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My name is Yzilma. I am currently in need of assistants to provide their support to my causes. I will not detail my cause until I formally speak to those who are interested. This will not require you to live in New York City, and this will require you to be attentive, quick and direct.

I am not looking for a relationship. I am not looking for companionship. I am looking for vessels to behave as extensions of my will in my own personal matters on and off of the site.
I will routinely screen you. I will routinely test you psychologically.

I will not add:
Men above the age of 25.
Women below the age of 20.
Discord accounts made in the years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
People who have questions for me.

My contact is:
Please go fuck yourself and strongly consider ending your own worthless life.
fuck a dog, dude
You know you're going to burn in hell for all eternity right?
You're worth less than a speck of dust. I imagine this is how you try to cope with it.
Are you the same retard who keeps posting cryptic garbage about sucking minds of obedient teenagers to join your cult?

>I will not add:
>Men above the age of 25.
Classic. I bet you aren't very interested on those over the age of 17 either, right?
>People who have questions for me.
Oh so just obedient teenagers who will blindly obey and do everything you say?

You should be on a watchlist if anything.
Yes you will haha
Kill yourself you fucking creep.
Your parents must be embarrassed of you
Yeah you will, it is written. You're a nobody.
reddit is down the hall and to the left.
We're all just making fun of your delusions
So edgy. Also archives state people consider you as a 700 pound moribund obese pedo so have fun with NYPD SVU.
Don't let them derail you from your delusions Anon. Keep going.
meds now. sorry your daddy was mean to you but you can stop trying to act like a reactionary satanist psycho to be cool cause you have no personality. hope you find some yards to join tho so we can laugh at you later
Have you found anyone yet?
yes, hes going to get away with this forever.
You sick fuck
You’re cute
Too out of this world to approach sorry
Incredible, I love sex wizards
Psychopath energy
Why would I reveal if this works or not.
from my experience being a cult member is a lot more fun than being a cult leader, so i'd tell y'all to take the chance and join in while you're at it.
good luck OP you cutie patootie
Tell your experience.
introduced to it by some friend i met at a languages exchange bar event in indiana, afteroffice thingie. we go to the meeting in some guy’s basement. there’s like 10 people, all wearing Hawaiian shirts, no robes, no chanting, just a bunch of dudes cooking burgers in a small electric oven
everyone’s super chill, they start talking about “peeling back the layers” of reality or some deep shit. they offer me free burgers, so i stay for the food, listen to them ramble on about how onions are the key to unlocking the universe’s secrets
kinda half-ass listening but the burger is solid
weeks go by, I keep showing up because why not. every time, it’s just more grilling and a little bit of onion metaphors. start to feel like I’m actually enjoying this cult thing, people are nice, no one’s asking for my life savings or weird sacrifices. just grilling, chilling, free food, and occasionally talking about how existence is like an onion, and we’re all trying to peel back the truth

fast forward 6 months
somehow I’ve become the guy who brings the onions to every meeting
they start calling me “The Peeler”
the burgers are still free so i dont mind it
even made me a custom Hawaiian shirt with an onion logo on it, feel weirdly proud of that
start noticing the layers talk is actually kind of making sense
reality is kinda like an onion, man

one day, the great onion tells us he’s figured it out. says he’s peeled the final layer
he shows up with this massive onion, like the size of a basketball
we all gather around as he slices it open
nothing inside but more onion. everything smells like onions for days after, burger smell is gone
after a while, people start showing up less and less and sometimes the great onion just isn't even there
guy killed himself a while after that

