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Houston and Auburn getting millions more LEDs to blast in fan faces
NCAA allows ads on playing surfaces and uniforms
French's Mustard denies sponsorship deal with Tennessee
Army-Navy Game now will share their day with the Cricket Celebration Bowl
Bo Jackson (RB) commits to Ohio State

previous: >>141346072
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It's June so all college sports welcome in /cfb/ General.
What’s the point of bringing it back if it’s sterile and lame? The whole point is it build the thing together. If some hourly wageslave union cuck builds it for you, it’s meaningless.
>went on campus for the first time
Good looking campus honestly. CU just barely edges it out.
>bama and oregon state just happy to be there
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What was the worst mascot artwork and why was it the Troy State Trojan helmet that looked like something a medieval knight would wear?
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The Alabama one makes sense as at the time, the University of Alabama was located next to an insane asylum where they performed lobotomies.
Fun fact: Troy was considered mythical until a German archaeologist found it back when being an archaeologist meant you traveled the world raiding temples.
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Next up: Atlantis.
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Never Again!
When I was a kid, I though poodoo was in Pennsylvania. Thanks for reading my blog.
I thought it was where chefs went to learn how to cook chicken.
Can't wait until Michigan + Ohio State leave this shit conference and bring with them all the recently added teams (with the exception of Nebraska).

Flyover country + Northwestern.
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>NCAA allows ads on playing surfaces and uniforms
Troy is ready!
Why would they want Rutgers and Maryland?
>NCAA allows
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I wore a Trojan mascot shirt to school once (different school) and I was nearly suspended
Well first I don’t think I’d ever be able to find a 60 foot bonfire sterile and lame. Second, you said it was already being built by union cuck crane operators. I don’t see a major change here.
Students felled the timber and put it together. The crane operators just did the hoisting.
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I would honestly find it hilarious if somehow no b1g or sec team made it this year and it was a b12 and acc teams only
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I don’t think it’s within the realm of possibility. The majority of those conferences would have to not be bowl eligible and those that are would have to be 6-6 or 7-5 with bad losses. This is what expansionfags hoped for.
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A&M tied oregon, Florida ran away from Clemson who knocked a single run shot, Evansville best Tennessee to force game 3, free shoes advances
what happens in event of a tie? i dont follow baseball
Extra innings until someone wins. No sudden death.
nvm, i was assuming the game was over.
how many ghost runners
None unless the Rover is still in the game, in which case there is a minimum of one ghost runner for every spook in the dugout.
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anyone have the webm/screenshot of the Vols fan thats just smiling numbly as his team is losing?
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found it
That geography gives me an erection.
Pretty cool but I’m sure there would still be a place for the students, just less than before.
Aggies don't compromise on tradition. "Well, we'll let you do some stuff that's not really important" isn't making our own bonfire. The entire thing is pointless if it's not the real thing. It's a memory now, let it rest. We don't need a globohomo sanitized version of what once was.
Not possible you dumbass.
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I dislike Texas and hope they lose all their games.
>mexico vs brazil international soccer friendly
>at college station
other instances where something like this has occurred at a college stadium?
>Auburn getting millions more LEDs to blast in fan faces
didn't /we/ get a new one less than 6 years ago?
The Rose Bowl hosted a World Cup final
There's been a bunch of friendlies at Michigan Stadium
There will be one at Ohio Stadium this summer
Those friendlies are club friendlies. Not national team friendlies. All national team friendlies in Columbus are usually hosted historically at the Old Crew Stadium or currently at the Lower.com Field. Ohio Stadium will be hosting Chelsea v Man City.
Recruiting, media markets, and tons of alums in NYC / DC area.
Is that what it means to be an Aggie?
I’m not asking you to give up your autism, just to dial it down. You’ll still be ahead of Clemson in autism.
>media markets
You nerds kill me with this shit. What does "muh TV market" matter if no one in the fucking market watches college football? Oh man the SEC added NYU. THEY GOT THAT TV MARKET BOYS WATCH OUT!
Gatekeeping is a good thing.
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>Penn State's urinal troughs are being replaced
Globohomo wins again
Did they have ice? If no, good riddance.
Must have seen a lot of rhythmic slapping over the years.
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That was the south end zone. A somewhat smaller one will be added to the north end zone to replace pic related which dates back to the 1980s.
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It used to matter since having a team in a market meant every cable and satellite subscriber had to pay a higher fee to carry your conference's channel. But cord cutting has been going on for a while now and isn't going to stop. Carriage fees are no longer relevant for expansion so going after large markets just to be in a large market is indeed fruitless if you don't have a strong fanbase in that market. Part of the reason why the Sun Belt beat out Conference USA is due to them picking fanbases over metro populations.
There are nine conferences (PAC02 doesn't qualify) and five conference championship slots. There are no autobids for specific conference champions. It's technically possible that a bunch of G5 champs could push out P4 champs for those five conference championship slots and then for all the at-large bids to go to non-P2 schools. It's never going to happen, but is technically possible for the B1G and SEC to be excluded. It's even possible for the entire P4 to be excluded because there are five G5 champions but for that to happen, somehow all of those G5 champs would have to be ranked higher than all the P4 champs and then the next seven teams in the rankings would have to all be G5 non-champions. Barring a meteor shower slamming Earth or a nuclear war, the likelihood of it happening is less than every anon in this thread getting laid by someone other than a slampig this week.
What will be the biggest upset game in the 2024 season?
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UAB will be the AAC champion and the highest ranked G5 champion. They'll play UAT in the playoff and send the elephants crying back to Tuscaloser.
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The first round of the playoff gives seeds 1-4 a bye while the rest play at the home stadium of the higher seeded team. Two of the four first round games will be played at 8pm Eastern Time. This means temperature could become a factor.
For the Big Ten, Ann Arbor and Lansing average temperatures in the mid to upper 20s at kick off time. Madison is a few degrees colder. Minnesota hasn't been a B1G champion since the 1960s. Everywhere else, including Columbus, is warmer.
For the ACC, Pitt has been champion once and is the coldest weather city in that conference with a championship The temperature typically hovers right around freezing at 8pm.
For the SEC, only Columbia averages temperatures around freezing, with Lexington being a bit warmer.
The Big XII is where temperature might actually matter, with games at Provo and Salt Lake City being in the mid 20s and Ames in the lower 20s. In Denver, it's typically in the low 30s at 8pm.
Nightmare scenario? Utah State or Wyoming end up as the Mountain West champion and highest ranked G5 champ. You don't want one of them to be seeded above you in a game because at kick off the temperatures would be in the teens.
At the other end of the spectrum, in Miami the temperature would be in the 70s at kickoff.
You have to go back.
I’ve always hated that thing. Biggest scoreboard in one endzone and that thing in the other. In 2015 I was hoping they’d replace it with the old AUHD. It just made sense.
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It looked better before they added the ads around it. It used to have leaping tigers on the upper corners and then around the border was an orange noise meter that would cause the tigers to blink above some threshold.
Pic related is the south scoreboard that existed at the same time. The north one was the same minus the video board and video camera platform. You can see one of the leaping tigers and the orange stripe around the edge that doubled as a noise meter on the scoreboards at both ends of the stadium.
The university has been sort of wishy-washy on doing anything with the north end zone for quite a while. They know the days of mass ticket sales are ending, with the home viewing experience being the prudent choice for most. They might eventually add more premium seats and skyboxes. The new scoreboard is being built to accommodate those future possibilities. Anyone dreaming of the upper decks being connected into a horseshoe will be disappointed. I'd just like to see them do something with the exterior.
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This is the only photo I can find of the north scoreboard before it was "renovated" with advertisements. GSU = Georgia Southern. We did come back and win that game but it was a sign that the end was coming for Pat Dye's coaching career.
>GSU = Georgia Southern
Always has, always will. Hail Southern, Fuck State
I’m sure this was really chic in the 80s but it looks ghetto in 2024. Like having a perfectly landscaped lawn and then you have a car sitting on cinder blocks.
They will have 5 loss sec teams ranked at the end of the year, screen cap this
There were eight teams in the final AP poll last season with four losses so a five loss team isn't all that impossible. Texas and South Carolina both finished in the top 25 in 2023 and each had five losses.
Week 1 ndst over coach primate
Week 2 app st. Over clempsus
Week 3 Tulane over chokie
Week 4 northwestern over Washington
Week 5 pooieville over domers
Week 6 ucf over Florida
Week 7 vandy over Kentucky
Week 8 TCU over Utah
Week 9 sharty over meatschigan
Week 10 u mass over piss st.
Week 11 Georgia tech over da u
Week 12 cornhusk over poosc
Week 13 auburn over faggies
Week 14 ucf over pootah
Quite possible list and 2007pilled.
Which one of these fuck ups will be the first to be fired and why will it be Billy Napier?
Day gets fired if he doesn't make the playoffs and loses to meatschigan
If he goes into the Michigan game 8-3 and leaves 8-4 he's fired on Monday
Pittman needs to make a bowl
Narduzi pry retires if he doesn't make a bowl.
Riley gets fired if worse than 7-5 with teams defense giving over 30 points a game
>If he goes into the Michigan game 8-3
It's Ohio State in the Big 10, they are not going into the Michigan game with less than a 10-1 record
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I'd like to see Day take over Cincinnati but he'd probably just go back to the pros if fired by THE.
This ain’t your dad’s B1G.
Oregon is the only game THE might lose before Michigan. I'll believe Penn State won't job to good teams when I see it. Games like Iowa and Nebraska might be trap games if they were on the road but they're in Columbus.
Truly an interesting schedule for thee ohayo st.
Purdue game is at the shoe
GAY, no meme upset kino
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Their 2024 schedule is quite literally a standard Big 10 schedule with the addition of Oregon away, which is the one game they might fuck up (but likely won't because Oregon will be overrated coming into a stronger conference as just about all situations where a school moves up conferences) before Michigan
The OOC schedule is an actual joke with zero P4 and the rest is beating up on the typical Indiana, Northwestern, Purdue.
Think these are the only cases of 'University of X' and 'X State University' being in the same FBS conference after realignment.
Michigan-Michigan State
Ole Miss-Mississippi State
Kansas-Kansas State
Arizona-Arizona State
Their OOC sucks this year because they canceled a series with Washington due to realignment. Ohio State has home and homes with Texas and Alabama scheduled for 2025-28.
University names are irrelevant. Lots of schools were named teachers college, agriculture college, or even women's college before changing names.
Michigan state was not officially Michigan state until 1964 and before 1909 "state" was not in the name.
Purdue should be Indiana state but the benefactor locked in the name way before Indiana state(Indiana state teachers college) renamed itself Indiana state.
It is weird to think many states #2 school public uni is not x state university or in Indianas case Purdue is #1 academically
It's not that uncommon
>Clemson was asked to be South Carolina State, they said no or couldn't because land gifts
>Texas A&M was asked to be Texas State, they said no because they're autistic about tradition
>Mississippi Women's University asked to change their name on their own, feminists said no
Anon's point should be that realignment is all about the two "good" state schools being in the P2, but I don't think NC State is going to get raptured.
Purdue could be Indiana State and still be disqualified since there is no University of Indiana, only Indiana University.
here's your sugar bowl MVP bro
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Nah, I was just commenting on the pattern. I'm quite aware that not all states use the same name for their land grant or normal schools. I certainly wouldn't put Kansas and Kansas State in a P2.
I still get a chuckle out of the short lived attempt by Alabama State to go by "Bama State" to try to ride on the coattails of the Crimson Tide.
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Is this the year he finally finishes a bowl game uninjured?
>ESPN: If Ohio State does not make the CFP and win against Michigan, this offseason will be considered a failure and the athletic department will receive funding cuts.
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Kirby is looking a bit chunky.
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Would you say baseball is the third biggest/most important college sport or has volleyball passed it?
Why is it not university of Indiana again
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Nebraska was a stunt. Volleyball is increasing in popularity and increases in high school participation is a good sign for the future of the sport but it still has a long way to go to catch up with college baseball. I'm not sure it's even on par with college softball.
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Bard lost

