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This thread is intended for people to find friends, romantic partners, friends with benifits, gaming buddies, somebody to talk to, somebody to spend time with irl, activity buddies

>Music you like
>Lookin for
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

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I'm the only one in this thread who actually has nobody and has 0 friends on discord/steam
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. im not going to beat around the bush, this is what i want from posting on 4chan., do not add me if you are a male!! TY
i got zero discord friends too

I struggle to find uses for people in my life. People are hypocrites when they bother to have principles at all, instead of just whims. They're liars. Love assumptions. They hurt others out of fear, jealousy and desperation. They have little capacity to imagine things outside prior experience, or keep track of multiple ideas at a time. They are they're close-minded, paranoid, etc. If you are any of these things, and if you continue to do any of these things, stay away from me.

Anyone else we may see where things go.

I only recently made a discord account for this. No luck there neither :')
M28 new england USA
>Music you like
Idk, indie/rock/alt/pop/etc. I listen to a lot of Rise Against, Taylor Swift, Arcade Fire, the Paper Chase, etc. Nothing too special, I know my tastes are pretty normie
>Lookin for
Feminist progressive woman who will lower her bullshit standards and settle for a short ugly undominant unconfident unmasculine autistic poor useless nice guy incel and would be happy with a simple loving equal relationship without power dynamics shit rather than the high effort garbage most females want
>Not lookin for
Men, conservatives, females who won't lower their standards and give unattractive incels a chance
>Gamer tags
I don't play video games
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm really unattractive and females fucking hate me and I will never EVER make effort or become Chad
Definitely an entitled gay man lmao
F18, from South America

>Music you like
Anything fr

>Lookin for
A white man to make me smile, or any type of person that wants to friend me

>Not lookin for
Too normal peoples

i don’t even have a discord to begin with

You can't know any of that. Why are you fantasizing about me. Kind of weird.
Let me guess, all men?
I'm not lonely but as someone that is very possessive and jealous I like the idea of having a lonely bf that I can have only for myself. bonus points if you don't talk to any women
extra bonus points if you have no clue about how to talk to women


>Music you like
house music
club music
also jazz

>Other things you might find important to list
be 180cm+
and handsome

i’m not
Woman detected, get discord, post username
Remember fellas (and you newfags especially): if they intentionally don't list age then they're underage. And if they're underage on this board they're probably a fed or trolling you
>not looking for: too normal people's
>omg pls white man PlZZZ
brown women are busted jfc
I am above 20 but anons should be careful with 18/f ones

i was writing 18 when i was 15. i was 18 for 3 years.
I forgot to add some things I will remake this post
How have you not found anyone so far?
I have seen you post your discord everywhere
Something is seriously wrong with you, seek help
She's already added every male anon on /soc/ lol
Normally I don't reply to hate, but I did find someone I wanted to date but he just led me on and blocked me.

I had serious plans to travel to England to go see him and he just shit talked me and demonized me to his close internet friends.
Because she's not looking, she's a friend collector, maybe catfish tranny, very fat, ugly, all of the above, who knows, but she's bad news
It isn't hate, I am speaking from genuine concern
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Eh, why not.
>Music you like
Deathbrain, Mindvacy, Game OSTs (Doom, Final Fantasy, Ace Combat, System Shock etc.), Ambient...I like a lot of genres.
>Lookin for
Interesting people, potential friends. I mainly want to get to know women, but have no issues chatting with guys if we share interests. Maybe do shit together in the future and have some crazy fun!
Have no inherent issues with long distance, as long as we (((vibe))).
>Not lookin for
Trolls that aren't funny, underage girls/boys (get away from 4chan!). Severely mentally ill attention whores. I am not 24/7 on my phone.
>Gamer tags
Too private for now...
Lucid dreaming, contemplative meditation, music production, game/software development, cooking/baking, movies, gaming/card-/boardgames, relaxing at the park and reading.
>Keep in mind
I don't rush anything, and I am very careful. It will take a lot of time and earned trust before I share private information with the trolls here.
Don't voice-call me; I will probably not pick up unless we know each other better.
I have no issues with deleting the burner Discord account.
If you are unnecessarily rude, I will not hesitate to block you.
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. im not going to beat around the bush, this is what i want from posting on 4chan. do not add me if you are a male,!
Why does that bother you exactly? I know shitting on White men is the norm in society but not everyone is going to be on board with that, even if most of the people on this board are.
So she couldn't be 60?
Anons who add him realize very quickly chickenclaw3 isn't a bio f but a man pretending to be one.
because when white women do the opposite, ytfolx seethe to oblivion too
You will always be someone to me, Xavi.
My dear friend... keep Dreaming.
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>Music you like
Punk/Emo/Rock. Currently getting into Decemberists and Sleeping with Sirens
>Lookin for
People to talk to. I don't care if you're a guy or a girl or anyone in between. I just want to pick someone's brain about mundane shit and their interests

>Not lookin for
People who can't hold a conversation


>Other things you might find important to list
This is my 3x3 of my favorite games. If you like any of these then send me a text.
21, M, South Bend

Rock + Metal; David Bowie, Gojira, Yes, The Smiths, Mastodon, Trivium, Rings of Saturn... etc

Looking for mostly IRL folks to hang out with, maybe a social circle to be welcomed into. Magic the Gathering, smoking weed, walks/hikes on trails, fairs, festivals, bars. I'd like to try playing music, working out, and fishing. If we're online only, it'd still be nice to have some folks to chat and hang out with while smoking. maybe some gaming.

I'm in an open relationship, so if you're looking for singles, not me.

>i've got 0 """Friends""" on socials
>my status quo, my life, my own self worth depend on what random npcs on internet say about my profiles
fuck's sake, i'm an old retarded failure and you're so fucking pathetic even for someone like me
No anon, it's all horny young girls who want to fuck, very close to your area. Just drop mail and credit card infos ;)
discord is


Hope to make you less lonely
Do you have telegram too perhaps?
21f, uk
I've posted here a decent amount and rarely do I yield results. I'll admit it's my fault, I have the opposite problem to most people here. Rather than being clingy, I'm avoidant and suffer from self-isolation. It makes me feel extra lonely that only I seem to be this way? I wish I could feel the pain or being attached rather than the pain of being unable to connect and feeling I have to disappear when I do connect with someone. Anyway, if we've spoke before, please feel free to add me again and we can try again. I really do want to get better. I'm a good friend at heart, but I've always been inclined to avoid others and go about things alone. I had close friends as a teen but lost them due to my bad home life draining my energy and I vanished. After that, bad things happened that have just degraded my social skills. But I can talk, I have empathy, I can be charming even. I just freeze up around strangers, some protective instinct, I don't know.

I don't work or study *currently*. I figured I'd say that. I'm figuring my life out. I fill up my free time with trying to and failing to play the guitar, I'm learning art fundamentals (and hpefully how to draw animals and botanical life), I'm reading LOTR (fuck Tom Bombadil, wtf was that chapter), I like to research random things (on a Van Gogh streak), I love fashion, I love the outdoors too. I recently got back from a trip to Germany so feel free to ask me about that and encourage my German skills (not even A1 yet, ha). Oh, I'm learning to cook well too.
>music i like
The Smiths, Flower Face, David Bowie, Taylor Swift (went to the eras tour twice!!), Sidewalks and Skeletons, Deathbyromy, Lana Del Rey, MARINA, mostly indie/indie rock and dark edm stuff
>movies i like
Gremlins, Roman Holiday, Scarface, Lady and the Tramp, Scream, horror in general
>not looking for
people who ONLY play video games and watch anime, weebs, left wing ppl, lgbt, romance or anything sexual, creeps and coomers
>Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
I am 192 cm, tend to be quite introverted but i try to partake in any social situation thrown my way, although that aint a lot. To no one's surprise, i play video games (mostly indies of almost any genre), boardgames, and for other hobbies i like to build stuff using my 3d printer to make small mechanical things, or things that just look cool. I work as a programmer. I guess i'm kind of a nerd. I'm also a high-functioning autist, socially atleast, you wouldn't even notice unless i told you. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs at all, i like to keep a sober mind at all times. Not a degenerate.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Female, nerdy interests, European, Long-term (ideally life-partner) relationship, open to LDR but the closer the better, 21-35 years old
>Not looking for
Male of any kind, trannies. Smokers/drug users (some alcohol use is fine, as long as you don't go overboard). mentally ill, BPD. Outside EU. Friend collectors.
Discord: maxevigam
25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.
(Read entire post or I won't reply)

Putting together a group where we all goon to my innocent ex on a regular basis.
I got quite a lot of non-nudes and about 5 nudes.

I'll send everyone different pics first before adding to group. So you all have different pics to post and save. Repeats will eventually happen but that's okay.

>Must be active in group and regularly post her in group.

If interested my Kik is totally_completely
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>describe yourself
Just a sperg, I tried real life, it just made me become a drug addict furry (I don't touch drugs anymore tho, except weed)
So I'm just wandering on the internet and irl

Internet (mostly tumblr and twitter)
Music (sextrance <33333)
I play piano
I enjoy philosophy
I wanna learn russian or polish ig
And I play pony town, Yume Nikki and other similar rpgs (mogeko castle, ib, omori)

>looking for
Mostly a woman to love and to get obsessed with ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
But everyone will be welcomed

>not looking for
Please no polfags I'm not 14yo
Please borgar people, don't add me because either I never answer, either you don't

>tag (discord and telegram)

Here are my archives btw https://archived.moe/soc/search/text/Pochev/page/1/?__cf_chl_rt_tk=RKUTBh8bdoQAjwMJdb2gmL7WFGa.9eFxUsSnq1sB0XA-1716173730-
you people make yourself losers on fucking purpose
all you watch is anime and read manga and that shit is for freaks, it's pretty much a freak stamp.
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>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you.

shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!

i hate anime and the people that watch it
it's impossible to find anyone that *doesn't* obsess over that shit, it's like tattoos; everyone has them and it marks them as being shit
diagnosed anxiety/depression since childhood, neet shut in, yet self aware enough to be relatively normal despite that. not a weeb. not really a sexual person. probably been on the internet for 90% of my life since 2006. gamer, but pretty casual about it nowadays.
>looking for
just other sad and pathetic people to talk to and rot together, maybe try to find some happiness together in that. male or female, idc, just don't be fucking weird (at least not in an annoying way).
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mid 20's guy from the us, north Carolina. straight
>Music you like
J-pop, shoegaze, alternative rock, classics, breakcore, punk and incelcore are some of the genres i mess with but i fuck with a lot more
>About Me
burnt out incel who spends all his time on the internet, mostly seeking an intimate relationship with a girl or things im comfortable doing that will help me improve my chances, massive gamer and weeb
>Lookin for
virgin loser girl who is lonely and looking for someone to connect with? but down for some gaming buddies, the last gaming thread doods that added haven't really tried to game together much
>Not lookin for
friend farmers or people who won't ever be available to play games
Core Keeper, Overwatch, Halo, Tarkov, War Thunder. I got a lot more too but these are my current commonly played ones.
Single Dad in the military with his own house, but being in the military means moving around every 2-4 years. I'm not really skinny or fat, I guess I have sort of a dad bod, I'm 5'9", Cuban (white), military haircut and a mustache.
I'm into anime, vtubers, 3d printing, cars, cooking, hiking
>Music you like
Punk of all kinds, jazz, indie
>Lookin for
A Long term romantic relationship with a woman who preferably shares some interests with me, but it's not that important. Eventually meeting, moving in together, marriage, kids (if you want, I can take or leave having more).
>Not lookin for
Men, zero libido, non-US citizens, but otherwise I'm a pretty open guy
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27 f southern Cali near Tustin
looking for nise irl friends, hook ups, serious dating. voice chat, and meet ups.

I'm not a trans woman nor a man, if you add me expecting a penis you will be disappointed.

discord tag is chickenclaw3

I will only accept anime profile pics or vidya profile pics, but not normie video games like Mario. Legend of Zelda profile pics are okay.

I like white nerdy PC gamer men, but they don't like me back.

I'm fat if you don't like fat people don't reach out.
I'm also autistic, if you dislike autists don't add me.

>Not looking for; internet trolls, text only, people who will just block me
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Avoid, known catfish. Search up chickn or chickenclaw3 on the archives.
Sounds like you're a freeloader, too much not looking for in that case
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bumping, ill be online all day
If you don't have friends just add me.
>discord adored1.1

Not looking for sexual relationships just friends

Classical saxophone is a go to

Manhwa and manga all the way anime kinda trash

Looking for someone to talk with and play games with and people who are willing to sit in silence when we both have nothing to talk about

Not looking for no one anyone's welcome

Discord, yepperd.
sure why not

>Music you like
who tf cares
>Lookin for
fun ppl
>Not lookin for
old fats etc
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
what is the point of this shit if every single one of you is old boring and fat?
crazy ur here
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>Music you like
>Lookin for
lonely neet girl that will sleep call me and love me, fwb, friend
>Not lookin for
>Other things you might find important to list
mm 6'5 and pretty fit and i have no life
24 m south asia
>About me
Just a lonely dude with very basic interests. Most of my days pretty much go by with me slogging at work, coming back and either playing vidya or watching anime.
>Lookin for
I'm okay with anyone that's chill, but I really prefer women or trans women.
>Not lookin for
Assholes and people that never bother initiating conversations.
(Read entire post or I won't reply)

Got a group where we all goon to my clueless ex on a regular basis
I got quite a lot of non-nudes and about 5 nudes.

I'll send you some pics before adding to group. So you all have pics to post.
Repeats will eventually happen but that's okay

>Must be active in group and regularly post her in group.

