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First pitch at 7:10 pm

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let's go anaheim let's go
*clap clap*

get it done, Glass
New funfetti merch!
fucking faggot ass team needs to die
Glassnow needs a haircut.
bee nice!
doyers are really shilling their city unis
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Damn Miggy just roasted that guy lmao
people that say that are usually balding. Is that you?
The sprinkles look like recycled materials patterns.
kek got that faggot
>resident schizo has now rotated to hating the dodgers
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I think the city connect cap looks nice. The D around the LA part.
Cap is great, the uniform is forced.
I don't mind them, especially from a distance
that's actually pretty sweet
cannot believe no game on sunday
god these uniforms look so atrocious
i want to fuck ohtanis ass
hope Assnow doesn't make an apperance
Those numbers look fucking awful. Why is the name underneath?
Why did he tag the batter?
Better than the Beaner ones
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He should grow his hair out.
Nah I liked those. They would have looked good with White pants and if they said "doyers" instead.
>ohtranny is a figment of my imagination
>doc, the video:
didnt they end up switching the pants to white ones because of people complaining
sometimes if you have a crush you just want to touch that person
You know I think crossdressing is kinda cool, like from an artistic standpoint. I can appreciate the effort put into it.
I don't understand what you're saying. If you're saying that Asian boys with long hair are hot then I agree.
I'm surprised there's anyone in the stands, mexico is playing in the copa rn
If Sandy is really out for the year, then I guess Plesac just lucked himself into the rotation.
Anaheim please clobber these homos
based glasnow
kek they're clobbering themselves
these bum ass homos looking lost against glasnow right now
A pitcher with elite control like Assman should not be hitting players…
fuck, so close
Bruh I thought that shit was gone
Let's go Ward
I thought gays had good style but these uniforms are ugly
umps need to be punished with violence for every missed call
was that iron maiden i heard
umps are too good, missed calls and weird judgements from old dudes has always been part of the charm of the game
missed it but now I'm in the mood to listen to number of the beast after the game
i'd like to see an all leather uniform with a matching leather hat
faux shag wool unis head to toe for me
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fuck you
glassnow is a pitchcel. Why is he so ugly?
Pillar should legit be playing everyday with Mickey and Adell switching on and off.
I wish I was one of those people that could pull off wearing leather pants
>Why is he so ugly?
He's not. Are you gay or something?
i'd love to pull off your leather pants
He looks like he eats sardine sandwiches
I think he's good looking.
hell yeah
lux's last month with the dodgers
say that shit again
Let's fucking go
Holy shit... Lux home run!?
He heard ya!
good bunt
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Go Dodgers!
Love seeing a good bunt
But why did he bunt with nobody on base
Lux and CT3 do this thing where they look like they're finished and then they do something like that which buys them another month.
because now he's on first base instead of sitting in the dugout
I like them both more than I like Keekay
that's why!

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to sacrifice his imaginary friend
dang it
Maybe it's the jerseys...
sorry, bro
The sound. You can almost feel the impact.
Ohtani is on roids
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> safe, clean cities
> great nightlife
> beautiful, demure women
> cherry blossom trees
> honor
> tradition
> family values
God, I wish I was Japanese.
freddie :)
Lord it's not just that he hits them out but he fucking annihilates them out of the stadium.
freddie :)
freddie :)
why tf does stephen nelson keep saying "get down ball"????
its over, thats his catchphrase going forward
>hangul on the windows
those are koreans you goon
weaboos are retarded, please understand
you know very well where you are
paw-hez doing things
holy shit they actually gave glasnow run support
Hey Plesac kinda sucks.
his whole approach at the plate looks like he's been doing it a lot longer than he has. it's very impressive.
I agree with the sentiment but there are cherry blossom trees everywhere no? Japan has handed them out as gifts to pretty much every country in the world by now. We have some in Stockholm.
Retarded post but cute feet.
lol Angels only get on base via HBP or catcher's interference. God they fucking suck cock
Schanuel the on base king
I think I've seen more catcher's interference committed by Smith/Barnes this season than I have my entire lifetime.
Looking at this offense yesterday's game is even more of a mystery. Were they all still readjusting to sea level air? But Ohtani was hitting fine
seems there's been a lot around the league this season, not with just them
Attaboy Ward
Gubie mentioned that catchers are being told to set up closer to the plate this year to help with framing.
I'm sure that was some of it but no Will in an already thinned lineup just made it worse. also could be Sandoval getting hurt early and turning it into a de facto bp game for the Angels messed with the Dodgers gameplan.
yeah, that became "exposed" when Contreras got his arm broken on that swing. could be it's been a league wide trend with teams.
>that slip
he ded
That's what you get for trying some fancy anime shit.
dang it again
>rojas got a hit
pack it up, this game is in the fridge
Neto no...
Angels took 1 of 2 from the hated Doyers and all it cost them was a starting pitcher and SS
I'd take a 10-0 blowout loss over Neto getting hurt man wtf

