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Previously on /mlb/ >>141813158
Let's make a fan rooting interest scenario. Let us say anon lives in an area that is close to a city with an MLB team, but he lives in a suburb in the state over to the downtown. Should he root for that closer team the state over, or a team in his own state farther away?
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I can think of 4 or 5 cases of this desu.
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>We’ll get em tomorrow
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>page 4 metsinersposting
imagine being a fan of the gay team and the jewish team
lol, lmao
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Cute doyersnek
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Is Gavin Stone getting some Ks out tomorrow?
Gavin Stone is shit. Dodgers got two playable SPs and one is injured. Need someone to do rituals to heal Yamamoto
Why do baseball losses feel so much worse than losses in other sports that have fewer games
No idea sometimes I can't even finish watching a game if the other team is in a high leverage situation in a late inning even if it is May or June.
nothing is worse than a loss in football unless you're not into it. you think about that shit all week. You forget about a loss in baseball the next when you start playing the next game.
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Earlier this year and last year everyone was calling Schneider just another Montoyo, turns out he's worse than him and by quite a few.
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R'z fuck ya azz
so, (You)r memeiners dropped 8 on my injuns game 1.. my injuns dropped 8 on (You)r memeiners game 2... do we get kino 11-10 game tonight? or based 1-0 pitchers duel? there will be no in between. also, Steven Kwan is the best hitter in baseball.
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This electronic box is lying to you! Looks like a strike to me
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The indians haven't played a game that got that out of hand all year. The bullpen is too good and is almost always able to stop the bleeding. I'd bet low scoring.
13-7 game vs the rockies was some based retard shit.. but I get it, in Colorado. plus nick sandwich on the DL.. bullpen is still god tier, but losing a main guy always hurts
yeah i guess the >Coors game and they couldn't stop Mariners tacking on every inning two nights ago but they been few and far between.
>padres slowly but steadily creeping to the left
is that his stand
I’m tired of pretending that the Yankees aren’t the best team in baseball.

Red Sox and Orioles are cheaters. Fuck them and fuck you faggots too.

I don’t want to hear you mouth breathers talk shit about my team.
Sorry bro, but the Yankees are now no longer even the best team in their own city. The Mets have awoken and ascended.
Stop enabling their behavior.
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Yankees got EXPOSED by the Red Sox last weekend. Trevino can't throw for beans and the teams that can run at all are going to ruthlessly exploit it just like last night.
Shut up and get good at baseball.

Red Sox have NO hitters and have 50 errors to date

Running bases and stealing signs don’t make you a good team.

The Yankees have the best record in all of Baseball, a golden glove award winning Volpe, Cy Young pitcher Cole, and two of the best outfielders and sluggers in the entire league through Soto and Judge.
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Incredibly cringe: (you) withheld.
Incredibly based: (you) granted.
We’ve also had the best lineup consistently for decades.

Brett Gardner, A-Rod, Ichiro Suzuki, Mark Texeira, Derek Jeter, Andy Pettite, CC Sabathia, Mariano Rivera.

You fuckers could never replicate any of our teams from decades ago to the ones of today.
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And the worst fanbase on the planet living in 400 sq ft apartments infested with roaches. Imagine having to dodge fissures leading to jew tunnels on the sidewalk every day!
reddit spacing asshole stfu and fuck off
Suck a dick bitch
Fuck off retard, New York built America.

I live in a house with a spacious yard. Can you say the same
>best lineup consistently for decades
>names five batters then has to start listing pitchers cause he’s a filthy casual like all the other Yankee clones
Go back where you belong

That’s the 2013 lineup smart ass.
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behold true umpchad power.
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don't bother trying to front. you're not from here faggot.
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Can’t wait for the /mlb/ meltdown when the Yankees win against the Orioles and remain their stronghold on the American League.
Yankees fan doesn’t know what a lineup is lol
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Really, the 2013 Yankees lineup had three pitchers in it??
>METSIES down to .479
Signalling a complete collapse ahead of a sweep by cusbies this weekend.

>rEdDiT sPaCiNG
Moot literally used the same paragraph spacing 20 years ago you pathetic faggot desperate to fit in. Go back.
Pretentious, yapping, incoherent, semantics-using pseudo intellectuals.
>faggot desperate to fit in.
nice projection mush mouth fob. stick with taking your beatdown in euro cup. you don't know baseball. you don't know this general.
>WAAAAH t-thats not a lineup b-because you didn’t mention the 40-man roster!
Are any other sports fans this retarded?
Eat a dick you unemployed homo, go back to complaining about how you’ve been getting trolled by the same guy for a decade.