If interested my Kik is totally_completely
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>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

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avoid this notorious discord troIl/sex predator azy who adds people under alts to get their information/nudes

he goes by these usernames/ids
>azzyrs : 1110372776897949787
>b.l.u.e.s.u.n : 916703813379981323
> blue.shape : 916703813379981323
> g.h.e.i.s.t : 916703813379981323
>tr.ant : 1120861795138158592
>mliluntrc : 1120861795138158592
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. im not going to beat around the bush, this is what i want from posting on 4chan., do not add me if you are a male!!!!!
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. im not going to beat around the bush, this is what i want from posting on 4chan., do not add me if you are a male!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
discord is



If you’re not willing to voice chat you’re not real and you suck.
>Music you like
Not hugely into music, but I guess classic rock, jazz, electronic, internet meme genres like vaporwave
>Lookin for
People to help me get better at having conversations, and maybe cure my terminal introversion. Anyone willing to take a shot at being my therapist. Women would be nice, but I'm not going to expect too much.
If anyone wants to help educate me on tech stuff, art, or Japanese, that'd be cool. I have a desire to learn, but didn't get a lot of education for mental health reasons. Does anyone want to teach me how to play D&D? I've never done it.
>Not lookin for
People who aren't nice. Underages. Anyone who's going to come on strong and try to entrap me, really.
>Other things you might find important to list
Autistic, shut-in, khhv, highly anxious and possibly OCD, tall, white, bald, occasional Sonic fan, sometimes I read books but have a terrible attention span, believer in the paranormal. don't take shit I say too seriously, I'm mentally ill at the best of times, and I have a strange sense of humour.
you sound useless
19 femboy uk Dumfries

Looking for extreme owner

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.
Also early on talk normally and get to know eachother to see if we will like eachother first please

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation, breathplay, findom, I love being made to cry, kitty play, group humiliation, ltracking. I also like pet play and kitten play where I have to be a kitten, and cold
I’d love to know yours and your fucked up ones

>Music you like
Bit of everything, I'm an amerture vocalist so I can appreciate pretty much all music mechanically. Electroswing, djent, funeral metal, country, and a bit of classic rock are my go too rn
>Lookin for
Friends, and I'm open to more down the line if we click but I figure finding a woman/trans gal on 4chan is a long shot
>Not lookin for
People that lead with their cock, or people that can't hold a conversation.
>Gamer tags
Ask on disc
>Other things you might find important to list
I've got a lot of hobbies and I'm a home body due to some mobility issues so I'm almost always around/available to chat. I'm also religious (pagan, ask for more info on discord if your curious) and that's important to me too, so if your open to talking about that sort of thing it's a bonus.
Spent most of my life depressed and now I'm stuck. Always was more or less suicidal and I think about it daily, but I've gotten so used to everything it's the same to me. I don't have anyone to really be truthful and transparent with.
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>music you like
favourite male singer: morrissey; favourite female singer: lana; favourite group (duo?): carpenters

>looking for
would strongly prefer other women, meet-ups, irls, religious people, people with hobbies they'd like to share, nicemaxxed frens who take their smilepills

>not looking for
ANYTHING ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL, overly negative people allergic to any kind of self help, leftoids, anyone above 24


>other things you might find important to list
i don't watch anime or play video games but idc if you do
only thing remotely good about yourself that you have listed is your music taste
dear burger king quit cooking the fuck out of your burgers and also not seasoning them holy fuck those flavorless leather patties are fucking nasty oh and btw one of your line cooks had his titty sweat dripping in the food we will NEVER be coming back sincerley grover marlin
also not looking for people that take ages to reply + low effort conversation, why waste your time and mine?
Hey, sorry if you were genuine before, but I'm a very cautious character, and I get worried about people trying to mess with me.
based nobody likes fatties
get in here fellas
i agree
bored oldfag str8 m
mr_gere on kik
just need problems to solve or itches to scratch or a muse to abuse
be my depressed gf I can abuse, im close to u
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what's the difference between being alone and feeling lonely?
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. I am extremely self-sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. I'm not going to beat around the bush, this is what I want from posting on 4chan. Do not add me if you are a male!!!!!!!!!!ty !ty
(Read entire post or I won't reply)

Got a group where we all goon to my clueless ex on a regular basis
I got quite a lot of non-nudes and about 5 nudes

I'll send you some pics before adding to group. So you all have pics to post.
Repeats will eventually happen but that's okay

>Must be active in group and regularly post her in group

If interested my Kik is totally_completely
20/Male/Brazil/Rio de Janeiro
>Music you like
im ecletic but i mainly like punk and rock
>Looking for
Honestly, anything will do, i just want human interaction, something other than small talk, you want a friend? someone to lend a ear? someone to scream at into your lung start to bleed? someone to berate to make yourself feel better? then just contact me
>Other thing you might find important to list
uhhhh..Ilike to draw, to learn internet trivia or conspiracy stuff or crypt knowledge or just weird stuff in general, im a nobody that its going to kill himself in a matter of years.
>Music you like
Little bit of everything, but especially metal, synthwave, lo-fi
>Lookin for
A boyfriend. Someone who will message me even when I'm not around so that when I look at my phone at work or as I'm going to bed I'll know someone is out there thinking of me. Someone to chat and game with and watch stupid videos together etc.
>Not lookin for
Over-stimulated, horny, sex-obsessed people.
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>get add
>claims to be a lonely horny girl
>wants a RP as a couple that's been dating for a while
>obvious LARP but roll with it because bored
>it's actually pretty nice
>reminds me what it's like to be in a relationship
God dammit, it's been ten years. I was doing okay until this fucker had to come along. I'm pretty damn happy with most things in life right now, but fuck does is it get tiring going to bed alone every night.
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!
Why did you ask like two questions about manga, and then ghost me, man?
44 m family man. Powerlifer build. Wife is insufferable and hate my job lol. Looking for someone to chat with, female preferred.

I like anime and manga but I obsess over neither.
This is an anime image board you fucking morons.
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24, Male, Switzerland
>hobbies, interests, whatever
-Video games
-Furry stuff
-Long ass, intimate discussions where I can't keep track of the time
-Probably some other stuff too
>looking for
Friends, people to talk to i guess, see if it even works between us, if you're into racing games that's a plus
>not looking for
I don't know, I'm pretty much open to most people, I prefer filtering down the road if that makes any sense
>music you like
Everything desu
>Looking for
5’10+ respectful, funny, masculine men that will make me laugh :3
>Not looking for
dark people, troonies, faggots (including bi), manlets, non-virgins
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18 m
just looking for people to talk about anime with, not looking for horny retards
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Fuck it. Might as well give this thread a shot

Reconnected to my socials recently trying to open up to more peeps

Looking to get into bass guitar and music in general, vidya (modern indies aswell as early 2000s and 90s but i moslty pick one game and obssess over it for a month), Photography, Philosophical debates, post-midnight strolls through the city, CATS :3 (send me all of the pics of your cats!!)

I like listening to a variety of genres, mostly ranging from my mood.
Anything from Hardstyle - dnb - vocaloid - jpop - postpunk - synthwave - ambient

>Looking for
Someone to make long term and meaningful connection of some kind/shoot the shit with and/or someone to vent to one another
Tldr: Long-term, but open for more options (preferably so if you're also in Serbia, esp. in Belgrade and its surrounding area)
Might give my insta if we click

>Not looking for
Minors, Fossils (above 28)

Discord: byzatsu
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mid 20s/m/US
I listen to weeb music, lift weights, roon and work on creative projects. Amateur game dev primarily with a focus on creative writing at the moment
>looking for
Just people to talk to. Been told I’m good at socializing over text at least, don’t mind talking to whoever for the most part and can ramble about a bunch of different subjects, just got back from vacation and getting over being sick so feeling a bit bored
>not looking for
Your shitty server invites, troons
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21/f/north florida
>Music you like
i really like aphex twin, CSH, rock, goth music, old 80s pop, and some mixed music. basically everything!
>Lookin for
friends, relationship, anything. need people
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
i’m a younger asian woman, 112 5’6, used to live up north but moved down here for fun. very lonely in this area, really need new people to meet and have fun with. i collect hello kitty, and love chatting! i love extreme relationships, im very docile and kind. easily manipulated one might say. just looking for men to reach out, who knows, we might just click!
>tempted to rp a happy, loving relationship because I’ve never had one despite being married for almost 8 years
>goes to bed alone every night because husband moved to basement so he can talk to his girlfriend all night (for real)
>can’t divorce him yet cuz he told me to pay off his credit cards with my inheritance so I have next to no money for myself (been a sahm for 6 years)
>losing hope for any actual love to come my way
No way this is real. If it is I’m truly sorry.
Why does everyone say that ;-; it’s real and it fucking sucks. We’re “poly” but only because he told me we’d be doing poly so he could be with her or he’d divorce me. At least I fell out of love with him so that doesn’t hurt so badly anymore.
ill rp it with you and be kind to you.

here's my discord: matadorian344
>>can’t divorce him yet cuz he told me to pay off his credit cards with my inheritance so I have next to no money for myself (been a sahm for 6 years)

Uhhh or else what? Just divorce him. Unless you were dumb enough to co-sign his cards or something.
I have nowhere to go, anon. I have three children he refuses to take care of, which is gonna make coparenting really bad for them desu (he literally neglects them, doesn’t feed them, doesn’t stop them from doing dumb things that would hurt themselves, just sits in the basement playing games or whatever, and lets them do whatever while he ignores them- and they’re young), and I can’t afford the mortgage on my own with no job. I dont relish the idea of me and my children becoming homeless, so I’ll play along til I can make it on my own. But it’s fucking lonely, which is why I posted.
Oh, I paid them because we were going to need to boost our credit scores to move somewhere other than this shitty little town and get another mortgage. Neither of us would have qualified so I paid down all of the debt. His was significantly more, but I thought it was worth it because we were gonna move. And then he started the affair a month later.
your posts don't make sense though. You said you got an inheritance and are paying the bills but you can't divorce because you can't afford to live on your own? how's that work?
ok I get it now. You already paid them and now don't have cash/savings or income. But you should go talk to a divorce attorney. In basically every state he would end up having to give you a lot of alimony and child support in this situation. Normally I'm against that but if what you're saying is true then you're the case people use to show why those are necessary after divorce.
I know. I just want to have my ducks in a row before I do that, because he is… not a very nice person a lot of the time.
you do realize used or certified preowned cars exist right? Buying a new 40k car when you were puttin yourself in the hole was a bad move
yeah, don't try to line the ducks up yourself. Go talk to a lawyer tomorrow or as soon as you possibly can. Do so without telling him what you're doing. There's no reason for him to know at all. He doesn't need to know until it's filed. The lawyer will be able to help you figure out what options are available and what leverage you have. Again, if all the stuff you're saying is true, then you have insane leverage over him and he's all but guaranteed to have to pay you a ton of money every month for a very very long time.
This man sounds genuinely horrible, anon. I will pray for his death
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!
Deleted to remove some potentially identifying info just in case he comes on /soc/ (he won’t, I don’t think…)
i'm lonely, i haven't had any friends since middle school and no matter how hard i try i can't seem to make any. i'd like to give up and stop throwing so much energy into nothing but i can't keep living like this so i'll continue to cry for help on /soc/ i guess

add me if you like music im sure we can probably talk about that

Honestly my biggest fear is that I’m going to get stuck in some awful coparenting schedule and my kids are going to be neglected every weekend, or god forbid every summer (he’s probably going to move very far to be with his gf). I don’t have any evidence of his neglect. The big kids can fend for themselves but the baby just turned 1… and he’s already just content to leave her in the playpen for hours and work downstairs if I have an appointment and ask him to watch her (his job is vvv flexible, he makes his own hours, there’s no excuse to just ignore her for four hours).
22, M, Boston

>Music you like
The all genres meme person, gonna just list some stuff I'm listening to recently
- Bladee
- Weezer
- Clams Casino
- 90s DNB, Liquid DNB, Jungle, Breakcore
- Touhou Arrangements
- Pet Shop Boys
- Nas, MF DOOM
- Etc, trade music with me!

>Lookin for
Friends, lovers, anything! Big bonus if you're in the Boston area, I'm coming back for uni and need someone to hang out with.

>Not lookin for
I'm a very accepting person, I was friends with a literal murderer once. Just try to talk to me.


>Gamer tags
Let's chat first!

Isn't this supposed to be a lonely thread?

>roastie-Chad drama
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I would offer, my that's a bit much for me to handle. I feel like if real life got in the way and I wasn't able to keep it up it'd send you off kilter and I'd be too worried it'll negatively impact your kids.
I hope things work out for you. Stay strong, fren.
sir, this is a cams and meetups

any amount of interest is too much
i've not seen a single person into anime that isn't a freak in one way or another
again, much like tattoos
bro you're namefagging as 228 lmao don't talk to me about freaks
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!
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>fantasizing about 2d prepubescent girls and collecting dolls is completely normal
>what the fuck is wrong with you? you have a number in the name field? FREAK

my point exactly
mirin trips

being alone: you have no one, either romantically or platonically

feeling lonely: feeling alone (when you technically aren't)

i used to be alone and feel lonely but now i just am alone

28 y/o dateless khhv here

[laughs stoically]
bro you're on an anonymous anime imageboard nobody needs to know who you are lmao
who am i then?
the number is for something else completely unrelated to this thread, i simply don't care to remove it because it automatically fills it when i post
i could say the exact same thing about you using the same ID instead of changing your IP to keep it anonymous each post
you a busta
Lmao at the implication that he’s a Chad. He’s not. This is the first girl to give him attention since we met 10 years ago and he fell head over heels.

Oh god, no. I don’t want to pull anyone else into this fucking mess lmao, I just want someone to talk to late at night when the loneliness sets in. Makes the bed feel less empty if I have someone to talk to. Imagine that they’re here hanging out with me. Thank you, though, I appreciate the kindness. <3
19 / tranner / mid atlantic us
like raves dancing music all kinds (even country since everyone seems to like every kind of music but country) i like fishing i like computers kind of tangentially. i am autistic and very chatty. i also think bushcraft is cool but i haven't ordered anything to do it with because i'm kind of lazy and fishing is a lot already. i grow mushrooms. like to text and call a lot maybe watch stuff together.

i think i'm pretty open minded and i like to have 'deep conversation' although that can't really happen like the first time we talk looking for people who are close maybe ? if anything i listed sounds interesting add me but there's more to learn about

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>Lookin for
friends, misanthropes, social rejects, and so on. i have always struggled to make friends and dont click well with most people. im looking to change that
>Not lookin for
lgbt people
>Makes the bed feel less empty if I have someone to talk to. Imagine that they’re here hanging out with me.

Talking with folks just before sleep is something I enjoy doing quite a bit. Though I'm in the European side of timezones, so if you're from the US that obviously wouldn't work.

Here's a disc tag regardless if you feel it'd be worthwhile.
f usa
starving myself but i work at mcdonalds so im actually fat please motivate me to be less fat
>looking for
anyone who can completely overpower me and take control
>not looking for
asian guys
Sent you a friend request on discord
not them
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>Music I Like
ambient electronic, metal, classical, soundtracks
>Lookin for
Girls (cis or trans), femboys
>Not Lookin For
Cis guys
not really sure what I'm looking for desu, mostly just gaming/chatting pals I suppose but definitely not opposed to something more serious if the chemistry is right.

I'm into space, scifi, grimdark, vidja games, history, leftism, general nerd stuff, but I'm down to talk about anything as long as we're having a good time. i'm pretty laid back, be chill in return

I'm bi, mostly interested in women but honestly just attracted to femininity regardless of gender. Hmu if you wanna get to know each other.
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22f usa midwest
>Music you like
80s, 90s, alt
>Lookin for
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
i only play minecraft. username: autisticprincess
>Other things you might find important to list
im mainly online saturday-monday, i am drunkorexic and something is definietly wrong with me .please be my friend :)
>Music you like
Pop, Drill rap, vocaloid, electronic
>Lookin for
Friends, kohai
>Not lookin for
Gay stuff, politics
>Gamer tags
PS5 - sugoi_233mhz
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm one of the first people to ever post on 4chan, Newgrounds, and Myspace. I like to read a lot. I'm gonna lay on the floor and read after this. I'm fit and look young for my age. People tell me I'm handsome but I hate taking pictures of myself. My last relationship lasted 8 years with a lesbian who got lesbian married after me. I take Wellbutrin. I don't drink, or smoke cigarettes or weed. My favorite colors are black and white with a small bit of primary color somewhere. I work a union job and repair game consoles on the side.
>Music you like
Metal (black and death mostly), pop punk, hardcore
>Lookin for
Friends, people to hang out with at some point
>Not lookin for
people trying to fuck or date me, weirdos
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You would have to be purposefully locking yourself in a basement or just retarded to believe this in 2024. Anime is one of the most generic media diets out there, maybe the most, at least after just consuming Current Netflix/HBO Show.