Florida is Clempusing to Clempus
Volleyball is not as popular as baseball it’s probably above track at like 5th
1. Off-topic
2. Don't care, China won't do shit. They will never invade Taiwan nor have cute college volleyball girls
This is not cric you retarded neek
He thinks this is the cricket general because it shows up when you search cric in the catalog. FOY means fuck off yanks
Didn’t know British reading comprehension had gotten this bad
Probably a poorly coded bot or macro. Which reminds me, we're almost to post 100 and the Auburn "bot" hasn't shown up.
Auburnbot has gained sentience and no longer thinks Auburn is the best football team
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
It's also technically possible for Purdue to win the Big Ten, so let's write a paragraph about their chances.
Depends on the region. In the North it's hockey. Minnesota, Michigan, New England, and others follow that sport religiously.
Purdue was called Indiana Agricultural College before John Purdue made his donations.
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Thank you for sharing.
New Jersey is the funniest because Rutgers could have just been "University of New Jersey" and end it there but because he made the donation now you got this complete clusterfuck of college names for the state
Lacrosse is also big in the northeast right?
Pennsylvania also stands out because the private university takes the main name. Also Ohio because that school has all the prestige of a directional and Louisiana because that school doesn’t exist (although ULL tries to claim the title).
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How do they see the ball?
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srry fren
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Based Tiger bot
Those Ivys being so old they take the state name does make sense
I think New Jersey just takes it for most ridiculous because Princeton used to go by College of New Jersey and did for over 150 years until they transitioned to a university name, and instead of becoming University of New Jersey they decided to become Princeton for whatever reason, and then Rutgers never changed to that either, just adding the phrase State University of New Jersey to Rutgers
Which then transitioned the name College of New Jersey to a small school in Ewing who is Division III, and even then they don't use "New Jersey" for their sports team but "TCNJ" as an abbreviation of the The College of New Jersey
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Sounds like a job for a bot.
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Meanwhile Buffalo really wants to be New York for athletics but the other SUNY schools, especially Stony Brook, keep telling them to fuck off, the name belongs to all SUNY schools.
Rutgers is just an ugly name.
Could be worse, it could be Rumpers.
Rumpers playing at Shit Stadium lol
Ducks meltdown. They gave up nine runs this inning and the inning isn't even over yet. Aggies went from down 4 to up 5.
A&M has one of the best hitters in college baseball, not surprising.
coomers.. 100% of them
Every team in the college baseball world series is SEC or a potential target for expansion for the SEC.
Beginning of the end?
>No SEC school experienced more attrition in the portal than Alabama, and that wasn't a surprise after Nick Saban's shocking retirement. The Tide countered 40 portal departures with 15 newcomers, and though Kalen DeBoer owns the SEC's only negative net rating in the portal, he added several stars that will immediately help in the secondary – and also lost and regained the second-best player in the portal, Kadyn Proctor.
>The Tide's class ranks third nationally, but the elite departures outweighed the additions, with 15 blue chips departing Tuscaloosa and eight blue chips arriving via the portal. The hits were especially wicked in the secondary, Saban's pet project, with 11 departures via the portal, including the nation's No. 1 player, defensive back Caleb Downs (Ohio State). DeBoer countered with Michigan safety Keon Sabb and USC cornerback Domani Jackson, who are expected to assume starting roles.
>The Tide also lost four of their top six receivers, including No. 1 receiver Isaiah Bond, who led three former Tide receivers in 247Sports' top 20 receivers in the portal. Washington receiver Germie Bernard followed DeBoer to Tuscaloosa after catching 34 passes for 419 yards last season.
>The biggest addition, however, was Alabama regaining the services of Proctor. The freshman All-American departed for Iowa, his home state program, but opted to return to Alabama after spring practices. He'll reassume his role as the starting left tackle this fall.
The deep south is the only one who cares about baseball the same way the north is the only one who cares about hockey so it makes sense
Professional baseball is popular up north. The main reason why college baseball is less popular in the north is because the season starts in February when it's still terribly cold. That make recruiting much easier for southern teams. Northern teams often do long run trips the first two months of the season to avoid the cold at home.
>Penn St fan
Checks out
There are a few teams outside the South that will benefit bigly if the NCAA allows full scholarships for baseball, something schools are discussing. Right now D1 baseball teams have to split 11.7 scholarships among 27 players. That's a big reason the sport is tilted towards the SEC. Their schools generally have lower tuition and are in low COL areas so the financial burden on partial scholarship players isn't too bad.

