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For the first time ever I attempted to penetrate myself.
I’m straight, have no interest or attraction to men, and am not trans. But I was curious and decided to try this out.
How did I do?
I’ll be honest and say I personally didn’t feel much and I couldn’t get hard while trying it
That was fun to watch. I’d love to see more. Your cock and balls are sexy too. The last two mins were my favourite. I’d love to see a video of you jerking yourself to completion. Mmmm
I said in ok, I wasn’t getting hard, so I doubt I could have jerked off to completion
*I said in OP
I mean a video of you doing just that. Don’t need anything in your ass. I wanna see your cock hard and jerking that’s all and if you come at the end that would be awesome.
I think your dick and balls are sexy as fuck and I wanna just watch them.
op youre looking mad fuckable like that no homo
OP says “not gay.” So why jerk off for men on /soc/? Why not ask “do you want to be fucked” as well?

Based and homo pilled
I ain’t asking you to jerk off to me. Just wanna see. Since you posted that sexy video.
I’m not opposed. But I came this morning so there wouldn’t be a lot if I did it so soon
I am more than willing to wait. Just post here. I will be watching patiently.
Holy shit that was super hot Anon
youre moans are super cute and you have such a cute slim bod
The whole time i was imaging youre where sitting on my cock
I came so hard to this
Once you figure out prostate orgasms you'll really be having fun
the first half looked like you were too tense but you managed to loose up at the end, enjoying bottoming needs practice, you're in for a ride of plugging and stretching if you want to enjoy it (or buy a prostate massager if you're too lazy)
For the first time you did very well, it takes time to get comfortable with the whole feeling, the stretching and penetration itself also are the hard parts for first time and yet you did good. It takes time to get used to the stretch, what one find pleasurable into anal masturbation varies from people: some like the stretching, some feeling filled, some the penetration, for some it's a complimentary act; it's a very personal and psichological thing. You may also find a comfortable position or one that may feels more arousing and also manage to massage your prostate. Take all the time you need to figure out what works best for you, how your body responds and don't rush things.
Could take a look here >>>/d/1110058 for tips and general infos.
Moreover as previously stated by other anons, your video is very exciting, you have such a pleasing body, your moans are amusing. In short it has been a pleasant surprise.
Godspeed anon, stay safe
sorry, misquoted
He said he’s not gay, stuff like this will scare him off
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>Hey guys do you wanna see me out a Dildo up my ass for the first time?
>No Anon dont compliment him you might scare him off
that was super hot, love how your tiny cock is getting hard when you start to insert the dildo inside you
got kik to discuss more?
Yeh, no homo OP but I’ve got a thing for sticking my finger in my ass just as I’m about to get off. Got a kink for it at the moment and it feels good.
My dick isn’t tiny, it just wasn’t hard
Op asked how did he do it, i gave him an answer and since it's his first time, told him to not rush things and mess up stuffs and pointed him to a place where he could gather some more info from other anons experiences.
From first look, OP is just experimenting a new form of masturbation, nothing wrong with it. If i could say anything more that could help him do things in a better way or get them more pleasurable why wouldn't i try to help him?
As for the content itself, it's OC, it's a nice real amateur video, subject looks alright. Personally don't care if female, male, miscellaneous as long as is enjoyable and OP did it
So >>33409061 is right, don't be this gay and stupid

Don't mind it, looks like many anons seems to not know about difference between soft and hard measurements
Your dick is sexy as fuck. Don’t listen to them. I am still hoping to watch you jerk off. And maybe more.

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