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i would do the same desu...... hes great player and cute.........
Fiume is italian clay
he looks like what japanese people or koreans think of when they think of italian man


I would bounce on calafioris salsiccia all day long, if you can catch my drift
Croatian men >
kill yourself
Anon that’s gay
non-italian bros...
italians are hot desu
no wonder Vlahović visits the gay clubs in Italy
I hate women so much it's unreal
Saint Mogricel
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im a transgirl its fine ^^
also hes going to move out from bologna this next season right??
he's literally hot what's wrong with the post?
I love women so much it’s unreal
go trikas btw if anyone wonders
Vlahovic is a pretty boy himself the comments he gets from girls on his insta/tiktok is insane
he cute
do you think he likes bavarian boys
How am i supposed to compete with him?
post face
Be black, blacks are just superior
>what's wrong with the post?
Women are attracted to a sexually attractive man and not to chinless basement dwelling incels.
the username
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nigga looks mexican
he looks like me
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he looks like what koreans and japanese think of themselves when they make their shitty anime
Italy is thailand for women. You can't suffer as an italian
Beardbros. It's time to shave.
Yikes, he looks much worse here desu
i'm half italian half czech, I look like shit kek, chiellini tier, people always assume i'm jewish LMAO
im gremista actually but ok :3
I came here to get away from twitter and women posting online
did I kill your boner?
All women are thinking this, anon
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>Chiellini tier
You wish you uggly goblin.
chielini from his interview when he mocks tottenham, espèce de baguette mouillé
is your mom hot? was it a case of italian CHAD stealing a czech bride?
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Chiellini as a young man was a total chad. Cope.
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don't associate us with this whore
my mom is czech my dad is tony soprano tier
that's why i meant older version of chiellini, I bet you look like zidane bald cunt
Wholesome Woman solider soon
>with that nose
Kinda, post hot Portuguese as your retribution
women creaming their panties over italian footballers? must be a day ending in y
I look like a greek statue. Cope.
>niggernose opinions
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i bet you have that arno breker rizz, it will be useful by sunday
>t. vini
I'm just fooling around halforc fren. Take care.
He doesn't want your disgusting hair dick and shithole. Close your legs.

Fag (viado)
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He's 22.

No matter how bad things are now, all I know is I would never give up being a millennial.
Same. Sure, there are some hot zoomettes but the overwhelming majority is fat or fucked in the head.
I don't think this is a woman
I don't say this to be edgy or reminisce.

Like I think there's actual clinical reasons why this generations is super fucked.
Ironic that you put a serial killer there
Life is about looks
What do you think?
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It's an old meme called uncanny Mr incredible. But I think they copied it from the Argentinian flag.
Yeah, it's social media.
I got to experience life before it, or even in its first years. It was so much different
I aint gay but i would also open my buttcheeks for him were about the same age too
Mental illness
I actually disagree with this take. I've heard it many times.

I think it's actually the opposite. The truth has made the world extremely grim. Completely devoid of any innocence and mystery. From politics to modern dating.
What is the truth?
Have you been living under a rock?

The truth about how our government works.

The truth about races like how black people do have lower IQs and Asians and white people have infantilism(dogs are wolf cubs, axolotls are babies etc...).

Mating strategies have been dissected to the point of autism.
Most humans are nowhere near grasping the “truth.” We teach children simplified versions of reality and they grow up thinking they know everything. Real truth is beauty.
black people are easily top 2 in benefited genetics
>good at athletics
>good at fighting
>age well
>good at dancing
>big penises
fuck, being black in a first world country must be easy
Basically, your society is corrupt and unnatural and it isn't supposed to be this way
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lol, this is the best he can do?
>good at some things but not others
>maybe but its cultural
What the fuck
How do I make women lust over me like this bros?
Yeah exactly but it's not sustainable. Black people consume more then they produce.

The reason why white men keep black men around is because they use em as a golem.
How is it a myth that blacks aren't good at fighting? They literally have the best attributes for it
Tats are fucking retarded
Good compared to what?
They have the best traits for fighting on average.
This describes body proportions but not fighting ability
is there a sport that will make my children grow up to look like this?
preferably a sport that isnt "letting chad impregnate your wife/gf"
>best traits for fighting
Hunting and eating wild animals
based med bvll
He looks like somebody from Jersey Shore
hey don't be jealous
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Yes, that's your conjecture

It doesn't even matter; there's no hand to hand combat sports in nature. In nature, humans use trickery, strategy and tools to kill their opponents, not to knock them out by boxing them.