Before tuition and COL skyrocketed USC had a powerhouse baseball program. UCLA also had a nice little run about 10 years ago. If they can start offering full rides to their entire roster that dramatically expands their talent pool by eliminating financial concerns for the players. TCU is another school that would love full rides for their whole roster. LA and DFW have good baseball weather and produce a ton of talent.
Kadyn Proctor is a massive faggot for how he treated Iowa
Welcome to the new football playoff format, where everyone in the semifinals on up are SEC or B1G after eliminating the field.
Costs are similar at B1G and SEC schools, outside of out-of-state costs for private schools. Baseball players "tend" to have higher grades, so it's easier for private schools to toss them some academic scholarships from somewhere. College town cost-of-living is also similar, outside of universities that are in large cities. NIL should have eliminated that concern entirely, though.
B1G baseball teams are cucked by shitty weather and short of building domed stadiums money can't fix that. I brought up USC, UCLA and TCU because those are all expensive, big city schools that don't have weather problems so they stand to benefit the most if all baseball players can be on full rides. TCU's tuition is 54K/year. USC's tuition is 85K/year. You can see how private schools would benefit more than public schools if their baseball teams no longer had limited scholarships to give out.

USC and UCLA will also have B1Gbux to throw at baseball. For baseball that's better than NIL. I read somewhere that baseball players have trouble getting the same kind of big NIL deals football and basketball players get because unlike athletes in those sports they had the option of going pro and getting paid straight out of high school, but they turned it down for college. It's tough to ask donors to pay players who willingly rejected a paycheck.
Those private schools also hand out scholarship money like candy if you get accepted. Nobody pays sticker price unless they are out of state or don't ask for money.
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Vegas has the O/U projected wins at 7.5. If you love winning money take the over. Returns 18 starters, entire OL, ~13 year vet QB, Heisman candidate RB, 2nd year with new defensive scheme, toughest games are at home, no more Bedlam monkey on their back.
>page 7
Year round /cfb/ bros…
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>le murder student face
Are they going to change the number of scholarship or just removing the prohibition on offering full scholarships? If it's the latter, it's great for those who get the full scholarship but sucks for those whose fractional scholarship goes away to pay for the full scholarship.
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Is it true that most softball players are carpet munchers or is that wishful thinking by the carpet munchers themselves?
Old rumor was that the ribbons signified who was straight. Dunno how truthful that remains today.
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Sometimes they wear them for certain causes like green for mental health awareness or black if someone dies but the softball players I've know said the girls with the really extensive over the top ribbons usually do it because they were harassed by lesbians on the team and wanted to make very clear they weren't interested. Probably a side effect of women being less direct and wanting to avoid conflict so they try to signal in other ways.
Why do girls not play baseball? Softballs aren’t even soft.
> ~13 year vet QB
Bowman’s still there?
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Softball is easier. The ball is easier to hit, the pitches are slower, almost everything is smaller than in baseball. The ball isn't really soft but it's not as dense as a baseball and in general travels slower. It's a better fit for female athleticism than baseball.
Women really are a meme aren’t they
The former, expanding the number of scholarships offered so the whole team is on full rides. Not just for baseball but for all sports that offer partials. The idea is once revenue sharing with athletes comes into play schools can write off scholarships as part of their compensation and that's cheaper to provide than media revenue. It also allows them to keep the student-athlete meme going by increasing the number of scholarship athletes.
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Call Paul
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Guys who have graduated, do you miss weirdo girls that apparently vanish after graduation?
softball at my school was all the stacies with multiple homecoming queens except 3-4 ogres
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Girls vanish after gen eds if you're in a useful major
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Yep. They gave him an exemption for the year he had all the injuries at TTU
NFL players who were still in college during that season
>Nick Bosa
>Kyler Murray
>Deebo Samuel
>DK Metcalf
>Josh Jacobs
Its a myth made up to cover for how many female basketball players are mentally dykes.
In other words, it's literal projection.
Most softball players ive met are just normal girls, like
Wheres kentucky on this preseason ranking? Several outlets have them at least in the top 25.
Miami has a TE (Cam McCormick) who was in the class of 2016. He did not serve a Mormon mission or take any other breaks from football. This is his 9th straight year playing CFB. He received a ton of extra injury years plus the coof year. Other players in his recruiting class were Rashan Gary (just finished his 5th year in the NFL), Dexter Lawrence, Ed Oliver, Nick Bosa and Jalen Hurts. It's a fucking joke.
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>tfw no qt k-state slampig gf
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The Big 12: Home of the Plapjaks
>Leave that "university" alone.
Who’s the skinniest B12 team? Arizona State? Texas Tech? TCU?
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What is there to do in Lubbock besides party?
holy shit the TIDDIES on georgia's batgirl
ASU or Colorado if we're including new teams, TCU if only considering old teams
>taco tech
Pick one, it's the fattest part of the republic.
>counts the entire panhandle that has a low population so the percentage is higher
No shit it’ll be higher
Too high on the sports axis
>Sharty has no business being this high up
>Villanova is dead without Jay Wright
>North Carolina
>Florida and Miami are tied for the most retarded over-ranking on this list
Too low on the sports axis
>Kansas State is ridiculously far down here, they have far more recent success in major sports than most schools
>Missouri, but I guess it depends how you weight football vs basketball
>NC State
>Ole Miss
>Oregon State
Kansas State was, throughout the majority of its history, the absolute worst program in the nation. There isn't enough "recent success" to wash off that stank.
You honestly believe current students even care about boomer era results?
>here's a graph rating athletic programs
>kansas state is too low
>no it's not
Student opinions have nothing to do with this. It's not a fucking graph about student opinions. The fuck is the matter with you?
You're probably one of those faggots who rate Miami very high for success because of all those wins in the 80s.
Ah yes barstool truly a trusted academic source
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Gonna just forget about 2002, huh?
And since...?
Show me Kansas State's natties.
The comparison to partying means this is geared towards current and potential students, not boomers talking about their glory days and sports historians. Students at K-State have recently seen a football conference championship, an Elite 8 run and a baseball super regional appearance. They still have all the coaches responsible for this success so it's reasonable to expect more winning in the near future.

Compare that to some of the teams above KSU, like Syracuse or Rutgers or Northwestern or Indiana or Pitt. What have they had to cheer about lately? How much hope and optimism do they have?
Cope. Moving goalposts. Nobody thinks Kansas State has better athletic programs than Miami except dunces with the attention spans of fruit flies or homers.
I didn't say "Every one of these teams ranked too high should be below these teams ranked too low," work on your reading comprehension. I said some teams are ranked too high and some are too low. It's possible to change those ratings without the lower teams overtaking the higher teams.

I'd still have Miami on the positive side of the sports axis, though that might change if they crash and burn this season. If Cristobal and tons of NIL can't get it done there I don't know who can. I strongly disagree Vanderbilt is the only P4 AD worse off than KSU.
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>not in the absolute corner
Fake and tranny.
>USC being that close to Kansas
The fuck?
Shouldn't there still be Palestinian solidarity camps on every American University campus?
They're not the types to take summer courses
>kansas state is ranked too low
>no, it isn't, here is why
>acktually they won a natty in 02
Cope. Moving goalposts. You're a retard.
>me: Miami is too high
>also me: Kansas State is too low
>caglianone snubbed from golden spikes for second year in a row
>finalist smith, condon, and bazzana all played like shit and eliminated
I said its great, to be, a Florida hater
I didn't say shit about Miami, you're the one who brought them up. Now you're coping about being a fucking retard who thinks Kansas State has produced anything besides vague bemusement.
>but they won the big 12
Post-realignment, which doesn't matter. You're a retard. Train for one thousand years before posting again.
>winning the Big 12 is irrelevant
>but my team whose last conference championship was over 20 years ago in a basketball conference that no longer exists is awesome
Stop being so assblasted about Kansas State and look at some other teams Miami is somehow ranked above. Why should Miami be ranked higher than much more recent champions Auburn and Clemson?
Don't know, don't care. Only issue I had was with you saying Kansas State needed to be higher. This is the last time I'll say it, I have other things to do besides beat an ESL over the head until they learn some reading comprehension.