It's almost the complete opposite. NOT liking anime makes you a joyless weirdo now. If you told me that when I was 15 I would have smirked at you. It's biting me in the ass. You should grow out of faggot imageboard culture from 10+ years ago, it's not helping you at all.
ok stop please i got enough potential frens this is overwhelming
I never realized how much I fucked up until now. I got high and now I'm understanding how absolutely in beyond my head.

I can't come back from this. Help.
Do you have discord?
What's in it for me?
Yeah but idk how to find my ID on mobile lmao
Go to your profile, it’s under your name.
33/m/KST (but from america so i can speaka da english etc)
>Music you like
video game music and then random singles citypop, edm, pop, old songs idk
>Lookin for
miracle gf to powerwash my depression away (real)
someone to talk to consistently despite my weird ass hours and schedule
deeper personal connection that goes beyond regular friendship because i am not good at that stuff
a lot of information sharing and putting a conversational puzzle together that satisfies both of our desires
someone that writes a lot in text
>Not lookin for
uhhh meth addicts, political stuff
>Other things you might find important to list
i might be annoying, weird, i have a bit of the tism/adhd, sometimes im very dry conversation wise and itsh ard to break out of it
low self esteem but high confidence for positivity for u
kinda silly and dumb, asks a lot of questions
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ASL 28 uk M
>music: desu is so varied, zzzzzzzzzzzz
Bored, own place, own car, drive too fast
>Discord: afrenzy

I’m in a bunch of groups but I’m a lurker and I have zero friends on there. Idm it
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!
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>interests, hobbies
lifting, hiking, poetry, foraging, mysticism&psychology, philosophy, crafting stuff, gardening, brewing, psychedelic rock, neofolk, romanticism&symbolism, perennial philosophy, cooking
>what you're looking for
whatever, interesting convos
>what you aren't looking for
If you’re still looking for someone to talk to I’d like to offer
Could be nice for both of us
My disc is reallycoolguyipromise
Unironically, what do people expect you to do when they just add you and don't talk to you? I don't get it.
Nobody even added me lol
Add me, and teach me about repairing games consoles, if you want. I actually might want to look into that at some point. Do you do mods?
the person accepting the friend request is responsible for initiating the first message because discord doesn't notify the person sending a request if the person is ignoring it, declining it, or accepting it unless they write down or remember the exact name they sent the request to and constantly checks to see if their friends list has that new person on it
I do that though, and then they don't respond to me.
34 m usa
>Music you like
i'm a little autistic and music was my special interest for a lot of years so i have a very wide variety of things i listen to and enjoy. i'd love to share music with you sometime.
>Lookin for
looking for someone to spend 24/7 with online. i'm smart, funny, kind, caring and VERY sweet. i have a very cute dog that i love showing off. i'm always doing my best to make everyone around me laugh and smile. i want someone who is genuinely excited to talk to me, and i will very much be genuinely excited to talk to you, too.
>Not lookin for
i'm not attracted to obesity. i don't mind if you have a few pounds to lose but i'm primarily attracted to thin-to-average girls.
We've got a lot in common. It really would be fun to talk, but your tag doesn't work.
You can add my discord Michael_1984_
that i don't know then
most people are just freaks and do weird shit for no reason, you kind of have to assume there's only a 20% you end up talking to someone and sending more than 4 messages
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>Music you like
Lots of different stuff, standout genres are probably shoegaze, post-hardcore and metalcore. I can likely give you lots of recs
>Lookin for
A girl to become unnaturally attached to in a short amount of time, bonus if mutual
>Not lookin for
I'm into lifting, literature, guitar and singing, language learning (specifically japanese atm). I don't care about how far away you are, LDR is fine and I have dreams about leaving the NEET-cave to travel as well so I just might come and visit you
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>Music you like
Black metal, Necrotrap, deathdream, scenecore, glitchcore, general other stupid internet music, etc.
>Lookin for
A woman to love (Lol)
>Not lookin for
Easily offended, Won't VC, No interests besides anime, heavy weed smoker, Anti gun
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
Other info in pic related
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26/m , all my old friends hate me
Looking for Friends, just anyone to talk to IDC
If we Vibe We Vibe
No one under 21 please :)
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>horror in general
>no mention of The Thing
>no mention of Event Horizon
>no mention of Jeffrey Combs anything
>hating on weebs
expand hour horizons
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ddr, classic cars, anime, manga, gacha vidya, the persona games, god's lonely programmer
>Lookin for
>Not lookin for
Bro, you have to somehow enable that others can even send you friend requests...
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23/M/Ukraine/fucking up indefinitely

I don't like artists or albums, just tracks, so there's something from edm, classic, rock, country(?) and so on. A lil bit of everything

>What I look for, what I don't look for, special mentions
I'm fucked up. I'm the most tolerant human being in the world, because I hate everyone. Myself, my family, a miniscule circle of friends and everybody else. And I don't want to. I'm lonely just because I get tired of people, even if I try to stick close to them. I don't want to hate humanity even if it's cursed by itself, but here we are. My friends say I have autism, depression, I'm insane or just straightforwardly stupid. Maybe they're right, maybe not. Idk, even psychologists couldn't help me, and I'm going to the psychiatrist next month, so we'll see.
Well, I look for someone, who can help me, slow this shit down or at least be relief. Sorry if I ask too much. Trolls and such people are welcome too, as I love to say "you can definitely try"

Discord: borderline_san1ty
I'd be willing to try to help, but you'd have to kind of tell me what you want.
I guess, I need at least to understand if either people I connect with are not for me, or I basically cannot form any long lasting social connections. I don't count my friends, since we move together in inertia like state and just slowly drift apart
What do you think I can do for you?
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with long term
>Not looking for
Just converse, I hope that would be enough
Add me if you want to add me(details are in the thread). I'm going to get some work done now.
I'll write in the morning, it left 4:30 hours for me to sleep b4 work, if it's ok for u. We have different time, but I hope we'll work something out
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21 / f / rural
cozy games, fps games, creative stuff, news
>Music you like
nigger music
>Lookin for
i want 1 friend and to spend my time with them
>Not lookin for
lgbt / nu-males who type like lgbt
Sorry about that, you should be able to now
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On drugs and lonely, hmu I will talk to anyone.
18 girl
>Music you like
doesnt matter
>Lookin for
friends or people to talk to
>Not lookin for
perverts, esex etc
stupid people xd
Genuinely bad person
18 F USA (eastern time)
> Metal, rock, indie, etc
>Looking for
A friend with benefits. I have little time on my hands but when I do have time, I get horny. I mostly just want attention and praise. But not just sexual stuff normal conversation is a nice bonus.
>Not looking for
Mean people
Girl, unteresting and dry talking. She just wants to be mad at someone and will not hesitate to call you a stupid nigger.

I'd avoid, but do w/e you want
Can corroborate. I think she also smokes meth.
26/M/Washington DC

>music you like
Ambient, lo-fi, indie, alternative, early-late aughts pop

>Looking for
A live-in gf. Yes, I'm serious. No, I'm not a serial killer. I don't really care where you are, I'll fly you out here if you're far. I need company, so if you want out of your home and want someone to take care of your living expenses and other needs then this is your ticket out. I live in a studio apartment in eastern DC. I work downtown and have a job that pays well enough to take care of myself and someone else. The catch is that you have to sleep in my bed with me and fulfill some really tame needs. Horrible, I know. I don't really care how pathetic this sounds. There are plenty of things to do around here too, so no shortage of activities if you're an active person. If not, that's fine too. Yes, I'll show myself.

>Not looking for
You can't be black or asian or a man or a femboy or tranny or anything other than a curvaceous and preferably buxom white, middle eastern or hispanic girl with an ample rear. Hourglass, basically, but i'm flexible on that so long as you're not obese or a flat skeleton.

grand strategy and souls games, night drives & walks, reading, art, fitness, seafood

>discord tag

>other things to list
Happy to discuss the details on discord
>About you
4'11 latina
>Looking for
people that will pick up when I call every time
>Not looking for
pussies that won't pick up whenever I call
talking to people constantly, being stimulated
same person making up bullshit about someone theyve never met
Yeah, don't add, literally lobotomized
>On drugs and lonely, hmu I will talk to anyone.
Your discord account is Worldhealthclub
Just post it normally like everyone else
anything goes. be there or be square. dont add me if youre under 20.
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Genuinely curious how do you end up in a situation like this and why didn't you leave early? What made you let a loser knock you up three times and give him all your money? If you want to talk about it privately that's fine, I don't want to judge, I just want to know how someone ends up like this.
Bump again, I've met some cool people so far. I'm genuinely laid back and caring unless you start saying antagonistic crap.
Is talking to people and being stimulated your only interest?

You will note they are the samefag
Lost soul aimlessly wandering from place to place without a purpose or any reason to exist

I legitimately didn't notice, I had no desire to contact them though. So hopefully I can save a little face. I just thought it was weird to put nothing out with expectations of getting an add.
19 femboy uk Dumfries

Looking for extreme owner

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being
someone who can command well

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.
Also early on talk normally and get to know eachother to see if we will like eachother first please
preferably to a extreme where i need permission to move, speak, and so on with bathroom, food, money, games ect ect

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My List is flashing online humiliation group humiliation degrading risk crying breathplay findom techdom attention ass attention outdoors
Spanking aheago Thigh highs TPE light pain Cold Kittenplay Slapping pee expousre blackmail Public Hunger Rape(CNC) Impregnation pregnancy
Inflation Live Tracking Live Camera Life Ruin OrgasmRuin Kidnap(CNC) robbery(CNC) Choking emptional-minipulation Farting Wedgie MoveDom

DISCORD: meowy4
thin build with a bit of muscle, ginger, get constantly told I look a lot younger than I am
Kind and caring to a bit of a fault. I feel that I get sentimental on people too quickly and they think I'm not being genuine (I am). That being said I'm not a push over and know my boundaries. I value honesty above all else.
Vidya, hiking/camping/outdoor activities, reading, IT/Cybersecurity stuff
90/00's alt rock/metal, dark synthwave, a bit of everything else
Fav bands: System of a Down, Chevelle, Soundgarden, TOOL, Bush, Dance with the Dead, Carpenter Brut
I mostly single player and online coop games
Currently playing: Elden Ring, Deep Rock Galactic, Monster Hunter Rise/World, Furi, Hades II
>looking for
Cool bros to game/chat with (I'm not gay) or local women to chat with and possibly date long term. Please be kind, caring, and a good communicator. You can expect the same from me.
>not looking for
Long distance relationships, women that don't have a car or a job. Hard drug users.
She's real, I talked to her. I have no fucking idea why she would larp as a man tho.
26 / F / Enfield London

SC : gddsschnll

I'm Chanell based in Enfield london, worked as a Nurse and living alone. i enjoyed doing outdoor activities, reading books, watching movies and more. im looking for a nerdy guy that willing to fully commit into D/s relationship with me. doesnt matter if you're inexperienced, as long as you have the heart to accept it. maybe we could talk and see where it goes. preferred Arab/Asian/African. and also based in london or somewhere in UK
22/F/South America (Chile)

btw i'm not a lonely girl, just a really sad one

>Lookin for
frens or vc, hopefully in spanish

>Not lookin for
romance, nsfw

girl ghosted me. she will likely ghost you too, dont get attached
Name doesn't work, nice music taste

i like indie rock and a lot of hiphop, but also a lot of other stuff : )
lets talk!
disc is luhmebebe
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M18 - Dominant Christian conservative

Looking for a tradwife to love and to build a family with. Only white women.
Contacts are in the image.
Sure anon, you are too smart to be catfished
I've been on 4 different dating apps for 3 years now and haven't received a single like back from a real person on any of them.
You yhink its a troon? They had a male voice in vc but o ky wanted money tho
22 M UK
>Music you like
Chill music
>Lookin for
I'm a short twink. I like to game. Be cool to have guy friends. If we flirt, cool if not cool. I just want male company haha
>Not lookin for
Girls. Sorry I have too many female friends
>Other things you might find important to list. Gay, 5'4, twink, small gay but massive geek.
Are you vegan?
Called me a thott and blocked me before I could even say anything what even
20s male

about me:
Not gonna help much
looking for:
Someone to complain to.
Trying to pretend we care about the others interests/music tastes is really pretty boring and silly.
Talking to people online like this really only makes sense if you are getting to make yourself heard or get sexual gratification, and realistically sexual gratification isn’t happening .
I will happily listen to your complaints as well ofc

Not looking for:

-Anyone who thinks personality matters in dating. i could never have a meaningful interaction with someone so clueless.

-anyone who thinks hard work matters in life, or that their hard work was what gave them success in life

-if you are a woman, do not add me unless you
a) Want to show me boobs
b) Want to waste both our time


Holy fuck I'm retarded I meant they had a FEMALE voice
This nigga is a closeted fag insulting everyone. They can't deal with their insecurities
Are you a woman?
No I'm a 39yo m
Like i said, closet fag and insecure. If they ever share a pic pls post
24, m on hrt, germany
>Music you like
hard to focus on a specific genre, some artists i like are: i.believe.in.angels, Puuluup, Sou, Wingnut Dishwashers Union. i also like to listen to calming anime or vg osts like Cultist Simulator, Magnum Opus and To Your Eternity
Drawing (hard brush/pixel art/ animations) and Gamedev. picrel is a shitty animation made in a day. if you know latin i can start learning it again
>Lookin for
Artists who want to put at least 8 hours a day into pursuing what they desire, the closer it is to what im doing, the better.
I want to be in a vc with another person most of the time, ideally 16 hours a day or so, i currently just sit in servers and wait for people to join, its so quiet for half the day, and yet when people join, they barely stay for 8 hours, i miss those that i want to talk to, please just be a constant in my life.
>Not lookin for
people who dont want to vc on the first day, please talk with me in less then 5 messages or so. sub 21 years old, anything sexual (i dont mind nsfw and am into gore)
>Other things you might find important to list
ill be going on a fast again, i want to lose 10 kg this year to reach a bmi of 15.5 (currently at 18.5, became a fat fuck during an art even), if they encourage me to go even lower, feel free to do so
I like to cut, only shallowly tho, if they are the kind of person who will encourage me to go even deeper, please do so..
Going through photographs of flowers and gems aswell as doing studies of them is something i do frequently as well. i might start an education as a florist soon, im just unsure if i want the social contact
I can talk a looot, but i also like to listen, please just be a honest person, insult me when i do something wrong, never talk positively about me or my art, interrupt me, talk over me when you are disinterested.
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Discord: craspediacruenta
im stupid and retarded.. sorry. might as well send some flower studies i did two days ago
Good luck on getting anyone, Anon! You probably shouldn't be looking for people to encourage you to cut yourself though.
If you're a legit toxic exposer that will expose my ex on a regular basis and not let me change my mind once it's done then add me...

