fucking big booty bitches who were suddenly hitting me up even though they didn't even know I existed a year prior? That shit did wonders.

I hope so, because ultimately that's why I bother posting.

Fun fact: women can be dangerous, too.

>dat image
I laughed way harder than I should have. Fucking saved.

Ziggy appears to be a good boy.

That's inherently a very personal question. I've always known I wanted kids, just "later" and the only thing that has really changed is "later" is starting to look more like "now." My mind has always been very future-oriented, I've always had five and ten year plans. I've met people who said they never wanted kids, then ten years later had kids and it's the best decision they ever made. Some people say they never want kids and that never changes. My advice is this: have kids when and if it feels right to you, and worry less about what other people think in general.

Also, you're a guy, time is on your side when it comes to this.
Question for other men: what's the longest you've been with a single partner without getting, for lack of a better word, "bored?"
no and i actually feel like im getting worse
im actually getting angry that im all alone
i've asked out girls before but every single time its a no
it HAS to be me i must be completely undesirable in everyway and all my family and friends must just tolerable enough to where i don't get i put into an institution
every day theres a higher chance of me walking in front of a train or a car cause i honestly don't know if i can handle even being outside any longer with keeping everything inside me
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If it only were legal I would volunteer to euthanize you myself.
I heard that in canada if you are a white male doctors suggest you MAID if you get something like a runny nose, you could try your luck there?
Going on almost 8 years, I still get excited when she gives me any attention. I don't know if I'll ever get bored
ditto faggot
>Exhib I'm curious, when is the last time you put that magnificent dick of yours inside a woman?
It has yet been unclaimed. Even still has the price tag on it. Mint condition.
>girls, what's it like to be cum inside your vag?
This is kind of my kink, I really like when a guy cums inside me and I used to be on BC so I got to experience it with the 3 partners I've been with.
The first time I swear I could feel it come out, granted I was mentally ill and it was a bad situation and so I wasn't really wet anyways, I could feel his dick twitch and it felt really wet. It burned after when I peed and it dripped out almost immediately and it felt kinda icky but in a good way.
With the other 2 partners when it was more consentual, I still felt the twitching and pulsing. The guy reacts too, which is part of how amazing it is. Mostly its like a 5-10 second stillness where he held me down and i could feel his cock twitch. The feeling of being filled up is like euphoric now, I'm not on BC anymore but let my current BF of 9 years cum in me after ovulation day. I don't cum from PIV and don't really care for oral so I like to use the cum after he's finished to masturbate.
Recently though, I've discovered I do like oral after, I like to make him lick me clean and I like that he doesn't like it.
> is it warm?
No, I'm sorry, its the same temperature as you so for the most part you won't really feel the liquid. But, you know it's happening and its great.

Overall its an amazing sensation and you have a lot to look forward to!
I don't like coffee but I'll go to the beach if somebody else is driving
I don't regret not having kids because my circumstances haven't changed, but I wish the circumstances were different so I could at least consider it if I managed to find a good guy before I turn 35 in 3 years.
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Women, if your boyfriend bullied his autistic co-workers to impress you, would it make you wet?
Is it possible to find a non religious man who's okay with waiting until marriage if I'm already 27?
Both genders, what's my best bet as an open minded, 20 yr old M sorta bi but mostly straight efro/fart/malodorous fetishist? Sex stuff intimidates me because I've never done it before, and talking to strangers intimidates me even more. Is my best bet dating apps, and if so, which one should I use? How do I set up a profile that will attract people into the same fetishes as me?
Nice. One of my biggest fears is falling in love with someone, caring about them enough not to fuck anyone else, yet being bored in the bedroom. What's the secret to keeping things interesting?

That's what I thought. What I'm getting at is, why advise so much caution/self-consciousness for that anon, or, for that matter, yourself? You have been blessed with an absolute gift of a dick, and it's time to put that bitch-breaker through it's paces. What are you waiting for?

No homo.