tl;dr: joined an onion-themed cult, made some good friends i never spoke to again, learned the truth of the universe from healthy veggies you could stirfry, free food and a cool shirt, 10/10 would recommend
never knew you could just start your own cult
I laughed.
I will not be your vassal I belong to Overlord Laharl
go to bed Etna
everyone in this thread is a stupid nigger because this is some edgy 15 year old reddit atheist. this post, at its core is asking for lackeys. but still dni this nigger
this. so much this.
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>My name is- ACKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!
oskar dirlewanger won btw
I liked taking to you it’s a shame we couldn’t work it out
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Ahriman beware
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We meet again…
I’m not interested in any servitude but you gave me good advice
Yzilma my nutz and sogmara my cock
So why exactly did you remove me
Gayest thread I've seen today. You have no real plan nor the fortitude to stick to one if you did. You're a cringe larper with no realistic ambitions and your project will be dropped most likely in a matter of hours, MAYBE days. You ccoked this up because your life sucks and you're a nobody who got inspired by a haphazard cocktail of anime villains and some antinomian philosophical elements which you probably got from YouTube videos because if you had the patience and intelligence to read it from source material (Nietzsche, Bataille, Machiavelli, Crowley, etc.) you would be integrating much more mature and nuanced ideals than the teenage Colombine killer dribble you're espousing here.

You probably live with your mom, have little self-control or discipline due to easy access to resources for basic needs and entertainment and no responsibilities that are meaningful or severe enough to give your life purpose. You think you're better than other people because you are isolated and undesirable and are therefore unable to empathize with them enough to consider their struggles, strengths, and weaknesses with any depth, which makes you unaware of your inferiority in comparison. You idolize the archetype of the villain and, with typical immature self-ignorance, simply assume you embody their greatest qualities because that's what your fragile ego needs to believe in order for you to cope with the weight of the sheer insignificance of your existence even relative to the common people whom you despise due to a mix of alienation, rejection, and basic mimicry of those whom you hold in high regard.

I know this because it's glaringly obvious when you've seen it before countless times on a website full of people just like you, which means that even in the extreme case of your contemptible, pathetic, dysfunctional nature, you are not unique. Your life will yield no significant accomplishments and your death will go unnoticed. Meaningless suffering will define your entire life.
Then end your life.
I don’t give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either… I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Welcome to hell, population: you
Yeah, see you on your next "cause" in like three days. That one will make you look like an even bigger pussy, I'm sure. I'm gonna go fuck my girlfriend in the ass and then go to bed.
He just wants to give the appearance of being unconcerned with criticism and laser focused on his non-existent "cause". He took the time to read mine but saw yours and just repeated himself to further reinforce the gimmick. Plus yours is a copypasta.
Your communication hella sucks.
Leader lol. Keep walking till your cankles bleed.
No clarity. Beating around the bush head ass.
Tell me when to stop shredding cheese on your word salad.
Go turn tricks.
Get a yoyo and attend a pep rally walk the dog.
Just finishing my meal, but good to see you're invested even when you pretend not to be. Since I'm not a potential candidate you shouldn't even be talking to me. Distracts from your "cause".
Should have got toe tagged by Peter pan for growing old, because that goes against his cause.
You only watch men's tennis to hear them grunt.
If cum was concrete you'd have a highway down your throat and a parking lot in your ass
You can build a million bridges and suck one cock and you'll always be known as a cock sucker
You suck dick for bus fair then walk home
You're gayer than 9 dudes blowing 10 dudes
When you argue with your boyfriend you tell him he's acting straight right now
You told Ms Jackson you're not sorry
You got in a shoving match with one of your two dad's because he said you're not his type when you asked why he wouldn't rape you
You dance next to the rat at your birthday parties at chucky cheese
You practice the Heimlich maneuver on your neighbors son Who has scoliosis
You have more "I was the first too" than soulja boi, but they're gay activities.
You were going to recruit and lead a militia, although you retreat this easy. Oh ok lol brb
I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
You'll never reach it
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I, I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down, but
No, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments, that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I gotta be strong
Just keep pushing on, 'cause
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes you're gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
Yeah, yeah
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep your faith, keep your faith
Didn't read....
You ate all 3 bears porridge
And put papa bears underwear under your chin to fold em
Hear that lonesome whippoorwill
He sounds too blue to fly
The midnight train is whining low
I'm so lonesome, I could cry
I've never seen a night so long
And time goes crawling by
The moon just went behind the clouds
To hide its face and cry
Did you ever see a robin weep
When leaves begin to die?
Like me, he's lost the will to live
I'm so lonesome, I could cry
The silence of a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome, I could cry
That's a good one
It's a lonesome song, ain't it?
Ain't that lonesome, woo
Now you can't get any much lonesome right, can you?
Want to whip a will so lonesome it can't fly
He done got lonesome, man
He needs some company, bad
You see your reflection in a mirror and try to recruit yourself
You put your own picture away squatted and cried today
You can flirt with underage men in pig Latin
You ghost write for the first deaf rapper.
The deaf rapper told you "if that ain't love then I don't know what love is"
Your favorite album cover is the nirvana one with the baby penis showing
You told David bowie you're the man who sold the world
Your dad's got together and told you "time Flys when you're a fag"
Man, that was one hell of wet anal fuckfest I'll tell ya.

