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Rest in Peace Willie Mays.

First pitch at 7:30 EST, 4:30 PST.
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SF Giants Lineup
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STL Cardinals Lineup
Is that dude wearing a dress?!
This will be kino and all the chuds will seethe at missing out on a ballgame.
Nigga in a dress?
>fuck it I don't know just put the blackest person on their team
I'm not a fan of either of these teams, but im rooting for the Giants tonight.
Why are you such misgendering bigots?
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the game was supposed to start 8 minutes ago
Did they not practice the national anthem beforehand? That was awful
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>the HR king isn't in the HOF
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if they can't fucking win it for willie mays..
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Pick one
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is there a single black person at the ballpark who wasn't paid to be there?
Very literal African American representation in this game. Yankees vs Dodgers would’ve made more sense considering they have a fair amount of black players.
Giants, return to polo grounds hwyte man
4k baseball broadcast lets go
idk it seems like they all had a lot of fun in the negro leagues
why did they shut it down again?

This nigga got jokes
lamonte wade jr is the on the IL
isn't it kind of sus for MLB to be coopting this history? seems to me like it's not great for them to be profiting off their history of organizational segregation
Is fentanyl really that bad
Kenny couldn't understand shit lmao. it was mostly understandable though, no worries old man
Terrible first pitch, DFA him.
When used properly in the correct doses no. It's a drug with legitimate medical uses.
He's 99, please understand.
go berdinals i guess?
Any way to get it on pc or is it a streaming box only thing? I have a cable sub.
bob costas should be hosting this
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>Rickwood is our mother-church of baseball
you can go to fox's website or download their app, you'll just need to log in
only black player on either team lmao
you may think that's wrong, you my even have some evidence to the contrary
never heard of it until it was spammed everywhere for a week
is he even black? looks afro-latino
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Baseball doesn't have any of its history left standing it's sad, but this is the best they got.
has there been a shooting yet?
Kino scorebug.
Lets be honest, nobody but rich whites could afford to go lol.
Shut up.
tickets start at the low low price of $235
>All Nigga Umps

Uh oh
winner gets reparations
all the major celebrations were yesterday for juneteenf, just minor celebrations today
Bucknor is one of them.
>no gay floating box strike zone
it's beautiful
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>Do a Negro League tribute game
>Make ticket prices so high only whites have the money to attend
Is he one of us?
>first all black umpiring crew

What can we expect tonight?
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Porter isn't too bad at HP. At least it's not Bucknor behind the plate.
they shoulda turned off the pitch clock for this one
true. they should be on colored people time.
You mean Mets vs Dodgers.
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my black barons
>all those empty seats
nobody cares about this "historic" game
they probably were reserved for black people
Who’s black on the Mutts?
Instead of this shit why don't we rebuild the real Yankee stadium and tear down the glorified shopping mall where they play now?
gee I love building submarines
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Why is this so depressing?
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Please start Winn for the all star game. .300 average as a rookie. Cannon of an arm too.
do you wear a hijab? asking for a defense contractor
ah yes historic rickwood field where the black babe ruth josh gibson had sex with 3 white women in one inning
It's not going to help the absolute state of blacks in the US, it's just a meme so manfred can feel uppity
wait so this field isn't even actually used? they built all this up for this game specifically?
>Alabama player homers in Alabama.
It's over
sweet home Alabama
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berds homerun!!!!!
You care if you're in this thread.
Potemkin village
there aren't any other games on and no other sports lmfao
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why do 13% of baseball players steal 53% of bases?
Racist chud bigots vs enlightened coastal faggots
Juiced ball alert?
Purely economic factors
it's going to host a collegiate team next year i guess, it's mostly a museum until these big upgrades are done
>the black women in the front row already left
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I dont like how the giants are dressed like cubbie bears
epitomizes the current state of things I guess
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i wouldve much preferred an all black broadcast booth than listen to these white boys ham it up with the patronizing
they're seal cubs
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These old timers actually seem pretty cool
>we didn't worry too much about segregation
uh oh, not the answer the network wanted!
based senile negro was fine with segregation
its because the didnt grow up with (((modern))) culture
Jews hadn't gifted rap music to them yet
>The Sea Lions' jerseys that the Giants will be wearing on Thursday feature an image of a cub, because the Sea Lions purchased their jerseys from the San Francisco Cubs, a semi-pro team from that era.
has black twitter complained about white's using the term negro league so freely yet?
you will never be able to convince me that the Negro Leagues were on the same level as the MLB
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cut his mic. dont let him mention thomas sowell
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>Ken, ask him how he feels about being called a nigger
>how the negro leagues inspired chevy cars
lol I'm sure they did
Based pastor. Only 2-3 months away from 100.
it's a professional sport buddy, they just have to do these kinds of things sometimes. don't let it get to you too much.
Isn’t black history month over?
Brandon Crawfag!
this is a celebration of the state of african americans lmfao, sure thing man
I got a laugh out of that. Even for corporate pandering, that's ridiculous
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I thought this game would be really interesting (I love baseball) but I wish generic globohomo megacorp would tone down the pandering.
You WILL watch the negro game and you WILL use Capital One (tm) for cashless payments. Also Chevrolet or something whatever fuck you.
i'll be honest i'm busy with prime rib and not watching, i just wanted to cheer you up while I wait for the poodres to come on
Willie Mays already rolling in his grave watching this slurp game
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the ticket stub is your virtual signal certificate
that was a sarcastic comment, I'm quite cheerful lol
why would they let a shitter team like the giants play in a national game
why wasn't this game then?
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Summer Solstice ritual
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how should I know
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if i were at the game id wear a cotton candy afro
Gibson 1.12 1968 was one of the greatest pitching seasons ever. They had to lower the mound after.
Checked. Does this kill ultra gigga nigga 9000 or does he grow another head?
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keyed autist just wanting to pitch
unlistenable patronizing broadcast
Hey Bob, remember when you managed the Negro Leagues game sponsored by Gioco, Chevrolet and Capital One?
I turned the game off, I wouldn't be watching this matchup if it wasn't for the meme negro stuff anyway
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And yet it is shilled 24/7
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thats an infield fly in st louis
juiced ball special
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Interesting ad
What's your problem?
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every day in the united states, 9001 black men are lost to slavery
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>What's your problem?
Are you even watching the game?
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>What's your problem
I am not.
many such cases
Why not?
How many basedjaks do you have?
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Yet another chuddie melty
Plenty of stolen bases
I've been hearing about the le' hecking black people daily since about 2016, think I will take tonight off.
and everyone clapped?
What do you even do if you see a black person in real life?
Reddit is down the hall to the left
Reggie was based back in the day
the A's back in the day were getting in fights with each other constantly
Das rite, dey wuz butta yt BOI
I don't

