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How will Theo Tapri predict this game?

Also GuMo
>Arbeit 9-18
>meiste Spiele verpassen
>die Storylines der kleinen Teams etc geht verloren
Ich verpasse den Spass dieses mal
>Jonathan Tah würde dem Vernehmen nach am liebsten im Sommer von Bayer 04 Leverkusen zum FC Bayern München wechseln, ein Vertragsangebot soll der EM-Stamminnenverteidiger schon akzeptiert haben. Knackpunkt bleibt aber die Ablöseforderung der Werkself in Höhe von 40 Millionen Euro plus Boni für den 28-Jährigen. Laut der „Sport Bild“ wird der Doublesieger von dieser nicht abrücken
>Der FC Bayern soll riesiges Interesse an Xavi Simons haben, scheint aber keine allzu guten Karten zu besitzen, den Transfer über die Bühne gehen zu lassen. Der Shootingstar will angeblich lieber bei RB Leipzig bleiben.VG Wort Zählpixel
yes yes, goooood morning and the coffee
gümo gümo
>Denn Morten Hjulmand holte sich im Serbien-Spiel seine zweite Gelbe Karte im laufenden Turnier ab und wird daher im Achtelfinale gegen Deutschland fehlen.
Shaftbros...we can't stop winning
>Den Angaben zufolge kontrollierte die Polizei am Marienplatz einen serbischen Fan wegen des Gebrauchs von Pyrotechnik. Gegen 17 Uhr hatten sich dort demnach über 5000 serbische Fans versammelt. Bei der Kontrolle sei es dann zu »Solidarisierungseffekten« gekommen: Andere Fans hätten Flaschen und einen Stuhl auf die Polizisten geworfen. Die Beamten setzten Schlagstöcke und Pfefferspray ein.
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It's so bad. When Hasan was in charge the Youtube player highlights weren't full of Indian shit
Blöd Schreiberlinge ins Gas
>40 yo Paolo Guerrero is still playing for Peru
It's the Gema for text tracking views.
Omi Gähnmark reaction to this draw?
I wonder if you have to hit your head against the wall as part of the hiring process at bild to show you are braindead and completely pain free
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If this doesn't bring her back, nothing will
Xavi is overrated as fuck, as a bullchad I hope Eberl drops 70m on him.
She's been here a month ago
cope >>142076710
>he doesn't have vg-wort on his blacklist
>still not a starter in the NT
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döp and den DEUTSCHEN-pilled
of course >we draw the cringiest country in the tournament ugh.
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>that store
feel sorry for the poor kid. hope he can escape
Only that they are oblivious to it. The gift of the midwits i guess
They are buying fake jerseys on their Türkiye vacation
Damn sherlock look at you go
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I forgot a question mark
yeah Bremi they didn't even notice the fat ugly turk reeking of garlic oil.
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Well next time dont, or do, i dont know, you seem to be good at answering your own questions
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>chuds buying chudthings from ausländers
Holland döp > chud döp

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wholesome af
>Es geht nicht um eine Aufstockung der Ordner in den zehn EM-Arenen. Sondern die Ordner sollen von ihren Führungskräften noch einmal deutlich darauf hingewiesen werden, die Augen in keiner Sekunde von den Tribünen abzuwenden, um jede Bewegung eines Fans Richtung Spielfeld sofort zu registrieren und einschreiten zu können.
she into dem mayonated gentlemen if you catch my drift
>chuds live rent-free in his mind
new musialas dont appear out of thin air
Must be awkward starting at people for 90 minutes. Not a job for autists.
>Der Platz für Kimmich beim FC Bayern wird immer enger. Mit den Bemühungen um Joao Palhinha und der Suche nach einer Alternative, sollte der Palhinha-Deal zum zweiten Mal platzen, wird klar, dass der Nationalspieler zukünftig wohl nicht mehr auf der Sechser-Position spielen soll.
>Wie die Sport BILD berichtet, ist der 29-Jährige nicht mehr Teil der Mittelfeld-Plänen von Vincent Kompany. Demnach ist die Tendenz bei Kimmich und den Bayern weiterhin ein Abschied.
Welcome to __?
Barcelona with Hansi Fick
FC Augsburg
>In Gruppe E treffen der Gruppenerste Rumänien und Dritte Slowakei (18 Uhr, ARD/Magenta) aufeinander. Und schon vor Anpfiff ist klar: Beiden Teams reicht ein Remis zum Weiterkommen. Egal, was zeitgleich zwischen Belgien (2.) und der Ukraine (4.) passiert.