Anyway, just came back to point out that you're still in this thread doing useless back and forth banter like a child instead of pursuing your cause that never existed. K, going back for round 2. Wish me a nice big CUM.
The country music industry blames you for Chester Benningtons suicide
I'm done with you, it doesn't even matter.
Why did you ghost me
Oh cool a Xavier thread. I was sort of surprised to come into here on a whim and instantly see a handle I recognised. Anyhow I'm sort of retarded so I'd not pass the psych exam consistently even if I were inclined to do something like participate. Best of luck on your endeavours, while they might not be objectively "good" from a moral perspective, they're at least interesting from an observer's standpoint which is more than I can say for a lot of things.
Accept my request please
If you're going to dedicate your life to imaginary bullshit, you might as well make sure it's badass imaginary bullshit
LARPs used to be believable.
oh look another tranny retard trying to start a cult......... how original
No, you're foolish.
Mysterious ahh
i delete my accounts too often
Why do you hate me
Lol what no pussy does to a nigga
>being foreveralone
>sitting on your rotting ass waiting for people to respond so you can go back and forth as the highlight of your day
It's not out of pity that I give you what you want, but out of contempt. I'm thinking about using your name in new threads and then acting like you just to fuck with you.
Gonna have to shove the largest possible dildo up my ass to prepare for the role, but alright.
Careful what you wish for.
My name, actually. And it takes two seconds to change the name field. And the options field, come to think of it.
I have been posting here for a very long time. You will have to be more clever if you wish to steal my identity.
I am also Yzilma.
i dont like this post
that's just not true
I suck dicks.
why'd you block me man i just wanted to tell u about the soulnet.
Yzilma what are you doing here?!
Okay Yzilma I admit you destroyed them here kek
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>Brevity is a virtue.
You’re a strange one.
GLADLY! so snet is like this big pink guy that comes and tells me what to paint and stuff and he’s pretty cool. he’s actually like trying really hard to drown the serpent that wants to devour the world right now he’s really trying his best. last week he told me to draw some random guy i never met before and I think snet rlly liked my painting :) so yea he’s pretty cool.
>f you had the patience and intelligence to read it from source material (Nietzsche, Bataille, Machiavelli, Crowley, etc.)
All of these guys would've hated each other. Machiavelli has fucking nothing to do with any of the others, what are you on about?
No, seriously. The only thing they could remotely have in common is that they make christcucks who don't read them anyway mad.
>Nietzsche: entire program around creating a new set of values for a better, healthier, more powerful post-human society, strength and virtue, pro-aristocrat anti-communist
>Bataille: "everything is about waste and the more you waste the better it is," LARP cult leader, failed to get his head chopped off, leninist and somehow still Nietzsche fanclub leader
>Machiavelli: literally only wrote the one book on realpolitik at the time but retards think to this day he was an anime villain, had no interest in talking about philosophy or religion
>Crowley: do drugs and yoga to reach enlightenment, open and proud pedophile, british spy, indiaboo
He's still cucked in that his whole motivation is that he looks at the obvious conclusion that is nihilism and goes "2 scawwy me no like :(" then has to justify the whole thing by inventing something that isn't the Jew god but acts as the same central concept. It's very funny to see him both complain about hebrews and anti-semites.
Is the point of this exercise to inconvenience your stalkers?
Always deflecting.
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Dudes insane
did you read what I wrote about the snet
snet says you are soulless
He doesn't like nihilism because it leads people to become uninspired, pessimistic losers who live for no purpose other than mere survival. If you had encountered his concept of the "Last Man", you would know this, but you don't actually read Nietzsche. Nihilism is why this board is filled with fat losers asking women they will never meet to berate them about their disgusting bodies so they can goon and then cry themselves to sleep with their Sonic body pillow.