I'm extremely horny and feeling dumb enough to share pics of my ex with a toxic asshole that will make her a webslut. Make me regret it after it's too late to go back.

>Kik: totally_completely
>excludes 99,99% of the denizens of /soc/, even mtfs despite being an old troon and is also highly picky about the exact kind of cis woman he wants

based entitled rapehon
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23 mtf uk

>describe yourself
Apathy personified. I've tried being le evil person and I've tried being a nice upstanding person. Both of these feel like a larp to distract myself from the empty feelings that eat at me.
I'm socially adept and capable of being successful in fields I'm dedicated to, but I find it hard to find motivation as I can't seem to meet people I see as actual people.
I've had genuine connection and lost it due to circumstance, and it's been difficult readjusting to life without that baseline comfort of being understood.

>looking for
someone who is similarly tired and detached, and is looking for connection in someone else. Romantic is ideal but I simply want to meet someone else who gets it like I do. Even if you aren't motivated by the same things I am, if my post is in any way interesting to you then I'd be interested in talking at least

>not looking for
shallow, vapid people with no interest in introspection

22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!
Does anyone else feel too redpilled for modern women but still want love & progeny?

- White man, able to travel in Europe within next few months, non-degen, masc, family oriented right-wing guy who wants loving monogamous relationship and sometime, a family with cute white babies. Via surrogacy (like Ronaldo), as modern females in Europe are godless, unbearable, cheating, divorce-and-taking-your-stuff-prone. Too much risk for too low reward. Degenerate in their teens/twenties, maybe marriage-inclined when used-up at 30, popping out 1-2 kids max, then divorce raping you while your kids get indoctrinated to hate you. You'll never be good enough for her - even handsome millionaires like Tom Brady, Kaka, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt not good enough for them not to divorce. There's many single decent men and total fall in morality among women. So no thanks, I better pair up with a like-minded bro.

>About me
BI (don't put a lable), 6'2, slim, blue eyes, dark hair, youngish normie looking, wagie (hopefully not for long). Only dated girls before, so lack experience with guys, sexual wise, let's say I am verse.
Positive, gentle, caring, cuddly, but also loyal, brave and principled. Sometimes like to play devil's advocate (contrarian). A bit nerdy. Like helping others and being nice to ppl. Self-critical.
History, culture, philosophy, stoicism, self-improvement, nature, hiking, sports, longevity, pro-White stuff, technology somewhat, European world before mass-migration.
Goal is to have a house somewhere near nature, maybe built it together with a loving partner. It is important for me to have offspring, cute kiddies who would be tought to be strong ubermensch. Also I like budget traveling around Europe, discovering old beautiful places, trying local cuisines and small adventures :>
Technology induced ADHD, lack of punctuality, drinking lattes, too much time on YTs, sometimes fail nofap (Trying to fix these).
How much money do you have?
24M, Straight, Christian,

Looking for a Christian women ages 18-26.

Discord: goatbro4078
24M, Straight, Christian,

Looking for a Christian women ages 18-26.

Discord: goatbro4078 .
there is no sky daddy u brainwashed fucktard
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stop worshiping demons
le redddit called, they want you back you edgy fucking loser
hail satan
you have to be at least 18 to post here
33/M/Midwest US
>Sexual Orientation
Dom Top
>About Yourself
Big, burly, bearded, daddy type
>Normal Interests
Cooking, assorted games, board games, world building, D&D
>Sexual Interests
General enjoyment of being in control, feeling powerful, and adored. It goes with a lot.
>Looking For
Pathetic and obsessive subs that I can neglect and treat poorly. Nervous and needy types who go out of their way to please.
>Not Looking For
Old/hairy/overweight men. Illegal shit
I dislike random adds. Send me an email about yourself, what you're hoping for, and your discord.
27 F CAN
>Music you like
>Lookin for
To have kids, family
>Not lookin for
Guys who wont settle down. Looking for someone serious sorry.
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
The gay retard college called and wants their star student back
Thank you for this image, Anon, it brought a smiles to my heart.

And I wish to everyone here to find true happiness. Good luck, lads and lassies.
discord is





it should surprise nobody that most people in this thread use slurs and that those same people are posting to a lonely thread

>35 / M / Midwest

>Ambient, Atmospheric, VG OSTs, Old Rock, 90's Punk etc. Think Low Roar, Hammock, Pink Floyd, The Cure, etc.

Looking For:
>Looking for friends, gaming buddies, decent humans who aren't scummy shit bags, but also enjoy a good joke or two regardless of modern society limits. No animal abusers, no shit bags, just decent human beings.

Discord & GTs:
>Let me know and I'll be happy to add ya.

Other Things:
>I'm an extroverted introvert; I like to do my own thing and I'm slowly coming back out of my shell after a very nasty and otherwise vicious situation that happened to me years ago. I love the standard "basement dweller" hobbies and goofy shit, but I also enjoy complex conversations and the lot too.
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29.m. From that one country almost everybody hates and some realy realy realy love for some weird reason
>Music you like
70’s Baltic rock, North Korean pop, classic composers
>Lookin for
People like me, they must be out there, it can’t be I am a unique freak of nature
>Not lookin for
Romantic love, intercourse of any sorts, erotic roleplay and all that unholy heresy
>Other things you might find important to list
I will give you the benefit of a doubt no matter your race background or beliefs but don’t try to brainwash me into any groupe please
God bless, fren <3
You didn't even add me.
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29 M in Ohio
>Music you like
Alt Rock, 80’s rock is all amazing
>Lookin for
Someone to chat with, maybe more if we click
>Not lookin for
Sexual stuff.
>Other things you might find important to list
I work a lot and don’t really have any friends out here in Ohio - and every attempt at making friends out here has backfired in an honestly hilarious assortment of ways. I like hiking and the outdoors. I am a really quiet, easy-going, and solitary type of guy, but still would love to be with someone someday. Most people I meet are just waaay too “gogogo” for me to keep up with, though, so here I am.
is baltic rock really that prevalent? i've not had an easy time finding music in general prior to independence, could you share a few names or links?
Thank you bro these delusional narcissists should be ridiculed everywhere they incessantly post
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!!!!
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>About you
Attentive, love talking with people for long periods of time. Into gaming (souls games, TCGs, mobas, Blizzard games), learning Japanese (not super good at it), programming, gardening, collecting retro tech, collecting instruments I barely play, being online constantly. I like talking to people for long periods of time to break up the loneliness
>Looking for
Bio F. No, not to date (I won't count it out, but not the goal), I just have trouble speaking to women and would like to make friends with some and work on that. People who are interested in learning more about me as much as I am about them, we don't have to have the same hobbies either, love learning about other people's interests as long as they have something to say about it. Preferably 24+
>Not looking for
Ghosters (unfriend me if you don't wanna talk), easily offended people, humorless people, single word responders, people who don't think a conversation is equal effort on both sides, men unless you really feel like our vibes match up
Discord: murglegurgle
anyone else feeling really lonely after a parents passing ?
Hey you sound cool man. I like ambient and post-rock (I like hammock too), and I have a bunch of basement dweller hobbies. I'd be down to play some games too
My discord is n.rdy
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23, M, California USA
Gym, (You can also ask me advice on lifting)
Gacha Games(Honkai SR, FGO),
Video Games (Soulsborne, Visual Novels, Fighting Games,) Edgy Humor
JP Art (Yoshitaka Amano, Wada Arco are my faves)
Turtles (Anything to do with Turtles)
In general just want to talk to people about my hobbies.
>Not Looking For
Sexting, Anything sexual related, you send a pic of your PP and Vag, I'm blocking.
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I'm prone to waves of obsessions with whatever, but the foundational stuff for me is finding more music (rock & j-rock so good) / watching good cinema (shows, movies) (fav movie is Millennium Actress!) / playing roguelikes (gungeon atm)/ reading and writing / sharing funny stuff with others :O)
>looking for
friends - cool with meeting up, but we should really get to know each other first
>not looking for
coomers, weirdos, hooking up
disc: work.computer
>about me
Trying to get better, started to workout and stuff. Chronically online. I like schizo posting lol, cats, gaming, ryan gosling mentality, radiohead. Not mentally ill or neet
>looking for
Kinda bored so looking to someone to chat with I guess. Maybe friend :)
>not looking for
Creeps, lewd, guys that add every female
>ASL - 28 F USA
>Music you like - Alternative, rap, country, blues, acoustic
>Lookin for - long term connections/friendships
>Not lookin for - short term connections
>Discord - royaldom6
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!!!!!
>Music you like
all of it
>physical description
stimulant addict. ocd zoid. fill in the blanks
>about me
my schizoid dilemma is hitting. i have no friends, no family, and i work 12-18 hours a day
>Lookin for
friend, lover, secret third thing. currently hyper fixated on internet capitalist ventures.
>Not lookin for
tr@nnies and Nick Gurrs
drop yours
>Other things you might find important to list
peepee poopoo
add me immediately
Looking for someone to also become crazy obsessed with my ex long-term..

I mean like save all her pics, share her around, daily jerking to her, daily chatting about her, coming up with new ideas of what we can do etc.

Also being into her as much I am..
Almost like she's a girl in your own life you get off on sharing and talking about the way I do.

>Kik: totally_completely
25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.
you sound fun lol, user120117

no you’re not. so am i. you’ll learn to not care about trivial things like this as you get older. don’t expect to find amazing people on the internet anymore. the constant disappointments you run into will make you realize that hunting for some company online isn’t worth it. i’ve only made one close friend over the past few years that hasn’t betrayed me for uer own selfish interests yet. (yet).
Do you have something you need to confess, something that you want to share, or someone you just want to talk to.

I am here only to listen to what you have to say, I may ask some questions.

The Booth will be open to all.

Kik TheConfesRoom
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>Music you like
Dark Synth, Dark wave, Metal, Numetal, Industrial rock, Experimental, Rock, grunge, punk, anything angry or angsty.

>Lookin for
A girl as antisocial as me or just asocial. Lets just take it slow and get to know each other. Maybe just be friends. Hopefully into the same shit. Let me read to you college literature i have to read while we converse about it. Watch me play games. Lets watch things together. Talk to me about intellectual topics or listen to me hyper fixate.

Heads up, I'm not against clingy or dependent personalities as relationship partners, as much of a red flag people say that is I typically accommodate them to the best of my abilities, so long as we are mutual.

>Not lookin for
men, sexual stuff, nongothic/nonalt, alt-left, transgender, genderqueer

>Discord: gask

>Other things you might find important to list

I'm not lonely in the regard as I don't want to be, its more the fact I just hate people as is. I just want someone worth dedicating time and effort to or being cool enough for me to actually feel something toward, even just a modicum of friendship or compassion toward.
add er4lyfe1366 on discord
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26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who has a fucked up past.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters, people who send a message every two weeks

>contact info
Discord: lxx_reader
Gaming (I play WoW Classic and indie/roguelike games on Steam), Horror Movies, Hiking.
>Looking for
Chat, Friends to game with. I am online a lot so company is nice!
>Not looking for
I'm not that picky. If you'd like to chat feel free to add me :)
>Music you like
Alternative, Shoegaze, Nu-Metal, KPOP, Modern Rap, Breakcore, 50s/60s music, etc.
>Lookin for
IG moots, tiktok moots, entertainment, etc.
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>secret third thing
gif related
>closeted fag
really? how?
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31/M/South Spain
Programing, hiking, reading, gym, vydia, history
>Looking for
People that want to spend time chatting with me and learn about each other.
>Not looking for
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>Music you like
idk artists like radiohead, goreshit, fiona apple and moree
>Lookin for
homies! need people to game with or just to hangout with
>Not lookin for
edgy people, you know what i mean,, also creeps
>Other things you might find important to list
like to game as well, down to vc, i like to draw, i love booze and weed, kinda chronically online
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Not many. I'm a chronically online shut-in and all I do is browse the internet, listen to music and play video games sometimes.
>looking for
Someone to rot with. Preferably other shut-ins, neets, blackpillers and robots.
>not looking for
Rudeness. One word replies. VC.
if you talk with them for more than 2 minutes you'll realise all the insults come from insecurities.
it's like they wish you're fat so they feel better about themselfs

and yeah, this fucker is obsessed with fags hence it's very likely he's projecting, cus of what's said above
pick up
IQ? 90
voice? 10
hair? 5
pick up so i can try to get your shirt off, its better when you're jacking off
gods inside you, he wanted me to see your titties blonde
just added you on discord.
30/m/CAN into the same thing.
i dont even have a cam, you're actually the first girl of the
kill yourself ugly bitch
>Music you like
tool and warren zevon
>Lookin for
people I can vent my chaotic ADHD/BPD/Whatever this crazy shit is to and they either won't mind or will actively enjoy it for some reason
>Not lookin for
dumb cunts
stop seething at the young girl pedro
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21,F, France

>Music you like
Top artists of the last 6 months: KMFDM, Tom Waits, of Montreal, Charli XCX, Modest Mouse, Mates of State (but I like loads of other stuff I’m very open minded about music)

>Lookin for
Maybe it’s a long shot but I’m looking for an e-“gf” who would be willing to let me call her princess and occasionally do some sleep calls with me. It doesn’t have to be sexual (unless you’d like that). I won’t be too demanding but I’d just like a relationship with another girl that’s a little more intimate than the relationships I currently have with my other female friends. Thank you

>Not lookin for
Men, trans women (sorry I’m only interested in other cis women), obese women.


