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First pitch at 7:10 pm CST / 5:10pm PST

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What's the latest rumor as far as trades are concerned boys?
I don't pay attention to the rumors anymore. It's all noise. Most desirable players have multiple teams interested in them. I just wait and see what happens to understand who really wanted a guy the most.
It's just that easy boys.
It's gonna be a crapshot, since most teams are still in the playoff race thanks to the expanded wildcard spots
that ohtani feller sure is good
I'm starting to come around to believing that
ohtani leadoff homer is nice but we need that miggy ro hit to seal the victory.
I want the 7-shutout innings from Bobby Miller

>Faggy MIller
completely rattled
you jinxed him. if the dodgers lose, this is on you
>Miller is never going to be the same
>Buehler is washed
Please God, Dustin May has to come back to form...
Every Dodger pitcher aside from Glasnow sucks right now. We need Yamamoto back stat. All these guys are rushing back from injury and aren't quite ready. Can't be throwing meatballs like that in June and July, they're always gonna be homers
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boby fucking miller
who that qt in the White Sox dugout?
I said what I wanted, not what I expected.
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>We so back
Stone is a good #2 rn. I trust Paxton the most for #3. Still a lot of season left.
I want Sydney Sweeney to sit on my face and hold a gun to my head and scream at me that she swears to God she'll pull the trigger if I don't make her cum.
Oh I forgot about Stone. He has been good. Paxton worries me, but he's better than expected
imagine giving up a no doubter to andrew benintendi
>giving up 3 runs in the first inning to the White Sox who are having one of the worst seasons in like 100 years
>still no outs
this dude is trash
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>watching Robert running hard
>watching Eloy running at all
>getting shelled by the white sox
Put him back on the IL
another pre-emptive greentext right on queue. fuck doyer starters, straight up ass.
the dodgers shouldn't be giving a fuck during this series
their lead in the west is pretty good and they don't need this one
Reminder that Paxton didn't give up a single run in 7 innings.
Dodgers should be feasting on bad teams like this, gotta get fat while the schedule is easy
he's pitching in front of friends and family again. he got shelled by the Cubs last time he did. I think there's that going on again-tightly wound retard.
30 pitch 1st inning
dodgers pitching in shambles
everyone getting tommys john
>2 91 mph pitches right down the dick
>misses both
c'mon biggio
at least Muncy is supposed to start swinging a bat this week
let's hope that goes as planned because we desperately need him
These Nike jerseys are dog shit. In my *recount the number of years I've been watching baseball* 21-22 years watching baseball I have never seen grey road unis get swamp ass stains and collect sweat like I'm seeing right now. $1 billion for this?
apparently they're already working on fixing them but we're stuck with these shitty ones for the rest of this year. Maybe they'll have fixed them by playoffs at least? They are really embarrassingly bad
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i miss his smile
i miss his froggy build and demeanor
much needed dp
ffs miller
Yeah. It's unacceptable. I'd heard everyone complain about them but had never seen them in action myself. Majestic perfected the baseball uniform. I still have a couple of authentic jerseys I purchased through the years. They're works of art compared to this slop.
nuke laloosh
Let's see if that made a difference Rojas.
Chicago LOVES Robert "Bobby" Anthony Miller! AHAHAHAHAHA
The White Sox will still lose once the bullpen comes out.
Sheesh Ohtani got that call lmao
roberts to miller
>you suck. you're going back to AAA
>say hello to your boyfriend walker buehler while you're there
freddie :)
freddie :)
>Chicago WHY Sox
Not even
Imagine being one of the 28 tickets Miller gave to his friends and family and have THAT performance.
glad they pulled him. it fucks up the bp the rest of the series but we're going to need him to get his shit together if we're going to make a run.
i wouldn't be surprised if his gf dumps his ass later tonight
that shit looked fair
Biggio swinging a wet noodle
Are you referring to his outing against the Cubs in April (on his birthday)? It was sad but funny at the same time.
I wasn't expecting to feel this way for a while longer but where would this team be without Ohtani right now?
same as the last 10 of 11 seasons. leading it. it won't get interesting till the postseason. we'll see if ohtani actually makes a difference or if it will be another choke.
we need Mookie, Freddie, Will and Muncy/Pages all healthy also.
and I forgot about Teo
dis nigga srs?
good ab Vargie
Biggio be useful challenge (impossible)
maybe if he was a slap hitter instead of lofting it in the air. I'm over seeing him also.
craig biggio to cavan
>son, you suck. you're going to be DFA soon. and what the hell is going on with all those crusty socks your mom keeps finding in your room?
love orel's dad jokes
He doesn't even have great defense to justify being a black hole at the plate.
I love Bulldog. Indians great.
stop walking pham. make this loom beat you.
6 walks tonight. 5 to the first 2 batters.
now that's a real shortstop
rojas with a bullet
what a waste of an inning
aw shit, that was going to be an amazing catch
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>fucking dropped it
kek lux's jersey looks like he's been in a sauna
I wear wicking shit all the time out in the yard in summer and they all get like that within minutes
I have a entire drawer full of different Nike Dri-Fit shirts, supposedly to be the same technology in current unis, and none of them do that. Lol.
all I know is they feel way better than cotton tees doing yard work or anything else that requires exertion, especially when a breeze comes along.
boring game. if the dodgers lose, I'm gonna be really pissed.
get some insurance runs pls
This game feels like it's taking forever.
It's going to be a 3 hour + one
a lot of pitches thrown. everyone working slow, plenty of baserunners but no one is scoring.
phillips will blow it. screencap this.
this White Sox team is every bit as bad as was rumored
Ace is throwing tomorrow. looks like a sweep
here we go
Fedde is similar and out bp has done a lot of work. it will probably be another tight game.
gg white sox, see ya tomorrow
Cavan you fucking retard. Lol
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GG Soxfags, see you tomorrow.
gg miller sux

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