The Overman is nothing like God, who is rooted in a transcendent "beyond world" that doesn't exist. The Overman is rooted in this world, which does exist, as someone who embodies self-overcoming and perpetual growth towards greater and greater excellence. He doesn't issue moral dictates like God, but facilitates the creation of new values so that the world does not pass the event horizon into becoming nothing but pathetic bitch men who create nothing and live for nothing. Your understanding of Nietzsche is typical and reflective of the Last Man.
Bataille was inspired by Nietzsche, and Nietzsche praised Machiavelli. Crowley is his own case. You have the most surface-level understanding of Batialle I've ever seen.

For Bataille, waste is means to turn base things into sacred things by destroying them. His notion of the sacred is about solidifying the value of something by removing it from accessibility. By formulating the sacred in this way, he offers a meaning to death and thus to life. Life becomes not a passive existence in which resources are hoarded until you can't hoard them anymore, but an active existence in which excess energy is expended without consideration for loss. This embraces the Nietzschean ideal of the "noble" as that which is unconditionally generous due to sheer power and abundance, like the sun.

Which Bataille also mentions often. He calls thd sun the "solar anus", because it endlessly wastes solar energy. He uses these disgusting words to transgress the common boundary around cleaning up our language and ignoring the foul, which he sees as just as integral to our existence as the clean. Ever though of Jesus taking a shit? Most shy away from that because it's "disrespectful", but it actually forces us to consider what it means to be God as man. Christ's condescension for our sake, lower himself to our level. Though Batialle was certainly not a Christian, the point is that there is value im facing the grotesque.

You don't read Bataille, so you wouldn't know any of this.
I did not address you.
Does not matter. I'm gonna go back to posting fag shit in other threads now.
>Bataille was inspired by Nietzsche,
So much so that he had to bend over backwards to convince his Marxist-Leninist butt-buddies that Nietzsche wasn't a fascist and didn't stop for a second to think that Nietzsche explicitly hated communists like him.

>For Bataille, waste is means to turn base things into sacred things by destroying them.
Nigger I don't care about any of the sovereign expenditure meme and whatever he's got to say about tigers and sex, the entirety of Accursed Share is him trying to be edgy and tell other Marxoids that they're wrong for being obsessed with utilitarianism, and then he does utilitarianism in reverse by going "life exists to maximise waste so you gotta do that because you can't keep accumulating anyway." You literally said the same thing and tried to pass it off like it's worth shit, kek.
>noooo anon you can't accept nihilism!! think of muh heckin purposerino!!
Reminder that Nietzsche went on his autistic, syphilis-induced fanfiction career literally because he could not think of any other way to cope now that the world doesn't have an Highest Concept like the kike on a stick, and he got so scared that he had to come up with his own midwit Highest Concept as a replacement.

Modernity can't get done stomping out this sort of gay LARP fast enough. It's embarrassing that anyone turns to this because they can't face the facts.
Nietzsche wasn't a fascist because he hated any form of collectivism that stifled the ability of greater men to excel on their own terms. You seem incapable of thinking beyond binaries yourself, so I'm sure you'd fit right in with the Nazis. Nietzsche did hate the proto-Communism he saw in his time for the same reason, but adding onto that the fact that Communism embraces the same slave morality as Christianity, placing the weak and oppressed above any aristocracy. Was Bataille like that? Oh, no he wasn't - but it doesn't matter for shit because Nietzsche despises blind followers who refuse to go their own course more than any Communist with an authentic and original outlook, which Bataille obviously had. Would Neitzsche have liked Bataille? I think he would have seen good and bad in him, while your inability to do the same when engaging in "critique" shows how uncreative and resentful you are.

>You literally said the same thing and tried to pass it off like it's worth shit, kek.
No, I just explained his idea correctly, as you just noted, while you grazed it incorrectly.