That's a tall order, and if you're not a virgin I'd say your chances are near zero. Why do you want to wait until marriage?
19 m
i wouldnt wait. for me sex is an important part of relationships and i would not want to marry someone i dont click with.
>why advise so much caution/self-consciousness for that anon
Bad experiences with approaching strangers could wrongly lead one to believe the problem is that they are undesirable, rather than simply their methods.
>for that matter, yourself?
I mean, my reason for not approaching strangers is totally different. I'm just plain afraid of strangers.
girls, what's sex like on a period?
Slippery, at times to the point of not enjoyable. Smells like pennies. If you hit it really fast it splatters and makes interesting patterns on the skin and sheets. I’m usually hornier and more sensitive and it feels better. Kinda weird when you get nutted in and it mixes with the blood and comes out. Doggy’s the best for less mess I think.
>Why do you want to wait until marriage?
I just think intimacy is something I should do with one man only and once I'll do it I'll bound with that man in a way I can't go back from. So the idea of that man leaving me or me offering myself to another man when I've lost my virginity to the previous guy just doesn't sit right with me.
I hope not.
That is an utterly ridiculous request.
You probably won't get married until many years into a relationship and all you do is deprive yourself of a fundamental joy of every romantic relationship.
Get over your insecurities.
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wait for what?
dude its just sex
having a guy stick his cock inside you doesnt "bind" you to him. stop trolling and/or being autistic
I don't deny autism being a factor but it really seems like men and women perceive intimacy differently, I can't view it like "some random dude sticking it in me" because I assign a lot of emotional and spiritual weight to it.
Which also answers my question, I won't find a guy like that unless he's a misogynist or religious.
>Bad experiences with approaching strangers could wrongly lead one to believe the problem is that they are undesirable
It saddens me to think that so many assume failure isn't just part of the process, a step to success. I have had considerable success with women. It's also not uncommon that I get rejected and/or blanked, it's all part of the process.
>I'm just plain afraid of strangers
Well, for what it's worth, I don't think you need to be. You're a good egg, Exhib.


Not necessarily. Most men who abstain will do it for religious reasons, but I doubt you'd find a misogynist who'd be willing to wait, assuming he was even capable of keeping up a charade of normalcy long enough to wait. In any case, I'm sure you have male counterparts out there, the trick is going to be finding one that you vibe with.

