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Cubs and Mets Sunday Night Baseball
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I hate these in game interviews they make me physically cringe
now they're gonna try fucking up pete's defense
>J.D. Martinez is basically our hitting coach
Thank god he came when he did
I just want one time for a play to get fucked up by the interview to the point they stop doing them.
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metsiners btw
why does ESPN hate baseball?
I'm in this image and I don't like it
>grimace is hot
They're now asking about Grimace magic.
They actually read that Frank The Tank question
that happened last week and cost a run, was it Volpe? I was pretty sure it was the yankees game and the 3rd baseman
This would ideal. Player being interviewed has an error that leads to like am 8 run inning and multiple pitching changes.
People think these on-field interviews affect players way more than they actually do. I remember when they had Lindor do one, and he made a really slick play on a ball hit up the middle while answering
damn other thread expired so anon wont see my >Texass post...
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Jays depression general
Reminder if you take away the 11 dicks you've sucked you're straight as an arrow!
I saw, and that is a phat ass
I just find them cringe, the pretend laughing, terrible jokes, ect. I get people like to see the personality of their players but that's not for me. I don't need to know their personal life or personality. I'm here to watch outs and runs.
these umps are handing the game to the mets
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Yeah I noticed that the umps seem very one sided for the mets. Has the whole series been like this?
Is there a reason to not like PCA?
This Cubs catcher absolutely fucking sucks at framing, he looks like a high school catcher who just found out about the concept. He's taking those marginal calls and making the most violent jerky attempts to "frame" it. No wonder he's not getting any calls.

Also Assad is tilted, throwing 90 mph eephuses.
Based brewbro. Our cubbies have their work cut out for them so make sure you root for them!
He plays for the Cubs

Yes it has been a one sided ump job since game 1 first pitch. Surprising the Cubs aren't protesting the games.
>t. Berds fan keeping an eye on things
Because they are filthy, disgusting kikes.
I was watching the college world series and no joke the Florida Gators catcher was doing a better job framing his pitcher's stuff on the sides of the plate than this catcher is right now. The ump may suck but this guy does too. Mets fan btw
Aim for the head next time!
assmad fears lindor
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>wait for grand slam
>laugh at cubes
>go to sleep

Fun Sunday night
This is one of the most perfect JUST pictures I've ever seen
This Assad guy just throws that fastball in the same spot and prays that the ump gives it to him
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roylels are exposed and regressing
Go Phils
based manifestoor
Yanks checking in.

Fuck orange teams, Ortiz did steroids, we’re STILL top of the division, and we WILL sweep the Mets.
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Go berds go Mets I guess
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>thinking about him
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It's because of his stupid one knee stance half these catchers use now. It's fucking retarded and you'll notice good catchers aren't doing it as often as these shit ones.
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what is this devil magic?
attaboy amaya
gay louis kek
We already have an overhyped centerfielder who misses half the season every year, we don't need another.
You played us really close today, obviously the sweep sucks but managing to stay in today's game against one of the best teams in the league, especially after Friday's gaping, was commendable.
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okay, this is epic
berds getting btfo and they aren't even playing!
If a foul ball can be caught out why can't runners also steal bases on it.
runners can tag up and advance a base on them just like any other fly ball out
They can advance as long as they tag up first.
I mean they can tag up? Unless you mean steal on non caught foul balls. Wouldn't that be way too much of a reward to the batting team for hitting a foul ball?
worst team in the league with risp
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My stros are so close to .500 :)
It would be ridiculous. The whole idea of a foul ball is that it's been hit out of the bounds of play. If runners could just advance on foul balls, every pop-up into the stands would clear the bases.
June 1 deadline has long passed, the season is over
Sounds like some kind of rule bananaball would implement
I'm not seeing a problem here.
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To the one who posted this, could u please give me the title. It looks interesting
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>gape louis
kek! kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Of the book*
>"Fly ball to shallow center! Hornblegger chases it down... and he makes a sliding catch!"
>"We're stuck playing baseball on ice, Fred. EVERY catch is a sliding catch."
Do Berds really?
lmaoooooo good on anon
a bit dark for the phillies desu
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Why does it feel like the ESPN booth has been sucking off the cubs the entire time?
Cubback starting
Let nunes do his thing
Cause they're America's team
Nope. That's the Athletics.
What the fuck is this ump.
You mean the mets employee? Yeah he sucks.
because the cubs are gay
>fellas is it gay to get ur dick sucked?
He's on the mets payroll
Fuck the Cubs!
holy fucking nuke
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>wake up for work
>mets winning
>cusbtards seething about umps
>Vientos hits a home run
>Mets back in the playoff picture