A decade on 4chan lmaooooo ngmi
go back you hairy knucked fat ass faggot
>you don't know this general.
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>three pitchers in an American League “lineup”
being this desperate to justify the incredibly stupid thing you have just said
Literally shut up you stupid fucking faggot the ONLY people I ever see complaining about le reddit spacing are 2016 fucking tourists who were absolutely desperate to pretend they weren't transplants and so generated a fuss over something nobody fucking cares about. The irony is you retards are too fucking new and stupid to realise your sperging about 'reddit spacing!11!' in the desperate attempt to justify yourself only marks you out as MORE of a pathetic newfag NOT LESS.

>you don't know baseball. you don't know this general.

Ironic when YOU'RE the one responding to genuine baseball discussion with:
>'gO bAcK tO rEDiT'
as if you're adding any value.
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>you don't know baseball. you don't know this general.
You must be a boomer, you seem to have forgotten that you mentioned this already and that Lu lost the argument 5 times already

See here
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>he can’t name more than five batters from his team’s supposed “decades” of consistently best lineups in baseball
>somehow thinks he won an argument that never even existed in the first place
Yankee fandom is a mental illness lmfao
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>dabbing on MLB harder than he did on deadball NPB
>dabbing on CRIPPLEmoto and his bloated contract
Honestly how the fuck did he do it?
I'm simply bored you watered down bong and this response can be a stand in for (you)s to all the other new wannabes here. You didn't bring in any baseball discussion, you simply jumped in upstream to add to perhaps add to the other banal "baseball discussion" all you boring casuals and twats bring here. There's no absolute desperation here. I'm just having a piss.
mythical rising fastball
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>fails to reply to cover his tracks
>repeating semantics
Concession accepted
First i suck ya
I love watching stankees fans seethe.. retards have 1 of the best teams in baseball and all they can do is sperg out
I love watching anti-yankee schizos wake up at 6 AM to shitpost about muh stankees until 2 AM.

Rent free.
And then?
>calls me a schizo for posting at 6 am
>it's 10 am though
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>Filthy zoomer casual shorts out and can’t remember his supposedly legendary Yankee batters (forgetting names like Cano, Posada, and Granderson in the process)
Lmao hilarious start to the day. Good morning to all the real baseball fans out there!
orioles are pretty cool
Never happened, meds.
you're the epitome of the casual tourist frontrunning fanbase here. one or two of you at most have been semi regulars here for a handful of years. the rest of you obese boomers shit this place up with your midwit banter when you think you're going to win and fuck back off when the going gets rough.
What did Mariano Rivera slug in 2013? I heard he had a hot bat but I bet Pettite mogged him in the power department, what with the steroid usage and all.
>throw first pitch strikes
>never swing at them
What if our hitting coaches had a little chat with the pitching coach? Would they expose themselves as the frauds they are
Whichever team you can watch at home, if the answer is both, then definitely the closer one that you can attend more games of
Checked and casual yankerfag tushies absolutely rekt
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good morning
Yankees own /mlb/
Strong mind and wanted to Cusb, so he Cusbed. That's unlike Yamahomo who is a whore who dances for money
each one of you knows you're full of shit. /mlb/ isn't owned by a single fanbase but by the anons who care about this place.
Btw Yanks own this place.
spoken like a man with erectile dysfunction
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>we own this place
Says the “fan” who doesn’t know what a lineup is.
I’m noticing a trend here with this lowercase post guy.
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>day games
neetgods are eatin
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This nigga eatin pasketti for breakfast
Yankees have the best record in baseball btw
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I think the Yankees will score more runs than the gloryholes by the end of today's game.
There is no way that Willie Mays just died a couple of days ago right before all of these events. They have been saving the news for the right moment like with Ginsburg.
>Veteran reliever Tim Hill and the New York Yankees are in agreement on a one-year deal, sources tell ESPN.
>The 34-year-old left-hander was DFA'd by the White Sox last week and will join a banged-up Yankees bullpen. - per Jeff Passan
We need to trade for Mason Miller.
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Yesterday SUCKED oh well 3 hours until my M's win the series brother
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This but unironically.
Why is this genny so infantilized? What is it about baseball that attracts people with Peter Pan syndrome? Even in the old days the depiction of a baseball fan was a "child at heart." What's up with that?
its only cubs and mariners fans (reddit and nintendo franchises respectively)
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Oh Metinsers will be feasting today, by the way. They are due (lost 1 game each).
That one at the top was that second strike on JP that more or less ended the game.
Dig deep enough and you'll discover every man has Peter Pan syndrome somewhere. It's more obvious with sports fans.
>cubs and mariners
>99% of tranime posting on this general from yankees and doyers fans
Resident shit posters a/k/a anti-team schizos who attempt education through shame which always backfires.
Nobody here is your friend, stop being weird or keep it to your discord
>A decade on 4chan lmaooooo ngmi
What kind of a-social loser would hang around here that long, or even longer!
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We're friends keep posting.
Imagine not knowing a world before the Apple iPhone
I coined that term. True story.
This webzone was incredibly fun in 2006.
When the christian dictatorship arrives I hope at least we get internet ID checks
Don't you already need to provide ID to access porn in Texas?
>posts ai weebslop
It’s just these fucking Reddit…
>doesn’t know any Yankees that played before 2009
and these fucking Nintendo…
>pisses and shits himself over the 2017 ALCS every morning
Cubs and Mariners fans!!
>anheros in early October
So wouldn't 4chan.org/gif etc have to comply with that?
Seems like I'll be writing a letter to the Texas Department of Freedom today...
>throws a tantrum
You just proved his point champ
>The following states have passed, or have agreed to pass, age restriction laws—Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Virginia.