If you want to embrace nihilism, then by all means become a vegetable. Nietzsche himself pointed out the creative potential of embracing a form of "active nihilism", a means by which one tears down conventional beliefs and values in order to make way for new ones. It looks like you have embraced the kind of pessimism that derives from being incapable of loving anything in existence, so it's no mystery why the notion of a higher ideal to replace meaning in meaning's absence doesn't resonate with you. I think you're on a course to live a miserable existence, believing yourself to be enlightened because you don't have to risk uncertainty by committing to anything, because it's obviously all bullshit and you're above it all.
Around you, you mean ;)
>I think he would have seen good and bad in him, while your inability to do the same when engaging in "critique"

Please, tell me more about the merits of a man whose crowning achievements were trying and failing to get killed by the rest of his wannabe cultist friends, inspiring the world's most famous French pedophile, and writing watersports loli porn. You seem to think it's very impressive that he wrote down reams of pages on "what if the point of making things is expending them," "what if utilitarianism bad and religion good," and "what if sex boring and foreplay hot." The only reason you feel so compelled to write gay fanfiction about him and Nietzsche being boyfriends is that you want to pretend either of them really were all that.

>It looks like you have embraced the kind of pessimism that derives from being incapable of loving anything in existence
I love your mother every night, she wears a lacy red thong for me. Seriously, I'll never understand why everyone shilling for this "muh higher meaning" meme needs to cope by calling everyone else a pessimist. The only reason you think it's pessimistic is that you need this boring crutch of a "higher ideal" or "meaning" not to go on a benzo binge and cry to your ex.
>Please, tell me more about the merits
You're already wrong, since I'm not praising him at all. Again, I'm just giving some depth to what you assume is superficial and shallow. What have you written? Or created?
>The only reason you feel so compelled to write gay fanfiction about him and Nietzsche being boyfriends is that you want to pretend either of them really were all that.
No, since Bataille lived after Nietzsche was dead. And what compelled me to mention that Bataille was inspired by Nietzsche, besides that being explicitly stated by him, is that you claimed that the people I listed would all hate each other. If Bataille hated Nietzsche, or Nietzsche hated Machiavelli, they sure had funny was of showing it.

>Seriously, I'll never understand why everyone shilling for this "muh higher meaning" meme needs to cope by calling everyone else a pessimist.
I called you a pessimist because all you do is criticize. Tell me one thing you genuinely value more than preserving your existence and I'll engage with you about that instead. If you live your life thinking that any attempt at striving for something greater is a cope, then what do I call you? A cynic? Are you like a dime store Diogenes who hates all talk of virtue but doesn't even have the courage to jerk off in the street?
>The only reason you think it's pessimistic is that you need this boring crutch of a "higher ideal" or "meaning" not to go on a benzo binge and cry to your ex.
I need a sense of higher meaning so I don't become a boring, passive loser who can do nothing but reject things. Luckily, I don't have to lean on an "Overman" to have that, since I find it in the things I love by virtue of my nature. What do you love besides my mom's pretty red thong?
>I'm not praising him at all. Again, I'm just giving some depth to what you assume is superficial and shallow.
Coming in to argue that no, you really should take Bataille seriously when he tells you that consumption is sacred and connects you with the world is praise. Not having written three whole volumes of a complaint about utilitarianism that could've been boiled down to "we had kangz and shit because it was wasteful and therefore divine" would've been a higher achievement for him.

>If Bataille hated Nietzsche, or Nietzsche hated Machiavelli, they sure had funny was of showing it.
Putting them all together as part of an imaginary antinomian tradition when
>Machiavelli had nothing to do with the pseudo-mystical rambling of any of the three and only wrote about practical politics
>Nietzsche outright hated everything about Bataille's politics and describes everything about Crowley other than the yoga when talking about the Last Man
>Bataille rejects everything that wants to be reasoned, practical or utilitarian (i.e. Machiavelli) and insisted on the proletarian vanguard meme whenever he stopped to talk about philosophy, which if implemented would've put Crowley on a pike
is insane. You could not put these four people in a room together, let alone make up a philosophical tradition out of them. If you wanted to call Xavier's bit here a gay little LARP trying to be edgy you could've just done that.