OK everyone, have a lovely weekend. I'm going to be away from civilization until Sunday afternoon at the earliest.
>I assign a lot of emotional and spiritual weight to it.
That's fine, but as I said, depriving yourself of that fundamental part of a relationship for years is just incredibly stupid. It's just your own insecurity, really.
>I'm sure you have male counterparts out there
I really hope that's the case, thanks for encouragement.
I also don't deny that it's out of insecurity that the guy might leave me, but what I really want is some sort of assurance that I will spend a long portion of my life with that person and marriage just hapeens to be the most common structure for that.
I've been celibate until now, even if it's painful I'll accept celibacy until I die too so the denial isn't that big of an issue for me but I understand it's way harder for men that's why I wonder if there's a man out there who will respect my thoughts and wait until marriage.
>who will respect my thoughts
No, it IS insecurity and nothing else.
But here is the thing, a cheater will cheat on you no matter what.
A good person will stick with you no matter what.
If you can't trust a potential partner, that just means you don't trust them.
>I wonder if there's a man out there who will respect my thoughts and wait until marriage.
there probably is but you might have to compromise on some other things about him like his looks, job, hobbies...
out of curiosity what do you think about kissing?
It's not exactly about cheating, I just want that person to put the same amount of stock into our relationship that involves intimacy as I do. To my understanding people cheat for the most illogical reasons, so there's no telling what kind of person will cheat and who won't. You're right about insecurity because I'm not exactly outstandingly beautiful or have sexual experience or even any semblance of allure or make up for waiting.
I want the same thing but I also don't want to get cheated on because I have been before. I think it comes down to just finding someone who isn't extremely impulsive and holds similar values. Someone who doesn't constantly live in FOMO and keeping up with the joneses.
>It saddens me to think that so many assume failure isn't just part of the process, a step to success.
Some take it worse than others, yeah. Fear of rejection can hit less confident people hard.
>I don't think you need to be.
I don't either, but my subconscious is a jerk.
I honestly don't know. probably okay if we know each other long enough.
I should probably just hold onto hope I'll meet a man like that someday.
You guys ever feel like your fetish ensures your fate as a lonely virgin forever?
Stop watching porn and cooking. For like a year.
I dropped my contact earlier. I'm not opposed to getting to know you but I'm also not looking to get hurt again
Cooming. Autocorrect
Is it a dealbreaker if your gf can't have piv sex with you? I really like oral or anal, having him eat me out but piv does nothing to me. He says he is fine with it but I suspect he's saying that so i won't feel forced to do anything i don't want.
why would I blueball myself? Jerking off has literally nothing to do with attraction, personality, looks and status do. If you're implying le porn jew gave me my fetish, you'd be wrong, because I've had my fetish pre puberty, and used to pop boners to cartoons that catered to my niche ass fixation before I even knew how to jerk off. No Fap is a shitty abrahamic reddit cult psyop that only dumbass women and socially reclusive teenage boys on /pol/ fall for
I'd love to be with a girl who doesn't do piv, i don't even want anal, i just want to eat a girl out and finger her. But females largely just want chads, and chads are more likely to want/need piv
>Is it a dealbreaker if your gf can't have piv sex with you?
can't have or does not enjoy? these are 2 very different things. does your auto-lube factory not produce anything? do you get off from anal and oral? i think the details matter here.
Is the issue it just does nothing for you or is there an issue with you having it ? If it's that it does nothing for you, he does everything that you enjoy, but you refuse to do that for him , then that's potentially a red flag.
Its more to kind of reset yourself. But idk, you could always just kys because you're a degenerate freak?
No, Jim is a complete cunt. The bullying would only be tolerated (if he was attractive)
Would never do it on the time of the month. No sex for a week.
>having a guy stick his cock inside you doesnt "bind" you to him
But it does
I live in somewhere I can't move out from in near future so I don't contact people in 4chan for dating purposes.
Cool, thanks for the abstract one sentence explanation on why I should hold my nut butter in; dont know how that'll get me laid though.
If it's just an issue of it doing nothing for her, I would be determined to find a way. Even if it means getting toys involved. I wouldn't say it's a dealbreaker, necessarily, but it would frustrate me a bit if I can't make it work for her in any way.
So sorry, finally checked this thread again. Thank you for being so descriptive, that really helps. Heheheh, I like it when cocks twitch, lol, looking forward to that. I think my biggest happy point will be his reaction, I wanna see what he looks like when he cums.

Thanks again!
It hurts really really really badly every time i do piv, besides that anal provides more pleasure to me so I've just asked him to do that instead. I practice with smaller toys he got but it's still really painful and not pleasurable.
I hope you find a girl that loves you anon. I'm sure there are a lot of women who don't care about penetrationso don't worry too much about that, good luck.
Anal is hot, but I don't think it's sustainable to do it several times a week for decades.
Have you talked with a gynocologist about it?
Maybe there is a cream that could help.
It's a psychological block in my case I think. Even if its a gyno issue, creams don't work. They give you smaller stuff for vaginismus for practice and if its endo then surgery is the only cure.
I don't think you're knowledgeable about the topic unfortunately. Even if i used a numbing cream it'd be painfully tight for him and thus unenjoyable. Besides I'm not gonna do something i don't enjoy, would you let your gf peg your ass even though you wouldn't enjoy it? Doubt it.
>don't think you're knowledgeable about the topic unfortunately
I mean, obviously not? That's why I suggested a gyno.

>not gonna do something i don't enjoy
I didn't even suggest that.

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