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>your niche interests
>looking for
>not looking for
Nice picture!!!!
25/M/Massachusetts, America
>niche interests
Guns, military history, Mothman
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.
So yet another SFW Disc thread when one already exists >>33358916
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>your niche interests
sakuga, post-rock, ambient music, music theory, sound design, audio engineering, digital signal processing, audio programming
>looking for
nice people that share at least one of my interests
>not looking for
rude people, people who don't share any of my interests
And this one >>33238081
And this >>33294892
>thread that is both A and B
>"we already have a thread that is A"
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18 mtf USA
>your niche interests
Super into music some of my favorite genres specifically are ones like dancecore/mashcore/breakcore/speedcore/grindcore/slam/black metal/brutal death metal/noise/experimental hip hop
Also play games like warhammer stuff rhythms games like osu/iidx/piu/ddr/project diva/drummania
Also have random interests like fungi/sextoy centric stuff/furry/asmr rp/bass and guitar gear/metal logo design/anime and manga
>looking for
Friends to yap with on text or vc
>not looking for
Dating or sexting
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Don't know if this counts as a niche interest, as most men might be secretly lolicons, but here it goes:

Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
You will never be a janny
>your niche interests
Fighting Games, Type Moon, Visual Novels
>looking for
ppl to chat with, maybe play something
>not looking for
dickheads, very slow repliers
Just because you're an autistic troon doesn't mean you'll automatically be a good janitor.

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>your niche interests
Painting miniatures, paranormal stuff, making crappy videos, other creative stuff like crafting, gaming (not niche) :)
>looking for
People to talk or vc with, maybe game, people who like lego are cool
>not looking for
and yea he's got a point lol
There are like 5000 gay threads that all do the same thing, you guys should go bark at them instead ya hypocrites

>your niche interests
Modding Half-Life multiplayer games, game dev, researching paranormal things online.

>looking for
People to be autistic with, or who share a passion for game dev / Source engine game modding. It's really just my life goal to create the best games and mods in the entire universe. I really hope to find somebody to share knowledge ideas, and grind together with.

>not looking for
Doomers who don't want to make it.

oh no, 2 sfw threads when there's like 50 gay ones what will we ever do?? the horror!!
they probably complained about the mac n cheese their mom made them right after posting
>niche interests
seinen/psychological mangas, third party apps, lost media, weirdcore, sigilkore, opium, hood irony, AAVE words, American Culture, Black People Culture, Kinography, Bible verses, Idealism, alt fashion, any fashion, Abandoned buildings, Abstract media, schizoposting.
>looking for
IG moots, tiktok moots, entertainment.
22 M NYC



Not nothing.

22 M NYC

AD: Piano Series



20F US
>>your niche interests
SKT T1, K-pop, K-rock, J-pop
>>looking for
friends who like these
>>not looking for
nsfw, romance, people who don't like or know these. i hate when people are like "well you can teach me" why should i.
22/F/South America

>your niche interests
bugs, crochet, epunk and midwest emo, writing, weapons, tf2, furry but just a little bit

>looking for
casual texting, frens or casual vc

>not looking for
nsfw, dating, romance and stuff

> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, eccentric weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect, no friend collectors
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> discord: @tempolution
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19 F

i love gore elliot rodger and cutting myself :3

Azunyan bump
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none of you niggers have niche interests, and some of the shit you listed doesn't even go out of media consooming category
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>your niche interests
Drawing Manga!
>looking for
Artist friends who plan to dedicate their entire lives to their craft
>not looking for
hobby artist
Bumping with hope for fall. Any lovely anons out there with Halloween tights to show off??
elliot was a crybaby fag how could anyone like him
You said you aren't looking for dating.
not a niche interest, please get in line behind the rest of the attention seekers
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>niche interests
Poetry, music , movies ( psychology, crime, mystery, tragedy), SHITPOSTING AAAA!
>looking for
5’10+ respectful, NONWHORE, PATIENT,funny,masculine men that will make me laugh :3
>not looking for
WHORES,FATTIES,ANIME PFP,dark people, troonies, faggots (including bi)
>contact info
>Modding Half-Life multiplayer games
this is the only post with an actual niche interest lol. everyone else is just posting completely normal hobbies or le weird random xD hobbies