>other things
If you’d like to know more about me, I’m an artist, I draw a lot. I mostly like comics and western animation. But I’ll totally get into your interests too :3
Bump again
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M21 Pennsylvania
>Music you like
jpop, vocaloids, folkpunk, cowboy era country (Johnny Cash and the likes)
>Looking for
Primarily friends to watch anime and play vidya with and maybe some other cryptid spergs. I'd like a gf but my hope for that are beyond low as of now.
>Not looking for
LGBTs, blacks and the like
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm into cryptids, paranormal, just getting into analog horror, anime, and vidya. I spend most of my time inside as of now. I used to go out a lot until the latest wave of depression.
gayness isn't real, you'll have stronger orgasms, you'll have children, you'll be more confident
discord is mikeymclovin
im a sitmulant addict too hit me up lets chat
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>talk to girl for about a month
>things are good, we get along
>shared interests and opinions without it being 1 for 1 the same
>live close to each other
>finally an IRL friend?
>suddenly stops responding
>it's been nearly 2 weeks
Usually I don't care at this point, but fuck... I thought there was something real here.
>Music you like
mainly jazz and hiphop, love Knedrick lamar
>Lookin for
girl or femboy to chat and get to know with the intent of having a relationship
>Not lookin for
too politically align people
liniang2024244 is my Kik
21 F
Looking to share girls I know from work comment on them to help my depression
24, man, Québec (near Montréal)
>Music you like
I like mostly hip-hop and prog metal (wanna go see Intervals together?)
>Looking for
friendships, romantic partners, FWB. Basically women (or NB) with whom I can be intimate IRL
>Not looking for
People who'd like to spend time 100% offline
>Gamer tags
>Other things you find important to list
I'm aroace (though questionning it at the moment). Meaning I'm mostly looking for QPRs, and forms of intimacy that don't necessarily include sex or romance. I'm also cupio and leaning towards polyamory.
Looking for a serious, srong, loving masculine right-wing guy to love, build home and have a family with.

>About me
Gay/BI, 6'2, slim, blue eyes, dark hair, youngish normie looking. Not much sexual or relationship experience. I prefer chastity when not in a relationship.
Gentle, caring, cuddly, loyal, brave and principled. Sometimes like to play devil's advocate (contrarian). A bit nerdy. Like helping others and being nice to ppl. Self-critical.
History, culture, philosophy, stoicism, minimalism, self-improvement, self-suffieciency, nature, fitness, longevity, pro-White stuff, technology somewhat

Goal is to have a house somewhere near nature, maybe build it together with a loving partner. It is important for me to have offspring, cute kiddies who would be tought to be strong ubermensch, so would appreciate if you would also be okay about parenting. Also I like budget traveling around Europe, discovering old beautiful places, trying local cuisines and small adventures :>
Technology induced ADHD, lack of punctuality, quite fucked-up sleeping schedule, often horny and fail nofap (Trying to fix these).
Disc: Juliann08905

or through telegram, then first write at welcometoearth123@gmail.com

*** Expect to be asked a few questions upon me adding you. Appreciate bunch of straight guys or underage children adding me, but I am not looking for "online friends" or "penpals".

*** Haters gonna hate, trigglypuffs gonna be triggered - I don't care ;)
>I'm aroace (though questionning it at the moment). Meaning I'm mostly looking for QPRs, and forms of intimacy that don't necessarily include sex or romance. I'm also cupio and leaning towards polyamory.
nigga stop trolling
>about you
I’m a 24 smooth twink who is trying to jock up and be a gym bro, insanely deep and passionate. Intense and looking for a deep strong masculine male bond. Highly competitive in real life and online, love pvp games and have plenty of hobbies. Always listening to music or doing something outside like lifting or swimming.
>looking for
Looking for strong masculine secure men looking for sort of a bromance deep male bond, prefer conservative/red guys. Like jacked dudes with big muscles and a bit of the Tism
>not looking for
Girls or any femboys, anyone fem, dumb people, liberals, severely depressed people, anyone that doesn’t have their shit somewhat together
Discord: cloudymondays
What does she look like? Is she black or fat?
If she's isn't I'll give her a chance to get railed balls deep.

But yeah, please let me know.
>about you
lonely and bad socializer
>looking for
online friends
>not looking for
romance/ sexual things
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>Looking for
crazy/lonely women who want to speak to someone temporarily without expectations of making a lasting connection. Im just bored and the crazies are like crack to me.

>Not looking for
underage people, trannies

21 m can
>music i like
Indie acoustic, emo rap and a LOT of older songs.

Looking for ppl to chill with. Talk, about interests, hobbies, what u up to atm. share music
>not lookin for
Not experienced enough to say
@rafallili . Im insane btw
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Iihaven't left my house in years

have limited Internet access at the moment but discord should be fine for the most part. going a little insane sitting in silence

contact: yky
It's one of these days where I'm angry with the world, I've known that reaching out really helps even if anons call you a retard

Anyways here goes, I'm sad that I'll die poor (probably) I'm disappointed that OnlyFans women literally have their lives handed to them to the point where I wish I would just be a woman making six figures easily

Yes money IS everything everyone is depressed but if I had a stack of money and I would be able to buy everything from big TV's and games I would be ten times less depressed

There are times where I don't care about my financial status but it's not easy considering that even of women shame on labor workers in order to feel better about themselves

I don't understand what wrong I've done to the world, I don't want to work again I've got savings but I earned them by being verbally assaulted and bullied

I'm currently in the military and before you say "lol anon you are literally in the military you'll figure it out" in reality is my mom sucking off a guy to be able to serve in an easy base

I wouldn't say I'm suicidal but I kinda wish I'd stop living like there's barely anything for me to work towards to and be respected, hell even pornstars with big dicks are more respected by women than I'll ever be

My parents say that I'm setting my expectations too high but in reality I just don't want to die poor and be left alone in peace

The only thing that gives me confidence is sexting with women on reddit but that's just me being overtly nice due to my PTSD

Basically my life would be work>home>cry>wake up early>work

Discord harry5262
>everyone is depressed
Then just ask a rich depressed person to give you money.
23 m? new england
shut in neet, autistic, asexual(sex repulsed), depressed and hopeless, trying in vain to have any sort of worthwhile human connection, serious emotional issues
making art, manga, cartoons, old video games/consoles, religion/esotericism/occultism, cute things, multi-hour youtube videos about niche topics, being cringe
>Looking for
love and affection, someone who's cute and nice who I can cuddle and be best friends with in a romantic way, preferably nb since I hate men and women but I don't really care as long as you're not a masculine man
>Not looking for
sex, sexhavers, non-virgins, people older than me, conformists, political ideologues, trolls, catfish, gaslighters, etc.
wouldve added you for the art and some other stuff.. im nb but sadly not cute, good luck finding somebody
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i feel ya brother. If it's any comfort, it's not you, it's her. These girls are so broken they can't pair bond anymore without you precisely fitting this made up checklist in their head.

and even if you do, they are too afraid of rejection to actually go past a certain point, so they'd rather hop on the dopamine carousel until they land into the perfect scenario. My advice is to stop trolling these shores for a catch and put your energy into landing a girl in your own area. (that way there are consequences to being a cunt)

There's nothing but shades specters and apparitions here.
28 M NZ
> Music I like
Alice Cooper, 80s and 90s pop music, random weeb shit, Insane Clown Posse, Weird Al,
> Looking for
Girl to talk with, open to a relationship if we vibe.
>not looking for
Not looking for friends, it would probably end up we talk for a couple days then never again.
>gamer tags
Same as discord, prob some variation
>other things important
I'm awkward as fuck talking for the first time.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with Spengler lmao
im rich and looking for other rich people to hang out with
tg @kandles7777
heil hitler
Balls deep because your penis is only 2" long
schizo little goth vampire thing

22, dallas tx, mtf

looking for friends! i like games like metal gear solid, tarkov, dayz, cyberpunk 2077, ffx14, insurgency 2014, minecraft, valheim, death stranding, and bloodborne

my favorite anime/manga are samurai champloo, cowboy bebop, ergo proxy, hellsing, deadman wonderland, blame!, berserk, technolyze, gilgamesh, and patlabor/patlabor 2

i like to do urbex and hike, i also really like nature and the outdoors. i like occult stuff and people who have alternative lifestyles.

i really just wanna get out of the house more, go do things and see places with friends. lets go out for drinks or a coffee or smth ^_~

i forgot my discord @ it's voukiie
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming!
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>about me
autistic. i cant vc until i know you better-- please dont take it personal, its just how i am. i might not be good at conversation either until i get comfortable and im sorry, again its not you. also i guess i should mention im bi, but i only like feminine not masculine (but it doesnt matter if you just want to be friends).
>music you like
vocaloid and game osts mainly but ill generally listen to anything (fav song is rolling girl)
vidya (mario kart wii is what i mainly play on the fan servers but i also like pokemon, minecraft, muse dash (even though i suck at it)... i also like platformers) and messing with computers
>looking for
new friends/people to play with and am open to the possibility of more
>not looking for
assholes i guess
(also i might not respond until in the morning for me bc ive been up for like 30 hours and im gonna go to bed right after posting this)
Emotionally. I am not a patient!!
i'm a fucking loser

discord is 123deceased
26 m USA
Depressed minimum wage slave. I struggle with social anxiety and have become pretty isolated for a while now and struggle to connect with people. I’ve never been in a relationship and looking for a lonely girl to get attached to
Kik pillowfortking
26 f
Sexy and lonely latina looking for daddies to jerk off

Tele @smiletherapistt

Snap @favtherapis2024
24 male canada
>looking for
Female to sleep call on low sens, vibes rlly important
It's intimate and helps me sleep
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>not looking for men
what a shame
>music you like
underground rap usually, drill music, vaporwave n metal
>looking for
some type of female friend that wants to hang out, kill time, play games or watch stuff together, someone with a good sense of humor that isnt a snowflake
>not looking for
i dont really want guys to add me cause i dont trust men, ppl that are abusive and got massive egos, everything else is good in my book
>other things you might find important to list
i take a while to warm up to people, i have a job so im not around ALL the time but i do my best to be here after work. i like to stream stuff, play games together and voice chat, im not that great at introducing myself but i like serious conversations, fucking around, talking shit or sending memes im up for whatever :>
Anyone have confirmation? Is she fat or black?

5'' and as girthy as it can possibly be.

If she isn't a virgin she'll feel like she's getting deflowered again.
This isn't an immediate/coomer thing so please add me back whoever canceled their requests x_x
>>33353468 (OP)
22 M NYC



Not nothing


Xbox: Sognara
Steam: Sognara
ROBLOX: Yzilma
FFXIV: Samsara Dharma Zalera

Other things to list?
I am nobody, I am no one. I do not care.
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18, male, lithuania, eastern eu.
>Music you like
>about me
186cm, pretty big (not fat :d), Ive been lonely most of my life and thats what got me into lifting, i have no friends and all ive gotten was a pity long hug from a girl.
Im this close to either joining the army to kill myself or blasting steroids.
I really enjoy powerlifting and learning about the biology of the human body, how food, actions, mindset can affect your strength, so I can use that to make myself stronger.
>what you are looking for
Anyone who wants to become friends irl but discord works too, someone to teach me how to talk to women and get a gf.
>not looking for
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>male from europe
>Weird phase nowadays i stopped any contact with my social circle ,no one can understand my pain .Also so melancholic because its back to school time.... feels bad man
>Looking for someone at the same phase
just drank a bunch and tookk a handful of benzos..

f / big age

may not be here in morning
drop discord tag.
fuck it, I'm bored

discord: LordLighthouse
Lives by myself in Sthlm city.
I have a job so when I'm not online I'm not online, but when I'm home I'm online constantly.
I don't watch them.
I don't watch/read them.
I don't play them.
I don't have them.
I don't have them
tfw no gf
>Other interests
Societal issues
>Looking for
Normal people, nice people, whatever. Interesting people. Any age.
Scandinavians/Nordics preferred but anywhere is ok.
>Not looking for
Weird people. People who post in /int/sverigetråden/.
35 / M / California
hispanic (spanish traits. light skinned, dark brown hair)
(Terrible spanish speaker :'^) )

>physical description
Average / fit
180lb 5'11''
non smoker, seldom drinker

self improvement mind.. Runs, home weight training/calisthenics (bit of an introvert) cooking, finding new old music, reading, hikes, slightly social things (again.. bit of an introvert), chillin, learning,
less frequently:gaming

>looking for
a female friend or wife to share life with (also im a widower)
not big on make up desu

>female temperment/love language compatability
phlegmatic mostly, some sanguine too.
and acts of service/contact oriented

>not looking for
Partying, super mainstream/media talking points (lgbt, vaccines, wars etc), drama, obnoxiously leftist or rightist,

> (should be a thing) Old version of myself:
Chronic gamer, entertainment enjoyer like movies and anime etc Pot smoker, junk foodie,

>red pilled?
Id say somewhat yea

>have job

Send me yours?
(telegram, whatsapp, discord)
Just an attention grab to be honest. Females can't commit suicide correctly. She will be here in the morning, assuming it is a she. Worst part is all the simps dropping their tag for a crumb of suipussy.
24/Male/Midwest US
>Looking For
A woman to love and spend my life with, and friends as well.
>About Me
I'm a Caucasian male who is a 5'7 and a tad overweight with a very noticeable acne problem. I am a shy person and have some severe social anxiety, and am up late into the night with insomnia. I try to be humorous and lighthearted through out my day and try my very best not to get moody and jittery. I dream of having a fulfilling relationship one day with a woman who shares my interests and unique life perspective.
Interested in Guitars and love playing them, sing a bit too. I go out occasionally and play music for tips as well. Into collecting films on DVD and music on CD and Vinyl, into several film and music genres. Love The Kinks, Nirvana, Frank Zappa, DEVO, David Bowie, The Beatles, Meat Puppets and Megadeth. Favorite film is Return of the Jedi and favorite album is Rubber Soul. I also collect Retro console and computer games with my top game being the original Star Wars Battlefront 2.
>Not Looking For
People who do not respond, or people who respond once and never again. Unfriend or block me at that point please don't just leave me sitting there. Men as lovers, appreciate it but I'm a straight dude, welcome to have you as a buddy though. Girls way older than me, I can make some things work but if you're in your late forties I don't think we can have a fully committed relationship, could be friends though.

Discord: tag is atlas8658

Note: My phone regularly uninstalls apps without telling, so if I don't see you right away it probably means my phone is being very retarded
23 f new england

terminally online loser
not white/non-human
ran away from everything, now lonely

>Looking for
someone to text about our days, small things and big things. what you had for lunch, random thoughts, worries, jokes. someone to play games with. a long term companion.

M 21 USA

>Music you like
Any genre honestly. Ska and punk are some of my favs though

>Lookin for
Friends to talk to, people to share interests with, people to play video games with, a romantic partner (preferably a female) maybe even.

>Not lookin for
Pure sext/hook up, politics, self harm/suicide talk


>Other things you might find important to list
Im autistic and awkward. And im really shy.
22 F USA
>Music I like
>looking for
Friends and cool people to chat with
>not looking for

>ASL M, 25, NH
>All music, mostly rock
>Looking for - Girls
>Not looking for - Trannies
>Discord - ojcheese

Looking for a cool girl to talk to, not just for sex. Indoor type a dude, learning how to sing, love Halo, Mass Effect, Resident Evil.
You don't seem to accept messages on discord?
31, F, Europe
>Music you like
Triphop, rock, citypop
>Lookin for
Women, love, cyber, companionship, artshare, fun
>Not lookin for
Men, drama, politics, insanity
Looking for: vocaloid enjoyers n.n

Telegram: Mune2100
Discord: send yours
Hey everyone, I’m a 23 year old male recently started my big first job! Because of this, I’m in the market for some new friends. I’m really looking for a guy that I can connect with and really just have the same vibe and gel with each other. I’m looking for someone I can text during work about all types of things sexual and non sexual. Really that perfect blend. Here are some of my interests!