Train for one thousand years before posting again. Retarded spic.
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>Miami fan calling anyone else a spic
dios mio
>implying I'm a Miami fan
Wrong coast, spic.
You guys need to get laid.
The University of Miami isn't even in Miami. It's still about a quarter hispanic but that's far less than that of the city of Miami.
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>In 1922, after a 74.2 winning percentage during the 18-year tenure of Coach McGugin, the Commodores had outgrown old Dudley Field.
>The new stadium, the first in the South built solely for football and its capacity was 20,000. As evidence of Vanderbilt's stature in the sport at the time, it dwarfed rival Tennessee's Shields-Watkins Field (now Neyland Stadium), which had opened a year earlier and seated only 3,200.
>The first game played at Dudley Field was between the Commodores and the powerful Michigan Wolverines. A goal line stand by the Commodores preserved a 0–0 tie.
>Unclaimed national titles 6 (1906, 1910, 1911, 1918, 1921, 1922)
Which now powerful team will become a Vandy in the future?
Most weirdo girls aren't exactly marriage material so I don't miss them
I remember plowing one 6.5/10 weirdo freshman with a tight body…she dropped out to raise horses, so I dodged a bullet. She was really sweet when we were alone, though. Complete personality shift.
Nvm that’s Temple not Lubbock.
This list is shit. Maybe I'm just a seething Poke, but right in the middle? It says "Athletic Program". Football is a top 15 program in wins since 2010, I know basketball has been shit but if Nebraska, Notre Dame, and Miami get to ride their football success, our hoops gets to. Baseball and Softball are consistently good and almost all of the facilities are top tier. Wrestling and Golf are powerhouses. I just wish T. Boone Pickens was still alive for this NIL era. Dude would've bought so many recruits.
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The "quality" of the athletics program is weighted by the popularity of the sport. PAC schools like to bag lots of championships in sports no one cares about like water polo and rowing.
they're really pulling out all the stops for clicks
Notre Dame
I don’t think anyone is saying Miami or Nebraska are currently drivers of college football and how the game is supposed to be played. I don’t think Notre Dame is, either. I also don’t think Oklahoma or USC are leaders.
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Are there any other university football stadiums closer than Houston and Texas Southern?
Don’t see any of them having a fall that bad. Maybe Baylor or TCU? Bootyblasters potentially if they keep not winning meaningful games.
Baylor was a joke of a program before Art Briles, so arguably they would be back to normal. Their stadium was built by one guy who sold the Astros to pay for it. TCU hasn’t gotten a new stadium, as far as I’m aware.
I’m still confused how taco tech is an ag school but has tech in the name. Was tech a more loose term back then
Baylor was ehh in the swc days like every five years they’d be tough then for 10 years they would be horrible
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Agriculture and ranching involves a lot of tech and machinery, city slicker. Ag schools aren't researching and teaching third world subsistence farming methods.
Universities with “tech” or “polytechnic” were more about hands-on skills training rather than classroom instruction. Those programs have since been delegated to certification programs and many junior colleges who offer said certifications often in lieu of a degree since you get more money from an engineering department rather than programs training mechanics.
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> It was originally composed of four schools—Agriculture, Engineering, Home Economics, and Liberal Arts.
Running a household is high tech. Seriously though, at the time agriculture was consider a tech field and like >>141541918 points out, it still is tech heavy. Engineering obviously is tech. Liberal Arts were thrown in because it was the only state university in that part of the Texas so it needed to service students who couldn't attend a Liberal Arts school in another part of the state. It also makes hiring professors for core course easier when you can offer them something other than just teaching English 101 and 102 all the time.
When I went to TTU they were researching dry farming with cotton but that was the only I knew about
Give me one (1) actual reason I should be watching B1G and SEC over more interesting conferences like Big 12, ACC, Mountain West and the other minnows
SEC and B1G are the European soccer of college football. Boring, faggish, same teams always win by paying the most, not worth a watch
You shouldn't. You should spend your weekends in therapy working on your attention whoring needs.
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A lot of cool and important stuff goes on at ag schools but academic snobs don't care about anything outside of medicine, law, engineering or liberal arts.
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>Michigan top party school
They lose to every d1 school in Michigan
Not sure it'll happen, since the current powerful teams don't have the academic standards like Vanderbilt. So they'll just dumb down the requirements to enter the school in order to achieve the talent necessary to compete.
Would be sovl if team in right stadium were to play team in left stadium.
By that, I meant play the game in the left stadium
How do you convince some 18 year old who already has maybe 7 figures in his bank account he has to go to class?
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> party school analysis
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These two Division II schools are the closest I'm aware of
Yes they play each other yearly
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Clark Atlanta and Morris Brown have stadiums close to each other but Morris Brown no longer has athletic programs. There were Division I at one point but then the school fell apart, lost accreditation, and got down to a couple dozen students. Their stadium just sits there and rots now. Last I saw a photo from inside, there were several abandoned vehicles. Apparently "youths" thought it would be funny to steal some vehicles and have a demolition derby on the old football field.
Very easily, just put a clause in their NIL deal saying the contract is nullified if they are academically ineligible
Cool. I'm going to LSU then.
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My cowboys
Not sure you're able to do that.
That does sound pretty rad.
They are employees of the university, why would they have to go to class? They soon aren't allowed to attend classes as they won't be accepted into the school
What other D3s have a winning record against fbs teams
Not seeing the reason to still call it college football.
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Being a menace to society has its perks.
They can't easily tear down the stadium because there is an active subway line passing under it.
You can refuse to renew it. Going down to $0 in NIL money once the semester is over is going to be painful. Think most deals now are for short periods of time with an option to renew. Not just because the player might drop out or leave the team but also because they might do something that the NIL sponsors don't want to be associated with.
Very soon I think we're going to see something that turns people against NIL. Don't know what it is, but its coming. Way too much energy in that space not to begin to break.
each passing day brings us closer
>As of fall 2018, the college had less than 50 students enrolled.
>The college received approximately 2,000 applications but interest dropped significantly once applicants were notified they can not receive financial aid because the college was not accredited.
What kind of person attends a college that is noticeably falling apart?
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>Georgia Southern that far right
They shouldn't be on here because they're still basically an FCS school
Student employees have always existed, this isn't a new concept. My student employee wagie position as a parking janny required me to be a full time student and maintain good academic standing.
Highly melanated individuals.
fuck you
Rutgers has been leaning into the jersey thing pretty hard recently with things like the boardwalk and sopranos opening recreation. I like how they add a sillhoute of the state on their uniforms, its small but you do see it
Tends to help when the guy who Tony Soprano was a fan and alumnus
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It's a good thing they're embracing it. They should continue leaning into their Jerseyness.
>CWS teams players distribution
Florida - 82, North Carolina - 49, Texas - 29, Tennessee - 20, California - 13, Georgia - 10

Even in baseball, all your players are from Florida
Tony Soprano was a Seton Hall guy. James Gandolfini was a Rutgers guy.
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>least talented team in the PAC 12
>will unironically be G5 this season
>absolutely exposes & rapes the "1st round talent" quarterblack
This was an even better schadenfreude than the Oregon game desu
Coach Primate??
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Skill development is easier when you have access to quality play environment year around. North Carolina being second on the list is probably due to them having so many local minor league teams. If you grow up going to the games, you're more likely to want to become a player.
Florida is so great you emigrated.
Good thing he used his alt account for that one.
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Don't let Washington fool you with blaming their constant deficits in their athletics department on realignment. That shit has been going on for years now. Increased travel expenses will make things worse but the PAC12 was already a spread out conference with high travel costs, so it will be an increase but nothing like happened to WV when they joined the Big XII.
Only getting a half share of revenue in the Big Ten will be a temporary issue but since the PAC12 sucked at revenue, the difference isn't going to be a big factor. UW just has a spending problem they've been unwilling to address.
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Athletic departments deliberately fudge their numbers for a few reasons
>easier to get donations if you can tell donors you're running a deficit, after all why do you need more donations if you're turning a profit?
>easier to keep the nonprofit grift going and cry poor about paying the players if you are showing a loss
>every manager at a state institution has been taught if they don't use all their budget it will be cut the next year since they just proved they don't need that much, so they're incentivized to blow as much money as possible
>debt is meaningless to athletic departments; if they can't service their debt what the fuck are debtors going to do, foreclose on a stadium and repo the weight room equipment? if it ever got to that point they know the university or the state or rich donors would bail them out
Recordfags are the most delusional people in cfb. They're the same morons who were saying FSU should have made the CFP last year.