>Tell me one thing you genuinely value more than preserving your existence and I'll engage with you about that instead. If you live your life thinking that any attempt at striving for something greater is a cope, then what do I call you? A cynic?
You are getting yourself caught up here again. You cannot imagine a life where your individual will and your passions are incompatible with the very idea of something above yourself, so it's either "subordinate myself to some concept" or "stay home and jerk off."
>Coming in to argue that no, you really should take Bataille seriously when he tells you that consumption is sacred and connects you with the world is praise.
Did I argue that you should take him seriously? Or did I just demand a little more accuracy and nuance? If you're going to address him, doing so by butchering his notion of waste and condensing him into a caricature invites correction from anyone who at least values his novelty. Now I'm giving him praise - what I like about Bataille is willingness to push transgression for its own sake. I suspect you'll take that for an admission that I seek to do as he did if I don't qualify my statement by saying that even if the man was a disturbed tryhard, his philosophy opened creative avenues for others. Transgression does that - it erodes barriers. What I'm doing here is focusing on something I like and ignoring what I don't; what you do is NOTHING but criticize, and I have already voiced my suspicion that that is all you are capable of doing.
>Putting them all together as part of an imaginary antinomian tradition when
They are all antinomian in their own way, yes. When addressing someone I consider to be a child (OP), the context for my grouping is clear: OP takes scattered fragments of villany and recklessly coheres them into a Frankenstein monster that gives shape to his ideal of the villain. I also grouped in anime villains - are you going to claim that I think Nietzsche and Light Yagami would be in perfect agreement? I think Nietzsche would have killed Bataille if he had to live with him, but from a distance the man could even find good things to say about St. Paul: he was capable of meaning-making and clever enough to reverse the ancient values. He had good things to say about Plato, Socrates, Voltaire, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and even Wagner, and late into his writing. He would have had contempt for Bataille's baseness while elevating his will to explore darkness with philosophical clarity.
>You are getting yourself caught up here again. You cannot imagine a life where your individual will and your passions are incompatible with the very idea of something above yourself, so it's either "subordinate myself to some concept" or "stay home and jerk off."
First of all, I'm still waiting for you to honor something. Anything.

Second, if you're going to engage with me at length like this and you think I'm missing something important, then we'd both be better off if you actually made a case for something instead of insinuating that I'm naive while offering me no reason to believe you. Can I fathom the possibility that my individual will is incompatible with the very idea of something above myself? Sure. Wow, that was really something. What would you propose is a more acceptable thing to do by your standards? Or do I have to try to make your case for you to myself to glean any insight from what you're saying?

If you don't find breaking down conventions to make room for the flourishing of more authentic values to be elevating, then we disagree on what "above yourself" means. If pushing oneself out of a base mode of existence to a point where you look down on your former self isn't elevating, then what is? Nothing? Make your case.
Only if you fear ridicule from others for doing so, Yzilmi.
No, you have no courage. That's why you practice ironic detachment from every engagement you're in. You engage with nothing sincerely because to do so would make you exposed, and you know that if you were exposed you would crushed under the weight of your insecurity.
Post dumper, I only join big dumper cults
Seriously, can you say one meaningful thing? If it's another laugh or a "pat pat" then fine, I know where you stand. But I invite you to share one idea that means something to you. Are you capable of sincerity?
Straight busta
Nice time stamp darkie
Much more than I was expecting. Okay.
That's not me.
Your win condition is to facilitate a "flame" of entertainment that never dies. This is brought to fruition by getting the lasting attention of someone.

Your victory can't be confirmed, because it requires an indefinite duration. A win condition should have a clear endpoint, otherwise you can never know if you've won.
Every instance of enjoyment is a win. How noble of you.

I, for one, take great pleasure in your attempts to imitate me. Each time you use my name, you create an opportunity to confound others. This is a win-win.
>We isolate the deviants such as the coomers and the women
I could not agree more. Let the gooners and the BPDemons poison each other while we speak. They are a match made in Hell.
>describes everything about Crowley other than the yoga when talking about the Last Man

"for me a human being is a pleasant, brave, inventive animal which has no equal on earth; it finds the right path even in every labyrinth. I like him: I often reflect how I could bring him further forwards and make him stronger, more evil, and more profound than he is." - "Stronger, more evil, and more profound?" I asked shocked. "Yes," he said once more, "stronger, more evil, and more profound, also more beautiful" - The Genius of The Heart

"I love those who do not know how to live, except by going under, for they are those who cross over."
"I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves.
"Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star. Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man."
"No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.
'Formerly, all the world was mad,' say the most refined, and they blink..."