What are they doing in Scotland?
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How do we feel M's bros? I'm thinking a 3-2 heartbreaker.
It's just one guy
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>no u
I agree!
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>Yankees have signed veteran reliever Tim Hill to a one year deal (via Jeff Passan)
you're going to catch your second wind after the ASG.
Nothing. There's an online safety bill but so far it mostly manifests in ISPs turning on adult filters by default and then you just remove them on set up.

Meanwhile some of the most pro-GOP, 'pro-small government' states now mandating you provide proof of ID on every site you visit. Utterly bizarre.

Why is WooWoo not starting? Is his elbow fucked again?
I get fucked by ya!!!
looks racist
surprised Iowa and Missouri aren't on that list and it's no weirder that pro small governmentoids telling people what they can or can't do with their own bodies.
Nah it’s gonna be a 3-2 rubber match
>ridding 4chin of underagers once and for all
wtf I love republicans now
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Long live the Umpchads! DEATH TO AI
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My Brew Crew and cold beers and baseball, it's hot out there and stay refreshed Kings
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How do I deal with the fact I'm a fan of multiple teams?
Nice, we need a tougher bullpen. Kahnlee, Weaver, and Tonkin are the only reliable ones.
Then you're not a fan, you're a follower, maybe even a supporter, but not a fan
Honestly kind of poetic and fun to think about
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>$49.5 million dollarinos for Springer, Turner, Kiermaier and Vogelbach
>0.1 WAR combined
See this is why I don't complain when the Indians avoid veteran free agents.
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Watch Winterball to avoid this problem.
Based. But our Mets are now 11-3 over their last 14. They need another 5 game win streak to keep the forward momentum. Really, now that the bats are hot we just need some consistent pitching. Not even great pitching, just good enough. Then... perhaps... if the stars align just so, we get to the playoffs and win. And then, unlikely as it might seem, we get to the NLCS. And then anything can happen in just 7 games. Perhaps we're hot and edge out the competition. Is it too much to hope for? But they seemed even less a pennant caliber team in 2000.

And then anything can happen in the Series. Yes boyos, it may seem wild, hair brained, but I can feel it in my bones... this might finally be the year!
We need rapespie
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Red Sox exposed the Yankees and just completed a three game sweep of the Jasy to win their 5th game in a row to get within ONE game of a WC spot.

