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How much better would Britain be if they played as one single team, instead of the four or five different teams they play as now?
Ingerland Ingerland Ingerland
Ingerland Ingerland Ingerlaaaaaand
Ingerland Ingerland Ingerland
Ingerland IN-GER-LAND
they would be just as dogshit

It would be 1 team with a lot of bad players rather than 4 teams with bas players spread amongst them
There was a time when Giggs or Keane or Bale might have added something to the England team but we'd still lose because of weakmind
Why do people keep saying this
It would be worse, because there would be political pressure to include dog shit shitters from each country, even if the 50 best players available were English.

It's non-europeans they don't understand how there could be vast cultural differences just a couple miles away
Because they don't understand the footy or realize that Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland sit on the IFAB that governs the whole sport.
>political pressure
From who
well they would just field their english team
from jew-run newspapers with 50k readers who still influence every aspect of the country for some reason
They would literally all be English players, for obvious reasons. The entire Scottish/Welsh/Irish/Northern Irish players, regardless if they play in the EPL are Engish Championship-tier players. Genetics are real.
In theory if there was a GB team the academies and infrastructure that creates good English players would also exist in Wales and Scotland.
There have been a lot of great Scot players in history, a 70/80s GB team would have dominated the world like those players dominated Europe at club level.
>a 70/80s GB team would have dominated the world
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>the academies and infrastructure that creates good English players
It would actually be weaker. It would be the England team but we would have to include some token Celts who would hamstring us.
Im mean, the coaches couldnt get anymore retarded they would always be scottish
there is one upside
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>Seperate brit flags appear for euros
>Flood of threads appear about Ireland and britain being one

Sloppy job mi5, Jap flag?
Sloppy fucking job
i just think you guys would be stronger if you played as one united british team, that's all
welsh, scottish and irish crybabies, probably including you
historically they could have won a WC, nowadays nothing special, all players would be from england anyway
British footy team wouldn't be a great improvement, however in rugby that's another thing, in theory
The Olympics answers that question
much better
thereare constant yugoslavia threads too
It is just the way it is
there are always one or two guys from the minnows that could perfect the english core just like bas ues do with spain
>sample of 1
The only non-England player that would get a look in is Andy Robertson
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nice 444 get
Tierney is better than Shaw too as a backup LB. And you could make a case for McGinn over Mainoo or Wharton.
Prime Giggs, prime Bale, and George Best could have brought a trophy to a unified UK. Some Scots would definitely make it into the starting 11. English goalkeepers were shit since Seaman, I'm sure some non-English goalie would be tried out by now.
The Republic or Ireland isn't part of Britain anymore, chud.
The best British player of our lifetime is Joe Allen. The best goal scored by a British player at a major tournament was scored by Hal Robson Kanu.
I genuinely think Ashley Williams was good enough to start for a uk team from 2015 to 2017.
this is the rub
the royal we haven't won a title for however many years because of talent squirreled away in the devolved nations
This desu.
People thought Germany would be unbeatable when West and East united. We had to wait 24 years for the next title. Can you imagne? 24 years without a world cup win. Hard times. I don't would wish this upon the UK.
mah bois

england already stole all the good Irish (kane, rice,mcguire) and Scottish (bowen) and still don't win shit
We won the 1996 euro you mong
Your team is only strong because of the players who should be representing African nations.
Serbian sois need to 'ship in' their hooligans. Game's well gone
This is the correct answer. There may occasionally be someone who could crack the England squad lineup, but otherwise all you'd hear is that there's too many English players and not enough "representation" from everywhere else. It would be a managerial nightmare.
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East Germany was better than Scotland and West Germany was better than England
Not really a fair comparison

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