So this is the power of Grimace
The Acuña 40-70 game from last year absolutely broke the Cubs
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kek scuba
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And we did it without Tucker or a real 1B. Now we have a 2 gamer against the Rockies up next to reach .500
please have mercy
Reminder: I checked with the mods and cubs disrespect will not be tolerated in this thread.
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im so sorry...
gay bears kek
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>Metsiners bee tee double-yoo
is the schizo poster still here??
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We already have a Hispanic CF batting under .200 with a decent glove. Why the hell would the Phillies want another one?
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scrusbs kek
idk, I think it's time to let Pache go or just trade him
I'd honestly rather have Rojas as a defensive replacement than Pache as a platoon.
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please no more...
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They were going to go after the Marlins CF but I guess trade talks stopped or they wanted too much in return. Which is weird since the Marlins are basically just a money laundering operation this year so I don't see why they wouldn't give him away
she's begging for forgiveness right now
>Mike Trout has only played 266 out of 562 games (296 missed games and counting) these last 3.5 seasons
stankees kek
They cannot stop talking about this gigantic oafs feet on the ESPN broadcast...
>He buys his cleats on ebay, EBAY!!! OMG!! size 17!!
im so sorry... im so sorry.... im so sorry....
i thought it was the gook right fielder forgetting how to catch a routine fly ball
bryce harper curse will forever keep the philthies awat from the world series
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i didnt mean it... please.. have mercy
gakt guh please.... no more...
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>mets are cheaters
who wuold have thunk it
Aaaand we get cheated. Sigh. Why cant my cubbies ever get a break
they should do a sticky test for teh fans to see, like throw colored sand on their hand and see how much sticks
>the new york cheats
holy fucking ump show
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>get him out of there
>lose the series because of cheaters
fuck the cheating mets man
absolute mickey mouse horseshit
I like when they hold hands and
i hate the mets but the spastic cubsnigger melty is almost worth them winning
>get thrown out for using a substance is literally on the mound
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I'm not a bad person
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fuck you cheating faggot, die. You must die.
>Mest started cheating to make this run
Now it all makes sense
fuck off and die
yes you are
Is there anything i can do to recktify this situation...
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asshole cheaters...why cant we just have a fair game...sigh....
i literally just told you how
absolutely retarded