Rest of the league had better watch the FUCK out
He hasn't passed through these parts in a few months. Might have ran into some trouble with the law. Who knows.
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The Braves are BACK
agreed, injuns are best in the league at devolving young talent, and fixing broken pitchers/developing young pitchers.. encarnacion was the last straw even though he wasn't that bad
Based believer; remember that the 2015 squad was a joke before the ASG. We were starting such literal whos as Eric Campbell and John Mayberry, before signing Kelly Johnson, Juan Uribe, and Cespedes at the deadline and then getting Wright back shortly after that (remember his kino first ab HR after coming back from the spinal stenosis diagnosis, and the other 7 HRs the Mets hit against the Phillies that night?) This team is way more capable than that pre ASG squad was, at least at the plate.
Big Papi did steroids.
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Sneks are playing today
what made it galling was how offended guys like him and Clemens acted about it.
If David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez tested positive for steroids during the 2003 season and Alex Cora got caught cheating from 2017-2019 does that mean that the Curse of the Bambino is still in effect?
playing with my balls amirite
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This is true.
The Nats are BALLS, Gott'em shawty NEGRO. Sneks UP Nats DOWN AZ lyfe
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I wish my team had a competent GM and owner again. I hope Jeff is having fun down in Mexico
Omg you are havin 1 bad season in the past 8. STFU
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what 0 legit championships does to a mf
What 27 deadball/steroid era rings does to a mf
Can my pirates make the playoffs?
are Jones and Skenes on innings limits?
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/our/ seattle mariners play in less than 1 (one) hour.
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this decade? no
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Sorry, I will be watching my Sneks winning today instead
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sad and ngmi
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Doug Eddings master class. Ump chads unite. Electronic TV box virgins GTFO
Guardians are the real deal.
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Checked and I like how their lifelongs popped up and make a show of calling them the Indians.
>0 real rings
>pretending like ‘22 didn’t count
>cope picrel
ironic, stankee
>teleports behind you
>wins your baseball pennants
heh nothin personnel kid
why are yankee fans so uppity this early in the day?
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It’s just one guy who types in all lowercase
>he thinks the Red Sox wont make the postseason
yankees make ya seethe?
Ok, now this is Broship
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The only playoff teams that matter
>zero players in the top 1
We're due for a low scoring bullpen game with how we've been playing lately.
Did you graduate kindergarten?
has Arenado done enough to be in the HoF?
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wtf!!!! m'sbros, do not claim!!!!
Neither of these teams are making their respective CS
Not a chance brother
PLEASE tell me your in Saint Louis
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>the haters can't meme
>the haters can only seethe
Mariners starting soon frens, Metsies are off today before taking the onslaught to Chicago (North).
Setting back race relations
Checked and kekked
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Check em!
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How'd you know big boy ;))
Dylan Moore hit a big home run
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Injuns... explain yourselves (Mariners stream is broken but DMO kino 2 run homer in the first).
How is that little asian boy Kwan so good?
We watch root broadcasts in this household m'sbro.
0 out rally lets go injuns!
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This guy is probably getting into the Hall of Fame through committee at some point
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many such cases
was watching mlbwebcast but the mariner stream stopped working
works on meth and crack streams
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>sub 90%
>4% below expected
Umpchads how based is this?
Are ya winnin son?
Welp, looks like we're getting a shootout in downtown Cleveland today, but what else is new?
Is there a reason not to watch on 'thetvapp'.
yeah you get whatever stream they choose, and it's running behind a bit. most sites now have home/away option at least.
Who the fuck is number 1 then?
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Good thing Indians don’t know how to shoot
Thanks, anon.
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elite hbp ty france
Cleveland with one of the worst challenges I have every seen lmao
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>call on the field is confirmed
>hit by pitch
lmao actually :)
just stands not confirmed
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If the Mets ever win it will be with a mediocre team. Outside the Yankees, New York teams fail spectacularly if they try to become super teams. The most obvious recent example is the Kyrie, Harden, Durant Nets, or the Nets trading away the picks that became the Jays Boston dynasty for the corpses of KG and Paul Pierce. But the Mets did that too back before Madoff fucked their payroll for a decade. They made it to the series in 2000 and then doubled down on a win with a huge spending spree, getting Mo Vaughn not long off his MVP year, Alamar, Burnitz, etc. (and they still had Piazza). That team turned out to be absolute trash. Alamar, with his .300 average over a long career was under .200 for long stretches and blew by the team record for errors at 2nd, while Mo literally got too fat to play. Burnitz had the lowest batting average of any starter in the NL after being great. Only Mike remained good.

This is why I don't really like to see them splurge on single super star guys. They normally disintegrate as soon as they get to the Mets.
How obvious was the hit?
They're super challenge happy, every tiny little thing they try to challenge. It's actually really gay.
Seeing Mookie in LA still hurts. I told myself at the time that it was the right move. I said: "well, we got rid of Nomar, and I hated that move, but then we broke the curse." And then we made it to the ALCS that year and I figured it was the right move.

But now I hate it. I feel bad for him. Playing for the Sawx increases your soul.
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Howdy yal good luck White Sox
>Spaghetti on the bump
>Yordon back
Castillo doesn’t have it today. Hope Scott pulls him after 5. If he throws into the 6th he’s gonna give up 2+
Go cubs fuck this heat
Not very but the ball def changed direction after it hit the “ground.” It was way too close to waste a challenge on in the 4th inning of a tied game, but to be fair to CLE team that runner did score (Ms!)
M'sisters we caught a break there
Cucked by the ground rule double might be the most infuriating “good” thing in sports. (Ms escape the inning lmao!!)
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finally back in the lineup and hits one 435ft in his first AB
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One of these days this sexy and stupid dominican is going to get red fucking hot and you losers are not gonne be able to handle it.
El Mutt del Seattle
He has an OPS+ under 100
Is he Dominican? Honorary Yankees player.
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>No challenge
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It's time for Mariners radio, /mlb/. c u l8r
Castillo can't make it out of the fifth...
>Naylor is kil
where were you for the epic Tuesday game?
You were an inning too generous, idk how he is still out there.
Yeah it was obvious it wasn’t his day. Cleveland hit everything hard
>Willie Mays, age 50, makes an insane catch on the run at full speed during an Old Timers game at Shea Stadium in 1981