Man Shitty, but unironically
>Und schon vor Anpfiff ist klar: Beiden Teams reicht ein Remis zum Weiterkommen.
Farce von Frankfurt incoming
>Gypsies and slavshits have an opportunity to be corrupt
Well that's decided, a draw will happen. Ungarbros we just have to hope the Turks beat czechia or otherwise the czechs btfo the Turks by 4 goals
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schweitZ wird italien schlagen, ja?
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I HATE Netherland
who this?
>Die Uefa hat den dänischen Fußballverband (DBU) zu einer saftigen Geldstrafe verdonnert. Knapp 75 000 dänische Kronen (rund 10 000 Euro) werden fällig. Ein Plakat, das dänische Fans beim Europameisterschafts-Gruppenspiel gegen England (1:1) im Block gezeigt hatten. Darauf stand geschrieben „F**k Uefa“.

>Die DBU hat auf die Strafe überhaupt keinen Bock. Und will die zu begleichende Summe am liebsten auf die verantwortlichen Fans abwälzen! Das erklärt Erik Brøgger Rasmussen (56), der Direktor des Dänen-Verbands, im Gespräch mit dem dänischen Online-Portal „bold“. Er sagt: „Es ist nicht fair, dass dieses Geld aus der Kasse der DBU kommen muss. Das gefährdet unsere Möglichkeiten, den dänischen Fußball zu entwickeln.“

It's funny, if done as tongue-in-cheek to piss off the Greenstream, but that's a little over the edge with the inclusion of the boy.
>inb4 "döp dö dö döp" gets declared hate-speech by Faeser
Art. 1 GG
UEFA worse than Russia.
simple as.
China will produce ANYTHING you ask for as long as you pay for it.
That's probably impossible in Germany once you make the producer "feel bad" with your order.
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Hawk Tuah
It's a "fresh" meme on the English-speaking web.
women being whores is not funny imo
dies uezs

normalisation/globalisation of the internet has enabled too many perverts and whores
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accidental sage upps

have a Lücke on me
>can go anywhere in the world
>Chooses ireland
Why would someone do this?
how do you say KWAB in french?
suffering builds character and i've suffered for over a decade in 00land

kek qu'elle salope
Go order some 1989 Tiananmen Square shirts from China.
Omg epic win!!! Pwnd ftw (unironically)
lea ist so süß
No cap I couldn't care less about ANY of the 11am games .. guess it'd be kinda cool/funny to see Belgium/lukaka/tedesco perform an epic fail but don't really care desu
diese Moderatorin hat so schöne Brüste
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what about her?
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>no matches tomorrow
>no matches on friday
>8 replies
>25-player rosters
>only ever use the same 14-16 players
>>we need longer breaks
First for nur der hsv
I would only stare at cuties and probably wouldn’t catch a single flitzer. Unless maybe it was a cute girl who decides to flitz
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>this is a shitstorm auf Schalke
keke topp. the söyest club of all
first for learn to count
some trannies upset that he graced their stadium with goals
don't think Messi would have even shown up in their shithole
why is ARD not showing Ukraine? are they aware they are hurting the war effort?
Seems like I had some delay when posting in the morning
>slovACKia breaks the ceasefire
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EXCLUSIVE: Serhou Guirassy to Borussia Dortmund, here we go!

BVB have received the green light from player side after working on this deal for months.

Guirassy has accepted and formal steps will follow.

BVB will pay the release clause around €17.5m to Stuttgart.
>plays like shit all of a sudden