If you're not in the Big Ten or SEC, you don't matter.
What conference has the most recent win vs Michigan?
>not the B1G or the SEC
What conference won the second most titles during the CFP era?
>not the B1G
Yes no one is denying Florida is the best place for athletic talent
I'm sorry your education wasn't good enough to be more than a mechanic in your hick hometown
Any gaijin retard can be an English teacher in Nippon.
Did Florida slaves have different ancestors or being hot all year do something to the body? Maybe more vit d down there?
TCU did a major renovation on their stadium a few years ago that rebuilt about half of it
There wasn’t much slavery in Florida because the Spanish brought their slaves elsewhere and was only a slave territory then state for 40 years. Even then the only settled areas were in the north which is more like Georgia in climate than tropical.
He’s not an English teacher, he’s enlisted. That’s sarge or hopefully he’s sarge by now or hasn’t gotten busted down.
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During the pre-civil war period, Florida had a relatively small population because outside of some of the panhandle, it wasn't a good place for farming. There were slaves, perhaps even a significant percentage of the overall population, but since the overall population was so small, Florida slave descendants only make up a tiny fraction of the state's current population.
here's your new pac 12 bro

>oregon state
>washington state
>colorado state
>st marys
If everyone was free to switch conferences without any financial penalty, your list is probably close to what would happen, though I'm not sure Gonzaga and St. Mary's would want to leave the small pond of the WCC.
Should FSU and Clemson prevail in their quest to blow up GOR contracts, that could significantly reduce the cost of leaving a conference and make your list more likely to happen. Problem for the PAC00 is they only have two years to get things resolved before losing NCAA recognition as a Division I conference.
Prime Kinematograf
Ditch Memphis and Saint Mary’s
>If everyone was free to switch conferences without any financial penalty, your list is probably close to what would happen, though I'm not sure Gonzaga and St. Mary's would want to leave the small pond of the WCC.
Zaga and St Mary's have pondered leaving the WCC for a while, which is part of why they invited Seattle and Grand Canyon in hopes of shoring up any potential losses. With WOSU schmoozing them up for the next year or two in all other sports, they might feel compelled to join them if the money is right in a g5 superleague
>Should FSU and Clemson prevail in their quest to blow up GOR contracts, that could significantly reduce the cost of leaving a conference and make your list more likely to happen. Problem for the PAC00 is they only have two years to get things resolved before losing NCAA recognition as a Division I conference.
WOSU's plan is to make moves next year so that they would be effective for the 2026 season, skirting around the "one year notice" barrier. MWC teams would not owe anything, American teams might.

>Ditch Memphis and Saint Mary’s
Memphis has good bball and football, along with being a decent connection to the other 4 American transplants. Saint Mary's is the second best WCC basketball school and would be the anchor to the PAC production studios, who could produce a lot of content in-house for the conference. Perhaps they would be the CW's primary football partner because of that.
In that case, ditch Memphis and UTSA. It’s a Texas system school, no sense helping them out in any capacity. Leave it on the vine and it’ll rot.
Add Wyoming and Air Force for 12 football schools.
Tulane and Rice to the SEC would be an impeccable shitpost to destroy this.
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please fucking stop
It’s summer. I do what I want.
besides gobblin down dick what else is on your plate this summer?
Serving your mom up a healthy plate of tube steak.
It's like looking at a Moonbow.
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Admittedly, this shit looks spread out as fuck (about as bad as the new big 12), but this is the only viable rebuild. By having 12 members instead of the minimum 8, you can shore up a lot of the non-revenue sports and not be forced to affiliate out as much. Having gonzaga and st mary's increases the chance you can collect a shitton of ncaa tourney credits to distribute as well. Mountain West and the American wouldn't immediately die either, since they'd still have 8+ teams each.

Media revenue would project around 1/3-1/2 of the ACC/B12's media deals, which would double or triple the current intake of some departments (sans WOSU). PAC studios in san francisco can continue to run cameras and produce content (with St Mary's as the local client school), reducing reliance on the big networks.
Swap Colorado State for one of Nevada, San Jose, or Fresno and you get three regional pods of four teams. This would be good for the non-revenue sports. For revenue sports, don't bother with the pods. Paying for travel is part of what revenue is about.
Someone will eventually mention Hawaii but everyone should resist that temptation. The travel cost just isn't worth it and the extra game you get to play in football is an option fewer and fewer teams playing at Hawaii even bother with as the season and post-season have increased in length.
Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Roll Damn Tide.
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>Having gonzaga and st mary's increases the chance you can collect a shitton of ncaa tourney credits to distribute as well.
St. Mary's has 7 NCAA tournament wins in their entire history and only 1 sweet sixteen appearance and that was 15 years ago. They're not a regular tournament team if they're not in a chump league.
Your coach is Bryan Harsin (now in Crimson & Cream flavor!). It's over, anon. We're a basketball school now.
>The Taco Bell 12
>The Big 12 brought to you by Manscaper
>Jimmy Kimmel presents the Big 12
>The Dietz Nutz Big 12
>The Big Allstate Conference
>The Allstate 12 Conference
Bros I fucking can’t LMAO
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Husky Harsin
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>chants of "S-E-C, S-E-C" will be replaced with "Geico, Geico" in your lifetime
Yormark has been in bed with UFC before.
Big 10 to be sponsored by rocket mortgage
Wonder if college presidents will go along with this. On one hand, it would significantly close the gap between the Big XII and the P2 in regards to funding. On the other hand, it's some embarrassing trailer park shit. It's the university presidents, not the coaches or athletic directors, who vote on this kind of thing.
Yormark also wants to sell 20% of the conference to private equity for $1 billion.
>The latest conversations within the conference have centered on retaining "12" in the "Big 12" name and removing "Big." The corporate sponsor name would replace "Big" — a significant change but one expected to generate hundreds of millions of dollars
Ah yes, keep the number aspect as a constant even though it's been inaccurate for the longest time. Christ, they were finally able to accept that they're the lesser BIG and are willing to dump the name and be their own thing, and yet they have to be absolute retards about it.
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>embarrassing trailer park shit
Par for the course, then
Now imagine all of the G5 following in the Big XII's footsteps. Conference USA will become Conference Gas-X. The Mountain West will become the Twin Peaks Grill Conference. McDonald's Big MAC Conference? Tyler Perry Presents the Creflo Dollar Ministries Sun Belt Conference.
>we keep the number 12 as a tie to our roots and our belief that strong traditions make strong conferences as we announce our partnership with Spirit Airlines and rebrand as the Spirit 12
>nevermind how everyone with a shred of national relevance hated the conference since its beginning and they all bolted when they had a chance
Cope we don't besmirch the glorious historic history of the Big Ten post-1953. Though the prewar era can and should be called the History Channel® baby ten conference
They won’t actually give up the Big 12 name
This is giving the media the most retarded option possible intentionally to look stupid, so when they finally announce the Allstate Big 12 like they intended from the start people will accept it because it’s obviously less dumb
Common business technique
The Rose Bowl gave in by placing the title sponsor after the name of the bowl so "The Big Ten Conference Presented By Menards" would have been prefect before the expansions to the coasts.
>Conference USA will become Conference Gas-X
Speaking of
>Conference USA in discussions w/companies, most notably Globe Life, for naming rights deal. New name possibilities for the multi-million dollar deal include Globe Life Conference USA or Globe Life Conference, sources said
>Popeye's Chicken SWAC vs Chester's Bail Bonds MEAC in the Moon Cricket Bowl
>The sponsor was Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association until 1999
Not like this... not like this
Also reminder that the Rose Parade predates the game by twelve years
Paul is live
Imagine Sid Meier’s SouthEastern Conference but it’s Gettysburg! 2
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He sold the naming rights to himself. He's now 'Manischewitz Winebaum'
Tesla is currently the most valuable company in the Big XII footprint. I think Wal-Mart is the most valuable in the SEC footprint. For the B1G it's going to be the FAGMAN companies. And for the ACC, it's JPMorgan Chase.
Wal-Mart bought the Broncos recently, I believe. I think they’re more interested in professional sports.
Tesla is HQ’d in Austin, I don’t think Tesla is the most valuable company HQ’d in Texas though. I imagine it would be P66, Exxon, McKennson, or Valero.
Good thing it's "college" football now.
The private equity stake the Big 12 is selling is a bigger issue than becoming the Allstate 12
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Rob Walton bought the Broncos, along with a handful of minority investors like Condoleezza Rice. He is no longer involved in the day to day operations of Wal-Mart but remains a significant shareholder.
Tesla's valuation is wacko so they are indeed more valuable than all oil companies other than Saudi Aramco.
Yes, I don't get what they think a one time payment is going to do for them. If they needed to pay for a bunch of buyouts to get better members, I could maybe see the value in that, but as it stands, they get a one time payment in exchange for 20% of the revenue forever. Plus the PE firm is going to want to have some say in how the conference is run. If anything is going to get the low value but longtime members kicked out of a conference, it'll be private equity having a say in the operations of the conferences they invest in.
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Soccerfags keep winning in their quest to make college football like their gay commie sport.
You’re kidding right? What does that shirt say because I don’t see a team logo
to the left of the adidas logo, that's how most sports uniforms look outside of the u.s
Instead of having ESPN keep making contracts with the SEC, Disney should just buy 100% of the conference. A one time payment of $16 billion and from then on all media and regulatory rights belong to Disney in perpetuity.
>ignoring Fly Emirates
there’s no need to take pride in being ignorant babe
You’re a cock slut for fucking corporate businesses yourself it’s pot calling the kettle black
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And here's a completely different team.
Next season every coach must be some combination of black/gay/female
Did you have a stroke
>Saudi Equity Conference
>Baghdad 12 Conference
>Arabian Coast Conference
They also bought the stadium naming rights, as I recall, so I guess they do what he says anyway.
Disney can’t buy public organizations like that. The Florida Gators, for example, are “technically” owned by the people of Florida. There’s enough private interest groups for the large universities to get together the money to buy themselves from the state before that happens, it’s like how Baylor College of Medicine bought themselves from Baylor University because the main campus was hindering their ability to get research grants and prestige.
If Big 12 actually takes a bunch of money from PE they have to actually use it for something to improve its value.

