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First Pitch @ 1:20pm CST / 2:20pm EST
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>oooo a game thread ^_^
Let’s go metsies
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No cheating today, cubbybears!
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He can’t locate the splitter…ITS OVER
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>ball 4
>no one reacts
fuck shit cunt asshole prick ****** FUCK
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>1st inning
>0 outs
Hit that faggot in the mouth next AB
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Martinez has been so good for us man. Crazy how much better an offense looks when our DH is actually a good hitter
shota is fucked
>it’s a manfred gives the other team the Juiced Balls episode
Remind me why I still watch this “sport”?
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shota getting gang-gaped by the metropolitans
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>coping in the first inning
God ya just know Quintana is gonna pitch like an ace today too….
Cubs are gonna cumback on their faces
Hi Rob!
hit a comebacker into Quintana’s skull! KILL HIM
t. Fagfred
Would be a win if >we can injure a few mets for the rest of the series. Maybe even end a career
You mean to tell me that paying JD to hit dingers is a better approach than paying Vogelbach to be fat and strike out?
Who’s the resident schizo?
spaghetti XD
I'm just being pragmatic. It's a legitimate strategy
based umps helping my Mets again
Vientos :(
cubs gonna cum on ya!
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>walk lead off batter
It’s a Mets cannot get out of their own way episode
God damnit morel…..
Morel why didn't you step on Alonso's feet there?
kek based, Cohen’s check to the ump cleared. Sorry cubes!
Strike 2 you're out!
lol cubes
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Lmao cusb
Alright imma go walk the dog
Plz assblast the Cuba so the resident Chicago shit poster can fuck off.
Hopefully the mets plane crashes or something. Take the competition out
Nimmo just does not like non-whites huh
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Imagine being a Shitcongo fan
>Today Imanaga is the bug
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looks like we're gonna get some position player kino today
Owned by my gay Mets
Mets fans outta NO where
i was in a meeting and missed the start of the game sadly
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I'm bored until I can leave work, I usually never shitpost during games, and the Mets usually never btfo teams like this
mfw I made a bet on cubs win
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>Mets own ya stankin Gamethread
>Mets own ya stankin genny
>Mets own ya standing board
>Mets own ya stankin azz
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>surprised fans of a team want to post more when they are playing well
Where'd all these Mets fans come from?
They never went away
the chop shops in Willets Point, we emerge from them like tunnel jews
I strongly dislike both the Mest and the Cusb, so I hope they both lose
>polar bear is fast
>doesn’t need to cheat with his helmet
That was just a mogging from Marte
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>dingers and bunts
Mets fan here. What's this? I just started watching on the recent winning streak. How does one cheat with a helmet?
Did you look anything up about the teams first?
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>bunt kino alert!
Pete Crow Armstrong
>niggaz really thought Shota was gonna end the season with a sub 2 era
Scroll up for the image from the last Cubs v Mets series. The real problem was the entire umpiring crew not knowing that PCA very obviously broke the rules.
Who tf is that
gg Mets. imma go to get a nice sammich and a new pair of linen pants. hopefully the cubbies come back!
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rules are what we say they are
Painted! Sit the FUCK down!!!
Fuck off retard
>Mets score another
>Fuck off retard
Cubs gonna come the FUCK back!;
imafraud getting exposed
Can someone tell me when the bottom 3rd is done? Thanks frens :)
Sorry cubniggers, if you were going to comeback you would’ve already hit a homerz
my butthole itches
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>Lindor with another lead off double
The gaping continues
>10 hits in 3+ innings
is there a stream somewhere
Base hit after base hit. The entire Cub team should be relocated and collapsed
"Shohei Imanaga" -Steve Gelbs
hey clownsell you wanna go get your ace or you just going to hang him and his stats out to dry?
erm, I saw cubs pitcher is 7-1 and mets one is 2-5
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>based Craig exposing his own ace for our amusement
I heard Frank the Tank was asking for autographs before the game
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>based retard Bosnian doesn’t understand baseball but bets on it anyway
Cubs DFA
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>hayden mental midget neski
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Final score: Jets 17 - Bears 3
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>Iglesias taking McNeil's job
>remember counsells batting stance
>yeah he used to put his hands above his head too haha
>he probably wants to put his hands on top of his head right now
ke the Mets broadcast is hilarious
Even the cubs announcer is forfeiting.
kek cusb kek