Hiking, computers, camping, cooking, comics, books, movies, video games, all things nerdy.

>Sexual Interests
Sph, joi, domination, BBC (love this), big booty girls, twerking, pole dancing, stripping

Sexually, I’m definitely pathetic and I kinda love it that way. I’m a virgin with a tiny 4 inch cock. I’m looking for a friend with a big cock, to kind of help me get more pathetic and porn obsessed. I would also love it if you humiliated me with how much bigger your cock is compared to mine! Bonus points if you enjoy feeding porn. I’d love to have you completely control my little dick in every way:)

Thank you for reading this! If you have any questions please reach out to me on discord!

Discord: lilbrim

I have one friend that I consistently see other than my parents. I feel obligated to spend time with my mom and my dad because they’re each very lonely and I love them and I want to help them but sometimes they really drain me. I hang out with my best friend whenever I can, I have a big gay crush on them that just reappeared. When I first had a crush on them last year I told them and they said “Haha I know” and changed the subject. I’m not too upset about it because in reality it’s probably better if we don’t date because we probably would break up eventually and they wouldn’t be in my life anymore. I live alone and spend a lot of time alone, which is okay but can get lonely. I have a lot of friends but don’t see anyone too consistently other than my bestie. I dated someone kinda recently for a long time that was very loyal to me but also emotionally abusive and a hardcore drug addict lol.

I think I’d ideally like to meet folks that I can hang out with irl, texting and calling is kinda mid. Other than that, someone I can crush on and flirt with for a month and then they either ghost me or we just fade apart is aight.

Oh btw I’m fat :^)

Discord is clownassbword
i do lot of stuffs like playing guitar, drawing, photography, outdoors, and i have a lot to yap about
>>Music you like
literally everything, probably if you listen to something i listen to it too or i would like it
>>Lookin for
nothing in particular
>>Not lookin for
>about me
Autistic shutin neet, I have personal and mental issues so be warned, alone and isolated irl except for family,
I've been medicated and on hrt for almost 7 years, I've been told that I'm quite attractive and have a cute voice, somewhat cold to strangers at first but trying to be kind when I can,
mostly playing video games like dark souls and league, listening to music and consuming other media like anime and movies in my free time, I also like good art
Video games, anime, movies, tv shows, music (black metal, postpunk, industrial, early hardcore, uptemo), art, books, philosophy, history and politics to a degree, there's probably more
>looking for
Someone likeminded, I prefer assertive personalities, maybe something sexual, romantic or just companionship, I also like to vc a lot or do other stuff if we get along, please only add me if you don't have a normie pfp
>not looking for
Normies, creeps (please don't send me real life porn), dry texters, people who don't actually read the post, overly hurtful people, under 20
Dude your parents groomed you into transitioning before you were even conscious. Fr.
>Music you like
I've been listening to Japanese shit recently
>Lookin for
Females who anime and games
>Not lookin for
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm a pervert
47/M/New England
Just about everything, listening to my youtube mix right now, and it's got LMYK, Yoasobi, fleetwood mac, Megadeath and smashing pumpkins and Pearl Jam in it, if that says anything
>Physical description
6'2" dad bod, cause i'm a dad and handicapped, so can't work out anymore lol
>looking for
Friends, just to chit chat or yap with. Got problems and want to talk about them, sure. What to talk about your deep dark secrets, i'll listen. I'm dealing with social anxiety and physical issues, so i don't get out much, however i like to listen. Basically I'll listen to you talk about your day, complain about your life. You want to talk dirty and talk about your fantasies, I'll listen to that too. You want to show off, I'll look. Basically whatever you want, just as long as you interact every other day or so, I'll continue to talk with you.
>Not Looking for
Other Men, I find other men distasteful and generally not worthy of being friends with from prior experience. Not looking for a relationship, just friends/women to talk with. I also dislike talking on phone etc, might change if we talk for a while.
I play video games, read novels and light novels and manga. Watch some tv, movies and anime. Most games i play are single player, since is dislike playing with others.
>Gamer tags/Contact
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm non-judgemental almost to an extreme, big believer in self choice. As long as your not talking about extreme shit i don't care much. I also don't believe it taking peoples shit so if you want to abuse someone, move along please. I'm also not very trusting at first, don't take it personal. Oh, and all my kids are adults, some the age of people in here so don't be surprised if i don't know who your favorite artist is (i'll google so i can figure it out)
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>>Lookin for
someone to hang out with and sit in sleepy calls with at night. i get lonely and sad otherwise. id be perfectly content just quietly watching you play games or listening to you talk to your other friends.
>>Not lookin for
anything romantic/sexual. i have an e-bf, but he goes to sleep earlier than me due to time zones. i want someone to hang out with when i cant hang out with him. i dont have any friends other than him.
>>Other things you might find important to list
im currently a neet and mostly nocturnal. i can be sporadic with communication, but if i get attached ill always come back eventually. im a very non judgemental person and i like to think a good listener.
vocaloid enjoyer
>looking for
just someone to chat about vocaloid and comfy vibes
>discord or tg

Hey you can call me Nylo. I recently moved and I'm looking for a job so I have a lot of free time rn. I'm looking for people to talk to and make connections with. I'm a very social person and I honestly think everyone is beautiful and interesting and I'd love to hear from you! I really like learning about new things so don't shy away from talking to me about something I'm not familiar with. I'm a pretty supportive person so if you need someone just to hear you out and get some stuff off your chest I'm here for you. I'm not specifically looking for a partner but if a connection forms naturally I'm open to seeing it through (also I'm straight sorry fellas). My interests include: Video Games, table top Role-playing games, history, music, and art.
>Music you like
No specific genre. I listen to anything from EDM to Classical but if I had to chose, Indie Rock ig
>Lookin for
Anyone! I love chatting with people about anything. I prefer someone who likes conversation so if you reply with one word responses a lot, it might not work out :/
>Not lookin for
Anything sexual, I really have to know you first
38, male, Canada (ns)
>Music you like
Older electronic, chemical brothers, radiohead, beck. Weird rock, harder rock, old timey stuff like fallout games music I guess? Classical.
>Lookin for
People to chat with, I'm bored at work for 13 hours every day and some nights. People to game with would be fun too, built a pc last year ish. People to share tunes with. Nothing x-rated or lewd unless you are a Domme leaning female, which is pretty rare.
>Not lookin for
Gay/bi men sending D picks or trying to hit on me. Fine talking normally though.
I'll have to make a new one. Dvmchls1@gmail.com is my email and hangouts though. Only thing that I can sneak through on work wifi.
>Gamer tags
TeddyCuckspin (not into cuckolding fetish, just thought the name was funny)
>Other things you might find important to list
I work a lot so I'm a bit out of touch with whatever is hip in the last 8 years or so. I love to cook and share food porn. Love watching movies and have thousands accumulated. Hate movie spoilers. Was SA when I was young.
Not into Trans, no judgement though, live your life.
Every nigger in GA came from Africa, that's like 30% of everyone. Are you one of them? I probably have more fun talking to these bitches than ever.
NB/20/usa !
hiii! i know ive made threads before but i just wanted to make another one bc i am lonely and need more people to talk to lol. i'm mostly just looking for friends and maybe fwb/relationships? but idk
i also wanna find people who also enjoy gory/guro stuff i know it's wild to include that but im really into it maybe i can make more gore/guro enjoyer friends? :3
for the music i like, right now ive been listening to febuary, panchiko, and title fight. i listen to a lot more stuff but thats my little phase rn lol
im not looking for anything sexual or too serious

discord: vixenoctober

honestly, I just wanna listen to music and drink
This confuses me as you wrote:
>i'm mostly just looking for friends and maybe fwb/relationships
but then write:
>im not looking for anything sexual or too serious
I hate people, I'm looking for someone I can interact with who will make me forget that. I know this thread will be full of the pessimistic reclusive doomer types but I've come to find out that just because your weird personality gets you the same life struggles as others with weird personalities, doesn't mean your weirdnesses are a match. Sweet nice bois who are lonely and just seem like they need a hug are cool until you realize they’re not only like that with you, and don’t magically turn into cold calculating stoics with everyone else. My threshold of desire to maintain connections with people is generally too low to bother trying, unless someone is extremely compatible and I feel an intense mutual understanding to a point where it feels easy. Once I like someone, I get very invested, but rarely get past that first step.
Protip: the problem is you.
31/m. None of those things apply to me. I'm hot, are you thin?
You're better off telling people about yourself than just ranting in a giant wall. Even if I play devil's advocate and say "okay I get it, people suck", you said literally nothing about yourself in this entire post. It's not like we're going to bond over mutual hatred of people or something. Don't be stupid.
She already rejected a hot guy. This is why we need the draft. You'd be worth it on the front line
26 F Domme GreaterLondon UK

Kik : Itschnll22

Experienced Domme here looking for an Asian/Arab/Hispanic/Black submissive kinky guy that willing to fully commit into long term ownership basis IRL. If you're outside in the UK, we can still conduct Online sessions.

PS : message me with your location and age
Bro, that person doesn't even know what gender they are.
>Music you like
Recently been listening to 80's Russian tunes along with the regular mismatch of other genres.
>Lookin for
Girls or trans girls who want to chat in earnest or who want someone to get off with.
>Not lookin for
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm looking to go outside of my current relationship.
23/m/United States
>looking for
a girl to talk with. play games with,and maybe a relationship
I am into a lot of things;those include reading, music, video and photo editing, and working out
>not looking for
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>Music you like
Noise, noise rock, psychedelic, folk,

>Lookin for
Explosive femininity (regardless of your gender). A friend whom I can indiscriminately embrace and vise versa. People who will engage me for the sake of my erudition - perhaps a reading partner? Someone who info-dumps various subjects of interest to me would be nice, I think.

>Not lookin for
NSFW content. I'm not particular about your age/ethnicity/sex/gender/religion as long as you aren't a malignant BPDemon or whatever.

@u8dmr ON MATRIX!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have a Discord account, but I suppose I can make one upon request. For now, you may contact me via either the aforementioned or by email (preferred) at axonic.u8dmr@aleeas.com.

>Gamer tags
I don't play many video-games.

>Other important things
I have literally zero friends, both offline and online. I sincerely do not know how to interact with people, so I might present - as some have said, "like a robot".

Reading, writing, philosophy (particularly the Eastern and Chinese varieties), studying the dictionary, browsing Wikipedia, and, to some lesser extent, [spoiler]wrestling[/spoiler] , roller derby and acoustics. I don't consume a substantial amount of television, but within this scarcity I have found great enjoyment while watching My Little Pony and K-On!; they're endearingly girlish and youthful and I love it.

Reformatted this from the SFW friend finder thread. >>33410627
Have you ever thought that moralitydoesn't exist and we just made it up, like who cares if you say good morning and shit, people remember shit one day and then forget

No I'm not an edgy Ameritard teenager.
Yes, I have. I think you'd benefit by reading into moral skepticism.
Let's see how long you hold that position as I'm actively eating your liver our of your still living body.
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19 ftm puppyboy
all kinds, i play souls and rogues the most( playing through all the fromsoft games again right now :3) musik i play guitar!! bedrotting xP also i drink alot
>Looking For
friends maybe more? we should play some vidya and rot to music together <3
>Not Looking For
>Discord Tag
>Lookin for
Coding friends
>Not Looking for
I don't care
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm a recovering neet that with selective-mutism. I'll do my best to not be so dry when you add me. I'm currently learning React JS and played a little on the backend format for a couple months. I just want to build projects on git and meet chill anons to code with. My dream is to make a LaTale season-1 server, but that's something borderline autism that probably won't interest anybody.
>Music you like
retail wow enjoyer. former drug dealer & esports person. washed up old gamer now. sober. no kids. bummer music. good movies & shows on discord. former coach and tutor. i can help you get better at games, even if it's not something i play more than likely. if it is something i play, i enjoy helping people improve and watching people play. adhd & ptsd, but i'm not dead yet somehow o7
won't show me your dick and balls. enjoys mutual yapping. likes bullying/praise dynamics. likes fake arguments. we can get big and fight over nothing just for fun. plays retail wow or at least wants to learn about retail wow or watch me play. if you're good at fighting games (not street fighter (3rd strike is the exception)) that is insanely attractive. if the vibes aren't there for other shit, we can just be gamer bros. that's cool.
communication, compassion, comprehension & consent are the four green flags. letting me eat your pickle at the diner because you don't want it is the 5th.
>Other things you might find important to list
yesterday was my fiancé's deathversary. my partners since then have been abusive af. i'm stupid and easy to manipulate, please don't. i have little to no survival instincts.
Yes, because it is made up.
>Music you like
I like pretty much all kinds of music except recent pop ones, but I'm really into jazz/blues lately.

>Other things you might find important to list
I'm sort of autistic in most topics, so I can talk about most things, vidya, history, books, anime/manga (Mostly oldies like Tri Gun), and a hellot of useless fun facts.

>Lookin for
I just want to talk to someone, either to listen to them or them to me. Whatever you want, i don't care how messed up it is ~v~

>Not lookin for
Dishonest people, but why would you be?

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19, m, russia
ambient, neoclassic, vgm
games (silent hill 2, wow, bg3, all new residents, vns like umineko, subahibi)
3d modelling
watching films that before 2000
>looking for
anyone who have same taste, interests. people with whom I can speak freely on any topic or play any games.
>not looking for
braindead assholes
> asl
25/M/SE asia

> Music youre into
breakcore, synthwave

> Interests
Chronically online guy and would love some company
Im a neet does drawing, plays gacha games and a bedrotter.

> Looking for
Primarily neet loser girls, or something along the lines, i like the type thats easy going and have spare time, someone whos active and puts effort in texting as i do too.

Im also open to vc as its the best way get to know each other rather than texting which can be a bit lazy. Id prefer topics that ranges from surface level to deeper/emotional topics, sometimes even world issues. I can get attached quickly if theres chemistry :3

> Not looking for
Dry texters, ghosters

> Discord
star by posting your interests dummy.

