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Pre-Game reminder that hating England is the most reddit thing possible.
Heckin momma mia morty.
Reddit hate England for le evil colonialism shit though, /sp/ is far more varied in their reasoning.
Nobody hates englel
But everybody thinks it’s funny to laugh at englel for being perpetual losers
Unless you hate them from a far-right nationalist perspective
giving a shit about what reddit thinks is the most reddit thing possible
We've won at every sport
this is why everyone laughs at you
I support england, we need the kino antagonist final
You have me, england. Dont worry.
I don't hate England, I just think it's funny to see them act so confident going into every single tournament and failing repeatedly for nearly 60 years.
Most people inherently like England and only start to dislike them due to their supporters never ending stream of obnoxious behavior. Which they then misinterpret as being "obsessed" with them.
I hate England because they cockblocked Germany from becoming world superpower and now we all have to suffer.
You just described every American
>england won ww2
dont tell americans and commiecucks this
some genuine ABE mental illness going on back then
>you want england to win? FUCKING ENGLISH SO ARROGANT
It's your fault because you hung on long enough to drag others into the war, but you can't take credit because those others won the war for you. (however you were right to do so)
The vax had the world act like this. Hopefully things got better by now
I just hate them for making nigger culture mainstream everything else is secondary
Instead of genociding chamars they left communist goatfucker/chamar fan club in power
Deranged faggots
>Nobody hates englel
Not only them but you too. Fuck you tribe pawns.
I love England, I think they're based fun lads
Do you just think about the vax all the time or something and bring it up out of nowhere for no reason? Seems kind of weird.
the English are based, let no one tell you otherwise

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