>captcha stard
i have nothing but remorse. Surely there's another way
Pitchers caught cheating should have their pitching hand amputated.
Thomson just needs to play Marsh every day. Other than that they need an upgrade for Phillies legend David Dahl.
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why are mets fans mad at the cubbies for their players getting caught cheating?
Umps helping the mets out since Diaz is ass.
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scuba kek
because the cubs clearly paid off Vic Cacapooza to eject Diaz in the 9th for using rosin (legal substance)
they did it with scherzer too, cheating ass mets... for shame.
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Gentleman sweep against the broo croo. I think we are so fucked with injuries right now, I kinda understand why we didn't sweep. Wish we did but oh well. Late GG Nord broo. Have a cold one.
We all hate the cusb
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We all love the cubs
>cheating mets
the mets cheat again
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This is the second time the cubs have paid off an entire umpiring crew to conspire against Mets btw
Mets are cheaters
cheating mets are a bunch of scumbags
If that's cheating then so is everyone using that stupid ass oven mitt to slide with, retard.
you can't use a helmet to extend your arm length, shithead
Cubs fans are fat
>be mets
all scubas are cuckolds
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retard this is actually against the rules, and stop taking the memes seriously you fucking braindead lmao
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Mets WIN
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kek KEK kek
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>be mets
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i got a different letter for you scrubbie cubbie
I heard they cheated though?
>be cusb
cubspie looks like THAT!?
kek cubspie exposed. stupid bitch
The rules are inconsistent then dumbasses, the rule says you can't use EQUIPMENT to gain an advantage. Make everyone stop using the fucking oven mitt that gives them extra inches and we won't be arguing fucking morons. You are the reasons this sport is so retarded.
>be cusb
>lose series
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oh nooooooooo scuba kekekekek
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I got some letters for you
no dumbass retard faggot the rules says you can't use equipment in a manner inconsistent with its purpose to gain an unfair advantage. wearing a glove made for sliding is not the same as removing your helmet and using it to reach/stay on base safely.
>be a cubs fan
>be fat
>team loses series to the glorious mets despite a favorable umpire crew
>cusb lose
>cusbpie accidentally posts a pic of herself
today was a good day
>be mets
>be mets
mets are cheating scumbags holy peep!
>Diaz suspended for cum hands
fuck the cheating mets
luv me gook skanks
Cheating ass mets
>be mets
>bottom text
Please give me a chance
you've had your chance, now kill yourself
Please post more pics of yourself
>be Mets
>need to cheat to beat a sub .500 team
>still sub .500 yourselves
I'm terrified
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Cubs fans are child molesters
>this is the person making 'gay louis' and 'gay berds kek' posts
The cubs are so shit just swing the bat lmao
raping cubspie
It doesn't say that anywhere in the rules you fucking moron, what I said, was the MLB response, and the official rule.
I knew one of them was a girl but it didn't register until that lmao
we all make mistakes
What was posted?
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something i hope you never have to see
Severino cooks the cubs
Please for the love of god tell me one of you saved that pic of her
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stankees finna get swept by these mets (best team in the mlb since june)
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why does god hate edwin diaz?
Is it safe to say that both the Mets and the Mariners lost the Diaz trade?
he's also tired of that faggy trumpet song
I have it. But I'm not giving it to you.
I did. Will I get b& if I post ?
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Please post
no it's fine
blud doesn't know what an archive is
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what's it like being actually retarded
what the fuck is a blud?
I keep getting bad gateway
that's a very large penis
blud don't need archive with 4chan X
The Mets and the cubs are the same team.
in the same vein, apparently it's illegal to take off your hat or glove and knock a fly ball out of the air
yes, this is also correct. I was obviously joking in my original post but that retard had to double down and take it seriously lmao.
except the mets win, as demonstrated
Narcissism of small differences

but fuck the cubs
Why would anyone do that? I guess knock a homerun you can't reach maybe. Also a side note, what's stopping someone from using a 2 ft mitten?
i say this as a cardinals fan
How many times are Der Cubbies gonna look at a pitch down the middle for a strikeout
It's borderline NSFW, satan
why not just wear stilts and stand at the outfield wall?
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My Chihuahuas! :’(
but not over the border
>what's stopping someone from using a 2 ft mitten?
umpie discretion
kek did she post a nude of herself?
Cubs got their comeuppance
>Also a side note, what's stopping someone from using a 2 ft mitten?
not wanting to be embarrassed
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Springer is the worst hitter in baseball.
Bo is 14th worst <- this is the bad one
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cubs got bootyblasted by the fucking mets lmao
I don't think you could run fast enough, maybe a pogo stick slung across your back might work you can deploy quick enough if needed
Fuck the cubs
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there's no way that's a real team
I'm sorry about Georgie boy :(

