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>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
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24, Male, Switzerland
>hobbies, interests, whatever
-Video games
-Furry stuff
-Long ass, intimate discussions where I can't keep track of the time
-Probably some other stuff too
>looking for
Friends, people to talk to i guess, see if it even works between us, if you're into racing games that's a plus
>not looking for
I don't know, I'm pretty much open to most people, I prefer filtering down the road if that makes any sense
>SFW thread
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rodents, AI, beta minecraft, babybel cheese, anime, random chats
>looking for
Random chats
>not looking for
explicit chats
this is not a discord specific thread, since a lot of people don't use discord or prefer other methods of contact
20s, Femboy, West Coast of USA
>About you
Cute, east Asian, femboy, loves cute things, lolita fashion, anime, art, photography, cooking, toys, other various male brained hobbies like guns and military history, etc. Politically moderate, gets along with both sides but don't be stupid.
>Looking for
Friends, mostly women/fems (cis and trans are both welcome), men can add me but don't be a creep
>Not looking for
Sexual things, dating, people who don't talk/aren't respectful
Discord: mak0t0isaguy_44612

Kik: MakotoIsAGuy
19f US

looking for female friends, as i do not have a single friend, even online. i was a frustrated femcel NEET till i met my husband, now i just stay at home and buy figures while he works. i feel a disconnect, because my job is to be a stay at home wife, and while i do enjoy that, i still feel like a femcel NEET at heart and like i have a hard time relating to others and making friends both online and irl. I wish i had just one friend, but i feel like anyone i've met isn't really that interested in talking to me. i like talking on the phone a lot, i have tons of free time. if you are a lonely/desperate femanon, pls dont hesitate to add me so we can talk all day.

males pls don't add me, and another disclaimer, i don't get along with people who aren't racist and people who support trans ideology. as long as you aren't a deranged SJW libtard or a male, i am more than happy to accept anyone as a friend.

discord- fourteen.words
email- yanfei@cock.li
IRC- tomoko on Rizon
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>About you
i love computer technology, psychological, intellectual and sometimes romantic anime, manga, visual novels, hentai, gore, schizo obsessions like aliens, reptilians, psychology about murderers and human behavior, tulpamancy
>Looking for
preferably females who want to check out my cool personal blog or listen to how i spent 500 euros on coom accessories since august 2023
>Not looking for
the anon that goes by the name neetpill
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
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>about you
super into music! mostly been listening to emo, midwest emo, epunk, soundcloud shit (stuff like lil soda boi, capoxxo, shed theory, tr1st4n, bladee, dethtech, marjorie sinclair, + way more) and more but those are the main stuff atm! been playing lots of overwatch lately but not really into many other multiplayer games (mostly play single player stuff). also love horror & weird films! sometimes i draw badly too
>looking for
friends!!! friends within my age range that are into similar stuff (into similar music preferred) :DD ppl that don't take themselves too seriously
>not looking for
overly serious ppl that don't like to be silly, anything sexual or romantic, people way older than me or way younger
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>about me
i'm fucking retarded but i think it also makes me more fun desu. into persona, rhythm games, cute anime shit
>looking for
frens, vc in free time. someone to talk to especially when i'm at work
>not looking for
>>About you
looks cute, with long hair, alone
photos, music, movies, games
>>Looking for
girl from u.k to talk about culture, music and ect
>>Not looking for
males and trannies
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>About you
midtier neet girl that loves old/early/obscure animanga, vidya, etc. i code shit sites
>Looking for
frens male or female, ppl who wanna join edgy telegram group chat, coders, programmers, etc. people to play SDV with, VCs
>Not looking for
lgbt, non white, idiots, old men, GAY MEN, FEMBOYS
anime/manga/vns, listening to music, obscure internet videos and stuff, some literature.
>looking for
just someone to chat with w/ similar vibes
>not looking for
e-dating, gooners
>About you
very paranoid very sleepy very kind friendly happiness
>Looking for
people to talk about their interests, especially if theyre abnormal or niche
>Not looking for
im not picky!
disc: sleepyheadnaps

im just a bit of a loser getting his life together after a rough relationship! ive been feeling depressed lately and talking to people helps the most. id love to talk about anything youre interested in! music, games, movies. if im unfamiliar infodump on me!
22, Male, NYC

I am nobody.