He also has top 20 bat speed and exit velo. He keeps getting on top of everything. Once he starts hitting the ball in the air he’s going to raise his slugging/OPS 60 points in a month
Maikel Franco syndrome
ngh gah.. fuck me..pleas...
Happy Pride Month, Bravesbrah
I like baseball and Willie (hehe) but I can never get excited about baseball catches. Every one listed as 'best ever!!!' is obviously glove caught and usually just running towards warning. I don't like cricket but the catches are far more impressive there.
Still this one for me

it's a kind of "you had to be there" feeling, if you didn't grow up playing baseball it's kind of hard to understand how satisfying it can really be in the moment
I feel the exact opposite. I view cricket players as being fit but nowhere near the same caliber of athletes we see in baseball. I'm assuming this won't change your mind, but this catch still stands out to me as being one few could make.

This is okay but you see couple of these a month across various cricket leagues.

I get this but its the same in cricket.

I think the players in baseball are bigger and more athletic yes but I'm not sure the catches are as technical. It's a good catch though.

I found a couple of things suggesting a 20mph difference in max exit velocity which is something but not a lot. Cricket ball is also FAR harder than a baseball though so it's significantly harder to catch barehanded I think.
Dodger ace Gavin Stone will be on the mound today.
But like I said, I prefer baseball as a sport, just catches are one area I'm never that impressed by supposed 'exceptional' plays.
PS Fuck whoever saw this and bogged the stream. Constant drops when literally never had any issues previously.
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I need to set aside an evening and watch those naked gun movies again
sup. What made you come around during the day and not the evening?
absolute kino
ohtani bomb!!!
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tfw off day
Man that large asian man is a good ball player
He missed at least 4 high strikes against the mariners according to the broadcast strike zone
They don't really cover much ground though do they? Feel like this is not something you'd see at a cricket match, the ball is generally hit at them, and doesn't carry like a baseball.

kek. I just remembered I made a shitpost his first season saying they needed to give him a dna test because there was no way an Asian man could hit the ball that far or hard and weebs chimped out on me.
>heavy Botox and fillers
>nose job
>more makeup than a Johnny Depp character
Hard pass anon.
I wanna put her head in my car door way and smash it
I'm not able to appreciate the stuff cricket players do because I feel like major leaguer ball players could do that stuff in their sleep. could
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At least it's not a shut out.
It’s a totally different game though. A baseball player could hit a bunch of 6’s but they’d almost definitely surrender a wicket or pop one up for a catch within a few bowls. The object of cricket is to bat as long as possible
yeah, I admit I don't know shit about cricket. I'm saying I'm incapable of seeing the skill in what they do having watched baseball my whole life.
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holy shit walker
sneks win
based keekay
No the boundaries aren't as far at c.90 yards but as a result they absolutely do go for boundaries (sixes) all the time. And it results in reaching catches exactly the same. There's a number in the video I linked above.
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Judge is in the lineup today.

Gil starts.
>A baseball player could hit a bunch of 6’s but they’d almost definitely surrender a wicket or pop one up for a catch within a few bowls.
Sounds like a bunch of communist gobbledygook.
Disasterclass from the umps this entire Pebbles/Dodgers series.
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take your base
>mexican midgets in charge of catching pop ups
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>getting swept by the ****ians
Imagine baseball where you can’t strike out or ground out and can bat infinitely as long as you don’t pop up or allow a middle/middle pitch through. Your entire side bats at once, you get 9 outs then the other team bats and whoever has more runs wins. Thats cricket.
Spaghetti boiling in Chicago
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>can't strike out or ground out
Uh, I appreciate you trying but bowled wickets and run outs?
That was Chas’ ball to catch. Retard is too pudgy to get up there
I’m speaking in generalities for Americans. Hit a ground ball and you’re 98% safe, middle/middle is the bowled wicket reference
>Spaghetti spilled
You can’t walk 5 and expect to be a good pitcher you retard. Any other team and they would have 8 already
That sounds super gay
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Ohtani's OPS is back over 1.000. He's so back.