The only way I could see that happening is if its used to pay off the ACC and poach Miami, FSU, Clemson, UNC and maybe Louisville and one of the Virginia schools.

Otherwise they're just paying interest to PE and end up losing
Nothing is wrong with that sentence
The odds of that happening are the same as the moon falling out of orbit and landing in your mom’s piss hole. None of those schools would accept such an offer except maybe NC State or Virginia Tech since they aren’t likely to get picked up by the P2.
Well, Louisville might. They’re cincy-tier.
Financially they're towards the top of the ACC

Clemson, FSU and probably Miami (private) are as a group the top of the ACC financially.. Louisville, Virginia, UNC are the next group.
If it significantly raises the Big 12's payout above the ACC they might.

Big 12 is only barely behind as we stand.
Doesn't appear so.
>Empower Field at Mile High (previously known as Broncos Stadium at Mile High, Invesco Field at Mile High, and Sports Authority Field at Mile High, and commonly known as Mile High, New Mile High, or Mile High Stadium) is an American football stadium in Denver, Colorado, United States.
Paul Finnabaum
Clemson and FSU are basically guaranteed to be heading to the SEC. They would only go to the Big 12 if they were guaranteed unequal revenue sharing in perpetuity, and I doubt the Big 12 wants to go back to those days.
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Buc-ee's top 5 finalist to the naming rights please.
>the cleanest restrooms in college football!
I blame Ligue 1 Uber Eats for this. French people are so fucking evil.
Now that the dust has settled was there any proof Mel Tucker did it?
Trunk meat
Yes, he admitted to everything, he just disagrees that it was a fireable offense.
>sexually harassing a consultant isn’t a terminable offense
Uh huh. Even if it was consensual, every organization in the company doesn’t let you do that sort of thing on-campus.
>Guilty black man claims he did nothing wrong.
Pretty sure I've seen this episode before.
I’ll never forget how refreshed I was when I was sitting in county jail and a black guy said “naw, I’m guilty as hell, I hope they let me have bail.” At first they did, but then after he posted bail they came back and upped his charge to a felony.
Free my nigga. Who watches someone jerk off for minutes. She was a paid for hit women, a Honeypot.
All FBS conferences will sell to private equity to gain an "edge"
You will see FBS collapse while all other divsions sit pretty.
Big 12 won't get out of it. SEC won't get out it. CUSA won't get out of it. You all fell for private equity's tricks and now they'll come in to take ownership of your conferences and teams
NO. The refund shall not be denied
Don’t see how they’ll be able to, considering the teams themselves are owned by the state.
The conferences are private corporate entities. The only question is if public universities can leave those private corporate entities if the terms become unfavorable to them. This is what FSU and Clemson are currently trying to find out.
>not KFC or Church's Chicken
Of course they can, it’s happened fairly often over the years. Contracts can be argued and contracts expire. FSU and Clemson are already gone, all they’re arguing about is when they can leave and for how much money.
>risked his fortune just to say that it was consensual
Based but he didn't know that she had deleted all her texts in shame and maybe could have gotten away with it if he denied it. lol
Church’s is 100% hood/redneck chicken. I remember giving them a Benjamin in the drive thru one time and it took them like 5 minutes to figure out if they had enough change to give me. I’ll be damned if their spicy strips aren’t top tier though.
Footsteps Falco played for Ohio State, thank you very much.
The niggas/rednecks with college educated parents got Popeyes.
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i remember their spicy chicken sandwich actually being pretty good
It's up
Why are you paying with a hundred for like $10 chicken?
Definitely has to be Church's Chicken. It's the most ghettoest shit on Earth.
>using hundred dollar bills for small orders
Death penalty.
For me, it's the Big Dick's Sporting Goods 12
I love it because it makes chuds seethe
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The BIG TWELVE is going to SELL up to TWENTY PERCENT to this MAN and BASICALLY you are a FILTHY NIGGER for not thinking of it first.
The state sells a stake in the athletics program
How do you think those Florida State private equity plans to get out of the ACC came to fruition if they couldn't sell?
That's also not happening. I don't think it can happen without a bill passing.
I’ll put a comma next time
The Conference itself isn't public is it?

I don't think Disney has the capital to actually buy the SEC after all the Ls they've taken since the WuFlu though.
They probably do. Remember the “Hulu ticking time bomb”? /biz/ is always wrong.
Clemson, FSU and UNC are the only schools guaranteed an invite.