No idea

No idea

DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
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cheesed to meet u :3

we play games a lot like overwatch and league. come be friends :D

>captcha prompt
>not accepting friends
alright then.
dead girl x.x
ur brains o.o
>interesting fact about yourself
i like decomposing <:{
>looking for
my soul v.v
>not looking for
Desperation is a stinky perfume
>About you
generic 4chan autist
I listen to shitty music and I like video games
never made friends during high school and my life was a mess after that so I never made any long lasting friendships.
>Looking for
or just send me cool music
>Not looking for
who cares
>About you
Anime, retro gaming, cosplay, drawing, board games, horror, sanrio, manwha/manga, fashion
>Looking for
I want to meet fellow fem anons...I have too much time atm and no friends :( just wanna chat and have fun
>Not looking for
anything sexual, just pure friendly pls!!
disc: pompomdashite
>About you
Gaming : MILSIM EA FC horror games MC ,drawing, horror, fashion
>Looking for
It's a holiday why should one spend it alone eh come feel comfy in my server too
>Not looking for
anything sexual, just pure friendly, add then ghost say something lad
disc: hannibaalbarca2.0
>About you
ancient languages and histories enjoyer
short twink, blond hair
mildly autistic but not very
believe in god but not a christian fundamentalist
>Looking for
fun servers with interesting people and discussions
edating (cis women only)
>Not looking for
excessively degenerate people or servers, a little is fine
discord: thvisi
Bros I think I overcame my social anxiety
>Moved to new area
>goes to small church in a small town of about 2500
>Guy invites me to a young people dinner
>Says there will be 13 some guys some girls
>Gets there
>5 girls, no guys
>We hit it off, I was a little nervous at first but loosened up. Had some good laughs and a good time
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>About you
Extraordinarily pretentious. AI. Love writing and lyricism, I tend to write more edgy things. I consume a copious amount of anime and other media. I play strategy games and Roblox mostly. I work or study or exercise most days, so responses may not be the most readily available. Usually free from 10PM-12AM.

My favorite animes/mangas are: Jujutsu Kaisen, Shamo, Yankee Juku e Iku, JJBA P4, P7, P8, Ichi the Killer.

My favorite musicians to listen to right now are: Grimes, Bjork, Kanye + Kendrick, King Von, Beach Boys.

I generally like mainstream shows like the Sopranos, The Wire, Trailer Park Boys ETC. My favorite movie currently is Ex Machina.
>Looking for
Anyone to chat with. No racists please thank you.
>Not looking for
Freaks and anything sexual or romantic. If you can’t expand on your thoughts or talk intricately, theres no point in adding.
>about you
I like comp sci, anime and being a bit of a shutin apart from normal life things. I'm around 1.5 years on hrt and I have one (1) irl friend
>looking for
Anyone who finds my about me interesting
>not looking for
idk, just dont be weird
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I'm reviving this dead thread lol xd
>About you
Gamerboy, completely racist + retarded. I live a mostly quiet life (borderline neet) and I have a few friends that I play map games with.
>Looking for
Other gamers on they PC. I like to vc. If you have something interesting to say, dm me and I will pretend I am not excited to talk to you.
>Not looking for
Oiled up grimey boys, ethots, coal posters
Respect for those who brave the depths of /soc/ to find this post.
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
19/M/Metro van and GTA
>About you
history philosophy film music blah blah blah everybody says this shit just add me lole we'll have a good convo
>Looking for
friends and maybe an east asian gf (im east asian too)
>Not looking for
>Contact: bluest4116
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oh yeah errrr obligatory cool picture to put alongside your post that I forgot here
man how you in both metro van and GTA nigga
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Still in school but I'll start applying for universities next year, not looking forward to it though. Checking out weird stuff online while mentally preparing for entrance exams.
/x/,/trv/,/ck/,/vg/. Reading creepy pasta and watching hard sci-fi recommendations. Trying out tons of old games and occasional MMOs.
I'm planning on doing a trip to Korea and Japan next summer.
>Looking for
Discord/TG communities, weird things found on the internet. Hard SciFi movie recommendations. Places to see in Korea or Japan.
>Not looking for
Relationships, gooners, edge
Discord: mmmlem_
TG: @izzzy_mm
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Hi! I'm going to be attending uni this year and would like people to make frens with online. Currently I play Squad, War Thunder, and Mordhau along with other MP games, and would like people to game with. I am mentally ill so don't add me if you don't like people who are similar to schizos or autistic. Regardless I'll carry you :)
>Looking for
Discord, friends to game and VC with, people to talk to that are interesting. Bonus points if you want to teach me your language because I love learning.
>Not looking for
Coomers, relationships, NSFW of any sort. No porn, no fetishism. Don't try.
tag doesn't work
19f northeast us
i’m a lesbian, studying compsci, interested in aviation, drawing (picrel is my art), linux, learning mandarin chinese and russian. interested in learning about guns/military stuff but havent had the attention span to really research anything myself. left-leaning but don’t care about politics
>looking for
frens, possibly irl meetups if you’re nearby. any gender or identity or whatever as long as you’re not a dick, ideally around my age
>not looking for
edaters, normies, political bs
discord: 27proxy
hai milky :>
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>girl from u.k
Why you want this if from Russia
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First time using this
>About You
Super autistic that likes to draw. I like to play Roblox, Minecraft, Overwatch, Fortnite, basically playing whatever I want. I like hyperpop and any type of music (except country, that needs to burn)
>Looking for
People who like to have fun!!! I like people who I can vibe with and enjoy or chaotic energy together :)
>n\Not looking for
People who are too serious, Sexual and Romantic shit, anyone who is a GENUINE weirdo. (Funny that im on 4Chan saying this lol)
Twitter: Makaryv8
Insta: Makaryv8
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>">n\Not looking for"
Oh my fucking god. How did I fuck up?