what do you do?
I moved away from them. It's very rare these days. Before the move, nothing really. Just same ole same ole.
Black x doesn't exist since Elon took over
I just want to see what the park looks like.
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Nothing unless I have to interact with one like at a store or some register.
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I thought Reggie was senile after that botched MVP announcement last year.
i still remember my first time at rickwood field. josh gibson hit a homer that knocked the grape drank right out my hand. ruined my jordans but i got to be a part of baseball history
I don't get it
I thought that was a homer.
Who are you talking about?
>"jamal, did you catch the rickwood game last night, a lot of great negro league tales, right?
Nah, whites boy I was clappin you woman's cheeks last night n' shit
>oh, okay, jamal, uh uh have a nice day I guess
Don't you guys get tired of seething about niggers constantly
i adjusted my tv's color settings to black and white and it's kinda perfect
Forgot this was on
Don't you guys get tired?
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satchel paige invented electricity and im tired of pretending its not
I am having a bad day so if the Giants could lose and my Cards win that would be great thank you XOXO
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kids these days just don't know about ol' blackie johnson
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historic rickwood field where george washington carver invented the peanut butter super soaker
this but the giants win and the cards lose thanks
Ah yes Rickwood Field. I was there in the 1940s when Old Shoe Box Johnson tossed 81 pitches resulting in 27 strike outs and of course of perfect game. The first of 78 perfect games he tossed that season in the Negro Leagues. Getting nostalgic right now.
it do be like dat doe
Wait. Hol up so to speak. Did they do an f35 flyover for this shit?
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It would be cool if stadiums still looked like that.
>jersey ads
Field looks pretty nice. I always like it when they play at random parks. The only thing that gets me is how fast they had this shit prepped.
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tbf the windup Satchel Paige pitch is pretty kino
Lol Crawford at helping his old team.
>picked off at second
reminds me of that fateful summer when bug jefferson-stubbs hit an inside the park home run and got so excited he kept carryin' on and rounded da bases fo mo times. fans were so tickled the umps let the runs count, and they should
Few know this, the founding fathers of America (who history books will not tell you were black) signed the Dec. of Independence at home plate at Rickwood Field. Was a hilarious moment, when Slammin' Sambone Jones showed up to the park early for that days game and didn't know if he was interrupting something or if the game was cancelled and walked up and asked, "Is da game be cancel?" Everyone broke out in a hearty laughter and passed around an Olde English 40 to celebrate the occasion.
Well guess what?
stay on the base you fat fuck
this is basado
too many pixels
>Field looks pretty nice
that's because they just built it all up for the game
lol actually improved the broadcast
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that was outside
God fucking damn it Ramos
classic 1954 ballpark entertainment
if i could push a button and have baseball games look like this i would put baseball on in the background every night
someone needs to post a shot of this game on crt tv
MLB should give us that option on their site.
Are the white fans yelling racial slurs and throwing shit at the black players? For historical accuracy?
Me in the scoreboard
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its the other way around, for modern accuracy
>yayayayayayayaya commercial
god fucking damn it that shit makes me irrationally mad every fucking time
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Oh, you think Randy Johnson was a good pitcher? Meet Cheesy Grits Robinson. The same black women who helped NASA get to the moon which was depicted in the movie Hidden Figures, calculated a pitch he tossed at Rickwood Field reached 143 MPH. Wow says this observer.
Yep, that's an easy 150 mph fast ball, slow for Negro League but they had to slow them down even more when integration happened just so other players had a chance
anon feels a little insecure
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Who cares about Baseball, Messi and Argentina are playing.
I want the comfy filter back
Nothing insecure about herstory, chud
Shut up.
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>dude if they just made big chungus baseball games in black and white, i would le' heckin consoom more games and products. so heckin wholesome.
Bro, you're American.