Miami isn't even a lock and Nitre Dame doesn't look like they even want an invite considering they're getting a sweetheart deal out of the (((committee))) all know their own.
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The Pajeet 12
Because I was buying a family meal that cost like $30
It wasn't exactly a nothingburger. That cost them half of their cash on hand.
This isn't Canadian university football.
It's not a publicly traded corporation but that doesn't mean it can't be purchased. I was mostly joking with that post since the concept of private equity owning part of a conference, much less an entire conference, is a bit silly even though they'll probably try to make it happen.
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It's funny how many Canadian football fields have bevel end zones to accommodate the running track.
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The Big 12, if they sell, would sell to the pajeet (or, more specifically, CVC Capital Partners who own a pajeet cricket team)
do NOT redeem!
Sell to the poo that drove Boston Market into the ground.
The smart way for a conference to handle taking PE money would be using it to establish a trust fund and making annual payouts to members with that. Schools will just burn through the billion dollars in a few years, then they're back where they began but now they are PE's bitch. It's also a way to protect the conference in case schools leave. That way you don't have a school getting its share of a billion upfront then leaving a few years later when the bill is due. But this being America it won't happen because all anyone cares about here is maximizing short term gains, long term planning can get fucked.
This is like Asian men trying to close the penis gap. It’s a noble effort, but ultimately fruitless.
That wouldn't keep high market value schools from leaving.
>alright, we are now the BlackRock Blacked.com 12 presented by Boeing, but we got a cool billion dollars to work with and we each get around 100 million in return for giving them 20% ownership and a seat on our governing council plus we have to have a trans commissioner every third commissioner
>also if you ever leave you forfeit all annual payouts from these trust funds that money actually went into
Clemson and FSU would still bail anyway. Besides, they all have crack teams of hedge fund managers that deal with the endowment and who knows what other money they have lying around. Texas and Texas A&M jointly own a third party hedge fund manager that operates all their off-the-books shit.
The trust fund is not to keep teams from leaving. Anyone in the ACC or the Big 12 is accepting a B1G or SEC invitation. The idea is a trust fund avoids giving schools on the way out a huge payday first and keeps the PE windfall among members.
>Big 12 gets a 1 billion PE deal
>immediately gives all 16 schools equal shares (62.5 million per school)
>5 years later 1 school leaves for the B1G and 1 for the SEC
>the other 14 schools are still on the hook to pay back PE plus they're out the 125 million those two schools were paid
>you could negotiate clawbacks for teams leaving, but that will get litigated and drive up legal fees before settling on something much less than 125 million
Nobody would agree to that in a conference that was not stable and I would imagine that a dissenting vote would be something the courts would consider when exiting.
>we never agreed to engage with foreign private equity firms in regards to overall ownership of the conference, so we should be allowed to freely exit the conference as a result of a breach of state law blah blah federal law blah blah which renders the contract null due to a lack of consideration
If any PE deals are made it will be subject to a conference vote. Schools could still go the FSU/Clempus route and argue in court they should be allowed out of a contract they signed because (reasons), but if they take PE money it isn't being forced on them at gunpoint. Also a good chance the B1G and SEC sign their own PE deals eventually, so good luck claiming in court you're against PE deals while attempting to join another conference taking PE money.
Nobody is saying they're against PE deals, I'm saying that if they want out and the conference enters into some sort of PE deal and they want out then they'll use that in court. Why wouldn't they? Also, I doubt the B1G or SEC is going to sell their naming rights or sell out 20% to a foreign PE firm. They make enough money as it stands to not need to and with the P2 solidifying as the drivers of collegiate athletics I don't see it being necessary.
until the big12 suddenly catches up to the b1g and sec in terms of revenue and texas/ohio state bitch hard enough to be the special #1 mama's boys once again by also selling their souls
Bowl Game!
The Publix Gators at Pub Sub field
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The Big 12 selling out to street shitting pajeets isn't something the P2 gives a "shit" about.
Oh believe me the SEC and B1G will do the same thing
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Because they gotta keep up with the joke known as the Big 12. Sure. Whatever you say. Never thought I'd see the day where a faggot is proud of his school's conference selling out to pajeets and thinks it's trailblazing. Only trail you're blazing is skidmarks in your skivvies.
>Jameis was 20 years ago
Who said I was proud you retard this is all realignments fault all this money grubbing done by two fucking conferences not one. Everyone’s turned into a greedy fuck because of it
You're the one allowing your university to sell out to pajeets, not them. Maybe write your congressman instead of praying to whatever God you pajeets believe in that the P2 follows your lead (they won't).
I only see 4 wins in their future.
Write your dumbass ineffective congressman? It’s not my fault I don’t control the team in the conference. Why don’t you get off your fucking ass and do something since you seem to care?
Not my problem. I'm not in the ganges 12.
>write your congressman
No congressman ever listens to their constituents
You ain’t safe buddy don’t matter what fucking conference you’re in. This shit ain’t leaving and you can guess who’s fault it is because it’s not the big 12
>big 12 can't compete with SEC or B1G
>sells out to poos
>thus the SEC and B1G are gonna sell out to poos also
Nice Big 12 education you have there with those fallacies.
You realize half SEC can’t compete with the mountain west. Dumb ass conferencefag
Neither can half of the B1G but that's still better than the entire big 12 not being able to compete.
>another conference taps into new revenue stream
>other conferences follow because they all want maximum shekels
Many such cases
Oh yes, it’s only money on the field. Product is even worse for the SEC since they can only have three fucking teams go instead of any of the others who choke and die in the bowls
Last season, 7 of the top 12 was SEC (if FSU goes eventualy). If the rules are the rules, only the top four conference champions go to the playoffs
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>the G9s are at it again
>sec and b1g demand more money >surprised when other teams actually go and get money themselves
>Counting championships you didn’t actually win and just taking them for people who moved in
Very kangz of you
At least they CAN demand money and not sell 20% stakes to a gaggle of jews hiding out in Luxembourg
>just taking them for people who moved in
Smartest G9 alumnus.
nobody in the b12 has won a bcs championship
They should fuck off entirely if they demand anything
ESPN and Fox are gonna keep paying them
Don’t care they’ve helped destroyed the sport
the b12 is the one selling out to foreign interests not them i dont know how theyre destroying anything besides being more valuable than the b12
They're considering that because ESPN and Fox (SEC/B1G) couldn't keep their hands off Big 12 teams. If we had a rule limiting conferences to 12 teams maximum the super conference meme wouldn't be possible and there would be a lot less faggotry going on in CFB.
LSU sold out to draft kings and A&M sold nuclear secrets to Qatar. They ain’t fucking innocent.
so it is just jealousy
>y-you’re just jealous
Truly pathetic and ignorant
>the conferences taking teams so they could get the most shekels dindu nuffin, blame it all on the other conference trying to survive after being repeatedly poached
>He really thinks the jews who tricked you into making players get paid aren't going to take over the SEC and B1G with private equity to eventually "keep up"
You are probably the most naive idiot I've ever seen on /sp/. You will be supporting a corporation
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>/biz/ 12 going off the reservation
>If we had a rule
We had a rule that only the NCAA could decide who gets to play on tv. The Supreme Court used that rule as toilet paper, as it has with half a dozen other rules that turned out to be unconstitutional.
They have no reason to. All this can do is let the Big XII catch up to the P2 for a couple of years after which the one time payment has run out and now 20% (at least) of their media money gets taken each year by the private equity investor.
The Big Ten gets a billion dollars per year for their media deal. Exactly what is it that you believe the Big XII is going to do with their one time payment that will make them permanently competitive with the P2? There's nothing they can buy or do that the P2 conferences can't do with whatever is in their petty cash account.
At least the naming rights deal is an annual payment and at the end of the contract, the conference gets its name back which they can then sell again.
Oklahoma did. They're not SEC until July and really that sort of graphic should be based on membership at the time of the championship anyway.
Do you hate the direction college football is going with paid mercenaries, private equity, heavy corporate sponsorship, lack of regional conferences with realignment, behind expensive paywalls?
There’s only one solution. Watching FCS, division 2 and division 3 football
>B-but the quality is wors-
You aren’t watching college football for quality players lmao if you were you’d watch nfl. You’re watching for something that’s going away as there will be no difference with minor teams
Then again, the less people that watch the longer it can keep its traditions that are eroding rapidly every day in FBS
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In shooty hoops news, the pairings for the coming season's ACC-SEC challenge have been released.
Arkansas @ Miami
Cal @ Mizzou
UK @ Clemson
Ole Miss @ Louisville
Cuse @ Tenn
Wake @ A&M
Alabama @ UNC
Auburn @ Duke
Pitt @ Miss St
Texas @ NC St
Vandy @ VT
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Division III is mostly a scam designed to extract student loan money out of morons. You're an evil person for supporting that grift in any way, shape, or form.
Smartest G9 alumnus.
There is no BCS trophy, only the coaches. Big 12 has won 3 of those.
By that logic you should be at your local high school every Friday night in the fall.
>but the quality is wors-
If you cared about quality you’d watch FBS.
Mary Hardin-Baylor should jump to D2 or try to get expelled from their conference and join D1 like St. Thomas did
End game for this whole thing is complete reorganization of top level college football with extremely unequal revenue distribution

What % of the Big Ten media deal is generated by Ohio State and Michigan? Half the Big Ten is complete duds when it comes to media value. Imagine if schools actually got paid their full media value and nothing more.
>He doesn’t follow the free livestream game of the high school he went to
Nothing says “I peaked in high school” like caring about high school football.
>N-no you HAVE to like one thing if you like the other
>N-no you’re a loser
Kek the coping has begun, enjoy the Allstate 12
>t. peaked at 17
College is peaking at 17 then
The Big 12 isn't blameless in this, teams were desperate to leave for decades. Nebraska was always unhappy after the breakup of the Big 8 like that, A&M never wanted to be there, Colorado didn't give a single shit about any of it and neither did Missouri, Texas took over and ran it however they wanted and the also-rans like Texas Tech and Baylor put up with it because they were just happy to be included or someshit.