Leipzsch > Leverkusen > Shitgart > Doofmund
holy ausverkauf
>Noch vor einigen Wochen war es für Anton unvorstellbar gewesen, den VfB zu verlassen. Als der FC Bayern aber Hiroki Ito (25) verpflichtete, die Abschiedsgedanken von Serhou Guirassy (28) immer konkreter wurden, ein Abgang von Deniz Undav (27) droht und wahrscheinlich auch Chris Führich (26) den Klub verlässt, kam es bei Anton zum Umdenken.
Wagenknecht threatened to not show up to Talkshows anymore if they show it
Damn, rip stuttgart.
I might bless the dorkmund public watching on saturday
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It always annoys me that in European soccer team when a smaller club does well all the players get bought like immediately after the season by bigger clubs. Lack of soul level = 100
Same thing will happen to /our guys/ Augsburg next summer
Does anyone have the Der Anschluss - die ösis hoffen wieder Pic handy?
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Imagine choosing to move from Stuttgart to fucking Dortmund !
In Dortmund sind die UBahn-Anzeigetafeln heute in Kanakisch
really hoping for a cheeky Belgium group exit
Based God
Time for almans to integrate into society and learn kanakisch
Damn, even the camera feed felt a tickle.
Looks like they gave a homeless african drug addict a jersey lmao
Welcome to Cuckmund, Fuckenmann.
>roof closed during good weather
>roof open during Unwetter
>sunshine: roof stays CLOSED
>rainstorm: roof stays OPEN
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bit spoopy
what is up with players being reckless during headers?
CTE is real.
Great minds think alike
Damn that's some rain.
more like 2 Dumme 1 Gedanke XD
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The pitch won't survive this
Adler brudis, why is your pitch so shit?
it's the fault of Amerifats and their dumb sport

late stage capitalism unironically. it got shit up during some joggercollide match which they hosted, and the following grass didn't have time to settle properly.
that game was last year
you have no idea how wet it has been all year
Fülle to Stuttgart
will he ever score double digits in a bundes season again?
>both games are draws
>bel 0-0 ukr
shitter group
Tedesco will be fired after the tournament desu
PLEASE kick out Belgium with a last minute goal
how on EARTH can you fuck up a 3v2 situation this badly lmao
meh, wasn't even to the head, what a wuss
Feels like if lelgium get out of this group they'll make a meme run
>ukraine 4th
oy vey nudda holodomor
why can't these fucking Ukrainians into finishing ffs
5 fucking draws in a row. 7 of the last 10 games were draws.
meme country
war mongerers should not be rewarded
>people paid good money to see these "games"
dumbass fucking Ukrainians why didn't they just score
>kc tier ösi has entered chat
kek the belgium fans are based for this
Sorry I thought they'd win the group they play France they're fucked
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>ösi-netherland rematch in the QF is the only thing that can stop Austria
We're literally making the final lel
boah, die pappendick ist schon geil

darf man aber so nicht mehr sagen heute
HungAryanbros... We have one last chance.... Just need the Turks and moors to deliver... I don't fühl so good...
Puh, die Bayhahn alla!
I have no idea which match I want to watch less.
CZE TUR at least seems like it will be offensive in nature.
>semenslurping draws so all three advance
>only the worst team of the four had some motivation to win

retard tourney format
Ya should go back so only top 2 teams advance to qf
see >>142082062
new drinking game: drink one everytime a flitzer comes through?
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Why is Tabea so pure sex?
CZE is missing Schick
Is that a bug where 4chan shows me comments from 10 years ago?
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Tabby is lezzing out with some wine aunt, Lea is pure
oh yes yes yes the cold beer in the shower after exercising
Hamit seems like a top bloke.
Surprised a girl doesn't use a Mac. Is she running Gentoo?
>half-height arrow keys
Zee u on zatertag niggers
>no numpad
>filthy keys
>filthy display
>bang & olufssen "soundbar"
>intel centrino
this picture sure is edited
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You'll never Tabea her Kemme
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Well well well...
It seems to be an HP Elite Book
The upcoming Le Tour de France has my full attention.
New drinking game: drink every time jt or tom make an awful post
Good fuck off already
As expected. Be warned that I will rabble-rouse /cyc/ to stoke the anti-Danish sentiment.
I will seethe so hard if fucking georgia beats moortugal
swarthy brotherhood
Our guy can uzun should have made the team
it's really interesting that somehow every time a game on ZDF/ARD has a woman commentating or co-commentating then the same game on RTL/Magenta will also have a woman commentating
what a coincidence
Rote card für czech cunts
The two most softest yellows I have ever seen lmao.
Refs wanna make it out of Germany alive (this is a joke about how Germany is so full of Turks and Turks are violent and German authorities don't care)
I don't get it
The first one was ok I think. Maybe still too early. Second one was a joke and over the top
lets go Türkiye score sum fakin goals
clear yellow-red
>dive republic
>kebabboy jumps straight up
>The other guy jumps into him
>Female commentator thinks this should be a yellow
Is he supposed to cut off his arms or something? How else is he supposed to act in that situation. Seems entirely reasonable to me.
no, untermensch
Don't think about female logic
I too think the elbow scene was a nothingburger
>cze-tur sticky still below 1000 postings
if all players jumped like that in header duels, players would have injurys left and right
So if Georgia stays like this and the Czechs win now the törks would be out?
I fucking wish
>60yo ard-reporter saying "lass mal chillen"
What the fuck is going on in the Tagesthemen
jessi taking over
How come Turkey gets to have 2 teams in the Euros?
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same reason the uk has several teams. too much talent for 1 team
Who is the second?
if anything, they are germany 3 at least. You are Germany 5 btw
Give me the full Germany ranking
tsubro, what is happening?
There we fucking go
>losing to 10 men Chezchnya
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Hungarianbros... It`s over
pls Czechs, fuck those turks
that goalie rule is weird. I thought after he catches it, and he loses it after body contact, it doesnt count.
also didnt the checz positioned the ball with his arm?
you are not allowed to go after the ball if the goalie ctaches it but this time the goalie just lost control when he came down on the czech's head and the ball was loose
Good goal
The way it went down it was the goalies fault. Striker touched the ball with his shoulder.
Clueless german moment
Lazy whore, she could at least color her hair red
It happens
Sometimes I forget who or where I am.
He may have meant Georgia.
Austria obvs
Czechs did nothing wrong there
This Zufall guy leads to very confusing commentary
based chaotic neutral pilled ref
Spain: group stage queens
France/Portugal: solid record of beating them

