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From Scottie Pippens book "unguarded":

>"An NBA storekeeper from the '90s who gave stats to Jordan when he didn't earn them went into the Chicago Bulls lockeroom and said, "see MJ, we take care of you"

Is Jordans entire career just fake? Is that why they only allow his best games to stay up on YouTube and actively delete anyone who posts games they don't want online that could potentially hurt the myth of Jordan? This has been confirmed by multiple content creators.

He's the fake "GOAT", only hyped to sell Jordans to third worlders. In reality he played in the weakest era by far with the refs behind him every step of the way helping him.

He's not even better than Kobe let alone LeBron. How much longer will we keep up this facade?
>0 replies
Nice thread faggot
better than kobe but worse than lebron
dying in a helicopter accident doesn't mean you can jump 5 spots up in the ranking
Stick to soccer faggot, your opinion means nothing
Why does scottie pippen hate a teammate he win Championships with? He thinks he should've gotten more credit? If thats really true and you know it then why the need to seek validation from outsiders? What a weird group of individuals Phii Jackson was managing.
Negrophilia in America is their true religion.
>pippen STILL seething about MJ
Jesus Christ, he needs to let it go.
He's a nog. He can't move on because he has nothing else going on for him.
>From Scottie Pippens book
Bro is still seething
He's still really bitter about the contract he signed, he's better than the Janetty he's treated as but that's about it.
jesus christ, Pippen is about one Jordans’ sale away from wandering around dressed only in a big cardboard sign saying MJ is satan.
He's overrated by Nike and the NBA because it's a sports entertainment league that started with a small jewish man and his bus full of giant negros driving across the United States and challenging every city to a ball game. MJ was the first one to get the "superstar" whistle that has gradually eroded whatever integrity the league had. If you like Jordan then you're not a fan of basketball.
I like Larry Bird and talking about lawnmowers.
uh oh Hanes/Nike is trying to cover this one up
>worse than lebron
Lebron isn't even in top 10 all time
scottie pippin is the most pathetic nigger ever
has never gotten over MJ being so much better than him so has to tear him down years after retirement
go get some rebounds sad nigger
riggi jordantini

pippen is mad that jordan's son piped his ex-wife

that sort of inter-generational cucking is hard to come back from
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Is there any other 90s athlete they cherry pick like this? Is it just American culture?
Jordan's son fucked Pippen's ex-wife
You're baiting but there's some truth to this. Jordan's 6-0 sounds impressive until you see who he was up against. All his records and accolades sound great until you add context. Context is what kills every Jordanfag. He isn't the GOAt.
This you can find a 90s NBA ring at the bottom of a box of crackerjacks
lebron dominated the game like no other
true goat
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You see this often in American media. They are trying to tear Jordan down to build Lebron up.

Lebron has choked time and time again on the biggest stage, so at this point, his media lackeys know he simply will not catch up to Jordan’s 6 rings.

They will go as far as saying that the 90s was a “weak era” when Lebron played in the cupcake era.

Long story short, the rabbit hole goes deep and this all boils down to Klutch Sports, which is Lebron’s media company, literally paying people in the media to say nice things about him to perpetuate this fake GOAT narrative.
Jordan genuinly played in a weak era. LeBron had plenty of tough teams compete against him
Please clap
What’s his least embarrassing ring?
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We also need to consider the fact that Lebron played in a historically weak Eastern Conference, which basically guaranteed him a Finals appearance every year. Especially considering the fact that he would stack the deck with super teams.

Jordan faced a lot of great competition during his run. There are many outstanding Hall of Famers who never won rings in the 90s because of how dominant Jordan and the Bulls were.

You are a brother from Sverige, and I don’t want to dog on anyone or be disrespectful because someone has a different opinion. However, please consider watching the following video and tell me whether this man should be considered to be the greatest basketball player of all time.

It would be pretty easy for a basketball autist to go back and rescore every game Jordan’s played in those years
There are people who genuinely believe this? Lebron is #3 at the very lowest.
>the top scorer is not even top 10
sure, name 10 better players
>Scottie Pippen's book
lol. lmao.
Yeah they faked the 6 championships too.

Mjs career isn't about the stats lol. That's lame shit lebronsexuals settled for when they realized their idol was never getting 6 rings. Lebron stans so toxic and insecure about lerbons legacy they have to belittle others. Whack shit. They could have faked every stat ever. 6 rings with the same team don't lie. Lebron could never.


Don't care about milkmen and plumbers and 3pt chuckers. Don't care about who he played with. Don't fucking matter.

And this is why Wilt Chamberlain isn't a top 100 player all time.
I really think Scottie's divorce and his son's death have deeply affected him and made him bitter and resentful.
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no doubt it is true. you can see videos where wayne gretzky straight up gets credited for assists on plays where he was never near the puck and they know the type of people actually watching nba basketball have almost no attention span
Jordan was when the NBA stopped calling palming
pippen reportedly calls jordan a nigger with a hard R in private. pippen is very angry and bitter these days and is plotting his revenge.
I'm a legendary hater of Patrick Ewing
retarded pasta. LeMickey isn't even top 3 all time.
Dumbfuck opinion but can't expect anything less from a LeGOD hater.

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