The only university I feel bad for in the Big 12 is Iowa State.
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>we’re making it at least to the quarter finals this year, and if smithson continues to develop division 4A is ours next season
>been waiting for this since ‘05
>still can’t believe coach kept me on the bench in the second half
>cool, another up the middle run. 2nd and 5 now. tides are shifting, you feel that?
Iowa State and Kansas State are getting a comfy ending though. If the Big 12 entirely collapsed the way the PAC 12 then they’d be the two left out. And they wouldn’t even be like Wazzu and Oregon State where best case is there’s still a Big 12 opening and worst case they are in the MWC with geographically relevant schools. They’d be forced into the American with every school being far besides each other and no chance into a P2
There was so many chances that was going happen and it never did, so being comfy stuck in the third tier for life with schools not that far is not bad at all
>stuck in big 12 hell
>"comfy" ending
The only teams getting a "comfy" (which is a faggot term for faggots) ending are the hanger-ons like Mississippi State and Rutgers. The Big 12 is going to become Blackrock 12 and the championship trophy is a fucking WWE belt. Anyone who thinks that shit is "comfy" is a fucking retarded faggot. It's not comfy at all.

Jesus Christ, I hate that term and the zoomers who use it.
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>mfw when a "student athlete" trying to work or profit off his own name
Both Oklahoma and Texas did. I don't remember if Nebraska's last natty overlapped the XII/BCS years or not. Those championships are decades old now though and don't really matter anymore. None of the players playing today were alive when those games were played.
The AP system fell apart because of the seething BYU caused. Brands like that don't deserve to win natties. The BCS really fell apart bc of BCS buster(not bc multiple 3+ undefeated teams), that's why they moved to committee instead of computer rankings.
Btw TCU if they chose can claim a 2010 natty(AP 3 first place votes, #1 congrove rankings). And we will never know if Boise had a championship caliber team during that time, it was out of their control.
BCS and even worse the cfp were not going to allow non p5 teams(cfp would have collapsed if Cincy was denied)
We saw their true colors last year bc it didn't matter so get fucked semen holes
they aren't leaving the trophies behind anyway
Sure, but none of those teams feel any better having won a natty decades ago. It's a shitty consolation for always being the bridesmaid and never the bride for the foreseeable future. Oklahoma has been cockteasted more than any other team in college football. Texas is freshly resurrected after spending over a decade with its thumb up its ass.. Nebraska is still rotting in the grave. Nobody wants that shit.
BYU won as an independent, not big 12.
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Last season 7 of the top 12 at week 15 was SEC and the entire top 12 was either SEC or Big Ten. In the current format, Oklahoma would have gone to the playoffs. If you don't see the writing on the wall, you're willfully ignorant. It's the P2 and if you're not in you're not relevant.

It is what it is. The playoff format you fags wanted is coming back to bite you in the ass and you're blaming the SEC for taking your teams away when It Just Means More. Nebraska has a shot solely by virtue of being in the Big Ten. They get a good coach and they're back. Same as anyone else (as long as they're in the Big Ten or SEC).
>but muh top ranked conference champions
How long do you think it'll be before the SEC East "champion" gets in over a Big 12 champion now that the conference has been watered down with shit like Houston and Arizona?
To be fair they have one less week to beat on each other usually the second to last week.
>In the current format, Oklahoma would have gone to the playoffs.
A G5 shitter gets the 12th spot. Oklahoma would've been left out for southwestern technical institute of higher learning.
What's your take on Clempus? On the one hand they lost a lot of guys to the portal but on the other hand they still have most of their production. Do you go over or under at 9.5 wins?
ACC is trash. With any offensive progression whatsoever they'll hit 10 wins easily.
Florida State isn't SEC casual
My point is with expansion it won't be too long before pod winners get in like NFL division champs get in. The Redskins won their division at 7-9.
One of their games is Georgia though and they lost 4 in the ACC last year, although they were close games
It will be before too long
this is why I mentioned offensive progression
Is Dabo still refusing to use the transfer portal?
>On the one hand they lost a lot of guys to the portal
They only lost one starter who was gonna lose his place anyways
The church won't pay for transfers. They are tainted and have sinned
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>As BuffsBeat's Jeff Hauser told me in May, Deion Sanders made the Prime Weekend Lil Wayne concert mandatory for his entire Colorado football team.
>A source told AthlonSports' Steve Corder, though, that such a demand was the "final straw" for several Buffs, who proceeded to hit the portal during the May 1 - May 15 transfer portal window.
>"The Wayne concert was the final straw for a few players who hit the transfer portal," a source told Corder. "When Coach Prime told us we all had to be there to support Shedeur as a rapper, they were not happy at all. To be honest, it was nothing but a huge distraction and Daddy Ball was being played."
>The mandatory Lil Wayne show upset some, while others dealt with heavier locker room issues pertaining to initiations and gambling.
Got to love what Coloradans brought on themselves by hiring Deion. Too bad it wasn't a higher profile school like USC or Alabama that hired him for maximum laughs.
I did that for one season but the next year they put it behind a paywall that was $20 a month. Not paying that much just to satisfy my curiosity about how my old high school is doing. They claimed it was a good deal since you got access to streams for dozens of high schools in the region but why the fuck would I give a shit about MLK HS playing Harvey Milk Academy when I didn't attend either one?
It's dey culture bigot
Whar SMU?
This season the SEC will have 16 members and the ACC 18, so two ACC schools had to be left out. Looks like Stanford was the other school left out of the challenge. Maybe SMU and Stanford will play each other.
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Which schools have the hottest women? I want to be a fan of their teams.
>they have no reason to
Until they do. They and everyone else is blinded by money. It’s inevitable
>minor spelling mistake
The sec and b1g have become bloated and greedy. They are crying for everything to be theirs and it’s been running the sport into the ground
Show us where they hurt you.
Why are conferencefags so insufferable?
>I root for muh conference and not my team because it means more
I guarantee most of the SEC teams were pissed that Alabama somehow snuck in the playoffs again and Georgia getting shafted
Show me how you suck their dick?
>like clockwork
There has to be a specific reason why you're seething so much. Tell us what it is.
Arizona State
Florida State
>I guarantee most of the SEC teams were pissed that Alabama somehow snuck in the playoffs again and Georgia getting shafted
h2h matters sister!
Like clockwork is there a reason you suck them off so much? Is it because your team is ass so you latch onto a conference?
The school I took two classes at and then dropped out of isn't going to be part of the P2. I needed football success to be something good in my life so I wouldn't feel so bad about living with my parents at 34. If I can't have reflected glory, no one else can and the whole thing should be destroyed! No, I'm not trans, at least not yet.
Neither of them should have gotten in.
>t. SEC fag
Thanks for going first >>141608634, now let's have the Anons you questioned answer.
I’m white, but thanks anyway.
Texas Tech
Arizona State
>I’m white, but thanks anyway.
Yeah that was the point
now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
>anon says taco tech after a thread full of bitching about the p2
make it less obvious
Do you think every taco fag is the same person? Truly amazing how much he lives rent free in your broken mind
>every anon is the same person
youre annoying and the same bitchfits are old

sent from my samsung galaxy 5s via tapatalk
You’re seething at the mere mention of Texas Tech. Truly you are broken record
Judging by her instagram these days, Britney
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>Nooo we can't just pay the players we are just scrapping by as is!
>that motel-tier safe in the locker
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I baked the last two new threads. Going to let someone else do it this time. Just don't be a dork and post something gay, it's the off-season and it's easy for these threads to fall out the bottom of the catalog if there's too much fagginess.
Imagine not going to a private or flagship public school.
I was here in this historic day.
Nep Vs SA

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