We don't hate the Dodgers though. It's a pretty friendly "rivalry"
stream froze and I missed it. did he do something stupid or are you just shitposting?
BIGGIO 2-2 keep it up mane
He's shitposting. He just slipped getting up from making a sliding catch.
Will Ohtani show mercy to the already ragged Angels? Or will he drop the finishing blow
it was an obvious walk. Hopefully Will makes them pay
How old is Fulmer jesus
walk this way!
thanks for the run, angels
Yeah walking Shohei was not the play
dammit, so close to a grand salami
damned if you do, damned if you don't situation
freddie so hard on himself, even though he just barely missed it lol
Glasnow getting run support seems off
30. He's the dedicated "we're getting blown out, just eat some innings and save the good bullpen arms" guy.
why is the number on the back of Glasnow's jersey cut off by his name but Rojas' isn't?
miggy ro!
miggy ro
based lux
spraying the ball around. hope he keeps it up.
Ward is such a passive fielder ffs
I had the same question. Ohtani's isn't cut off but Lux's and Biggios are too. Seems random
O'Hoppe reverse framed that wtf was that
Lux is on fire tonight
No point getting hurt in a 6-1 game when your team is 30-45
I think it's dumb but whatever
He's getting traded anyways
what happened to kirsten?
fuck vasseigh
>Glasnow under 60 pitches in 6th inning
probably a week vacation or something
He’s just like me when I was in the outfield, running sucks so much
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probably taking a break, team goes back on the road on monday

fuck vassegh btw
what's wrong with vasgay? he's the team's punching bag and he keeps those jabroni callers in line.
>that ending
These Dodger city connects would look better if the number on the front was below the letters.
And if the names on the back were above the number.
Vassegh is a tool, but he does get the hard goods before anybody else does a lot of times.
>can't even get a maddux
is there a point to letting glasnow pitch until the 9th
lmao doyer radio just played miki matsubara stay with me
i wonder what intern picked that for the fade in music
Crouse making his debut for his hometown team like he always dreamed of. Good for him.
he dishes dirt sometimes he shouldn't be doing that inflames shit that should be kept in house.
>Hans Crouse
that's an old timey ass baseball name if there ever was one
yeah i guess he does that whenever he's on national media but that's because he's not a blatant homer and he's usually honest with his assessment of the team and its players.
Good shit Crouse. A bright spot in this otherwise lost game.
man city pop music just has impeccable vibes
>lost game
more like lost season, or lost decade
>A bright spot in this otherwise lost season/lost decade
I wouldn't go that far. It's his first and only outing this year. He could still turn out to be not very good. But I'm glad he had his moment.
good thing glasnow has run support tonight
I'd say both of our assessments of him aren't that nuanced. I remember Greinke and Kershaw obviously not wanting to talk to him and JT seeming to be the guy that helped to bring Vassegh into the fold more. In fairness, I think he's improved but he still has some moments where being more tactful would be the right move.
I was just making a joke about how the Angels have been spinning their wheels for a decade or more
Was making a post about Glasnow making a serious Cy Young bid and then he gave up a home run as a I wrote it lmao
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all the dingers he gives up are usually solo shots that the team can live with
he'll be in that conversation by the end of the season if he doesn't get hurt
Does the organist always play the OC theme song because its based
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There's some hope at the end of the tunnel. They just have to play their cards right and not waste this opportunity they've stumbled into with O'Hoppe and Neto.
Most likely Dieter is playing it because the Angels are playing
first I've heard him play it. hit me with the feels also.
do you like Minasian?
hope you're not too broken hearted when they get traded or leave in free agency
Based Gubie still arguing Shohei should've won mvp in 2022. I miss Angels broadcasting
I think he's done alright all things considered. The O'Hoppe trade was great. But where he's fucked up it's hard to tell whether it was his incompetence or Arte breathing down his neck.

They won't get traded. The FO and Wash have made it very clear they see Neto and O'Hoppe (and to a lesser extent Schanuel) as the future of this team. But whether they leave in free agency or not depends on if they manage to build around them.
yeah, it's hard to judge a gm's competence when you have an owner putting his thumb on the scales so often
Gubie keeps these games watchable.
all baseball is watchable and listenable, I like Langston just as much as Gubie
You know what I meant
Vesia has turned into the man. I hope he stays strong the entire season.
him and patrick oneal are both coping too often for me to enjoy them. Last night Oneal said "NOBODY BEATS THE ANGELS (11 times in a row)" and I cackled at the incredible patheticness of that statement
O'Neal is a funny guy who genuinely loves Southern California sports which he used as an escape from his father and sister's craziness, I like him too
It was just a dumb joke, it didn't bother me. I like how O'Neal and Gubie are both genuinely passionate about the Angels.
Is his sister hot?
Michael Petersen spotted
gg angels, see ya in September
GG Dodgers. We took 1 of 2, can't be upset about that. I just hope Neto is alright.
See you in September.
Well done Doyers. First night was a retarded fluke thanks to Yarbrough blowing it
team will look pretty different by then since they're obviously sellers
yehh, dad was incredibly handsome too
gg angelbros
Any word on Sandy? He was probably Ohtani's best friend apart from Trout
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He had an MRI today apparently it was just an elbow strain. Going on the 15 day IL.

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