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>with all respect we are not Scotland. If Germany try to press us like that, they will be exposed.
12 replies omitted. Click here to view.
You're right. You're way clear. We stand no chance.
I know

No way I didn’t know he had it in him
I forgot this guy is still the coach: hahahhahahahahahhhahahaha
The fucking balls on this man

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>Spain vs Croatia
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>13 to 16 hours actually
Are you 5?
>Spain 70% ball possession, 2500 passes, two shots on goal.
>Croatia wins 1-0
Screen cap this.
>81’ Poodri (OG)
Yeah its gonna be boring. Two piss attacking teams, however the defences are suspect so it could end in any way

previous thread killed by w/e soccer thing is happening right now

6/16: Stallions vs. Brahmas - 5:00 ET, FOX

previous: >>141339211
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lmfao. was he gonna be the halftime act regardless of the results of the XFL conference championship game?
I assume so. They were never getting like Nelly or something like that.
thanks for keeping the thread alive anon
What a bitch move
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what the fuck? i didnt realize the league itself could veto roster transactions

She represents civilization.
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Have you not seen the webm

No I don't, please explain.
overrated meme chucker
doesnt play winning basketball
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Why do 3/4 of WNBA players look like men now?
No, post it plox mang.

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They always make an outstanding debut to shit their pants along the way. Off the top of my head, I remember
>costa rica
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didnt we lose to like japan in the opener two years ago
yes and no.
Italy is almost on the same level.
If not 2018 and last WC SHITTERS of Germany we would be numero uno no doubt.
best opening match is still WC 1990 against yugoslavia with THAT Matthäus goal
it wasn't anything special....
Kroos could never

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>euros watch 30+ games a season just to see the same 2-3 teams win
>it isn't even close half the time
man liverpool really only won the premier league once in the last 20 something years?
For me, it's Serie A 04/05 and Eredivisie 19/20 winners Faded Medpack FC

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I love how Madristas hate him as as much as Bayern fans
just like Lahm; smart enough to be retiring at the peak
>that fucking flag
Barcelona, Buyern
Both infected by that mind disease that is Guardiolism
Kroos is a Madrid player and there is a Madrid poster on here that doesnt like him

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is Germany back?
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I live in germany for 5 years and still don't understand 50% of what's said fuck your language retards change it to english
he's good wtf u talking about
for mario the last beer was two too many
I'm Georgian visiting deutschkek fuck marios we have better beer back home too.
>t drunk on prime georgian wine
Joshua is full of soul he puts everything in games he has a very good pass and always fights on balls stop hating on him
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I can't wait to show you what we've been preparing in the background
Nice touch with the Arabic on the blimp.

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>The World Cup is more difficult than the Euro because there are countries like Chile

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It was on ESPN Argentina
>Chileans have to watch Argentinean ESPN
kek what a cuckold bitch
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Croatia is going nowhere, btw
group exit quite possible
Old man living in the past nothing new

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>international break edition
>we're so back subedition
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I just want Ungar to do well :D
I think they will
Why? What makes you so knowledgeable?
My hate for Rüdiger burns hotter than a thousand suns
thank you for your service mate.

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ggs germany :)
We are too shit sorry jockbro
Sorry mate I just saw the highlights and I didn't even want to watch it, love Scotland and the scots
Based Appalachian hillbilly

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Are the defenders in soccer just guys who weren't good enough to be forwards?

inb4 someone tries to tell me it's called "football." The British literally have a show called Soccer Saturday and have been playing a joke on us this whole time.
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Taller slower guys go on defense. Not reactive enough for goalie either.
>Are the defenders in soccer just guys who weren't good enough to be forwards?
Defending is harder you know that? Messi wouldn't even be able to defend against a severe crippled wheelchaired children from the jungle
i cant explain it to someone who never played football
i was a forward, i wasnt a forward because i was better than the defenders, i was good at my job and they were good at theirs
That used to be the case but not so much now. Defenders often start out as forwards as youngsters but get turned into defenders if they show some aptitude and are physical enough.

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>be white college girl accusing black athlete of rape
>no evidence at all
>dna results come back as pic related
>not only does everyone know you’re a liar, they now know you are also a whore
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Girl power!!! False accusations are a woman’s right!!
poor physical, and mental, hygiene.
Based men's rights advocate LeGod
Gang rape
High estrogen behavior desu mangs

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