>Have you ever thought that moralitydoesn't exist
It's a social contract similar to mutually assured destruction that in the same vein means shit's gonna be real bad when we stop caring about it.
this guy gets it >>33413132
>like who cares if you say good morning and shit
lots of people, I appreciate the acknowledgement of my presence when receiving and presenting a good morning. Also it helps me gauge people without letting them know I'm judging their every action.
>people remember shit one day and then forget
You 're the epitome of the guys vs girls compliments meme
21/f/US, Texas
>Music you like
Beethoven, The Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Joy Division, Radiohead, Philip Glass, more so lots of individual songs by different artists rather than liking someone's whole discography though
>Looking for
Someone who may be something of a social outcast but not socially dysfunctional. We can converse about anything from politics, religion, philosophy to music, movies, and video games.
>Not looking for
Please no lowercase / textspeak
>Gamer tags
I'm not playing anything that could be played cooperatively at this time
>Other things you might find important to list
Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?
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pls dont add me anymore ty

>Not looking for
>Please no lowercase / textspeak

so you are looking into getting that pussy railed...
how fat are you? a non response is just an obvious fatass or larp so idc

but if you're serious I'd like to add you, I'll even leave my discord so you know I'm not joking around when I say I'll get that pussy so wet you'll cum while begging for me to put it inside
and don't be shy or scared to respond like all woman usually do. i know you'll enjoy it.
>about you
been a neet for about a month now after i finished highschool/summer job, now i just sit at home all day and play vidya/watch stuff, i like history, politics, horror stuff, vc with friends, and hanging out in general :D
>looking for
friends for vc/texting/playing stuff together, preferably eu but na bros are welcome.
>not looking for
women, niggers, muslims, flakey people, ghosters, slow replies, inconsistent people, old men.
ps my i share a room with my brother so i can only vc between 8 am and 5 pm when hes at school :D
Bored and lonely. I wanna roleplay being a dominated bitch. Reply on any of my comments on reddit with "roleplay" so we can start chat. My pm is off on reddit because too many weirdos lol.

I'm 33M and have lived a life of total social avoidance, isolation, and alienation from the world that goes on around me. It started as a survival skill to protect myself and now even in adulthood there is a deep rooted fear of the insidious cruelty that lurks within others, a fear which has become woven into a fundamental part of who I am. I don't even see myself as a human being much less as a member of the society that I exist inside. Therapy has had a net positive effect on day to day life but it has so far not been able to help resolve my fears or feeling of alienation, nor has it given me any hope that I might one day be able to engage with the human world as an equal. Lifelong depression has made it difficult to develop or maintain any hobbies or interests that might help give my life any kind of meaning or richness that would keep the darkness at bay. I appear to any outsider as a fully functional adult, albeit a bit odd or quirky. I have been able to wear masks, act, pretend my way through life. I maintain a full time job and have good financial stability and independence, and appear to be a competent human being to my coworkers and am generally thought well of, thanks to my ability to "play the part" they want to see out of me. Lately the bleak hollowness of this existence has been crushing me and I don't see a clear path through it. I am not sure what I can be doing to make positive changes in my life. I'm also not sure there was ever any point in my life where I could have done something differently to have achieved a better outcome than what I have now. No gamer tag here. I'm not even sure I would want to add the type of person who would reply to this. I guess I just needed to see if typing this all out would get some of it off my chest.
Give me some money, you might feel better.
There are places you can exchange your time and effort for money if that's what you need. That's where mine came from. I hope this helps.
why the fuck do you work so much?
smoke meth at home
Maybe you can go to one of them and they'll give a shit about you then. Until then feel free to fuck off.
Way ahead of you anon, I already am and have been and will continue doing so for many years to come or until they realize I'm not what I pretend to be and cut me loose. Good luck getting money though I know there's other ways to do it but this seems to be the most steady and reliable from what I can tell.
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27M upstate NY
>Music you like
What a stupid fucking question. Spotify isn't a personality
>about you
I'm 6'0, white, educated.
I'm a stressed, bored misanthrope who doesn't have any real human connections stuck in a place where I'm surrounded by people I fundamentally cannot relate to.
I'm well versed in depression humor.
>Lookin for
A biological human female in/around upstate NY to help me escape the above situation
>Not lookin for
Men because I don't value friendship, transexuals because I don't enable mental health problems, server adds because obviously
I'm not always watching discord but I'll add you to my main when I catch your add.
Then what's the problem retard.
>Music you like
Pretty much anything
>Lookin for
People to talk to who are genuine
>Not lookin for
People to talk to who aren't genuine
>Other things you might find important to list
I haven't felt lonely in a long, long, long time, but I do now. I made a big spectacle of myself recently and that's probably what caused it.
mother fucker why did you respond to me I was just posting pic cuz of her last line
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>Music you like
atmospheric dnb (sewerlsvt >W<), skinpeelr and synthwave
>Other things you might find important to list
slight brainrot :333
>Lookin for
friends to talk to or people who r nearby
>Not lookin for
way older or promiscuous people
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Looks wise, Im six foot, average build but trying to get into better shape with brown hair.
Reading (a confederacy of dunces is my favorite book), music (I like folk and patriotic music), vidya (playing wukong and stardew valley atm), playing the guitar and piano (a novice in both), zoology, history, linguistics and paleontology
>what you are looking for
Looking for a lady around my age (18-26) interested in a long term relationship. Don't really care about distance but being based in Europe is a plus.
>not looking for
The only things i'm not looking for are obese people (like actually obese people, not talking about chubby or big women), rude or narcissistic or ghosters
Ghosting is a big thing for me. If you feel like we wont match or you dont like how I look, just tell me. I won't get salty.
Hope to hear from you
Rap, Vocaloid, Rock, Musical
Souls-borne games, Monster Hunter, Anime, Musicals, Shooters, Fighters
>Not Looking For
>Looking For
Friends of any kind to talk to or play games with
>Games you like
RPGs, multiplayer stuff like Payday 2, GTA V, TF2, Minecraft, Roblox, most Nintendo shit, a ton of other random franchises/games. I'd love to learn about other games though.

>Music you like
I've semi-recently start listening to a lot of metal, mainly like nu-metal and thrash. Few artists I listen to currently are Korn, Slayer, SOAD, Metallica, Megadeth, Sodom, Kreator, and Judas Priest. I like some rap music (individual songs mainly, not whole discographies) and older Rock. I think nightcore and breakcore are cool too, same with some video game OSTs.

>Looking for
Friends to start. People with similar interests. People who have a fucked sense of humor but aren't genuienly hateful. People who wanna talk abt stuff like vidya, lost media, conspiracy theories, history, music. I'm open to almost anyone of any background.

>Not looking for
Genuine bigots. I've got a hyper-fucked sense of humor, but I don't want to be friends with an actual nazi. Gooners, pedophiles, people under 18 or over 30ish, Boring people, Voice calls immediately, people on alts who won't eventually use their main acct.

Reply with yours, I'm a bit too nervous to post mine publically.

>Other important stuff
I've got AuDHD and Depression (diagnosed) and suck socially. I'm very good with DMing back or MSGing you though.
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>Music you like
prog rock, indie shit, i could go for anything but those two genres are something i find myself coming back to frequently

>Lookin for
anything, really. i get attached quick and tend to obsess over people if they show any amount of interest in me. i can be a buddy, i can be somebody you talk to once and never again, i can be somebody you use for a fap when you need it and completely ignored otherwise--you name it, i dont have nearly enough self respect to set proper standards

>Not lookin for
nothing really comes to mind i guess


>Other things you might find important to list
if youre hitting me up just to be fwb or something of the sort, know im a pale underweight twinkish looking guy--just figured i'd say to save you the time if you have a type or would be disappointed upon finding this out
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23/M east coast
>Music you like
Midwest emo, rap, trap, breakcore, lofi, pop
>Lookin for
A girl to give me attention, i will fall in love with you im a loser and would do anything to be loved, ive been in one relationship that lasted a month and she only got with me to try and breakup my friend group.
>Not lookin for
>Other things you might find important to list
Im fat
>missing punctuation

Rap, pop,

Looking for someone who is currently on Fuerteventura near costa calma. Too chill or just talk

Dont have discord right now so here is my telegram:
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I'm a mentally ill NEET. If I was working Id probably be working in IT which I might do some time after I deal with some stuff. I suffer from schizophrenia and have autistic tendencies. I had several diagnoses over my life including the current one and autism.
>Music you like
Random weeb stuff, alternative rock(I have a soft spot for Pearl Jam), classical music, trance music.
Linux(I use Arch btw), photography, writing, listening to music, making youtube videos and photography, Japanese culture.
>Lookin for
Someone that shares some of my interests. People that have mental health issues. I dont mind talking about your problems, I tend to fixate on my own too much.
>Not lookin for
Please be at least 30 years old. I find talking to people that are half my age tiring sometimes.
25 f usa
>Music you like
Nothing new or current
>Lookin for
Decent convos
>Not lookin for
Kik is redeyelashover
21 M Can
>music im into
A lot of older songs you probably havent heard of
>looking for
People to talk to, im very lonely. We can be feminine or cordial with eachother (not gay)
>not looking for
Actual insane people
Im trying to be a good person
Mental issues, bare with me please
I write stuff and play video game
(Yes im working on having a life)
>Music you like
All kinds! Rap, country, emo etc
>Lookin for
Someone to connect with and talk to! I’ve recently lost the two people I talked to all day every day, so I’m feeling a bit lonely and honestly I may be the problem at this point. Preferably around my age, not a NEET.
>Not lookin for
Sex, relationship etc
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list

I’m fat, alt style, into fitness and outdoor activities, am an artist, and work in tech. I like to vc but it’s not a must.
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>make post
>get a few friend requests
>cant connect with any of them
this seems to be how it goes 99% of the time
not saying that im not possibly the issue as well, i am on here after all
How hairy are you?
Relatively, I don’t shave my armpits or legs.

>Music you like
Shoegaze, dreampop, 90s alt, new wave, slowcore, synthpop, classic country, folk

>Lookin for
Someone to talk to and get to know. I've been feeling pretty lonely and blue for the last couple weeks, so anyone out there feeling the same, maybe we can take our minds off of things. I like to help people, give advice, share things I love and receive in turn.

>Not lookin for
Disingenuous people, narcissists. No coomers, keep it to yourself if u are

Discord: dizzydipper
Kik: DizzyDipper02

>Gamer tags
More of a solo gamer, sorry.. But maybe....

>Other things you might find important to list
I'm friendly and sociable. Intelligent but wasting it. Aimless. David Cronenberg is my favorite film director, love horror movies. Enjoy weirder side of life. Dark humor. Have a solid group of friends but they're all normies.. it gets lonely. Trying to get fit so I can do more outdoor activities like hiking and climbing.
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>tfw no jewess gf
It hurts my antisemitic heart so much, guys
You can't force a bond. Don't let it get you down - at least you're trying.
Not working
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>Music you like
Emo, jazz, video game OSTs
>Lookin for
Beautiful wife who is also very smart
>Not lookin for
Non-white, trans
Fucking hell, what did this man do to you to piss you off so much nugget
yeah, that's why i stay only with my boring coworkers and sleep. can't wait until i leave this shithole world.
just touch grass dummie
stop lying to yourself. nothing matters and shit will spin without you, not with you.
satan trips. yeah it's a monkey world, roleplay like ai or someshit whatever you like.
Are you of the leftist persuasion perhaps?
j.ames.dawson kik
johnsmitherz telegram
EVCKC87RG teleguard

trading videos of my gf for yours or your wife, have to be willing to verify your girl and ill do the same because i prefer longterm arrangements to get each other new content

cucks come say hi, if your slut is hot and we keep in touch a bit who knows what fun we can have with her...
Look her up in the archive, I almost contacted her and then I saw that insanity.
this whore is drier than a mummified pussy.
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>Music you like
a lot of stuff including whatever you like listening to

>Lookin for
mutual obsession


>Other things you might find important to list
we can share music or play any game and talk all the time, ,,,,,
also my brain doesnt work sry
Lmao no not really. Liberal at best, but I honestly don’t get into politics much these days besides really hoping more kids don’t die from gun violence and women retain their reproductive rights.

Things change! So depending on what you’re seeing, it may not be applicable anymore. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss!
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>hoping more kids don’t die from gun violence and women retain their reproductive rights
undiagnosed, unmedicated, apathetic towards life, don’t find any interest in anything and the ugly, shitty paintings i make are failing me too. nicotine addict, self-sabotaging, delusional overthinker, schizo coded, have nothing to offer. mental deterioration at 99%, but that 1% is holding out space for someone to love and be unhinged with.. please, no one outside eu, no big age gap, no happiness lol
discord is moumouh
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Hi soc
i fucking hate this board.

Chanlets is an r9k oriented shitposting server composed of incels neets outcasts lolcows morons etc.

NO EGIRLS ALLOWED. Blackpilled ideology is endorsed, encouraged, and enforced.


26 M Colorado, USA

>Lookin for
Someone to talk to about life and problems and stuff. Or to distract each other from those problems. Someone who knows the deep feeling of loneliness and would like someone to help each other get out of that feeling.

>Not lookin for
Anything romantic/sexual at first. I'm not opposed to things maybe developing there, but I'm not in the correct mindset for that.
Friend collectors
People trying to pull other people further down, I'd like to build myself back up with our interactions.


>Other things you might find important to list
I have a very hard time talking to men due to past trauma. I'm not opposed to talking with them, but please don't be offended if we don't click or I have a hard time with that.
Not accepting friend requests
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Server for lonely losers :3

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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people
People that can't hold a convo

pic is me :3
can try now
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>Music you like
slipknot. Metallica, david bowie, limp bizkit, system of the down
>Lookin for
someone to invest time in. I work odd hours and tend to be a nightowl. A girl to cling to me and just be lonely together
>Not lookin for
people who dont understand that i can get busy with work. people upset at short / dry responses that will happen sometimes
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
Still not accepting :(
sorry, it’s supposed to be muomuoh lmaoo what the hell…
Finally :) Added you
Only message me if you have read my whole post and you're what I'm looking for

So what I'm looking for is...

1. Someone who is naturally mean and an asshole like genuinely couldn't give a fuck. I do NOT want any roleplaying, pretending or acting.

2. Someone who is around all day everyday and goons at different times throughout the day.

3. Make me buy you lube, a fleshlight or whatever else will help you goon!

4. And finally I want you to download an app called Pushover that you use to notify me when it's time to feed. It basically sends a really loud alarm that goes through Do Not Disturb and Silent.
So any time, any place I have to drop everything and come feed you no matter what. Even if I'm asleep or busy. My whole life will be about feeding you.
Also to stop me from ever leaving our little arrangement you can blackmail me to stay forever.

If you're truly interested in ALL of that and you WON'T be roleplaying then add my Kik...