Crowley was not the Last Man, because he was a chaotic, "evil", experimental, transgressive piece of shit who is widely regarded as insane by people who would not have the inclination, courage, or energy to engage in the same type of filth, let alone the same level. The Last Man is a nobody - Crowley was less contemptible somebody. You DO NOT know what you're talking about.
Sounds like something straight out of Zarathustra. I've talked to several of them, even hooked up with one before. It's not worthy of being called a madhouse - this place contains mostly corpses.

Now I just go about and fucking roast, not only for my amusement, but with the hope of inspiring someone, anyone on here, to live differently. Because if I can inspire someone on /soc/, I can inspire anyone.
>You definitely have inspired me to read more on philosophy and psychology that is for sure.

No, you have life in you. To be a god, I'll have to inspire someone like that fat, hairy fucking goonlord who wants women to call him fat and ugly so he can coom. So maybe not "anyone". I need to bring the dead back to life.
I call that the Earth.
Ah, a fellow Tarot enjoyer.
A woman says "what is a star?"
And blinks.
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Thank you fake yzilma for being funny. I laugh every time I see you interact with real yzilma.
Want to bet?
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Notice to all anons: Indulging loons that post threads like this is how you get your information stolen, or worse! Avoid anyone that speaks like this, use your head and be safe.
I’m obsessed
Welcome to the mental illness club. Still haven't found a cure.
There are other Yzilmas too. I think we're up to 4 total, but only 3 are committed.
Tell me you're a pedophile without telling me you're a pedophile.
Honestly who falls for this crap lol.
He's actually a cougar-chaser.
I have been known to date above my age from time to time.
Interesting that you didn't deny it this time. But to answer your question, I remember you posting about ERPing with middle-aged women on /vg/.
The autistic Hrothgar?
Wow. I didn't expect that to be honest 0_0
Is it a femra? I remember you being sought after by femras.
Yes, I'm deeply unwell and mentally ill. I hope I'm not bothering you.
how do I get hags in FFXIV? I played awhile ago not knowing this was an option
>Some of us just make sure the others are in tune by being around.
fancy way to say you contribute nothing and think you have a right to say how things are done, filthly kike
not as funny as adding an extra L to filthy
didnt address my point either, loser parasite
Did you just rip on your own post for a typo by accident?
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kys nigger
Mentally ill thread
For you? Heaven's Gate.
also, you sound like this annoying redditor i knew in high school who worshipped the shit out of old elon musk
you literally stole this rhetoric from Serial Experiments Lain
if theres something i can praise you for, at least you killed one of the many gooner threads
No, thanks. I'll go play Cult of the Lamb and engage in orgies during swingers parties instead.
Hey there! 24M Gay submissive male, looking for any groups or cults that are looking for sexual submissives!

About me: 24M Northeast U.S., 5’7, white, thicc but losing weight. Grad student, works in banking, interested in politics, sports, history, baking, philosophy, sexuality, sociology, economics/finance, and more. Open to long-term and eventual meetups.

Interests - Politics (U.S. Democrat), Gaming, Music (Radiohead, Ye, Emo/Folk/Indie, really anything desu), Sexuality and Kink, Philosophy, Economics/Finance