It's not a horrible path
ties, ties everywhere
8 fucking draws. Eight.
Okay 7
toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr goodbye diving republic
feel bad for my boy Big Dick Patrik Schick
If we dont win this game, every german tourist asking me for directions is gonna be sent towards the local ghetto.
Chimp out
can't wait to kick out the roaches
somebody didn't look 90 minutes towards the fans lel
Danes really showing their true colours here.
Do you even have ghettos
How bad can those be?
Daily burnings of cars and trash cans, occasional shooting.
We are literally going to the final and will probably win it all
Phew ok.
Sad what happened to Europe
Bro you need to be IN the tournament to win it.
I am sorry but that’s how it is I don’t make the rules
how hard it is for reporters to say "türken" without that lowering of the voice?
cok güzel
I'm Austrian
>Autokorso started
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t*rks are honking in the dead of night
>no games for two days
drinking alone at home will be miserable again

rip Wien
I am a woman
Willst du meine frau sein??
du wirst nie eine Frau sein können
tschuldigom aba musste ich sagen
guys I'm kinda worried because my wife (kemme) talks shit. everything sounds like something she picked up from a 120 minutes expertenseminar
>le heckin based roacherinos
in berlin like three firecrackers went up. that was it
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Also dass #Österreich im Viertelfinale der #UEFA2024 schon wieder auf die #Niederlande treffen könnte und das Spiel wieder in Berlin stattfinden würde, ist außer deppert eigentlich nur deppert!
you deserved it lmao
Bin gespannt auf die stadtweiten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen am Dienstang
Lol Transfermarkt rastet aus wegen dem Türkei - Tschechien Spiel. War der Schiri so schlecht?
women out of football
all they do is say stupid shit
either austria wins or favoriten will be ground zero.
I personally think if austria wins, half of the city will be ground zero
Wir hatten Deutschland gegen Türkei 2008
War relativ friedlich
Wir leben aber nicht in 2008
Leider leider
stop living in the past bro
Nobody is living in the past. That's not how it works
was ist der große Unterschied? Mehr Türken sind nicht wirklich dazugekommen
Lmao even
How do you live in the present/future?
Landesweite politische und rassenideologische Spannungen
Das sind hauptsächlich Syrer und Afghanen und sowas, aber keine Türken
just be yourself
File deleted.
>let me tell you about the numbers
>Schwere Ausschreitungen nach Public Viewing auf dem Stuttgarter Schlossplatz. Dort wurde das Spiel Türkei gegen Tschechien (2:1) gezeigt. „In der Fanzone auf dem Stuttgarter ist es zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen mutmaßlich zwei Gruppierungen gekommen“, so Polizeisprecher Rudolf Bielmeier. Dabei soll ein Messer zum Einsatz gekommen sein.
böser karl-heinz
Immer diese Messerscheiße
ja, sind halt türken und so
I would do it if I were Jamal. I couldn't resist Neuer's schlong

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