Missed it sadly. Caught the highlights later. This Rockies series has been wild.
>tfw only starting pitcher on your team that isn’t a rookie/sophomore is a toddler

Still, this team has a top 5 bats, you shouldn’t lose a 3 run game, ever
Sounds like they’re about to drop new betting infos regarding “his” trial, so they’re feeding him juiced meatballs so you redditors will be ready to defend him
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We are 2 in the mlb in batting average but 28th in being able to convert offense into runs. It seems we’ve completely and utterly lost the clutch gene.
Kek. It was the first time in 95 years the Dodgers won a game going into the 9th inning trailing by 5 runs without going into extra innings. Ohtani hit the longest homer of the season so far. Doyle made that amazing catch, and a 30-year-old journeyman got the win in his major league debut. You picked a hell of a game to miss.
Shut the fuck up you schizo retard
>betts starts leading the team in hitting
>higher thugs to take him out
>start having an interpreter steal signs for you

This man needs to be stopped
based pages, he's become an important batter in the lineup
That’s the spirit, reddit
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>Ohtani now slashing .290 / .372 / .609 in June
Lmao where is that anon that was completely mind fucked by his June numbers last week.
Pages! Teo runs better than I thought he would.
Vargas! that cuban connection is finally working
The Miguels getting it done.
wtf did nelson just call pages?
>this is worthy of $1 billion

Do you bootlick Elon musk too?
Is it time to apologize to Vargas yet?
You didn't get swept though?
File deleted.
Gil against the Baltimore Orioles

6.1 IP/ 2 H/ 0 R/ 0 ER
Kinda awkward when your tribute to one of the legends of baseball is outsized by your soulless corpo sponsor patch, but Manfred never thought of that before bending over for more advertising dollars did he?
Top kek, he's here and he's still mad.
I think they'll trade him eventually. He looks like he's moving through wet concrete and will be a sub defensive guy no matter where he plays.
it's 20 million chud
Judge back. Gil on the mound. Let’s go Yankees.
>h-h-hes making fun of me again
>h-h-hes made
#rent free, my lad :^)
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Lets go Yankees!
A lot of redemption seasons from sophomore Doyers between Vargas, Stone, and hopefully at some point Outman.
I feel like we won't see Outman again unless someone gets hurt until Sept call ups.
Phillies have some of the worst offense this season coming specifically from outfielders. Assuming Marsh and Castellanos are basically must play, Who are potential OF3 types? I can't see the Padres being sellers, so I don't think profar is available. Robert might be available, and so might JJ Bleday?
He looks like he corrected some things in the minors and I don't think last year was a fluke. Sadly I don't think he mentally recovered from that error in the NLDS yet.
Big dick Willy!
freddie :)
Hell yeah back to back
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luv me coors
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>mookie dies
>offense remembers how to hit again
yeah yeah i get it, it's coors
Tampa Gay Gays
I don't even remember the error you're referring to. I feel bad for him, but I'd rather see CT continue to figure it out and force the Dodgers to move some of these guys sooner rather than later. I hate thinking of it as good problems to have but I feel like it's true. The team looks to have enough surplus to be able to shore up the weaknesses.
I fucking hate karros
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Lets go Os!
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We’re all tied up
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you WILL watch the negro league game tonight
you WILL learn what juneteenth is
you WILL apologize for slavery
you WILL pay reparations
Yankees suck.

Fuck you Juan dodo. We're gonna fuck you up so bad today ...
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Higher rings = higher IQ
Conservatives/Republicans are probably mad that the Guardians are doing well. They don't like it when something "woke" does well.
kek. just try to enjoy the product on the field. I can't stand him either.
a rare smile from Stone
M's are the team for classical racists tbqhfamily.
yeah. both him and Pages. I can't imagine either of them laughing. Miller also for that matter.
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Good lord the Stros are lucky they are playing the white sux. 4-3 Stros now
So if I watch a game involving baseball history tonight, I'm some leftist to you?
Literally rent free in your head
Remider two New York teams lost last night LOL
This is the one. They were going to lose that series regardless but he's talked about it multiple times in the past and how much it really fucked with his head all offseason and eventually into the regular season. I'd rather just phantom IL CT3 and move on, it's been 3 seasons already and he still hasn't figured it out.
looks good on him but i prefer his stoic stone-cold look
>any history is important history even if it means nothing
The New York subway series immediately following 9/11 has more historical significance
What's your beef with the Negro Leagues? Everyone here was sad when Mays died this week.
Today feels like a Sunday, probably because I’m outside smoking sausage and enjoying midday baseball

Go Ohtani!!
Nope, 90% didn’t care because 50% didn’t know who he was (me included), 6% feigned it and 4% were being sarcastic