I've been a fan of him since 2015 when I was 10. I even commented this year about how he could potentially set a new record for leadoff homeruns and he wouldn't even have to hit more than he has in previous years

now he's jose abreu
moon boots?
you made that comment because you can't math
>since 2015 when I was 10
fuck me i feel old
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Imagine bocchi giving you head
Mets cheated
Diaz didn't throw a single pitch, Cubbies simply got outplayed
someone please post the cusbpie pic I need to see this shit
Scherzer as well. They're hiding their cheating.
just build a time machine so you can go back and see it bro
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His decline has been precipitous, it's so bad that not even his glove can justify keeping him on everyday over guys like Barger and Schneider.
I think ohtani is too old to break records. Once his arm blows up the 3rd time from pitching, he is going to be the most expensive 1.5 WAR player ever.
might want to look it up, he is only 24 lead off homers away from the record (Ricky 81, George 57). He hit 12 in 2019, and he's only 34, so he should be able to play for another 3-4 years.

so I'll re-emphasize what I just said so everyone can laugh at you "you can't math" comment
>he wouldn't even have to hit more than he has in previous years (12)
he was never going to break any of the counting stat records. It was always going to be unprecedented single season accomplishments.
the pic is still in the thread though?
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that would be awkward
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So you’re proving what I said was right? And what you said wasn’t? Make the rules specific, which they aren’t. So by that same rule oven mitts should be illegal, you’re adding words that the MLB is too lazy to add, so they can be as vague as possible and to cheat for faggot teams like yours.
it's right here anon
would it be okay for the batter to bring his bat to first base and slide and stretch it out in front of him?
he's not even going to average 6 lead off homers a season moving forward moron. the only person making a laugh worthy assessment is you.
Surely he has already accomplished the 2 way player records. He is the only playwr who was above average at hitting and pitching at the same time
> what I said, was the MLB response, and the official rule.
turns out it wasn't though, when MLB said he was out and should have been called out, and would have been called out on a challege. cope seethe dilate etc, also fuck the cumps.
Cubspina been real quiet since her (his) lewd mirror selfie dropped
Not gonna lie after reviewing the evidence... I'd probably sleep with cubspie.
>tfw no fun posting baseball gf
fuck you're dense. maybe re-read the post you commented on originally, I already stated as much because of his decline. Prior to this season, he had the potential to threaten the record (also ignoring the fact that RIcky played in significantly more games/at bats), but as he is in 2024, he might not even be on a major league roster in 2025, let alone be able to hit 1 lead off homer.

my comment was a reference to something I said at the start of the season (maybe after he had hit a lead off homer?), and mathematically he had a chance.

next closest potential is Mookie Betts who is at 52 (5 behind springer and 3 years younger).
Going to bed. First post in this thread.
Mets cheated.
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i only fuck mets girls
Fuck cubspie
They were wrong, based on their own rules. That’s how retarded you and they are.
No rule against it.
Are you guys just now realizing how retarded and vague this sport is about almost everything?
that's very progressive of you, but I guess it is June
>yet another series the phillies won that put a team below .500
I lost count honestly. That might be 10 series so far this year.
How the hell did PCA ever become a top prospect with an OPS below .550
I remember your original post. you all but said he had it in the bag. Now you're trying to revise your comment to imply if you squint hard enough that he has a shot. just shut up retard.
>No rule against running with your bat and using it to slide
lmao well thanks for proving your mental retardation to everyone lmao, im confused though: MLB was right when you said you quoted their official stance, but is now wrong when you are proven a liar, and only you know the rules? please die mad.
Rape cubspie
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Sex with cubspie.
Hummina hummina
because his glove alone is expected to win a game or several throughout the course of a full season
>this is the cunt spamming "gay [insert team]
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Edwin Diaz died for this, if I get banned always remember LGM and Mariners too :]
Based, godspeed anon
is that a female or, uh, "female"?
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>Now you're trying to revise your comment to imply if you squint hard enough that he has a shot
see >>141986391
>fuck you're dense.