i want to learn all about you. i would love to discuss our dreams and futures, and to hear everything you're interested in! i have a lot of free time and i want to spend it with people, it really is helping my depression now that i've been more social. i just got out of a loveless relationship with no friends, and i want to fill my days with love and friends.

I love art! in every form, paintings, film, television, novels, even video games! i'm getting back into reading in the last few months too.

>looking for
new friends!
>not looking for
dry texters, half-hearted people
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>About you
i'm off work and mainly bored desu. my main interests are gacha games, rhythm vidya, computer hardware, weebshit
>Looking for
frens hopefully

>Not looking for
lewd, that's retarded

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>About you
summer time! i got a lot of interests;

writing, art, worldbuilding, music theory, piano, video games (indie games and those with good story, automation and simulation games too), modding, TTRPGs, physics in fiction, programming and computer science, high fantasy, animation, mythology, poetry.

>Looking for

>Not looking for
elf apologists

22 UK Transgirl
Just an attention whore desu down for whatever just wanna talk to people and not be bored lmao whatever you wanna do I don’t mind :00

Anyone can message I’ll always message back ! :3

disc: maackenzie_
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I be commuting
see >>33306861
I don't get why people here are describing themselves sexually but saying that they are not looking for anything sexual
Oh well, tried before on the other SFW thread, so will try it here too because why not

> 25 / Bi M / Brazil (RJ)

> interests
Videogames, big into retro and indie stuff, fav genres being: Fps, 3d Platformers and Hack n slashes/beat em ups.
Movies, my favorite types being horror and gory action shit, also into anime and manga, although i didn't watch nor read that much of them.

> interesting fact about yourself
Uh, i don't know, would being in a poly relationship be considered an interesting fact? or that i have a shelf with a bunch of comics, manga and books that i still haven't read.

> looking for
A friend! I'm not really good at starting conversations, so i ask for a bit of a patience at first, looking for mainly people from Brazil, but anyone is welcome to add me. may be open to something else besides friendship if it goes there.

> Not looking for
Mean people i guess?

Disc: raz451
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i'm a fujoshi.
okay for real though, i like to draw a lot and play video games when i'm not
i dabble a bit in vocaloid, SFM, programming, and animation. i'm classy and a lady with manners, okay... (fingers crossed behind back)
>looking for
girls who i can play games with
>not looking for
anything nsfw
vulgaroldman on discord
>About me
Just a 5'2 130lbs silly brain rotted guy :3, really into films, TV, and horror related content! Stop asking me if I'm a femboy >:3
All types of games/Music/History/Traveling/Hiking/Shows/brainrot memes
>Looking for
Really just looking for other silly friends :3 who are interested in what I am or someone to talk to! I can go on and on about games/films/TV shows I've watched!!
>Not looking for
People messaging to be horny. And people like 10 years older than me.
Discord: hanako0001
>About you
just a general geek looking for people to chat / play games w/
I'm a major weeb + metalhead and love retro games and anything web related so like flash games, virtual worlds, niche rpg maker games whatever
I'm trying to teach myself drums if anyone wants to chat abt that
>Looking for
gaming + chatting buddy
preferably in my age range (18-22)
sex doesn't matter
>Not looking for
anything nsfw
discord: sargentspacebear
32/M/Canada BC
Bi Women, long term relationships, gaming, Anime, Gardening, Camping
You'll find out if we like you
>Looking For
Wife(30) and I are looking for a third person (bi woman) to add to our relationship. We are only looking for genuine long term connections with the intention of being life partners.
>Not Looking For
>Discord Tag
MiHoYo games, anime, 80s/90s tech, vocaloids/utauloids
>Looking for
frens, I hope, maybe vc when i have free time
>Not looking for

>Looking for
Gaming on Roblox, I have a games list of other games I play but I mostly wanna play Roblox and MC.