IQ is far more important in the world today. That is what that anon is saying.
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I can't believe this is the same person
what happened to him?
It's a relevant trait to have. Look at Jon Jones and Mayweather, both of the best to do it at their respective sports. What do they have in common? They are undefeated in title matches and both have long limbs for their size. To say it doesn't matter is dishonest, since they are considered the best by many as well get paid millions for being at the top
he got skinnier so he could still play when he is older, ronaldo did the same and the before and after pics are pretty similar
Expected from a Brazilian flag
And this is why you should never tell people to shave. fuck you bald niggas who are in denial
Holding the whip at the quarry: >>142013911
Moesian slave digging up rocks: >>142013812
It's good, but they get face mogged even by pajeets most times;
>half italian half czech, I look like shit kek, chiellini tier, people always assume i'm jewish
You probably are half '''''Italian'''''', meaning that you are descended from phoenician semites and not from Romans
Italian / Med genetics
Nice logic
Pajeets are probably the least desirable race, at least the men are. If you have time, I suggest you look up "which race wouldn't you date" and 90% end up saying Indians. White are probably the best desirable race though
He looks like a fucking goblin now wtf
I haven't seen a single good looking pajeeta at my uni yet
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It must be hard to get laid in italy, way too much competition. I am mildly handsome only because I am half italian by descent. Plus it seems like the men are way better looking on average than the women. I've never looked at an italian women and thought she was a 10/10, except for monica bellucci.
He is a semite with some stolen Roman genes
As he aged, the Roman genes faded away, as such his true semitic goblin form was finally revealed

The nose tells you all you need to know
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No he isn't, just has high EEF admixture. Most Europeans have an ancestor that looks like that from way back.
yeah and she's insufferable as fuck

she's an annoying "instagram model" that tries to get into his interviews and shit and acts with zero class whatsoever
she must fuck like a succubus
>that pic
I already addressed that see >>142013812
Your pic falls in the AhMED category
He looks like a semite with some Roman genes

Seems like italian women come in two types, bimbo IG whore and 5/10 plane jane boring catholic girl overly attached to her family and doesn't like sex
It's not my opinion. Man it's some retarded shit dude. lol

I guess the gist of it is

>USA destabilize Mexico and latin america.
>Expects immigrants to replace low birth rate whites.
>Instead of considering them white the CIA promotes racism.
>Mexicans vote for Obama because the CIA are being retards and not integrating them
>The CIA doubles down and goes full retard by hiring trump.
>2015 trump speech happens.
>The whole planet figures out what's happening and Hispanic integration is completely null.
>As a consequence white Soft power collapses.(Movies,videogames,social media).
>People find out about infantilism because trump acts like a 7-9 year old girl.(Which is the age white people are in human growth).
>White people are done. Nick Fuentes and Andrew Tate still try to save them in order to save America.
>It's 2024 CIA is still going through the 7 stages of grief.

Mexicans are preparing on either attacking white people if Mexico joins the war (sheinboum) or leaving if Mexico keeps out of the war.

Considering white people are finished they are a liability now. So I don't think they will use Hispanics as canon foter since they need them.
You are a brainlet

bro you are a jugo saying this, please sit down
are you a virgin or something? how can you look at that girl and think she even likes sex? she probably has a dry ass pussy and copes with trying to make everyone want to fuck her even tho she doesn't actually wants it because of her personality and all the antidepressants she is on
Sure, but guess what. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be living in Europe or Asia/Oceania.

Oh man you better be practicing your aim dude. Hahahaha
Why should I fight?
No he had his nose and cheeks broken multiple times
look at that dude. he could fuck any girl on earth if he wanted to
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That televisa interview with trump after the nick Fuentes dinner was hilarious because trump knows how much the CIA fucked up.

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You're literally Albanian
typical metamorphosis of a slav lmao
Fuentes and Spencer are feds
Yeah? After the trump dinner Fuentes was probably contacted. Everyone knows that. Even destiny said so. Btw destiny is supa mad.
I really dont care and neither should you
NTA but I'm a virgin. is that supposed to be a rarity here?
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did he managed to age gracefully?
no but it was a relevant question to ask there
Me too. I'd tear that bussy up.
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I don't care as I said before Mexicans (and Japanese people depending on their immigration laws)are the only ones who will probably go the way of the Egyptians.

So why not enjoy the end of civilization.
he is literally me

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