try re-reading all this, V E R Y S L O W L Y

he does NOT have a chance in hell at this point, unless something miraculously changes and he hits 12-15 in the next year. His career is essentially over at this point
see also >>141986042
>now he's jose abreu

image related
Is that a man?
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same individual?
I'm not the douche bag that concluded the point they were trying to make with essentially lol, I was drinking. Don't mind me. Your posts don't merit serious scrutiny.
Find rapespie
>be mets
now the 2024 mets will be labeled the 2017 astros were they to get to the world series and win it I hate it here
Blame cubspie
It's high time the Mets became "the bad guys" again. Now let's win the Series this year!
drink more
>get to the world series
they won't even make the playoffs, no worries. at best, they'll be the 2015 Yankees
I was just fucking with you. Just seeing what kind of knots you'd twist yourself into to "win". I had no serious interest in what you were trying to say.
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>the average cubyals poster
>the average cubgers poster
>the average cubyalgeriners poster
>the average white sox tormenter
>the average gay louis poster
>the average mettie jetties poster
you've been found out. someone alert the inspector
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This official MLB graphic states otherwise though
Now we just need to see a pic of ERGina and /mlb/ has come full circle
I never said they were right you fucking moron, I said the rules are inconsistent and vague and have made it clear since the beginning. The oven mitt is more bullshit than a guy who happened to grab his helmet when it fell off and would have been safe anyways if he wasn’t holding it or it never came off.
why would I try to "win"? I am disappointed in his performance, there is no winning since Mookie is likely to threaten it, and I hate that faggot
I'm gay
You are loved and we support you.
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you said
>what I said, was the MLB response, and the official rule.
then you said
>They were wrong, based on their own rules.
Then you actually typed out and posted, in plain english, that a batter can run the bases with their bat and use it as an extension of themselves, which is laughably retarded beyond all measure. all of that is irrelevant though because the MLB response was that he was out, and should have been ruled out, and would have been ruled out if challenged. so you are picrel x2 and also gay.
i thought cubspie was ERG and spammy
There are a couple cubspies and ERG. I'm pretty sure one of the cubspies is spammy.
im either too autistic or not autistic enough to really tell
The one who got exposed (probably spammy) has been posting about the mets cheating since.
Does anyone who consistently posts in this thread not have a mental illness?
I'm gay, go mets!
You should not be allowed to post in this general until you've seen your team lose a minimum of a thousand games
You should not be allowed to post in this general if you can't do twenty good push-ups
You know which website you're on right? There are hundreds of other forums and sites on the internet dedicated to whatever sport or team you like with tons of content and users comparatively. But instead the people come here regularly only to see the same 50 images at the top of each thread and read 400 of the 500 total replies posted by a total of 3 maybe 4 turboautists. What sane person would do this? The closest thing to baseball discussion that can be found in these threads is "_____ got gaped."
jints kek
my metsinals mind-gaped the cubiants
>be mets
Cubs fans are fat
kek sounds like somebody's team got gaped today!
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who gaped ya, was it my metsies??
cubs fans are PHAT see:
Diaz not even needed to gape the Cubs
Exactly what you explained is what I want. Also I miss the IP count, Hiroshimoot. :(
girlcocks... gay sex... anime w/ cubspie...
t. Vic Carapazza
Cubspie needs bravesbrah treatment
Cubspie was bravesbrah the whole time
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mets won
heterosexuality won
its up
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>be mets
cheating fuck
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Delicious. Padubbies remains undefeated and tasty.
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GG Dadspie, the Dads did a good job and good baseball, enjoy a cold one too
Why do that to your eyebrows? She looks alien if she kept them black she would look much better.
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My Atlanta Braves win!
That’s a man
It was Barzini all along.
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Ummm.. what's this? I saw it live and cubs won that.