You’re part of the 6%
Oh shit I gotta get the prime rib on the smoker, thanks for reminding me.
Segregation bad.
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>Eat the owner class!
>No gods, No Commissioners!
>Tune in to the Rickwood Field game between the Cardinals and Giants, tonight at 7:15 eastern, 4:15 pacific only on Fox!
>Not knowing who Willie Mays was
Are you a zoomer?
Stone's the guy
You're bad at math.
>being upset that other people will watch the Rickwood Field game while you are free not to watch
That's fucking crazy. I don't even remember that. I have a habit of never dwelling on or revisiting shit I don't want to think about as it pertains to Dodger post season failures, so I hope it's my will and not early onset of dementia. I hope the best for Outman whether it's here or somewhere else and it does suck for a young guy to carry shit like that. I can't fault anyone for wanting to shitcan CT3 either. I'm glad I don't have to make those kinds of decisions.
Cedric the entertainer...never disappoints
Worse, he’s a larping faggot but one who is genuinely upset that people aren’t as assmad about the negro league stuff as he is
O's stealing signs
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Afternoon, racist and gamers /mlb/
Is it the gay louis fan?
Fucking barreled that one.

Why does the home plate circle look like a heard of elephants ran across it? We're only in mid 2...
Reddit is getting upset
>white sux
There goes Gil's Cy Young hopes.
>Muh Reddit
I told you we were gonna fuck the yanks up real bad today....
Look at that ERA balloon.
Idk specifically who it is but he’s obviously being insincere about Mays or else he’s actually clinically retarded. It’s just the next “hurdur negro league stats” faggotry that was spammed for a week last month. Now he’s samefagging and calling people “reddit” right on cue.
The Baltimore Orioles are the best team in baseball
Aaron Boone is going to cry on the field by the 6th inning
lol at Yankee fags who woke up at the crack of dawn looking forward to this
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Jesus fucking Christ.
probably that pooston pos who thinks the trashtros are a white team
Outstanding sign stealing by the Orioles
Yeah its the same guy who spends all his time calling other people reddit and whining about black people.
This is turning into T-ball
Do something about it

I double dog dare you to fucking bean someone...
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Games over. GG’s O’s.
Looking forward to the bombshell report a year out from now.
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Gil just beaned one of the fratboys
>Pressly in for Houston
>in a 3-5 game
Yup, wore his ass out and got us a run. Next victim.
Stankees fans already coping and coming up with excuses in the 2nd inning. Kwab.
>only 2nd inning
Yankees will come back.
I hope your right canuck.
Isn't it 2 million per year?
Tonkin be like: wtf.
At least Tonkin has been a nice surprise…haha..
Gil pitch tipping confirmed.
>finding being called reddit an insult
He has been one of our top 3 relievers so far, can you believe he got DFA'd 3 times before Matt Blake got to him?
If they don't what excuse will you come up with next? Or are you just going to resort to "muh 27"?
I’m going to call you gay.
This isn't the playoffs and it's mid-june. Shut up and watch the game.
Not even gonna bother reading through the thread, what kind of cope are Yankeefags spewing today?
It seems I struck a nerve
Only one of the two teams has confirmed faggot players and it's not the Orioles
You’re gay.
The White Sox are really bad aren't they?
I'll watch tonight's game just to make you seethe.

Can't wait for the blood curling seethe the '''Orioles Fans'''' draw up tonight
Gleyber to the short porch! Let’s start chipping away bros :)
Yes. Surprised no changes have been made yet.

Good job Gayber, you hit one out of a high school field.
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NOW Gleyber hits a HR. Fucking useless.
Stankees fans are so fucking soft. Can talk a whole lot of shit when they win but when they're losing it's all cry baby bitch shit. "It's only June (when we are losing but if we were winning we would be shitting on your poverty flyover team).
Based Gleyber hater.
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Remember, Gleyber is one of our worst players. If he gets a HR the others are sure to follow.
Doyerbros… what is Roberts thinking?
about what? taking Stone out? He was gassed.
damn, mcmahon making it look easy out there
wasn't even a close play either
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>just got back from the Nationals game for a work event
>dont even like the Nationals; am Orioles fan
>O's up 7-1 already
>yankseethes in the thread

today was a good baseball day
Speaking of strawman
go to the national zoo. plenty of daylight left.
>get home from work
>turn on the yanks
>7-1 baltimore
what the fuck is going on
Hi guys. Just started watching baseball. Someone told me to support a team called the yankees because they good? Some start player called Jury? Just been watching the game tonight and they are losing 7-1 isn't that bad? Are the yankees actually a joke team?
Why are little league parks like Yankees Stadium and Minute Maid Park even allowed?
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Stros win 5-3
ggs Sox, you managed to take a game from our hot-and-cold offense
Onto the Os tomorrow…. oh boy
Because of Boston
anyone here live in an area where they see Orioles? I live 4 hours outside of Baltimore and have only seen 3 orioles in over 20 years' time.
They're not a very communal bird. Not likely to see one unless you're looking for one specifically.
>lose series to Doyers
>lose series to Bawston
>about to lose series to O’s
What’s up with the Yanks lmao
>leave the gym, 1-0
>pass window of bar #1, 3-0
>pass window of bar #2, 6-0
>get home, 7-0