>niche interests
Daoist Internal alchemy and meditation, wine, orchestral music
>Looking for
>Not looking for
I mean I think the difference is that someone like >>33428490 says they like poetry, and most people actually have a very surface level knowledge of poetry, I don't think Ive met more than a handful of people in my life who understand meter, scansion, vowel stress and such. Liking something is different from it being your hobby. In the same way most people can enjoy classical music, I can speak on it broadly and with depth
31/m/great north
>your niche interests
comicbook sidekicks experiencing clumsy romance, Western animation dubbed into moonspeak, 90s/00s commercials during young audience programming blocks
>looking for
friends who like to share fanfics, yappers who will riff at cartoons, selfshippers, YTV/Fox Kids/Jetix enthusiasts, other Danganronpa or Homestuck cosplayers
>not looking for
degeneracy, rudeness, griefing
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you sound fucking rad dude
i love poetry and stuff but i never could wrap my head around meter and other things. i'll usually just wing it and see which words would sound better when i do my shitty little poems.
i love all this shit but i am 5'8 and although i am straight i like shit like poems and drawing and singing so that is a shame. u sound rad tho.
i am only a hobby artist, oh well. good luck on your quest, dude. pic related is a pic of some of my art, sorry to be attentionwhorey kinda but i love sharing with artists on some pathetic " look what i can do! PLEASE LIKE ME!" shit.
other than the larping thing i think you're rad. i too wish i could find some connections with others. somethin never clicks tho.
u sound cool, you will make a 'main character' friend level to someone some day
keep that passion
i had a buddy who painted miniatures and he was awesome, i love the paranormal and the morbidly unique sometimes.
fighting games, see me in ST on fightcade, kid
oh man i wish i could grow a brain and learn how to make my shitty music sound better, at least production wise. i envy people with your hobbies you are saints. i will post some of my songs, feel free to ridicule them but dont keep listening if it causes your refined ears actual pain lol.
you live in a cool area i've always wanted to visit in my life. try not to get too sad, you sound like a cool dude

i hope you all find awesome friends and all that cornball stuff. it can be quite crushing, and a bit pathetic after a certain age if you haven't. but try not to give up.


talented ass motherfucker FUCK YOUJ i wish i could draw like that...
you will someday, kid. and you will be so much better. just keep at it
somersaulting off the nearest cliff just to ensure you're wrong goodbye cruel world thanks for nothing
Boyfriend to Death pic cool have you played The Price of Flesh?
abenfreude on discord, i guess
>your niche interests
Playing guitar, Zelda, Zelda speedrunning, comedy, Radiohead, computing
>looking for
People who wanna be friends with me and hopefully share some of my interests. Anyone who is into software development desu as I am trying to learn it for career purposes
>not looking for
People who don’t wanna be friends
This thread sucks who cares about Mothman
real ass based filipino nigga
>Niche Interest
The only interest I have that I enjoy enough to like the niche aspects of it is Metal. I like learning about different Metal scenes, though I've broken the tip of any icebergs save for the NWOBHM scene, which I'm not sure I'd call niche in and of itself. My favorite niche scene, though I only listen to a few songs from a handful of bands, is the Spanish Heavy Metal scene from the 80s with bands like Baron Rojo and Santa
>Looking for
Anyone who wants to talk about Metal primarily, but I also really enjoy history (though mainly American political history) and finding random things on my phone to pass the time. I wouldn't say I watch enough shows or movies for them to be an interest of mine, but if anyone knows where to find episodes of a series of shorts from around 2008-2009(?) called R.I.P., then I'd be interested in seeing if any of them are the full version of the episode I remember. There's a guy on Dailymotion called La Crevetta Zombie who has a few episodes of it, one which might be a fucked up version of the episode I'm looking for if I remember correctly, but I want to rewatch the one I remember airing on Cartoon Network when I was in Elementary
>Not Looking For
Pedos, Zoophiles, and the like. I don't think kids should be talking to adults online, so no minors either. Apart from that, I'm pretty apathetic about the type of people I talk to as long as they don't try to force their ideology on me
>ASL Male 25 Texas
>your niche interests ai chatbots (currently doing studying on morale grey on legal areas regarding them and outright them from customers)
>looking for: people who like /g/ stuff
>not looking for: arguments , contrarians , retards
*stealing from customers and practicing EA type practices
Looking at the Channel again, I think the episode is on there unfucked. It had no issues and was very close to my vague memory, so it's found. It may have just been Dailymotion fucking up when I watched it
M- 22 - VA

huge into occultism/mysticism ex: crowley, ars goetia, anne rice, faust, borges, lavey, nick land, so on. Always looking for more and more recommendations. I’m also a huge fan of Uncle Acid and Queens of The Stone Age (music bands) . I’m also quite the junkie and love talking about drug experiences and psychonaut shit.

looking for people or discord servers with similar interest in the occult / pyschonautics/ forementioned bands.

not looking for anything weird or creepy or any conversation about topics that don’t interest me.

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weirdo, huge weeb, ironically racist
Interested in anime & manga, VNs, film, video games and sewing cosplays
people who can hold conversations, similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships and connections
>DISCORD @notarappist

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