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Never forget today, when the cusb and MLB conspired against the Mets and Edwin Diaz to not only ruin the Mets hot streak, but to improve the Yankee's odds of winning the upcoming subway series with Diaz suspended.
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They also failed because Mets won that ballgame
lindor you beautiful man
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They won the biggest loser award
Cub Bee Bares...
Except none of that happened, because the umps aren't retarded like you or the mlb
post limit should be capped at 10 words.
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>post a joke two hours ago
>he takes it seriously
>he's still mad that he was wrong about the rules
>to the point that he's now denying objective reality
kek cumps still lost
honestly the pirates city connects would look kinda sick if they didn't have PGH plastered on the front and just said Pittsburgh or Pirates instead. Same for Cleveland w. CLE.
>He thinks everyone is a cubs fan
>He thinks everyone is a cubs fan
Of course I do why wouldn't I?
>>He thinks everyone is a cubs fan
>Of course I do why wouldn't I?
Keep it calm folks
We are all frens!!!! It's just banter teehee
We need to relax now more than ever
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
gay braves kek
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>easily b8ed
lmao absolute tard
cooler heads will prevail
everybody calm down
gay louis...kek!!
lmao why are they so gay
Eating cubspies ass until she cums all over your mets jersey
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Everywhere I go they be like
if you aint cheatin you aint tryin all the based teams and players cheat
fax how else is it possible to beat dem cubbies
The Yanks were gonna win anyway.
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>they're powering up...
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did my poodres sweep 'em
It's fine when they're interviewing a player who's not in the lineup of the day and he's just chilling in the dugout.
But I remember seeing the commentators interviewing this guy (dont recall the name nor the team but he was an outfielder who apparently had a pond full of fish at home and he'd pet them regularly, based fish autist), and he was literally IN PLAY and trying to get outs while answering the questions. Shit was insane
Mental illness
No I used GNU Image Manipulation Program 2.10
This Mets schizo needs a job god damn. Bro that team is buried and a joke and yet half the posts itt are all from one Mets fan
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I’m at work rn buster
I was going to make a post about my OOTP save but I'm managing the Mets and I don't want to get mistaken for someone flooding the thread.
I have never played this game anon, tell me about your save.
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Jeff McNeil
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I was just going to post my roster evolution over the three years I've played so far and see if anyone was interested in what they saw. The trade for Jansen didn't really work, he pretty much immediately got worse for us, but it's not like Familia had been any better so I can't really complain. Conforto wanted 45m/y for eight years minimum to stay beyond 2022, so I traded him prior to the upcoming season because I had some AAA caliber guys who might make it work in the majors. They play good defence, anyway. Bringing back an ancient Jerry made me happy and he's been surprisingly great. Pete hasn't quite slugged like Pete, but it's been enjoyable watching him develop here, too. Dom Smith being excellent is confirmation that I'm in bizzaro world, though. As if the Mets winning 120 games and a ws wasn't enough evidence. If we managed to win 120 irl it's absolutely certain that we would lose in the DS. Or maybe Atlanta or Philly would win 121 and we'd lose in the wild card.
>If we managed to win 120 irl it's absolutely certain that we would lose in the DS. Or maybe Atlanta or Philly would win 121 and we'd lose in the wild card.
Kek anon is a true mets fan. Who did we beat in the world series in your bizzaro baseball universe??
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We had the battle of the choke artists in 2020 where we convincingly beat the 89-73 Twins, and then we had the heart-attack post-season in 2021 where every series came down to a final game and we just barely beat the 105-57 Astros
>beat the 105-57 Astros
27posters aren't going to like this
seems fun though, been looking for a baseball game to play but idk if a front office sim like this would do it for me.
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I feel like losing to the twins will be more painful for them, but I'm just guessing.

You manage the games, too, but it is very front office oriented.
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what the fuck did I just watch
mets cheated btw, pitcher was using sticky stuff.