Kik: totally_completely
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>looking for
someone in my area to meetup with who's willing to give temporary company, willing to take the initiative without fear, someone else who's never had a whole lot going on for their lives, who doesn't have necessity to pretend to give a shit or make walls for themselves.
Preferably someone who doesn't really give a fuck about life at the moment.
>not looking for
avoidants or closed off people
serious inquiries only, not just looking for anyone: exuphoria
Your taste in music is more bland than stale water.
I have ruined myself with my irl BBC cum fetish. All I have to do is go out into the street (I live in a NY ghetto) and look at a strong black bvll the right way and after 10 seconds (black people time, ofc) my face and throat will be drenched in sweet ebony semen fit to cure me of my racism. I wish I could go back to being racist, because too much porchmonkey spunk in my stomach has forced me to get a pump more than once. I've tried to settle for masturbating my 2" (erect) pecker into my longest thigh-high socks but the moment Lil GZ comes on Spotify (my playlist consists entirely of nigger rap), I find myself so crazy horny that if I don't go seeking the cum of the nearest pavement ape I will literally dream of gay black dicks and sperm. All of my friends and family have left my life because of it and my Chinese girlfriend from long ago has been feeding info on me to the CCP. I'm so alone.
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18/ trans girl mtf / Latvia
>about me
168 cm tall. Nice thighs and butt. Feminine face. Mid transition cause still young. Open to meet ups. Love cuddles
Music mostly car seat headrest, vundabar, interpol, swans, xiu xiu and the microphones
Cooking, video games (nintendo, animal crossing, pikmin, Mario)
Reading manga especially junji ito and higurashi
>looking for
Anyone, preferably trans girl into trans girls and likes similar stuff preferably music but not necessary. Kind, open minded.

discord emily87
You'll never be a woman, ugly fucking troon
18M Minnesota
Video games, pot
>Looking for
Nudes exchange
>Not looking for
Women, small talk
@bitchfetus123 on discord
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25 FtM Midwest USA
>Music you like
House, hyperpop, speedcore/breakcore, EDM in general, rap, pretty much anything that isn't country or screamo
>Lookin for
Casual chat throughout the day and night
>Not lookin for
NSFW, flirting, chuds
imagine being mad because you know you’re unlovable and a guy who people might actually like makes a post
Actually I'm UtL (unlovable to lovable) so you better watch it bigot, might want to apologize and start sucking before things get worse for you and yours.
the only thing you are is esl
Are you looking for a more disciplined, structured, life but don't want to join the military or go to prison? Are you willing to relocate to Pennsylvania? I have the solution for you!

What you get:
- Live in a mansion with likeminded people. You'll have your own private bedroom and space.
- No bills! You won't have to pay for anything. Electric, heat, water, wifi, rent, food, etc will all be provided at no cost to you.
- Friends! You'll have 6 people around you who want a better life, same as you. It's a very friendly and loving environment.
- Discipline! You'll be held accountable to actually accomplishing your goals and being productive instead of rotting all day.

What I get:
- Your labor. You'll agree to do the things I ask you to do.
- Your thoughts. You'll agree to give me your honest thoughts and opinions about how to grow and your own progress.
- Your friendship. You'll agree to treat me as a friend!

Discord: tylercodemonkey
Post mansion pics.
post all your cocks first
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28, Male, eu
FEED ME FRIENDS! I'm lonely and need some bomb ass frends. I wasn't born in eu though, so racists be gone!
programming, AI, anime, retro games, writing, cheesy sci-fi, rock
>looking for
frens with common interests
>not looking for
coomers, neets, underage, people not in eu
25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.
>Music you like
80s, 90s, piano pieces especially ludovico einaudi
>Lookin for
Friends or someone that gets me. Someone that will not pretend and be authentic and straight with me.
>Not lookin for
Liars, rude people, drug users.
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I'm really honest and won't lie to you ever. I want someone to connect with and won't abandon me. I feel extremely lonely almost everyday. I did not believe in a god but now I've come to believe more and more about Jesus christ and his values. My honest dream is to find my other half one day, although in this sick world it's so hard. I don't care what you think of me but I honestly am just a guy that's looking for love from a woman. No complicated things, companionship, honesty, understanding...someone to be at my fucking side for once and that will never abandon me. I'm a man of my world, I'm a man of values and ultimately simple. I love philosophy, I love knowledge even if it fucks me up mentally. I'm an open minded person.
>mtf, 23, UK
>I love Vidya, jazz, cartoons and weed
>looking for a GF, t4t preferably, (no longer bi, I made that when I was high, xD)
>let's play Vidya and watch funny YouTube videos :3
> Cindyyy. (Add the full stop) :3
33 M Sweden
>Music you like
Sleep Token, Dance Gavin Dance, Polyphia. I like a lot of pop punk, alt music but I enjoy most genres these are just my favourites.
>Lookin for
People to talk with, maybe game.
>Other things you might find important to list
I moved countries a year ago to be with my wife and for her work, she's really fitting in here whilst I am not and feeling more alone and hopeless each day that passes.
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29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/NEET/Satanist/Misanthrope/Kiwifarms Victim
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

discord is



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19 mtf maryland

6'2 with long straight hair and bangs, i weigh 150 ish lbs.
looking for other trans women who live within relatively reasonable driving distance to maryland. i'd like to hang out from time to time. i like to vc and text often. i am a stoner and like to grow and take and sometimes sell my own mushrooms. i have a job. i like video games (left 4 dead 2, project zomboid, just re-downloaded no man's sky, deadlock has been fun) and i'm willing to try anything else game wise. i love music, anything with overdrive or dancey stuff. also listen to rap. open to everything, yes even country. i love crime dramas or any movie where a normal guy does a bunch of fucked up stuff like falling down or fight club. i like to read and fish, i love the beach, i like alt fashion but don't really dress that way. looking to connect with someone whether it's dating or friendship, i just want to have a strong bond with you. i have bpd but it's well managed i think and i'm autistic (both diagnosed)

>physical description
179cm, thin, skinny, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white
>About you
In university, I'm a pseudo-NEET and have asperger's, I'm a deadbeat when it comes to talking to strangers, certified autist
Technology, gaming, military shit, vehicles
>looking for
F under 25, friendship/dating
>not looking for
males, trannies, blacks, fags
hektor234 on shitcord
>Other things you might find important to list
maybe send a small ASL/introduction message, i've began to think maybe i am the one who ghosts due to me not being able to engage in conversations that well...
23, non binary, bi, ace spec. all i do is lay in bed due to chronic pain, if i feel well enough to get out of bed ill play instruments, sing, write and record songs, draw, read and write, it helps to have something creative. i play games, mainly rogue like and lites, and bullet hell games recently. listen to music, i like niche music, alternative rock and folk, shoegaze, ambient, etc., watch movies, mainly horror movies. not into animanga anymore except touhou and VNs. i have friends but cant connect with them or anyone i seem to meet, autistic with DID, low affective empathy, high cognitive empathy, self destructive esp recently because of processing trauma and cptsd. i need a lot of time and space. dont expect me to be available 24/7. sometimes i will just be by myself. my tag is tw.in with the period in between as written
I'm trying to a girl to be friends with, I believe we have a ton in common and would like to know each other.

Should I add you?
add someone else
Thx for that response.

feel free
thanks for the laugh
down unbelievably bad
>I love philosophy, I love knowledge even if it fucks me up mentally. I'm an open minded person.
The world is not sick, you are. The world is not a broken thing in need of fixing. Your values are broken and in need of fixing.
I'm looking for a really skinny girl I used to know. she's biracial, curly hair wears weird goth outfits and overdoes makeup. Anyone seen someone like that post here? I swear I've read stuff that could be written by her on other boards. It freaks me out sometimes.
>Only message me if you have read my whole post and you're what I'm looking for.

So what I'm looking for is...

1. Someone who is naturally mean and an asshole like genuinely couldn't give a fuck. I do NOT want any roleplaying, pretending or acting.

2. Someone who is around all day everyday and goons at different times throughout the day..

3. Make me buy you lube, a fleshlight or whatever else will help you goon!

4. And finally I have an app called Pushover where when you email me it blows up my phone with notifications telling me that it's time to feed. It basically sends a really loud alarm that goes through Do Not Disturb and Silent and I can't disable it.
So any time, any place I have to drop everything and come feed you no matter what. Even if I'm asleep or busy. My whole life will be about feeding you.
Also to stop me from ever leaving our little arrangement you can blackmail me to stay forever.

If you're truly interested in ALL of that and you WON'T be roleplaying then add my Kik.

Kik: totally_completely
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We're a long-running and easygoing community for people who want to hang out, chill, share their day, encourage each other, and improve themselves. Shitposting is limited but we are not a hugbox so moderation does allow for disagreements and harsher language.

Context: Upset about the state of my life. I have no friends, not a lot of family (they were abusive), no job or career (I'm a NEET). I have a great boyfriend and a house, but that's about it. Not to discount those things, but currently I am wallowing in the depression of having no career to show for in my life and no real life friends. Emotionally I'm a wreck lately. I regret a lot of things in my life and I wish I did a lot of things differently. For example, in high school i never felt like I belonged. It was tough to get into any group of friends. I think I alienated myself because I felt like I never belonged, and I wish I could go back and adopt a more open, sweeter disposition to garner all of those friendships I wish I had.

Looking for people around my age who are willing to VC only. I guess I'm looking for someone to talk to, maybe about this, maybe not. Friends in the SE USA would be cool. I have been hating myself so any kind of encouraging kind vibes would be appreciated.

Discord: snailmailsailpail
I'm so SORRY
I cannot coom I cannot goon tonight
don't eeeedge your coooock to meeeee
i'm allllllreadyyyyyyy
LMFAO ungrateful entitled lazy piece of shit.
I'm not really "lonely" in the sense of having no friends or potential partners, but my soul aches for that kind of "I hate you so much that I would literally destroy all of reality for you" dynamic
Are you looking for a more disciplined, structured, life but don't want to join the military or go to prison? Are you willing to relocate to Pennsylvania? I have the solution for you!

What you get:
- Live in a mansion with likeminded people. You'll have your own private bedroom and space.
- No bills! You won't have to pay for anything. Electric, heat, water, wifi, rent, food, etc will all be provided at no cost to you.
- Friends! You'll have 6 people around you who want a better life, same as you. It's a very friendly and loving environment.
- Discipline! You'll be held accountable to actually accomplishing your goals and being productive instead of rotting all day.

What I get:
- Your labor. You'll agree to do the things I ask you to do.
- Your thoughts. You'll agree to give me your honest thoughts and opinions about how to grow and your own progress.
- Your friendship. You'll agree to treat me as a friend!

Discord: tylercodemonkey
>Music you like
Mostly into grunge, indie, folk rock sort of stuff. My musical tastes are rather eclectic
>Looking for
Someone with similar interests and an eagerness to share their other interests with me. Someone that's okay with us messaging each other whenever we want, that I don't feel like I'm pestering when I talk to them and doesn't make me feel like I'm walking on eggshells when I talk to them.
>Not looking for
Overly political types, mean people, anything lewd
>has a husband
>looking for people to talk with on call

Have you tried having sex and talking with the man you chose to marry? Ever thought about simply appreciating shit for once? What an ungrateful whiny cunt.
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>Music you like
>Lookin for
chat friends
>Not lookin for
>Other things you might find important to list
22m US
>Music you like
I like a bunch of stuff but here's stuff that rustles my jimmies
stuff that influences me
Psych Rock, Soul, Hip Hop
stuff I've been listening to lately
90s Pop Rock, 80s Pop Rock/Dance, good classic sounding country
>Lookin for
I have friends irl but its nice to find online friends to click with
>Not lookin for
M or trans

I hope you have a good day :)
pls jus someone talk to me
Hm? What makes you say that?
>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

i work full time but i can always text, near 24/7
shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!!

Too bad they banned me
I just wanted to give an update on this if anyone cares. It’s gonna be a long process to be free of his bs but I asked for a divorce.
20 FtM (post-op) Europe
>Music you like
Experimental, drone, techno, "anything"
>Lookin for
Soulmate similar fuck-up M or F
>Not lookin for
Pre or early in transition trans, overly negative/rotting people; friends most likely but that that one's not a hard no I'm just a little mental over the tranny stuff. My bad
I'm a virgin cucked by circumstances described above. Stealth irl so no chance of "finding love" through usual means, the thought of "coming out" makes me retch, I struggle to text first because of it. Odd in the head, not unstable. I have a hearing disability so I speak like a retard. Mid looks, okay face. Very broad spectrum of physical attraction. Distance I don't care about. I am pretty open minded in regards to a lot of stuff but please have a spark of hope within yourself, I would love to help you nurture it.

I'm by all means a degenerate coomer whatever word you want to use here but I am not interested in sexting straight away or it being the main aspect of our possible bond, though if it matters to you I am not submissive.

I have formed a lot of strange conclusions in regards to life and my place in it. If you just want to psychoanalyze me I invite you to have a shot but a part of me believes if there is a match out there he or she is bound to be lurking around in a place like this.
18 M Latin America
>Music you like
Classical, Synthwave, Industrial Ambience, Country
>Lookin for
People to talk to, i feel lonely
>Other things you might find important to list
I am a mentally ill contrarian, i am a NEET and a loser, i am utterly depressed and i am an extremely boring person, i have been told. I despise people but sadly i feel the need to talk to someone.
ruined delusional woman
Hope you're doing okay. If you need a femanon to vent to, you can hmu @ discord
>FtM (post-op)
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Bump I guess

depression, anxiety, suicidal, self harms, mdma/weed addict, recovering alcoholic, daddy issues, shitty music taste. 0 friends. i go from loving someone to hating them in an instant. i don’t know why i’m this way. i don’t know if i want to abuse someone or be abused.

>About Me
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate while also being a uni student. i’m kinda chubby (144lbs, trying to lose weight but going between omad and binging) + body hair. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is very transphobic but i dress masc. intp. i am not a good person. i like cute things and plushies.

reading, painting, warhammer, black metal, coding, mlp, gaming (silent hill, deep rock galactic, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

>Looking for
a man who will act like my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, treat me like i’m younger, patronise me, coddle me, etc (both sfw and nsfw). i don’t think i’ll ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone because of my need for an age gap and my drug use, it makes me feel tainted and ruined. i got groomed on kik when i was younger and am now trying to relive it.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i’d prefer someone older (like 30+).

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

i’ve been clean of alcohol for about 4 months. i want someone to force me to relapse so i can feel worse about myself and hopefully find the courage in that to off myself.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not serious about this dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, 1 word replies, “i forgot what your post said”

kik: kittytaxidermy
delusional woman
could find anyone on the street willing to do this shite
why get a coombrain loner on 4chon?

>be a NEET
>living off someone else
>upset that you have no career
Obviously you could try to get to know the neighbors but you're clearly socially retarded since you're a NEET.
Why don't you work on some skills to help around the home like improving your cookign skill, be like that woman that was baking alien facehugger bread a a cake made to look like Gizmo from Gremlins.

18/M/EU Poland
>>Music you like
Death Metal, Funeral Doom, NWoBHM, some Black Metal.
>>Lookin for
Friends, both mentally ill and healthy people welcome.
>>Not lookin for
>>Other things you might find important to list
I'm tolerant to all worldviews.
I like cinema - top 3 have to be
Blade Runner
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
and fighting games.
I like drawing.
I'm learning Hebrew, thinking of learning Korean.
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20 M USW

>Music you like
ill listen to almost anything except for pop and country

>Lookin for
People to game with and hang with on calls lmao, so instead of rotting in my room alone ill rot in my room alone on a call

>Not lookin for
big ask i know but no complete degens, or people who are just looking for horny shit


if u wanna know more just ask idfk what else to put here
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hi!! bumping!!

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