Kik - UsualSuspekkt

Discord - YourDeepRest
how can I contact this person

add me add me
discord is staticdeer
It's all so pretentious...
omg that’s me! I sent u a friend request!
Post your armpits and I'll be your bitch until the day you kick me to the curb.
>He actually did it
Arf arf.
Fucking wacko
Kill yourself
I contacted the OP and he just kept trying to get me to buy hormone pills from India.
That's too fucking funny, post screenshots.
You are so bad at running a cult, I want to pity you, but I can't because your goal is to abuse young people who don't know better. I never thought I'd see the day I'm in support of the FBI, but I suppose each dog has his day.
Not very creative.
Fucking jeets man
I am hoping for a screenshot...
Go to this thread to learn more about this freak.
Surprised this thread survived so long
the horns look like poop
Quite the imaginative mind.
Okay Rakesh
Not bad.
faggot nigger tranny
Not very creative.
i was testing to see if the conspiracy theory about 3 slur responses was true, the post was unrelated
I see.
Spoonfeed me what is it?
I don’t trust you.
Don't be like that.
Add me
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Care to explain the man entering my storytime to ask about nonsense.
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No idea, some muttmerican chicana femcel that posts her tits was having an argument with self-insert fags or something idk.
Your copycat vanished as well were they one of your exes or something?
Well I trust you for now, thankfully I prepared this thread for when /jjk/ ends to not dilute my /CdF/ thread. The copycat I assumed died off when /jjk/ died off. My exes don't really use 4chan, so I would have zero idea about who they are. /vg/ is a place riddled with turmoil, I wouldn't expect any of them to go there if they were to use the site anyhow.

What did C-Yzilma even get up to in /gig/?
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Not a lot honestly, he joined in with the ship slinging you wouldn't get it if I described it, just imagine the /jjk/ ship wars but aimed at pissing off male self-insertfags

>What did C-Yzilma even get up to in /gig/?
Not a lot honestly besides triggering the schizocord to use your name with trips and pretend to be him(You?) with posts like "I love trans axe wounds" and other shit, he mostly just did ship trolling and innocuous replies to people with build advice. /gig/ is super easy to trigger though he did make 3 people start trip posting for a couple of days until they got bored I'd assume.
Sorry for double speech I'm on benzos rn lol
I see, that's pretty creative, there were a few Yzilmi that did it here. I have some watchers wherever I go as well, but to take it and make a villain on a /vg/ thread is quite something. Good for him. I imagine it must be more fragile than /xivg/ if anything.
>I imagine it must be more fragile than /xivg/ if anything.
LMAOOO you have no fucking idea man, I'd imagine half the people on there are legit 18 at the youngest and 22 at the oldest despite the larps.
Thread spergs out over everything, but mostly because of the females in there I'm pretty sure, seems like they came from that fujo site too the crazy one that hates men.
Either that or trannies I'd assume.

It's like breathing in /v/s gastric farts filtered through autism. Anyway lmk if I'm shitting up ur poon hunting thread, I don't wanna fuck w your shit.
>Anyway lmk if I'm shitting up ur poon hunting thread, I don't wanna fuck w your shit.
You're not. This is just a nexus of me to me if anything. I made this thread to piss off the countless coomer threads by keeping it alive.
>I made this thread to piss off the countless coomer threads by keeping it alive.
It bumps one thread off countlessly, takes up space and it isolates the egirls and chasers from entering.
Awake, bump
Yes I am here. Been busy in this thread; >>33498884
And it's dead. I won.
Based, is /soc/ usually this fucking braindamaged?
Oh it is. My nude collection from girls I talked to from here is like reaching 35GB
im bored and i just found this. im new to 4 chan lol . idk how to work this, i feel like an old man trying to work a phone. do i put your name like Yzilma??? this captcha thing is sooo hard omggggggg >>33407869
You must be at least 18 years old to post on 4chan.
Yzilma is the name, but you might be underaged.
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Just so we can remember one another.
You’re such a fucking cunt
For Faux Yzilma, there are 27 pages and counting of your nonsense.

Can someone please explain what the fuck this is? I’m intrigued but only get on this fucking site when I’m waiting to get off shift so I’m unfamiliar with the culture.
Dude, fuck off, ignore it, you don't even need it.
Why should I? No one has responded to you in a minute not like you got shit better to do.
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Not worth your time, move along.
It's beyond you
Somewhat in character.
And you're the judge of that?
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Yeah, but you can be to.
Tempting. But it's time for bed. Goodnight, Yzilma.
Goodnight Yzilmi.
have you considered getting a hobby? this post alone makes you seem like a huge loser, man
Manipulating women is my hobby anon.
Can women join the cult too?
Thank you.
This your soundcloud homie?

I forgot that is. I love that song.

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