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First Pitch @ 6:45pm PST / 8:45pm CST
find out how the Cubs will choke today
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>gay ants
kek (kek) kek....
suzuki gets the worst calls against him those umps should be hit in the head with a bat
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attaboy hendricks, shut these COCKSUCKERS up
shit ass luck
nice hook
Attaboy Busch!!! Nice swing kid!
attaboy busch, nice steal too!
belli slap
San fagcisco
for the love of god….stip taking 4seamers right down the middle
lol, dumbass. We're up 2 points to one
amaya throw on the money
nice snag(s)
are >we going to be last year's version of the jasy except instead of a coping anon leaf it's going to be dansby saying "it's only september"?
this fucking faggot is squeezing him
Nah the cubbies r gonna turn it around
Another backwards K on a fastball…DAAAAD GUMMIT
looking at a fastball who woulda thu- FU%*$ YOU!!!!!
attaboy Seiya!! Let’s bring him home
peein crap sigh kek sob
Why did they even challenge that
Aramis was one of my favorite players growing up
same, I still think he's the the better 3B than bryant.
That’s sounds crazy at first but you’re right, if you take the totality of their careers it’s Aramis and it’s not even close, I guess you could say KB had a better peak
Their numbers as stints on the cubs alone are pretty similar.
Aramis' statline: .297/.359/.892
Bryant's statline: .281/.380/.889
I used bref and I'm too lazy to get their trade year stats in but their both pretty similar on that too. The thing that puts Aramis over the top is he just didn't strike out a lot. I love them both though. Of any player from that Piniella team I wish Aramis could have finished his career with the cubs.
At least Kyle is pitching well. He's always a pleasure to watch on the mound.
Damn I would have guessed that Aramis' cubs specific numbers were a tad lower than KBs, that's shocking
Yeah I hope he can keep this up, I had a feeling he still had a little more left in the tank. Fuck everyone that wanted to DFA him after a bad month
I think Aramis' were better but I guess it's if you value OBP or SLG/AVG.
Also I can't believe that w'ere at this point where I just want to see meaningful baseball late in the year again. I actually thought this could be the team to finally get to the playoffs since 2018 (2020 does not count.)
I mean they havent even won a playoff game since 2017, another way to look at it.
I just have to think that they're gonna turn things around soon. Yes I've been saying this for about a month now but I do think its coming. They are even to where they were at this point last year (altho imo they've been a much worse team, esp if you go by run differential)
I think they're about to flip a switch
gotta fucking score here, the cubs wont get dick off of the giants closer. cmon busch!
>I think they're about to flip a switch
I've been thinking this for what feels like forever now.
>Fuck everyone that wanted to DFA him after a bad month
The people saying to DFA hendricks should kill themselves when you have guys like brewer and minor league relievers on the roster.
giants had lost 5 in a row before last night. fucking AWFUL
the team is just bad
typical fahran z-listers
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>we can't get a bullpen arm, it's only june!
I blame ricketts more than jed desu
Why would you blame Ricketts? He's just the piggy bank, he stays out of baseball decisions. If anything Ricketts is the one that will press Jed to make a trade, he wants the Cubs back in the playoffs, they're 8th in payroll , well more than anyone in the division. he wants a ROI
and I'm not a ricketts apologist either, fuck him forever for crying broke and letting Schwarber walk and dumping Yu for payroll.
giants have had 2 bullpen games and they're about to win the series. what a disaster
He's been adamant on staying under the luxury tax which plays into why they haven't gotten pen arms. I just don't hate Jed entirely... Yet. Kind of dealt a tough hand when Merryweather and Killian, who you had hoped would have stepped up this year, got injured and Alzolay failed.
throw keegan in there more you stupid faggot, he's got good stuff and the best chance to turn a corner
The luxury tax complaint is legit with the revenue they generate and the prices they charge (even though they went above the 1st threshold for a couple years in the Theo era). and the Cubs have had shitty injury luck to the pen this year but I just don't understand how they can have a great farm system with MLB ready talent and they're just sitting on their hands. if the cubs had a like slightly below average bullpen and not one of the worst ones in baseball this year they'd be a couple games above .500
ty cubs for helping the giants get back their confidence
and I'm not completely out on Jed either, just have to vent over the state of this team
but also holy fuck 5.5 more years of swanson? fucking kill me, why the fuck does the highest paid player on the cubs have to be dogshit
It almost seems like they don't want to fully commit to these guys. Also I would imagine Jed isn't on the hotseat because of these moves. Also yeah swanson move was bullshit.
cubs might not beat the yaks (cheaters, fixed games) but everyone thinking we aren't winning the nlcs is coping holy
11 strikeouts by the shitty jints bullpen lol
gg giants cya tmrw
at least hendricks is back
I don't think he's on the hot seat either (unless this thing comes completely off the rails) but next year is the final year of his contract, so idk what they're gonna do. hopefully he doesnt pull some desperation moves in an attempt to save his job, which I don't think he will
>Jed isn't on the hotseat because of these moves.
or lack of, if a gm/president is on the hot seat they get desperate and make more moves I think. Either way I'm still up on the future, simply because of the farm system but they have to use it either bring young guys up and call it a season or supplement the team with trades with them
they cheated
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gg cubbies cya tomorrow night

hendricks owning us will never not frustrate me, but the bp was nails tonight and the offense did actually add on for once

looking forward to Hayden Birdsong’s debut tomorrow night
gg. I was at oracle last year when he took the no no into the 8th, it was awesome.
also I always think your pic is from when jerry garcia sung the national anthem
maybe the cubs should have traded Morel and some prospects to get either Naylor or Clase or Parades from the Rays...

I wish I knew what they were asking for
Sad because I do think Morel will turn into a good player, but it seems like that was the way to go. He's also had terrible luck right?
he was having terrible luck, but now he's outright slumping.

I think what's happening with him is that the team's struggles are effecting him, he's still one of younger players on the team, and with everyone else struggling he probably feels that much more pressure to succeed. I 100% buy into the hitting/slumping being contagious thing. when the entire team is struggling it makes everyone play that much tighter.

I still think he'll turn it around
>I 100% buy into the hitting/slumping being contagious thing.
Same. My oldfag says the same thing. I actually think it's rooted from the bullpen. Even early in the year when they were able to get away with it the pen was blowing games, it finally caught up to them and now they know they have to score a ton just to have a chance to win and can't score at all.
yeah everyone is way too tight on the team. squeezing the bats too hard

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