>cheating in the current year
simple as
total cusbest death
>ejected and suspended for having sweaty hands
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Good morning /mlb/
Just a reminder my Space Cowboys stomped the Chihuahuas again for a series win or 4-2 and are also the Triple A Pacific Coast League half-season champions.
People are saying this
>sweat is the same as a foreign substance

love the mest cope, just in time.
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based mental illness you've got there m'sbro
edwin didn’t even need to throw a pitch. don’t need our best guys to beat the cubs kek
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What's next for our jasy
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Umps in the Braves series be like
Another sweep by Boston according to my projections.
I love how people think the Mets are suddenly "back" when this exact thing happened earlier in the season only for them to go on a huge cold stretch. The Mets are Lucy and their fans are Charlie Brown.
But hopefully their current hot streak will last long enough for them to be buyers at the deadline because that would be hilarious lol. I want to see them pull a 2023 Angels.
To be fair everyone in the 23 Angels squad immediately got injured the week after the tradeline
alvarez is the difference and we're not losing him again
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>missed the cusb and mest game last night
>”sticky substance” ejection
>sweat and rosin yet again
Is this the same crew of retards that threw up sweat factory Ronel Blanco?
>phone posting moment
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This is the power of the Msbroship, we love our teams and post when they are playing good beisbol. We love our teams and post when they are playing bad beisbol, and we are never ever gonna stop makin ya seethe.
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This is an interesting idea...

on a foul ball not caught and in the field of play, runners can advance once the ball has hit the ground and they have tagged the base prior to running... hmmmm.... this would be interesting indeed.
i hate blake snell that is all
no refunds
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last time a player got 200 hits for each team
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Can my Os bounce back after getting swept by the asstros and beat the guardians (indians) today? I hope so.
No guardians wreck your shit
maybe. these teams will meet in the playoffs and hopefully it's not a repeat of '96.
i want to get blake snell pregnant, that is all
i also hope so but for twins-related reasons
Uh Devil Ray sisters????
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I’m cheering for ya Os, make us look good by making yourselves look better
My pirates ):
kek KEK kek!!!
At least you have Skenes even tho he'll probably be traded in a few years to "rebuild"
nooooo not my kekkies
Imagine Livvy bros...
we all HATE the kekkies!
Why? Because the Astros (a sub 500 team) swept them? You can't make assumptions about the playoffs from one game.
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shut up slut
kill yourself faggot
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>Doyers play today
>she's mad
go back to posting your ass at least
what the fuck are you talking about
Lmao, there wasn't any meat on them bones anyway kiddo.
everybody calm down
i'm actually a mariners fan. sorry cubspie
It's all one girl
WTF?????? I go away for two days n this is what I come back too??? WTF
people had finally stopped posting about free beer and now this happens AND the cubs are dogshit
Cubs fans dress up as anime girls
>single game
What single game are we referring to?
You also cant make assumptions halfway through the season
I wanna fuck cubspie desu
>mfw clownsell goes to Neris for another blown save
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My brewers like to dress up as delicious sausages
We all get lonely on here. Nasty to see how much influence a barely visible leg has on this group.
The sausage race but anime girl cosplayers
>spammy ousted as a trans fag
Another Ho without house training, some tie up their loose rooster.
small hands so probably female
Bony hands and shoulder are questionable.
What's gayer posting a picture of you with shaved legs dressed up like a girl while bent over or wearing a Berds shirt?
Berds 100% gayer
obviously the berds shirt are you joking
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Cuuuuubspie the results are unclear please post more pics of your butt so we can come to a consensus!!!
sorry cubspie these dudes are mean to you but ill love you no matter what you look like
t. daddy
I half agree. Cubspie should post her ass but it's clear berds are gayer.
>gay louis
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dave steib
kekd based digits


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holy kek!!!!!!!!!!! lord shadilay blessed us with these digits to absolutely BTFO the gay berds kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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