I live like 5 mins from the gym. Glad the O's are winning but it would have been nice to actually see some of the runs.
Flat track bullies
i know its the rockies, but these hits that CT3 is getting is encouraging
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Besides just you normal basic bitch sparrows, the main bird I usually see around here are cardinals. And I live in Georgia.
Another homer on the high school field! Good job buddy!
I saw a yellow breasted one years ago for a second when it landed on my porch before immediately flying away. I saw a pair a few weeks ago when one of my cherry trees started producing fruit. I'm not an avid bird watcher but I have a couple bird baths and put seeds out every day.
i'm 1.5 hours from Baltimore and rarely ever seen an Oriole. See Cardinals the most and Blue Jays second
They like citrus. Cut an orange in half and pin it to the tree.
yeah, mostly cardinals and grackles for me with assorted brown birds.
thanks. I'll try that.
yeah. he looks confident at the plate. it's different that how he was looking most of the year.
>injuns won their early game today
>get to watch the Yankers take it up the ass for dinner
Can today get any better?
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>generic white guy baseball player
>most generic name possible
>batting in-between Ohtani and Freddy which is probably a dream for a lot of fans
Is Will Smith someone’s create-a-character?
I know Smith is supposed to be a common last name, but I think I've only known on person with the last name my whole life.
Jeez, are you Clevelanders allergic to saying the G word even when you’re team is good?
Rockies have played a lot of nice defense this series
uhhh mariners?
Freddie is fine r-right? Haha…
Nice grab by Cabrera
Yup, he's got hops!
If Freddie is injured too I unironically believe someone is putting a voodoo curse on this team.
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shhh, let's not talk about it and just go to florida in peace
I know. Hold my breath every time with him and Ohtani running hard.
Made up for his error the batter before.
bandwagoner, they've had a voodoo curse for 11 years now
tweaked hamstrings are a thing. especially when they hit their 30's.
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Don’t worry too much, we play the Os next so you guys are probably fine
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Not a very good curse then considering the Dodgers won in 2020
>2 run game
>Rojas didn’t get a hit
It’s joever
hardest to win and least respected is a curse in itself
Clank! Goddamn you mother fuckers are sucking asshole today.
>Nats are almost .500
wut? when did this happen?
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>White Sux Pitcher
>Traded to NYY
>Debut Today
>1 IP, 3 ERA
3 unearned runs isn't the same as 3 era dummy
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doyers win
gg rockies

doyers won :)
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Have the Yankees even won a series against a single serious contender team yet? This blows.
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gg Rox
see you later
doyerbros, stephen nelsons announcing is making these games unwatchable. im sick of this homer shit
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I honestly just tune him out. Karros is harder to ignore for me, but I tune him out most of the time also.
Move Volpe to 2nd, trade Boone for Bobby Witt Jr and cash considerations, who says no
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>Each mlb team if they were named after one of their state’s official animals
Do you consider the Brewers contenders?
Milwaukee Badgers would be a little based
>Dodgers are currently on a 10 game win streak against the Angels
>17 wins 3 losses in the 2020s
I'd milk your snake
No, they'll fold in the playoffs. They're the NL Twins.
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>this team broke Trevino and the Yankees
No pitching. Healthy pitching at least
Aside from Chicago Bluegills (lmao) these are pretty good
>New York Snapping Turtles
>New York Bluebirds
lmao gaynkees
Isn't garibaldi a biscuit. Also surprised to learn Florida dies indeed actually have panthers.
>You will never hear about the Beavers taking a pounding from the Milk Snakes
Armadillos would be fucking sick
>Texas Longhorns
I think that’s copyrighted
>Pittsburgh Great Danes
Stupid but the other PA symbol making it the Pittsburgh Hellbenders (salamander) would be kino
>Florida panthers
Critically endangered btw
Also their ice hockey team
New York Ice Spice's
We got a real ass clencher in Oakland right now
Can't wait to see who the Yankee's bullpen is going to magic hat next. Surely not a 50 year old who got DFA'd by the White Sox...right?
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It’s a fish
>St Louis Honeybees


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>hardest to win
how about you fuck off retard
my st louis honeybees :)
Is that why you and Ohtani changed sides?
Yeah I personally called him and told him to switch teams so we (I say we because we're close like that) could finally not be completely out of even just playoff contention by the second half of July.

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