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so this is what it was like...
...to see through george floyd's eyes
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Eddie "Musket" Charles once hit a baseball across the Mississippi on a barnstorming tour in St Louis
Based Alabama whiteboi coming through again
okay, this one got me
Do you think they still had to sit in the back on the way to the stadium?
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Cancer is overrated.
Oh fuck
tadpole veljohnson the only mlb player to hit 11 triples in one inning
Ofc the Jew owned media would have you believe cancer is the bad guy
Burleson's ancestors once owned a slave who was actually Jackie Robinson's great-great-great grandfather
crazy but true
I bet the players fucking hated having to play this game and deal with this circus.
>mastercard will donate one cent to fighting cancer
We all must stand up against the cancer killing 4chan
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I laugh every time that ad comes up
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Do (You) stand up for cancer, /mlb/?
Just when you thought there weren’t enough niggers on tv - cut to ads - MORE NIGGERS
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>my grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer two weeks ago
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Its not the Negro league game anymore fellas, its the Willie game
what are you going to inherit?
Have they talked about the actual game at hand for more than 5 min?
A part of her shell collection, we used to go to the beach and collect shells when I was little. So it’s what reminds me most of her.
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Is this heaven?
But 8 24 is for Kobe.
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Joey Chestnut? Lol, sweet summer child. Let me introduce you to Bubble Guts Lamar (colorized). During a negro league game, he put down 124 hot dogs during the 7th inning stretch at Rickwood Field. The game was actually delayed. You'll never see this in any record books or mention at the Natahans Hot Dog eating contest because of blatant racism. It was such a scene 3rd baseman Greasy Knee Waters was over heard saying, "Lorda mercy, dats boy houngry" A great tale.
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No one cares about that rapist
I don't get it, how old are you? I just googled and this guy hasn't been a politician for over a decade and you're STILL seething about him?
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So uh, what's the deal with this Willie Mays character?
he didn't have a willy and he wasn't born in may?
my favorite negro legends story has gotta be ding cottonberry. he launched a 550 foot moonshot that sailed all the way into a whites only water fountain, where it knocked the teeth out of the local grand wizard. that klansman's name? fred trump.
It's a common picture to post because of his rat like features. Evergreen content.
I think he died weeks or months prior and the MLB only dropped the news the other day.
so you're 50?
That's what I'm thinking too
Are there any actual black dudes (not dark spanish people) playing in this game?
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>negro league game
>players arent in blackface
>have 1 black american pitcher in 75 years in the hall of fame
>let in 8 in the negro leagues the 25 years before
negro league pitching was undoubtedly complete garbage
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Billionaire Ricketts couldn’t find $8m to pay Schwarber but he could find $6m to pay Joc Pederson
Jerry! He invented peanut butter. Built the first computers. Designed the first car. Developed rocket engines for space flight. Calculated all the math to land mankind on the moon. Built the pyramids in egypt. Crafted IP and TCP/UDP thus creating the Internet. Also is a well known brain surgeon.
Giants tried getting an exception to IL rules so Lamonte Wade Jr could play even though he's not 100% but mlb refused
Masyn Winn
You're watching a game that is dedicated to a league from the 1920s and a dude who played his last game in the 70s and you're bent out of shape because an anon posted a picture of someone from 10 years ago?
Is there any legitimacy to the claim that the reason blacks don't play ball anymore is because of lack of fathers in the home?
>watching a game
negative, I didn't get sucked in because I don't care what people think of me
yea but that's racist or whatever so no one cares
I would say its part of it.
kek mayo ass nigga
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coach primate
it's a reason but they always sucked ass at anything but being outfielders and the few infielders got ran out by spics. they soft quit because they're not very good at it and no one roasts them for it
you don't care what people IRL think of you but you care what an anonymous user on a chinese basketweaving forum does?

