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I thought he was the next big le prospect? what happened?

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Why cant they ever win? What are the odds that 20% of the league teams win nothing for 30 years?
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tax breaks

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How many ghosting games?
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Players in those teams are considered all-time greats because they won the World Cup, they didn't win just because they were all-time greats. If England won the World Cup during that same timeframe, those English players would be put in the same bracket as the stars of those teams.
Not really, they are just overhyped memesters, plenty of legendary teams and players never won a WC like Bergkamp or Baggio and no one questions they are legends. Slippy G or Lampard are not even better than prime Marcos Senna, so if anything they are rated way higher than they should
>literally every game the players are completely stifled, no risky passing, no taking shots, play for set pieces
8 years, a completely new set of elite players and you STILL now blame the players after all of this
>Michael Owen wasn't world class
They really let the lunatics on the asylum computers, huh
The PL wasn't even a top 3 in his only good season. Once he moved to a real league he got exposed as a fraud

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I am also from Slavonia, but I do not have Bosnian origins. I have that look (I'm fair-skinned, blue eyes, light brown hair)
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are you all of peasant background ?
How would you know mr 56%

>board full of euros threads
>zero hype for this
what went wrong? I thought this was a Ballon d'Or worthy competition
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>zero hype for India vs Pakistan cricket world cup match
>there was more hype for India football world cup qualifier match vs qatar
Cricket bros....I dont feel so good
the first match will be in 6 days
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i'm hyped
we (Paraguay) are finally bringing it home
Why would they even care about the euros? Its literally:

>Oh my team composed by mohammed abdul, tyron saka and susuku mululi is better than your wonder kids kolal moukuku and jamal Odembele
they're 13 years old
same as the rest of this website

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I will stay, adopt the board's culture and pretend like I've always been here.Thank you very much.
Fuck jannies btw
Bumping highly relevant OP
>Fuck jannies btw
That's a good start
Highly suspicious OP. I have been accused of being a int tard these days for saying that turkey is not europe and turks including their diaspora will never be european (objective facts)

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>Gareth Southgate will not be naming any substitutes against Serbia. Instead, he will list 13 outfield “finishers”

Yeah pack it up lads might as well come home now.

What does that even MEAN.
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To be fair those England squad is full of manchildren, it's like only Maguire, Pickford, and maybe Palmer the only one with a STRONGMIND.
So where does outfield finishers lie on the euphemism list? Above aspiring doctors or below urban youths of peace?
Southgate forgets he has a subs bench until the 85th minute in every game anyway, so they may as well not be there.
Garuff needs a finisher really
He's just trying to convert his uber racist daughter but nothing has worked so far.

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Has Steph Curry irreversibly changed the NBA?

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America beats Brazil 1-1

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Well fortunately it was a friendly
Beat England 0-0 at the world cup
Beat Brazil 1-1
We are fucking unstoppable
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Bruh, most of our chances were shots from distance. I think we had like maybe 3 solid chances in their box at best.
BJ could be leaving

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Welcome to Flamengo
Gabagool shirt
>tfw no flamenguista gf (male)
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I got an erection here.

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Previous: >>141541311

>June 15th Sky Sports UK Peacock USA
Chris Billam-Smith vs. Richard Riakporhe
Michal Cieslak vs. Isaac Chamberlain

>June 15th Amazon Prime PPV
Gervonta Davis vs. Frank Martin
David Benavidez vs. Oleksandr Gvozdyk
Gary Antuanne Russell vs. Alberto Puello
Carlos Adames vs. Terell Gausha

>June 15th DAZN
Subriel Matias vs. Liam Paro

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Fury, Ball, Davies, Chamberlain, Noakes, Cacace, Wood, Billam-Smith, Catterall, Taylor, Dalton Smith, Collins, Hutchinson, Cordina.
>they think Jack Catterall is good
Unlike you Amerimutts we take pride in are own, we don’t like being a big melting pot but will sometimes boy foreigner fighters if they’re charismatic enough
Although I have shit talked the yanks a lot I will give some respect to their “thug” style of boxing which in the lower weight classes developed an extremely slick style of movement and in the higher weight classes a brutish assault like style that upset and beat many more traditional European styles
> Even the latest generation of black boxers like Tank, Shakur and Haney are such fucking divas,
Those guys have been carried by top trainers since they were kids, they give most of the 'thinking' part to the trainers, and they also hire people to do the logistics.

> I do find the lack of white American boxers a bit strange though.
Blacks in the USA have a hundred years of boxing knowledge that is passed through trainers via years of training. And those sage trainers can only pick a handful of students to start another era.

A white guy's chance in the USA is to wish for a genius, unselfish father who is obsessed with boxing to train them for years; boxers like Calzaghe or Lomachenko, for example.

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Isn't weird that the only two American teams named after numbers, both of them equal 13
>Philadelphia 76ers
>San Francisco 49ers

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Dumb frogposter
13 is prime
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also if you take away 49 from 76 you get 13. what is going on?

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I'm rooting for Mexico.
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>Johnny Depp
Meant for
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>one white guy is all needed to a NT be considered white

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He will make soccer relevant in america
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no but I laugh at you because you are poor and brown
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we already won 2
They always have to use the attendance argument against indoor arena sports because they know deep down that any cultural relevance evaporates immediately outside the stadium walls besides in three of the most retardedly leftist cities in the country
Hahahahahaha. Holy fucking shit. The absolute state of cope. You and your parents need to go back.
germany doesn't accept white people anymore

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