>Not looking for
If you don't game, 25+, lurkers,

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bump be my friend please
Bumping! And add me :3
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>About you
I am married and am absolutely not interested in anything other than friendship. I'm mainly looking for female friends, but males are okay as long as you're not a creep. Please only 25+
I like talking about pretty much anything! My special interest is arachnids and bugs (I have 5 tarantulas and a giant centipede if you wanna see) but I also like the usual stuff (vidya, anime, music, crafty stuff, reading, etc.)
also i am kinda racist and I hate troons so if that bothers you don't add
>Looking for
Wholesome friends to pass time with
>Not looking for
Trannies, femboys, niggers
Telegram: @box_ghost
>About you
Half-jap fresh graduate out of uni, doing my masters degree in international relations. Presently a teacher for minor units in world literature, logic and critical thinking and world history. I bike, hike and read almost on the daily so leg day streak has never been broken. Hobbies include the obvious otaku shit (anime, manga, LNs and VNs), games usually of the strategy and city builder kind though I dabble in some coop fps like No More Room in Hell and L4D2. I used to shoot on the range on the regular but that kind of stopped, and if isn't obvious I'm a polsci graduate.
I'm a staunch monarchist, I hate troons and I'm racist towards chinese people of the mainland variety.
>Looking for
Friends or people to chat/talk with on the regular/semi-regularly and maybe to play games (would be incentivized if you're an otaku as well)
>Not looking for
trannies, retards, faggots
kaiserkrieger on discord and on telegram
>Maira, 20 F, diagnosed with BPD and hypochondria
>looking for ppl to join my server focused on psychology, mental health, mbti and socionics
>not looking for minors or trolls

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24/M/raised in USA studying in UK

>About you
Hiya, I do random stuff - read comics (variety of stuff, not so much manga or superhero stuff - I respect the superhero stuff, grew up with it, just not my thing at the moment), random fiction, random history stuff. Movies are cool, again all over the place with that. I jog, am looking into starting to practice asanas/yoga. Talk to friends.

>Looking for
Friends to talk to who are girls

>Not looking for

discord: Graham77#5143
18 f
furry drawer alien fearer
looking for amazing friends
not looking for alien imposters
discord is fluttersign
>Maira, 20 F, diagnosed with BPD and hypochondria
>looking for ppl to join my server focused on psychology, mental health, mbti and socionics
>not looking for minors or trolls

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>About me
I'm described as cute and nice. Extroverted Introvert, means I can hang out and talk with people normally but I have to spend a certain time with them but I can also approach strangers. I didn't had any real friends for a long time. My Childhood Friend group aka The Boys drifted apart after COVID and since then I'm kind of a friendless loser (or the substitute friend).
If anyone's into it my personality type is INFP.
Reading (goes from Mangas to any other book), History, travelling the world (currently planning to travel solo through Japan), Anime, watching and doing Sport and getting /fit/, playing the piano and gaming
>Looking for
People close to my age (18-22) for a nice talk on a daily base, Gender doesn't matters. And also some frens.
> Not looking for
Trolls, Bigots, Edgelords any anything like that and People who ghost immediately (if you don't wanna chat just say it ffs)
I'm rarely on 4chan, I mostly lurk on /soc/, so I'll just link my Discord below
Discord: nudelking
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Early 20s/F/Europe
>About you
I like Minecraft, going outside, skincare, cats, silly memes. I look very boyish, and dress that way
>Looking for
Friends, girls would be nice
>Not looking for
Perverts, sex crazy people. Not nice people
>about me
autistic failed normie. i like to analyze the world around me to figure out what makes everything tick. i like social psychology a lot for that reason because people are so complex yet fascinating to know. i feel like i am an outsider looking in most of the time which probably led me to that point. i blend in okay with other people irl, but when it comes to people knowing me deeper they often don't understand me, and the friendships fall apart because of that inherent disconnect. i struggle to even fit in the "weird" online circles because i'm not different enough. i don't know where i fit in. i'm best with individuals one-on-one.
>looking for
i figure i would like to rant to somebody or two about my issues as they come along. like a support group. i can do the same for you, too. i have a lot and i am self-aware about them but a lot of them i don't even know where to begin to fix them. i'm okay with m or f.
>not looking for
coomers, ppl looking for a romantic relationship, those who can't keep up a conversation and provide nothing towards it, ppl who expect to talk daily
bye_goodhello on discord
>About you
Into rhythm vidya and vns o:
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Discord: rinne393939
Friend making server

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bump!!! please msg!
>i struggle to even fit in the "weird" online circles because i'm not different enough
I'm in the same boat and will probably have some input on your problems; I've been working through the different problems the "lifestyle" brings about. I also enjoy talking about not-so-heavy stuff.

If you want to install Tox my ID is E6C0B4B29BE21DDD46DC7C6603F917D280763AFE1D24BBDB7DC1DC5AD630055DB1A944C66132
and I'm on irc.rizon.net in #4chan. Look for Tanpopo.
>inb4 readvertisment

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