weird cope
>I don't care what people think of me
>virtue signals anonymously
baseball is more of a middle class sport in america.
it's probably mostly because playing youth baseball is expensive these days and it's hard to become successful at baseball if you haven't played it your whole life. unlike football which you can easily start in high school or even college and as long as you've got the physical talent you've got a shot.
and basketball is what the black kids play on the street now, but nowadays basketball is generally dominated by middle class black kids, these kids might also play baseball but in that income bracket baseball is just way more competitive.

>no u
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What trophy does the winner of this game get?
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kfc giftcards
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it seems you're obsessed with [team red bad]
Ah yes Rickwood Field, where Jesus rose from the dead in center field and proceeded to grab a seat in the stands to watch Larry "Two Eggs Over Easy" Malone throw his first 34 strike out complete 9 inning game. Iconic anons, iconic.
this is a baseball thread, about sports
President of the nigger leagues museum
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mein sides
wow, I really really needed your comment. Thanks, you're so brave!
greasy knee waters wasn't an easily impressed man either.
I want the anon who’s writing these great Negro League legends stories know that you’re cracking me up. Keep them coming.
negro league utility man and fan favorite pud wilkins leads major league baseball in the often unknown stat of handstand stolen bases
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>Satchel called it the b ball
>upper deck home run with one hand
ok the meme is becoming reality now
Remember chud Josh Gibson was a better hitter than Ty Cobb
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they mustve been arguing about who had more hits, squib melange or toad perkins
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He’s still talking
the first shot happened when someone suggested it was actually one sox leroy, that was too far
Lawdy mercy, Rickwood Field? At this time o' day? I reckoned they done tore it down by now. When I was a much younger man than I am today, I done eclipsed the family record for bucks broke in a single day right there at Rickwood. Mostly in the dugout, but a couple right there in centerfield.
Imma go with ole Toady on this one. During a scrimmage with the Yankees back in the day, after hitting a double, Toady went into center field and beat up Joe Dimagio. Toady said he called him a slur. That white boy was beggin for mercy
We are so free at last, great god almighty we are free at last!
>better bust a cap up in here
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i actually think going thru the museum would be interesting however the incessant virtue signaling is just too much. i dont understand how people dont cringe from it
Smoltz is going to make his way back to the hotel tonight. Shut the door behind him. Close his eyes and let out a huge sigh in relief of not having to say stupid ass shit anymore for the rest of the season.
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Do we really have to pretend like the negro league counts?
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The NFL and NBA brass is even cringing at this shit.
>MLB debut at Rickwood
Very cool.
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God mode humiliation ritual
I’m glad my company didn’t have this day as a holiday

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In 1935 a remarkable event happened at Rickwood Field. Potato Soup Patterson was at bat and shattered his bat resulting in a foul ball. Now the Negro Leagues were poor, so the players only had one bat each. After no one else let him use their bat you know what old Patterson did? He unzipped his trousers and presented his member motioning that it would be his bat. The ump shrugged and said "play ball." Patterson proceeded to line a double off the right field wall only using his limp dick as a bat. Just absolute lore, anons.
What company was that?
Guys its a full moon! Willie Mays was born under a full moon!
Dead Nigger Storage, Inc.
>t. >>141859198
The only Negro League Game that resulted in both teams taking a loss was an odd game that was scheduled for 9am. Neither team showed up. When the Negro League Commissioner, finally got to the office at 2pm, the next day, he made the historic ruling.
the sleep-in series. theres a whole recreation bedroom in the negro league museum with authentic straw beds.
Willie Mays' death was in vain.
alright gg cards. that game was wack
baseball wins!
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A night I’ll never forget
>lost off a wild pitch right before the inning ending strikeout
After all of that, not one American black kid was turned on to baseball.
So you’re telling me that John Smoltz on commentary doesn't appeal to black youth?
it was no field of dreams game
Well Smoltz didn't do the Rangers fanbase a favor in the 2023 postseason.
Did any of you fap while watching MLB Network tonight?
Masturbation is a sin
Today, we are all Negroes

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