gay bears
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And this is the A- team (no Keith, no Gary).
gay bears kek
>return of the cup snake
Based, Gelbsy better get down there
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kek of all keks
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Time for a cubback
cubbie bears got dis in da bag!
A cubback is what grimace is pounding right now
Imagine Clark Bear screaming in pain and pleasure as he gets gaped by Grimaces big purple cock. That’s what’s happening now.
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>Your team has been gaped by the NY Snappers btw
Get ready to learn Japanese buddy
Mets are really making the bullpen pay working the count even despite leading by 10 runs.
Enough of the sodomy let's watch dem cubbie wubbie bearie boos
sit the FUCK down!!!!
7D Chess: they have two more games against us and will be losing those in kind.

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Cubback starts meow
Try to injure alonso if you can. Salvage the game.
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>in pain and pleasure
What I really like about this baseball game is how our (Mets [Snappers]) balls hit deep to the outfield go over the wall, while the Cub's (nerds) balls hit deep to the outfield are caught by our outfielders.
We need pepe laugh for this post
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This is better >>141886243
10 runs on 11 hits is awesome
What does this have to do with pepe chad?
the entire season up until this game he gave up 6 ER wtf
What? He gave up like 7 ER vs the brewers alone
google lied to me
Add Manfred to the pic helping the metzilla then it's accurate
The Chicago Buns have been officially eliminated from contention.
>Helping The New York Metropolitan Baseball Club
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i'm sorry i doubted you, kinotana
it is insights like this why Cohen is paying Stearns $9M a year.
lol mlb has had it out for the mets ever since cohen bought the team
He's entirely the reason the mets are winning at all what are you on lol
Meds, cubschizo
The fuck are you talking about? The Cohen tax (yes, it's literally named that) only came about because the owners had a gentlemans agreement to not break 300 million in payroll to keep league wide salaries down and put more money in the owners' pockets. Cohen decided to go to like, 341 million and the owners got pissy and told Manfred to do something about it. Then there's also the time where the Mets were the only team punished for doing something literally every other team does.
>And yet he still gives them the juiced balls and ump benefits
Cohen tax was clearly a front so that they could say that the league us out to get the mets when they're clearly helping them win
Last year the mets were shit but thet had the largest salary. Salary isn't everything.
>Patrick Wisdom
>Is dumb
what did he mean by this?
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>ump benefits
Meds (not to be confused with Mets, the team living within the walls of your skull atm)
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>you will never be as cool as Starling Marte sliding into home
>Mets trying to classlessly get a guy out who was clearly safe
Gentleman's game. It would have stayed like this despite the rulebook but the mets get the benefit of the doubt so now they enforce it
They’re still under 500
i didnt realize all Cubs fans were such flaming homosexuals.
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You didn't?
Cubbyschizo if your CUBS (gay babybears) hit MY POLARBEAR (biggest, strongest beat of all) we are going to have PROBLEMS!
tf else am i supposed to bet during the sam
>inb4 euros
euros are more unpredictable than baseball
They aren't just gonna hit him. They're gonna KILL HIM!!
Calm down Cannibal Corpse
>it’s an Ottavino turns an 0-2 count into a walk episode
rally time
He's become such a shitter. BTW is every Cubs thread like this, with these fucking insufferable retards? I know they shit up /mlb/
Pete Crow FAGGOT lmao
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That is basically all cubspie lmao, cubbybros aren’t so bad but they are getting gaped rn so they get memed on
CHC: Owns ya azz
Cubs gonna come back in these azzez
Seagulls own ya stankin ballpark rn
Cry about it, beeyotches!!
Yeah, we just had it with the giants threads
More like giant MANBABIES lol!!!
if only the islanders played like this against the hurricunts
go cubbbiehs
wheeze sob ugh cry
>starts sobbing
bg metties. Time to win the next 2 of 3!
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gg cubbies

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